pebbleheadz · 1 year
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what the fuck???? this bitch saw one edit then went through my account to post shitty comments can you fucking not?
all i did was post something using a capcut template cause i haven't edited in months, and just bc it was the same characters and song as someone elses edit, this bitch just starts flooding me with hate comments and calling me delusional?? i dont even use the same art as the other person, the only thing that similar is the characters and song, thats it. this shit pisses me off so bad bc what was the point of doing this? what do you gain from this tf
sorry im fucking mad and ranting n shit but just. AUGHDHFHHF /NEG
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Yeah we play supor Mario Brothers. Koop of troopa, goombar, you kname it, we's-a-gots-it. No quastions. All hours of of the day, we're Brothering all day we hold the, uhm,, controller.
Louie-G, Princes Speach, Boasar (who bad's), MASTER of all these characters, practic-allie EXPERTS on the stuff, Go on, ask us Who we know.
That teeth enemiy? Chained Chom. Named for the chain of which it is chomp-es.
Small pointed turtals? That's the The Spinny. Lack Of Two throws them. We all know this.
Pipe Question? Of Course; the Parona Platform. They DO teeth like have a force to bite with, A Danger! Be sure to prece The "A" button to "Jumpt"! To avoid the "Paraned Blants"!
Who's that Guy with the Shell but who is Not of Bowers? Many such incidences. A potential for the "Junior", Which may provide context for "Boswer, Son". BUT AS WE SAY, "never predictable when NINTENTO©" Of course.
While Not nestesarily Bowsed Junior; put percanxe "Koop o' flings", the Potential offshoot of "Biser" Many different; Boys sons only knows One daughter (Wenyy) Also son's Names inclodes:
"Roy", He a draker one hwo maychaps occasionally sungless. Ofthen comfused within "Mort".
"Lemmy", "Ludeig", "Diggy": Also, The "Larry"!
Coins blocka and will prize for HE who is: "Mareo".
He we always A Jump Fans and we will loves He. Marjio, Obama smear Sir-teefore. Jolf.
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dooodle-bug · 3 years
Like a fool I forgot to post this fic. Anyhow I’m really sorry if it upsets you, if you’d like me to take it down or add any triggers please let me know. But without further ado, enjoy!
Metal Dog Teeth
“Are you sure this is the right place, Kooper?”
“I’m sure, Goombar, besides, didn’t Lord Bowser head over here earlier?”
“Well, yeah. But I’m kinda bummed out that we missed out with the rest of the troop. Say, is Toad Town supposed to look this roughed up?”
Kooper, a Koopa, and Goombar, a Goomba, stood beside each other in front of the entrance to Toad Town. They were perhaps an hour late to arrive, missing out with the rest of the Koopa Troop who made their way to the Origami Festival via the airship. These two, unfortunately, slept in a bit too late in the castle quarters and thus had to find a way down (convincing a shy guy to borrow a clown copter). 
This was unfortunate for them as they promised to follow Bowser’s newest plan of kidnapping the princess: during preparation, just before the Festival would commence, they would sneak into Peach’s castle and steal her when she least expected it (of course, now they wouldn’t be able to join in). But hey, maybe they could at least cheer Bowser on when they got to the castle.
Kooper mumbled in response to Goombar, “Well, sometimes, yeah. Lord Bowser must’ve caused some serious chaos huh.”
Kooper and Goombar strolled into Toad Town and examined the scene. The town was dotted in vivid and crisp origami models, some small and slapped to a wall, others enormous statues sitting on pedestals. Paper chain streamers and ribbons hugged every surface and several colorful booths were planted throughout the streets. At least, that was the expectation.
Instead, it seemed the town was struck with a savage hurricane or tornado. Origami models lay strewn haphazardly on the ground. Bits and pieces of debris lay dotted the town, with paper streamer chains dangled torn on every surface. Booths and furniture were smashed to bits and thrown about.
“Huh,” Goombar piped up, “Boss may be a brute, but I don’t think he’d be a serious monster about some decorations. And weren’t we supposed to SNEAK in the castle?”
Kooper pondered for a moment before giving his small friend a response “Maybe he already got the princess and wanted to wreak havoc for fun? Y’know how he can be. But you’re right: something awfully suspicious is going on.”
“Maybe we’re late and everyone left in a big rush,” Goombar added. Kooper shook his head- something about that just didn’t seem logical enough. Besides, how could moving in a rush be THAT messy? And the toads aren’t ones to just abandon their town all of a sudden.
Kooper began investigating: scanning and lifting debris for any signs of life, clues, anything to give a hint about what might’ve happened. The only striking thing was that there were no claw marks, bite marks, or footprints, just origami laying about. Goombar, meanwhile, sat in the town’s center, gazing at the red and white castle up ahead.
“Hey Kooper.” Kooper jogged from an abandoned coffee booth to Goombar, who was struck with an idea. “Let’s go to Peach’s castle and get answers there. Maybe another fellow might be hanging around.”
“Great idea, bud!” Kooper exclaimed.
The two pals trotted to the castle, over the bridge (which seemed rather unstable), through the courtyard, and through the wooden double doors, eyes peeled for signs of anything. 
When Kooper and Goombar entered the hall, it radiated an eerie feeling. It still seemed to have its pleasantly nice appearance, however it was dimly lit with only torches flickering. It was awfully quiet too, every small sound echoed off the walls. Usually, toads would bustle and scurry in the halls making pleasant chatter. 
“Empty HERE too?” Goombar exclaimed in disbelief. “I thought at least SOMEBODY would’ve hung out around here.”
“Relax, Goombar,” Kooper assured uneasily, “T-there’s probably someone in the other room… or something.”
They turned around and saw the door slam behind them. Oh well, they weren’t planning on leaving yet anyway. They padded to the door that led into the main hall. Cautiously, Kooper pushed open the heavy double door (Goombar didn’t have arms). 
Before pushing the door all the way, Kooper whispered, “Keep your guard up; you never know what might be creeping around, especially in a castle this spooky...” Goombar nodded in acknowledgement. 
With all his might he forced the doors open, holding it open for Goombar to scurry through and for him to go through as well. As soon as he released his pressure, the doors swung back to place, making a deafening bang.
The two observed the main hall. It held the same pleasant yet abandoned aesthetic with an intricate center tile pattern and an imposing balcony and double staircase. Nobody was present. They cautiously stepped closer into the room to get a better view of the surroundings.
“Maybe everyone is behind those huge double doors up the stairs,” Goombar murmured,  “C’mon, let’s head up there.” He quickly spurted further into the room before Kooper rushed to stop him.
“Careful, bud! We don’t wanna get too ahead of ourselves. We don’t know what’s beyond those doors. Now, let’s just go more quietly, okay?” Kooper whisper-yelled fearfully. Goombar whispered “sorry”.
Together, they tip-toed to the center of the room until they heard something that made them freeze and their blood run cold. It was a light tapping noise, almost like the light clicking of heels on the hard floor, that wouldn’t have been audible had the place not been so quiet. They were not alone. But could it be a fellow troop member? No, it sounded too dainty, too synchronized and calculated to be recognizable as one of them. They readied themselves in a defensive stance as they heard the footsteps draw nearer.
A small voice cooed, “Mario… Is that you?” The voice sounded almost familiar, yet foreign. It was soft, timid, and dainty, yet cold, crisp, layered in a way that sounded almost forced and controlled.
Kooper spoke up timidly, “N-no...”
The double doors atop the balcony creaked open. The footsteps grew overwhelmingly loud. The owner of the voice and the footsteps slowly ambled into view.  Kooper shifted closer in front of Goombar, arms stretched defensively. He narrowed his eyes to observe the speaker better. It almost looked like Princess Peach with the pink gown and yellow hair, but something was off. She looked angular and creased. Her form distorted in a more 3D and boxy resemblance. The duo tensed upon witnessing such a thing.
“K-Kooper, how can that thing look like the Princess?” Goombar whispered shakily.
Kooper replied with a false reassurance, “I-I think she might just be a copy, some creepy fake version or something. Don’t worry, just keep your guard up.”
The thing resembling Peach stood above atop the balcony, standing over the two in an unblinking, unfeeling state. They took a small step back to see her more properly. Something was most certainly wrong.
The Peach spoke again, “Are you… one of them?” The way she emphasised “them” seemed to be almost demeaning, like “they” were unworthy of nothing more than a pronoun.
“Well, if by ‘them’ you mean paper folk like us, then yeah,” Goombar attempted to speak politely and fearlessly, “I mean… we’re not fold-y guys like yourself if that’s what you were wondering. But, uh, do you mind telling us what’s going on? We’re looking for Lord Bowser and it would be really nice if-” Kooper quickly silenced him with a glance of nervousness.
The Peach remained idle, perhaps processing what he said in a lifeless manner. She spoke once more, ignoring the goomba’s question, “If you are one of them… one of the King’s flat henchmen... then we must transform you unto glory.”
Kooper’s eyes widened as he shouted, “What do you mean by “transform”? And… Do you know where Lord Bowser is?!”
The Peach did not answer. She instead stared lifelessly as Kooper and Goombar felt the floor give in, the elaborate center tile design folding inward like a multi pieced trapdoor as the two fell into the maw.
“Ugh… You alright, Goombar?”
“Yeah, just a little sore. You too, Kooper?”
Kooper and Goombar arose from where they fell. While not necessarily injured, they certainly were shaken from the sudden drop. Taking in their surroundings, they appeared to be in a dungeon themed waiting lounge, the feel of the room being much less pleasant than upstairs. Torches flickered on the stone brick walls. The floor was matted with dirt and dust, creating a dirty, hazy glow. Crates were scattered here and there, piling in the corners. The duo looked at each other uncertainly.
“Was it just me or was something up with the Princess?” Goombar asked.
Kooper agreed, “Yeah… less life-like I guess. I mean, she didn’t feel REAL. I’m guessing she’s a new form of security, which explains why nobody’s here, she kicked them out.”
“I dunno, Kooper, Peach doesn’t seem like the kinda person to wanna do that stuff. But maybe Lord Bowser would,” Goombar digressed.
Kooper thought for a moment and disagreed, “But if Bowser made her, then she should’ve recognized us as members of his troop. Do you think that maybe-”
The wooden door on the left creaked open, revealing two yellow shy guys, or at least, two creatures resembling their fellow yellow shy guys. They were distorted and angular, layered in the same style as the Peach. Just like her, they seemed emotionless and blank. Kooper and Goombar gazed fearfully at them, noting how similar they were to that Peach.
“You two,” the yellow shy guy on the right croaked, sounding horribly demented and distorted from a regular shy guy, layered and unnatural, “Come with us.” They seemed demanding and unbudgeable, both from a decision and physical standing.
With no way to object and no other option for escape, Kooper and Goombar followed, feeling a chill down their spines as the things waddled down the dimly lit corridor into another room. The shy guys gestured to enter the room, to which they did reluctantly. As soon as they entered, a shy guy locked the door behind them and left. They shifted uncomfortable glances at one another, refusing to utter a word or make a wrong move in the range of those shy guys. Something told them those shy guys were bad news. 
The room was largely the same as the other one; dusty, grimy, and uncertain. The difference was that there was Bowser! Except, he was different too, shrunken to but a forth of his true size in the shape of a wet floor sign and demoted to just a face that was clipped to a clothespin on a rope hanging from the ceiling.
“Lord Bowser!?” The two cried in both relief and shock. Immediately, they rushed to his position, spewing information about their journey to reunite with him.
“We were looking all over for you!” “We’re so sorry for being late to your kidnapping, but we tried to find you!” “When we got here, it was a mess!” “Nobody was here and we were all alone!” “It was so scary! There was this weird Peach that brought us here!” “It’s okay now because now we can help you!”
Bowser took a moment to process this excitement and grumbled, “Yeah, yeah, that’s great you two. Now put yourself to good use and GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!”
“Yes, sir!” They both saluted and went right to work, desperately grasping to pull him off the clothespin (Kooper doing the pulling and Goombar providing support). Their attempts at pulling him off seemed useless as they pulled with all their strength. He would not budge (and according to him, it felt like tearing a band-aid off halfway). But they refused to quit. They were looking for their king and they finally found him, it would be silly to just leave him. Besides, it’s only right to rescue him as an apology for being late.
The sound of outside footsteps closing in ending this whimsical reunion. 
Bowser whispered, rushed and aggressively, “Drat. I almost forgot about those guys. You two have to get outta here, they captured my other minions and turned them into those foldy guys you saw before and I bet they’ll do the same to you.”
Kooper and Goomber froze. The pieces seemed to fit in. Bowser was not behind the strange Peach or shy guys or the abandoned town; someone else was, someone stronger than Bowser, someone strong enough to deform him to this state, along with the Peach and those shy guys, and they were going to be next.
“But sir, we can’t leave without you!” Kooper and Goombar protested. Bowser stopped them.
“Don’t worry about me, you guys, just get outta here before they turn you into those fold-y guys!” Bowser shouted.
The two stood their ground, “No! We refuse to leave without you!” They heard footsteps draw deafeningly near.
Bowser roared, “NO! As your king, I DEMAND you save yourselves this instant! I can’t stand seeing my minions tortured like this!” They couldn’t argue with that. They obliged to his demand with a small and ashamed “yes, sir”. “Good. Now, there’s some sorta secret exit behind me. Use it to get outta here and warn the others, understand?” Kooper and Goombar nodded and saluted with gnawing guilt.
They sprinted behind Bowser to the darker corner. As far as they could see, there was no “secret exit”, only piles of crates piled and stacked, layered with dust. They called upon their adrenaline to attempt to pound on the crates and smash them. Kooper retracted into his shell and smashed into the crates as Goombar thrust his head into them. They created a narrow pathway. Then they noticed something else: there was no exit, only a blank stone wall. This was bad. This was very bad.
Bowser whipped his head to them as far as he could, whisper yelling, “What are you doing? Go!” The door unlocked.
Kooper whimpered, “I’m sorry sir, but there’s no exit!”
In a desperately futile attempt, they pressed their hands (head in Goombar’s case) against the stone wall, sliding and feeling for some sign of a secret exit, some paper to rip off, SOMETHING that could take them out of here. Their faces burned as sweat dripped. The door swung open.
Their heads twisted to meet the eyes of the (presumably) same two yellow shy guy things as prior, waddling into the room. As those things waddled closer into view, the duo seemed to be planted in the ground, cornered with nowhere to run.
“You two,” a shy guy husked, “Come hither.”
“Look buddy,” Kooper mouthed to his friend, “They left the door open, now’s our chance to go on three.” Goombar made a slight nod, knowing that it was their last chance of escape. He braced himself. The shy guys slowly approached them, arms outstretched. 
“GO!” Kooper shouted and immediately, the two stampeded to the exit, neither looking back or making a break. They would have made it out, had they not been stopped by some sort of force field. 
It seemed to be a purple aura that levitated them off the ground and pulled them deeper into the room. Twisting their heads, they saw the doer of such magic: one of the yellow shy guys, who’s triangular arms twisted and pulled them closer to its line of view, almost like moving an invisible bubble. The two fruitlessly writhed and flailed their limbs in an attempt to be released, but to no avail. 
Once Kooper and Goombar were slightly above eye level to the shy guy, it spoke, this time sounding crisp and controlling, “Now then… we shall begin the folding and transform you into greatness.” Kooper and Goombar gulped and exchanged nervous glances, knowing they were going to be twisted into those horrific forms they saw prior.
As if things couldn't get any worse, another thing entered the room. It was unlike anything they've ever seen. It was not paper nor origami. It was a beast. An enormous black beast that barely resembled that of a chain chomp or a savage dog. It was lean, muscular with an array of horrifyingly sharp silver claws and teeth. Kooper and Goombar presumed that it was an enormous demon dog.
Despite this monstrous appearance, it seemed robotic, less lifelike. As soon as it barreled into the room (the doorway was far too small), it laid down as if on command, as if it were but a trained service dog.
They stared in disbelief and horror as to why this thing was summoned. But not for long, as immediately after, Kooper and Goombar felt themselves rise once again.
Suddenly, they felt their bodies twist, fold, and distort against their wills. They felt their papers crumble as it creased and bent in unimaginable ways. It felt as though invisible hands had wrapped their clutches around them and began to deform their bodies until it was unrecognizable, even to themselves. Despite being folded and twisted, they could see the same thing happening to the other, feeling the pain for themselves. Guilt merged with pain as they tried futility to wriggle free and save their friend, who suffered from the same fate.
They couldn’t scream. They tried to. Tried to call out to one another. Tell them it would be ok and they would try to find a way to fix this. But it didn’t work. Their paper mouth was no longer functioning as their real mouth. At least they were in it together.
After what felt like ages of this twisting pain, it finally ceased. The products of which resembled a koopa and a goomba, folded beyond recognition of what they once were. The two seemed to struggle against their new forms, trying to somehow loosen themselves free and unfold. But that was where the dog came in.
Almost robotically, its mouth creaked open, unveiling a strange stapler-like mechanic along with rows of sharp, metal dog teeth. It’s unnerving appearance grew more disturbing as Goombar was then thrust under, seeing only silver grey mechanics with him sandwiched in between. Then, the mouth snapped shut with him underneath, a severe sharp pain emitted from where the staple pierced his flesh, forever binding it together in this horrible form. 
Then, it was Kooper’s turn to be binded by this monster’s jagged teeth.
The two arose now, their bodies moving against their wills. Another pawn made to play with. Just another couple of soldiers to work for the king. They had a new goal now: to serve the king in all his glory. They sagged out of the dungeon to fulfill their purpose and join the others.
The dog remained, waiting patiently to bind the next victims into glory.
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pointdiamondz-blog · 6 years
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POiNT DiAMONDZ is coming with a new album project Mid Summer. Get ready for some music that will touch the world. With two albums out already "Never To Late" and the most recent "SkeeTown Finest (Clawz & Bow Arrowz)" his 3rd album is being proclaimed as his best project ever. One of Goombar Entertainment executives says "He keeps getting better and better" amazing creativity and touching life topics with a traditional style but relating to today's listeners is not typical unless your a real artist. "I can't wait to put this next project out" says POiNT DiAMONDZ "but I must be patient as I've got other projects that I'm working on also." POiNT DiAMONDZ did mention that he's going to release promotional songs not included on the next album. "I've got so many songs and constantly writing lyrics as I can't control it, truly something has unveiled in me" POiNT DiAMONDZ proclaims. Different listeners across the world has listen to POiNT DiAMONDZ songs, now it's time to get into every avenue to make sure that POiNT DiAMONDZ is not only heard by some listeners but known by all listeners. Big Ups POiNT DiAMNONDZ we are ready to here you. PLEASE SHARE https://www.instagram.com/p/BuwZ9EdlVmx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t1txvhz4c36w
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