#goose bradshaw imagine
worldofheroes · 1 year
I’m Here, Honey
nick “goose” bradshaw x reader
summary: after not hearing from you in a couple weeks, Goose stops by to check on you.
warnings: just fluff
wc: 430
a/n: I freaking love Goose yet his fics are always the shortest 😅
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You’re laying on your couch with your arms wrapped around a pillow. It’s been a tough few weeks.
There’s a knock at your door, and your door opens.
“Y/n?” You hear Goose call out.
You want to say something, but your throat tightens. Goose finds you quickly.
“Hey,” he says softly, squatting down beside the couch. He pets your hair. “What’s going on? I haven’t seen or heard from you in weeks.”
“Goose,” you whisper.
“I’m here, honey, I’m here.”
“I just feel sad. I feel like we shouldn’t be together, like you deserve more,” you say, with tears rolling down your cheeks.
“Y/n,” Goose says softly. “Come here,” he says, helping you up from the couch.
He wraps you up in his arms and kisses the top of your head.
“Why didn’t you say something?” he whispers in your ear.
“I didn’t want to bother you, not with graduation so close.”
“Honey,” Goose says, gently lifting your chin. “It doesn’t matter, you matter more to me.”
“Goose, you can’t blow this.”
“Iceman is two points ahead of us, and I don’t see us catching up,” Goose sighs.
“Goose,” you whisper.
He brushes some hair out of your face. “I’m sorry, this is about you.”
You pause a moment before you reach up to kiss him. He pulls you closer to him and deepens the kiss.
You break the kiss and bury your face in his neck. Goose rubs your back, not saying anything.
“Thank you,” you whisper into his neck.
“Of course, honey,” Goose says, kissing your temple.
“Can you stay with me?”
“Yes, of course.”
You take Goose’s hand and lead him to your room.
“Get comfy,” you tell him as you walk into your closet to get some pajamas. Goose smiles softly as you walk away.
You come back out to see Goose in his boxers lounging on the bed.
You can’t help the giggle that escapes you.
“You told me to get comfy,” he tells you.
“I know,” you say, walking over to the bed. “It’s just… good to have you here. I’m sorry I haven’t reached out.”
“No, I’m sorry, I should’ve come here sooner,” Goose says, wrapping you in his arms.
“But you’re here now, Goose.”
“Yes, I am. And I’m not planning on leaving, so you’re stuck with me.”
You place gentle kisses on his chest, closing your eyes.
“I’m okay with being stuck with you,” you say with a smile.
Goose laughs as he plays with your hair. “Good to know. I love you, y/n.”
“I love you, Goose.”
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topguncortez · 2 years
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Day 15: Emotional Damage ➢prompt: new scars ➢character: Nick "Goose" Bradshaw ➢warnings: mentions of the crash, scars, PTSD, description of injuries ➢word count: 1.1k
|| masterlist || whumptober || whumptober masterlist || library page ||
There was a thin layer of sweat over his body as he tossed and turned. He couldn’t shut his mind off, the constant loop of what happened that fateful day in the sky. Goose tried to shake himself out of it, shaking his head as quiet whimpers left his mouth. 
“We’re going down Mav!”
“Goose, I can’t control it!” 
“We’re going to burn in!” 
“Eject! Goose, eject!” 
Goose shot up with a start, panting heavily. His eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the darkness of the bedroom. He felt tears running down his cheeks at the memory of that day. Even though it had been nearly six months ago, it still felt like it happened yesterday. He winced as he put a hand to the side of his face, his fingers running down the jagged skin. He looked over at his wife, Y/N, who was still fast asleep. Goose took a deep breath, before carefully getting out of bed. He walked down the hallway to the bathroom, stopping to peak in on Bradley for a second. He flicked on the light, and looked at the curtain covering the bathroom mirror. 
Goose had somehow managed to survive the crash. He hit his head hard on the canopy, causing him to crack his head open, and break his eye socket. They had to do surgery to fix it, he had a metal plate inserted in his face to fix the socket. The doctors did the best they could to make sure there was minimal scarring, but he had two jagged scars that ran down the side of his face. The first time Goose had ever seen himself in the mirror, he grew angry and punched the mirror in the bathroom of his hospital room. Y/N had gone home after that and covered all the mirrors, and Goose never said anything about it. 
He turned the faucet on, running some cool water, before splashing it on his overheated skin. Y/N turned in her bed, reaching out for her husband, but sat up realizing he wasn’t next to her. She looked around the room, and noticed their bedroom door was open. She rubbed her eyes as she swung her legs over the side of the bed, grabbing her robe, and heading to go find him. Y/N frowned seeing the light on from under the bathroom door. She knocked softly on the door, resting her hand on it, waiting for Goose to open it. 
“Come in,” He said softly, and Y/N pushed the door open. He was staring at the curtain covering the mirror. 
“You okay?” Y/N asked, shutting the door behind her. 
“Nightmare,” He said, and looked back down at the running water over his hands, “Thought the doc said these new meds were supposed to help with that shit. I’m sleeping more, but I get more nightmares because of it.” 
“He said they’d help you sleep, nothing about the nightmares. Have you told Doctor Carver about the nightmares?” Goose winced at the mention of his therapist. The navy had him going to see a therapist to help with the PTSD from the accident. It wasn’t that Goose hated Doctor Carver, it was that he hated the idea of therapy in general. Growing up, he was always told that therapy was a negative thing, you only go if you’re crazy or cheating on your spouse. He refused to go at first, but after one particular bad nightmare where he woke up in complete terror and had lashed out at Y/N, he knew he had to go. 
“I told him, he said it’s just something I have to work through,” Goose sighed and turned the water off, grabbing the hand towel and drying his hands. His brown eyes looked back up at the curtain, “You never said why you hung all these curtains up?” 
“Oh,” Y/N said, and looked down at her bare feet, “I just thought. . . you know vanity is such a vain thing sometimes. I realized I was spending a lot of time looking at-” Y/N jumped as Goose reached up and pulled the curtain down with a loud thud. She prepared for him to grow angry and lash out at the mirror again, but instead, he just stared at himself, “Goose?” 
He didn’t say anything as he just looked at himself, looked at the scars that sat on his face. He remembered what his mother said when she came to visit after the accident: 
“That’s a face a mother will never forget.” 
But Goose wanted to forget about this face. He always thought of himself as a handsome person. He had gotten girls in high school and at the academy. Hot girls, girls who deserved to be on the cover of playboy or on billboards. Goose could remember all the comments he had gotten when he would go to the beach during tech school. All comments on how good looking he was. But looking at himself now in the mirror, he felt ugly. The scars on his once handsome face made him feel ugly. 
“I hate myself,” Goose said, and Y/N looked up at him, “I hate this!” He yelled. 
“Why?” Y/N asked. 
“Look at my fucking face, Y/N!” He pointed at the scars. 
“I am, Nick. I look at your face every single day,” She pushed herself away from the door, and grabbed his face in her hands. He closed her eyes as she gently ran her fingers over his scars, “And I still see that handsome man I met at that cafe in Maryland. I see the man who sang a Ray Charles song very loudly in the middle of a bar to ask me out. I see the man who proposed to me and dropped the ring down the sewer. I see the man who gave me the most beautiful child I could ask for. I see the man who survived, and came back to us alive.” 
“I am not the same-” 
“You are,” Y/N said, cutting him off, “You are still Nicholas James Bradshaw. You are still my Goose. I don’t care how you look. I didn’t marry you because you have a pretty face. I married you because you have a beautiful heart.” 
Goose let out a sob, and Y/N pulled him into his arms. She shushed him and rubbed his back as he cried. Y/N lifted his face from her shoulder, and looked at him. She leaned up and placed a kiss on both the scars on his face, before kissing his lips. 
“You will always be perfect to me.”
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Touch starved pilots of your choice cuddling their s/o headcanons
characters written: pete 'maverick' mitchell, nick 'goose' bradshaw, tom 'iceman' kazansky, ron 'slider' kerner, leonard 'wolfman' wolfe, rick 'hollywood' neven, beau 'cyclone' simpson, bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, jake 'hangman' seresin, natasha 'phoenix' trace, robert 'bob' floyd, javy 'coyote' machado, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, reuben 'payback' fitch
sfw, but cut for length. enjoy!
Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell:
depends on what age you're thinking!
if it's young!mav, he's probably just a liiiitle reluctant to let himself relax sometimes
he's sort of got his tough guy persona, and he's not used to dropping it, so when you get him alone he tries messing around at first
whether that's a few too many kisses, or a pinch to your side, he guards himself a bit before letting himself go
but when he does, oh, he's like a little kitten !
he lets you run your hands through his gelled hair (gross)
and it gets all misshapen and spiky
he probably just melts when you pet his hair like that, and he'll be snoozing on your chest in no time
now older!mav is definitely less of a tough nut to crack
he probably initiates the cuddling in the first place, he nudges you over to the bed and lays himself on top of you to crush you
you can push at his chest and splutter all you want, but he's made his choice on where he's going to lay, and it's on you
he likes holding you, but he wants to be face-to-face, so you can brush noses and bump foreheads
he probably tries sooo hard to stay awake so that he can soak in the time you're spending together but peepaw definitely crashes like 10 minutes in
Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw:
he also likes to be face to face!
buuut not for the same sweet reason as mav
he just wants to itch you with his mustache
he likes nipping at you too, he bites your nose to make you laugh
you won't be getting any sleep when you cuddle with goose, he just wants to talk and laugh and hold you the entire time
it's not a period of time to wind down, it's a big laugh-fest
and god FORBID you try to get up to pee
“Nick, I have to go.” / “Sorry, honey. I can’t let go. I think my hand’s stuck.” / “NICK!!”
Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky
he’s another one who probably has just a bit of trouble letting his guard down
he’ll cuddle with you no doubt, but he’ll probably always keep you in his lap or have some sort of upper hand in the embrace
it takes a while before he’s ready to be held himself
when he does finally give in it's so soft and sweet :')
he's had a really hard day and he comes home with his eyes drooping
you've planned a movie night but he doesn't even look like he could sit through an episode of a tv show
so you lead him to bed instead, and tell him you're sleepy, cause he won't 'ruin' the night by admitting that he is
you ask to play with his hair and he lets you, but he's not sure why 'cause you just said you were tired??
you basically have to trick him into being held but once his head is on your chest and your hands are in his hair he's gone.
he ends up mumbling something all sleepy and groggy like 'mm, that's nice' and his eyes are half shut and he's so endearingly tired :')
he wants you to do it all the time now, I'd say it's about 50/50 whether you fall asleep holding him or he falls asleep holding you
Ron 'Slider' Kerner:
slider's a big boy!!!!!!!
he's big and tall and muscly, the perfect cuddle buddy
he's probably more inclined to hold than be held
but he likes it when you face him so you can wrap your arms around his back :')
he probably likes it when he's able to bury his face in your neck/shoulder/against the top of your head
like he always wants his face snuggled in somewhere warm and nice smelling
and it just so happens his chest is an excellent place to get lost yourself
so you most of the time just nuzzle right into each other and get to snoozin'
i think he'd talk real soft, too, he'd murmur against your ear while you're drifting off, probably boring you to sleep with technical details of his flights but just before you crash for the night he slips in a little 'i love you, honey' and <33333
Leonard 'Wolfman' Wolfe:
he's a loser for his partner it has to be said
almost as teasing as nick is but not quite
he'll let you fall asleep he just wants to talk to you AllTheTime because he LovesYouSoMuch
he's a chatterbox and you'll be lucky if you get to sleep at a decent hour
he really likes it when you lay your head on his chest
'cause he likes playing with your hair and your face :]
sometimes he'll just use you as a little stress toy and squeeze your cheeks and pinch your nose and poke at your forehead
always making silly little jokes and telling you all about his day
down to, like, every comment one of his friends made...
'and then slider said he was gonna kill him but hollywood ran, so then they were just chasing each other around and iceman said-' / 'babe.. can we sleep? please?' / 'oh! right, sorry baby.'
Rick 'Hollywood' Neven
listen there's a reason he and wolfman get along so well
they're BOTH teases!!!
cuddling with hollywood is not really relaxing, because he's always pinching your sides or putting his nasty cold feet all over you, or pretending to knock you out by fake-punching you a bunch
you're just laying there and he's 'punching' your stomach, making fake punch sounds with his mouth, and if you push him away he'll pretend you've absolutely knocked him out, tumbling down onto the mattress with this dramatic thump and closing his eyes and sticking his tongue out of his mouth like he's a dead cartoon character 😭
he's like a dog you have to get his energy out before trying to rest with him or he just Won't Rest
when you DO get him sleepy, though, he's kinda incoherent when he's tired, so you'll be cuddled up together, maybe you're scratching his back, maybe he's playing with your hair, and he's just sort of mumbling nonsense until he finally drifts off to sleep
Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson:
will not be held
sorry! not happening
he's just so big and beefy and authoritative that he doesn't much enjoy being coddled
he loves cuddling with you though, he gets very relaxed just laying with you
he's a casual toucher, i think, so you can rest your head on his shoulder at the airport, you can hold his hand at restaurants, whether that be over or under the table, he lets you hang all over him however you want
he's not super into in-your-face PDA, though, so you'll have to be polite and considerate about it
actually in bed though, under the blankets at night?
he's so much more cuddly than you'd expect
he wraps his big strong arms around you and tugs you close and lets you melt all over him <33
your favorite place to lay your head is probably his chest 'cause it's so broad and firm and nice <3
he's a good back rubber so cuddles are always soft and cozy and sleepy
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw:
lord he's a cuddler
he's just a touchy guy, because he's probably gone without it for a significant amount of time so now that he's got you he's gonna enjoy it
big big big on pda, doesn't really care who sees
so that means cuddling in public, too
perfectly content to sit by the beach with you in his lap all cuddled back into his chest he doesn't care if anyone teases him
but back in bed he's a sucker for head scratches
if you have long-ish nails, enough to scratch at his scalp, he'll literally melt over you like an ice cream cone
his limbs go all gooey and he flops his head down on your chest, groaning and grunting while you scratch through his hair
he really enjoys sleeping on top of you, whether that be fully chest-to-chest 'you're suffocating me' cuddling or just an arm thrown over your stomach while he lays on his own
he likes being held, too, but probably prefers to hold unless he's having a hard day
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin:
big boy!! surprisingly fond of being held for everything we know about him
that cocky demeanor does not last under the sheets
he adores holding you, of course, he'll wrap his big arms around you and cradle your head to his chest
he probably plays with your hair, looooves it when you tangle your legs up with his own
he prefers if you talk to him rather than him talk to you if you're cuddling
cause he likes the sound of your voice and he loves hearing about your day
he tries to listen so attentively to what you're saying, but if you're taking a little too long telling him about that batty old customer that had visited the shop you work at today, his eyes are going to slowly start to droop and he's gonna let out a big ol yawn that means it's time for him to close his eyes
you always cut yourself off like 'sorry, jake. g'head, go to sleep'
and he insists you continue like 'nooo darlin' i wanna hear! keep going :]' except within two minutes he's dozing against the pillow while you talk about the old lady again
he's a simple man just talk soft and slow to him while snuggled up in his arms and he's gonna sleep no matter what you're telling him
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace:
she really likes laying face-to-face with you!!
she's a fan of spooning, of course, she likes either burying her face in your back or letting you snuggle into hers
but she loves the intimacy that comes from being pretty much nose-to-nose with you
the type to lay there and chat with you mere inches away so that you're leaning in to kiss her all giggly and bashful every four seconds
she uses your cuddle time to tell you all about her teammates, what stupid shit jake said today, how bob almost tripped down the stairs, that fanboy's got a new girlfriend who wants to meet you, etc etc etc
but that means when you see them next you know all of the hot gossip about everyone and you giggle every time jake says something dumb and he's like WHAT.. WHAT IS IT.. WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME.. and you give nat this little ;) 'cause you'll definitely be talking shit about him later
she does this thing where she cradles the back of your head in her hand if you're face to face and she throws her leg over your waist and it gives you such intense butterflies that you need to close your eyes sometimes <3333
Robert 'Bob' Floyd:
cuddlebug <3
he loooves cuddling but if you do it face-to-face he's gonna need to be super close to you because he can't see without his glasses 😭
i'm taking like nose-to-nose so close that you have to cross your eyes to see him
otherwise he's pretty chill in what positions he likes
you love it when he reads to you
i think he might not be the most confident reader out loud but he does it anyways 'cause it puts you to sleep
he gets really sleepy really easily so sometimes it's best to refrain from cuddling in public
like you're out on the beach by a firepit and you're all snuggled up together but oops he can't enjoy his smores because he's sleeping on your shoulder
he loves it when you lay your head on his shoulder sm :'))
he wraps his arm around you and tugs you closer <3
Javy 'Coyote' Machado:
prefers holding to being held
probably a little less talkative than the rest, but that doesn't mean you never chat
he just has this insane ability to fall asleep anywhere, i'm talking slumped against the bus window, leaning against the wall, sitting on the ground, piloting his aircraft sorry
he likes staring at you, though, while he falls asleep :')
if you're talking to him he'll listen and nod and hum along and agree when he should, he's a very good listener
but slowly he'll start to fade a bit, and he'll sling his hand over your waist, smush his face into the pillow, and keep listening for as long as he can
slooooowly you start getting less responses from him, he's not reacting as much, but his eyes are always locked onto your face and he's got this lazy little smile on his face while he drifts off to sleep 'cause he gets to look at you the whole time :')
Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia:
the most talkative in the whole wide world
cuddling with him is barely even cuddling, it's watching him act out his entire day
'and then payback went like this and- BAM! shot it down.'
and he's up on his knees in the middle of the bed with his arms out demonstrating exactly how they'd worked through their training exercises that day
and he is loud and energetic and you're half-asleep like 'that sounds awesome, babe.'
he isn't one to stay in one place really, he likes tossing and turning a bit before he falls asleep which means that you are also going to be tossed and turned
he's a really shifty sleeper too so you'll wake up with your face in his armpit
if you're really sleepy though, he'll settle down, he'll pull you into his chest and let you fall asleep there
but he'll probably be on his phone for a bit, he strikes me as a crazy night owl
Reuben 'Payback' Fitch:
out in two seconds
there is no conscious cuddling with him
because the second his head hits the pillow he's snoring
you can cuddle up to him but if he's cuddling up to you he's doing it in his sleep
you're actually so jealous of him bc you lay down for the night and he tucks his chin over your head or he snuggles his face into your neck and that's it.
he's out.
he's a clingy sleeper, though, so if you wanna read for a bit or use your phone it might be kind of hard
honestly it really helps your sleep schedule to sleep with him 'cause sometimes he's entirely wrapped around you and you can't move
so there's nothing to do but sleep yourself
he's like a living furnace i KNOW that man runs hot
you probably wake up sweating a bunch if you're all snuggly with him
blanket stealer. he somehow manages to tear them off of the end of the bed where they're tucked in and cocoon himself
and then you wake up freezing cold
when i said he snores i mean it he snores loud
it's sort of comforting eventually? like at first it drives u insane
but over time you come to rely on it as white noise and you can't sleep unless he's all over you snoring right in your ear and drooling on your shoulder
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kte-alxxndr · 3 months
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personal space pt.2 x reader | @warnersister
from this moment x mitchelle!reader | @bellaireland1981
love to lie (series) x reader | @ddejavvu
i have a girlfriend pt. 2 x reader | @fandomxpreferences
stateside x reader | @roosterforme
see you through my eyes x mitchelle!reader | @thelightofday
secret's out x dad!rooster | @justabigassnerd
three generations a day with duckie x dad!rooster the ironies of life (series) x reader | @tip-top-cloud-surfer
faking it (series) x reader | @tongue-like-a-razor
stand in my way pt.2 x mitchelle!reader but she's my best friend lieutenant bradshaw actually, it's captain x reader l @simpforrooster
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back to podcast
creator's note:
the first playlist is out! hope you enjoy these stories as much as i did
i love you all dear authors
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outalongtheedges · 3 months
Goose: *wearing a hat that has gods silliest goose written on it*
Goose: Mav! Look at my hat!
Mav: *pretending to be on the phone* Yeah… alright okay. I’ll… I’ll tell him.
Mav: That was the silly goose police
Mav: You need to turn yourself in
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romcomxb · 3 months
imagine bradley sitting down at the piano one day when he was about fifteen, sixteen, and learning great balls of fire. he had heard his mum humming it that morning, and it had been itching his brain all day.
maybe he had forgotten that his dad used to play it, but it still felt like it held a special place in his heard. even if he couldn’t remember those warm evenings spent round the piano as a kid, the shouts of laughter from his three favourite adults, the giggles as he watched his fathers nimble fingers run up and down the instrument.
bradley had been taking lessons for a year or two at this point, so he was competent enough, but it was never really his priority.
he worked on it for hours after school, stumbling halting as his frustration built, but he didn’t stop. the itch to perfect this piece wouldn’t leave him until he got it.
imagine carol coming home to the sound of hreat balls of fire echoing through the house. imagine her opening the door to her son, who’s looking more and more like her husband by the day, playing the song that meant so much to their family.
it’s slow and halting at first, sure, but it felt…right…
imagine bradley looking up to see his mother standing at the door, a single tear finding its way down her cheek. his confusion, and worry, which quickly dissipates as she lets out a joyful laugh, and sits at the piano next to her son, giving him tips as he learns.
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yeagrave · 1 month
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@redfurrycat and @tgmsunmontue talked about buff Carole in this post and I finally drew it lol
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topgun-imagines · 1 year
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Day 10: Blood In The Water
Pairings: Nick ‘Goose’ Bradshaw x sister!reader, Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky x fem!reader
Synopsis: What would have happened if it was you, Ice’s RIO, in that flat spin instead of Goose?
Warnings: mentions of death, panic attacks, crying, fainting, engine failure & plane crashes.
Note: wouldn’t mind expanding on this one after whumptober if people are interested
Word count: 1.3k
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“Come on, Mav!” You called from behind Ice. The two of you were currently flying right behind Maverick, the arrogant pilot having cut you off to get a shot on the bogey. After many attempts, he was unsuccessful and now refusing to move to let you and Iceman get the shot. He was too close to get a proper shot lined up. The pissing contest between the two was really starting to get out of hand. “Get the hell out of there!”
With a roll of your eyes, you gave up on yelling at your brother's best friend and spoke to Ice instead. After little encouragement from you, it was his turn to yell at Maverick. “Mav! Come off high right,” You grinned, ready for Ice to make the shot. However, Mav insisted that he only needed five more seconds. “Come off high right, Mav. I’m in.” Everything seemed to be going fine. You and Ice were about to make the shot, putting you on top of the scoreboard.
But in the blink of an eye, everything went to hell.
“I’m off. Shit!” Maverick hissed, quickly pulling up and to the right. For a second, you were elated. This was the point that would put you over the edge. You were seconds away from winning the Top Gun trophy. That was before your stomach dropped and you realized what exactly was happening.
You froze, eyes screwed shut as you screamed at Ice. “We’re in his jet wash!” Distantly, you heard Ice curse in front of you. Your head was pounding against your skull, horror surging through your veins. The only thing you could do was hope that Ice could pull you out of it. This was not good. You peeled your eyes open when you heard a sensor going off. “Shit! We’ve got a flame out, Ice!” More sensors went off as your jet continued to spiral. “Engine one is out! Engine two is out!”
It was then that you heard the words you never wanted to hear from your pilot. He called your name in a rush. “I’m losing control, I’m losing control!” The panic in his voice was unlike anything you had ever heard before. “I ca- I can’t control it! It won’t recover!” He cussed again as the jet spun uncontrollably through the air.
You looked up with tears in your eyes, watching the view from the canopy switch from the dark ocean below to the bright blue sky. “We’re out of control! This is not good!” Before you could stop it, a sob bubbled out of your chest. It wasn’t often that you cried, and you knew that Ice needed you to be level-headed, but you couldn’t help yourself. You were about to die.
When Ice heard you crying behind him, it was as if something clicked in his mind. Suddenly, you stopped spinning. Now your jet was headed straight for the ocean. As a kid, you loved the water; splashing around in it with your brother. Now? Not so much. Through heavy breaths, you blinked sluggishly. Everything felt funny. Your head became fuzzy, it was harder to breathe and you felt sick to your stomach.
And then everything went dark.
In front of you, Ice was focused on pulling the two of you out of the flat spin. The two of you were going to make it through this. He was sure of it.
Only one hundred meters away, Goose watched, helpless as his baby sister and her pilot spun out of control. He would never tell Maverick this, but if there was one person that he was confident could recover from a flat spin, it was Iceman. When you had followed Goose to the academy only a few years after him, needless to say, he was worried. He was even more worried when you were paired with the infamous Iceman. After all, you were his baby sister. Nick Bradshaw would lay his life down to protect you. And everyone knew that.
One night, only a few days after you and Iceman had been paired up, Goose approached the cocky pilot that he considered his friend. Regardless of the fact that some would have assumed that Goose was really questioning Ice’s skill, Ice knew that your brother was simply looking out for you. And that was something that he could understand. That night, your pilot had promised to protect you with his life. If he could help it, no harm would ever come to you.
A few months later, Goose met Maverick. Even though Mav wasn’t at the academy, the two grew inseparable almost instantly. You had met Mav many times before being reunited with the pilot at Top Gun, however, he had never met your pilot. When you walked into the first class only a few weeks ago, Maverick’s jaw dropped at the sight of you strutting in with Iceman’s arm thrown over your shoulders. Needless to say, he was a bit jealous.
Maverick was never a religious man. But now, even he was praying that Ice could pull this off. Right now, his ego didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except for saving you and Iceman. Did he like the pilot? No. Did that mean that he wanted to watch him crash into the ocean? Hell no. Especially not if it meant you were going with him. You and Goose were the only family he had left. He wasn’t about to lose you.
“Mayday! Mayday! Ice is in trouble!” Simultaneously, Maverick and Goose’s jaws dropped. They both watched Ice pull off a miracle. Your jet was no longer spinning out of control. Instead, it was rising steadily. Even over the coms, they could hear Ice breathe a sigh of relief. But they weren't quite done yet. The next step was getting all four of you back to land without another incident.
Back on land, you were lying on the tarmac, out cold with Ice, Mav, and your brother hovering protectively over you. Ever so slowly, you blinked your eyes open, gasping quietly at the sight of the three aviators hovering over you. You only had a second to process what was happening before Goose collapsed onto you, clinging to you for dear life. There was a small smile on your face as you hugged him back.
Ice and Maverick sat back on their heels and made eye contact. Where there normally would have been anger or disdain, there was now thankfulness and understanding. A nod was shared between the two. And then your brother was launching himself at Iceman. Chuckling at the sight of your pilot's shocked face, you sat up slowly with the help of Mav. Ice shot a dazzling smile at you from over your brother’s shoulder and patted his back in reassurance.
“Thank you,” Goose pulled back, his expression as serious as you had ever seen it. “Thank you so much for keeping her safe.” Everyone’s expressions became sombre at the reality of what could have happened. Ice only nodded at your brother.
You were the next to hug him, falling into his arms and sniffling into his chest. His strong arms wrapped securely around you, keeping you anchored to the ground, to him. You could have sworn you heard him sniffle, but no one else ever had to know. When you sniffled again, holding him tighter, he rocked the two of you back and forth. And neither your brother, nor Maverick, needed to know that he pressed a delicate kiss to your temple seconds later.
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a/n: hope you enjoyed! Join the taglist!
Tagging: @ohtobeleah @xoxabs88xox @bradleybeachbabe @oldermenaremyreligion @els-marvelvsp @kmc1989 @nyx2021 @mploopssek @callsignharper @seitmai @kellyls04 @scarletmeii @inkandarsenic
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jaidens · 1 year
omg wait bradley introducing his gf to his parents (obvs in an au where goosie poo and carol arent dead <33a0 PLS AND TYSM ML <3333333333333333333333333333
there ain't a thing a man can do she'll only love you for you
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pairing [s] : bradley bradshaw x reader
warning [s] : nothing!
a/n [s] : dal lives for requesting brad [requests are open!]
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“Brad,” You say above the music that plays on the radio. “I’m worried. Who says they'll like me? I mean, these are your parents.”
Bradley looks over to you, hand stopping the tapping movement on your thigh. His Ray-Bans cover his eyes, but you can tell he's looking at you. “Baby, just be yourself. My mom said she's tired of hearing the stories about you, and how ‘wonderful’ you already seem. I promise it will be fine.”
When the large, suburban Bradshaw home comes in your sight, you feel the pit in your stomach start to fill with worry. “Are you ready?” Bradley asks.
You nod and he shuts the engine off and gets out of the car, and you follow slightly after and grab your purse and phone. There are about fifteen cars parked in the driveway and on the edge of the road, as well as in the grass. You knew it was a family reunion, but not this big of a reunion. You connect your hands with Bradley’s and scoot closer to him.
He takes you up the stairs and knocks on the door. There are some small Halloween and fall decorations on the wrap around porch on each pole. You're zoned out on the porch decor when you hear it. “Bradley! Hello honey!” An older woman's voice captures your attention and you give her a large smile.
She has Bradley in her arms before she takes you in. “Oh, you must be Y/N! You are so beautiful. You are just the sweetest! Come inside!” Her hand pushes you both in and you look around at everyone mingling, children running around, and right in the middle of everything stands Nick Bradshaw.
“Here, why don't you come and meet my dumb husband Nick. Now, we have both been dying to meet you. Bradley never seems to shut his mouth about you, I already love you from what he's told me.” Carole is practically dragging you too, and Bradley shrugs his shoulders and follows after his mother.
“Bradley! There's my boy!” A loud obnoxious shout fills your ears. You smile when Nick hugs Bradley in his arms, and shakes him around. He looks almost identical to Bradley, with thinner hair and the fact he was greying. “And you must be?” He turns and lets go of him, and shakes your hand.
“Y/N. I’m Bradley’s girlfriend.” When you say it, he shouts a yell and kicks his feet around. You can't tell how a man in his sixties can somehow do all of this, but you're smiling and laughing.
“Oh! You are one pretty catch! It is really nice to meet you!” Nick puts his arm around Carole and tugs her into his chest. She hits it playfully and lets Nick kiss her.
“Isn’t she just beautiful?”
“Bradley has good taste, just like his father.” Nick jokes and Bradley laughs. The atmosphere is warm and the worries start to disappear. Bradley stays close to you and he interacts with cousins, aunts, uncles, and others.
“I told you it would be fine.” Bradley told you later, handing you a water as you flipped through old baby pictures and other pictures from his childhood. He sits down next to you and covers an embarrassing picture with his hand. You look up and smile at him, and he kisses you on the tip of your nose and travels to your lips with soft pecks.
“I know. I've also been invited to brunch with your mom.”
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hang-a-roo · 1 year
- Top gun, 1986, right after Iceman did his chomp thing at Maverick -
Goose: Mav. Why did you lock Ice in the bathroom stall?
Maverick: Because he growled at me.
Iceman: Open the fucking door, Mitchell!
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
ice, glaring mav dead in the eye, Disappointed Face on full blast: you were irresponsible, flagrant with the rules, and jesus, mav, you acted like a fucking child-
mav, nodding solemnly: yessir
*twenty minutes later*
goose, sighing and shaking his head: you didn’t hear a single goddamn word, did you?
mav, also sighing, but dreamily, as he imagines the look on ice’s face: nope
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worldofheroes · 1 year
Something Different
nick “goose” bradshaw x reader
summary: you strike up conversation with a lonely looking military man, and you can’t help but fall for him.
warnings: fluff
wc: 905
a/n: I wrote this in like an hour, so it could be better tbh
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Even though you’re with your friends at the bar, you don’t pay attention to the conversation. Instead, you’re watching the aviators that have just walked in and gathered at the bar, ordering their first drinks.
Shortly after everyone receives their beer, they disperse, except for one, who looks like a lost puppy.
You look over to your friends, who are still chatting away and haven’t even noticed that you haven’t said anything for the past 15 minutes. You get up and head over to the man at the bar.
“This seat taken?” you ask, sitting down next to him.
“Well it is now,” the man says, flashing you a smile.
“Couldn’t help but notice your buddies left you looking like some sad, lost puppy over here.”
“Well, they live life much differently than me.”
“Oh? How so?”
“They’re more concerned about quantity and I prefer quality,” he says, smiling again. “I’m Goose.”
“Goose?” you ask, raising your eyebrows.
“Well, if you look here,” Goose says, pointing to his wings, “I’m an aviator. Naval aviator, actually. Goose is my callsign. The name’s Nick.”
“A pilot, huh?”
“I’m actually a RIO,” Goose admits.
You place an elbow on the bartop, placing your chin in your hand. “Aren’t RIOs the smart ones?”
Goose smiles again. You love his smile.
“If that’s what you think, then yes, RIOs are the smart ones.”
You smile at Goose. “I’m Y/n, by the way.”
“Y/n,” Goose says, almost like he’s testing it out. “I like that. Can I get you something to drink?”
“I’ll have whatever you’re having.”
“I like the sound of that,” he says, turning to get the bartender’s attention.
You and Goose continue to talk, and the two of you are getting along great.
“Goose!” someone calls out.
Goose looks over your shoulder, and you glance over your shoulder as the person comes into view.
“Hey Mav,” Goose says.
“Hi there,” Maverick says to you, flashing a smile.
“Hi,” you say shyly.
“What do you want, Mav?” Goose asks, with a hint of annoyance.
“I’m headed out,” he tells Goose.
“Isn’t it early for you?”
“I have something to attend to.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” Goose says, making eye contact with you then rolling his eyes. You giggle at his response.
“Good luck tonight,” Maverick says as he walks away.
“I’m so sorry,” Goose says. “He’s still learning his manners.”
You shrug. “But it’s just us again,” you say, placing a hand on Goose’s knee.
He looks down at your hand then back to you.
“Say, why don’t we go somewhere a little more quiet?” Goose asks.
“What do you have in mind?”
“I don’t want to be too forward, but what about my place?”
You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Hey, quality over quantity, remember?” Goose says, raising his hands up innocently.
You think for a moment, and Goose is watching you intently.
“Alright,” you agree. “But I’m not afraid to throw punches if necessary.”
“I would never, honey,” Goose says, standing up and offering his hand.
You look at Goose’s hand and then back at Goose. He gives you an encouraging smile, and you take his hand.
He leads you out of the bar and to his blue Bronco.
When you get to his place, he jumps out and comes around to open your door.
“A real gentleman,” you say, somewhat teasing.
“Just want to show you I’m serious and not all talk,” Goose says, motioning for you to go first to the door.
The two of you sit on Goose’s couch, and quite literally talk the night away. You also find yourself inching closer to Goose throughout the night.
Soon, you’re lying between Goose’s legs, back against his chest, and his arms wrapped around your waist.
You can’t help the yawn that slips out.
“I’m sorry,” you say, slightly embarrassed. “What time is it anyway?”
Goose looks at his watch. “Looks like it’s almost 2.”
“Are you serious?”
He shows you his watch and sure enough, almost 2.
“I should get going, then,” you say, shuffling to get off the couch.
Goose stays where he was.
“Would it be wrong to ask you to stay the night?”
You look over at Goose. His face is soft, caring.
“I don’t know, Goose,” you say, breaking eye contact.
“That’s alright, I can drive you home,” Goose says, standing up from the couch and walking to get his keys.
“Wait,” you say.
Goose stops, pauses, and turns.
You walk up to him and take his hands in yours. “I haven’t had a genuine interaction like this with a man in so long,” you begin.
Goose raises an eyebrow.
“I don’t know how to say it, but you’re different, Goose. And I like that. I like you,” you say.
“Go on,” Goose says with a smile.
You roll your eyes and grab the collar of his shirt, bringing him closer to you. You pause for just a second before you crash your lips against his.
Goose carefully places his hands on your hips, bringing you closer and deepening the kiss.
After a moment, the two of you pull away, but your foreheads touch.
“I like you too, Y/n. So why don’t you stay the night?” Goose whispers.
“It’s practically tomorrow morning, so I think I already did,” you smile.
Goose smiles back and takes you to the bedroom, where you crawl in bed, cuddle Goose, and fall asleep.
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topguncortez · 2 years
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Day 2: Nowhere to run ➢prompt: Confrontation ➢character: Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw ➢warnings: cheating, mentions of sexism, cannon character death, TOPGUN shit ➢word count: 5k
|| masterlist || whumptober || whumptober masterlist || library page ||
Goose’s heart was big. He loved everyone and everything he had ever had the pleasure to come in contact with. He was kind, and wore his heart on his sleeve. Goose loved the idea of love, and happiness. He had been one of the lucky ones, finding his true love early in his life. Carole had been Goose’s high school sweetheart, she was his everything. Goose had always thought Carole was going to be enough for him. But he was wrong, so very wrong. 
Y/N ‘Tigress’ L/N was another pilot that Maverick and Goose had met during flight school. She was their best friend, their wingman. They had always shared the sky together, and there was no one in the world that would be a better match for Maverick and Goose. Her relationship with Maverick went beyond the platonic level a couple times, drunken hookups after a night out, but her relationship with Goose never went past platonic. There was always some sort of tension in the air between the two of them, it was natural, but never awkward. To a person who didn’t know better, you would think that Y/N and Goose were together. 
They loved each other, it was clear to see. They both harbored feelings that meant more, but neither one could cross that line to the otherside. As far as Y/N knew, Goose wasn’t attracted to her. And as far as Goose knew, she wasn’t attracted to him. Maverick had been the force that pulled both of them out of their stupid stubborn ways and made them confess their feelings. But when Goose was on his way to her dorm, a bouquet of flowers in his hand, he was met with the sight of a half naked Tom Kazansky opening the door. 
“Hey, mother goose,” Tom smirked. His lips were slightly swollen and his hair was a mess. Goose could also see the remnants of red lipstick on his collar. 
“Who is it?” Her sweet voice sounded out as she walked to the door in nothing but what Goose could tell was Iceman’s shirt, “Oh! Nick, hey.” 
“Hey,” Goose said and looked down at his flowers, “I uh. . . got these, I saw some guy selling them on the corner and remembered how much you loved orange roses.” 
“Thank you, Goose,” Y/N said and took the flowers he offered to her, “Usual sunday breakfast tomorrow?” 
“Always,” Goose said, giving her a tight lipped smile. Iceman looked between the two of them, noticing the awkward shift, and Goose felt it too, “I’ll be going now. I’ll be waiting in the commons at 9.” 
“I won’t be late,” Y/N said and turned back around to head into her room. Iceman gave Goose a nod before closing the door. 
That next morning Goose didn’t show up in the commons at 9 like he said. Y/N waited about half an hour before standing up and going to his dorm to make sure everything was okay. She expected the door to be answered by a hungover Maverick and pointing her in the direction of a just as equally hungover Goose. But what she didn’t expect was for a blonde woman with bright blue eyes to walk out of the door, and a half naked Nick Bradshaw behind her. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t-” Y/N shook her head, “I’ll, uh, see you tomorrow, Goose.” 
Goose nodded, a surge of guilt filling his veins. He told himself all last night that he was just getting even for what she was doing. She had no right to get mad at him and he had no right to get mad at her. But what neither of them knew was that Y/N didn’t sleep with Iceman and Goose never slept with that blonde, but they were both too prideful to admit that to one another. 
There was a shift in their relationship after that night. Y/N and Goose had both pulled away from each other, becoming distant. The only time she would really talk to Goose was when she needed to get flight numbers for her RIO. Other than that, the conversation and actions were limited. Y/N had started spending more time with Iceman and Slider, while Goose had found comfort in that blonde woman, who had reminded him that her name was Carole. 
After graduation, Goose and Y/N went their separate ways. Goose had tried to talk to Y/N after they were dismissed by the Admiral, to celebrate completing the past four years at the academy, but she was too busy in the arms of Tom Kazansky. Goose had left a note on Y/N’s door the day he moved out, and was headed for his first duty station. Y/N was heartbroken that he didn’t bother to stick around and see her, already heading for the coast. 
Their careers went in different ways. Goose and Maverick had landed in Virginia, while Y/N lived on the opposite side of the country in Lemoore. They had both managed to keep tabs on their careers, hearing through the grapevine their accomplishments. That’s how Y/N knew that Goose and Maverick had gotten into TOPGUN at the same time she did. 
Y/N had been dreading the day she would see Nick Bradshaw again. She had actually refused to go out to the O Club that night, but Slider threatened to string her laundry out down the hall, and she had been a witness to one too many of Slider’s threats to know he wasn’t joking. So she donned her uncomfortable summer white uniform and walked into the club behind Iceman and Slider. She rolled her eyes at how Ice kept his sunglasses on and walked to the bar to get a drink. 
“Hey, can I get a-” 
“Vodka tonic with lime and a splash of grenadine, and I’ll have a budweiser.” 
“You still know it?” She looked up at him. 
“Of course, it was the least of the disgusting drinks you’d order,” Goose said looking down at her, “Hi.” 
“Hi,” She smiled, “I miss-” 
“I missed-” They both chuckled as they started speaking at the same time, “You first,” Goose said. 
“I missed you,” Y/N responded, “I heard what happened to Cougar, I hope he’s okay. I got to meet him back in Lemoore before he moved to Virginia.” 
“I think he’ll be okay. How’s the desert? I know how much you hate the heat.” 
“It feels like I live in the sun most days,” Y/N smiled, and Goose felt all those feelings he tried to push away resurface. 
While Y/N had been flying every mission that she could possibly get, Goose had chosen to get married to that blonde woman, Carole, that he had met that night he found Y/N with Ice. They were going on five years of marriage and had a beautiful son, named Bradley back home. Goose thought about mentioning it to Y/N, but when he noticed there was no ring on her finger, or no man by her side, he refrained. He had thought that maybe her and Ice were still together, but by the way she responded to his little dick showing contest, letting Goose know there was nothing but friendship there. 
The two had to make up for lost time, basically getting to re-know each other. Y/N talked about the success she had on missions, and Goose talked about how he avoided getting in trouble with Maverick. Time slipped past the two of them, and suddenly it was the last call. 
“Oh shit,” Y/N giggled as she stood up from the bar stool, and noticed the room was spinning, “Oh fuck, I’m gonna be hungover.” 
“I think those vodka shots were a bad idea,” Goose chuckled, “Come on, I’ll walk you back.” 
Y/N nodded, and Goose wrapped an arm around her shoulders. They walked in comfortable silence back to the dorm, occasionally sharing a memory from the academy that would pop into their minds. Goose had walked her to the door of her room, and stuffed his hands into his pockets. 
“So uh. . . this is me,” Y/N said, and opened the door. She turned around to face him in the doorway and sighed, “Goose, I should’ve said this a long-” 
She was cut off by Goose smashing his lips to hers. She froze for a second, before wrapping her arms around his neck. His hands went to her waist, as he walked them backwards into the room. They stumbled their way into her bedroom, kicking off their uniforms, and letting their hands roam each other's bodies. Goose couldn’t even think about the family that he had back home, as he was placing kisses up and down Y/N’s body or feeling her hands touch his body, or the feel of her cunt pulsating around his cock. When he woke up in the morning, naked and with a pounding headache, the guilt finally set in. 
He was gone before she ever woke up, leaving a note on her bedside table like he had all those years ago. Y/N woke up to an empty, cold, bed and found the note and her uniform neatly folded on her desk. She was pissed that he once again left without a notice, as she got dressed in her khaki uniform and packed her duffle bag. She didn’t even bother looking at him as she took a seat in front of Ice and Slider. Ice could tell something was up with her, having become one of her closest friends in the past year. Once they were dismissed, he grabbed her by the arm and let Goose and Maverick go by them. 
“What happened last night? You stayed back at the bar with Bradshaw, and now you look like you want to kill him,” Ice said. 
“Nothing other than the fact I was thinking between my legs last night,” Y/N huffed, “Sometimes, I need you to stick around so you can slap me.” 
“Darlin, if you want me to sleep with you, all you have to do is ask,” Ice smirked and Y/N rolled her eyes, pushing past him to get to her locker room. 
Y/N’s hop had gone off perfectly. There was a reason why her callsign was “Tigress”. She was sneaky, usually keeping her comms to a minimum. Her RIO had been flying with her long enough to know what she wanted with just a basic move of her hand. When she had successfully shot down Jester, Goose felt a sense of pride swell in him, but it was quickly diminished by the guilt he felt from last night. He didn’t feel guilty for what he did, he loved every moment of it. From the way she held him in her sleep, to the way his name fell from her lips. It was the fact that he had left her without saying anything, and then the angry look on her face this morning. 
Maverick and Goose’s hop didn’t go as well as Y/N’s did. Yes they had shot down Jester, but they had also broken the hard deck and done a flyby without permission. Y/N didn’t say anything to them as they walked past her in the locker room. In fact, she blatantly ignored them when Maverick asked her for a drink at the O Club. He looked between his RIO and the girl, putting two and two together. It wasn’t until later that night, when Goose came to talk to Maverick, that he had asked what happened the previous night. 
“I didn’t hear you come in until this morning,” Maverick pointed out, “What happened?” 
“I. . .I did something, and I’m not sure how to feel about it,” Goose said, looking down at his hands, “It was dumb, and I’m not going to do it again. It’s just going to hurt more people.” 
Maverick nodded, knowing that Goose’s words were falling on his own deaf ears. As soon as Goose left Maverick’s dorm, he was knocking on Y/N’s to apologize for leaving without saying anything. She had been practicing what she was going to say to him all afternoon, but it all went out the window the second she saw him. She grabbed him by the collar of his bomber jacket and pulled him into her dorm. It was just like the night before, a frenzy of touches and trying to get out of their clothes quickly. Except this time, Goose didn’t leave without saying anything. Y/N had set her alarm for half an hour earlier, so Goose could get up and have time to go back to his dorm to get ready. 
“I’ll see you tonight,” Goose said, and kissed her. 
“Okay,” Y/N smiled and Goose left her dorm. 
— — — 
That’s how everything was for the first three weeks of their ten week program. Goose would come to Y/N’s dorm after talking to Mav about their flight plan and calling home to Bradley and Carole. Y/N had a single dorm, being the only female in her class, so it made sense for Goose to be there. They would watch some stupid rerun on TV, that neither of them really paid attention to between the sloppy makeout session on the couch, or the delicate touches on eachothers bodies. Goose would take her to bed, depending on how the day went they might have an intimate moment or quite literally sleep next to each other. Then they would wake up early so he could go back to his dorm. 
It worked fine for Y/N, she was happy and content with having moments alone with Goose, but he was not. He was a romantic guy, he loved being able to show off his partner, showcasing the love he had for them. He didn’t like the fact that he had to sneak around to see Y/N. At the beginning of their fourth week, Goose had asked her out for dinner off base. Goose knew going off base was the best option of not getting caught. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he didn’t know how to stop it. He was too far in love to be able to stop it. Goose had thought he was getting away with it, but he never took into effect that Maverick knew everything about him. 
“Are you sleeping with Y/N?” Maverick asked him one day. Goose had shown up late, and so did Y/N. They both had slept past the alarm, staying up way too late the night before. Their date was perfect, and neither one wanted the night to end. 
“No!” Goose said, lying right through his teeth.
“You’re a shitty liar. You are sleeping with her.” 
Goose sighed, “It’s more than that. It’s. .  . I love her, Mav. I have always loved her, and I messed up thinking that her and Ice were a thing, but she said that they never were. I missed my chance and I am-” 
“Married. With a child.” 
“Don’t act like you have the moral high ground here,” Goose said rolling his eyes, “I’m sorry. I know that this is all sorts of wrong but, while I have her here, I plan on making the most of it. But once we graduate, we’ll go back to how it has been for the past five years. I’ll be in Virginia, and she’ll be in Lemoore.” 
“But it won’t be,” Maverick sighed, “You haven’t ever done this. I know you love her, and I tried to get you to go to her years ago, but now. . . Goose, you said it yourself, you are married and have a child. You are having an affair with a woman who you loved so deeply. It’s not just some random hookup from a bar. This is Y/N, the woman you said countless times you were going to marry.” 
“Are you saying it would be easier if she was just some slut from a bar?” 
“Yes,” Maverick said, and Goose sighed, “You need to cut it off. And to help you, I invited Carole.” 
“What?!” Goose exclaimed, “Why would you do that!?” 
“Because as much as I love you and Y/N, I also love Carole and Bradley. You are going to hurt more than just Y/N by doing this. Have you even told Y/N about Carole and Bradley?” Goose looked down at his shoes and that was confirmation enough for Mav, “Exactly. This is what you need to stop this. Okay? You tell Y/N tonight that this is over. Carole and Bradley arrive in the morning.” 
Goose knew that he should’ve listened to Maverick, and told Y/N about Carole and Bradley, but he couldn’t. He was a weak man, a very weak man. He had rehearsed in his head what he was going to say, but when she opened the door in tears because she received a bad phone call from home, Goose knew that he couldn’t tell her the truth, it would break her even more. Instead, he held her why she cried, and kissed away the tears from her cheeks. And like he had been doing, left in the morning when that alarm went off. 
Y/N hadn’t done much with having a day off, choosing to catch up on laundry and then go to the beach. She had dragged her RIO, Ice, Slider, Wolfman and Hollywood with her, not wanting to be alone. They had brought a football, and started a game of two hand touch in the water. Y/N had been dying to go to the beach since she got to Miramar. 
“Iceman, you bitch!” Y/N yelled, as the tall pilot basically jumped over her to catch the ball that was thrown from Wolfman. Ice gently pushed her out of the way as he ran towards the end zone and scored,“That was a short on tall crime. I’m calling the police.” 
“Oh hush you,” Iceman smiled, and tossed the ball back to her, “Oh look, it’s mother goose!” Y/N looked up and spotted the mustached WSO, and that familiar blonde woman. 
“Who’s that with him?” Y/N asked Ice. He looked down at the girl, his eyebrows at her.
“His wife, I think. And their son,” Ice said.
"Yeah. Bradshaw got married not long after- did he not tell you? You guys are like bestfriends."
"No, he didn't," Y/N looked down at the sand, and that's when Tom put two and two together.
"I'll be back," Ice said and walked over to greet them. Y/N felt her heart stop as she watched Goose introduce his small family to Ice. Maverick had looked up from looking at the small child, and shot Y/N a sad look, “Tiger! Get your ass over here.” Y/N finally moved from her spot, and ran over to them, “This is my best girl, Y/N, aka Tigress.” 
“Hi,” Y/N said, holding her hand out for the blonde woman to shake. Y/N was suddenly thankful that Iceman could read her like a clock, and put his arm around her waist, “Nice to meet you.” 
“Nice to meet you too, I’m Carole,” The blonde introduced herself, “I think we met before?” 
“Oh, maybe, I, uh. . . I’ve known Goose since the academy,” Y/N said awkwardly and didn’t even dare to look up at him, “And this is your son?” 
“Yep! Our little Bradley,” Carole smiled down at the boy. 
“He’s cute,” Y/N felt her voice crack but covered up with a cough, “I have to get going. I need to call my mom.” 
“Is everything okay now?” Goose finally spoke up. 
“Yeah. She’s fine,” Y/N said, quickly looking at Goose and then turning back to Ice, “Come over later?” 
“Of course, baby,” Ice said, and Y/N grabbed his face and kissed him. Goose clenched his jaw and looked away, knowing she was only doing this to piss him off, “I’ll see you later.” 
“Bye,” Y/N said, and gave Goose one last glare before leaving the beach. Iceman smirked and shook his head before going back to playing football. 
Goose waited nearly an hour after Carole fell asleep to sneak out of the small house they had gotten on base. He stopped at the local florist and picked up a bouquet of orange roses. He braced himself as he knocked on the door to her room, and was once again, like deja vu, met with the sight of a half naked Tom Kazansky opening the door. 
“We gotta stop meeting like this,” Tom smirked. 
“Move,” Goose said, and tried to get past him, but Tom stopped him. 
“You have a wife, Bradshaw, and a kid,” Tom pointed out, “What do you want here?” 
“To apologize.” 
“Apologize? For breaking her heart? For lying to her? For making her feel like absolute shit? She spent the afternoon in uncontrolable tears because of what she has done, all because you were too much of a fucking pussy to come up to her five years ago and tell her the truth.” 
“Yeah, but once again, you were in my way,” Goose said, getting in Ice’s face.
“I have never been in your way, Bradshaw. Your own stupid pride was in the way,” Ice said. Goose clenched his jaw, as he looked behind Ice, and could see Y/N’s shadow in the doorway of her room. He was happy this time around, she was wearing her own clothes.
“I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you,” Goose called out to her. 
“Then why did you do this?” Y/N stepped forward, walking into the living room area. Ice moved out of the way, stepping back into the dorm, and going to her room to leave them alone, “Why did you let me believe that I was the only one for you? I even fucking asked you, Goose. I asked you if there was someone back home, and you lied straight to my face. Goose, I told you everything that has happened in the past five years. The good and the awful, because I truly believed that you were telling the truth. I was stupid enough to believe that you actually cared-” 
“I do care!” 
“No you don’t!” Y/N yelled, tears falling down her face, “If you did care, you would’ve told me the truth after the first night. Not lead me on these past five weeks thinking that I was getting all of you. But I wasn’t.” 
“You are getting all of me, I promise.” 
“No, Goose, I’m not. You can’t give all of you to me, and still be married to Carole. And I’ll be damned if I keep playing into this little game. Make a choice, Goose. I love you too much to let you ruin everything that you have made for yourself. So, make a choice,” And with that, Y/N closed the door on him, leaning up against it and let out a loud sigh. 
— — 
Y/N was thankful that everything that went down happened on a weekend, so she could start fresh Monday morning.  She had spent the past two nights alone for the first time in five weeks. It was weird not having someone laying next to her. But she did feel a tad bit more rested as she woke up in the morning. Ice was waiting outside of her door, giving her a small smile as they walked towards the hangar together. Neither one brought up what had happened on friday, neither one really knew what to say. 
Goose hadn’t talked to Y/N since Friday night, but she was really the only thing he thought about, other than Bradley. He was happy to have his son here in Miramar, getting to spend time with the little boy. Carole could tell something was off with her husband, but she refrained from asking. Maverick had asked if Goose told Y/N the truth, but the bags under his RIO’s eyes were enough giveaway for Maverick. 
Y/N had ignored every advancement that Goose had tried to make in talking with her. She was determined to get through her hop today with Wolfman and Hollywood, and she didn’t want the drama with Goose affecting her. She stood next to her plane, looking everything over when she heard him call out her callsign. 
“Goose,” Y/N said, turning to face him. 
“I love you,” Goose said, and Y/N felt tears in her eyes, “It’s always been you, I’ve always wanted you. And no matter what, I will always love you.” Not bothering who was watching, Goose leaned in and kissed her cheek, before running off to find Maverick. 
“I love you,” Y/N whispered as she watched him run off. She couldn’t help but smile as she realized what he had said. 
The smile stayed on her face as she had brought down Jester in her hop with Wolf and Hollywood. The smile stayed on her face as she finished her post-flight check. The smile stayed on her face as she showered, and looked at the old polaroid of her and Goose from the academy. The smile had even stayed on her face when Wolfman ran into the locker room and told her there had been an accident. She felt her heart drop, as she ran down the hallway with Wolfman, going straight to the hangar to get any information. Viper and Jester had told all of the pilots to go home, as they needed to handle what had just happened. 
“Who was it? Who was in the air?” Y/N asked Chipper, as he walked by. 
“Ice, Slider, Maverick and Goose,” He answered, “Not sure who is who. I’m sorry, Tigs.” 
Y/N bit her lip and nodded, taking one last look at the sky, before following the pilots out of the hangar. She had hardly eaten dinner that night, waiting for any update on the three pilots she considered friends, and the one she was in love with. She had nearly paced a run in the floor as she waited, fiddling with the academy ring on her finger. When it got too late, she forcefully tried to go to bed, but her mind was running a mile a minute. The second there was a knock on the door, she was up and running to answer it. 
“Thank-” Y/N’s smile dropped as she looked at Maverick, who was on the other side. His eyes were bloodshot, and his nose was red, “No. . . No, it can’t be. . . Maverick, don’t-” 
“I’m sorry,” He said, and Y/N let out a loud sob as she crashed towards the ground. Maverick moved quickly, and helped her to the ground the best he could. They sat on the floor of her dorm as they both cried over the loss of Nick Bradshaw. 
The next day, Y/N agreed to go with Maverick to clean out Goose’s dorm. He wasn’t sure if there was anything of hers that she might want back, and she was grateful that he was cleaning it and not Carole. Carole Bradshaw had been on Y/N’s mind the whole night as she tossed and turned next to Maverick. She couldn’t even imagine the pain that Carole was going through. . . but at the same time she could. Y/N and Carole were much alike right now, sharing in the grief of losing the man they loved. 
“Hey, you might want this,” Maverick said, and handed Y/N the polaroid picture of her and Goose from their date the other night. Goose had asked some random stranger to take a picture of them, “I hadn’t seen him smile like that in years.” 
“Thank you,” Y/N said, and placed it in the small box she had grabbed, “I know you probably think I am a horrible person, and you’re not-”
“Don’t blame yourself, Y/N,” Maverick said, “I don’t like what happened between the two of you, don’t get me wrong. . . but he the way he looked at you is not the same way he looks at Carole. It’s the same way he looks at Bradley, or at the sky when we’re flying. It’s the look of pure love. You will always be his true love.” 
“He’s my one that got away,” Y/N sniffled and looked down at the dog tags in her hands. She wiped her eyes and placed the dog tags in the box to go to Carole, “That’s everything.” 
“Yep, I’ll go give this to Carole.” 
“I’ll wait outside for you.” 
Maverick nodded, as they both left Goose’s room. Y/N waited outside the readiness building where Carole and Bradley were waiting. She leaned against the outside of her car, picking at her fingernails as she waited for Maverick. She looked up as she heard someone call her name, and felt her heart in her throat as the familiar blonde woman and little boy walked towards her. Y/N stiffened, preparing for a slap to come her way. 
“Y/N, right?” Carole asked and Y/N nodded wordlessly. She watched as Carole reached into the box and pulled out Goose’s dog tags, “You should have these.” 
“No, I can’t-” 
“You will,” Carole said, set the box down. Then grabbed Y/N’s hand and placed them in it, “He will never love me the way he loved you.” 
“I am so sorry,” Y/N sniffled, “I didn’t-” 
“That man’s heart has always been too big. He could never just love one person,” Carole smiled, “He still has that picture of the two of you from when you were at the academy. He’s giving you orange roses, and you’re wearing a birthday sash. I could even tell in that picture he loved you.” Carole sighed and picked up the box. She gave Y/N one last smile, before grabbing Bradley’s hand and walking towards her car. 
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I am Malak, a medical student from North Gaza. Our home has been destroyed, and we have been displaced more than 20 times seeking safety, but danger is everywhere💔. During this journey filled with suffering, I lost my brother Moataz, who was martyred while trying to fetch water for us😢.
I want to escape this hell to save my family and continue my medical studies. I have created a donation campaign, and any contribution, whether by donating or sharing the story, means a lot to me. Your support could be the light in this dark tunnel🍉🙏.
Y’all know what time it is
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bradshawsbitch · 2 years
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𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲, 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞
pairing: nick goose bradshaw x reader
nick has been away from home for a while, and receives a very warm welcome home from you.
warnings; smut 18+ only, afab!reader, dry sex, cum play, silly goose (i love him), tit worship
word count; 1.8K
disclaimer; I heard the sentence 'I'd be happy to find a girl and talk dirty to her' and went (absolutely feral) with it!
tagging for funsies; @fandomxpreferences @jupitercomet @roosterforme @roleycoleyreccenter
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Soft, warm sunlight flitted in through opened windows. The rustic kitchen was bathed in an orange glow, as you moved across wooden floors. The long day had finally started to fade to evening, and the cooler air felt welcome on your skin.
It had been an unusually hot day, and your body was only covered by a plain black, ribbed leotard. You knew it was your boyfriend's favorite, in part because ‘it shows off the girls, honey!’ and in part because ‘your hips and thighs in those high cuts makes a man want to do sinful things’. Goose’s words, verbatim.  
Sighing sadly, the longing seemed to be reverberating deep within your bones. Nick had only been away for a couple of days for some stint with Mav, but God you missed him already. You knew he wouldn’t have access to a phone, and he’d been unsure of when he’d been able to come home to you.
So you spent the days trying to keep occupied, helping the sweet old lady next door with her gardening and keeping her company for a cup of coffee as she told you scandalously about the other old woman down the street. Her son had been caught for tax fraud, apparently. 
After assuring her Nick paid all his taxes, and promising to spread the gossip along to your boyfriend (he had unfortunately become old Mrs. Baxter’s favorite gossip partner after he had whole-heartedly engaged in a 30 minute conversation, being just the right amount of outraged, according to Mrs. Baxter), you had headed home with a smile on your face. Which was how you found yourself getting some chores done, washing up the dishes you’d left since yesterday, de-cluttering and vacuuming (which was when you rid yourself of your jean shorts).
A glass of water in hand, you heaved a deep sigh as you glanced through the open window, the curtains fluttering slightly with the breeze. Distantly, you could hear a car approaching, not thinking much of it until you heard it come to a stop, and the distinct sound of a door slamming shut. You barely had time to put your glass down before you heard Nick’s tell-tale happy-noise, something that had bewildered you at first, but now only warmed your heart and put a big grin on your face.
“Goose!” you’d run towards the front door, and sure enough, the vision of your tall, hawaiian shirt clad man stood before you.
“Aw, fuck, honey!” Nick’s beautiful brown eyes looked almost pained as they roamed over your body. “You know what this does to a man,” a giggle fell from your lips as Goose unceremoniously dropped his duffle bag to his feet before moving over to you - that small mischievous smirk you loved so much adorning his lips. His knuckles trailed down your bare arm as you tilted your head up to look at him.
“Mm, what does it do, Nicky?” another weakness of his. He’d told you in his sternest voice that this weakness was strictly classified Honey knowledge only. A soft groan left Goose at your soft tone, eyes playful as you leaned into his touch.
“Honeyy,” there was definitely a whine in there somewhere “it drives a man insane!” he grinned as he drew another soft giggle from you, the hand that was not trailing up and down your arm now coming to grab at your waist, large palm splayed over the fabric. Leaning up, you couldn’t resist claiming his lips with yours, having longed to feel them pressed against yours for too long. 
“Missed you, Nicky,” your breathless whine had Goose tightening his hold on you, arms winding around your midsection to keep you pressed to his chest as his lips strayed from your lips to your jawline, leaving a trail down to your clavicle. 
“Hi, girls,” the relieved tone as Nick palmed at your tits had you balking before you swiftly landed a soft slap to his shoulder “Goose!” he chuckled but didn’t stop his ministrations, kneading the soft flesh and sporadically pinching your nipples through the thin fabric. Letting your head tip back, a soft moan flew past parted lips.
“I could tell they missed me, honey… had to check up on ‘em,” Nick murmured teasingly against your neck. For a moment, you thought a scoff might make its appearance from you, but Goose chose that moment to latch on to the soft and sensitive flesh below your ear, right as he rolled your nipple between skilled fingers - which turned the scoff into a loud and needy moan instead. 
“Atta honey.. so good for me,” hushed voice, husky in your ear had your eyelids fluttering shut as Goose started leading you towards the sofa. He stalled for a moment, letting brown eyes search yours, a thoughtful look upon his features before he decided “Honey, I’m gonna disconnect the phone.” laughter rang out in the glowing red light of your living room, and Goose smirked as he made his way towards your phone. 
 The swiftness with which your boyfriend lost his jeans and button-up on his way back to you was astounding, only leaving your touch for a moment or two before his arms embraced you again. Turning the two of you, he nudged a knee in between your thighs to spread them before he sat down, bringing you with him to straddle his lap.
Goose was now only clad in a loose fitting pair of boxers, which you noticed were already tenting. As he slowly grabbed your hips and fully lowered you onto his lap, you gasped softly at the feel of his hard length against your core - arousal flooding your very being from the way he held you. Rolling your hips experimentally resulted in a low groan from your boyfriend, his fingers tightening their hold on you.
Labored and shallow breathing echoed through the otherwise silent house, Goose’s hands now guiding and grinding you down on his now rock hard cock. Your hands gripped at broad shoulders, forehead falling down to rest against Nicks, lips chasing his as they met in an open mouthed frenzy.
“Nicky!” you whimpered out as the head of his cock strained against his boxers, hard against the opening of your clothed core, where he ground hard trying to seek the pleasure of your welcoming heat.
“S’okay honey, Nicky’s got you babe, I’m here,” his voice was strained from the way your cunt tried in vain to clench around him, his tip just reaching deep enough to feel your attempts at getting him deeper despite the barrier of your clothes. Bringing his arms around your back, he guided your head to his shoulder, his lips pressing into your hot skin as his palm splayed over your lower back and ass. Rutting up into you, he pressed you down at the same time as his grip on your hip guided you against his length. 
“Feel so fuckin’ good, darlin’” his moan caressed your skin, the thickness of his length now adding delicious pressure to your clit. Glancing between your bodies, you saw the bulge of his tip in his boxers, and the wet patch that had spread across it. A loud, needy moan fell from you, and you were grasping at Goose’s neck now, desperately needing to feel him closer.
“Need you, Goose– please, need you,” whimpering, you ground more desperately into him now, hips rolling down hard to feel more of him. 
“Shh, honey, we ain’t in a rush,” strong hands stilled your hips, gently detaching you from where you sat leaned on his chest. Soft lips pressed against yours, and you needily tried to deepen it, nipping at his lower lip, desperate to feel his tongue on you. 
“Baby…” his tone was warning, but his touch soft as he splayed one hand on your sternum, the other guiding your arms away from his neck. He guided your hands so they were grasping behind you at his knees, his palm pressing your chest away from him. 
“Fuck, honey…” Goose groaned low in his throat, the sound emitting a whimper from you, brows knitted together as you hesitantly tried canting your hips in your new position. “That’s it honey, fuck yourself on my cock, needy little thing,” you knew Nick liked talking dirty, but this had your mouth falling open, head falling backwards as you kept your pace - again and again dragging your cunt along Goose’s length. 
Reaching down, Nick grabbed at his clothed cock, guiding it to put pressure on your clit before slipping it towards your entrance, bucking slightly as he found it. The knuckle of his thumb dragged against your clit as he rubbed his straining head as far as it could go into you, desperate and high pitched moans leaving you as he started moving his thumb slightly. 
“Please, Nicky!” Goose only groaned, using his forefinger to slip the wet material of your body to the side, fucking his cock just a little deeper into your sensitive hole. Brown eyes had been transfixed on your cunt, but now roamed your body on display for him, landing on your heaving chest, eliciting another deep moan from your lover. 
Reaching up, he swiftly yanked the straps down to free your breasts, hands and mouth latching on to them as you continued rocking against him. Warm tongue and rough mustache created an overwhelming sensation as Nick suckled at your nipple, palming roughly at your other breast. 
“O-oh, Nick - I’m–” your orgasm built fast, and had snuck up on you as Goose loved your body. 
“Give it to me, baby, let me have it,” Goose grunted against your tits, and it was all the encouragement you needed as you cried out, hips rutting faster to get you there. 
“Oh, I’m gonna cum so hard on your cock, Nicky” you knew your boyfriend liked it when you talked dirty back to him, and the moan he released at your words was enough to send you hurtling over the edge, a blinding orgasm having you mindlessly moaning, thighs quivering on either side of your boyfriends’, only vaguely aware of Nick’s hands palming hard at your tits. 
Harsh breaths and grunts met your ears as you came down slightly from your high, and looking down between your bodies, Nick’s straining cock appeared and disappeared between your folds as Goose fucked into you. Moaning softly at the sight, you let your hands leave their place to tangle into the short hair at the nape of your boyfriend's neck as you whimpered “Coat me with your cum, Goose,”. Whilst you weren’t as well versed in dirty talk as your boyfriend it seemed to work as Goose came hard with a long moan, his white spend spreading and leaking out of his boxers and on to your swollen clit. 
 Lazily, he rutted his hips, spreading his cum over your pussy, drawing soft moans from you as his lips found yours in soft kisses. Chests heaving, you let your fingers card through his blonde hair, as warmth filled your chest.
“Welcome home, stud,” Goose smiled against your lips as he held you close to his chest again. 
“And what a welcome it was, honey!”
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stcverogers · 2 years
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top gun fics that i’ve been reading and obsessing with over recently
this is extremely important and i take this very seriously out of respect for the community. please do remember to read the rules for the respective blogs before interacting with or reading them.
F: fluff A: angst S: smut
𖥻 - series /multi part
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F: monday to friday by @wildbornsiren a week of interacting with rooster and the one day he asks you out.
F: like father like son by @chaostheoryy rooster worries that he will face the same fate as his father.
F: lover by @hangmans-girl you reminisce the beginnings of your loving family
F: torture by @make-me-imagine you make a bet with rooster and till he wins, no kissing.
F: impact by @priceof-freedom the last thing you expected was getting a football to the head by the man you had been shooting heart eyes at
F: career day by @dearestdaffodils 𖥻 bradley's a decorated naval aviator and you're an elementary teacher.
A: happier by @wannabeschyulersister despite having broken up, all you want for bradley is for him to be happy.
F + A: the arrangement by @croimilis when you were 18, you and rooster made an agreement that you will always be the other's plus one to any event. years later, you need a date to a wedding and bradley lives up to the arrangement.
A: peace out by @undiscovered-horizon bradley's patience is run thin when your ex-boyfriend shows up at the hard deck.
F: eyes without face by @zstrn a day well spent with your family at the beach.
A: half a heart by @halsteadsbradshaw following your break up with rooster, you and rooster struggle to live without each other
F: his f-18, his bronco, his favorite sports teams and you by @starlightval you list the things that rooster loves and he corrects you
F + A: big fat fuckin' mistake by @shaded-echoes you have been keeping a toddler shaped secret from rooster for years when you're called back to lemoore, only for him to uncover the truth
S: i think i might love you by @stranger-nightmare hangman loves you but you love rooster
F + A: inconceivable! by @rolycolysficrecs having told that you were inconceivable at 17, you were led to believe that you would never have children. it is up to you to then decide between your miracle baby and the man you loved.
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F + A: couldn't really stay away by @typical-simplelove not matter how much he tries, jake can't seem to stay away from you.
F + A: the gallows by @strangerstuffandthingsimagines your past comes back to haunt you as you overcome your fear of the inevitable
F + A: heartfirst by @etherealperrie 𖥻 you visit phoenix while she's based in san diego, only to find out that an old partner of yours is stationed there too. throw in a cocky blonde and you're in a whirl of emotions.
F + A: all this time by @phoenixbby you and hangman are stranded in the cold, only having each other as you wait for rescue to be dispatched.
F + A: vexation by @siempre-bucky you and hangman do not get along. what happens when the hate blurs into love?
F + A: who did this to you? by @justfandomwritings hangman finds you hurt and bruised at the hard deck, his protective side kicks in and he's determined to ensure your safety.
F + A: happily ever after by @daughterofthereaper02 jake is your childhood best friend. friends, that's all you would ever be, right?
F + A: make him wait by @powerfulruler 𖥻 jake seresin is not a patient man. for you? he's willing to wait eternity.
A: a little out of the ordinary by @mayhem24-7forever you think that jake could never love you that way while jake thinks the same.
F: hey pretty girl by @callsign-marlie the five times jake calls you pretty girl and the one time he uses it on another
F + A: until him by @lordabovehelpme you didn't know what love felt like till you met hangman
F + A: see you soon by @sunnysidevans you cross paths with hangman once again. will you make it work this time?
F: country girl, shake it for me by @nomtterwhere hangman brings you back to his hometown and shows you a side of him top gun never saw
F + A: this love by @roosterscock admiral kazansky's health is declining and you move back home to spend the last days of your father's life with him
S: loud and clear by @theonetrueneohero hangman, your brother's best friend, is off limits
F: muddy trails by @katcoquette a day in the woods with the ever adventurous hangman
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F: the six times you met bob floyd in school and the one time you didn't by @lt-natrace bob's neice is a student in your class and you're enamored by her equally charming uncle
F + A: the five stages of falling in love by @imjess-themess you go through the five stages of gried as you fall in love with bob
F + S: morning after by @mothdruid you spend the night with bob, not knowing who each other really are
F: tense by @bippot bob is just too tense.
F + A: sweet home alabama by @3tabbiesandalab all you ever wanted was for bob to be successful, even at the expense of your only chance at happiness
F: we'll never have sex by @floyd-luvr while sat by the fire, you and bob share a sweet moment
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F: that’s him..that’s the man I’m going to marry. by @redmenacehorned as you watch tom recieve his well-deserved award, you are convinced that he is the man you are going to marry
F + S: something to remember me by by @callsignthirsty ice is worried he won't return and wants to leave you with something to remember him by
F: crash and burn by @callsign-dragonbaron none of the other pilots know that iceman has a partner. he watches from afar as his fellow aviators try to hit on you and fail terribly.
F: tom is finer by @krmy2386 pete doesn't treat you like you deserve and tom is willing to change that
S: steamy by @callsignbob tom kazansky gets on your nerves. what better to relieve the tension than hate sex?
S: fatal attraction by @hotgirlmav ice knows that you're so wrong for him. so wrong that you're absolutely right.
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A: that photo of us by @heywheresemily bradley sifts through old family photos, finding one of his father and a familiar woman
F: the perfect weekend by @focusedarrow you and goose go behind your brother's back
F: i do by @callsign-rockstar on your wedding day, goose has one last thing to say 'i do' to
F: gremlins by @duchesstypewriter bradley wakes up in a flurry from a nightmare, you and goose ensure him that there are no gremlins hiding out
F: imagine goose comforting you after an argument by @spinningwebsandtales
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F: don't drop my baby by @callsign-squints the dagger squad meet baby garcia for the very first time
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