#gosh i wince at every sucker punch
damian-lil-babybat · 6 years
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I don’t know what to feel about this issue. First off, love the art. The artist got Damian to look like a child (his casual clothes is adorable here! gdi). That’s why this is much more painful to read.
On the onset of the premise -- underground secret prison, breaking ambiguous moral codes here and there -- I already get that this won’t end well with Damian. Someone’s gotta beat some sense to him, asap. That’s why I have high hopes with Jason.
For the record, I think it’s normal Damian regressed back again from pre-Tomasi run. Afterall, a lot of his support is gone.
First. He has lost faith with his father. I think its during the Justice League: No Justice Series, where Batman went along with Brainiac’s plan, which Robin did not approve of. So Damian declared that Teen Titans has nothing to do with the Justice League anymore. It’s more of an off-panel thing. Next thing happened, Justice League recruited all his team mates. Beast Boy is now in Titans. Starfire is with Justice League: Odyssey. etc. I think the only reason Wallace ‘Kid Flash’ got left behind is coz all the teams have speedsters already (even if one of them is gone…please let it be temporary). And no, I don’t think Batman nor the Justice League explained what their arrangements are either. It’s frustrating what can be read between the lines.
Next. Jon is gone off (aged) in Bendis’ Superman run. Dick is now Ric. Damian just pissed off Alfred in utter complete disappointment, which is worse.
It just felt like all his moral compasses and pillars are just non-existent anymore. He was left with no haven or someone to feel at home to, or even a place to belong. And for that to happen all at once paints a bleak picture that could actually lead to this…mess.
I think that’s why he turn to Jason. Because he’s family.
He trusted Jason first. And Red Hood’s alleged betrayal really struck a raw chord to Damian. I mean, I’m fine with Damian confronting Jason, but suicide..? No, this is just…ugh. Strapping a bomb to himself? poor taste dc *sigh. And them brushing this off as a so-called strategic move from Damian, when a frickin’ thirteen year old child threatened suicide..! At least address it properly! If a Robin pulls this thing off, regardless of who it was wearing that insignia, I know Jason would be enraged, but the way he just scoff at the threat as a non-issue irks me. I wish the beating he gave to Damian has a more, stop-this-bullshit you ingrown baby. You’ve just died recently, and I almost die trying to whip your ass off death hole. Its more insulting that way, but at least he showed he cared! Maybe not at Damian, but at Robin…at least.
Like wth (okay I could rant on this for hours…am I blowing this off out of proportions, because its just like what four-five panels? But it’s just disturbing, im sorry. this is just stretching everything i know about these characters i love)
And what’s with this fluctuating power dynamics with the batboys. Are we just gonna have suspension of disbelief everytime some fistfights among the bats happens. Damian has the strength of a grown man, and a known combatant at par with the best of LoA. And lately he’s been getting beaten by those he’s known to have already got beat (hah reminds me of Talia…please allow me to cry a little inside).
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I know he’s a child, so I would accept it if his brawn and fighting skills depends on his mindset (well that’s my take anyway). So can you please already establish that first before pitting them with each other, so everything will makes sense for once?!
(PS. Djinn and Crush should be honest with each other already. I approve of Damian being the trigger for these two cuties to have their happy ending…just a fan musing, don’t mind me.)
Teen Titans Annual (2019)
Robin Wars (2015)
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cloud17dreams · 7 years
A Touch of Our Fingers (Woozi/Jihoon)
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Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1831 words
Summary: The boys give Jihoon a hard time for not showing affection to you, so when you’re alone with him you suggest the Vulcan way of kissing to start him off.
Requested by: A shy cloud ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ hope you’ll like it!
It had been clear from the start that Jihoon didn’t fancy physical skinship. From a lack of morning kisses, to rarely ever initiating hugs, it had been evident - but being a person who generally wasn’t a huge sucker for romance, you were fine with it as well. There just, wasn’t a need for touches between the both of you, however baffling it may sound; as long as you were right beside him, and him you, you were both satisfied with the company. No frequent hand-holding, no dramatic cupping of cheeks while staring into each other’s eyes, nor will there be a time when the both of you would be sitting on each other’s laps. As compared to all the other outwardly romantic and cheesy couples, the relationship between you two had always seemed more platonic than romantic to people around you - filled with jokes, harmless pranks, and playful giggles throughout every date, however, the both of you still knew deep in your hearts that you were both meant for each other.
It had started off slow initially with the both of you also tricked by the demeanor that you both could only be friends and nothing more. But the days went by, and you both found yourselves yearning for each other’s company whenever apart, and the epiphany had struck you like a benign lightning bolt one day, between the laughs and giggles: you couldn’t imagine yourself living without Jihoon. Everything from there then went smoothly. You can’t seem to remember who confessed first, but either way, the both of you got together soon enough, your budding romance sprouting slowly but surely on the basis of your close friendship. Physical touches still had never been in the equation, but nevertheless this was a relationship that you both indulged in.
Alongside dating him, of course, was the chaos of meeting the rest of the guys. The first time had been intimidating, and that was for sure. Imagine a person swooning over their newfound family member, curiously asking a tons of questions then being amazed by anything they say, and multiply that by twelve. Scary indeed. Over time, however, you grew used to their antics, and had even taken it to yourself to roast them back snarkily on occasion, and Jihoon infinitely took pride in teaching you so. It was just another time you met up with all of them for dinner at Mingyu’s, that Soonyoung had said something about the severe lack of a show of affection in your relationship with Jihoon.
Lounging on the couch after a satisfying round of Mingyu’s homecooked dishes, he had commented, “Hey, Jihoon, why don’t I ever see you doing anything with y/n?” He tutted and shook his head, “Look at you, you’ve been watching this same episode of Doctors for the fifth time already while y/n has been on her laptop there for hours doing some work alone! Come on, aren’t you both a couple? Go and give her a kiss and cuddle with her while she works or something!“
Jihoon froze at that comment, his eyes glued to the TV screen to avoid eye contact with anyone. Then, even Chan piped up from the kitchen. “Yeah, why haven’t I ever caught you guys doing anything couply like exchanging small kisses whenever you can? I’m the person with the worst luck here, always bumping into couples. Look at Vernon over there cuddling on the couch with his girlfriend whule taking a nap. The both of you aren’t even in each other’s 10 metres radius!”
The other guys then raised their eyebrows, nodding in agreement after having heard Chan and Soonyoung.
“Yeah, Jihoon, the both of you don’t ever seem like a couple!” chuckled Wonwoo.
“If I hadn’t known better, I would’ve thought y/n was only your sister,” It was as if they were scared for not being able to stir trouble up - the comments never stopped!
“Yeah, Jihoon, are you both sure you’re dating?” Another one.
“Jihoon…do you even love y/n?” bombarded the twelve other guys in the apartment. You bit your lower lip at Jihoon’s reaction, noting that his expression was blank. That wasn’t a good thing; Jihoon had always only employed that barrier to shut people out, and you had known that from years of being with him. The chair grunted as you immediately stood up and exclaimed with forced cheeriness and enthusiasm. “Jihoon, let’s go home! I’m finally done with this damn thing and I want to go home and rest. I’m tired!” you whined, pretending to not have heard the boys questioning Jihoon, and dragged him out of the door in a rush.
“Bye, Mingyu, bye guys, thanks for the amazing dinner!”
Jihoon had stayed silent throughout the journey back to your shared apartment. It hurt him, of course, how his feelings could be this easily doubted just because he didn’t outwardly showcase it in front of everybody. But he kept silent, as always, not wanting to upset himself further.
As soon as the both of you reached your shared apartment, he took his shoes and socks off, silently placing them on the rack, then tailed right behind you as you unlocked the door. You sat on the couch, and patted the seat beside you, beckoning him to come over.
“Don’t listen to them, okay?” You comforted as he plopped himself on the couch beside you, while quietly leaning your weight against him, your back to his toned arms. This little contact was what he probably needed right now. His laboured breath lightly brushed your skin, the night dark and quiet, and you basked in the serenity. Quiet, alone times with Jihoon always made you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
“We’ll take this at our own pace,”
“But they’re right,” he said, searching your eyes for any sign of bitterness, “I’m sure you love publicly sweet gestures - most people do! I mean, if you want to, I can always start having skinship with you in public…”
“If you forcefully will yourself to have skinship with me, I think I’d die of awkwardness before you do,” you chuckled, looking at his head lowering down in guilt, and ruffled his hair. He flinched a little, not used to the amount of affection behind that gesture. That was probably the extent of skinship he could take, and yet now he was offering to give hugs and kisses in public? You chortled.
“It really is okay, Jihoon. Don’t listen to them. Plus, if you cringe at me ruffling your hair, how are you ever going to survive public displays of affection?” You laughed breathily, imagining the expression on Jihoon’s face if he ever tried to do skinship willingly. He’d scrunch his nose so hard, pout his mouth so high-
“If you like it, I’m willing to push myself to make you feel comfortable and loved and-” he pouted.
“Tsk,” you shushed him, while lightly punching him in the stomach. This wasn’t the Jihoon you knew. Upon being punched, Jihoon then dramatically folded into himself, clutching his abdomen comically, and earned a few laughs from you. Now this was the Jihoon you were familiar with.
“Honestly, this is already enough for me. To be able to be watering our plants together frantically because we thought they were gonna die, to constantly searching for what to eat every single time, and right up to the endless movie nights- this is enough,” you grinned, a smile breaking out on your face.
“However…” you said, eyes glinting with mischief.
Jihoon fought down the impulse to roll his eyes at you, already bracing himself for his impending doom. He knew you had a small evil plan brewing in the stew for him already.
“Come on, spit it out - what mischief are you up to this time?”
You looked down at his question, and suddenly took a lot of interest in twirling your fingers. Contemplating again, you unconsciously twirled your ankle too behind you while looking up with a cat smile to try and charm him. His face muscles twitched.
“Well…we could try the way Vulcans kiss in Star Trek…” you suggested hesitantly in a soft voice, a blush of excitement colouring your cheeks.
He facepalmed. You were such a dork for Star Trek, people already knew that, but to the extent that he had to act this out with you and try this whole “Vulcan way of kissing”? He had found it the most endearing when your eyes lit up at the very thought of actually reenacting something from your favourite series.
You pouted. “Come on, Jihoon, didn’t you say you wanted to try to show me more affection?”
He paused, then laughed a little at your childishness. “Okay, okay, so how do these ‘Vulcans’,” Jihoon mocked with a small smile and gestures in the air to indicate the noun, “kiss? It can’t be too faraway from exchanging saliva though, can it?” winced Jihoon, an afterthought of a certain disturbing image replaying endlessly in his mind.
Your face lit up at his questions. “Wait, really? You’re really willing to do it for me and fulfill all my fantasies?”
Jihoon laughed again soundlessly. “That sounded a little wrong, but essentially, yes. Come on. Just tell me how to do it already and we can get it done and over with,” He said, feigning annoyance.
You jumped in excitement and grinned. “Okay, so basically,” you said as you dragged his hand over to your palm. “I touch my two fingers,” you suppressed an inner fangirl squeal, “to your two fingers,” and touched his two fingers, “like this!”
Jihoon smiled at your excitement, and hummed as your fingers touched his. “And then? What’s next?” He asked, bracing himself for more intimacy.
“Uh…” you paused awkwardly, eyes darting from one place to another.
“Wait…what? Is that all?” He asked.
“Yeah, that’s pretty much it,” you said, your eyes lighting up again. “Isn’t it easy?”
He hummed again. “Quite so,” he said, then continued, “So I touch my two fingers,” he murmured, bringing his other free hand up to yours, “to your two fingers lightly, like this,” he said, as he touched the two fingers of your other hand.
“Gosh, this is oddly intimate,” he commented, staring down at your touching fingers.
“You don’t like it…? Is it too much for you? Hey, we can not do this if you’re uncomfortable with it,” you suggested worriedly. Jihoon brought your hands up then, and shushed you gently.
“No, y/n, this is okay,” he reassured you, and you beamed at him. The efforts he put into your relationship was touching, though never obvious.
“Let’s do this more often,”
So what if we’ve never acted like a couple? You thought, and retorted the assumptions made by the boys just now in your head. Jihoon loved you, and you loved him; there was no doubt about that. Life was amazing, you had someone who loved you endlessly, and you would never have asked for anything more. Maybe for more two-finger touches though, you reckoned with a laugh.
A/N: Man, it’s been such a long time since we’ve posted :( but here’s some tooth-rotting fluff at this point of time when I reckon a lot of us are busy with life! :)
-Admin Sapphire ^_^
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