#got7's comeback has me shook
you-did-well-moon · 4 years
Sf9 reaction to s/o fangirling over someone else
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Type: fluff
Word Count: 4695 haha 69 yes im a child
TW: insecurities, possessiveness 
A/N: I don't think any of the boys would be extremely jealous in this situation. They might be a bit jealous and insecure. Ha, you’re going to see people who aren't in sf9 because the multi in me was taking over. Don't be afraid to talk to me and wash your hands clowns - Moon
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Idol: Suho - Exo 
All day, Youngbin had been reading the book you had recommended. You got that the book was really good. After all, that's why you had recommended it, but you had been ignored in favor of the book. You had tried everything from pouting and acting cute to annoying him by whining and continuously poking him, but Youngbin had a ridiculous amount of patience. You eventually gave up huffing and throwing yourself in the chair In front of the computer.
You opted to watch any video you could find on YouTube suddenly remembering a song your friend had told you to listen to. Shrugging your shoulders you decided to give it a chance because why not? Searching up the song called “Let’s love” and you recognized the person knowing he was the leader of a popular group and curiosity probed at you. The video loaded and you were immediately met with Suho’s handsome face and soothing vocals. You felt your mouth slowly open as you subconsciously leaned closer to the screen mesmerized by the man inhabiting it. Your head nodding along to the soft melody of the song.
“Wah, this song is so lovely and soothing, and he has such a calming voice. How can someone be so handsome yet so pretty. His face looks so serene he must be such a good leader”.
Youngbin has been reading the damned book on the bed behind you immediately looking up when he heard your words also recognizing his senior on the screen. He pressed the off button on the computer smiling innocently when you narrowed your eyes at him but pouting right after. He pulled you up asking if you wanted to go to the ice cream shop you had asked him to go to before. As soon as you stood up he would pull you into a chaste kiss slipping his hands under your shirt to rub at the soft skin under it before playfully pinching it laughing softly when you squealed and jumped away from him. He would cross his arms playfully glaring at you shaking his head childishly when you went to kiss him again.
“You can't kiss me until you tell me i’m more handsome than him because I’m your boyfriend and I should always be the handsomest to you. No? Fine you won’t even be getting a goodnight kiss today. I hope you’re happy with yourself y/n”
Youngbin would try to distract you when he saw you fangirling over someone else. Play fighting with you by avoiding your kisses and affections and acting like a child softly teasing you. Of course, he would eventually give in to you. Youngbin is not capable of saying no to you. 
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Idol: Aron - Nu’est
You and Inseong were on the couch with him drawing on the journal you had given to him claiming his drawing skills were getting too rusty. Meanwhile you were bored out of your mind having given up on asking your boyfriend to spend some time with you a long time ago. You had even put your feet on his lap, but he shoved them off to rest the journal there, and you had leaned against him, but he gently shook you off because he couldn't draw well with you leaning on his arm like that.
You switched between channels with disinterest trying to find something entertaining. That’s when you stopped at an episode of “Problematic Men'', the show only catching your attention because Inseong had been on it before. Boredom slowly changed into interest when your attention was constantly drawn to one of the guests and idol, Aron. You found his nervous smile cute and refreshing, and you were very impressed with his academic achievements. You kept making little noises of surprise the more you got to know him, and you couldn't stop yourself from going “aaw” at Aron’s quirky yet cute personality.
 “He’s so cute, look how his shoulders lift up as if trying to hide himself when he’s embarrassed. He’s so smart too and he got accepted into a famous university, but he still chose to do music. He’s so inspirational.”
Inseong had already noticed you looking at the idol with admiration, and he had to purse his lips to stop himself from saying anything. Shoving his face back into the journal trying and failing at trying to not get distracted by your sounds of awe at the artist. As soon as you said that, Inseong dropped his journal sputtering as his eyes flickered back and forth between you and the TV. He would tackle you ripping the remote from your hands and turning the television off. He clasped your hands in his pulling you so that the upper half of your body was on his lap. He leaned his head against yours, his wide eyes masked with seriousness holding contact with your own. He tickled you softly, smiling as your laughter rang around the room, not allowing you to move since he had trapped you against his own body. 
“Has my girlfriend really been stolen by a man she has never met? How unfortunate, I, a man who loves a woman who doesn't love him enough because said woman is currently drooling over another man while her loving boyfriend sits right next to her. Ah I can feel my heart breaking”.
At first, Inseong would be shocked at you fangirling over someone else. He wouldn't even be able to form words. Inseong is laid back and rolls with the punches most of the time, so he quickly adjusted to the situation joking around with you while having some kind of physical contact with you.
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Idol: Jaehyun - Nct 127
You groaned walking into the living room where Jaeyoon was already sitting on the couch assorting a variety of snacks on the coffee table in front of the couch. As you walked into the room, Jaeyoon looked up to give you his bright dimpled smile. You couldn't help but smile back at him gently running your hands through your hair when you reached him while you flopped onto the couch. You guys decided to have a date at your apartment instead of going out.
Jaeyoon laid down on the couch placing his head on your lap while pulling your hands back to his hair. You got a blanket from the back of the couch placing it mostly over him not really needing it since his body warmth was enough to stop any shivers from racking through your body. You guys didn't really plan on watching something specific, so after some convincing from Jaeyoon himself, you settled on watching the latest episode of weekly idol which featured Nct 127. Throughout the duration of the episode your attention kept getting drawn to the dimpled vocalist. Jaehyun who was undoubtedly handsome, but rather than looking at his features you found yourself laughing at his antics. It was particularly after an innocent dimply smile was sent to the camera after having finished singing wonderfully that you squealed out.
“How can someone be so hot but so cute at the same time, and oh my- his dimples. He is so talented too! He sings, he raps, and he danced so well too. He’s a total package!”
Jaeyoon would feel his eyes narrow, tongue licking his plump lips getting ready to put you in your place. He stood up blocking your view of the tv meeting your confused gaze with a devilish smile. He pushed you back laying you on your back on the couch, and he straddled you pinning your hands above your head. You looked up at him with wide alarmed eyes, breath catching when you saw him eye the soft sliver of skin exposed by your shirt riding up when your arms were lifted. Jaeyoon would lean in his nose almost touching yours. 
“I don't think so love. Your heart belongs to me, and my heart belongs to you. Don't forget that. What are you doing looking at another man when I’m right here, your boyfriend, the tickle monster”
He would then stoop to blow a raspberry against your exposed skin laughing evilly when you shrieked and running away to your room. Jaeyoon would want to shock you a bit. Although it was all with a joking intention, there would be a small part of him that would feel slightly possessive.
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Idol: Jackson - Got7
You had accompanied Sanghyuk to a music show where Sf9 were going to perform since they had recently had a comeback. You were currently in the waiting room with various staff moving around in order to prepare the boys for the stage. You were sitting on the couch next to your boyfriend with your head leaning against his shoulder scrolling through Instagram since you got bored with Sanghyuk too excited about performing to really focus on anything you were saying. 
He was still very much aware of your presence. His arms fit snugly around your shoulder playing with your hair, and his eyes flicking to study you every so often smiling softly when he saw you laughing at a random post you had found. You perked up when one of your friends sent you a post only telling you about how hard she had laughed while watching it. Your interest peaked so you clicked on the post recognizing the loud and social rapper of Got7. You watched as the idol reacted dramatically at a situation sitting on a table to get everyone's attention only for the table to break and Jackson with the broken part of the table in his hands with a shocked expression on his face as he looked at it. You couldn't help but laugh loudly immediately, grabbing Sanghyuk’s attention.
“How can someone be so funny, dramatic, and cute all at the same time. He looks like such a warm and open person. He’s so talented too, he produces his own music. “
You had whispered these words hoping no one would hear them, but Sanghyuk had heard them loud and clear. His shocked face would instantly turn into a scandalized one as he looked at you with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. He snatched your phone from your hands sitting on it and leaning away from you while you stood still shocked at how fast everything happened. You would get control of your senses tackling him while demanding for your phone and repeatedly saying his name as you sat on him. Now that he had you where he wanted you, his arms would wrap around your waist pulling you down against him making you have to rest your forearms on either side of his head so you wouldn't crush him. You were sure everyone in the room could hear how fast your heart was beating.
“I’m  the only man you should be looking at, no matter what, I can make you laugh the hardest, I can make you smile the brightest and I can damn well make you scream the loudest, babe. Let’s see how funny Jackson is when you’re sleeping on the couch.”
Sanghyuk would feel so offended. Not seriously of course, but he would be one to bring it up the next few days and remind you of the crime you had committed. He really would make you sleep on the couch, but 30 would barely pass and he was coming to carry you back to bed because he worried your back would hurt.
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idol: IM - Monsta X 
Both you and Juho were very busy, but you guys could not spend another day without each other. It had been too long since you had seen each other, so you decided to spend a day with each other in his studio. Even if you were working on your own work and not really talking to each other, it was enough just being together. You two were working on similar things since both of you were producers, but you were each working on a different project.
The company you were working with wanted you to branch out and collaborate with artists other than the ones already in the company. Specifically, they wanted you to work with a rapper since the song was in the R&B genre. You had suggested your boyfriend immediately, but they refused, so you were now begrudgingly searching for a rapper that would want to work with you. In the end, your company had to search for artists that were willing to work with you since you had no connections outside your own company. At least, they were giving you the choice to decide who you wanted to work with. The company had sent you different videos with each artist so that you could pick one. None of them really caught your attention until you came across one rapper with a velvety deep voice rapping into the mic like his life depended on it. You were hooked, you didn't even have to look at the other candidates.
“How could I even have the audacity to pick anyone else but him? He’s obviously an amazing rapper, and his voice perfectly suits my song. He has such a good stage presence and he’s a producer too?!”
You basically drooling over another idol was not something Juho expected when he took his headphones off to ask you whether you wanted to order take out now or later. Turning around in his chair he saw you staring at your laptop with your hands on your cheeks as if you couldn't believe what you were seeing. Juho felt his jaw tick as he leaned over you to shut your laptop so his form was towering over you since he was standing up while you were still sitting down. Your face was shocked and it remained shocked as Juho spun your chair around and picked you up throwing you over his shoulder. You were pretty sure if anyone touched your face they would draw their hand back because of how high your body temperature had risen. You began struggling questioning Juho on what he was doing before he made you settle with a light slap at your bum. He took you to the dorms where he threw you in the bed, and he looked at you with a pout and began whining as he dug his face into the crook of your neck nosing along on your pulse.
“If he’s such an amazing rapper why don't you go out with him. Don't look at me like that, you belong to me as much as I belong to you. First day we’re spending time together and you’re praising another man. Do I have to get an eyebrow piercing for you to look at me like that too?”
Juho is not having it. quickly talking you away from whatever has you fangirling over someone else. He would become whiny and passive aggressive with you definitely clingy for the rest of the day too. He would huff whenever you wanted to get away from him claiming that you had to pay for your crime by spending the day in his arms.
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Idol: Mingyu - Seventeen
You were in the kitchen shoveling food into your mouth in alarming amounts as you scrolled through twitter on your phone. Rowoon was sitting in front of you also eating but having an important conversation with Youngbin. His eyes would shift over to you every few seconds softening at the way you seemed to enjoy his cooking. You had actually helped him with it even adding your own suggestion which ended up making it taste better than the result of the original recipe.
There were two reasons as to why you were eating so fast. One, the food was amazing, mostly because Rowoon had made it. Two, you and Rowoon were having your first date in weeks since you had both been busy and you couldn't stop the excitement from taking control over your body. You got distracted from thinking about the date, when your friend, a huge fan of the idol group Seventeen, sent you a post talking about how husband material one of the members was. You tapped on the link she had sent you watching as the tall man cleaned around the house and made food for the members your heart melting when you saw the bright smile on his face as he did everything. It was so domestic and sweet it make you coo at the screen.
“He really would be such a gentle and loving husband. He would be one to help you with house chores and oh my god he would be so loving and helpful with a baby. His food looks really good too”
Your earlier excitement would only fuel your admiration for the man on the screen, and it would also make you a bit louder than usual. The boys in front of you would halt in their conversation upon hearing what you said. Youngbin would grimace looking at Rowoon for his reaction, getting surprised when Rowoon slowly blinked at you. Rowoon knew exactly who had momentarily stolen his lover’s heart, but he knew one word from him and your heart would go back to where it belonged. In his hands. With a soft tone, Rowoon would call your name asking if you were ready to go on that date watching your eyes light up as you hurriedly went to wash your dishes. Rowoon smirked at Youngbin while grabbing your phone and slipping it into his pocket. The rest of the day, Rowoon upped his game practically running to open your door when getting off the car or placing his jacket on the ground for you to sit on when you wanted to sit on the grass at the park.
“You look gorgeous today just like any other day as always. Oh those cookies look good? Let's go get them. Are you cold? Take my jacket. Hold my hand so you don't get lost. It's crowded here.”
Any thought of any other man would simply slip from your mind with Rowoon around. He would ignore everything you said pretending he didn't notice and doing things that would honestly just make you forget about everyone else because his gestures were just too sweet.
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Idol: San - Ateez
You were so concentrated on the screen in front of you not even the music blasting through the practice room speakers your boyfriend was dancing to could distract you. It was late, and you were both tired but you guys were determined. Recently, Taeyang had been trying to make his own choreographies, and he wanted you to help him which you happily agreed to since you were a backup dancer and had experience in that field. 
You guys had gotten stuck in one part of the choreography, and it was in the chorus so it was important. It would have been better to go home and sleep coming back tomorrow refreshed and reenergized, but you guys were set on getting it done today. While Taeyang danced to the choreography you had already made seeing if anything came up, you were on your stomach scrolling through YouTube on your laptop trying to see if anything inspired you. Your clothes were sticking to your skin and you could feel beads of sweat dripping down your scalp, but you persisted. It was when you found a video of Ateez on a music show that you perked up. Your eyes were drawn to one dimpled person in the front recognizing him because your sister always talked about him. Looking up more videos of him, and you felt your jaw drop as you squealed out.
“His stage presence is out of this world. He’s one of the fiercest dancers I've seen in a rookie group. His moves are sharp and fluid. Oh- he’s not even a part of the dance line yet he’s so talented”
You didn't even notice the music turn off, and you certainly didn't see Taeyang stop in his tracks and stare at you with an unreadable look in his eyes. You were so focused on the video, you didn't notice Taeyang’s eyes staring holes into you until the video ended. You looked up from your laptop in order to tell him about some new ideas you had just from watching a few videos of San dancing, and you were met with Taeyang crushing a water bottle in his hands while staring at you with an unamused look on his face. His stare was so intense you couldn't maintain eye contact as you called out his name with a questioning tone. He began walking towards you with slow calculated steps, and you stood up still not being able to hold his gaze. Taeyang tilted his head taking your chin in between his pointer finger and thumb forcing you to make eye contact.
“I’m telling you this once and only once angel, you are mine. My hands are the only hands that touch you, and my lips are the only lips that get to touch your skin. Don't forget it, love.”
Even Taeyang himself wouldn't recognize himself as he was speaking. He just knew he suddenly felt a fire at the pit of his stomach that seemingly boiled his blood. He wouldn't know how to deal with himself after, so he would give you a cheery smile asking sweetly if you had any ideas. Whiplash is real with this one.
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Idol: Felix - Stray Kids I was trying to find a mv where Felix actually has lines but I gave up jyp watch out im coming for u
You were sat in front of the Tv anxiously awaiting for the time to pass by as you turned your phone on and off to check said time. Hwiyoung was sitting on the couch behind you looking at you with a confused expression because you had refused to answer him when he asked what you were doing. Your Tv was already set on the YouTube homepage, and you bit your lip knee bouncing while you checked your phone for the millionth time.
Hwiyoung eyed the shirt you were wearing with a focused expression knowing the logo was familiar but not being able to name it. He jumped, scared at your shriek when you checked your phone because the time was finally here. Comeback time. You searched up “Stray Kids” and the music video came up making you shriek again. It suddenly dawned on Hwiyoung what was happening. You were getting excited at another group’s comeback. He saw how you looked at the screen with heart eyes, your smile big and bright occasionally stopping to let your lips part in a small “woah”. You were pretty calm until a certain someone showed up on the screen in which you shrieked again (Hwiyoung had lost count), and you clapped your hands satisfied.
“Oh wow look at his hair, it's purple and looks so good on him. I could listen to that voice every day and- are those his freckles? Oh look at him go, yes bubs, get those lines”
Hwiyoung would feel his heart sink, and he was scared. Scared because what he was feeling, he has never felt this feeling as strong as this. Insecurity. His eyes would look at you sadly watching as you beamed at the boy on the screen. He knew this was something he shouldn't be feeling insecure about, but he couldn't stop himself. He went to sulk in your bedroom flopping onto your bed and hugging your pillow. You didn’t notice him walking off. One the mv ended, you made little noises of happiness. You called your friend because she too was a huge fan of Stray Kids. She was also squealing to you about how good the MV was and how Changbin did well. You were walking around looking for your boyfriend to cuddle with and paused when you found him on your bed clutching your pillow with a frown on his face. You told your friend you had to go, and you fell onto the bed snuggling into Hwiyoung humming happily when he responded to your touch. You ran your fingers through his hair tenderly asking him what was wrong.
“It’s kinda stupid, but I got I felt bad seeing you smile at someone else the same way you smile only at me. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I guess it took me by surprise” *nervous laugh*
You wouldn't fail to reassure him, taking off the Stray Kids merch in favor of one of his sweatshirts. Hwiyoung would be the one to get insecure when you fangirled over someone else, but it really wouldn't take that much to reassure and comfort him. He would be smiling and giggling in your arms in 5 minutes tops.
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Idol: Dowoon - Day6
You were laying on your bed, arms starting to sting because of having to hold your phone in a weird position since you couldn't lower them. The reason being Chanhee passed out with his head on your chest. He was originally awake, but you running your hands through his hair seemed to have lulled him to sleep. You guys were supposed to go out on a date, but you weren't mad or annoyed at all deciding he was in dire need of a proper rest.
He had been so busy lately, and he had been working endlessly. You could feel your heart sink every time you saw him because his eye bags seemed to darken every time. You raised your phone a bit to glance at your boyfriend, heart softening at the sight of his cheek mushed up against your chest, and his face looking peaceful. You smiled softly nudging his cheek gently before going back to watching random videos on your phone. You jumped a little at the sound of a notification coming through your phone hurrying to lower the volume of your phone, so you wouldn't wake up the sleeping boy. Checking out the notification you saw it was an Instagram post from Day6. You wouldn't call yourself their biggest fan, but you did your best to actively follow them. It was a video of Dowoon getting teased by Jae, the younger boy giggling and firing back.
“Aw Dowoon really is just the cutest sometimes. Quiet but cute. Funny too. I wished they would let him sing a few lines. He’s been getting better with the vocal lessons he’s getting. He’s so much more than a drummer.”
Chanhee had actually been woken up by the notification sound earlier, but he thought you would have noticed he was awake. He was getting ready to whine and pull at your hand, so you could run it through his hair because Chanhee had sworn he’s never had such a good nap like the one he just had. Apparently, you were too distracted by a video on your phone calling someone else that wasn't him cute. Hah, the nerve you had. Chanhee really didn't like the feeling he got when you called someone that wasn't him cute. It didn't matter if it was a person on the other side of the screen or your own baby. He was the only one you were allowed to call cute, or anything else. He shifted to let you know he was awake. You instantly lowered your phone eyes lighting up when you saw that he was awake which made his heart flutter, but you still weren't off the hook. He saw the surprise in your eyes when he looked at you with an offended expression. His eyes were narrowed and eyebrows furrowed. He shifted so he was fully on top of you, still being careful as to not crush you. He shook his head letting his hair tickle the sensitive skin of your neck not stopping the squirming until you put your hands on him.
“I don't like it when you look at someone else the way you only look at me because that's the look meant for me. I’m the only you can call cute. Don't be mean and call someone else cute. I don't like it.”
Chanhee would be kind of surprised. He had never felt the need to be clingy or whiny like this. The grumpy expression on his face wouldn't leave even if you couldn't see it because his face was buried in the crook between your neck and shoulder. He would become happy again when you ran his hands through hair enough time to make him sleepy again enjoying the feeling of your body against his.
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tbr-agency · 4 years
last minute.
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summary ⟶ MNET reached out to MMG AGENCY to have the the 3 units to be the artists’ staff as well as a bodyguard.
timeline ⟶ December 2019
characters : Park Jinyoung (Got7), Got7, Jung Ahrin, Ahn Eunhee (𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐒), Yoon Minsung, Takeo Goto, Ichiyanagi Daisuke of 𝐂𝐎𝐃𝐄 𝐌, mention of 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐌 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐒.
warnings ⟶ none. just fluff.
❝ You didn’t tell me you were coming, ❞
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“Gosh, MNET are lazy asses.” muttered Eunhee as she was somehow arranging the chairs for the artists that will be attending MAMA 2019.
She can’t believe that MMG accepted their offer with The Bloody Roses being a staff and a bodyguard for MNET.
Fortunately - that’s what Eunhee thinks - the other girls had to reject MMG request as they were struggling with the subjects that they individually learning in the university, in Virginia.
Unfortunately - for Eunhee, MMG decided to pick Eunhee and Ahrin, due to the fact that they had been scoring well for the past 2 months in the university.
It was beyond ridiculous.
Though Ahrin didn’t voice out any complains, she actually felt that this wasn’t necessary. MNET has the best security team.
Both Ahrin and Eunhee had to cancel classes for this.
“This is seriously—
“Eunhee. Watch it. There are people.” Ahrin cuts off the younger one as she could only groan in annoyance.
Though she was complaining, Eunhee managed to finish her job and somehow her focus were onto the stage, seeing how blinding it is.
Eunhee’s eyes slowly widen as she quickly tapped onto Ahrin.
“It’s Got7! I think they rehearsing!” pointed Eunhee, already caught Ahrin’s attention as the older one turned towards the stage, to indeed see Got7.
As they were watching the performance, they didn’t know that Got7 already noticed them - It was Yugyeom who noticed Eunhee who was somehow arguing with Ahrin, that’s how it looked like from far.
“It can’t be! They should be in Virginia right now. I just ended my call with Haejin as soon as manager hyung came and remind us.” stated Jaebeom as his eyes were still on the 2 girls who were checking the seats of the artists area.
Jinyoung looked towards where the 2 were, seeing them looking annoyed. He was about to turn away when one of the girls decided to look around - Jinyoung saw her.
“Yah! It is them! Eunhee and Ahrin!” Mark announced first as he was somehow waving towards their area, but the 2 girls were too busy doing their work.
“I wonder what are the noonas doing here.” Bambam questioned himself, as the boys began to start rehearsal.
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“Hurry up, Ahrin!”
“Oh my god, Eunhee! Can you relax for a minute?” Ahrin exclaimed as she was being rushed and pushed by the younger one. Eunhee was panicking while looking around the hallway.
“Are you sure it’s them, Eunhee?” Ahrin questioned as they finally stop in front of Got7′s waiting room. Looking a little offended, Eunhee looks at the older one as she scoff.
“Is there any staff in these event wearing suits? No?” Eunhee deadpanned as she fold her arms in distressed. 
“It can’t be. They were suppose to be back next year.” Ahrin muttered as they went into the room, as usual seeing the familiar Got7′s stylists.
Eunhee saw the members of CODE M walking around the area. As soon as she sees them, Eunhee felt flustered that she had to grab Ahrin away before the boys of CODE M noticed them.
The reason why Eunhee was flustered is - she used to date one of the members. 
“Don’t tell me you’re panicking just because you used to date one of them.” Ahrin raised an eyebrow towards her and the older one totally was right as soon as she sees Eunhee with widen eyes.
All the younger one could respond was a sigh.
“It’s the past - take it as a memory I guess. Besides, you are with Jinyoung now.” added Ahrin with a smile - mentioning Jinyoung’s name made Eunhee smile.
At that moment, the 2 girls were too engrossed on the conversation that they didn’t realized the owners of the room are about to enter the room.
“Oh!” With a slight shriek, both Ahrin and Eunhee’s head turned towards the door to see Mark standing at the door, slightly frozen - causing the next member to slightly look in the room.
Somehow, Mark went in the room as he walked towards Ahrin. Strangely, Mark felt shy - Ahrin could see it and she didn’t hesitate to make the first move by hugging him, just for 3 seconds.
“It is them!” Jinyoung voiced out, as he immediately waved towards Ahrin. His attention then turned towards Eunhee - he was too shy to even walked towards her, knowing the other members were there.
“Noona!” Yugyeom somehow shove Jinyoung away, who was waiting for the other members to go in. The taller one ran towards Eunhee, waving at her excitedly - causing Eunhee to smile, shaking her head a little.
Then came Jackson who was screaming while fanboying at the back, turning towards where Mark and Ahrin was, and towards Jinyoung and Eunhee.
“Oh god.” Bambam commented, as well as Youngjae who was laughing to hear how loud the room is, although all of them looked exhausted.
“We saw you while we were rehearsing! You should see the look on Jinyoung’s face.” Jackson teased, pointing towards Jinyoung who was folding his arms - pouting towards Jackson, as he stands beside Jaebeom.
“I called Haejin like about an hour ago. I thought you’re suppose to be in Virginia.” Jaebeom questioned towards Ahrin, as the girl looked towards Eunhee who was somehow gazing at Jinyoung.
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Eunhee and Ahrin had to explain everything while some of the boys’ were getting ready for the real event. 
Jinyoung gave Eunhee a look - a look that he wanted some privacy with her and Eunhee immediately stood up.
“Jinyoung and I are going to grab coffee. Anyone wants anything?” Eunhee questioned as he stood up looking at the others had their make-up being done.
Yugyeom raised his hand. 
“Me! I want—
“You can grab it yourself.” Jinyoung cuts off the younger while dragging Eunhee away. There were giggles and laughter at back as the couple exited the room.
“Gosh, they are so loud.” Jinyoung muttered beside her, causing Eunhee to giggle away. Her eyes turned towards his side profile and she can’t help but to be mesmerized by how good looking he is.
“Yah.. Stop staring and watch where you are going.” said Jinyoung as he grabbed her wrist, walking passed other staff.
“You didn’t tell me you were coming,” added Jinyoung an Eunhee sighs.
“It was last minute. Ahrin and I had to cancel our lessons - anyway, we saw your performance. It was.. sexy...” Eunhee decided to change the topic as she might get pissed because of her agency, so she genuinely complimented the performance.
That includes her fangirling about her favorite song, which is the recent comeback they had done - ‘You Calling My Name’. Eunhee was too engrossed that she didn’t realize Jinyoung was trying to let out a chuckle - he had that eye whisker smile.
“You never change, don’t you?” Jinyoung questioned softly and Eunhee looked towards him, before turning to the front.
“I never change.” muttered Eunhee and her vision suddenly focus to see a group of men wearing suits going towards their way.
Oh no.
“I think I know what Yugyeom— Hee?!” Jinyoung slightly shriek as he felt strong hands grabbing his arm, slightly pulling him back. Jinyoung saw Eunhee’s expression to see her visibly panicking.
“Why? What’s wrong?” questioned Jinyoung with concern as he stood nearer towards Eunhee. 
“My ex is here.”
“Your ex is— You have an ex?!?” Jinyoung repeated, his eyes were enlarged as he was taken aback. Eunhee looks at him with a straight expression.
“Well.. yeah.. and he is here..”
“You didn’t even tell me if you have an ex boyfriend, Hee-ah.” said Jinyoung with a disappointed voice - causing Eunhee to slightly frown and of course heartbroken. Eunhee didn’t even want to tell Jinyoung because there is no point on telling him.
Eunhee’s relationship with her ex boyfriend were okay, they are still friends now. The reason why they decided to broke it off was understandable too.
Both of them were busy. He was busy with his own missions and Eunhee was busy training.
“I’m sorry. I should have tell you sooner.” answered Eunhee and Jinyoung knew she was sincere this time - seeing her gaze went downcast, usually Eunhee would answer back with a sneaky or witty reply.
Jinyoung could only caress her hair, knowing it wasn’t a big issue to turn into an argument. He guessed that maybe she felt uncomfortable so he will wait for to tell him comfortably.
“You said he is here - why is he here in the first place?” 
“Well, they are—
“Oh look who it is! The great Ahn Eunhee!”
Eunhee closed her eyes in annoyance to hear the familiar voice. Jinyoung sees her reaction as he turned towards the voice, to see 3 men wearing suits - walking towards his way.
One of them had open arms but the other man grabbed his arm, shaking his head a little - turning towards Jinyoung’s way.
Jinyoung awkwardly watch the scene.
“Right! You didn’t tell me you are dating someone.” 
“It wasn’t necessary to tell you everything, Daisuke. Besides, you already find out anyway.” dead-panned Eunhee as she folded her arms, looking at the smirking Daisuke.
She glance towards Jinyoung was standing slightly a step back behind her - Eunhee quickly turned towards the 3 men.
“Guys, this is Jinyoung. He—
“I’m a fan! Minsung and Takeo too! That’s why we came to greet you!” Daisuke said cheerfully as he pointed towards the other 2 guys at the back of him. Daisuke let out a hand towards Jinyoung for a handshake.
Jinyoung took his hand as a basic courtesy. Minsung and Takeo shook Jinyoung’s hands too with words of ‘I’m a fan of your dramas.’
“I know you are with the others.”  Eunhee voiced out and Minsung smiled a little.
“They are sectioned at the red carpet as well as The Blossom Angels.” answered Minsung and Eunhee nodded. 
Eunhee somehow relaxed as soon as she didn’t see the one she was trying to avoid.
“Well I love to stay and have a conversation but we have to go before the others find us. I don’t think you want to see Juno, seeing how you avioided us.” added Takeo with an amused smile before giving a bow towards Jinyoung - a cue that he is leaving, followed by Minsung, bowing towards Jinyoung then walking away.
“We’ll see you soon, Eunhee! Bye!” waved Daisuke with a wink towards Eunhee then giving Jinyoung a slight bow before catching up with the 2 older men.
Eunhee could only stare at their wide backs with clenched jaw.
“I assume that your ex boyfriend’s name is Juno.” Jinyoung voiced out and Eunhee nodded.
“They are in a unit called Code M, they are in the same agency as us. Their unit consist of 9 guys and they are specialized in international missions so they are always going abroad.” Eunhee explained and Jinyoung slightly nodded.
“They don’t look like bodyguards to me.”
“That’s because they aren’t. Code M are considered CIAs. One of them that you have just met - Takeo, he is a dean of a police academy in Japan called Public Safety Academy. They have their own division. Minsung mentioned The Blossom Angels - they are too in our agency. They are a duo girls group and one of them is my cousin and another member is Haejin’s cousin.” added Eunhee with a smile, turning towards Jinyoung who somehow was processing everything.
He couldn’t even question anything because everything was so cool to him - and new too. He knew his bodyguard - now referred as his girlfriend, is working closely with the law enforcements.
He was more amazed that MMG Agency has other units other than his girlfriend’s units.
“It’s surprising isn’t it?” Eunhee questioned with a wide smile, examining Jinyoung’s expression.
All he could do was giving her a side hug, and a quick peck on the cheek.
“C’mon, let’s go grab our coffees.” mumbled Jinyoung before grabbing her wrists. 
Apart of Jinyoung was curious of Eunhee’s ex boyfriend but another part of him was bothered by his ex boyfriend being in the same agency as her, what’s worst there are 9 guys in the agency who somehow have a connection with her - after seeing how they interacted with each other.
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masterlist : Got7 Bodyguard Au
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qualityjoonie · 5 years
Sweet Lullaby (JB)
—Im Jaebum X Idol! Reader
— warnings: non but it is not gender specific:)
— word count: 1.8k
A/N : I had this idea for an idol. I wanted to make it gender neutral. If it sucks I’m sorry 🤧 I’m writing this on my phone while I’m in vacation
Your group, MidnightStars, had just finished two weeks of promoting your new single ‘Desired Love’. Your agency, JYP, allowed your group to cover one of your senior groups from JYP Entertainment. From Day6 to Twice to JYP himself, a variety of different artist and different taste along with talent was given to choose from. Each successful group represented the success from the JYP Entertainment.
After given the options to choose and which songs you are able to perform, your group members stared at you and chose GOT7. Snickers were heard in the meeting room after the final decision was made.
You knew all too well why GOT7 was chosen. You have been dating Jaebum for over two years and hid it from the media. Your team, along with GOT7, always teased you for having the leader whipped for you. Your charms caused Jaebum to fall in love with you. If it wasn’t for your clumsiness, you wouldn’t have met your boyfriend during both your trainee days.
With a smile, you texted Jaebum the news about performing a GOT7 song in Music Bank. Jaebum grinned when he opened your message after rehearsing for their upcoming comeback for ECLIPSE. Groans were heard around the practice room after having a small 5 minute break, all tired and exhausted from their tough leader’s orders for perfection.
“What’s going on hyung?” Yugyeom asked, laying down on the practice room floor with his hair sticking to his head as his sweat was gel. “Oh it’s nothing, it’s just (Y/N) told me that MidnightStars are going to sing our song for Music Bank.” Jaebum explained to GOT7, panting in between his words.
Immediately the maknae line got really happy for the sudden announcement. Everyone was happy and excited for the incoming performance from the agency’s new junior group. Jaebum was more excited to see you perform one of his songs with love and passion. He felt like this performance was going to hold a special place in his heart.
It was finally the day of the performance and you were nervous to say. Your white long sleeve shirt was starting to stick to you as you were sweating thinking about the performance. As you were getting ready, GOT7 was back at Jaebum’s apartment ready to support you and MidnightStars. “Let’s take a bet in which member (Y/N) gets to be,” suggested Bambam to his bandmates while he pet Nora. Jaebum rolled his eyes and smirked with confidence and certainty, “We all know who (Y/N) is going to be.”
Jinyoung and Jackson started to make kissing noises while Bambam and Yugyeom added moans to the background to annoy Jaebum even further. Youngjae and Mark were laughing while poor Nora was startled for Coco’s parents loud laughs. “Quiet down, they’re about to perform.” Jaebum a announced and turned up the tv full volume as the MCs announced your groups name for the next stage performance.
You could hear the cheers from your fans outside your earpiece. Your heart beat was loud and echoed through your head. You got to your position with butterflies in your stomach. You didn’t want to mess this up. Not for your team, your fans, GOT7, and especially not for Jaebum. As a instinct, you immediately stared at the cameras as GOT7’s ‘Lullaby’ started playing in your earpiece. All you had to do is sing and dance correctly.
GOT7 were spread out in the living room grinning eagerly in anticipation. They saw your group replicating the formation for the start of Lullaby. The lights were all dimmed low and they couldn’t recognize which member is which, especially when your group has 8 members instead of the 7 GOT7 has. It would be harder to distribute the lines and will lead to the MidnightStars members to cut some of their lines short. Jaebum felt confident you had his part only and not another one of your members.
At the start everything seemed normal except the the extra member in the formation. Everything was fine until he heard your voice sing Yugyeom’s part after Ice, the oldest of the group, finished Mark rap in the beginning.
Jaebum felt worried but then he reassured with himself that it was a just a small line for another member to get another line. As Jaebum’s solo approached, he smirk flew away when he noticed that it wasn’t you singing his part. While he felt stunned, the other members of GOT7 cheered for MidnightStars’s maknae as they sang their leader’s solo.
Yugyeom kept screaming and shoving Bambam as you showed up in the screen singing his lines and executing the choreography with a smile in your face. You no longer felt nerves when you started dancing to the start of Lullaby. You felt the adrenaline going around in your body once you felt the beat and moved to the rhythm.
“Look at how great (Y/N) is doing hyung!” Yugyeom exclaimed while Jaebum stayed unfazed. Jinyoung could sense the irritation Jaebum is feeling from the maknaes constant yelling whenever your shown on the screen.
Your eyes were dark but you kept a wicked smile as you danced Yugyeom’s solo. Every move hit the beat perfectly. You look powerful and it showed for the first time to the whole South Korea who was the main dancer for MidnightStars. You were glad that you could finally dance by yourself rather than as a group for this performance.
GOT7 stayed in awe as your solo came to an end. Jaebum had goosebumps along with Yugyeom. Yugyeom has never seen someone who can dance with so much perfection and great body movement, and Jaebum has never seen you with so much confidence and sexyness in your dance.
As the song’s finale came to an end, cheers from both Jaebum’s living room and the Music Bank audience were loud and chaotic. You smiled, all nerves gone and you were only worried on how you looked during Yugyeom’s solo dance. Jackson and Youngjae congratulated their hyung on having one of the best dancers in the world as a partner, while Mark and Jinyoung started to tidy up the living room after the sudden chaos from MidnightStars performance.
Jaebum’s kept a poker face anytime one of the members talked to him about you or the performance. They could see the look of jealousy Jaebum gives Yugyeom when they talk to each other. Even a blind person can see that Im Jaebum was ticked off for having their partner do another persons line instead of his.
As you said your goodbyes and changed to your jeans and a light weight maroon jumper, you texted Jaebum in hopes to see if he was proud of your performance. The similar ding caught Jaebum’s ears. Seeing it was you who texted him, he didn’t bother to reply back to your message. After 20 minutes of saying bye to fans and taking pictures for the press outside the studio, your members left in groups in separate vans to go either back to the dorm or hit the streets.
You on the other hand, took the van to Jaebum’s apartment. You found it odd that he didn’t text you after having heard your message. You felt that something was wrong as your homescreen was empty from his messages he would’ve sent over 10 minutes ago. It never took him long to respond to you.
Arriving at his apartment, you felt the mood outside his door was staggering everywhere. Laughter was mostly heard, but you could still feel an unsettling feeling.
Opening the door, GOT7 were gathered in the living room with alcohol and delicious chicken. Mark and Bambam greeted with with mouth fulls while Jackson, Youngjae, and Yugyeom ran up to hug you. Jaebum and Jinyoung we’re at the sofa staring at your entrance.
Jaebum tensed up when he saw Yugyeom squeezing you to death. “Wow (Y/N)! You did me amazing!” Yugyeom exclaimed, still having you in his arms rocking back and forth. The entire living room erupted with laughter, all laughing expect for one. You rolled your eyes from having six grown men think like a couple of twelve-year olds.
You noticed that Jaebum continued to stay quiet and kept staring at your bear hug with the giant maknae. He stood up immediately, excusing himself and left towards his room. GOT6 stopped laughing and like looked at each other, already knowing what happened to their leader.
You, oblivious to Jaebum’s reaction to your performance, asked Jinyoung for help by sending hand motions toward him. “He’s mad that you performed Yugyeom’s part and not yours.” Jinyoung explained to you and the team.
“Uh oh, someone is jealoussss!” Jackson said as he shook you playfully. “Go get him, (Y/N). We’re going to go as we finished all the chicken and beers”
Quietly thanking them, you headed to Jaebum’s room. Pressing your ear to the door, it seem quiet. No sound, just pure silence. Slowly opening the door, you saw nothing in the dark room. Knowing Jaebum’s room, as you stayed there’s in mutilple occasions, you went to the direction of the bed.
Although it was dark, you can still see the outline of his body on the bed. Quietly, you went up and layed on his body and hugged him. You can smell his cologne that smelled like pine trees and Christmas. His heart beat went on a rampage having you laying on him like a baby. He was so in love with you.
“Jaebum, babe what’s wrong?” You quietly murmured as you stared at Jaebum while he played with one hand one of the necklaces you have given him for his birthday. He stopped playing for a second, hesitant to answer. He shook his head and continued playing.
Staring deeply in his eyes, you moved up from laying on him to kiss him. You asked again the same question while grabbing one of his hands and holding it on your chest. He too could feel how your heart beats wildly with each other’s presence.
“Why did you get Yugyeom’s part?” Jaebum stuttered a bit. You can hear the disappointment in his question. Finally holding on to his hand, you have it a squeeze of reassurance.
“I’m the main dancer for MidnightStars,” you explain trying to sit up from his body on to the bed, “ The team wanted me to shine in Yugyeom’s routine. They felt that I deserve to show the audience my natural talent.”
With a sigh, Jaebum sat next to you. “ I wanted to be singing your solos and reenact your chic and sexy self to our fans and South Korea. But unfortunately, my team wanted me to be the one who shines the brightest.” Jaebum felt selfish. He understood why your team did it after your explanation, but he felt self pity toward himself for being mad on you having your moment to shine as the rightful main dancer.
“Don’t worry (Y/N),” Jaebum grabbed you again to have him lay down on top of him. You squealed from the sudden shift and pressure, but felt at peace when hearing his heart beat by your head. “I will still love you.”
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softiejcw · 5 years
Christmas present [Choi Youngjae]
Paring: GOT7′s Youngjae x reader
Genre: Fluff, Soulmate au
Word count: 2,077 words
Warnings: none
A/N: Hi! I’ve been into Christmas stuff these days and here’s the result lol, I’m sorry! Also, thank you so much for the request and sooorry for updating until now, but the electricity has been HORRIBLE because of the rain :( Also english is not my firt language, sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.
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(I do not own this gif, credits to crescentmoonlikeyoungjae)
Christmas season has been one of your favorites since you were little. The Christmas lights all over the city were just so stunning, stores playing Christmas’ carols, even the guys dressed as Santa Claus made you very happy, but this year was very different. Suddenly, your father got transferred to Korea because of his job and your whole family had to move too.
The past few days were tiring; unpacking things from here and there, putting everything on shelves, drawers, etc. It was just too much for you but the fact that you didn’t know anyone in the city made you stay at home.
“You’ve been doing this since we arrived here. Don’t you want to go out and explore the city?” asked your mom, standing under the door with arms crossed.
“Well, I really do not feel in the mood for exploring anything you know?” you shrugged your shoulders and put another t-shit in the drawer.
“You need to go out and get fresh air, why don’t you go and buy some groceries for me?” she held out a few bills.
You nodded, she would make you go anyways.
~ ~ ~
Not so far away, Youngjae was also unpacking. After a great month of vacations, he had to come back to the real world. Not like he didn’t like his job, but vacations were simply amazing.
“I don’t know why your flipflops were in my luggage but here they are.” said Jackson, throwing them to Youngjae.
“Oh, I thought I had lost them.” He smiled brightly, catching them in the air.
Few hours later they were both sleeping. It was a tiring flight and they had no more energy. It was about four in the morning when Youngjae woke up breathing heavily.
“Yah! Is everything okay?” Jackson asked from the other side of the room. “Did you had a nightmare? Why are you crying?”
Youngjae frowned and touched his face, in fact there were some tears falling down his cheeks. Was this because of the girl in his dreams? I mean, he saw her getting ran over by a car but why it made him cry?
“I’m fine. Sorry for waking you up.”
~ ~ ~
“Mom! Did you see my book?” you shouted from your room. You were moving all you stuff but you couldn’t find it anywhere. It probably stayed in your hometown, great.
“Which one?”
“My Jane Eyre’s book dad gave me last Christmas. The one with the note inside the cover.” You moved other things from the shelf when a piece of paper fell.
You put all the things back to its place and bent down to take the paper. It was handwritten and it had some piano notes. You had been in Korea for a week but you already recognized the calligraphy used here so right away you knew it was Korean. Curiosity took over you so you took your phone and open the dictionary app. It was a little bit difficult transcribing the symbols written in the paper but you finally made it.
“Woah, this looks like a song” you mumbled, leaving your phone next to you. “But how did it…”
“Who are you talking to?”
“Me? Oh, no one, just… I’m crazy, you know” your mom laughed at the comment.
“We’re going out for dinner. We’ll be leaving in an hour. Please be ready.” You nodded, folding the paper you were holding in your hands.
~ ~ ~
“Hyung, is everything okay?” Yugyeom asked, giving him a bottle of water and sitting next to him. “You look very worried these days.”
Jackson sat next next to Youngjae too. “If anything is bothering you, you know you can tell us.” He patted Youngjae’s back.
“Well actually there is something that has been on my mind these days” he paused and took a deep breath. “I’ve been dreaming of a girl.”
“I don’t know if I want to listen.” Jackson joked.
“Remember that day I woke up in the middle of the night crying? Well I saw that girl in my dream, and I have dreamt of her so many times these days. I don’t who she is, I’m not even sure if I have seen her before but I’m sure I haven’t. She’s not Korean, though.”
“Maybe you have seen her at a concert or…”
“Maybe.” He said, but he knew it was not the case. He also omitted the fact that a book appeared in his luggage when he was unpacking. This was so weird.
Rehearsals were as tiring as always, the next comeback was going to be very soon so they needed to practice, record songs, do photoshoots and all those things that come with the comeback. Youngjae thought this could help him to distract himself of all the dreams he had had the past days but it didn’t happen. He really wanted to know who that girl was and he knew someone that might help him.
“Hyung, are you busy?” he knocked on Jinyoung’s door before stepping in. He shook his head. “Do you remember you told us about how you… how… well, you know… how you…” why was this so difficult to ask?
Jinyoung looked at him confused and then he noticed the book Youngjae was holding really tight. He frowned, it was weird seeing him reading, and apparently the book was in English. Was he taking language classes?
“Jane Eyre?” Jinyoung asked.
“Do you know the book?” he showed him the book. Jinyoung examined it.
“For my daughter, never stop dreaming everything is possible. Is this yours?” he looked at the guy still standing in front of him.
“Hyung, I think I found my soulmate.”
~ ~ ~
You were two days away from Christmas, the first one in another country, with no friends and no other family but your parents. It was sad but it also started to sound exciting. Maybe it was because of the holidays, but suddenly, you wanted to actually start living in Korea, get a job, make new friends, have a pet and why not, even have a boyfriend; if you were lucky enough.
Today you had nothing to do at home so you decided to go out and get some presents for your parents. Your mother loved cooking so you visited some cooking stores and got so many beautiful things for her. Your father was really into music, classic music to be honest, so you asked for music stores and after getting some help from strangers, you arrived to a beautiful store full of albums and instruments. It was just amazing.
There was a lot of people, maybe because everyone was looking for last minute Christmas’ presents, just like you. A really nice guy approached to you and help you to find the kind of albums you were looking for, he even recommended some. You thanked him and then looked around the store. You stopped when you saw a guy sitting in front of a piano.
“Woah, you play amazing.” You said, giving him a friendly smile, he smiled back. “Oh! I can see you understand English, can I ask you a favor?”
“Er, could you play this for me? Here.” You handed him the piece of paper you found in your shelf.
He nodded and placed the piece of paper in front of him. When he started playing, a chill ran through your body, it was a very beautiful melody.
“Thank you so much! I know I’m being annoying but, could you translate this for me?” you pointed at the piece of paper in front of him.
“Well, it says something about finding your true love…most like waiting for it. Did you write it?”
“Oh no, I barely understand Korean” you giggled. “Thank you so much.”
~ ~ ~
“Hyung! That’s my song! I composed that!” Youngjae said grabbing Jinyoung’s arm and pulling him through the aisle.
“Did you write a new song?” he looked at Youngjae, eyes wide opened.
Youngjae walked through the store with Jinyoung following the sound of the melody. It was not a big store but there was a lot of people and you could barely walk in there. Between apologizes and shoving, he made it to the end of the aisle were the pianos were. There was a guy picking up a plastic bag.
“Hi, I’m sorry, but were you just playing?”
“Ah, yes.”
“Were did you learned that song you just played?” he asked.
“Well, a girl asked me to play it for her. She gave me a paper with the notes in it.”
Youngjae looked at Jinyoung.
“Where is she?”
“I don’t know, she left a few minutes ago.”
Jinyoung thanked him since Youngjae turned and walked to the entrance without saying a single word.
“Are you okay?” Jinyoung asked him, Youngjae nodded. “Just take it easy, you’ll meet her sooner or later. Why don’t you come to the book store with me? I need to get some new books.”
~ ~ ~
If you were getting Christmas gifts for your parents, why not getting a gift for you too? Thinking about what kind of gift would be perfect, was not difficult thanks to the book store at the end of the street. You went through the place looking for the English section, most of the books were in Korean because… well, you were in Korea. When you found them, you stayed there around 10 minutes trying to decide which book to buy.
When you finally picked a book, another one caught your attention. It was a copy of Jane Eyre with a hardcover and very lovely design. You tried to take it but unfortunately it was at the top of the shelf.
“Can I help?” asked someone behind you in korean.
“I’m so sorry, I don’t speak nor understand Korean.”
“Oh. You need help?” you nodded.
“The book at the top, the one with the black background and the red leaves, please.” The guy took the book and looked at it before giving it to you.
“Jane Eyre.” he paused. “Aigoo, are you…wait here please.”
You frowned and saw the guy get lost between the hall. Weird. You didn’t have any idea of what he said but soon he came back with another guy. You were absolutely confused right now.
“This is my friend Youngjae.” He said.
“Hmmm…hi” you greeted him, your greeting sounding more like a question.
“I think you have something that belongs to him and he might have something that is yours.”
“Excuse me?”
~ ~ ~
Now you were laying on the couch thinking about what happened today at the books store. You finally knew to whom the song belonged to and he had your book. Isn’t it weird? But the most unbelievable thing was the story about the soulmate. Do they really believe in such stories?
“Are you tired?” you sat properly and looked at your mom.
“Mom, how did you meet dad?”
~ ~ ~
So you were here, waiting for this stranger in a café, a very beautiful café to be honest.
You couldn’t believe this was actually happening. When you asked your mom about your dad, she started to talk about this soulmate stuff and how she found his agenda between her college books. Apparently, your dad had a bracelet your grandmother gave her when she turned fifteen. Amazing, totally amazing and unbelievable.
“You came.” His voice caught your attention. There he was, looking absolutely stunning in that light blue stripped shirt and blue jeans. You had to look to another direction and let out the air you were holding in. You were wondering if your mom felt the same when she first saw your father. Was this guy, Youngjae, feeling the same way right now?
He sat in front of you leaving your book on the table right next to the cup of coffee you ordered for him. It was probably cold by now.
You took out his song from your handbag. “I think this is yours.”
“Yes. Here’s your book.” He gave it to you. You opened it and saw the note at the back of the cover; yes, it was your book.
You didn’t say a single word for about 2 minutes.
“Youngaje,” you called him. “I don’t know how this soulmate thing works but I guess I’m yours too.” You said in a shy tone. I mean, not everyone goes around telling other people they belong to them, right?
“Well, such a beautiful Christmas present I got, huh?” he smiled.
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imsuperninja13 · 5 years
My picks for pdx101 after ep. 7
#1 Cho Seungyoun:  Ok so after the Love Shot performance, homeboy got me whipped. He looked so fine in that suit and his voice was so amazing. His voiced fit the song so well. Lowkey like it more than the original. And he can rap too. Like damn boy what can’t you do.
#2 Yun Junghwan: Ok so I was impressed with his high note during the auditions, but I didn’t look much into him cause I was just gonna support Up10tion and not get attach to other trainees, but that didn’t happen. I got more into him after watching his performance of Got7′s lullaby. I know he didn’t get much lines but he got my attention. I think it was during the part where it’s him and Baekjin in the middle and he does this cute movement. But at least he got to show off his vocals during the Twit performance and he did amazing. I also did expect him to be younger than me.
#3 Baekjin: Now I got into him after “Baekjin time” He did amazing during “baekjin time” I’m still concerned about his back cause that one move looked like it hurt. He also looked cute when he bumped into Junghwan during their center dance together. He also helped Junghwan at the end of their first performance, cause he was limping and holding his leg. Now in ep. 7, he got screen time but mnet also made that evil editing. But then it shows him helping them all out. I know he messed up during the position performance, but he did his best, they all did. I hope knetz still vote for him.
#4 Lee Midam: He has a beautiful voice and has gone through so much. I first saw him when silver boys appeared on stray kids survival show and he sung really well. I didn’t know what happened to him, but I’m upset that Yg didn’t keep them together as a group. Anyways, he has a beautiful voice and I can’t believe knetz aren’t supporting him. He did amazing in The 7th Sense and Twit. Like boy got vocals
#5 Lee Hangyul: So I’ve been supporting Hangyul since the Unit. He is an amazing dancer and he did amazing in the Love Shot performance. He deserves to debut, if you listen to his backstory it’s kinda sad and cute at the same time. He’s also humble and he looks so chill. When he won first place, he was like “I’ve never been first before” and said that it was because of his members. And then when he went along with not being in the center during Finesse dance even tho he was the center, but didn’t say anything until after the trainers said something. Others would have probably been upset and made a scene, but he just went along like ok. He also reminds me of a werewolf. it was after watching his performance of All Day during The Unit. You guys should really go check it out.
#6 Kim Yohan: I was whipped by him since the first episode. I just wanted to see Wooseok and Jinhyuk, but then I spotted this cutie. I know he may not be the most talented, but he seems like a fast learner. He did a great job during Boss. Even tho it was his first time rapping, he did a good job. He also did good in the Me after You performance. And the way he helped the other trainee that was told that he didn’t sing loud enough. Also the man know taekwondo but is afraid of ghost, His reactions was so funny.
#7 Keum Donghyun: Another one that made me stan after the Love Shot performance. I was surprised when I found out how old he is. I was not expecting him to be that young, he doesn’t look that young either. His performance for Believer for the position evaluation was amazing. It was cute seeing him being close with Yunseong. They were the only ones that did the choreo together and were tryng to use both of their ides. I really hope my two babies get to debut together. Also he was the one that danced to Hellevator by Stray Kids for his PR video. My Stay heart is proud.
#8 Choi Suhwan: I was rooting for this boy since the audition. He can sing and dance. He also reminds me of Woozi from Seventeen. He did great during Lullaby and Day by Day performance. He just makes me so soft. The way he jumped onto YuVin when they selected the new center and when he was holding Seungwoo’s hand when they were asking him for help with how to sexily sing Day by Day. 
#9 Song Hyeongjun: This little baby is so cute. I love his curly hair. I started stanning him when he got scolded by the dancer trainers during X1-ma. My poor baby just wanted to be the leader of X level and show that he can dance. But he wasn’t expecting it to be hard to lead the other trainees. When I saw him cry I started crying too. He did good during The 7th Sense and Finesse performance. I also saw the video of him dancing to girl groups and he has some amazing talent for girl group dances.
#10 Hwang Yunseong: I started supporting him after watching how hard he worked during Mama performance. He took on the responsibility of teaching the choreography to the other trainees. He worked so hard and I liked the determination he showed. I fell harder for him after seeing him being all close and cute with Donghyun. And their cute ship name that they made themselves. That’s so cute man. I really hope they get to debut together. 
#11 Kang Seokhwa: I heard my child got did wrong by Yg and I can’t say I’m surprised. He has great vocals too. He did good during Mama and Twit performance. He also reminds me of Lee Know Minho from Stray Kids. My inner Stay will support Lee Know look alike. I hope he gets to debut.
Other trainees I would want to debut: I honestly have so many trainees that I want to debut (in no particular order). This is why I don’t like watching survival shows cause I get attached to too many and get my heart broken. 
Kim Dongbin: I feel bad since he went through this before during season 2. What if he quits being an idol if he doesn’t get to debut.
Lee Hyeop: that high note during Clap got me shook
Kang Hyeonsu: He has a good voice and he can dance. Also he said this is his last chance to become an idol. Every time they say that I think of Jisung from Wanna One and think that pd101 was also his last chance to debut and it just makes me sad. 
Park Sunho: Again I think about Jisung and be like we gave him a chance to fulfill his dream, maybe we can give this man a chance to fulfill his dream as well.
Kim Sungyeon: Another child that was did wrong by Yg. He did good during the rap position performance, even tho he’s not a rapper. I want to get a chance to see him sing, cause he didn’t get to sing much during No More Dream
Nam Donghyun: I just like his voice and he plays the guitar so beautifully.
Lee Jinwoo: who isn’t whipped for Jinwoo and his Haenam. He’s so cute, no wonder JInhyuk adopted him. 
Han Seungwoo: The high note from Boss got me shook. I’m pretty sue he was the asking the other trainees if they wanted to take a shower together. He adopted Dongpyo and becomes soft for him. I might stan Victon just for him.
KIm Wooseok: I know I said that I started watching pdx101 for Up10tion, but after finding out that the group will be active for about 5 years idk if I want my baby to be away for that long. He was already on hiatus for a couple of comebacks and I was so happy when he came back. I know it will help bring more attention to Up10tion, but I don’t want him to be away from them for too long. If he does get to debut I will support him.
Lee Jinhyuk: The same for him, I don’t want him to be away from Up10tion for too long. I mean he’s finally getting the recognition he deserves and I’m happy about that. Also I’m pretty sure Lee Dongwook is whipped for him. But I mean same. And he’s Jinwoo’s dad.
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roh-tae · 6 years
dangerous II
words - 1,317
featuring - jaebum x reader
when jaebum calls you got7′s new assistant, the company has no choice but to hire you
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You sat in the first of two cars that was driving the boys to their first schedule of the day. Jackson, Mark, and Bambam the three members with you. Setting your phone down for what seemed like the first time all morning, you sighed leaning your head back. 
“What’s up buttercup?” 
Jackson looked at you, his comment earning a giggle from you. 
“I hate Jaebum.” 
Jackson’s eyes went wide. “Hate is a strong word y/n.” “Fine I strongly dislike him.” 
Jackson just shook his head, waiting for your explanation. “I’ve been messaging him about stuff for the shoot and he’s being so short. Like, I understand he’s not happy about me being your assistant now, but this is my job. If he doesn't like it he shouldn’t have opened his fat mouth in front of those fans.” 
You sighed heavily, checking your phone as you’d gotten a reply from Youngjae about some styling choices. Jackson just laughed to himself as he scrolled through his phone, as if knowing something you didn't. 
He kept his mouth shut as you grew angrier with him. “Jackson Wang answer me!” 
“Yah, people are trying to sleep in this car. Stop yelling.” 
You shot Bambam an apologetic look before turning back to scold Jackson. “I just, I find it funny how oblivious you can be sometimes that's all.” Your scold faded as you became confused. “About?” Now he was the one sighing heavily. “You’re so sure that Jaebum hates you, even before this whole situation of you becoming our assistant. But, you barely know him well enough to say that he hates you.”
He wasn’t wrong, you did barely known Jaebum. But with the way he acts towards you, it’s hard not to think he hates you. “Are you forgetting about the time he threw away the coffee I got him because I put two sugars in versus his usual one? Or the time he kicked me out of the practice room when you and I fell asleep on the couch in the practice room? The way he acts towards me definitely gives off the vibe that he’s my best friend.”
The car stopped as you’d arrived at the venue for the boys first appearance of the day. As you all climbed out of your car Jackson stopped you. “Look, all I’m saying is, try and give him a chance. You don't always give him the best friend vibes either and you know it.”
You rolled your eyes as you threw your bag over your shoulder, though Jackson was right. You didn’t always act the nicest towards Jaebum, but it was only because you figured there was no reason to attempt to be nice. Looking at the car parked behind you, Jaebum stepped out making eye contact with you. To your surprise he actually smiled at you before following the boys inside. 
After the photoshoot the boys were scheduled for a special appearance on Idol Room to promote their comeback that even the fans weren’t to know about. You had to help develop the plan of how to get the boys on site unnoticed by fans. It wasn’t easy but you'd figured it out, now you and the boys were just waiting on set until filming was to start. 
To your surprise, Jaebum sat next to you while the other members were off doing their own things. He didn't say anything, just watching as you were busy on your phone.
“Let’s post something!”
Jaebum grabbed your phone, making you quickly protest as you tried grabbing it back from him. Though it was no use, his arms much longer than yours just toying with you as he held your phone in the air. 
“Ugh, fine.” 
Giving up, you sat back in your seat while he opened up your instagram. He went to the story function and took a boomerang of both of your shoes playfully kicking in the air then quickly flashing upwards showing a bit of the set. 
“Filming will start soon!”
The call of the director saw Jaebum quickly jumping up from his seat, “gotta go!” He softly smiled, handing you your phone back before running off to join the boys. 
The shoot went well, the boys seemed to enjoy themselves and you got some good behind the scenes photos and videos to later post on the official GOT7 SNS accounts. However, it wasn’t until you and the boys were set to leave that the problems became clear. 
Somehow fans had found out about the secret appearance and had swarmed the building, making it almost impossible for the boys to leave. All of you had to wait almost an extra hour before leaving for some extra security to arrive and help control the crowds. 
The ride back to the JYP Entertainment building had you worried, your boss blowing up your phone wanting to know how it got out to the fans. Jackson tried reassuring you that it would be fine, but you knew this would not end well for you. 
“You posted the set on your social media? How stupid could you be! If you give these fans an inch, they take a mile! It’s easy for them to decipher things and realize where this is. This could have been avoided if you wouldn’t have posted that...I need you to make your Instagram private, block any account that appears to be a fan of the boys if you're going to post things like this. I understand you are friends and you post with them often, but now as their assistant you can’t post things that will give away information we don’t want fans to know.” 
“Sir, my Instagram is already private.”
“Then delete the whole thing!”
Jaebum’s voice caught everyone’s attention. None of the boys had said a word since their manager, your boss, began scolding you for the post. Jaebum was the last person you thought would say something, though you didn’t expect the boys to say anything at all. The post was on your Instagram, they didn’t have anything to do with it, this was your fault. 
“She didn’t post it, I did. It was my idea in the first place, don’t yell at her when this is all my fault.” 
“Fine, but just let me make something clear y/n. They won't always be able to bail you out, remember that.”
Everyone was silent as he left, slamming the door making you all jump. 
“Yah Jaebum, what was that? You’ve never taken the heat for any managers before, what’s up?”
Bambam questioned the leader as the other boys also looked confused. “Y/n is our friend, I wasn’t going to let her get yelled at like that. Especially when it was my fault in the first place. Plus, I didn't see any of you stepping in to help. Just, warm up and get ready for practice.”
The members let it be, moving to stretch and get ready for their late night practice. Jaebum flashed you a soft smile before starting off towards the computer. 
“Jaebum...they’re right. What was that? You didn’t have to do that, the post was on my account.”
“Yeah, because I posted it. Look, I'm sorry he yelled at you like that, I should’ve known better than to post that. Don’t worry about it, really.” 
You knew he was going to get the last word so you let it be. Grabbing your wallet you decided to go grab the boys some food to try and lighten the mood, and because you knew they'd be hungry after practicing. 
Walking to one of their favorite shops you couldn’t help but think back on what Jackson had told you earlier, that you needed to give Jaebum a chance to see that he didn't really hate you. Him taking the heat for the post certainly seemed like a chance, and maybe Jackson was right.
Hate was a strong word. 
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20yearstostart · 6 years
Tuesday 18th September, 2018
Dear Blank, 
Okay, first things first, I love this step so much. It kills me and I want them to stomp on my grave like that. :)
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How are you? I feel like I never ask about you, but you can’t tell me how you are so I just feel stupid now. But I can tell you about me. 
I am good. I’m doing great, today was a good day. And I made an impulsive decision that I don’t know when I will start to regret, but for now, it’s fine. (i tipsy announced I’ll start writing again when I haven’t written since I put up my going away post)
Well, today I went to Dreamy’s place, but I couldn’t tell him that I reached the station cause I was out of credit, and I had to top up my hop card as well. Since the machines can’t take fifty’s, I went to a dairy to get recharge and get change so I can top up. On the way to the dairy, I saw a cute security guy and we smiled at each other, for some reason wearing huge black clothes that make me look like a cloud of darkness makes me feel more comfortable and confident. 
Okay, I lied, he wasn’t cute cute, but he was cute like ‘oh, i can lead him on.’ I am a horrible person if you haven’t realised. But that was for like a moment, and I got over it the moment he walked out of my sight lol. 
Alright, I have my credit now and I text Dreamy that I’m here, and start walking back to the station to top up because I thought we were going to catch the bus back. So, I’m walking, alright, and these two guys are standing by the entrance of the station pathway, and one of them (the older man) starts to walk away from the other guy, and towards me. He looks at me and smiles, and I smile back, cause everyone is so friendly in this neighbourhood omg. 
The guy points to the other guy and says something along the lines of ‘he is a nice guy and single.’ He says it as a joke, so I politely laugh, and look at the guy and do the awkward laugh thing as I continue walking past him. Now, Blank, I hear a voice from behind me. Through my earphones blasting GOT7′s new lit af album; I turn around and see that he was talking to me. I see his hand by his head, his thumb and pinky finger out like a was’good sigh, but he meant it like a phone and I was like ‘woah, wth?!”
I take an earphone out and an old lady walks between us, and he calls out ‘do you have a number?’ I can’t believe my ears, so I walk closer and am like ‘sorry?’ and he’s like ‘can I have your number?’
Now, for a moment I forgot I was twenty and that I’m a second-year uni student. I stare at him and lowkey stammer, wanting to say that I’m too young for this, cause for a moment I REALLY THOUGHT I WAS 17. But, I couldn’t really say anything cause he was like ‘oh are you taken?’ and instantly, I thought back to Dreamy, and we talked about this, and we are supposed to say ‘Nah, we’re single’ cause we are just friends with benefit. But, I think I took too long cause he was like ‘oh algoods’ while I was still stumbling over my words. 
I say sorry and thank you for the tenth time, and turn and walk away to the station and top up. Coincidently, as I was walking back out, I saw the guy again and we did the little omg hi, again thing. The guy from before was back, and he looked at me, and pointed at him and was like ‘he has a number, take his number.’ 
I saw the guy turn around and look at me and I was like, ‘what do I say?’ and he was like ‘you want it?’
Before I could say anything, he started taking his phone out and I was like ‘oh well.’ 
So now I have a guy, whose name is Diamond, on my phone. He said he wanted to take me out for coffee, but I really don’t have time for that shit. lol, but it still felt good. 
And then I met Dreamy and told him that a guy gave me his number, and ordered food. We also got my beloved Vodka, so I think I’m okay now. 
Now, Blank, it’s time for a special segment I like to call: 
TMI, Sex Education. 
So, my first question is what is squirting? 
Everytime Dreamy and I do stuff, I feel like I’m about to pee. Every time when he fingers me (his fingers are amazing, omg, they make me want to cry), and he starts hitting my G-spot, I feel like I’m about to pee and I tell him to stop because I don’t want to wet his bed. 
Everytime that I did stop him, he didn’t want to. He wanted to see what would happen next, and so did I, but I really really really kept on feeling like a bitch was about to pee. I know what an orgasm feels like, I masturbate all the time. But this is something else, like the pressure and need to release is so so intense, I really feel like I’ll pee. 
So, I stopped us and peed, and then came back. We somehow (huehue) started up again, and this time he was like ‘oh you just peed, so I’m pretty sure it’s not pee. I need to change the sheets anyways.’ 
you know what’s coming next, blank. 
So, I’m almost there; my legs shaking, mind going blank, and his fingers are doing exactly what I want him to do, and I can feel his body and omg its really good. I tell him ‘I’m about to pee.’ 
and this fucker speeds up and tells me to do it. 
he lowkey chokes me in between too cause I really like it. 
So he speeds up and tells me to do it, so I start to and then I instantly hold back and omfg. I’m cringing. this is so bad. 
Instead of the amazing 5 feet full force squirt, you see in porn; my last minute hold back, caused it to dribble down like pee and who the fuck knows, maybe it is pee. Fuck my life, you know. (i researched- it’s unclear, but most like not completely pee, lmao)
So that’s done, and I’m like welp, and he was like ‘oh okay, no five ft shit.’ And I’m just lying there like ‘omfg I think I peed his bed a little.’ 
He gets up, gets tissues and cleans up, and I don't look at him coz omggggg, I think I just peed his bed. How do you look at someone after you’ve peed their bed???!?!??! Tell me, Blank. 
I start getting dressed and his like stop and im like, ‘i think we should just chill now.’ at this point I am almost about to start crying by how horrified I am. He comes back after washing his hands, and looks at me and is like ‘what are you doing?’ 
I’m trying to wear my undies and get dressed boii, what does it look like im doing?
He’s like ‘hey, stop,’ or something like that, but like in a nice soft way and even though that was really sweet and exactly what I needed, it made me want to cry more. A bit like how you feel when you make a mistake and instead of getting mad at you, your parents are just disappointed or upset and that makes you feel more shitty? yeah, kinda like that. 
He comes in front of me and is like ‘hey look at me,’ but instead, I look at the floor and avoid his eyes. And then he holds my face and brings it to so im meeting his eyes, but I close my eyes cause I’m bratty like that lol. I get out of his grip and start looking for the rest of my clothes. 
He comes from behind and pulls me back onto the bed, and his just so ugh. I hate him. He’s so good at handling my mood swings, and my craziness. All my emotions are all over the place, but he is so calm and collected, and when he needs to he is so mature. It’s really truly so attractive. 
We ended up having another round so you could say it worked out. 
Moral of the lesson: MAKE SURE THE GUY (OR GIRL) THAT YOU ARE HAVING SEX WITH IS A GOOD PERSON, AND THAT YOU ARE COMFORTABLE WITH THEM. It’s okay if they turn out to be the shittest fuckers later on, but while you are together and do things that make you feel embarrassed, try to find someone who makes you feel alright about it, and reassures you. Or just don’t be a little bitch, and squirt all the way if you’re going for it lol. 
Later on, we were laying in bed, and I started playing with his hair. I wanted to see how long it’d take him to fall asleep, and it was pretty quick. He snored a bit, and I felt kinda proud for some reason. I think I moved my hand a little and he woke up mid-snore. But then later on, when he said that I woke up mid snore too so I guess it’s normal? I don’t know. 
But, the thing is Blank, I must be really really comfortable with this kid that I met a few months ago. I find sleeping in front of people so weird, it’s like- I don’t know. I don’t have control over my body at that moment, and this person can wake up and just look at me. I’m probably drooling, snoring or farting, or I sleep with my eyes open, or I sleep talk. I don’t know. It just seems very very intimate to me, and I can’t just sleep in front of people, but I can with him and it’s nice. I really glad to be friends with him. 
His a bit of a kid. Okay, that was a lie. He is really childish; he is like a kid. Yet, at the same time, he is so dependable and mature, and kind. It’s unreal. He is amazing and I hope we can stay friends even after we finish this benefit thing. 
Also, he climbed through a window into his house because we got locked out, and he has big feet. It’s cute. lol. 
Okay, so this Wednesday now:
I went to the dentist, almost got into argument with her because she said that I didn’t try hard enough to contact her. But I went to her office and waited for like an hour before I left after leaving a note. It’s not my fault her service as gone so bad. I like her, but sometimes I don’t know. Everyone has bad days; I’ll just blame it on Big Boss. 
That’s it for now. 
I’m going to look for my glasses now, and then make a list of all the lectures I need to catch up on. Then maybe write for my other blog; I’ve started it up again and I’m so happy seeing some of my readers telling me they so happy Im back hehe. 
Also, my girl came to uni looking like a snack! She’s so pretty and her body looked sooo good in the playsuit? jumpsuit? Like her booty!! DAAAMNNNN!! She just looked really good. 
I think I’ll just buy my leather jacket rn instead of waiting. Maybe next week, after I give Mausi money. I should talk to Fairy about working and everything, but I don’t want to be pushy. But Mausi is in a shitty place too, I don’t know. It’s not my place to speak, but someone needs to talk to him to figure out what’s going on inside his head. 
It was a good day today. 
I’m happy. 
Also, I love GOT7. Their new comeback is amazing. I think this is my favourite one. I think this one might have topped all the others and all the promotions. I am so happy to see them so well! I really pray for the best for them! <3
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god, i want him to stab me in my chest with his fingers. that makes no sense, but fu blank. 
The sky was almost in darkness when I saw it. Or maybe, it was in complete darkness but it was the light pollution and the cloudiness that made it seem lighter? But it looked so pretty, it warmed my heart for some reason. The wind was crispy cold; staying true to its late winter name, but the sky looked so warm. 
It was tinted purple, dark lavender if possible? And it was smudgy and so so beautiful. The apartment buildings that stood in front of the bench I sat on in the station added to the backdrop, and I think it made me feel warm because it reminded me of the life I want to be living. I want to live in an apartment or somewhere alone, where I can sit outside after nightfall and watch the sky. I want to be able to see the glowing streetlights and the endless sky and not feel worried or anxious. I just want to be able to enjoy the sky. 
Why is that so hard, Blank?
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nonasrandomthoughts · 5 years
My Most Favorite KPop Releases for the 1st Half of 2019
It’s a blessing that Kpop continues to give us beautiful songs through various artists and through various genres, too. I’ve always wanted to share to people the songs/albums I’ve put on repeat so far this year since their release because: 1) got stuck on my head; and 2) it’s just too good; and 3) good music should be shared!
I will be separating these into three parts: Albums, Title tracks/singles, and B-sides. Note that if I love the whole album, I won’t be mentioning them again in the title track/singles or B-sides list, and vice versa. And this list is chronological, because I don’t want to have a hard time ranking them. 
Disclaimer: This is a personal list, so if the album/song/artist you’re looking for isn’t here, it’s probably because I haven’t checked them out yet, or it hasn’t made much impact to me as much as the ones mentioned below.
Now, let me first discuss my favorite Kpop albums/mini-albums:
1.       ATEEZ – Ep.2 – ZERO TO ONE
ATEEZ is a relatively new Kpop group that I didn’t expect to have really good music. To be honest, every time they show up on my Youtube recommendations, I tend to not give it any attention because I thought they have a sound that I probably wouldn’t like. But when I see several reactors reacting to their songs, I tried listening to it and I WAS SHOOK OF HOW GOOD THEIR SONGS ARE. This album particularly is what caught my attention because of their title tracks and even the B-sides are great!
2.       HUTA (Lee Minhyuk) – HUTAZONE
BTOB’s Minhyuk proves that he is a well-rounded idol that should be greatly recognized. I still get chills how distinct his rapping voice is from his singing voice. If you are not fully familiar with Minhyuk and you listen to this album, you might think there’s a guy singing and another, rapping. But it’s just one person. I really love the title track YA and the B-sides Lonely and Waiting for You stood out to me the most.
3.       SEVENTEEN  - You Made My Dawn
Here comes the self-producing group SEVENTEEN dropping a mini-album full of bops. My hopes were already up since they released You Make My Day and they don’t disappoint! You can hear the versatility of SVT in every track, not just because of the unit songs. They’ve given different vibes and it’s ear-satisfying. Go listen to understand how I felt. Most favorites are Good to Me and title track Home.
4.       JUS2 – FOCUS
THE GOT7 UNIT I DIDN’T KNOW I NEEDED. If you’ve been a fan of GOT7 like me and subscribed to their Soundcloud accounts, you would know that JB and Yugyeom are R&B princes. And when these two joined forces, it’s a heavenly feeling. Imagine the sexiness of their voices, which are powerful yet chill, combined into an album! It’s definitely hypnotizing (Focus On Me, Touch, Long Black) and addictive (Drunk on You, Senses, Love Talk). It’s a reality that feels like a dream.
5.       Stray Kids – Clé1: MIROH
I’m not really a big fan of hiphop songs but there’s this element in Stray Kids’ songs that makes me anticipate for more. The Cle1: MIROH album signals a beginning of a new era in their journey but the meanings they convey in their songs just keep getting wider. The element I loved in this album is the complexity in the songs. Maze of Memories was the first to give a strong impression to me, because it feels like you’re listening to a song within a song. Chronosaurus also has this mysterious vibe. 19 is a laid-back track and I love the R&B sound here.
6.       PENTAGON – Genie:Us
THIS SHOULD HAVE EARNED THEM THEIR FIRST WIN. I have been a fan of Pentagon and their title tracks are really great. Sha la la is by far, their greatest title track. But if you listen further up to the last track of this album, you will fall in-love with the whole thing. Kino and Hui joining the rapline of the group for the song Lost Paradise is one of the best thing that happened to their discography. Feel-good song Alien kind of reminds me of their song Pretty Pretty, it’s just the beat is slowed down. In each album, they never forget to include a powerful ballad like Until That Moment (it’s been on repeat on my playlist) and fun-but-kinda-sad song Spring Time.
The unstoppable girl group! As I’ve always said, Blackpink may have very few comebacks but they make sure every comeback is high-quality. The girls also portrayed different vibes in this album. From Kill This Love with intense brass sounds, groovy dance tracks Don’t Know What To Do and Kick It, down the last track, a ballad named Hope Not–Blackpink surely know how to win our hearts with their songs.
8.       GOT7 – SPINNING TOP: Between Security & Insecurity
Every comeback these boys make always show improvement especially in the musical quality. The members of GOT7 have once again participated greatly in the compositions of the album. I love how they portrayed their personal insecurities through the album, incorporated them to the lyrics, and is depicted to the whole comeback concept. Eclipse it a great title track, but I am really curious of how it originally sounded when JYP haven’t made some polishing yet. I love how the album started strong with 1°. It immediately climbed up to my favorite GOT7 B-sides. End showed off the rapper’s cool vocal tone; Time Out has a bright sound and chill vibe; Believe, a hiphop/R&B song gives me a “Prove It” vibe; and Page is a party anthem.
9.       ATEEZ – Treasure Ep.3 - ONE TO ALL
ATEEZ once again proves that they do not run out of good songs to release through this album. They released two title tracks: ILLUSION and WAVE. This album gives off a chill and happy vibe unlike their previous releases and they pull it off in a great way. I really appreciate their vocals more in this album, and it really made me go ‘Hakuna Matata.’ I am also so proud of these boys for getting their first music show win through this comeback. Keep that great music coming, ATEEZ!
10.   SF9 – RPM
I have been following SF9 since debut, and in every album they release, there would always be an odd-one-out for my music taste. This is the first time I actually loved every song in SF9’s album. The title track gives off a signature SF9 sound, which is tough yet cool. Round and Round has cool sound elements and great vocals. Dreamer gives a dystopian-movie theme vibe. Liar is a great song with a chorus beat-drop that will almost leave you hanging but will satisfy your ears. See You Tomorrow is BEAUTIFUL. It’s the best SF9 B-side for me. Echo has a sound reminiscent of 2nd gen Kpop songs but with more electronic synths. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS ALBUM TO EVERYONE. LISTEN TO THIS RIGHT NOW.
11.   Stray Kids – Clé2: Yellow Wood
This album wouldn’t have made it through this list since basically, it only has 3 new songs and a compilation of the previous mixtape tracks. But I have to put this here because those Mixtapes are OT9 versions of my favorite 3RACHA songs. (Note: 3RACHA is the rap line of Stray Kids: Chan, Changbin, and Han. They also produce their own group’s songs). MIxtape1 (Placebo) does not really go far from the original one and I really liked how the new sound fit every member. Mixtape2 (If there’s a Shadow, There’s a Light) became a really soft and soothing song. I expected the music will be changed since the 3RACHA track borrowed the instrumental of the song Far (멀어) by Primary, but I didn’t expected it to be almost mellow. Mixtape3 (For You) is my most favorite remake because the vocals really stood out, making the song more meaningful. Mixtape4 (Broken Compass) still gave off that strong feeling, but the richer sound of the song is evident.
This album especially the new tracks are perfect for parties. That’s all I can say for how big of a bop they are.
12.   CHUNGHA – Flourishing
Chungha came running through my playlist with her new album and all I can say is SHE’S AWESOME. She surprised me with her sweet vocals and great music. Snapping is a whole bop, as well as Flourishing. I love the ballad Call it Love, but my personal pick is Young in Love because of its fresh vibe. I haven’t actually kept track of her every release but starting now, I might. Maybe it’s safe to say that she is the next summer queen. 
   Top 10 Favorite Title Tracks/Singles
Astro – All Night
CLC – No
Mamamoo – gogobebe
Everglow – Bon Bon Chocolat
KARD – Bomb bomb
Twice – Fancy
Park Bom – 4:44
Oh My Girl – SSFWL
NU’EST – Bet Bet
(G)I-DLE – Uh-oh
   Top 10 Favorite B-sides
Astro – Bloom (from album “All Light”)
CLC – Like It (from mini-album “No. 1”)
TREI – Deep (from mini-album “Born”)
SF9 – Heartbeat (from mini-album “Narcissus”)
(G)I-dle – Give me your (from mini-album “I Made”)
Heize – Dispatch (from album “She’s Fine”)
N.FLYING – Leave It (from mini-album “Spring Memories”)
NU’EST – Segno (from mini-album “Happily Ever After”)
SOMI – Outta My Head (from single “Birthday”)
Red Velvet – Sunny Side Up! (from mini-album “The ReVe Festival Day 1”)
  Go and give a listen to all these albums/songs on any music streaming platforms!
Also, feel free to leave more music recommendations!
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alinapink15 · 5 years
Disclaimer: all of my dates are probably 1 day behind the release date in Korea because the teasers usually drop at midnight in Korea and it’s the previous day where I live
Today the first video teaser dropped for EXO OBSESSION and the world was shook. I had pretty low expectations for how late in the year this comeback was, and after the low promotions of Tempo/Love Shot, but even if I had high expectations, this teaser would’ve exceeded them. This post is mostly going to be a commentary about the teaser drop today, but I do have a small comeback theory.
Comeback Theory
I think clone Suho will die this comeback, because it’s likely Junmyeon’s last comeback before he enlists. I think clone Xiumin, Lay, and D.O. will appear when they each return. I think each of the clones will slowly be killed off when the respective member enlists, and when enlistment ends in about 6 years, EXØ will be defeated and EXO will return.
I don’t have any evidence backing this theory up; it’s just an idea that popped in my head today. But if my theory is true, it’s a pretty smart way to explain EXO’s enlistment in the storyline.
The teaser video is very well edited. It reminds me of an intro to a nature (?) documentary, with the dramatic cuts in between. And the EXØ members, well, they look amazing. The member that caught my eye is Junmyeon, with his little eyebrow raise. Myeon talked about really wanting to play the Joker when he talked about auditioning for The Man Who Laughs, and I can really see it in this trailer, with his red hair and coy smile.
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I was happily surprised by the appearance of 9 superpower symbols in the video, with 6 of them colored orange - the 6 powers of the members who were cloned. With the sad discovery that Yixing will not be a part of this comeback, the inclusion of all 9 members through the symbols was a nice touch.
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The part that made me emotional was when the Tree of Life is burned. The Tree of Life is such an integral part of EXO’s story, and seeing it erupt into flames made me sad.
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Three other shocking surprises this comeback are 
the packed content release schedule
the custom Twitter hashtag emojis
and social media accounts for EXODEUX (!!!)
Packed Content Release Schedule
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We get teaser content almost every day leading up to the MV release, which is extremely surprising consider the low amount of promotion EXO’s solos and units received this year. In addition, SM also published a comeback schedule. One of EXO-L’s complaints earlier this year when SuperM’s detailed debut schedule was released was that EXO no longer released detailed schedules for their comebacks. It seems that our complaints were heard this comeback (possibly noticed by the boys who raised the issue to SM, since we know they’re watching our every move on social media).
Customer Twitter Hashtag Emojis
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Something that’s emerged on Twitter this year are emojis that appear with certain hashtags. I first saw them with the release of GOT7′s Spinning Top earlier this year, and at the time Ahgases’ were discussing how expensive it is to have custom hashtag emojis. With the teaser quality and the hashtag emojis, it seems that SM has really shelled out this comeback.
!!! New Social Media Accounts !!!
And finally, the most surprising news, the creation of @EXOonearewe Twitter and Instagram accounts. EXODEUX is the name that has been given to EXO’s clones, and SM has created special Twitter and Instagram accounts for them, as well as a separate domain name, exodeux.smtown.com (though all the site says right now is “Coming Soon”).  EXOonearewe is the reverse of EXO’s slogan, We Are One, EXO. DEUX is French for 2, indicating EXODEUX is EXO’s double. The creation of these new accounts is what makes this comeback ICONIC. The last time a new account was created for EXO was the iconic PATHCODE Twitter account during Call Me Baby era. The mystery of this comeback really reminds me of that time, and I am so so excited. Overall, it seems that SM is really prepared and engaged with this comeback. Some fans have expressed rumors on social media that EXO was the impetus for this comeback, which is why the content is so impressively good. Whether that’s true or not, I’m just happy that this comeback is shaping up to be very fulfilling and I can’t wait to see what the next teaser brings.
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jiminies-ahmee · 6 years
Reaction: GOT7 reacting to their S/O being stalked 
Requested by @aussiegirl246, sorry it took so long, I hope you like it. 
Detail: “could I please have a got7 reaction to finding out that you are being stalked. you have been trying to hide it from them because you thought it was nothing and now it is worrying you/something may have happened to worry you so you decide to tell them.” 
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Mark’s smile faltered as he entered the dark apartment. On a typical late night like this, Mark would usually find you sat on the couch, either asleep or watching a random documentary off of Netflix. But tonight was different, much to Mark’s surprise. He set his bag on the floor and kicked his shoes off, making his way towards your room. His frown grew deeper as he realised that room too, was empty. Where had you gone? 
And then he heard it, a shuffling of feet from within the bathroom. You were probably unaware he’d returned from practice, so he knocked tenderly against the door. 
“Y/N? I’m home.” There was a loud clatter from within the small room and Mark realised something wasn’t right. And it wasn’t. “Y/N? What’s going on? Open up, it’s just me.” You opened the door with obvious hesitation and Mark’s worry grew at the sight of your tear-stained cheeks. 
“Someone’s watching me.” You whispered fearfully, glancing over Mark’s shoulder. 
“Someone’s watching you?” Mark repeated, to which you nodded. He moved into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. As he turned back to face you, he sighed. “How long has this been going on for?” 
Out of nervousness and habit, your tugged at the hem of your shirt, avoiding Mark’s gaze as you muttered a soft, “Two weeks.” 
“Two weeks?! Y/N, baby, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” He frustratedly rubbed his face, “This is all my fault, I shouldn’t have said anything about us in that interview.” You smiled softly before placing your hands atop Mark’s and pulling them away from his face. 
“None of this is your fault, Mark. I’m probably making this a bigger deal than it really is, don’t worry too much about it.” It was a big deal that not only you knew, but Mark too. You just didn’t want him to be even more stressed than he needed to be.
“We’ll talk about it at the dorms. I don’t want you staying here if there’s even a slight possibility of you getting hurt.” 
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“Hyung?” Jinyoung looked up at the call of his name to see Yugyeom standing awkwardly by his bedroom door. Jinyoung paused the game he was playing and  pushed his chair away from his desk to face the younger properly. 
“What’s wrong?” Yugyeom said nothing. Instead, he gently motioned for someone to enter the room. And that someone was you. You with puffy cheeks, red eyes and a runny nose. “You can go, Yugyeom.” Jinyoung moved towards you, quickly pulling you into the room before closing the door. 
“S-Sorry, I didn’t want to come here, but I had to.” Jinyoung gently shushed you, sitting you on the edge of his bed as he crouched in front of you. He brushed your hair out of your eyes before giving you an encouraging smile.
“It’s okay, tell me what’s wrong.” You didn’t reply to Jinyoung’s question and that was when he knew something was wrong. You had never been afraid to say what was on your mind and now that you were saying nothing, he knew it had to be very bad. “Y/N,” Jinyoung said sternly, “Did something happen in your family?” You shook your head. 
“I started getting these anonymous texts from someone a few days ago.” You started, “I didn’t think much of it until they were literally telling me what I was wearing and where I was right at that moment. I just brushed it off and blocked the number, but this morning I found a note on my bedroom window with pictures.” You shakily reached into your bag and handed Jinyoung what you’d found. 
He grimaced at the note and tore it. “Y/N, next time anything like this happens I want you to come to me straight away. Don’t just brush it off, okay? You could have gotten hurt, or worse.” Jinyoung spoke in a stern tone, and though you knew he meant well, you couldn’t help the tears leaving your eyes. He sighed before opening his arms to you, embracing you tightly. 
“I will never let anyone lay a finger on you. Ever.”
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It wasn't unusual for Jaebum to spend the night at you apartment, in fact, you’d begged him to stay the night before. To Jaebum, that was unusual. Normally you would complain if he even mentioned spending the night at your place, claiming that he made a mess and didn’t clean up after himself. 
With furrowed brows, he watched you from where he sat at the breakfast bar. Even your actions were unusual, he thought, the way you fidgeted with your sleeves, avoided his gaze and the way your hands shook. Jaebum was no idiot, he knew something was up. 
“Hey,” He said softly, “Is something wrong?” You bit your lip and shook your head, attempting to give your boyfriend a reassuring smile. However, it didn’t reassure Jaebum one bit. He set his coffee mug down, letting out a loud sigh, “Y/N, I know something’s wrong. Just tell me.” 
“Nothing’s wrong. I’m just tired.” You lied. 
“You’re not tired, you were snoring like it was the last night you’d get sleep.” He retorted. You gulped. You’d been receiving flowers and gifts from an anonymous person, each gift arriving with a note that sent chills up your spine. 
Do you know how beautiful you look in your sleep? One night, I’ll lay beside you and make sure you know it too. 
After receiving that note, you began sleeping on the couch - or at least you tried to. So, when Jaebum had visited the night before you’d made him promise to spend the night, which even you knew was unusual behaviour. 
“I...” You paused, finally meeting Jaebum’s gaze, “Someone’s been sending me flowers and gifts. I don't know who it is, but they’ve sending them with notes and I think they’re watching me.” Jaebum stood up and moved to put his empty mug in the sink before turning to you. 
“Get your things. I want you to stay at the dorms with me until I find you a new place.” 
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Jackson was a man of humour. He could find the fun in the smallest and simplest of things - it may have been one of the reasons why you loved him, but you wouldn’t admit that. However, lately, you’d been noticing a man wearing a hood was always wondering abut your area, usually in front of your apartment. At first, you thought nothing of it and presumed he was simply waiting for someone, but at one point you found him standing at your front door, waiting for you. 
That day, you’d spent the night at a friend’s place. Of course, you felt you should have notified Jackson of the situation, but with the upcoming comeback and stress of the new album, you thought it best to leave him be. 
Now, you were sat at the dorms, biting your nails at the thought of having to go back home quite soon. The boys had insisted that you join them for dinner at the dorms to celebrate their first win with ‘Look’, and who were you to decline such an offer? Especially when there was some mysterious creep hanging around your apartment. 
However, when dinner rolled to an end and you realised you’d soon have to leave, anxiety sank in. You tried desperately to hide your worry from the boys, especially Jackson. But the violent shaking of your hands and the paleness in your cheeks said it all. Quietly, Jackson took hold of your hand and tugged you into his room. 
“What’s going on?” He asked, gently, rubbing your sides in a comforting manner. He bent down slightly, peering into your eyes carefully. “Whatever you’re worrying about, Y/N, it’s going to be okay. Tell me what’s going on, baby.” And the nickname broke you. You slumped against Jackson, your head now in the crook of his neck as you broke into sobs. You weren’t sure how much he’d understood from your muffled words, but Jackson understood enough. “I’m so sorry, baby, I wasn't there for you. You’re staying here for as long as you need, okay? Don’t worry about my schedule or anything, the only thing you should be worrying about is yourself.” 
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His face would be filled with concern once he saw the tears in your eyes. You’d called him over late at night to your home, and worst-case scenario was running through Youngjae’s mind. He’d immediately make his way over to you and ask you what was wrong, tears leaving his own eyes at the sight of the state you were in. 
“Y/N, what’s going on? Hm? Come on, tell me, baby. I don't like seeing you so sad.” Youngjae would encourage, and after some time you would explain how you were too scared to leave your own home after several sightings of a stranger pacing the street across from you. There had even been one occasion where the same stranger had followed you to your workplace and you knew it was starting to get serious. Though you knew telling Youngjae should have been your first move, you decided against it. You knew him worrying over your own personal problems would stop him from being at his full potential for the comeback so you let it slide. But now it was simply too much for you to handle. 
“Y/N, my baby, I want you to tell me straight away if something like this happens, okay? I never want you to feel unsafe or uncomfortable, you’re my one and only prince/ss, don't forget that.” 
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Though on the surface, it would seem to any individual that Bambam would never be the one to take things seriously, he truly did. Especially when it came to your safety. You had been quite busy for the past week, so Bambam had decided to pop in for a quick visit, but he noticed that - though your car was outside - all the lights in your home were switched off. He figured you’d gone to bed early seeing how hard you’d been working and used his key to enter the house. 
Once he was inside, he saw light coming through the closed door to your bedroom and made his way over. Cracking open the door, he peered in to see you sitting with your back pressed against the bedhead, your knees hugged to your chest. And was that.... Sniffling? And tears rolling down your cheeks? At the sight, Bambam bounced into action, entering the room with such force, you almost screamed before realising it was your boyfriend. 
“Why are you crying? Did someone make you upset? Tell me who it was, Y/N.” In an instant he'd be sitting beside you on your bed, hugging you tightly, “Calm down and tell me what happened.” And so you did, you explained how someone had been sending messages to your home every morning for two weeks now saying they’d been watching you. 
Sighing, Bambam would wipe your tears and boom your nose, “I’m never going to let this happen again, okay? Don’t worry, I’ll fix everything.” 
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Yugyeom had been missing you so much. What with his hectic schedule and your own busy life, he hadn’t been able to see you for so long. That day during practice, he’d thought about sneaking out to visit you, but he’d have to check with you. 
However, once he’d entered the dorms, he was surprised to find you in his, especially because of your flushed cheeks and teary eyes. For a moment he wouldn’t know what to do and would hesitate in approaching you. But once your eyes met, he’d rush over to you. He’d be a stuttering mess as he asked what was wrong and it would just make you feel so bad. 
“I-I’m sorry, Yugy, I just can’t stay in my own home anymore, I just can’t.” He wouldn’t press you any further as he could see you were in such distress, so he’d simply hold you and tuck you into his own bed. Within a few moments, you'd be fast asleep and the look of relief on your face would calm Yugyeom’s nerves. He’d brush your hair with his fingers and softly sing to you. 
“Don’t worry, okay, Y/N. Whatever it is, we’ll solve it tomorrow... Together.” 
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every1studio · 6 years
“nothing good comes out of us” [day6: wonpil]
genre: slight fluff + ANGST (mentions of slight depression + death) 
ficstyle: bulletpoints
prompt: wonpil has been different since he debuted.. all of a sudden, everything you did was an embarrassment to him. or he would act like a whole new person.. even though he changed.. you still loved him
note: I’m hitting a writer’s block with your guys’ request, I’m sorry.. I hope this will do for now.. [I know this boy is such a fluffball; which gives me all the more reason to write this]
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“y/n? I don’t know them like that... we’re just co-workers”
Wonpil says to the back up dancers of JYP as he passes by them to enter the studio (that you were in)
you and Wonpil have been dating “secretly”
you were a producer at JYP and you occasionally help write songs for Day6; went under the name Amemoi (the greek gods of the wind)
only those who worked in the building knew of your true identity
it hurt you to hear that from him
you guys have been dating since he’s been a trainee
he was so sweet
so honest
everything about him made him charming; it’s what made you fall for him
but.. he’s been distancing himself away from you
“I don’t want you to be caught up in a scandal..” he’d tell you
it felt more than that though
if anything it felt worse
you thought you fell in love with your best friend
someone that you thought you were going to live the rest of your life with
someone who you were going to wake up with on lazy Sunday mornings
but it seemed like, since he debuted
that dream was slowly unraveling itself 
“what was that?”
Wonpil takes off his hat as he sits down 
“what was what?” 
you scoffed as you angrily ran your fingers through your hair
“we’re just co-workers?”
he dramatically sighs as he sets up his keyboard in the recording area
“you know I’m just trying-”
“trying to drop this relationship without feeling like any of this was your fault?”
he gives you a stern look
“don’t you “y/n” me...” you grasped your notebook 
you both let the room swallow up the silence that bounced off the walls
“are we even dating at this point?”
you tried not to remember how happy you were back when you didn’t have to worry about news reporters or paparazzi or fans...
you were busy writing some songs for GOT7′s upcoming return
JYP kept shutting you down and you’d become depressed
believing that you were not good enough; you dug yourself a grave of work
forgetting to eat and sleep; even forgetting about your upcoming birthday
Wonpil, who was a trainee at the time, would occasionally slip you notes of encouragement and little homemade meals for you 
on the night of your birthday, you completely broke down
you tried not to cry on your note sheets
all of a sudden, the lights turned off
“happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday sweet y/n, happy birthday to you~”
you turned to see Wonpil with a brightly lit birthday cake
“happy birthday sweetheart..” he says softly, “make a wish”
you instantly forgot about your troubles when you saw his smiling face
after blowing out the candle, he kissed you on the head
“you’re not alone y/n.. I’m here for you.. okay? I always will be..”
Wonpil slipped on a thin jade bracelet on your wrist as he pulls you in for a hug 
“maybe...it’s just better for us to be co-workers..” you murmured
Wonpil looks at you again; but more worried than not
you collected your things
“it would be easier for you to focus on your reputation and music; and it would be easier for me not to waste me time and feelings on playing the life of two different people..”
Wonpil grabbed your wrist but you pulled it away from him
the thin jade bracelet that he got for you on your birthday cracked into two pieces
you didn’t look back when you left
leaving Wonpil in the room by himself
he knelt down to pick up the bracelet
“was I asking for too much?”
he shook his head
he promised that he would be by your side; always
Wonpil ran out the door but you weren’t in sight
he sees you from the window exiting the building 
he follows after
Wonpil grabs your empty wrist before you could cross the street 
“I’m not strong enough to handle the press about us.. but that doesn’t mean that I don’t love you..”
you could tell he was about to tear up
but so were you
although the circumstances came to this point, you both still loved each other so much
Wonpil didn’t express it out loud; but he was the happiest when he was with you
“you’re the only person that can truly make me happy-”
you weren’t looking at Wonpil as he was talking to you
there was a truck heading towards the both of you
it seemed like the brakes were broken 
by the time, he saw the truck, there wasn’t enough time for him to react to the truck
you gave him one last look before you pushed him away from you
a look that would hope that, what ever was to come after this moment, he would be strong enough to live on and continue his life...
Wonpil couldn’t sleep, eat or even talk for weeks on end
(it was my fault... if only I was strong enough.. if only...) 
he continuously blamed himself
he was even planning to leave DAY6
until he was cooping up in your usual studio; trying to fix the bracelet that he gave to you
knock knock
Jae walks in
“this was... this was y/n’s notebook she last gave to me before... before that accident.. it has the songs that we are gonna add into the album.. and a letter came with it, addressed to you... bro... take your time okay?”
Jae places the notebook into Wonpil’s lap and left the room
after a good moment of fallen tears, Wonpil wipes the cover and opens the notebook to find the letter addressed to him
“Wonpil; it’s not that I hated you... I loved you... I still love you. but I can’t continue to pretend that what we have wasn’t there. you were my happiness and you still are. I can’t say that “nothing good ever comes out of us,” because that would be a lie. I can’t bring back the old Wonpil, but maybe.. maybe we can work it out? I believe that we still love each other enough to make it work; two people are stronger than one. we can deal with the news reporters and paparazzi and fans because we are together. let’s work hard to make sure that you have an amazing comeback, Wonpillie~”
you were the strong one in the relationship and you both knew that
Wonpil kept on blaming himself and blaming himself
but he knew there was one thing that he had to do; become stronger
for you and for him
END [masterlist + guidelines]
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seven-whole-cuties · 7 years
Dumb Dances and a Bruised Hip
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Reader x Kim Yugyeom
warnings - nothing just utter fluff
Summary -  Showing off “your” moves doesn't always end well, but it could lead to great things
As I stood at the back of my car I counted each container making sure there was eight. All of them looked pretty much similar except for the little sticker marking each one differently just so that boys felt that they each had something a little personal.  I had grown close to these boys over the years ever since I had gotten back in touch with Jackson.  
Before I had come to Korea I used to fence with Jackson, trying my best to get out in the world and be a part of something bigger. Jackson and I spent a lot of time together because he was my trainer and in turn friend. We got very close but it all stopped when he moved to Korea to join his now group GOT7 and I supported his decision fully. We kept in contact exchanging a few words now and then but as soon as I moved to Korea because of a job opportunity Jackson took me under his wing and with that so did the rest of GOT7. Though it had only been two years I felt that I knew everyone well. 
I was always down to read a novel with Jinyoung there was lowkey a book club going on between the two of you, talk with Jaebum about new music he was listening to, play with coco and Youngjae, play Overwatch with Mark, there was never not a competition going on between me and Jackson, and lastly, I was always pulling slight pranks or just dabbing with BamBam and Yugyeom.
Yugyeom has quickly grown to be my favorite person though with constant teasing with the older members and his carefree personality. I just felt a connection with him on so many levels. It didn’t help that half the time he was a complete and utter cutie while the other half he was cool and dominat. 
Finally breaking my thoughts, I grab all the containers carefully and head towards the JYP building. Making sure I wasn’t spotted while walking in I had a large black cap pulled with a large hoodie on the hood pulled up over the cap. Also, a pair of sunglasses if anyone took a glance at me they would assume I worked for the building. The main reason I was bringing the boys food is that I knew they were busy with the comeback that was coming out soon and would probably need some sort of nourishment. Another reason is right now Jackson and I are competing over who can be a better friend. I believe this will put me over the top. 
Finally getting to the studio I could feel the bass without even walking into the room. Laughing to myself I realize that there would probably be chaos as soon as I entered the room. Bracing myself I opened the door and peered in moving my sunglasses off my head. 
“Y/N!!” a shout rang out but it was just one voice instead of the regular seven I was used to. There standing by himself with music blaring around him was Yugyeom with the biggest grin on his face. He ran over to me and pulled me into a tight hug causing me to shriek. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you!” he ranted while pulling back and looking me in the eyes. I smiled up at the giant before me and then I noticed how sweaty he was. 
“Yugyeom! I don’t want to be squished by your sweaty body.” I laughed before walking over to a corner in the room where a couch was located. I didn’t want to get food on the floor where they practiced because that would only lead to a disaster that none of us could really afford. “I brought food for all of you. Where’s the rest of the boys?” I questioned the youngest. He just turned down the music and ran over looking for his container immediately. I smacked his hand away and glared at him considering I liked to eat while everyone is around. It’s like we're a family catching up on each other’s days and such. “I’m not really sure but they probably won’t be back for a while soooo can we eat without them?!” he asked me in excitement.
I sighed and grabbed my phone before even setting anything up. “Let me text Jackson and see what the plans are for everyone and if he doesn’t respond within let’s say ten minutes we can eat. “I say while sticking my hand out to him to form a deal. He smiled cutely and shook my hand while going back over to the sound system. I assumed he planned on dancing more while we waited for Jackson's message. Which wasn’t long considering the boy is always on his phone trying to reach someone. 
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Sighing at the exchange between me and Jackson. He knew about the small crush I had on Yugyeom and always seemed to be teasing me about it. I glance up at Yugyeom who I assume was practicing choreography for their comeback soon. “I feel like I shouldn’t be watching this right now.” I laughed as I said it. He just smiled at me in the mirror and kept doing the moves “You’re basically our little sister I don’t think the group would mind if you knew basically two steps of the dance.” As the word came out of his mouth I felt my heart break a little. That’s right little sister and that’s all I ever be to you huh I thought to myself. Shaking my head to get rid of those thoughts I set up the small table so that everything would be ready when the boys come in and the chaos starts. 
As soon as I had everything ready I heard the studio door burst open. Peering over my shoulder I watched them all come in one by one till finally, Jackson came in running over and tackling me instantly. One by one they greeted me while ruffling my hair. Yugyeom wasn’t wrong in his statement that they treated me like a younger sister it’s just with him I wanted to be something more. 
Everyone found their containers and we all fell into a nice groove bouncing back and forth between genuine conversation and picking on one another. Somehow, we had gotten on the topic of dancing more specifically Yugyeom and his hit the stage dance. Jackson and BamBam kept mimicking the moves while laughing causing Yugyeom to blush. I had watched this performance many times and thought I had the moves down. This was my first mistake in a line of many. 
“I bet I can do the choreography or well at least the Chris Brown part.”  Jackson's eyebrow raised as he made eye contact with me while BamBam and Youngjae cheered me on. Yugyeom was just quiet and staring at me with big eyes and I just shrugged while having a slight blush on my cheeks. I stood up from the table and went off to the middle of the studio trying to get into place. 
Jackson had gotten up and gone over to the monitor to set up the song for me. As the first beat dropped I ripped my jacket off and threw it behind me. This one motion causing a lot hollers to ring out around me. I moved to the next step just preparing for the grind on me move in which I had not practiced a lot so I was nervous about. I came down and prepared to go into the grind on me but midair something happened with my hip and leg causing me to fall to the floor in pain. Laughs rang out in the room but quickly stopped once they noticed me tearing up because of the pain. 
Yugyeom was one of the first ones to run over to me though it seemed as if he didn’t really know what to do. I tried to stand up off the floor and cried out in pain. I couldn’t lift my right leg higher than an inch and seeing this Yugyeom leaned down and picked me up. He carried me over to the sofa and sat me down on top of it. The rest of the boys crowded around us trying to make sure I was alright. It wasn’t long before they had all walked off claiming they had stuff to do leaving me and Yugyeom alone in the room.
“Yuggie I’m okay really. I’m sure it’s just a pulled muscle or something.” I tried my best to smile up at him. He sat down on the couch next to me pulling my leg into his lap. “I know but I’m just worried about you. Next time ask me for help with the dance instead of just doing it by yourself.” He told me quietly while rubbing my leg trying to comfort me. I just rolled my eyes at his words. Feeling as if I had embarrassed myself enough for one day I tried to stand up to gather everything up and leave. Yet before I get very far Yugyeom grabbed my wrist and pulled me down onto his lap. I yelped out not only in shock but in pain as well.  
“Don’t leave just yet I want to spend more time with you. Maybe we can even talk about pranking Mark or Jackson.” He spoke while cuddling me. I giggled and buried my head into his neck. “fine but if we get caught I’m throwing you under the bus.” I stuck my tongue out at him. “Not if I throw you under it first.” He said while kissing my forehead. My whole face erupted into a tomato like blush not at all prepared for that. Suddenly, a quiet tension had come across the room.
“You know ever since you and Jackson have gotten back in touch we’ve been eating better and just happier in general.” He said quietly almost as if he was nervous to be talking. I just nodded “I’ve been happier with you guys too…” I trailed off not really knowing where this conversation was going. “Well me especially since you know I like you quite a bit...” this time he trailed off in his words and I was at a loss for words not truly knowing what to say. Before too much time could pass I blurted out “I like you too!” which lead to a bout of giggling to come out of his mouth. Another sweet kiss was pressed against my forehead and for the rest of the day, we spent time together. It didn’t matter to me what we did as long as I was spending time with him.
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sjjms · 7 years
pretending | part 6
pairing: yugyeomxreader length: 2k words genre: fluff summary: escaping
preview part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 final
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3 Weeks Later
“Who are the company covering for?” You ask Jaebum, your glare reaching out to intimidate him into telling you. You could have asked Yugyeom then again, you would have had to force the answer out of him as well. “Did you think I would really believe it was just me and Yugyeom?”
"The whole group…” Your eyes widened, now that made more sense. But seriously? All of them? You did not expect that.
“How come I’ve never seen any hints of it?” Literally, none of the members ever showed their interest in relationships, you’ve been too busy to notice probably.
“Because we are good at hiding it. The amount of idols that have probably dated secretly without being allowed to, is something you couldn’t even count.” The elevator stopped in its tracks, the doors opening up to reveal the grey painted bricks close to the dance studios. You wondered why you had followed Jaebum down here, maybe it was to catch a glimpse at Yugyeom without his sling. He had been officially allowed to take it off and go into physical therapy, he sounded so excited when he had called you over the phone this morning. “Have you given Yugyeom an answer to his question yet?”
Ah… that answer. No. You were going to keep him on hold until you knew for sure. You didn’t have to get married right away after getting engaged, but you felt that pressure slightly. “I like the way things are now.”
“Hiding away is no healthy relationship. When is your dating news going to break?” The question was when were they? You’d been hiding your relationship for two years, you wanted to keep it that way. You still could, many celebrity relationships were kept hidden, only the main events were known like marriage and pregnancy announcements.
“I have no idea, possibly after the drama has finished. That’s what the deal was…” Unless you were caught again, which was more than likely to happen, however, there are reporters that do take photos but say nothing and release them after the dating news. You appreciated those people because they gave you at least a little privacy. Even if it wasn’t going to last for long…
“Are you ready to go to Japan?” The drama was shooting some of its scenes in Japan for the first episode, you were interested to see how the scripts would turn out. But you would be glad of the break afterwards, you had decided to take a break for a few weeks to visit family. It would be perfect timing if your dating news broke out then. “Have you and Yugyeom made any plans for exploring Tokyo?” It was also a coincidence that the group had a concert there around the same time, so you would be travelling with the seven members. The fansites were going to have a field day, maybe you could disguise yourself as a staff member. Then again, it was on the official schedule.
“Not yet. I hope we do even if we go out in the middle of the night.” You hoped. But currently you had no plans with Yugyeom, maybe you should just drag him out. “How long will you be staying for?” You couldn’t remember exactly if they had concerts just in Tokyo or other cities as well. You’d spent so much time memorising scripts, relevant information like that you could no longer remember.
“4 days, 2 days of concerts and 1 day of filming. Then we can use the last for exploring.” You nodded as you approached the studio, there was also music blasting from the speakers.
“Do you ever get annoyed when he plays this music?” Jaebum asks laughing to himself slightly.
You shook your head, “I tune him out, so I don’t recognise any of this right now.” Realising the words that you spoke, you immediately became embarrassed. “Please don’t tell him, I said that.” You laugh at yourself for saying everything. “I really need to get some sleep.” You whisper.
“I won’t. Maybe you should just go home and sleep if you have no schedule.” Jaebum suggested. It was a good idea actually, but you needed to stay around the company, you liked having people around you constantly. But it had only been something that occurred recently.
“Tell Yugyeom I’m in the music studio.” You turned around in the opposite direction, a slight yawn came from your lips. You decided to take the stairs to tire you out even more, so when you got to the studio you would fall straight to sleep.
Opening up the door, you spotted Yugyeom sitting on the sofa reading through something. “I thought you were practising.” You smile, glad to see him here. Yugyeom looks up from his paper, smiling at you back. His arm moved, opening up to let you in. “I heard your music playing.”
“Someone else must be playing it or it was the last song played last night.” You nodded sitting down next to him. “You look tired, sorry I haven’t been able to visit.” His lips pressed against the top of your head. “Lay down in my lap.” You put your head in his lap, it felt oddly strange but satisfying looking up this way at him.
“It’s okay, we’ve both been busy.” You whisper you close your eyes starting to fall asleep.
Yugyeom glanced down at you, he smiles warmly, seeing how fast you had fallen asleep. You must have been tired, he wondered what you had been doing recently. Hearing the door to the studio open, Yugyeom’s eyes looked up “Is she sleeping?” Jaebum whispers.
“She’s exhausted, what exactly is in the script to make her this tired?” Yugyeom wanted to see the script for himself to see how bad it was. Which network was producing this drama?
“Her character is supposed to be fluent in Japanese.” Yugyeom glanced down at you, when you set your mind to something, you exhausted yourself doing something. This last happened when you created a dance for a special event, you weren’t dating then, but it was one of the times Yugyeom helped you out a lot.
“She never rests,” Yugyeom whispers, his fingers brushing your cheek as you slept quietly.
“She’s thinking of taking a break after the drama, maybe you should do the same.” What was he hinting at? Yugyeom knew the dating news could be released any time after the drama, as far as he knew there was nothing on the schedule for the latter half of the year except a comeback in November. “It will give you a chance for your shoulder to fully recover.”
“Fine…” Yugyeom mutters, he wasn’t happy but the recovery would be worth it when he could do everything again. “What time are we going to the airport?”  
“Just come to the company at 7 with your bag. I’ll see you later.” Jaebum closed the door quietly just in time as another artist walked past. As much as Yugyeom wanted to let you sleep here in his lap, he needed to move to the computer so only you one on show. It wasn’t suspicious if only you were sleeping in here, they would think you had been working on music.
The Next Morning
Your eyes flickered up as the cold air entered the car, Aera and Daeho were the first people to get out to then allow you to follow you. Your face was covered with a mask as you stepped out into the open, why did it have to be so cold this morning? You saw the familiar faces of the group, all wearing masks as well. They were probably in the same mood you were in, tired.  
“It’s too early for this.” You mutter, Yugyeom smiles under his mask. “Does your shoulder hurt?” You saw him flinching a little, his kept on moving his other arm to touch his shoulder. His manager had to carry his bag for him. “Did you take your medication this morning?”
“I took it. Physical therapy is taking its toll.” He was slowly coming off the medicine, you could see he wasn’t liking it at all. He couldn’t rely on the muscle relaxers all the time otherwise it would turn into a problem.
“Don’t push yourself too hard, it won’t make you heal faster. Did you bring some painkillers?” You could always go buy some from the pharmacy for him, you always made sure to bring those when going abroad, just in case.
Yugyeom smiles under his mask, you could always see his cheeks rising which made it contagious. “You worry about me too much. I made sure to pack everything.” You knew he would have touched you then if he could. Fansites were just a few meters away from you, they took pictures of every moment.
Jinyoung walked over to the two of you, “I would stop staring at each other and separate now.” Jinyoung politely put, you bowed to them both to make the occasion more formal and turned around to walk away with Daeho and Aera.
“Try not to just mingle with Yugyeom, Jinyoung saved the two of you,” Daeho whispers as you enter the airport.
“His shoulder is hurting, am I not allowed to ask if he is okay?” You never liked this side of the relationship. You were being pushed into secrecy again, but everyone knew you and Yugyeom were best friends. The odd gesture would be acceptable right?
“Let’s just avoid them until we board,” Aera replies, we arrived at the check-in station waiting to be received by the lady who stood there smiling.
“Shall we go eat something before we board, I’m really hungry.” You mutter, you wished you had brought some fruit with you to eat. You could have even stolen some fruit from the company.
News Article: The female actress/singer Y/N was spotted going to got7’s concert in Tokyo. She was seen in attendance as she is also a part of the jyp family.
“For crying out loud! I'm in Japan for filming!” You yell out in frustration, Yugyeom snickers sitting around the table as Daeho read out the article to you. “Does all my free time have to be reported now?”
“Yes, when your a person named to watch out for this year,” Daeho replies, you really did regret at times being involved in the public eye. Especially when you were with Yugyeom, rumours could be sparked and proven in seconds.
“Let's just escape for a day. On our own.” You were deadly serious about this, your eyes stared at Yugyeom, facing him and only him. “We can go anywhere, it’s busy outside, we’ll be able to blend in. I’m fluent in the language.” You just wanted one day with Yugyeom out in the open, without being recognised. Was it too much to ask for? Maybe it was…
“I want to do it,” Yugyeom whispers looking up to you. You could feel Daeho shaking his head behind you but when you turned around he wasn’t.
“You have one day. If you get caught, I will not be able to help you.” Daeho mutters. Your eyes widened in surprise, he said okay to it. Daeho rarely let you do something like this. “Make sure to be back here before we’re supposed to leave the hotel to go to the airport.”
You picked up your mask from the table, pulling the two elastic bands around the back of your ears. “Glasses?” You picked up your round lenses also placing those on your face. Were you recognizable or not? Walking over to the long mirror, you weren’t even able to recognize yourself. This felt weird maybe you should do this more often. You could get away with going anyway with this disguise. Turning around Yugyeom was already wearing his mask and a crossbody bag on his good shoulder. He looked strange carrying it this way round, then again this could have been the way he always carried it.
“What?” Yugyeom looked down at his outfit but then he noticed you were staring at the bag, “This is the way I usually wear it. Okay… we’re going now.” Yugyeom took your hand straight away and pulled you out of your hotel room.
“It feels like we’re running away even when we have permission.” Your thoughts no longer felt trapped, you could do anything you wanted today. Nothing and no one was going to stop you. “Where should we go to first?”
“Just follow me.”
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allthekpopimagines · 7 years
Got7 Reaction - He tries to get you back
Prompt: You and your Got7 man had broken up recently and because of this you had parted your ways and you didn’t talk to him anymore, (the reason you broke up with him or vise versa will vary) but you accidentally run into him in the town and he wants you back, they can’t let you go. 
A/N: I can already tell this is going to kill me...
Mark: You were at the mall with your best friend for your Spring Break and you decided to go visit her in Korea, you moved back home in the states when Mark had broken up with you because he couldn’t take the stress of trying to keep you happy and then trying to work it out. He was just going insane and one day he finally let loose and let all his anger out on you and he said some things that really hit you deep and you just left that night while he was sleeping and you wrote a note saying that you were going home and he should focus more about his career than you. 
You were at the mall with your best friend for Spring Break and so you had gone shopping and your friend asked, “Are you hungry?” You laughed a bit and asked, “When am I not?” (A/N: Okay me.) She nodded and said, “Grab us a table and I’ll get you a....?” You looked at her and said, “Uh, a burger and fries.” She nodded and headed over to the food court as you found a table next to 2 men. You looked at them and asked, “Are these seats taken?” One looked up at you and you recognized him right off the bat, “Jackson?” He smiled at you, “Oh my gosh...Y/N? It’s so good to see you!” He gets up and hugs you and you smile and you smile to see who the other person is but your smile quickly fades as he says, “Hey Y/N.” You nod a bit, “Hi Mark.” He smiled a soft smile and then he looked down. Jackson felt the awkward tension and he left the table quickly as you sat down. 
Mark turned to you, “Y/N listen. I didn’t mean to say those things-” “Mark you called me ignorant and you said how I couldn’t understand things because I was inconsiderate and I didn’t understand the situation you were in. What kind of boyfriend says those things?” He sighs and he looks up at you, “I’m sorry. I was stressed and I know you were too. I haven’t made any songs since you left. Every time I have tried to, nothing would come up. Every song that you hear on the album was not mine.” You look at him with disbelief, “What? Mark, that’s your career, that’s what’s going to support you.” He shook his head and he said, “But what’s the point in continuing if my other half has left me?” He grabs your hands and he says, “Please, give me a second chance. I promise to never get angry with you again.” You sighed a bit, “That’s a pretty big promise Mark I-” “And I will keep it.” he says with tears brimming his eyes. You sigh and you say, “Okay, but if you-” He hugs you and says, “Thank you! You won’t regret it Y/N. I promise. Will you come live with me again?” You smile and nod quickly before kissing him and smiling with him. 
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Jaebum: (A/N: Dear Lord here we go.)  You were visiting South Korea to check up on your friend Momo from Twice and you were walking into the JYP building. You texted her that you were in the building and while you were texting her you bumped into someone making your phone fall out of your hands and you began to fall. Someone caught you quickly. You looked up and you saw Jaebum. You looked away and he couldn’t believe that you were there. You and Jaebum broke up after you had seen him hang out with another girl and then kiss her. You were angry with him and once you stood back up you grabbed your phone and then you looked at him, “Hi.” He smiled, “Hi.” You were just thinking, could this get any more awkward?
Jaebum rubbed the back of his neck and then he said, “Can we talk?” You sighed and said, “I’m kinda waiting for Momo.” He looked at you and said, “Uh, this won’t take long. I promise.” You look down at your phone and it read 12:20 pm. You were meeting Momo at 12:30 pm. You sighed and nodded, “Okay. As long as we keep it short.” He nods and he grabs your hand taking you into a studio and sitting you down on the couch in there as he sat next to you. He cleared his throat and he began to speak, “So, where do I start?” You gave him a ‘really?’ look and he opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but then he closed it quickly afterwards, “Maybe you can start with who she was and why you kissed her.” He looked down and then he looked back up at you, “I didn’t kiss her. She kissed me. But either way her name was Yuju and-” “Wait, Yuju from Gfriend?” He nodded and you asked, “Okay, why were you spending so much time with her in the first place?” He looked at you in confusion, “You don’t know?” You shook your head and he pulled a video on YouTube and you watched the video of Jaebum dancing. You were shocked at it and then you asked him, “That’s why?” He nodded 
“Okay but that doesn’t answer the question on why you kissed her.” He sighed and closed the computer and he said, “She kissed me because her manager talked with mine and my manager didn’t like the fact that you weren’t an idol and they tried to stop it. It worked obviously. But I promise I would never do that to you.” You sighed and then you said, “You never told me they didn’t like me.” He nods and says, “I know. I didn’t want you to worry about it.” Then you heard your phone go off and you saw the time 12:28 pm. Momo is probably getting out of dance practice. He grabbed your hands and said, “Please, give us a second chance. I know it’s going to be harder the second time, I know it will be but I know we can do it. I know we can.” You sigh and then you think about it for a second, you did miss him....you were miserable without him. You nodded and he hugged you and said, “Thank you. So much. I missed you baby girl.” Then he kissed you and you kissed him back before pulling away and saying, “I have to go meet Momo.” He nodded and before you left he said, “So, should I move my stuff around for your stuff?” You smiled a little and nodded at him before leaving. Momo saw you walk out and she asked, “What were you doing in there? That’s Got7′s room.” You nodded and said, “Just talking with my boyfriend.” 
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Jackson: You were attending the AMA’s with your group of girls. You smiled and you were answering questions that anyone had. Once you got to your table you saw you were sitting with Got7. You looked at your leader and she knew about it and she nodded saying that she would be there. Your leader was very angry with Jackson after telling you that your rapping wasn’t as important as his, saying that he (A/N: omg I’m making him sound like a terrible person! He would never actually say this I promise!!) had a comeback soon and so that deemed his raps more important at the time. You then continued to not rap at home making the girls comeback shaky when they brought it back. They almost didn’t release the comeback in time. 
Regardless you saw the boys walking in to sit down and you turned to your leader with panic in your eyes and she just nodded and said, “Don’t worry. Just talk to me. Don’t make eye contact with him.” You nodded and you began to talk to her about what awards your group was nominated for and how you thought the performance you were doing later tonight would be. Once the boys sat down you realized you were sitting next to the sunshine, Youngjae. You smiled at him and he smiled back and gave you a hug and you then saw Jaebum and you nodded at him smiling and he did the same back to you. You then talked with your group and you decided to go to the bathroom. You left your clutch with your leader and you headed to the bathroom. Once you were done in the bathroom you walked back into the main floor and Jackson stopped you, “Hi.”
“Jackson.” You said not making eye contact with him. With that you tried to pass but he just stepped in your way. You sighed angrily and you asked, “Can I help you?” He looked at you and you could see tears brimming his eyes, “You know I didn’t mean it.” You looked at him with confusion, “You seemed like you meant it the way you were yelling at me for 5 minutes straight before finally telling me to get out of your house.” He sighed and said, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to get mad it’s just that we were having a comeback and Jaebum yelled at me for not getting my rap down so I thought I needed to practice more but with both of us practicing it made it hard and so I just lashed out when I could’ve spent more time in the studio later in the day.” You sighed and said, “You can say sorry but you still did it.” He got closer to you and said, “But please let me prove to you that I won’t ever do it again.” You laughed a bit at his request but regardless you still listened to him and after he explained himself you said, “Okay, but move your stuff so I can move back in.” He smiled and hugged you and you hugged him back. 
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Jinyoung: You were hanging out with Bambam and you were eating a coffee house talking about how you were going to go have Christmas with your family and he asked you what you were going to do during Christmas and you said, “I’m going to go back to the states and more importantly I’m going to have Jackson take all my stuff out of Jinyoung’s house and send it to me. So this might be the last time you see me.” Bambam’s smile faded so quickly and you looked down, “What?! No! I’m not going to let you leave.” You sigh and say, “Bambam, it isn’t your choice.” He nodded and said, “I know. But I can definitely help it.” With that he got up and he said, “Stay here for 5 minutes I’m going to make a quick phone call.” You tried to stop him but he went outside the restaurant to where you could see him and he made that phone call. 
With that you waited for a minute and someone came and sat down across from you, “Can I help you sir?” It was a man that was brunette and he smirked at you, “You just looked a little lonely. Thought I could help you.” You shook your head and said, “No. There’s someone waiting for me actually. He’s outside calling a friend.” You say pointing to Bambam. He nodded and said, “Okay maybe I can keep you company until he gets back inside and-” “Not a chance. Get up, she’s taken.” You look up to see Jinyoung. You look at him and just glares at the guy until the guy gets up and leaves. He sits at the spot the guy just was and you ask, “What’re you doing here?” You ask looking at Bambam who was still on the phone surprisingly. You sighed and say, “So he wasn’t calling you.” Jinyoung shook his head and he said, “Look, I didn’t mean to lash out at you. I just had a rough day that day and JYP ended up calling me into his office and talking to me about the Got7 comeback and the JJ Project comeback and it was a lot for me to handle.” You look at him.
 “This is why we talk about these kinds of things Jinyoung.” He nods and says, “I’m sorry, I was just so happy about the internship you got that I didn’t want my problems to ruin that for you so I kept them inside and I didn’t share them with anyone.” You sighed and grabbed his hands, “It’s okay. Just please talk to me. That’s what I’m here for.” He nodded and you ask, “Should we, possibly, go home and tell Jackson that he doesn’t have to pack my stuff anymore?” Jinyoung pointed to Bambam and you look out there and Bambam is still on the phone and you confused until Bambam looks at Jinyoung and nods and Jinyoung says, “I have that covered. Now, how about a real date? Hm?” You nod and you head off with Jinyoung to go on a real date.
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Youngjae: (A/N: This is going to be the hardest thing to write.) You had broken up with Youngjae because of the things that people were saying about you through Twitter and other social media sites. You were going through something very personal and somehow the fans knew about it and they used that to attack you on the social media sites. You decided not to tell Youngjae because you didn’t want to stress him out more than he already was. 
You then just had to leave Youngjae because people were attacking you because you were dating Youngjae and you knew that. You had left Youngjae when you didn’t want to but you couldn’t take the hate that you were getting. You finally saw Youngjae once again when you were at the party for the JJ Project comeback. When you saw him you looked down and away but Youngjae was not going to take that. He had to talk to you at least once and have reasons why you left him. You felt someone grab your wrist and you knew who it was instantly because of where his rings were on his hand. 
“Please talk to me.” He said. You look at him and ask, “Why?” He dragged you to a part of the house where you could talk to each other, “Please, tell me why you left. You didn’t leave anything. I just woke up one night and you were gone with all your stuff.” You sighed and you said, “Do you remember my grandma?” He nodded and looked down grabbing one of your hands. You looked at Youngjae and you explained everything and even quoted some of the things that people said about you. Youngjae hugged you and said, “Please, tell me next time this happens. I don’t want you to be alone. I want you to be able to talk with me.” You nodded and then you said, “I will. I promise. From now on I want to be able to talk with my boyfriend. Can you help with that?” He nodded and kissed you as you two solved everything. 
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Bambam: Bambam had a comeback coming up and during the song on the  chorus he had the lead dancing part and so Bambam had been practicing a lot. One night when he was staying late, you were trying to do homework and you realized it was your 2 year anniversary tomorrow and you decided to plan a lot of things and you told Bambam when he came home. Bambam just continued to walk away from you and you stopped, “Bambam are you listening?” He looked back at you, “Babe, it can’t be as important as the comeback.” you stopped for a minute and you ask, “Excuse me?” He stopped and then he lashed out at you.
2 months later you saw Got7′s comeback and you were missing Bambam even more than normal. You sighed and said, “I have to get with him. But what he said to me....” You went to the dorms and you asked if Bambam was home and they said he was at the studio and you said, “I’m going to tell you guys and hopefully you can relay the message to him that I miss him and I would like to talk to him for a while.” They nodded and you headed out. You couldn’t believe that even during this time Bambam was practicing. You were slightly confused seeing as all the members were at the house except for the man you still loved with all your heart. Bambam. 
You ran into Bambam as you were leaving the door and his eyes were red and you looked at him and your hands cupped his face, “Are you-” “I miss you Y/N. I realized that I missed our 2 year anniversary but that’s because I was too focused with our comeback. But then you left and I tried to just dance it off but everyone could see that I wasn’t doing well and I fell sick because I missed you so much I wasn’t eating cause I was just trying to see how I could forget something so important and realizing what a terrible boyfriend I was to you and I just needed to be back with you. I miss you.” You sighed and kissed his cheek, “I’m just glad we can be back together, I’m willing to do it if you are, because I love you.” He nodded and you hugged him as he began to cry. You just held him closer and you realized that he was really torn up about this. But you were glad that you had him back. (A/N: This gif messes with my bias list! <3)
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Yugyeom: Yugyeom had a dance with another girl and you were very supportive about it. While you were waiting for him to come home you invited over your friend, who happened to be your ex. You were always friends with your exes and then you decided to eat lunch with him during the day and you made korean beef and he helped you out. While he was grilling the beef you decided to help with the vegetables and the kimchi and while you were finishing placing the food the door opened and Yugyeom walked in, “Hey baby.” he stopped in his tracks when he saw your ex. Yugyeom took it the whole wrong way and it ended up with you yelling and him yelling back for 5 minutes. Your ex just grabbed your shoulders and he came up to him, “Don’t touch her.” With that you yelled for Yugyeom to get out. With that he left. 
You expected him to come back later that night but he didn’t. You called Jaebum and Jaebum had to deliver the message that nobody wants to hear, Yugyeom was not going to date someone who was cheating on them with their exes. You began to cry and you were now single. You were single for 6 months. Then Bambam came to your house and saw that you were a mess. Your tissues were everywhere and you had moments when you were barely eating. Bambam was recording the conversation that you had while you were explaining everything and when he showed it to Yugyeom. Yugyeom ran to your house and he hugged you and you were shocked but you hugged him back regardless, “I’m sorry.”
 He said pleading for you to forgive him, “Yugyeom you know that I would never leave you, especially for someone who broke my heart before. But I can still be friends with him because he apologized and he’s moved on and he knows I have with the best guy in the whole world.” He pulled back a little and he said, “I’m sorry. I was just shocked when I saw him in our house. I thought the worst. But I’m glad that we’re okay. I don’t want to ever lose you, I love you so much.” You stopped, that was the first time he had said that, “I love you too Yugyeommie.” he smiled and kissed you. You kissed him back before pulling away and saying, “I missed you baby.” he smiles and then goes into the house to have cuddles and hopefully be able to actually fall asleep with you because you both had been lacking sleep as you thought about your loved one. 
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A/N: I’m sorry if you hate it. I got kind of tired because of how late it is. It’s currently 2:15 am where I live and I just wanted to submit it to the amazing anon who requested it. I’m sorry if any of them suck I will rewrite it again if you would like but if you like it I hope you enjoyed it and I love you guys! I need to get some shut eye now! <3  - Admin M
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hyukorkook · 7 years
A/N  hey guys this is writer aish I’ve decided to keep all my scenarios and au’s on this blog so my main @yeol2bean can only be for my fangirl stuff and reblogging stuff. so in celebration of JJ project’s comeback, here’s boyfriend!jaebum you can find the rest of my boyfriend series here
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The kind of frustrating boyfriend who’d never accept his feelings or acknowledge them in front of you, for fear of letting himself be loved.
Jaebum’s biggest issue in the ordeal of finding and staying in love, is just himself. Everytime he finds himself around someone that he actually wants to spoil and spend his life with, he always forces himself to consider his career or all the troublesome things that could lead to a happy ending. His default setting is pessimism. But it’s really impossible to do that around you
You find yourself backstage at one of got7’s concerts. Your friend was an intern at a management company that helped out during events and honestly you were just there to drop off some juice and food for her and her coworkers. You had heard a lot of tales about how the backstage of a concert looked and felt like and you knew it was no easy feat. But you hadn’t expected your friend to barrel at you when you saw her and drag you to the waiting room because one makeup intern hadn’t showed up and there were 7 minutes left to the stage and one of the got7 members had just woken up and there was no one to do makeup for him because everyone was going crazy.
You held her hand and tried to assure her that it really wasn’t your place and you didn’t wanna mess with the idols and get yourself (or worse – her) kicked out because of some mistake. But in her words, “it’s like code red right now and me talking to you just might get me kicked out y/n PLEASE SAVE MY LIFE” ofcourse a friend in need must be helped so you find yourself with a huge (alarming) makeup set and in front of a sleeping jaebum
You tried to get some instructions from the girl working on youngjae next to you, trying your best to understand everything in whisper yells, trying not to wake up jaebum or anyone sleeping behind him. Jinyoung occasionally looks up and eventually passes his manager’s phone with a picture of their last stage with jaebum’s makeup as a guide. You whisper a quick thank you and get working but the minute your fingers touch his skin, jb jerks awake and holds your wrist tightly and dazedly asks
“who the hell are you?”
Though rolling your eyes is a very good option, you don’t have time for that. So you tug your wrist out, murmur a quick ‘the makeup girl’ and keep working on his face. Every few minutes, his eyes keep darting around him, still suspicious. He even tries to ask youngjae for help but youngjae is too busy belting out songs and warming up his throat and eventually jb resigns back into his seat and people are yelling @ you to finish this quick because THE MC IS ON THE STAGE ALREADY GUYS
You can see that every minute makes jb even more nervous so while you’re adding the last bit of mineral powder to set his makeup in place and surveying his hair, you hold onto his wrist. His eyes dart back to you, absolutely shit terrified and he looks at you warily. But you manage to smile at him and go “you can’t go wrong when you look like this ok? Im putting my bets on you.” And while he’s perplexed as hell, you boop his nose and walk out to find your friend
Jinyoung obviously smirks to himself behind the script to his new drama
By the time you’re out, your friend is in the clear and the concert begins and you say your goodbyes and promise her you’ll meet her later for gossip and coffee or something
And nobody mentions anything of that evening except that one time your friend asked how you managed to be in such close proximity with jb and didn’t scream because she knew you were a fan and you were like ‘listen I was tyna d e a l but also the poor boy was so nervous I really couldn’t scream and scare him even more. He looked like a cat dreading a bath’
But is that the end of it???? No because jb just can’t forget this cool and chic girl who walked into his life (aka dressing room) and did his makeup, gave him a smooth af pep talk and walked out just as suavely. But ofcourse he’s got a team to lead and performances to perform and concerts to do and like he can’t possibly ask his manager to track down someone amirite so he keeps mum
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But jinyoung cannot handle how passive aggressive jaebum has become because everytime he sees a new female staff at a GOT7ing shoot or a photoshoot or around the office, he does a double take and creepily stares at them from afar because he keeps expecting you to show up again out of the blue. So jinyoung takes it upon himself finally and he pops up by your friend at their next music bank stage like ‘hey who’s that friend of yours that keeps giving you juice and stuff?’ and your friend is so flustERED AF because jinyoung the prince is talking to her but she gets her shit together soon enough like why she’s just a mom friend why do you wanna know
And jinyoung being the absolute savage he is, SPILLS.
So jinyoung and your friend get into a secret (unnecessarily elaborate) mission to bring about a natural meeting between the two of you and jinyoung basically drags jb to a café you were supposed to meet your friend at, late in the evening. It’s a weekday and most of the crowd has gone home for dinner and the café is nearly closing and you are sending the last of your emails and finishing up work (maybe updating tumblr idk) and jinyoung and jb walk in and you don’t notice them because who cares your friend will find you but jaebum just yells “MAKEUP GIRL” and you legit wanna put your head down like guys it’s been a long day don’t @ me (a/n this is me in real life guys) but you look up anyway to see JB STALKING TOWARDS YOU LIKE A PANTHER AND HE JUST
“what do you mean place your bets on me? You just walked off like that?? What was I supposed to think??
You are quite shook at this point and you’re just watching jb glare at you confused and sit back because he’s also confused about why he’s behaving like this, next to a very smug jinyoung and your friend who carefully slinks into your booth and you’re just looking from one person to another and you’re super low on human strength to communicate so you just make out a bare ‘wait what?’ before jinyoung and your friend decide to SKIDADDLE and leave the two of you to maybe  get something to eat? Drink? Make it a date? Idk you guys go crazy!
Jaebum, who by now has finally realized that you are very lost, offers to buy you food and you refuse out of habit and he just shakes his head and gets up and offhandedly mutters over his shoulder ‘if you don’t come along I’ll just order whatever for you’ so you fucking get off your arse and follow him like a lost puppy.
When your order is all settled and the barista gets to work you just turn to him and ask him what the hell is he doing here and wow why is this so comfortable? You just spoke to him like he was some sot of long term friend you hadn’t seen in a while? And he chuckles under his breath because you said all of that out loud and he replies, ‘honestly I don’t know what’s happening to me either but I’ve been looking forward to seeing you again’
And wow im jaebum we did not know you could flirt so well and he just shrugs like well I didn’t know either.
You guys get to talking and exchange numbers and meet up often for casual food dates blah blah you guys know the drill but that’s not even the fun part
Jb is CONVINCED that he’ll never get a normal life of just being a boyfriend with you, out in the sun, enjoying the day and you’re like CHALLENGE ACCEPTED and you take it upon yourself to plan dates with him where you can take him out but he won’t be stalked by fans or anything and that is. Hard
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So you come up with the weirdest date ideas and you have to pull a lot of strings to make that happen like the time you asked one of your lawyer friends if he could help you sneak onto the terrace of his building so jaebum and you could have a picnic and look at the skyline from there and jb is just like ‘how did you manage to do this??? I can see everyone but no one can see me??’
And on days when there is a baseball match or like graduation in schools, you decide THIS IS THE DAY and you take him to spots that are frequented by high school kids like lets say a famous café strip or some quaint little beach drive and nobody there really cares about him because the kids are at their graduation and he’s so shook because this was such a brilliant idea why did he never think of this
One time you guys took a late night bus to a small coastal town and spent the day in the most remote places that were only frequented by locals and the fisherwomen cooed over how you and jaebum looked so cute walking by the sea, holding hands and trying to take care of each other and jb is so happy because even adults that aren’t related to him, approve of you
But as your relationship progresses you realise that jb is just a very simple man like his idea day is just perform for his fans, have a successful practice day, maybe get inspired and write some lyrics and make progress on the album, and come home + strip to his shorts + make dinner with you
He’s so domestic, he loves making dinner with you. He doesn’t care if you’re good or if you’re making Korean food or whatever. He says that just cutting vegetables in the same space as you, without any words and just jazz playing in the background makes him calm. On really bad days, he looks forward to this time and if he is too tired he’ll sit on the kitchen counter with a carrot or a cucumber and just watch you cook and listen to you talk about your day because he doesn’t have the energy to talk but he thinks listening to what each other has to say is the most important part of a relationship
Such a random hand holder like you won’t even see it coming. He would love it if your hands are smaller than his and everytime you hold hands his brain just explodes with ‘OHMYGOD THEIR HANDS ARE SO SMALL AND CUTE MUST PROTECT ASDFGHJKL”
Nsfw time. Jaebum is bed is a force to be reckoned with because this man is feral, let me tell you a definite strong dom with the most simple but sensual kinks like he just loves neck biting and tracing your collarbone with his lips. Absolutely adores tummy kisses and will put in all his efforts to kiss every inch of your skin but hopes for nothing in return
Will worship the very earth you walk upon if you change things up a little and press kisses to the inside of his elbows and behind his ears and trace your tongue over the outline of his bellybutton and will fucking lose it if you graze your nails down to his navel and he’s just like smh just let me do you already
Not very patient.  Not very quiet. Always moans like he’s seething in anger but he’s just legit trying to keep himself in check from BITING INTO YOUR SKIN and like taking you from here to Neverland wow
A sucker for forehead kisses, especially in the mornings when he’s barely awake but he can feel every inch of your skin next to him
Jb is such a warm pessimistic angtsy sweetheart he deserves all the love guys.
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foreverwithmark · 7 years
7 For 7
So of course by now we’ve all seen the first teaser! They are coming back! 10/10! My birthday month, oh bless! 
After looking at the teaser my friend and I have thought of a theory for the plot line of it. And boy will I be shook if our theory ends up coming true! 
Looking at the teaser made me think of some time this year when GOT7 did an interview and was asked the question of: “if you were to lose you memories of GOT7 but were only able to keep one, which one would you keep?”. I’m not sure if that’s the question verbatim, but it was somewhere along that line. And one of the answer stuck out to me. It was JB’s. He said “ Before we debuted, when we were preparing to debut, I’d like that memory to remain, that way I can find them.” Does that not hit you right in the feels? And lets just think about it. GOT7 shot their MV in L.A, Thailand, Hong Kong, and S. Korea, the homes to at least one of the seven members. So what if this comeback in based on his answer? In the teaser JB is holding a necklace, a necklace that we all know that each of them has, customized to themselves. What if they did all wake up in the MV with no memory of GOT7 except for the one they all talked up. What if JB is setting out to find them all? That’s why it’s shot in 4 different places. Putting GOT7 together piece by piece. 7 for 7. 
Theses last few weeks have been pretty horrible considering that Jackson is no longer participating in Japans activities. And we’ve all heard or seen a fair share of attacks on him about leaving GOT7 & on top of that he’s been constantly promoting in Hong Kong. And I’m truly disappointed in fans that have constantly attacked him for this. A part of being a KPOP Idol means your life is bind by a contract and you’re not in control of you life for a good portion of it. Jackson doesn’t get to make a lot of the decision for himself. And I’m pretty sure it broke his heart having landed on the decision to not promote with his members in Japan. But we don’t know for sure if he even made the decision at all, or if JYP Ent. is just saying so. It wouldn’t be the first time a company does thing for the better of themselves. And I’m not saying that JYP Ent. is horrible or blaming them for this, but you all must take into consideration that we DON’T know the whole story. We only know what hey let us know. But undoubtedly GOT7 friendship is nothing that I’ve ever seen before with KPOP Idols. It’s REAL! Very real! So I hope that people stoping bombarding all these frutile rumors of disbandment and members leaving the groups, because it’s a horrible thing to do, to assume the worst. Also I understand that there are ONLY stans... but please do not bass other members just cause you don’t stan them. Stanning GOT7, you should know that their bond is like not other, you hurt one of them, you hurt all of them. Please be careful with you words. 
I will support GOT7 till the end! ALL OF THEM! 7 for 7, 7 or NOTHING. 
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