#goro traveling the radiated world of nc to his lost love is HURTING in the best way
breezypunk · 5 months
I already know I want the boys to have been frozen for over 200 years. In separate vaults, so they could never see each other again. Arasaka making sure Goro never makes it out of the Vault, and instead commands him to become the overseers bodyguard/right hand man (an idea from @gonksinlove thanks for that)! <3 otherwise he'd be experimented on and left for dead, turned into a ghoul by being injected with radiation.
A few years go by and Goro decides he's going to finally plan an escape, to try and find Vaughn, get back to his lost love, but he was caught. Knowing what he had planned to do, the overseer decided he needed a fate worse than death, and threw him in the cyro-pod so he'd never have a chance to see or find Vaughn again.
The opposite side holds Vaughn in a vault with the Aldecaldos, but only some, since the clan got separated when Arasaka infilitrated their camp looking for Goro, naturally everyone freaked out and some scattered, Panam being thrown into a mosh-pit and taken away from Vaughn as well.
Vaughn couldn't live with knowing Goro was out there, possibly dead, possibly hurt, and knowing he may never see him again, and after he found out his Vault also held cryo-pods, willingly put himself in it, hoping one day he'd wake up and see Goro again, even if it was thousands of years into the future.
(This feels like going into Mikoshi and waiting until you get a new body while your love is in real-space waiting for you in Japan sdjksjks)
277 years later, Goro's pod malfunctions, and out steps a man now in a world completely unrecognizable. Everyone in the vault is dead, bugs are ten times their size, the air feels more.. dangerous than usual. But the one thing he knew for certain, he was going to find the love of his life, no matter how dangerous it was out there.
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