#gotta get permission from the principal frist though
bananaink · 5 years
KeGo December Day 11 - Loud
Izuku was running as fast as he could, ducking and zick-zacking his way through the flood of students. Heart hammering in his chest and turning around a corner, he barely evaded Aizawas scarf zipping by his waist. Panting, he glanced over his shoulder, finding Aizawa a good distance away but quickly catching up. The adults’ hair was down and his eyes not flashing red so Izuku used that to his advantage, slapping the next student he saw with his palm.
A surprised yelp, then he felt the ground just behind his feet shake and lift up. He didn’t care what the other students quirk did, he just jumped to the side, sidestepping a floating tile and then running around another corner in a very tight curve. He smacked against the wall there but after running for a few more seconds he didn’t feel the angry glare digging into his neck, so he quickly and carefully crouched low behind a door and glanced back.
No Aizawa. Just confused students rubbing their heads.
Suspiciously squinting, Izuku scanned the hall, but no enraged black jumpsuit bulldozed his way through the many different students, so Izuku tentatively decided that he had left the underground hero behind for now. Somewhere at least. But he couldn’t be sure and as experience had taught him – standing still was a death sentence. He looked up and was met with the big dining hall and a good number of stares send his way. The older students were used to him running around the school and only gave him a small wary glance, but the new ones, the fresh ones, here for a few days, openly stared at his disheveled look. Hair askew, wet with red paint on one side, yellow on the other, shirt muddy and pants covered in even more paint. Who would have thought painting an All Might mural would have to use up so much paint? Now – where should he hide?
“There you are.”
Izuku squeaked and rolled to the side, scrambling up to sprint as Aizawas scarf got hold of his foot.
“Shit!”, Izuku gasped and face-planted on the ground. He turned around, kicking his legs out and trying to entangle the scarf, but Aizawa managed to get his other foot and reeled him in like a very big, wriggly fish. Izuku had barely a second to estimate the true scale of the trouble he had put himself into before he found himself staring up at his guardian, lying flat on his back. A red splash of paint dripped down Aizawas face and hit Izuku on the cheek. Nervously grinning, Izuku put both hands together, palm against palm and took a breath.
“Heeey, what’s up? Didn’t see you there! Like what you’ve done with your costume!”, he babbled high-pitched and subtilty tried to kick his legs free but his guardians eyes had a dangerously red glint to them. So Izuku gave him two little jittery finger guns, trying to sound casual.
“Suits you.”
Aizawa just glared some more, blue splatters thankfully taking a little bit away from the burning picture of anger in his face and Izuku felt sweat running down his neck.
“Um, so, okay, let me just say that I didn’t mean for the paint to explode like it did and that I have an excellent explanation for the question I can feel coming. The answer might surprise you.”
But Aizawa didn’t want to hear it. Instead he blew a breath out of his nose like a bull in front of the color red. Izuku gulped.
“Aizawa, uhm, you look kinda, you know, murderous and I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to look at your helpless, innocent and hardworking foster child like-”
Suddenly the loudest, piercing alarm screamed through the cafeteria and Izuku clasped both hands over his ears. For a very confused second, he thought that Aizawa was responsible for the sound – patience finally snapping -, but then he saw Aizawa straightening up. Despite the colorful splatters of paint over his jumpsuit Izuku immediately recognized the underground hero coming forth and his nerves thrummed with the sudden change.
Izuku kicked his feet in earnest and tried to stand up – get up get up get up, away from the ground – when AIzawa gripped his scruff and pulled him to his feet. The scarf entangled itself and wrapped back around Aizawas throat, while Izuku took a step closer to the hero. He didn’t let go of his scruff.
“Security Level 3 has been broken. All students - please evacuate in an orderly fashion.”, echoed a prerecorded message through the speakers and Izuku instinctively looked at Aizawas face, searching for a sign if he needed to freak out as much as he was.
“What is that?”
“The alarm?”
“What happened?”
Suddenly there was so much movement around them, everyone jumping up and racing to the exits, stumbling over themselves in a hurry. Izuku startled at the students running so close by and even got an elbow to the shoulder before he pressed his back at Aizawa, still holding his hands over his ears.
The pro hero let him, loudly speaking over the alarm to the students closest to them.
“Someone infiltrated the building.”, he said and frowned over the panicked students, obviously displeased with the rapidly growing mass of people blocking the exits. He pulled himself up to his impressive height.
“Calm down.”, he commanded loudly to the students turning to him for guidance and grabbed a girl that had been pushed from behind. Steadying her, he frowned after the kids pushing their ways to the doors.
“I’ll find out what's going on. In the meantime, stay calm and evacuate.”
Aizawas scarf shot out and caught a boy who had fallen to his knees.
“And help your classmates.”
With that he started pointing and ordering and generally dictating the kids around him to stay calm, move, stop pushing – but Izuku was too busy fighting off his fight or flight response jerking in his limbs, the only thing keeping him grounded was the strict hand holding his scruff. The alarm, combined with the bodies drowning him in sound and touch and movement threatened to sweep him away, out of the now and into the then. The room full of bodies, stuffed together like sardines, moaning, screeching, crying and pleading, Izuku right in the middle because he had been bad, had opened his big mouth and said something his father didn’t like.
He felt himself slipping, hands twitching over his ears, losing his grip on his birth quirk in a mass of agitated quirked people - and when another elbow dug into his sternum, he pushed it away a little bit too roughly. A shout and he dumbly watched a boy almost twice his height shrinking down to the size of his boot. Immediately Aizawas hand left his scruff, but before Izuku could truly panic - don’t leave me here don’t leave me here don’t leave please – two strong hands grabbed him under his armpits and lifted him from the floor. Rigid and tense he suddenly sat on top of Aizawas shoulders and out of the living mass around them.
His guardian hadn’t stopped shouting and directing but now he had two hands to do so, without the threat of an unstable liability setting of people's quirks at random. Izuku felt his breaths coming in short rattling gasps, but his ears had stopped ringing for now – or he had stopped hearing in general because the high pitched whistled couldn’t be healthy. Healing already buzzed through his whole body and he crossed his ankles over Aizawas chest to better hold on to the moving pro hero. He buried his hands in Aizawas hair, without tugging too hard at him, and felt for his quirk, the familiar glow of sight, the piercing prickle in his fingertips, as if holding a weightless little hedgehog with too long spikes.
Aizawa startled as his hair lifted itself up but kept working despite his active quirk. Izuku knew he should let go, shouldn’t use his quirk on his guardian, busy with directing the evacuation - but he couldn’t stop his birth quirk from reacting to the stress, from reaching out out out and holding onto something he knew was good and comforting and safe. He caressed Aizawas quirk awake despite the pins and needles it send out, curled in on himself as much as he could and waited the panic out.
It really didn’t take too long, someone somewhere screaming about journalists and false alarms and that everything would be fine. Aizawa patted his right leg as the general panic simmered down to a nervous chatter around them, so Izuku reluctantly let go of Aizawas quirk to stuff his hands in the scarf instead, rubbing the material between his fingertips - away from the quirk and away from reaching out again. He found the color blue staining his hands and stared at it. Everything was fine. They were fine. Aizawa was already moving on and talking to one of Ectoplasms clones to find out what had happened. There was no reason for his ears to still ring, for his heart to hammer its way out of his chest. No reason for him to stay up on Aizawas shoulders, curled around him and eyes blinking away the resurfacing memories. But Aizawa didn’t set him down and Izuku didn't feel like getting down on his own. So, he focused on breathing and staying as still as possible.
Everything was fine.
If he had taken a quick look outside, as Aizawa was beelining for the principal's office, he would have seen the crumbled entrance, reduced to a mere pile of dust
So, now that I have taken care of most of my earthly duties as a human, I want to write today to at least get another prompt in.
I’m so far back, guys, send help ᕕ(◉Д◉)ᕗ
But before, check out @banashee - her day 15 is so cute, I loved it! Short and sweet and everything good!
Also, as usual, this chapter is crossposted on AO3 :D I will now fade back into my cave, thank you for your patience.
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