#gotta put that money towards a down payment on a house in the next place to which we move
ivan-fyodorovich-k · 1 year
recently got a chunk of money from a research fellowship and actively fighting the temptation to indulge myself in an outstandingly superfluous purchase
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asset35-maya · 3 years
I am sleepy but I gotta make a request before the busy tomorrow so 2 things on my mind! Sleepy and the 'oh my god they were roomates' vine xD with any characters and aus I love everything you write anyways xD Happy timezones and best vibes your way >^<!! 💖💞💕💕
Oh my god, they were roommates…
“The rental market in Detroit is absolute shit! How dare these bloodsuckers charge such high rates for the most under-developed properties! This city’s going to the dogs!”
“You have to pay your own weight in gold just to live in a shoebox for a year. Nonsense!”
“Are you even listening to me, Tina!
Goddamnit Tina!”
Gavin thumped his fist on her desk, but Tina’s eyes barely flicked up from her phone.
“Oh my god, you sound like my grandpa…”
Gavin turned red and his brain buzzed with a thousand colourful retorts. He was just about to pick one when Tina stopped scrolling and turned her phone screen towards him.
The suburban paradise for executive androids and humans alike. Located 25 minutes drive from downtown Detroit, with a full amenities.
Gavin’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. He balked at her.
“You’re joking? How could I possibly…?”
“Get with the times, boomer…”
Tina lazily skimmed her thumb over the screen. The webpage promised plenty of greenery, good infrastructure and modest but spacious rooms. The extremely reasonable price tag was Gavin’s dream come true. He’d spent weeks apartment hunting in the wake of an early lease termination by his cantankerous landlord. Gavin knew he’d never find a better deal.
“Shit, this is so good, T! Why the phck does it have to be in that- that place!”
His friend arched a sceptical eyebrow.
“What place?”
“The Tincan ghetto!”
Tina smacked him on the arm. None too gently.
“It’s subsided public housing located in an android-friendly estate… because they’re the ones that need it most right now. And frankly, you seem to be in just as much need, so you should really get off that high horse.”
“Fine, fine. You’re right. I should seriously consider this place, even if my neighbours are gonna have more in common with my car than me. But damn, it seems a little too good to be true. There’s probably some fine print, hidden costs that’ll come out later.”
“Hmm… let’s see…”
Tina scrolled further and then let out a half-laugh. She held her phone up again.
“Nothing shady about the rates, but there is something you should know…”
At the risk of being called old again, Gavin squinted at the screen and read aloud.
“Bearing in mind the founding principles of New Jericho, all human occupants may only apply for tenancy in co-habitation with at least one android citizen of the United States of- JESUS PHCKING CHRIST! Absolutely not! I am not going to live with a plastic prick!”
Gavin had to get through half a bottle of wine before he could bear to scroll through the rental listings. Unlike other humans who had happily moved into New Jericho with their android friends or partners, he had to find an android who was also looking for a flatmate.
Some listings came from ardent supporters of Markus. These were the androids who wanted to ease the post-revolution transition by reaching out to humans. Some listings were put up by the android equivalent of frat boys. These individuals were clearly looking for someone on the fringes of human society, someone who could show them a good (if not illegal) time.
Other posts came from eccentric androids who craved company but had likely been rejected by their own kind. Gavin felt a strange twisting sensation, almost like pity, when he came across a post written entirely in third person by someone called Ralph.
He had almost given up hope when he came across a simple little listing for a two bedroom apartment in Cyberscalia.
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87: Seeking a neat, self-sufficient co-renter. Human or android, no preference. I spend most of my time working and will be out of your way for the better part of the day. I only ask for silence during my nighttime stasis cycles, timely payment of dues and upkeep of cleanliness.
Gavin sighed in relief.
“Your room is the first door on the left, mine is the second. The bathroom, laundry and kitchenette are shared, as is the living room. I scarcely find use for the latter, so you need not worry about my intruding on any of your social gatherings, or vice versa. As long as you adhere to the terms of the agreement, our paths will not cross much.”
The tall, stiff-necked android dropped a set of keys, both mechanical and digital, into Gavin’s open palm.
“Er thanks.. RK… sorry I forgot your full model number…”
“You may call me Nines. Although, I’d rather you didn’t call me much of anything. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
In a swish of black fabric, the android turned on his heel and disappeared into his room. Two rapid clicks indicated the shutting and locking of his door.
Gavin sighed and looked around the open-plan living room. It was nothing fancy, but it was far beyond any of the other properties he’d viewed in weeks of unsuccessful house-hunting.
He sat down on the simple black couch with a huff and contemplated his situation. He’d ended up where he’d truly never expected to go, but objectively speaking, things were good… barring the high-handed manner of his robot flatmate, but who gave a shit about that.
He pulled out his phone to text Tina his thanks.
“I can’t! I refuse to! It is a violation of my personal ethics and I will simply not take this assignment any further. Good day to you sir!”
Gavin nearly dropped his bowl of cereal one morning when his roommate burst out of his door and rushed into the open balcony.
He hadn’t seen Nines in days, which was perfectly normal. The android came and went at odd hours and made hardly any noise. It was almost like living alone. The only reminder of Nines’ presence was the sight of several dark shirts and trousers regularly hung out to dry on the rack above the washing machine.
Gavin set his bowl down and watched the android tightly grip the bars of the railing and take several unnecessary breaths to calm down. He’d seen deviant colleagues express emotion many times before, but this was the first time he witnessed such a potent mixture of rage and sorrow from a synthetic being.
Out of empathy, but mostly curiosity, Gavin approached cautiously.
“Hey Nines… is everything alright…?”
There was no response for several moments. Then Nines turned around with a grimace and hands held upwards in a placating gesture.
“I apologise for the disturbance. It was hypocritical of me to disrupt the very peace and quiet I demand of you.”
“Uh… no worries…? Are you okay?”
There was a flash of steel blue eyes.
Gavin kicked himself mentally as he realised too late that he’d broached uncharted territory. Their interactions didn’t extend beyond curt nods on the rare occasion they found each other in the same space. It was almost as if Nines engineered the lack of contact, which wouldn’t surprise Gavin at all if it were the case.
“I’m fine. I merely experienced some frustration with my work.”
Perhaps it was boredom, perhaps it was his usual lack of self-preservative instinct… Gavin threw caution to the winds.
“What do you actually do?”
Nines’ expression remained stoic but his LED went through a spectacular series of colours and flashes. His next words were reluctant.
“I’m a private investigator.”
“Oh shit! I’m actually a cop.”
Gavin pointed dumbly at himself and then let his hand drop when he saw absolutely no surprise cross the android’s face.
“I know. That’s why I let you stay with me.”
“For safety?”
“Certainly not for your fashion sense.”
“Wow okay, I didn’t think I’d be much protection for a big scary droid like you.”
Nines hummed dismissively and started to move out of the balcony, body language fully indicating the end of the conversation.
Unable to help himself for some strange reason, Gavin blurted out another ill-advised question.
“What pissed you off so much?”
Nines paused halfway through side-stepping the human. A thrill went through Gavin at the shards of ice he observed for the first time up close in Nines’ irises.
“If I tell you, will you promise to stop asking pointless questions?”
Gavin nodded earnestly, and frankly… rather foolishly.
“I helped a client gather evidence to initiate divorce proceedings on the grounds of infidelity. I provided ample photo and video evidence for his lawyers to work with. Now they want me to keep following the spouse to capture more details that could gear any future settlement in his favour.”
“So what’s your problem?”
“They’re offering me an incredible amount of cash to follow her 24/7. To stake out her workplace, her gym, her parent’s home. They want me to crouch under the window of the bedroom where her children sleep. I can do a lot of things, but not that. It’s deeply insulting that they even asked. That’s why I was so… pissed.”
Nines slipped past and was nearly back to his bedroom when Gavin spoke.
“I respect that.”
“I didn’t ask.”
“I know, but for real though, I think ethics are important in our line of work. Not just because of we need morals or a sense of right or wrong blablabla, but because we need… clarity.”
Silence floated through the hallway as Nines paused with a hand on his doorframe.
“Yeah, like a sense of direction. We don’t just take cases right-left-centre because they make us money. I mean, we could, and people do… but they never become specialists or experts of any kind. You gotta strategise if you want a career. Ethics helps with that. I think…”
Gavin wasn’t sure what made him say any of that. He was neither one for small talk, nor a man of many words… but something about Nines prompted that unusual level of introspective discourse.
“Sorry that was weird. Never mind.”
“That was actually… very astute.”
Their eyes met and Gavin could’ve sworn he saw the hint of a smile.
“It’s good to see that not all humans are as one-dimensional as I thought.”
The door clicked shut, but there was no locking sound.
Since the morning of Nines’ uncharacteristic outburst, the frequency of their encounters in the common areas of the apartment increased. Wordless nods became hellos, and hellos eventually became full sentences.
Not that he’d admit it, Gavin actually looked forward to enquiring about the android’s day and the cases he was working on. It was utterly fascinating to hear about legal investigations without the constraints of police procedure.
For his part, Nines would share as much as he had the patience to, before disappearing into the confines of his room. Though the time he spent outside steadily increased every day.
Another morning, while Gavin was making his coffee, Nines emerged from his room, still in his pyjamas and looking as livid as he had the time before. Gavin had never seen him in anything but crisply ironed businesswear. Before he could voice any concern, Nines stiffly asked Gavin to keep a lookout for a homicide suspect.
He nodded and immediately reached for his phone to text the sergeant on duty at his station. By midday, there was an arrest.
That evening, when Gavin settled in front of the TV with his usual glass of wine, he heard the familiar sound of Nines’ door opening. The couch dipped beside him.
“Thank you.”
“Just did my job. I should thank you for the tip.”
Gavin chanced a glance at his roommate, and found him looking right back.
“Nothing… I just had the realisation that much of my work is impotent without the authority and means to take any kind of action.”
The sitcom began to play and Gavin thumbed the remote to reduce the volume.
“Takes all kinds to keep the streets clean. PIs can do things cops can’t. We rely on guys like you for intel all the time, you know.”
“I know.”
No words were exchanged for a while thereafter. Gavin found himself unable to focus on the TV show with all the brooding energy emanating from his right.
“If you feel like being a private eye doesn’t make enough of a difference, then why didn’t you… um… you know…”
“Join law enforcement?”
“Plenty of my fellow androids have done so. I know for a fact that my predecessor model chose to remain there. You might know him.”
“Connor? Yes. Very annoying.”
“He is, isn’t he?”
“Totally. But why didn’t you join too? You’d be brilliant on the Force.”
“My skillset is certainly well-suited, but I didn’t want to become another puppet of the state.”
Gavin really didn’t know what to say to that. He nodded uncertainly and looked back at the television. He wasn’t sure why Nines was suddenly this social.
“What are you… watching?”
Androids could scan and detect just about anything in the world, so there had to be something else to the question. Gavin, strangely, was happy to oblige.
Nines made an appearance every evening, without fail. He would sit through the TV shows if they were of interest, or he would bring his case material and notes to the coffee table to work in silence beside Gavin.
Sometimes Gavin liked to work on jigsaw puzzles on the dining table. Nines would sit beside him, pretending to read a paperback novel, but actually scanning the puzzle and passing the right pieces over from time to time.
Against all odds, an evening ritual and a tentative friendship developed. It was simple, but it was warm. Comfortable. Like nothing Gavin had ever had before, even with humans.
He awoke one morning with a slight crick in his neck but the feeling of being very well-rested.
His eyes flickered open and fell upon the window. Familiar greenery came into view… but wait… had everything slightly shifted to the left? And was that the New Jericho Capitol building? He couldn’t see that from his room! There was a tree in the way! A tree that was now a few feet away from where it used to be.
Gavin sat up in alarm as he realised that he was not in his own bed. His heart flew into his throat as Nines walked through the open doorway. Shirtless and carrying a mug of blue liquid.
“Oh good, you’re up.”
“Wha-what happened!?”
Nines frowned and sat down on the edge of the bed. He set the mug on the floor and pulled on a plain black t-shirt.
“You passed out on the couch last night. I think you finished a whole bottle waiting up for me? Sorry, I was out working later than expected.”
Gavin looked down and sighed in relief as he found all his clothes still on him.
“I didn’t want you to injure yourself sleeping at an odd angle so I brought you here. Your door was locked.”
“You could’ve easily opened it.”
“Yes, but that would’ve been an invasion of privacy. I reserve that for working hours alone.”
Gavin looked deep into the sparkling blue eyes and as usual found no trace of humour.
“Don’t mention it. Now get out. You’re ruining my silk sheets.”
Against his best efforts, Gavin could not keep the thought of being carried to bed and tucked in safely out of his mind. How many years had it been? Since something like that had been even remotely possible for him?
He knew that Nines was just being kind in his own pragmatic little way… but Gavin found that he wouldn’t mind the prospect of waking up in the android’s bed in a wildly different context.
He realised he had it bad when Tina caught him smiling to himself at work one day.
“Why so happy?”
“Oh… nothing. Just remembered something my roommate did… He’s a… funny guy.”
“Huh. Well, look at you getting along so well with androids.”
“Android. Singular. Just him.”
“Wowwww… he sounds special.”
“Who did this?”
“Gavin, the damage is merely superficial-”
“Who phcking did this??!”
He reached forward and gingerly touched Nines’ split cheek. His synth skin was smeared with blue blood and glitching in and out. Nines winced at the contact.
“Shit, sorry. That must hurt like a bitch.”
“Androids do not feel pain.”
“I’m merely experiencing a surge in sensory input wherever my chassis is exposed. I’m fine.”
“Shut up and give me your first aid kit or whatever toolbox equivalent you tincans have.”
A shade of embarrassment appeared over the android’s features.
“I… actually don’t have one. I didn’t think I’d ever need it.”
“Didn’t think anyone could kick your ass, huh?”
“No… I didn’t think anyone would ever spot my hiding place.”
“Huh. How’d that happen?”
Nines’ eyes dipped, but as always, he answered the question.
“I was… distracted.”
Something in the air solidified and both of them felt it. Gavin cleared his throat and slapped his knees like an old man about to stand up.
“Right. Let me go check if the neighbours have anything that might help with your face.”
“So who’s this dapper young gent you’ve brought to the party, Gavin?”
“Er… he’s my uh… roommate.”
Captain Fowler nodded and winked.
“That’s what they called it in my day too.”
Nines shifted beside Gavin and cleared his throat.
“He’s a PI. But I think he’s wasting his talent taking pictures of cheating spouses. He’s quite interested in police work. Maybe we could get him to assist on a couple cases now and then?”
Fowler put down his drink and extended a warm hand to Nines.
“Oh thank RA9!”
Nines came running to the cluster of police cars and enveloped him in a giant hug. Gavin laughed as he patted him weakly on the back.
“Watch the ribs, big guy.”
“I was so worried.”
“Why? Your info was good. No chance of error.”
“I meant about you.”
Gavin pulled back and regarded Nines with confusion. The flashing red and blue lights of the cars made it hard to read his LED.
“I can’t believe you have to ask.”
The android pulled him into a bruising kiss. The officers standing nearby broke into wolf-whistles and applause.
“What the-”
“Oh I take full credit for that, sir.”
Fowler glanced at Tina.
“The case, Chen?”
“Oh of course. I solved the whole thing. But I mean that specifically.”
She waved a hand in Gavin and Nines’ direction. The two held each other tightly and seemed unlikely to come up for air anytime soon.
“Like I helped Gav find an affordable place in New Jericho and then he met this handsome investigator droid and they were roommates.”
“Oh my god, they were roommates…”
“Yeah legit.”
Thanks so much for the request @jude-shotto
This ended up being a lot longer than expected, but I couldn’t help it. Your prompt just took me on a whole journeyyyy <3
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angelamajiki · 4 years
[ study date - part two ]
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PARING: Bully! Yandere! Hawks x Reader x Bully! Yandere! Dabi
CW: quirkless college au, yandere, noncon/dubcon, mindbreak, dacryphilia, boot licking, boot humping, humiliation, degradation, cum eating, spanking, physical abuse, verbal abuse, scumbag dabihawks
AN: finally part two is here!! sorry about the long wait. mind the tags and enjoy!!
The situation was all too suspicious. You couldn't put your finger on it, but you knew the two of them had something to do with it. They always have something conniving up their sleeves, inventing new ways to torment you.
Not less than a day ago did you receive that dreaded phone call, and of course, the pair of them were there to witness your breakdown because of it. Because of your failing grade in chemistry, your scholarship was revoked which meant that you lost your housing privileges for the campus. And those two seemed all too happy to watch you crumble and sob in front of them like a child.
“Sounds like you're down on your luck, princess. What's a girl to do?”
Touya was all too pleased about the situation, the smug bastard. A warm hand made a place for itself on your lower back as it rubbed circles of faux sympathy. Sobs dribbled from your mouth as his hands moved lower to grip your hips from behind.
“Now, now, Touya. Don't tease her like that.” Keigo tutted, leaning against the wall next to the two of you. “Perhaps we coulda let our girlfriend come stay with us.” He sighed dramatically, quirking his brow at you before looking away.
So that was it. They wanted you to grovel at their feet and beg for mercy if you wanted their help, just like last time.
“Too bad we don't have one, doll. Ya made yourself pretty clear that you just aren't interested in us. Such a shame, we coulda been a real big help, ya know.”
Touya patted you on the back before walking off down the hall with Keigo, leaving your tear-stricken face all alone.
“W...Wait!” It came out more desperate than you could have hoped. The two of them stopped but refused to turn to look at you. The silence was deafening. “I’ll go out with the both of you. I'll be your girlfriend.”
Admission alone should have been good enough for them, but your constant denial had left them greedy for more.
“And just how do we know you're not looking to mooch off us, babe?”
Rats, they were right. You had no way to prove you wouldn't just use them, abuse them, and lose them.
“Touya, I thought I said to stop teasing princess.” Keigo chuckled, turning to look at you with narrowed eyes. “Of course, we’ll go out with you; nothing would make us happier to call you our girl.”
Taking your hand, he helped you up off the bench and swiped the tears from your eyes. Humiliation flushed your face as you struggled to look anywhere but his hawk-like eyes.
“C’mon, doll. Let’s go clean out your dorm and head back to our place.”
»»————-  ————-««
Back in your apartment, the boys made quick of boxing up your things and loading them into Keigo’s pick-up. The poor distraught thing you were, the bathroom is where you holed yourself up and cried your heart out. The fact that you had to stoop as low as to live with your bullies to survive? And you thought you couldn't be more humiliated than the last time they offered helo. It’ll be temporary; you tried to convince yourself. You'll stay with them a few weeks and be on your merry way, finding someone else to stay with. Hell, you’ll couch surf if you have to. Anything was better than staying with those demons.
“Hey, doll!” Touya rapped his fingers on the door thrice before opening up to your crying form. “Hey, hey, hey. No need for tears. Your boyfriends are here to help.” His wolfish grin said otherwise.
“Bird brain and I finished packing your shit. Let's hit the road.”
A rough hand yanked you up from the floor, tugging you along. A yelp flew from your mouth before you could stop it as you pushed up against the sink, pinned in by Touya’s hips on yours.
“On second thought, I can't let my pretty girl feel so down, now can I? Let me give you something that’ll cheer ya up.”
A hard tent nestled its way up your skirt as he ground his hips against you.
“Let your man take care of you, huh? I’ll give you something good to cry about.”
Keigo was content to watch from the doorway as his partner continued to make you squirm under him.
“Besides, we haven't discussed payment. Rent ain’t free, princess.”
God, were these men cruel to you. You can't really expect any less from the men who were content to bully you in the first place.
“All my money was from the scholarship; I don’t-”
A hearty laugh came from the blonde, eyes narrowing in on your pinned form.
“Who said anything about money?” He quipped, sauntering over to you and took your chin in his hand. “You can pay us back with your obedience. We want a well-behaved slut that we can come home to, not some brat we have to take kicking and screaming.”
What choice did you have? They had you pinned in a corner, like a mouse caught by two feral cats who were just a bit too hungry to have any kind of patience to play games.
“I-I understand.” You swallowed, nodding in Keigo’s palm.
“Really now.” Touya drawled out, taking Keigo’s spot in the doorway. It was apparent they didn't want you to bolt on them. “I’m not convinced. You gotta prove yourself to us first, little girl.”
The bare mattress creaked under his weight as he took a seat in your room, legs spread as he motioned you towards him with his finger. Keigo, although reluctantly, let go of your face and locked both doors as he took a seat in the corner, seemingly content to watch the display.
A throaty chuckle left the man as you stood in front of him.
The command left you shivering under his predatory gaze, a low whistle coming from his mouth as he fucked you with his eyes.
“Kei, put on some music.”
“Yes, sir.” He purred, using his phone for tunes and snatching yours from your purse before pocketing it in his jacket. Girls, Girls, Girls by Mötley Crüe filled the walls of your dorm, both men gratified by watching your little dance for them.
First went your shirt, tossed off onto the floor as your face flushed with shame. Tears welled in your eyes before you screwed them shut while swaying to the music.
“Hey! Eyes open and on me, little girl.” Touya snapped, spanking the side of your ass as punishment. You hiccuped, sucking in a breath to hold back the tears. The stress of the situation weighed you down, bursting you at the seams as you openly sobbed while removing your bra. Music blaring and laughs all around from Touya; you looked to Keigo for help; he always seemed to be on your side. Head thrown back against the wall, he jerked himself to the sound of your cries, winking and whistling as you looked back at him.
“Hurry it up; you're not very good at dancing, doll. You're stiff as a board.”
“She’s not the only one who's stiff.”
Cackles and guffaws filled the room, piercing your ears to the point where you thought you would go deaf at the next sound of their voices. Mindlessly, your clothes were haphazardly thrown off before you crumpled into a ball on the floor, shaking and sobbing.
“Aww, is baby having a bad day? Come to daddy.”
Touya helped you up off the floor before placing your bare cunt atop his left boot. “Why don't you relieve some stress, huh?”
The boot jerked under you, pressing up against your clit as you yelped. Getting the memo, you started to grind your hips down against his boot. Your cries quelled as you rocked your hips into a steady rhythm, biting your lip when you felt pleasure began to pool in your gut. How depraved were you? Getting off on your bully's boot while the other one got off to watching you. It was enough to make you sick, forcing you to cling to Touya’s thigh and rest your forehead there. A collection of moans and classic rock music blared in your room, bouncing off the walls so loudly that it made you even hazier.
As much as you wanted to deny it, the man had a point. You might as well submit and let yourself feel good; there's no getting out of it. Gasps and moans left your drooling mouth as you ground your hips on the tip of his boot with enthusiasm, letting yourself get lost in the pleasure slowly crescendoing in your core.
“Atta, girl.” Touya growled, gripping your hair from the scalp as he made eye contact with you. “Look at when you cum.”
Incoherent responses left your lips as you began to cry again, only that it was from pleasure this time. He continued to sustain eye contact as he fisted his cock, letting go of your hair in lieu of sticking his fingers in your mouth and choking you with them. Warbled cries fell onto his fingers as your hips increased in speed, thighs sputtering and shaking as you came close to creaming yourself on his boot.
“Cum on my boot, slut.”
His cock was aimed at your open mouth as you grunted and moaned, eyes cloudy as they rolled back into your bed. You came with a cry, squirting all over his patent-leather boot as your body shook with the sheer force of your orgasm.
Touya was not too far behind you, moaning your name as he shot his seed into your waiting mouth, covering your nose after finishing.
Like the obedient whore they needed you to be, you swallowed. His foot kicked up into you, knocking you off his leg.
“Disgusting. Clean up your mess, bitch.”
Nodding, a small whimper left your mouth as you began to lick your juices off his boot. Kitten licks and long strokes alike made their way around the leather, whining when he would shove his foot roughly in your face at times.
“Y’know, I’m still not convinced, sweetheart,” Keigo called out from behind you, taking a fist full of hair in his clutch as he pulled you up from the floor. “Beg for my forgiveness, and I’ll know you’re not trying to run a game on us.”
With a still tight reign on your hair, he threw you to the bed face down, ass up while discarding his own clothes. A harsh spank thwacked on your ass as he gripped the reddening flesh right after.
“Damn this ass is gonna be the death of me. Ain't that right, Touya?”
“Sure is; it's all she's good for.”
Neither of them really meant those nasty things they spewed at you, but it just felt too good at the moment to pass up seeing you cry. The sooner you learn that submission is the way to their hearts, the easier you'll have it. Sure, you were a whore, but you were their whore.
“Hope this pussy’s ready for a pounding cause Daddy is coming in.” He chuckled, groaning as he sank his length into your tight, unprepared vice. Whimpering and squirming beneath him, you attempted to grip the bare mattress for purchase as you felt the sting and stretch of his cock thrusting inside you. The pain wasn't terrible, but it was still there. You wiggled your hips, hoping to get some friction before another spank was administered.
“I haven't heard any begging yet.”
“P-Please fuck me, Keigo.”
“That’s not what I’m looking for, sweetheart.”
Oh? Oh.
“Please let me be your girlfriend! Please, I need to be yours; I need you!”
A slew of curses flew out of him as he pinned your hips down, thrusting deep and slow inside you. The pace was agonizingly slow as you tried to move your hips.
“Please, please, please!” you babbled. “Keigo, Touya. Let me be your girlfriend; let me be your obedient whore. I need to be yours!”
Humiliation hardly fazed you anymore as you let yourself, babbling and crying out begs and pleas for your two bullies.
Keigo happily increased his thrusts, pounding into you as a man possessed. Growls and snarls spat from his mouth as he savored the way your tight pussy fluttered around his painfully hard cock.
“Such a good girl for us, good girl.” The blonde moaned, pressing a sloppy kiss to the back of your neck. He lapped at the sweat there, leaving bite marks and blood for you to find later.
Your moans and cries were music to their ears, the most hypnotic melody they had ever heard. Touya stroked himself off in the corner, pleased with your earlier performance and giving his partner space to hit the nail into the coffin.
You, on the other hand, were being fucked out of your mind as Keigo dicked you down good. Good enough to make you forget your worries, your troubles, your life ripping apart at the seams for even just a moment. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled your senses as you felt the pleasure come at you full speed.
“T-Tell me you love me, that you love us.”
“Oh, someone’s feeling bold, birdie.”
Strings of “I love you”s flowed freely from your mouth as you chased your high, wanting to feel pure and utter relief, albeit it is just for a moment.
You came with a cry, spasming on his cock as he came deep inside you. A bright, white sensation filled your senses as you grasped onto your clarity for as long as you, not wanting to come down from your high.
Toned arms rested on either side of you before enveloping you in a warm hug.
“Good job, princess.”
A sweet whisper filled your ears before a kiss was placed on your cheek. Silence fell over the room, save for all of your panting and breathing. In your post-orgasm clarity, you couldn't help but realize something.
Wasn't Touya’s father dean of the school?
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sincerelyasomebody · 4 years
Changes || Jose "Sad Eyes" Guzman
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(GIF: @merakiaes)
A/N: This has been in my drafts for a long while🤦🏾‍♀️👀. Apologises on the delay and for grammatical errors. I hope it meets your expectations or what you were expecting. Please let me know if the Spanish translations are correct. 
Characters/Pairing(s): Sad Eyes x Reader (married) ☆ 19th Street (mentioned) ▪︎ Cuchillos (mentioned) ▪︎ Los Santos (mentioned) Spooky (mentioned)
Request/Summary: Hii, I was wondering if your still taking requests! If you are can I get one with Sad Eyes where the reader comes home late and a fight breaks out between the two and then she tells him that she found out she’s expecting 🥺🖤 (they could be together for 3yrs) pure angst and fluff if anything! Thank youuu! 💕 - @multiyfandomgirl40
Warning(s): angst, fluff, language, mentions of death and gang violence, pregnancy
Word Count: 1427
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The street lights were on by the time (Y/N) pulled into her driveway. As soon as she switched the engine off, she put her head on her hands and took a deep breath. For the last couple of days, her body started to feel the impact of the extra hours she was pulling. Which wasn't a good sign. Lifting her head up and staring out of the windshield, she spotted her fiance standing on the porch. She gave a half-hearted smile and began to gather her things before hopping out of the car. 
She locked her doors and walked up the path to the front steps. As she climbed, she could feel the tension between Jose and herself but chose to ignore it. Moving past him she entered the house and immediately kicked off her heels. She made her way through the living to enter the kitchen to grab something to eat. 
"What's going on with us?" she heard once she opened up the fridge, she closed it and looked over at Jose who continued, "it's like we don't even see each other anymore, because I'm out on Santo business and you're working." He moved forward and gently caressed her cheek, "this is the first time I've seen you awake… when I'm here you're usually asleep." 
(Y/N) turned her cheek and kissed the palm of his hand, "we're both awake now," and wrapped her arms around his waist. A genuine smile appeared on her face when she felt him a drop kiss on the top of her head.
Jose held her tightly against his chest, "querida… why are you working all these extra hours?" He gently pulled away from her to look at her face, "the last shipment the guys and I did pulled double our usual payment, we're good." 
She sighed and shook her head, "it's not about the money… it's more on how you're getting it," she bit her bottom lip, "I'd rather have you safe and here with me than some racks of cash and memories." 
"With the death of Cuchillos and the newly formed truce with 19th Street I-I can't help but worry that the next time I'll see you is when I have to identify your body," tears trailed down her cheeks.
He reached out and wiped her tears away, "baby I know I can't promise that-" 
"Exactly, you can't! And that's what scares me the most," (Y/N) stepped back, "we're married now, Jose. Not boyfriend and girlfriend, we're not fiance's, we're husband and wife.
"I know what we are, mi amor." 
"Okay, then maybe you'll consider cutting back on the runs you take on."
Jose shook his head, "so you're saying I should turn my back on the Santos?" He gestured towards the house, "the reason we have all of this is because of them. And you want me to turn my back on them?" 
"I didn't say for you to turn your back on them." 
"It sounded like you did."
"All I'm asking is that you don't go on every fucking run!" (Y/N) shot back. 
"I'm Spooky's right-hand, wherever he goes I do too. If he's not available, then it's up to me to sort out any problems," he roughly rubbed his face, "you know this already." 
She nodded, "you're right I do, but it's time we start getting our shit together," sighing, she continued, "you do know there are other ways to get money without having to clean it all the time?" 
He scoffed, "do I look like a guy who works a nine to five?" he began to pace, "I'm not in the Santos because of the money-"
"You joined because of the brotherhood they offered and to make sure your sister and mum would be taken care of." 
"If you know all this, why are you questioning it?" 
(Y/N) walked out of the kitchen and into the living, she reached into the back of the t.v cabinet (knowing he never went in there) and pulled out the piece of paper that would change their lives. Jose watched as she walked back to him with a look of determination. He shook his head, "the block's been crazy lately and you're worried about me, I get that but-" 
"I'm worried because we can't just think about ourselves," (Y/N) slammed the sonogram onto the kitchen counter, "we've gotta think about them too." 
Without another word she walked off down the hallway and entered their bedroom. She slammed the door and ignored the rattling of the pictures on the wall. Sliding down on the door, she sobbed as her hands gently rubbed her stomach. 
Jose recognised what she had placed on the counter, but couldn't believe it was truly in front of him. He and (Y/N) discussed children early on in their relationship, during their engagement and right after they were married. The conversations switched from "what ifs" to "when we" followed by an example of their upbringing and what they would change for their children. It was always a thought or an idea that seemed so far away. 
And now it was going to be a reality. 
He gently picked up the picture and traced the outline of it with his forefinger. His focus switched to the typing of the bottom right corner: his wife's name, date and time of when it was taken and how far along the pregnancy was. Laughing when he realised the date of the conception was around Spooky's birthday bash. Shaking his head, he pulled out his wallet and folded the sonogram so it fit beside the photobooth strip of himself and (Y/N) on one of their early dates. He tucked his wallet into the back pocket of his jeans and went through the cabinets to see what he could whip up.
After deciding on his chosen dish, he made sure everything was cooked thoroughly before putting it together on the plate. He picked up the plate, a fork (because he knew she preferred it than a spoon) and a bottle of water. Coming up to his bedroom door, he knocked gently, he heard some movement before (Y/N) opened it up. 
"I… uh, made you - well both of you something to eat?" He held up the plate and walked inside, "gotta make sure you're eating enough."
She took the plate and fork, sat on the bed and ate away. When she realised he was still by the door, she gestured for him to sit beside her. He did that and was met with a forkful of the food in front of his face, he smiled and took the bite causing her to smile too. She did this a couple more times, but he redirected it to her mouth. She drank all of the water and put the empty bottle beside the bed. Once she was done with the food, Jose picked up the plate and fork and put them on top of the dresser. 
He'd sort them out later. 
"Thanks for feeding us, we really appreciate it," (Y/N) snuggled into his side when he sat back on the bed, he had an arm over her shoulders and his other hand placed on her stomach. He kissed the side of her head. Sighing, she turned to him and wanted to speak more on what was spoken in the kitchen, but chose to relish in the feeling of them being parents.
She pecked his cheek, "we're gonna be parents." 
"Yeah," he moved his hand from her stomach to grab his wallet, opened it up and pulled out the sonogram, "I gotta question though." 
"What do you mean?" 
"Shit looks different, like did they upgrade the system or something 'cause the last time I saw these was when ma told me I was gonna be a big brother," he held the picture at different angles.
(Y/N) looked at him, "kinda, but not really, the printouts are still the same," she tapped the picture, "but you're right about it being different than mama g's, though," at his confused expression, she continued, "we're expecting double trouble." 
Without a second thought, Jose jumped off the bed and picked her up. (Y/N) squealed and wrapped her legs around his waist as her hands went to the back of his neck. They shared a passionate kiss, only separating to come up for air. 
Jose had a grin plastered across his face, "we had a really good time at Spooky's bash." Laughing, (Y/N) brought him in for another kiss.
- ♤ - ♡ - ◇ - ♧ - 
Spanish Translation(s): 
Querida - sweetheart
Mi amor - my love
On My Block Taglist
@multiyfandomgirl40 // @firebenderwolf // @b3mybunnybaby // @littleesilvia
If you'd like to be added, don't hesitate to message me! 
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let-it-raines · 4 years
What a Lie We’re In (1/3)
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All Emma was doing was trying to be nice. Her roommate didn’t have anywhere to go, so she invited him home for the holidays. She thought it would be fine and Killian would be a good buffer for a week at home with her parents. That is until her ex-boyfriend showed up, and while she was freaking out, Killian told him they were dating.
That would have been fine except her parents overheard it.
(A Christmas Fake Dating AU)
Rating: Mature 
a/n: What? A holiday fake dating story? So original, you say? No one has ever done it before? Especially not me. lol. Forget all of that, and let’s jump into this trope-a-palooza of a holiday story!
Big thank you to @resident-of-storybrooke for reading over this and convincing me that I still know how to write ❤️
ao3: | HERE |
“Did you eat all of my candy?”
Emma opens another cabinet, looking inside to the wine glasses and tumblers, before closing it. She’s been keeping her bag of candy in the cabinet where they keep their plates and bowls, hidden at the very top behind some reusable water bottles. Killian is a healthy eater, always stocking the fridge with fruits and vegetables and food she doesn’t think is actually real food, so she didn’t think she had to hide her junk food that well.
Hide it, yes. Hide it well, no.
Until now.
“What was that, love?”
Emma slams another cabinet closed and turns to look at Killian. He’s walking out of the bathroom, chest still damp, and only has a white towel wrapped around his waist. When he first moved into the apartment six months ago after Ruby abandoned Emma to go live with Dorothy (live with, get married to, same thing), Emma was taken aback by the lack of clothes wearing Killian partakes in. He’s an attractive man. She’s not blind. He goes to the gym as often as she does, but mostly, he spends a lot of time doing heavy lifting at his job as a contractor since he apparently likes to be hands-on, literally. His body is toned, and the son of the bitch knows it. He also knows he’s got the face to be able to get away with a lot of…well, a lot.
At first, it was all disconcerting, but now, he could walk around with his dick out and Emma wouldn’t care.
What she cares about is where her candy is. That’s the real priority. But she knows Killian will try to use his lack of clothes to distract her. Never worked in the past, not gonna work now, bud.
“My candy,” Emma repeats. “Where is it?”
He wipes behind his ear with the small towel in his hand. “I wouldn’t touch the stuff. You don’t like the good candy.”
“Well, my good candy has been moved, and we’re the only two people who live here.”
Emma places her hands on her hips, staring him down hoping he will somehow be intimidated by her stare and fess up to everything. He won’t be, but Emma can try. They both have their tactics.
Killian clicks his tongue. “What about the fellow you brought home last week?”
“Do you mean the plumber?”
“Was that who he was?”
“You know I don’t bring guys back here.” Emma moves from the counter and opens the fridge, taking out a handful of grapes from the fridge. She probably needs to eat some of them and not candy anyway. As she pops one into her mouth, that’s when it clicks. “Your girlfriend ate my candy, didn’t she?”
He scoffs and keeps drying his hair, but she sees the way he scratches his ear. Gotcha, Jones. “I don’t believe I have a girlfriend.”
“What? Tink break up with you because you wouldn’t let her eat dessert on your dates? Wait, I heard it. Don’t make it dirty.” Killian walks toward her, getting in her space, and she knows him well enough to know he wants her to flinch, to move, to stop her line of questioning. That’s exactly why she doesn’t want to. Emma pops another grape in her mouth. “Did you eat my candy? Was it your way of wallowing? It’s okay if you did. I’ll take another bag for payment.”
“For your information, Swan,” he whispers as he places his hand on her hip, “we are no longer seeing each other, but it was mutual. She did, however, eat your candy when she was last here. If you really want to know, we used it to – ”
“Stop,” Emma groans, pushing him away and running to the other side of the kitchen. “Nope. Don’t take that any further. Some things should be left private.”
His head tilts back as he laughs, the underside of his jaw black with stubble, and then he’s reaching into the cabinet above the fridge and tossing her the bag of sweets.
“I hid it after Will and Rob found it while we were playing cards last night. Will nearly went through all your milk duds before I realized what was happening.” He raises his brow. “You have something you want to say to me?”
Emma knows what he’s aiming for, and she isn’t going to give it to him.
“Yeah,” Emma says, “you need a thicker towel. I don’t think you want people seeing you when you look like…that.” She nods her head down and then picks up a handful of Kit Kats. “I gotta go to work.”
“Off to die inside at your cubicle, love?”
“Oh, you know it.”
Emma grabs her purse and unlocks the door only to hear Killian speak. “It’s December. How do you still have Halloween candy leftover?”
Emma shrugs. “I bought one bag to pass out to kids, two bags for me.”
“Bloody brilliant.”
“I do what I can. See you tonight. I’ll try not to wake you up from your nap when I come in.”
“That would be the least you could do.”
Emma rolls her eyes, but then she’s officially walking out the door of her apartment and down toward the elevator, a Kit Kat bar hanging out of the side of her mouth.
The thing about Killian Jones is that he’s simple to her.
He likes his friends, his job, his rum, and his women. There’s not much else to him, and Emma is okay with that. While her last roommate was her best friend, this one doesn’t have to be. He can just be a guy who pays the bills so she can keep living in a nice place and who, on occasion, talks shit about other people with her while they binge watch TV.
That’s all she needs.
And all and all, Killian Jones is a…fine roommate. Yeah, fine is an accurate way to describe him at least eighty percent of the time.
Even if she does get annoyed when he brings his dates home. But that’s only because it’s always on the nights she plans on going to bed early, and the noise of other people being around keeps her from catching up on sleep.
Emma is not one to mess around on sleep.
But yeah, he’s fine. Annoying as hell over half the time, but he’s fine in the small dosages she sees him in. He works odd hours, isn’t always on the job, and she is stuck with regular hours in her office. There’s not a lot of glory in working HR for a small engineering company, but that’s what happens when you make dumbass decisions like Emma did. She’s lucky she has a stable job. She’ll try not to complain too much about it.
That’s what she tells herself every morning when she sits in her car and stares at the drab brick building.
Money. She has to make money.
And hey, she gets almost an entire week off for Christmas next week, and that’s fucking incredible, even if she does have to spend it in her hometown with her parents and their Hallmark-like attitude toward the holiday and the events it puts on. Her mom is a teacher at the elementary school and produces the Christmas play every year while her dad is a vet and outfits all his patients in little holiday bandanas and bows. He even has a tree in his office decorated with bone ornaments.
It’s…a lot. But it’s family, and as Emma stares at this building that’s sucking the life out of her, she can’t wait to have a change of pace and some home-cooked meals, even if there are as many downsides as upsides to going home. Her Kit Kat bars aren’t giving her the nutrients she knows she needs.
Being an adult is not all it’s cracked up to be sometimes, especially when going home for the holidays is seen as more of a burden than a gift with a fancy bow on top. It’s more like that turkey that dries up and falls to pieces in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.
Well, that and the squirrel crashing every decoration in the house.
Happy holidays.
“Nah, mate, I don’t have any plans.”
Emma quietly puts her keys down on the table next to her front door, laying her purse down with it, and she kicks her boots off until they topple over each other and lay in the middle of the hallway. She can hear Killian talking, and it gets even louder when she walks into the kitchen and turns on the coffee maker.
“No, no, well, you know, I rarely do anything, not since Liam.” There’s a pause as the coffee begins to percolate and Emma grabs another Kit Kat from her bag. “I went home with Milah once, but that was years ago…no, mate, it’s alright. I don’t mind staying here by myself…yeah, I think Emma is going home to her parents.”
And that’s when she realizes what Killian is talking about.
Christmas plans.
He doesn’t have any. Emma didn’t know that. She didn’t really bother to ask. She doesn’t bother to ask much of Killian. She picks up pieces here and there, as she’s sure he does to her, but they mind their own business.
He doesn’t have a family to go home to? She knows he’s originally from England, but still. There must be someone.
“I’ll talk to you later,” Killian says. “I promise if I need anything, I’ll let you know. Alright, bye Scarlet.”
The coffee finishes, and Emma picks the pot up and starts pouring, filling her large mug halfway before getting hazelnut creamer out of the fridge and making the coffee drinkable. Killian joins her in the kitchen and perches himself on one of their stools.
“Good day at work?” he asks.
“Eh, it was a day. You?”
He shrugs. “The same. I’m finishing up on this house tomorrow, hopefully, so tomorrow will be a good day.”
Emma nods and sips on her coffee as Killian taps his fingers on the counter, the rhythm the same as the song he usually hums when cooking. “So, when are you heading for Storybrooke?” he asks.
“Monday after work.” Killian nods and keeps tapping his fingers, and Emma, stupidly opens her mouth because despite what her exes have told her, she does apparently have a heart. “If you don’t have any plans and have off work, you’re welcome to come with me. My parents are always thrilled to welcome more people. Just be prepared, it’s like a Hallmark movie up there.”
His eyes widen, the blue lighting up, and his upper lip starts to quiver, laughter very obviously waiting to break through. Dammit, why the hell did she decide to be nice? This is going to give him all of the wrong ideas.
“Why, Swan,” he smirks, leaning forward and resting his chin in his propped-up hand, “are you inviting me home for the holidays with you? You’ve been harboring a crush this entire time, haven’t you? I can’t say I’m surprised. I see the way you look at me when I finish up in the bathroom. Don’t be ashamed of it. Most women find me attractive.”
Emma flicks Killian’s forehead, and really, he should be thrilled she didn’t dump her hot coffee on his lap like she wanted to.
“I was just trying to be nice. You didn’t have to be an asshole about it.” Emma rolls her eyes and turns on her heels to walk away. She is going to her room. She doesn’t have to put up with his shit. “Forget I even offered.”
“Wait, wait, Swan.” Emma’s shoulders tense, and she doesn’t turn around. “Are you serious about your offer?”
“I mean, it would have some conditions in that you are a slightly less obnoxious version of yourself, but yeah, if you don’t have anywhere else to go, you can come home with me.”
“I’d like that.” Emma twists around, trying to size him up, and for once, everything seems genuine. “I have a condition as well.”
Idiot. “What could your condition possibly be?”
He winks, and she already knows this is going to have her eyes rolling so far into the back of her head they get stuck there. “Don’t go falling in love with me.”
What a cheesy ass sarcastic line.
“In your dreams, Jones.”
What the hell has she gotten herself into? This is absolutely the last time she lets her conscience guilt her into doing something nice. Emma was already going to be miserable, but now she’s miserable with a buffer.
At least her mom will be happy getting to go into hostess mode.
In the days leading up to them leaving for Storybrooke, Emma convinces herself Killian is going to back out of the trip. He’ll realize this is awkward and not a good idea. They live together, sure, but they don’t actually know each other. They’re not close friends.
But Killian never backs out. Instead he asks her things like what the weather is like there, if her parents drink wine, if he needs to bring his own bedding. He asks a million questions a day, and they continue when they’re in her bug making the drive from Boston to Storybrooke. He wants to know what her parents do for a living, what their hobbies are, pretty much everything someone needs to know when they’re about to spend half a week in the house of strangers.
Strangers who don’t actually know they’re having someone stay at their house to awkwardly sit on the sidelines as Emma’s family celebrates the holidays and has their usual holiday arguments.
Yeah, Emma didn’t ever tell her parents Killian was coming. She knows her mom well enough to know the moment Emma mentioned bringing someone home, her mom would have stopped listening before Emma could explain that it was just her roommate. It would have been this whole big thing, and Emma knows she can handle explaining it better in person when she can snap her mom out of getting excited about nothing.
Plus, who doesn’t want a Christmas surprise?
(Emma doesn’t.)
After Killian stops being one of those obnoxious kids who never stops asking questions, they sit in relative silence for the car ride, music entertaining them, and little by little, cities fade away and more trees pop up, evergreen forests surrounding them. It’s always the sign for Emma that she’s leaving her life and going back to her old one.
That and the “Welcome to Storybrooke” sign.
Everything about the town is the same. The buildings are small and kind of dingy downtown, and when she passes Granny’s, she bets those onion rings are the same too. God, she hopes they are. This is probably the only thing that can get her through this week. She should have texted Ruby and made sure her grandmother hadn’t changed any of the recipes. If she had, Emma definitely would have stayed home.
People walk down the sidewalk all bundled up in their coats and scarves, saying hello and chatting with others they pass. It’s the opposite of Boston where Emma can go her entire day without having to say hello to someone, and a little shiver runs down her spine at the thought. She needs to get out of here as soon as possible and to the isolation of her parents’ farmhouse, even if that presents her a new set of problems.
Storybrooke, Maine is, decidedly, not Emma’s favorite place for a hell of a lot of different reasons.
Killian, though, seems to be taking it all in with the wonder and confusion of someone who has never lived in a small town like this and who is a bit shell-shocked.
Get used to it, buddy.
“Oh, hey, one more thing,” Emma sighs as she pulls up to her parents’ street a few minutes later. “My real last name is Nolan. I changed it after high school, so my parents’ names are Nolan. The whole ‘Swan’ thing is a sticky situation for them even though it’s my mom’s maiden name.”
Killian’s eyes narrow, and she has definitely shared too much about herself now. “Am I allowed to ask or…”
“No. just try not to call me ‘Swan’ around them.”
“Whatever your heart desires, love.”
Emma slows down as the road turns from paved to loose gravel leading up to their driveway. There are several cars parked alongside it, and either they now own extra cars or her parents have friends over. Great. Just what she needed. Other people around when she’s coming home and surprising her parents with a guest. At least Killian will likely be that buffer she keeps hoping he’ll be.
They get out of her car, and Emma pops the trunk for them to get their bags. Killian grabs the bigger ones despite her arguing with him about it, but she’s fine to just carry her purse and the bag with presents. Emma closes the trunk, slamming it shut, and squares her shoulders.
This is fine. This is all fine.
Until ten steps later, it’s not.
Her parents have this incredible wraparound porch with swings and rocking chairs, and sitting in one of them is Neal Cassidy.
What the hell?
She doesn’t…she can’t…why is he here? He has no right to be here, no business being here, and seeing his face makes her want to vomit.
It makes her want to cry, too, but Emma can’t give him the satisfaction.
Instead, she’d like to sink into the dirt and never emerge again.
“Shit,” Emma mumbles, stopping and turning toward Killian who is looking down at her with an arched brow. “Shit, shit, shit.”
“What is it?”
God, she can’t believe she has to tell this to him. It’s too many pieces of her past in too short a period of time. This isn’t something she ever wanted to talk about again and certainly not to Killian. She was really hoping she never had to see Neal’s face again.
Honestly, she never considered it to be a possibility.
If only.
“That guy sitting on my porch is an ex of mine. And I’m talking about a bad ex, not one of those who you can be friends with afterward.”
“What the bloody hell is he doing here then?” Killian looks over her head to look at Neal, but Emma grabs his hand and yanks on it until he looks at her. “What?”
“Don’t look at him,” she hisses. “I don’t know what he’s doing here, but I’m sure it has something to do with my parents. Just…I don’t know what to do.”
“Do we need to turn around?”
“No, no, that’s pathetic. Just…maybe he’s going to leave soon, and it’ll be a quick hello and then I never have to see his face again. Let’s get it over with.”
“If you’re sure, Sw – Emma.”
“I’m sure.”
She’s not sure at all. Mostly, she wants to take Killian’s suggestion and run far, far away.
Once more, Emma braces her shoulders, and she moves forward. If she stops and thinks too much, she’ll chicken out. It’s how she is. If she thinks about something for too long, it ruins every bit of courage she has. Now isn’t the moment for that when this week is one that makes her need courage.
Maybe, Emma realizes, she didn’t invite Killian here just to be nice. Maybe she needed that buffer to keep her old demons at bay, even if just barely, and that was her motivation all along.
That really makes her asshole of the year. Well, after Neal. She hasn’t seen him in years, but he still gets the asshole of the year award.
Neal sees her before she can get to the front steps. He rises from the rocking chair and moves toward her. He looks older now. He was always older than her, but she can actually see it now. There’s gray in his beard and more lines on his forehead. His features are similar, but she swears there’s an eeriness to his eyes and a lie to his smile. Maybe those were always there, but Emma imagines she was blind to it all when she loved him.
Amazing how opening her eyes to love blinded her to so much else.
“Emma? Is that you?”
No, jackass, it’s some other blonde woman walking into her parents house.
“Hi, Neal.” She forces a smile that she knows is awkward, but he was never good at reading her enough to know the difference between a real smile and a fake one. “What are you doing here?”
“You’ve just seen me for the first time in half a decade, and your first question is what I’m doing here? Nice to see you too, Ems.”
It’s illegal to murder, Emma, she reminds herself. You don’t want to end up in jail because of him.
“It’s my parents’ house. I’m supposed to be here. You’re not. So, again, what are you doing here?”
He shrugs and ignores her. “Who’s this?”
Emma turns to Killian who is staring ahead, his jaw clenched, and he speaks before she gets a chance to. “Killian Jones,” he begins, dropping a bag and reaching forward to shake Neal’s hand, “Emma’s boyfriend.”
Emma nearly chokes on her own air and possibly her own lungs and whatever else is down there, and she’s stuck. Her brain and her feet and especially her mouth are all stuck. What the hell is he doing?
“Emma’s boyfriend,” Neal repeats, his voice incredulous like the fact that she could have a boyfriend is ludicrous to him. “Really?”
“For awhile now,” Killian lies. Wow. Has he always been this good of a liar? “It’s nice to meet you, but I think Emma and I need to get inside and put our stuff away. It’s been a long drive.”
Neal nods, but Emma catches his eyes glance over at her. What was that? “I understand. I need to get my fiancée from inside, but then we’ll be on our way.”
Neal has a fiancée? Who is in her parents’ house?
What kind of upside down hell has she walked into and how does she reverse time and get back to the place where things are normal?
“Nice seeing you,” Emma lies, but Neal is already walking inside, leaving the door slightly ajar behind him as if it’s his house to go into. She quickly turns to Killian and hopes her face conveys the “what the hell” look she’s going for. And in case it doesn’t, she hisses, “what the fuck was that?”
“Forgive me, love, but you obviously didn’t want to see that man, and I figured there wouldn’t be any harm in saying that. You weren’t planning on ever seeing him again, aye?”
“Not if I can help it.”
“So what’s the harm in him thinking you have a devilishly handsome new boyfriend?”
Emma rolls her eyes, ready to take the piss out of him, when her mother comes running out the front door.
“Emma, you brought a boyfriend home?”
Well, that’s the harm, Jones.
Emma tries explaining to her parents that Killian isn’t really her boyfriend, that he’s just her roommate who came home with her because he doesn’t have any family, but she never really gets the chance with Neal still hanging around. That would be mortifying, so she rolls with it, hoping that she can clear it all up sooner rather than later.
But Neal never seems to leave.
His fiancée, Tamara, apparently teaches with Emma’s mom, and from the looks of it, they’re great friends. She can’t imagine any other reason why her parents would let Neal Cassidy in their house, but then again, they have always been great at doing the exact opposite of what’s good for her. It’s torture, and as the night goes on, it seems like it’s never going to end.
When are they going to leave?
When can she stop listening to Killian falsify their life?
She’s got to say that he’s fantastic at taking truths and turning them into lies. According to him, they met when he became her roommate (true) and got to know each other as friends first (eh, a half-truth). Then, slowly, feelings started to develop in the little moments, and they decided to give their relationship a chance (unequivocally false).
He’s got this uncanny ability to make everything feel…not ridiculous. She doesn’t know the word she’s searching for, but she’s sure as hell that Killian could find it and incorporate it into a story to make everyone here think they’re in love.
Emma has no clue how they’re going to get out of this without her parents being heartbroken because Emma can see the hope and happiness in her mom’s eyes. She’s over the moon. Her dad, however, doesn’t seem to be.
Of course this is how it goes. Her mom is thrilled because she’s not a spinster, and her dad is upset because she’s not a spinster.
“So what do you do, Killian?” he asks. “You need a roommate apparently.”
“Dad,” Emma hisses, wanting to sink into the couch, especially because she knows she’s the one who needs the roommate and not Killian. “Don’t.”
“What? I’m not allowed to ask about the man who my daughter is dating?”
“You are, but you’re not allowed to interrogate him.”
Killian places his hand over Emma’s on her thigh, and God, this really is the worst night. Why do people have to go home to family on the holidays? At least she didn’t automatically flinch at the feeling of Killian’s hand on hers.
“I’m a contractor,” Killian tells her dad. “I used to work with my brother. It’s his business, but I’m the head on projects now. It’s hard and unpredictable sometimes when my job is to make it predictable, but it’s good work. There’s a lot of good new housing popping up in the neighborhoods outside of Boston. Beautiful new construction.”
“What happened to your brother?” her mom asks.
Killian’s hand tightens over hers while his other hand scratches behind his ear. “Liam passed last year. Car accident.”
Mary Margaret places her hands over her chest while Neal and Tamara look at each other, obviously ready to go. Emma, meanwhile, tries not to act shocked. She should know this. She should know that he had a brother who died. She’s heard him talk about Liam before, but she thought…she thought he was alive, just that he lived really, really far away or something like that.
“I’m so sorry, Killian,” Mary Margaret sighs.
“Thank you, Ms. Nolan.”
Silence falls in the room, and it feels like a lot of her time in high school when she got caught doing something she wasn’t supposed to be doing. At least now she can have alcohol or drive away. One or the other, though, obviously.
Or she can go back to that sinking into the ground thing. That seemed like a good idea.
“Oh, would you look at the time,” Tamara sighs with a clap of her hands. “Honey, we need to go.”
“Won’t you stay for dinner?” Mary Margaret asks.
What the hell, Mom?
“We really have to go,” Tamara insists. “It was nice seeing you guys, though.”
“Oh, it was wonderful seeing you, sweetie. Good luck in New York. You’re going to be great at your new job.” Mary Margaret hugs Tamara. “Nice seeing you as well, Neal. You’ll fit right in, but I know your dad will miss you.”
Emma is so busy trying to take in all of this brand new information that she doesn’t hear the rest of the conversation. Through blurred vision, she sees her mom hug Neal, and yeah, Emma wants to go home. She wants to go back to her apartment where she doesn’t have to put up with this kind of shit.
Where there’s no Neal and his fiancée and especially where her mom isn’t hugging her asshole of an ex and treating him like he’s a good person.
There’s a squeeze on her hand and suddenly, Killian’s fingers are wrapping around hers. That’s when everything snaps back, and she realizes Neal is telling her goodbye.
“Yeah, bye,” Emma mutters, putting on that fake smile again.
“Maybe we could go for lunch while I’m still in town,” he suggests.
Emma bites her tongue to keep from scoffing, but she can’t help the words that come out of her mouth. “Yeah, that’s not happening. Have fun in New York.”
Neal looks like a wounded puppy when Emma manages to look at him, but she doesn’t care. He shouldn’t have had the audacity to ask her in the first place, not after everything he’s done.
Happy holidays to them all.
“Emma,” Mary Margaret hisses as soon as the front door has shut and Neal and Tamara are gone, “that was so rude of you! You can go to lunch with Neal.”
“Oh my God, Mom,” Emma groans, letting go of Killian’s hand and standing up. “I am twenty-eight years old. I’m not going to go to lunch with the man who ruined my life because you don’t like being rude. Just…let’s eat dinner, and you guys can tell me what we have planned for this week. Killian is thrilled to go to the play. I told him all about it.”
“Emma, I still don’t think – ”
“Come on, Mary Margaret,” David sighs as he claps his hand on her shoulder. “Let’s get these two dinner. They had a long drive, and I’m sure they’re starving. You like ham, Jones?”
“Love it,” Killian says as he stands from the couch. “Can I help with anything?”
“You can get a wine bottle from the rack.”
They’re all going to need it. Or at least Emma is going to.
Dinner is, well, awkward, which Emma expected, but she expected the usual awkwardness of having dinner with her parents after going a year without seeing them. This is an entire other level. Killian tries to ease it. He’s put on his most charming smile, his accent coming through thicker with each story he tells, and while her Dad seems put out, her mom is every bit as charmed by him as Emma would expect.
That makes it all fine and good until Emma’s reminded that her parents think Killian is her boyfriend, and his place would go down in flames if she told the truth now.
As much as she would like to spite her mom, that is the last thing she needs.
“So, Killian, you can stay in Emma’s room,” her mom says as they finish up dinner. “I’d have you stay in the guest room, but it’s currently filled with props and costumes for the play. But you're both adults. Who are we to keep you apart at night?”
“The couch would be fine,” Killian insists, holding his hands up.
“Nonsense, you are a guest here. You need to be comfortable. Let’s get you all settled and ready for bed.”
It’s almost like she’s in a trance as her mom guides them up the stairs to Emma’s old room. She vaguely hears her tell stories of different pictures hung on the wall by the staircase, but she doesn’t really notice. Instead, she hangs back with her dad who does not look thrilled at the whole situation.
For some reason that offends Emma. As far as her dad knows, she’s brought a man home for Christmas. A man who she loves enough to bring home, which is not all sunshine and roses for her. Once again, she’s jealous of the people who go home for the holidays and know it’s going to be a happy time.
“You know, you don’t have to act like I’m sixteen,” she tells her dad. “I live with this man. I think it’s okay for us to share a bedroom here for the week.”
“What makes you think I’m not happy about this. If you’re happy, I’m happy.”
Emma stops at the landing and turns to her Dad, crossing her arms over her chest and staring him down. Or up. She forgot how much taller her dad is than her.
“Try a little harder to make that believable.”
David laughs and leans forward to kiss her forehead. “Welcome home, kid. I’m glad you and Killian are here.”
Tag list (You can be taken off or added at any time): @qualitycoffeethings @marrtinski @klynn-stormz @scarletslippers @elizabeethan @jrob64 @snowbellewells @therealstartraveller776 @thejollyroger-writer @inth-trees @galaxyzxstark @galadriel26 @idristardis @karenfrommisthaven @teamhook @spartanguard @searchingwardrobes @jamif @shireness-says @ultimiflos @onepunintendid @bluewildcatfanatic @superchocovian @killianswannn @carpedzem @captainkillianswanjones @mayquita @mariakov81 @jennjenn615​ @onceuponaprincessworld​ @a-faekindagirl​ @scientificapricot​ @xellewoods​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @stahlop​ @kmomof4​ @tiganasummertree​ @singersdd​ @tornadoamy​ @cluttermind​ @lfh1226-linda @andiirivera​ @itsfabianadocarmo​ @captain-emmajones​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @capthamm​
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
Carol Danvers x GN!Reader : Compensation
Summary: Money isn’t the only form of payment.
Genre: Smut. It’s filth truly, I’ve never written anything like this, feel free to scroll away! 
Warning: 18+ dom!carol\switch!reader, oral, unprotected sex, light choking, bit of a breeding kink, cockwarming
Word Count: 1,921
* * * * * *
An immediate sigh falls from your lips when you step into your apartment. Classic Rock blasts through the unit accompanied by the sounds of a video game. 
You were so ready to just relax after work, maybe read a book while listening to Lo-fi, eventually cook dinner. 
But it appears your houseguest is back tonight. 
“Carol.” You greet the woman with nod, dropping your bag on the ground by the entrance way.
She smiles over at you brightly,“ Y/N!” She shouts over the music as opposed to turning it down.“ Figured you’d be pretty late, there’s pizza in the oven.”
Narrowed eyes stare back at her as you cross the living room to the radio and deliberately turn the music down slowly.“ This is an apartment complex Carol, I’m gonna get a noise violation if you keep blasting music all night.”
“Oh screw them.”
“You say that until I lose this place and then where would you bring your trysts and live rent free.” You tease as you head into the kitchen.
Carol stands and walks to the island connecting the kitchen and living room. With a mocking pout she tilts her head at you and says,“ you know you love having me around.”
“Do I?” Your eyebrows raise, both of you chuckling softly.“ Look I don’t mind having you here and I’m happy to house you but it’s been months Care, my bill’s gone up cause I’m using twice as much elec and water. I was able to cover it before but-”
An eyebrow quirks,“ bold of you to assume I have the income to pay rent.” 
She definitely has the income. You’ve seen the paystubs she gets from the Avengers. She could pay your rent for the next eight months off one check and still have plenty left. 
The eyeroll you give her is in place of the comment on her funds.“ Well geez Carol, I can’t cover this on my own.” You mildly gesture to the place around you.
It’s quiet for a moment, before she stands, and rounds the corner into the kitchen. She takes careful yet precise steps forward. 
“Well I may not be able to pay your landlord, but I can most certainly repay you for letting me stay here.” Her tone drips suggestion and your eyes snap up to hers. 
Brown eyes stare back at you in a way you had never seen them before and it takes everything you have not to swallow nervously. 
You can’t lie and say your friend isn’t absolutely gorgeous. Her suggesting that she repay you this way has thoughts flicking through your mind that had previously been confined to dreams you kept to yourself. Heat rushes to your cheeks and you look like a deer in headlights.
“W- what’d you mean?” Mentally you curse yourself for stuttering.
Carol, who had been joking, takes pleasure in your flustered state. It gives away your thoughts and she’s now curious to see if you’d actually go through with this. 
Taking yet another few steps forward, she halts in front of you, her hand brushing your arm before she rests it on the counter at your side.“ You know exactly what I mean Y/nn,” the fingers of her other hand teasingly trail over your belt,“ you aren’t a little curious as to how I make all those girls scream.”
She watches as you swallow, your throat bobbing with the action, and she smirks. 
“Carol I, whatever your thinking probably isn’t a good idea.” 
“What I’m thinking? From the looks of it you can’t seem to take your mind off it either.” She pointedly glances down and you already know she’s eyeing your hardened member.
You’d felt it begin to strain against your compression shorts the instant her hand brushed your arm. 
When you don’t give any kind of denial, she hooks her finger into your pants, and walks you back toward your bedroom. 
Truthfully you’re far from opposed to having sex with Carol. But she’s your friend and quite frankly you never thought something like this would actually happen.
Her back hits your door and she uses her free hand to open it, pulling you in. Just as the door closes her lips crash onto yours. You both keep moving until the backs of your knees hit the bed and she’s more than happy to push you back. 
Your body bounces on impact and Carol’s smile turns dangerously seductive. If your heart hadn’t been pounding before it certainly is now.
“Take your clothes off for me baby.” There’s no room for arguing in her tone so you do as she asks. 
Keeping your eyes on her, you remove your clothes. Each article hits the floor with inaudibly and both of you wait with bated breath, Carol’s eyes taking in every inch of your body. 
Why had she not seen you like this before? You look as if you’d been sculpted by the gods. 
Quickly her hands reach out to stop yours,“ I’ll handle that part.” In a way that has you damn near drooling, she eases to her knees, and pulls your briefs down to the floor.
As you watch her, she watches the way your member springs free and stands at attention. Her jaw drops(probably the first time you’d ever seen her shocked), brown eyes staring at you. 
She doesn’t even own straps as big as you are, and that’s saying something. Your length and girth had her questioning if she’d be able to handle this, but she was nothing if not curious. 
The woman’s finger runs across your tip, the small action making you moan, mainly in anticipation.“ Carol please,” you sigh.
“For the record,” she swipes away the precum that spilled from you, allowing that to slick her hand as she started to pump you,“ I’m going to be taking control, understand?” 
Momentarily frozen in pleasure, you fail to reply, which makes her stop, her hand leaving you completely and the air much colder than her palm hand been. 
“Do you understand?” She asks again with a challenging raised brow.
It wasn’t often that you aren’t in control, in fact you’re usually the main one giving in your relationships and sexual escapades. You didn’t mind relinquishing control, at least this once.“ I understand.” 
That’s all she needs to hear. In an instant her lips are wrapped around you. When she adds her tongue into the ministrations of her sucking you completely understand what made her girls scream. 
How and why the appendage seems to be so long, you don’t understand, but it’s driving you mad. Your hand raise and you push a few fallen strands of hair back from her face, nearly falling apart at the sight of her mouth around you. 
“Fuck Carol, if you keep this up I’m not gonna last long.” You sigh as you fall back on the bed. 
“Can’t have that just yet now can we.” 
Your chest heaves as you breathe deeply. Carol’s eyes linger on your naked form hungrily. Mustering the little self-control she has left, she strips, taking pride in feeling your eyes on her.
She’s stunning in every way. God those curves, those legs. The second she’s within reach, crawling up your body, your hands are on her. Every inch of skin is smooth, angel soft being the best description. 
The blonde rests on your lap and you moan at the feeling over her wetness on your member. You hadn’t touched her yet and she’s this aroused?
Hesitantly, you move your hands to rest on her thighs, thumbs smoothing over the skin there.“ This okay?” 
Carol smirks at you, loving that you asked, like a proper bottom she thought.“ It is.” 
You grip her thighs in your hold as she rises and grabs you. Teasingly she rubs your tip through her folds and watches you as she sinks down. 
Inch by inch she feels herself conforming to your size. The stretch stinging in the slightest but majority pleasurable. 
It takes her a moment to adjust to you. Once she does, she rises and falls again. She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth and you watch yourself disappear inside of her over and over again. 
“Goddamn.” You throw your head back.
Carol clicks her tongue against her teeth when she feels you plant your foot into the bed. Both of you are well aware that you were about to thrust up into her.
Her hands trail up your body, squeezing your breasts, and then one moving up to your neck. Palm resting over your throat, she gently squeezes the sides of your neck, and you moan. 
“Who’s in control?” She leans down to whisper against the shell of your ear.
The choking puts you in a bit of a daze. It’s a sensation you didn’t realize you’d ever enjoy. There’s a possibility it feels so good because it’s Carol doing it but you can’t know for sure. 
“You.” It’s a breathy reply but it’s a reply and Carol takes it with pride. 
Sitting up, she keeps her hand around your throat, and speeds up the movement of her hips. Her walls flutter around you and the familiar tightening in your stomach is a warning. 
“Carol I- fuck, I’m close.” You grip the wrist of the hand around your neck.“ You gotta move or I’m gonna-”
Blonde hairs tick the side of your face as she leans down and kisses your neck where her hand had been,“ I want you to.” 
A flustered frown pulls at your brows,“ are you sure?” 
“Fill me up.” She smirks and her hips stutter as she lets go. 
Despite that she continues to ride you slowly bringing you over the edge right after her. And she moans at the feeling of your seed shooting into her.
Silence settles, minus your labored breaths, as you both come down. 
Tiredly you reach up to run your fingers through her slightly damp hair. Her body seemingly shines from the thin layer of sweat she’d produced with all her hard work. 
When she rises up a shiver runs over her body at the now cooling atmosphere and you sit up as well. It appears she has no intention of moving off of you, so you wrap your arms around her waist and stand.
A small laugh falls from her lips when your member twitches inside her and she wiggles just a little to feel it again. 
“Carol.” You groan, pulling the covers back.
“I’d say I’m sorry but I’m not.” She laughs again. 
Narrowing your eyes at her, you drop her on to the bed, leaving her empty once again and she glares at you instantly. Your cockiness however vanishes when she takes a hold of your sensitive member.
“Sorry, I’m sorry.” You breathe with raised eyebrows. Moving quickly, you lay down, letting her slide you back inside her. 
She sighs and cuddles back into you, surprisingly soft after her sexual dominance. Admittedly you’d never seen her like this, as her friend you could honestly say she’s a bit of a douche at times, so this is new to you. 
Before the quiet settles entirely and you fall asleep she asks,“ was that payment enough?” 
“I would say yes but your behind a few months.” It’s a risky statement on your part, especially knowing that Carol doesn’t sleep with the same person twice.
“Well I guess I better catch up on that.” She retorts, rotating her hips in a way that has your member awakening again. 
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eveningstar1516 · 3 years
Rise of the Demon King ~ Chapter 9
Rise of the Demon King
Fic: Multi Chapter Paring: MC x Everyone (Mostly Lucifer) Type: Angst with a Happy Ending Total Word Count: 26,758 TW: Major Character Death, Reader gets stabbed with a sword through their chest so..., Abusive Parents, Past Child Abuse, Demon Hunters, Loss of Control Summary: You’ve done it. You’ve finally done it. You’ve managed to anger the demon king. Now you hold your head high as he hands down your sentence. AO3 Portal: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27065362 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: I gotta Discord server guys! It's primarily Obey Me but other fandoms are welcome as well. It's kinda baby and dead so me and the other members are looking to revive it and we'd love for you to come join us. A roleplay area is included :) https://discord.gg/F3YEmDZCPS Please remember to read and accept the rules once you join for access to all the channels. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Previously: “Of course, what are big brothers for. Anyway, about my payment, maybe you can forget about the money I owe ya?” Groaning, Levi started walking faster, leaving Mammon and his whining behind as he made his way back to the safety of his room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
CHAPTER 9 - Not So Different After All (1754 words)
You were practicing your swordsmanship in the garden clearing when Michael approached you. You’ve been living with the council for 3 decades by now and was confidently running them like Lucifer used to. This left you little time for yourself and you cherished these moments to yourself. That doesn’t mean you don’t like teasing Michael from time to time.
“Good afternoon Y/N”
“Good afternoon to you too Mike. What’s up?”
“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?” “Just be glad I don’t call you that at work. Anyway, how can I help you?”
“May I join you?”
“I don’t see why not, but on one condition. If I win, tell me why you despise Lucifer and why you refuse to call him by his new name. If you win, I’ll answer 2 questions with complete honesty, no restrictions on the type of question.”
Michael visibly stiffened at this. He contemplated this for a moment then agreed. He summoned his sword and stood opposite of me in a ready position. I matched his stance and parreyed off with him, signalling the start of our match. Michael started with a calculated quick strike to my neck. I brought my sword up to block his strike and tried to twist it from his grip but he pulled back and made a quick swing toward my left leg. I jumped up and switched to offence striking for his sword arm trying to land a hit. He saw this and backed away. This continued on for a few minutes. Michael attacking and me blocking and returning the favour. After a few more strikes, I saw an opening, he shifted his legs a little too wide. I dropped my weight and swept his feet out from under him. Before he realized, he hit the ground and I was standing above him, my right foot on his sword arm and my sword by his throat.
“Looks like I won.” I withdrew my sword and extended my arm to help him up. He grabbed my hand with a distasteful look on his face, ashamed at making such a mistake and losing to someone with less skill and combat experience than him.
“Where’d you learn to fight like that?”
Handing him a towel and some water I sat under a date tree and took a sip from my own bottle.
“Lucifer. I took an interest in it after seeing him practise one day and he took it upon himself to teach me, his excuse being that I should know how to protect myself if I insisted on taking up a blade. Enough of that, you lost, now can you tell me why you despise Lucifer so much?”
Michael took a seat next to me and leaned back against the trunk.
“You mean other than the fact that he went against Father, started a civil war, killed numerous angels, abandoned his duty, embraced the very sins that father forbade us from committing, birthed a demon of wrath, and willingly bowed down to the demon prince and still serves him to this day like a loyal lapdog all because he couldn’t take care of Lillith enough to keep her from trying to break one of our laws to save a human? No, no reason.”
“Wow, and I thought humans were the masters at holding grudges.” I took a swing of my water.
“Think about it, at the root of all that, Lucifer did it to protect his family, to protect his little sister. He may have embraced and embodied the sin of pride, but he pushed all of it away to save her. You don’t really think he serves Diavolo just because he asked him to? His pride would never allow it, and yet he does because by doing so, he can protect his family and the ones he loves. Isn’t that a virtue in Father's eyes, protecting loved ones no matter what you need to sacrifice?”
“Well yes, to an extent. You are supposed to do that, unless it means you defy him. If protecting your family results in you turning your back to him, he’d tell you to leave them behind.”
“Why do you keep calling Lucifer "Samael"?”
“That is the name Father gave him, that is the name I will call him. Samael was my brother and I don’t want to remember him for the destruction he caused but for the moments we shared as brothers. He was the pride of the heavens. Despite that, he embodied humility. He never took advantage of his authority. He always made sure the minority were heard. He worked himself to the point of exhaustion as Father's right hand. He never let the praise get to his head. Despite all that, he still embodied pride. He would never ask for help insisting that he could take care of things. He still took in his siblings and raised them, despite the burdens that were already placed on his shoulders. I used to look up to him and saw him as a role model. I accepted the fact that he is no longer an angel and is now a completely different being. In my mind, Lucifer and Samael are 2 separate creatures. I will remember him as Samael, my brother and best friend and Lucifer as the demon serving Lord Diavolo.”
“Would it make you feel better if I told you that they aren’t that different from each other? Samael may have taken all the burden and worked himself till he passed out from exhaustion, but Lucifer still does that. I can’t tell you the number of times I would enter his study just to find him clinging to consciousness trying to finish the never ending paperwork for both the Devildom and from his brother's antics. He does his best and works himself to the bone to make sure that his family has a roof over their heads, enough food to eat which I got to tell you is hard considering they are living with someone who embodies the sin of gluttony. He works himself to make sure that Diavolo doesn’t do the same and can focus on running his kingdom and school without having to worry too much about what goes on behind the scenes. Even with all those responsibilities he took, he still makes sure to be there and protect his family. He raised Satan as a first time father with no knowledge on demonic children. He always set aside some time each week, no matter how busy he is to spend some time with the rest of us. He may be harsh, but he isn’t heartless. He may look incapable of it, but he is very caring and compassionate towards the ones he holds close to him. He is still very much the Samael you knew, he just looks a little different.”
“Was your intention just to tell me these things so that I wouldn’t act distasteful to you or Samael?” “No, I just wanted you to see things from an outsider's perspective, nothing more.”
With that, I got up and left Michael in the garden to think about what I had said as I went to shower and finish up any outstanding work before dinner.
In the Devildom After they lost Y/N
After they lost Y/N, Asmo could barely function. Some days, he would lock himself in his room and not come out for days on end. When Beel would come and drop off some food, Asmo would always insist he just leave it outside the door. When Beel would come back to collect the plate, he found that only a small portion was eaten and that more than half of the food was left. They would never find out that it was because he was unintentionally starving himself and that he was dropping his self care routine. Other times he would leave for days on end and when he did eventually come home, he was either stoned or drunk out of his mind, but he always had a lingering scent of sex on him. It continued on like this for weeks before Satan found him. Asmo had just come back after being missing for a week and once again refused to leave his room. This time, Satan insisted on delivering his food. He needed to check on his little brother no matter how much Asmo didn’t want him to. When he got to the door he knocked and announced he was coming in. Without waiting for a reply, Satan broke the lock on the door and was greeted with an emotionally exhausted and physically wrecked Asmo laying face up on his bed. Tears streaming down his face. Satan closed the door and looked around the room noticing how everything was thrown around and the state of what used to be one of the most organized rooms in the house, now looking like a hot mess. Carefully, he cleared a spot on his dresser, making sure nothing got damaged in the process and set the tray down. Next he went to the washroom, equally messed up, and located a washcloth. He ran it under some warm water and went back to Asmo, carefully wiping away any tears and smudged make-up. Slowly, Asmo opened his eyes to look up at the soft expression on Satan’s face. He turned his head the other and screwed his eyes shut.
“Asmo, look at me.”
When he didn’t turn his head, Satan asked again, a little softer and put a comforting hand on his shoulder to ground him.
“Asmo, can you please look at me?”
Slowly, Asmo turned his head towards Satan and reluctantly opened his eyes. Satan gently lifted him up and pulled him into an embrace. Asmo couldn’t take it anymore and broke down on Satan’s shoulder. Satan rubbed soothing circles on Asmo’s back and stroked his tangled hair, grounding him. Eventually, when Asmo stopped crying, he pulled away from Satan with a sad smile on his face. Satan cupped his right cheek.
“It’s alright, we all miss them too. It’s ok to break down. When was the last time you took care of yourself?”
“I don’t know,” Asmo mumbled.
“That’s alright. Let’s get some food into your stomach first.”
Satan spent the rest of the night by his brother's side, cleaning his room and slowly, step by step, bringing back how his brother usually looked like. A glowing masterpiece, worthy of both envy and praise.
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thran-duils · 3 years
Dubious Representation (P.4, Final)
Title: Dubious Representation (Part Four, Final) Summary: Fem!Reader x soft Dark!Hank Palmer. Reader’s husband is facing jail time and although Hank Palmer entered the counsel for pro bono, he is still going to get a form of payment. Recently single, he’s been lonely and he’s looking for some comfort. Even if it means obtaining it from less than savory means. Words: 3,110 Warnings (for entire fic): Eventual smut, sexual coercion, infidelity, mention of past domestic violence, verbal abuse
Part Three || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Hank came downstairs, buttoning up his dress shirt. You looked over your shoulder from where you were making breakfast, something you had gotten accustomed to when you stayed over. It was relaxing. He was right about one thing; you did love to cook. And it was nice you had someone who actually seemed to appreciate it rather than taking it for granted. Not to mention, his kitchen was top notch, and his fridge was always stocked cause he gave you the money to do so.
He caused you to pause for a second as he grabbed your shoulders to hold you while he kissed your temple.
“Morning, doll,” he spoke against your skin before he pulled away. “Did you sleep well?”
“Mhm.” You always did on his expensive mattress. Especially after he wore you out.
You finished up and made up two plates. Turning around you found him at the island, clicking away on his phone. You placed his plate in front of him, him thanking you, and slid onto the stool next to him.
He swore under his breath and tossed his phone down before he started eating.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“Lisa is being a bitch as usual.” He held a lot of contempt for his ex-wife.
“I’m sorry.”
“Nothing for you to be sorry about.” He took another bite and eyed you. “I’ve got Lauren this weekend again.”
You made sure you were away when she was there. He never made you feel like you had to be but the few weekends he had with her since you had started seeing him, you made yourself scarce.
“Good. You haven’t seen her in a while,” you told him, and you meant it. It had been a couple weeks. “I need to clean my apartment too, so this is good.”
“You don’t gotta go home.”
You shot him a look at that and saw he was staring at you with purpose. You swallowed your bite and forced a shrug. “It’s okay. It’s good you guys have time alone together.”
“We don’t have to always be alone together,” Hank said, taking another bite. He shrugged in turn now, fixing you with another intense look. “I’ve thought about you moving in.”
That was unexpected. And all you could muster was, “Oh.”
“‘Oh’ what?” He sounded like he was going to get on a combative route.
You rested your hand on the counter, meeting his eyes. “That… I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why not? Explain it to me.”
You blinked. How did you explain how wrong you felt about falling into another man’s bed so soon? The same day Rich had left, you were back with Hank. Not that you had not slept with him before then but… and how guilty you felt about your feelings for him? His relationship had already been done and had been for a while. You were moving on without a consensual party who had no idea what was happening outside their jail cell. No matter how free you felt since you were not afraid of what kind of mood Rich was going to be in when you got home, there was still history.
“It seems too quick.”
“It’s been six months.” Hank grabbed the jug of iced tea you had placed on the counter and began pouring you and him glasses.
“A lot of people would say too quick.”
“Rich is refusing to see you when you have gone to visit. I don’t think it’s quick enough we make this more serious.”
He sounded bitter about the Rich comment. When you had told him you were going to visit Rich in prison the first time, Hank had been frigid. And then the next two times, he was still bristled. And he had had a “told you so” attitude about it when you came back mopey because he was right about that: Rich refused to see you. He would walk in and see it was you at the table and turn around and walk back through the door.
“Don’t you think?” Hank continued as he finished pouring the iced tea. “You are already sleeping here half the week. It’s a waste of money for you to keep the apartment.”
You chewed on your bottom lip. The apartment was yours now. Something you had not had to yourself for years. But you felt more comfortable here.
“I guess when you put it that way,” you said.
He saw your resolve crumbling and he capitalized, leaning on his arm to come closer to you. “Then what’s the issue?”
“My apartment—"
“You know. I brought it up to come to the point to just tell you: Don’t worry about it. I’ve already contacted your building manager about paying off the rest of the lease. You had only four more months left so that wasn’t a huge expense. You need to sign the paperwork though.”
“You didn’t even ask me. And they just spoke to you about my lease when you’re not even on it?”
Hank waved you off, “You’re getting distracted. Did you wanna keep living there with no AC in the summer and then shitty heating in the winter? And that carpet was atrocious in the halls. Do you not like my house?”
“I like it. A lot.”
“Then again, let me ask, what’s the issue?” You had nothing to say, and he grasped your hand. “Doll, all you need to do is go pack up the things you want to bring here — I’ll get you boxes — and then the rest of it we can send to the thrift shop. AND—" he rose his voice as soon as he saw you were going to protest, and you closed your mouth. “The other stuff — you know things of his — we can ship to his next of kin.”
“His parents.”
“Good. They can inherit it. Just like they’ll inherit him when he’s out.”
You let that sink in for a couple moments before you realized a way out of being here while Lauren was here. “Well, then I should go to my apartment this weekend to do that…”
Hank looked impressed for a split second before he agreed, “I suppose so. But I want you available on Saturday morning. You don’t have to stay here but we are going to the botanical gardens and then getting lunch. I want you there. Is that fair?”
It was a type of compromise, a rarity.
He had still gotten his way. As usual.
Lauren was a sweet girl, eleven years old. She was headstrong just like Hank, and you had to smile watching them go back and forth about their opinions. She was going to be a force to be reckoned with.
When she got you alone for a moment, she was watching you closely.
“What’s up?” you asked, trying to hide your unease.
“I told my dad that daddies don’t get lonely when he asked me who I wanted to live with when they were getting divorced.”
“Yeah. They move on quick.” Your stomach clenched, worried where this conversation was going. “But my mom was dating someone before he was. Like almost immediately. It’s just weird. But I’m glad he has someone now.”
You relaxed and nodded before you told her, “Me too. He makes me happy.”
A week and a half later, there was a voicemail on your cell phone. You did not recognize the number.
You pressed on it and your blood chilled hearing Rich’s voice.
“Y/N, what the fuck is this about all these boxes of my shit showing up at my parent’s house? You know they don’t have the space in their two bedroom. And what the fuck are you sending it away for in the first place? If you’re even thinking about kicking me out, you’ve got another thing coming, you little bitch. Do you understand me? Moving on like a fucking hussy now that I’m in here and you’ve got space in the bed? I know you’re helpless when it comes to providing for yourself but if you think I’m gonna let it slide that you are spreading your legs for some other fucking guy cause you can’t hack it on your own, you are sorely mistaken! I—”
The voicemail cut off. He must have run out of time.
Your lip was warbling as you stared down at your phone.
“What is it?”
Hank’s voice startled you. He was rubbing his hair with a towel, another one wrapped around his waist, straight from the shower.
“Nothing,” you said wiping at your eyes.
Hank’s arm dropped from his head, and he stalked over. He reached his hand out, gesturing for you to hand over your phone. He did not buy it when you said nothing. You slowly relented and he took it from you. Pressing play, he replayed the button and you flinched, the words hurting just as much if not more than the first time you heard them.
Snorting, Hank deleted the message. “Fuck him. And his condescension. You’re doing what’s best for you, and you are hacking it on your own. I say it’s about time you got a new number, Hmm? To avoid that bullshit.” Your lips parted in surprise, and he held your phone back out to you. You took it as he said, “I’ll add you to my plan, baby. We can go tomorrow. I don’t have meetings in the afternoon.”
With that, he turned and walked back towards the bathroom. He had not waited for you to respond.
As soon as you were two weeks late, Hank brought home a test. He had stopped using condoms months ago when things had progressed. That same night, he had taken you out to a fancy restaurant to celebrate. He had taken you there before and you had adored it. That time though it was like a fog was clouding the room. You were happy, you had wanted to be a mother, and he was happy. But you were still married.
Hank had obviously been thinking about that too because a couple days later, he brought it up bluntly as he was watering his flowers.
“You should get a divorce.”
Pushing your sunglasses up, you stared at him in shock. You were reclining on a lawn chair, reading a magazine.
When you did not respond, he looked over his shoulder. You knew this conversation was coming but the knowledge of that did nothing to soften the blow.
“That seems heartless.”
“What? Fully leaving? Or are you telling me you’re planning to go back to him?” He was using that challenging tone.
“No!” you blurted. “That’s not what I’m saying.”
He turned the hose off and dropped it turning to face you.
“Y/N, he’s been in jail for over a year. You’ve already sent his shit away, he’s gotten mad about it, you don’t know if his family cares cause you aren’t at the apartment, you’re living with me. And you’re not at your old job. So, they can’t find you there. And you got a new number so no one can contact you. I think the writing has been on the wall where this is going. So what’s with dragging your feet?”
“It’s… hard.”
“A lot of things are hard, but we deal with them. Look, you’ll feel better once it’s over and done with and so will I. I don’t like knowing you’re still legally tied to that bastard. Can you understand that? Not just as the man you’re with but from an attorney’s viewpoint. It’s not good news. I’d sleep easier at night knowing he’s not gonna try to pull some shit.”
“Isn’t that a conflict of interest if you initiate and oversee this?”
Hank gave a brief chuckle, “No. I’m allowed to represent blood family even. I’m supposed to be unbiased of course but it’s legal to do it. I’m allowed to represent anyone.” He came closer, looking down at you on the chair. “And honestly, if I have it under my belt I represented him — that is if the bastard decides to take it to court, which I’m doubtful he will — and ‘saw the errors of my choice’ and now I’m trying to help you out, that’ll help in court.” He saw the look on your face and shrugged sheepishly. “I don’t mean to be insensitive but that’s how juries are swayed. Sob stories. And I could hit that shit out of the park.”
Swallowing, you contemplated. You had been thinking about divorce for a while. Even more so now that you knew you were carrying Hank’s baby.
You had taken too long to respond again, and Hank added, “Free of charge for you of course.”
You gave a small smile and said, “Hank… yeah, fine. I know.”
“‘Fine’? ‘You know’? Doll, you know I like you to elaborate your firm feelings.”
“I’ve been thinking about it. And I need to take a plunge. I wanna be invested in us. Fully.”
Hank nodded, “That’s better.” He nodded once more. “I’ll get them drafted up tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow is Sunday.”
“Don’t you wanna enjoy the weekend?”
Hank simpered, “What’s a weekend?”
Hank strolled past the security gate and swooped his briefcase up. The visiting room in the prison was bare and beat up. He was seated at the table, waiting, reading emails. As soon as the prisoners were trickling into the room, he kept an eye on the door.
The moment Rich walked in, he hesitated seeing Hank. Unlike with Y/N, he ventured into the room and pulled the chair back, sitting across the table from Hank.
“Surprised you haven’t found yourself in max yet. I was expecting to talk to you through glass. Whatever works though,” Hank clipped, sitting up straight.
“What are you doing here?” Rich asked, his tone tight. He ignored Hank’s jab.
“Thought you’d never ask,” Hank said, opening his briefcase and pulling out the pile of papers. He tossed them onto the table and leaned back, waiting for Rich to respond.
Rich stared at them for a few moments and shrugged, “What are these? Early release? I thought I made it clear I didn’t want you representing me anymore.”
“Ah, no,” Hank laughed. He was unable to hold it back. “Divorce papers actually. And I’m not representing you. I’m representing Y/N.”
Rich’s face darkened and he snapped, “What?”
“She’s divorcing you now that she’s not afraid you’re gonna bash her in with a monkey wrench. You’re right here, my man. And she’s free out there.” He leaned in closer and said, “Seriously, you fucking up the way you did worked out best for everyone. She’s positively glowing.” He tapped the papers and said, “So, it’s all in here. Just need you to read it over, get your signature, and it’ll be solid.”
Rich was staring harshly at Hank and Hank could pinpoint the moment the realization washed over him. He looked murderous. “You.”
“Yeah, me.”
“You son of a bitch. Just swooping in when you saw weakness,” Rich growled, slamming his hand on the table. The guards took notice and he immediately reeled it in, much to Hank’s amusement who had not even flinched. Through gritted teeth, Rich vowed, “You’re not going to get away with this. She’s my wife—"
“Yeah, a wife you have refused to see for over a year because what? You’re mad you had to come to her rescue because you were rolling too hard to pay proper attention as she almost got assaulted? Great. Husband of the year award right for you. I’ll make sure it’s delivered.”
“I’m not going to roll over on this!”
Hank waved him off, quipping. “Take it to court then. We know how well that worked out for you last time.” He smiled cruelly, “Do you understand how even more easy it would be for me this time to get them to turn against you than the DA did last time? I could easily paint myself as the white knight and yeah, sure, you would get a day out of the prison to come to court, which might seem worth it to you, but it is worth the cost for good representation? I don’t think so. You will get the floor mopped with you and the end result would be the same.”
Rich looked furious and Hank threw his hands out. “Think about it this way. Once you’re out, you can find another woman who was just as naïve and young as Y/N and do what you will. It’s wiping the slate clean for you, fresh start. Plus, Y/N’s already pregnant, so she’s pretty settled in already with me. Don’t wanna go messing that up cause trust me, motherfucker, I will make that hell for you. I’ve got the resources to do so. And man, do I have a vendetta against your ass. So, do you really want to try me?” If Rich could look more furious. His fists were clenched on the table, shaking, but he was keeping himself from lunging across the table. Hank was even impressed; the bastard really did not want to go to max.
Clearing his throat, Hank leaned over and grabbed his briefcase, standing up. “Anyways, you can wipe your ass with that if you want, but it’s still going to go forward. And I have more copies. Just let me know what you wanna do.” He pulled a business card out of his pocket and carelessly tossed it onto the table. “In case you forgot my number, champ.”
Hank came up behind you and kissed at the nape of your neck. “You didn’t need to do this.”
“You weren’t home when you normally do it,” you told him, running the water from the hose over the hydrangeas that he cherished so much.
“I’m only thirty minutes late,” Hank chuckled.
“But you are particular.”
“That I am,” he breathed, kissing you again on your shoulder. He nuzzled in and nipped at your ear, drawing a smile out of you. “I got the papers back today.”
That caused you to stall, your hand dropping every so slightly, the water not arching as high. It had been a couple weeks since Hank had gone to the prison and all he had told you was that he had left the papers with Rich. You had not heard anything since. Hearing that he had actually sent them back signed…
He noticed your demeanor and his hands came around you, coming to your stomach. He held you protectively there and breathed reassuringly, “Looks like our family is going to be okay.”
Marvel tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld @holl2712 @agustdowney  @biiskuitx
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4aloysius-porteu · 4 years
i really wish i hated you || tsukishima kei
masterlist | 1 | chapter 2  | 3
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pairing: tsukishima kei x f! reader
sypnosis: It was an accident that (Y/N) met a certain tall, blonde male; a memory she isn't fond of remembering, but it is where it all started. And ever since, she magically makes her to his path. The image of the bespectacled man dwelled in her mind more than she thought. Tsukishima pushed away his softer emotions and denied their existence, or at least that's what he told himself. But then, he couldn't believe that this girl he labeled as a clumsy, unlucky creature who smashed his glasses is slowly bringing these strange emotions back to him. She might be irritating and dumb sometimes, but he couldn't get himself to completely hate her. Either that destiny was stupid, or he was blessed or cursed.
genre: fanfiction, fluff
wc: 1881
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(Y/N) stopped her tracks upon hearing his voice and turned around to confirm, but it was true, much to her dismay. He held his black-rimmed glasses with its left lens and frame cracked. The girl's mind went blank. She hesitantly glanced at him a few times, hoping that he would forgive her or let the incident smoothly slide.
He hissed, "Don't think you can get away with this, miss."
She sighed in defeat. The kids approached her with worried looks. She patted her heads, accepting their sympathy. "Well, playtime's over."
"But we haven't finished the game!"
"Do you still want to play?"
"Next time, when you see me again at the park. Onee-chan has to go now."
She bade goodbye to the children and walked towards the guy she hit with his friend. She looked at his broken glasses again and couldn't help but to let out an exhale with anxiety. This is the result of my stupidity...
"W-What do you want me to do?" (Y/N) slurred.
" I don't know, maybe you should fix it right here and right now." The blonde guy crossed his arms and frowned.
Why don't you just get to the point?
"Replace it."
Of course, she will have to replace it. What a question to ask. She mentally rolled her eyes.
"I'll check there out if there's an optical store, I guess you will have to keep an eye on me so that I won't escape?" She pointed to the nearby mall, walking distance from the park.
"What else? Nobody trusts a stranger."
They reached the town's mall and saw an open optical store, but (Y/N) remembered her wallet. She wasn't sure if there's enough money for her to buy glasses.
"On the second thought, can I buy the glasses tomorrow? I don't think I have enough money."
"No." He instantly replied.
"Tsukki," His green-haired companion interrupted, "Maybe we can give her a chance? What if she's telling the truth?"
"I need my glasses in my everyday life, and if she doesn't have the money, I'll be happy to spare her some, but she'll have no choice to be in my debt."
How merciless. It's not like (Y/N) could blame him, but if the same thing happened to her, she would treat them nicely. She looked around the store to find a pair of glasses exactly like his, as he demanded, with his friend helping her for 30 minutes. After she gets the correct measurements and eye grade, she emptied her wallet to pay for the damn thing,
"Here." She held out the new glasses in the case. "Take care of them, it costed my LAST savings."
He took them and wore them immediately, "I am taking care of my glasses, it's just someone 'accidentally' kicked a ball on my way and knocked them off. Thank you for the horrible experience."
He excused himself and walked away. His friend stayed to talk to her.
"I'm sorry for the way he acted, he's like this most of the times. Please understand," He bowed, shyness evident in his voice.
"It's okay, it was completely my fault, so I don't mind."
"It was an accident, though. Thank you for your generosity." He soon followed the blondie that headed first.
"That was mandatory, though." (Y/N) lightly chuckled to herself.
She got out of the mall to take in the fresh air, but her soul almost left her body when a bolt of lightning strikes a tree near her, setting it on fire.
"Oh, my fucking- Did the sky just attempted to finish me?!" She said, calming herself down and looking up. The clouds were much darker than earlier.
As the townspeople bombed the burning tree with water, she ran to her apartment before it rains. There, she dropped her things on the couch and flopped to her bed, thinking what happened on this day because of her own stupidity. She groaned when she held her now empty wallet.
"Argh! Why am I so unlucky?!"She threw her wallet in frustration.
"That tall, blonde, asshole! He didn't need to embarrass me in front of people! I didn't mean it! He could've waited for tomorrow for me to replace his glasses! He's so unforgiving!" She complained, hating the thought of the said guy.
She sighed, cringe, anger, and embarrassment filling her head as she hugged her pillow.
"May karma comes to him sometime," was her last words before drifting off to a nap.
A few days passed, she went out of the house again to buy food supplies in a convenience store. It was almost nighttime. The chilly wind blew to her face and the sweet scent wafted in the store. She picked up some junk food and meat first before stopping by the confectioneries section. While choosing what shortcake flavor to pick, she bumped into something that almost made her fall to the floor, if she hadn't retained her balance.
"Oof, I'm sorry..."
Or rather, it was a person she bumped into.
She looked up and recognized the face of the man. It was the guy she's kind of mad at, but this time, he didn't have his nice friend with him.
(Y/N) took a step back, "You!"
The male looked back at her, tilting his head, observing the girl. He spoke with a monotonous expression, "Do I know you?"
Her eye twitched in irritation, "He doesn't remember me?!"
"I was the girl in the playground three days ago! I... I replaced your glasses!" She said, hesitating on the next sentence.
"Oh." His eyebrows raised, "Did the midget learned her lesson not to play a sport she's bad at?" He mocked.
"I'm not even a soccer player to begin with! What are you doing here?"
"What? Am I not allowed to buy food in a convenience store like a normal person?"
"I've been buying stuff here and I've never seen a similar face I've met twice in a week or month. That's sus."
"Maybe you are following me."
"What do I gain by following a huge, mean person like you?" (Y/N) retorted.
"Perhaps you want to get back at me after what happened days ago even if it's your fault. I don't know. Ask yourself." He took his eyes off her to choose among the sweet desserts.
She paused, analyzing his comment, "Well, you aren't completely wrong..."
"So, I am being followed? What a stalker."
"Of course not! What you said might be possible, but it's not the case right now!"
Both of them have set their eyes on an item and surprisingly the same one. A strawberry shortcake in the middle of the section. Their hands both grabbed the object before staring at each other in annoyance.
"Let go." They chorused.
"I chose it first." Said (Y/N).
"I do not see your name in it. You let go." He replied.
"How about no?"
They glared at each other for a few minutes before (Y/N)'s brows creased deeper in the middle, knowing well that this guy won't back down. "Whatever, you take it. I don't care anymore."
"Wow, thanks." He subtly rolled his eyes then walked away.
It was very awkward in the cashier where she had to wait behind him. Damn, he's so tall. Does he play any sport? Is he human? Or probably just a walking, mean tree?
What happened in the park flashed in (Y N)'s mind again. The impact of the ball might have been so painful to him since he wears glasses, where it cracked. What if the shards got into his eyes? Her wallet isn't ready for more payments, but that isn't the issue right now. She was worried about his well being. Both of them got out of the convenience store and she called the blonde male before he could get away again.
"Uhh, hey!"
He looked over his shoulder a little, "What?"
"Are your eyes okay? I mean, your glasses cracked... shards could've got inside your eyes..."
"Yes, they're fine, fortunately."
(Y/N) let out a sigh of relief. "That's... good to hear."
"But if something happened to my eyes, I will not hesitate to find you and make you pay for an eye surgery."
"You're exaggerating."
"It's not impossible. Now, go home. Elementary school students shouldn't go past the curfew."
She frowned. If only he wasn't a stranger, she would've kicked his ass to hell.
"Oh, gladly. I wouldn't want to stay near a bootleg Eiffel Tower any longer. Have a good day for you."
The blonde male left without any more words. (Y/N) sighed again in mental exhaustion, having to finish a lot of things this night. She was walking straight to her home while thinking of ideas to put in her current project when she realized that he was still walking ahead in front of her.
Where is he going?
She made her footsteps lighter, not wanting him to think that she was following him. She was thinking where does this guy live or why is he walking the same route as she does. It's not wrong to know where does this asshole stay, right? This continued for a couple of minutes before he turned around.
"Will you stop following me?"
Her eyes widened, not expecting him to know that she was behind him, "Excuse me? I'm just walking to my place?"
"Really?" He narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
(Y/N) looked around to find a way to escape. There, she saw her house that she almost missed because her mind was occupied, "Oh, look. It's my house. I gotta go!"
She waved goodbye to the blonde stranger, ran to her apartment, and slammed the door, dying from the awkwardness. She proceeded to the kitchen to drop the food supplies and to cook for herself as well. The salt in the cupboard reminded her of the rude, four eyes that she just met again minutes ago. That's when she realized, she kept calling him either insults or his evident physical features when he probably has a name. She could've asked for his name earlier, but shrugged the idea off, thinking that he will never give her his name.
The common thing to do after graduating junior high is to find a decent high school. (Y/N) is scheduled to have her entrance exams next week, so she has to spend time reviewing her notes these days. She opted to go to the prefectural library the next day to get further references as she isn't satisfied with the books she has. It was Wednesday, thus it was full of people who are also preparing for their entrance exams. With her stature, it'll be easy to pass in this crowd of people but she will have to ask for help because she can't reach the books at the top of the shelves.
After wandering around the crowded library, she found an unoccupied table to quietly study. She made her way to it, carrying the heavy books she needed that was luckily located at the bottom shelves. As she set the books on the left side of the table, someone did the same on the opposite side. She looked up to see who the stranger is, only to find out that the person isn't a stranger to her anymore.
"Oh, the midget stalker is here." 
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©4aloysius.porteu.2021. please do not repost, copy, or edit. plagiarism is punishable by law.
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arc852 · 5 years
Not Your Average Coffee Shop AU
Warnings: (Look in the tags for the warnings! I don’t want to spoil anything so I’m not putting it here).
Summary: Virgil workes at Starbucks when an interesting customer comes in. They strike up a friendship.
 Virgil had been cleaning the same spot on the counter for the last ten minutes now. He glanced at the clock and mentally groaned as he realized he still had another two hours to go. It wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t so slow.
 But it did make sense. After all, who would want a coffee at 7 o’clock at night?
 Virgil heard the familiar jingle of the door and turned to greet the customer. He paused slightly, taking in the appearance of the man. He was definitely a new customer, Virgil having never seen him before. He wore a black polo and a pair of glasses. He looked like a teacher if Virgil was being honest. 
 “Hi, welcome to Starbucks, what can I get for you today?” Virgil recited, trying not to sound as bored as he felt. The man looked up at the menu, eyebrows furrowed.
 “I am...not actually sure.” Virgil looked from his screen to the man. Unlike other customers, who he would be annoyed with, this man actually looked genuinely confused.
 “Is this your first time coming to a Starbucks?” Virgil asked, raising a brow. The man looked at him and cleared his throat sheepishly. 
 “Actually, this would be my first time having...coffee. In general.” The man admitted. Virgil’s eyes widened. This guy, who couldn’t be older than Virgil himself, had never had coffee.
 “Well, I could always give you what I think you would like. If-If that would be okay?” Virgil asked, rubbing the back of his neck. The man’s eyes widened slightly and he nodded.
 “Actually, that would be great. Thank you…” He glanced down at Virgil’s nametag. “Virgil. How much do I-”
 “Oh no, it’s on the house.” Virgil cut him off, already sliding over to the bar to start making the drink. “You know, just in case you don’t like it.” The man blinked but gave Virgil a small smile.
 “Thank you, that is very kind of you.” Virgil shrugged and finished making the drink. He was nervous as he handed it to the man over at the handoff plane. The man took it, sipping it slowly. The man’s eyes lit up.
 “This is quite good.” The man said, after taking another sip. He looked back up at Virgil. “What is it?” 
 “It’s a White Mocha with 1 pump of regular mocha and caramel drizzle.” Virgil shrugged, looking away slightly. “You seemed like the type of person who likes sweet things but never gets them.” The man blinked before a small smirk appeared.
 “That is actually very accurate. I’m impressed.”  He looked like he wanted to say more but his watch beeped. He looked down at it with a frown. “Unfortunately, I must take my leave. Thank you again, Virgil...I hope to see you again.” And with that, the man left the store. Virgil watched the man go, hoping that he would see the man again.
 But for now, he had some dishes to wash.
 The man ended up coming again and several more times in fact. Virgil had come to learn the man’s name was Logan and at this point, Virgil could probably consider him a regular. It was about two weeks after their first meeting that a bit more than greetings started.
 “Hey Logan, your usual?” Virgil said, already typing in the order. Logan nodded, pulling out his wallet. As Logan paid, he seemed to look over Virgil.
 “I don’t mean to pry but what do you do Virgil? Outside of work, I mean?” Logan asked suddenly, causing Virgil to pause.
 “Oh, uh...I mean, nothing much really. I go to college online and work and that’s...basically it.” Virgil winced. He sounded pathetic when he put it like that. Virgil moved over to the bar and started to make the drink. Logan slid over as well to continue talking.
 “Interesting.” Was all Logan said. Which was probably him just being polite, because Virgil was not interesting. 
 “What about you? What do you do outside of getting coffee every day?” The barista asked as he handed the drink over. Logan hummed in thought as he took a sip.
 “I...work from home, I guess you could say.” He took another sip. “I actually just moved here a couple of weeks ago. Things are definitely a lot different here.” Virgil smiled, glancing towards the front to make sure he didn’t have anyone.
 “That’s cool, working from home I mean. Where did you move from?” Virgil watched as Logan’s eyebrows furrowed, as if he was suddenly in deep thought.
 “Well-” The door dinged and Virgil looked to see a few people coming up towards the front. He sighed.
 “Sorry Logan, but I gotta go. Duty calls and all that.” Logan nodded and Virgil went to ring up the new customers. When he had the chance to look back towards the hand out plane, Logan was gone.
 It was another two weeks after that when Logan asked him something that threw him off guard.
 “Would you like to go to lunch with me sometime?” Logan asked, completely serious and it caused Virgil to stutter.
 “W-What?” He asked, hand lowering from the screen. Logan adjusted his glasses.
 “Sorry for the bluntness. It’s just, I have been enjoying our conversations. And was wondering if you would be willing to join me in a setting where we wouldn’t be interrupted?” Logan asked again and slowly Virgil found it head nodding.
 “Um, yeah, yeah that sounds great,” Virgil said, smiling a little. Logan nodded, returning the smile.
 “Great. How does lunch at that diner around the corner sound?” Logan asked and Virgil nodded as he finally finished typing in Logan’s order.
 “Yeah, I can do tomorrow if that works for you?” Logan smiled as he handed over his money.
 “Sounds perfect.”
 They sat down for lunch, Virgil feeling a little weird seeing Logan outside of work. But he couldn’t deny that he was looking forward to getting to know more about the man.
 “So, Virgil.” Logan started, pushing his food around with a fork. “I can’t help but notice that we may be the same age?” Logan asked and Virgil hummed.
 “Well, I’m 22,” Virgil answered with a shrug. Logan nodded and took a bite of his food. He had gotten a caesar salad with chicken.
 “I’m 24, so fairly close I would say.” Virgil was glad to know he was right. “Do you live at home then? Or with roommates?” Virgil shook his head.
 “Nah, I live alone. It’s a little crappy, but it’s mine.” Virgil suddenly looked down. “I uh...my family isn’t the greatest. And I don’t exactly have...friends.” Virgil winced. Why was he telling Logan this? The man was going to think he was so pathetic.
 “I’m sorry to hear that but it is admirable that you have managed to live on your own. That is not an easy feat.” Or not. Virgil sent Logan a shy smile and Logan returned it. “I live on my own as well, though I will admit I have some help with the payments.” Virgil nodded, that was understandable. 
 After that, they fell into a nice steady conversation. Talking about their lives and their pasts. Virgil was sure he had never told anyone so much about him. But Logan...he just felt like he could trust Logan. 
 Near the end of their little lunch hangout, Logan leaned in closer, locking eyes with him. “You are very fascinating Virgil.” Virgil blinked, taken aback a little. 
 “Oh uh...thanks.” Not long after that, the two parted ways.
 They started having lunch dates at least twice a week. It was fun, the highlights of Virgil’s week if he was being honest. Was this what it was like to have a friend? Virgil was beginning to suspect so. 
 During one lunch date that happened to be at the same diner from their first, Logan brought up something different once again. 
 “I was wondering if, for our next lunch, we could have it at my place?” Logan asked. Virgil hummed in thought but honestly, he didn’t have to think too hard. He nodded. 
 “Yeah, that sounds like fun.” And that’s what brought him here, in his car and listening to his phone for the directions to Logan’s place. He made a right turn before pulling into the fourth driveway as stated by google maps. He got out of the car and looked at the house. Man, it was nice. He was glad Logan had suggested his place and not Virgil’s.
 Virgil came up to the front door and knocked. He waited a few moments before he heard a voice from inside. “It’s open!” Logan called out, voice faint. Virgil smiled and opened the door.
 A bright flash of light filled his vision and then nothing.
 Virgil groaned as he felt himself starting to wake up. What had happened? He weakly moved his hands closer to him, taking notice of the cold metal below, and pushed his head up. From his position, all he could see what a slick metallic wall. Virgil’s eyebrows furrowed. Where on earth was he? 
 The last thing he remembers was going to Logan’s place. He made it to the door but then...nothing. His mind just goes blank. Did he pass out? Where was Logan?
 “Yes, the target has been acquired.” A voice spoke out suddenly, much louder than it should be. It was also...familiar. 
 “Logan?” He groaned out and he started to move himself up slowly. Whatever had happened to him, he was still feeling the effects of.
 “It shouldn’t be too much longer now. I’ve just passed the belt, so it should be clear from here on out.” The more the voice talked, the more Virgil knew it was Logan. But what the heck was he talking about? And why wasn’t he helping him? 
 Virgil finally managed to move into a sitting position.
 “Oh...I must go now. Vir-I mean, the subject has woken up.” Virgil heard a click sound and, strangely, he felt the floor rumble a little. As if a small earthquake was happening…
 A shadow fell over him and Virgil finally turned his head to the right, now noticing the giant window. The most important thing he saw, however, was behind the window.
 A giant. 
 And one that happened to look just like Logan.
 “Hello, Virgil.” Holy crap it was Logan. But it didn’t make any sense. None of this was making any sense. He scooted back until his back was pressed against the opposite wall. “I am sure you are quite confused.” Virgil found himself nodding.
 “W-What is happening? Why are-why are you…? Where am…?” Virgil found he couldn’t get it out. Logan sighed.
 “Things will be clear quite soon. But just know that no harm will come to you.” Logan looked away for a moment. “I am very sorry about all this. But you happened to catch my attention and well...I was not lying when I told you I found you fascinating.” Virgil felt himself pale at that, remembering when Logan had said that to him. 
 “L-Logan…?” Virgil practically whimpered, scared out of his mind. “Please...what-what is happening…? Why…?” Logan looked at him sadly.
 “I suppose it would be better if I showed you.” Logan stood up and pressed something to the right of where Virgil was. And then Virgil watched in horror as the glass window opened up. He screamed when he saw a hand start to reach in for him.
 He tried pressing himself into the corner but it was no use. Logan’s hand easily wrapped around his body. The feeling sent chills running up and down his spine and he immediately started to struggle.
 “Please calm down Virgil.” He heard Logan say but Virgil didn’t stop. Tears started falling down his face.
 “Let me go!” Virgil yelled. He had no idea what was going on but he wanted out. He was lifted out of the room and into the open. Virgil’s eyes were shut tight, too scared to see what layout before him. He felt Logan start to walk, taking him somewhere before stopping fairly quickly. A second of silence went by, only broken by Virgil’s shortened breaths.
 “Virgil, open your eyes.” Virgil didn’t want to but he knew he had to eventually. It wasn’t helping him at all, not being able to see. So, ever so slowly, he opened them.
 His struggles ceased.
 Logan had stopped near a window. A window that showed him the night sky...all around them. Literally, everywhere he looked, he only saw darkness and stars. Below, above, to the left and right and straight ahead. They were...in space.
 “I was sent to Earth on a mission to learn as much as I could. I was sent with a cloaking device that shrunk me down to a human’s average height.” Logan held up his free hand and Virgil’s eyes were drawn towards the watch on his wrist. “Technically, it was to be a simple observational mission. I was to live as a human for a month or two and take notes on the things that I saw...but then I met you.” Virgil tensed as the hand holding him moved up and turned so he was now face to face with the giant alien. He cowered.
 “You were just so...interesting. I couldn’t place why but the more I talked with you and got to know you, I knew I would not be able to leave you behind.” Logan sighed and turned away from the window, letting Virgil get a good look at where he was. Which he now assumed was inside a spaceship. All Virgil could take in at the moment was that a lot of hi-tech stuff was going on and that it was very, very big.
 “So I spoke with my superiors and got the clearance to take you with me.” Logan looked back down at Virgil. “And so here we are.” Virgil could only stare wide-eyed at Logan. 
 “What-What’s going to happen to me?” Virgil stuttered out. He hadn’t resumed his struggles, knowing it was pointless. Logan stopped and thought for a moment.
 “Well, my superiors made it quite clear that you would be my problem. So, I am not sure. Though I have already said, you will not be harmed.” Logan could say that all he wanted, it didn’t make Virgil believe it anymore. 
 A couple of beeps sounded from the main screen and Logan looked over at it. “It looks like we’ve entered the atmosphere, I’ll need to take the ship off of autopilot here soon.” He looked sadly at Virgil before going back over to where Virgil had woken up. Now that Virgil was looking, he could see that the mini room was embedded into the wall.
 He was placed back into the room, the window door quickly shutting behind him. He watched as Logan walked back to the computer and took a seat before proceeding to push several buttons.
 Virgil sat in the corner, curling in on himself. 
 As his tears fell, he couldn’t help but wonder why.
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
Egotober Day 12: High Flying Adventure
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Prompt: Cloud
Summary: Eric and Illinois go on another adventure, and Illinois finds something a bit more valuable than gold or jewels.
Warnings: none
Interestingly enough, Eric hadn’t been aware that he was afraid of heights. But he was.
Eric and Illinois had snuck out of the city again to go on a little adventure. An adventure to a city that Eric had been too busy watching Illinois as he was explaining the name and history of the place. Seeing Illinois talking about something he loved was always so enthralling.
Then they stepped into a hot air balloon and Eric realized they were taking off the ground, it wasn’t until they got up a certain height that Eric understood why Illinois insisted he bring a sweater. It got colder the higher up they got, the sparse, thin cloud line misting over them.
Illinois was chuckling next to him as Eric screwed his eyes shut and held onto the explorer. “You’re fine sweetheart, I got us.”
The adventurer hadn’t intended the effect of bringing Eric up into the clouds to be that Eric had grabbed onto him, but he certainly wasn’t complaining. However he hugged his shy boyfriend back, “Dulcito, look at me.”
Eric peeked open his eyes to look up at Illinois.
“How can I help you dulcito?” Illinois asked. “You wanna get back on the ground?”
“Don’t you need to be up here?” Eric whimpered.
“Not for much longer, we’ll be on the ground soon,” the adventurer maneuvered so that he could pull on a pair of fire-resistant gloves and take out an almost clear golden orange gemstone. One of his vast collection, sacrificed for a nobler cause.
Illinois managed to convince Eric to sit in the basket so he couldn’t see the ground as Illinois tried to do the ritual almost blindfolded. The last adventuring party had to wait five whole years to get the phase of the sun right. It resulted in the two lead explorers marrying some of the locals and almost giving up to settle down in the area before they were able to actually perform the ritual.
Thankfully with aerial technology, they could skip all that uncertain planning. Illinois took out a laser pointer and tried to angle it, hoping that by some miracle that he was lucky enough to get the angle right.
Even with his normally abnormal luck it took over five minutes to get the angle right. The gem caught fire and disintegrated.
Only then did Illinois start their decent back towards the ground.
“We-We’re go-ing d-own?” Eric looked up at Illinois with huge eyes.
“Yeah, we just—” Illinois smiled and a strong gust of wind hit them, causing Illinois to need to fight to get the balloon under control and back towards the ground.
Eric was the first to leap out of the basket and jump towards the ground as Illinois and another attendant helped secure the balloon down and then Illinois pulled Eric away as another tourist group was scheduled to get into the balloon.
Illinois chuckled a bit when Eric held onto his arm as they walked into a nearby forest. “You sure you’re okay.”
The more timid young man shook his head, “H-H-appy to be on the gr-ound.”
“Got it, got,” Illinois laughed. “No more balloon trips.”
“Y-Yo-ou’re being mean,” Eric complained angrily.
With another chuckle, Illinois stopped to kiss Eric on the top of his head before leading him into the forest, Eric still holding onto his arm.
Illinois lead them deep into the woods where there was a clearing where the ground normal sat with dirt, grass and brush, but in the spread out roots of one of the trees a hole had ripped open in the ground and showed a passageway.
Quickly Illinois tossed down some rocks he’d collected on their walk over before jumping down and then helping Eric down.
Unlike every other excavation he’d ever done, the tunnel led into a small alcove that had a tall stone box that showed every damage, as if something inhuman had clawed and punched at the box. Almost like the creature had been trying to get something out. There were scorch marks against the walls were someone had been attacked and scorched and the wall had been protected from the elements.
But when Illinois walked up to it he could easily pull the empty box open to examine it.
“We’re t-too late?” Eric stammered.
“Oh yeah,” Illinois told him. “Over a hundred years too late. Big expedition team came in to try and deal with a demon that reportedly had impersonated a local spirit, once things were explained to them they were happy to see it gone.”
“Oh, umm, okay,” Eric trailed off, looking nervously at the marks. “So, uh, what made the, uh, marks, there’s n-none inside.”
“So far I don’t like that means anything big,” Illinois promised. “They got the big scary demon out of the area, never bothered the village again. Wait, no, technically not true but he wasn’t intending to harm this place, I don’t think he even remembers this city exists.”
Eric went quiet as Illinois took some pictures, but blushed madly when the adventurer snapped a couple images of Eric and immediately sent them to another file.
“Ills,” Eric complained.
“If my phone’s not full of pictures of your lovely face, sweetie, then I gotta take more,” Illinois grinned.
“Stop it!” Eric’s face was beet red, grabbing onto the front of Illinois’s shirt.
Illinois just laughed before he inclined his head a bit, “Only if you believe me.”
Eric’s smile dropped, and he looked away, “C-Come on, Illy.”
“It’s true,” Illinois reminded and reached over to inspect the inside of the box. Then he took out a necklace, “Okay, let’s dig up some secrets.”
Just watching, Eric took a step back and after a few hushed words in a language that Eric didn’t understand and the whole room exploded. There were almost like flashes of color. Illinois helped Eric out of the hole and they saw a red energy flash, it had a humanoid shape with a black energy mass around it. There were grey figures advancing on them, one of them had light swirls of colors around him and a book in his hand. Suddenly the black mass began shaking and the red figure disappeared. The man with the book had something that made his hand flash in and out of sight. Then the cloud seemed to get sucked into what looked like a large urn and the grey figures moved into the hole. Not too long after the red figure came back and followed the hole.
Illinois said something and the auras dissipated. “Yeah I know how that ends. I was looking for this adventuring group, I needed to make sure it was them.”
“Is it them?” Eric asked.
“Oh yeah,” Illinois smiled and figured that there was just an empty cave with no artifact or anything to steal beside an empty stone box. He figured that if anyone could get it out in the first place when it had nothing to do with the landscape or history, they deserved to have it. “Let’s get you back to town.”
Eric let the conversation drift to another topic and for Illinois take them back to town. He was mostly talking about the local delicacies and some street performers. While Eric was watching a movie that night and Illinois stepped out for what he promised would be ten minutes, and it turned into thirty and he walked back in with a smile and apologized for it taking so long.
Illinois took them to what seemed like a pub, they were talking and ordering food and then when someone Illinois was waiting for he got up to go stand by the bar.
“Ahh, Mr. Philly,” the man smiled as he walked up. “Still here I see.”
“Course, Sig,” Illinois smiled. “You have my report?”
“Yes, if you have my payment, it was hell-a-half digging them out,” he warned.
“A word of warning,” the man leaned closer. “I’m not sure your boss would want you bringing these guys back to his place.”
“Thanks,” Illinois evaded.
Quickly the notebook and money were exchanged and the man left to grab himself a drink as Illinois walked back over to the table where Eric was sitting. It was a nice, guarded place, Illinois was proud that his boyfriend had learned a lot from him.
They ordered something to eat and Illinois hunkered down to read the journal, setting aside a few old pictures to examine them later as he read the accounts of the adventurer who went around “witch hunting” and that term got an eye roll out of Illinois.
Eric was flipping through the pictures and smiled, “Aww, wh-what a cute little kid.”
Illinois looked over to see a team of twenty men and almost right in the center was what looked like a three-year-old boy. He had an oversized safari hat that matched the other men, except he had a huge smile plastered to his face. The man standing next to him had a rather stern expression with a bushy mustache.
Taking the photo he saw the picture was dated 1894, winter. “Guess he is,” Illinois agreed, already having a bit of a suspicion who the kid was.
Illinois smiled, “Hey, dulcito, wanna hear a secret?”
“S-Sure?” Eric said uneasily.
The adventurer pointed to the small kid, “That is a very young Warfstache.”
“No,” Eric gasped, leaning in. “Bu-But he’s s-so small. Is Dark in th-the picture?”
Illinois scanned back over the picture, “Nah, don’t think so.”
Eric thought for a second, “Are there any baby pi-pictures of D-ark?”
“Ehh, there’s probably a cave wall somewhere with some black paint on it,” Illinois joked.
They ate their food, went back to their hotel and after sleeping in a bit, started heading back to Egoton. Illinois reading through the journal and finding some pretty interesting spells. Each one for containing spirits and demons, and Illinois that Dark would want to take a look at that.
Scene I sadly had to cut:
Wilford and Actor Mark’s father: Okay so we’ve got the dangerous demons that we’ve been trying to track down for years, team. Bad news, that vase we put it in won’t hold the powerful one. So I’m asking for some suggestions.
Damien and Celine’s father: we could bind it to your house. That gaudy thing should contain it.
Wilford and Actor Mark’s father: No I— how dare you! First off, me and my family live there. Second, I am not binding a demon to a house. My very well designed and decorated mansion.
Damien and Celine’s father: we can either bind it to your house or it’ll escape from mine with all my magical artifacts.
Wilford and Actor Mark’s father: shit!
(And then they put the Entity in the House)
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tsarinastorm · 4 years
Stare Blankly-Adam Sackler/Reader-Part 1, Chapter 5
Chapter 1    Chapter 2   Chapter 3  Chapter 4  
The street was busy but it was a beautiful day: not too hot, but not too cold either. A perfect day to move into your new apartment. Marnie finished unloading her boxes and was starting to unpack.  You were helping her unpack her things, because she had helped you with yours. As you folded her clothes, you decided that you should tell her about your past just so it’s out there, and if you’re going to live together honesty is the best policy.
“Marnie, can I tell you something, and do you promise to not be judgmental?” You ask her. She continues unpacking her makeup and answers, “Yeah of course, what’s up?”
“I used to be a sugar baby. There was never any sex involved or anything, but I would go out with older, wealthy men and they’d give me money. They were mostly just lonely and wanted attention.” You hear yourself spill all that out before you can stop. Marnie looks at you with a blank look on her face then says, “That’s your life. You did what you had to do, and as long as it wasn’t prostitution, good for you.”
“Thanks so much! You’re such a great friend….also that’s how I met Marc.” Marnie pulls away from your sudden hug and the disgust is clear on her face but then she laughs. You’re happy that conversation went well. She says, “Ew I’m going to pretend like I didn’t just hear that about my boss.”
As you and Marnie finish unpacking, you talk about your past relationships: the good ones and the bad ones. You’re shocked to hear about her marriage to Desi, and tell her that you’re proud of her for getting out of it. Then she talks about her thing with Ray, and how she though that he might be the one, then how it ended. You’re surprised that she met Ray through her ex, Charlie. You had never heard of Charlie before, but it was visibly a sore spot for her. You couldn’t believe that he just left her, then the story of how she met up with one night while she was married to Desi sounded like a book plot.
The hours passed by while you put the finishing touches on your room décor. You had reached a good stopping place and noticed that your dog, River, was waiting for a walk because he was standing at the door. You put him on his leash and headed off to explore your new neighborhood. He was smelling all around, as was usual for him, when you see a tall, dark, and handsome man walking your way. When the man gets closer, you can see that it’s Adam. Somehow you can’t escape that man. You can’t resist the opportunity to tease him, “What are you doing here? Stalking me now?”
“Don’t flatter yourself. I’ve lived here for months, so you’re clearly the one stalking me. Or as you lawyers say, ‘coming to the nuisance.’” He looks smug as he says that. You also can’t ignore that he looks really good: wearing a dark t-shirt that fits perfectly on his broad chest and arms, then dark jeans. Of course, his thick, dark hair looked as good as always, and didn’t have one hair out of place. Suddenly you remember that you’re wearing yoga pants and a t-shirt and your hair looks sloppy, so you decide to comment back before he gets a good look at you.
“Haven’t you lived in the same shitty place in Prospect Heights for a decade or something?”
“You’ve done your research. I did, then I got into the artist housing. You’re the one who lives next to the largest artist housing complex in the city. If you want to see me, next time, just call me.” He points back to his complex, and you realize that he’s right, it is a large artist complex. You really should have known but you won’t accept defeat that easily, especially not with Adam.
“Don’t flatter yourself. If anything, you want to see me.” You respond and raise your eyebrows and do your best to look incredulous.
“I’ve gotta go, so I won’t be able to walk you home to your dismay.” He looks around like he’s going to leave on that note. There’s no way he’s getting the last word here. You place a hand on his arm to keep him from going anywhere, and notice that his skin feels warm against your cold hand, and that he’s even more muscular than he looks. Then you pull your hand back as soon as you notice that your hand was touching him for longer than was acceptable.
“My dismay? More like my good fortune.” You recover to snap back at him.
“Oh no, if I’d ever walk you home, you’d want me to kiss you, but I wouldn’t yet, so I’d walk away and you’d call me back.” You make an exasperated noise back at him. You’re shocked that he actually said that, and annoyed at his arrogance. Clearly, he would want you to kiss him, not the other way around, but he was just trying to make you crazy. And he was doing a good job at it; he was getting under your skin like no one else could.
“I hope you’re seeing a good psychiatrist because you’re clearly detached from reality.” You finally quip back. He was delusional about what this was. You weren’t sure of your feelings towards him yet, but you kept that to yourself and wouldn’t allow him to know if you were interested. At least not yet.
“Keep on fighting it, sunshine. Cute dog, by the way.” He smiles, winks, and heads back on his way. All you can do is watch in shock. That was some kind of encounter, he was definitely flirting with you, and you definitely liked it. But you’d never admit that to him. You walk River back to your apartment and try to make some sense of your feelings, and wonder when you’ll see Adam again. Probably soon, you tell yourself, you do live close to each other.
               Shoshana was talking at her normal pace which was disorienting but you were trying to keep up. The two of you had went to lunch everyday lately. She needed someone to talk to and you wanted a lunch buddy. She was nice, easy to talk to, and she liked the same girly things you did. Today, you had grabbed a quick lunch and were going to the nail salon to get pedicures.
               “Y/N, be honest: do you think it is okay that I feel really distant from my other friends?”
               “That’s completely normal, we outgrow people sometimes and sometimes friendships go through periods of distancing.” You try to comfort her. She shouldn’t feel guilty about focusing on what she wants, or what she values. It’s a part of growing up: some friendships make it, while others don’t, and it’s no one’s fault.
“Well good…because I just don’t feel like I have anything in common with them anymore, and they haven’t asked about the wedding once.”  
“I’m sorry that that’s happened. I’m sure they’re doing the best they can. Life can get in way of things.”
“I want you to be a bridesmaid.” Shosh blurts out.
“Are you sure?” You ask, thinking that she’s just asking because she and the rest of them are going through a rough patch in their friendship right now. You’ve never been a bridesmaid, so a part of you is thrilled with the idea and the other half is nervous.
“Absolutely. Will you do it?”
“Of course. Thanks for asking me.” You give her a quick hug, which is awkward because you both have your feet in the tub soaking. You suppose you can bridesmaid to your repertoire too.
Adam heard his apartment buzz, and he knew it was Hannah. She had just called him and said that she needed to talk to him, then he told her his new address. He was curious to find out what she desperately needed to discuss with him, he thought that things between them had been closed in a clear way. But he and Hannah had history that refused to go away, so he decided to be there for her as a friend or whatever she needed. He opens his door and Hannah walks in carrying Grover in his car seat. She looks around his place and says, “This is a cool place. A new beginning or the end of an era. Do you know that Marnie and Y/N live really close to you, you can probably see their building from here?”
“Yeah, I actually ran into Y/N not too long ago. I finally got into artist housing after all those years.” He says as he throws his hands in the air to make his point.
“I can see that, I’m glad things are coming together for you.” She says and sits down on his gold couch, a leftover from his old apartment. He was ready to part ways with the space, but he couldn’t bring himself leave the couch or dump it, so he kept it for nostalgia purposes. Grover is content in his car seat and plays with his mobile. Adam finally breaks the silence by asking, “What’s up?”
“Adam, I need to know if there’s anything left in our relationship. I know the way we left things, but then I ran into Jessa the other day and she said you two were over. It made me think that I still feel something for you, and if it didn’t work out because where I was in my life.” Shit, Adam thinks. He thought things were definitely over between them, but obviously not to Hannah. He didn’t know how to let her down easy, as he thought of a way to express himself, she grabbed him and pulled him down to her. Her lips kissed his, and he couldn’t respond. To him, if there was any doubt that their relationship was over, that kiss killed it. He was kissed by Hannah and felt nothing, he really had moved on.
Hannah stops, looks at him, and laughs. He starts laughing along with her, praying that she felt nothing too.  Hannah tells him, “Well that was the closure I needed. I think we’ve both really moved on this time.”
“I agree.” He tells her, and Hannah starts asking him about his life; wanting to know about his upcoming roles, auditions, and if there are any love interests. He shakes his head no to the last question, choosing not to tell Hannah that he likes Y/N. It’s too early for that, nothing may come of it. And if anything does come from it, he wants Hannah and Jessa to stay far away.
You’re getting ready to leave with your takeout order when you notice arguing between two people at a table near the window. It’s a woman and a man arguing over payment and the man pays for his then leaves, and you can hear the woman arguing with the waitress. The waitress is explaining that the man only covered his half of the bill, leaving the rest for the woman, and if she can’t pay she’ll have to do the dishes. You turn and see that it’s none other than Jessa the waitress is talking. Jessa is pleading saying that there has to be some way to work this out, and asking if the waitress saw what the guy did to her. You tell the waiter that’s handling your order to put her order on your card. The waiter says, “Oh no, you don’t have to do that. Something will work out.”
“Actually I know her so just let me cover it. It doesn’t have to be a big deal.” You say as you look over at Jessa who appears to be distressed and trying to call somebody on her phone. The waiter hands you back your card and you walk out with your food. You’re getting ready to cross the street when you hear someone clamoring behind you, and hear Jessa call out to you, “Y/N! Y/N”
“Thanks for doing that, you had no reason to, but thank you. I appreciate it.” Jessa says to you and she looks down like she’s ashamed, but you’re also sure that she never really feels shame. You covered for her, just to be nice, and didn’t expect any gratitude.
“It’s not a problem. I always think it’s better to pay it forward. I also think women should other women.” You tell her and hope that makes her feel less bad. She says to you, “Y/N you’re a good person. And I can see why Marnie, Shosh, and Hannah want to be your friend.”
You smile as you go your way and Jessa goes hers.
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artemispanthar · 5 years
Tentative Title: Movie Date Originally written: 09/12/16 Word Count: 3,119 Intended plot: Pearl goes on a movie date with Mystery Girl.
Notes: Extremely self-indulgent Pearl/Mystery Girl ship fic written shortly after “Last One Out of Beach City” aired. I was actually super motivated to finish this one but the fall of 2016 was when I got really, really sick and almost died so it unfortunately fell to the wayside and I never got to pick it back up. This is a pretty good example of how I usually write, though, as I usually end up writing the beginning and end of a story first, write in the scenes I have a clear picture of, and then fill in the spaces inbetween. Since this is unfinished, it kinda just jumps between scenes midsentence, so I’ll indicate the scene changes with a — mark
I’m kinda tempted to finish this one too. It’s self-indulgent to the point of it being embarrassing but that made it really easy to write
Side note: You may or may not recall my big rambly post (here) about a fictional horror series called Helltel from a few years back. Well, it was developed entirely due to this fic and tbh it’s likely none of the information I made up was even going to come up in it, I just got carried away lol
It had been several weeks since the night of the rock show and Pearl had already experienced more of Earth and human interaction in that short time than in the last 6000 years she’d spent on the planet. Sure, it was mostly house parties and bonfires, but it was all so different and new and exciting. Part of her wanted to kick herself for not exploring this side of Earth life before, but another, more rational side told her she could never have experienced this way before now. She certainly wouldn’t have felt so comfortable shamelessly flirting with that mystery girl she’d met at the show, and that was really what made those social outings so enjoyable.
Pearl had seen the girl a total of three times after getting her number. The day after the show, after working up her nerve (and goaded on by Amethyst) she borrowed Steven’s phone and gave the girl a call. They finally exchanged names (hers was Sheena, which Pearl thought was lovely) and compliments. Pearl found her just as captivating on the phone as she was in person. After that initial call, Sheena began sending her texts, which Steven explained as short written messages people exchange on phones. They texted back and forth for a day (mostly idle chatter) before Greg stopped by and gave Pearl a new phone. He had said it was so she didn’t have to keep asking to borrow Steven’s and also “for privacy”, whatever that meant. Pearl had refused at first, but Greg insisted, “We can call it a late payment for when you fixed the van. Besides, what’s the point in having money if you can’t share it?”
Pearl was shaken from her musings by someone tapping her in the back. She jolted slightly, startled, and turned to see a short woman with blonde hair. The woman took half a step back, pulling her arm away.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I just wanted to ask if this was the line for the Splatterday event.”
“Oh, uhm…” Pearl looked around. She wasn’t entirely sure what that meant. But there was only the one line, so it had to be, right? “Yes, I think so.”
“Ah, thanks!” The woman said, giving Pearl an appreciative nod and a warm smile. Pearl smiled back. As she went to turn away, the woman spoke again.
“Hey, aren’t you one of Steven’s… uhm, one of the Gems Steven lives with? You're… Pearl, right?”
Oh! That’s why this human looked so familiar, she was a friend of Steven’s! She was one of the donut children from that donut shop Steven liked. She was the nice one, who was always kind to Steven.
“Yes! And you’re from the donut shop, correct?”
“Right! Are you here with Steven? Because I don’t think they’re going to let him in… Or is this a Gem thing? Should we evacuate the theater?” The woman laughed awkwardly, half-joking, half-completely serious.
“Oh, nono, it’s completely safe, especially with me here. And Steven’s at home, I’m actually here with…” Pearl said turning to point out her companion. As if on cue, Sheena was already on her way over. She stopped beside Pearl and handed her a small piece of paper.
“Here’s your ticket. Looks like they’re showing Helltel four and five tonight.”
“Oh dear, would I have had to have seen the first three for it to make sense?”
“Naw, they’re not gonna make sense anyway.” Sheena laughed, putting her hands in her pockets and nodding toward the woman Pearl had been talking to. “Who’s your friend?”
“Oh! Sheena, this is… uhm…” Pearl paused as it suddenly occurred to her she didn’t actually know this woman’s name, and though her knowledge of human social etiquette wasn’t the greatest, she was pretty sure calling her “the Donut Child” would definitely be peculiar.
Mercifully, though, the woman interjected.  “Sadie.”
“Yes, right, Sadie! She lives next door to the temple.”
“Well, I don’t live there, I work there. But I’m there so often it does kinda feel like I live there.” The woman, Sadie, laughed. “It’s the Big Donut. I think I’ve seen you in there sometimes, actually.”
“Oh, yeah.” Sheena said, nodding. “Cool place. Decent coffee.”
“Thanks, it comes from a big bag in the backroom.” Sadie said, causing both Sheena and herself to laugh. Pearl didn’t really ‘get it’, but laughed as well.
They followed the crowd into a long, narrow room with a large screen. It had an aisle running down the middle toward the screen with about fifteen rows of four seats on either side of the aisle. After looking around for a moment, Sheena led Pearl to a row of seats to the left of the aisle, five rows from the back. Sheena motioned for Pearl to sit first, and she shuffled into the narrow space between the rows to get to her seat. She then paused, perplexed. The seats were very peculiar, they had normal fabric covered backs but the seats of it were strange, narrow columns that didn’t look at all comfortable to sit on. Nothing Pearl couldn’t handle, of course, so she went about trying to perch on the awkward seat, which proved rather difficult as it wobbled terribly. Then she heard a snort to her right as Sheena stifled a laugh.
“You gotta push the seat down and then sit on it. Like this.” To demonstrate, Sheena pushed down on the odd column on the seat closest to the aisle, causing it to fold out into a typical-looking cloth-covered seat. She then sat down on it, settled in, and gestured for Pearl to try. Pearl looked at the seat in front of her and gingerly pushed down on the folded seat. It folded out into a seat just as Sheena’s had. Pearl released her hold on it and it snapped back into its original, folded position. Fascinated, she pushed it down and released it a couple more times. It creaked audibly but otherwise seemed to operate perfectly. Finally, she sat down on it, testing her weight on it.
“Oh, it folds up when not in use to make space and it folds out for use, with one’s weight keeping it down. That’s very clever!” Pearl marveled. It was a simple mechanism, but she was always impressed by what humans were capable of building. Primitive, compared to Gem technology, of course, but humans always seemed to figure out ways to make what they needed or clever ways to engineer something to make it more useful. That was probably her favorite thing about humans. In the beginning they had nothing and they figured out how to make everything they needed, taught themselves how. In this way they kind of reminded her of… well, herself.
“Yeah, I guess it is kinda clever.” Sheena said, amused. She leaned on the armrest between them. “Y’know, you’re really cute when you geek out about this stuff. Makes me think about stuff different than I used to.”
“Oh! Well, I’m happy to hear that
The room got louder and louder as more people continued to pour into the theater, taking seats and idly chatting. A human couple squeeze by Pearl and Sheena, murmuring ‘excuse me’s, and took the seats just to Pearl’s left. Pearl’s nerves prickled and she removed her arm from the armrest between her and the stranger, shifting slightly to be closer toward Sheena. She bounced her leg and absently scratched at the worn fabric on the armrest to her right. Pearl didn’t mind the crowds, really, she had expected it and prepared herself for it. But the noise level rising, the heat from all the bodies, the bright fluorescent lights, and the feeling of being boxed in… it was just a bit much all at once. It brought up unpleasant feelings and memories. She shook her head to dispel them, she wasn’t going to dwell on the past and ruin the evening,
“Are people going to be able to hear the movie with all this noise?” Pearl muttered.
“They’ll be quieter once the lights are off. It buggin’ you?”
“Hmm? Oh, no, I’m fine, I’m fine.” Pearl said. After a few seconds, she felt Sheena’s hand rest on her own. She stopped scratching at the armrest and turned her wrist so she could hold Sheena’s hand. It was comforting. She bounced her leg at a slower pace.
“Y’know, we could leave if you’re not feeling it.”
“No, no, I’m alright. I want to do this. I’m just nervous.”
“Hmm. Do you want to switch seats? You could be on the aisle, just get up and go if you need to.”
“Oh,” Pearl looked around. Maybe it would help to have that option. “Could we? If it’s alright with you.”
“Psh, yea, I’m cool wherever.” Sheena said, letting go of Pearl’s hand and standing up. She stepped into the aisle to allow Pearl to move over to her seat, then squeezed by Pearl and sat down.
Pearl sighed. It was such a little change, but it really did make her feel much better. She didn’t feel boxed in anymore, having that free space to her side was doing wonders.
“Thank you, this is much better. Sorry for being a bother.”
“Eh, it’s nothing. Sometimes you just gotta feel like you can go whenever. That’s what I like about my bike, I used to have a car but it always made me feel like I was stuck.”
“Oh? I’ll have to try that out sometime. I used to get that feeling when I’d pilot spaceships but… well I don’t get much opportunity to do that these days.”
Sheena laughed. “Well, I doubt it’s gonna feel like flying a spaceship. But it is pretty cool anyway. I could take you for a ride on in sometime.”
“Oh! That would be lovely. I-” Pearl stopped talking and sat up straighter when the lights suddenly turned off. The large screen lit up and after flickering for a few seconds began running advertisements for the theater.
Sheena leaned over to Pearl and whispered “It’s about to start, so we can’t talk too loud.” Pearl nodded. She did know that much (she got the run down of movie theater etiquette from Steven) but appreciated that Sheena thought to tell her.
The screen turned black and slowly faded into an image of a dilapidated hotel on a hill, shrouded in fog. Rain battered the building in a way that was clearly not actually rain, probably some sort of sprinkler set up. It looked very fake, in Pearl’s opinion. The movie cut to the interior of the building
Pearl turned to walk away, then turned back. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “Sheena, wait.”
“Yea?” Sheena paused, her helmet partially on her head. She took it back off and hung it on the handle of her motorcycle.
Pearl took a few steps closer, wringing her hands for a moment before clasping them together, to stop herself from fidgeting too much. “I… uhm… I had a very lovely time tonight. Wonderful, in fact. I hope you did as well.”
“I did.” Sheena said, amused.
“Good! Good. And, well, after such a nice night I’ve heard it’s customary to… well, I mean, I’m not an expert on human dating practices by any means, of course, but I thought it would be nice if…”
“Yea?” Sheena closed the distance between them, causing Pearl to need to look up at her.
“What I’m trying to say is,” Pearl took a breath. She could do this. “I would very much like to kiss you, if… if that isn’t too forward. I completely understand if you would prefer not to, of course, I was just thinking…”
Sheena didn’t say anything, instead she brought one hand to rest on Pearl’s cheek, gently guiding Pearl to tilt her head up. She leaned down slightly and Pearl stretched up, their lips met and…
It was amazing. Sure, it wasn’t the bombastic fireworks like the first time she kissed Rose (which was the first time she kissed anyone, ever), after a hard won victory during the Gem War, but it still felt electric. Kissing a human was so much different from kissing a Gem, Pearl found. Gems can simulate the human body in many ways, simulate skin texture, teeth, saliva, all that. But it’s just a simulation, incredible but never quite the same. Humans… humans are cohesive yet imperfect. Always imperfect. There’s just no way to properly replicate the random imperfection of the human body accurately. Her lips were warm and soft, but not uniformly so. Some spots were softer, wetter, warmer. And it changed, very slightly, even over the short time they kissed. And that lip ring! Pearl wasn’t quite sure what that would feel like, in fact it had puzzled her because surely it would just be in the way? But strangely it wasn’t. It was noticeably there, yes, but it didn’t seem out of place. It was a cooler, harder texture comparatively, and interesting in a good way. Everything about this felt… right, imperfect and different yet completely right.
It felt like it lasted ages but it was only a few seconds before they pulled apart. Pearl stared up at Sheena, breathless. Figuratively speaking, of course, as she didn’t really need to breathe and yet felt out of breath all the same. “Wow…”
Sheena laughed, soft and low. “Yeah, wow… Y’know, I gotta tell ya, I’ve been waiting to kiss you for a while now. Not that I mind taking things slow, of course.”
“Oh goodness, I’m sorry! I wasn’t sure how long it’s customary for humans to wait.” Pearl blushed, embarrassed. Everything on Earth moved so fast! It was hard for her to gauge how time worked for humans. Gems, being ageless, didn’t really have need to rush. “I didn’t want to rush into anything or pressure you.”
“Naw, it’s alright, I get it. There’s not any customary way of doing these things, really. It’s just what feels right, I guess. Some people go fast, others go slow. It’s all good.” Sheena paused, thinking, then said “What’s customary where you’re from?”
“Oh, nothing. Gems don’t really… have these sorts of relationships. Not on Homeworld anyway. We weren’t meant to or allowed to. Romantic relationships were completely unheard of. Kissing as a concept doesn’t exist there, or didn’t, I suppose I’m not really up on how things are there now.”
“Damn, really? Wow. That’s… that’s really awful. I’m sorry.”
Pearl hummed in agreement. “It was. I was on Earth for several years before I learned what kissing was. And even more before I ever tried it myself.”
“Oh, you’re really behind, then.”
“On kissing. You should’ve been kissed way more in your life. But I’ll be more than happy to help you catch up.” Sheena said, leaning in.
“Oh!” It was a line. Cheesy, maybe, but Pearl appreciated it. “Oh, I think I’d like that.” She leaned in as well and they kissed again.
They broke after a moment. Pearl sighed, happily. “You know, in the beginning, I thought the act seemed rather messy and unpleasant.”
“But you don’t anymore?”
“Oh, goodness no.”
“That’s good.” Sheena said, and they kissed again.
“Well,” Pearl started, when they broke for breath (for Sheena, anyway). “I suppose it still is but-” They kissed again. “-with the right people it somehow-” Again. “-feels right and it doesn’t bother me. But-” Again. “-if I think of it in the abstract I suppose-” Again. “-it is still somewhat unpleasant. So-” Again. “-it’s more about the company than the-”
“Pearl?” Sheena sighed, breathless (or perhaps just exasperated).
“Not that I’m not interested, ‘cause I am, but I think this would go smoother if you stopped talking so much.”
“Oh, right, sorry!”
“S’alright, no need to be sorry. I just think you’d enjoy it more if you lost yourself in the feeling, y’know? Or just try it out, at least.” Sheena said. Pearl nodded. They kissed again.
“I’m just nervous.” Pearl said when they broke again. Sheena hummed sympathetically and they kissed again. “I have a tendency to ramble when I’m nervous.” Again. “I don’t even realize-”
“Pearl.” Oh, right, rambling again. They kissed again. And again.
“… Sorry.” Pearl squeaked out between kisses. She couldn’t help it, she had to! Sheena didn’t respond, but instead continued to kiss Pearl while laughing softly into her mouth. It was a kind laugh, not cruel or mocking, just… amused. It created a pleasant, humming sensation in Pearl’s mouth. It was infectious, too, and she couldn’t help but laugh along with her. After a moment they stopped and just continued kissing, with no further interruptions.
They continued like that for a while, and Pearl had to admit Sheena was right. It was rather nice to just… lose herself in the feeling. To just fall into that rhythm and that pleasant feeling of exploration and just being with someone. It was nice. They pulled apart again and neither felt compelled to continue, just allowing themselves to look at one another in silence, save for the sound of breathing.
“Alright.” Sheena sighed, reluctant. “I really should go now. Got work in the morning.”
“Ah yes, and you humans do need a certain amount of sleep to function properly! I’m sorry if I kept you from it.”
“Naw, it was worth it.” Sheena gave Pearl one last kiss before turning and walking back to her motorcycle. She straddled the seat and put her helmet on, adjusting the strap. “See you Saturday, probably.”
“Yes, with luck! And, uhm, catch you later!”
Sheena laughed. “Should I fall.” She started her motorcycle and drove off.
Pearl watched her drive away until she disappeared behind some buildings and the roar of her motorcycle’s engine could no longer be heard. Then she stood in silence for a moment, just breathing, just being. She was so… proud of herself. She was socializing with humans, she was experiencing Earth. Not for Rose and not even for Steven, but for herself. She went on a real official human date for the first time! She was nervous, but she did it. She felt happy at this moment, genuinely happy. Best of all, she felt little to no guilt about feeling happy. Out of everything, Pearl was probably most proud about that.
With a contented sigh, Pearl finally turned and walked to Greg’s car. The parking lot of the movie theater was mostly empty now and dead silent. She hummed softly, getting into the car and starting the engine. She flicked on the Earth radio, fiddling with the dial until she found a tune that sounded half-way pleasant, and set a course back to the temple.
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melikeylikeyjimin · 5 years
Noir || Eleven
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(I don’t own this gif)
Word Count: 2.9k
Genre: Mafia AU! Sugar Daddy AU! Jungkook X Reader, fluff, angst.
Warnings: none
A/N: Here is the eleventh chapter of Noir! YAY for the first meeting and date! I might be a bit busy this week and next week so updates might be a bit slow! Thank you for your patience ahead of time. In return, I have written a JK one shot that I hope will satisfy all of you while you wait! I’ll upload it sometime later this week! If you’d like to be tagged whenever I post a new chapter of Noir, please DM me, leave a comment on this post, or send an ask and I’ll add you to the list!
Tag List: @yeontanie21 @moniebuns @writemywaytoyourheart @flamingorosette @trueelee-dj @melonkooky @kawaiimusiccollection @selugis @ellsbells72 @shadowstark @fluffybunnybaekhyun @geekyfangirl-rikachuchanx777
Previous Chapter || Next Chapter
“So, why did you call me over exactly?” Nicci asked uninterested.
I sighed, “You know very well why I called you over! I told you the very night he asked me to dinner that I needed your help picking an outfit.”
“Oh yeah, you’re having dinner with your lover boy, right?”
I rolled my eyes, “Nicci, please?”
“Alright, alright. What time do you have to be there?”
“Six thirty.”
“Alright, so I have to make you perfect obviously. You need the money and I can’t send you out looking like...well...you.”
I glared at her, “There’s nothing wrong with being comfortable!”
“Righttt,” She said as she browsed throughout my closet trying to find the perfect outfit. “Where are you going?”
“Some fancy dinner place, it was in French so I wouldn’t know how to pronounce it even if I wanted…”
Nicci whipped her head around, “Wait, are we talking about the same restaurant? Show me the text!” I showed her the location and she squealed, “You lucky ass bitch! He’s taking you to the best restaurant in the entire country! You better give out as payment. Do whatever he asks!”
“What? He’s treating you like a fucking queen, so do the same!”
I ignored her comments and let her go back to picking an outfit. “Now that I know you’re going there, I’m more interested.”
She found an emerald green gown that went down to my ankles and was strapless but had sleeves over the tops of my arms. She laid it on my bed and found some black strappy heels, setting it next to the dress.
“Go get dressed in that, and then we’ll talk hair, makeup, and accessories.”
I normally would fight her, but I decided not to bother. She wouldn’t let me get out of this even if I tried. I sighed and took the dress and heels into the bathroom with me and undressed. I slipped my feet into the dress and pulled it over my torso. I put my arms through their little sleeves and moved my hair to the side to zip up the dress. I zipped it up and situated my hair again. I sat down on the bathtub’s side and slipped my feet into the heels, zipping the backs up.
I looked at my reflection one last time before stepping out of the bathroom. Nicci’s eyes flew to my body as she drank in the look. “Why don’t you give up on being a doctor and instead be a glorified escort or trophy wife?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you’re smoking!” I ignored her comment and sat down at my makeup table, letting her take over. She started putting light waves into my hair, making sure that everything looked natural and loose.
Once she had finished that, she started on my makeup. She chose a few different shades of brown to match with the green of the dress, going for a beautiful but not heavy look.
Suddenly I heard my phone go off. I had Nicci grab it and tell me who was calling me, “It’s Dylan!”
“Shit, what should I do?”
“You have to lie, Y/n! I did not spend so much time on your look and getting you to finally do this just for Dylan to try to cockblock you!”
I nodded and answered the phone, “Hello?”
“Hey Y/n!” Dylan called out from the other side of the line.
“What’s up?”
“I was thinking we could go out tonight and get food and walk around town! What do you think?” I looked at Nicci and she shook her head saying I had to give an excuse.
“I’m sorry I can’t tonight.”
“What? Why not? Do you work? I can just visit you if that’s it.”
“No, no, I don’t work, I just have a lot of assignments I need to work on.”
“Well, I could help you?”
“We both know I won’t get work done if you come over,” I sassed.
He scoffed, “Fine I see how it is. Guess you really hate me.”
I sighed, “I’ll make it up to you, I promise. We can hang out another day. I’ll let you know when I can, okay?”
“Alright, I gotta go, bye!”
I hung up and set the phone down. It was silent until Nicci broke the silence, “Where do you keep your jewelry?” I pointed to a small box on one of my dressers and she moved to sort through it. She grabbed a pair of dangly silver earrings and a nice silver necklace that would hang perfectly over my bare upper torso. I put the earrings in my ears as she latched the chain on my neck.
  “Do you have some purses too?”
I nodded, “In the closet.”
She sorted through them, “I don’t get it, you have a bunch of fashionable things, yet you never wear them.”
“I save it, doesn’t mean I have to wear them all the time.”
Nicci scoffed but continued searching through my numerous purses. She finally handed me a plain black clutch that matched my heels perfectly. “There, you are done!”
I looked at myself in the body mirror and admired Nicci’s work. “Thanks as always, Nicc.”
“Of course, I may not be a professional makeup or hair artist, but it’s one of my favorite pastimes, so it’s nice to experiment on people that aren’t me.”
“What time is it?”
“Quarter to six.”
“Alright, I should get going then,”  I said.
Nicci nodded in agreement, “Make sure to tell me what goes on!”
I smiled, “Of course, you’re the only one who supports this decision, so it’s only wise I tell you what happens.”
“You got it, girl.”
I ordered an uber to take to the restaurant that I was supposed to meet Jungkook at. It was in the center of the city so it would take thirty minutes to get there. The uber got there a little bit before six and I had already sent Nicci back home and texted Jungkook that I was leaving the house.
I got in and told the driver the address. As we drove, I looked out the window as I tried to calm my nerves. I wasn’t sure why I was so nervous, but I had just hoped that Jungkook was all that he was behind the screen. I had seen multiple pictures of him so I knew his face well, but that didn’t mean I knew if he had a completely different personality offline. I played with my hands in my lap as we continued to make our way down the different streets of downtown.
I looked around at the flashing lights and the illuminated sidewalks filled with people of all ages. They were all conversing and talking to one another. Some outside of restaurants enjoying the warm nighttime temperature, others smoking and laughing, and many people walking around with groups of friends from store to store.
It had been a while since I went downtown to do anything fun. The drive is not always the best from my apartment to downtown, the traffic had never been nice either. Over the past few years, the city had become increasingly populated without the correct amount of lanes or streets towards downtown as needed for the abundance of people living in it. The city had changed so much over the many years I spent living here. It used to be much more calm, with the regular sports events and musicals, but now it had become a big party central. Strip clubs and bars lining the streets.
Driving past the craze, we finally got to the nicer part of downtown. Where all the rich lived comfortably, close to all the top rated restaurants, stores like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Versace. The options were endless. This part of the city was always much more hush. People conversed but it was not yelling and laughter like the other part of downtown. There was a clear distinction between normal people and the rich.
Seeing the restaurant in my sight, I waited for the uber driver to pull up to the front of it. He did and I gave him the fare for the drive there. Checking the time, I made sure I was not late and thankfully I was five minutes early. I walked in feeling more than slightly out of place in this time of crowd but tried to push past it. I walked up to the hostess and she gave me a glance over. It was as if she was checking out my clothing to see if they were high class, expensive brands. I smiled as I tried not to think too much about her obvious judgment of me, “Hi, I have a reservation for 6:30 for Jeon Jungkook.”
The lady’s eyes seemed to panic at his name. I frowned ever so slightly at her face wondering why she seemed so panicked. “O-oh, y-yes. Right this way Mrs. Jeon,” she stated. I was ready to correct her as there was no way Jungkook and I were married since we hadn’t even met yet, but I decided not to waste my breath.
She led me to a secluded part of the restaurant that seemed like it could be rented out for private parties. Behind a velvet red curtain, I saw a man sitting at a table. “Here you are, miss. Please enjoy.” The hostess’s voice caught the man’s attention and I was met with a deep dark abyss.
His eyes were piercing right through me, not letting me move or even form coherent sentences in my head. He was breathtaking. His dark hair that was parted and pushed up slightly, his piercing yet doe-like eyes, and his thin beautiful lips. I was speechless. He looked even better in person than he did in photos. The air in my lungs was gone as I continued to stare at him. How could he possibly be interested in someone like me when he was walking around looking like that?!
He finally smiled and stood up, “I’m so glad you could make it, Y/n. Please have a seat.” I knew all too well that I would not be able to speak so I nodded my head, or at least I tried my best to. I moved and sat in the soft cushioned seat opposite of him. It was easily the most comfortable thing I had ever sat on in all my life. He moved my chair, pushing it in for me. I let out a meek thank you at his gentlemen like gesture. “Is something wrong?” He asked taking his seat again.
“A-ah, no, it’s just you’re even better looking in real life than you are in the pictures,” I said as confidently as possible.
He smiled, “Thank you for the compliment. I don’t want things to be awkward between us, so I’ll go ahead and introduce myself. I am Jeon Jungkook, the same guy you have been talking to over the phone for a little bit. It is nice to meet you, Y/n. You are even more stunning in person than over any photo you’ve sent me.”
I swallowed hard knowing very well my face was extremely flushed, “T-thank you. Um, I’m y/n as you know. It’s a pleasure to meet you finally…”
“I can tell you’re nervous, but hopefully that will dissipate throughout the night.” I nodded. “Would you like some wine?”
“Yes, I think that would be helpful.” I knew very well I would need liquid courage running through my veins in order to be normal. He ordered over a waiter that I had not even seen waiting and asked for a bottle of red wine that I did not know the name of.
Once there was wine in my glass, I took a sip and could feel the small burn help rid of my nerves. “So,” I started, “Where would you like to begin?”
“I feel like I know quite a bit about you, but why don’t you go ahead and explain what you do, your hobbies, anything you think is individual to you.”
I nodded my head, “Well, I’m a college student. I am in my third year of college and I dream to become a doctor. I really like the idea of helping others, I don’t necessarily have a certain field that I study as far as medicine goes, but I like the idea of being able to have a purpose or have the power to help or even change someone’s life. I don’t have much free time between college and work, but I enjoy I think anything else a girl my age does. I like staying in and reading, going out with friends, movies, those kinds of things. I’m not really special I don’t think but I enjoy what I study and do with my free time nonetheless.”
“What do you do for work?”
“I work part-time at a cafe near my house as a barista and waitress. It’s not what I want to do but it pays for some things and I like the people I work with, so…”
Jungkook’s face had not changed all throughout my explanation of my current life. It was odd that he seemed to find it interesting as I didn’t think there was anything particularly special to me. Many other girls had a more interesting life than I did. “I guess it’s my turn then?” I nodded happily. Jungkook even over text never talked much about work, but I figured it had to do with not wanting to brag over it or bore me.
“Well, I’m a CEO for the Jeon company and I work under my father, but I, for the most part, do all the work now as he is mostly retired. I don’t have much free time either with all the work, but I enjoy spending time taking pictures and making videos and gaming. I’m quite boring as you can see, so there isn’t much to say about myself.”
I smiled, I could see the happiness in his eyes as he talked about his hobbies. They were something that he obviously really enjoyed. “I would love to play some video games with you sometime” I spoke softly.
His face softened at my words, “I’ll definitely let that happen.” I took another sip of my drink. “Are you ready to order?”
I nodded my head, “What do you usually have here?” He rattled off multiple different dishes that I didn’t know how to pronounce or even know what they entailed.
I laughed embarrassed, “I’m going, to be honest with you, I don’t know much of what you said so I’m going to leave it to you to order whatever you think I’d like.”
He let out an authentic laugh, “Don’t feel embarrassed, I get it.” I grinned and he waved over the waiter. He let our orders slip off of his tongue easily as the waiter bowed and left. “I don’t know if it’s too early for you, but I’d like to talk about why we’ve both come here tonight.”
I nodded knowing the topic was bound to show up eventually, “You can ask whatever questions you have.”
“I only have one, but it won’t really change my decision on the matter. You, of course, don’t have to answer it if you don’t feel comfortable, but why?”
“I won’t tell you a big sob story as to why I need money, other than money is difficult to come by without a college degree. I pay for my rent, food, living expenses, transportation, and my college. I just thought it would be nice to make more money on the side to help myself out.”
“What about your parents?”
“We don’t have a good relationship,” I answered simply. I wasn’t about to go into detail about my parents. They were still a heavy topic for me that I would rather not think about.
“That’s fine, I don’t expect more. But I already made my decision many nights ago about you. I want to support you for whatever reason it is you need money.”
“Yes, I’m genuinely intrigued by you and would like to continue this.” I could almost scream from excitement.
“Are there any like conditions?”
“Not really, I’ll just pay you for each date we go on. I’m not going to force you into anything non-consensual, so if spending time together is all you want, then that’s all we’ll do.”
“Okay, yeah that’s fine with me too.”
“Is one okay?”
“One thousand each date or time we hang out.” My eyes bulged out of my head as I heard this.
“A-are you serious?”
“Is it not enough? I can add more if you nee-”
“No, no! Not at all. In fact, I’m surprised you’re giving so much.”
“I don’t really think it’s that much, but if that amount is fine, then…”
“It’s more than okay. I don’t know what to say, thank you so much.”
“I’m glad I can help you out.”
The food arrived and I saw a form of pasta sitting in front of me. I smiled at the dish and took the first bite as we both sat in comfortable silence as we ate. The dinner had gone well and I couldn’t wait for our future dates together.
NEXT PROJECTED UPDATE: 06/18/19 (This is a very very very rough estimate! It all depends on how busy I am throughout the week and weekend, but I will try my hardest for you guys!)
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dekuinthelake · 5 years
Happy Birthday Bloodborne
Seeing as it’s the 5th year Bloodborne has graced this mess of a planet with it’s omnipotent light I figured write a little thing about how much the game means to me. I’m going to get fairly personal so if you don’t like that kinda thing feel free to skip.
The first time I beat BB I didn’t think much of it, honestly. I’d had a rather basic playthrough where I didn’t see pretty much any of the optional bosses or do any of the story. I did as Gehrman suggested and just hunted some beasts. I took a break from it for a while and didn’t return to it until my life started getting... Difficult. 
My parents a year prior had gone through a rather turbulent divorce. In the wake of this, my sister and her boyfriend moved in so we could all help my dad pay for his house if only just barely. At the time we all knew even with four of us we didn’t make the type of money to help make payments and the inevitability of him loosing the house was a constant and looming stress. Worse still, my sister only agreed to move in if she was added to the mortgage, meaning she could threaten to sell on a whim, a privilege which she started using to strong arm me and my dad in to behaving a certain way. Her boyfriend was verbally abusive towards everyone, but especially condescending to her. Tension grew between all four of us, but especially between me and the boyfriend. I could ask my sister if she wanted to go out to lunch and catch up and she’d respond, “Let me ask my BF”. His control over her became apparent and the wedges he was intentionally drawing between her and our family was impossible to ignore.
All the while I was working a 4AM shift at a Zoo in the winter and barely getting any daylight or human contact since I had to be in bed so early to wake up for the drive. I cleaned a mile of glass in the dark every day non stop, only to have it be dirtied the moment the park opened. No matter how hard I worked to keep the park as clean as I could, even to the point of putting on dust masks to knock down spider, the higher ups weren’t happy with our companies work. As our contract was rapidly coming to an end, rumors began to circulate that we might not have it renewed if things didn’t improve. Worse still, someone had been stealing from the supply closet. Supposedly only the managers knew the code, and this sparked massive distrust in the Zoo staff towards our department to the point keys were taken away and our lives were made harder by no longer having access to vital shortcuts around the park which made getting from place to place take even longer in the miles long local. 
This futility and rage sparked the most obsessive play through of a game I’ve had to date. Undeniably, these situations were hopeless and lonely, and Bloodborne is a game that understood exactly how I was feeling. The Hunt is, after all, an eternal nightmare. No matter how many beasts, kin, or humans you kill, it’s an unending loop of uncertainty and oppressive danger. The tenuous state of things in Yharnam was uncomfortably familiar. Only in the game, it was far easier to focus on the things I could control.
The weapon I wielded. The stats I chose to upgrade. Which path I wanted to explore. The fluid combat enabled more split second choices every second, helped in large part by a generous stamina bar. More so than Dark Souls, Bloodborne expects you, the player, to take charge. You either commit to an aggressive plan and kill the beasts, or you die. 
When I first started, I played extremely cautiously and likewise did not have a lot of success. On new game +1, however, I began to realize that vital element. Hesitate and you die. Commit entirely and live. The more I played, the more I meditated on the very nature of what this game was communicating to me. 
In my actual life, I hadn’t come out as trans yet and it was something I was viciously debating internally. Earlier that year I tried to commit suicide. I half came out in the hospital, telling the ICU nurses my name was Mike. But even in the psych ward I was terrified to speak to social workers and groups about those feelings... Being that I had 6 hours completely alone and in the dark, it gave me time to listen to a lot of media by trans people. I distinctly remember one video where a trans woman was describing what dysphoria feels like and openly sobbing. I was starting to understand the core of why I hated myself, my body, and my current situation so much. 
But I was afraid. Even after the epiphany that I wanted to come out, I had a lot of doubt on if I could afford HRT, if I could commit to it, and what people would think. I worried starting T and in turn second puberty would bring back my horrible temper that I had going through it the first time. When I say I had rage problem, that’s putting it mildly. I’ve punched people before just for touching me when I was younger, and with the situation between me and my sister’s boyfriend getting more tense by the day I was rightfully concerned it might erupt in to actual physical violence. 
And so... I continued to come home from being alone all to spend most of my time alone playing Bloodborne. It was a great game to keep my mind off of things because of how much focus it demands to play. Funny enough, once you get good at it, the beasts are also a great punching bag.
A lot can be said about how Blood Vials aren’t the best method of healing. Having to stop boss attempts because you need to go farm some red Estus isn’t great design. However, running around that first part of Yharnam with the beast claws just shredding through citizens like a wild animal is possibly the most cathartic thing in my life at the time. It made me feel powerful, unstoppable, and like I was in complete control. I knew exactly how to handle the big pats one by one, and eventually I got skilled enough to just run into that big mob by the tree and stop people anyway because of how good the audio queues are at letting you know when you gotta dodge. I spent hours in both this location AND Chalice Dungeons farming for Echoes and consumables to the point that controlling my character in Bloodborne feels as natural as walking. 
I started beating the game faster and faster. I was on +5 difficulty and working on the DLC by myself when things escalated... 
At this point, I knew staying at my dad’s house wouldn’t be possible. The verbal fights between me and my sister were getting more and more prevalent. More than that, I knew it was time to come out and I didn’t feel secure doing that in an environment that was actively hostile. The plan was to save up, move out with two friends... But moving out came far faster than I had anticipated. 
A few days after my birthday, we had a family meeting. I don’t remember what sparked it, but we all sat around and voiced our complaints with each other. When it was my turn to speak, I brought up the fact my sister’s boyfriend had been intentionally isolating her on top of in general just being a jackass to her. He’d make her get things for him, call her stupid when they played games... The works. I don’t remember what he said that sparked it, but I remember the feeling... A really familiar feeling I hadn’t had in years. My pulse thundered in my neck so hard I couldn’t hear anyone over it. I started yelling incoherent shit. My sister stood in front of him because I was aggressively stepping forward. It was that temper I thought I’d knocked coming back. If she hadn’t gotten in the way, I’m absolutely sure I would have pummeled that man. I hadn’t felt that way since I strangled a kid in school to the point he nearly passed out.
 It was then I knew I had to leave. By nature, I’m violent. I hate it. But the decisiveness which I’d slowly been building helped me find the courage to admit this.
I took off in my car and just hauled ass to the highway. I had a bloodborne CD I’d been playing on my way to and from work. It sounds silly, but larping I was just a hunter during those crushing morning shifts was helping me keep going. Sure it was hopeless, but I felt bad ass to keep trying. I needed to have an unbreaking will to deal with this dilemma. Having so recently made a second attempt to kill myself, I had this powerful urge that no matter what I couldn’t end up there again. So, I decided not to beat myself up about it and just accept that I had to move on and away from what little family I had left.   I remember not really thinking words. I listened to Gehrman’s music on repeat with the windows rolled down going 78 miles an hour and just... Screaming. Literally screaming as loud as I could in to the night. Over and over again until it hurt just to breathe. 
Even though I felt betrayed by the people I thought were closest to me there wasn’t anything I could do but endure. 
Eventually I arrived my current roommate’s parent’s place where they were living at the time. I told her and her husband what happened. We went to the store for something. I got a call from my dad saying my sister was threatening to move out and apparently had yelled at him for not keeping me in line despite the fact at one point he’d physically gotten up and started yelling in my face to calm down. That was it. I asked my friend’s parents if I could move in temporarily and... That was that. 
The next day we gathered up all my things. I had to leave my dogs which was possibly the most agonizing part. 
But that night? I beat the orphan of Kos by myself on +5 on my computer monitor plugged in the wall and set on a box. Doing that was this weird extreme elation. It’s like I’d defeated two massively difficult, seemingly impossible tasks in one day. I’m glad I had help with the moving, though. Unlike Kos, that would have been impossible alone haha.
That weekend passed and I went back to work at the Zoo as normal. After I finished my shift, however, every employee in my company was called to a meeting. This was it. We all knew what was coming. We were to be laid off in December, giving us 3 months to find new work or apply to the company that was taking over the contract. 
In the wake of this news, moral plummeted. No one really tried that hard. I was coming in high to work every day and drinking with a coworker during our shift while we tired our best to continue work. That last month I worked there was a weird drug addled haze of extreme emotions mixed with ignoring them in favor of listening to VaatiVidya lore breakdowns of Bloodborne. 
I was going home and spending hours on art inspired by the general vibe of the game and my impossible to digest feelings. I’d lost my job, home, and family. I don’t know if I would have survived without both Bloodborne and my art as an outlet.
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In the following months, I had gotten to New Game +7 and started recording myself trying to kill bosses without healing. Even though to this day no one watches these attempts but me, making them was frankly vital to keeping me distracted and focused on something I could control. 
There was a time where I didn’t think Ludwig +1 was beatable but... Here I am two years later happily having 100% Bloodborne and beaten every boss on +7, most of them without even needing to heal. 
The biggest lesson I took away from this game was persistence and decisiveness. The Souls series in general made me realize something huge that to this day has helped me fight my depression back. I’m a stubborn fuck who will grind and grind and grind until I finally achieve victory.
Fight for the progress you want to make. Things seem hopeless a lot, but you have to keep going. With effort, you can change anything you want to in your life.
Two years later, I’ve been doing HRT for 1 year and 3 months. I just had top surgery done. I’m working a job I like that’s got normal daytime hours and pays more than any work I’ve ever had with benefits. I don’t think I would have had the tenacity to stick to these things without realizing a fundamental aspect about my personality thanks to the help of Bloodborne specifically. 
I can endure, learn, grow, adapt. 
Thank you, Fromsoft. I hope this conveys a shred of what this dumb little game means to me. I needed Bloodborne so much when I moved out. I’m so glad it exists.
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shianhygge-imagines · 5 years
Silver Rose [Vergil/Reader] {Devil May Cry} Imposter
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AN: The gif above is not of Gilver, but it’s sexy and cool (I mean his fucking stance is everything).
For the purposes of Silver Rose, I will go along with the idea that Gilver was created by Mundus to mess with Dante, and that he existed around two or so years before the first game... but only appeared after the events of “Gifts.”
Warning: Long Chapter
|Masterlist Link|    |First Chapter|    |Prev. Ch.| --- |Next Ch.|
“I need eight fireballs to Jonny’s group, Y/N.” Shei announced, plopping the worn serving tray down onto the bar top. “And your boyfriend said to get yourself a drink. He’s paying.”
“Eight fireballs, on the way.” You confirmed, pulling out eight shot glasses and filling them up. “And for the last time, Tony’s my brother-in-law, not my boyfriend.” You corrected with a frown at your coworker.
Although you’d gotten stronger the more you went out on demon hunting gigs with Dante, it didn’t prove to be a skill that allowed for an agreeable living situation. Normal demon hunting gigs paid decently, but with the pay being split between two people, it wasn’t enough, especially when Dante wouldn’t accept payment. Dante couldn’t hold a normal day-to-day job, so you’d resolved to be the responsible one and got a job at Bobby’s Cellar. It was Dante’s usual haunt where he’d go by Tony Redgrave and get mercenary work, but the people knew you just as well. Which led you to your current predicament.
Shei raised her hands in a sign of surrender… or was it a shrug… either way, she winked and stuck her tongue out, “C’mon, Y/N, you mean you’ve never thought about leaving your absent husband for his hot brother? You know he has a thing for you.”
Your face didn’t change a single bit as you responded, sliding the full tray over to Shei. “My husband is missing, not absent.” Lies. “And I’ve never thought about dating Tony. Not that there’s anything wrong with him, it’s just that I don’t want to use him… do you get what I mean?”
Your coworker leveled a serious stare at you as she took the tray of drinks. “It’s not considered using him if you both like each other.”
Watching as Shei walked away with a sway in her hips, you sighed, muttering to yourself. “But I don’t like him like that.”
“There’s nothing wrong with moving on.” A cool voice startled you, eyes darting immediately up and to the left where the newcomer sat at the bar, his arms folded on the counter as he leaned towards you.
The man was peculiar in the way he looked, sporting a green suit of all things and wrapped in enough bandages where only his startling blue eyes showed. Quirking an eyebrow at him, you spoke before thinking. “A newcomer… Well then, welcome to Bobby’s Cellar. Are you here for a job, a drink, or information?”
“Hmmm let’s start with information, my dear. Do you know every single person that enters this establishment?” the man’s sharp blue eyes seemed to pierce through you ominously, as if he were threatening you to tell the truth. You wanted to scoff, knowing that you could probably take the guy in a fight if you had to. Something was off about him… something demonic, but it wasn’t strong enough for you to raise the alarm with Dante.
“Depends.” You drawled, making a gin and tonic and sliding it towards the man in bandages, “I know everyone who has established themselves, whether they be an information broker, mercenary, or just someone who needs a drink every now and then. That’s on the house, by the way.”
If the man’s face was uncovered, you had no doubt that his brows would be raised in interest if the slight lilt to his smooth voice was anything to go by. “Establish themselves? How does one do that?” He lifted the glass to his lips and took a sip after nodding his head in thanks.
A grimace appeared on you face at the mention of the initiation ceremony that went on in Bobby’s Cellar. Setting a glass down, you raised a sluggish hand to point towards the rowdiest table located at the back of the bar where Dante and Jonny’s group sat. “You talk to Tony and Jonny… and they issue a challenge. If you do well enough, you get invited into their little group of misfits. Once that happens, you’ll get a better shot at the better sources of info and jobs.”
The man finished off the drink before getting up, giving you an appraising stare. “Thank you…”
“Y/N.” You supplied, not really seeing the harm in giving him your name.
“Thank you, Y/N. I’m Gilver. It was a pleasure speaking with you.” The man was already across the room by the time you’d managed to process his name.
“Gilver…” you muttered, staring after the mysterious newcomer with narrowed eyes. He held a katana in his left hand, and from the back he looked too familiar. “Gilver… why does that sound so familiar?”
Gilver... G-I-L-V-E-R....
G-I-L.... V-E-R... 
Your face seemed to scrunch up at the anagram, eyes still staring at Gilver’s back. “That is the shittiest pseudonym ever.” You commented, hardly impressed with the revelation that you’d just made.
Naturally, your heart jumped to the conclusion that your husband was back, and that he hadn’t been taken by an evil force like you’d concluded when the armored figure stopped visiting... but your mind and instinct urged you not to assume... to observe and withhold judgement until all the facts were taken into account. The height and stature of the mysterious newcomer was right, as was his choice of weapon and the color of his eyes... but the more you observed Gilver interact with Dante and Jonny’s group, the more you began to realize that Gilver was not your husband, but was something demonic in nature.
Taking up Dante’s previous offer to make a drink for yourself, you pour a glass of whiskey and took a large gulp, face set in a grimace as you resumed your work. You didn’t like it when someone tried to screw with you... more so when it came to Vergil.
“Y/N?” Shei pulled you from your thoughts with a heavy sigh, “They’re at it again... Doing that stupid initiation ceremony on the new guy.”
From across the bar, you could see both Dante and Gilver looking at you expectantly, one with a shit-eating smirk, and the other with a curious glint in his eyes. A bemused expression appeared on your face as you looked away, shaking your head in amusement from what was bound to happen. “I hope the new guy can hold his liquor.” Which, if you were right, and Gilver was a fake Vergil... would mean that he’d be a woeful lightweight.
“The guy looks tough... I think he’ll give Tony a run for his money.” Shei laughed before winking, “New guy’s been watching you though. You gonna tap that?”
You gave a short laugh as you shook your head, setting a bottle of pure absinthe on the tray with two shot glasses. “What is with you and my love life, Shei?”
“Unless you wanna head back to my place, someone’s gotta make sure you get laid, Y/N.” Your coworker winked flirtatiously at you and turned to do her job.
You howled in laughter, “My god, Shei!”
She turned to briefly blow you a kiss, “You know you want me!”
“Just go do you’re job!”
And oh boy did Shei do her job. Calling one round after another in an odd display of competition, she served both Dante and Gilver their round of shots, the two men sitting across from one another as they drank. After three shots, Dante didn’t look much different than he would drinking a beer. Gilver, on the other hand, looked close to being drunk. It was subtle, but you noticed the way he had to sit a little straighter to prevent from slouching.
Another three rounds later, Dante was starting to grin in a daze, though was by all means not drunk. Gilver though... was probably about to collapse in an unconscious heap. You’d long since clocked out for the night to keep watch over the initiation ceremony, knowing that Jonny and his boys often mugged the newcomer if they passed out. 
You winced when Gilver fell forward, slumped unconscious on top of the table. Gilver was definitely a clone of Vergil, you confirmed, strolling over to the table and stopping Jonny’s men from robbing the unconscious man blind. “I’ll take it from here, boys. Your drinks are already paid, so there’s no reason to rob the guy now.”
“Y/N... what are you doing?” Dante asked, getting up from his seat when you knelt by Gilver’s side to prop him up. The man’s katana was already strapped to your back, though not before your were able to observe that it was a cheap imitation of the Yamato.
“Getting this mess to a safe place.” You announced, bracing yourself as you lifted the unconscious man into your arms, your demon strength being put to good use as you strolled out of the bar. “Don’t wait up!”
Years ago, Dante would have never let you run off with a stranger. But now that he knew you were capable of defending yourself against any threat, he trusted you to keep yourself safe. Though to his credit, you wondered if Dante only let you leave with Gilver in your arms because he thought it was funny that you would be carrying the man like a bride. You admit the image would have amused you.
Gilver didn’t stir the entire time trip down the street to an admittedly nice hotel. He didn’t stir when you’d rented a room for the night while earning strange looks from the hotel staff and snide remarks from the hotel’s other clients. He didn’t so much as make a peep when you’d dumped him onto the bed, positioning him so that he didn’t choke on his own vomit.
Gilver did stir when you’d taken his shoes off, but he didn’t wake. He didn’t make much noise when you’d tossed his katana onto the bed with him either.
“If you’re anything like Vergil, you’ll wake only when you’re ready to.” You muttered before picking up the hotel’s phone, calling in an order of tea and cake. Your husband was a heavy sleeper when he was passed out from exhaustion. Nothing would be able to wake him up... except maybe violence, but you didn’t want to pick a fight in a hotel.
The tea and cake arrived not long after you settled into the hotel room’s couch.
Leaning back after having your fill, you closed your eyes, fully intending to nap as you waited for Gilver to wake.
There was a faint clinking sound from the table, alerting you to the sudden presence on the couch and rousing you from your nap. Opening your eyes, you noticed that a green suit jacket was thrown over your form, and that Gilver sat opposite of you on the couch, his piercing blue eyes staring at you in curiosity.
“How are you feeling?” You asked, moving to sit up from your reclined position, trying to act as casual as possible.
“Are you always this trusting?” Gilver shot back, his expression hidden behind the bandages although you could see the mirth within his eyes.
“I don’t trust you.” He still hadn’t answered your question.
Gilver shrugged, his eyes not turning away from you. “And yet you took care of me. I assumed that you had already grasped my identity.”
You scoffed at his statement, meeting his eyes, accusing. “Did you think that I was foolish enough not to recognize an anagram of my own husband’s name? Who are you, Gilver? Because you are certainly not Vergil.”
At your demand, Gilver hummed in amusement before leaning forward, closing the distance between your two faces in an act of intimidation. He snatched your hands and slowly raised them, placing them on either side of his bandaged face. “Are you so sure, my dearest?” It was a dare as he kept his blue eyes locked with yours.
You hesitated, your hands trembling the slightest as Gilver held them in place. It was an act of intimidation on Gilver’s part, but you needed to know if you were correct in assuming that it was not Vergil sitting before you. Your hands moved to trace the outline of Gilver’s jaw before grasping the bandages and pulling. The bandages fell in a cascade of white as they unraveled to reveal a face so familiar that a sob managed to escape you. Gilver was almost identical to your husband, but upon revealing his face, you noticed that his eyes seemed to flit between crimson red and sapphire blue. An illusion to hide the true color of his eyes.
You could help yourself as your hand rose to cup his face in the palm of your hand, caressing his cheek with your thumb. And like Vergil, Gilver was unable to resist letting out a hum of content. “You were created to look exactly like Vergil.”
Gilver’s eyes remained closed. “Yes.”
“So that you can be used against me.” You realized, drawing your hands away from the man before you.
“Hm... not just you. Dante as well.” Gilver confirmed, opening his crimson eyes to stare at your face below his. “And why not? I am, as you said, identical to Vergil. Why not let me be the husband that you want?”
“You’re not him.”
“But I can be.”
“You’re only saying that to better serve your master.” You grit your teeth at the thought of replacing Vergil with this... puppet.
“Smart girl.” Gilver grinned at how you didn’t give in to emotional weakness. “Mundus created me to weaken Dante... and to seduce you. Don’t you miss Vergil? Don’t you want him back?”
“Of course I miss him.” You growled, shoving Gilver away and standing up so that you could assert your presence over him, “And I could never replace him.”
“You wouldn’t know the difference if you allowed me, Y/N.” Gilver called out to you as you stormed past him to the door.
You froze by the door, a question nagging you from the back of your brain. When you turned to look at Gilver, he was already standing in front of you, probably hoping to stop you from leaving. “If you are like Vergil, then let me ask you this, Gilver. Are you content with just being this? A puppet for Mundus to control?”
“I was created by Mundus for the express purpose of hurting you and Dante, I’m not a person.” Gilver replied blandly, idly playing with a strand of your hair.
“... but do you want to be?” You asked, eyes searching his own before stepping out the door.
After that night, Gilver became a near constant presence at Bobby’s Cellar. Every night you worked, you would find Gilver seated at the bar, sometimes teasing you, sometimes attempting to seduce you. Most of the time, however, you found that he worked to earn the trust of the cellar patrons, buying drinks for people or even bringing in new jobs. You knew that he was up to no good, but left the fun to Dante, going along for the ride.
Rather gradually, you noticed that Gilver was slowly acting less and less like Vergil, adopting a rather playful persona towards you, but a cruel and cold demeanor towards others. He also stopped offering to replace Vergil, and instead started to suggest that you leave Vergil to be with him. Perhaps what you’d said that first night had made him think a little.
Though... perhaps not enough because he still seemed intent on continuing to follow whatever Mundus’s plan was.
Still... despite yourself, you’d started to consider Gilver a friend.
Upon Dante’s suggestion, you’d taken a break from working at Bobby’s Cellar and retreated to your home in Redgrave City just for a week. He’d insisted that you deserved a break after working so hard to keep up with the rent and utilities at Devil May Cry. But you’d noticed the ever growing presence of demons because of Gilver, and you knew that whatever peaceful time you had with Gilver’s teasing friendship, was about to come to an end.
It was a clear night when Gilver appeared in your kitchen, bandages unraveled and torn, and blood seeping through the green suit his wore. His katana was gone as he stumbled and gasped out your name in pain. “Y-Y/N!’
Dropping the knife that you’d been using to cut vegetables for dinner, you practically flew across the room to kneel by Gilver’s side. You’d recognize the wounds on Gilver’s body anywhere... “You picked a fight with Dante...”
Gilver gave a hollow, bitter laugh as his body lost the energy to prop himself up, collapsing into your arms. “And lost...”
“I... I need to get a first aid kit.” You muttered, eyes wide at the number of wounds you needed to patch up. “You’ll be fine once I’m done with you. I just...” 
You made a move to leave, but Gilver’s hand quickly shot up to stop you. “No... it’s too late for that... just... stay... please. Look at me, Y/N.”
Your eyes started to burn just from looking at the number of open wounds, but you allowed your eyes to rise, meeting Gilver’s crimson red as he smirked weakly. “You’re going to die if I don’t do something, Gilver.”
“I’m going to die whether you do something or not, Y/N. Just... stay by my side. That’s all I’m asking.” 
You could only nod, speechless that you were going to lose a friend. You bit your lip as you tried not to cry, just giving in and holding Gilver to you, resting his head against your shoulder as the light started to leave his eyes.
“Hey, Y/N? Look at me for a moment.” Your burning eyes rose to meet his crimson ones despite the tears nearly blocking your view. “I should have listened to you.”
“You still can! Let me help you!” You snapped, the tears finally falling free.
“Heh. No thanks.” Gilver gasped out, raising a hand to wipe the tears away. “It’s not a bad way to go... In the arms of a beautiful woman.”
“Now’s not the time to be flirting with me!” You growled, moving to sit up so that you could move Gilver, panicking when his body began to slowly turn to ash.
“It’s always a good time to flirt with the woman you love.” Your breathing hitched when Gilver used last of his strength to lean up, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips and pulling away with an uncharacteristic smile. “When you see Vergil, let him know that he’s so lucky that you love him. Or I would have swept you off your feet. Goodbye, Y/N-”
“Goodbye, Gilver.” You sobbed, managing to get the words out before he burst into ashes dissolving and disappearing. No trace of his existence. Not even of the blood that previous stained your clothes.
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