#gracie sevilla
Irmo Middle School Wrestlers Capture Championships at SCYWA Elite Predator Challenge in Lugoff-Elgin
Irmo 7th Grader, Luke Sevilla, selected for the South Carolina State Team at 130 lbs.   Irmo Middle School Wrestling season begins on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, but, in preparation for the 2023/24 South Carolina High School League wrestling season, 1st year Head Coach, Tommy Sevilla, has had multiple Irmo Middle School Wrestlers competing in the aforementioned South Carolina Youth Wrestling…
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rebelde x gracie abrams
okay, one of my fav things to do while listening to music is associating songs with characters/ships. and bc i love rebelde and gracie abrams, i tried to assign a character/ship to every gracie abrams song - i haven't got them all, but i'll still just write the list here:
andi & dixon:
block me out
andi, dixon & jana:
hard to sleep
andi agosti:
this is what the drugs are for (when just the title of the song was announced, i already knew it would be an andi song)
mj sevilla & sebas langarica (i don't like mebas but associate almost all the gracie songs about toxic relationships with them, so there are quite a few):
the bottom
i should hate you
brush fire
fault line
mj sevilla & dixon alvarez:
the blue
where do we go now?
jana cohen gandía:
long sleeves
jana cohen gandía & luka colucci:
mess it up
dixon alvarez & esteban torres:
jana cohen gandía, mj sevilla & andi agosti:
feels like
luka colucci & okane:
wishful thinking
jana cohen gandía & esteban torres:
andi agosti & emilia alo:
painkillers (wildsivy on instagram has a really good edit of them to this song, that's why i associate them with it)
i know it won't work
i miss you, i'm sorry
andi agosti & mj sevilla:
jana cohen gandía & mj sevilla:
the group:
right now
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Support Grace for the Cure: Diabetic Alert Dog for Gracie
In March 2018, our 4 year old daughter, Gracie Sevilla (now 5), was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, an incurable, intense, auto-immune disease that inflicts mostly children in their grade school years; a disease whose cause is unknown and is not due to diet or family history, but rather genetics and environmental triggers which cause the Pancreas to no longer produce life saving Insulin (a hormone in the body) necessary for blood glucose production and functioning - both high and low levels of blood glucose cause diabetic ketoacidosis which leads to diabetic coma, swelling in the brain and then, death. Our campaign goal for her is a Diabetic Alert Dog, a specially trained service animal that has the ability to quickly detect changes in her blood that could be life threatening. The dog then alerts the person with Diabetes and those around her, allowing time for treatment of both highs and lows. We don't currently have a dog and it makes perfect sense for our family pet to be specially trained to alert us of Gracie's life-threatening highs and lows. You can read about Gracie, Type 1 Diabetes, and how it has impacted our family in a recent article on her by Insulin Nation . Gracie was also featured with her Ohio State Buckeyes Under Armour Flag Football League on Channel 2 & 9 news - Los Angeles - for not only being the youngest in the league, the only girl for that matter, but also the only Type 1 Diabetic in the league; wearing her Dexcom G6 under her shorts, on her thigh, as he played. You can read about her here . Type 1 Diabetes, not to be confused with adult onset Type 2 Diabetes, requires moment by moment, day to day treatment and left untreated, can be immediately fatal. Persons with Type 1 Diabetes require Insulin injections after every meal; especially those which contain carbohydrates, as well as finger pricks to check blood glucose levels. Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices (CGM's) lessen the need for finger sticks. Gracie receives multiple injections of Insulin daily after every meal and snack and one night time dose of a different type of Insulin (Lantus) which is long acting; periodic finger sticks and now wears a Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitoring system that has a filament like catheter that inserts under the skin; continuously testing glucose levels and that which transmits a reading to our phones every 5 minutes and sounds alarms alerting us of dangerous highs and lows so that we may treat her high and low symptoms with Insulin or carbohydrate fluids or foods. The Dexcom g6 is an absolute blessing for us and a literal life-saver. Gracie's mother, Melodie, fought with her Pediatrician and our insurance company to get the "non-essential" medical device which even with insurance, is extremely expensive (each sensor cost several hundred dollars and needs to be switched out every 10 days or sooner and the transmitter or "brain" is 3 times as expensive and also last a relatively short period of time). These components often fail well before their expiration and long waits and troubleshooting sessions with tech support; fights with the pharmacies and insurance companies, much less the Pediatrician, are common. DIABETIC ALERT DOG: Although the continuous glucose monitoring device (Dexcom G6) is essential to us (can't imagine not having it after having had it), man-made technology fails and there is something much more reliable and would be such an amazing blessing to the entire family, especially little Gracie, who loves animals. A well-trained Diabetic Alert Dog. Properly trained, certified Diabetic Alert Dogs can alert of a life-threatening, impending high or low blood glucose level as much as 15 minutes sooner than a medical device and even a finger prick. God has designed these dogs with such an amazing keen seen of smell; instinct and loyalty for it's owners that the dog will wake up or otherwise alert a sleeping parent or child to let them know that the blood glucose levels are rising dangerously fast or dropping dangerously low; such a loveable and reliable medical alert system to help strengthen what we already have and provide for just a little bit of peace of mind in the midst of what is a constant stressor and source of great anxiety. Gracie's dad is a great provider for his family but in considering this newly learned option (Diabetic Alert Dog); factoring in our family's gifts and talents and our no choice other than to accept this disease and meet it head on, we've decided to take this route to help raise not only funds to purchase a specially trained dog from a reputable and certified Diabetic Alert Dog organization, but also to raise awareness about this horrible disease; something we are committed to doing for the rest of our lives. Diabetic Alert Dogs from reputable, certified, licensed trainers cost in the tens of thousands of dollars and most insurance companies do not cover the costs of diabetic alert dogs or service dogs in general, because their effectiveness has not yet been proven in scientific studies. Therefore, for the reasons stated above and for this reason, we invite you to join little Gracie in our "Grace for the Cure" fundraiser for a Diabetic Alert Dog for Gracie, and to raise T1D (Type 1 Diabetes) awareness. We believe that God can instantly heal Gracie and all who suffer and pray earnestly that He will. However, we know that in this life we shall suffer and take the good with the bad, praising Him unceasingly and remaining steadfast in our faith in Him. In the meantime, and in the midst of this fiery trial, He has been ever faithful and has blessed us in so many ways. It is our prayer that all who suffer and deal daily with this terrible disease will receive healing soon and that God will bless us all with a cure, and continue to fill us with His grace and mercy. Until there is a cure for Type 1 Diabetes, there is Gracie, and if God wills, she shall have her furry companion soon enough while raising awareness. Grace for the Cure! Our Amazing Grace!
Address : 6142 Jennifer Lane, Riverside, Ca 92509
Phone : (951) 289-1710
Business Email : [email protected]
Website : http://GracieT1DSuperStar.org
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January 15, 2020
  For Immediate Release:
Contact: Tommy Sevilla (951) 289-1710
Sevilla Local Media
  Discrimination Alleged Against Under Armour and Riverside Under the Lights Flag Football Franchise, Specific to a 6-Year Old Type 1 Diabetic Flag Football Player Girl – Gracie Sevilla – Department of Justice Complaint Filed
A Federal complaint was filed against the multi-national sports apparel and equipment company – Under Armour, and the Under the Lights Flag Football Franchise, alleging that the local league – Riverside Under the Lights, headed by Cory Wells and the parent league; a Florida based company headed by ex-Arena Football League Quarterback, John Kaleo, willfully discriminated against a person with a qualifying disability – Gracie Sevilla, age 6.
The Complaint, a precursor to a Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit, alleges that a willful and malicious discrimination against a person with a qualifying disability under The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12131-12134, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. § 794, occurred and is currently under review by the Department of Justice.
In May 2019, Gracie Sevilla, a 6 year old standout flag football player on her father, Tommy Sevilla’s K-2 Under Armour Friday Night Lights – Riverside Steelers – 7 on 7 Flag Football Team, was blatantly refused “reasonable accommodation” to play in the Steelers playoff game(s) by League Commissioner, Cory Wells, after such was requested by her coach and father and her mother, Melodie Sevilla, in writing.
    Gracie, as a Type 1 Diabetic, wears a Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitoring device (“CGM”) affixed to her thigh, while playing sports and otherwise. The device has a small filament that penetrates the skin’s fluid just below the epidermis and reads her blood glucose level every 5 seconds, rendering a cumulative reading every 5 minutes, that if high or low, signals alarms. The alarms then allow the parent or caregiver ample time to treat the life-threatening high or low.
For a Type 1 Diabetic, a blood sugar level reading that is too high or low causes a multitude of ill symptoms and leads to a diabetic coma then death when not treated in a timely manner.
The receiving medical device must be within 10 yards of Gracie at all times or a signal loss will occur and no potentially life-saving reading will be given. Gracie’s River Springs Charter School nurse, teacher and school campus proctor are others who have the app downloaded on their personal cell phones for monitoring, alerts, treatment and emergency care.
Type 1 Diabetes is an incurable autoimmune disorder of the Pancreas whereby the Pancreas stops producing life-saving Insulin necessary to survive and metabolize carbohydrates. Type 1 Diabetics like Gracie, must receive Insulin via needle injections into the skin; on average, Gracie receives 10-15 Insulin injections per day.
Commissioner and League Owner, Cory Wells, after barring Gracie’s father from coaching in the Playoffs, due to a personal dispute with him over Wells’ failure to address the misconduct of a rival coach that lead to a near riot on the football field with parents and coaches, and ensure the safety of his players and others for the upcoming playoffs, Gracie’s coach and Father, in an email, advised Wells that he was obligated under Federal law to have either Gracie’s mother or trained medical personnel on the field with the receiving device (within 10 yards of Gracie) to allow Gracie to play, to which Wells’ scoffed at the request.
Commissioner/Owner Wells, in an email, arrogantly refused the request by Gracie’s parents; dismissed the ADA provision and mandate for a “reasonable accommodation” and brashly welcomed threatened complaints and impending lawsuit(s).
In further retaliation toward Gracie and her parents an unprecedented league-wide email. Cory Wells, stated that no unauthorized persons would be admitted on to the field and that the gate would be locked and security tight; a specific reference to Gracie coach and father, Tommy Sevilla, as well as her mother, who could have taken her coach and father’s spot on the field with the receiving device and thus allowing her to play.
Cory Wells, the league commissioner, was well aware of Gracie being a Type 1 Diabetic. Gracie Sevilla was the youngest player in his league for the second season in a row, the only girl, and the only Type 1 Diabetic; one who had brought great positive publicity to his league, receiving local, regional, national and International media coverage associated with her being a unique young female athlete playing Football with Type 1 Diabetes.
Statement from Under Armour Friday Night Lights Coach, Tommy Sevilla, father to Luke and Gracie Sevilla:
“It is mind-boggling that a person in such a position that Corey Wells is in, purporting to operate a youth sports franchise for kids with a pure motive, acted in such a manner, proving clearly that it’s all about money and he has no regard for the safety and welfare of the kids in his league both from a security and health standpoint.
As a father himself he should no better and to scoff at Gracie’s condition and legitimate request for a reasonable accommodation, he must have a dark, arrogant soul.
Yet, how shameful is it of Under Armour and Under the Lights also, to have responded as they have!
John Kaleo, is an arrogant, cocky jerk and Eric Ogbogu, totally turned his back on the issue after handing it over to Kaleo, showing that Under Armour simply passed the buck and has no regard for Gracie or other Type 1 Diabetics.
We, as a family, rock Under Armour gear and have supported the Brand for years. It is unbelievable for John Kaleo to state that their (Under Armour) “team of lawyers” assured him that this was not discriminatory, nor a civil rights violation and much less an ADA issue. It is utterly shameful and insensitive; an example of corporate greed and human disconnect.
Gracie was supposed to just play without medical supervision, signal loss from her medical device whereby we have no idea what her blood glucose level was?!
How hard was it to allow Melodie, Gracie’s mom on the field, in my place, with the receiver, to monitor her blood sugar level and treat her accordingly?!
The actions of Under the Lights, Under Armour and Cory Wells has been arrogant, proud and an absolute affront to children with disabilities; a complete and utter contradiction to what they claim their brands’ stand for and they owe, at minimum, a contrite and sincere apology to Gracie, and to all like her who without proper medical supervision and treatment, can die suddenly.
Unbelievable how it has come to this, how they have robbed this little girl and her loyal brother, who refused to play without his sister, Dad and coach on the field, of a playoff and National Championship Tournament experience, all on account of Cory Wells’ deliberate indifference, sickening arrogance and blatant disregard for a young girl with a life threatening illness.
The Federal Complaint against Cory Wells, alleges that Wells retaliated against Gracie and her parents with foresight of malice, because he was angry with her father (the team’s Head Coach for the second year in a row) for him having complained about Wells’ unfair treatment to Under Armour seeking their intervention.
When Under Armour was contacted about the situation, Eric Ogbogu, a former Dallas Cowboy, passed the issue along to John Kaleo, the Friday Night Lights Franchise Founder and Owner, who mocked and dismissed Gracie’s situation and its relevance to the American with Disabilities Act, both showning a deliberate indifference toward accommodating a person with a qualifying disability; Gracie Sevilla, a 6-year old Type 1 Diabetic girl football player.
In attempt to appease Gracie’s father and coach, John Kaleo, extended an invitation to Tommy Sevilla, the Steelers coach, for them to compete in Under Armour’s National Championship Tournament, since Gracie, nor her brother, Luke Sevilla, the teams star quarterback and player, couldn’t compete in the league’s playoffs to qualify fairly for the tournament; the Steelers would would fail to advance without Luke, Gracie and Coach Tommy on the field and barely have enough players to field a team. However, this was an insincere invitation as it would be impossible for Sevilla to field a team due to the negative fallout surrounding the original near riot incident and Commissioner Wells’ steadfast refusal to share the leagues other coaches’ contact information, so as to allow Coach Sevilla to invite the league’s other players to join his National Championship team, thus making the invitation to compete of no value.
Kaleo refused to intervene in Wells’ retaliation and assist Sevilla in adding players to his team, and it was learned that Wells, in fact, helped the opposing coach (the one who committed the original misconduct) form a team by adding the league’s best players from other teams to his team; the very thing requested by Sevilla.
Previous to this ADA violation, the previous Fall Season of the Riverside Under Armour League, Wells, and the Hillcrest High School Football Coach and Athletic Director, scoffed at and refused to remedy a situation whereby, spectators to the Under Games were forced to park in the lower student parking lot and walk up a steep grade, several hundred yards to steep steps that lead to the football field. This unreasonable trek prevented elderly persons and persons with physical disabilities from accessing the field. Wells failed to address the issue of the gate, which lead to the upper parking lot and access ramps/stairs, being locked, which forced all spectators, including the disabled, to make the long, challenging trek up the steep grade.
The Hillcrest High School Football Coach and Athletic Director, believing he had called Wells to complain about the “woman” who complained about the situation, actually called her, and began the phone call by disparaging the complaining party.
A long email thread substantiating the allegations against Under the Lights and Under Armour exist and upon exhaustion of administrative remedy, a Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit will be filed against Under Armour, the Under the Lights Football Franchise (John Kaleo) and Cory Wells’ corporation that is associated the league, as well as specific persons in their individual capacities, for a deliberate indifference toward Gracie Sevilla, a person/athlete with a Federally recognized physical disability.
Gracie Sevilla has continued to play sports without such retaliation and discrimination since the incident, excelling as an infielder and pitcher with Jurupa Valley Little League, thriving as a Quarterback with the Corona Friday Night Lights Flag Football League with her father Tommy as Head Coach, and most recently in Gymnastics.
Brother Luke Sevilla, would subsequently, lead his Ohio State Buckeyes Team to the Corona Friday Night Lights – Sophomore Silver Division League Championship, with his father as Coach.
Gracie will be joining the 3G Wrestling Team out of La Verne, California, a team her brother, Luke, currently competes with, and will also begin her training as a Boxer with the Jurupa Valley Boxing Club, where her father sits on the Board of Directors.
It is believed that she would become the only and youngest female wrestler and boxer with USA Boxing and USA Wrestling.
Gracie has been featured as a Type 1 Diabetic Athlete in International, National and Local news sources, both in print and on television.
Gracie has a website and You Tube channel in development; website currently points to her GoFundMe page created for Type 1 Diabetes Awareness and fundraising for a specially trained Diabetic Alert Dog: http://GraceForTheCure.org and http://GracieSevilla.com
Discrimination Alleged Against Under Armour and Riverside Under the Lights Flag Football Franchise, Specific to a 6-Year Old Type 1 Diabetic Flag Football Player Girl – Gracie Sevilla – Department of Justice Complaint Filed January 15, 2020 For Immediate Release: Contact: Tommy Sevilla (951) 289-1710 Sevilla Local Media [email protected] Discrimination Alleged Against Under Armour and Riverside Under the Lights Flag Football Franchise, Specific to a 6-Year Old Type 1 Diabetic Flag Football Player Girl - Gracie Sevilla - Department of Justice Complaint Filed…
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ambfurniture · 4 years
9 pc Gracie oaks sevilla antique natural finish wood dining table set grey chairs. This set features a solid wood top table in a rustic wood finish with grey fabric tufted upholstered side chairs and bench. This set includes the table with 8 - side chairs. Table measures 72' (104' with 2 - 16' leaf) x 42' W x 30' H. Side chairs measure 27' x 20' x 40' H. Optional Bench measures 71' x 27' x 40' H. Additional chairs available at additional costs. Some assembly required.
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Peluche TY Beanie Boos Gracie Swan 15cm https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html PELUCHES, TY Tamaño: 15cm. EWOKY tienda friki funko pop madrid barcelona valencia sevilla zaragoza malaga bilbao denda tenda españa catalunya euskadi girona tarragona lleida botiga online comprar barato barata baratos baratas boutique store loja online SHOP https://www.ewoky.com/es/6302-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil https://www.ewoky.com/es/92-ty-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil TY PELUCHES https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/6302-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil
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barcelonafriki · 5 years
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Peluche TY Beanie Boos Gracie Swan 15cm https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html PELUCHES, TY Tamaño: 15cm. EWOKY tienda friki funko pop madrid barcelona valencia sevilla zaragoza malaga bilbao denda tenda españa catalunya euskadi girona tarragona lleida botiga online comprar barato barata baratos baratas boutique store loja online SHOP https://www.ewoky.com/es/6302-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil https://www.ewoky.com/es/92-ty-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil TY https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/6302-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil https://www.ewoky.com/es/6302-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil https://www.ewoky.com/es/6302-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/6302-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/6302-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html https://www.ewoky.com/es/79660-peluche-ty-beanie-boos-gracie-swan-15cm-peluches-tienda-friki-munecos-figuras-funko-pop-espana-madrid-barcelona-juguetes-ninos-infantil.html
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35milimetross · 7 years
ASECAN anuncia las nominaciones a los premios del Cine Andaluz 2018
El autor, Las heridas del viento y El intercambio destacan con un mayor número de nominaciones en los Premios ASECAN 2018
Foto de familia de los nominados a los Premios ASECAN 2017 -Foto: J.M. Paisano-
La Asociación de Escritoras y Escritores Cinematográficos de Andalucía (ASECAN) – ha dado a conocer esta mañana las nominaciones a los Premios ASECAN del Cine Andaluz 2018 que se celebran con la Fundación de la Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE) como entidad colaboradora oficial.
El Antiquarium de Sevilla ha acogido la lectura de nominaciones a los ASECAN y en el que han estado presentes los nominados en las 23 categorías. El acto ha sido introducido por Javier Paisano y Lourdes Palacios, presidente y secretaria de ASECAN respectivamente. Las nominaciones han sido presentadas por los intérpretes Avelino Piedad, Alicia Moruno, Mila Fernández y Gracy Jaramago; y los guionistas Carmen Pombero y Jorge Laplace.
Entre las películas que destacan por su número de nominaciones se encuentran El autor, del almeriense Manuel Martín Cuenca con nueve nominaciones; y Las heridas del viento del cordobés Juan Carlos Rubio y El Intercambio del malagueño Ignacio Nacho con seis nominaciones cada una.
Las películas Morir, No sé decir adiós, El mar nos mira de lejos, Maniac Tales y Resort Parais concurren con 5 nominaciones cada una. Por su parte, Señor, dame paciencia, Samba, un nombre borrado, Indestructible, el alma de la salsa, La llamada y Abracadabra acumulan tres nominaciones cada una.
Destacan también con dos  nominaciones competirán El Bar de Álex de la Iglesia y Tierra Firme de Carlos Marqués-Marcet.
    En esta edición de los Premios ASECAN, se han presentado en total 390 candidaturas en las 23 categorías convocadas. Por provincias, Sevilla es un año más la provincia que más candidaturas presenta, con 192 (que suponen casi la mitad), seguida de Málaga con 76  y Jaén con 34.
La XXX Gala de Entrega de los Premios del Cine Andaluz se celebrará el 27 de enero de 2018 en el Teatro Lope de Vega de Sevilla.
El autor Las heridas del viento Morir No sé decir adiós Señor, dame paciencia
Mariano Agudo por Samba, un nombre borrado Antonio Cuadri por Operación Concha Álvaro Díaz Lorenzo por Señor, dame paciencia
Fernando Franco, por Morir Manuel Martín Cuenca, por El autor
Clara López Rubio y Juan Pancorbo por Garzón-Assange, el juez y el rebelde Antonio Morales por Marisa en los bosques
Manuel Muñoz Rivas por El mar nos mira de lejos David Pareja por Indestructible, el alma de la salsa Juan Carlos Rubio por Las heridas del viento
Fernando Franco por el guion adaptado de Morir (en colaboración con Coral Cruz)
Manuel Martín Cuenca por el guion adaptado de El autor (en colaboración con Alejandro Hernández)
Manuel Muñoz Rivas por el guion original de El mar nos mira de lejos (en colaboración con Mauro Hercé)
Juan Carlos Rubio por el guion adaptado de Las heridas del viento
David Sainz y Manuel Noguera del Ojo por el guion adaptado de Fogueo
Adelfa Calvo por El autor  Belén Cuesta por La llamada
Kiti Mánver por Las heridas del viento
Virginia de Morata por Resort Paraíso
Natalia Roig por El intercambio
Juan Diego por No sé decir adiós
Pepón Nieto por El intercambio Jaime Ordóñez por El bar Antonio de la Torre por Abracadabra
Antonio de la Torre por El autor
Migue Amoedo por La llamada César Hernando y José Antonio Crespillo por Maniac Tales (en colaboración con Luis Puig)
Pau Esteve Birba por El autor
Alberto Pareja por Indestructible, el alma de la salsa
Carlos Rivero por Se abrirá la tierra
Sergio del Alcázar por El intercambio
Miguel Doblado por Morir
Miguel Doblado por No sé decir adiós
Juliana Montañés por Tierra firme (en colaboración con Carlos Marques-Marcet)
Pablo Trujillo por Maniac Tales
Pablo Trujillo por No sé decir adiós
Alejandro Vivas por El jugador de ajedrez
Nacho R. Arenas (edición de sonido) por Morir
Joaquín Pachón (sonido directo) por El mar nos mira de lejos
Diana Sagrista (sonido directo), José Antonio Manovel (mezcla y diseño sonoro), Amaya Soler (producción y efectos de sala), Rafael Pachón (diseño sonoro) y Juan Jesús Jiménez (edición de diálogos) de Indestructible, el alma de la salsa
Daniel de Zayas (sonido directo) por El autor
Daniel de Zayas y Federico Pájaro por Las heridas del viento
Elena Fernández Cuadra por El intercambio
Mamme Hilario por Resort Paraíso
Esther Vaquero por El autor (en colaboración con Pedro Moreno)
Quisqui García, Rafael Patiño y Clara Rodríguez por Boyplay
Sonia Nolla por El autor Amador Rehak por El intercambio
Susana Urquiza y Corinne Rubio por Resort Paraíso Curt Allen Wilmer por Las heridas del viento
Natalia García Bandera y Manuel Castillo Roldán por El intercambio
Antonio Panizza por Señor, dame paciencia (en colaboración con Lourdes Briones)
Lulú Pérez, Sonia González y Daniel postigo por Resort Paraíso
Amador Rehak y Elvira López por Maniac Tales
Paco Rodríguez por Abracadabra (en colaboración con Sylvie Imbert)
José Manuel Colón por La manzana de Eva
Damián Paris por No sé decir adiós
Sara Sánchez y José Manuel Rodríguez por El mar nos mira de lejos
Cintia Sánchez Lafuente por Maniac Tales
Ana Valero por Samba, un nombre borrado
Carlota Begines (íntérprete), Santi Martínez (compositor) y Miguel Zurita (letrista) por “Sinlavenia”, de Sinlavenia
José Mercé por “Poderoso caballero”, de Oro
Martín J. Guzmán y el colectivo No hay banda por “Cruce”, de A remo
Nulø por “Elefante”, de Mujeres
Fali Álvarez, Antonio Romero y Domingo Moreno, por Maniac Tales
Gonzalo Moyano por Resort Paraíso
Armando Sepúlveda y Alejandro Landero por La gran ola
Caballo de viento, de Moisés Salama
El mar nos mira de lejos, de Manuel Muñoz Rivas para Azhar Media, El Viaje Films, 59 en Conserva y CTM Docs
Que nadie duerma, de Mateo Cabeza
Rota n’Roll, de Vanesa Benítez Zamora para Mano Negra Films
Samba, un nombre borrado, de Mariano Agudo para Intermedia Producciones
Boyplay, de Edgar Burgos para Big Shiva
Cachorro, de Jesús Rivera para ECAM
El alquiler, de Pablo Gómez Castro para La Panda
Orbis, de Ángel Fernández-Cuevas para ACIIIFilms
Una china en el zapato, de Adrián Ramos y Oriol Segarra para Cretino Films
Conversaciones ajenas, de Manuel Jiménez Núñez para Yolaperdono
¿Dónde está Salmonete?, de Julián Azcutia
Dos sueños después, de Pilar Monsell para Proxémica
El mundanal ruido, de David Muñoz para Híbrida Films
La memoria fantasma, de David Monthiel y Patricio Musalem para Producciones Semitas
Buster, webserie de Diffferent Enterntainment para Flooxer
La Via, serie de cortometrajes pedagógicos de la Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública y el Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío de Sevilla
28F, Una cita con la historia, moviedoc de Álvaro de Armiñán para Magnétika Films
The Finest of The Breed, videpoema de Ricardo Serrano
La Almería de Sergio Leone (Juanen Pérez Miranda y Juan Gabriel García) El productor (Miguel Jiménez) 50 imágenes para la historia de la comunicación (María del Mar Ramírez Alvarado y María Ángeles Martínez García, coord..)
Dentro del cuadro. 50 presencias pictóricas en el cine (Mónica Barrientos)
Jerry Lewis. El día en el que el cómico filmó (Manuel Lamarca)
PREMIO ASECAN LABOR DE DIFUSIÓN Asociación Jaén Audiovisual Colectivo Brumaria de Fuente Obejuna (Córdoba) Concurso de Cortometrajes Rodando por Jaén Festival de Nuevo Cine Andaluz de Casares (Málaga) Festival Internacional de Cine Bajo La Luna – Islantilla Cinefórum (Huelva)
Fila 7 FilmAnd Remake a los 80
El bar Handia La librería
La llamada
Tierra firme
Verano 1993
Dunkerque El otro lado de la esperanza El tercer asesinato El viajante En realidad, nunca estuviste aquí La La Land, la ciudad de las estrellas La tortuga roja Moonlight
  La entrada ASECAN anuncia las nominaciones a los premios del Cine Andaluz 2018 aparece primero en 35milimetros.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2Bum4up
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germandejuana · 7 years
Hey Guidedvisit Sevilla thanks for the follow! Gracies per seguirme! Visit https://t.co/xNxk1ww9T0
Hey Guidedvisit Sevilla thanks for the follow! Gracies per seguirme! Visit https://t.co/xNxk1ww9T0
— German d Juana DUI (@GermanDeJuana) April 22, 2017
via Twitter https://twitter.com/GermanDeJuana April 22, 2017 at 11:38AM
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bbulnes · 8 years
Trailer de Problemas de Guion from Bernabé Bulnes on Vimeo.
Un pequeño adelanto de nuestro cortometraje 'Problemas de guion'. Un cortometraje de Bernabé Bulnes con la colaboración del Laboratorio de Interpretación de Sevilla. Protagonizado por Carlos Bernardino, Gracy Jaramago, Avelino Piedad y Doncho Montero. Con la participación especial de Larbi Ajbar, Álvaro Salguero, Piedad Cuartero, Daniel Carrasco, Eloy Peña e Izarbe Bernal. Guión y dirección: Bernabé Bulnes Producción ejecutiva: Bernabé Bulnes y Sebastián Haro. Dirección de producción: Antonio Aparecero y Dina Harovic Jefa de producción: Ana González Dirección de fotografía: Alejandro Espadero Música original: Juan Cantón Diseño de sonido: José Tomé Dirección de arte: Espartaco Rincón Vestuario: Sara Beauchy Maquillaje: Laura Gil, Jennifer Cabello Ayudante de dirección: Dina Harovic Asistente de dirección: Yolanda Ortiz Script: Juanjo R. Palomeque Ayudante de producción: Pablo Cotán Auxiliares de producción: Alberto Bulnes, María García, Jesús Viana Ayudantes de cámara: Paco Cano, Fabio Moreno Auxiliares de cámara: Cristina Cerezo, José Carlos Pérez, Jerónimo Fernández, Yanira B. Martín Eléctricos: Adrián A. Márquez, Gabriel Gascó, Juanma de la Cruz, Carlos Hernández Etalonaje: Juan Antonio Casaus Sonido directo: Juan Cantón Microfonista: Pablo Mellado Ayudantes de arte: Julia Cortés, María Osorio, Carlos Sarmiento
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Grace for the Cure: Diabetes Alert Service Dog for Gracie Sevilla - www.GracieSevilla.com
Grace for the Cure: Diabetes Alert Service Dog for Gracie Sevilla – www.GracieSevilla.com
In March 2018, our 4 year old daughter, Gracie Sevilla (now 5), was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, an incurable, intense, auto-immune disease that inflicts mostly children in their grade school years; a disease whose cause is unknown and is not due to diet or family history, but rather genetic markers and environmental triggers which cause the Pancreas to no longer produce life saving…
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Support Grace for the Cure: Diabetic Alert Dog for Gracie
In March 2018, our 4 year old daughter, Gracie Sevilla (now 5), was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, an incurable, intense, auto-immune disease that inflicts mostly children in their grade school years; a disease whose cause is unknown and is not due to diet or family history, but rather genetics and environmental triggers which cause the Pancreas to no longer produce life saving Insulin (a hormone in the body) necessary for blood glucose production and functioning - both high and low levels of blood glucose cause diabetic ketoacidosis which leads to diabetic coma, swelling in the brain and then, death. Our campaign goal for her is a Diabetic Alert Dog, a specially trained service animal that has the ability to quickly detect changes in her blood that could be life threatening. The dog then alerts the person with Diabetes and those around her, allowing time for treatment of both highs and lows. We don't currently have a dog and it makes perfect sense for our family pet to be specially trained to alert us of Gracie's life-threatening highs and lows. You can read about Gracie, Type 1 Diabetes, and how it has impacted our family in a recent article on her by Insulin Nation . Gracie was also featured with her Ohio State Buckeyes Under Armour Flag Football League on Channel 2 & 9 news - Los Angeles - for not only being the youngest in the league, the only girl for that matter, but also the only Type 1 Diabetic in the league; wearing her Dexcom G6 under her shorts, on her thigh, as he played. You can read about her here . Type 1 Diabetes, not to be confused with adult onset Type 2 Diabetes, requires moment by moment, day to day treatment and left untreated, can be immediately fatal. Persons with Type 1 Diabetes require Insulin injections after every meal; especially those which contain carbohydrates, as well as finger pricks to check blood glucose levels. Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices (CGM's) lessen the need for finger sticks. Gracie receives multiple injections of Insulin daily after every meal and snack and one night time dose of a different type of Insulin (Lantus) which is long acting; periodic finger sticks and now wears a Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitoring system that has a filament like catheter that inserts under the skin; continuously testing glucose levels and that which transmits a reading to our phones every 5 minutes and sounds alarms alerting us of dangerous highs and lows so that we may treat her high and low symptoms with Insulin or carbohydrate fluids or foods. The Dexcom g6 is an absolute blessing for us and a literal life-saver. Gracie's mother, Melodie, fought with her Pediatrician and our insurance company to get the "non-essential" medical device which even with insurance, is extremely expensive (each sensor cost several hundred dollars and needs to be switched out every 10 days or sooner and the transmitter or "brain" is 3 times as expensive and also last a relatively short period of time). These components often fail well before their expiration and long waits and troubleshooting sessions with tech support; fights with the pharmacies and insurance companies, much less the Pediatrician, are common. DIABETIC ALERT DOG: Although the continuous glucose monitoring device (Dexcom G6) is essential to us (can't imagine not having it after having had it), man-made technology fails and there is something much more reliable and would be such an amazing blessing to the entire family, especially little Gracie, who loves animals. A well-trained Diabetic Alert Dog. Properly trained, certified Diabetic Alert Dogs can alert of a life-threatening, impending high or low blood glucose level as much as 15 minutes sooner than a medical device and even a finger prick. God has designed these dogs with such an amazing keen seen of smell; instinct and loyalty for it's owners that the dog will wake up or otherwise alert a sleeping parent or child to let them know that the blood glucose levels are rising dangerously fast or dropping dangerously low; such a loveable and reliable medical alert system to help strengthen what we already have and provide for just a little bit of peace of mind in the midst of what is a constant stressor and source of great anxiety. Gracie's dad is a great provider for his family but in considering this newly learned option (Diabetic Alert Dog); factoring in our family's gifts and talents and our no choice other than to accept this disease and meet it head on, we've decided to take this route to help raise not only funds to purchase a specially trained dog from a reputable and certified Diabetic Alert Dog organization, but also to raise awareness about this horrible disease; something we are committed to doing for the rest of our lives. Diabetic Alert Dogs from reputable, certified, licensed trainers cost in the tens of thousands of dollars and most insurance companies do not cover the costs of diabetic alert dogs or service dogs in general, because their effectiveness has not yet been proven in scientific studies. Therefore, for the reasons stated above and for this reason, we invite you to join little Gracie in our "Grace for the Cure" fundraiser for a Diabetic Alert Dog for Gracie, and to raise T1D (Type 1 Diabetes) awareness. We believe that God can instantly heal Gracie and all who suffer and pray earnestly that He will. However, we know that in this life we shall suffer and take the good with the bad, praising Him unceasingly and remaining steadfast in our faith in Him. In the meantime, and in the midst of this fiery trial, He has been ever faithful and has blessed us in so many ways. It is our prayer that all who suffer and deal daily with this terrible disease will receive healing soon and that God will bless us all with a cure, and continue to fill us with His grace and mercy. Until there is a cure for Type 1 Diabetes, there is Gracie, and if God wills, she shall have her furry companion soon enough while raising awareness. Grace for the Cure! Our Amazing Grace!
Address : 6142 Jennifer Lane, Riverside, Ca 92509
Phone : (951) 289-1710
Business Email : [email protected]
Website : http://GracieT1DSuperStar.org
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Support Grace for the Cure: Diabetic Alert Dog for Gracie
In March 2018, our 4 year old daughter, Gracie Sevilla (now 5), was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, an incurable, intense, auto-immune disease that inflicts mostly children in their grade school years; a disease whose cause is unknown and is not due to diet or family history, but rather genetics and environmental triggers which cause the Pancreas to no longer produce life saving Insulin (a hormone in the body) necessary for blood glucose production and functioning - both high and low levels of blood glucose cause diabetic ketoacidosis which leads to diabetic coma, swelling in the brain and then, death. Our campaign goal for her is a Diabetic Alert Dog, a specially trained service animal that has the ability to quickly detect changes in her blood that could be life threatening. The dog then alerts the person with Diabetes and those around her, allowing time for treatment of both highs and lows. We don't currently have a dog and it makes perfect sense for our family pet to be specially trained to alert us of Gracie's life-threatening highs and lows. You can read about Gracie, Type 1 Diabetes, and how it has impacted our family in a recent article on her by Insulin Nation . Gracie was also featured with her Ohio State Buckeyes Under Armour Flag Football League on Channel 2 & 9 news - Los Angeles - for not only being the youngest in the league, the only girl for that matter, but also the only Type 1 Diabetic in the league; wearing her Dexcom G6 under her shorts, on her thigh, as he played. You can read about her here . Type 1 Diabetes, not to be confused with adult onset Type 2 Diabetes, requires moment by moment, day to day treatment and left untreated, can be immediately fatal. Persons with Type 1 Diabetes require Insulin injections after every meal; especially those which contain carbohydrates, as well as finger pricks to check blood glucose levels. Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices (CGM's) lessen the need for finger sticks. Gracie receives multiple injections of Insulin daily after every meal and snack and one night time dose of a different type of Insulin (Lantus) which is long acting; periodic finger sticks and now wears a Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitoring system that has a filament like catheter that inserts under the skin; continuously testing glucose levels and that which transmits a reading to our phones every 5 minutes and sounds alarms alerting us of dangerous highs and lows so that we may treat her high and low symptoms with Insulin or carbohydrate fluids or foods. The Dexcom g6 is an absolute blessing for us and a literal life-saver. Gracie's mother, Melodie, fought with her Pediatrician and our insurance company to get the "non-essential" medical device which even with insurance, is extremely expensive (each sensor cost several hundred dollars and needs to be switched out every 10 days or sooner and the transmitter or "brain" is 3 times as expensive and also last a relatively short period of time). These components often fail well before their expiration and long waits and troubleshooting sessions with tech support; fights with the pharmacies and insurance companies, much less the Pediatrician, are common. DIABETIC ALERT DOG: Although the continuous glucose monitoring device (Dexcom G6) is essential to us (can't imagine not having it after having had it), man-made technology fails and there is something much more reliable and would be such an amazing blessing to the entire family, especially little Gracie, who loves animals. A well-trained Diabetic Alert Dog. Properly trained, certified Diabetic Alert Dogs can alert of a life-threatening, impending high or low blood glucose level as much as 15 minutes sooner than a medical device and even a finger prick. God has designed these dogs with such an amazing keen seen of smell; instinct and loyalty for it's owners that the dog will wake up or otherwise alert a sleeping parent or child to let them know that the blood glucose levels are rising dangerously fast or dropping dangerously low; such a loveable and reliable medical alert system to help strengthen what we already have and provide for just a little bit of peace of mind in the midst of what is a constant stressor and source of great anxiety. Gracie's dad is a great provider for his family but in considering this newly learned option (Diabetic Alert Dog); factoring in our family's gifts and talents and our no choice other than to accept this disease and meet it head on, we've decided to take this route to help raise not only funds to purchase a specially trained dog from a reputable and certified Diabetic Alert Dog organization, but also to raise awareness about this horrible disease; something we are committed to doing for the rest of our lives. Diabetic Alert Dogs from reputable, certified, licensed trainers cost in the tens of thousands of dollars and most insurance companies do not cover the costs of diabetic alert dogs or service dogs in general, because their effectiveness has not yet been proven in scientific studies. Therefore, for the reasons stated above and for this reason, we invite you to join little Gracie in our "Grace for the Cure" fundraiser for a Diabetic Alert Dog for Gracie, and to raise T1D (Type 1 Diabetes) awareness. We believe that God can instantly heal Gracie and all who suffer and pray earnestly that He will. However, we know that in this life we shall suffer and take the good with the bad, praising Him unceasingly and remaining steadfast in our faith in Him. In the meantime, and in the midst of this fiery trial, He has been ever faithful and has blessed us in so many ways. It is our prayer that all who suffer and deal daily with this terrible disease will receive healing soon and that God will bless us all with a cure, and continue to fill us with His grace and mercy. Until there is a cure for Type 1 Diabetes, there is Gracie, and if God wills, she shall have her furry companion soon enough while raising awareness. Grace for the Cure! Our Amazing Grace!
Address : 6142 Jennifer Lane, Riverside, Ca 92509
Phone : (951) 289-1710
Business Email : [email protected]
Website : http://GracieT1DSuperStar.org
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Support Grace for the Cure: Diabetic Alert Dog for Gracie
In March 2018, our 4 year old daughter, Gracie Sevilla (now 5), was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, an incurable, intense, auto-immune disease that inflicts mostly children in their grade school years; a disease whose cause is unknown and is not due to diet or family history, but rather genetics and environmental triggers which cause the Pancreas to no longer produce life saving Insulin (a hormone in the body) necessary for blood glucose production and functioning - both high and low levels of blood glucose cause diabetic ketoacidosis which leads to diabetic coma, swelling in the brain and then, death. Our campaign goal for her is a Diabetic Alert Dog, a specially trained service animal that has the ability to quickly detect changes in her blood that could be life threatening. The dog then alerts the person with Diabetes and those around her, allowing time for treatment of both highs and lows. We don't currently have a dog and it makes perfect sense for our family pet to be specially trained to alert us of Gracie's life-threatening highs and lows. You can read about Gracie, Type 1 Diabetes, and how it has impacted our family in a recent article on her by Insulin Nation . Gracie was also featured with her Ohio State Buckeyes Under Armour Flag Football League on Channel 2 & 9 news - Los Angeles - for not only being the youngest in the league, the only girl for that matter, but also the only Type 1 Diabetic in the league; wearing her Dexcom G6 under her shorts, on her thigh, as he played. You can read about her here . Type 1 Diabetes, not to be confused with adult onset Type 2 Diabetes, requires moment by moment, day to day treatment and left untreated, can be immediately fatal. Persons with Type 1 Diabetes require Insulin injections after every meal; especially those which contain carbohydrates, as well as finger pricks to check blood glucose levels. Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices (CGM's) lessen the need for finger sticks. Gracie receives multiple injections of Insulin daily after every meal and snack and one night time dose of a different type of Insulin (Lantus) which is long acting; periodic finger sticks and now wears a Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitoring system that has a filament like catheter that inserts under the skin; continuously testing glucose levels and that which transmits a reading to our phones every 5 minutes and sounds alarms alerting us of dangerous highs and lows so that we may treat her high and low symptoms with Insulin or carbohydrate fluids or foods. The Dexcom g6 is an absolute blessing for us and a literal life-saver. Gracie's mother, Melodie, fought with her Pediatrician and our insurance company to get the "non-essential" medical device which even with insurance, is extremely expensive (each sensor cost several hundred dollars and needs to be switched out every 10 days or sooner and the transmitter or "brain" is 3 times as expensive and also last a relatively short period of time). These components often fail well before their expiration and long waits and troubleshooting sessions with tech support; fights with the pharmacies and insurance companies, much less the Pediatrician, are common. DIABETIC ALERT DOG: Although the continuous glucose monitoring device (Dexcom G6) is essential to us (can't imagine not having it after having had it), man-made technology fails and there is something much more reliable and would be such an amazing blessing to the entire family, especially little Gracie, who loves animals. A well-trained Diabetic Alert Dog. Properly trained, certified Diabetic Alert Dogs can alert of a life-threatening, impending high or low blood glucose level as much as 15 minutes sooner than a medical device and even a finger prick. God has designed these dogs with such an amazing keen seen of smell; instinct and loyalty for it's owners that the dog will wake up or otherwise alert a sleeping parent or child to let them know that the blood glucose levels are rising dangerously fast or dropping dangerously low; such a loveable and reliable medical alert system to help strengthen what we already have and provide for just a little bit of peace of mind in the midst of what is a constant stressor and source of great anxiety. Gracie's dad is a great provider for his family but in considering this newly learned option (Diabetic Alert Dog); factoring in our family's gifts and talents and our no choice other than to accept this disease and meet it head on, we've decided to take this route to help raise not only funds to purchase a specially trained dog from a reputable and certified Diabetic Alert Dog organization, but also to raise awareness about this horrible disease; something we are committed to doing for the rest of our lives. Diabetic Alert Dogs from reputable, certified, licensed trainers cost in the tens of thousands of dollars and most insurance companies do not cover the costs of diabetic alert dogs or service dogs in general, because their effectiveness has not yet been proven in scientific studies. Therefore, for the reasons stated above and for this reason, we invite you to join little Gracie in our "Grace for the Cure" fundraiser for a Diabetic Alert Dog for Gracie, and to raise T1D (Type 1 Diabetes) awareness. We believe that God can instantly heal Gracie and all who suffer and pray earnestly that He will. However, we know that in this life we shall suffer and take the good with the bad, praising Him unceasingly and remaining steadfast in our faith in Him. In the meantime, and in the midst of this fiery trial, He has been ever faithful and has blessed us in so many ways. It is our prayer that all who suffer and deal daily with this terrible disease will receive healing soon and that God will bless us all with a cure, and continue to fill us with His grace and mercy. Until there is a cure for Type 1 Diabetes, there is Gracie, and if God wills, she shall have her furry companion soon enough while raising awareness. Grace for the Cure! Our Amazing Grace!
Address : 6142 Jennifer Lane, Riverside, Ca 92509
Phone : (951) 289-1710
Business Email : [email protected]
Website : http://GracieT1DSuperStar.org
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Support Grace for the Cure: Diabetic Alert Dog for Gracie
In March 2018, our 4 year old daughter, Gracie Sevilla (now 5), was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, an incurable, intense, auto-immune disease that inflicts mostly children in their grade school years; a disease whose cause is unknown and is not due to diet or family history, but rather genetics and environmental triggers which cause the Pancreas to no longer produce life saving Insulin (a hormone in the body) necessary for blood glucose production and functioning - both high and low levels of blood glucose cause diabetic ketoacidosis which leads to diabetic coma, swelling in the brain and then, death. Our campaign goal for her is a Diabetic Alert Dog, a specially trained service animal that has the ability to quickly detect changes in her blood that could be life threatening. The dog then alerts the person with Diabetes and those around her, allowing time for treatment of both highs and lows. We don't currently have a dog and it makes perfect sense for our family pet to be specially trained to alert us of Gracie's life-threatening highs and lows. You can read about Gracie, Type 1 Diabetes, and how it has impacted our family in a recent article on her by Insulin Nation . Gracie was also featured with her Ohio State Buckeyes Under Armour Flag Football League on Channel 2 & 9 news - Los Angeles - for not only being the youngest in the league, the only girl for that matter, but also the only Type 1 Diabetic in the league; wearing her Dexcom G6 under her shorts, on her thigh, as he played. You can read about her here . Type 1 Diabetes, not to be confused with adult onset Type 2 Diabetes, requires moment by moment, day to day treatment and left untreated, can be immediately fatal. Persons with Type 1 Diabetes require Insulin injections after every meal; especially those which contain carbohydrates, as well as finger pricks to check blood glucose levels. Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices (CGM's) lessen the need for finger sticks. Gracie receives multiple injections of Insulin daily after every meal and snack and one night time dose of a different type of Insulin (Lantus) which is long acting; periodic finger sticks and now wears a Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitoring system that has a filament like catheter that inserts under the skin; continuously testing glucose levels and that which transmits a reading to our phones every 5 minutes and sounds alarms alerting us of dangerous highs and lows so that we may treat her high and low symptoms with Insulin or carbohydrate fluids or foods. The Dexcom g6 is an absolute blessing for us and a literal life-saver. Gracie's mother, Melodie, fought with her Pediatrician and our insurance company to get the "non-essential" medical device which even with insurance, is extremely expensive (each sensor cost several hundred dollars and needs to be switched out every 10 days or sooner and the transmitter or "brain" is 3 times as expensive and also last a relatively short period of time). These components often fail well before their expiration and long waits and troubleshooting sessions with tech support; fights with the pharmacies and insurance companies, much less the Pediatrician, are common. DIABETIC ALERT DOG: Although the continuous glucose monitoring device (Dexcom G6) is essential to us (can't imagine not having it after having had it), man-made technology fails and there is something much more reliable and would be such an amazing blessing to the entire family, especially little Gracie, who loves animals. A well-trained Diabetic Alert Dog. Properly trained, certified Diabetic Alert Dogs can alert of a life-threatening, impending high or low blood glucose level as much as 15 minutes sooner than a medical device and even a finger prick. God has designed these dogs with such an amazing keen seen of smell; instinct and loyalty for it's owners that the dog will wake up or otherwise alert a sleeping parent or child to let them know that the blood glucose levels are rising dangerously fast or dropping dangerously low; such a loveable and reliable medical alert system to help strengthen what we already have and provide for just a little bit of peace of mind in the midst of what is a constant stressor and source of great anxiety. Gracie's dad is a great provider for his family but in considering this newly learned option (Diabetic Alert Dog); factoring in our family's gifts and talents and our no choice other than to accept this disease and meet it head on, we've decided to take this route to help raise not only funds to purchase a specially trained dog from a reputable and certified Diabetic Alert Dog organization, but also to raise awareness about this horrible disease; something we are committed to doing for the rest of our lives. Diabetic Alert Dogs from reputable, certified, licensed trainers cost in the tens of thousands of dollars and most insurance companies do not cover the costs of diabetic alert dogs or service dogs in general, because their effectiveness has not yet been proven in scientific studies. Therefore, for the reasons stated above and for this reason, we invite you to join little Gracie in our "Grace for the Cure" fundraiser for a Diabetic Alert Dog for Gracie, and to raise T1D (Type 1 Diabetes) awareness. We believe that God can instantly heal Gracie and all who suffer and pray earnestly that He will. However, we know that in this life we shall suffer and take the good with the bad, praising Him unceasingly and remaining steadfast in our faith in Him. In the meantime, and in the midst of this fiery trial, He has been ever faithful and has blessed us in so many ways. It is our prayer that all who suffer and deal daily with this terrible disease will receive healing soon and that God will bless us all with a cure, and continue to fill us with His grace and mercy. Until there is a cure for Type 1 Diabetes, there is Gracie, and if God wills, she shall have her furry companion soon enough while raising awareness. Grace for the Cure! Our Amazing Grace!
Address : 6142 Jennifer Lane, Riverside, Ca 92509
Phone : (951) 289-1710
Business Email : [email protected]
Website : http://GracieT1DSuperStar.org
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Support Grace for the Cure: Diabetic Alert Dog for Gracie
In March 2018, our 4 year old daughter, Gracie Sevilla (now 5), was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, an incurable, intense, auto-immune disease that inflicts mostly children in their grade school years; a disease whose cause is unknown and is not due to diet or family history, but rather genetics and environmental triggers which cause the Pancreas to no longer produce life saving Insulin (a hormone in the body) necessary for blood glucose production and functioning - both high and low levels of blood glucose cause diabetic ketoacidosis which leads to diabetic coma, swelling in the brain and then, death. Our campaign goal for her is a Diabetic Alert Dog, a specially trained service animal that has the ability to quickly detect changes in her blood that could be life threatening. The dog then alerts the person with Diabetes and those around her, allowing time for treatment of both highs and lows. We don't currently have a dog and it makes perfect sense for our family pet to be specially trained to alert us of Gracie's life-threatening highs and lows. You can read about Gracie, Type 1 Diabetes, and how it has impacted our family in a recent article on her by Insulin Nation . Gracie was also featured with her Ohio State Buckeyes Under Armour Flag Football League on Channel 2 & 9 news - Los Angeles - for not only being the youngest in the league, the only girl for that matter, but also the only Type 1 Diabetic in the league; wearing her Dexcom G6 under her shorts, on her thigh, as he played. You can read about her here . Type 1 Diabetes, not to be confused with adult onset Type 2 Diabetes, requires moment by moment, day to day treatment and left untreated, can be immediately fatal. Persons with Type 1 Diabetes require Insulin injections after every meal; especially those which contain carbohydrates, as well as finger pricks to check blood glucose levels. Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices (CGM's) lessen the need for finger sticks. Gracie receives multiple injections of Insulin daily after every meal and snack and one night time dose of a different type of Insulin (Lantus) which is long acting; periodic finger sticks and now wears a Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitoring system that has a filament like catheter that inserts under the skin; continuously testing glucose levels and that which transmits a reading to our phones every 5 minutes and sounds alarms alerting us of dangerous highs and lows so that we may treat her high and low symptoms with Insulin or carbohydrate fluids or foods. The Dexcom g6 is an absolute blessing for us and a literal life-saver. Gracie's mother, Melodie, fought with her Pediatrician and our insurance company to get the "non-essential" medical device which even with insurance, is extremely expensive (each sensor cost several hundred dollars and needs to be switched out every 10 days or sooner and the transmitter or "brain" is 3 times as expensive and also last a relatively short period of time). These components often fail well before their expiration and long waits and troubleshooting sessions with tech support; fights with the pharmacies and insurance companies, much less the Pediatrician, are common. DIABETIC ALERT DOG: Although the continuous glucose monitoring device (Dexcom G6) is essential to us (can't imagine not having it after having had it), man-made technology fails and there is something much more reliable and would be such an amazing blessing to the entire family, especially little Gracie, who loves animals. A well-trained Diabetic Alert Dog. Properly trained, certified Diabetic Alert Dogs can alert of a life-threatening, impending high or low blood glucose level as much as 15 minutes sooner than a medical device and even a finger prick. God has designed these dogs with such an amazing keen seen of smell; instinct and loyalty for it's owners that the dog will wake up or otherwise alert a sleeping parent or child to let them know that the blood glucose levels are rising dangerously fast or dropping dangerously low; such a loveable and reliable medical alert system to help strengthen what we already have and provide for just a little bit of peace of mind in the midst of what is a constant stressor and source of great anxiety. Gracie's dad is a great provider for his family but in considering this newly learned option (Diabetic Alert Dog); factoring in our family's gifts and talents and our no choice other than to accept this disease and meet it head on, we've decided to take this route to help raise not only funds to purchase a specially trained dog from a reputable and certified Diabetic Alert Dog organization, but also to raise awareness about this horrible disease; something we are committed to doing for the rest of our lives. Diabetic Alert Dogs from reputable, certified, licensed trainers cost in the tens of thousands of dollars and most insurance companies do not cover the costs of diabetic alert dogs or service dogs in general, because their effectiveness has not yet been proven in scientific studies. Therefore, for the reasons stated above and for this reason, we invite you to join little Gracie in our "Grace for the Cure" fundraiser for a Diabetic Alert Dog for Gracie, and to raise T1D (Type 1 Diabetes) awareness. We believe that God can instantly heal Gracie and all who suffer and pray earnestly that He will. However, we know that in this life we shall suffer and take the good with the bad, praising Him unceasingly and remaining steadfast in our faith in Him. In the meantime, and in the midst of this fiery trial, He has been ever faithful and has blessed us in so many ways. It is our prayer that all who suffer and deal daily with this terrible disease will receive healing soon and that God will bless us all with a cure, and continue to fill us with His grace and mercy. Until there is a cure for Type 1 Diabetes, there is Gracie, and if God wills, she shall have her furry companion soon enough while raising awareness. Grace for the Cure! Our Amazing Grace!
Address : 6142 Jennifer Lane, Riverside, Ca 92509
Phone : (951) 289-1710
Business Email : [email protected]
Website : http://GracieT1DSuperStar.org
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