#got something strange from my grandpa about a week ago and i KNEW it was a mantis egg case....i am a father now!!!!
peridots-pixiwolf · 1 year
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[Start ID. A picture of a small plastic bag containing hundreds of tiny yellow mantises hatching from an ootheca. End ID.]
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awesomegalaxysavior · 11 months
Again, im late and tried my best in a short time—tho, now it's in English.
"I can clean up the guest room. I've got a few boxes I only have to move, and we'll throw some fresh sheets on the bed," his grandpa suggested, wearing a fond smile as they enjoyed breakfast.
"Or, she could stay in Peter's room, sweetheart." Joanne added and Peter grinned, a shy blush on his cheeks, and delved into his omelet. It was heartwarming to witness his grandpa's affection for Nebula. You'd think he'd be confused or even frightened, given that she was an alien and part cyborg. Yet, strange things have happened on Earth in recent years, and the fact that his grandson was dating an alien girl was the least of his concerns.
"Thanks, but I have to head back to Knowhere. I trust Rocket and Kraglin to keep things from falling into chaos, but not so much the others.”
"And!" Peter raised a hand, chewing his omelet. "She'll be back; relax. I've already invited her for Christmas—jeez, you sound more affected than I do."
He chuckled and looked at Nebula. Even though they were now technically a couple, she still found it challenging to let her guard down and show her emotions. But he could see a faint smile.
"That's right, Peter also mentioned something about Thanksgiving? I might take his invitation."
"Ooh, we'd love to have you for Thanksgiving. And the rest of your Gardeners."
He could only roll his eyes at his new grandma. "Guardians, Grandma. Guardians." Although he had a feeling she did it on purpose.
"Have you considered my grandpa's offer? But to be honest, I'd rather have you in my room." He didn't want to let go of her hand nor watch her disappear into the sky.
Nebula glanced over his shoulder at the house. She had parked her ship in the woods behind the backyard. "Yes, but we're making progress with the city. I have to go back."
Ten years ago, it had been hard to imagine Knowhere as anything other than a crime ruled world. Now, it had schools, hospitals, its own law enforcement, and was on its way to having its own government. All thanks to the Guardians, but most of all now, thanks to Nebula.
He released her hand and wrapped one arm around her waist, lifting her chin with the other to plant a kiss on her lips. He made it last until his lungs begged for air. It would be a while until he could do it again.
"Call me when you land."
She smiled, looking down and averting her gaze. He could see this was all a bit overwhelming for her, but she didn't protest and stayed close, one hand on his chest. "Stop with the puppy eyes," she teased, playing with the collar of his shirt. "I hate them."
He knew she was joking. Their eyes met again, remember their features, the feeling of their body warmth and locked their lips one last time before she climbed into her spaceship.
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flamyangelwings · 2 years
The other reunion fic I won't be writing
This time featuring Uncle Drayden as a key player
As a note, This is post post-game. Pokédex is fully completed, but Arceus could only send people back, in time, and Dialga is too weak from everything that happened. The best Arceus could to was lay breadcrumbs for other people to find.
Arceus planted ideas in peoples minds to research this or that, or record these things, so that in Ingo and Dawn's present people could find out where they were and go get them.
-Drayden has to go to Sinnoh for some conference or something
--Think an bi-annual Gym Leaders conference that happens in a different region each year.
----This was another thing Arceus planted in someone's mind
-Since it's a Gym Leaders thing, Clay is there too, and offers to give a tour, having been to Sinnoh in the past since he has family there
--Regarding The Hat, I headcanon that's it's a family tradition to make that hat for each member as a rite of adulthood, often earned in the present through completing a Pokémon Journey.
---Lian earned his when he became Kleavor's Warden
-Clay is firmly told by his cousin/aunt/whatever to bring all the other Gym Leaders to their place for dinner one day.
--It's a big house.
-Clay is giving a tour of the house when Drayden freezes
--"Clay, what's this?"
---He's pointing to a very old photo hung on the wall, among several other photos of members of the family who've had large accomplishments
----Clay's photo is there too, obviously
---"Hm? Oh. So that's my...five? greats grandfather Lian. He was a warden for the Pearl Clan which meant-"
----Drayden cuts him off
---"No. THIS." Drayden presses his finger on the glass, everyone looks closer
----Clay: "What the hell?"
----Elesa: "What the HELL?!?"
----Iris: "WHAT. THE. FUCK!?"
-----Drayden: "Iris, language. but also yes."
-----"YES? WHY??"
-----"I NEED THEM!"
------Five minutes later Clay's teenage relative-of-some-degree walks in, says "Here you go uncle Clay!" and hands him a stack of pages "I've bookmarked the pages you want."
--------The answer to 'where's a copy of the scanned pages' was 'in her room', she likes to read it and always knew this day would come.
---------She pays attention to the Unovan news since Clay lives there and so knew that Ingo of the Battle Subway was missing, and the nephew of one of Clay's fellow Gym Leaders
----------She was actually going to point this stuff out to him herself, but she knew based on the dates when to tell him so that the timelines would match up.
-Gym Leader research time!
--First bookmark is the part where Ingo [Just noted as a strange man with no memories] is found
---Followed by every other mention of him
----'Today a small space-time rift appeared in the middle of Jubilife village while the Clans and Galaxy Team were having a meeting. A small group of people came out of it. One of them was Lady Akari's mother. Lady Akari was so happy to see her that she burst into tears and practically tackled her to the ground in an embrace. Lady Johanna came with two men, one claims to be Warden Ingo's uncle, had an old copy of the photograph we took yesterday with him. He also had a photograph book of Warden Ingo growing up along with an identical boy. I'm going to be sad to see Warden Ingo go, but I don't think he'll be staying now that he remembers that the 'smiling man in white' he told me about all those weeks ago is his twin brother.' The other man in the group must be descended from me or a relative of mine, or at least kin with one, he's wearing the family hat, and that's likely how Warden Ingo's uncle got a copy of the photograph. It's my copy. Also, apparently Lady Akari really was sent to us for a reason. She calmed the Almighty Sinnoh Palkia and Dialga in her past, our future, and was sent back through time to us to calm them again.
-----Drayden: Okay then. So how are we getting to the past, and who is this 'Akari' girl's mother?
-The Unovan Gym Leaders are asking around at the conference to see if any of the Gym Leaders from other regions have ideas.
--They went to the library and museum and have scans and printouts all the information they could find on Warden Ingo and Akari
---It takes five seconds after one of the Sinnoh Gym Leaders hears the story and see a picture of Akari to call all the others over
----As well as Cynthia who was there as a guest speaker
-I headcanon in the Pokémon world, a person's next of kin can access their PC in case of emergency.
--It's supposed to be for like 'they have an Audino and we need a healing Pokémon NOW' sort of situations
---Also, your mom would leave you potions and stuff in your box in Gold and Silver, right? So like that.
--Anyway, Dawn's mom gets Dialga and Palkia out of her box and sends herself, Drayden and Clay back to Hisui
-Literal portal in space opens in front of Galaxy Hall
--Three people walk out
---Akari, quietly: "....I....think I know her...I-MOM?!"
----Akari literally dodges Captain Cyllene's hand trying to grab her and is swept off her feet in a hug by her mom
-----Cyllene's first thought was Danger.
------Then Akari started talking and her thoughts went 'Trap. Trap. STOP YOU FOOLISH GIRL!'
---Lian is staring at Clay's hat.
----Clay is staring at Lian staring at his hat
--Drayden is...blunt.
---He just says everything, shows their proof, and then
----Kamado and Drayden are having a staring contest.
-----Drayden knows perfectly well what Kamado did when the sky went red, Captain Cyllene's journal is in a museum and details it. He also understands why and can respect protecting your own.
---Meanwhile Ingo picked up the photo album and is looking through it
----"Emmet. How...How did I forget Emmet?"
-----Drayden loses the staring contest, but only because Ingo looks at him, says "Uncle?" and then faints.
-------Once Ingo comes to in the Galaxy Hall med bay, a week later, he has all his memories back.
---------Irida is there and is completely unsurprised, if a little saddened, at his request to relieve him of his duties as Sneaslers Warden
-Everyone goes home
--With a couple extinct Pokémon eggs
--All the Gym Leaders cheer when they come back out of the portal
---ALL of them, this became A Thing, since the Unova Gym Leaders were asking all the others, so there's like, 62 Gym Leaders, several members of different Elite Fours, and a few Champions/Ex Champions present
-Emmet is waiting at the dock for everyone's return. Elesa, Drayden, and Iris all messaged him separately to tell him to be there
--He's not sure why they were all so insistent, but he's there
---Before the boat even finishes docking someone is climbing over the rail, jumping off, landing on the dock and taking off at a run.
----Emmet has a split second to think about how that must be against Safety Protocol, before he realizes...
-----That's Ingo.
------That's Ingo.
--------"IN-" Emmet is cut off as Ingo crashes into him and they both fall onto the ground
-Once the boat is properly docked the Gym Leaders get off. The twins aren't saying anything, just clinging to each other.
And then later Drayden tells Emmet the whole story at home.
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tsvkishma · 4 years
you wanna kiss me so bad, huh?
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series: my hero academia / boku no hero academia
pairings: katsuki bakugo x reader
length: 5k words
warnings: swearing, mentions of making out (w/ a minor), breach of privacy??
tags: secret relationship, enemies to lovers, high school AU, reader-insert
summary: the mutual agreement between you and your bf to keep your relationship on the DL is about to be ruined when he makes the stupid mistake to leave his phone on the table for the whole class to see
author’s note: i’m so sorry! i really tried to make it gender neutral, but it was female leaning... i apologize! i’m still pretty new to writing dis homie so please be lenient when it comes to character accuracy lol. i also apologize for the messy, unstructured writing. also thank u to bae @izvkos for proofreading!
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Just as you were getting ready to doze off, the school bell rang, startling you and making you jerk up from your comfortable position on the desk with your head in your arms. Some of your classmates got up to stretch, since it was the break time between classes. Unfortunately, it had only been the end of third period and you had a long school day to go through. You let out a low groan of disappointment. I guess I’ll have to keep myself awake just a little bit longer.
To be honest, you didn’t mean to stay up all night... it was just that you couldn’t help binge-watching your favorite show last night. You convinced yourself that you were only going to watch one episode before you went to sleep... then one lead to two... then three... and then before you knew it, the birds started chirping. But, hey! It wasn’t your fault that it was so addicting!
You look up to see Bakugo peering over you with his hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face, “Tch, you don’t look so good today. Didn’t get enough sleep? How are you gonna be a pro hero with those bad habits of yours?”
You scoffed, “Oh, fuck off. Sorry I don’t go to sleep at 8 every night… grandpa.”
“Yeah, yeah. Make fun of me all you want, but who’s gonna be laughing when you fail your exams next week. I see you dozing off in class, you act like Aizawa-sensei doesn’t even notice,” Bakugo grunts.
You coo, “Awe, is blasty-boy watching me during class? I didn’t know you were this deeply in love with me! So cute.”
His face went red for a moment before his usual angry expression returned, “I DON’T HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU DAMMIT! I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR STUPID CRAP LIKE THAT!”
“Y/n! Stop teasing Bakugo like that! You know he can’t handle it...” Mina chimed in, joining the fun.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN’T HANDLE IT?! ” screamed Bakugo.
“Quiet down back there.,” threatened Cementoss as he entered the class to prepare his next lesson.
You and Mina were just laughing at your classmate screaming his head off, it was always an amusing sight if anything. Even though Bakugo denies having a crush on you, it wasn’t true. And you knew that. He had a fat crush on you, but it was more than that! He was your boyfriend.
You guys had kept your relationship on the down-low for about a month now, your relationship only became official about a week ago, but you guys had been going on dates prior. Bakugo wanted to keep your relationship a secret, you know, to protect his ego or whatever since there has always been a rivalry between the two of you and everyone in Class 1-A was painfully aware of it. He was too proud to let anyone know that he fell for someone he once vouched as his enemy.
There was always constant bickering between the two of you. Whether it be something minute or something that you would argue over for a couple of days. It’s not like the arguments were unintentional because they were started just to spite the other. Bickering would start about each other’s fighting technique in battle or even accusing the other of stealing their food from the shared fridge in the dorms.
The rest of your class was so sick and tired of the ongoing feud so one day, they set out a plan (led by Kaminari and Kirishima) to lock you two in a room just to sort out your differences. They set a date where they would trick you two into thinking that there was a class activity that everyone had to attend, but it would just be you two to show up and you would smash the beef between you two, and BOOM! Problem solved.
Just as the day came for the plan, something was weirdly off about you two. The morning of, you two both came into class at the same time and it was dead silent between you two. No bickering, no petty comments, and no evil stares. As more and more people were arriving, they would immediately notice the weird tension in the air. It was strangely quiet, not just because you and Bakugo were silent, but because everyone else was too. The thought of you guys not constantly at each other’s necks that morning sort of put off the rest of the class. It felt weird to talk over the dead silence when they were so used to your guys’ voices as ambiance while they were in conversation.
As the day went on, nothing changed and you guys were still silent and ignoring each other. Obviously, everyone was suspicious about what exactly happened between you two to make you ignore one another. There was no way that you guys were angry at each other because when you were, both of you made it clear by arguing and yelling loudly.
However, before anyone had the chance to ask why you guys were so quiet,  Bakugo decided to approach you for the first time between class periods. At this point, the class was back to normal and having regular conversations with one another during break time, but all of their eyes were on you two, and their voices hushed to pay attention to the tense interaction shared between you two.
“Oi. Let’s talk,” said Bakugo bluntly.
You looked up at his crimson red eyes for a second before looking away as if his presence wasn’t even there. At this point, you didn’t know what to say to him, yet. This fired up Bakugo because within a second he started yelling again.
You turned to meet his glare annoyed, “Oh, shut the fuck up. I don’t owe you shit. Leave me alone.”
He tested, “The fuck did you say to me, idiot?!”
“Fuck off, dipshit, all you ever wanna do is yell! And might I add- you do it loudly. Are you such a fucking grandpa that you can’t even hear yourself speak? Can you ever jjust shut. the. fuck. UP!” you yelled back.
The arguing continued and the rest of Class 1-A continued with their previous conversations after seeing you guys back to normal. The tension between you guys soon left their minds as they continued with the rest of their day. Unbeknownst to them, the night before you two were arguing like usual in the kitchen area of the dorms before Bakugo made his first move on you.
The argument started with you getting angry at Bakugo for making a mess on the counter after spilling some of his water. It was late at night and no one else was around and you two happened to wake up around the same time to get a drink of water.
“You idiot, clean up your fucking mess. You spilled it all over the counter,” you said as you gestured to the spilled water.
“Tch. I didn’t spill shit. If it bothers you so much, why don’t you go clean it up yourself?” he groaned as he leaned against the counter.
Appalled, you grabbed the roll of paper towels and threw it at his head. He was caught off guard as the roll of paper hit his forehead. It fell and rolled out onto the floor. Now, he was truly annoyed.
“Fuck was that for, huh?!” he said staring at you, smoke practically coming out of his ears.
You laughed, “Just giving you a hand since it seemed like you were too fucking lazy to grab the paper towels yourself. Seems like the grandpa’s getting too old to do stuff for himself, boohoo.”
He growled, rage evident in his face. You laughed to yourself looking away from his face. The next thing you knew, he grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you against the fridge behind you. You were pinned by his big, rough hands and he was closer to your face than usual, yet still enraged.
You tried to wiggle out of his grip, but it was useless, “Let go of me, idiot! You need to learn how to take a fucking joke.”
He didn’t respond, but he kept his eyes on your face. You tried moving away, but now his grip on your shoulders tightened, making your breath hitch.
“What the fuck is your problem? You want me to say sorry or something? Did the paper towel knock the fucking sense out of you? Let me go!” you argued.
“What happened to all your fucking hero training? Can’t get out of my grip, huh? How pathetic,” he growled in a low tone.
You felt his eyes piercing into your own and it was making you a little bit uncomfortable. He’s never been physical with you, even with the constant bickering between you guys. This was a side of him you’ve never seen.
You started, “Look, did I hurt your feelings or something? Did I hit you really hard on the head? There’s no point in holding me against the fridge. Plus, the handle is kind of hurting my back-”
“Shut up,” he stated plainly.
He looked away, avoiding eye contact with you. Okay.... suspicious much...
You tried moving once again, then he pulled you up from the fridge only to slam you back against it, but this time harder.
“Why can’t you just fucking stay still?!” he started yelling.
“Ow! Because you’re being a fucking weirdo! There’s something fucking wrong with you, it’s starting to creep me out! What the fuck are your intentions anyway, huh?!” you argued back.
His face was inching closer and closer to your face with each word pouring from his mouth. You smirked at this.
You laughed, teasing, “Oh, you wanna kiss me so bad, huh?”
He immediately froze after hearing that sentence spill from your mouth and avoided eye contact yet again. Oddly enough, he returned to his calmer self... If you didn’t know any better, it was obvious that that sentence held some truth with him.
“Look just-”
Before you could finish your sentence, his lips crashed onto yours. Your eyes shot wide open at the shock of the situation. Bakugo Katsuki fucking kissed you... Bakugo Katsuki. The Bakugo Katsuki who always argued with you. The Bakugo Katsuki who always got on your nerves. THAT Bakugo Katsuki.
Taking you away from your thoughts, he pulled away from the kiss. He examined your face for your reaction, but you were frozen in place with your eyes shot wide open. You didn’t know what to do, as if you were a computer and you were going through some code that you weren’t programmed to handle. He looked away and scoffed at himself, mumbling.
“Of course, she didn’t fucking like that, idiot...” he mumbled.
His grip on you loosened and his hands were brought to his side and he couldn’t bear to look at you in the face again. Breaking from your frozen state, you focused your eyes on him. He pulled his face away from your point of view and was scratching his neck in embarrassment and you could notice the light blush spread on his cheeks. You felt a little tug on your heart that you’ve never felt before when looking at him. At that moment, he was just so freaking cute.
Mentally telling yourself that you’re gonna regret this later, you grabbed his face in your hands and pulled him closer to you again. Your lips locked with his and you closed your eyes to bask in the moment. Only this time, Bakugo’s eyes were shot wide open, but only for a second. Relief soon spread across his face and his eyes rested on your waist, pulling you closer.
Both of you guys wanted nothing more than to stay in that moment forever, the rivalry between you two completely non-existent. As all good things must come to an end, you pulled away from him and your eyes made contact for a second before you both looked away, blushing. Realization soon hit you and you didn’t know what to do next.
You guys stuttered at the same time, making eye contact for a second before looking away. The atmosphere between the two of you was confusing. Before you could think of another thing to say, he spoke up first.
“Good night,” he said.
He walked away swiftly and turned the corner to the hallway towards his dorm. You stood for a few seconds not knowing what to think. You released the breath that you didn’t realize you were holding in and proceeded to walk towards your dorm room. Leaving the kitchen a bit of a mess for the night.
The next day it was Kaminari who was blamed for leaving the paper towel on the floor and some spilled water on the counter. Poor boy.
Now, the relationship that you had with ‘blasty-boy’ would probably seem complicated and confusing in the eyes of others, but you two were pretty content with where you guys were at. There was an unspoken agreement that you would keep your relationship under wraps. You knew how Bakugo always tried to upkeep his ego of being the best. You’ve always assumed that he didn’t want anyone to know he had a soft spot for you. And you didn’t necessarily mind not sharing your relationship out in the open, anyway. I mean, you guys only just made your relationship official, but it was a little hard to keep your mouth shut when you desperately wanted to gush about him with the other girls of Class 1-A.
Although, you guys have managed to maintain the rivalry between you guys in front of the others. It’s not like you guys were faking it, though. Only now, you guys saw it as fun, meaningless banter and meant nothing by it. The few times that you’ve got to spend with Bakugo alone were completely different from when you would be with him as a group. 
On one of your more recent dates, he invited you to watch a movie in his dorm room and he was so adamant about keeping you close to him throughout the movie. At one point in the night, you tried to get up to use the restroom real quick and his arm around your waist pulled you back down, making you fall onto his lap and you stared up at him. He ignored you and stared at the laptop screen.
“Uh... I need to go pee. Let me go, please?” you smiled up at him.
He gave you a glance and reverted his stare to the screen again, “No.”
“What do you mean no? I drank so much water because the popcorn was too salty... come on. You want me to pee on you or something?” you joked.
He laughed, “So, what if I do?”
You sat up and his gaze finally met yours and his signature smirk was plastered on his face.
You grabbed one of his pillows and hit him with it, “Ew, you’re so fucking gross! I’m going.”
He laughed and finally allowed you to leave, but rest assured, he snuggled up with you when you came back.
Right now, you were hanging with the rest of your class in the common room. On Fridays, you guys all agreed to a movie night after a long week of classes. You were sitting with the rest of the girls, settled between Momo and Mina. The movie hasn’t started yet since everyone was starting to get comfortable and settled in. A few of your classmates were grabbing popcorn and other snacks in the kitchen while the rest of you guys were just chatting. Somehow, the conversation between the girls evolved into talking about relationships.
“Oh my god! There was this really cute guy that I accidentally bumped into at lunch and apparently he’s a third-year! I hope I bump into him again, he was seriously cute,” gushed Mina.
“That’s so cute, Mina! I wish I had, like, ANY romantic interactions. My life’s so boring...” groaned Ochaco.
“Same,” said Hagakure.
The rest of the girls sort of nodded in agreement, but you just sat there sipping your juice pouch loudly.
“Y/n? You’re awfully quiet,” teased Tsu as she nudged you with her elbow.
“Well, I mean-”
“What are you ladies talking about over here, huh?” said Denki as he and the other boys inched closer to the girls to join their conversation.
Momo spoke up, “Seems like Y/n over here has a crush!” 
You covered your face in embarrassment, “No I do not! It’s... uh... look we’re just... talking?”
Kirishima teased, “Awe so who’s the lucky individual?”
“Yeah, I wanna know who captured our Y/n’s heart,” laughed Sero.
“It’s no one...” you said after trying to recover after digging yourself in a deeper hole.
“Hey, Bakugo. How do you feel about Y/n’s new crush, huh? Maybe your love for her isn’t reciprocated after all...” started Kaminari before Bakugo stood from his seat on the couch and grabbed his shirt to intimidate him.
He growled, “I don’t have a crush on Y/n. How many times do I have to tell you idiots that?!”
“You’re just jealous that Y/n’s significant other is probably hotter than you!” laughed Mina.
Visibly annoyed at the situation, Bakugo walks away rolling his eyes and mumbling, “Tch. Can’t believe I go to school with a bunch of idiots...”
“Awe, can’t take it anymore? Your love for me is so strong that it pains you to listen to this conversation, huh, Bakugo?” you teased.
“Shut up. I’m going to the bathroom,” he said plainly.
The rest of your classmates on the couch got a laugh in before the topic of your potential significant other died down into smaller topics within different people. Those who were in the kitchen preparing the snacks for everyone finally came back and everyone was finding their seats around the TV and your boyfriend had yet to come back.
You pulled out your phone to text him and right as you did, Iida turned off the lights.
“Yo, Y/n. Turn off your phone it’s too bright and the movie’s about to start,” nudged Mina.
You apologized, “Sorry. I’ll turn it off in a minute I just need to text someone.”
You pulled up your boyfriend’s text log and typed in a message for him:
yo blasty boy why arent u back from the bathroom the movies starting
...also i saved u a seat next to me so we can cuddle (lowkey of course hehe)
After sending those two messages, you put away your phone in your pocket. Everyone was concentrated on the movie and you set your attention on the TV screen until...
A phone on the coffee table lit up brightly while making two loud notification pings. Everyone lost focus on the movie and looked over at the phone on the table. No doubt that it was your grandpa of a boyfriend’s phone pinging. Before you could do something, Kirishima grabbed it.
“Who the hell didn’t turn off their ringer? And why is it so damn loud..” laughed Sero.
Kirishima’s eyes scanned his phone for a quick second before his eyes widened and he covered his mouth in surprise.
“Holy shit! Bakugo has a girlfriend!” yelled Kirishima.
You couldn’t help but cover your face in your blanket... Bakugo was about to be so mad at you. Your secret would be out and honestly, you were glad, but you know that your boyfriend didn’t want anyone to find out anytime soon. At least, not like this.
Everyone turned to Kirishima, suddenly losing interest in the movie playing in front of them.
“Oh my god, you’re joking!” squealed Yaoyorozu.
Ojiro claimed, “There’s no way that Bakugo has a girlfriend. Not that hothead.”
“Bro, I’m not joking! And guess what... it’s someone in this room!” exclaimed Kirishima.
Everyone starts looking around the class, silently accusing their classmates of being the culprit.
“Look what they said: ‘also i saved u a seat next to me so we can cuddle‘! Someone better start speaking upppppp!” said Kaminari teasingly as he got the phone from the red-haired boy.
“So, who is it?” grinned Ochako.
Sero peeked at the phone in Kirishima’s hands, “There’s no name, it just says ‘dumbass’. That’s so like Bakugo.”
You sighed in relief. You didn’t know that Bakugo didn’t have your contact as your actual name. 
“G-guys! I don’t think Kacchan would want us to go through his phone...” protested Midoriya.
“Midoriya is right! This is not respectful behavior, we should respect our classmate’s privacy,” Iida said matter-of-factly.
Kaminari replied, “Aw, come on you guys are no fun! It’s harmless, anyway! If it really is someone in our class, we were bound to find out! It’s inevitable!”
You grab the phone from him and said, “Wow, Kaminari, I didn’t know you had the vocabulary capacity for the word inevitable! Now, let me see this...”
Lo and behold, your messages were shown on the screen under the name ‘dumbass’. You tried to analyze the situation and how you could use this small sliver of anonymity to your advantage. You concluded that just trying to play off the situation would be the best thing to do-
“Woah, woah, woah. What’s that as Bakugo’s wallpaper?” said Mina as she slowly grabbed the phone from your hands.
Right then, a horror scene played out right in front of your eyes. As everyone was standing crowded around the phone (whether they agreed with peering through your boyfriend’s phone or not), they were looking at the brightly-lit device in the pink girl’s hands and she deleted the notifications to show his very-telling wallpaper… you could say there was a slight miscalculation in your plan as you failed to notice earlier that his wallpaper was the two of you... making out.
You couldn’t bear to look at what was on his phone as everyone let out their gasps. It was too embarrassing, everyone seeing such an intimate moment on your boyfriend’s phone. Bakugo had taken that picture on a whim one night when you two were having one of your movie nights. When he did that, you were shocked because there was no way that Bakugo took pictures of himself ever. Honestly, you were shocked to see that he knew how to take a selfie. Nonetheless, you peeked through your fingers at the phone in Mina’s hand just for a bit.
To your surprise, he set the wallpaper to LIVE MODE. Live mode...... Everyone was watching you guys make out in action like it was a fucking movie.
That motherfucker...
The silence of realization was then disrupted as the girls let out their squeals and the whole class was causing a commotion while the boys high-fived each other as if they won a competition or something. Everyone was up and moving, a strong contrast from them mere minutes ago when they were lounging around on the couch and floor. Sero was shaking your shoulders as you covered your face in your hands. Your face was heating up from all the embarrassment and you couldn’t bear to look at any of your classmates after what they just witnessed.
You didn’t know what to think. Half of you were completely embarrassed that your friends just saw you in an embarrassing scenario and half of you were angry at Bakugo because this was all his fault! Who the fuck puts such an intimate moment as their wallpaper?! Why not something cute? And of course, it had to be a live photo…
You finally peered through your hands again to see the scene in front of you. Mina was laughing so hard on the couch that she was on the verge of tears.
Most of the boys were still jumping up and down like some monkeys due to the sheer excitement and energy in the room. Uraraka walked up to you and smiled widely while placing her hands firmly on your shoulders.
“Wow! Who would’ve thought that you and Bakugo were a thing! I honestly didn’t see that coming… sorry that we all had to find out that way. I was a little too absorbed in the excitement to consider how you felt,” said the round-faced girl.
With your face still red, you said, “Don’t worry about it… it was bound to happen soon enough, right? Although, now I’m a little embarrassed, but I guess I’m kind of relieved that I don’t have to put much effort into hiding our relationship anymore.”
Yaoyorozu chimed in, “Honestly, this is more entertaining than the movie we were just watching!”
You laughed along with the other girls who were nearby. On the other side of the room, the boys were making a train throughout the room and singing.
“Uh, y/n,” interrupted Asui, “Look.”
The man-of-the-hour walked in the room with his hands in his pockets with his usual grumpy expression. He stopped to examine the room and stared quietly at the energetic group of boys.
He scoffed, “What are you nerds doing? Why aren’t you guys watching the fucking movie, huh?”
He looked around the room until his eyes met yours and you quickly looked away, which caught his attention. Your mind was racing a mile a minute trying to think of an excuse. Your gaze averted to the ground, but you could hear his footsteps heading your way.
“Since when did your socks suddenly get so interesting that you can’t look me in the eyes?” teased Bakugo.
He brought his hand up to your chin and lifted your face to meet his gaze. His playful smirk instantly dropped once he saw your expression. Your eyes were borderline teary and seemed lost, like a sad puppy.
He whispered so that only you could hear, “Baby… what’s up?”
You wanted to give in to his touch at that very moment and run into his arms, but you resisted because you knew that it would be too selfish given how you just broke your guys’ agreement. You didn’t deserve to be in his embrace right now, he was seconds away from finding out that your guys’ secret came out accidentally all because you sent a random text. You pulled your face away from his grip and moved away from him.
“W-wait, what-” he started.
“HEYYYYYYYYYYY, BAKUBRO!” said Kaminari and he wrapped an arm around him (much to Bakugo’s dismay), “How come you didn’t tell your buddies that you had a soft side to you, huh?”
Bakugo grunted, “What the fuck are you going on about?”
Kirishima chimed, “You know, you shouldn’t leave your phone out in the open like that… it makes you vulnerable!”
Still confused he said, ”Did worms get in your brains? We’ve been only one day off from school and you start lacking common sense?”
To his surprise, you walk up with his phone in your hand while keeping eye contact, unlike earlier.
“Sherlock, I thought you would’ve connected the dots by now,” you sighed, with a tinge of sadness behind it, “Your wallpaper… really?”
You hold up the phone up to his face and his reaction was almost humorous to you. His eyes widened and his face was painted with a light tint of pink.
For the first time in your life, you witnessed your boyfriend at a loss for words. The rest of your class watched the whole interaction and some restrained laughs were let out and they were all back to square one, laughing like maniacs. You were about to join in and laugh with them when you realized again what the situation at hand was. You were scared of how Bakugo would react since this would be the first rift in your relationship and you didn’t want to have a genuine argument with him, especially with how angry he could get. Suddenly, you felt a pair of hands grasp yours and you look up to see your boyfriend smiling at you.
Before you could say a single word, he hauls you on his shoulder, and you yelp in surprise. You don’t know how you ended up in this position, but now you’re dangling off of him and now you’re staring at the ground. (Also, his face was dangerously close to your ass, but you didn’t mention it.) He starts walking away and away from the commotion towards his dorm room. Before you can protest, he leans his head on your body causing you to freeze up. You could feel his warmth from his body heat against your shirt.
“You know… I’m not mad at you. I could never be mad at you,” he says quietly.
Your brain took time to process that sentence… was Bakugo actually not mad? Most importantly, who knew such sweet words could come out of his mouth? You couldn’t help but breathe out a sigh of relief and you relaxed a bit.
Wanting to tease him, you said, “Sorry, you were too quiet. Could you repeat that again?”
He groaned, “I said… I’m not mad at you, I could never be.”
You giggled, “I know. I heard you the first time, but I thought my ears were deceiving me… Katsuki Bakugo is saying something nice for once? Whatttt…”
He shook you a little, “Forget it. You didn’t hear anything.”
Raising yourself a little, you patted your boyfriend on the head, “Nope. Remembering that phrase forever and ever.”
You smiled, “Whatever!”
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Part IX
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Pairing: Steve x reader, Bucky x reader, Thor x reader, Loki x reader, Peter x reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, stalking, possessiveness, theft, all characters are adults.
Words: 1574.
Summary: Transferring to Stark Academy that has only allowed to take in female students last semester, you realize you are just one of three young women among hundreds of students. Your things are constantly being stolen, and soon you begin fearing for your safety.
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V |  Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII
You didn't know what else to say, feeling ashamed. Who cared about your family circumstances? Definitely not Steve Rogers, a man you met just a couple of weeks ago and who knew nothing about you. Why did you say something like that in the first place?
You didn't wanna look at his face and see him feeling guilty because he didn't know how to comfort you. You didn't need to be comforted. You didn't need anything at all. It was just a simple cold, right?
Despite that, you suddenly started talking from beneath your blankets, "I have a younger brother. When he was born, we found out he was having severe asthma. His childhood was terrible, he had constantly been sick, I remember him being in and out the hospital all the time. Of course, because of his condition, my parents spent most of the time with him. He was just a little sick kid."
You hated yourself for talking, for showing something to Steve he shouldn't have known because he wasn't your friend, but you couldn't force yourself to stop.
"On the other hand, I am lucky to have good health. I didn't really got very sick, so, well, I didn't need help like my brother. So, I'm used to taking of myself. I'm a big girl, I don't need my mom to dance around me just because I have a cold."
Of course, you didn’t. You were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, and even of Steve didn't show up, you'd be alright by yourself. You'd just take your acetaminophen, and then everything would be ok.
You kept silent, staring at the inside of the blanket and wishing Steve would just disappear, leaving you to your misery. You didn’t see his face, and you were glad you didn't. What he must think about you? That you were craving for his attention like a spoiled kid? Shit, it was so embarrassing. You were an adult, for goodness sake!
"I don't know about you, but when I had a flu sachet, it would make me fall asleep really quick. And when I was feeling sleepy, I would start thinking about the things I loved most because I hoped I would see them in a dream." Instead of feeling ever more ashamed, you listened to Steve's soft voice and thought you were lucky it was him being here with you now. "It actually worked, and I have been having my best dreams when I was asleep, sick. What are the things you love most?"
Surprised, you looked up at him and saw the most gentle expression on a face of a guy you had ever met. Why did he look at you like that? Why was there no pity on his face? Why was it making you cry like you were a ten year old kid? Before he could see anything, you hid beneath the blanket again and kept silent for a couple of moments to calm down.
"I love lemon pies my grandma used to make me, and her garden. She had tomatoes and cabbage and strawberries that smelled like summer. I loved watering them nearly every day because I thought I was a little forest witch who lived in her pretty cottage in the woods."
You didn't know why you were telling him this, but Steve has a strange effect on you. Or was it cold? You had no idea, but it didn’t really matter. All you were thinking about was the way fresh tomatoes smell when you'd leaned down to water them, and the sound of bees flying above strawberry's flowers. Your grandma was taking care of her cabbage - a very capricious guest in her garden - and you could hear her working, cursing grandpa for making the patches too wide in that funny voice of hers. Then she'd stood up, wiped the sweat with the back of her hand, and called you to come back to the cottage because if was time for dinner. You'd run to wash your hands in a barrel of water near the big apple tree when grandma didn't see, and soon you were sitting with her, eating her famous cabbage soup and then having a piece of a lemon pie because you worked so well today.
You could almost feel the taste on the tip of your tongue.
By the time you woke up, Steve was long gone: it was the middle of the night, and instead of him you saw a thermos with a still warm chicken soup on a chair, waiting for you. He sent you a message that you could call him at any time of the day - or night - and that he wanted you to have a bit more sleep to get better. After you had a few more sips of his soup, you fell asleep again, feeling warm and fuzzy.
The weekend went fast. It was the first time in several years you spent so much time in bed. Steve kept appearing at your door from time to time with a new bags of food despite you telling him you had your own, but he always insisted you should it something fresh and warm. Surprisingly, he wasn't the only one at your door: Thor suddenly showed up with his whole team, bringing you notes for the upcoming exams they collected altogether, apparently. Loki sent you a message if you needed anything, and Peter left contacted you on Instagram, leaving you links to games you could play so you wouldn't feel bored. Even Bucky gave you a call, asking if he could come and give you a few packs of Neo Citran for your cold, but you kindly refused: Steve literally brought you a yearly supply of this.
It was strange. Of course, when you were in high school, your friends grew worried about you when you had been sick, but there was nothing else to it. Wasn't it always like this? Nobody came to see you. Nobody brought you soup or gave you meds or anything. Despite feeling embarrassed, you realized you actually liked it when somebody was close to you like that. It was comforting seeing Steve popping up and not having to worry about how pretty you looked: he laughed when he saw you getting all shy because you were in your pyjamas. He said he definitely didn't expect you laying on your bed in an evening gown.
Before you realized it, you were already getting better. It was just a cold, really. Soon your throat was no longer sore, and while you were still sneezing, your temperature dropped down to normal, so on Monday you were ready to come back to school as planned. Funny enough, you no longer cared if you passed your exams, having 100%. You didn’t talk about it with Steve, but Peter was laughing like crazy about that when you told him.
Funny. They no longer looked so scary to you. They were just a couple of boys, weren't they? Regardless all those scary rumors and stuff, they were just guys. Maybe they were weird and stupid and a little bit scary because you didn't know them, they were still alright. Thor said it to you, didn't he?
Monday was Bucky's day, so, once you were done dressing, he nocked at your door: you were feeling a bit shy, watching him in that leather jacket and torn jeans he kept wearing the whole year around, apparently. Barnes looked like a teenage girl's dream. He smelled like cigarettes - although he said he was trying to quit - and pinewood. Just like Thor, he liked to skip classes he didn't enjoy much, but he was smart enough to pass the exams. Funny enough, he had a motorcycle.
Again, you wondered how come girls weren't coming from a city on a bus just to go see him.
"Are you sure you’re feeling better?" He asked you softly. "You can stay home today."
"No, no, I'm perfectly alright, thank you! How are you?" Smiling, you closed the door and hid the key in your bag.
"I'm good, thank you."
He didn't speak much, but as you walked in silence, you thought it was comforting - not talking at all and feeling good about it. While Bucky looked like a scary biker, in fact, his calm and friendly demeanor only helped you relax around him. Besides, it was funny how students seemed to give him way whenever they saw him, and you thought if Steve was the King, then Bucky was the Knight.
Before you went into the your classroom, he suddenly stopped you, "Listen, I wanted to say I have your stuff."
You blinked, "What stuff?"
You didn't give him any of your stuff. Actually, after Steve gathered you all in the student council room, you only met Bucky this morning for the first time.
"The stuff those freaks took. Your... your clothes, I mean." He muttered under his breath, and you gaped at him.
Your underwear. He found your bra and panties those guys took from your room.
"Wait... how?" Staring at Bucky who, apparently, was feeling a bit embarrassed talking about it, you thought how on Earth he got those things.
There was only one way he could, right?
"Bucky, was it you who beat those guys?"
It took him a couple of seconds to turn his face to you and then sigh, "Yes, it was me."
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki  @helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherub @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @biiskuitx @stupendouslovegardener @iheartsebandchris @lovelydarkdaydream @soleil-dor @illyrianprincess @vampirestrawberries @goodgodimaweirdperson @frontmanash @freya-heya @yandematic @mariatietacapitu @d3monslust @maybesandohnos @ibeatuptwinks @mangobangi @nectav @whatever-happened-to-the-ducks @teabutnerdy ​ @srrymydood @crazylittlereader2474
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liptonsbabe · 3 years
Chains of a family [B.W]
Bill Weasley x Grant! reader
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
Chapter 3,
Chapter 4,
Chapter 5, 
Chapter 6
Summary: The Weasley family have traditions about marriage and Bill has to respect them if he truly wants the reader become his wife. In the attempt to respect his family wishes the weasleys have to visit reader’s grandparent Tim Grant who has a lot of things to say
Word count: 5K TOO LONG I’M SO SORRY
Warnings: none(?
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A/N: Hey! part 6 of this thing. I’m so sorry to update this late but it was a complicated chapter and the longest so far. I’ll try to make small chapters from now on and the wedding is aproching, you guys!! i’m sooo excited to publish that part but we have to wait a little more for that.
So, as i’ve said in the last chapter, i changed some things from de canon like Bill being attacked by Grayback and such. it’s just for the plot of this series ok? hope you don’t mind guys.
Anyways, like always, english not my mother language so pls let me know if somethings wrong. Enjoy!
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Chapter 6: Your life is not enough
You needed a couple of weeks to fully recover, even if it meant having Bill on your back every hour and taking you away from your duties with the Order. The mission that Remus Lupin gave you had to wait until further notice, all for William's excessive concern about your wounds
The task of keeping you away was complicated, more so when the Death Eater attacks had gained strength that no one expected. The members of the order spent twenty-four hours a day on watch with no time for breaks, even Bill went three days without sleep until you, still recovering , left the room and dragged him back with you regardless of his constant complaining. Molly supported you in the decision - thank god - telling her son not to worry that the rest of the Order would keep their eyes fully opened and he could rest comfortably next to you
The drastic change in Mrs. Weasley's behavior confused you because there was no reason for it, but the relief helped make your recovery quicker and less painful. The healer who  you the morning after the accident with the Death Eaters took too long to close the wound as it was a curse wound and it needed a counter spell to heal properly, but not having one, he used other tactics and Dittany to help it heal. However, the help had come too late, and the scar was a throbbing fact that stung terribly when you made the slightest move. The healer said the burning and discomfort would go away with time, but the redness would stay forever. You thought that would be the last of your problems until you got your first glimpse of the result of the attack.
It was a disastrous thing, but it could have been much worse. You sighed as you looked at your disheveled image in the bathroom mirror. You had just taken a shower and Bill was still dressing in the bedroom. You took off the robe Ginny had given you a night before, watching the scar glisten across the valley of your breasts ending above your ribs. You sighed again, if you didn't consider yourself pretty before, at that moment you felt awful.
A new figure appeared in the reflection accompanied by a bright smile. William wore his white shirt tucked into his pants, his bow tie dangling from his collar and his suspenders placed perfectly flush against his shoulders. You smiled, looking at him through the mirror.
“Getting used to your dazzling new short hair?” You asked as you noticed Bill's nervous hand run over his head for the fifth time after the shower. Bill groaned, burying his face in your neck.
“I hate this style”
“And why did you cut it off, then?”
“Mom made me," he stated, tightening his hands around your waist, "She wants me to make a good impression, and for once I wanted to please her in something”
“Wow, your mom wanting to impress my family? That's new”
“Well, not every day you get to visit Lord Voldemort's brother," you gave him a bad look, smacking his hand, "Too soon for a joke, sorry”
You shook your head, escaping from Bill's embrace putting perfume behind your ear, on your wrists and neck. You gasped when a small drop of perfume touched your wound, reddening it. Your eyes lost in the scar again, knowing that even if your dress managed to cover most of it, the initial edges would be exposed like the body of a worm crawling through your clothes. Bill discovered your discontent. He hugged you again, running his fingertips over your sore skin as he kissed your bare shoulder. Maybe you couldn't see it, but for Bill you were perfect. Not just for the way you looked, but  the beautiful heart that, even if he didn't deserve it, you had given him without any qualms. You deserved to be appreciated by the rest of the world, not just by him.
“I love you. You know that, don't you?”
“Even with the scar?”
“With the scar even more. It shows how brave you are and you should be proud of it. You saved Mad-Eye”
“The others will see it”
“It's their problem, not yours. You're still the most beautiful woman in this world.
You smiled, stroking the short hair of the man behind you.
“Not as much as that”
“You're right. I stand corrected. You are the most beautiful woman in both worlds”
“I'll help you get dressed," he said, noticing that you were blushing up to your ears. William smiled without understanding why a sweet comment could make you blush, but not the fact that he was looking at you naked from the waist up. He picked up the dress hanging on the dresser reaching over to help it over your head pulling it down gently so as not to hurt you. Then, he zipped up your back leaving a wet kiss on your neck.
Bill's false calm didn't go unnoticed by you. As you smoothed the folds of your dress you noticed the trembling in his hands and the way his feet drummed on the floor. He was playing with the zipper of your dress pulling it up and down, trying to calm his nerves
“Bill, it's not necessary to do this”
“It is!” He replied looking up. You turned to him, crossing your arms around his neck, "I want to respect the traditions, to do things right. I want to show everyone that we mean business. It's just that...”
“My grandfather scares you?”
“What? No” You raised an eyebrow “Okay, maybe a little”
“You don't need to talk to him. He'll understand”
“I want to”
You gave in to Bill's pout. A few days ago, just after he asked you to marry him, Arthur Weasley spoke to his son asking him how he would go about keeping the traditions of the family. Bill didn't seem to understand what he was referring to when his father explained that the Weasleys used to always, always, visit the bride's parents' home right after the engagement to ask for their approval. Offerings were usually brought in a show of respect and the parents in question would respond by offering dinner for the guests. Bill's eyes widened, was that a real tradition?, he didn't know, “why didn't you ever tell me about it!” he questioned his father in a shout. Arthur knew about his son's untimely ignorance, returning the accusation, “Would that have made any difference on your desire to have her as your wife?” Bill didn't have to think too hard. “Of course not!” he shouted and his father laughed, patting him on the shoulder. His son was brave and would have asked for his bride's hand even from Voldemort himself. Bill was lucky tho cause he only had to talk to the old alchemist Tim Grant.
Your grandfather was the only one in the family who seemed to be neutral in the war caused by his brother, but above all he was the person who loved you most as you had both been banished from the Grants for standing up for your own convictions. Maybe Tim wasn’t an active member of either side, however, the blood connection with his brother Tom Riddle sent shivers down the spines of those around him. The man isolated himself in the Galapagos islands dangerously close to a volcano, where he was sure his brother wouldn’t dare to look for him. The Weasleys, hearing the story from your lips didn’t understand why.
You used a portkey to get to your grandfather's house. Arthur had communicated with Tim hours earlier and the two of them managed to establish a connection undetected for the ministry thanks to  the old Grant's powerful magic and his skills as an alchemist.  You couldn't hide your excitement at seeing your grandfather again, which encouraged Bill's eagerness to formally introduce himself to his next.... grandfather-in-law?
“Well then, but you don't have to worry. Grandpa is a very understanding man”
“Yeah, I'm sure he is”
“Bill Weasley, who knew talking to an old man would make you so nervous?”
“Very funny” he rolled his eyes, gluing his forehead to yours “I just want him to like me, (Y/N)”
“He likes everyone”
“That doesn't make me feel any better.”
“It will when you talk to him and see there's nothing to be afraid of” You stood on your tiptoes cause even with your high heels you couldn't reach his height. You kissed his cheek, snatching a warm smile from him “He's not like the rest of my family”
“I didn't mean to imply that, I'm sorry”
“It's all right, I know you didn't mean it. Now let's go downstairs, your mother must be going crazy”
“As if she wasn't already”
You slapped his arm as you descended the stairs. You didn't want Molly to hear them and relive her recently dissipated discontent with you
The rest of the family were already near the portkey with their arms full of baskets with offerings for your grandpa and the twins carrying some strange ornaments. Bill's sister Ginny greeted you with a smile, handing one of the baskets to her older brother. Molly and Arthur approached their children, both hanging on the opposite arm dressed in their best sunday clothes to make a good impression. You smiled without waiting for Bill's mother to smile back.
After the accident at Little Whinging Molly's rudeness disappeared. Not that she accepted you with open arms, but she stopped making bad comments and avoided looking at you in a bad way. Bill didn't know what Mad-Eye said to his mother that night when he told everyone how you had saved him knowing how much he owed you, but Bill didn't understand the size of the changing till he saw his mother offer you a piece of litchi pie the night after the attack when you were recovering from the wound. It was not that big of a deal really, but it had left you with a permanent smile on your face.
It was Molly herself who had taken the initiative to encourage Bill to fulfill the family tradition. If a Grant was going to come into their home as their son's wife then she should do it the way they knew. Her first piece of advice to her son was cutting his hair to a normal length. Bill was horrified by his mother's words cause he knew she was taking advantage of the moment to make him suffer with his precious mane. He did it anyway, because there wasn't anything in the world he wouldn't do for you
It was a drastic change, but it was worth it. Molly saw your eyes sparkle at the sight of her son so changed, with his hair cut short and his beard shaved. Your fingers danced over his face appreciating the effort Molly, not yet convinced of your influence at home, had made for you. Molly stifled a smile, unaware even to herself, that you were slowly beginning to win her heart.
You touched the shuttle at the same time falling precipitously in the sand and Harry helped you up  with a smile. Then you walked straight appearing in front of a huge house that was sheltered by the foothills of the bubbling volcano on the other side of the island. The twins, like the rest of the family, let out an exclamation of astonishment as Ron, harried by the huge spiders hovering in the sand, ran for the door.
The smell of freshly cooked food escaped through the cracks in the door before it was opened. The twins' eyes widened as they recognized the delicious smell of cooked prawns and coconut sauce wafting over their heads. You knocked on the door three times, then stopped and resumed the knocking four more times. The Weasleys watched you, did you have a special code to communicate with each other?
"Come in" You gave way to them closing the door behind you and sealing it with an unknown spell. Bill waited for you at the threshold as his family was already making their way to the table where a very well dressed Tim Grant was waiting for them sitting in the main chair. Bill looked at him from his position, shaking “We still have time to run away” you joked “If you're not ready...”
“I am," he said confidently.
You both walked toward the dining room. Tim was greeting the rest of the family enthusiastically. Bill sighed. At least Tim seemed to get along with his parents, so that was good. They all filled a seat, with Tim occupying the head and Arthur the opposite end; Molly sat on Tim's right side and you sat on Mr. Weasley's right side. The twins, Ron, Harry and Ginny took the middle seats leaving Bill the only vacant spot on Tim's left side. Bill took a breath before taking the seat and receiving a curious look from the man.
“Ah, how wonderful is to have more people to fill the empty spaces! A table this big doesn't serve any purpose unless it's fully occupied, does it? That's what I always say!”
“Don't you usually get many visitors?” asked Molly, breaking the ice. Bill felt sweat trickle down his back. Tim guffawed, patting the back of Molly's hand on the table.
“I’m afraid so. I think that is cause I'm the only one crazy enough to live near an active volcano and my family's fame doesn't help me much either, I'm generally a lonely man. Most of the time it's frustrating, but I can deal with it. You are a big family from i can see, are they all yours, Arthur?”
“Only the redheads," he replied. You recognized in his tone of voice a slight pride “The other one is...”
“Harry Potter” Tim Grant's eyes sparkled with recognition. He looked at Harry with a smile, bowing his head to him in respect. Harry did the same “I know him. He's the guy who's been giving my brother headaches”
Tim's laughter echoed through the house being followed by the twins and you cleared your throat to get his attention. Tim spotted you from across the table waving his hand dismissively.
“Grandpa, please”
“A little joke to lighten the mood, my dear, oh, are these for me?” he questioned, bringing closer the baskets offered by the Weasleys resting on the table. Bill's basket was in front of him waiting to be properly delivered, so he stood up and did as he should. Tim Grant gladly received it, complimenting the selection they had made “What a cute boy, did you see him, dear,? he's gone red!”
You let out a chuckle, nodding at your grandfather's words. Bill's face was flushed as he returned to his spot and looked down at his hands. Tim guffawed again and banged the table.
“I appreciate the gifts, Arthur, I've never been part of a tradition like this before”
“It was important for my son and the rest of us to do it, to introduce ourselves properly”
“Sure! It's what a family with honor does. I'm not surprised. No, not at all. The Weasleys were in the book of the sacred twenty-eight for a long time until they were struck off the list. Tell me, that was quite a blow, wasn't it?”
“Not so much, my family has never cared about that sort of thing”
“Of course! It never did, I could see it up close. Did you know I was friends with your grandmother, Lysandra Yaxley?”
Arthur's eyes widened.
“Really. My family also once belonged to the most important pureblood families until I was born, of course. Lysandra and I became friends because her family also got kicked off the list when Cedrella, your mother, married your father Septimus Weasley. Even your grandfather Arcturus was removed from the Black family tree which was an embarrassment for him being that the ancestral Black family is too proud and such. Anyway, that's part of life, right? Creating new families, bringing people together...”
“Was your family always purebloods?” Fred asked. Tim shook his head
“It was. As I mentioned, before I made my appearance in this world”
Tim was suddenly silent. You scanned your grandfather's face waiting for an answer. Dinner plates flew in from the kitchen and positioned themselves at each guest's place setting while a huge chocolate fountain was set up in the center accompanied by a plate overflowing with assorted fruit. The baskets took a turn and took a place on your grandpa's shelves. Tim sighed, looking at the Weasleys asking to begin dinner.
“I’m the son of a witch, but not of a pure blood wizard”
“Don't you and Lord Voldemort share the same father?”
”It's all right, Molly, I can answer that” Tim rubbed his chin, thinking “I understand your concern boy, being hide here doesn't make me ignorant to what's going on out there and I know better than anyone what you're going through. You need weapons against my brother and you do well. Tom is a big threat, a very big threat indeed. You're right, Tom and I don't share a father, but that doesn't make him any less my brother.
“I think we're straying from the subject that brought us here” mentioned Arthur feeling a sudden warmth. You supported him, but Tim continued to speak
“I was the son of Merope Gaunt and Aleister Grant. My father was a famous son, grandson and great-grandson of brilliant alchemists, and unsurprisingly he was one himself. Merope Gaunt was...  a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin and a Parselmouth. She had a brother named Morfin and my grandfather was Sorvolo Gaunt. My parents met when the Gaunts had just moved to Little Hangleton after their exile and needed a place to stay. They became the owners of a squalor ridden shack on the edge of town and well, my father was a young alchemist who lived near the Gaunt abode”
You sipped from your wine glass as you listened to your grandfather speak. Never, even with the rest of the family, had he ever struck such a chord as he was doing with the Weasleys. The truth was that you didn't understand why he was telling them all that, however, you weren’t interested in interrupting the story as you knew your grandfather had a purpose with him.
“Those of us who are dedicated to alchemy have never enjoyed an enviable reputation because our transmutation abilities are mostly underestimated by the things that magic in general can produce and it makes a science like alchemy reserved for muggles in their attempt to approach the power that the wizards possess. Personally I think there is something right about that, precisely cause the transmutation in the Muggle world is divided into subjects they taught in schools like chemistry or physics, but alchemy goes beyond that, it’s a connection between the wizard and the spirituality that each one possesses...” the man's gaze was lost in a place at the table, pausing the story. Harry settled back on the seat waiting for him to continue “But it's very difficult to erase the deep-rooted ideas about it, so the best is ignore that and continue doing what we believe is right. Anyway, ah! I got off topic, didn't I? Okay, okay, well my parents ended up meeting and my father fell in love with my mother as fast as my socks get cold at night, but that infatuation wasn’t well regarded by my uncle and even less by my grandfather, of course, for the fame of the alchemists at the time”
“So what happened?” you asked. Tim smiled at you, taking a bite of the rye bread on his plate.
“My mother was treated worse than a house- elf by her father and Morfin, so she decided to run away with my father to France where he had several alchemist friends who could protect them. The Gaunts might have been exiled, but they were still dangerous and to be honest I think my father was terribly afraid of uncle Morfin. They eventually made it to France, but they encountered an infamous muggle who tried to hurt my mother”
Everyone stopped eating to pay attention to Tim as he drank his third glass of wine. You thought that your grandfather wouldn't even be able to stand up by the end of the night.
“He was known as Gilles De Rais. He was a sadistic muggle who tried to become a wizard even though he wasn't born a wizard and used my father to tell him secrets of alchemy. One night they were having a conversation when my father revealed him that there were certain amounts of gold in people's bodies. Gold is a very valuable component, as you already know, so the man's greed didn’t take long to show itself and he questioned my dad how it could be obtained. My father told him that the only way to obtain the gold was by draining the blood and dividing it with a very complicated procedure, however, the gold of an ordinary adult was quite scarce. The real wealth was in the blood of children of no more than ten years old because they possessed a great amount of gold and other components that could be transmuted into riches. The muggle did so, and when he learned that my mother was a real witch, he wanted to know if golden blood ran through her veins, which would make him richer than he already was. My father refused, and decided to leave the place before he hurt us, because they knew she was already pregnant. The muggle went mad and unleashed in him a fury that spread throughout France”
The Weasley twins chorused an astonished murmur as the others moved up to the table so as not to miss a word of the story. You sent a glance at Bill as he hadn't stopped sweating and going over his words all evening.
"They wanted to go back to Little Hangleton but my uncle and grandfather were still in a rage waiting to see them arrive, so my father sent my mother alone while he found another place to stay as he could not expose her to the cold streets of France while on standby, so they had no choice but to leave her with her family avoiding revealing my existence to them. Uncle Morfin didn’t want my mother back, but my grandfather convinced him because they needed someone to take care of the house and their needs. Time passed, my father didn’t come back and I was born in the garden of the house while my mother watered the plants”
“My birth was a surprise to everyone because my mother knew how to hide me well until my father's arrival but, as that didn't happen, I couldn't stand it any longer and made my triumphant appearance on my grandfather's favorite bushes. Uncle Morfin was furious and even tried to get rid of me immediately, but my mother clung to me like a lioness.
“Really," he replied with a broad smile, "I think a part of her was still holding on to my father showing up at some point and getting us out of there, but again that didn't happen. Mom had to endure her brother and father's abuse for me and that's a debt I can never repay”
The whole table fell silent, thinking. Dinner continued as a heavy thunderstorm rumbled overhead, accompanying old Tim Grant's story as if it were yesterday. The man paused to eat and the others did the same with no desire to miss a word. Harry's eyes sparkled in wonder and Mr. Weasley's strong hand on yours helped to soothe your fervent anguish.
“I guess that's what mothers do, isn't it? Anyway, the years passed and I had to live under uncle Morfin's shadow and at the mercy of his growing wrath. When I turned five I started helping the market men with their chores in exchange for a couple of pounds which we had to exchange later for galleons and sickles to survive for two weeks. Mom helped bring money into the house, but it wasn't enough. Then, at seven, the Dream Messengers showed up one night telling me I was required to study at the Uagadou magical college in Africa so I couldn't refuse”
“Wait, Uagadou takes students from the age of seven?”
“Oh I see," the man settled back in his chair, wiping the corners of his lips with a napkin as he stared at Ron, "I forgot that the rest of the magical schools aren't very well known around here, are they? Well, yes, some schools take in very young students as is the case with Uagadou or the Japanese school. It depends a lot on the traditions in each region i guess, because in the African school they select only descendants of alchemists or who have had at least someone  in their bloodline whose spirituality helped them to become one. It wasn't all as easy as that, of course, because each student had to pass a test before having a permanent stay, but....
“What kind of test?” Harry questioned when dinner was over and they start dessert. The twins were the first to help themselves a piece of fruit, playing with the chocolate fountain in the center of the table.
“One that only wizards with alchemist ancestry could pass, Mr. Potter. I passed the test so I had no choice but to move to the castle immediately. I didn't want to leave my mother alone, but she convinced me to do it. Going to Uagadou was a great opportunity for me and for her cause it meant I could follow in my father's footsteps” Tim's face suddenly darkened as he pushed away the overflowing plate of fruit Molly offered him. He folded his hands on the table and thought for a long moment. The twins continued to play with the chocolate fountain but a fierce look from their mother made them stop. Then Tim Grant sighed, wiping the sweat from his brow with the handkerchief on his coat “I regret that decision to this day. I could have gone to Hogwarts like any other wizard, but I suppose my ambition got the better of me. Maybe... if I hadn't left Little Hangleton she never would have met Tom Riddle”
You tensed as you felt the pressure of Mr. Weasley's hand on yours a little too tightly. One glance at the others was enough to understand the dread the name struck their nerves. You even caught a glimpse of the hiss on Molly's lips and saw the sting in Harry's scar. Tim let out a chuckle, taking another drink from his wine glass.
“My brother’s father. I didn't hear from him until a couple of years later, when my mother wrote to me saying that uncle Morfin was in Azkaban and that my grandfather had died. She didn't give me many details, however, she did very vaguely mention the presence of a muggle who was quite striking to her. For better or worse, my mother was already forgetting my father, believing that he had abandoned her or, at worst, that he had dropped dead somewhere in France. I didn't believe the same, but it was logical that she got tired of waiting. I would never have grown tired, at least not having loved the way they did”
Your gaze rolled to meet Bill's eyes as he looked back at you. He smiled at you, causing you to blush. Then you both looked back at your grandpa who was sipping a new glass of wine.
“It was a couple more years before I stopped hearing from my family. Mom never wrote again and with uncle Morfin in Azkaban there was nothing that could be done. When I was eleven i returned to Little Hangleton only to find that my mother had married Tom Riddle, got pregnant and he had thrown her out on the street like a dog. She was left with nothing, unable to return to her father’s old house, and was forced to wander in the streets for months, until one rainy december night she went into labor in the middle of an alley. I helped her as much as I could, dragged her to the door of an orphanage where my mother no longer even had the strength to save the three of us. She had her wand in her hand, but she never used it. She gave up in front of me, the baby was born and asked me to name him after his father. She put him in my arms, the door of the orphanage opened, but mother had already died”
“As you can understand, it's kind of hard for me to remember all that," Tim Grant's reddened eyes closed, choking back tears, "I was just a little kid taking care of a baby and I didn't do my best job of raising him. I was upset with my mother for a long time after she died, but I don't judge her now. After living an almost totally miserable life, my mother had no hope and not enough courage to make her want to keep trying, even for the sake of her newborn son. That decision had a considerably negative impact on Tom's psyche as he was growing up I suppose cause I had to go back to school and I couldn't take him with me, I would have! Of course I would have. I tried, but Tom wasn’t descended from any alchemist and there was nothing I could do about that. I tried, Merlin knows I did. I felt the need to leave him in that orphanage. I visited him whenever I could. For a year I went back and forth from continent to continent to see him, but that wasn't enough for Tom to grow up feeling loved. Orphanage life is hard, dear friends, we shouldn’t judge others too harshly, much less a lonely mother” Tim Grant's irritated eyes were fixed on Harry, reflecting deep pain “She was weakened by her long suffering and she never had Lily Evans’ courage. Everyone sacrifices for those they love in different ways, and my mother did it in her own way”
“Why didn't you ever talk about this?” you asked from across the table. Everyone looked at you “when dad asked you so-”
“Your father didn't need any more reasons to support Tom's follies” Tim shook his head “My brother is a very convincing person not only with his family members but with anyone who gets in the way of his plans. He has a very affiliated serpentine tongue, he inherited the gift of gab from our ancestors and your father grew up under his influence”
“We're very sorry for what you had to go through, Tim, but there's nothing that can be done about you-know-who and all that's left for us to do is to fight him”
“I understand, Arthur, but that doesn't stop me from blame myself. I did what I could, but an eleven-year-old can't take the place of his parents. When I graduated from school and wanted to take care of him Tom was already at Hogwarts and completely disappeared from everyone's eye," he lamented, scrunching his eyelids together, "That was the last time I saw him as the real Tom and not the ghastly grayish mass he is now”
The twins and Ron laughed at the comment and were immediately silenced by their father. Tim scrunched up his eyes, took a breath and let out a laugh looking around the room.
“Well, enough whining, that's not what you guys are here for, is it?” Bill, that had kept silent, denied when the man turned to see him, "What's done is done, and lamenting won't do any good, but I hope that what I've just told you will help you to see Tom's human side if he still has it, which I doubt it very much”
“Thank you, sir”
“You're welcome, Harry, dear, well? What was you wanted to tell me, my boy?”
Tim Grant turned his full body towards Bill, almost climbing up on the table fixing his huge opaque eyes on Bill's. Bill held his gaze noticing that the man was drunk since the beginning of the evening. He looked to you for help, but you were too busy watching Mrs. Weasley's reaction to hearing the reason for your visit.
“Come on, boy, don't be shy”
“I... well, I wanted to-”
“Oh, Arthur, your son is so cute!” he shouted as he squeezed Bill's cheeks. His brothers and Harry laughed and even Molly hid a mischievous smile by putting a piece of apricot in her mouth “Poor frightened boy. But, come on! I'm not going to make it harder for you, I know you're here to ask for my granddaughter's hand in marriage, aren't you?”
“Yes, that's right, sir”
“Well, that's a great gesture of you, but this is a job for (Y/N)’s parents”
“It is, but you understand that under such circumstances we couldn't pay a courtesy visit to the Death Eaters," Arthur interjected with an amused smile.
“So..." repeated Tim. You sighed, "You love my granddaughter?
“Yes, sir”
“How much?”
“A lot”
“Are you going to protect her, take care of her, and love her?”
“With my life, sir”
“Your life is not enough for me, William” Tim smiled at him, tapping Bill's chin with one of his fingers “My granddaughter is still a Grant, descended from very powerful wizards. My hand will not tremble to revenge the suffering you put her through, am i being clear?”
“Y-yes, sir. Crystal clear”
“Good boy," he replied, patting his cheek. Then he turned to Molly, took her hand and kissed the back of it, giving her a beautiful smile. The woman blushed, but it didn't last long because the man turned to her husband and bowed his head in respect. Arthur pressed your hand on the table and also kissed the back of your hand, making a promise “Well, then. Arthur, your son has my blessing to marry my granddaughter”
Mr. Weasley raised his glass, offering it to Tim.
“Thank you, Tim. We promise to take care for (Y/N) as a member of our family”
“I hope so." The man rested his chin on his hands, watching the huge smile form on your lips and kissing Arthur's cheek. He turned to Molly lightly patting her shoulder offering her a sweet roll which she accepted with a giggle “It's nice to see you accepting my (Y/N) so well” Molly wrinkled her nose “Since who she is and coming from a family as complicated as ours...it was hard for me to believe that someone from the outside could fall in love with her someday. I always knew my little girl was different from everyone” Tim's brown irises clouded over. Molly fell silent “You could put her in a basket of rotten apples and she'd make them blossom, so I'm glad to hear you've taken her in as one of yours. Being a Grant is a very complicated task, i never had a problem with people speaking shit about me, i was never ashamed to be recognized as Lord Voldemort's brother, but my yoke should not fall on my granddaughter” Molly Weasley listened carefully “I have always been a faithful supporter of being judged individually and not by the others actions, that would be like punishing children for their parents mistakes, wouldn't it? That wouldn't be fair and it wouldn't make us any less guilty than my brother, isn't that what he’s doing? Punishing Muggle-born wizards just because they weren't born under Merlin's blessing? I like you, Molly, I know you understand.
A pain in her chest made her look down, embarrassed. But then Tim lifted her chin at just the right moment for her to catch the moment her son rose from his place to walk over to you and lock you in a breath-stealing hug. Arthur was at your side watching you and then his attention focused on his wife giving her a beaming smile, the kind she hadn't seen in a long time. Even the rest of their children had joined in the celebration and Harry rose to congratulate you while you and Bill happily sealed your engagement with a kiss. Tim moved Molly's chin towards him, their gazes colliding.
“Yes," Molly whispered, "I understand.
“Good” Tim let out a laugh, pulling away from Molly to toast. The woman watched you as she smiled thinly ”Then my story was useful somehow”
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startanewdream · 4 years
The fawn and the stag
Summary:  When six-years-old James Sirius has a crisis about never showing magic before, a familiar friend comes to help him.
For @prettyflores whose prompt was "Harry and/or James Sirius' first magic", and then it turned out in this family feels story.
Read on AO3 or below the cut:
The sounds of laughter and conversations were drowned away as James went around his house, leaving by the front gate; nobody noticed him. He was usually very good at avoiding being caught and even more so that day - all his parents' attention was on Al, little four-years-old Al who had just cast his first magic.
It was not a very impressive magic - Al was just upset because Lily didn’t stop crying and then he made some flowers levitate around her, distracting her. All grownups - Mom and Dad, Grandma Molly and Grandpa Arthur - had stopped to look and even Teddy seemed impressed with what he had seen. James didn’t think it was a big deal, but then everyone was applauding - Lily was giggling - and there was a light on Dad’s eyes that upset James more than anything.
His father had never looked at him like that.
Which was fair, because James had never shown any magic before.
He hadn’t been worried until then, but if his baby brother had performed magic, then so should James, right? He was older . And smarter - at least, Mom always said he was too smart for his own good.
So James had an idea and he had left them. It wasn’t like he could talk to anyone who had been there, there was no one who would understand him; he would usually come to Teddy for his questions, but Teddy had been unquestionably a wizard since birth, with that changing appearance of his. And he knew that Mom had been exploding things ever since she was younger than Lily (Uncle George always told this story with tears of joy in his eyes) and Dad… well, Dad was a hero. He didn’t know the full story because Mom told him he was still too young to understand, but he had seen Dad's Chocolate Frog Card and knew that his Dad had faced a Dark Wizard when he was just barely one-year-old.
It was only James that was lacking in the magic department in the family. Maybe there was something wrong with him.
‘There is nothing wrong with you’, he heard an amused voice say and he didn’t need to turn around to know his friend was there; James was already used to not noticing when he approached him, of not ever hearing his steps.
And James was already used too to how his friends sometimes seemed to read his mind.
‘I never did any magic’, James mumbled, annoyed, shame coming out of his voice at admitting it out loud.
‘Sure you did’.
‘How can you know?’, James asked. ‘No one ever saw me doing anything’.
His friend let out a small chuckle. When James turned to him, he was smiling gently.
‘Not every magic can be seen, Fawn’, he said.
James didn’t know what he meant by that, which was also normal. Sometimes his friend said things James couldn’t understand, like calling him Fawn, even though James had repeated a lot of times that his name was James.
‘Oh, I know’, his friend would say when James corrected him, and he sounded strangely sad about it, so James usually dropped the subject. He didn’t really mind being called Fawn.
It sounded affectionate, like something Mom or Dad would call him.
‘Where are you going?’, his friend asked, watching him with some concern as they got further away to James’ house.
‘The cliff’, James answered resolutely.
‘Hum’, his friend pressed his lips, his hand grabbing his own hair rather nervously. ‘That cliff where your dad told you not to go alone?’
James nodded. They would go down to the beach on weekends and there was a nice cliff where they could watch the sunset on a picnic sometimes. James had never thought much about it until a few weeks ago when he saw those teenagers jumping off the cliff in the sea beneath and that had seemed fun - and even more interesting when Dad had said it was too dangerous to jump like that and he shouldn’t do it.
But James never considered actually going there until now.
‘Fawn’, his friend sounded distressed now. ‘I know your expression very well. It speaks of trouble . What are you thinking of doing?’
‘Uncle Neville once told me a story about how he discovered he was a wizard’, James explained without stopping walking. He was near his objective. ‘His great uncle let him fall off a window and he bounced to the ground’.
‘And now you are thinking of jumping off a cliff? This is a terrible idea’, his friend declared, though James thought he sounded just a little impressed. ‘Wandless magic doesn’t work like that - and magic comes for everyone at their own time, Fawn. Go back home’.
‘I can’t!’, James cried, feeling his eyes burning with tears. ‘They are all gushing over Al and… I am  older , I should have done magic already! What if - what if I  can’t -’
‘Fawn’, his friend stopped in front of him, kneeling so their eyes could be at the same level. ‘I promise you are a wizard. But even if you weren’t, your parents would love you all the same -’
‘What do you know?’, James interrupted him, drying away the tears that insisted on dropping from his eyes, which only annoyed him more. Only Lily cried - and she could because she was a baby. ‘You don’t even exist!’
That made his friend blink, startled. James was breathing heavily; it seemed weird to accuse his friend of not existing, when James could see him clearly with that dark messy hair that reminded him of Dad and those hazel eyes that shined very brightly, a face so familiar that James thought he had known him since always; but James had heard Teddy talking about him.
Imaginary, Teddy had called him.
And James had realized how Albus always got confused when James mentioned his friend, even though he had been by James’ side on occasions that Al had to have seen him; even Mom and Dad, though they had never said anything about it, seemed amused when James mentioned his friend, sometimes accepting his presence only after James mentioned him, until James had finally accepted that his parents couldn’t see him at all.
A part of James had known what that meant, but he always ignored in favor of just accepting his company . He was the only one that James never shared with anyone; and he would play with James before Al grew up enough to join him, or when Teddy wasn’t near - and considering Teddy would be going to Hogwarts that year, James had wanted even more to keep the presence of a friend that never seemed to judge him; in fact, his friend seemed to approve most of the small misdeeds that James would do time from time.
He was always there when James needed him.
But now James had more pressing things to care about than the fact that his best friend was just on his own mind.
‘Let me go’, he asked, when his friend didn’t move. ‘I - I told you, you don’t exist. Go away!’
James knew how that worked. Sometimes when he was afraid of something under his bed or in his closet, his dad would come and show him that there was nothing there.
‘And let me tell you a secret, James’, his dad would say with a warm smile that calmed James more than anything in the world. ‘You are much more powerful than any fear. So you close your eyes and think very firmly “go away!”. When you open your eyes, there will be nothing there’.
But now it was not working with his friend, who was just staring at him with faint worry in his eyes. James supposed it only worked for things he was afraid of and, truth be told, his friend gave him the opposite of fear.
‘You always tells me to not give up’, James said then, sniffling. ‘Why are you not letting me go?’
‘Because it’s a silly idea, Fawn. Magic can show itself in moments of need, but not always. I don’t want you to be hurt’.
‘See? You don’t think I can do it’.
‘I think you are a kid who can’t control your own magic yet. Like… Teddy once was. He can change his hair, right?’ James nodded, thoughtful. ‘But he needed a lot of practice to learn. Like you will when you go to Hogwarts’.
‘I don’t know - what if I never get a letter - if I am not a Gryffindor like Mom and Dad -’
‘Fawn, I am telling you, your parents love you the way you are’. And when James opened his mouth, his friend touched the point of James’ nose. ‘I know what I’m talking about, I am a parent too’.
That made James pause. His friend never talked much about himself.
‘You are?’
‘Yes. And you know what? Every day I am proud of my son’.
‘You have a son? Do I know him?’
There was a smile on his friend’s face, one that suddenly reminded James of his own dad when he was talking to Teddy about Teddy’s father or when James had asked him where his dad’s parents were.
It was… wistful.
It made James feel sad for some reasons he couldn’t understand.
‘You do’, his friend said. ‘And he was older than you when made his first magic’.
‘Yeah, he was seven. He didn’t know what he was doing, he didn’t know that he was a… anyway, he was going to the school and his… his aunt gave him a terrible haircut, really awful. And he made his hair grow back at night. He was sleeping when it just happened. His first magic’.
His friend sighed then; a heavy silence that reminded James of his parents when they were thinking about the war, of things that were lost and could never come back.
‘Did you think he wasn’t a wizard?’, James asked in a small voice. ‘Before?’
‘I never really thought about it’, he answered, and James could only hear the honesty in his voice.
‘Would you be upset if he wasn’t?’
‘I would be worried’, his friend said, again sighing. ‘But not because of what anyone would think, just because I knew his road ahead was difficult and it would be worse without magic. But never  upset . The things he did that most made me happy and proud had nothing to do with his magic’.
James walked again, this time to sit on one of the benches in the small park they were. His friend sat next to him, his arms protectively around James’ shoulder.
‘What things?’, he asked curiously.
‘Well - lots of things. Once he went to face a very dangerous wizard and he did it because he knew he was the only one that could do it, even though he was just eleven. And, no, he didn’t cast a single spell for it. It was just him and his love that saved him’.
‘Love is the most powerful magic’, James recited. His dad always told him that.
His friend smiled.
‘Yes, but it’s not a wizarding magic, Fawn, Muggles love just as fiercely’, he said, and then he looked away at something James could not see. ‘I was proud of my son whenever he stood up to defend his friends. When he did the right thing no matter what. But I think the day I was the happiest was when he gave me my first grandson’.
‘You have a grandson?’, James asked, surprised. His friend looked even younger than his father, not all old like James’ grandparents or Teddy’s grandmother.
‘I look good for my age’, his friend assured him playfully, once more knowing exactly what was on James’ mind. ‘And I don’t have only one grandchild, but three. I love them all, but the first… was the first’. He threw James a furtive look. ‘He got named after me, so I may be a little biased. Don’t tell anyone’.
There was a mischief look on his face now, one that James recognized in the mirror every time he saw himself doing something he shouldn’t be doing.
He felt a sudden wave of warmth for his friend.
‘I am sorry I said you don’t exist’, he said sincerely. ‘I know you are real, even if no one else sees you’. James cocked his head to the side, a thought coming to him. ‘Why doesn't anyone else see you?’
‘You are thinking of the wrong question’, he answered cryptically. James tried to think what could be the right question, but nothing came to him. ‘And they may not see me, but your parents know me’.
‘They do?’
‘Oh, yeah. We’ve met before. I loved your father even before he was born. And your mother and I had a nice chat right before  you were born, you know?’
‘That was ages ago’.
‘Six years mean nothing to me. Time flies by when…’
But his friend shook his head, not finishing his phrase. He looked away, past James, in the direction of his house.
‘Your parents are looking for you; they are rather worried’, he said, as if he could hear them calling, even though James thought it was too far. ‘Did you give up on your idea then?’
‘Yeah’. James shrugged, trying to pretend it was nothing much, though he knew his friend wouldn’t be deceived. He always seemed to know when James was lying. ‘It wouldn’t even be new. I would want my first magic to be far more exciting. Like Mom’s’.
His friend gave him a fond look.
‘I told you, Fawn, not every magic is a firework. Some are just as simple and quiet as crossing the barriers of life and allowing a grandparent a time with his grandson’.
James didn’t understand what he meant by that. But he thought that his friend was very nice and that he wished he had all the time in the world with the grandchildren he mentioned he had.
‘Your dad will find you soon’, his friend told him. ‘I think I will go - will you be okay?’
James nodded.
‘Tell him what’s bothering you. Your dad will always listen to you’, his friend said. ‘And Fawn… even if we don’t see each other, you know I will always be here when you need me, don't you?’
James smiled.
‘Thanks… what do I call you? I never knew’.
His friend gave James a lopsided grin that James had to share.
‘What do you want to call me?’
‘I don’t know’, James answered truthfully. It would be weird to call him Mister when James already thought of him too much as his friend and he didn’t look like one of his uncles. ‘What do your grandchildren call you?’
There was the most curious look on his friend’s face. James had never seen him so sad, almost crying.
‘I’d expect Grandpa’, he whispered.
‘Well, I could call you Grandpa then’, James said. He called Teddy’s grandmother as Grandma sometimes too; she didn’t seem to mind.
‘Yes, you could, James’, he said very softly, looking happy and melancholic at the same side, and James realized it was the first time he called him something other than Fawn.
He was going to note it when he heard someone calling him in the distance. He turned in time to see Dad coming in his direction, running, and James got up. When he looked back at the bench, there wasn’t anyone there anymore.
This was usual too. His friend would come and go without James ever noticing it.
‘James!’, his dad called him once more, and then he was giving James one of those bear-hugs that Dad always reserved for when he came home after a long mission for work. ‘I was so worried!’
‘You were?’, James asked, surprised, because he really thought no one would notice him gone.
‘Of course I was! Don’t ever disappear on us again, please!’
‘I am sorry’, James mumbled guiltily. ‘I just thought - you were so excited because of Al, I didn’t think -’
‘Oh, James’. Dad broke away a little to look at him. ‘Is that why you left?’
James bit his lips, not wanting to answer. Dad kneeled in front of him and James had a vision of his friend doing the same before; for the first time, he realized they actually look a lot like each other, though his friend didn’t use glasses and didn’t have any scar on his forehead.
‘James?’, his dad asked softly. James took a deep breath.
‘I was afraid of not being a wizard’, he whispered. ‘I never did what Al did’.
‘That was accidental wandless magic, James’, his father explained patiently, messing with James’ hair fondly. ‘It’s not controllable’.
‘But you looked so…  proud of him and I wanted you to be proud of me too’.
‘I am proud of you’, his father assured him. ‘Al’s magic just reminded me of something I saw a long time ago. And you are my little mastermind genius, aren’t you? Or you think I don’t know who put those Canary Creams on your cousins’ cake last week?’
James grinned without controlling, not at all ashamed. It had been fun watching them all turn into little canaries and it was temporary, Uncle George had explained to him.
‘You are different from Al, just I am sure Lily will be different from both of you. And I love you all the same’.
‘Even if I happen not to be a wizard?’, James asked, the smile dying from his face as he stared intently at his father. His friend had assured him, but James needed to hear his dad saying it.
‘Even then’, his dad said and James looked in his eyes for any sign that he wasn’t speaking the truth, but there was none. He breathed easily, a huge weight coming out from his shoulders, and his father looked at him as if wondering if he should say something more. ‘I know you haven't shown anything yet, but... Strange things always happened around you, did you know?’
James shook his head. He never noticed anything.
‘I mean, even stranger for wizarding standards. Once we let you alone for five seconds, thinking you were safe inside your crib. It was magically protected to avoid any way of you getting out - only physical force would open. But you managed to open and then we found you coming in our direction, walking as if… as if someone was guiding you. We never understood what happened exactly’.
‘What do you think it was?’, James asked.
‘Maybe you have a guardian angel’, Dad answered, but James thought he was just joking.
‘Maybe it was Grandpa’, he said, shrugging. James didn’t remember since when he saw him, but he supposed he was there by his side ever since he was just a toddler.
‘Grandpa? No, Arthur wasn’t -’
‘No, Grandpa is… Never mind’.
James shook his head, giving up. His dad couldn’t see his friend anyway.
‘Okay… Well, what I meant, James, is that you have nothing to worry about. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever shown any magic until I was about seven. There is no age exactly’.
‘So it’s normal? I mean -’
‘Perfectly normal’. His dad raised, offering him his hand. ‘Let’s go back home? Your mother is worried too’.
‘I didn’t mean to upset you’.
‘I know. But next time you have any problem, you come to us, okay? We will always be here for you’.
James smiled more openly now.
‘What were you doing alone out here?’
‘I wasn’t alone ’, James answered, rolling his eyes because he knew his father wouldn’t understand this. ‘I just was… thinking’.
His dad threw him a look that told James he wasn’t falling for what James said, but he didn't insist. That look reminded James of his friend back ago; maybe it was a look that came with being a dad.
In any case, James considered that it was better for his dad to wonder than knowing for sure about that cliff-jumping idea.
‘What was it, Dad?’, he asked instead, to distract him. ‘Your first magic?’
‘Oh’, there was a faintly amused look on his face as if he thought the idea was laughable. ‘Something silly, I made my hair grow overnight… James?’
He’d noticed James had stopped walking and was looking at his father with a funny expression.
‘Was it because of a terrible haircut?’, he asked. His dad nodded slowly.
‘Yeah, how did you -’
‘Lucky guess’, James answered, walking again, biting his lips, his mind considering the possibilities. If what he was thinking was right… Mom had explained to him about ghosts and once Aunt Luna had said in that dreamy voice of her that people never really left their loved ones... ‘Dad, you are proud of me?’
‘Yes, like I told you’.
‘I think… I think your dad is proud of you too’.
Harry stopped at the front gate to look at James. There was that wistful smile on his face and James thought he could understand a little; he wanted his dad near him all the time and he couldn’t imagine growing up without him like it had happened with his dad.
‘It’s what I hope every day’, he whispered, then he sighed. ‘Now, go run to your mother, she is was concerned for you. If you ask nicely, I think she may even take you to a flight’.
James beamed and he ran to the backyard, allowing his mom to hug him; she was a little mad he’d been missing, but he could tell she was much happier he’d come back. Even Al and Lily seemed delighted he was back and James allowed himself to be a little pampered.
He looked over his mom’s shoulder to see his dad walking calmly towards them, and, for a brief second, James thought there was someone next to him, someone who had an uncanny resemblance to his dad, grinning at the scene. Then he blinked and, when he looked back, there was nothing there but his father, a smile on his face that James knew all too well.
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ashbrea381writings · 3 years
Fractals and Feathers:Pt1
For as long as Damian could remember, his grandfather had grumbled about his wings. The outer color was fitting for the League, a deep pine green with brown eye-markings near the base. The underside, however… Were a soft, baby pink that faded into a grey-white. His soulmate was obviously some civilian girl who had no problems in her life. “It is unbecoming. If you were to ever meet this person, you must end them on sight, salvage some form of dignity.” Ra’s lectured, sneering down at Damian. “If you fail to do this, you will lose the right to have wings at all.” With that threat, Ra’s swept out of the training room, leaving Damian to consider what he must do.
The next five years were spent with Damian training hard, the threat of having his wings removed hanging over his head. He kept an eye out for his soulmate anytime he was out on a mission either with his mother or when he was alone. He was determined to not get his wings ripped from him, no matter what fate wanted for him. This went on until the fateful day his mother took him away from all he knew, and left him with his father. His father’s wings were jet black with small points of pure white like stars on the underside and slate grey with blue and purple markings on the outside. Damian didn’t care about the colors of the other boys’ wings, and ignored the color of his own, choosing to keep them tucked close enough that only the grey edges of the bottoms showed at all. This is why it took him 2 weeks to notice the first cracks.
Marinette had always found the dichotomy of her wings interesting. The light, pale pink fading to grey on the back, and the dark pine green on the underside. She thought it was pretty, and just a bit mysterious. Somehow, on hot days the inside of her wings would be just a bit cooler than the rest of her, soothing the heat just enough to be comfortable. On cold days, they gave off the heat of the summer sun, warming her through the cold nights in her attic bedroom. When Marinette got her miraculous, she worried about her wings giving her away, but instead of her pink/grey and green wings, she found that the pink was replaced by bright red with black dots, and the green was changed to black with red dots. Meeting up with Chat, she found him with startling acid-green and black patterned wings. “I guess they want to protect our identities.” He joked, laughing and admiring the pattern. “Let’s not focus on that, Kitty.” She sighed and turned to face Stoneheart. “This is scary enough as is without thinking about if they didn’t hide our wing colors.” “True… Let’s go.” His face turned suddenly serious. “Do you have a plan?” Stoneheart took time to defeat, and Ladybug forgot the Akuma, so they had to clean it up later, but… They were pretty happy with the partners they were starting to become. They started to get to know each other, not revealing identities, but learning everything else about each other. Until one day, Chat brought up something interesting. “Hey, what happens to your wings if something happens to your soulmate?” “Why do you ask, Kitty?” Ladybug paused as she was unpacking the dinner she’d brought with the two of them. “Someone I know, they commented about the color of a person’s wings when we were out together. They said something about how that person had lost their soulmate. Nobody ever said anything to me about the colors changing if we lose them.” He stared at his gloved palms, seeming to not see anything at all. “Why? Did yours change color recently?” Ladybug asked, alarmed. “No! No, they’re the same as always, but… My… My mother disappeared a while ago, and I want to know what to look for and how to know what happened to her if I see my father’s wings change.” He sighed deeply, dropping his head into his hands. “I know I can’t say more because we can’t know who each other are, but I just… I’m so terrified to see them changed one day.” Ladybug wrapped an arm and wing around Chat, pulling him to lean on her shoulder. “Oh Cat. I can tell you, but try to stay positive, okay?” At his nod, she continued. “Your color on the underside of your wings will change if your soulmate dies. If they die of old age, they turn pure white, if they were sick, pure black, if they had an accident, they become silver, if they died a hero or sacrificed themselves for someone, they turn gold, and… If they were killed, they turn blood red.” Ladybug sighed at the end and hugged Chat tighter. “Does your father have any of those colors without any other color or pattern? It’s only plain colors with no other pattern for if the person has died.” Chat took a deep breath, shaking his head, “No, they still look like Mom’s wings as of last I saw them. We… Don’t talk much.” He hugged Ladybug tightly, wrapping his wings around under the one she had put over his shoulders. “Thanks, Bug, I’m glad I know now… At least I know she’s still alive out there. Somewhere.” They finished their dinner, flying a circuit around Paris to make sure all is well before they called it a night. The next few weeks passed, and they kept up with the Akuma Victims, making sure to check in on the victims after each fight. The people of Paris started noticing something odd as this continued though. The Akuma fights, even though all damage was reversed after each one, were affecting their wings and those of their soulmates.
Damian squinted at the small spider-webbing of cracks that glowed gold on the underside of his wings. It reminded him of kintsugi in appearance, subtle cracks that showed gold between the usual colors. “Father, what does this mean? I thought your wings only changed color if your soulmate died?” He finally asked after the number of cracks increased to stretch in geometric patterns across the pink and grey feathers. “I don’t know, I’ve never seen this before.” Bruce frowned, looking closely and waving Tim over to him. “Will you try to find anything you can about this phenomena?” Uncharacteristically serious, Tim nodded and went to work right away, his red and black wings draped over his chair comfortably. Damian turned away before he noticed the colors inside his wings, not wanting to know. A sharp beep alerted him to his phone, and he raised an eyebrow at the photo. “It would seem Kent is having a similar problem.” He showed Tim the photo Jon had sent of his own wings, the blonde and emerald green feathers also showing cracks, in a similar geometric pattern, but in a mix of gold and blood red. “I shall inform him that we are already looking into it.” “Yes, let Jon know that we’re working on it. If his case increases at any point, or anyone else around him experiences it, have him notify us.” Tim called over his shoulder as he continued to work on the program he was making to search with.
How long does it take for your wings to change color when your soulmate dies?
Marinette chewed her fingernail as she scrolled through the results, reading a few different reports comparing the reported time of death and when the soulmates’ wings changed color, mostly reported by hospitals in the case of illness or death. “Within two or three minutes. That explains a lot, actually. But then why are they not completely changed, just showing cracks?” “You have dealt with some pretty destructive Akuma recently.” Tikki recalled from her place on her Chosen’s shoulder. “Maybe those only kinda count because they would have been permanent if you hadn’t done the Cure?” “I suppose. Syren was pretty intense, and so many of the people who have the markings were probably people whose loved ones and even they themselves drowned.” Marinette sighed. “I wonder what Mamman and Papa think about all this?” “You could probably ask them… It isn’t so strange to wonder since you can see the cracks in their wings, and in other people’s at school.” Tikki suggested. “Good idea, what would I do without you?” Marinette giggled, patting Tikki’s head and opening the edge of her blazer so Tikki could listen in from there. The bakery was quiet at the moment, so Marinette had little trouble catching a few minutes of her parents’ time. “What do you think about them? I saw Alya and Nino with the markings at school and I’m not sure what they mean.” “Well, I’ve seen them before, but not this much on one person.” Her Papa said carefully, “Your Grandpa Roland had a heart attack not long before your Maman and I got together. Did you notice the black edging to some of Grandma Gina’s feathers?” “I thought she just had black markings.” Marinette answered softly. “On the back of her wings, yes, but his wings are just grey and white with the black tips.” Tom sighed, rubbing his face. “This many cracks… and the mix of colors. It’s very unusual. I can only assume it’s because of the akuma attacks. Which means that either your soulmate is very lucky, or they aren’t in Paris.”
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[House of Chaos] Introduction - On/Off
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House of Chaos Masterlist - Full Masterlist
Summary: After inheriting a huge villa from her grandfather and simultaneously getting disinherited, Y/n feels lonely. She decides to post a Facebook ad to rent out one of the rooms. A nervous student from Queens responds and from that moment, people just keep coming in until all the rooms are filled.
Word count: 732
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You open your eyes and look up at the ceiling. There are spiderwebs in the corners, the chandelier is covered in dust, and the paint is chipped in more than one place but it feels strangely comforting to you.
A deep sigh leaves your lips and you turn over, promptly falling on the Persian rug splayed out in the living room. You groan at the pain. A Persian rug does little to cushion a fall onto a hardwood floor.
Your eyes pan up to the smoking chair you’re laying in front of. Your grandpa’s smoking chair. Gosh, at times you thought he was invincible, immortal but now he’s gone. He’s been gone for…
Suddenly you’re sat up as you grab your phone from the coffee table. Frantically, you try to turn the thing on but it’s dead. Shit. You run into the kitchen, remembering that that’s the last place you’ve seen your charger.
The kitchen is a mess. It’s like you just walked in yesterday. Bags and boxes cover the majority of the space and surfaces are covered in takeout boxes. But there between the boxes lays your charger. Now, where’s a power outlet?
As frantic as before, you move through the kitchen holding your phone and charger in your hands like they’re the only things keeping you sane. You feel your feet stick to the tiles and you remember dropping a can of beer but you can’t remember when.
In fact, you have no idea when anything happened anymore. No clue what day it is, what month it is, if it’s even the same year as when you got here. You find an outlet and plug in your phone. The little battery charging screen comes up and you stare it down, pressing the on button until it finally turns on.
And Suddenly, you have to live with the realization that your grandpa died five months ago.
. . . . *Five months ago* The room is icy cold as your grandpa’s attorney reads the will of your grandpa. It has been a week since he passed and now he’s spread out in the woods. It’s beautiful really. He wanted to give back to nature. But today is not beautiful.
Your aunt has been giving everyone nasty looks. It’s like she knows something. Like your grandpa had something valuable that she’s got her eyes on but there’s really not much to go around. Sure, the man had quite a fortune to give to everyone but aside from his apartment and beautiful cars there’s not much left.
But then the attorney reads the last paragraph of the will: “And to my oldest grandchild, Y/n Y/l/n, I leave the villa in the suburbs as well as the furniture and cars left there.”
A gasp goes through the room.
That villa was supposed to be sold years ago. That’s what he supposedly paid his apartment from but, apparently, he had more money than you all thought. All eyes are on you as you sit frozen. Your aunt starts yapping about how you should give it to her because she has a big family. Your uncle chimes in that he should have it because he’s the oldest son. Your mother claims she should have it because she stayed by your grandpa’s side.
Your niece and nephew lead you out of the room while the others go at it. It’s like a scene playing out in front of your eyes. Your nephew takes your coat and takes a pack of cigarettes out of the pocket. He lights one with your zippo and hands it to you. With shaky hands, you take the cigarette and take a drag.
Your niece asks you: ‘Did you know?’
Your nephew responds: ‘Does it looks like she knew?’
Your niece kneels in front of you and lays her hands on your knees. ‘No matter what you decide to do, we’ll be here for you.’
And then your mom comes outside to tell you she doesn’t want to have anything to do with you anymore. Your aunt follows with the same words and your uncle agrees. They pull your niece and nephew away and suddenly you’re alone. The whole world feels muted as you step into your car. . . . . *Present day* Something in your head must’ve shut off but you’re sure you can’t live here on your own anymore. Something has to change. And fast.
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cwispyhologwam · 4 years
Admit it. Rick Sanchez X F!Reader
Word count: 2,382
Rick was... out of it, I guess you could say he was still himself, but not really he just seemed, off. When Morty tried to ask if anything was wrong, Rick would respond in a "normal" Rick way but, it seemed forced. It was barely noticeable but he could tell, even though after Rick basically told him to fuck off he dropped it. It was just after the whole incident with Unity, which didn't make sense to Morty because it seemed like Rick had gotten what he needed and wanted from her, or it, or they, he didn't really know how to refer to the entity, but that's besides the point.
He had spent the whole night in the garage when Morty woke up for school the next morning he found his grandfather passed out at his work bench with a strange device looming over his head. Morty didn't know why but looking at it sent dread coursing through his body, he had a feeling he knew someone who could help him and his grandpa. She was... Rick's friend? (Y/n) (L/n), well honestly he didn't know what their relationship was at the moment, because a few years ago she used to visit daily but again that was years ago, he thinks they might have gotten in a fight or something. But if anyone could help him, it was her.
So he asked his mom to give him a ride to her house, but it took some convincing because what mother wouldn't question why her 14 year old son is going to a 23 year olds house by himself, like what kinda porn set up type bullshit, but after he explained his concerns for his grandpa she agreed. Once he got there he told his mom he would get a ride home and she complied and left. He rang the doorbell of the large house and waited, once the door opened he felt like all the air had been knocked out of his lungs.
She was absolutely gorgeous, her (S/C) skin looked so beautiful in the sun's light and her (long,short,medium) (straight,curly,wavey, kinky) (H/C) hair was beautiful. She was (Tall/short) and (Skinny,medium,thick) it made Morty wonder if her and Rick were ever more than friends at one point. What really got to him was what she was wearing, it was a matching set, a long sleeve sweater and shorts  "Morty? Hello? You alright there kid?" He snapped out of his trance and nodded "Sorry, and sorry again for showing up unannounced but i need your help."
She looked at him for a couple of seconds before sighing "Listen first come in it's weird talking outside like this, and second, if this has anything to do with Sanchez I'm sorry but i can't help you." He frowned, why did she call him Sanchez? And why did her (E/C) eyes look so sad when she said it? He came in and she led him to her living room where they sat on the couch "So what happened?" He asked her, he really thought if he knew why she suddenly stopped talking to Rick he would be able to help "Morty, i guarantee if Rick is going through something right now it hasn't got anything to do with me, we haven't talked in years."
How did she know? "How do you know that's the problem?" he asked, she giggled playfully rolling her eyes at him "Rick and i used to work together, well if you could really even call it that, it was more like working next to each other and having conversations. But we were also intimate with each other and i know the only reason you would be here without him is because there's a problem concerning him."
His eyes widened if Rick worked with her that could only mean that she was a genius too, so if they were partners and lovers in one way or another then how could she not be the problem? But then again they hadn't talked in years. She was right there was no way she could be the cause of his grandpa acting strange. With that he felt pretty much defeated, what now? He didn't know how to contact anyone else or even who to talk to, it took him almost two weeks just to find her and she lived on earth there was no way in fuck he’d be able to get in contact with anyone else without Rick.
"So what do i do now (Y/N)? I just want grandpa Rick to go back to normal, I can tell he’s faking being his old self." He sighed and dropped his head, his shoulders slumped, he resembled a kicked puppy in all honesty, they stood in silence for a while before she sighed, "Have you met Unity? Or has he talked to them recently?" she asked with an almost sour look on her face, Morty nodded "Well there you go, she probably fucked him then left again" Morty had an oo0oh moment and nodded.
"Just like all things he'll get over it, now i think it's about time i take you back home yeah?" He nodded, but now he felt kind of bad she seemed really, bothered by something . "(Y/N) have you ever liked Rick? Or you know when you used to come over a lot were you together?" He asked as they walked out the door and to her car. "Yes, we did date at the time, well what i thought was dating until he bluntly told me it was nowhere near that and i was just quote un quote, "something to do." As they got in the car Mortys mouth dropped open no wonder she just disappeared from their life like that.
"i-im sorry Rick’s a real dick sometimes" she shrugged and focused her eyes on the road, ”Listen Morty your grandpa is a lot of things, a dick especially, and when it comes to emotions, especially his own, he becomes a coward, please Morty i know you've picked up about 300 shitty casualties from him but avoid that like your life depends on it. Okay? Or at least promise to try?” Morty could tell how serious she was without even looking at her.
 The rest of the ride was silent, once she pulled into the driveway of Morty’s house she groaned seeing that the garage was open and Rick was standing in front of it. With his arms crossed, the moment his eyes landed on (Y/n) she felt her stomach drop, her hands were shaking, which Morty noticed. "Fuck me" she said under her breath, Morty got out the car but she stayed still almost frozen. "B-Bout damn time yo-ughh- you got here." Morty groaned "How did you even know I left?" Rick rolled his eyes "your mom o-obviously di-ugh-dipshit." Morty shook his head and waved goodbye to (y/n).
She waved back, she jumped when she realized Rick was now at her window motioning for her to get out she rolled her eyes before reluctantly getting out. He looked her up and down before stopping and staring at her lips, his eyes just sat there for a good minute before she cleared her throat. "Did you have something to say or did you just wanna stand here lookin’ stupid?" He scoffed before taking a swig of his flask "Y-You know yo-ughhh you never wer- seemed like one to hold a g-grudge. Thought yo-you wou-ughh would have got- been over it b-by now."
she stared at him with a blank expression before she back handed him sending him stumbling "wha-what the fuck!?" he exclaimed as he looked at her he was gonna say more till he noticed the tears streaming down her expressionless face "How long have we known each other rick?" he looked at her questionably "hey y-your ughh c--" she cut him off her voice a little louder than before "How fucking long rick?" he stood up right and looked into her watery (e/c) eyes as he held his cheek. "5 years" she nodded "and how many times in those 5 years did you introduce me to the many girls you fucked, the girls you ploughed mindlessly just to get off?”
he looked at her questionably again "none." he said simply "how many of them did you introduce to birdperson, or squanchy, or the people you know from other fuckin universes, Matter of fuckin’ fact, how many of those whores did you see walking around with different dimension ricks at the citadle?" he didn't have to think at all before saying "none" she nodded
"Rick not only, not fuckin’ only did you introduce me to squanchy, birdperson, and other Rick’s and their (y/n), when you decided you were ready to go back into Beths life you introduced me to your family, to your only daughter, to your nephew, your niece, and the dickhead that you cant fuckin’ stand for knockin you daughter up, that that in itself should be enough proof that im not just a hole off the street for you to have fun with" he stood silently still looking into her (e/c) eyes.
"And that the crazy fuckin’ thing rRick! not once did we even have sex, we never went further than sleep naked together! So for you to have looked me directly in my fucking face, and tell me that I was simply something to do didn't hurt, what hurt was the fact that you lied! You lied Rick! Straight through yo motha fuckin’ teeth! The fact that you're a genius doesn't mean shit to me when you don't even have the damn brain capacity to admit when you care about someone! You are a fuckin coward! I know you're scared to be hurt again, fine! But dont fucking pussy out and act like the shit that we had meant nothing!"
Rick was at a lost for words he didn't want to get attached to anyone since Diane and he knew that, he watched as (Y/n) wiped the tears from her eyes ``It hurts like a bitch to love someone so much, and to know that they love you back but won't admit it, it just makes you feel like they’re ashamed of you, like you're ashamed of me, Rick i asked for nothing when we first met." she sighed
“I told you that i just wanted to learn, you took that as if i can get the bitch to trust me enough i can eventually fuck her, yet you never even made a move Rick, your exact words were, i dont want you talking to anyone else, and i accepted that as your fucked up way of asking me out. i never once asked to label us because i already knew what we were, i thought i actually meant something to you.” The two sat in silence for a couple minutes she had hoped he would say something, and when he didn't she shook her head and got ready to get back in her car " I have to go, tell Morty to come see me whenever i guess." she turned ready to get in her car till she fell through a lime green portal. She landed in Rick's room, on his bed to be exact Rick soon came in after opening another portal and walked through.
“When normal people want to talk they usually use their words.” she said as she rolled her eyes and stoop up intending to leave, she wasn't the person she was 5 years ago, he couldn't kiss and caress his way out of this one. She was sick of him talking his way out of things his words couldn't be trusted and his actions were misleading so at this point fuck it, fuck him, fuck his hugs, his kisses, his scent, fuck the way he looked at her with longing eyes and made her weak in the knees. 
Fuck everything, enough was enough, either he wanted to be with her, or he didnt those were his options, she hadnt even realized tears were freely falling down her (S/C) cheeks, she was shaking, she had tried to pursue a relationship with at least 10 other men and it all failed, she was taping her foot fast with her arms crossed as she kept looking at the ground 
She didnt want him to see her like that the man had barely said a fuckin word and here she stood crying her eyes out, damn near hyperventilating “I’m sorry … you’re right, i am a fuckin coward and everything you said is true … fuck this is making me nauseous, all this sappy bullshit, to sum up this shit show of our relationship i love you, i am a cunt for pulling that bullshit, like you didnt mean anything to me because unfortunately you do, i gave into the pathetic chemical reaction that makes me just as human and vulnerable as the rest of our shitty race, hell i might even be a little less Rick because of this shit but if it means you wont disappear again …. It's worth it.”
She slowly approached Rick and buried her face in his chest as she cried, finally the dickhead admitted to well, being a dickhead and a liar, and a coward, and a cunt pussy shit fuck bastard, and his way of apologizing, it was.. Shitty but that's what she expected, he held her tightly kissing the top of her head inhaling her sent messaging her scalp through her (kinky,curly,thick,straight) hair
Once again they'd be sharing the night together she already knew he wasn't letting her leave so after she had stopped crying and did all the things she needed to do before she went to sleep she crawled into bed with him usually shed sleep on his chest but tonight rick insisted on sleeping on her chest probably his way of making sure she stayed there. Of course the two were butterball ass naked it was the only way she could sleep, “i love you” rick said just as she was drifting to sleep she smiled and kissed his forehead “i love you too.”  
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In Your Arms
request:  Hello! I’ve been on your blog for a while and I really adore it, you’re an amazing writer, dearie! ❤️ I have a strange request, like really strange. A year ago I had a stillborn baby boy, and it’s still quite bad with pain. I was depressed, and beyond suicidal. As my journey to heal,  seeing fictional characters go through struggles that I faced make it better. I understand completely if you’d rather not. But perhaps a single reader, Harry’s younger sister when they’re adults of course. Maybe she used a donor, and in her pregnancy at six months she has a stillbirth after buying everything, and getting herself excited. Mainly, showing her struggles and everyone attempting to make her feel better. Perhaps, even a sweet moment of her baby in ‘wizard’ heaven with Sirius, Remus, and her parents. Taking care of him, and eventually the reader is reassured someone is taking care of her baby. Something every mother wishes for when it happens❤️ thank you so much, I send my best regards and love💓💕
warnings: depression, post-partum, stillborn death, anxiety, character death, sad death, suicidal thoughts
note: i really hope i did okay with this. i read this article to get more information about stillborns and the impact it has on mothers and their families. to the requester, i really hope i did okay with this. you are loved.
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nothing, no feeling, but pain.
you knew something was not right when you started feeling deep pressure on your stomach only five months into your pregnancy. something was off, and as much as you wanted to ignore it, you had to go to St. Mungo’s.
by Merlin, you wish you ignored it.
the doctors scrambled, trying to find a way to rid your body of the contractions, to delay your baby’s delivery but there was nothing they could do. you could feel the tears and sweat running down your face as your twin, harry, gripped your hand, telling you everything would be okay.
you just wanted to hold your son.
harry told you it would all be okay, molly wiping the sweat from your forehead as she whispered encouraging words to you. you cried, not wanting to push as you knew what would happen to your son - you weren’t ready to let go yet.
as the doctors instructed, you pushed and pushed until the doctors told you to stop - your boy had entered the world. molly took him from the doctors, swaddling him in blue cloths and walked over to you, giving you a small smile.
you were tired. everything felt like jelly, but as you saw molly carrying your son, you sat up, ready to hold him. as he was passed into your arms, you smiled and cried.
“what’s wrong, dear?” molly asked, wiping back your damp hair.
you shook your head, “he’s beautiful. he is absolutely breathtaking.”
harry leaned over your side, looking at his nephew, “looks just like his mom.” he smiled, kissing your head as he smoothed your hair. over your head, he looked t molly, wondering what was going to happen.
a doctor stood at the side of your bed as you looked up, “what is going to happen to him?”
she gave a sad smile, “his organs will slowly start to shut down until he stops breathing, but he won’t be in pain. he’ll be okay.”
you looked back at your son, a bright smile on your face as your thumb grazed his cheek, “my beautiful boy. . .”
your bottom lip quivered, “can - can he be a donor?” you heard your son’s breathing, focusing on the rise and fall of his tiny chest and belly.
the doctor nodded, “yes, he can, but it is your decision, ms. potter.”
you swallowed, “can i spend more time with him, please?”
she nodded, “of course.”
molly held your hand under your son, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed, “have you thought of a name, darling?”
you nodded, your lip quivering, “fred.”
molly hummed, kissing your forehead. harry kneeled beside you, “beautiful name.” molly paused, “what do you need?”
“i just, um,” you swallowed a lump in your throat, “can i spend time with him? alone? i’m so-”
harry stood, “don’t apologize. . .we’ll be outside. i love you.”
you gave a sad smile, “i love you, too.” molly left right behind harry, giving you one last glance before leaving.
you knew they were telling everyone about what was happening, your son’s name, the difficult decision you had to make. but it didn’t matter. you were here, with fred, and he was the most beautiful baby you have ever seen in your entire life.
“oh, my sweet darling,” you started, “you have so - so many people waiting for you up there. your grandpa james, grandma lily, uncle sirius, uncle remus, uncle fred - whom you’re named after. they are going to take such good care of you, sweetheart.”
tears began to fall down your cheeks, your breath quickening as you realized he would not make it. you swallowed, “and, you’re going to be a savior, just like uncle harry. you. . .you are so loved, my darling. and,” you grazed his cheek again, “and i am going to miss you so much. you have a special place in my heart, you know that?”
his breathing then became wheezes, and somehow, the doctor knew, carefully walking in and closing the door with multiple nurses and a NICU cart behind them.
“i have to let him go, don’t i?” you asked, memorizing your son’s facial features.
molly opened the door, heading over to your side in a rush, “nobody is forcing you to do anything, darling. you take as much time as you need -”
“but if you wish for your son to be a donor, then yes. i am sorry, ms. potter.”
you leaned in, kissing fred on the forehead before whispering, “i am - i am going to miss you terribly, my love. don’t get in too much trouble.”
the doctor walked over to your bedside, watching your emotions carefully before you turned to her, “please take care of him. i don’t want him in any pain.”
she nodded to you, her red hair bouncing, “of course, ms. potter. your son will be in good care. he’ll be okay.”
with gentle hands, you carefully handed your son over to the doctor, who then put him inside the NICU cart, leaving quickly to preserve his organs. you covered your mouth, ugly sobs escaping you as molly pulled you close.
“i miss him!” you cried, snot and tears running down your face as the others waited outside, holding hands and wiping their own tears.
all you wanted was a baby, your own little baby - with a significant other or by donor - that was all you wanted. but now, it had been taken from you, ripped from your grasp. how were you supposed to live with yourself? how were you supposed to go home and look into the nursery without falling to your knees? how were you supposed to survive?
the shades hid the light of the sun entering your room. it was. . .nice, hiding from the world and laying within your plethora of covers. there was warmth, but also cold. you didn’t have a pregnant belly anymore, nor did you have any cravings or odd mood swings.
you wanted to hold fred again. you ached to kiss his cold, little cheeks again, or to smell him once more. you wish you had more time.
you had turned into a cocoon, refusing to leave your safe space unless necessary. no visitors were allowed, but you’d let people know you were breathing - not okay, but alive.
you felt like you failed.
you had done everything right. how did you lose him? what did you do wrong?
everyone had told you that it wasn’t your fault - but why did it feel like it was?
harry knocked on your door every single day. he still has yet to skip a day, but it has only been a week, so who knows. ginny stands beside him, telling you that you are strong, that you’ll get through this.
you scoffed every time.
molly drops off food every day, whether it be some cookies or a whole lasagna. she stands at the door and tells you how her day went, and you knew she was wiping her own tears. she’d stand there for about an hour and once you knew she left, you’d go and grab the food, putting it in the fridge until you had the stomach to eat.
ron and hermione came by twice, shoving cards and your mail under the door, telling you how much they miss you and your smile. you wanted to go out and laugh with them about old times, but you just couldn’t.
then his ashes came.
you remember being so excited when you first found out you were pregnant, rushing to buy all the supplies you needed as your girlfriends took the stress off you, buying the items for you instead.
you remember painting the room with george, harry, and ron. well, they painted and you ate pizza, giving tips as they got each other covered in the baby blue hue.
you remember finding out the sex of the baby, holding harry’s hand as the nurse told you it was a boy. that was when you knew his name was going to be fred, and harry admired you for it, calling you an adirmable sister.
however, you also remembered when you first got home, shuffling over to the couch and wrapping a blanket around yourself. you remember how your breasts ached, producing milk when there was nobody to produce it for. how the bleeding felt as if it went on for ages.
at first, you felt numb at the sight of the urn, but in a good way. he was here, finally, in his home. maybe not in the way you expected, but he was home. fred was home. you placed him on your dresser, perfect line of sight for you to see him. just to make sure your baby was okay.
standing up, you shook your legs and hobbled over to the shower, turning it on and stepping in immediately. the heat felt good, washing away the dirt and grime that had formed over the past week. then, brushing your teeth felt good, felt productive.
then, you called molly, asking if you could come over for dinner, and if harry and ginny, ron and hermione, could come, too.
she cried once she hung up, her answer being a choked, “of course, darling.”
it wasn’t what you planned, but it is what happened. you came to terms with that as you looked off into the field from the burrow. you miss fred terribly, but you knew he was okay. it was odd - sometimes, you’d hear a baby’s laugh and you’d see someone who was the spitting image of remus or sirius, lifting a baby in the air and seeing their smile light up the world. you saw those as signs - signs that fred was being taken care of.
and you were okay with him not being in your arms.
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miyaniacs · 4 years
Dämmerlicht - Megumi x gn!reader / Angst
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Wortzahl: 1867
Warnung: angst
Charakter: Megumi Fushiguro  x gender neutral reader
A/n: heeeyyy, this is the second one shot i wrote for the collab, all parts can be read separately, so you can choose your favorite, yet we’d appreciate it if you’d read the other parts too 
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Megumi looks at Itadori and rolls his eyes annoyed . “You already forced me to come with you, so please stop being annoying.” He sighs. “Oh come on Meguuu don’t be a grandpa.” Nobara teases and places a glass in front of him. “Here drink.”
“... and then he forced me to watch movies. The worst kind of movies. Some were good but still - what is his taste in movies? Why does he even know some of them?” Itadori complains for what seems 100 time about that time Gojo made him watch movies as a form of training. Megumi doesn’t listen, he’s actually thinking about leaving when the door opens again and his whole world crashes.
Megumi drops the glass he’s holding in his hand, spilling his drink over the table.
“WTF MEGUMI?!” Nobara shrikes. “Huh? Where are you looking at?” She continues as soon as she realized that said man wasn't even paying attention to her, instead he’s looking at the couple who just entered the bar.
Your face looks exactly as he remembers. Sure, more grown up now, yet your typical beautiful features remain the same. The same face that still hunts his dreams. Those dreams he never wants to wake up from, because the second he does, all the guilt and regret fills his heart again. The regret of leaving you behind, not telling you where he went, simply leaving without even telling you he does.
That day, you waited for him at your usual spot, under that big apple tree you two first met when you were still kids. You waited for him, and waited and waited, only when it got dark, you made your way back home. The following days, you still waited for him, your parents told you that he left, yet you didn’t believe it, he would never leave you behind, without saying goodbye. He would never, right? After two weeks, the realization that he in fact left you, hit you - and it hit you hard. Didn’t you mean anything to
him? Why did he leave you behind? Why didn’t he tell you where he went? Didn’t he want to see you again? All those thoughts filled your head that time and made you leave too. He wouldn’t leave you just like that, something must have happened, he was probably in danger and needed your help!
And so your journey began, your journey to find your best friend, your childhood crush, your soulmate - or so you thought.
During your journey, you talked to a man, a man that wasn’t really a man. He told you about curses and sorcerers. He also told you that he knew a man named Megumi and that he can show you where he lives. Excited and naive to finally see your true love again, you agreed and left the bar with that man. You followed him for a few minutes , the streets became darker and the people on them less and less. Something felt sketchy, your assumption became a fact when the man turned around with a creepy smile on your face and a knife in his hand. He aimed for you, the words he said still echoed in your head until now : “Not everyone who looks human is actually a human.” And with that he collapsed dead in front of you. Behind him stood another man, with dark hair and an emotionless expression on his face. His black eyes fixed at yours, when he said: “I don’t know the person you’re looking for, but I think I know where you can find him.”
And that’s how you met Choso, the curse/human that helped you find Megumi.
That was months ago, you haven’t approached Megumi, he had his new life, a life he chooses to live without you and he seems happy about it. You expected to feel pain, but there was nothing left. No positive emotions are left for Megumi, you realized that you just imagined them, that you wanted to still feel them, so your journey would have a reason. Instead you realized something else - You’re relieved, relieved to finally be free from the thought that he was your soulmate, that you needed him to be happy in your life. At the same Moment you realized that you’ve found your happiness weeks ago, the exact moment Choso came into your life.
And so your life with Choso began.
Here you are now, in the bar, the same bar Megumi was.
Megumi still couldn’t believe his eyes.
He left you. He left you so you’d be safe- so you wouldn’t know about this world.
Yet here you are, in a bar, meant for curses, humans and sorcerers.
Was it meant to be? Meant to be that you found out about this world so you two met again? Or was it simply so he had to suffer even more? Suffer for seeing his true love with another man? His heart arched at the thought of you being with another man.
“Meguuumiiiiiiiiii?” Nobara waves her hand in front of his face. Without answering her, he gets up and walks to the table you and Choso sat down.
“FINE IGNORE US!” Nobara huffs and crosses her arms over her chest, while Itadori blinks and looks confused at Megumi.
“Y/n.” Megumis voice isn’t more than a whisper. It felt strange to say your name again.
“Oh hi.” You say and look up at him, while sipping at your drink.
“What .. what are you doing here?” He whispers.
“Uhm... I’m here with my boyfriend getting a drink, what about you?”You smile.
You looked the same yes, yet you aren’t the same y/n anymore. Your cheerful voice, that you used whenever you talked to him, gone. It was as if you were talking to a stranger and in reality he wasn’t anything more to you than a stranger. He didn’t want you in your life anymore, so why should you welcome him in yours now.
“Boyfriend?” He looks between you and the other male.
“Yes, Megumi, this is Choso, Choso.... well you already know who he is.” You laugh.
“Hey there buddy.” Choso smirks.
“Hey.” Megumi says coldly.
This can’t be real, he wanted to save you, wanted you to live a happy life, with someone normal.
And now you’re here, introducing your boyfriend, who isn’t fully human. He was naive enough to think you’d be there for him forever that you’re still waiting for him at the tree, after all those years, that you’d still want him. In his dreams you’re sitting under the tree. He calls your name and you look up to find the source of the voice. Your eyes light up the second they meet his, a big smile forms on your face and you bet up, taking a few shaky steps, before you start running towards him, jumping into his arms, wrapping your legs around him, burying your face into his neck. His hands wrap around your waist, pulling you as close as possible, your eyes lock again and he moves closer until his lips connect with yours, after a few seconds you whisper a soft:”I love you so much Megumi, please never leave me.” And he would never leave you again.
“How?” He stutters.
“Well... they were so desperate to find you, that they almost got killed -“ Choso began.
“KILLED ?! What were you thinking?! I left you for a reason!” Megumis blood was boiling. He wasn’t angry at you, he was angry at himself. With leaving you, he just put you in danger, you could have been dead, because of him.
“Well... you really thought I’d just accept you leaving me behind? Without saying something? Or leaving a note? And here I thought that you knew me.” You laugh bitterly.
“I - I did this for you...” he muttered and looks at you with glassy eyes.
“For me?” You raise your eyebrows and laugh. “I loved you Megumi and you left me behind- I thought you were in danger, because I couldn’t live with the thought of not meaning anything to you.”
“You love me?” He stutters. His world crashed. You love him too? He meant as much to you as you did to him?
“Nope, loved. Note the past tense, they love - present tense- me now.” Chroso corrects him.
“What do you want Megumi? I’m over this now, we can still be friends if that’s what you want, now that I know about your little secret.”
Megumi doesn’t want to fully lose you again, the second he left you behind he felt as if he ripped something out of his heart, he knew something was missing and no one could ever fill this hole, no one except you.
But the thought of only being friends with you, while seeing you happy with another man, or whatever this thing was , could he really do that?
“No... sorry I still love you too much.” He whispers, his voice breaking at the end.
“Well... too late now.” You say coldly, “if you ever change your mind again, I still got the same number.”
“I - I hope you’ll have a good life.”
Quickly he turns around and hurries to the exit. He can’t let you see his tears.
“Me- Nobara, let’s go!” Itadori grabs her hand and drags her out of the bar, ignoring her protests.
“Megumi?” Itadori awkwardly places a hand on Megumis shaking shoulder.
“Leave.” His voice shakes.
“No we won’t. Who were they?” Nobara says gently and sits down next to him.
“No one.”
“Clearly they are someone.” Itadori sits down on the other side.
“They’ve been my childhood friend and that’s it.” Megumi says and gets up, “ but they are none of your business nor are they any of mine... at least not anymore.” He whispers the last part and walks away. Itadori tried to follow him, but Nobara holds him back, “No, leave him alone.”
Megumi keeps walking and walking. The hole in his heart gets bigger and bigger, all the thoughts and emotions behind a wall, come back all at once. He couldn’t do it again, he can’t leave you again, not that he now had you back in his life, even though it was just for a few seconds.
I ... I could still become their best friend again... I could still support them, without keeping secrets now that they know about all of this mess he calls his life. He... could maybe even hold her in his arms again, while you cry because... because your boyfriend broke up with you... and he could maybe... hope that you get your feelings back...
Yes he will wait for you, he will stay at your side and wait for the moment you realize that he is the one you truly love, that he is the only man you need.
He will wait, even if that means that in the end he’ll die alone.
So he takes out his phone and tries to make his plan work out.
“ I changed my mind, let me be the best friend that you deserve, please give me a chance and make it up to you.”
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taglist (Open): @dixonsbugaboo
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Away for a Moment
Here’s a smattering of feelings. It’s self indulgent af and sad. So yeah. No specific race or gender of reader. 
Calum didn’t think missing you would hurt this much. 
Find Part 2 Here
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You weren't gone gone. Calum could pick up the phone, tap on your last message to him and pull up your number. He could call. He could lay in bed with the phone pressed up to his ear and wait for your voice to float in through the other line. It would be easy, so damn easy. 
But he knows if he did you wouldn't be able to answer right away. It's barely evening. The sun has just started to caress the horizon through his windows. But you hadn't sent another message to let him know that you had gotten back to your apartment from training. Calum figures that maybe you spent a few extra hours out to get some work done and doesn't want to disturb you.
It's just not the same anymore without you. His bed isn't full like it used to be without you. His kitchen isn't full of music and dancing, and cooing at Duke like it used to be without you. And it's entirely selfish Calum knows the way his fingers ache to craddle your face and the way he wants to tell you to stay with him.
Staying with him would make him miss you less. Staying with him would ensure that the house never feels empty. But having you stay doesn't ensure your dreams. Staying with him means a very real possibility that all the opportunities that you had worked so hard to find would pass you by. Calum can't ask you to stay, but he wishes he had spent more time memorizing the way your shampoo smells fresh from a wash. He wishes he had recorded more of your breakfast concerts.
Still working hard or hardly working? Calum hits send on the text, sitting up on the bed. Everything in him wants you to come bursting back through that door. Everything in him wants to kiss your lips one more time and savor the taste of your fruity gum--a habit you picked up to replace the nervous nail biting.
Everything in him wants his goddamn phone to buzz. But it doesn't.
Calum pads into the music room and office. Duke's still on the couch and Calum's not sure when the old man wondered into the room or why Duke hadn't traveled away from the couch just yet. As he gets closer to the couch, Calum sees what Duke's curled up on--your sweatshirt from your alma mater. The one you couldn't find as you were unpacking boxes and sorting out your closet.
Calum reassured you that you had packed up most of your clothes and that it would turn up eventually. Attempting to move anywhere in a weekend always seemed better in theory, but when training got moved up--you had to get into high gear. Packed to the hilt in his SUV, Calum and you set out for a cross state trip. It was only a few states over. Only put you an hour ahead of him. He could pick you up or you could take the train or a plane for cheap back to LA.
He had already planned to visit you. He said it jokingly to you, but he had cleared his schedule for early October to come visit just for a weekend. He planned that for most of it, you'd be holed up studying or grading papers, but at least for a few hours in the small blimp in time the two of you could sight see and just get fucking lost for once without worry.
Calum snaps a picture of his old man curled up on your old sweatshirt and sends it. I found where that sweatshirt went. I think I'm going to have a hard time convincing him to let me ship it you.
Calum settles onto the rolling chair, staring at Duke and out the window beyond. How could he miss you so fast? It was only a week. Just a week ago he was rearranging sofas and building bookshelves and unfolding your clothes while you put them all on hangers. Just a week ago you were navigating him to the Wal-Mart, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Best Buy, Burger King, Chipotle, and Chilis laughing as you confused your right and left for the millionth time.
Just a week ago when you tapped on the wrong Wal-Mart because it was the first one that Maps showed you. Just a week ago the two of you were laughing, curled up under your new bedsheets. "You're gonna leave me for two years, and I can't believe it," he whispered. You had fallen asleep, the fan in the corner of your bedroom blowing a constant stream of cooler air onto the both of you.
And how could Calum say that he couldn’t believe you were leaving him when he left you all the fucking time? How much of a fucking hypocrite could he be to say that? 
He tried to reason with himself. Even though Calum left, he always knew he’d be coming back to you. He knew you’d always be there. And now, his home is across state lines. His house doesn’t feel like his house anymore because he had built a home in you and now you’re not here anymore. This physical building doesn’t really mean jack shit to him anymore with you. And sure it was only two years; it was only two years in total that you’d be away from him. And sure the degree was practically paid for, and sure, Calum couldn’t keep you from chasing your dreams. 
But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t miss you while you were out there soaring. 
Was this how his mum felt when he left at sixteen? Did she have a strange bubbling mixture of sadness and pride? Because that’s surely what’s brewing in the pit of Calum’s stomach. That mixture is what makes his fingertips ache. 
There’s still no new message from you. Calum drops his phone to the desk with a clatter, burying his face into the palms of his hands. “God, I should’ve moved with them,” he mutters into the open air. 
The two of you had this conversation a thousand times over. You didn’t want him to move because what would the other guys to music wise while Calum was with you? And what about Duke? And would Calum sell his house or keep it while renting something else for those two years? Your life was a little easier to uproot, since you knew you’d be coming back. This is just a step into the world that you wanted and you didn’t know where it was going to take you from there, but Calum couldn’t be his life on pause.
It’s like bile in his throat. The way the tears are stinging his eyes and his throat starts to burn. The tears are silent. Just the upturn of his lips and the sting of hot and salty water down his cheeks. The amount of things that can change a week are unbelievable and Calum’s not sure how he’s going to make it another eleven months and three weeks. 
His shoulders shake. The heels of his palms don’t do a damn thing to hold back the tears. You’re not gone. He can pick up his phone, tap onto the last message he sent you and pull up your number. He can call. He can sit in this office chair with the phone pressed to his ear and wait for your voice to float in through the other line. 
Calum’s phone finally shakes, it buzzes for a long interval, stops, and then starts again. He’s quick to wipe his hands onto his sweatpants and flip over the device. He taps to answer the call and his phone chimes, the video of you bouncing down a sidewalk fills the screen. “Hey, Cal. Sorry, I hung back to chat with some other student teachers. I think I could shit a brick right now. But I hear a certain old man’s hogging my favorite sweatshirt.”
Calum sniffles, wiping underneath his nose with the back of his hand. “Yeah, that would be Baby Grandpa snuggling up with it.” He’s relieved to see you, to hear the chirp in your voice when previously you cried into your dinner just a week before moving because of the nerves and anxiety. 
Calum’s praying his voice isn’t too croaky, that it doesn’t give him away. But he knows it well. And when your pinched brows and concerned flooded eyes land onto the screen, Calum knows you know. 
“Babe, you alright? Looks like you’ve been crying?”
“I’m-yeah, no, I’m okay. I’m happy to see you.” If he can change the subject he doesn’t have to explain why he keeps sniffling. He doesn’t have to explain why his eyes are no doubt red. 
“Angel, please don’t do that. Tell me what’s wrong.” The white cord of your headphones bounce and he can hears your harsh exhales. And it only reminds him that you’re not here. 
“I miss you.” It’s just one sentence; it’s only three words. But it makes his chest feel like it’s been punched in. It feels like someone’s pulling his spine out through his diaphragm. 
You pause, taking in his red eyes and the wobble of his chin. And you know. You know he didn’t want to admit it, but there was no way to hold it in anymore. “I’m sorry, Calum. I miss you too. I miss Duke. I miss you grumbling that I’m too happy at seven in the morning.”
Calum exhales a little, a small bit of laughter following after it. “Breakfast sucks with you. And I know this is what you have to do for yourself. I can’t stress how proud I am of you for doing this. But fuck, I didn’t realize it’d be this hard.”
People pass you by. Calum can hear them, the muffled parts of their conversation coming through your mic. You are so far away and it’s killing him. Two years. Two years of the two of you building up a relationship in tiny corners and through handwritten letters and stolen kisses and in text messages. Two years and you had cracked the defenses Calum had and he didn’t want to let you go. 
“I’m coming back, my love. There’s weekend trips and school breaks.” 
You get it though. There was a year where Calum was just gone. He was bouncing between time zones and when he did come back home he was prepping for the next leg of a tour, the next leg of promotion, the next part of something. And it’s so hard to create a new routine initially. It’s hard to regulate who you are on your own. 
“I feel like a hypocrite. Because I left. I don’t know. I feel untethered.”
You nod. “I understand that. It’s an adjustment, a huge one. It’s okay to feel a little unraveled.”
“And I don’t want to add onto your stress. I know it’s not easy.” 
“I’m here for you. You know that. Who’s answered your calls at 2 am before?” Calum doesn’t respond. Can’t as another wave of emotion rocks his core and he rolls his lips over his teeth to swallow back down the emotion. “And who do you think is going to be there to answer your call again at 2 in the morning? Or 3? Or 6 in the morning? At noon? At 6:37 in the evening? It’s gonna be me no matter what.”
Calum reclines his head into the cushion of the seat. It’s always been you. You’ve always been there when he needed it. And even if you are miles away, you still responded. You still called back. 
“Thanks,” Calum says. His chin still wobbles. He blinks back the rest of the tears. “So tell me about it. What did you do today? We can talk after you have some food.”
The world continues on about you. More people pass you by and you watch Calum. His eyes are still painted red. But his voice doesn’t break like before. It’s a bit of a breeze so you settle onto the bench for the bus even though you can hear it coming down the street. A strong breeze creates static in your mic for a moment before your voice comes in clearer. 
“We went over one of the assignments in depth that we have to teach. Met some other student teachers. I talked to my faculty mentor about my course schedule and work schedule and they said that I probably should let myself go easy this first semester.”
“So you did drop a class?”
You nod at Calum’s question. The bus rolls to a stop in front of you, but you don’t look up from your phone. “I did. I was scared to because I really wanted to take that class. But I heard it’s also offered in the spring, so I enrolled for it then.”
“Is it with a different professor? Or the same one?”
“Different one.”
The conversation flows until your bus comes back around again and you know you have to take it this time. But you keep Calum on the line. And he’s just watching, with his elbows on the desk and his head supported by his palms, he watches you. And it’s nothing glamorous as the bus rattles and shakes. Your phone lays in your lap, cradled in your hands. Occasionally, you glance down to cross your eyes and stick out your tongue at him and he hums his laughter. 
It’s the little things. Like watching the way your head reclines into the window or how you just know when to pull for your stop. And as you walk down blocks and stop to wave at a dog as the owner jogs past. And Calum knows he’s not there with you. He knows that you’re not walking up to his door, but maybe all he needs are the little things with you. 
“What’s for dinner?” he asks as you step into your apartment. 
“Literally it might be hotdogs because I’m mentally exhausted.”
“You need a veggie too.”
You laugh, keys hitting the counter. “I won’t forget a veggie. I’ll call you back in a bit, yeah? After I eat and get some homework done.”
“Okay. Can that be a daily thing? Just so I know you get back home safely.” It’s soft as he asks, unsure if it makes hims sound overbearing or not. 
“Sure. Once I get my schedule set, I’ll let you know and we can do that. Make sure to send me more pics of Duke though, since know he owns my sweatshirt now.”
Calum stares down at the black screen. You’ve long hung up, no doubts scarfing down the hotdogs you mentioned. And while the ache has subsided, Calum still feels you in every inch of him. He feels the yearning. The sun’s slipped behind the horizon, the last feathers of light won’t last long. And before Calum’s thinking his fingers are slipping over the frets. He bent over the bass, thinking maybe, just maybe the notes will make sense of the feelings in his gut. 
Your phone chimes, pushing rubrics and sticky notes to the side, you pick it up. A notification from instagram, from Calum. The video’s completely dark and it’s just him bent over the instrument as its throaty cries swell. Post you blues, it reads. The caption is tiny, almost missable if you’re not careful. But you see it. If you had any other choice, you wouldn’t have left. If it wasn’t your dream, you wouldn’t have left. 
I love you. Even across miles and interstates and timezones, I love you. 
Calum wants to tattoo the text message to his eyelids, so when he goes to sleep at night or when he closes his eyes to keep form crying, he can see that you’re not gone, just away from a moment. 
@5-secondsofcolor bc my Sunshine asked me to tag her so she could read it after shleeps. 
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gojology · 4 years
Kikufuku. (2/2)
   You watched the clock on the wall, going past 10 now. The strange white haired, blindfolded man had been constantly on your mind ever since the occurrence 2 weeks ago. Snippets of his long fingers and his stupidly attractive face structure echoed through out your mind. Oh, and his lips. They were a remarkable type of gloss, and his- 
   You shook your head, thinking of the guy was pointless. It had been 2 weeks without a word, and although you had asked all your regulars to keep an eye out for such a strange man, nothing ever came up. You cursed yourself, with the riches he had, and the seemingly handsome face that had graced your vision those 2 weeks ago, why would he ever go for the humble bakery worker that was you? It’s not like you were cute or anything. But he did call you cute- 
   Great. Overthinking on a guy that probably just wanted another warm body in his bed. Well, you weren’t going to have that were you? You were an independent person anyways.
   You leaned on the counter, looking at the messy kitchen. You didn’t even know his name, his job, nothing. Did you ever know anything? You didn’t even know why you were so attracted to him, maybe his riches, or his looks? But you knew you experienced some sort of connection before that.     Letting out an exasperated sigh, you eyed the flour knocked over on the kitchen counter. Feeling a sudden urge to bake, you snatched up the flour. It was like you didn’t have control over your body, instantly grabbing the yeast. Oh well, you could use the bread to make some free sandwiches for your regulars anyways.     As the dough began to form, you kneaded it angrily. Pretending it was him you were practically punching. “Stupid white haired grandpa.” You muttered to yourself, “playing with my stupid heart.”    You acted as if he knew what he was doing to you.     The bell rang. A quick sweet chime, and a familiar white haired man sauntered in. Eyes wide, you did a quick double back, focus now directed towards him. Replacing the blindfold, circular black shades sat on top of his nose. You much preferred these. You could see his eyes faintly. Replacing the weird black uniform with a ridiculous collared shirt, a dress shirt was in place. Two buttons unbuttoned scandalously, displaying well toned pecs, and OH GOD those collarbones-     He cleared his throat, snapping your attention back on him, you felt an unfamiliar warmth rush towards your cheeks. Did he see you ogling at him? You glanced back at him fearfully, like a deer stuck in headlights. 
   A small muffled laugh pierced the silence. As soon as you two caught eyes, he unclasped the hands over his mouth, letting out the extent of the laughter. You grimaced. “Wow! I didn’t know someone with such a wholesome, cute lookin bakery could have such dirty thoughts! Didn’t know you liked the look that much.” Digging his hands into his black jeans, he grinned at you. Waving a hand dismissing the conversation, he beamed at you, “Those treats.. Damn, amazing. That’s coming from a sweet tooth, by the way.”   A sweet, sweet wave of relief flooded inside of you. Of course he would say that, why were you even worrying in the first place? As a small smile began to spread across your face, you quickly snapped back into a serious tone. 
   “Is that all you had to say? Can I get a.. More detailed description? Or something?”    “You know, if you just want me to praise you just say so.”    Eyes widened, you were about to snap back with a retort, but his eyes directed its attention towards the dough you were just beating up a few minutes ago.     “Baking bread so late? For me?” he pondered sweetly. “Well, all you had to do was ask! Let’s sit down why don’t we?”     “Uh, no you dimwit. This is sourdough bread, which you have to age. Do you want to eat dough that’s not even baked yet? The bacteria isn’t even-”     “Oh shut up you dork.” He pulled a chair out, you looked at his incredibly long fingers again. “I see that you have leftover pastries- Nuh uh uh, I’m not paying. Don’t worry.” You sighed a breath of relief as he pulled a chair out for you, quickly placing the leftover pastries on a plate, you quietly placed it on the table full of scattered crumbs. A sudden feeling of embarrassment rushed over you, the bakery was in a state of disarray.   “So!” He cracked his knuckles, placing a leg on the table. You gagged at the sight. “I’m sure you have plenty of questions as to where I was for those 2 weeks, just on business trips and such. I also teach some kiddos at some private school, so, you know. Oh and yes, before you ask where the money comes from- no not drugs. I’m a teacher that travels worldwide to uh, teach Japanese.”    That explained the business trips, you had no idea if teachers like those even existed, much less get paid THAT much money. “Oh, that’s... An interesting occupation, I thought you were a model or something.”     Oh no, fuck, you let it slip.    He chuckled, “No lil lady, but I do have the looks of one.” He winked, taking a large bite out of a daifuku. “It’s a pretty underground industry, friend introduced it to me.” before you could inquire more, he interrupted. “My name’s Gojo Satoru! What about yours?”    You gulped, you didn’t think that the conversation would get as far as introducing each other, maybe small chit-chat while you got to eye his jawline. “Uh, (Y/N). Nice to... Meet you?”     “Great, so I’ll just get straight to the point and stop wasting your time, seeing as the shop closes in like..” he glanced to the clock, “10 minutes! I initially came her just looking for some cute girls, but I couldn’t help but realize that you were holding some kikufuku!”     A small feeling shriveled inside of you, he only came in here because he wanted kikufuku, and not you..?    You dismissed the idea, not like you wanted him or anything. He was just an out of the ordinary guy.     “Kikufuku is my favorite.” he looked at you, up and down. “You also happen to be my favorite girl I’ve seen in a while.”     You froze.     He chuckled. “Just wanted to pop in and ask if you wanted to go out sometime. Or we could stay here, I don’t mind. Of course, it depends on what you want.” 
   You sat, mouth slightly agape. Did he just.. Ask you out? So directly? For a date?! You cleared your throat, eyes suddenly examining the crumby table very, very thoroughly.     “Uh, um, yeah, sure okay. Anything to get out of here.” you added, hoping to make him smile.     He chuckled, “What’s your phone number? I’ll text you the place, see where it goes.” He handed you his phone, brain clouded with euphoria, you handed it back, unable to hide your dopey smile.    Maybe you did have a small crush on him after all. 
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irrlicht-writes · 4 years
The Owls in the House
it’s the birthday of lovely-dovely @xojo and so I thought I’d finally finish this little piece (✿◡‿◡) I hope you like it, Scheibenwischer. @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover
Bobby Singer was what you would consider an old, grumpy man. He never took off his old and worn-out trucker cap, loved to drink beer and watch sports on the TV. He had the town’s biggest junkyard in his backyard and was the man you called if you needed something fixed.
Bobby liked it that way.
Nobody bothered him, and he bothered nobody, either. He wasn’t lonely.
There were dozens upon dozens of books he could read, never-ending TV Shows like Oddly Natural, cars to work on and his neighbours always needing something fixed. So no, he wasn’t lonely. Sure, it could get quiet from time to time but he wasn’t overly bothered by that. It was a fine life; and he liked it the way it was. He didn’t want any change.
The storm had been going for a while now. He would need to weather it eventually before he’d run out of food. His stash should last him another few days and by that time, he hoped, the storm would be over. He took a sip from his beer and decided to enjoy the TV as long as it still worked. He’d have a lot to do after the storm’s blown over. Someone’s gotta grab Janice’s lawnmower from Steve’s roof and who would it be if not old Bobby Singer?
 He was half-asleep already when he heard a thump coming from the window. Normally, he would just have assumed it was a random bird accidentally hitting the glass but there were no birds during this storm. So maybe it was debris and he didn’t like debris flying against his windows.
 He sighed deeply and got out from his comfy chair. His beer was lukewarm anyway, so he could just get a new one while he was at it. He heard the thump again and he wondered what was flying around. Was it some junk from his backyard? That would be shit.
Bobby went over to the window and looked outside. He couldn’t see anything flying around so he wondered what he had heard. Was it maybe another window?
He looked down and saw a big ball of something just outside his window. No, wait, hold on – it was two somethings. He blinked just as one of the things looked up at him. It was an owl. There were two owls. And one of them stared at him angrily. It opened its beak but Bobby heard nothing.
The window was still closed.
The owl bonked its head against the window again.
Bobby didn’t understand. What were owls doing here? Shouldn’t they be used to a storm and camp out in a tree or somewhere?
 Bobby liked to believe that he was an old grumpy man with no heart. He liked to tell himself that he’d yell at kids to get off his lawn if he had one.
So he opened the window to let the two owls inside.
 Initially, he thought that maybe the owls would leave after they dried up and the storm was over. However, they remained firmly seated on his blankets.
The one that had bonked its head against the window eyed him everywhere he went while the other one seemed to be interested in everything around it.
“Don’t you want to leave?”
Two sets of owl eyes were on him. Then they made a sound Bobby interpreted as “no”.
Well alright then.
“I have to fix Shannon’s roof.”
They blinked at him. They needed names, he thought.
Did he take owls to the vet?
 As it turned out, Dean liked affection. Dean was the window-owl and he preened massively whenever Bobby would pet him. Sam would sit on his hat almost all day, trying to bonk at the light bulb. They were actually incredibly good company and it was strangely comforting to see them welcome him home.
Dean was hopping around the oven and squeaked at him. For whatever reason, Dean loved pie. Bobby had gotten some from Angelica not too long ago and Dean dive bombed into the pastry immediately after spying it. And now he demanded pies regularly. Bobby wasn’t even sure if owls were supposed to eat pies – he figured not. But if Dean wouldn’t get his pie, Bobby wouldn’t get any sleep.
 He sighed deeply as Dean now looked at him and screamed.
“Alright, alright,” he said and walked over to the fridge. Dean chirped and flapped his wings excitedly. Sam, meanwhile, was sitting on top of Bobby’s hat yet again and he knew that the bird was observing them. Bobby had seen Sam shoo Dean away from the pie once he’s eaten enough. It was actually quite adorable.
Not that he would ever say that out loud.
 A few weeks passed and Bobby grew accustomed to the owls. They had a nest in his bedroom and they woke him up by cuddling his face – and scratching it with their claws. A few people in town knew he’d gotten pet owls and he hadn’t told them they were wild and would probably eat his face at some point.
Whenever he was home, he’d leave the window open so that Sam and Dean could go stretch their wings. Flying around in the house couldn’t be enough for them, he thought.
 And then one day, they were gone.
Bobby had let them put for their daily flight but they hadn’t returned. He didn’t know what to do. They hadn’t been unhappy, had they? They had a nice soft nest and Dean could get all the pie he wanted. He even got new light bulbs for Sam.
So here he was, sitting in front of his TV, holding his beer and he felt empty inside. Damn. He’d never guessed how important these little owls might become for him. And now that they were gone, he wasn’t sure how to proceed. Maybe he should get another pet? But no, that wouldn’t fill this sudden hole in his heart.
More beer would have to do.
 Two months later, there was a tapping at the window. Bobby roused from sleep and got mentally ready to yell at the kids who were throwing the stones. Damn these kids. Didn’t anyone teach them respect these days?
Without really looking, he stomped over to the window and tore it open. He got ready to yell but there was nobody there. Did they already run? What a shame.
There was a squeak in front of him.
He looked down.
“Sam! Dean!”
There they were. But they had another owl with them. Interestingly, Dean seemed to be carrying the new owl.
“Get inside,” he said and they hopped on forth. He didn’t know why they came back or if they would stay, but for now, he was glad they returned.
Dean was very agitated about the new owl. With Sam’s help, they flew over to the table and then Dean zoomed back to him to drag him by the hat.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Bobby said and walked over to the table.
Sam was sitting close to the new owl, probably sharing his body heat. When Bobby approached, Sam ducked over his friend protectively.
“Relax, buddy. I gotta look at him if I’m supposed to help him.”
Sam eyed him for a moment before shuffling a bit away. He still stayed close and so did Dean.
Bobby didn’t know what he was doing. He wasn’t a vet. But he could take the bird to one. Still, he needed to know what was wrong. He slowly reached out his hand to touch the back of the new owl.
In a flash, it turned around and flapped its wings at him aggressively. It was actually quite impressive but it also allowed Bobby to see what was wrong: the left wing seemed to be broken.
Out in the wild, that would mean the bird’s death. The wing would never heal properly and the owl would never fly again.
He raised his hands in an attempt to calm the startled owl. “Relax, buddy. My name’s Bobby and I’m here to help you. Sam and Dean did good bringing you here.”
The bird looked at him; peered at him and Bobby thought that owls didn’t have blue eyes.
Slowly the owl lowered his wings and looked over to Sam and Dean, cocking its head. Immediately, Dean began chirping and flapping his wings. Meanwhile, Sam shuffled over to nip at the new owl’s head which seemed to have a calming effect.
 In the end, Bobby had needed to take the owl to the vet. Sam and Dean had been very aggressive about not being allowed to come but after half an hour of explanation, they had relented and parked themselves by the door.
Now Castiel was sitting in a soft bed, made out of only the softest blankets Bobby had and was cuddled by Sam and Dean constantly.
Castiel was not a name Bobby had given the bird. Castiel was a name the bird had insisted on himself. Bobby had initially named him “Steve” but Castiel had grabbed a newspaper out of Bobby’s hand and had painstakingly spelled out his own name. It had been a very weird experience.
It was also a very weird experience being stared at by these too blue eyes but Sam and Dean trusted that bird; then so did he.
 Castiel was... interesting to say the least. Because of his broken wing, he couldn’t fly; so he waddled everywhere. Dean seemed to be insanely protective of the blue eyed bird. Bobby could see that Sam was worried about Castiel’s safety too, but he wasn’t as much of a mother hen as Dean.
 Needless to say, Bobby was glad that they returned.
He didn’t think it weird that Castiel and Dean seemed to be doing the mating dance.
He didn’t think it weird that Sam constantly groomed Castiel’s feathers.
 In the following spring, Castiel brought home an egg.
“Are you a girl?” Bobby asked and Castiel just looked at him.
 After Jack hatched, Bobby carried around four owls on his body. Sam and Dean were sitting on his shoulders, while Castiel and Jack sat on top of his hat.
He was a grandfather now.
It had a nice ring to it.
Grandpa Bobby Singer.
 Yes. He liked the sound of that.
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loveislattes · 4 years
Take You Away (DarkXGN/AFAB!Reader) Chapter 1
Commission prompt: 
Dark/afab gn!reader: the reader is naturally submissive with a praise kink to end all praise kinks—dark likes to fluster & tease the reader with praise until all they can do is whine and whimper needily?  Mixed with- DarkxReader- Dark is a mythical, eldritch, being who lures curious souls into his forest. Similar to InfelixXReader.
Alright, if you know my writing by now, you know I almost always gotta come up with a back story. So this first chapter is all world building and fluff. 
Only warning for this first chapter is it talks about the death of a grandparent.
It was fitting, empathetic almost really. Grandma had cried herself practically empty and so the clouds above were drizzling their own tears for the family. A melancholic smile turned your lips up the slightest bit as you watched your grandma get up from her second home in the dirt of the small garden, wiping her hands clean on her old apron. It wasn’t until you realized she was going to attempt to carry the over-filled basket of vegetables that you finally sprung into action.
“Hey, why don’t you let me carry that?” you offered gently.
At first, you thought she was going to refuse your offer, that familiar stubborn look coming into her eyes until she relented with a sigh. 
“I suppose,” she grumbled.
After handing off the basket, she took a few of the potatoes and carrots off the top. 
You offered her a grand smile and said, “It’s the least I can do after lazing around and just watching you do all the actual hard work.”
“Yeah yeah.”
She waved you off and started toward the back door but not before you spotted the little grin she now had. It felt like a victory of epic proportions after how down everyone had been the past few days. The toll of your grandpa’s death had dealt a mighty blow, which is why you were staying an extra week at home with her. Not that you minded. You needed the break from work and it had been a long time since you’d seen her in person. 
“You coming or not, child?” she chastised warmly from the doorway.
Chuckling and giving her a little shrug, you replied, “Yep, sorry! Got lost in my thoughts.”
It amused you to no end that, despite being over eighteen for however long, she still called you child just like when you stood at her knee height. Some things never changed. Just like how she stood at that same spot every night to cut up the ingredients for supper, and how she always kept her coffee mug just a little too close to the edge for your liking. 
Setting the basket on the floor by the pantry, you slowly worked to get all the vegetables put away while listening to the steady chopping of the knife on the board and the gentle sound of her humming. The instant you were finished, you joined her at the counter.
“Uh-uh. You know I love you dearly, child, but you’ve been clucking around me like a mother hen all day. You and I both need a break. Leave me to do my work and go get some fresh air. Maybe go see if that Walmart boy you used to like so much remembers you.”
At the mention of your middle school crush, the Walmart greeter who was at least a generation older than you, you barely managed to hold in a cringe-laced groan.
“Uh, no thanks. I’m good on that front,” you muttered, rapping your knuckles on the counter rhythmically, “But I’ll find something to do.”
Before you had even finished the sentence, you knew exactly where you were going. You’d been dying to explore the woods outside the house since the day after the funeral but didn’t want to leave your grandma alone too soon. You’d spent most of your summers there as a kid until your parents stopped bringing you here.
“Go. Have fun. Act like the young adult you are and get into a little mischief. Not too much though!” 
You slipped your jacket on and called out a reminder to your grandma that you were only a phone call away before running out the door. You noted, thankfully, that the slow drizzle from before had lightened up even more into a sparse sprinkle so you had the option of keeping your hood down. As your feet moved towards the familiar path through the back gate, your mind began to wander.
You knew it was a stupid hope. It had been over a decade since you’d last visited, so logically you knew that the little meadow you had claimed as your own so long ago might not even exist anymore, but you just had to see. Every summer when you’d come to stay with your grandparents, you’d spend hours upon hours in the woods exploring. The plentiful greenery served to be your escape from reality. You imagined colonies of fairies and hollows of trolls, eternal life springs, and animated Ents. At the center of it all had been the one and only imaginary friend in your childhood; a man named Dark. 
As you got older you realized there had to be some psychological reason you had imagined a distinguished eldritch being in the forest named Dark as your friend for many years but you never did figure out the reasoning. 
“To be fair, my childhood wasn’t that great,” you muttered to yourself. 
While contemplating the psychological impact a rough childhood might have on one’s psyche and emotional growth, you continued on the long-familiar path, somehow traipsing carefully around every root and limb with precise muscle memory that shouldn’t even exist. 
“Well, well, what do we have here? Little Mx. Red has come to see me again after all this time?”
The sudden deep voice nearly sent you careening to the side out of pure shock and terror. Your eyes swept from the forest floor to the clearing you hadn’t even yet noticed in front of you. And there he sat, the perfectly imperfect being of your dreams, in the same delicately grown throne of vines and limbs that you remembered from so long ago. Just as stunning as the first day you’d seen him. 
“Dark?” you asked warily.
A sly smirk parted his lips as he tipped his head your way.
“Mx. Red.”
As your brain fought your tongue to find some semblance of words, your eyes danced over him and soaked in every visible inch. You didn’t quite remember him being so… attractive. Then again, you were a child the last time you had seen him. With his pristine white suit and contrasting black shirt, he painted a portrait of class, but his unshaven face and messy black locks gave off the exact opposite vibe. It would almost be funny how human he looked if it weren’t for the fact you were utterly transfixed. When he suddenly lifted a wine glass to his lips and took a sip, it broke whatever spell you had been under.
“Wait, you remember me?” you finally asked in return.
“I remember everyone that I promise to save.”
A little bout of excitement and embarrassment wriggled through your gut uncomfortably as you thought back on everything you ever told him. So many secrets. Blown way out of proportion thanks to a child’s view on life. 
“Yeah, about that. I thought some stupid stuff as a kid. I wasn’t really being treated as badly as it seemed, at least not as bad-”
At an inhuman speed, the eldritch being leaped from his throne and came to stand mere inches from you, interrupting your train of thought and forcing silence to blossom in the slight space between your bodies. 
“Don’t. Do not compare your plights to others. Their pain does not lessen yours,” he demanded roughly, “Alas, you seem to have forgotten that I was able to see into your head and verify your fears.”
With the touch of his fingers to your temple, suddenly you were transported back a decade: Tiny little you standing face to face with the kneeling man whose face was screwed up in concern. The strange little twirl of magic that danced along your skin and billowed your hair around you. The exhilarating excitement of being allowed tea parties with playful imps and fairies. The twisting feeling of defeat when you’d have to leave at the end of each summer. 
Your legs went weak beneath you and your stomach felt like it was dropped miles below as you were suddenly back in your adult body. You braced for impact with eyes shut tight only to be yanked into the firm planes of another’s body. Through process of elimination, your mind brilliantly deduced that the only person who could be holding you was Dark and immediately your face began to burn hot. You jerked away quickly and he relinquished his hold with grace but kept a steadying hand on your shoulder. 
“My apologies,” he spoke softly, “Are you okay now?”
A little nod was all you could manage in return but that seemed enough to soothe his worries. 
“It seems that it’s been long enough since I’ve looked into your mind that your body has built up a resistance.”
“That’s… interesting?” you murmured uncertainly, “It might also be the shock of discovering that you’re actually real and not a figment of my imagination.” 
He watched as you shoved your hands into your pockets nervously but didn’t say anything in return. The weight of his eyes was heavy and built the intensity brewing in your belly to a boil. So many conflicting emotions were assaulting your mind and body that you physically couldn’t handle much more than staring back at him just the same. And at the same time, everything was suddenly serene, down to the muffled humming of the forest creatures around you. 
You weren’t sure how long it had been before the first chirping ring of your phone went off but suddenly you were alerted to the fact that you were standing much closer than you had been originally, a trembling hand halfway up to his face. Said hand instantly shot into your jacket pocket and brought your cell to your face.
“Uhm, h-hello?” you answered meekly.
“Dinner’s almost done. You coming back soon?” your grandma asked, the sound of a pot lid banging in the background.
“Sure thing. Be there in a few,” you replied. 
When you looked back up at Dark after shoving your phone away, you were surprised to find him with a little smile on his face.
“Go. I will be here when you return. I’m always here,” he coaxed.
You licked your lips nervously before giving him and slight nod and saying, “I’ll be back in the morning. We have a lot of catching up to do.”
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