#grandad bluff
wisconsinphotoslol · 11 months
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miyin2 · 4 months
Ruta 31 Día 2: Grandad Bluff Park, McGilvray Seven Bridges Road, Myrick Park, Pettibone Beach
En nuestro segundo y último día en La Crosse decidimos regresar al parque Grandad Bluff, esta vez para poder apreciarlo, y sus alrededores, a plena la luz del día.  Aunque nosotros guiamos hasta la cima, donde hay estacionamiento, también se puede hacer senderismo y subir el parque caminando. Y como el día anterior, las vistas desde el mirador del parque fueron brutales. Pudimos ver con más…
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driftlessdiscoveries · 10 months
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hellbubu · 3 months
Hello!! Ik im super late, I spent the whole saturday travelling back to my hometown (a 7 hour travel turned into 10 so i just wanted to sleep after) and today was fathers day here and i had a family asado, so i got home at 5pm and also wanted to sleep after so many hours of ~socializing~ lmao Also, here I have next to zero privacy and it's very difficult to have 'unproductive' time online ¬¬ My mother demands at least 6 hours of conversation a day and its...exhausting
Anyways, finally watched the ep! And it left me with more doubts than answers tbh
First, I think Blue house really doesn't give a shit about the tournament. Its a given they're gonna lose, so why bother with much training? I think they participate out of obligation, but I bet being in the team is more like a chore than an honor at this point lol (idk how Derrick would fake it, except by saying he's the leader when he just played for fun and left the rest of the responsabilities and strategizing to others?)
Somehow Derrick IS less creepy as a zombie, ngl. His dead eyes at least make sense when he's, you know, dead.
And I must say that I already didnt think much of the P4, but after this??? Bitch, be fr right now. Did they seriously just slaughtered 6 people??? And did it for the 'school traditions' not even the student body who are the actual victims!? Cause I'd totally support them if they had thought of the students, since the fucking 'Lower Master' (which i guess would be the vicedirector/vicerector???) was in on it (which eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww????????' like, are you some kind of pedo sadist? or just so hard up for that whiskey? what is your deal, man???) and they had no recourse for justice. But eh, maybe plan a little?? The tiniest bit???
Also, we don't see what became of the others!!! Did they kill them all? Did they knock them out and left them tied up somewhere and waited for Druitt's people to murder them?? (Imagine you expect your nephew to have killed 1 (one) boy and then he just throws SIX corpses at you lmao) And WHY were they more worried about Derrick than about the Lower Master? WHERE ARE THE TEACHERS IN THIS SCHOOL? You *cannot* pay me enough to believe that 4 teenage boys have more autority than the full roaster of teachers? *They* never wondered where the man was? Why were they following orders from children??? How little did they interact with their superior than a zombie didn't arouse any questions?
(Also, HOW did they took them all out? Wheter they killed them or knocked them out, there were 4 other robust boys and a full grown adult and they had one single weapon! I was kinda expecting Violet to start throwing butter knifes a lá Sebastian when he crouched before the door lololol)
And that post-mortem hit really was overkill. I guess they felt Derrick was completely to blame and wanted to let out some anger. How do you even coordinate a hit like that tho? Awkward xD
I did not expect Ciel to keep up the innocent act lol. Yeah, suuuure you don't understand a little murder as a necessity (or as a treat xD) And admitting murder so readily is the epitome of stupid!! They didnt even ask you directly if you killed him! You could have said he died accidentally and you just...stumbled into UT's cult. Bluff or something, man! Amateurs
Yeahh I totally believe people with more wealth and prospects have more 'episodes' planned out. Poor people tend to just think about the end of the month and then the next one and so on. Rich people don't have many limits to their imaginations (I mean, the men dont.). I believe the LM, being an 'educator' had probably plans for multiple of the boys and their futures and how that'd affect his, bla bla bla and that's why he became so...lifelike.
Oh, so you're in the UT is Ciel's grandad train! Or is it canon now? Idk, I feel lost xD (But ALSO. Why is UT not chasing the people that killed his son/other Phantomhives and instead antagonising the only actual Phantomhive left???????? It makes no senseeeeee)
I don't give a s h i t if bullets didn't do UT harm. The SECOND I heard that 'heh-heh-heh' I'd be shooting. Three bullets at least (Ciel's gun is a modern one, why the f idk, so he prob has 20-25 bullets instead of the 5-6 of revolvers). I'd just want some *blood*. (Kudos to Ciel for keeping his head straight tho, UT would have probably bounced the bullets and injured the others)
Hartcourt is going THROUGH it today. He was probably very relieved when Blue House humiliated themselves in front of the Queen cause people would probably forget what happened to him in the pitch. But now this??? Poor baby. He's gonna have nightmares for YEARS.
I love the idea that O!Ciel still has an inner goodness that neither of his blood family had, even without being hella traumatized as a child.
Sebastian being pre-cog is bullshit. Just say you're insecure, Seb. It's okay. UT kicked your ass before, it's fair to be scared lolol
And poor Joanne passing out. I kept expecting Ciel to shoot the zombie Sebastian was protecting him from in the head, making his head explode, to remark the fact that he can (kinda) protect himself (sometimes). Alas, he didn't. Wasted oportunity!
Sebastian totally wants the Queen dead. He hates his master being someone else's dog xD
I LOVE that Ed went away but only to look for a weapon and come back!! Love that kid lol
The P4 were expelled and left probably in disgrace, but really, how much?? Like, they obviously end up working for Druitt (WHY?) but....adopt a new identity? Leave the country? I love that they sticked together tho. And even this the crown had all of THIS covered up; so really, they could have just done better.
Love the servants and the little glimpse we got of them! Ciel missed them too, it's obvious ha.
Oh, the Queen is 10000% evil (like pretty much any monarch of this time period) and very much had something to do with Ciel's family dying. Why tho, is the question.
Traveling for so long is tiring, adding to that socializing, amor you should probably rest a bit more. Just imagining me traveling 10 hours plus having to socialize that much makes me feel like one of UT's bizarre dolls.
Maybe Derrick just made the others play badly so that he'd look better? But that just makes it funnier when the time for the tournament comes and he's shit. "I'm just here to have a good time." "Well, stop having a good time and start properly playing!"
Honestly, I kinda like how much they value tradition because it makes the school seem a bit evil. Others have already pointed out that this arc is a mundane horror arc. The pace and the goals make it seem like one of those teen movies but not quite right. Ciel needs to get rid of a bully, he needs to get close to the popular kids (the P4) so he can get invited to the party (the midnight tea party) like in the movies. Ciel is almost like that unpopular kid who wants to become popular. But at the same time, the arc reflects how society as a whole works. You need to network, gain trust, etc. to get invited to certain things. There are traditions or processes that could be changed but aren't because "they work just fine rn. if it ain't broke don't fix it."
I don't like that the P4 are idiots that share 1 brain cell, because in what universe do you decide to try and bring your victims back to life???? They'll tattle on you.
The Lower Master is 1000% a pedo sadist. Why else would he be hiding in the shadows watching kids get beat? IMO he's as bad a Druitt because those kids are under his care, the parents put their trust in that institution, in that fucker and he does that? he's a bitch.
There is only one teacher in that school and it's Sebastian. Otherwise, the other houses would have a coach too. But it only seems like the Blue House has a coach, that does spend a lot of time with one particular young boy and carries him when he's hurt and kinda flirted with another and made him confess to being bullied... yeah, that school has too many faculty that's into kids... poor kids.
Violet kinda just blocked the exit while Redmond + Bluewer held one person and Greenhill beat up Derrick. I love Violet, I really do, but there's no way he took down the rest of the boys. Those boys should've been able to run and the P4 should've been forced to hunt them down for sport.
The P4 are lucky to live in an era where they can't be easily voice-recorded. Because if Ciel wasn't the Queen's Guard dog, it'd be a he said, she said kinda thing. The moment Ciel started asking, they should've just said," I have the right to an attorney and won't speak without one present."
Gender and socio-economic status must play a big role. There would obviously be exceptions, there's always people eager to climb the social ladder (marrying kids into a better-off family, a middle-class family pushing for one of the kids to go into a good, respectable, career, etc.) The LW was probably just eager imagining what kinda of kid he'd see beaten up next year and what success story would decide to mention his name as an inspirations or whatever, maybe he even wanted to become the headmaster.
Amor, I don't think he's Ciel's grandpa. I just think he was Claudia's sidepiece. She probably rode that D while away from home when he was busy being the Guard Dog. She probably left after fucking, meaning UT wrote their names and drew hearts around them in a notebook. Maybe they're canon in the manga, but I just find this funnier.
I feel like UT would've either been offended had Ciel fired at him or found it hilarious. Because that kid knows not even 2 reapers and a demon can take him on but he still shot at him? He'd burst out laughing.
Harcourt is the real victim. He shat himself in front of everyone, he discovers one of his crushes is a butler, then his body goes into shock because there are hungry, hungry zombies and he pisses himself, lastly, his two crushes are being gay in front of him and he passes out. And by, like, the next day, his boss is expelled, his crushes leave, and he isn't allowed to talk to anyone about what happened. My boy needs therapy.
I think Yana has spoken at times about how Vincent is kinda very evil and just the fact that he's evil (even if he's so soft and attentive to his sons) was kinda passed down to them. I think R!Ciel might've inherited more of the Phantomhive evilness because he was the oldest and Vincent might've spent a bit more time since he'd inherited everything. I also think that Ciel has always been the one with more inner goodness, I think. I've seen screenshots here where O!Ciel says he wants to start his toy company because he's almost always inside (cause he's sickly) and wants kids like him to be able to enjoy themselves because most toys are outside toys. Meanwhile, R!Ciel tells him that it's dumb and stuff. There's also a difference when it comes to how they speak about the Earl's duties to the people who live in the Phantomhive land and how they talk to servants from the little I've seen.
Ed is such a sweet boy. I like the dynamic between him and Ciel.
I am 10000000000% Druitt approached them and gave them the job because he "loves" his nephew. The only way Druitt becomes tolerable to me is if I HC him hating his family and going out of his way to fuck them over. That's why he's doing this to poor Redmond. Because I doubt even he (Druitt) is stupid enough to think that any of this is a good idea.
and very much had something to do with Ciel's family dying. Why tho, is the question.
I can answer this question. She had Claudia killed because she UT's D but he was too in love with Claudia. She obviously had to wait until there was a Phantomhive heir old enough to be a Guard Dog before killing her, hence she waited until Vincent was around 15 years old. Then she got impatient because UT had still not gotten over his ex and killed Vincent. She probably wouldn't give a shit if the twins dies because if UT didn't want her, then she'd at least have killed all he loved and would just give the title to the Midfords or some other family. (joking)
My best bet is that they were turning against her or knew something that they shouldn't and she didn't trust them to keep their mouths shut.
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madmike363 · 1 year
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Smoke from the Canadian wildfires has been bad here the last couple days but got a beautiful sunset from Grandad's Bluff this evening. Of course had to get ice cream afterwards. 😁
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miwisconsin · 4 months
¿Sin planes este fin de semana? Le tenemos una agenda imperdible
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El último lunes del mes de mayo es un día importante e histórico para los estadounidenses porque conmemora a aquellos héroes que dieron la vida para defender su patria. En 1865, después de finalizar la Guerra Civil, se realizaron homenajes en memoria de los caídos, más tarde se oficializó y hoy es uno de los días más importantes en el calendario del país. Durante el Memorial Day o Día de los Caídos es habitual que los americanos visiten cementerios y entierren frente a las tumbas, banderas en honor a la lucha y entrega de aquellos guerreros que perdieron la batalla por su país. Tradicionalmente, el presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden da un discurso y a las 3:00 pm se invita a hacer un minuto de silencio para reflexionar y honrar la memoria de los caídos. Igualmente, hay un sinnúmero de desfiles protagonizados por las Fuerzas Armadas que son todo un espectáculo. Aquí los horarios y lugares de algunos de los que hay en todo el Estado: Milwaukee: Cementerio Nacional de Madera 9:00 a. m. a 11:00 a. m. 5000 Avenida Nacional Oeste  Cementerio de la casa del bosque 11:00 - 3:30 pm 2405 West Forest Home Avenue West Allis Veterans Memorial Park 11:00 AM – 12:0 6900 W. National Ave Waukesha Prairie Home Cemetery 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 605 S. Prairie Avenue Veterans Park 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 710 N. West Ave  Les Paul Performance Center at Cutler Park 9:00 - 12:00 321 Wisconsin Ave Madison Jardines de la memoria del atardecer 2:00 PM  7302 Mineral Point Road Cross Plains Cámara de Comercio del Área y Legión Americana 9:00 - 4:00 pm Post No. 245, 2217 American Legion   Sin embargo, si usted está buscando otros planes que no tienen nada que ver con el homenaje de los Caídos, Wisconsin ofrece una lista de actividades en las que puede participar, disfrutar y escapar de la rutina:  Jardín Botánico Olbrich 3330 Atwood Ave, Madison www.olbrich.org Miller Brewery Tour 4251 W State St, Milwaukee, WI, United States, Wisconsin www.millerbrewerytour.com Grandad Bluff 3020 Grandad Bluff Rd. La Crosse, WI 54601 https://www.cityoflacrosse.org/your-government/departments/parks-recreation-forestry/parks| Cave Point County Park 5360 Schauer Road, about 8 miles northeast of the Town of Sevastopo lhttps://www.co.door.wi.gov/554/Cave-Point-County-Park Geneva Lake Shore Path 201 Wrigley Drive Lago Lemán, WI 53147 https://www.visitlakegeneva.com/things-to-do/shore-path/   Wisconsin Dells - Mt. Olympus Resorts LLC Apertura del tobogán más grande de Estados Unidos https://www.mtolympuspark.com/   Read the full article
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blue-opossum · 47 years
Scorpio Constellation (1967), Neptune (1973)
        Scorpio Constellation (1967), Neptune (1973)
        Thursday morning, 12 October 1967
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        Update: Is there a possible association with the blue field entoptic phenomenon (blue-sky sprites), also known as Scheerer's phenomenon? I did have a habit of watching it and was always intrigued and mesmerized by the effect.
        This dream is part of my continual nighttime skywatching theme that continues to this day.
        The location first seems to be a version of Chipmunk Coulee, where I used to stand near the drop off not that far from our house at age 6. However, it seems more like Grandad Bluff based on the scenery.
        The "stars" (distant lights) move at times. As usual, I consider if they are the lights of spacecraft or rockets (made by humans). The Scorpio constellation is like a sketchy photographic negative of a scorpion that moves around, seeming to bump some of the stars aside.
        The predominant setting for this common dream theme is the eastern sky beyond the Cubitis house's backyard, even though I have not been there in real life since 1978. The second-most recurring setting for this is the western sky beyond the Cubitis house's front yard.
        Beautiful planets, however, typically only occur in the eastern sky in the Cubitis setting. The western-sky versions predominately feature moving "stars" or spacecraft, jets, or unresolved images (such as people's spirits or natural anomalies).
        These dreams usually seem to occur shortly past the middle of my sleep cycle. They seem to have an inexplicable nostalgic essence and seem to be taking place (in my dream) around three o'clock in the morning.
        I am doubling up with a skywatching dream from Friday morning, 12 October 1973.
        Beautiful sizeable planets (various sizes) appear in the east near what could be moons, though most look the same as Earth's moon. I see several planets that look like Neptune. Some clouds seem to be in outer space rather than the Earth's atmosphere.
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wisconsinstatepark · 2 years
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Granddad Bluff at La Crosse (5/29/21)
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mouseandboo · 2 years
Postcrossing US-8575016
Postcrossing US-8575016 by Gail Anderson Via Flickr: Postcard with a photo of Grandad Bluff near La Crosse, Wisconsin. Sent by a Postcrossing member who lives in that area.
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sw124 · 3 years
BonelyHearts Reader Insert6
{Female!ReaderXSkeleton household}
Camping! Pt.6
Well yesterday was quite the day, so much for your enjoying your ‘leisure’ day out. You ended up soaked to your very bones all because of some jerk/jerks in a speed boat. It wasn’t so much getting soaked that bothered you, it was the fact that boat came so close to hitting you and Ash; that is what made you mad…but that was yesterday. An its not like the day ended badly, when you got dry clothes on and the skeletons practically waiting on you hand and foot to be sure you were ok.
You’d be lying if you didn’t enjoy it but you reminded them that you were fine and all warm again. That an you woke up again with the same skeletons in your tent, cuddled up next to you like little darlings. Well this was your last day of camping, that meant it was ‘your’ day. The past two days were dedicated to the skeletons but now it was your turn an you had only one special thing in mind.
“Human, what exactly do you have planned. We’ve done all the trails you wanted minus the …what was it..Grandfathers duff?” Asked Nox.
“Thats ‘Grandads Bluff’ and trust me when I tell you this activity will be great for everyone. But remember we need to pack up before we head off for our last activity, when we’ve finished it we’ll be going home; everyone got that?”
They all responded with a nod, you felt giddy as you helped them pack up. You had a wonderful surprise waiting for them! Packing didn’t take long at all, you handled most of the kitchen items while Papyrus and Boss dismantled the tents. Poplar helped Russ pack up the van while the others walked around picking up any litter left behind. It didn’t take long to get cleaned up really, in less then thirty minutes dishes were clean, tents dismantled and put away, campsite cleaned up and finally the van packed. Now that was done you could take the boys on the last activity of the day!
“Ok boys its gonna ten to fifteen minute walk to our destination so no whining.” You gave a playful wink and motioned the boys to follow you.
It was kinda funny to see some of their deadpan expressions but you digressed. You lead the way towards a road, sticking close to the shoulder of course. Though there weren’t any cars on this road there were ATV’er’s driving about; but they all were polite an stuck to their own side, time to time waving at you and the skeletons. Most if not all of them were simple ‘drive through rugged terrain’ people or parents taking their kids for rides.
Like you said it didn’t take long before you reached your destination…
“…..A ski lift?” Russ tilted his head.
“Well its not used for skiing now but during the autumn its used as a ‘special tour’ option. You take the lift up the mountain to enjoy the view of the local foliage, there at the top is the local ski resort. We’re taking the long ride up so it’ll take about an hour. By the time we get there it’ll be time for lunch so we’ll stop at their cafe to eat. Then comes the best part!”
You wriggle in your boots, ready to explode with excitement.
“The best part is the tram ride down the mountain, on the way down your served the best local drinks in the area. Non-alcoholic of course, the ride down will take just about the same amount of time as getting up give or take a minute. By the time we get back down the mountain it’ll be time to start heading home, you boys ready?”
They all looked at each other before nodding, when you got to where the chairs picked up the skiers you paused…thats right you had to see who was going with who. You looked and already Nox was arguing about going first…call you impatient but you hopped into a chair an let the boys figure it out for themselves.
You turned your back…and felt the chair sweep you up then it dropped its safety bar down. You squeaked like a little mouse as it lifted you up, you turned back to see the boys were still arguing…you waited at least a minute before shouting.
You laughed as you watched some of them scramble to get on the lift, Poplar and Ash were already getting on by the time the others heard you calling for them. Now that the boys were on the lift all you had to do….was relax and enjoy the ocean of autumn colors at your feet. This truly was a great idea, you slowly watched the wind blow waves of leaves over the trees. It really did look like water, a sea of cold fire…
A sudden thought hit you….there was a few spots on the mountain where special cameras were set up. They were to take pictures of people on the ski lifts, kinda like the camera’s on amusement park rides! They did this for the skiers as something commemorative or something. Oh this was gonna be fun, you hoped you’d see it so you could take a nice photo, if not something funny to laugh at.
[A beautifully peaceful ride later]
You gingerly slide off the lift chair and walked over to a small waiting area, there were some benches and a small kiosk to get your photo. The photo you got didn’t turn out like you hoped but it was still nice, the pictures was of you looking off to the side. You recalled that moment too, you caught sight of a hawk in the distance.
You decided to wait for the boys, you saw the photo’s drop in the kiosk. Not sure if it was ok or what you decided to look. The first photo of course was of Poplar and Ash, they looked like the spitting image of a happy elderly couple. The next was Stretch and Blue, where on earth did Stretch get the Groucho glasses…heh poor Blue didn’t notice he was given the ‘bunny ear’ treatment. Next was Boss and Red who were mostly enjoying the scenery, then it was a picture of Papyrus yelling at a sleepy Sans. Finally was Nox and Russ who much like Red and Boss were just enjoying the scenery…hehe Russ looked so cute.
You slipped the photos into your pocket and went to greet them, by the time you left the little kiosk Poplar and Ash were just getting off the lift. They greeted you and sat down to wait for the others, one by one the pairs of brothers came off the lift. Once you all regrouped you headed for the resort’s cafe.
“Here it is…” you sighed happily, it didn’t have a name other then ‘cafe’ but it just oozed with charm.
Inside the floors were a deep black mahogany with plush bright red carpets, the tables, chairs and table cloths all matched. What made it so charming was each table had a small fire pit in the center where you could roast marshmallows. But since you did that already you had booked a special treat for the boys…
“Fon…due?” Asked Nox.
“Yes, Fondue is a pot of melted cheese where you dip food items into such as bread, vegetables, meat an other things. Don’t worry I’ll be ordering the vegetarian special, it comes with the local favorites! Come on lets sit, I’m starting to get a little hungry now.”
“Yes lets have lunch!” Agreed Poplar, he seemed just as excited about the fondue.
Everyone gathered at one big round table, the waitress took down orders for drinks. Mostly of coffee’s and coco’s but you chose some tea for yourself. Before long your pot of fondue was delivered and everyone proceeded to dip pieces of bread and vegetables into the melted white substance. It had a slight sharp smell but the herbs were mostly the source of it, the taste…was pure velvet. You could taste the cream and hints of butter, instantly you thought of popcorn from a movie theater the moment you took bite of asparagus dipped in the white concoction.
All the vegetables you got were roasted, including some sweet potato chips and some eggplant. This really was a great place, once you an the boys had enough and paid the bill came the tram.
You walked over to check the schedule.
“The next ride will be leaving at 11:45am guys so we got about forty minutes to enjoy the sights around here. Please pay attention to the time ok guys?”
“Got it!” They said in unison.
You smile and walk away, everyone wandered around the outside admiring the scenery. You gravitate away from the boys and wander a bit towards the railing.
Everything was so quiet…so beautiful…but was interrupted by the sound of loud voices. You look to see four men stumbling towards you, hanging off one another, even from a distance you could smell the booze. You were about to move away but they caught sight of you.
“Hey baby, you alone wanna hang (hic!) out?”
You glared. “No, I’m here with my friends now leave me alone-“ just when you turned to head for the nearby staircase to get away from these jerks one of them grabs your arm.
“Hey aren’t you that bitch thats hanging out with them skeletons? Come on hang out with some real men, we got the goods to please a woman!” Well one of them was half sober enough to recognize you for some reason.
You rip your arm away from him.
“Get away from me you filthy piece of crap!” You stepped back…
“See told you she was a bitch, an I know what we do with bitches!” Before you could do anything one of the drunks raised his foot and kicked you…you stumbled back…and took a hard tumble down the stairs behind you.
It wasn’t many stairs but enough that when you landed…you landed hard. For a moment you laid still, you were still conscious so that was good….slowly you started rising to your knee’s, you put weight on your right foot; no problems there……but the moment you tried to step on your left foot….thats when you went down again.
Your ankle felt as if someone drove a spike into the joint and was twisting it around, you let out a pained scream when you put any weight on it. You winced and looked at your hands…oh your poor hands got bruised up good that was for sure…
“Human? Human where are you?!” You looked up, you saw Nox but thankfully no sign of the drunks.
“D-Down here!” You cried…tears were streaming down your face, the pain was almost too much.
You looked up, Nox was racing down full speed. You got scared thinking he’d fall too…give him some credit he had good balance. He reached you and noticed your disheveled self.
“What happened?!” His hands hovered over you.
You sobbed. “S-some drunk guy kicked me down the st-stairs…my ankle hurts real bad Nox…”
Normally you could tolerate a little pain but this…this wasn’t little, already Nox was checking the rest of you. Your arms, head (noting the slight bruised lip you had), neck, he already saw your hands but was now focusing on your legs. When he was satisfied he checked your ankle, slowly he removed your shoe and examined your ankle. His fingertips ghosted over your ankle, flinching when he touched parts near the joint.
“….Its just bruised thankfully, hang on.” He took out his phone and after a few taps made he put the phone to his cheek….and spoke.
“Russ get Boss to my location, a pack of drunks pushed the human down a flight of stairs, she has a bruised ankle an I need someone strong enough to carry her to the Tram.”
He had just put his phone in his pocket when you heard footsteps, already you saw Boss descending the stairs. He had such a graceful step to him despite practically running down those stairs, Russ wasn’t far behind him.
“Oh god, human…” Russ looked ready to cry, you tried to put on a brave smile but it hurt to smile…
Boss waisted no time gathering you into a princess carry, with almost no effort on his part escorted back up the stairs…where a group of worried skeletons were waiting for you.
[three hours later]
This wasn’t how you wanted your camping to end….sure you got the tram ride back but it wasn’t that special ‘lets have a warm drink while watching the woods slowly go by’ kind of ride. Now you were bundled up in a blanket sitting in your room, you just finished crying when Boss walked in with a mug of ‘golden flower’ tea.
“Thanks Boss…” you whimpered as you took the cup from him.
“Now human don’t be so melodramatic, sure the trip didn’t go completely as planned but we still had fun and we got you healed up.” Said Boss crossing his arms.
“Yeah…..thats true….” The tea was the perfect temperature, you hadn’t realized you had gulped it all down…well you were thirsty. “….You know maybe I should go sit in the living room with….everyone…maybe that’ll make me feel…..better…”
You forgot..’golden flower’ tea practically knocked your butt out, you drank it when you couldn’t get to sleep at night. You swayed a bit still bundled in that thick blanket, was you imagination or did you feel Boss wrapping his arms around you?
Oh he just picked you up….you all bundled in your blanket…you felt like a newborn baby swaddled after birth. Warm, safe and loved….you snuggled against the brooding skeletons chest as he walked you out of your room.
You could hear the others having a conversation but….you didn’t care….you could hear cooing but you didn’t care….instead…your mind drifted back to the camping…
Sleeping in a tent curled up with the skeleton family, sharing s’mores and hot coco…
Your mind drifted into a dream…where all you could think about…was you…
And the loving skeletons who were always…and always would be at your side…
[The ending was inspired by a drawing done by @mmhinman and again this is a reader insert dedicated to the @bonelyheartsclub ]
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miyin2 · 4 months
Ruta 31 Día 1: Friendship Gardens, Riverside Park, La Cross Queen tour & Wildlife Refuge
Nos levantamos temprano y ya a las 8am estábamos en el restaurante La Crosse Family Restaurant. Luego de un suculento desayuno nos pusimos en marcha a comenzar nuestro día de turisteo en la ciudad. Nos acercamos al río Mississippi que bordea la ciudad y visitamos los Friendship Gardens que están a orillas del río. Los Friendship Gardens, o Jardines de la Amistad, son una colección de jardines…
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anotherplumbob · 4 years
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Finn: so...I think I’m going to senior prom after all...my friends from the Art Club are going to the bluffs afterward too...
Cael: oh, that’s great news! isn’t it Julien? Prom is usually a life-changing event for the Laceys. Your great-grandma, Primrose, met your great-grandad Kamden at senior prom.  And your dad and I started dating officially at senior prom too. 
Lavender: you at...prom? Like...you know people dance there? I would pay to see you trying with zero skill points. 
Finn: I know how to dance!!! shut up Lala. 
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maxmagic · 5 years
~Giovanni and (Y/N)~
Giovanni x reader (platonic)
Warning: swearing
Genre : idk honestly
If there are spelling errors let me know
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It was a clear night sky. Jazz City was quiet , most people by know asleep or spending times with loved ones.
But no , not Giovanni . He was putting the last few finishing touches of his Banzai Blaster uniform . His last mission didnt go as planned and his suit suffered 'cuz of it . It wasn't that bad tho , only a few holes . But Giovanni knew how to knit , but not how to sew. He didnt want to bother Molly so late at night , so he decided to take it upon himself to fix the holes. After some effort and a bit of blood (clumsy boy pricked his finger) he was done .
Just then , he heard his window open . He turned around and it was (Y/N) , his faithful partner in crime and sometimes rival, who was also a Banzai Captain. They slipped in and let out a sigh "Yoo Gio, are you done or what? The night doesnt last forever you know !" "Geez , who put you in a bad mood ? You cant rush art (Y/N) . Sewing is a delicate act that needs a lot of concentration " Giovanni remarked . (Y/N) frowned and put their hands on their hip ."Just... hurry up and get ready, please. I'll be waiting for you on the rooftop with the crew." And with that the felt .
'Ugh , moody...'
Giovanni finally put his suit on and made his way to the roof. The wind blew gently , making his cape flow with the wind , adding extra flare to his long awaited entrance. "Minions and (Y/N) , tonight is a big night !! Tonight we do something so bad and evil , every one in this city will bow before us !!" Giovanni said with so much pride and energy. He stirked a dramatic pose , pointing to the city . "Tonight ... we rob the mall". The Banzai Blasters cheered at their captain , but (Y/N) wasn't having it. "Again Gio?? Didnt you guys get completely busted last time and my team had to get you guys out before the police arrested you all ??" She said , frustrated as memories from a month ago flashed by. To keep it short , it was a disaster. Giovanni stumbles a bit at their sudden remark . They never embarrass him in from on his boys. He quickly picked himself up and said " B-But this time , it's going to be different . Crusher found a way to bypass the security of the main doors , so they'll never see us coming . " "What about the mall cops ?" (Y/N) asked , wanting this to be over and done with. "Pffft , mall cops are nothing ", Giovani disregarded, " it's usually some old grandad with bones made out of toothpicks" . He puts an arm around (Y/N) and grins "Besides ... We are that Banzai Blasters !! Nothing can stop us , especially not the cops". To that , (Y/N) only rolled their eyes . They removed Giovannis hand from their shoulder and starts heading to the mall , carelessly jumping from building to buildings.
Giovanni let out a huff , but then his face softened. Was something the matter ? Were they upset ? He pondered about it for a bit , before brushing it off. I mean , if they were sad they'd tell him... right ?
Some time passes while they got to the mall. Through the whole trip , Giovanni was looking at (Y/N) . Looking up close , they seemed kinda mad . Giovanni felt his stomach turn a bit. He knew something was up , but ... He cant just bring it up out of nowhere! Then they'll be even more mad . Giovanni just signs and opens the door of the mall . While he was sulking , Crusher managed to unlock it and clear the censors . They all made their way in , the big hollow mall quiet and peacefull . Not for long lol. As soon as they entered , the Banzai Blasters rushed through every store and shop . Wrecking things and taking goods. (Y/N) was just sitting a bench , mumbling to themselves . They eminanted a dangerous aura , so thick and deadly someone could easily suffocate in it.
Suddenly they heard a crash and sirens went of . "Jesus Fuck , who sounded the alarms?!?!. They looked around and saw one of Banzai blasters managed to break a window and it sounded the alarms. "Crusher , you bumbass, I though you said you hacked the alarms ?!!"(Y/N) yelled , furious. "I-I only was able to shut of the security on the d-doors. They must h-have added ne-ew ones on the windows " Crusher stuttered out , kiss knees shaking . Giovanni rushed to the group an said "We have to get out of here !! The cops will be here any minute " . As he said that , the doors and windows rattled and a metal curtain dropped . Now they were really fucked . (Y/N) cursed under their breath . "Theres probably a hatch or something to get us out. Crusher , if we get arrest I'm fucking killing you ." They grab two of the Banzai blasters by the collar and drag them to a vent. "Quickly you shits, open the vent before I pummel you to the ground and leave you for the cops" (Y/N) yelled in a manner almost sounded like a lions road.
Thats it. That's the final straw. No one messes with Giovanni's Boys , even if it's a close friend. Giovanni taps (Y/N) on the shoulder and they turn around."Dont talk to my boys that way!! Only I get to do that " he said ,"You've been a real piece of work the whole night , but this is just being a dick . You okay? Did something happen?". Giovannis voice dulled to a more concerned tone ."I've told you before , I'm FINE." they say through gritted teeth. Just then a loud clang is heard. The two Banzai Blasters managed to open the vent . (Y/N) smiled and clapped their hands sarcastically "Great job, now MOVE.". They push away the two Banzai Blasters and make their way towards the vent . The crawl in and suddenly they're dropped at least 15 feet down . "Aw SHIT!" they cry out. That's going to leave a lot of bruises. They managed to fall on some wash cloths tho , so no broken bones. "ARE YOU OKAY" Giovanni yells down the vent. He could hear a quiet groan in return. "Aw hell... listen here boys . That vent must have lead to some painful stuff , so we dont go that way . You find another path and I'll scoop (Y/N) out of there." "But boss, what if you dont get out ? The police wil- "Dont be silly , Crusher . I am the great Giovanni Potage~! Nothing can stop ME" Giovanni strikes a confident pose , before crawling in the vent .
He also dropped the 15 feet and fell on his but. He cringed , but looked around for his friend. He could only see a small bluff in the corner of the small room . Then his heart broke as he heard sobbing . He rushed over to the blur, which of course was (Y/N) , big tears streaming down their face. "Hey hey , are you hurt ? Did the fall break a bone ?" . Giovanni scanned their body for cuts or breaks , but didnt find anything that looked broken. (Y/N) clutched Giovannis suit and sobbed , their face buried in his chest. They said a few words , but they were muffled by sobs and fabric. Giovanni only patted their head and gave them a big hug. For now he wasnt worried about cops or anything . He just wanted to help his friend.
After a while (Y/N) removed their face from Giovanni's chest , which was now stained with tears. Their sobs were now only sniffles and small hiccups. "Do you want to talk about it ? Giovanni said softly . He sat next to them and let his friend rant about their horrible day ..
"How your day must have really sucked, huh?" "Yeah... thanks for letting me went to you. I though I could tough it out for the day but.... guess not " (Y/N) said as they rubbed the back of their neck in shame. Giovanni gave them a side hug , and looked them straight in the eyes. "We've been friends for so long . It's like I've known you my whole life. You know you can always talk to me if you have problems . Besides, you shouldn't keep all your emotions bottled up . That's for chums". Giovanni smiled at the last line ."That's for chums" was a little inside joke they made from their first mission together.
(Y/N) smiled ."Thanks Gio ... really. I'm sorry I acted like such a douche . You're a really good friend ." Giovanni bashfully shrugged "I mean of course I am . I'm the great Giovanni ~ I
Just then they heard loud sirens .That's right. In all their bonding time ,they forgot they were running away from the police.
How will they get out of this situation??
Yep , got lazy with the ending . Sorry , but hoped you enjoyed
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cedarspringwolf · 4 years
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We took a rare outing to see some sights around La Crosse in Wisconsin. Other people were out too, which made the wariness creep in. Aside from the occasional face mask and flags flown at half-staff you wouldn't think we are still in the midst of a global pandemic. #memorialday #covid19 #americanflag #grandadbluff #lacrossewi (at Grandad Bluff) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAoWL7-gCMP/?igshid=11exeghmnpfs2
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justkeeponsimming · 5 years
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Ginger manages to have a word with Robyn as they bump into each other in the hallway. Robyn is extremely troubled to hear that there has been some wildfire at the Bluffs, worried that the family will be held to blame for what happened. Desiree explained that she told their parents that the Quick siblings were heading to a house party held by someone else, not one that they were hosting.
Robyn is not as scared to confront Desiree as Ginger is, as she has no ongoing drama with their younger sibling. Stalking downstairs, she checks the office and Desiree’s bedroom, but cannot find her there. As she retraces her steps, she nearly falls backwards in shock when Desiree leaps out at her, blowing an air horn right in her ear.
Desiree howls with laughter, waving the air horn in the air victoriously at her successful prank.
Desiree: “HAH! You’re so gullible, Robyn! It’s Prank Day. How did you not see me?!”
Robyn: “Because I have more on my mind than stupid pranks! Desiree, what happened at the Bluffs after we left last night?”
Desiree’s light brown eyes flash for a split second in alarm, before they narrow accusingly at Robyn.
Desiree: “Nothing. I left a few minutes after you guys. I’m glad that you noticed your sister and made sure she was safe!”
Robyn: “W-well…did you see anything before you left? We’ve been told part of the island has caught fire. It might affect Grandpa and Grandad at the family farm.”
Resolve hardened, Desiree rolls her eyes and pushes past Robyn, shoulders square and tense with pride.
Desiree: “I don’t know what you’re implying, Robyn, but I’d let you know if something happened. I hope Grandpa and Grandad would be alright.”
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