#grahamscott is still otp
keeping-tabs · 7 years
nathan and victoria for the ask meme :-0
How I feel about this character
It’s... complicated? When I first played the game I actually really disliked him up until like the voice mail you get from him episode 5 and then I started sympathizing with him a bit more. I don’t think I really started warming up to him until I started shipping him with Warren lmao. Ultimately I think he had a lot of potential as an antagonist but Dontnod’s writing is, well, kind of bad. I think they could have done a lot more to make him more sympathetic, plus I know he’s a red herring, but they built him up so much to just kill him offscreen by the last episode. And I think it’s pretty scummy on Dontnod’s part to make one of the very few clearly mentally ill people in the game a villain. But I could probably ramble about this for a long time so I’ll just leave it there for now lmao
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Warren Graham, of course! Like okay, I know their only canon interactions are them beating each other up, but I do actually think they’d be good for each other. Warren would be a good influence for Nathan, plus they share an interest in creepy and weird movies, and Warren would be like fierce and tenacious enough to not put up with Nathan’s shit.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Victoria Chase. I hc that they’ve been friends since they were kids and are like brother and sister. They’re probably real ride or die for each other. I also like the idea of him eventually becoming friends with Max and Chloe and Warren’s friends too. Obviously it’d be real tense at first, but I just like the idea of them all hanging out and being friends and happy. Just let these kids be happy for once. Oh, and I think Samantha would be a good friend too, but I’m really not into them as a romantic ship tbh. I don’t really have any other serious romantic ships with him, some people write him as having flings with Hayden though and I like that
My unpopular opinion about this character
I’m not sure what counts as an unpopular opinion him for him tbh because I’ve seen all sorts of differing opinions, but I do think he had very little control in the Jefferson situation. I think Jefferson was someone he really looked up to and wanted to impress. Jefferson saw someone he could easily manipulate and in need of a father figure, and used that to his advantage. I also think Jefferson knew Sean Prescott to some degree, because I don’t think Sean would pay for the whole dark room just because his son asked. Plus he was probably off his meds or not taking the right ones and not seeing a proper therapist, and that all just culminated in a very awful situation. Though I don’t know how unpopular that is
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I think it would have been interesting if they had kept with the whole, Nathan and the Prescotts know about the storm thing they were kind of hinting at but seemed to drop completely. Or at the very least, didn’t kill him offscreen. And had him hook up with Warren lmao
How I feel about this character
I really like her. I think she’s a good, complex character and I love her rivalry with Max and other students, and how despite it all, she’s pretty insecure and hides it by tearing people down, even when she doesn’t need to because she’s actually pretty talented. idk what else to say really, I just think she’s neat
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Max! Chasefield is some good shit. I also like her with Kate, Rachel, and even Chloe tbh, but not as much as with Max.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Again, Nathan. Also, in a lot of Grahamscott fic, people write her bonding with Warren because she’s a secret nerd who watches anime and I really dig that too lmao
My unpopular opinion about this character
I like her and Max’s chat at the party in episode 4, but it felt a little out of place there. Like idk, I just find it hard believing she’d actually spill all her insecurities and stuff right there in the middle of a big party. It felt a little too self-aware too, if that makes sense. Other than that, I can’t really think of anything atm
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish warning her about the dark room actually like, helped her. Or that when you finally manage to get David to take Jefferson down, she’s still in there with you and escapes with you and idk, stays in the safety of the bunker because of the storm or goes with you to the Two Whales and helps the people there.
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soda-pop-cody · 9 years
But think about marshgraham -warren checking on her while she’s at the hospital and stuff after bringing her her books -Warren wishing he could’ve done more, remembering that he had actually spoken to Kate before she almost jumped and feeling guilty for not trying harder -and Kate had always had a small crush on warren but not doing anything because she thought max liked him -and then max tells her that she’s with Chloe (every one lives au) and Kate admits her crush -cue max playing match maker and shoving the two together -at first they both are hella awkward around each other, both blushing and stumbling over words -then one day they’re hanging out and some hair falls in Kate’s face and before warren can even think about it he Reach’s out and tucks it behind her ear and Kate just goes for it and kisses him -warren freezes like a deer in headlights, and Kate pulls away starting to apologize and warren just breaks out this huge dorky smile and Kate can’t help but smile back and then they kids don’t more -warren never push’s Kate to do anything and Kate is always the one that does the new things first, but they both plan on waiting -just their cute, innocent relationship ❤❤❤
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