#got it kinda fixed now though!!
em0puppy · 5 months
That's the request. I am but a simple man, with simple wishes. (Ermmm...preferably doing cute shit, but shhh)
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they started fighting again :(
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zeramara · 9 months
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Hello Trigunblr, happy WooWoo Wednesday! I drew a poster for Tristamp for one of my class finals, really pleased with how it turned out! There's an animated version where the markings glow and fade away, I'll add it under the cut.
(Note for this version, I made it before I realized that I forgot to add Meryl and Vash's earrings, but I'm too lazy to fix it rn)
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skrunksthatwunk · 9 months
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bitterseaproduction · 4 months
Angsty Bilbo dying Bagginshield art giving me another story idea~ 😂😭💕
But no, seriously? A play on the popular time travel fix-it, but one where Bilbo dies protecting Thorin during the Battle of Five Armies? And Thorin is inconsolable, I can’t even. And he might pull himself together long enough to stabilize Erebor, but there is No Way he can be a good ruler in his grief, so he has to pass it on. (I was going to say to Dain just to twist that knife a little harder, but actually there are reasons hinted below on why Fíli & Kíli must have lived.) And Thorin just… he wanders, probably. A shell of himself for the rest of his days.
And yet, when he inevitably passes away, he awakens on the road to the Shire. And he’s younger. And he’s so confused, quickly suspecting he must be dead and this is nothing like what he was taught to expect. But then his instant impulse to check Bag End has him walking in on that same meeting from so many years ago, his Company intact, the wizard smiling at him, introducing him to… to…
Bilbo. His Bilbo. The sight of him makes Thorin want to weep and hold him and never let go again, but he is instantly terrified to do anything, because is this a dream? Will he wake? What happens if he says something new, will ‘this’ be ruined somehow? He doesn’t want that, doesn’t want to change anything, save for the end. The very end.
But, even as he strives to mimic himself, he knows something is wrong. He’s off-script from the start purely due to his shock, but he tries to recover, get back on track, and within words, he’s managed it. The discussion is righting itself, and no one there could possibly know the difference, right?
And yet, Bilbo stares at him. From the instant Thorin walked in, Bilbo was staring, looking lost. As he had before, that first time, but it wasn’t the same. Bilbo had been confused then as well, but it had been a light, anxious uncertainty then. This time? He was frowning, his expression tense.
His eyes haunted.
Because Bilbo has also lived that night before. Just once as far as that night was concerned, but it was familiar to him. So familiar. That first night had haunted him for decades, to the very end of his long, long life, when he thought he might know rest, and perhaps — if he was truly as lucky as some once claimed — he might get to see his friends again. See Thorin again.
Instead he had slept, drifted away, and awoken to a battle about to start.
And he had questioned it, had stumbled that first time, but he adjusted. He tried to save Thorin. To save them all.
And he failed. Again.
Then, when he finally slept for the first time afterwards, he awoke to the battle starting again.
And again.
And he tried, over and over, day after the same horrid day to find a way to get through. And sometimes Thorin lived. Sometimes the princes did. Sometimes, new people died. The wrong people.
Once, in his darkest moments, he thought that perhaps someone was trying to teach him humility, teach him to accept fate as it was and not try to fight it, not change anything. And so he went through the motions as well as he could remember them after all those years, following them to the letter, save for when he sobbed all the harder when it was done.
He sobbed again, the relief bone-deep, when he awoke again the next day, the battle still awaiting him.
He lost count of his attempts, and no one could rightly vouch for his state of mind when he finally resorted to the one thing he had refused to try: Not since that fourth (or fifth?) time, when he managed to be there for the fight and threw himself in Azog’s way, but Thorin pulled him out of the way, and screamed at him with such outrage and fear and despair in the few beats he bought by pushing Azog over, that Bilbo never attempted it again.
Until that final day. And that time, Bilbo didn’t give Thorin a chance to stop him.
And it broke a heart Bilbo thought long since shattered to hear Thorin scream, to feel him pick him up and hold him close and hear his voice like that. But the words faded soon enough, and he couldn’t feel anything, nothing except for regret and acceptance, because this was different. He felt it. This time, he would not awaken again, and that was fine. He had saved his king, kept all of his dwarves safe that last time. If that was to be the last, then that was all he could ask for. It was alright. He could sleep.
Then he woke up.
Not outside Erebor, but inside a hole. His hole. Bag End.
He walked outside, stood in the sun, and watched a wizard walk up the road to his door.
He did not understand.
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ancha-aus · 2 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Moonbloom
Time for Nightmare to finish up some loose ends! Don't worry :3 it is a good one in my opinion <3
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
We good? Lets go! (also be ready because it is a long one.)
Nightmare looks around their garden but still can't spot Killer. Maybe he went to their nest? Seems weird as Nightmare thought he would be working on the grapes at the moment.
Still. Best search there. He walks back towards the house as he weaves between the grapes and vines growing. The first layer is looking amazing and beautiful!
He gets to the set of stairs and walks back into the house. Finding Killer is easy as he is laying in their nest watching something on the TV. A fan aimed at him to help keep him cool in the summer heat.
Killer blinks and grins "OUr little nightlight!" and Nightmare gets grabbed and snuggled close. Nightmare hums happily as he leans into the snuggles for a moment.
Killer grins as he lounges "Come watch westerns with me! It iwll be fun." and he grins.
Nightmare glances at the tv for a moment, it shows a cowboy on the back of a horse with the show having this yellowish colour over it. Nightmare hums "later?"
Killer grins "Sure. What do you want to do now?"
Nightmare rubs his hands before muttering "can... can you do soemthing for me?"
Killer nods "sure! what is it?"
Nightmare smiles as he leans against Killer before he asks his request. It had been on his mind for a while now and with him fixing Dani and Ellie's tree farm... He thinks this may actually work.
Grillby cleans the bar and sighs. Another long night after an even longer day.
His club is profitable and it keeps others safe but he does not enjoy owning it. Grillby had always wanted to own his own business but not like this.
Sadly this is where their fate had let them.
He finishes with the bar and goes about checking the seating area and dancing area. Finding some very dubious stains. A deeper sigh but he gets to work.
He tries not to let his mind wander as he works. It is better to focus or the ever present heat that is now just a part of life.
He finally finishes up his normal round as he leaves his building. His flame flickering a bit brighter at the sight of Sans.
Sans notices him and grins "Sup Grills!"
Grillby is very lucky that even after everything and how everyone spoke about hi that Sans still speaks to him. He knows this.
They walk together as the move to waterfall. Sans takes out the umbrella and hands it to him wordlessly. Grillby takes it and the two continue walking "Thank you again for coming with me."
Sans grins at him "Hey no worries. I always love hanging out with you~" and he gives a wink and sweet smile.
It is ruined by someone whistling loudly "Hey Sans! Down to fuck later? I can show you a real boner!!" loud laughter after.
Sans just shoots them a look and glances up and down before smiling a bit sharper but still oh so sweet "Hon I don't think you have the stamina to keep it up or do anything near pleasing~ Maybe best practise a few rounds first." and the walk pass them.
No real conversation after that as the peaceful mood had been ruined.
Grillby misses Sans. Sans used to go to his club and dance there. Spend time there. It had been something Grillby honestly enjoyed. The heat that went through him felt more real when it was focused and about Sans. It had been honest as Grillby had always felt that way.
Sans had throw his whole mindset into dancing and other work at his club when the experiment failed. Sans sadly took the burn of most of that failure even if there had been more scientists at work on an artificial heat to help their reproduction.
Sadly Sans had been the best known among everyone and so ended up being the black sheep of it all.
Grillby had just been happy to have Sans near even when everything changed drastically... Eventually his inaction got to much and Sans left after one too many comments.
Girllby still misses him daily.
Maybe another reason why he had tried so hard to do right for that tiny child. A tiny skeleton looking so young. Grillby tried to not let it interfer but it had been so hard. He had just wanted to do right and something for once.
He still wonders how that tiny child is doing. He hadn't told another soul. Too afraid what some heat affected monsters would do.
"Grillby? Is something wrong?"
Grillby looks back at Sans and sees those pink eye lights watch him. Grillby always gets lost in that face and those eyes.
Grillby had come close to confessing what happened that night to Sans. So close. but he is afraid that Sans will just be disappointed in him. For not getting the child to a safe location. to hide it from him for so long. Grillby thinks this underground will actually be hell if Sans stopped talking to him.
A loud whistle and Grillby and Sans both look over annoyed. Only for Sans to freeze and Grillby can only assume it is shock. BEfore that is another skeleton. yet they are dressed strange.
Well strange for them.
They are in constant heat after all. Meaning everyone feels hot and too hot all the time. Everyone loves wearing and showing off their bodies. It is why Grillby is wearing his minimal outfit. It is why Sans is wearing the shortest shorts possible and that little top as he keeps his coat low and barely on.
This skeleton? Is wearing shorts but they cover his legs until his knees. he is wearing sneakers to finish that side up. Upwards? A black turtle neck, a sweater version at that.
Another very strange thing about them? The black tar like tears streaming down their cheeks. The completely empty sockets. and well, the out and proud soul is a very bold choice. Even for the monsters who like to attract all the attention. They are grinning widely at them.
Grillby blinks but suddenly feels Sans grab his hand and pull him back. Sans has yet to look away from the other skeleton but... but that look? That... that is fear... What? Who?
Grillby frowns "Sans?"
Sans shoots him an anxious look before glancing around at all the water. he pushes the umbrella fully in his arms "You need to go grillby." their is desperation in his voice.
Grillby does not feel the need to go. in matter of fact. if this person freaks Sans out of all mosnters? That means this person is dangerous and Grillby is not leaving his friend alone. He instead looks at the other skeleton.
Who is just... standing there? Grinning widely as they.... swing? They lean back and forth as they swing their arms slightly to keep the motion going. moving their weight from the toes of their feet to the very back. completely relaxed.
Sans glares at him and hisses "I am serious. Go."
Grillby just looks at the other and shakes his head "no."
Sans opens his mouth to speak again but the other speaks up "You two love birds done? Like. I can wait but i kinda got places to be and stuff." they grin as they lean on their fist. Almost like a thinking position but instead of the fist under the chin they lean against it with their cheek.
Sans glares "Why are you here?"
Grillby frowns at his friend "Sans who is this?"
Sans glances at him unsure before glaring back at the other.
This seems to have been a sign the other was waiting for as they just, bounce and skip over. The thrust out their hand "The name is Killer!"
Grillby stands frozen. Because he feels it. What the other sends out. This... this monster...
Grillby can't help it and sends a check.
The information just makes it worse.
This monster has a lot of LOVE.
Killer pouts "Tough crowd." he pulls his arm back and crosses his arms.
Sans glares at him and hisses "You are not allowed to be here. Leave."
Grillby has no doubt that Sans knows just how dangerous Killer is, Sans seems to actually know this guy but... but how?
Killer snorts and waves Sans off "Oh calm down I am not even causing trouble. Anyway. I kinda am here for a thing so cool your jets."
Sans just crosses his arms "I will ends a message to the Stars. I got an emergency vial and I will break it."
Killer raises a brow and smirks sharper "Then I won't be able to complete my job here Lavender..." then he leans closer "Or should I say... Ace?" and he winks "Must suck to have such conflicting needs."
Grillby doesn't think as he pulls Sans behind him. That... that is a very private secret. A soft admission that Sans once entrusted to Grillby. Why Sans hates this heat so much. How he doesn't even desire sex or want it. Yet this heat makes him need and crave it. It messes with his mind.
Grillby glares at Killer and Killer grins as he shrugs "eh. Not my fault he can't take what he dishes out." he grins wider "You know! Becuase he fucks people even when he doesn't desire people- wow!" Killer dodges the fireball Grillby shot at him.
Killer looks at where Grillby's magic attack his the ground "Man! Is it good I picked this spot to search you out! Could have been a hazard if a fire spread in an underground." he looks over "Anyway. I came with a message."
Grillby is about to say he doesn't care when Killer speaks the next sentence.
"From your little friend in the alleyway."
Grillby freezes again. Sans asks him what the other meant but Grillby can't. He can't believe it.
Killer nods with an understanding look "Ah yes. What do you mean? How could that be? In that case. Just so you know. While he liked the pulled beef a lot his favourite of the selection was the pork." and he grins.
The food. He had given the other food. And aparently the little one actually ate it all. his arm slowly falls to his side.
Killer grins and nods "I know right? anyway. I am here because of that." and he shrugs.
Sans frowns "What have you guys been doing here?!"
Killer sighs "calm down lavender. This doesn't actually concern you you know? You are just part of this conversation because you were near him at the time." and he shrugs.
Sans frowns and looks to the side for a moment "I... heard some stuff... from Dream-"
Killer pulls out a knife and aims it at Sans. Sans freezes and Killer grins. Girllby frowns but then sees the drop of blood on the knife edge and the very small cut on Sans's cheek.
Killer grins sharply "None of that now Lavender. I am here with a small mission. No need to include either the gang or the stars. This is a matter of repaying something owned. Calm now? Eithr you stay quiet or... well." he grins sharper "You want to test out how quickly a reset happens to fix a... missing link?"
Sans freezes as he shoots Grillby a nervous glance. Grillby is just very confused. what are these two talking about "Sans?" or Lavender? Why does Killer keep calling Sans that?
Killer stares for a while longer and Sans evneutally sighs and nods. Going silent but not leaving his side.
Killer hums and smiles brightly again. the threatening and freezing air around them disappears "That is what i thought!" is this what LOVE does to a monster? Grillby knew it was dangerous but this is on another level.
Killer sighs "Anyway. your alleyway friend wanted to thank you for your assistance. Which is why I am here. To repay that favour."
Grillby can't keep it in anymore "is he safe? Is he with his family again?" he remembers the poor child saying his mother was gone "With his dad? other parent?"
This is when Sans stares at him in shock and mutters a "what?"
Grillby looks anxiously at Killer but Killer just raises s brow and makes the 'go ahead' motion.
Grillby thinks it over before finally saying it "A long while ago. More than a year..." almost a year and a half honestly "I... i had a very curious visitor. a tiny monster dressed in a large hoody. but... it turned out to be a child... a skeleton one."
Sans gasps and thinks for a moment before shooting Killer a look of disbelieve.
Killer just grins and makes the 'zip it' motion.
Sans shallows "you mean those rumours..."
Killer glares as he crosses his arms "people need to learn to keep their large mouths shut." he turns back to Grillby himself "As to answer your question. he is fine. he is back at home with his parents. perfectly safe and healthy."
Grillby feels a deep relieve and lets out a sigh "Thank you... I ahd been worried... I assume you... you got him home?"
Killer blinks at him before shrugging as he stuffs his hands into his pockets "euh. pretty much."
Grillby can't help but smile. Maybe... maybe this monster isn't that bad? he cared enough to bring a child home to his family. he cared enough to help get the child a message back to Grillby. That must mean something. Sans must have made the same conclusion as he grins and crosses his arms. "Didn't realise that you guys now did babysitting."
Killer shoots him a glare "Don't test your luck Lavender." he sighs louder "anyway! Can we now finally get to the point i have been trying to get to?! The present?" and he waits.
Grillby and Sans share a look and both nod.
Killer huffs "finally! Anyway!" he messes with his pocked and out comes a full flower. it is a very pale purple with four petals. the petals are kinda cresent shaped and point upwards. It is small but nice enough.
Killer nods and marches over "Okay. here you go. Yes you can safely touch it as long as you don't want to burn it." Girllby carefully takes the flower over. That is when it hits him. the flower is the same colour as the small child's eyes had been.
Sans looks at it curiously and tilts his skull "that is... new?"
Killer waves it off "Yeah he is sitll workshopping the name. anyway. hold i got a list for this shit." he makes a victorious noise as he pulls out a piece of paper and reads "okay. okay... lets see. growing and spreading. As long as there is room and the flower is unbothered it will grow copies of itself. so it doens't need water."
Killer snorts as he looks up "Goot news you don't need to handle water for this flower. but yeah just kinda. I dunno. find a spot no one visits and plant sit if you want a shit load of them.but if you don't care about spreading it a lot lot you can just kinda put it in a pot or something."
Grillby looks down at the small flower and smiles. He is so thankful for this wonderful gift. a reminder that he at least managed to help one person.
Killer keeps looking at his little list "okay! So. One petal a person is enough but takes a few days to take effect. For instant but temporary effects just make tea."
Sans blinks "what is the effect?"
Killer opens his mouth. frowns and closes it. looks abck at his list. then shrugs at them "I was not told. I knew we were forgetting something. but. euh." he shrugs again "can you blame him? He is six."
Sans makes a small noice as he looks excited as he glances at Grillby "You saw a six year old babybones?"
Grillby nods and Sans sighs wishfully "I am so jealous. so so jealous."
Killer grins and shrugs "bet. anyway. lets see. oh the last point. The flowers will regrow the petals but can't grow more flowers if they are healing. so if you want a lot of petals you will need to grow flowers first." he grins at them "and that is it. with that done. bye!" he waves nad turns around. He walks back into the shadows and Girllby is left with a small flower in his hands. so fragile and small but beautiful.
Sans looks at him curiously "Want to get a nice large pot and plant the little plant? get more started?"
Grillby nods and they go in a slightly different direction. They get the right supplies and quickly go back to Grillby's house.
Grillby watches as Sans plants the flower for him. Grillby still worried his flames may harm to tiny plant. He just didn't wish to risk it. it takes very little time and they sit on the couch together for a moment.
Grillby can't sotp it anymore "Who even was that?"
Sans frowns as he srhugs "jsut... someone i know...."
Grillby frowns more as he feels that Sans isn't telling him what is wrong "Why did he keep calling you Lavender?" that is a new name. Sans has been called lust by others before, partly as insult because snas play in making the ever present heat. but also as comment on his looks and how desired he was.
Sans shrugs and mutters "I dunno... prefered that over the alternative..."
Grillby frowns "Sans... what..." he deosn't even know what he wants to ask.
Sans just shakes his skull "it... it doesnt matter at the moment... I am sorry you got so close to being hurt..." he rubs his arm and looks away with guilt.
Grillby hums "not your fault." and lets it go for now. his sight finds the flower. curiousity gets the best of him "Want to test those petals with me?"
Sans laughs before glancing at the flower "sure... petal or tea?"
Grillby hums and stares at the flower. feeling a bit reckless "lets just do a whole petal. That way it is done and no need to question it anymore."
Sans looks thoughtful before nodding. Sans pulls off two petals with care before handing one of grillby.
Grillby feels the petal. it is soft and seems fragile but it doesn't even seem to notice his flames. Sans grins and winks at him before both of them just eat the petal.
It tastes strange... slightly of grapes of all flavours. Grillby doesn't taste any of the drugs he is familiar with and he made sure to test those when he was safe. Just to make srue which flavours to not include in food and drinks. make sure nothing can get masked by his things.
They sit together but nothing happens.
Sans hums "the note of the kid did mention that it would take a while. Talking about that." he turns to him adn smiles "kid?"
Grillby chuckles but happily, and finally, shares the story of that day. How sweet the young child had looked but how afraid he had been.
It is nice.
Grillby wakes up the same as always. he makes breakfast as he always does. But then he realises it. what he feels.
or better said. what he doesn't feel.
Grillby is in such shock that he actually drops the plate he had been holding.
It is gone.
the heat within his soul.
It is gone.
He doesn't think as he rushes out of his house. He throws open the door and gets hit by the cold of the air.
It is cold!
Also it is VERY cold!
He grabs his jacket before rushing to Sans's house. He gets there and knocks on the door. loudly.
a grumble and a disgruntled Papyrus opens the door. Papyrus shoots him a look. tired and slightly knowing "Sans is asleep after working last night." he gives him a pointed look.
Grillby still isn't sure how Papyrus figured out about Grillby's interest, but it may have to do something with Grillby always giving Sans the center stage and best hours and let sans keep most of the tips he earned. Now that Grillby thinks about it he was rather obvious.
Grillby shakes his head "It is nothing like that. I need to talk to him. I know it is very early and i apologise."
Papyrus looks annoyed but lets him in wiht a loud sigh. Papyrus orders him to wait there for a moment before moving upstairs to Sans's room.
Grillby waits as he tries to ignore the very pointed decoration. his soul still blissfully cool towards it all. even if he can smell the familiar scent of Sans's perfume.
It doens't take long for Papyrus and Sans to walk downstairs. Sans looks adorable disheveled as he joins him on the couch. Sans is still so pretty even without all the make up and short cut clothes.
Ppayrus sends Grillby another look before loudly proclaiming that he will be making breakfast.
Sans shoots him a tired look "Not that i don't enjoy visits... but we don't really have the same working hours anymore Grills."
Grillby shakes his head and tries to focus on the now "Sans. please. focus and tlel me I am not the only one here."
Sans frowns at him as he tilts his skull.
Grillby keeps staring at him "Notice anything gone? something... burning that is no longer burning?"
Sans stares at him before snorting "Is this the set up for a pun? I mean i love a good pun but you didn't need to wake me up-" he stops mid sentence. sockets wide as one hand slowly raises up to touch his sternum "it is gone."
They share a look and Sans rushes to his room "Give me a moment to get dressed!"
Grillby nods before quickly shouting after him "Make sure to grab a jacket!"
Papyrus shoots them a weird look from his kitchen and Grillby has no way to explain it just quite yet.
Sans rushes back downstairs, with a jacket on thank everything. They quickly say goodbye to Papyrus and rush out together. They run back to Grillby's house as Sans speaks "The flower?"
Grillby answers immediantly "I think it had to be! That is the only thing different about us compared to everyone."
They get back and find the garden pot they had planted the flower in four days ago. It took almost two days for the flower to recover fully from the picked petals but over the next two days the one flower had grown into four.
Sans stares at him in shcok "this... this can fix everything..."
Grillby nods before frowning at his tiny pot "We can maybe plant three of these four somewhere else. with more room to really let them spread. I can keep the last one safe just in case."
Sans nods as he takes out the garden tools he had left here last time and gets to work "great idea. I remember a cavern in the forest which no one really visits. we can plant them there and let them spread in peace."
Grillby nods as he watches Sans work. this could fix everything.
Killer strokes the small skull leaning against his sternum as he watches tv. the western is nearing its conclusion as the hero talks about needing to go as the open fields call to him. the main lady is heartbroken and begs him to stay. usual stuff.
Killer looks at Nightmare "What was the flower anyway?"
Nightmare yawns and shoots him a look "should fix the issue there." and he snuggles close.
Killer grins and holds the baby close. euh. whatever. Not his problem. his problem is just making sure the baby is happy and content.
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
Remember how Nightmare is now the god of restoration? You can push that concept VERY far :3
If Fate finds out Nightmare is messing with universes and stuff like this she/he/they will be pissed.
Baby repayed his debt!
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mishtershpock · 5 months
#not to sound like a broken record#i know this has already been talked about a lot in current fandom discourse#but all the tommy love also comes from a place of#misogyny (buck’s m/f relationships failed bc the women weren’t good enough. but his first m/m is perfect and destined and tommy is god)#(even though we know next to nothing about them as a couple. cough 1 kiss and 1 failed date cough cough)#and biphobic concepts (buck’s only relationship/partner that is worth shipping and love and fandom time is the m/m one)#(if he’s with a woman he’s not worth our time? the relationship/partner isn’t worth our time. right?)#some people kinda sounding like the conservative haters right now#oliver stark’s voice shouting from afar: he isn’t gay! he is bisexual! he still likes women!#some people like to celebrate bi buck (as we should) but then erase his previous gfs#in favour of this 1 man he’s shared literally 4 scenes with. okay#<- <- <- i drafted this like 6 hours before that interview came out. ollie came to back me up with the ‘he still likes women’ lmao#him dating a guy now does not erase or dismiss his previous m/f relationships or that he’s still into women#one final comment. any time buck got with a girl it was ‘they need to break up immediately’#‘she’s not right for him’#he’s with his first guy and it’s ’they should be endgame’#‘they’re perfect together’#huh?? one. we barely know tommy/them together#two. what exactly makes them endgame material? bc they’re both men? cough biphobic misogyny fetishization cough#three. it would be objectively hilarious if he realises his sexuality and within 2 weeks is dating a guy for the first time#and then that guy ends up being his endgame forever partner. lmaoooo that would be so dumb sawry#not to mention it would kinda lean into the biphobia and misogyny mentioned above#in that it would suggest that his problem with finding love previously was… women#and this problem is now magically fixed because… man#four. not to be a buddie endgame truther but if all the vocal support means this is what we get instead#instead of Them. i’m out see ya bye bye#i am sooooo reading way too much into this but oh well
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protect-namine · 5 months
I was thinking the other day that man, kokuto neji is such a character and I haven't liked a writer character like this since... shang qinghua?
which naturally led me to this thought: jj fic with svsss-style au where neji transmigrates/gets isekai'd into the world of havenna. as domina, of course.
it's extra fucked up imo because at least when sqh transmigrated in his book, he made up all of those characters and they mostly stayed in the realm of fantasy. like, sure, lbh was kinda based on himself in some ways and mbj was his ideal fantasy, but they still mostly stayed fictional, you know? sqq (sy) had to fix his plots because the characters sqh wrote strayed too far from their original plotlines
but theater makes a fictional world a bit too real and personal, especially when you use real people as inspirations for your writing. with neji, he'd be looking at rukiora and see three different people (mitsuki acting as rukiora; rukiora who was written based on a younger version of neji; rukiora who is her own person in this weirdly real world of havenna). neji would see fugio and to him that is both sou acting as fugio and the fugio who grew up with poison flowers. miguel is both fumi and the guy who ran away from his neshiromi fields. the only constant would probably be chicchi. she is too much like kisa in that... well. neji didn't really have a backstory for chicchi. chicchi is a blank canvas just like kisa is as an actor.
anyway. yeah, very sv-style character arc where neji, much like shen yuan in sv, is forced to humanize the villain. except this villain was his creation and is also tied to a bunch of personal issues for neji that he Doesn't Want To Think About and also he doesn't? really understand the character he wrote tbh?
isn't art supposed to process your emotions for you!! why must he process these himself!!
can you imagine neji, who always casts himself as a seer of some sort (fortune teller, ushinoko) or someone who generally has some control over his future or his "creation" (who is mary if not just another side of neji anyway; she's takihime redux, and takihime is also. neji). imagine this dude being transported inside the play he wrote but he doesn't understand it and he has no control over it and everyone's acting both in character and out of character. he both knows and doesn't know these people. they're fictional but also... real? does he treat them as real people? is domina real? he wanted his actors to imbue parts of themselves into his characters. are these people really just characters from a script? are they his quartz classmates? is he allowed to even hope that that's the case?
it's both THE improv exercise of his dreams and also. a nightmare
#mine musings#liveblogging jj#jack jeanne#i do kinda want to write this eventually. like separate from a njmtsks fic#oh god. not me wanting to write a fic about a story within another story. oh rama havenna...#we can even throw in the whole prayer theme. like yes the priest preaches in a godless town and he carries a bible but hear me out#what if the god he's preaching about is himehiko instead#like. prayers and confession as offerings to a theater god. said theater god put you in your own play to “help” you fix it bc you#as the scriptwriter don't even understand anything about your own play#i kinda envision this as a neji & kai fic#though neji mostly struggles with rukiora and chicchi and the way domina prevents him from reacting authentically#neji knows everyone's backstories and inspiration but them BAM he has to face chicchi and he doesn't know anything about her#bc he was banking on kisa making chicchi her own character and being the 'transparent vessel' that helps everyone improve#and also he just had zero notes about chicchi lmao#neji every night at pontartia: is she being ooc right now or is this how chicchi was supposed to be all this time#like remember that time when he said to sou that he only realized what mukai's character was about after kisa got her act together#it's happening agaaainnnnn with chicchi#meanwhile rukiora hates him soooo much and neji is sad that he can't even confess about this to the priest bc it would be ooc for domina#mikki hates him!! except that's not mikki. but she looks and sounds and acts like mikki!! and also like a younger version of neji!!#he'll look to jire and he's all sad and mopey and neji is like. suzu having nuance is GREAT but also suzu not being cheery feels so bad man#where's my moodmaker? hachipochi missing hours :(#he tries to talk to sou but that's not sou that's fugio and also. fugio only cares about chicchi#domina barely even interacts with miguel so neji has to devise ways for domina to talk to him while being in character#but the minute he gets close rukiora is there and miguel would never talk to someone that makes rukiora upset. go away madame!!#neji is left to commiserate with otori/facchio and himehiko is laughing in the background
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vynnyal · 2 years
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A little something like this, right?
#From memory for the most part#I've drawn these characters more times than I expected 😂#I cheated and fixed a few things when I went to pick colors (and then didn't even use them)#Idk I felt nostalgic and decided to crank out a few bugs#Lesse... What stories do I got. It's been a while so I have quite the selection#Oh jdbdjvskhff my dog died from cancer of all things. Like seriously what the heck#While we were recovering I jokingly mentioned something about getting another rescue dog#Within the WEEK we had a pomeranian in our house. A pomeranian. 16 pounds. Pomeranian.#See the reason I mentioned it at all was to give our other dog- Tiger the 11(?) yr old maltipoo- company in his twilight years.#You know. Maybe another old pooch like Lucky that was chill and kind#And now we have Rudy aka SPITFIRE#He's fun though! I like him. He's always smiling and it warms my heart. I swear I can walk out of the house for an hour#and he'll greet my like I've been gone for years every single time#What else. Oh lol so I'm taking care of my neighbor's house for two weeks#A wwwk in and the cat decides to RUN OFF. In the middle of a THUNDERSTORM.#36 hrs later and I'm like aight this isn't great#After posting notices online etc I was sitting around and thought to myself something kinda dumb#See he likes listening to me play on their grand piano. They never use it but I do and the cat always lays at my feet while I jam#So I thought... what if I pied piper the cat home. So I threw open all the doors#And played for oh idk 20 min?#CAT WALKS IN. SITS ON THE FLOOR BESIDES ME#Cats. I stg#Eh that's all for now I'm sleeby#hollow knight#art tag#See ya!
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bunnyb34r · 2 months
We went to the big garage sale yesterday and this one guy had an absolutely beautiful set of pink depression glass and I wanted it SO BAD but I kept looking at each item like... what would I even do with this? They're too pretty to use and where would I display them? Like here's my depression glass ice cream sundae/soda float glass (I was considering that one so bad) its next to my collection of barbies! Or my connection of Cherished Teddies sgdgdgdg like my mom has a small cabinet for knickknacks but it would still look so out of place 😩
Plus since it was an individual guy selling it and I had a bag full of shit to ring up at the front counter table, it felt weird sggddgd
But it was so pink and so pretty 😭 I wanted the whole set bc it looked so stunningly perfect as a set all together but god I dont have that kinda room for that sgdggdgdgd and again too nice to use 😥
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seraphonfire · 10 months
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i should probably get that checked
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koushirouizumi · 4 months
{Shaman King} ~ Yoh Asakura & (Aspec!/Demiromantic Queer!) Manta Oyamada + "At the Beginning" {+{Minimal} Anna as Support) (near very End)}
By Me {Do Not Reproduce/Re-upload my AMVs/Video Edits Without my Permission Under Any Circumstances} Music (C) D o n n a L e w i s & R i c h a r d M a r x A N A S T A S I A (C) FOX/D O N B L U T H
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#amv: at the beginning#koushirouizumi mankin#koushirouizumi sk#koushirouizumi manta#koushirouizumi yoh#koushirouizumi posts#yohta#yoh x manta#qpr yohta#autistic manta#autistic yoh#(T e s t to see if this one d i s p LAYS OK here)#({OK ANYWAY} HI I N E E D PPL TO B E G I N UNDERSTANDING)#(THIS IS THE ONLY KIND OF Q U A L I T Y FOOTAGE I HAD ON HAND BEFORE THE ' ONE WEEK ' A.M.V IN MOST OF MY F A N D O M S)#(This was also my very LAST Man-kin one before most of my later S o n i c X ones {oK BUT I STILL KINDA LOVE IT N E G L})#(Its ***OVER 10+ YRS OLD*** O K)#(I LITERALLY outlined these in my head while IN *S C H O O L* STILL)#(For a long while I was frustrated over how badly the quality got with the transition to H.D. bc it had displayed MUCH BETTER in the Past)#(Its still 'watchable' but m A N I NEED To Remake My Mankin Ones {you can even see the lines at bottom indicating OLD D.V.D footage})#({I also still need to 'finish' watching R e b o o t &also F l o w e r s..... but im eternally fed up Manta ISNT INCLUDED THERE})#({except ONE V. GOOD BUT Still SUPPORTING SCENE where YOH WASNT T H E R E and I dont think it even got into a nIME})#({Once I finish watching all that} {though Ive LONG since finished entire original m a n g a} {I Might Fix These Up Too})#({I also for LONG time decided not to reuse the outlining for KouxTai but also because I didnt have Clear image of direction Id go in With}#({NOW T H O} I Think I MIGHT FINALLY be able to try a KouxTai version down the R o a d {MAYBE FOR d IGIMON TAIKOUVEMBER....})#(Dont @ Me F L O W E R S HAS LONG BEEN O U T NOW OK THANK)#({A.K.A. I Finally Have Tai+Koushiros 0.0005 The Beginning screen times I CAN USE IT IN THINGS N O W..... SOMEWHERE.....})#(Idek but m A N When You Are In Completely Different H e a d S p a c e now than you were 10+ yrs ago makin this in s CHOOL)#({I STILL V. MUCH STAND BY THE T H E M E S & F R A M I N G THO})#(Gd though yEA I NEED to finish re sharing my handful of older Man-kin A.M.V.s and the last few D.N. @ngel + S o n i c X ones)#(If these embed{s} can work Ill see if I can share the others tho theres a few more w s o n g s that might not work lmaooo)
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seventh-district · 1 year
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it’s finally getting cold enough that i can bring my cardigan collection back into rotation without feeling like i’m gonna melt into a puddle the second i step outside!!!
#Seven.txt#my face#i have rematerialized back out of the void to once again make my once-in-a-blue-moon selfie & life update post#i’m running on 4 hours of restless sleep and the single banana i ate for lunch earlier today. let’s do this#hrrrrg i hate the lighting in my bathroom but i refuse to take pictures in the absolute Mental Illness Disaster Zone™️ that is my bedroom#anyways. got diagnosed with Mystery Pain Syndrome at the dentist today. so now i take ✨steroids✨#the less funny explanation is that my tooth still hurts with pressure nearly a month post-root canal and That’s Not Good#so we’re trying some new medications to see if that fixes it. and if not then who knows. root canal pt.2 the sequel. or extraction. sigh#and so the Dental Saga continues. todays visit went quite well in spite of the unforeseen mystery pain delaying the tooth-shaving plans#we had some time to kill so he managed to fill some of my other tiny cavities while i was there today so that’s good#okay moving on. what else. uhh. OH they finally came out and ran the fiber to the house last week!!! now i’m just waiting on one more-#-guy to come and finish the interior install and the long awaited fast internet will finally be mine eheheheheeeee#now i can feel my hours upon hours of unedited gameplay footage breathing down my neck :)#man i’ve got so much stuff piled up right now. i’m drowning in Tasks and it’s a lil overwhelming but i’ll handle it all! eventually#uhhhhm my current writing project is coming along well! i’ve never put so much time and effort into a oneshot before in my life#its a labor of love though and i think i’m gonna be really proud of myself (and the fic) once it’s complete#even if no one reads it bc it’s so goddamn self indulgent and kinda lowkey throws canon out the window but like. fuck it!#if i want Astarion to write a song on piano and perform it for me while mentally taking me on a trip down memory lane. then so be it#fr though i’ve never written anything quite like this and i rlly want to do it justice. even if its unrealistic i still want it to be Good#in other news i received word that one of the chickens i sponsor at my local Gentle Barn has passed away so i had a lil cry abt that#i feel so bad for his little tiny chicken wife. they obviously loved each other and it’s like. so sad when one half of an old couple dies#like. she pulled him out of his depression after his 1st wife died. now who’s gonna be there to pull Her out…#anyways let’s not get all sad about that again. in happier news my cat who i presumed died/got killed has returned home uninjured!!!#after that huge stray dog chased her into the woods i thought we’d never find or see her again#but then the morning after i started grieving her she showed back up hungry as hell yet completely unharmed like the enigma that she is#so that’s one definite highlight from earlier this month. uhh what else. rapid fire summary of the past few weeks let’s go-#Jersey turned 10! Bullet turned 10! my 6 year Veganniversary happened! i’m approaching 700 days on DuoLingo!#i’ve written more than 20 thousand words! i’ve been facing some fears! fighting my OCD! taking care of myself! (kinda!)#anyways things are far from being all sunshine and roses around here but i’m trying to focus on the good stuff for the most part#for now tho i have a headache and have reached 30 tags so it’s time to go shovel some mashed potatoes into my mouth :)
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twilightarcade · 4 months
dude that jitter is aggressive as fuck
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colorful-kibou · 1 year
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HI GUYS IM back but like. not super active (read tags)
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bingobongobonko · 1 year
guy who needs to get medicated badly after having a particularly bad episode a day ago but also looked at a funny dog picture and got my ID back in the mail and also just finished a comm -> things are looking up for me!
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malkaviian · 2 years
for some reason i am thinking that, if my ocs had a fandom, chase would be the character who mostly gets "i can fix him" type of x reader fanfics
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