#goooorgeous :)
leclercskiesahead · 26 days
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abba-enthusiast · 2 months
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thisdoesnthaveend · 1 year
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"Oh brother... here we go again..."
Batman (2016) #97
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kdyism · 2 years
i want to steal junny's voice fr
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drinkthemlock · 2 years
currently at a national park but still blogging
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huccimermaidshirts · 4 months
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usagichanp · 1 year
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charlotte-pomeline · 2 years
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jane seymour’s white gown in henry viii
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forever-rogue · 2 years
All of your fics have me daydreaming over here 🫣
Wouldn’t it be so cute if Joel accidentally said something to you where he basically admitted that he has a crush on you, or how he finds you attractive, and how red in the face he would get- like clearing his throat and averting his gaze or trying to cover it up
Part of me also imagines it in a “miss congenitally” way where fem!reader is then teasing like “you think I’m goooorgeous, you wanna kissss me, you want to loooove me” without realizing that he’s *actually* falling for you UGH my heart
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AN | Please, this is so soft and I love this concept! 🥰 
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 2.2k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You liked Joel. Really liked him. And you were fairly certain that he liked you too. But you were also fairly certain that he would never admit that he felt that way. 
So what did that leave you with? A whole lot of fun and teasing. You might as well have some fun with it, right? Right.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Hello there,” as soon as you spotted Joel, you flounced over to him, a big smile on your face. He was tending to his flock of his sheep, but stopped and turned around to face you. It was cold but you could still see the pink rising up in his cheeks. You were breathless by the time you reached him, heart pitter-pattering wildly in your chest, “Joel.”
“Hey sweetheart,” you liked it when he called you that. It always made your face flush up with warmth, “what’s up?”
“Nothing,” you shrugged innocently as you hopped onto the fence and made yourself comfortable, swinging your feet back and forth. He tutted softly and eyed you suspiciously, “what?”
“Nothin,’” he echoed your words, teasing you affectionately.
“What?” your eyes widened as your mouth formed a small pout, “don’t be mean!”
“I’m not,” he laughed and oh. You like the way his singular dimple showed up, and the way his eyes crinkled in the corner. He was wickedly handsome and it always made you weak. He reached over and gently brushed a few rogue locks of hair out of your face, “I just like giving you a hard time.”
“Have you ever considered not giving me a hard time?” you took some of the feed out of the bucket and tossed it to some of his sheep.
“I have,” he mused as you raised an eyebrow softly, “and I’ve decided that I will not be doing that. It’s too much fun to mess with you-”
“Affectionately,” he promised, as he watched your face go through a range of different emotions before you settled on a happy little smile, “what’re you up to you, trouble?”
“Nothing much,” you replied softly...which wasn’t a total lie. The entire truth was that you’d been looking for him because you missed him. It wasn’t even that it had been so long since you’d last seen him, you just liked being around him. You tried not to make it so obvious that you were…into him, but you weren’t sure how well you were hiding it. Considering that half of the people in Jackson teased you about it, you were pretty sure that it was…obvious, “had some time to kill and wanted to spend it with my favorite nuisance.”
“I’m the nuisance?” he scoffed playfully before pinching your side, causing you to squeal and squirm as you slid off the fence. Before you even had to worry about falling into the mud or hurting yourself, you felt a strong pair of hands wrap around your waist, “easy, trouble. Don’t want you to go hurting yourself.”
Your brain was currently consumed with the thought of him still holding onto your waist, despite the fact that he no longer needed to. You opened and closed your mouth a few times before only nodding shyly. It always seemed like he could see right into your soul, into your heart. You couldn’t hold his gaze for much longer otherwise you were sure that you’d spill all of your secrets. 
“Thank you,” you whispered, slowly and reluctantly pulling out of his grasp. You swallowed thickly, before flailing your hand around, “I-I should go. I have to do…things.”
“Things,” he repeated, his accent twanging slightly on the word, “what kind of things, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“It just so happens that I do mind you asking, Miller,” you lied, finding it easy to smile one again from the affection he so openly offered you. He wasn’t a hard man by any means, not these days anymore, but he still wasn’t so free with his heart with many people. You happened to be one of the few that he cared so deeply for, “so, I gotta get going.”
“Uh huh honey,” he watched as you slipped past him and out of the small enclosure. Before running off, you turned around to offer him a meek little wave, “have fun with those things!”
“I will!” you stuck out your tongue at him, but he was laughing, “see you around, Miller!”
“See you around,” he stood there and watched you run off, a dopey little smile on his face. He exhaled slowly, shaking his head in amusement before turning back to his little flock. 
“You guys make me sick,” Ellie popped out of nowhere and stood next to Joel, petting one of the sheep - Gort, which happened to be her favorite. Joel couldn’t help the deep belly laugh that escaped him; it made Ellie smile too. He was laughing a lot more these days and Ellie really liked that, “disgustingly cute.”
“What?” he looked at her in surprise, “her? Me?”
“Definitely her,” she felt a warm blush creep into her cheeks as well; she had a bit of a crush on you but it wasn’t anything serious. She nudged him in the ribs, “you’re pretty when you blush, don’t worry about it, Joel. But the two of you together - absolutely precious and heartwarming.”
“Just ask her out or something,” she suggested and Joel absolutely blushed and felt himself fumbling like a nervous boy rather than a grown man, “go to a movie, make her dinner, get a little act-”
“Ellie,” his eyes widened as the girl started to laugh, “don’t you dare finish that sentence, kid. You shouldn’t even know about that!”
“I just turned fifteen old man, in case you forgot,” yeah, she really liked to make him squirm, “we had a party and you were making eyes at her then too. Besides, I already know about sex, Joel. You don’t have to give me that talk.”
“Good - I wait, what were they teaching you in that FEDRA school?”
“Not the point - but you didn’t deny that you were making heart eyes,” she ducked out of his reach, giggling wildly as she ran in between the sheep, “ask her out!”
“You better keep running!” he started running after her, both of them laughing like the fools they were. 
This life really suited both of them. Now he just needed to get the girl - you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Need some help?" you turned around at the sound of his voice and almost fell off your ladder in the process. He was at your side and caught you in mere moments, "whoa there, trouble. You need to start being more careful!"
"It would help if you weren't sneaking up on me all the time," you were definitely trying to ignore the fact that he was currently holding you in his arms against his chest. He laughed, deep and hearty, and you could feel the sound vibrating in his chest.
"I don't consider it sneakin' if I'm coming up to you in broad daylight and announcing my presence," he gently set you back, and wiped some dirt off your face. His touch was a juxtaposition of rough and soft and managed to send shivers down your spine, "there - all better. Beautiful."
You'd already been warming up under his gaze but as soon as that singular word came out, you almost combusted on the spot. Part of you was sure that you had imagined it, a delusional bit of hope, but you also swore you could see the pink creeping into his cheeks.
"What did you say?" you looked at him with big, wide eyes and that's when it hit Joel. He'd actually voiced his innermost thoughts out loud. To you. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, "did you call me beautiful?"
"What? I, ugh, no?" He shrugged his shoulders as if to try and play it off. But you both knew he was lying, "I'd never say that!"
"Umm…thank you?" You were trying to keep your laughter contained. His face turned bright red and he groaned as he scrubbed a hand over his face.
"No, I didn't mean it like that. You are beautiful but I didn't mean to say it like that…?"
"Are you sure, Joel?" This time you had the upper hand as you reached over and brushed his hair out of his face, "are you asking me or telling me?"
"I'm telling you that you're beautiful-"
"Oh! So you do think I'm beautiful!" A huge smile spread across your face as Joel looked like he wished the ground would open up and swallow him while.
"I…fuck," he hung his head and sighed deeply.
"Oooh, you think I'm pretty!" You were going to have way too much fun with this. You were bouncing on your feet and gently nudging his shoulder, "Joel has a crush on me! He loves me!"
"I-" he couldn't even defend himself because everything you were saying was true. He just wasn't quite sure if he had been ready to admit that. But the way you were looking at him made it feel like you might have felt the same way. 
"You wanna kiss me, don't you?" You had no clue where this burst of confidence was coming from him, but for once you liked it, "'s okay, Joel. You can admit you're madly in love with me."
Joel's head was spinning and he felt a hundred different things at once. All he knew was that it was suddenly overwhelming. 
"I have to go," was all he could get out as he gently pushed past you. You made a small sound of surprise as you watched him go, his shoulders slumping. Oh. You really hoped you hadn't overstepped any boundaries or just made things completely awkward. 
"Fuck," you groaned at yourself, "fuck."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You decided to let things cool down for a few days before seeking him out again. You really just hoped that you hadn't messed things up with him.
You found him outside the small bar, leaning against the wall and staring up at the sky. He must have sensed you because he looked over and caught your eye, a pointedly neutral expression on his face.
"Hey," you walked over to him, hesitantly but relaxed when he didn't seem to recoil. 
"Hey," he replied, offering you a small nod. The two of you fell into silence for a bit as you looked up at the stars. You liked being able to see them here; they were so clear it felt like you could have touched them. 
"Umm," you broke the silence after a bit and swallowed down your nerves, "Listen, I just wanted to apologize for the other day. I didn't mean to…make things weird. I shouldn't have done it." 
He made a small sound before he turned to face you full on. Joel studied you for a moment, leaving your heart beating wildly. Before you even realized what was happening, he gently took your face in his hands, brushing his thumb over your cheek. 
His eyes flicked to yours, almost as if searching yours for permission. You gave him the most subtle of nods and he quickly closed the gap, pressing his lips to yours in a soft, tender kiss. 
When Joel did something, he didn't go halfway, he fully committed. And he kissed you as though his life depended on it, like it was the only thing he ever wanted to do in life. 
You pulled apart only when you needed to breathe, and even then it was reluctant. The smile you gave him almost made him weak in the eyes but he returned it, without hesitation or question.
"What you said," he paused for a moment, "it wasn't wrong. You're right, actually. All of it was true."
"Joel, I'm -" and then it hit you, "wait, what."
"It was true," he repeated, "all of it."
"Oh," you blinked a few times, "oh. You love me?"
"I do," he confirmed and it felt like your entire body was on fire, "I guess it just took you to finally get it out of me."
"I thought I said all the wrong things," you admitted breathlessly, "I was afraid I'd fucked everything up."
"No," he promised, "you didn't at all."
"You love me," you said dreamily as Joel just grinned at you, "and I love you. Wow."
"Wow," he teased softly, "what am I going to do with you, trouble?"
"Kiss me for starters."
"Yeah," he touched your cheek softly, "I can definitely do that."
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omgthatdress · 7 months
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Halle Bailey is goooorgeous. Living for this look.
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labyrinthaze · 1 year
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You're so goooorgeous
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skilbda · 1 year
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I found funny illustration with BIG WOMAN SHE IS GOOOORGEOUS, and this picture has vibe like.... Gentle surgery? Yeah, its gentle surgery.
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sheepish-cyan · 2 years
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Ahhh this was actually just a page for testing out different colors for another drawing, but it turned out so nicely that i wanted to post it! I am on a hyperfocus train with ancient egypt stuff rn and i found those goooorgeous acrylic paints in my room. So it was perfect for this kinda stuff <33 I then had the idea to try out gold ink and i am in loooove! I def wanna use metallic accents more often now, it just makes things sooo much prettier. (shoutout to my mom for borrowing me her old egypt books as references and for infecting me with her passion for this topic as a child <33 )
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allthingsrusso · 1 year
goooorgeous 😌
via ella toone
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horreurscopes · 8 months
I was shelving YA in the bookstore I work at and I saw a cover and was like wait … that style is familiar! So this is to say that the Cupid’s Revenge cover is goooorgeous, super beautiful work!
omg thank you!!! i forgot i was allowed to post it omg!! i need to dust off my ig/twitter professional illustrator-sonas.
that's so exciting to hear and this is such a sweet message :')))
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possession1981-moving · 4 months
just saw a girl with the most stunning dark wavy hair and the darkest eyes wearing this goooorgeous dress with a strawberry print and i think it’s love at first sight 👍🏻
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