#gotta say grandpa is kinda
reploidbuddy · 1 year
I made up a family for Silver in his future for a one-shot I wanna write (that include Venice the hedgehog, Gold the tenrec, two made up parents and a made up grandpa... also a porcupine uncle but he's not seen, for reasons) and then I started bouncing off ideas with a pal and goofing off and oh no now I’m attached
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All, der real
Me: they sure are perfect...damn
****HugeP***Hugo*****Hugo now ok**
This message has been brought to you by NASA.
"Take your girth from the Seventh Seal"
#overlaying the Hun's yellow pages with gemini is a rather funny way of doing things#I really can't say how many sisters I bring to see myself young#I went to that place a bunch with mom and grandpa#that would be kinda funny though#yeah....so our dad kinda fucking sucks as a person and you're better off not having him around to have access to you#the weird counter balances of people and dog names in that place#I don't know where Merlin is at#maybe it the guy that Arthur likes to visit on the quest to keep the network cooling#perhaps we could transfer the Abraham's ailments to be done with the dog of a resurrection#I love my burrito so fucking much#he is like some grounded if not irritated and(horny A LOT) version of myself#gotta say though#I never needed to masturbate#I was built for Vagina pleasing a second kind of hand#xtra large marriage = Mormons#like yes you made enough of an impact on me my goodness#me talking to you both before you go serve me (*nice*) in 1983#ladies you have practiced for this your entire smoke filled lives#this is the most important fag you will ever smoke#also: weapon: lets fuck with Alex....me: no life does that enough#a double doggy bagger#yoga on the knees back to back#takes huge rip: damn you are some bad bitches....licks one vagina and rubs the other#that tension for a bug fucking hug from you..... shit#me looking back: you wore your hair in a ponytail but made sure it looked curly#my words: are you dancing still....why? mm mm mm that body.... fuck#Also I called you over right and then you kinda look down and then oh shit this is what happens when we lock eyes
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scarqn · 3 months
Ken Sato Drabble: Picnic anniversary
Pairing: husband!Kenji sato x wife!fem!reader
Summary: it’s yours and your husband, Kenji’s 5th wedding anniversary, and he has a surprise for you.
No warnings, just cute stuff.
A/n: nothing too big, but enough. Sorry for being away for so long, I’ve been very busy with life🫡
Not proof read btw guys😂
For @dokyeomkyeom 🫡🫡
Today marks yours and you husbands wedding anniversary. This morning you were blessed with no screaming children jumping on your bed you share with Kenji. In fact, you were also blessed with breakfast in bed.
Ken had told you once you are done with your food, to get ready for something he has planned this afternoon. You had looked at him kinda surprised, “What have you got planned?” You had asked. Kenji winked at you, “It’s a surprise.” He replied before leaving you in your room with breakfast.
Once you were finished and ready, Kenji got the kids ready, packing a bag each for them for their grandpas, Kenji’s father. After many kisses goodbyes from you two mini you and Kenji, you and Kenji had finally started your journey.
The ride was 30 minutes long, your husband told you to relax for a while until you guys get there. And you did that, window down, your favourite music playing. You hum along to the music as Ken puts his hand on your leg, tapping a finger to the beat and grabbing your hand to peck it.
Half an hour later, you arrive at your destination. A wooded area? You have Kenji a confused look. “It’s about a 10 minute walk from here to where we actually need to be.” He tells you, pecking your lips. The walk wasn’t long, but you could feel you legs growing tired. No matter how much you chase around the children, you still can cope a ten minute walk.
Kenji stops in front of you, holding out a blind fold, “Gunna need you to wear this, baby.” He tells you. You eyebrows raise, “What’s this?” You hum. He shrugs and puts the blindfold over your eyes, “Gotta wait and see.”
He puts an arm around your waist, guiding you- and to make sure your dopey ass doesn’t trip and fall.
You stop and you feel your husband taking off the blindfold. You were greeted with a beautiful view of the landscape. “Wow.” You managed to say, only in a barely whisper. You were stunned and in awe.
You turn to Kenji and smile sheepishly, “What’s this?” You question. He kisses you, “Picnic.” He grins. Out of happiness and excitement you pull him in a bear hug, squeezing him tightly. “I love it.” You kiss his lips.
Both of you make your way over to where the blanket with a basket is laid out. You help him set everything out. Plates, wine glasses, food and the wine.
You notice it’s all of your favourite foods and snacks.
You both dig into the food almost immediately, “Oh my gosh I’m so hungry,” you moan as you stuff your mouth with a sandwich. “You had breakfast not even two hours ago.”
You glare at him, “Yeah, and?” He laughs at your reaction. You continue to eat the food, drinking wine on the side. It then comes to dessert; ice cream, a small chocolate cake with strawberries on top.
After you finish eating, you and Kenji chill out a bit, talking about your next vacation as the sun starts to set.
Kenji suddenly perks up, “oh, I almost forgot.” He says as he digs into the basket, “I got you a present.” You look at him with wide eyes, you didn’t even get him anything. “I didn’t get you anything.” You say almost boldly.
He chuckles lowly, “That’s fine, baby. But I got you something, here open it.” He hands the small box over to you. You shyly open the box to reveal a beautiful necklace. “Are those your initials?” You laugh out. He nods. “You’re so adorable,” you say before kissing him.
“I love it, thank you.” You take it out of the box, it’s white gold, since you hate gold with a passion. He helps you put it on and you admire it.
“Thank you, Ken. Seriously today has been perfect.” You hug him.
He looks at you with a smudged look, “What?” You question. “Did I tell you that the kids are staying at my dad’s for the night?” He grins.
I shake my head until I realise what he means, “We haven’t finished yet, let’s go home and finish this perfect day off with the most perfect sex.” He smirks.
“You know you can just tell me if you want another kid.” You say jokingly.
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gallusrostromegalus · 3 months
So could it be said that Seiretei is Yamamoto sneaking his unionizing underneath the nobles' noses, if I understand correctly what he pulled, by getting all the psychics signed up to have food and wages and some sort of job security?
That is *EXACTLY* what he's doing.
Well, its the extremely sexy and cunning plan his Wife Tsubaki came up with but fortunately for him she thinks it's equally hot shit when he's a huge fucking problem for the Bourgeoisie on her behalf.
After she leaves him, his plans aren't quite as... subtle, but the willingness to be a huge asshole for the benefit of future generations remains, and what he can't get my subtle manipulation or cunning tactics he's more than willing to achieve with strategic use of extreme violence.
His first few years trying to manage Zaraki are... Difficult. Yamamoto often muses on the old curse of teachers that one should suffer a student just like yourself, as he struggles with another catastrophic asshole who unfortunately has the physical chops and social skills to back his bullshit up. The Giant Bastard's monstrous Reiatsu is it's own problem but unfortunately Zaraki is also in possession of a startlingly cunning mind, a long memory and a fiendish sense of humor. Tsubaki's influence on the lad became clear in the first captain's meeting when Zaraki dog-walked him through naming specific statutes until he had to admit defeat and let him restock the 11th with every freak and monster in the Rukongai.
...a week after The Calamity In Hiroshima though, Yamamoto realizes that A Giant Bastard is *exactly* what he needs.
It's midnight when he arrives at the 11th Division to 'have a little walk' with Zaraki.
It's 1:04 AM when he gets over to the 4th Division where the man actually is.
As the Giant Bastard is redressing (and Unohana is indicating via Very Pointed Eye Contact that there will be Consequences (TM) for this interruption) Yamamoto explains he needs Zaraki to come with him on a trip to "A Place several people who legally I do not know the names of- much less their professions! are gathering in secret. They have tremendous sway in the governing of Soul Society, and somehow they have gotten ahold of a Schematic for The Device. I think it only appropriate that they be reassured that the construction of such a device should not even be considered, as there is More Than Enough Destructive Power between the two of us, isn't there?"
Zaraki peered down at him with the one functioning eyeball (and the malfunctioning one too, if the prickling in Yamamoto's thumbs was anything to go by) for a minute and he worried he might have to try again with smaller words when Zaraki grinned in comprehension.
"I get it now!" He laughed, patting Yamamoto's shoulder and the old man sighed with relief.
"-Gotta say, it was kinda buggin' me, but now I see what Madame Tsubaki saw in ya!" he laughed, and Yamamoto realized several decades too late that Zaraki's former Employer and his own Ex-wife were one in the same.
"C'mon Grandpa, show me whose head needs knocking into the outer districts."
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Wibta if I told my mom she loves a cat more than her own children.
I do feel like an asshole for this. I’m 17f and I have a younger sister 15F. My parents are married and for the most part good. When have a 12 year old cat that my mom just adores.
This part is all speculation, but when I very young like I was 5 or something my mom had an event that changed a lot. She stayed with her parents and would visits us. My grandparents would help out and no one really ever explained what happened to her but she lived there for like a year, she did move back in with us. My dad got her a cat to cope while she was away. The speculation is she had really bad post partum depression and had a break down. The reason I believe this/and this is my own theory, was when I was struggling mentally, my mom encouraged me to go to a therapist and they asked family history and she said she had struggled with depression/episodes and had tried medication but never stayed on. She just said when she was younger she had a hard time regulating emotions, and she wants me to worry about me and my own emotions. The post patrum comes from the fact that I asked my dad why did you two have kids and he admitted he wanted kids and my mom was more on the fence. I also find it weird she gets really nervous around Mother’s Day and will often try to not celebrate. (She always says she could be a better mom)
My mom is a good mom don’t get me wrong. She’s always encouraged my sister and I to try and do our hobbies. She’ll drive us where we gotta go. I know she works overtime when she wants to make sure we can do stuff for the family. It’s just sometimes, she seems more like a distant mom. She’ll listen to us, do anything asked, but idk how to put it into words.
But she really loves this cat. And I do love our cat too, but this cat and my mom are bonded. The second my mom comes home and the cat greets her and my mom picks her up and kisses her. She calls the cat her pretty princess and a hundred other nicknames. She calls me my dad and sister honey, bunny, and sunny. I know the cat actually makes my mom happy. Her eyes light up when she sees the cat. I know she looks forward to coming home to the cat. When we go on vacations she’ll miss the cat, or if she goes on a work trip she’ll always ask for pictures of the cat or ask to see the cat on FaceTime. She throws a small birthday party for the cat every year and makes a cake. For our birthdays she’ll ask what we want and sometimes she resorts to store bought desserts.
So this is where it gets bad. Our cat is now sick and probably has a year left to live. The vet told my mom she’s a good cat owner and has always done right for her, but with her age, treatment isn’t really the route because it’s not gonna prevent death, so just focus on making the cat happy and comfortable (this vet appointment was her 6 month check up.) My mom hasn’t been doing well mentally. She’s always struggled with mental health. She just seems to have a shakey mind at times if that makes sense. She very much before would hide her struggles, but we knew she’d have them. Before she would like stand still just gripping the counter with one hand. Now my mom is definetly depressed. She will come home be greeted by the cat, and go to her room and cry with the cat. She’s been just not happy.
My sister and I kinda decided to see if telling her we got good grades would cheer her up, and she’ll say good job and will sometimes offer to cook something or get something for us, but her eyes are just like very tired. (There is also an app she can use to check out grades but she never once used it and will just take our word face value) We’ve talked to my dad about this and he basically said that our mom has always loved animals (she use to work with her grandpa at a pet store he owned, but apparently her grandpa wasn’t a good person to most people in the family except her, so that was hard on her). I asked my dad what he thinks and says it’s normal for someone to be sad about this and that he’s gonna work hard or make sure we get all our needs handled. Which is nice, but I kinda wish it was my mom. I don’t feel dire need of anything, I’m just annoyed/jealous a cat can destroy my mom mentally.
My mom has gone over load for the cat. She cooks for her, makes her dinner buys the best food and mixes then. She often cries while cooking, and asks the cat if she likes the food.The cat doesn’t even know what’s happening.
I was looking at prom dresses online and asked my mom to look with me and she was just out of it. She would just say she’d like one or she’s not a fan but don’t let that discourage me. She’s just kinda lifeless. I try talking to her about it and she’ll aplogize and says she’ll get better. (It’s been like a week)
It boiled over when my mom’s sisters came over. (She’s the youngest. One sister has kids and one doesn’t) My mom tried to be happy and perky but ended up crying about the cat. Her sisters kinda said that she’s gotta be strong for her family and my mom just cried saying everything’s gonna be so much harder without the cat. I wasn’t in the room, they were in the basement, and there’s a vent where you can hear everything down there. My sister and I do easedrop to see what they say (her sisters are loud but we can never hear what my mom is saying without the vent. Normally we do it because my mom is a more different interesting person and again we don’t know our mom well. Away from us she kinda puts down the facade and actually talks). I was just angry. Her life isn’t hard. We’re middle class, if she wants to go to therepy she can afford it. We all deal with grief and loss. Yes I’m gonna be sad when our cat passes, but she is an older cat. I don’t imagine my life becoming “harder” other than my mom being depressed, but she is an adult who will heal from this.
After her sisters left and she was doing her night routine, I asked her if she loves the cat more than my sister and I. She said that’s not true and if she could do something more for my sister and I please name it. I told her that that’s the problem is that she does stuff for the cat without thinking, but for us it’s all asking us and she’s the adult she should know. She’s said she’s not a mind reader and she’s gonna rely on the information I give her to help me out where she can. I went to my room because ovbiosuly that conversation wasn’t going anywhere. I feel like my mom understands a cat more than her own daughter.
My dad came in a little while after and we talked. He assured me my mom loves me and this cat has been like an emotional support animal through the years. He mentioned my one friend who has an emotional support dog and compared them and told me that the cat has helped my mom emotionally with emotional regulation and just helps her steady herself. I asked if we were enough, or if my mom regrets having a family and she would just be happier if she just left us for the cat and lived by herself. My dad told me she loves all of us, but depression can be hard to navigate. I asked him about how he wanted us more than our mom and he just said that he was more excited, but my mom wouldn’t have had us unless she wanted us (which I don’t think is totally true.)
I went into my parents room and my mom was there with the cat. Again going to the cat for comfort. I told her I was sorry for saying she loved the cat more than us and she apologized for how her treatment towards the cat can seem that way and if I ever need anything please ask. It made me mad because she again is relying on me to know what’s wrong/ or ask, instead of her just idk taking initiative. I didn’t say that.
I get people can be mentally ill, but she’s also my mom. I do feel bad about telling my mom she loves a cat more than me, but I also don’t feel too reassured.
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acewithapaintbrush · 1 year
"My dad has the hots for your dad!"
Amity can only stare as Hunter slams his hands down on the table she is working at. He glares at her with narrow eyes and a mouth pressed firmly into a thin line. The perfect picture of determination and confidence. 
"What. Did you just say?" 
He immediately deflates at her pointed and icy tone. His hands leave her table and fidget with his overalls and hair instead while he squirms from side to side, eyes averted and cheeks blushing. 
"I-uhm. I read that in one of Mama Camila's books. It- well, I mean, it means-" 
Amity cuts him off. "I know what it means. Didn't Camila forbid you from reading them?" 
Them being the small paperbacks with the half naked humans on the front. Usually a woman in distress with a very well built male, rescuing her from certain doom with wet hair and big abs. The first time Camila had caught Hunter reading one of them she'd almost burst a blood vessel and ripped it right out of his hands. 
"Nonononono," she had chanted and hugged a perplexed Hunter to her chest, carding a hand through his hair. "Those books are way too spicy for an innocent, cute boy like you!" 
Hunter huffs and puffs. "I'm an adult. She can't tell me what to read." At Amity's raised eyebrow he mutters "And she didn't find the one hidden under my mattress." 
He shakes his head and takes her shoulders to shake her a little. She allows it, 'cause she can see how agitated he is. "But that's not the point! Darius has… he likes your dad. As in like-like! And we gotta figure out how we feel about that." 
Amity thinks about Darius. The dashing rebel, who had been pulling the strings of an uprising in the shadows from the start. A headstrong abomination user. He would definitely be a big step up from Odalia, that's for sure. 
She imagines Darius as her father's new partner and discovers that she is more than okay with that. 
Amity is not naive. She knows her father needs a headstrong partner at his side, someone who is not afraid to take the reins in a relationship. Not like Odalia, who's taken that to mean that she should micromanage every facet of his life and turn him into someone he is not, but someone who reminds her father to eat and to leave work alone every once in a while. 
"I approve." Amity says and seeing Hunter's desolate expression narrows her eyes. "You got a problem with my dad?" 
"What?" Hunter lets her shoulders go as if they have burned him. "No, of course not! He's super cool! I just… Arrrrrg!" He rapidly runs his hands through his hair. "I just don't know if I can handle a second parental figure!"
He starts walking up and down in front of her, Waffles flying after him with happy little trills. "Things with Darius are good right now. He told me to call him Dad and it's… It's yeah, you know? But it's also a bit awkward sometimes, you know? The only father figure I ever had before… Well. And we are still trying to find our rhythm, you know? How am I supposed to deal with another parent right now?"
"Hunter!" Amity has to shout to get him to stop. She can't believe she is having this conversation right now. "Hunter. You do know that you have like, four parental adults in your life. Don't you?" 
He blinks at her and his blank face tells her everything she needs to know. She wants to face-palm so bad right now. "What?" 
Amity starts counting on her hand. "You call Camila Mama Camila." 
"Wha- But that's just-", he splutters. Amity talks right over him. 
"Eda calls you her Fledgling at least once a week and she and Raine are kinda a packaged deal. Grandma and Grandpa Clawthorne call you son so often, I don't even know if they know your real name. Every time Lilith fusses over your scars she mutters 'my poor boy' under her breath. And let's not forget Willow's parents who took one look at you and had the adoption papers ready." Amity looks at her hands, which have barely been enough to count on. "Oh look at that. Not four but eight, actually."
Hunter looks gobsmacked and not a little teary eyed. Amity pats his shoulders, just a little relieved that he has apparently forgotten about their parents budding romance over this new revelation. She'd rather not get involved in that for as long as possible. 
"Face it, Hunter. You are pretty much public son number one at this point." 
There is no reason for this except that I had the image of hunter saying "my dad has the hots for your dad" and me running with it
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jeypawlik · 1 year
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Coming Out
An idea I've had for a while, even before Zero, but after Zero came out I thought that'd be the perfect way to present the idea. This page in particular, the dialogue has been floating around in my head for probably well over a year now. Also testing out TrueGrit's halftone machine on this comic and... I gotta say y'all, I kinda love it! I've been wanting to do more halftone work but haven't been able to find a look I like or a method that fits well with my workflow. [Image description: Comic page, 2 panels. Panel 1 shows a young Lupin and Jigen, where Jigen is facing the left and angrily bending himself forward while Lupin is behind him worried and reaching a hand out. Jigen’s yelling “Lupin! I’m gay! …okay?”. Panel 2 shows an open panel with no borders or background, a shoulder up shot of Lupin’s concerned face. Lupin says “So?” Comic with four panels, done in black and white with halftones. Panel one shows a young Jigen with his back to the camera and his shoulders tense. He says “So…?” Panel two, a larger panel with a close up shot of his face as he turns around and looks to the right, his expression is pained and there’s a tear in his eye. He yells “Doesn’t that bother you?!” Panel three is a wide panel with young Lupin in the center from the shoulders up. He’s mad as Jigen accuses him. He says “No. Should it?” Panel four is an open panel of the two boys looking at each other from a side view. Jigen is leaning back away, while Lupin leans in closer with a determined and expectant expression. Comic with three panels, done in black and white with halftones. Panel one floats atop a big open panel. Young Jigen is startled and unsure of himself, he says “N-no…” Panel two is a big open panel with no borders or backgrounds, it shows a confident young Lupin with his hands on his hips and his eyes closed. He says “I mean my grandpa is into guys too, you know. So I know what’s up!” Panel three is a big wide panel with Jigen in the center from the waist up. He’s blushing and looking down and to the left with his shoulders by his ears, still a bit tense, but smiling now. He says “Uhh, yeah. Okay. Cool.”]
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bbrissonn · 1 year
insta official for the babies 🥹
pairing: luke hughes x zegras!reader
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liked by lhughes_06, trevorzegras and others
y/nzegras summers been fun 😃
tagged lhughes_06
trevorzegras correction, summers been fun for YOU because you're shoving your tongue down your boyfriend's throat every 3 seconds
y/nzegras @/trevorzegras woah now that's not true jackhughes @/y/nzegras kinda is colecaufield @/y/nzegras sorry little z but i gotta admit it's true y/nzegras @/jackhughes @/colecaufield IT'S NOT YOU JUST ALWAYS SHOW UP WHEN WE'RE KISSING NOT MY FAULT y/nzegras @/trevorzegras on another note, happy to know you have my post notifications ons, im feeling the love brother trevorzegras @/y/nzegras i dont lol jamie.drysdale @/y/nzegras he does, he says it's so if you post something you're not supposed to, he'll see it y/nzegras @/jamie.drysdale this is why ur my fav west coast boy trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale dude...
lhughes_06 😚🩵
y/nzegras @/lhughes_06 😽🩵 _quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 yuck jackhughes @/lhughes_06 yuck trevorzegras @/lhughes_06 yuck
dylanduke25 SIMP @/lhughes_06
lhughes_06 @/lhughes_06 im not... wtf duker edwards.73 @/lhughes_06 SIMP markestapa @/lhughes_06 SIMP mackie.samo @/lhughes_06 SIMP nolan_moyle @/lhughes_06 SIMP luca.fantilli @/lhughes_06 SIMP y/nzegras @/lhughes_06 SIMP dylanduke25 @/lhughes_06 even ur gf agress buddy
_alexturcotte my favs
y/nzegras @/_alexturcotte love you lex
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liked by y/nzegras, jackhughes and others
lhughes_06 love you to the moon and to saturn
tagged y/nzegras
view alll 328 comments
y/nzegras i love youuu
liked by lhughes_06
y/nzegras my little munchkin
trevorzegras @/y/nzegras why's ur tongue out?
y/nzegras @/trevorzegras why are you always all up in my business mister
jackhughes gross
y/nzegras @/jackhughes hater
_quinnhughes what rowdie said
y/nzegras @/_quinnhughes HATER
dylanduke25 love, verb, feel deep affection for someone
lhughes_06 @/dylanduke25 leave me alone with ur weird definition y/nzegras @/dylanduker25 i think they're amazing duker dylanduke25 @/y/nzegras this is why you're my favourite trevorzegras @/yenzegras why are you everywhere y/nzegras @/trevorzegras GET OUT OF HERE GRANDPA _alexturcotte @/y/nzegras 🤭🤭
elblue6 so cute !
y/nzegras @/elblue6 MAMA HUGHES HIIIII elblue6 @/y/nzegras hi sweetheart
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prettyboyjohnny · 7 months
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I wrote these out a long time ago but never posted them anywhere! Based on [x].
>Nancy's voicelines<
• I could've copied the game subtitles, but I didn't 'cause they suck.
• I haven't played enough Johnny to know where some of these lines start and end. Please let me know if I've made any mistakes in that regard!
• I was gonna include tone indicators, but tone is subjective. No one wants me to mark the Feed Grandpa voice lines as "Flirty."
Encounter Start
Now look at this! Somebody's ready to fight!
This is gonna end... Very badly for you.
Yeah-ha-ha! Oh, that's it! Hit me...
Imma gut every single one of y'all! [Inhales, laughs under breath] Come on... Come on!
Exit interaction
Nobody leaves until I say so!
Ain't nobody leavin' just yet!
Got it.
Nobody's leavin' alive! Y'all not fast enough! ... Good try, though.
Feed Grandpa
Get your fill, old man.
It always tastes best when it's fresh, don't it?
Here you go, old man.
You're lookin' better already... Now help us!
Oh, you're thirsty today.
Victim found
HA HA! It's playtime!
Heh heh, it's playtime...
Hahahaha, I always find 'em!
You should know better than that! ... Come on out, now.
Hey there! [Laughs]
Well! Look who we got here! [Laughs]
Hit victim
Oh! Now I got ya!
Yeah! Take it! Take it!
It's better if you die right quick! Trust me!
This would be simpler if you would sit still!
Yeah! You gonna be leakin' after that hit.
Nobody escapes me.
How the hell did those kids find us? [Sighs] I should've been more careful.
If Grandpa was able, this would be over by now... I better go feed him.
Damn it, Johnny... Get your head straight! Come on, now!
I gotta fix this... Now!
Cook seen
I'd watch that tongue of yours, old man... It might go missin' one day.
I thought you knew how to run this household... THIS is a mess!
Damn it, old man! Put those ears of yours to use already!
Where are they?! How the hell did they get loose?! I can't fix this by myself, old man.
Stop barkin' orders at me! You ain't gonna like the results.
Hitchhiker seen
Surround the property with some of those traps already! This is getting outta hand fast!
You're one shifty little sumbitch... I'll give you that. [Laughs]
How you make those weird ass traps of yours, anyway?
Would you. Settle. The Hell. Down already. You're scattering all over the dang place. We gotta focus!
Grandpa is gonna tan our hides if we let them get away. Spread out!
Leatherface seen
That's it, boy... Go kill someone now.
Go on, put that saw to use, big boy! What're you waitin' on?
If I were you, I'd go and check out Grandpa. We're gonna need his help!
Let's go now, boy! Grandpa ain't gonna be too pleased if you let them escape.
Just get outta my way, boy... I'll show you how real killin's done.
Sissy seen
Are you gonna help me out, or just stand there lookin' pretty?
If it ain't askin' too much, before you go and run off again, would you mind helpin' me out?
Before you go runnin' off with those back-house hippies again... Can you PLEASE find these damn kids?!
Sissy, what the hell're you waitin' on? Get to it!
Sissy... Are you even listenin' to me? What's goin' on in that head of yours?! Damn!
Lose enemy first
Aww, you leavin' so soon?
It's alright, big boy's gonna be wearing your face soon enough... After I'm done with you, that is. [Laughs]
You know... I was actually kinda fond of that girl, I-I didn't really wanna hurt 'er... But, as they say... Family first, y'know?
You ever watch someone die? Oh... You ain't never quite the same after that, lemme tell ya.
Ohohoh, you can run all you want... It ain't gonna matter much longer.
Lose enemy sub
[Scoffs] You're all gurgle and no guts! I thought you were tougher than that!
I'm gonna find you... I will! I promise!
You wanna know how your friend died? I can show you!
L-Listen now! E-Everybody's time comes eventually!
The bad man's in me... And you gonna meet 'im real soon!
Lose enemy long
Your little friend put up a better fight than this... Come on... Make it interesting, will ya?!
They always try to hide... It's always the same game... [Laughs]
You folks don't know who you messin' with! Nobody ever gets away from me.
You're just delayin' the inevitable! YOU HEAR ME?
Come on out now, let's play.
I got plenty of space in the cold room for you.
Match start
It's time. [Chuckles] Seems they've got some fight in 'em after all.
I knew I should've handled this myself... I'll fix it.
That's what I get for taking it easy on them. Time for them to join that little friend of theirs.
See blood trail
Oh, this is gonna be easy.
Hey, you okay? You seem to have lost a bit of blood!
Now... let's see where you scurried off to.
You know... Bleedin' like that ain't gonna help your cause!
Don't bleed out on me yet! I need you awake!
See enemy first
Don't worry. I like it when they run.
Look, you're gonna want this to end fast. Trust me on that.
Well, don't run! I just wanna see how it feels.
There you are! [Chuckles] You kinda remind me of your little friend.
See enemy sub
This is pointless, you know. Quit stallin'.
Don't worry... I'll find ya.
[Growls] I'm gonna see your insides before this night's through!
Oh, you ain't gettin' away! I'm keepin' you.
Come on back, now.
Got something I wanna show you! [Laugh]
See family member
Well! Look who decided to lend a hand!
Check the doors and generator. We can't let them leave. You hear me?
Y'all need to start pullin' your weight around here. This is gettin' old!
Grandpa's gonna be in a fit if we let them escape. Start searchin'!
Would y'all... Help me already. PLEASE!
See trapped victim
We gotcha! [Laughs]
You ready to meet the bad man?
You got one!
Looks like you might be hurtin'. Might wanna be watchin' where you're steppin'.
See victim escape
Maybe I can still catch 'em. Yeah, down by the tracks.
Damn... They're free... For now.
This isn't gonna be good.
Damn it, Johnny! [Scoffs] ... The old man's gonna be riled up now.
Use ability blocked
Ain't no tracks here...
Nah... got nothin'.
Better wait a minute.
Not quite yet ... [Inhales] Almost ready.
Use ability
Time to play. Now... Where did you go?
I'll find ya. Don't you worry about that.
Go ahead and hide... It ain't gonna matter.
Where'd y'all run off to?
Use ability success
[Hums] ... There you are.
They always leave a trail. Always so careless. [Chuckles, inhales] ... This is too easy.
I'm on your tail now!
You're gonna look real nice... Next to that friend of yours!
That's it... Die for me!
This... Is only gonna hurt... For a minute!
You should've never came here lookin' for that girl!
You ain't gettin' away! I'm keepin' you!
[Last edited March 2024]
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clownsuu · 1 year
i have so many curious questions about the designs for each of your characters. like, home having big floaty cloud hair?? how do you decide/design them?
I always wanted to talk a sec about my Home's design lmAO so I guess I'll take a sec to do a lil ramble about him
Cw me ramblin my ass off HDHDHJD
Every time I make a design for a character, I always gotta look at everything about em in some way and try my best to implement each iconic aspect of them in their design- from minor to major differences
So like his head, his blue flow-y hair was inspired by his roof and what's underneath his building (that little black void with the swirl- it somehow translated to whispy curly hair in my lil noggin). His colors of his facial hair is obviously colored according to his normal version (red facial hair/brick, a yellow line for the door). I also wanted a way to implement his windows, cause it's a very iconic look for Home, so boom, g l a s s e s (I was gunna put bumps underneath the frames but it looked weird so I just gave him long ass lashes)
His stitched up body/outfit is mostly inspired by the armchair wally sits on that has a very noticeable Barnaby print in the back. Although iv never really drawn it, Home's pants have patches of every single character's skin on it (yes the spots for Barnaby and Howdy would be fluffy LMAO). And his shirt, although it doesn't look like much, the two color patches on his shoulders are color inspired by the trees behind him, and his sleeves obviously of the greenary around him. (also his race, Iv debated what athnicity he'd be since there were two (or three for both) to choose from (wally being afro-latino), and iv ultimately decided Latino, since a large part of my family is such and I know a lot more on that culture being born in it)
As for age? Home himself to me just f e e l s warm and comforting, he has big soft eyes and is literally a Home, so what kinda person makes you f e e l (likespiderman) like home while also being one? A more elderly figure, specifically that one elderly person you feel so comforted being at home with as a kid, smothered in love and happiness and never wanting to leave smhhh. I just wanted him to make you feel like at home whenever ya get a hug by him.
Also his relationship at first wasn't actually gunna be Wally's father, moreso just a guardian, but after he was done being colored and such (and I got a lotta comments sayin he looks like wally) I just went "f it" and made him wally's dadpa (nobody can really choose if it's father or grandfather- I say father since wally is a grown ass man, but other says grandpa cause home is so old looking lmAO, so he gets to be both).
I didn't want his relationship with wally to be anything NEAR negative, but rather a huge comfort and support Wally has with a guardian (yeah adults can live with their parents it ain't that weird). One of my biggest drives for it was cause Wally is heavily neurodivergent coded, and the last thing I wanted was to have a large scary figure in Wally's life terrify and heavily dictate Wally's choices to a point Wally is completely suffocated and extremely uncomfortable. Not only that but lock Wally inside refusing him to do what he wants and getting upset over the smallest things? Complete nightmare! Specially someone who's neurodivergent! Sure I like the suspense and drama in a alternative universe, but in the main one I'd rather not. At least for me anyway (as a neurodivergent whos gone through similar things).
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ninapi · 6 months
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Better Half ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
Premise: Nobara forced Yuuji to stop by a food stand every time they came back from a mission. The girl working there always entranced the youngster, causing his teammates to tease him more than usual. An odd encounter brings her a little too close to Sukuna who ends up just as smitten as his counterpart with the young beauty. Which half will get her heart? Only time will tell.
Word Count: 2381
Old sweet Nobara…
She might be a good friend, sweet, loving teammate, yeah all that and more…but Yuuji had reasons to hate her, as much as he had reasons to love her.
Nobara loved the colorful streets of Tokyo more than anything in her life, she lived for the very little time she had to indulge in the magic of the alleys, though, every time they came out of a particularly tough mission, she would beg her loving teammates to stop by her favorite crepe stand.
“Oh c’mon! Like you don’t like going there as much as I do…More even…”
“I beg to differ…” Megumi plopped on a near by bench hoping that would stop her from walking any further.
“Ok, maybe you don’t. Cuz you’re a grandpa. But Itadori is a different story, isn’t it mate…?” her suggestive smirk made Yuuji uncomfortable to say the least.
“I mean…their crepes are really nice…so fluffy…and…flavorful…” his voice was low, so much more than his usual boisterous one, it was comical.
“Oh yeah, fluffy…definitely…” this made his cheeks turn crimson, his fidgeting getting in Megumi’s nerves.
“Gotta pee or something?”
“He’s just eager to see his lovely crush.”
“So he does like her, huh? I guessed as much to be honest...” heaving a defeated sigh, he got up from the bench being the one leading the team now on their way to the delicious smelling food stand.
“W-where are you going Fushigoro?!” Yuuji trailed after his friends that were currently sharing a mischievous grin like a lost little baby duck.
“Kinda hungry, man…”
“You should try the chicken one, it blew my mind…”
“GUYS! Can you stop for a second?”
“Of course not.”
The sigh that left the pink haired male made them burst into a flush of evil laughter, his sad puppy eyes and frown making him look adorable which just made it all worse for him.
“Aw, baby Itadori needs a hug. Shall we communicate his needs to the cute lady crepe chef?”
“Her name is (Y/N).”
“What? How do you know that Fushigoro? Do you like her too?”
“Too, huh? She has a name tag you moron…”
“Oh….really? I mean…”
“You mean to say you haven’t even glanced at her boobies? Wow, this is worst than I thought, I think he’s in love~” Nobara skipped her way over to the stand, dramatically moving her hands as she was a maiden in distress.
“I hate her…” his puppy eyes turned watery as he shared a look with Megumi.
“Nah…you don’t. Let’s catch up before she really tells her to hug you-“ he hadn’t even finished his sentence when Yuuji was already behind Nobara, a desperate look on his face.
“Ugh, HI!” a high pitch little scream left him, making him even more flustered, your cute giggles making him feel ridiculously happy for some reason.
“Hi~ You want the usual?” He had a usual? He realized he’s never really ordered anything, he just stares at your face from the moment he arrives until he leaves.
“Sure! It’s the best flavor ever!”
Nobara looked up with a raised eyebrow as she adds his order on the screen, “Strawberry cheesecake?”
Is that what he always ate? It was certainly good, girly as hell, but good. “Yeah, I mean is so fluffy, you should try it too, Kugisaki.”
“If you say so, I’ll get one of those then. How about you, Fushigoro? Chicken?” he just nodded, staying silent in the background assessing the situation from afar. He noticed how you’d smile at Itadori a tiny bit brighter than you did to Kugisaki, your pretty eyes sparkled so much that it made him blush, and that, was weird.
Your hands brushed Yuuji’s when you handed him his crepe, then placed the other two in a carrier and gave it over to Nobara. It was very unnecessary, yet you seemed to know how he’s always so hungry and eager, like you knew he wouldn’t wait until he arrived at a place to eat it peacefully, as if he was dying to bite onto it as soon as possible.
And right you were, his first bite was something else… his nose ended up full of wiped cream and that dorky smile of his full of crumbles.
You didn’t have to do anything about it, but you did. You leaned over the counter window and got it off his face with a wet tissue, the adoring smile you had on your face not easily missed by both of his friends.
“Sorry to break the lovey-dovey moment, but Gojo-sensei is waiting for us. We must eat them before he finds out we’ve been eating sweets without him.” she grabbed onto Yuuji’s elbow, dragging him with her like a dog on a leash.
“Ugh…(Y/N)! Thanks! It’s as good as always and I’m so clean now! Feels great! You're the best, your boss should give you a rise or something!”
“Oh for fuck sakes…shut up Itadori…you're embarrassing...”
He was now being dragged away from you by both of his embarrassed friends. His smile though, never leaving his face, just like yours didn’t for the rest of the day.
“You went where??” Gojo was pacing back and forth in the classroom, lack of sugar being pretty evident in his current behavior making them feel even guiltier.
“We just made a little pit stop on the way, gotta eat too, you know?"
“You didn’t just make a ‘pit stop’…you went to my favorite crepe stand…and didn’t bring me anything….you’re such a soulless bunch of brats…it’s unbelievable…I’m so good with you all and you just…” his sulking increased even further, making Nobara giggle.
“You’re such a drama queen, sensei…”
“King, you mean. King of the world~”
“Ugh, I’m out of here…”
“So what’s wrong with Itadori?” stealing the last bit of his defenseless student’s crepe, Gojo sat on his chair, feet resting on his teacher desk.
“He’s in love…with an older woman…”
“She’s not an older woman!” the little snarl he gave Nobara was one that would rival a feisty tiny chihuahua, but it gave Gojo a pretty good idea of how serious this whole thing was.
“So, who’s this older woman?”
“The crepe stand girl.”
“Oh, ok Itadori’s right, she’s not an older woman…maybe a couple of years older than you at most. She’s a part-timer I believe.” the look in Yuuji’s eyes changed immediately, turning into a soft dreamy one.
“Though, you might want to keep yourself at bay, Itadori. Must I remind you the king of curses lives within you? Just thinking of sweet little (Y/N) being in danger makes me feel sick…” his words were harsh and made Yuuji recoil, he knows this, all too well, but there was no need to worry as much, is not like he was planning on confessing or something.
Without giving as much as a reply to his superior, Yuuji just left the classroom and hid himself in his own room for the rest of the day.
It was so frustrating to him how he couldn’t even have a crush, how much this curse has affected his life and how much he sometimes wished he would get to be a normal teenager once more.
To make things worse, Sukuna has been listening all this time…
Falling in love made Yuuji weak, his defenses were slowly disappearing and his mind was just somewhere else, the perfect timing to go for a little ride.
Another mission came along the next day, it was an easy reckoning one, over after an hour or so, there was no excuse to go for crepes and for that Yuuji was grateful.
However, Sukuna himself had other plans.
Yuuji’s depressed aura as they walked past the street you worked at was the final push necessary for him to take full control of his host’s body.
“Itadori, how about we get some ice crea- 
Fushigoro…Itadori’s gone-“ looking around desperately there was no sign at all of their teammate.
“What? What do you mean gone?” turning around just as desperate, all he could see was a dust cloud, proof he had been there not long ago, but not just of that, but also of the fact that he had left at an incredible speed.
The amount of cursed energy coming from down the road overwhelmed the young sorcerer, his face paling instantly. “Kugisaki….Sukuna…he’s…he’s here…”
“Tch, of course, he loves coming out when Gojo-sensei isn’t here…What do we do now?”
Megumi’s face was worrying her, he’s not someone to show fear easily, it also meant he had no clue of what to do next and she wasn’t great at this sort of impromptu life saving plans.
“What’s wrong, Fushigoro? Is he going too far this time?”
He just nodded, swallowing his anxiety down, “The crepe stand…”
Now that was playing dirty…he would for sure harm you if that meant getting full control of Itadori’s body, the perfect token for blackmail.
With a frown and unshared words, both ran towards the direction emanating the ridiculous amounts of cursed energy.
Though, what they found at the scene was beyond their expectations.
You were leaning on the window, like you usually do to get closer to Yuuji, like if nothing was out of the ordinary, like he didn’t have a completely different appearance and voice, making Megumi frown with distaste.
While he was fully concentrated on your safety, Nobara had her eyes on Sukuna. Saying his demeanor was odd, would be an understatement.
His smirk was wide, his eyes mischievous, his elbows were leaning on the same windowsill as you were, his face inches from yours. “My lovely angel, would you be willing to go to the depths of hell with me? I mean, hypothetically of course…” his words made you giggle and blush.
In all honesty, you did notice the change, though you didn’t question it much, is not like you had knowledge of curses, therefore the idea of your crush being possessed by an evil curse never crossed your mind.
“Is hell a nice place?”
“It isn’t. But I would make it comfortable for you if you do agree to come with me…”
Megumi’s blood ran cold and without thinking much he grabbed Sukuna by his elbow pulling him away from you, “Itadori…you’re scaring (Y/N)…”
Truth is, he wasn’t though. 
You had a delighted face while talking to him and the flirting has been mutual the entire time.
While Yuuji’s real and sweet persona made your heart skip a beat with his cute shyness, Sukuna’s assertive and even commanding self made your knees weak. 
You didn’t really understand his change in demeanor and you even considered him having double personality, but the truth was simple, you liked both sides equally, and didn’t mind one bit if he indeed had it, he at least seemed to remember you in both states.
But you went along with Megumi’s act, as he looked quite disturbed and worried, he did know him better than you after all.
Megumi’s words seemed to stir something inside Itadori, his eyes switching from a harsh scowl to a soft worrying misty look. He was struggling to gain control back since he really didn’t want to harm the woman he loved and he knew very well what Sukuna was capable of.
“What are you talking about, brat? You like this side of me much better, don’t you gorgeous?” his playful wink made you swoon, causing Itadori’s stomach to sink just a bit.
“I like every side of you. Though, why the face painting? Are you guys performing art students?”
“Something like that…now If you excuse us, we won’t be getting any crepes today, we need to take him home, he needs a bit of…ugh…rest.”
“Think about it babe, alright? If you so wish to, I’ll make you my queen.” 
After his last statement, Yuuji finally managed to wake up and gather his bearings, he felt like crap and had no energy left within his body. With an arm around each of his friends, he was able to get back to the academy in one piece, though, his heart had taken a harsh blow. 
You liked Sukuna…but you also liked him?
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Sarah my sweet can we get a conversation between one night reader and Wayne when she’s making him dinner? 💞
Hiiii babes!! Sure, I love me some Wayne content so I hope you enjoy this and also idk why it kinda made me emo so I’m sorry 😂💖
-find all things One Night Stand Eddie here✨
*Wayne wants you to know he’s here if you need him and he doesn’t mean just with baby stuff*
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“Hey sugar it’s just me.” “What’s up Daddio? Rumor around town is you got yourself a new work truck….” “What did we say about Daddio?” “It’s a no…you’re Wayne…just Wayne and for Dotty it’s whatever she feels like calling you…” “Exactly but yes I sure did get me a new work truck only took ten damn years…wanna check it out?…what’s that smell?” “Oh I’m making dinner…you are staying for dinner right?” “Of course…what’s on the menu? You need me to hang those shelves still or did Eddie finally get around to it?” “It’s just chicken enchilada casserole…nothing fancy…oh yes please if you don’t mind? I have a few books that I’d like to go on them…now let’s go see that truck.” “Stairs or do you wanna brave the elevator?” “Stairs…always the stairs…oh shit is that her? She’s so pretty look at that paint job.” “Oh hush…she’s used but she’s new to me and she runs like a dream.” “That’s good Wayne you deserve it…oh nice backseat…is that a damn car seat?” “Yes? I’m her grandpa I gotta have a car seat and it’s the exact same as the one in your car.” “I’m not even sure why I’m shocked…we’re gonna have to arm wrestle to see who gets to drive her home from the hospital aren’t we?” “No…I’ll let you take her from the hospital but I’m gonna meet you here or wherever you’ll be living.” “What’s that mean?…where I’ll be living?” “Ed told me you two are looking at apartments tomorrow…figured it was for the both of you?” “Oh no…it’s an apartment for him…just him..and you know eventually Dotty will stay there with him too but yeah it’s just his apartment.” “Right…well come on let’s get back up there so I can hang these shelves.” “Hey Wayne?” “Yeah?” “Thank you…for everything…I’m glad Dotty is gonna have you in her life.” “I’m not just in her life you know that right?…I’m in yours too.” “We both know I’ll be forgotten about the moment she’s born…you can’t fool me Wayne.” “Oh that’s enough of that…I’m just saying I’m here if you ever need me okay? And I mean for anything…like it or not we’re family now sweetheart.” “I mean..I guess everyone could use a Wayne in their life…” “damn straight…now come on before you burn my dinner.” “God you two really are related…so bossy.”
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pumpkinsy0 · 4 months
I like the idea of Ponyboy being a sneaky little shit and getting Curly a book on horticulture ("Haha, you said whore." -Curly) and Curly being all "why the fuck do I want this?"
Ponyboy says nothing, just smiling as he turns the pages to show one how to grow marijuana and Curly's all "Babe, I'll fucking marry you."
Trial and error, good days, bad ones. It's all worth is cause in eight weeks time Curly has his first sprouts. They are wrapped in a baby blanket under a heat lamp in the shed. The sprouts grow and soon enough he's ready for business. He dubs himself "The Greaser Gardner" cause it's kinda true, but also tuff when he puts it into perspective (it's not cool. Angela told him he sounded like a hick grandpa)
Speaking of names, he names his plants too. "This one is prickles, this one is stabby, that one back there is pluck and this one. . . . . this is Ponybabe. I named it after my wife."
Curly makes 50 bucks a month selling the stuff.
Tim is baffled. Perplexed. Because when the hell did Curly prove he could a.) read, b.) comprehend what he was reading and c.) put what he read and comprehend into action all at once?
i giggled at horticulture too, i am NO better than curly
im ngl i IMMEDIATELY thought of that yrailer park boys episode where ricky and julian were growing weed in that one empty ass trailer, I FORGOT EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED BUT IT WAS THAT EPISODE WHERE THE STRIPPER FUCKING STOLE EVERYTHING😭😭
curly going from “babe ill fucking marry u” to “i named it after my wife” what plot development THIS is what we need to see more of ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽
he only sells stuff from the ponybabe™️ plant to special customers so i like to image he gets really really dramatic talking about that plant, pretending like he’s a wife at sea at the lighthouse waiting for his husband to return from the war
and look rule #1 is “dont get high iff ur own supply” but curlys always like “i gotta test it out before it gets to my customers” (he just rlly wants to get high and doesnt feel like spending money)
i think tims more baffled at the fact that curly is actually able to take care of a living thing without it going to absolute shit, curly is SO heavy handed its not even funny
he likes to spend or give some of his profit to pony, he wouldnt b here without him🙏🏽🙏🏽
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its-chelisey-stuff · 6 months
Gotta hand it to the drama and say I was genuinely shocked at the way things have turned out for everyone
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I mean, I was expecting the whole takeover to drag for at least 4-5 eps more, while Hyunwoo's status at Queens got progressively worse & HaeIn's disease advanced and just the Hong family being fools all around. I even thought they were gonna drag the divorce (they signed the papers but haven't submitted them or did I read that wrong?) But wow in one ep, things moved fast and I'm still recovering. At one point I was screaming at the screen "slow down!!! I can barely keep up!" So many things happening and then boom! It's all over and now move to the countryside lol
In a way, it makes sense because the Evil Team had been working overtime for God knows how long. They infiltrated the family, the company and even the house staff!q By the time Eunseong came into the picture, it was literally the last piece of the puzzle, a few words, good expensive looks, showing off his money and he had the idiot Hongs in the bag. Wow, so incredibly stupid. They really had moles all around them. My God, even HaeIn's driver was in on it!! That's a nightmare but the Hong are not blameless.
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I have an idea of why, but I feel like I gotta keep this PG-13 lmao
I kinda want to feel bad for the grandpa, but at the same time, he really showed just how despicable he was, especially with his children. He exiled one son and sent his own daughter to jail ffs! And the only reason he still had a son in all this, is because he needed to pass down his company, needed heirs and HaeIn's dad needed to survive and provide for his family. That was a lot less about loyalty and love and more about fear and need of survival/getting that inheritance.
And how deliciously ironic that after being left to the sidelines, mistreated and everything else, Hyunwoo ended up being the one to save them... And ok, ok... I forgive him. Damn, it did took a lot for me to do it, but he really proved himself in the last 2 eps. I stand by what I said, that he was a bad husband and in general a bad human, but a lot has happened since ep 1 and now I forgive him, just as HaeIn has done. There's no one she trusts more than him and that's pretty clear now. I hope they find their way back to each other in the countryside.
The Hong family didn't listen to Hyunwoo's warnings and when they did, it was too late. And still, the man brought them to his hometown, to his family house, because they had no place to go and I assume they also have no money at all, their bank accounts must be either empty or frozen (if EunSeong wants HaeIn to come begging at his side, I'm sure he's gonna do everything in his power take it all from them). They really have no one else to rely on but the Baeks. They've lost everything.
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Well, call me biased all you want, I don't care! But HaeIn is still my fave. Yes, her marriage crumbling down was also her fault, I don't mean she's innocent, but she doesn't deserve what has been happening to her. Who even knows, maybe her miscarriage was also something planned by grandpa's mistress. I'm sure she also had something to do with HaeIn's brother dying. That bitch must go down.
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yearningaces · 8 months
(Too shy to say off nonny, sorry.) But I love your writing. Especially that it explores more than the sexual side of romances. I love to interact with the world in a way less driven in such a manner. It's a lovely change to see your writing in my sphere.
But also:
We have you meeting Nyx's family and fitting into his world, but what about trying to fit him into yours?
(never apologize, anon is on for a reason 👍)
I'm so so happy my blog can offer that for you! It's such a bummer each time I find some romantic buildup "plot sweet fluff they fuck." "Plot wholesome- they did this all just to fuck." "Romanc- they did it for sex."
And that's no problem! If people enjoy that then they can there's nothing wrong with enjoying sexual things, but as an asexual who is romantically attracted to folks(monsters mostly) it's disheartening to have almost every story end the same way so I have to skip huge chunks or just not read.which really minimizes how many stories I really have available
As for the idea you have!
Writing about families is far less reader inclusive so what I'm going to do is a brief overview that mostly is gonna focus on Nyx just being brought into the more human side of the world.
And with that in mind!
It takes time. And patience. Nyx is a bundle of nerves, and he loves you his wonderful human so much! But he's still terrified. Because you're sweet and good and know how to be gentle. Not every human does, and telling them apart is difficult at first.
Having to watch you and every other human tear through meat down to the bone at some restaurants (I'm craving ribs) takes him some time to not feel like he's about to fly out of his seat. So you compromised, he would never ask you not to eat something, but you do offer to cut whatever meat you're eating off the bone cause it seems to help his nerves.
The swarm and crowds of humans are so much larger than him, and so very loud for his delicate rabbit ears. Headphones and earbuds don't exactly work given his... Ear shapes.
What does work is a beanie he can tuck his ears into, or a crochet scarf(grandpa bun at it again) wrapped around his ears and head enough to cover them. It muffles the sounds.
Carry him. Please carry him, his legs are rabbit legs, his hind paws are rabbit paws no shoe can fit that and he refuses to wear dog shoes. Pavement is hot. Piggy back ride or sling him over your shoulder, if he's off the ground he's happy. (moreso if you show off that human strength)
Hates transportation at first. It's different, he walks or hops everywhere and now he just has to sit still and wait to get there? No. Give him the backseat to move around or find a bus that's not crowded so he can stretch his legs, y'all will not survive otherwise I'm sorry but ultimate "gotta move" attitude.
Other humans will scare him. You do, but in the attractive "this is my partner and they're so capable I love them so much" kinda way. Other humans set off danger alarms 24/7 that you only set off 11/7. It takes a good amount of time and slow buildup in exposure to combat this. If any human gets too close and doesn't hear him when he says to leave him alone(something you and him did practice) then he will fall on instincts and just bolt. So once you lay someone out in the asphalt, you gotta find the bun.
General aside, into family's. This is based around a loose idea of mother father siblings just because that's what I'm most familiar with
Absolutely prey fear in his eyes. Deer in the headlights when your folks opened the door to greet y'all together for the first time. You might have to actually carry him into the house and just sit with him for a few minutes, cuddle him a bit somewhere alone because he's in a human den of unknown humans. He needs to adjust to the many different scents and sights and sounds. And even if you vouch for them, these humans aren't you- he doesn't trust them the way he trust you and his instincts are absolutely screaming. 0/10 experience for the first few minutes.
Let him take his breaths and he'll gather his nerves to greet your family- but the best way would be to do so one by one. Otherwise it's another overwhelmed break time.
Eventually he might relax enough to rest around them, but Nyx absolutely will never sleep around any humans if you are not actively attached to him in that moment. He'll lay and lounge if he's really exhausted but will never sleep around your family or friends or any human if you aren't actively holding him or just close enough he can feel or at least smell you.
Humans are scary, they won't ever feel safe to him, that's just instinct. But you're his human, his partner. He'll sleep like a baby in your arms if it's just the two of you, and even if he wakes and has a heart attack because why are your eyes dilated in the dark and staring at him?
He's always gonna be a bunny boy. Always gonna be a bundle of nerves and hardwired red flag instincts because he is prey.
He can grow to trust and care about your family, but only really because they're an extention of you, selfish as it might seem.
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ghostkingdoesstuff · 8 months
A friendly reminder I am not to be held accountable for the things I'm about to say. Percy Jackson Season 1 FINALLY (SPOILERS BUT THAT'S THE LEAST OF YOUR PROBLEMS)
The visceral noise I made eating popcorn as Luke said "look you didn't ask to be a half-blood" caused an earthquake in Alaska, I'm sorry I was facing northwest.
"Riposte" I'm sorry, no I'm sorry no-
Also, the background of the sword fighting scene was very pretty.
Poseidon showing up for his son!!! Letts gooooooo! THE WEIGHT OF THE OCEAN UPON YEE!!!
Right in the heel, it's gotta hurt!
Percy asked his uncle to please return his mom, wholesome family gold.
"He'll kill you." "I done to stop running from monsters." "You're gonna need all the luck you can get." The show gets why these two work. Friends before anything else.
Glory as a theme is something that I like that the show highlights more. But Grover is right. at least send an insurance email or something. A quick "on my way, please don't kill anyone"
Dropping the master bolt on some poor dudes desk, legendary.
Olympus is so fucking beutiful omg
I'm gonna cry if Luke and Percy are in the same scene as each other in this episode again. ILL DO IT! THAT'S A THREAT!
The dead silence, I'm shitting omg... yes I know what happens and?
Followed by "I didn't steal it! Neither did any of my friends" IM GONNA CRY! IM GONNA DO IT
The pin strip suit, the sky blue paisley tie, the presence, the voice, THE KING OF THE GODS PEOPLE
Lotta talk for someone so small and scary
"Of course we dream. why do you ask?" "Do you ever dream about mom?" ;-;
Thalia looking strudy as ever.
Another reminder I am not to held liable for anything I might say, you need only see how many times I've listened to "Last day of Summer" from The musical to understand how much I've thought of this moment in fictional time.
Confirmation that Luke was indeed what mattered most in the end? I'm gonna make myself cry shit-
Honestly, this Percy might be too smart for his own good. Bro's never gonna live this heartbreak down.
"You...I'm here to recruit." I- fucking- AHHHH
"Stop saying "we"!" "It’s the word Zeus fears the most."
AND SHE HEARD EVERYTHING! Wasn't she supposed to be watching Clarrise? He'll, if Percy could figure it out, I'm sure Annabeth would. It's worth it to see that LOOK on Luke's face. I'm sorry. Feel the weight of your actions, man.
Miss my old friend the pit scorpion but I also like my new friend "the first scars we gave eachother"
He knows Luke won't hurt him physically, but the psychic damage hurts more and has lasting status de buffs.
"Just be a kid" that's it
"I'll find you" that's it
Promising to meet again next summer...Percy just you wait.
"Grandpa" "don't call him that"
They are the ultimate mother son duo
Kinda hate that Sally didn't intentionally do a murder, or at least she has a lot more possible deniability now, but I hope she still makes a sweet sale on that sculpture!
And that's it! Fuck it's over what to do now... RE READING THE LIGHTING THEIF LIFE BLOG COMING SOON! As well I'll probably drop a summary of my thoughts on the whole season at some point soon! Happy Finally, y'all! Can't wait to see the discorse!
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