#grant sainsbury
teenagedirtstache · 2 years
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yourcoffeeguru · 7 months
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Bad Company Athena Editions by Grant Sainsbury Art Photo Poster Framed 1990s VTG || SWtradepost - ebay
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sunshineandspencer · 1 month
Baby's first Hallowe'en
A/N: Angst? In front of my salad???!!! As if, happy endings all the way!! Bc angst makes me nauseous 😎😎😎 I’m also horrifically in a Marauders/Harry Potter phase rn because I got a 3D Knight Bus puzzle and the serotonin from completing it was the most scrumptious meal.
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Fem!Wife!Reader.
Summary: It’s their daughter’s first Hallowe’en, and she’s determined to make it memorable for her and her husband - with the most perfect costume, of course.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: fluff, established relationships, slightly suggestive talk of having another baby (nothing mental)
I have redone the form for the taglist now that I’m apparently expanding from Criminal Minds
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“Are you going to look all pretty for daddy, baby?”
Celeste couldn’t do much more than gurgle and try to gum at the tail of her costume, something her mum let her do. 
Letting her baby find out that the tail was, in fact, furry, is easier than trying to stop her. 
A little older than one, and her sweet girl has unfortunately developed her father’s stubbornness. Paired with his looks, there’s no hope of ever saying no to her precious face. 
Her and Remus had been together since their fifth year, and married right out of Hogwarts. 
Although, their ceremony was a lot simpler than James and Lily’s wedding. The wedding night, however, is the whole reason she’s got their baby girl in her lap right now. 
Celeste, because Remus spent the entire pregnancy calling the bump starlight, and also because of his furry problem anything related to the stars and moon made them giggle. 
In their defence, they were only nineteen when Celeste was born, but it’s better than Harry. And they stand their ground on that - obviously playfully - on every play date.
With the war, they weren’t going to be doing trick or treating. Lily and Harry are still downstairs, having apparated to their little village last night. Enjoying the quiet of the countryside compared to Godric’s Hollow, which was quickly filling with new people. 
James and Remus had been called out, with Sirius, on a last minute mission the night before but swore to be back for Halloween. 
Even though they can’t celebrate properly yet, they’re still going to be having a small party between them. It had been hard, since Peter was outed as a spy, and they’d all become a bit more guarded. But they wanted to try to make their children’s first holiday memorable.
And introduce Harry and Celeste to some lemon drops. 
While Lily had managed to find a golden snitch costume for Harry, which she was sure James would love, Celeste’s outfit is perfect.
Well.. her father may not agree at first, but thanks to that sense of humour of his, he’ll get over it. 
They didn’t sell it at any wizarding costume stores, probably because it would be a little insensitive. Thankfully muggles still assume that the wizarding world is all just a big story, so they have all sorts of insulting costumes. 
And, having found the perfect outfit at whatever a Sainsbury’s is, with Lily’s help, honestly the whole outfit looked amazing. 
Celeste, her and Remus’ daughter and the pure light in their life, has been dressed up all pretty as a werewolf. Granted, her daughter has no idea why she keeps breaking out into fits of giggles. 
With a few easy charms, the ears on top of the hood and the tail were able to move with Celeste, and it’s so unbelievably cute. 
Again, might be a little on the nose considering her husband’s condition.. but also it’s just hilarious and she couldn’t pass up the opportunity for this. 
The familiar sound of apparition sounded downstairs, quickly followed by James’ laughter and muffled joy at seeing his son - probably golden and winged. She gives it three drinks before he charms the wings to fly. 
Sirius, similarly, cheers at the sight of Harry before the familiar clinking of bottles in the kitchen tells her they stopped to get drinks. 
But Remus? He gives Lily and Harry a brief wave before bounding up the stairs.
Pushing the bedroom door open with a sigh, happy to be around the comforting warmth of his family, already hearing his wife’s giggles. 
“Where are my girls?! There they—“
He stopped dead in the doorway, looking between his flushed, near-hysterical wife, and the little wolf sat on the bed gnawing at their tail. 
Taking a cursory glance out the window, he made sure it’s not actually the full moon and he just didn’t change - which is absurd. 
Finally allowing himself to laugh when the cub turned and dropped the tail. His daughter reaching and cooing something soft for his attention. Dressed as a werewolf.
Joining them on the bed, he scooped up his daughter, crushing her to his chest as his wife had to lie back against the headboard and shut her eyes to try and stop laughing. 
“Hello there starlight, what’s mummy done to you?”
Mummy, still giggling and tears in the corners of her eyes, sat up and shuffled nearer. Leaning her head on Remus’ shoulder. 
“Mummy had a brilliant idea and it worked out so well. Don’t you think she’s all cute and fluffy?”
“I do.” He pressed a kiss to his wife’s hair and then gave a soft hum, looking at their daughter as she tried to reach for the tail again. “But what’s with the purple tutu?”
“She screamed whenever I tried to take it off. Werewolves can do ballet, you know.”
Poking him in the side, she tilted her head back and pursed her lips, asking for a kiss.
How he’d only known and loved this woman from the age of fifteen he’ll never know. Sometimes he forgets that they haven’t just always been together. 
He can’t wait for the day to pass where he would’ve finally known her longer than he hasn’t. 
Pressing his love against her lips, still relishing that he loved her. And that, honestly, she loves him just as much. If the faux-silver wedding band on their hands were anything to go by. 
“I love you.”
“You’re so sappy Rem.” But the smile on her lips became so bright it became hard to kiss. So she just pecked his cheek instead. “I love you too, hairballs and all.”
Sirius, as always having the most horrific timing known to man, decided then was a good time to burst through the door. 
Holding up some firewhiskey and excitedly talking about a movie Lily wanted to show them. 
“Apparently it has a talking skeleton and it’s about Halloween and Christmas and—“
His excitability ran its course the minute he saw Celeste. Nearly doubling over and having to put the bottles down, ignoring the warning to be careful of the carpet. 
Sweeping up his Godchild and bounding down the stairs to show James and Lily, unable to stop laughing long enough to actually say anything. 
With that distraction, Remus flopped them down on the bed, pressing his face to her stomach and releasing a sigh. 
Digging his fingers into her hips as her hands slipped through his hair. 
“Can we just stay here?” His thumbs slipped her shirt up and he pressed a tired kiss to the soft of her stomach, the scar from her C-section. “Make another one?”
That caused her to laugh again, and although that kind of bounced his head about, he didn’t care. The sound of her laugh slid away the nightmares he’d been facing only hours before. 
And with a rueful hum, she pushed them upright again. Much to his immediate dislike, but he allowed himself to be moved. 
“Not tonight, I actually want to see what Lily was talking about.”
Getting up with a groan, she raised a hand for her husband to take. A soft twinkle in her eye that still set his blood racing after all this time. 
Merlin, but he loved this woman more than life itself.
“But Sirius is babysitting both Harry and Celeste on the weekend, and we’ll have the cottage all to ourselves.”
That, at least, got her husband up off the bed. Pressing a hard kiss to her lips and then dragging her downstairs. 
Jokingly whispering that he wanted tonight over with already, so he could have her all to himself. Still, though, he treasured their baby girl’s first Halloween and the first - of many - holidays that they all got to spend together as a family.
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Free Ride
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Jake Lockley x GN!Reader • Rating: T •Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | requestinfo• MK Bingo 2024 Masterlist• ko-fi •
Free Ride Masterlist
Summary: Your taxi driver is surprisingly familiar.
🌛For @moonknight-events MK Bingo Spring 2024 Event🌜
A/N: Set in London, Jake is driving a black cab in my mind for some reason.
Warnings: Jake being mistaken for Steven, kisses, awkward silences, over use of italics, typos, not beta read, railroad sentences, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 1161
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You got into the cab quickly, the cold night air raking its nails over your skin. You pulled your coat a little higher and shivered. 
The bar crawl hadn’t exactly gone to plan. Two of your friends had had to check out early, and a third had hooked up with someone they’d met while getting a round. You’d decided to call it a night.  
“Hi,” you greeted the driver, about to give your address when you pause in surprise. “Steven?” 
Jake freezes, watching your reflection in the rear view mirror. 
“Steven Grant, you, you live on the floor above me.” You smile. “I didn’t realise you drove a cab?” 
He swallows, raising his chin up in a nod, his mind racing. He’d left it far too long to deny it. “I… just, part time.” He spoke quietly, adding a croak to his voice to disguise the difference in accent. 
“You okay?”
“Yeah… cold.” He tapped his throat, “so, erm, home?”
You nod, “yeah. Sorry you’re unwell, hope you feel better soon.”
He shrugged. “It’s nothing.” 
You nod again, something about the energy in the cab seemed… odd. Different. You were on pretty good terms with Steven since he’d helped you out when you were lugging your shelves up the stairs (they were too wide for the lift.) You chatted when you ran into each other going out or coming back. Somehow you both usually ended up going to the local sainsbury’s at the same time for your weekly shop and had kind of settled into a not exactly planned routine where you would wait for each other and do it together. 
Steven talked. A lot. In the best way possible. Excitedly and passionately. Bubbly and enthusiastic. He genuinely listened as well, asking follow up questions and nodding. But even when he was listening, he wasn’t quiet. Always adding in ‘hmms’ and ‘oh right’, and little snippets of commentary that warmed your heart. 
Now he was quiet. Pulled in and zipped up. 
Maybe it was just the cold making his throat hurt. You’d have to get him something to help, maybe tomorrow you could knock on with some ginger, lemon, and honey tea. 
Maybe, maybe, maybe…
You stilt your head to the side as you watch him drive. He takes a turn smoothly, travelling down the late night roads without as much as a pause. Or a word. 
It just didn’t make sense. 
How unlike Steven he was being. You pause, for a second entertaining the idea that he wasn’t actually him. But that made no sense did it? He’d have to be an identical twin, and besides, he was talking you back to your flat. If he wasn't Steven, how would he know where you lived? 
“I didn’t know you could drive?” You say, speaking up a little to try to hide the spike of nervousness that had settled in your gut. You had been so sure that he’d told you he couldn’t… though had that just been an excuse? A reason to tag along with you when you went food shopping? Was his quietness now embarrassment from being caught out? 
“Hmm,” he nodded, glancing back at you again in the rear view mirror. “I don’t mention it… much.” 
You nod. “Yeah.” You pick at your fingernails as he drums his hands against the steering wheel, waiting for the light to change. 
The silence stretches out, almost blanketing the low grumble of the engine. It’s sickening. Nerve wrecking. 
“How’s work?” You blurt out, and then quickly clarify. “Both I mean, how’s driving going today and how’s the museum?” He glances back at you again, the action is starting to remind you of a priest in a confessional. 
“It’s all… normal.”
“Fine. Normal.”
You don’t speak again until he pulls up by the block of flats, putting on the handbrake and getting into neutral. He puts his hands on his lap, folded neatly with his palms facing upwards.
“How much do I owe you?” You ask.
“Nothing. It’s on me.” 
He turns quickly, flicking off his seatbelt in a practised move so that he can twist his body fully around to face you. 
For a moment you think he’s going to say something, reveal some grand secret but instead he pauses before giving you a very weak smile.
“It’s on me.” His voice is quiet, barely there at all. And, for the briefest second you could have sworn that his accent was different. 
“Thank you.” 
He shrugs politely, dismissing it as if it was nothing. 
Before he can turn away you reach out for his shoulder, the action instinctive and leaving you lost for a reason why you did it.  
He glances at your hand for a second before looking back to your face. 
You lean forward. “Thank you.” You repeat softly, and slowly kiss his left cheek, giving him plenty of time to pull away and rebuff you if he wanted to. 
Instead he leans slightly into the touch, swallowing and turning his head towards you. His nose brushes against yours and you think he’s going to turn back to facing the wheel, but instead he presses his lips to yours hesitantly. 
You squeeze his arm, surprised but responsive as you kiss him back. 
He kisses you slowly, but intentionally. Swiping the tip of his tongue along your bottom lip before opening your mouth with his own and licking inside. He groans, low in his chest as the kiss becomes hungrier, boarding on desperation as he presses as close to you as he physically can in his position. 
When suddenly he pulls back, blinking heavily. A mumbled, ‘sorry’, just escaping his lips. 
“It’s okay.” Your voice is quiet too, your mind only just catching up with what happened. 
He turns back, putting his seatbelt on with a click and staring straight ahead. “Have a good night.” 
“I, erm, I’ll see you later.” You mutter as you get out, feeling almost shaky from what just happened. Your thoughts reeling. 
You get up to your flat in a daze. You’d kissed him, well, he’d kissed you. Did that mean anything? Had you done something to chase him off? 
You change into your pyjamas and brush your teeth, staring at your reflection in the bathroom mirror. 
There’s a soft knock at your front door and you freeze. Wait. 
Maybe it’s a neighbor's door. Maybe it’s noise from another flat.
There’s a knock again, still soft and your phone buzzes. A message from Steven, ‘can we talk?’ 
You head to the door, checking the peep hole and confirming that yes, it is Steven outside your door. You unlock and open it quickly. 
“Steven, I-”
You don’t get a chance to finish your sentence before he moves forward quickly and kisses you deeply. His hands settle on your hip, the back of your neck as he walks you further inside and kicks the door shut with the heel of his foot. 
Thank you for reading!
@pleasurebuttonwrites @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @cocodiem @oscarisaacsspit @whatthefishh @mbakubabe @romanarose @saturn-rings-writes @boredzillenial @lonelyisamyw-0love @queerponcho @pimosworld @melodygatesauthor @steven-grants-world  @eyelessfaces @angel-of-the-moons @minigirl87@lunar-ghoulie @dumdaradumdaradum @plastichearts @silvernight-m @autismsupermusicalassassin @apesarecuul @reallyrallyauthor @basicalyrandom @spxctorsslxt
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whiskeysorrows · 11 months
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dear [ ], i hope this finds you well by Patroclus Minh
[Text ID:
it’s not the leaving that haunts me:
it’s all the things after. 
december, 14 days too early for a white christmas, and 
turning to whatsapp you the howling storm, the
giggling thrill before it hits — 
we are 1 year and 3 days apart from
each other. every second, the distance grows wider 
and soon, it’ll just be 
whispers in the wind. no longer do i have your gaze to bask in, 
your uncouth laughter lilting
and lulling like lantern flames. no longer will i wake
to find the sun undisplaced:
there’s only ghost dogs where we left. teeth marks
to the marrow and sometimes, 
it gets to me before i remember the 
empty basket.
we are 1 year and 3 days from the corner where it went wrong.
i hope. hope you’re happy. hope
you’re still peeling your cheese sticks into 
strings. hope you know i’m still
thinking of you and crying your name like always.
(hope you’ve moved on and never read this.)
i won’t lie: there are times when i go 
and buy a cookie 
and can’t stop thinking ‘bout the way you 
make yours. chewy and chocolatey. soft and
sweet like the memories i keep 
under floorboards. times when i almost found you
around a sainsbury’s aisle, 
when their commercial flour dissolves into dust in
my mouth; 
my jaw still aches for the bones of what could’ve
been, still
gnaws branches to the splinters because 
the forgetting is a far worse 
darling, what i mean is:
i’d do it again. 
all of it. if they ever asked you, tell them
i said darling, there is no hurricane, no 
thunderstorm that’d make me regret knowing 
every holy part of you.
i’d still wean my hunger to all that you gave me.
i’d still grant new appetites your name. darling,
we are 1 year and 3 days from our ending,
from when i watched my future darkened with a single word
and wished you all the best. 
wish you found happiness in another heart. wish
you’d still smile with that big bright grin 
of yours.
(wish you’d still prattle on about your
favourite video games. wish i could
laugh and tell you: [ ], if i didn’t know better, i’d say
you like him more than me.
wish you’d come back for a minute. or maybe
even 5s.)
/End ID]
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womanofwords · 1 year
STEM Kids Shenanigans (Chapter 1)
Chapter 1: Making STEM Club
Dr Janet Violet, principal of Marbleton Secondary School, was looking over clubs that were being formed. “Paintballing club, arts and crafts club, wrestling club, Pokemon club, book club . . . what could possibly be missing?” she muttered. “Ah, something academic. That will definitely grant the school some prestige. A club for the sciences should begin. A STEM club. And only the best and the brightest should be allowed in.” She took a note of this and smiled.
This was going to be great.
When the word got out from their form tutors, it got a mixed reception. “You have to pass a test to get into the nerd club?” someone groaned. “Not worth it.”
“It came from above,” Mr Oluwatola said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Specifically from the principal.”
“I have better things to do with my time,” a girl declared while texting under the table. But one person, class prefect Melanie Sainsbury, did not think that.
“That’s just because you don’t want to put in any substantial effort,” she snootily informed the girl, as eyes rolled and faces furrowed into expressions of annoyance. “I, however, will be taking time out of my busy prefect work to make a name of myself in this school.”
“Oh, good for you, Melanie,” one voice said. Melanie turned and smiled in the direction of this voice, which belonged to a black girl with a long Dutch braid and an innocent look on her face.
“Thank you!” Her gratitude was louder than she intended to be. “At least somebody here is somewhat decent.”
“Maybe you’ll have a nickname other than Snitch Sainsbury,” she joked, much to the class's amusement.
“My name is Melanie Sainsbury!” she yelled over the laughter. But nobody listened.
In science class, Melanie watched roughly twenty other people get up to write their names down for STEM club. She shook her head and scoffed. Most of these slackers didn’t stand a chance against her and her superior intellect. She would wipe the floor with them all once she was handed the test papers and given the go-ahead to begin. After lunch, she found her year group leader, Mrs Winters, and told them the good news. “I won’t be able to meet three days from now,” she said happily.
“Why would that be?” the year group leader asked.
“I signed up to take the test to be part of STEM club, and I have a pretty good shot of getting in,” she bragged. “Nobody else can match me in terms of intelligence or test-taking.”
“OK. Good luck,” Mrs Winters said, as Melanie trotted off.
Melanie filed into the test room with a sense of smugness radiating off of her. These other kids don’t stand a chance, she thought, smirking to herself. She looked around at the competition. They looked listless and scared, playing with their hair or biting their nails. Pathetic.
“Your tests will be in front of you face-up. Do not open them and only write your name and the date,” the teacher droned, as they handed out test papers. “You are only allowed to use black or blue pen and no calculator. Your time starts . . . now.”
Melanie flipped over the test paper and felt the confidence ooze out of her. This was way harder than normal. But she would have to do this to the best of her ability. She took her time, answering the questions as best she could. They’d end up picking her anyway. If she was having trouble, then everyone else had to be, too. An olive-skinned boy looked like he found it to be unbearably hard. Maybe nobody would get in and the club would have to be disbanded.
“Time’s up,” the teacher said. “Finish the sentence you’re on and pens down. Please push the papers in front of you to be collected.”
Melanie felt sick as she pushed her test paper in front of her. She hadn’t finished all of the questions and at least half of the questions she had completed were probably incorrect. It wasn’t her best academic performance, but she hadn’t done that badly compared to the others.
She was definitely in.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the few people that signed up for STEM club and the even fewer people that were accepted are on the noticeboard,” Mr Oluwatola said the next morning, during announcements. “Feel free to check on it in your free time. Also, there is a charity bake sale happening tomorrow, so please bring cash if you’re interested. That is all.”
The bell rang right on cue, and the class left for their next lesson. Melanie took a detour towards the notice board and checked the names.
Layla Ismail
Angelo Riva
Dante Rhodes
Yujin Moon
Her name wasn’t there. She, Melanie Sainsbury, had not made the cut for STEM club. But for some reason, these kids had. She glared at the list that taunted her with the absence of her name. While she did that, the olive-skinned boy from earlier walked over to the same list, ran his finger down the list, and literally jumped for joy.
"Yes! I got in!" he celebrated, going to his next lesson. Melanie watched with disgust. The kid that looked to be struggling the entire time got in, and she hadn’t? That was unacceptable. The prefect got up and walked towards the boy to ask questions, but didn’t notice the tangled wire.
The world rotated, her head hit the floor and everything went black.
She woke up in the nurse’s office with an ice pack on her head. One spot felt incredibly tender and her vision was blurred. “Oh, you're awake,” the nurse said. “You fell hard.”
“Fell?” Melanie asked.
“Yes. You fell onto the floor after tripping on a wire. This nice boy rushed to get you over to me,” the nurse said, writing some sort of note. “I called your father, and you’re excused from lessons for the rest of the day. I think he’s coming to get you soon.” The rest of the words she said faded as she laid back and nursed her head.
Her father rushed in, hugging her tightly. “How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Terrible! My head hurts, I didn’t get into STEM club but these other kids did, and I just feel useless!” Melanie snapped. “Today has been the worst!”
“You poor girl,” her father said. “Come on, my girl.” He picked his daughter up and carried her out of school in front of a gaggle of students, immune to their giggling at the pretentious prefect’s situation. Eventually, they were in the car, going home. "Don’t worry about it. You’re already doing wonderfully in school. This science club or whatever it is would have taken focus off of you being a prefect. And you love being a prefect.”
“You’re right,” Melanie said wearily. “I should just focus on being a prefect.” That thought comforted her as she drifted off in a car moving towards home.
To see the other parts of this fic, see Masterlist.
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ganhosdoelefante · 20 days
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London, 01 de Abril do Ano 1 - Segunda - Doc - 25 anos - Easter.
08:00 - Acordamos, tomamos banho e nos arrumamos. 08:40 - Tomamos café na minha casa:
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09:20 - Nos despedimos. 09:50 - Vou a um museu com Anne e Pati: Grant Museu de Zoologia
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11:00 - Vamos para Páscoa do Hosp na casa de Thomas:
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Bebemos uns drinks e conversamos.
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Depois, almoçamos.
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15:00 - Me despeço e vou para o chá na casa de Camille, com a família dela presente:
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16:10 - Compro umas coisas no mercado: Sainsbury's
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16:40 - Saio e vou de ub. para casa. 17:10 - Chego e arrumo as coisas. 17:30 - Fico vendo filminhos. 18:30 - Tomo banho e fico confy. 19:10 - Anne chega meio depre porque terminou com o peguete. Comemos pizza e ficamos de papo.
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21:00 - Ela dorme lá em casa.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 months
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"JOB FOR PIED PIPER IS OPEN IN WESTON," Toronto Star. May 15, 1934. page 8. --- Rat-Infested Dump Decreases Adjoining Property Values, Claim ---- Weston. May 15. - "This town needs another pied piper," commented Councillor H. W. Sainsbury, when complaints were made to council last night that rats infested a dump at the south end of Weston.
"The town has not used the dump in two years." he declared when F. A. Silverman presented a protest on behalf of P. Harris that the value of the latter's nearby property had decreased. "Some industrial firms have lately littered the dump with dirty rags which catch fire and smoulder for days."
The clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Harris that the town disclaims responsibility for the alleged objectionable condition of the dump.
A new system for tax sales was recommended by Town Clerk Musson and unanimously accepted. Under the new plan whole lots will be sold when put up for sale to realize taxes. The practice of bidding down land will be abolished in future.
Tax collections for this year show an increase of $6,816 over those made last year to the same date. A total of $128.869 is still outstanding as compared with $113,166 for the same date last year.
A request for assistance from the Weston Silver Band will be met by a partial payment of a $500 grant. the balance to be paid later. A grant of $250 was authorized to the Victorian Order of Nurses. The library board will receive a grant of $2,700.
Following the recent request of the council to the board of education that that body make a substantial reduction in its budget, such action was taken involving a cut in the original budget of $3,000, council was informed. The present budge calls for a total of $17.500 for public schools and $12.850 for the high and vocational schools.
A petition from the Master Barbers association asking that a varying schedule of closing hours be put into force, was given consideration but referred back to the association. The petition requested that their closing hours be 8 p.m. every night except Friday and Saturday.
Deputy Reeve Gordon Harris reported that seed had been supplied to citizens working community garden and that work was progressing.
Tenders for road oiling will be called for at once. The property committee was also authorized to call for tenders for next winter's coal supply.
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lstine919 · 8 months
MAC Analytical Application 1: Ideology and Culturalism
Ruling Class:
The ruling class is the small group of elites who hold strong influence over ideological and material diffusion in modern-day society and economy. The Ruling Class uses these positions of influence to exploit and impress power upon the lower class. Within the ruling class, “one part appears as the thinkers of the class (its active, conceptive ideologists, who make the formation of the illusions of the class about itself their chief source of livelihood).” (1) Additionally, Marx and Engels write that “the rule of a certain class is only the rule of certain ideas,” (2) meaning that the ruling class is not headed by people but the thoughts of those people.
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In Sainsbury’s “The Greatest Gift” Ad from 2016 is a key example of how the ruling class impresses beliefs upon the proletariat. It follows a man who is stressed out because he is unsure of what to get his family for Christmas. This is an example of a “first-world problem” of the bourgeoisie. The commercial promotes a twisted value in work, a notion that if one works hard enough they can set themselves up for a situation in which they don’t have to spend any time working at all (the man spends time building toy clones of himself in order to not have to work). This is very dangerous, as it can persuade one to overwork themselves, when the real-world promise of family time is only granted to those in extremely fortunate positions. Many people are required to work throughout the winter break just to provide for their families, much less buy them presents. The idolization of Christmas shopping in the commercial attributes an importance and essentiality to consumerism, which in the end only serves to drive the capitalist machine more - providing further benefit to the ruling class. The entire purpose of the protagonist’s clones is to create low-cost labor, which is similar to how the ruling class attempts to stay in power by exploiting the labor of the working class in the real world. The protagonist controls the means of the clones’ production and reaps the benefits of the spare time, leaving nothing for those actually doing the labor (while they are in fact inanimate clones, it still provides a dangerous parallel to the realities of the factory workplace). 
Ideology consists of the specific values, beliefs, and ideals that dictate the lives of groups of people living in the world, or of individuals. It can emerge from a variety of factors, both from within oneself and from the environment around them. Louis Althusser employs Marx’s definition of ideology, defining it as “the system of ideas and representations which dominate the mind of a man or or a social group.” (3)
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P & G’s “Thank You Mom” Ad from 2012 shows how ideology can be both an individual and group construct. Althusser writes that “there is no practice except by and in an ideology,” (4) meaning that every single action the mothers in the commercial take is technically an action in the service of an intrinsic ideology. More specifically, the worldwide scope of the commercial conveys how people from across the globe each have their own ideology, and they act them out in different ways. Mothers wake up their children in different ways, prepare different foods for breakfast, and use different methods of transportation to take their kids to school/practice. For the children themselves, the sport they choose to play depends both on the ideological beliefs around them (from parents, schoolmates, or media) and the ideological beliefs within themselves– what they believe is the best way for them to make their mark on the world. Althusser writes as well that ideology is eternal, (5) which indicates that P & G is using this commercial to appear timeless, as an important part in the everyday lives of people for decades. The advertisement ends with the simple message “Thank You, Mom”. This shows that although there are several differences in ideologies throughout the world, there are also important similarities: a love for sports and a love for mothers is a universal ideology that no one can deny. P & G uses a worldwide sentiment in order to appeal to a wider customer base, and to appear as a company that protects the values humanity holds dear.
Mechanical Reproduction:
Mechanical reproduction is the process by which art is copied and recreated in order to become more accessible. Art can be reproduced for the purpose of being available to more audiences, for the purpose of being more profitable, or for the purpose of being adapted into something new. Benjamin writes that in the reproduction of art, “the quality of its presence is always depreciated,” (6) and that “the uniqueness of a work of art is inseparable from its being imbedded in the fabric of tradition.” (7)
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Amazon’s 2018 ad “Alexa Loses Her Voice” takes a comedic spin on the concept of the depreciation of art’s aura in the process of reproduction. In this scenario, Alexa serves as the original work of art. When she loses her voice, amazon is forced to employ backups in order to preserve customer satisfaction. The guest voices that substitute Alexa (such as Gordon Ramsay, Cardi B, and Rebel Wilson) are popular figures, and while they add a nuance of hilarity to the voice, none of them are quite as functional as the original voice, similar to Benjamin’s theory of copies of the original artwork never being able to be as fully appreciated as the original work. (8) Furthermore, the commercial provides a real-world application to Benjamin’s theories on film, as the medium of the commercial itself imitates that of a film. Benjamin writes that film prioritizes an actor’s relation with the public rather than the actor’s representation of a character, and this is shown through the commercial’s use of celebrities to replace Alexa’s voice. Amazon knew it would be more appealing to audiences if the new voices were known, rather than if the new voices were popular caricatures voiced by obscure, underground actors. Benjamin writes that film allows the audience to become an expert on the medium in which film is displayed. Amazon uses this theory to their advantage, as forcing the audience to become decipherers of the commercial would associate them further with the product they are trying to sell, making it more likely for consumers to buy it.
Dominant-Hegemonic Position:
The dominant-hegemonic position is a hypothetical reception of a message in which an audience member decodes the sign using the same connotation meanings that the idea has been encoded with. Hall cites this as the case of “perfectly-transparent communication” (9) in which there is a “professional code”, a specific position the sender takes “when encoding a message which has already been signified in a hegemonic manner.” (10)
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I viewed the Zazoo condom commercial with a lens similar to that of the dominant-hegemonic position. I had already seen the commercial before, but even in my first time watching it, I was under the impression that it was going to take an anti-parenting stance. Zazoo encodes the message with a situation that many people are familiar with: a loud child in a grocery store. Complaining, crying, and making a mess, his Dad can do nothing but tell him to stop. I completely understood the sentiment, as one of my biggest fears is being in an embarrassing situation in public. I know that’s a very common fear, and it seems that Zazoo manipulated this fear in order to get the audience to sympathize with the protagonist and, ultimately, not make the same “mistake” he did. While Hall claims that the encoding process, in this case the commercial’s intended message, is often natural. Whether or not it was received as such, one can deduce after becoming aware of the denotation of the commercial towards the end that the message of using condoms was apparent. Not everyone receives it as such until its written, though, because the decoding process, Hall writes, is not often smooth, and the line between denotation and connotation can become blurred. Before the blatant message at the end of the commercial, one could be compelled to ask themselves: Is the kid supposed to be annoying, or am I just finding him annoying? Was that the intention, or am I just receiving it that way? I think that Zazoo predicted the connotation of annoyance with which this commercial was likely received, and they used it to validate the emotions of their consumers in an attempt to get them to buy more condoms.
Ideological State Apparatuses:
The Ideological State Apparatuses (ISA) are the systems by which ideology is impressed upon subjects of the ruling class by the ruling class. Althusser writes that different ISAs “present themselves to the immediate observer in the form of distinct and specialized institutions,” (11) and that the ISA can only be effective when it is unified “beneath the ruling ideology, which is the ideology of ‘the ruling class.” (12)
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The John Lewis Partnership’s “She’s Always A Woman” advertisement from 2010 perpetuates the lifestyle promoted by the ruling class through its depiction of the life of one woman, whether they do it inadvertently or not. The commercial attempts to take the experiences of this one woman and attempt to connect it to the lives of everyone watching. The woman lives what many members of the bourgeoisie would call a “normal” lifestyle: she grows up, goes to college, gets married, has a stable white-collar career, starts a family, and, in her old age, prioritizes spending time with her grandkids. It seems as if John Lewis sees this as the ideal lifestyle, and that anyone straying from it is in the wrong. The commercial attempts to take advantage of Althusser’s notion of ideology’s material existence. Althusser writes that ideology is material in that it directly causes people to act a certain way, and John Lewis means to exploit the actions of audiences by causing them to adhere to this norm and materialize this ideology through the purchasing of their product. Additionally, the heavy presence of education in the protagonist’s life, what Althusser claims as the most powerful ISA, promotes an adherence to what one is taught in order to live a fruitful life. Yet, in its portrayal, the commercial alienates audiences who do not affiliate with the lifestyle represented on screen. In doing so, they further enact the ISA on those alienated recipients, as audiences whose lifestyle differentiates may see this commercial as a signal to change, as if they are doing something wrong. This belief is dangerous, as it causes more and more people to adhere to the ISA, sustaining the power of the ruling class.
1 Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, The Ruling Class and The Ruling Ideas, trans. James S. Allen, Philip S. Foner, Dirk J. Struik, William W. Weinstone (USA: Lawrence & Swihart Electric Book, 2010), 60.
2 Marx and Engels, The Ruling Class and The Ruling Ideas, 61 
3 3. Louis Althusser, “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (Notes Towards an Investigation),” in The Anthropology of the State (Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing, 2006), 98
4 Althusser, Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses, 103 
5 Althusser, Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses, 99 
6 Walter Benjamin, “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” in Film Theory and Criticism (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009), 668) 
7 Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, 669 
8 Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, 668 
9 Stuart Hall, “Encoding, Decoding,” in The Cultural Studies Reader (London: Routledge, 1993), 515 
10 Hall, Encoding, Decoding, 515 
11 Althusser, Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses, 92 
12 Althusser, Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses, 93 
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thxnews · 10 months
UK Supermarket Battle: CMA Ensures Fair Play
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  Championing Shopper Choice: CMA Takes Action
In a significant move aimed at safeguarding consumer choice and promoting fair competition, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has successfully secured commitments from major players Wm Morrison Supermarkets Limited (Morrisons) and Marks and Spencer plc (M&S) to halt their involvement in unlawful anti-competitive land agreements.   Ensuring Level Playing Fields: Uncovering Violations The CMA's investigation revealed that these retail giants, holding 8.6% and 3.4% market share in the UK's £188.1bn supermarket industry, violated the Groceries Market Investigation (Controlled Land) Order 2010. This order, designed to prevent supermarkets from stifling competition, ensures a more extensive range of groceries and affordable prices for consumers amid the rising cost of living.  
Breach Details Unveiled: Morrisons and M&S Under Scrutiny
Morrisons, with an astonishing 55 breaches between 2011 and 2020, now holds the dubious distinction of having the poorest compliance record on the CMA's radar. Although 14 restrictions have lapsed, a staggering 41 remain unresolved. Meanwhile, M&S breached the order 10 times between 2015 and 2019, with 5 restrictions already lifted and 5 awaiting attention. The severity of these violations prompted the CMA to communicate the breaches and corrective actions to both supermarket giants.   Adam Land's Perspective: A Call for Compliance Adam Land, Senior Director of Remedies Business and Financial Analysis at the CMA, stressed the critical role of robust competition in easing financial pressures during weekly grocery shopping. Land emphasized, "There can be no excuses for non-compliance with an Order made in 2010, especially when we understand the positive impact of new stores on the high street." The ongoing efforts against these restrictions form part of the CMA's broader initiative to address the cost of living and amplify consumer choice.  
Beyond Morrisons and M&S: A Wider Crackdown
Today's action is part of the CMA's focused program to enforce rules on land agreements, extending its vigilance beyond Morrisons and M&S. Similar breaches by Tesco in 2020 (23 breaches), Waitrose in 2022 (7 breaches), and Sainsbury’s and Asda in 2023 (18 breaches and 14 breaches, respectively) have also faced regulatory action. This underscores the CMA's commitment to ensuring a competitive landscape and affordable prices for supermarket customers.   A Broader Perspective: CMA's Ongoing Grocery Sector Review In a separate initiative, the CMA is conducting a comprehensive review of competition in the grocery sector. The latest findings and next steps have been outlined in its ongoing assessment, focusing on branded and own-label food suppliers. This builds on previous updates regarding retail competition within the sector.  
Understanding the Order: Bans and Designated Retailers
The 2010 Order prohibited new restrictive covenants preventing land use for supermarkets and banned Exclusivity Arrangements lasting over 5 years. Seven designated large grocery retailers, including Tesco, J Sainsbury, Morrisons, Asda, Co-operative Group, Waitrose, and Marks and Spencer, are currently subject to the order. The CMA's letters to M&S and Morrisons, detailing responses to reported breaches, are publicly available.   Looking Ahead: CMA's Enhanced Powers The CMA currently cannot impose financial penalties for breaching competition remedies, but it's expected that the pending Digital Markets, Competition, and Consumers Bill in Parliament will grant these powers in the future. Enhanced CMA powers aim to increase business compliance with competition remedies, offering greater protection for consumers in the supermarket sphere. The CMA's ongoing assessment of land deals by other supermarkets covered by the Order reflects a sustained commitment to upholding fair competition in the grocery sector.   Sources: THX News & Competition and Markets Authority. Read the full article
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teenagedirtstache · 2 years
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two button single-breasted check suit by Principe from Bruno, golders green and white shirt by Ciao from Harrod’s
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yourcoffeeguru · 2 months
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Bad Company Athena Editions by Grant Sainsbury || SWTradePost - ebay
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olko71 · 1 year
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on https://yaroreviews.info/2023/07/fuel-retailers-urged-to-back-government-price-sharing-scheme
Fuel retailers urged to back government price sharing scheme
Getty Images
By Nick Edser & Jemma Dempsey
BBC News
Supermarkets and other fuel retailers have until August to voluntarily share live prices in a government scheme designed to prevent overcharging.
It follows a report that found drivers paid an extra 6p per litre for fuel at supermarkets last year due to weak competition.
Drivers will be able to compare live prices online to find cheaper fuel.
But campaign group FairFuelUK said the “jury was still out” on the scheme’s effectiveness.
‘Rip-off retailers’
Energy Secretary Grant Shapps will meet bosses from Asda, Tesco, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s and other major fuel retailers on Monday, who will be “held to account for any failure to pass on savings to consumers”.
Announcing the scheme earlier in July, Mr Shapps said the government wanted to “shine a light on rip-off retailers”.
The secretary of state will give retailers until next month to agree to the voluntary Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) scheme to share live fuel prices, in order to improve transparency and increase competition.
“Act now or face the full force to the law,” the Department for Energy Security said. A failure to comply would see retailers legally forced to share their prices, it added.
Petrol and diesel prices jumped to record highs following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last year, but have since dropped significantly.
However, the CMA, the UK’s competition watchdog, investigated the UK fuel market earlier this year following concerns falling wholesale prices were not being passed on to consumers.
Petrol stations accused of pocketing fuel duty cut
It concluded competition was “not working as well as it should be”.
The CMA found average annual supermarket margins on fuel had increased by 6p per litre between 2019 and 2022 – equivalent to £900m in extra costs for drivers.
Howard Cox established FairFuelUK to campaign for more “honesty, fairness and transparency” in fuel pricing in 2010.
‘Kitemark scheme’
He said: “If it [the voluntary scheme] doesn’t have teeth, they will have to have full regulatory powers and fine retailers. But the jury’s still out for me… we’ll wait to see what comes out of Monday’s meeting.”
Mr Cox said he would like to see retailers commit to a “kitemark scheme” in which they pledged to offer “honest and fair pricing”.
“It’s very simple and that’s something motorists can see as they are driving past,” he continued.
The campaigner said the current system was “opaque” and called for every garage owner and retailer to input live prices to a database daily so “we can see for once in our lives how prices are arrived at”.
“The phrase it goes up like a rocket and down like a feather couldn’t be truer than with petrol prices,” he added.
Fact v fiction: Five tips for saving petrol money examined
Earlier this month, the government said that under its new initiative, drivers would be able to access live, station-by-station fuel prices on their phones or satnavs.
At present, retailers only provide price information at petrol stations themselves, making it hard to compare rates, although some websites try to collate this data.
Driving groups say the idea, which is used elsewhere in Europe, is overdue.
How to save money on petrol and diesel
Watch your speed: The RAC says 45-50mph is the most efficient speed to drive for fuel efficiency
Switch off the air conditioning: Extra energy is needed to power a car’s air conditioning system and turning it on can increase your fuel consumption by up to 10%, according to the AA
Check your tyre pressure: Underinflated tyres will use up extra petrol. Check your pressures regularly, especially before heading off on a long journey
For more tips click here
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Competition and Markets Authority
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Fact v fiction: Five tips for saving petrol money examined
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worldspotlightnews · 1 year
Sainsbury’s launches new Nectar card discount scheme
For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emails Sign up to our free breaking news emails UK supermarket giant Sainsbury’s is launching a new reward scheme for its 18 million Nectar card holders that will grant discounts on over 300 items as the cost of living crisis continues to eat into household budgets. The “Nectar Prices” initiative…
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petnews2day · 2 years
Jean Sainsbury Trust - Waggy Tails Rescue
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/qYCfY
Jean Sainsbury Trust - Waggy Tails Rescue
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We have received a grant of £7000 from the Jean Sainsbury Trust to assist our work. We are so grateful to them in these hard times.       The post Jean Sainsbury Trust appeared first on Waggy Tails Rescue. See more and how you can support Waggy Tails Rescue
See full article at https://petn.ws/qYCfY #PetCharitiesNews
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womanofwords · 1 year
STEM Kids Shenanigans (Chapter 11)
Chapter 11: Connections
When Melanie Sainsbury started secondary school, her dad said, "Networking and knowing how to do so properly is a very important skill that will serve you well in life."
She had done her very best to do that. There were two kinds of networking: friends and connections that can help you. So far, she had two friends, AKA two connections. One of those connections was right in the heart of the school newspaper: Stephan 'Snake' Marriot, head writer for the Marbleton Messenger.
"A moment of your time, Stephan?" Melanie asked.
"For the last time, Mel, you're a friend. You can call me Steph if you want," Stephan sighed, smiling as he hugged the outcasted prefect.
"I know, but I want to show you respect. And I need your help."
Stephan gasped, a wicked smile settling onto his face. "Darling, I'm all ears. What's ailing you?"
"I have a gang of delinquents on my hands, but I can never prove it. Nobody believes me when I report them. People have even laughed at me!"
Stephan patted Melanie's shoulder as a show of support. "Don't you worry, precious. I didn't get the nickname Snake for nothing. What do you need?"
"Proof and validation. You and me are going to get proof of their wrongdoings, and when I get that proof, I need you to spread that proof everywhere. Everyone needs to know."
"I'll get you a front-page spread," Stephan promised. "But when you get yourself that proof, you come straight to me. Understand?"
"Understand." Melanie got up and hugged her friend. "You're the best, Stephan."
"I know," Stephan grinned, waving as his friend left his makeshift alcove.
Melanie scoured the school looking for her second connection. She found her huddled in the corner, surrounded by piles of books. "Hello, Hope," Melanie replied.
Hope Wu adjusted her glasses, which had a habit of slipping down her nose, and waved awkwardly. "Hello, Melanie. Not doing prefect work?"
"I sort of am." Melanie took a seat, sitting close to the resident straight-A student. "Do you know anything about the STEM club?"
"The STEM club?" Hope echoed, thinking for a second. "Ah, yes, I remember them having tryouts or something. Honestly, tryouts for a science-based club! Ridiculous."
"I know!" Melanie sniggered for a few seconds before she got on with her point. "Well, I was wondering about what they did in there. I don't have time to do that myself, prefect duties and all, but I bet they'd accept you. You're the smartest person I know."
"Yes, you are! You're totally the smartest person I know! You're going to go on to be amazing once you get out of here!" Melanie reassured.
"That's not what I'm talking about. I'm saying I can't be your double agent. I have my own school clubs to go to."
The prefect recoiled. "What? Which ones?"
Hope began listing things on her fingers as she talked. "Well, there's chess club on Mondays, creative writing club on Tuesdays and Fridays, coding club on Wednesdays, and on Thursdays I spend time revising. I don't have time for this. I'm sorry, but you'll have to talk to another friend."
Melanie sighed. "OK. Thanks, Hope."
All alone, Melanie stalked the halls looking for proof of wrongdoing. Granted, she always did that because of her all-important prefect duties, but this time, she was looking for proof of wrongdoing for precisely four people in particular. She watched them from afar as they had their STEM meetings. She watched them as they sat in the back row for registration. She watched them as they interacted with teachers, waiting on the edge of her seat for them to break a rule, even the simplest of rules.
They didn't break a single rule.
Worst of all, people were starting to like them. After they came in suddenly wearing pink, more people started to copy them. People tied their hair back with pink scrunchies, people wore pink clothes and pink accessories. A bunch of very masculine boys started wearing matching pink bags to school. It even became a topic of conversation at the prefect meetings.
"This pink thing is your fault, Melanie," one of the older prefects said to her, during a meeting.
Melanie gasped. "What? You think I told them to do that?"
"You made it into a dare with your little declaration. It's all over the whole school," she said, looking down her nose at her. This was due to derision and a quite literal size difference. "Thanks to you, students at Marbleton see wearing pink as a way of communicating that they are against us prefects, or, more specifically, against you."
"It's not my fault that they thought that!" Melanie stammered. "I-it's because of the STEM club!" Her accusation was met with sniggers and mockery from the other prefects.
"There she goes again."
"You're really going to blame those nerds?"
"We all heard about it, Melanie. Give up the act."
"B-but they really are! The STEM club they hold is just a charade and you've all fallen for it!" Melanie snapped.
"Oh, we have?" a voice boomed. Backs straightened and giggles suddenly hushed. Head Girl and Head Boy Jamilah and Mokhtar Saad loomed over them. Prefects scrambled to make a path for the twin powerhouses. "What charade have we all fallen for?" Jamilah asked.
Melanie gasped and stumbled over her words like they were cement blocks. "Jamilah . . . Mokhtar . . . how good to see you. I didn't hear-"
"Save . . . it," Mokhtar said, wheezing his way through the sentence.
"You heard my brother," Jamilah said. "We've been hearing about this for ages, and it's ridiculous. Dr Violet created that club to bring prestige to the school and boost the school's image, and you're trying to ruin that! Time's up for your inane ramblings. Now it's time to present your proof of this."
Melanie whimpered as she looked between the two imposing figures looming over her. "What are you taking about? What do you mean?"
"Show us . . . or shut up," Mokhtar hissed. Oohs came from some of the younger prefects, and Melanie clenched her fist.
"Fine! Come with me!" Melanie snapped, beckoning the twins forwards. "They're in there, and I bet that they're doing something nefarious right now."
Jamilah and Mokhtar looked at each other and rolled their eyes. "Sure they are," they chorused.
Melanie led the head boy and head girl towards the room that was now the designated STEM club hangout. "They always hang out in here," Melanie said. "Who knows what they're doing in there? I bet they're designing explosives or robots o-or something!"
"Let's find out," Jamilah said, as she and her brother knocked on the door in unison. Dante opened it.
"Who are you?" he asked. "Hi, Melanie."
"I'm Jamilah and this is my twin brother, Mokhtar. We're head girl and head boy respectively," Jamilah explained.
"I'm . . . Dante," Dante said, alternating between looking at them and the floor. "Why are you here?"
"We're . . . here to . . . check . . . on you," Mokhtar said, taking several deep breaths after he'd finished talking.
"Don't worry, you're not in any trouble," Jamilah reassured. "It's just to see if everything's OK with you and nobody's breaking any rules."
"Melanie does this basically every time we have a meeting," Dante said.
"She does?" Mokhtar asked, glaring at Melanie.
"Sure. She bursts in and asks us what we're doing, then we get yelled at and called troublemakers and delinquents before she finally leaves," Dante told Mokhtar.
"May we come in?" Jamilah asked. Dante nodded, allowing all three to come in. Layla was lecturing about how the works of Gregor Mendel and his pea plants helped modern scientists with their later work on genetics, while Yujin and Angelo took notes.
"We're just making notes about what we learned last science lesson," Dante said.
"Ridiculous!" Melanie snapped. "I don't believe you! Where did you put your inventions?"
"We don't have any inventions," Angelo said, demurely making a revision poster. "Biology was never a strong suit of mine. I always focused more on chemistry."
"Same here. Biology is so hard," Yujin lamented. Mokhtar paced the room, searching with the eagle eyes he was famous for. He looked towards his sister and shook his head.
"Have a . . . good day," he said in his typical raspy day.
"You too!" the STEM club chorused, as the three left.
"Nice going, Melanie," Jamilah and Mokhtar chorused, once they were out of earshot of the STEM club.
Melanie whimpered. "What's going to happen to me now?"
The twins turned to each other. "That's a good question," Jamilah said, a cruel grin on her face. "I say that you should have a week's worth of detention for repeatedly harassing the STEM club and wasting our time. What do you think, Mo?"
"Revoke . . . her . . . prefect status," Mokhtar said in his typical raspy voice.
"No, please!" Melanie begged. "Not that, anything but that!"
"Why is it so important to you?" Jamilah asked.
"I need to have responsibilities in the school in order to cement a good reputation with the teachers!" the brunette pleaded. "It's to do with networking!"
"Networking?" the twins chorused, looking at each other with confusion before looking at Melanie again.
"It's when you strategically create and nurture connections in order to have a wide range of allies in every conceivable place," Melanie helpfully explained.
"Right," Jamilah said curtly. "Excuse us for a second." The twins turned to each other using an array of hand signals.
What are they doing? Melanie wondered, as they conversed in front of her, hands moving fast. They speak sign language? It has to be sign language, or maybe they'd made their own language of hand signals. I just wish I knew what they're saying.
"We've decided on a punishment for you, Melanie," Jamilah finally said, once they had finally turned back to their subordinate.
"Yes?" Melanie squeaked.
"You will be having an afternoon detention," Jamilah said, handing down the punishment like a queen sentencing a thief to be held in the stocks. "You will also be writing an essay on the benefits of school clubs that must be at least one side of A4 paper. If you're using a computer, you will use Times New Roman in font size 11. It is due this time next week."
Melanie gulped. This was bad, but at least they weren't removing her from being a prefect. "Yes, Jamilah and Mokhtar."
"You will . . . also . . . be on . . . prefect . . . probation," Mokhtar said. "For . . . a month."
Melanie felt her heart rate drop. "What?!"
"Dante told us about how you continually barge in on their meetings for essentially no reason. So you will only be allowed to do your prefect duties for a month if someone else goes with you so we know that you aren't trying to harass people or take the rules too far," Jamilah explained.
That made Melanie want to melt with shame and helplessness. She needed a partner so she could be a prefect? That was humiliating. "What if I can't find a partner?" she asked tentatively.
"Then you . . . won't get to . . . do any . . . prefect duties," Mokhtar said, smirking down at her.
Melanie tried to say something. Tried to say that it was unfair, that she was doomed, that her life in school was effectively over once this was enacted, but no intelligible words came out. "Don't worry, we'll make sure you have someone to partner with," Jamilah assured. "Now, time's running out. Get to registration."
"I'll prove it to you someday very soon! Just you wait!" Melanie snapped, storming off with a huff and her nose upturned.
Once she knew that the twins couldn't see her, she wiped the tears off her face.
To read the other parts of this fic, see Masterlist.
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