#got groceries delivered thanks to my loving big sister which helps a lot even though i still want to get some things for gualmar
freesomebodybyluna · 2 years
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It’s been a long time since I’ve put fingers to keys. I’ve had some amazing cheerleaders here on Tumblr who have helped me get out of my writer’s block and actually put pen to paper. As always, feedback is most appreciated!
Warnings: cursing
Prompt: my neighbor’s at my door asking if everything is alright because it smells like something is burning and I was only trying to cook for once and this is embarrassing but they decided to help me fix this mess.
The fire alarm blared as he opened the open to check on the chicken. Smoke billowed out as a cuss word escaped his mouth. Between the blare of the alarm and the choking smoke, his heart beating loudly in his ears as the panic started to creep up his back.
Grabbing the pot holders, he reached into the oven, grabbed the glass pan, dropping it on the stovetop with a groan. “Great.” He muttered, shaking his head as he made his way over to the blaring smoke alarm.
Waving the pot holder in front of the blaring alarm, he sighed as silence enveloped the apartment.
The silence was interrupted by a hurried knock on his front door. Another groan escaped his mouth as he tried to figure out who could be on the other side. Mrs. Wilson was a crotchety old woman who lived two doors down from him and always tried to bring him stale cookies and always told him he could stand to “eat a bit more”. Or it could be the cute boy who moved in the month before. Albert didn’t want to get his hopes up but he was praying that it was the latter rather than Mrs. Wilson.
Walking over to the door, he hurriedly yanked it open as the cute stranger quickly lowered his arm. Albert pushed a sheepish grin onto his face as he leaned against the door jam. “Hi!”
“Everything okay?” The cute boy asked, raising an eyebrow in question. “It smells like something is burning and those fire alarms do tend to blare pretty loudly.”
“Just trying to attempt to cook dinner.” Albert scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “Sorry about the disturbance.”
The cute boy smirked. “I’ve seen food being delivered at all hours of the day. Why mess up the system you so clearly have down pat?”
“Do you have a name? I can’t keep calling you cute boy in my head. And for your info, I was told by a very important person to quit wasting my money on takeout and learn how to cook.” Albert shrugged. “Clearly it didn’t go well.”
The cute boy chuckled, shaking his head. “Cute boy, huh? It’s Thomas but all of my friends call me Finch. And for the love of everything holy, don’t quit your day job. Also, if you need help, I could help you - that’s kind of my job.” Finch rambled on as a smirk crossed Albert’s face. Finch grinned, shifting his weight to hold out his hand. “And cute neighbor boy, what’s your name?”
“Name is Albert, but a lot of my friends call me Red.” Reaching over, he put his hands in Finch’s, shaking it. “If you’re offering, I’d love some assistance.”
Pushing open the door wider, Albert waved his hand as Finch slipped past him. “So what were you attempting to cook that ended in this disaster?”
“Chicken - thought a nice meal of chicken, mashed potatoes and broccoli. I wanted something that reminded me of home. Didn’t know this whole cooking thing would be so hard.” Albert groaned. “Why do you enjoy it so much?”
Finch chuckled, leaning against the cupboard. “It’s relaxing and you can create a good meal and afterwards appreciate your hard work.”
“Whatever you say.” Albert rolled his eyes as Finch rolled up his sleeves and quickly washed his hands before raising an eyebrow in Albert’s direction. “What are you in the mood for? I’d say your chicken isn’t salvageable.”
Hopping up to sit on the countertop, Albert smirked, giving him a challenging look. “What’s your favorite meal to make?”
Reaching to open the cupboard next to him, Finch chuckled. “Well, now I know why you like to order food in so frequently.”
“Grocery stores scare me. They’re overwhelming.” Albert shrugged. “And most of the time I don’t know where half the items I’m searching for are located within the store.”
Finch nodded, continuing his search for whatever was going on in his mind. “Make sense. That’s why I use a grocery app to get food delivered - problem solved. But you don’t have much here. Let me go grab some supplies from my place and I’ll be right back.”
Albert watched him walk out of his apartment with a shake of his head. He tried to figure out what the hell had just happened and if his life had just changed for the better. Before he could move, Finch was back with some items in his arms, dropping them on the counter to Albert’s right.
“Now where are your pots and a strainer?” Finch asked, looking over at Albert.
A wicked grin crossed Albert’s face. “Why do you assume I have pots and a strainer?”
“Well in my search, I found a zester so if you have that fancy piece of equipment, I’m assuming you have pots and a strainer, smartass.” Finch raised an eyebrow. “Now where do you keep them hidden?”
Pointing to the cupboard below his hip, Albert smirked watching Albert crouch down, ruffling through the cupboard for the requested items. “So . . . uhhh do you have a significant other?”
Filling the pot with water, Finch snorted. “That’s the best conversation starter you could come up with?”
“I mean, I hate awkward silence so yes.” Albert defended. “My brain is all mushy since you’ve taken over my kitchen. So . . .”
Finch put the pot on the stove with a nod of understanding. “Painfully single for the last three months. I had a bad breakup which left me searching for a place. You?”
“No, I haven't had one for a while. Constantly looking though.” Albert grinned, eyebrows raised. “So, what are you making me for dinner?”
Finch rummaged through the cupboard again, coming out victoriously with a grater. “Figured you can’t go wrong with mac and cheese . . . unless you’re allergic to cheese or wheat?”
“Nope and nope. You’re good there. But I am allergic to shellfish.” Albert grinned, as a phone dinged with an incoming text. They both moved to look at their phones. Albert groaned, letting his head hit the cupboard behind him.
“Duly noted. You okay over there?” Finch said adding some salt to the pot watching lazy bubbles bubbled in the water.
Albert threw his phone down on the counter with a sigh. “Big family to do this weekend that I’m slightly not looking forward to.”
“Big family?” Finch asked, opening the box of noodles before pouring them into the boiling water.
He nodded, flipping through the photos on his phone before stopping at a family photo, showing it to Finch. “Adopted family. Jack and Race are my older brothers. Romeo is my younger brother and Smalls is the only girl and my younger sister. Jack and Race’s significant others will be there as well. It’s pure mayhem and craziness.”
“Wow big family. Any nieces or nephews?” Finch asked, quickly stirring the noodles before turning the heat down slightly. “Also, make yourself useful and grate the cheese.”
Albert grabbed a plate from the drying rack before starting to do what he was told. “Jack and his wife Katherine have a little girl named Emmie and they’re pregnant with their second; they’re not finding out the gender because they want to be surprised.” Albert rolled his eyes. “Race and his husband Spot are in the process of adopting a little girl named Noelle. They’re hoping to finalize the adoption in the upcoming weeks. So it’s even more mayhem with littles around.”
“That’s gotta be fun. It’s just me and my younger sister so there’s not much mayhem when we all get together.” Finch shrugged, watching Albert for a second. “I don’t even want to ask but you do have butter in the fridge, right?”
Smirking, a chuckle escaped Albert’s mouth. “Yes, I have butter and milk as well for your info.”
“So when you referenced that a very important person told you to stop wasting your money on take out, who were you referring to?” Finch asked as he drained the noodles in the strainer before dumping them back into the pot. He quickly grabbed the milk and butter from the fridge before adding a bit of both to the pot as Albert dumped the cheese in.
“That would be my sister-in-law, Katherine.” Albert said with a roll of his eyes. “She stopped by last week and couldn’t believe all of the takeout containers in the trash and fridge. One hastily worded text message was sent to my momma and I got a strongly worded lecture on how I’m 25 and should be able to cook and fend for myself.”
Finch threw his head back laughing loudly, taking a brief pause from stirring the mac and cheese together. “Well, I’m 26 and I get the lecture all the time about dusting and vacuuming.”
“So you feel my pain.” Albert exclaimed with a grin. “But I’m thankful for all that momma has done and will happily take her strongly worded lectures on any given day, even if they’re a lil intense and leave me a little bit frightened for my life.”
Finch nodded, and with a final stir, he clapped his hand together. “Alright, I think this is ready. Bowls?”
Albert grabbed two from the drying rack. “Alright, here’s the truest test - fork or spoon?”
“Spoon, why kind of heathen do you think I am?” Finch exclaimed as Albert shook his head.
“The kind that uses a spoon in mac and cheese rather than a fork.” Albert deadpanned, giving him a look as he drew out both a spoon and a fork from the drawer. “You’re an absolute heathen and I’m almost ashamed to know you.”
Finch dished some up in each bowl with a smirk, handing one to him as he grabbed the spoon from Albert’s hand. “Almost ashamed? You mean our beautiful friendship might live to see another day?”
“I mean, we’ll see how you did with the mac and cheese but I’d say this could live to see many days, weeks, and possibly years.” Albert said, stabbing several noodles with his fork before putting them in his mouth. He wasn’t ashamed that the most ungodly moan escaped his mouth. “Holy shit, this is amazing.”
Finch laughed, spooning some into his own mouth. “Want to amend your words about keeping me around?”
“How about you go on a date with me first and we’ll see where things go from there?” Albert raised an eyebrow in a challenge.
Finch nodded. “That can be arranged. What are you doing tomorrow night?”
“Apparently not getting take out and going out with you somewhere?” Albert bit back, before stabbing additional noodles and continuing to eat.
Finch grinned. “It’s a date.”
Thank you for reading! Many thanks to @cutesiewooren for being the ultimate cheerleader! So what did you think? If I was to continue this, what would you like to see? Any feedback would be lovely and would make my day!
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Gracie’s Birth Day
A/N: Lol, the boys are absolutely useless and thank god Cora showed up when she did. And they refer to each other as girlfriends in this cause they get married later so yeah! Hope I got Cora’s character right!
“Dad, so help me god,” Lucy snapped as she glared up at her dad. “If you cook that chicken I’m going cook you.”
Remy glanced down at his very hostile and hormone filled daughter, who was sitting on the couch as he put away the groceries. He knew the smell of chicken specifically made her throw up, but damn.
“I won’t honey…Uh…is Cora coming over today?” He asked, deciding that wouldn’t be a question that would get her mad.
“Later. Right now she’s enjoying being able to walk without help.” Lucy grumbled. She wasn’t even mad at her girlfriend, just annoyed that walking was exhausting now with how big her belly was now. She was due to pop any day now, so she was very uncomfortable and irritated all the time rather than her usual sweet self.
Just then Eugene and Beau walked through the door, loudly arguing about something Lucy didn’t give two shits about to pay attention to. She rolled her eyes at their noise, but didn’t say anything as she went back to trying to read a new mother book that her dads had gotten her. She was right at the part about postpartum symptoms when she suddenly felt weird. Her stomach started to feel tight and started cramping, causing her to drop her book and gasp in pain at the sudden sharpness.
“Luc?” Eugene turned around to look at his sister, who was now doubled over (well, as best as she could with such a big stomach) in pain. “Oh my god. Are you leaking???”
“Honey? Are you okay?” Remy rushed over to her.
“I think…OW FUCK…I think it’s a contraction…”
“Oh shit. Oh damn. What do we do?” Beau started rambling. “Do we call an ambulance? No, we just drive you right? Do I need to call someone for you?”
“Hey!” Remy clapped for everyone’s attention. “Alright, I’m gonna get her into the car. Beau, go grab her duffel bag in her room. Eugene, call Kurt and tell him Willa needs to stay there with Anja for a bit. Then call Cora to let her know, and whoever else your sister wants.”
“I DON’T CARE JUST TAKE ME TO THE DAMN HOSPITAL.” Lucy shouted as the contraction started to calm down and she could relax.
After a chaotic trip to getting into the car, and of course a stupid traffic jam and having to wait for a room at the hospital, Lucy finally got into a delivery room and was now waiting for 1. Her girlfriend to show up and 2. For this baby to get out of her.
Beau was the only one panicking, he was constantly asking Lucy if she needed ice chips or anything, and he gasped at every time she got a contraction, which only stressed her out more so Remy took him out to the waiting room to find Raphael and wait for Cora. So meanwhile, Lucy got to spend some time with her brother.
“I wonder if you’ll still be fat afterwards.” Eugene snickered before dodging her hand to smack him.
“You’re so lucky I can’t get up on my own.” Lucy lightly laughed, still kinda in too much pain to laugh.
“Seriously though, how are you feeling?” He asked, sitting in the chair next to the bed.
“Uh, terrified? Exhausted already? Nervous?” Lucy scoffed. “I can’t do this. Are you kidding? How is this gonna come out of that?” She gestured to her stomach then…lower.
“Uhh…apparently y’all women stretch a lot down there, I don’t know.” Eugene shrugged, uncomfortable talking about a woman’s vagina during childbirth, let alone his sisters. “So uh, did you come up with any name ideas yet?”
“Yeah, I have a couple in mind.” She smiled.
“Lay them on me, I wanna vote.”
“Okay, Annie.”
“Are you raising a gun slinger? No.”
“Too basic.”
“She was the worst character on Friends.”
“That’s cute.”
“Imagine being an adult named Paulina. Don’t do that to your daughter.”
“I’m sorry, who are you to tell me what I can name my child?”
“Well there’s only one problem, my dear sister. I didn’t hear a Eugenie or Eugenia in that list of options.”
“Cause it’s not one.”
“Uh! I will name one of my kids after you!”
“And that’s very sweet, but as much as I love the name Eugene, I don’t like Eugenia as much. It’ll be her middle name.”
“…it IS hard to live up to my fabtastic name.”
“Did you just say fab-OUCH.” Lucy winced at a contraction, and Eugene quickly grabbed the cold towel on the table and put it on her sweaty neck, and pet her hair to soothe her as best he could.
“Whatever you choose to name her, I am so excited to meet her.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and let her squeeze his hand in pain.
“I am too. Just wish it was under better…circumstances.” Lucy sighed as the contraction started to end and she leaned back into the bed. “God I’m so tired already.”
“LUCY?? LUCY?! LUCY!” A girl dressed in white and looking like she had just been put through a shredder ran into the room.
“Cora??? What happened to you?” Lucy stared at her frantic girlfriend.
“Was battling an Edward Scissorhands wannabe, doesn’t matter, my dear. How are you feeling? How far along are you?” She asked as she shoved Eugene aside and sat in his place, taking Lucy’s hand in hers and rubbing her thumb on the back of her hand.
“Uh, excuse you?” Eugene scoffed pettily, which both girls ignored.
“Okay, I guess. Nurse said I was dilated at 4 centimeters, so, almost halfway through that.” Lucy sighed. “But I’m so scared, I don’t know what to do with a baby!”
“Yes you do!” Cora laughed sweetly. “You read all those books, talked to Juliette, went to Lamaze classes, it’ll be okay. And I’m right here to help, darling.”
“Do you want ice chips, Luc?” Beau poked his head into the room.
“NO BEAU, IM FINE. I DON’T NEED YOUR DAMN ICE CHIPS.” Lucy yelled, annoyed that he was asking for the forty millionth time.
“You really should have some, dear, you need to stay hydrated.” Cora said softly.
“Okay.” Lucy tiredly smiled at her.
“What?!” Beau’s jaw dropped as Cora got up and took the cup of ice chips from him.
“Uh, Luc, I invited Ronan to come just so you know.” Eugene piped up, everyone ignoring Beau’s offended face as Cora helped Lucy eat some ice chips.
“Oh perfect, he’s probably gonna make a rap about this.” Lucy rolled her eyes and groaned. She did like Ronan, she really did, but the dude was a bit too much sometimes.
She whined in pain when another contraction washed over her, Cora rubbing her back and kissing her on the head to comfort her. Lucy shut her eyes and leaned into her girlfriend, nearly falling asleep once the contraction stopped.
A couple hours of waiting had passed, Lucy had just listened to her girlfriend talk about anything as she tried not to focus on all the pain. Her dads had dropped in a few times, Ronan had arrived and asked about a million questions that Lucy didn’t have the energy to answer, and Beau kept asking Cora if Lucy needed more damn ice chips. Then a nurse came in to check up on her, and said she was dilated at 9 centimeters and it was time to get the doctors and start the process of childbirth.
The doctors had tried to get everyone to leave the room, but Eugene threatened them until they let him, Ronan, Remy and Raphael stay with Lucy and Cora during this. As the doctors told Lucy to start pushing, each of her dads and brothers held one of her hands and she broke every single one of them in the first hour of pushing. She hasn’t broken Cora’s hand though, cause while she was in pain she didn’t want to hurt her so she was able to hold back as best she could.
“Honey, you have to breathe.” Cora whispered to her as she massaged Lucy’s shoulder with one hand.
“I am.” Lucy said, whilst not breathing.
“You have to keep pushing, Lucy.” The doctor delivering her baby told her.
“I can’t!” Lucy sobbed as she fell back into the bed, already so exhausted and in too much pain.
“You got this Lucy!” Ronan cheerleaded from the hallway.
“SHUT UP.” Lucy yelled at him, not in the mood for his shit.
“Darling, we need you to push, okay?” Cora encouraged, cupping her face gently. She looked into her girlfriends tired, scared and pain filled eyes, but hers remained calm and loving for her. “You’re doing amazingly, sweetie, you can do it.”
After a lot more pushing and a lot more cussing out Ronan and Eugene and a lot of support from her girlfriend, Lucy finally gave birth to her daughter. They quickly cleaned her off before handing her to Lucy, who immediately started crying with joy as she looked down at her baby. Cora also began to cry from joy beside her, reaching down and gently tucking the blanket around the tiny newborn as she rested her head against Lucy’s. Lucy didn’t even pay attention to doctors sewing her up, she didn’t even hardly notice since she was so overwhelmed with joy to care. After a few moments, the baby started to open her eyes and Lucy smiled as she looked into the black and red eyes of her baby.
“Hi, baby!” Lucy smiled even wider as tears poured down her face. “We’re your mama’s.”
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sasarahsunshine · 4 years
Soak Up The Sun - Fun Things/Facts
My favorite thing about writing my fic so far is exploring the relationships between my OC and the team. For example, I LOVE writing Emily and Derek the most, because they definitely have brother/sister vibes, and they remind me of my relationship with my own brother. I also want that for Kassidy: to have them there as her older “siblings” in a way. I especially love how close Kassidy and Emily are becoming. 
(I’m going to be writing a lot about Kassidy’s relationships with the team so I’m gonna put a read more thing here now.)
Emily and Kassidy stay up too late talking on the phone, talking about boys (and girls) they used to like when they were younger, telling stories of embarrassing things they’ve done. They go on breakfast dates all the time, sometimes inviting the other BAU girls along, but sometimes it’s just the two of them. Emily convinces Kass to adopt a cat so her apartment won’t feel so lonely. The two of them like to go to pet stores and buy matching sweaters for their cats. They also constantly text each other dumb things that are on their minds. “I saw a fat squirrel today” “!!!no way!” Kassidy helps set up a private facebook for Emily so they can share pictures to each other (this is placed in 2010/2011 so they don’t get instagrams just yet). They love taking selfies with their cats, as well as taking pictures of the sunsets they see when on the jet. They start collecting postcards from the towns they visit and write them to each other, so when they get home they have fun mail to look at. Emily’s ringtone is the Kim Possible theme song.
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And then there’s Rossi, who’s one of the team Dads(TM). I like to think Rossi sees Kassidy as the child he never had (SPOILER ALERT before Joy gets introduced to the story LMAO), so he’s extra sweet on her- and spoils her rotten. She never asks him for anything but eventually he starts buying stuff for her and paying for groceries to be delivered to her apartment and she’s like “???? what are you doing?” And he’s like “you’re my daughter now I am taking care of you.” LOL. Of course later on when Joy joins the BAU fam Rossi introduces her to Kassidy like “Joy this is my other daughter” and Joy is like “Cool I have a sister!” And Kass is like “I’m not actually his daughter tho-” “shush Kass you’re my kid, now smile for the camera.” She puts up with it and accidentally calls him “dad” once in front of everyone and it’s that whole scene from Brooklyn Nine-Nine and she’s like “no i didn’t why would I do that” lol. Rossi puts her in his phone as “Sunshine” since he’s the first one to ever call her that. She has him in as “Team Dad.” His ringtone is That’s Amore by Dean Martin. “When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore~”
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And then Hotch is like the other Dad(TM) who just wants to watch Kassidy and Spencer succeed at life and must protect them at all costs. Kassidy babysits for him a lot and freaking LOVES Jack. She becomes his unofficial “big sister” and lives for it. She loves taking Jack and Henry to the movies and park and is the best babysitter JJ and Hotch can find. Hotch has found her sleeping on his couch one to many times and just puts a blanket over her and lets her stay the night. He gets her coffee in the morning as a thank you for watching his son. At first she was embarrassed but eventually she gets a key to Hotch’s apartment, since he has a key to hers, and she just shows up sometimes just cause she can. She’s bad at buying groceries for herself but you bet your last dime she’s buying healthy foods for Hotch and Jack. She stocks their pantry FULL with foods, often showing Aunt Jessica where she hid the snacks so Jack (and Hotch) don’t try to get to them. She ends up with her own drawer in Hotch’s room that has some of her clothes and shower stuff in it cause of how often she’s over there. Her ringtone for Hotch is the COPS theme song LMAO.
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Morgan is Kassidy’s certified Big Brother(TM) and he will hurt anyone who hurts his baby sister. He takes on the role so naturally around her and loves her for making him feel life can be normal sometimes. He has to tease her a lot about her crush on Reid, but that’s what big brothers do, ya know? The two of them like to go out for drinks and dancing when they get home from cases. Gotta remind themselves that life is beautiful and fun too. She buys Morgan a bunch of books and DVDs that she thinks he’ll like, and he always promises that he definitely read/watched them, but she knows he didn’t. Except when she buys him Tangled on DVD, telling him that it’s her FAVORITE Disney movie of ALL TIME. She knows he watched that one because she hears him humming some of the songs that got stuck in his head. They also hav the complete opposite taste in music, often fighting over what station to listen to when in the car. Usually Hotch or Emily has to tell them to knock it off or they’ll end up hitting each other (nicely). Kassidy HATES running, but she gets up at 6am on Saturdays to run with Morgan. She’s getting more stamina because of it, but she won’t admit it. Her ringtone for him is her favorite song, “Soak Up The Sun” by Sheryl Crow. 
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Penelope and Kassidy are besties for sure. They have girls night once a week when they can, binging on ice cream and watching lame rom-coms (Kass can’t handle secondhand embarrassment movies but she’ll watch them if Penny asks- hiding her face in her hands when those scenes are on). They like to go shopping together, hyping each other up in dressing rooms and picking out cute/colorful clothes. They always do brunch when they go shopping. They spend a LOT of money when they’re together, and have no filter whatsoever. Kassidy tends to get drunk by the end of the night if she was with Penny, which is always odd considering at the beginning of the day she swore she wouldn’t drink anything. She ends up taking a whole small chest for herself at Penny’s apartment, keeping clothes and toiletries in there. Penelope joked once that Kassidy had her stuff scattered all around the state of Virginia. She wasn’t wrong. Kassidy’s ringtone for her is “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina & The Waves. They also text cute pictures of baby animals to each other a lot. 
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JJ and Kassidy love getting mani-pedi’s together. And when they’re together it’s either a whole spa day, or they’re at the firing range- there is no in between. No matter what they do, a lot of money will be missing from their accounts at the end of the day, much to Will (and Rossi’s) dismay. Kassidy see’s JJ as a sister too, but more like a twin/super close best friend type of sister, not an older sister like she see’s Emily. She’s totally a Jemily shipper (as a joke, but like <w<). They like to lay in the grass in JJ’s backyard and stare at the clouds, talking about all the places they’ll visit someday. One time they planned a whole trip to Greece, pulling out their phones and looking up ticket prices for the plane ride, hotel, sight-seeing and more. They haven’t fulfilled that trip yet, but they sometimes mention it to one another, reminding themselves that they will go. Someday. JJ’s ringtone is the opening Disney theme to every movie ever.
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And then there’s Spencer <3 From the beginning she felt kind of drawn to him, his mannerisms, his love of knowledge- all of it. They like to get coffee together on their days off and trade books (Kassidy had to buy a bunch of new books recently so she had more to trade with him). She’s been to his apartment quite a few times, watching French movies and Earth Documentaries. They just like being in each others company (uwu). Kassidy probably texts Spencer the most, even though he detests texting- but that doesn’t stop him from replying. Her text tone for him is R2-D2 beeping (even though he says he’s not really a fan of Star Wars). During cases they’re almost always paired up together to work on geo-profiling and victimology, sitting close at the table with their legs just barely touching, their feet lightly pushing into each other every once in a while to remind the other that they’re still there. They’re totally NOT playing footsie (they totally are). Her ringtone for Spencer is the Star Trek opening theme. “Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship, Enterprise.”
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Kassidy hasn’t met some of the other fun characters of the show yet, but eventually she’ll love all of them too <3 This fic takes place in season 6, after Hayley dies and right before Emily “dies,” ;) ANYWAYS I wanted to rant about this a little so um, thanks if you read it? LOL. Let me know what you guys think? <3
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artemismoon12writes · 4 years
Title: Five Meetings
Daltonfic Big Bang; Week 2, Day 6- Met as Kids  The First Time the Serendipity Hill Hunters met Dwight, and the first time he met one of them. 
March 3rd, 1995
Dwight was the first person Lucas ever met. Well, the only one that mattered. Great Aunt Ingrid doesn’t count as someone worth meeting. Lucas knew he met Dwight before he could even remember what remembering was. He was smaller, fluffy haired, and was fussy. Lucas’s mother told him he had never been a fussy baby; he even shared his toys! Dwight shared as well, but he made sure his stuff didn’t get broken- keeping a sharp look on it, fascinated with every bright colour and shiny edge, wailing when it was out of sight. Lucas simply marvelled when it was reintroduced. The difference in philosophy made games more, creative.
Picture two babies, too early to even speak, simply throwing rocks at each other until they realized maybe that might hurt. That was Dwight and Lucas.
The two of them seemed to take great pleasure each time they drove an adult up the wall. Agatha and her cousin drove themselves to distraction trying to keep their sons entertained and alive. Mostly, they succeed. Each time the boys found a new hiding spot, the nannies and their mothers searched frantically for the babies. Often times, Lucas led Dwight into fruit baskets, cupboards, and a notable incident where they hid in the washing machine for two hours- giggling and passing a bowl of cheerios.
Their mothers couldn’t help but love them. Their nannies asked for a raise.
September 1st, 2001
Sadie knew lots of people. There was Steven from the grocery store; Yolanda delivered the paper; and Carlson Mackenzie was the security guard at the edge of Serendipity Hill who let them in and out to go to school. Knowing lots of people didn’t mean she could not be fascinated by the boy next to her in St. Ignatius. Mrs. MacPherson sorted boy-girl-boy-girl seating; which got her next to the boy with the pencil case covered in lightning bolt stickers. He looked like the type of boy her mama would pinch sharply, and order to eat three extra empanadas before he fell over in a stiff breeze. What a stiff breeze was, Sadie’s mama would not say.
“I like your stickers Tommy.” Sadie said, treating the boy with a curious look.
“My name’s Dwight.” He said, huffing.
“You’re lying.” She said, pointing. “The name tag on your desk says Thomas.”
“Only my mom is allowed to call me Thomas. I like Dwight better.”
“You can’t just rename yourself!” Sadie said, leaning back scandalised.
“Can too! See?” He said, proudly flipping the pencil case around to show his name in (presumably) his own shaky handwriting. “Besides, it’s my middle name anyways. When we get confirmed I’ll choose an even better third name so no one will ever remember I was a Thomas.”
“Okay then.” She said, contemplating. “I guess that makes sense.”
“What’s your name?” He asked.
“Sadie.” She said, sticking out her hand. “You’re going to tell me where you got those stickers, and then I’m going to find you an even better-even better third name.”
He shook it. They hadn’t learnt about cooties yet, and by the time they did they’d already be friends.
 September 4th, 2004
New neighbourhood, new school, new day. Morgan ran his hand over his freshly shaved hair, no more letters home about ‘inappropriate’ school attire. He didn’t want trouble. If everyone would just leave him alone and let him read he’d be fine, but it was always them who seemed to find things wrong. He didn’t want to play soccer, or football, or four square; he didn’t want to learn about histories of evil people; he didn’t want to sit through liars in front of the chapel, when his grandmother had told him the only reason he was here with the nuns was the other private school was a ‘bad school’- public was even worse. He had to believe they were worse.
Every new grade was more of the same mean kids forcing their mean opinions onto him. Taking his glasses, stealing his books, calling him a nerd. It was tiring. He lost half a binder of rare Digimon cards to that stupidity (if his mom could read his mind….) 
Well, luck would happen that he found someone even more troublesome than him. 
“We’re friends! I was helping her with her sweater!”
“Sister Cathy, he’s telling the truth!”
“Missy, you’ll be thanking me when you’re older. Boys only one thing, and before you know it they’ll have you ruined!” One of the staff had a white- and god was he white- boy by the ear, intent on dragging him away. A darker girl with brown hair stood next to the row of lockers, her school sweater rumpled and backwards. “You’re coming with me to the Chaplin’s office to reflect upon your behaviour!”
The girl looked around, frustrated and angry as the plain-clothesed nun dragged her friend away. Her eyes met Morgan’s; she was asking for help. He sighed. Hopefully this wouldn’t backfire.
“Um, Sister? I saw the whole thing. They’re telling the truth.” Morgan spoke up, raising his hand like he was still in class.
She whirled about. “What?”
Morgan stepped back, looking back to the girl. Her eyes were wide and expectant.
“Um, he was just helping her with her sweater. It’s not anything bad.” He paused. “And I’m not lying about it, because if I was then I’d go to hell right? I don’t want that.”
She paused, releasing her grip on the boy’s ear. She looked between the three of them. “I’ll be keeping my eye on you Thomas Perry.”
The nun stalked off, leaving the girl to sigh in relief. The boy only rubbed his abused ear and mutter, “Dwight! My name is Dwight.”
“Thank you!” The girl said, turning to Morgan. “It means a lot! His mom would kill him if he got sent to the Chaplin on the first day of school.”
“Um no problem.” Morgan said awkwardly, unsure of how to respond as the two of them went right back to pulling at the girl’s sweater. “Uh, was I really lying then?”
The two flushed. “NO!”
She dug up under the sweater, seemingly finding what she was looking for and just tearing the fabric. Her hand reappeared with a safety pin which let the slack back into the sweater. “I put it on wrong when I got it out of my locker and it snagged on the pin. Dwight was helping me without ripping it.”
“But you just ripped it, the ribbon charm only works if it stays pinned.” Dwight complained, leaning back against the lockers.
“We’ll redo it.” She assured him, patting his shoulder. “Hey, new kid what’s your name?”
“Morgan Powell.” He found himself saying. “I just moved into Serendipity Hill this year.”
“Oh no way!” She said excited. “I’m Sadie Moore, this is Dwight Perry. We live in Serendipity Hill as well. You must be the new kid in the old Richards house! I knew I read the cards right last week!”
“Cards?” Morgan asked.
“I’m learning Tarot. I’ll teach you!” She said excitedly. “Do you want to sit at our table at Lunch? We’re planning how to get Dwight’s cousin Lucas to tell us all about if the Grade 6 Class really is haunted by Father Rodriguez’ ghost.”  
Morgan smiled. “I’d like that.” He meant it.
 February 14th, 2011
Laura Bancroft didn’t have time to glare at Dwight Houston; she was worrying about bigger things than a boy who couldn’t even apologize when he ran into her.
“Did you see that?” She hissed, nodding to the pair she’d been following around. Justin said he was one of their new Hanovers. She didn’t trust him. She’d heard rumours about Houston, he had to sense something wrong with the kid.
“Yeah.” Dwight sounded unsure. Not helpful. “Do you know him?”
“Julian Larson, if the talking fangirls are to be trusted.” She zeroed in on her target, hiding behind the table to avoid detection. “That boy over there, he’s Adam. My brother says he’s a Hanover like him.”
“Well don’t you think he’s a little strange, that Adam guy…” Dwight started.
Laura could have cheered. Yes! Excellent! He got it. Dwight glanced back to her, “And I don’t expect you’d understand, coming from Windsor we-”
She cut him off. “You don’t know many Hanovers do you?”
This just might work.
 July 23rd, 2001
“Tommy, sweetie, do you want to hold him?” His mother whispered, holding the bundle in her arms.
Dwight looked at the baby, then back to his mother. “Can I?”
He didn’t know if he could. He was so small. What if he broke him?
“Go on kiddo,” his dad said, patting him on the shoulder. “You’ll be fine. Just support his head…”
Dwight felt nervous. This was his baby brother. Brothers were special, babies were special- especially little ones. They would look up to you, and love you, and everything you did was supposed to make sure they didn’t have a bad life ever.
His father helped his mom reach out, placing the bulky blankets into his arms. She was tired, but Dwight wasn’t. Maybe he could help by holding the baby?
His brother was tiny. He didn’t know anything could be this tiny. He had wide eyes the same colour as Dwight’s. Other than that, he couldn’t see much of the baby, making gurgling noises up at him.
“Hi Alan.” Dwight said solemnly, remembering his dad was there and he expected him to be a big boy. “I’m your brother Thomas. It’s good to meet you.”
“You don’t have to be so serious sweetie.” His mom said, hair stuck to her forehead even as she laughed softly.
“He’s being responsible Agatha, I think it’s precious.” His dad said, sitting on the end of the bed; a fond expression at the group of them.
Dwight held on, not allowing his arms to tire even though Alan was heavier than he looked. “I’ll teach you all the best games, and Luke and I will show you all the best hiding spots, and oh! I’ll never let anyone hurt you ‘cause that’s what big brothers do. They protect their little brothers.”
He pressed a kiss to Alan’s forehead, “I promise.”
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sapientiaoscen · 6 years
Andromeda’s Birth Story
It was Friday August 26th, 2016. You were six days "overdue." I was walking home from the hospital in Manhattan, where we just passed our second post-date Non-Stress Test and BioPhysical Profile. On the way home I decided to get a chai latte, because the last time I had one it had given me cramps (which was good since I wanted labor to start!), and cause they are delicious. I got off the subway in Brooklyn and was headed down busy Utica Ave when all of a sudden I felt a drop in my pelvis and lifting out the top of my head, like my spirit jumped out of me. It startled me. I took some deep breaths and told myself to stay in my body. I walked carefully to the store, picked up some groceries, and headed home. It was hot.
When I got home I went to the bathroom and I saw that I had lost the mucus plug. You had already been riding low but I guess in that moment I had felt you drop lower and knock the plug out! I got excited and texted our doula Lindsey and your Dada Monty. I went about the afternoon as normal and started getting sporadic cramps. They started getting stronger. Monty thought this was it, but I still wasn't sure so he went to a work party. I tried to eat dinner but it was hard to eat with the cramps. I forced it down. I was going to the bathroom a lot. Everything was getting intense. Eventually I asked Monty to come home.
He walked into the apartment with a huge smile on his face to find me bouncing on the birth ball. We talked for a few minutes. Then he walked over and bent down to talk to you in the belly. He gave you a little pep talk. Then he got up and I suddenly got the biggest cramp yet! It threw me off the birth ball and onto my hands and knees on the floor. Towards the end of the cramp my water broke forcefully like a big waterfall.
I was pretty surprised but played it cool. Almost as though I was watching it all happen from outside of myself. I went to the bathroom and saw that the waters were clear, yay! It was about 7:45pm. Well this was really it. We were so excited and sent a flurry of text message alerts to our doula and beloved friends and family who were lifting us up in their thoughts and prayers. Our friend, your Auntie Debbie came over to pick up our dog Balu. Labor didn't start right away. I kept having cramps, but they were 10 minutes apart or so and not that uncomfortable.
We went to bed. Dada fell into a deep sleep, but I woke up about every 8 minutes throughout the night to have a contraction. I spent some time laying in your room by myself, running to the bathroom frequently. Monty kept getting up to check on me and asking me to come back to bed. The bed just wasn't very comfy! Eventually I did get back into bed. Every 8 minutes I woke up to get onto all fours, and kept asking Monty to rub my back. By 4am I couldn't sleep anymore. I was up and contractions were getting closer together. I wanted to let Monty keep sleeping, but I didn't want to be alone. I found myself feeling scared. I kept thinking, “Wow, I have been to almost a hundred births and I feel scared! How much more scared must women feel who have never even seen a birth before?!... But then again, maybe ignorance is bliss!” So I called our doula Lindsey and asked her to come over. She came over right away and of course the contractions calmed down immensely. We chatted, I contracted, Lindsey rubbed my back. It was the sacred wee hours of the morning spent in what felt like a red tent. It was nice. When the sun rose Lindsey suggested that we go for a walk, which sounded interesting…
We went around the block and soaked up the early morning Sun. I saw the Sun rising and was filled with overflowing emotions and gratitude. I cried tears of thankfulness and joy. I was so happy to be having you baby! Lindsey gave me a hug. She encouraged me to take strength from all the other Mamas I have seen give birth, which felt good.
We came back home and I was on all fours on the birth ball. It was getting stronger. I puked. I woke Monty up. I took a shower, which felt nice. The contractions were hurting a lot. Lindsey told me that she thought it was still early labor, especially because I was so cognizant and acting like a host in-between contractions. She suggested that maybe something psychological was holding me back? She challenged me to look deeper.
I spoke of my fears.
I was afraid to let my little dumpling out into the world. I was afraid to release my most intimate creation of all time. I was afraid of falling so deeply in love and my heart breaking into a million pieces. I was afraid of being a mother 24/7 forever. It's such a huge responsibility!!!! Monty and Lindsey helped me talk through these fears in-between contractions. Then I asked Monty if we could do a Jibun ceremony to help me. We had a Daruma doll gifted to us 2 months prior and had kept meaning to do the ceremony but putting it off. It ends up that we were just waiting for the exact right moment. He set it up. We took the Daruma doll with no eyes, and stating our intention, put an eye sticker on its left eye. My intention was to let go of my fears and to birth this baby. To welcome her with open arms and an open heart! There were so many tears. It felt good to do something symbolic to help me move past the fears I was facing. The moment the ceremony ended a wave hit and I was back on my hands and knees on the birth ball again.
Lindsey said that it seemed I labored best when I was alone and undistracted by my desire to host everyone else. So I spent some time in the bedroom alone, calling out for help and back rubs with strong contractions. Before long, I told them I wanted to go to the hospital. It was about lunchtime. I thought that maybe I would be able to let go better if I was in the location where I was planning to deliver. Monty and Lindsey made all the preparations. I puked again. Our friend your Uncle Herman came over and picked us up in his car. I put on headphones and sunglasses in the backseat and cried on the way to the hospital. Monty cried too. So many emotions!!! So much releasing. Herman lovingly drove us through this epic city of traffic. There were SO MANY potholes! It was a bumpy ride. Lindsey said I was being very/too polite. Sitting there quietly moaning in my seatbelt. She and I have both seen Mamas in crazy positions in the backseat screaming… so I tried to let it out a little more, but was definitely not in the labor zone. Crossing Manhattan uptown the last 15 minutes of the ride was the worst. I wanted to get there so bad! The pressure in my pelvis was really building. Finally we got to the hospital and I started to feel relieved right away.
Dr. Nabizadeh (my doctor was 1 in a practice of 5, and she was actually the one there that day. I was so lucky cause I love her!) checked me in triage. I was 3cm dilated, 100% effaced, and baby was low at zero station. I wasn't thrilled with being only 3cm, but the rest of the exam was good. It was also interesting… I felt like I had never heard that exact exam before. The doctor said I could go home if I wanted to, or be admitted to labor and delivery, but not the Birth Center because I was not far enough along. Monty, Lindsey, and I had a consultation, and I decided to be admitted to L&D. I didn't mind, as long as I was allowed to be in the shower. When you had been in the womb, I asked you where you wanted to be born, and you had said very clearly, "St. Luke's Labor & Delivery!" I sill tried to get us into the Birth Center, but in the back of my mind your little voice always reminded me that was probably not where I would end up. So I had a lot of peace about it in the moment.
Upon arriving to labor and delivery the nurse put me on the monitors and part way through the 20 minutes your baseline heartbeat went from 140 to 120. The nurse got nervous and said I might not be able to take a shower. Lindsey and I rolled our eyes. Lindsey spoke up for me saying 120 was still a good rate, and I told the nurse that your baseline was all over the place at the non-stress test just the day before. Eventually the baseline came back up and I got approval from my amazing doctor for intermittent monitoring. So I jumped in the shower and it helped a lot! I was feeling so discouraged about the 3cm exam and how much it was hurting that when I was getting out of the shower I told Lindsey that I wanted to be checked again. She gave me a look and I said, "I know it's really soon!" She said, "Yes you just got checked. And you just got here. Give yourself a chance. This is the first time in 3 hours that you get to actually try to labor." It was just the reality check that I needed to hear. So I said to myself, "Ok, give this a shot a for awhile."
I went back and forth from the shower to the monitors, and back again, I think for 3 or 4 rounds of each. During one of my showers I heard Ina May in my head and asked Monty to come in and smooch me, which he gladly did. It helped just as much as everyone says it does! Throughout the afternoon my Mom, Sister, and Monty's mom all came in to say hi and give me some good love and encouragement. That helped a lot too. Lindsey kept telling me all the most amazing things, like, "This is temporary. Your body knows how to give birth. You have it in your lineage, the wisdom in your blood and your bones." As a doula myself, when I am saying encouraging things to women in labor and they are so in the zone, I often have no idea if what I am saying is helping them or not. And as the birthing woman I was amazed at how helpful everything little thing that she said was!!! I was so grateful. Lindsey gave me lots of good back massages. Monty kept coming into the bathroom to remind me of my mantras "You are opening up SO BIG!!!" "Everything is gonna be ok." "Breath, you can do this." "I trust my body, I trust my baby, I trust this process." And to give me kisses and smiles. When I was being monitored the nurse helped me to get setup every time in a supported child's pose leaning against the back of the bed, and I stayed there for 20 minutes, often falling asleep or majorly zoning out between rushes, although our doula said I was super cognizant.
Each hour got more and more intense. We had arrived at the hospital about midday. Around 5pm I asked to be checked again. Dr. Nabizadeh said ok. I warned Lindsey and Monty that if I had not made what I considered to be good progress, then I wanted to get an epidural. I was very firm on the matter! It was hurting a lot of course, but also I was exhausted. I had not figured out what number I was going to consider good progress, but was playing it by ear.
She checked me and to all of our surprise I was 8-9cm! Thank God. I was SO HAPPY. I realized that I did not want an epidural at this point, but I did ask the doctor if I could try the nitrus oxide. She encouraged me that she didn't think that I needed it. She said that whatever I was doing was working great. That I had a great flow and just needed to keep doing what I was doing. I kept my chin up and said, "Ok!" Although as I got back into the shower I did manage to grumble a couple of times about how she didn't let me have the nitrus! Lindsey reality checked me and encouraged me again. Lindsey said that what I really needed was Oxygen, and to breath the oxygen in with every deep breath. That helped so much! I felt like I needed “something” and the idea of breathing in the oxygen really worked for me.
I was having a hard time staying relaxed during the contractions, as I had been trying to do throughout the whole labor. I mentioned this to Lindsey and she told me it was okay not to force myself to relax anymore, and to instead let my wild animal out! She didn't need to tell me twice! I let it all out as best I could. Moaning, groaning, mooing, moving, and some cussing. Sitting on the toilet felt the worst. Being on hands and knees in the shower felt the best. I asked Lindsey to come and stay with me in the bathroom during this shower, which she gladly did, pressing on my back during rushes, and giving me all the encouraging words. I did something that I had always wanted to do. I reached up inside and felt your head! Which was so exciting, like an electric shock, that suddenly made me have a really strong rush! It was so amazing to touch you, but also your head seemed really big and really hard and I thought, “Oh no! How in the heck am I gonna get that thing out of there?!” I knew I needed to not think about it, and just go with it. So I did my best. Back on the bed for more monitoring, the visions of other powerful Mamas I have seen transition flashed through my eyes. Somehow I felt like they had all made it looks so natural and beautiful. I took strength from them, as I felt like I could barely hang on. I grabbed ahold of a bundle of sage that we brought, clinging it tightly and smelling it in between contractions. I also smelled some lemon essential oil. I asked Lindsey to tell me that my butt wasn’t going to explode, and I kept asking her to tell me to inhale and exhale as I was practically hyperventilating. Later we laughed about it so much, because she was trying to say inhale and exhale with me but I was breathing so fast it was near impossible!
Thankfully, the doctor came back in before too long and it was time to push. I got into the classic hospital position that I had seen so many times before. I was not flat on my back, but reclined in a semi-sitting position. Lindsey held my left leg, the doctor and the nurse held my right. Monty was up by my head helping me hold it up, with so much joy and wonder in his eyes. Everyone was cheering us on. Pushing was really painful. I asked Lindsey and the doctor, “Hey, isn’t this the part that is supposed to feel good?” The doctor told me I basically skipped the feel good part and was going straight into the “ring of fire” because you were so low! “Oh great,” I thought, with mixed feelings. I was so excited to meet you and glad that you were so low, but overwhelmed by the sensations my body was experiencing. I pushed as hard as I could, and then a little harder. Your head popped out and I wanted to keep pushing but the doctor told me to stop and wait. Before long I pushed your body out, and that hurt so much. It felt like my insides were being ripped out of me.
I instantly went from one of the worst feelings of my life, to the best feeling of my life... when they put you on my chest, warm and wet and wiggling, covered in the waters of the womb. I was literally melting into our very own puddle of love. Feeling you in my arms that first time was like the ultimate return to Oneness that we all spend our lives seeking. You were here, alive, healthy, and already full of love. Everyone was happy. You, Dada, and I were all crying. Monty and I were crying tears of joy and relief. You may have been crying tears more for returning yet again to the pain of existence, I don't know for sure. One interesting thing happened though. As I was pushing, I was making this repetitive grunting sound, "rrr, rrr, rrrr," and when you came out the sound transferred to you. I stopped grunting but you picked up exactly where I left off, "Rrrr, rrrr, rrrr." Dada thought it was so funny. Our connection showing itself like that straight away. I held you and we cuddled and smiled and cried. The feelings of joy and relief and awe were incredible, but the biggest feeling of all was LOVE for you our sweet babe.
You didn’t want to nurse, and that was okay. You just wanted to look around and try to talk and cuddle. Shortly after our friends and family came to meet you. I felt myself on a crazy birth and spiritual high, and was so happy to hold you and to see others hold you as well. The feeling of joy was so strong, it really supported us, and still does to this day. The joy and love that you have brought to this world is such a blessing to us all. Dear Andromeda, right away you amazed us with the power of your communication, clarity, and love. Thank you for having the courage to come to this world and shine your light. We love you more than I can say.
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Dillard Family Update (WOW,Jill is big already! And in a hot country... poor girl! (Annie))
March 22, 2017
Thank y’all so much for supporting and praying for us! We’ve had a busy few weeks, lately!
We have a short-term team here with us right now and we have been traveling a lot between a few different countries doing ministry traveling throughout Central America with this team. They will be with us a few more days and we are praying their time and efforts yields many hearts surrendered to Christ.
Thank you specifically for praying for our ministry program held in a dangerous village where we partner with the lady who teaches skills training. We have already been there a couple times and were able to meet up with a lady and her husband who continue the ministry even when we are out of the country. She recently hurt her knee in a bus accident, so the last couple weeks we were there, she wasn’t teaching her regular classes. Most recently, we had planned on having a couple guys share their personal business success stories this past week with the locals, but as it turned out, when we arrived at the agreed time, the two fellas didn’t show up. Several little kids came though and enjoyed playing with Israel. When the crowd we had anticipated didn’t gather, Derick and our friend who came with us, ended up sharing a Bible story and we closed with a gospel presentation and snacks for everyone. It was a beautiful “unintended” opportunity to share the gospel. Thankfully, the lady who teaches the classes will be there when we are out of country with the traveling team.  When we return, we will help host a ladies conference there later this week. We have asked the locals to compile a list of skills that people already have in the local area so we can work to help provide real life tools to help those we are called to share Christ with.
We learned that one of the young girls from this village who has been coming to the weekly skills training (painting and learning to make piñatas have been their most recent skills), died a few weeks ago. She was only in her early teens, but had lived a hard life. Her mom is in prison and the girl had a very hard time with this. She started having seizures and during one of these recent episodes she fell and hit her head on a rock and died. Most people say she died of a broken heart. It was a sad moment for the village. Praise the Lord though, that as a result of the ongoing work in this village, this girl had prayed to receive Jesus into her heart at the end of 2016. Because the girl didn’t get to finish her piñata she was working on when she passed, the other children are planning to finish it together in honor of their friend. Please be praying for the lady who helps teach the skills training and the children, who lost their friend.
On one of our recent visits to this village, I (Jill) was able to share my testimony and the gospel with 3 young girls, while Derick was speaking with some people and Israel was playing. I know these girls have heard the gospel before, but when I asked them specific questions about what it meant, they couldn’t answer. I left them with a gospel tract and told them when we come back we can talk further. I am praying these girls will not just a “head knowledge” of God, but come to a personal relationship with Jesus.
Derick has been able to go out every week with one of the pastors from a local church and visit homes to share the gospel and follow up with people who have recently professed faith in Jesus Christ. One of the young guys who used to come to the weekly soccer night we hosted during our last term has since professed Jesus as his Lord and Savior and is very involved in the ministry now! Seeing a life come to faith and be so transformed is such a beautiful and rewarding moment! During Derick’s recent home visits, they met this guy’s dad on the road and were able to share the gospel with him. We are continuing to pray for their family. Through these home visits, 2 people have prayed to receive Christ in the last couple weeks and several people have visited the church.
Israel and I make banana bread every week, which we send with Derick and sometimes we get to help deliver food to families in the area as a way to reach out. On one such recent visit, the guy’s first response when we handed him the treats was, “When is church?” We have found that little ways to bless people can go a long way! On this same trip to deliver the goodies, we stopped by the home of one family I had in mind, but they weren’t home so we continued into town to the little grocery store. We ended up running into this family and were able to give them a ride home. They have 3 little children and the wife’s sister and her baby live with them, as well. The sister has a brain tumor and will be undergoing surgery at the end of the month. During our last term here, I regularly met for Bible studies with these ladies and their little ones along with the pastor’s wife.
Early last week, Derick participated in a basketball tournament with guys from the local town, after meeting up with them in the square earlier in the week. He met one guy named, Marvin who speaks a little English and enjoys practicing it with Derick while they play basketball together. Last time we were here he found this was a good way to connect with guys in the area. He looks forward to continuing to build relationships connecting with them.
Derick was driving people home after church one evening when one of the older ladies started wheezing and coughing loudly and people around her were shouting for Derick to pull over. He was able to pull off the road and they got her out of the truck, but because we live in a rural area, they decided it was best to have the local medical person come check her out first, instead of taking her to the hospital, which is over an hour away. While he was on his way, I was able to use some of my things to check her vitals. Our friend (the local medical director) ended up giving her an inhaler and taking her home. This situation was a little scary, but thankfully she ended up being fine. The health director said it was likely due to all the dust and dirt on the road right now from it being the dry season. We really never know from one day to the next what may occur. Hopefully, sharing these stories gives you a glimpse into our ministry and lives here serving Christ.
Israel and I (Jill) have enjoyed fellowshipping with the local believers at the almost nightly church services. Israel easily makes lots of friends and since we live in a tropical area, they are so sweet to share their fresh produce with us (jocotes, avocados, mangos, bananas etc.).  Israel loves it and so do we! Last week, we were able to host the children from church in our home for children’s church and snacks. We also enjoyed meeting new friends at the playground in town while Papi (Derick) played basketball with some of the guys. We ended the evening with a yummy pupusa dinner at home.
Derick is continuing to preach weekly, and we have had several “divine appointments” with people where we have been able to share the gospel and pass out tracts as we go about life and ministry here in Central America.
Please pray with us for:
-Continued ministry with the short-term team that is here with us right now
-Continued health
-That God would go before us and soften peoples hearts to the gospel
-Wisdom in how to best provide skills training to people in the village we work in weekly
-The children who lost their friend a few weeks ago in the village where we do skills training
Spelling mistakes  © Dillard family
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boredinterview · 4 years
Tyler Mechlem on his cat Pete, The Sopranos, and self-growth.
H: how’s it going?
T: It is… I don’t know! (laughing) I’m definitely thankful to have a roommate right now. before this apartment I lived alone for a couple years which was before I had Pete too. that and nobody it would be so much worse.
H: yeah, seriously. I really feel for anyone that lives alone right now.
T: it would be rough. it’s cool you guys have each other right now. I feel bad for people like that too. you’d get in your head even more, even more than I already do.
H: calling people only does so much you know?
what does your day look like usually?
T: right now I have been working some. it’s kind of helped to be around people in the sense of getting your mind off things. having some time to get away a little bit, but of course it’s also scary too.
H: you said you work at Fresh Market?
T: yeah I work at Fresh Market now. and then when I’m not working I’ve been trying to go out and hike when I can, early in the day when there aren’t really people around. and work on music, I’m trying to work on music as much as I can right now which is like not easy.
H: yeah, cause you’re at home?
T: yeah, but trying to do as much of that as I can. so it kind of depends on the day but I’m at least trying to keep myself occupied with projects and things.
H: that’s totally what this is for me as well, it’s something I can work towards and go where it goes.
T: yeah totally, I think it’s a great idea and I’m sure it’s nice because you’re communicating with people.
H: yeah it’s been really nice!
what is your relationship to time?
T: oh to time! that’s a good good question. I think about this a lot lately, it’s kind of weird. when I think back to high school, I feel like I was such a different person it feels like it was another life. it’s weird to look back because I feel like I was just so different. I get kind of scared of the future in ways. I think sometimes I have these idealized scenarios where I’m like “oh yeah, this is going to happen at some point, whatever” and then I’m afraid that it’s not and I’m going to live in some weird regret or something!
H: I sympathize with that. What is your astrological sign again?
T: I’m a gemini, but I’m a gemini / Taurus cusp.
H: I feel like I can be kind of an idealist when it comes to imagining the future. I’m like “it’ll be great!”
T: yeah I feel like I totally romanticize it cause I’m like “oh yeah, at that point it’s going to be like this” but then I might be the same thing I’m doing now and how am I going to make what I want happen if I’m just in my head about it? I need to work on that. I think now is even a weirder time cause you have so much time alone and your mind is going there all the time so it makes it harder, but I’m trying! (laughing)
H: you have a job which maybe helps, but it’s so weird to just spend so much time at home with your thoughts.
T: very!
H: it helps so much to have a reason to get out of your head, and you have to work harder to create that for yourself now.
T: for sure, and it’s weird cause I was actually—before this when I wasn’t working at the grocery store and I was doing music more and other things more and delivering food at night so my days at that point were more open, which is weird. at that point, maybe even more so I had more time to be in my head. it’s been a lot of that for a while now.
H: there’s a bunch of people too who are just as busy if not more busy than they were before, which is wild!
T: all the people that are working from home, it’s a hard transition. I have a few friends that are doing that.
H: tell me something awesome.
T: awesome, wow okay! honestly I talk about him too much, but my cat!
(Harris, Audrey and Madison collectively cheering for Pete)
T: he makes my life so much better, I never thought a cat could do that. I had a lot of cats growing up and they were cool but Pete’s like a human.
H: what is your story with Pete? how did you meet? what was the initial connection like, how did you know that he would be your buddy forever?
T: oh it’s a really funny story. I had thought about getting a cat for a little while and I was over at my mom’s house visiting her and we were drinking margaritas for whatever reason. she just had margarita mix and I was like okay! so we’re drinking margaritas and my sister texts me and she’s like “hey I’m at my friend’s house and this cat just showed up and we don’t know what to do with him” and she’s like “do you want him?” and I’m like “Yeah! just bring him over!”
H, M, A: (laughing)
T: and she just brought him over and that was pretty much it. it’s weird though because I feel like he might have been somebody’s cat that got out. I first I thought he was a stray but he’s always been so loving, he loves people and he’s so good at being a house cat that I feel like there’s no way he was a stray. I might’ve stole him, but I think he’s happier now.
H: and the rest is history. I love that.
what do you miss?
T: honestly I think what I miss the most right now is playing music with other people. that’s a big thing for me. playing music by myself and practicing and stuff it’s a lot of fun and it’s good to do but the dynamic of playing with other people is just something that I love and it’s one of the only things ever that gets me out of my head and I can just totally be free. not being able to do that is just not good. and obviously being able to see people. talking to people on the phone, texting, messaging people is good and it’s good to be able to check in with people definitely but it’s not the same.
H: yeah, for sure.
T: in person is just a totally different thing. I think a lot of people are feeling that way too.
H: yeah. what do you not miss?
T: it’s kind of nice that there’s a little bit more seclusion and certain places are more peaceful because less people are there. part of that is kind of upsetting because of people being locked in but it’s nice to go somewhere in nature and be more alone.
H: I’ve been enjoying that as well.
T: yeah, there’s something kind of nice about it. the hustle bustle, all that craziness. it’s strangely good for people in a way just to know we can make it through, and we can take a break from all that. I think there’s positives to be had if you can look at it that way.
H: I agree, it definitely gives you time to consider what’s important.
T: yeah, definitely. I’m thankful for that.
H: tell me something that has brought you joy lately.
T: I’ve been reading a lot lately. I did non-fiction for a while and then I switched to fiction, and then lately I’ve kind of gotten back to non-fiction. helpful books, mental health type things. my therapist just sent me a book in the mail which was really nice. and recently I’ve gotten back in touch with drawing, I haven’t drawn in such a long time. my roommate is really good, we’ve just been drawing together lately and it’s cool. I stopped for a while, but I’ve gotten back to doing things that I wasn’t doing for a little while.
H: that’s so awesome to hear!
T: yeah it’s been nice.
H: what TV show are you watching right now?
T: I started on the fucking Sopranos. I see why people love it but it is a lot. I said I was going to do one episode a day but I haven’t watched for two or three days. I’ve also been watching a ton of House Hunters. there’s like one hundred and fifty seasons or something like that.
Madison: yeah, there’s like a thousand episodes!
T: and that’s just the normal! you’ve also got the international, and then you’ve got the renovation one.
M: I remember seeing that and freaking out!
(Pete walks on camera)
(collective screaming, hooting and hollering, rambunctious joy)
T: the boy is here!
M: he is so beautiful I could cry! I will cry!
T: his fur is getting so long, look at how fluffy he is!
M: (in a sort of wailing manner) oh he looks so soft!
T: so soft.
M: I love him.
H: he’s so beautiful.
M: that just really made my day.
H: okay, what’s your secret?
T: oh my god, my secret.
H: yeah, what’s your secret to being you?
T: I think my biggest one is learning from my past, especially like childhood and stuff. everything up ‘til now I guess. and I guess learning from other people’s behavior and forming who I want to be based on that. from positive and negative experiences I would say. yeah, I think just learning as much as I can from human interaction so I can take pieces of that from different people and try to understand myself as much as I can. I started this book today and one of the most interesting things about it that kind of clicked with me is that from when you’re born, everything you learn and everything that shapes you basically is derived from other people’s experiences. like religion, or the relationships you see, it’s all kind of based on like what your parents have done and then they’re like bringing that home with you and you kind of form these opinions or beliefs that might not actually be yours just because of what you’re seeing from other people. it’s about breaking that down and realizing who you actually are, which kind of resonated with me.
H: what is the name of the book?
T: it’s called The Four Agreements, I just started it today. I don’t want to say it has religious overtones, but they do get in to that a little bit which I don’t really resonate with. but you can kind of read past that a little bit, the basis of the book so far has a lot of good information though.
H: I love that answer! tell me something you’re confident in.
T: I would say being myself. at this point I know who I am more than I ever have and I don’t know exactly why or how. I don’t know if it’s learning things or through experience, probably both of those and I can definitely get caught up in trying to please other people and not being myself in certain situations but I think at the absolute basis of it, I know my values and my belief system and who I am overall. not to say there’s not like, issues in there cause there’s always more to learn but at the foundation, I do know who I am way more than I used to. in high school I was just lost completely.
H: me too!
T: it’s like a different lifetime. I was in a completely different state of mind. I think I’m proud of myself in that way.
H: when you don’t have that solid sense of self and that self-trust, it’s so hard to function in the world because you don’t know what you need or what to do. that’s amazing that you’ve gotten there.
T: thanks! there’s always more but I am happy about that.
H: yeah! what needs to happen?
T: well this needs to be over first and foremost! I’ve learned enough and I’m ready to move on. (laughing) in other senses, there’s good that’s come out of this for sure but there’s a lot of division overall. now you’re starting to see it. you’ve got like the protestors who are protesting the shutdown and all that. and it’s hard to even have a solution because you can’t just be like “oh everybody needs to come together” like that’s great and all that but how are you going to do that? I don’t know what the solution exactly is but I feel like as always trying to break down that division between people. maybe it’s helping people connect in certain ways, but there’s always more that needs to be done. I wish I had an answer.
H: tyler, how do we solve the world?
T: I don’t know how we go about it exactly. hopefully we can figure it out at some point. (laughing)
H: tell me a lie.
T: okay! I am completely happy and I feel great (laughing). yeah! basically that.
H: tell me something true.
T: something true and something that I’m thankful for is to have some love and support for my family. as of late my mom and I have gotten closer. there’s still some weird things there but we’ve gotten closer and I’m happy about that. same with my sister, she’s growing up. she’s still a little kid but she’s older now and she’s doing some cool stuff. we’ve been talking more often.
H: that’s great! time for some one word questions.
T: love and happiness.
H: allowing?
T: acceptance.
H: hell yeah. lucid?
T: for some reason astral projection comes to mind.
H: (laughing) perfect! needing?
T: attention. that sounds negative, but I think we all do a little bit right now.
H: believing?
T: that there is some kind of connection between all the things. I don’t really believe in religion exactly but I want to believe that they’re connected.
H: I want to believe that too for sure. last one, feeling?
T: ease and unease. depends on the moment, I’m kind of going back and forth. when I’m in the forest I feel ease. everything else, I don’t know! (laughing)
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darensmurray · 7 years
Things That Make a Busy Life with a Dog Far Easier (+ Giveaway)
It’s Pet Week part 2! If you missed part one, see this post.
For those who have never read this blog before (or haven’t read for long), let me introduce you to the other major character in this DIY adventure: Charlie…
Both she and my decorating habits have changed a lot over the years…
When she’s happy and relaxed, our life at home is pretty quiet:
More often than not, this is a more realistic picture of her:
Over the years, I’ve had to make lots of adjustments to keep her happy and me sane. At times when I worked in an office, it meant turning down jobs that would make me travel so much that she would be boarded all the time. Now that I work from home as a full-time blogger though, you would think it makes everything easy — but while it is nicer for a dog in many ways, there are still obstacles we have to work on together:
I do conference calls with brands while at home. Which is usually right when the UPS guy decides to deliver something and send my dog to DEFCON 3. Not even working in a home office with the door closed makes this ideal.
DIY projects, tools, and related dangers are all around, and she likes to be directly in on the action (and even sometimes underneath my ladder).
She’s a the medium-to-large size, which means my family likens her to a GIANT and don’t always know how to deal with her size compared to their smaller dogs.
Her size also means heavy bags of food to carry around, larger spaces on the couch (someday I hope to get a decent picture of her thinking she can fit when she totally doesn’t), pet beds that can’t be neatly hidden, easy counter and table access, etc.). Luckily, she is well trained enough not to climb on things and understands unattended food does not mean her food, so it’s mostly just her climbing the fence that I worry about.
Lots and lots of dirt and fur tracked into the house (to think, I used to want this to be a no-shoe house… HA!)
Adjusting to having a new puppy in the house meant a lot of changes right away when I first adopted her, but after a few years, I learned about those super awesome pet-related things that I had no clue about for a long time: new products, new websites, and other things that make maintaining a busy life with an active dog even easier. So, as I promised earlier, here’s that list! If I ever find other things, I’ll continue to add to this same post (for easy bookmarking later). And there’s also a giveaway from one of my sponsors, Swiffer, below — so be sure to enter with a comment this week and in the widget at the bottom of this post (if you don’t see it in your reader, click over to the post in your browser here).
*some links contain affiliates*
My DIY elevated feeder — I already explained how my DIY project from last year fixed Charlie’s habit of tossing over her food bowl, but it’s worth repeating! Since having built it, there has been far less food on the floor (not zero food, but she’s still a dog… still a messy eater, but she usually keeps it in the bowl now instead of turning over the bowl and eating it all directly off the floor).
Microfiber floor mats — I have two microfiber floor mats, one at the front door and one in front of the patio, that are specially designed for catching mud and fur whenever Charlie enters and exits the house. It’s not fool-proof, but it does make a significant difference for me whenever it’s a rainy/muddy/dirty day outside and I don’t want her tracking the muck into the house. I find that since having used them, I am spending less time and effort trying to wipe each of her paws with wet wipes, and my floor doesn’t suffer.
Grooming wet wipes — Of course, now that I’ve got my new block print rug in the living room (and as a fan of lighter colored rugs in general), I still have to wipe their feet. Even though I could use a cheap paper towel, I like the dog wipes for paws. These anti-itch wipes are great for treating Charlie’s allergies (if you’ve ever seen your dog licking or chewing their paws after coming inside, you know what I’m talking about) and I like these grooming wipes as well for when Charlie has a dirty playtime at the park — Georgia red clay is no joke! I buy the bigger containers for savings.
Rinse-free/waterless dog shampoo — Charlie is an anxious dog. And when it comes to regular grooming, it was a LONG process just to even get her to take a bath. She’d freak out to the point where groomers won’t even take her, so I had to re-train her at home. I started with this rinse-free shampoo to keep the time in the tub to a minimum, and it made a huge difference. Over time, I’d use the same shampoo, but incorporate water so she’d get used to it, eventually graduating to deeper cleans. She learned to love the massage and being brushed, and now we can get through it without trauma or me getting soaked to the bone from trying to keep her in the tub. The rinse-free alternative truly did give me some relief (and still does if she needs a quick bath but I don’t have the time or energy for a longer one).
Oatmeal shampoo — if your dog is itching a lot from allergies or fleas (even if you use good flea treatments, they can still get bitten and itch, especially when warm summers like this year mean more summer fleas!). This one is highly rated.
Swiffer — There’s a reason I fully embraced working with this brand as a sponsor of the blog! I use Swiffer all the time. Charlie is a shedder — a massive, unrelenting shedder. Even after first using a good floor vacuum that can pick up her tumbleweeds of hair, I still have to go back through with a Swiffer Wet Jet to take care of all of her paw prints and use their dry cloths to take care of lots of other surfaces. Whenever one of my friends gets a new house or pet, Swiffer products are a very welcome gift (and you can get your own gift by entering the giveaway below!). Oh, and I forgot to mention in the last post: they actually reformulated their wet jet so that it no longer leaves streaks on laminate floors like mine. It used to be my biggest gripe with their products, and their development team took that feedback from lots of folks reporting the same thing and went looking for a better solution (pun-intended).
Food delivery — After discovering the mud mats mentioned above, I went searching for other smart solutions on pet-related websites. I found my answer in the form of automated dog food delivery. I try to give Charlie the best food I can afford, and I order the BIG bags. And since I also subscribe for steady delivery, I get another 5% off. The end result is that it actually beats the price I was paying to drive to a store like Petsmart, but I don’t even need to put on pants or feel guilty that I forgot her food during my last errand for groceries (which sometimes means she gets people food when I run out, but it’s not great for her digestion).
A rolling food bin — I haven’t finished the pantry makeover, but an improvement I made several years ago was a simple investment in a rolling bin that was large enough to fit an entire large bag of dog food. Given that the cheapest price per pound of food is in the large bags, I would buy in bulk, but when I was using a smaller bin, it meant that I could only store a small amount each time in the previous plastic container and had to keep the rest elsewhere (which is a quick way to clutter). I think I only spent $20 on a new bin that also had rolling wheels and a flip-up top, but the mileage and convenience I get out of it is night and day. It just goes to show, once again, that investing in the right products for your house (even if it costs a little bit more than what you were using before) is a smart move because it can save you time, money, and square footage.
“Tough” stuffed dog toys — There’s unfortunately no stopping the gutting of a stuffed toy sometimes. Even when they’re labeled something akin to indestructible, I look at the claim and laugh, because Charlie will eventually find her way inside the stomach of that toy if it contains a squeaker. I’ve learned to just embrace it, but buying “tough” toys instead of the cheap ones still mean she usually hangs onto them a little longer, and that added time is easier on my costs long-term (I pay more upfront, but she hangs onto them long enough for break even or better). Sometimes she’ll have a favorite and keep them intact for months, and others will last just a few weeks, but less cleanup and a happy dog who is quiet during conference calls is a win-win for me!
Honestly, that’s all I can think of for now, but I’ll add more as I think of it! It’s also a great question in terms of a special giveaway:
Giveaway question: What products or services have you been grateful to discover in caring for your pet?
Leave a comment on this blog post for a sweet goodie box from Swiffer! Be sure to also update the Rafflecopter widget too. I actually just asked them as I was writing this post if they would throw in something for you guys (another reason why I like working with them — they really have an awesome and super flexible team), so I don’t have details on precisely what you’ll wind up with, but the box is generally this size (photo is of my sister modeling one of her housewarming gifts):
Full giveaway details:
Prize: a sweet goodie box from Swiffer to help you & your pet keep things fresh & clean (any package I’ve gotten from them includes ample refills to last a while)
Number of winners: one
Geographical restrictions: U.S. only (that’s usually how it goes, but if that’s not the case I’ll open it up further!)
Ends: Friday, June 23 at 11:59PM
To enter: leave a comment on this blog post answering my giveaway question & update the embedded widget (if you have trouble with the widget, please let me know, and if you don’t see it, make sure you’re clicked over to my site directly!)
Ready? Go! And thanks in advance for your tips and recommendations on other items… I hope Charlie and I discover something in the process!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The post Things That Make a Busy Life with a Dog Far Easier (+ Giveaway) appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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garagedoorsbrighton · 7 years
Things That Make a Busy Life with a Dog Far Easier (+ Giveaway)
It’s Pet Week part 2! If you missed part one, see this post.
For those who have never read this blog before (or haven’t read for long), let me introduce you to the other major character in this DIY adventure: Charlie…
Both she and my decorating habits have changed a lot over the years…
When she’s happy and relaxed, our life at home is pretty quiet:
More often than not, this is a more realistic picture of her:
Over the years, I’ve had to make lots of adjustments to keep her happy and me sane. At times when I worked in an office, it meant turning down jobs that would make me travel so much that she would be boarded all the time. Now that I work from home as a full-time blogger though, you would think it makes everything easy — but while it is nicer for a dog in many ways, there are still obstacles we have to work on together:
I do conference calls with brands while at home. Which is usually right when the UPS guy decides to deliver something and send my dog to DEFCON 3. Not even working in a home office with the door closed makes this ideal.
DIY projects, tools, and related dangers are all around, and she likes to be directly in on the action (and even sometimes underneath my ladder).
She’s a the medium-to-large size, which means my family likens her to a GIANT and don’t always know how to deal with her size compared to their smaller dogs.
Her size also means heavy bags of food to carry around, larger spaces on the couch (someday I hope to get a decent picture of her thinking she can fit when she totally doesn’t), pet beds that can’t be neatly hidden, easy counter and table access, etc.). Luckily, she is well trained enough not to climb on things and understands unattended food does not mean her food, so it’s mostly just her climbing the fence that I worry about.
Lots and lots of dirt and fur tracked into the house (to think, I used to want this to be a no-shoe house… HA!)
Adjusting to having a new puppy in the house meant a lot of changes right away when I first adopted her, but after a few years, I learned about those super awesome pet-related things that I had no clue about for a long time: new products, new websites, and other things that make maintaining a busy life with an active dog even easier. So, as I promised earlier, here’s that list! If I ever find other things, I’ll continue to add to this same post (for easy bookmarking later). And there’s also a giveaway from one of my sponsors, Swiffer, below — so be sure to enter with a comment this week and in the widget at the bottom of this post (if you don’t see it in your reader, click over to the post in your browser here).
*some links contain affiliates*
My DIY elevated feeder — I already explained how my DIY project from last year fixed Charlie’s habit of tossing over her food bowl, but it’s worth repeating! Since having built it, there has been far less food on the floor (not zero food, but she’s still a dog… still a messy eater, but she usually keeps it in the bowl now instead of turning over the bowl and eating it all directly off the floor).
Microfiber floor mats — I have two microfiber floor mats, one at the front door and one in front of the patio, that are specially designed for catching mud and fur whenever Charlie enters and exits the house. It’s not fool-proof, but it does make a significant difference for me whenever it’s a rainy/muddy/dirty day outside and I don’t want her tracking the muck into the house. I find that since having used them, I am spending less time and effort trying to wipe each of her paws with wet wipes, and my floor doesn’t suffer.
Grooming wet wipes — Of course, now that I’ve got my new block print rug in the living room (and as a fan of lighter colored rugs in general), I still have to wipe their feet. Even though I could use a cheap paper towel, I like the dog wipes for paws. These anti-itch wipes are great for treating Charlie’s allergies (if you’ve ever seen your dog licking or chewing their paws after coming inside, you know what I’m talking about) and I like these grooming wipes as well for when Charlie has a dirty playtime at the park — Georgia red clay is no joke! I buy the bigger containers for savings.
Rinse-free/waterless dog shampoo — Charlie is an anxious dog. And when it comes to regular grooming, it was a LONG process just to even get her to take a bath. She’d freak out to the point where groomers won’t even take her, so I had to re-train her at home. I started with this rinse-free shampoo to keep the time in the tub to a minimum, and it made a huge difference. Over time, I’d use the same shampoo, but incorporate water so she’d get used to it, eventually graduating to deeper cleans. She learned to love the massage and being brushed, and now we can get through it without trauma or me getting soaked to the bone from trying to keep her in the tub. The rinse-free alternative truly did give me some relief (and still does if she needs a quick bath but I don’t have the time or energy for a longer one).
Oatmeal shampoo — if your dog is itching a lot from allergies or fleas (even if you use good flea treatments, they can still get bitten and itch, especially when warm summers like this year mean more summer fleas!). This one is highly rated.
Swiffer — There’s a reason I fully embraced working with this brand as a sponsor of the blog! I use Swiffer all the time. Charlie is a shedder — a massive, unrelenting shedder. Even after first using a good floor vacuum that can pick up her tumbleweeds of hair, I still have to go back through with a Swiffer Wet Jet to take care of all of her paw prints and use their dry cloths to take care of lots of other surfaces. Whenever one of my friends gets a new house or pet, Swiffer products are a very welcome gift (and you can get your own gift by entering the giveaway below!). Oh, and I forgot to mention in the last post: they actually reformulated their wet jet so that it no longer leaves streaks on laminate floors like mine. It used to be my biggest gripe with their products, and their development team took that feedback from lots of folks reporting the same thing and went looking for a better solution (pun-intended).
Food delivery — After discovering the mud mats mentioned above, I went searching for other smart solutions on pet-related websites. I found my answer in the form of automated dog food delivery. I try to give Charlie the best food I can afford, and I order the BIG bags. And since I also subscribe for steady delivery, I get another 5% off. The end result is that it actually beats the price I was paying to drive to a store like Petsmart, but I don’t even need to put on pants or feel guilty that I forgot her food during my last errand for groceries (which sometimes means she gets people food when I run out, but it’s not great for her digestion).
A rolling food bin — I haven’t finished the pantry makeover, but an improvement I made several years ago was a simple investment in a rolling bin that was large enough to fit an entire large bag of dog food. Given that the cheapest price per pound of food is in the large bags, I would buy in bulk, but when I was using a smaller bin, it meant that I could only store a small amount each time in the previous plastic container and had to keep the rest elsewhere (which is a quick way to clutter). I think I only spent $20 on a new bin that also had rolling wheels and a flip-up top, but the mileage and convenience I get out of it is night and day. It just goes to show, once again, that investing in the right products for your house (even if it costs a little bit more than what you were using before) is a smart move because it can save you time, money, and square footage.
Honestly, that’s all I can think of for now, but I’ll add more as I think of it! It’s also a great question in terms of a special giveaway:
Giveaway question: What products or services have you been grateful to discover in caring for your pet?
Leave a comment on this blog post for a sweet goodie box from Swiffer! Be sure to also update the Rafflecopter widget too. I actually just asked them as I was writing this post if they would throw in something for you guys (another reason why I like working with them — they really have an awesome and super flexible team), so I don’t have details on precisely what you’ll wind up with, but the box is generally this size (photo is of my sister modeling one of her housewarming gifts):
Full giveaway details:
Prize: a sweet goodie box from Swiffer to help you & your pet keep things fresh & clean (any package I’ve gotten from them includes ample refills to last a while)
Number of winners: one
Geographical restrictions: U.S. only (that’s usually how it goes, but if that’s not the case I’ll open it up further!)
Ends: Friday, June 23 at 11:59PM
To enter: leave a comment on this blog post answering my giveaway question & update the embedded widget (if you have trouble with the widget, please let me know, and if you don’t see it, make sure you’re clicked over to my site directly!)
Ready? Go! And thanks in advance for your tips and recommendations on other items… I hope Charlie and I discover something in the process!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The post Things That Make a Busy Life with a Dog Far Easier (+ Giveaway) appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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from The Ugly Duckling House https://www.uglyducklinghouse.com/things-that-make-a-busy-life-with-a-dog-far-easier-giveaway/
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