#gorgeous costuming & hairstyling <3
tolkiens · 4 months
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THE BORGIAS 1.02 — The Assassin
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mildmagician · 4 months
Updated illustrations - Part 2 ⭐ ----------- (Part 1 Part 3)
I started preparing my illustrations from the 1st day of rehearsals so I could depict the artists in their approximate costumes. However, the final look worn in the semifinals and the grand final can look completely different from what was worn during the rehearsals.
This is why I am continuing my mini-series by updating my illustrations to depict the artists in their final looks. Some changes might be minor, but some artists surprised Eurofans with new outfits!
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Besa surprised everyone with three different looks, as she wore two different costumes for her rehearsals and then appeared in the most gorgeous oxidised-copper-coloured dress in the 2nd semi-final.
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Marina's final look had a minor change, which is a funkier hairstyle with two little ponytails. I also added details that I forgot to draw in the initial illustration, such as her accessories and pink and purple eyeshadows.
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Nemo baited us all by rehearsing in a coat and leg warmers with pink strands that follow their movements around the stage. This look was replaced with another coat that we all are familiar with after their victory. Still pink of course - which is iconic!
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Personally - I sat with my mouth open, when I saw Aiko's 1st rehearsal. The nude bralette with gems put circularly at the front of it is so scandalous, yet so aikonic! Unfortunately, it was replaced by a sparkly red bra top, which still looks great with the rhinestones around her eyes. 
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The girl changed her hairstyle. Nutsa's front strands were put behind to create a bump. I also fixed my mistake of not adding orange eyeshadow to her eyes.
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melodyssolarsystem · 1 month
I really hope I'm not annoying you but uh. What are your favorite cards for the leoni girls :3
. ur gonna make my brain explode /POS
RIGHT let’s start with saki. mmmmm my favourite is probably her abyss of memories (which sega WONT fucking GIVE TO ME !!!!). the symbolism in it makes me explode n GRRRGRHRHRG. also i rlly like her ready to take it all on from get over it. it’s just silly :3
HONAMI’S REGULUS CARD MAKES ME INSANE ????!!! the lighting is GORGEOUS and her costume looks so fucking badass and GRRRGRHR THE REGULUS EVENT MAKES ME INSANE. except for the story cause i haven’t read it yet. cause i’m not on jp.
for ichika it has to be her card from the ryusei no pulse event. why? um. well it’s like. aha. anyways i like women did u know that i like kissing women ALSO HER CARD FROM DONT LOSE FAITH !!! look at this badass bitch. also the hairstyle is GORGE
shiho hinomori the woman that u are. i rlly like her fes card …. why she so pretty. ALSO her 3* from the regulus event because LOOK AT HER SMILING ????? she needs to smile more in her cards. she looks so happy i’m EXPLODING ,,,,,
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cerenemuxse · 2 months
here's my 10 page essay of hcs for human!James that i mentioned the other day :DD
//spoiler: its not 10 pages
James loves to knit and crochet. If you're a close friend or a family member, expect a gift from him. <3 How much you wanna bet he made a beanie for Ryan when Thomas started dating him? I think he'd like Ryan.
James loves jazz and 80s pop music. Favorite artist is Prince! (snatched from a friend of mine hehe- he’s also my fav too now <33)
Speaking of music, he’s a pro at piano! Started as soon as he was adopted by Emily’s parents. “Mama Sterling,” as their mother is referred to by others, taught him how to play piano, as well as to knit and crotchet!
Back to the crocheting, James will aggressively crochet or knit if you piss him off. Keep pestering him and he might just throw his stick(s) at you. Watch out! His aim is not to be messed with!
he has heterochromia, like in my rewrite design! this is in all of my AUs! :3
James likes to scour through marketplaces and thrift stores for phonograph discs and CDs. He’ll also look for clothing from around the 70s-80s. Favorite fashion era.
He's the kind of Minecraft player who pretends he knows what he's doing but in reality, he doesn't. He still gets invited to sessions because he makes them funny as fuck lol
Oh yeah, he has a phonograph. A more modern one. It gave up on him one day though, so some of his discs just sit there, never to be played (for now). At least he has his CD player… (*jimmy grumbling from a distance*)
He owns a Jaguar 1990s-2000s S-type! Ofc it's red. Problem is that the cooling system fails on him every year. No, he will not sell it. (“PAPA, THERE’S SMOKE!!’ - Jacqueline; “EVERYTHING’S FINE!!!” - James (stupid thing just overheated after a pipe broke lol))
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For someone who likes to stay tidy, James loves arts and crafts. He does watercolor, pen+pencil sketches, charcoal, and repurposing glassware and ceramics. And that's a small list!
GREAT cook. No questions asked. If there’s a house party, let him be in charge.
The type of dad to say “we dont keep animals in this house!” but lets it happen anyways. hypocrite
Sophie is his and Jacqueline's cat. The sweetest pet you've ever met! Just be careful when she naws- its playful but it does hurt. Ask Jacqueline
His drag name is Red Rocket! His main costume usually consists of a leather race jumpsuit with heavy amounts of makeup, and a gorgeous dreadlock hairstyle (courtesy of extensions! His dreadlocks are real though!). His alt costume is very 50s-inspired. giant summer hat, poofy skirt, and red bottoms!
Made his own strawberry dress and wears it with a BIG summer hat
ok thats it for jimmy
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mosscreektarot · 8 months
Hello! I am here to join the reading giveaway! My question is pretty open ended but if I were a popstar, what would be my niche like what's the vibe you're picking up on? Genre, show style, hairstyle, outfits, anything that comes to mind. Thank you! I hope you're doing good, you're a very talented reader!!! Happy birthday!!! 💕
Hi! I love this question! This is gonna be fun to answer!!
Strength, The Hanged Man, 3 of Coins, 5 of Cups Reversed, Knight of Coins Reversed, Judgement, Knight of Wands, Three of Swords, The Fool, Eight of Cups,
I'm actually getting kind of a punk princess vibe for your aesthetic/theme. Like beautiful, ethereal but with a hard edge too. Kind of like some of Billie Eilish's music where she has that very soft lovely voice and can also add the creepy (?) factor. Very unique, you don't fit neatly into one genre, but take from multiple (maybe dark/experimental pop is a good descriptor but there's a LOT more going on) Think siren-songs with a lonesome high pitched voice but you're also able to absolutely SHRED on the guitar. While the lyrics can sometimes be sorrowful, your music goes HARD AF and is fun to dance to. Perhaps the most apt description I can give you is "An Angel on Fire".
There's a BIG emphasis on your hair, very long and wild, like you've spent your whole life wandering the forest as a huntress. Or, alternatively a mermaid who has been luring sailors to their deaths on the rocks. Kind of spooky, made even more otherworldly by how well you pull it off. This could involve wigs or you just naturally have very long luscious locks that are the envy of everyone.
Your costumes are kind of renaissance themed, long gorgeous gowns with corsets and beautiful flowing sleeves. You often play a character from a fairy-tale, or even someone from old ghost stories like La Llorona, so using historical fashion seems to fit the bill best for you.
Many of your songs are about loneliness, heartbreak, going through trauma or hindering your own abilities because you feel you can't live up to the expectation of others. Beyond that, there's the overcoming of the judgement and the triumph of learning to trust yourself and stand on your own, alone. Love songs aren't really your niche, you're kind of anti-love song~ it's all about the journey of the Self in your music. Your music revolves around confidence or lack-thereof and you gain a cult following for your clever wordplay and haunting vibe.
Shows are CRAZY. There are background dancers in monstrous costumes, like you're the main character of a fairy tale. Lots of special effects and choreographed "fight" scenes where you do your own stunts. Production costs are insane so you don't get to tour as much as you'd like, so you end up relying more on music videos than touring to earn money. You actually end up enjoying making the videos more, because you're able to amp up the power of your imagery and have a LOT more creative control.
Thank you for your ask! I hope you enjoyed this reading ^_^ !
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
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Self care is designing outfits for your ship through dollmaker sites
Because i want more shrek fandom that aren't just ironic memes or shitty sex jokes, I decided to create outfits based on the romantic subplot between Charming and my OC Gwynn. I found this cute little site on Doll Divine which fits their dynamic perfectly!
Analysis down below!
First Meeting: Gwynn works at the villains' pub when ex rich kid comes waltzing in with a proposal she hastily refused. She wears a muted blue hinting at her future *wink wink nudge*
One potential scene is Charming (when he was still wealthy) encountering the mysterious thief "Black Swan" they don't know each other yet. Gwynn wears a lot of dark greys as pure black would've been too expensive at the time. Charming's costume is based on what he wore in Shrek 2
Argument scene where Gwynn tells Charming he is taking things way too far after he threatens to harm innocent kids. He says some harsh words to her so she ends up leaving. Charming's fit is loosely based on the movie version. In this context it's ironic: What he feels as the highest point of his life is actually his lowest bcuz now he's totally under his father's control & losing the only real friend he ever had. Two more wobbly steps towards his canon fate. Gwynn's dress is gray to reflect on the sorrowful mood.
Happier Ending (aka MY CANON NOW) this is whwre I say "screw you Dreamworks for fucking over Charming!" After reinstating Fiona to the throne & throwing deadbeat daddy in jail, Gwynn becomes the new Witch Godmother. Charming becomes a fashion guru. He's back to wearing blue symbolizing how he's no longer controlled by Uther, & sticking true to himself. Gwynn wears purple bc it's a mix of blue&red but also true to herself (& of she can finally afford to purple dye)
Shrek 4 ever after (4 yrs after 3) Charming & Gwynn are still dating and so not rushing into marriage yet! Also she has a new hairstyle. They're at the Golden Apple to celebrate the triplets' fourth birthday. I did play around with the idea of Gwynn being pregnant but I decided they should wait a few more years. Not every couple needed kids!
AU Gwynn where Rumple borks things up! She is one of the key figures in the resistance. Didn't have time to make Charming. Since they never met Charming ended up as a puppet king. LITERALLY. Gwynn still has her magic but it is VERY limited. Her dress is symbolic of yin-yang fitting the goal to restore balance
Post (my) Canon: Wedding Bells! They get married quickly after the events of Shrek 4. Gwynn wears blue, and Charming white and gold. It's a decent ceremony.
However there may be a scene where Gwynn stays anyways and does the play. Her gown is blue as a reminder that Charming still has time to make the right choices.
Bonus: the two other play dresses one to match with Charming's outfit the other is also based on Rapunzel since technically Gwynn fills her role as his love interest (only she's actually relevant) I think maybe as a meta joke she ends up wearing a wig to emphasize her playing a damsel in distress when she's the kinda damsel who causes distress! 😂😂😂
I know Charming looks like France from APH but it was as close as I can get it (kinda dig the waves) & the dollmaker didn't have 5 o clock shadow.
Gwynn canonically has scarring thay she sometimes wear makeup over. I felt that for her, she learned to embrace her flaws, so that helps Charming learn to embrace his.
Link to maker here!
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Niuniu Wants to Fight
Niuniu of course is Zhang Zhehan's character Duke Su, our noble Xu Jin, from The Blooms at Ruyi Pavilion.
Niuniu means "cute little girl" and is the very affectionate nickname for the very cute Xu Jin. Niuniu figs tend to be quite popular in the Junzhe Extended Universe fandom, so I'm building up a collection of them!
This particular fig was inspired by this absolutely beautiful costume:
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And some great behind the scenes photos of him in this costume:
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Since none of these pics give us a full length view, here's a video showing us this whole magnificent costume:
If you've been reading this blog, you know I love my armored warrior figs! I really like the battle-worn ones in particular, but I'm delighted to also have a few pristine pre-battle figs.
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Look at all that gorgeous golden armor!
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I really love how the fig maker rendered his eyes. Not only are they beautifully shaped, but they pick up the color of the robes in the iris and also the corner of the eye.
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Look at the ornate detail on the arm! I am in love with it. We also get a nice full length side view of his cloak.
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I don't have a lot of figs with cloaks, which is a shame, because they're effortlessly fantastic!
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This may be the only guzhuang / ancient costume fig I have that doesn't have a guan. I feel two ways about this. On one hand, I like the plain look of the hair - there is no time for hair crowns when you're off to battle! On the other hand, if you already look this fancy, what's a little more gold for the hair?
In reality, Zhehan's face is so gorgeous that the clean hairstyle actually suits this costume best. It sets off his face and costume to best effect.
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I love the motion in the cape here.
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Now THAT is a sword. Pre-attached, so no worries about it fitting in his hand, and nice and solid. There is some heft to that sword! Most of the PVC swords I get bend in shipping, since they are slim and therefore are quite flexible (and I'm not just talking about A-Xu's Baiyi!). This one didn't bend a fraction of an inch.
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I love the 3-D effect with the cape fastening to his breastplate..it looks so polished that way.
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He stands very well - the sword and the cape don't put him off-balance. Maybe they cancel each other out!
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This is a nice angle to see the effect on the cape at the shoulders, and also of course the slight flare at the bottom.
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The plain topknot is definitely growing on me! I don't mind some variation at all.
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This Niuniu is definitely going on my battlefield display with all my battle-worn (and not so battle-worn) warrior figs!
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I really do love getting the printed boxes - I miss those on all the white-boxed resin figs!
Material: PVC
Fig Count: 454
Scene Count: 30
Rating: Niuniu is so cute it may stop all fighting!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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lizziebathory42 · 2 years
Should you watch the 2022 Willow series?
tldr: probably yes, at least give it to episode 3 and don’t take things too seriously
Long answer: (episode 1 mild spoiler alert, I’m being deliberately vague in places)
The Good
Willow (the series) is a fairytale. Every episode starts with a book opening, like old Disney movies, and the first episode opener is narrated by Joanne Whaley. If you love fairytales, you’ll probably enjoy yourself. 
It’s a very sincere series. Everything that someone predicts comes true in one way or another. All the symbols have meaning, dialogue is echoed from episode to episode, setups are paid off. Costumes and hairstyles are used as symbolism and you can dive as deep or as shallow into the lore as you like, it won’t affect your enjoyment if you just want to turn off your brain and watch. 
side note: I am a willow lore scuba diver, let my bias be known
The jokes are quippy (think Buffy the vampire slayer-esque) the cast is gorgeous not that beauty is necessary and is of course subjective but I like em pretty and you can’t tell me the whole cast isn’t a snack, okay and the story is an adventure full of fantastic battles, puzzles, character growth and friendship. The sets mostly seem real and the effects are mostly practical, with just the right touch of CGI for impossible things.
The Bad
The sincerity of Willow has thrown some people off from the reactions I see online. The current climate of media is one of PLOT TWIST out of nowhere. Especially where you, the viewer, find out after the fact what were the motivations and moving parts of a decision made by a character. Willow tells you what will happen before it happens, if you’re paying attention. This is not a mistake, this is by design.
I do find I have issues with the lighting when I’m watching on my phone, and I’ve heard complaints from people who watch on TV about the lighting as well. I don’t have issues with it on my computer screen. Not every episode suffers from this problem, but notably episodes 3, 4 and 6. I wish they’d made the light come from where the music was coming from.
The reactions to the music and dialogue being more modern have been mixed, but it’s never personally bothered me. It was jarring for me when the modern cover didn’t go over the credits for one episode and then went back to going over the credits.
The Best
You don’t need to watch the movie before starting the series. It will give you some additional context and a few easter eggs, but it’s not necessary viewing. Willow stands on it’s own merits.
All the relationships progress in satisfying ways and the party composition is delightful. There are character tropes but they’re subverted in frankly fun ways. 
Take the cocky, arrogant prince/hero and the frivolous princess damsel-in-distress, swap the genders and you have Kit and Airk.
Want a devoted knight? Here’s she is! She’s bad-ass, smart, devoted and quietly in love with the princess.
The “Gandalf” of the group, if you will? Reluctant to use actual magic, is a devoted father and basically mayor of his village.
The reluctant hero/chosen one is a woman who loves a domestic task and wants to marry her love. 
She becomes more powerful by embracing her emotions, ALL her emotions, jealousy, anger, fear hate, the whole dark side. She’s allowed to be a bit of an airhead, indecisive, scared and comes into her power by accepting all parts of herself. It’s really good, yall.
In conclusion, if you watched Willow and you liked it, take a minute to let Disney+ know so we get season’s 2 and 3.
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duchessas · 2 years
fav emily hair looks…. ??!
i personally loveddd season 3 curls. they were a life changer, someone get the woman a curling iron asap please.. i forgot which season this was but the alaska fit + hair made me BREATHLESS. that has to be number one for meee ugh!
OH, such a good question! I feel my answer might be controversial but basically anything where she doesn’t have the fringe/bangs 🤣 I completely agree that her season 3 curls were super gorgeous and are definitely up there with my favourite Emily hairstyles, but I think my favourite of all time has to be season 7 - fully obsessed with everything about her in this season (apart from the leaving, the leaving makes me sad)
The costume department for the Alaska episode really pulled it out of the bag for all of the cast but Emily’s outfits were UNREAL. I think it’s one of my comfort episodes on my comfort show about serial killers lol. There’s a post somewhere that has the team in Alaska and I like to stare at it sometimes because 😍 Also a moment of silence for the fact she and Hotch had matching fleeces here, please and thank you x
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Top 9 Navratri Outfits for Women in 2024
Navratri is one of the most vibrant and deeply motivating celebrations in India. Holidays such as the serene Durga puja in Bengal and the Garba evenings in Gujarat blend spirituality, devotion, and, of course, colorful ethnic wear. Navratri is the perfect time to flaunt your Navratri clothes for ladies and keep a spiritual connection because it honors a different goddess every day and each goddess has a different hue. Let's examine a few fashionable yet classic looks for each day of Navratri in 2024!
Day 1: Yellow – Goddess Shailaputri
The festival of Navratri begins with a tribute to Goddess Shailaputri, a symbol of strength and calm. Happiness and inspiration belong to yellow. Start the festivities with a bright yellow Anarkali or kurta combo. Use golden jhumkas, bangles, and loose, delicate curls to add some elegance to the outfit. If you wear flowing Cotton Culture clothing, you can look fashionable and feel at ease.
Day 2: Green – Goddess Brahmacharini
On the second day, we worship the goddess Brahmacharini, who stands for learning and calm. Green symbolizes peace and growth. A green palazzo set from Cotton Culture is perfect for this specific day. Wear it with jewelry that has been oxidized to silver for a refined look. Keep your hair simple with a half-up, half-down style to strike a balance between ease and style.
Day 3: Grey – Goddess Chandraghanta
Grey belongs to the goddess Chandraghanta and is a color of strength and impartiality. Anarkali or kurta in shades of gray, modest yet elegant, combines strength and grace. Wear this with a sleek ponytail and large silver accessories to keep your look professional. Grey is a very classy and understated hue that's perfect for a day of dedication or celebration.
Accessories & Hairstyles
For women, accessories are crucial to finishing off your ethnic attire. While silver-oxidized jewelry looks excellent with women's Navratri costumes like kurtas and palazzo combinations, gold jewelry pairs nicely with sarees and lehengas. Bracelets, bindis, and anklets can provide the perfect celebratory touch to the ensemble. In addition to being gorgeous, hairstyles like high buns, braids, and gentle waves also stay tidy during the busy Garba nights!
Navratri is the perfect time to celebrate your passion of ethnic wear and reflect on the spiritual significance of each day. Embrace the hues of the day to honor the goddess in style, whether you choose to wear an exquisite kurta combination or a dazzling lehenga choli. Make sure your wardrobe is both festive and comfortable by checking out Cotton Culture's selection of women's ethnic clothing and Navratri ensembles. 
Hey, Read more about navratri outfits
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fuckyeahisawthat · 2 years
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Oh boy WOULD I. Fun fact, did you know you can only put ten images in an ask answer? That is not nearly enough for analyzing any kind of visual media so I’m making this its own post.
So each one of these is a separate piece: the performance, the costuming and hairstyling, the lighting and framing and camera placement, but they all work together to make end-of-episode-10 Ed, Kraken!Ed, feel different from any of the other Eds we’ve met before now.
(I think it’s up for debate if this Ed is the same version of Ed that we very briefly see at the beginning of episode 3, when we only know him as Blackbeard, more myth and shadow than actual character at that point, or if this Ed is something new and worse.)
First, the performance. Because Taika what the fuck my dude. What the fuck.
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The whole toe scene is...a lot, on a lot of levels, but his creepy-soft, calm, almost-gentle voice really makes it. (This whole scene is like a weird dark inversion of the actually soft and gentle way he behaves at Stede’s bedside when he’s recovering from being stabbed...but I digress.) We’ve seen Ed get angry, we’ve seen him intimidate and threaten people, but we’ve never seen this kind of calm, controlled menace from him and it’s super creepy!
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I have watched these scenes a lot trying to clock all the ways Taika changes his physicality (aside from like, the intense eye acting going on) and I’m sure I’m missing stuff because there are a lot of subtle little changes.
Happy, relaxed Ed is pretty bouncy. He moves around a lot, he gestures, he fiddles with things with his hands, he sits and stands in very relaxed, open positions, shoulders back, often with his feet up on something or legs stretched out. Kraken!Ed is very still. There are multiple scenes where the blocking lets him lean forward or loom over someone, like in the shots above. The sort of apex-predator-in-waiting vibe gets accentuated by the costuming--the shoulder pads of the jacket add a lot of bulk, which is very noticeable when he’s leaning forward like this, and the hair (even without the beard) creates this lion’s mane effect around him that makes him look bigger on screen.
All this is enhanced by the lighting and cinematography, which change dramatically from the way most of the rest of the show is shot.
While there is some gorgeous lighting in this show, it is a television show, shot on a set, so some standard TV cinematographic norms prevail. We’ve got a lot of medium and medium-close shots and mostly fairly even lighting. So anything that deviates from that is really going to catch your attention.
I want to refer back to the couple of very short scenes we see of Ed before he meets Stede, when he’s Blackbeard, the legend, before we know him as Ed, the person:
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In both of these scenes, he's lit by these very intense, stark, high-contrast beams of sunlight. His hair is down, his face is obscured, and he's illuminated in this almost spotlight-like light. (Hmm something something about putting on a performance.)
Now look at this shot:
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This is before his flip back into Kraken mode, but there's the spotlight, ready for him to step into it. It’s even right in the center of the "stage" that the proscenium arch creates around the bed nook. This is the very beginning of this scene, and we don't know what's going to happen yet, but I think this is a kind of visual foreshadowing.
For reference, this is how the same room is lit when Lucius comes in to find Ed in the blanket fort:
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Still high-contrast with the bright windows and deep shadows, but without those intense, slicing beams of light. They only appear in the scene where Izzy confronts Ed.
For most of the scene between Izzy and Ed, Ed is lit like this:
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Half light, half dark--balanced on the knife's edge between dealing with his heartbreak in an emotionally healthy way and...not. By the way, he's still lit like this at the beginning of this scene...
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...up until he throws Lucius overboard and goes to do his Evil Again makeover.
After that point he starts being lit and shot in very dramatic ways. We get shots where he's barely lit and sometimes in full darkness.
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The whole toe scene is lit like a horror movie. I mean...
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He also starts getting a lot more extreme camera placement: close-ups where his face fills the frame from top to bottom, but also very wide shots like this one:
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And more extreme camera angles, both high and low:
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This kind of dramatic high angle is not used very much in the show (although I’m sure you can think of one other memorable example right away). Whether we notice it consciously or not, all these elements of lighting and camera placement help create the feeling that something is different, unsettled, off-kilter and wrong about all this.
All of the scenes I referenced add up to something like...six minutes of screen time. But they are really using every trick in the book to make them impactful, and they end up being one of the most memorable and striking parts of the show.
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marzipanandminutiae · 3 years
Ranking Crimson Peak Looks- Edith
8. Nightgown/dressing-gown
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The combination of super-high neck and super-puffy sleeves just isn’t my favorite. It’s still gorgeous and AMAZINGLY detailed, but for me, personally? Not high on the list.
7. Dinner dress
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Again- stunning! Intricate! But also way too fluffy in weird places for my taste. The ruffles at the neck and sleeves just aren’t It as far as I’m concerned, especially because they seem to echo her hairstyle in a way that just looks fussy. I feel like there’s a reason this doesn’t get made very much by cosplayers- and not just because Holy Shit Pleats(TM).
6. Travelling coat
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I LOVE the capelet silhouette and the soutache. Plus, an interesting departure from her usual greens and golds, which makes sense- most people don’t have every single garment in their favorite color.
The flower garland? Less appealing to me. But again, that’s just me.
5. Nancy Drew Dress (aka the only one I know the costumer’s personal name for)
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This is so quintessentially Edith to me. Bright gold, simple at first glance but incredibly detailed when you look closer, relatively practical for the world of the movie. It’s not my all-time favorite, but in the reverse of the dinner dress’ situation, I definitely get why it’s a cosplay darling. Love the black ribbon down the back that adds a touch of shadow in her light motif and echoes her ball gown.
4. Green jacket
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3. Publisher’s office dress
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Gold and black? Love. Always love. I adore how crisply-tailored this look is, and almost menswear-inspired in places with the double-breasted buttons and sharp collar. Business Edith is ready to take on the world and look fabulous doing it.
2. Ball gown
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How do I adore this dress? Let me count the ways.
- delicate warm cream color. if Edith is the sun in most scenes, here she’s candlelight- which, of course, fits perfectly
- Renaissance inspiration in the criss-crossed pearls over the bodice. this is big because Lucille’s dress in the same scene has some Jacobean hints to it. they’re both out of time among all the more conventional late Victorian looks (albeit more subtly for Edith). the costumes are already linking them together in a barely perceptible way, which is SO COOL
- I love little draped off-shoulder strings of beads or pearls. that’s just a personal thing
- positively made for sweeping elegantly around the ballroom in
- again, that dark ribbon down the back as with the Nancy Drew dress. such drama very foreshadowing wow
1. Park outfit
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Okay, yes, we all covet the clasped-hands belt. I also just adore the really delicate black soutache details on the shirtwaist, the period touch of the decorative buttons on the skirt, the puffs that sit a bit lower on the sleeves...and, of course, the hat that has us all screaming “BUT IS SHE A BUTTERFLY THOUGH? IS SHE? I’M NOT SURE I GET WHETHER SHE IS A BUTTERFLY OR NOT” in the best way possible
so historical. so artistic. the perfect balance of simple and detailed for me, personally. chef’s kiss. 
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agent-cupcake · 2 years
I know you can barely see any other 3 hopes men with your Dimitri goggles on but Claude’s time skip design here finally nailed it, among many others! And I’d love to hear your thoughts
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Here is my design (not all related to how I feel about the character) tier list for Three Hopes! From this list. Tbh, S and A tier could be arguably interchangeable, my only distinction was an immediate and strong positive reaction.
S: Dimitri looks the perfect part of a king, I like this design far more than I like his "kingly" Great Lord look on every level except for the Great Lord's cape. Mercedes, Hilda, and Marianne are just gorgeous and stunning. I adore all three of their hairstyles so much. I put Yuri there because I maintain that he has one of the most aesthetically pleasing portraits, and Hapi has one of the most gorgeous designs in the game overall.
A: Ashe looks fantastic, his costume looks far more appropriate for a Faerghus knight. The only thing keeping Felix from S tier is, as I've said before, his hair being a bit less unique to him. I love that his legs don't look like sticks. Annette's hair is meh, but I adore her dress. Dorothea's dress is okay, but her portrait is drool-worthy. Ferdinand is adorable. I wasn't sure what to do with Chez because his Halloween colors are weird but I dunno, I like his purple hair and stupid face, he's a lot better than Byleth. Arval wasn't on this list, but Arval would be A tier as well. Lysithea's costume in Three Hopes is much better than her post-timeskip IMO, she looks fantastic. Claude and Edelgard get A tier because Edelgard's thigh is being exposed (her red dress was so iconic and wonderful? idk man) and I'm just generally unimpressed with Claude this time around. But they could easily slip into S tier.
B: Generally I like these designs, but not completely blown away by them. I'm sad that Constance is wearing that dress, I'm not a fan.
C: I don't want to explain except my brother said Sylvain looks like Gon and that's all I can see. I like Hubert's in-game model more than his portrait.
D: It's Leonie.
F: I outright dislike these designs. Petra especially is sad because she is such a gorgeous character and has a great post timeskip look. While Bernie's hair was bad post timeskip, this is just... Woof.
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fourspiceblend · 2 years
Nobody asked for this but now that we have all the student trailers these are my actual thoughts on the redesigns (since I know we won't get a trailer for the faculty next week and even if they're unlockable/DLC later I don't trust IS to give them a glow up). I'm only talking personal preference here, no deep analysis into what the costumes signify or whatever.
Edelgard: on its own? It's a cute design, and the hair looks pretty nice in spite of how thin the braid looks. Coming from 3H? Uninspired and bland. The red emperor dress had presence, it signified power, it had that Enormous Bitch Who Will Ruin Your Day energy. I'm not sensing any of that here, it's like they wanted to remind us she's 5'2" and likes teddy bears and probably wears floaties to the beach. 6/10, isn't lower because I like red.
Hubert: massive downgrade. They masacred him for the meme potential. 2/10, would hate it less if his original TS design didn't exist and set such a high standard for Hubert swag, but sadly this is the timeline we live in.
Ferdinand: meh. The hair looks fine but his outfit says nothing. 5/10
Linhardt: Gender/10. The clear winner of the Eagles. He's even wearing a nun collar to boot! May as well be wearing that "I really wish I weren't here right now" button and I love that for him. His whole cozy outfit looks like it would be great for naps. I wish him the best.
Caspar: deserved better. I always hated his TS outfit to begin with, but his undercut gave him a cute shonen boy edge. This hairstyle makes him look like all of my male classmates in middle school, and I went to middle school in the 2000's. I can smell the Axe body spray from here. 1/10
Bernadetta: she looks like an onion. 4/10, and only because I like her outfit and color scheme. No, I don't care that "it fits her".
Dorothea: pretty, but doesn't do much for me. 7/10, but overall a downgrade. The braid is sick tho.
Petra: 9/10. It's grown on me. I like that they gave her sandals, and THE BRAIDS ARE BACK!! Braids good.
Dimitri: 7/10, not great, not terrible, always good to see him with both eyes. His original TS look will always be iconic though. Hard to top that honestly.
Dedue: 10/10. They took everything we love about his design and made it better, gave him his earring back, and gave him a BEARD! AND a BRAID! I am a simple human with simple tastes, and I love everything that's going on in here.
Felix: 6/10. No tsundere thigh highs, no poofy sleeves, he's wearing a bump-it. The hair itself isn't terrible but I got so used to the spiky volleyball hair that seeing him in a hairstyle that actually looks normal feels out of character for him. It's fine I guess, but his outfit is missing that wealthy douchebag energy the old one had.
Ashe: cute, very Ashe, a little bit of gender going on. 7/10, nothing much to say here.
Sylvain: 0/10. They didn't even try.
Mercedes: ara ara/10. Absolute perfection. I do admit I miss the hat, but her hair is so gorgeous she doesn't even need it.
Annette: 10/10. The winner of the Lions. It's like she's ready to open up her bakery. I do still have a soft spot for her old timeskip dress but the hair is very much an upgrade. I want to pick her up and put her in my pocket.
Ingrid: 3/10. I just wanted the braid back.
Claude: 8/10, would be higher if he still had a beard. The color scheme is pretty nice.
Hilda: 8/10, love her look but still prefer the original. I'm glad they didn't really change much and kept it very much her.
Lorenz: 8/10, again not much of a change, he's very Lorenz and I'm here for that.
Raphael: 9/10. It just fits him better than his original TS look. He looks ready to go rock climbing with you. He looks like he would host the sickest barbecue ever.
Ignatz: 6/10. Love the hair clips and side swept thing going on, not the biggest fan of everything else.
Lysithea: 7/10. I will not forgive them for taking the veil away, but the outfit overall is cute, it's just not as great as the original. It's just kinda... plain? Yeah, sorry.
Marianne: 9/10. HAIR DOWN!!! That's it. That's literally the only thing I wanted and I got it so I can't complain. Also she still looks very much like a holy woman, but her hair is short enough that we can see her back window... business in the front, party in the back.
Leonie: 7/10. While I'm happy the short hair is back, the actual haircut itself doesn't say much and would have preferred something much closer to her academy hair. Still a cute design overall tho.
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cityoftheangelllls · 3 years
My Favorite KiSS Dolls, pt 2
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Camile by Wendy
Love all the retro fashion and the overall retro vibes of this one! It's so dreamy and reminds me of a Barbie doll!
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Elgaladwen by NekoGirl
Ok so I'm a sucker for fantasy/elven fashion and although the clothes here are relatively simple that doesn't take away from the fact that they still look amazing! And the doll is so pretty. <3
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Eowyn by Aragonite
Like I may have said before Aragonite has made a ton of epic KiSS dolls, and she's made a decent handful of LOTR ones too, much to my happiness! Eowyn is my all-time favorite female character from LOTR and I'm so in love with all the clothing items, accessories, and hairstyle options for this doll! I'm also glad her outfits aren't solely based on the movie! (Although I can't remember whether this one was released before the PJ movies or not)
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Arwen, also by Aragonite
I gotta admit that I like this one even more than the Eowyn one because of all the drop dead gorgeous elven dresses and delicate accessories! I also like how there's some modern clothes/lingerie/swimsuits thrown in there!
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Male and Female Ranma by Dov Sherman
I recently finished the first season of Ranma 1/2 and I love it so much! This is an old school KiSS doll that has a ton of outfits straight out of the manga and anime. I'm also so happy that P-Chan is here too, he owns my entire heart <3 And I need a plushie of him so bad
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Athemes by Silent Angel
Although Athemes being a daughter of Artemis is illogical to me based on Artemis's vow to never marry or bear children, I still really like this doll. She's such a cute little goddess, her long white hair reminds me of Amalthea from The Last Unicorn, and she has an awesome wardrobe! It makes me wish that there were more KiSS dolls related to Greek/Roman mythology so I could dress up some of the main goddesses.
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Anna by Eriol + Lydia
These two have collaborated on some amazing KiSS dolls, and I think I have most of them downloaded, if not all of them! This is one of my favorites, she's a vampire with a sick wardrobe, mostly in black, of course, but with a few dresses in bright colors thrown in! I particularly love the blue off the shoulder one that she's wearing in the screenshot. There's also a ton of neat details, such as when she says "At least (last?)! Blood!" when you click on one of the wine glasses.
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Halloween Present '00 by Kimiki
Another fantastic doll by Kimiki! It's so smol and cute and I love all the costumes that come with it!
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Kaori by Lina
This human/cat hybrid (sorry I don't know the exact name for it) is so cute and her wardrobe is so colorful, diverse, and fun!
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Playgirl by Light
I love all of Light's dolls but this one has to be one of my topmost favorites. Her wardrobe is so chic and screams the 90s. And boy do I love the 90s!
Not sure if I'm going to make a third part after this but we'll see!
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rheallsim · 3 years
hey, wcif zhe white hair in your "Whorl Vampire Eyes" post? ty :)
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Heya, anon! It's by @simcelebrity00, called "Hot Girl Summer Hairstyle" (TSR link). (Sorry it took me a little while to get back to you! <3)
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Hi, @sailoreffinmoon! This WCIF is a reply to my SelfSim's Simblreen Costume post. ^^ The hair is gorgeous, isn't it? It's @okruee's Bonnie Hair, and it's one of my favourites! 🥰
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