#grand tableau lenormand
a-d-nox · 22 days
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last updated: august 30th, 2024
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amaryllis-sagitta · 4 months
Embracing Dirthamen’s Gift of Prophecy: DA Dreadwolf Lenormand Grand Tableau (2/ ?)
In this part, I focus on the traditional gendered signifiers in Lenormand, which in this specific reading look suspiciously like antagonists.
Major Figure 1: Snake-Woman
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The first row of the spread kicks off with the Woman in 1st and a Snake in 2nd – a femme figure with major importance to the plot. They are portrayed as charismatic, layered, possibly deceitful or covert in their actions – likely a spy. They will bring about a temporary scheme or a contrivance that turns out to be more trivial than it seemed in the beginning. Shocking and groundbreaking revelations of some private or confidential information will be made to the party (Scythe in 3rd, Key in 4th). It might as well be that the entire mission is a setup to get the party to the Woman, so that they can sway the protagonist to their side.
Moving a little further to the cards that surround the Scythe, it seems that the Woman’s agenda, known to be very rigid, is now upset about their progress being too slow, or they worry about being unable to adapt to an inevitable deep change (Moon-Tree-Stork). This is why the Woman is determined to take radical steps – perhaps even go for a kill to resolve what they consider a serious security issue (Snake-Scythe-Key). Looking at the Snake-Moon pair in between the Woman and the Scythe, we are warned that this person manipulates and deceives for a living, since the Moon in Lenormand represents career, long-term goals, purpose and achievement-based reputation. This person’s greater goal, motivation and calling is more complicated than meets the eye. Their interactions with the protagonist might involve layers of deceit, riddles, and tests of mettle.
They might promise to redeem the protagonist from their threat of punishment. The protagonist will receive a promise of relief from some worries and a chance to start again. The party making the offer is depicted as strong and grounded, and the promised fortune would be long-lasting (Clover in 5th + Child in 6th). But as it turns out, this vision or promise of a reward is not what it seems (Stars in 7th). The protagonist’s lack of experience, their naivety or agreeableness lead them to be deceived or manipulated. The contract – quite possibly to assassinate someone – that is sealed from that place of misinformation, might turn into the greatest problem the party will have to eventually deal with (Ring in 8th, chained with Mountain in 25th).
Now let’s take a look at the column where the card lies. When paired with the Coffin in 9th, the Woman figure will request the party to end something permanently, or to proverbially bring some skeletons out of the closet. The thing in concern is presumed to be overdue, rotten, or it’s literally contained and buried deep underground. Within the Dragon Age context, it would have something to do either with the Blight and the remaining Archdemons, or with ancient elvhen ruins, like the ones explored in Genitivi Dies in The End and The Missing. With the Clouds in 17th following, the party might hope to gain some clarity and respite from trouble from completing this assignment, but some information in the context is being concealed or repressed. The hidden or withheld part is possibly how persistent and difficult to remove the problem is (Mountain in 25th).
A straight diagonal line from the Woman card leads through the Moon in 10th, Dog in 19th, Bouquet in 28th, and the Book in 35th. This figure has a reputation of someone dangerous, radical in their methods, someone who can attack swiftly and cut where it hurts most. In this position, the Moon card gives a major warning that cooperation with that figure, linking one’s purpose to them, might put the party in a deadly danger.
With the Moon and the Dog in 19th, they are perceived as fiercely loyal to their friends – yet, with the Dog being in the House of the Tower, there’s an extra warning message that they might actually try to isolate the party or lead them astray from their true goal. The Tower as a house meaning also hints that this person occupies a high position within some rigid, highly organized structure. This profile reminds me of Rasaan, who has appeared in comic books and Tevinter Nights – the second person after the Ariqun within the Ben-Hassrath, who searches Northern Thedas for traces of Solas’s ancestry and his “true name” in hopes that these can reveal his greatest weakness to the Qunari.
The Woman figure will eventually offer previously unknown, reliable information that is central to the Man (Bouquet in 28th + Book in 35th) and has vital importance to the entire story and the future in general (since the Book is one of the cards in the shorter Line of Fate, which is said to have predictive significance)..
Now, for a final look at some hidden motives in the cards knighting the Woman. With the Tree in 11th and Garden in 18th, the figure is shown as strongly dependent on their network, public connections and a certain role or front they have assumed. Our attention is brought to the well-being of an ancestry, a society or a widespread network. With the Tree in the House of the Whip, the well-being of the structure in concern relies on a high level of discipline, but it might as well be cyclically put into question due to tensions and conflicts. If my interpretation is correct, it would confirm the repeated rumours of inner strife within the Qun.
Major Figure 2: Book-Man
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The Man card lies in the same row as the Birds that represent the protagonist, so there’s a subplot directly connecting them that I already covered in the 1st part of the reading. In the column starting from the Man card, we have Garden in 18th through Moon in 10th and Snake in 2nd. It appears that the Man, too, relies on their network and a certain public facade. They, too, have a reputation of someone dangerous and radical. They appear to be operating openly and purposefully towards certain results (Garden + Moon), but something about that impression isn’t entirely transparent. The Man’s motivations and concerns are covered by the same cards that clarify the Woman’s place in the reading (Moon + Snake).
Interestingly, the Man’s “portrait” (made of up to 8 surrounding cards) is more complete than the one of Woman’s. On the left, representing the past influence over them, we have Clouds in 17th and Mountain in 25th. It seems that the Man had recently come out of some stalemate and changed their mind about some problems of his being irremovable. A more intuitive approach to the Clouds in the House of the Stork might represent a literal transformation in the clouds or in the sky – which makes me believe the Man card represents Solas.
In their present situation, they are building a network and gathering allies; albeit, since the Man is in the house of the Book, they would remain concealed and indirect. In the nearest future, it seems that the Man’s old ally or friend, who has been skeptical towards him or has gone their separate way, arrives with an epiphany that heralds The Man’s success, or at least fills him with confidence (Dog-Rider-Sun).
A diagonal line from the Man goes through the Dog in 19th, Stork in 12th, Clover in 5th. They might pose as an ally to some organizations. But another meaning is the one we’ve already seen in relation to the Woman, since both characters’ diagonal lines meet at this exact card. It seems that both the antagonists will try to separate the party from other allies and the true objective, and pit the protagonist against the other side. The symmetry between their respective columns makes it look like they’re jousting, charging to confront each other halfway. Interestingly, these are the two columns starting the spread, and almost everything else happens outside them, as if both these parties had tunnel vision on their rivalry!
The Man will offer an alliance to bring forth a new beginning colored with spiritual profundity – a long-term, fortunate change of circumstances that they consider to be a necessary condition for thriving and well-being (Clover in 5th). They might receive reluctant help from an agent who's skeptical or cold towards the idea. The change will feel upsetting, chaotic, ill-considered, or carried out impulsively (Dog in 19th + Stork in 12th).
The Man is knighted by Tree in 11th, Anchor in 20th, and Letter in 34th. Interestingly, the Man and the Woman figures share the knighted Tree in 11th, as if the information in that particular area was the crux of their tug-of-war. The Man likely aims to make something in this regard widespread public knowledge, and the Woman might be counteracting to keep it hidden at all costs.
The pairing between the Letter in 34th and the Sun in 33rd makes it look like there is an abundance of absolutely priceless lore to be revealed, that ultimately validates the Man and figuratively shines the light even on things they might have been unaware of (looking at the Clouds-Man-Sun diagonal surrounding them). These are the cards in the Line of Fate, leading up to Bear in the House of the Cross – could this be a confirmation that this arc culminates in a revelation of Mythal as the ultimate antagonist?
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maybelenormand · 2 years
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Le Très Grand Tableau - Octobre
Ah, so last time I was in the middle of the storm. Now I'm on top of it. I honestly don't feel like it but Rana George says if the cards say it is, then it is.
Because everything is tricky, I don't know if I should treat the Coworker Situation with the Lion card or the Dog, since in the weekly spread that fucker is the Lion ... I guess I should learn and use the Lion ... let's go with that.
Since I'm on top, everything under is everything I accept/control ( ha ! ) let's just point a thing or two. The Eye is about watch. Ryan Edward says if near the person, close friends are paying attention, if near Tower : "big brother is watching", if below the person, flying above radar. So ... Big Brother is Watching Me and Friends are Keeping An Eye but I'm Invisible. This is fine :)
The vibe I get from Eye + Tree + Whip + Dog + Cross is all about health matter. There's a bunch of doctor's appointment this month and Dog is often referred as such. And those are under my control because I made those appointments and I know why and where.
As for the future : I don't know what to think of the Rose. Its key word is Allure, its first description is "irresistible". I sure don't feel like it, even if I'd like to. Looks like some luck on the weight front ( or my boss ) but at some point it won't be anymore ( Clouds ) and on the other side there's the Cats again and the Lily. Looks like there'll be some confusion around flattery ?
Boxing myself won't give me much info, so let's do it. Tower + Woman + Rose : I'm fine by myself -> or good news from an Institution ?
Train + Eye + Fox : Moving for work. Maybe a mission ?
Tower + Train : going somewhere for the Institution or moving alone ( those walks were lonely to say the least )
Woman + Eye : Instinct ? Blind ?
Rose + Fox : No prob on the work/workplace front. Good to be there. Which would be a change from last month ...
Now, let's look at the Heart of the Matter : Fox + Heart + Hands Rider + Sun + Child Lion + Snake + Birds Sick Bed
Sun is in the middle so, October is a nice month. All success and everything. Cool. There's somekind of agreement at work : Hands are a deal. I use Fox as my work card since I am an employee. Good news from a Child or Good news concerning a new project. Success with that project that's for sure. Lion + Snake + Birds is making me laugh 'cause that just seems to tell me that Coworker will be stiring shit with that Other Coworker ( that I absolutely dislike and pretty sure is slanding me ) - Snake and they'll have talks Birds, chatting. Could also be Lion-boy chatting ( Birds ) with me but with lies ( Snake ) -> that Sick Bed is sure for them. But that Sick Bed is also for me, to tell me nothing is on strong foundation.
Ok now the fun, Meeting Points. With my wife ( Gentleman ) : let's say first that she's wayyyyy down. She's not at all a subject for me this month. Indeed, if I think she's working on project then I see her as dealt with ... which I shouldn't since we have Clouds and Flame. It is not as bad as one would think since Flame lessen bad cards and ... following the light gets you out of darkness ... Maybe I should remember that this month, whenever it'll get messy, just get back home.
With Coworker ( Lion ) : Rose + Whip. Now, I wouldn't know what that means. WTF ?
I can't check Weight Lost Project ( Bear ) as it is in my direct future ... and it could be that it's fine ( Rose + Clover ) some turbulences and some ego scratching ( Cats ) but fine ( Lily ) The last line, which is suppose to close everything : it troubles me because there's a sudden wealth, a depressed man ( or my wife ? ) and a change in the comfort zone and all surrounded by the Book, so a secret. The very least something unknown to me.
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delusionalisted · 2 months
Lenormand vs Tarot vs Oracle
“What’s the difference between Lenormand, Tarot and Oracle cards?”
It’s not uncommon to mix these decks up, especially Lenormand and Tarot, but let me tell you: if you read Lenormand like you interpret Tarot, you’re faking and tampering your divination session. Not to mention, you’re the cause Mademoiselle Lenormand is rolling over in Her grave.
Mademoiselle Lenormand was a gifted woman, since childhood She was capable of hearing, seeing and foretelling many events. She had a gift, She wasn’t just a “diviner” in the modern meaning of the term, She was mostly a medium with superb intuition. Growing up, She designed a divination deck, HER divination deck; only Her was capable of interpreting the imagery with the utmost accuracy, everybody in France (and Central Europe) knew about M.lle Lenormand.
Did She only rely on Her deck for fortune-telling? No. She was well versed in other divination areas, the most documented one was Chiromancie, also known as “palm-reading” or “palmistry” in English. With the aid of visions, palmistry and other divination methods, She was able to accurately fill the gaps the cards (especially in short spreads, other than the Grand Tableau) left behind.
So what do Lenormand cards answer to / are best suited for?
Like I said, Lenormand’s cards give you a straightforward answer, you’ll never catch them sugarcoating the truth. They won’t tell you about the background aspects of your query, they won’t dive into the fears, hopes, feelings, thoughts or outside energies of the person involved. It is important to mention, that Lenormand’s cards CANNOT be interpreted alone. You need a minimum of 2 (3 would be better).
Now an example: “What does James think of me?” The Man, the Birds, the Garden. James thinks you’re the chatty person in your friends’ circle. Subject, verb, object. Simple as that. Pretty French, no?
Why do they differ from Tarot cards?
Tarot cards were used for spirituality in Italy. They were created to give insightful and full-length answers to anyone seeking either “otherworldly” wisdom or Earthen knowledge. They were a tool for divination through and through.
With Tarot cards, you’re able to discern major events (Major Arcana) from minor obstacles, zodiac signs, places, thoughts, feelings, hopes, fears, etc. by just looking into the cards. Every card in a tarot deck has a fixed and an intuitive mechanic, meaning that you can translate every and each card separately, you can pull just one card and get your answer, you can adjust the meaning of a card by looking at the other surrounding it, and you can design a spread that aids you in understanding a situation for the better. You can do whatever you like with Tarot, it all comes down to the contract and pact you have with your deck.
“If Tarot cards can give me an insightful and in-depth answer, what do Oracle cards do?”
Oracle cards are whatever you make of it. They are best used alongside a tarot or Lenormand spread, but nothing forbids you from pulling an oracle card in the morning, get your cryptic answer and start off your day more confused than you were after the Big Nap.
Oracles and Sybils are… the prophetesses of divination. They give you a cryptic answer that you have to discern with your intuition (if you just pull a card) or you discern their words with the aid of a tarot spread, which will point out what’s the core subject or domain you need to focus yourself on.
I will probably articulate more about Oracle cards in another post when I’ll be ready to share it, but in the meantime, this one should cover the main aspects on why and in what these divination techniques differ one from the other.
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servantofthefates · 2 years
The Perfect New Year Spread: How to Perform the 12-Step Lenormand Grand Tableau
This spread uses all 36 cards to give you an overview of your life for a full year. It is best done on New Year or on your birthday, but can also be performed anytime. You will need:
2 standard-size Lenormand decks
Reading table that measures at least 75cm x 75cm
Velvet tarot cloth, to make picking up the cards easy
Minimum of 2 hours to interpret and record the spread
STEP 1: Prepare and begin.
Using the first Lenormand deck, lay out the backdrop. All cards should be in order from the first one (Rider) to the last one (Cross). Make 4 rows of 8 cards, and place the remaining 4 cards in the middle of the 5th row.
Shuffle the second Lenormand deck while asking, “What will happen to me in the year ahead?”
Lay out the cards over the first deck, dealing from the top.
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STEP 2: Note the significators.
There are two significators, Gentleman and Lady. If you are male, you are the former; female, the latter. The other is your lover.
If the significators are facing each other, the love is mutual. If you are single, you will meet someone soon.
If the significators are facing away from each other, a breakup is possible, or a relationship is impossible.
If only one significator is facing away, that is the person who is less committed or uninterested in the other.
STEP 3: Read the first 3 cards as the urgent message.
String the cards like a sentence. You will find the instructions here. Keep referring to it for the next steps.
STEP 4: Read the corner cards as the main theme.
In the example above, the corner cards are Sun, Letter, Anchor and Crossroads — the 4 that form a box. Read them like a sentence in that order.
STEP 5: Read the heart cards as the secondary theme.
In the example, the heart cards are Moon, Fish, Bear and Key — the 4 in the middle. Read them like a sentence in that order.
STEP 6: Read the fate cards as the immediate future.
The fate cards are the last four: Lilies, Ship, Cross and Whip. Read them like a sentence in that order.
STEP 7: Read your past, future and present statements.
Look at the significator. If it is Lady…
Whatever is to your left is a statement about your past (Sun, Heart, Gentleman, Ring, Coffin, Snake).
Whatever is to your right is a statement about your future (Letter).
Whatever is on the same column as you is a statement about your present (Stars, Mountain, Bouquet).
Read cards in the past as a sentence, in the order I have listed. Do the same for the future and the present.
STEP 8: Read the mini spreads within the tableau.
Look to these cards for these subjects:
Heart for Love
Gentleman (or Lady) for Lover
Moon for Work
Fish for Finances
Tree for Health
House for Home
Ship for Travel
Every card that is beside a subject card should be read. These are called touching cards. A subject card, along with its touching cards, form a mini spread within the grand tableau.
For the Love spread, the subject card is Heart, and the touching cards are Sun, Gentleman, Clover, Garden and Mice. For the Work spread, the subject card is Moon, and there are more touching cards this time: Gentleman, Ring, Coffin, Mice, Fish, House, Bear and Key.
To interpret every mini spread, read its cards horizontally first, then vertically. As always, read them like a sentence.
Then mirror them. Mirroring means pairing the card with the one that is opposite to it in the mini spread. Read the two cards as a sentence.
In the Love spread, Sun and Gentleman mirror each other. Clover and Mice do too. In the Work spread, here are the mirrors: Gentleman and Coffin, Mice and Fish, House and Key, Gentleman and House, Ring and Bear, Coffin and Key.
STEP 9: Read the cards against the houses.
This is where you will need the backdrop — the first deck underneath your spread.
Read every single card, from Sun to Whip. Read them in pairs (as with mirrors), with the card as the first part, and the one beneath it as the second.
In the example, Sun has Rider (the first Lenormand card according to the proper order) beneath it. And Heart has Clover. 
Take note of cards that fall in their native house and cards that fall in each other’s native house. If you find Anchor beneath Anchor, it means that card’s meaning will manifest strongly in your life. The same is true if you find Fox beneath Snake and Snake beneath Fox. Make sure you remember those two cards.
STEP 10: Count round by 9 to find 5 cards.
Starting from your significator, count 9 cards. Note which card that is. Keep counting and noting the 9th card until you have 5 cards. Always start the next count from the last card selected.
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Read these 5 cards like a sentence. Then read the mirrors: Lady and Gentleman, Stars and Bouquet.
Add the playing card values to get the Lenormand card number.
Ace is equivalent to 1, 6 is of course equal 6, and so on. But Jack is 11, Queen is 12 and King is 13.
In this example, the values are : 1 + 6 + 8 + 12 + 1 = 28. The 28th Lenormand card is Gentleman. Read that card as a message you need to remember.
If the sum is greater than 36, simply add the two digits.
STEP 11: Summarize and record the reading.
Repeat to yourself and note down:
The urgent message
The main theme
The secondary theme
The immediate future
The future statement
The cards that fall in their native house, if any
The cards that fall in each other’s native house, if any
The message found by counting round
STEP 12: Note down any date predictions.
Remark any possible date predictions by looking at the house where the subject cards from Step 8 have landed.
In the example, Fish — the subject card for Finances, landed in the house of Child. That is August. Whatever the Finances mini spread revealed could happen in that month.
For the full list of timing values for Lenormand, refer to this.
To see this spread’s simpler equivalent in tarot, here you go.
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raevenlyreads · 3 months
About Lenormand: Knighting and Mirroring
In researching for this post about how Lenormand is different from Tarot, I learned I haven’t actually been reading my Magpie’s Lenormand “right”. This was hardly a surprise to me because I’ve never really been drawn to traditional spreads for tarot (I’ve never once made it all the way through a celtic cross without getting bored at any point in my life, for example). But I was intrigued by what I found out, and I thought it might be fun to go on this learning journey together.
A little background: A lenormand is a 36 card deck, with fewer cards than the 78 used in tarot, and usually with much more straightforward symbolism. Named for Marie Anne Lenormand, a famous French fortune teller, the modern lenormand deck comes from her use of the Petit Jeu, or the Game of Hope. In the original game, cards were laid out like a board and players rolled dice to move their token along, with rewards and penalties award based on what card was landed on. Those positive and negative associations became paired with the symbols used in reading coffee grounds, and became the basis for the lenormand decks we use today.
What I thought I knew going in: Lenormand does not use the same symbolism as Tarot, though many of the symbols do overlap (The Moon for example). Lenormand cards are meant to be read together as a story, so look for common themes between the cards. Lenormand is less suited for shadowwork and more useful for practical day to day questions and upcoming events, being especially useful for relative timing of events. Unlike the tarot, it is both possible and useful to read the entire deck, called a Grand Tableau.
What I have discovered so far: Lenormand cards are meant to be read in pairs, where one serves as the “noun” and the other as the “adjective”, modifying the meaning of the first card. Positions in spreads matter, especially for techniques called “mirroring” and “knighting”. There is an order to the cards, and while they don’t tell the familiar story of the Hero’s Journey from a RWS tarot, the order can inform a reading, comparing a card of interest with what card should be in that position were the deck in order.
I have still had plenty of luck reading my Magpie’s Lenormand intuitively, but I am so fascinated by the idea of mirroring and knighting. For spreads that utilize these, much liked with my Above and Below draw, a signifier card is drawn or chosen to represent the focus of the read, and all the other cards a referenced back to that focus card. Then, additionally, cards can be read on either side of an axis (“mirroring”) or in L shapes (“knighting”). In a 9 card, 3x3 grid then, card 1 can mirror card 3 and card 7, and knight cards 6 and 8. These rows and columns can be used for categories like “past/present/future”, “external/internal/hidden” (like my Revealing Prism Spread), “helping/hindering/tangential”, and so on. So by reading in pairs, you can learn how your past is affecting your present, by mirroring you can learn how your past will affect your future, and by knighting you can learn how past external influences related to present internal ones. I’m super intrigued to do some 3x3 spreads and play with knighting. It sounds like it has a lot of potential for uncovering motivations and unknown factors, which I think would actually make it pretty excellent for shadowwork. We shall see!
For more posts like these, check out my kofi page! I have informative posts, beautiful deck selfies, and readings available for commission.
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yermes · 11 months
PAC: 🍶
Congratulations! You entered a new environment. How do you see magic within this new space
If you hear a pterodactyl screech its me my lenormand deck came in “Grand Tableau”. Im going to start working soon and I know lots of you are starting work. Lets find the magic in our new environments.
Disclaimer: please take what I say with a grain of salt and not as the gospel. I just want to share some ideas of practicing and giving advice using the medium as often as I can with school, work, and my own personal studies and practice. But I am working on sharing my notes soon so that will be exciting!
Socials: TIPJAR | GRAM
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The cards
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Pull 1:
Coffin + snake 🐍 ⚰️
After a hard an abrupt changed occured you are now in a completely new environment prone to mood swings and fits of grief. This mourning state may not be the best to handle the situation you are about to face in this new situation with some deception and trouble ahead. I know you are in sad gorl hours but you need at intuition in this new environment okay girlie.
Pull 2:
Moon + bear 🌙 🐻
Im getting strong love spell vibes for this card and in a new environment if you want to work to find love go for it girlie bc what is magic if it is not love. I see you are in a very dream like state but with your manifestation and the strength you possess as a mystic will achieve success In whatever love comes your way. (It doesn’t have to be in someone else it can be self love, platonic love, a paternal love)
And with momma bear being ever so present I see you forming strong relationships.
Pull 3:
The man + Stork 💌
You are currently finding a new environment within yourself. Send a love letter to yourself and support new ideas in your practice and life. This may be a change however with death comes a major birth. Through this process you will see a productive self transformation which will uplift you and your practice
Extras: 🫗
I love this new deck lmk if you like this style of reading 🍈
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multimystica · 7 months
I'm a Brazilian Tarot reader and Oraculist just trying to make a living to pay for college and help with house expenses, I work with the following divination methods:
Tarot (Rider Waite; Osho's Zen Tarot; Tarot of the Holy Grail)
Lenormand a.k.a. Petit Lenormand ( French Cartomancy, or Gypsy Deck if you're Brazilian)
Vera Sibilla Italiana (a.k.a. Italian Cartomancy)
Elder Futhark (a.k.a. Runes)
Very sporadically I use the pendulum and radiestesy & radionic graphics as well.
My main objective with this profile is to work professionally with divination and spirituality online. If you want to know more about myself before you book a reading or service feel free to ask, I'm an open book.
As this is a professional page and not only a hobby, I plan to charge for my readings, I take payments via Paypal or PicPay (if you're in Brazil, I take payments via pix as well).
However, I also intend to serve spirituality itself, so once a week I'll answer simple questions with 6 card Lenormand readings free of charge via Tumblr's ask function.
1 card reading using Osho's Zen Tarot Deck
3 runes reading using Elder Futhark Runes
6 card reading using the Lenormand Deck
3 card reading using Rider Waite's Tarot Deck
Pack of three 6 card readings using Lenormand Deck
Pack of three 3 card readings using Rider Waite's Tarot Deck
Lenormand Grand Tableau reading + 3 clarifying questions.
1 hour of unlimited questions using your oracles of choice (from those currently avaliable) + 1 Osho's Zen Tarot card advice.
Readings can be made online (texts or videocalls if the app of choice supports it, you choose) via Tumblr Chat, Discord, WhatsApp, or delivered on a PDF via e-mail. I'll always send pictures of the cards drawn and explain everything.
Other services I offer:
Spiritual Guidance and Advice Sessions ( 1 hour sessions via Discord or Whatsapp Messenger)
Tutorial on Energetically Cleansing Spellwork (delivered via Discord, E-mail or PDF)
30 days of Spiritual Guidance and Advice + three 6 card readings with Lenormand (via Discord or Whatsapp Messenger)
On Spellwork:
I can perform certain types of spellwork, such as:
Abundance, prosperity & wealth rituals
Self-love, self-esteem & self-respect rituals
Peace and positivity rituals
Those don't have a fixed pricing, the price is to be discussed depending on the severity of the situation, on the pricing of the required materials to perform the ritual, and on the financial situation of the client.
I may as well prescribe baths and rituals which you'd have to do yourself. If you come to me just for the prescription of baths or rituals I just charge the symbolic value of $5 for said prescriptions; however, if you booked a reading or another service with me and I find it to be useful or necessary in your situation, I'll do it free of charge.
Onto the much necessary disclaimer:
I DON'T do binding or karmic return rituals. Do not even ask about it. It goes against my values as a light-worker. Divine justice is there for a reason. I'm not here to rip off anyone so if you really need a certain service and can't afford it just message me about it and I'll see what I can do to help for FREE.
Most importantly: I am not a scammer, I'd rather be scammed than be seen as a scammer so you don't even need to pay upfront, I don't care to work for free if it means I'll get to help people with my cards.
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alex-the-banshee · 5 months
✨🔮I'm Offering Free And Paid Readings!🔮✨
I haven't offered my readings in awhile, but I'm back again! From the silly to the serious, I will answer most questions.
Topics I won't read:
Physical Health
NSFW Topics
Free Readings:
1 Card Tarot Readings
2 Card Lenormand Readings
DM me for a free reading, and please consider leaving me a tip on my Ko-fi if you like how I did☕:
Paid Readings:
Payment for readings can be done through Ko-fi or directly through PayPal. Please DM me for details on payment or readings.
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callmearcturus · 7 months
Oh my god so I did that stupid tarot thing yesterday, went to bed, and had a dream I was doing Lenormand pulls for people. And I have done my pitch on Lenormand so many times IRL that I did it in the dream too, and was explaining how you can do anything from 2 cards to the Grand Tableau
And fucking TC wanted a Grand Tableau (because OBVIOUSLY I was doing this on a red carpet somewhere, idk man, I think I did a pull for Edgar Wright), so I explained "well to do that we need to figure out your Signifier," and was showing him cards and explaining the basic vibe
And then he picked the Rider and I was like "oh, fucking obviously" and my alarm woke me up
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oraclekleo · 9 months
Hello Kleo!
It's 2024, it's new, so still new year
A very Happy New Year to you!! 🎉🥳❤️
Thanks for replying to the feedback, and I liked the analogy of cookies to intuition, it's reasonable!
Also, you replied to someone's ask about career and said choose something which you can leave at work and come back home to practice your actual hobby! I loved it so much, and it made so much sense to me, like if I get tired of the thing I love most/2nd most, how I am gonna feel good with it then? It's sensible advice to be honest.
I saw one of your posts, where you asked about any rituals we do. I personally do the Grand Tableau Major Arcana one, by @servantofthefates, I did this for 2023 and for 2024 on 1st January only! I believe this year's will be more accurate, as I am better with understanding my cards and intuition. I want to do another Oracle spreads as well, one card for each month. I didn't have enough time on New Year, but it's still new year isn't it? I may do it in a few days.
Is there anything you do particularly? Pardon if you have already talked about it!
Honestly, I'm gonna be typing and writing all dates with 2023 out of habit until April, so until then it's still a new year for me 😂
Happy New Year to you! 💖💖🌹💖💖
I have noticed that there is a rise of the hustle culture where people are encouraged to turn their hobbies into income. But they never mention that once you become financially dependent on your hobby, it's no longer hobby, it's work. You can't just do it when you want to, you have to do it every day to make it a successful career. Personally, I wouldn't want that. I love my hobbies being hobbies and my work being ordinary and dull but ending the very second my shift is over so I can unplug. I'm not saying people shouldn't pursue their passions when it comes to job and career but they should just consider and think about it rationally and with all possible info. 😊
I know the Grand Tableau technique, I even have one Lenormand deck (only one at this point) but I rarely get to actually do it. I must admit, I admire you for going full into this for your 2024 prediction. I think it's not important whether you do a reading on the January 1st or January 25th, it's still gonna be alright. 😁
I'm not very good with rituals myself, to be honest. I do have habits when it comes to tarot and oracle cards, I try to interview every new deck (sometimes I do a shortened version of the interview) but other than that I'm not big on rituals. I mostly go with the flow and when I feel a ritual is needed or will help me to focus better, I will do it. If it's not necessary at the moment, I won't delay anything by following an exact procedure. 😂 I should be more diligent but nobody's perfect. 🤭
Thank you for your sweet message and have a brilliant year 2024! Let me know about your Grand Tableau for 2024 if you want to share any major predictions 😉 I'm just being curious. I haven't done my 2024 prediction yet and it's possible I won't get to it this year and just let my life to surprise me (risky, I know 🤣) but I am always curious about the year ahead indications in the cards. 😁
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
cartomancy question--have you ever done/looked into other forms of cartomancy like lenormand or playing cards? if so, what did you think about them compared to tarot?
Hahaha, I actually prefer Lenormand for my daily drawings! I helped design The Magpie's Lenormand with my friend Rozenn, which had a pretty successful kickstarter. I wrote the guidebook for it.
I think Lenormand is more useful for day to day inquiries and is more conversational thanks to how the basic draw for it is a two-card phrase. Also, the Grand Tableau is ridiculous and fun. It also introduced me to the idea of a personal signifier which represents you in a deck. In Lenormand, I often feel like I'm The Key. In RWS tarot, I think my signifier is the King of Cups.
The ones I don't know as much are Thoth and de Marseilles, though at least the latter has a lot of overlap with RWS. I should study Thoth when I get some time, it has some interesting quirks.
My daily deck is the Seventh Sphere Lenormand, which lives in my bag and is small and easy to play with. My favorite deck I own is the Iris Sacra Tarot because it's drop dead gorgeous.
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amaryllis-sagitta · 4 months
Embracing Dirthamen’s Gift of Prophecy: DA Dreadwolf Lenormand Grand Tableau (1/ ?)
I thought of something that would be a fun exercise in cartomancy that's both harmless and relevant to my interests, so I cast a Grand Tableau for the upcoming DA: Dreadwolf!
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Please note that I am not a professional reader, I just do it for the entertainment value!
(Also just in case: I don't work for BioWare, don't have access to any leaks, if any of it turns out correct it will be solely by virtue of Dirthamen's Red Rubber Dodgeball of Prophecy)
Lenormand cards are a deck designed in the 18th century by a famous French fortune teller. The cards are always interpreted at least in a pair with another card, to form a “sentence” that has a “subject” and a “predicate” at least.
The Grand Tableau is a great table spread that utilizes the entire deck. The questions are asked ad hoc about sections of adjacent cards, and the answers are determined using many patterns, techniques and figures. The reader jumps freely around the entire reading as they need.
By default, the deck contains two gendered signifiers for the Querent, but one can pick any card as a signifier that they consider in character. All the cards can be signifiers for secondary characters in the reading, areas of focus etc.
My chosen signifier for the Subject of the reading, or the game’s protagonist, is The Birds. My reason for choosing this particular signifier is the Rook codename teased in early internal development materials.
So, just to kick this off, here’s the spread as I laid it out according to the 8x4 + 4 formula:
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Central cards – the core issue or theme: Stork (12th) – Cross (13th) – Anchor (20th) – Ship (21st)
There is a new beginning or a long-term transition in sight, that appears to be upsetting or very chaotic. It will be discovered and brought to light by the protagonist (Stork chained with Birds in 31st). It will require a great sacrifice and likely bring a lot of suffering to unsuspecting, innocent parties, who are unaware or kept in the dark (Cross chained with Child in 6th). But at the same time, an ideology or cult in support of that transition will stabilize its position in the society, seemingly having allies everywhere (Anchor chained by Garden in the 18th). The protagonist's main goal will be some kind of a journey by the sea (Anchor + Ship) that will encounter recurring trouble. The mission will put the party into obligations that will weigh heavily on them, or they'll become indebted to their rivals (Ship chained to the Mountain in 25th).
Reading the corner cards in the Grand Tableau provides extra context to the reading: an important figure, signified by the Woman card, seals a contract with the protagonist (Ring in 8th) to investigate, swindle or outsmart (Fox in 32nd) something or someone considered to be a major setback (Mountain in 25th).
Pairs of cards knighting the Ship show more about the nature of this mission that won't be known right away. Following the Key in 4th and Child in 6th, the party will dispense some confidential intel to the uninformed. Next, with Tree in 11th and Tower in 14th, there seems to be some oppressive, disciplining form of physical control that will call for urgent action. Something that comes to mind here is the Antaam’s incursion into the territories of Tevinter and Antiva happening thoughout the recent secondary media (Tevinter Nights, comic books, As We Fly). Rider in 27th and Birds in 31st hint that in order to succeed, the party will have to find out and deliver some vital information very quickly. Per the Letter in 34th and Bear in 36th, this intel relates to an authority figure who causes the protagonists major hardships or sets numerous trials in front of them. I’ll note here that the Lenormand Bear card stands for protectiveness, authority, dynamics of power and financial management, sometimes being linked with strong maternal figures. The Cross as a house meaning might also represent something permanent or neverending. These associations bring Mythal to mind.
Our protagonist: “The Rook”
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Traditionally, Lenormand Birds represent a group or a network, socializing, but also distractions, anxiety, impatience, chaos, or multiple minor factors playing into something. Looking at their respective row in the table – as rows represent the level of agency the querent has – they start off from a place where they don’t seem to have much influence over the events. Since the Birds card lies in the 31st position of the spread (House of the Sun), this appearance of a bunch of underdogs or a mere distraction might be their greatest strength. They will have a reputation of lone wolves (sic), inquisitive and skilled in investigation, discreet, good at work behind the scenes, skilled in trickery, fraud or disguise (Fox in the 32nd). If that is the case, our protagonist would match Solas in their preferred modus operandi.
Looking at the cards surrounding the protagonist, we see the Bear in 36th on the diagonal, which is also the card culminating the entire reading. The Bear card in this position suggests that the protagonist has been persecuted or wronged by authorities. They might be victims to ideologies, religions, power imbalances. Looking at the Heart in the house of the Lilies on the left, they might have been wrongly persecuted for some strong convictions, devotion to their family, or sexual life.
With the Fish in the 22nd, they get to choose their sources of income, they had dipped their fingers in many pies, or they might find no trouble working for opposing agendas. This would indicate people for hire.
The House following in 23rd and Mice in 24th hint that the place they call home is corrupt, decadent, ridden with disease and poverty. The protagonist might actively desire to sabotage the status quo, to weaken the established structures. This hints to me that the protagonist is Tevinter in origin, quite possibly having loose connections with, or at least cheering on the vigilante underground (The Vipers/ Shadow Dragons), the slave liberation movement, or they might have been contracted by the Lucerni – which would create a connection to Maevaris Tilani and Dorian Pavus.
This profile suits several characters featured in Tevinter Nights, like Hollix the Lord of Fortune, Neve Gallus, or Vadis & Irian – perhaps these are some companion candidates.
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Reading the row where the Birds lie – which presents a subplot – a masc figure portrayed as both mysterious and knowledgeable, being the reason the party pursues certain intel (Man in 26th), has continuously sabotaged them (Mountain in 25th). An offer has arrived on behalf of the Man (Rider in 27th & Bouquet in 28th) to fight a certain relevant figure represented elsewhere by the Woman card (Whip in 29th). With the Whip lying next to the Heart in 30th, this might have been a person who had wrongly persecuted some party members in the past or abused their trust. The trace of this Woman card takes us to the very beginning of the spread.
The card is knighted by Tower in 14th, Crossroads in 16th, Ship in 21st, and Book in 35th. The secret tea on them seems to be that they anticipate to be (wrongly?) sentenced due to some sort of trickery. With the Fox card chained with the Tower, the protagonist might be framed or scapegoated as a thief, con artist, or a fraud. A force larger than them might force them to choose (Tower + Crossroads) that particular job (Crossroads chaining Fish in 22nd). Although, with chaining Stars in 7th, they will be misinformed in this choice or their judgment will be clouded. It seems that their journey will be difficult, ridden with accidents and devastating loss (Ship chaining Scythe in 3rd).
Additionally, a diagonal line from Birds, telling us about motivations, leads through Fish in the 22nd and Cross in the 13th to the Key in 4th. The party's task to search for secret answers will feel unrewarding or unnecessarily harrowing. However, the Cross usually represents hardships that one can persevere.
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maybelenormand · 2 years
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Le Très Grand Tableau - Septembre
I know it is October but at least I am posting it and commenting on it. I still think Grand Tableau are hard as hell but I still think that if I don't try I'll never learn them and sometimes, they are pack with info ...
Ok, first thing first : looks like I'm in the middle of that month. Which, in retrospect, is absolutely true. I wasn't in charge of much and of what I was, it was only related to me ( Rose + Cupid )
On my mind was Money ( Safe : that's like, immediate money ), Work ( Moon : or reputation or whatever ) and Home ( Flame : wherever I feel comfy )
In the past : I had a social life ( Garden ) and then none ( Anchor + Coffin ) mostly because I was off ( Boat ) In the future : Still no social life ( Cross ) and it was painful ( let me emphasize : CROSS ) then a shift ( Stork ) and a lot of movement - that was in fact a lot of me telling everyone the situation and going back and forth in my head and finally the situation unlocked ( Key ) Since this is a Très Grand Tableau, we'll look at the Heart of the Matter, it's like a mini-tableau. Or a box +1 card :
Cats + Moon + Whip Dog + Safe + Gentleman Coffin + Woman + Cross Rose
The Cats and the Safe cards are not the easiest. I mean, the Cats is about ego and flattery. The Safe is about cash. Rose is about beauty, art. Nothing here is linked. Now you understand why I didn't posted it before. Even afterward, I don't know what to think about it.
In which case, I resort to easy trick. Reading lines and Meeting Points. But since I couldn't understand a thing, I chose Meeting Points.
So, I'd take whatever subject was on my mind and see where it meets. With my wife ( Gentleman ) : Safe + Cross. Money is tight but it won't be a subject - because the cross is on the right side of the Safe. True, we had an unexpected bill and didn't talk about bills the rest of the month. As per usual, I just handled it by myself.
With my Coworker Situation ( Dog ... 'cause I thought the guy a friend ) : Safe + Coffin. No money is involve in our friendship so I'll take the Safe as somewhat literal. To keep oneself guarded. He walled up and I should have trusted the cards, telling me it is not dead ( the Coffin on the right side ) even if it felt like it ( the Safe is ... closed on the Woman side ... sort of ? )
Important : both subject are near the Woman, which means they are important matter at the moment or at least, the biggest to deal with.
With my Weight ( Bear ) : Bear is really far, which means it wouldn't be much on my mind. True, it wasn't really. Moon + Garden. It is about apparences and social pression. About what I think of myself. Both card are passive, they don't say much. What I did : I went for several walks. So the Garden could be that. Moon is also about identity, so yeah, I still think a lot about my weight.
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satanandsoul · 1 year
if it's still open I want to join #minitarotreading
Why did Joe Alwyn break up with taylor swift?
Hi there! Thank you for participating in the mini tarot reading. 💕💛💕
I actually did a Lenormand grand tableau spread on this in my free time. But I won't post the picture here because the background was super chaotic. And the truth is that Taylor wanted to go even further with her career while Joe simply wanted a family. So it is pretty much like the situation described in Midnight Rain. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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servantofthefates · 2 years
Learn to Start Reading Lenormand in Literally 5 Minutes
What, how, why, who, where, when... Lenormand can answer any kind of question you can think of.
But it does so very matter-of-factly. When you want a short and sweet response, that is great. But when you need elaboration, tarot offers more weight.
I perform a Lenormand grand tableau every year. But the rest of the time, I do a simple a three-card spread. Just read the cards like a sentence. Weave their meanings like thread.
“WHAT can I look forward to this week?”
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Meanings: Cross = Problem, Scythe = Sudden, Coffin = Ending
Answer: You can look forward to a problem coming to a sudden end.
“HOW does she feel about me?”
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Meanings: Anima = Woman, Ship = Yearning, Heart = Love
Answer: She is yearning for your love.
“WHY do I feel sad?”
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Meanings: Child = New beginning, Ring = Promise, Mountain = Delay
Answer: You feel sad because the new beginning promised to you is delayed.
“WHO can help me achieve my dream?”
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Meanings: House = People close to you, Dog = Friend, Key = Key
Answer: Your closest friend is the key to achieving your dream.
“WHERE did I leave my phone?”
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Meanings: Coffin = Box-like container, Bear = Mother, Tower = Building
Answer: You left your phone inside a drawer in your mom’s apartment.
“WHEN will I meet my soulmate?”
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Meanings: Lily = Winter, Snake = February, Rider = First card in Lenormand
Answer: You will meet your soulmate this winter, on the first day or in the first week of February.
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