silvermoose · 6 months
Fanfic I wrote about The Coffin of Andy and Leyley. Originally on reddit, then Ao3.
It was late, so fortunately there was no one around. He backed up his car so it was a good distance from the bridge.
I should be able to gain enough speed to go straight through the barrier. Drowning would be hard, but he had his seat belt on to keep him in place, and the windows open to make it easier for water to enter the car.
He cleared his mind of all thoughts. It was surprisingly easy now, he was calmer than he had been in… well, ever.
He hit the gas. The car raced forward, through both lanes towards the water, and crashed into the barrier, which didn't move an inch.
“Fuck,” he screamed out loud. “FUCK!!!”
The car was damaged, badly, but he was still able to back it up to try again. He gave himself more distance this time.
This should break the barrier, he thought, and slammed on the gas pedal. It lurched forward, but stalled, and lurched forward again. The crash had fucked something up, and the car would not gain traction.
“FUCKING HELL,” he screamed. He tried to back up again, but the car no longer moved smoothly, only in short, jerky motions. He banged his head on the wheel and let the horn go for a few seconds before lifting his head back up.
He could jump, sure, but he was too good a swimmer to stay down. If only he had the Christmas light or ropes from his parents, then he could tie a rock to himself for weight.
Fine. Police I guess. He started driving on the road again, as normal as he could given the damage to the car. He'd find a Police station soon enough, or maybe he'd get pulled over and could confess his sins on the spot. But as he drove, he decided against it; being arrested wasn't what he wanted, not really. Prison would only take him from his sister, and despite, well, everything, he didn't want that.
He found himself driving mindlessly, stalling and stopping every couple of minutes. He wasn't sure why or how, but he ended up back at his parents, which was as good a place as any.
He got out and opened the front door; they hadn't bothered locking it when they left. He went back to the car, opened the trunk, carefully picking up his sister's lifeless body. He wasn't particularly strong, but she wasn't particularly heavy, either. He carried her across the threshold and laid her gently on his parents bed. He closed the door to the house but left the trunk open, left the front door unlocked. He left the gun, since he had already emptied it long ago. Surely one of the neighbors would get worried by the sight and call the police; when the officer entered, he would go for their gun. Suicide by cop wasn't as clean as driving off the bridge and drowning, but at least their bodies would be together. He lay down next to Ashley.
“I'm not sorry,” he said to her. “This has been a long time coming. I only wish I had thought this through better, so you wouldn't have to wait so long.”
He could have used the cleaver, sure. It was good enough for the warden, good enough for the woman from 302. But its frequent use had likely dulled the blade, and he didn't want to suffer. That's why he didn't use it on Leyley, either; besides, she was too beautiful, he didn't want to ruin that. The marks around her neck from his hand left him guilty enough as it was.
They wouldn't bury us together, he suddenly realized. Even if he got the cops to shoot him, they would still separate them. Different graves, hell, maybe different cemeteries. Or cremate them separately. He went back to see her, with the cleaver this time.
“I'm sorry, Leyley, but this is the only way I can be sure”
He didn't want to; this might be the most peaceful he had ever seen her. But he had to, and deep down, he knew she'd be fine with it. He was almost tempted to laugh at how used to this he was, but he took more care of her body than he had the cultist or his parents. As he made the soup, he didn't bother adding any spices that might make it taste better; he wanted it to taste the same way her soup had tasted. When he was done, he wrapped her bones in the nicest sheet he could fine and held them close. When it was ready, he sat down to eat it. He ate around the potatoes and carrots and onions, he wanted to make sure he had all of her in him
No cops had arrived by the time he was done. Andrew grew impatient, he just wanted to be with her again. He took matters into his own hands.
“911, what's your emergency?” “I killed my sister.” “You… killed your sister?” “And the neighbor. And the warden. Ate the cultist. Killed and ate my parents, after we sacrificed them to the demon. Well, I guess my sister was the one who killed them. Oh, but I killed the hitman and stole his car. And Nina, when we were kids. And I think that's everything.” “Okay, sir, and when was the last time you took your medication? Do you have any with you now?” “What? No, I'm not on medication. This all actually happened. I need you to send an officer to arrest me.” “Okay, and are you seeing or hearing anything else unusual?” “... no.” “Okay. I can send an ambulance over, but it will take about 20 minutes.” “I need a cop, not an ambulance!” “I'm sorry, sir, but policy dictates we don't send cops for mental health crises. But don't worry, I promise our EMTs will take good care of you.” “... fine.”
He gave dispatch his parents’ address and ended the call. When the EMTs saw he wasn't lying, then they would call the police and he could go from there. He walked out the front door with Ashley's bones and sat on the pavement. He lit a cigarette while he waited, but put it out moments later.
She hated that I smoked. He waited until he saw the ambulance come down the street, lights and siren off, and he held her bones close to his chest.
I'll see you soon, Leyley. I'm coming home.
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silvermoose · 6 months
Fanfic I wrote for The Coffin of Andy and Leyley. Originally posted on Reddit, then Ao3.
The sex was good, sure. Hell, it was great; that wasn’t the problem. But things had changed; she used to tease him and relished in breaking down his barriers. They had no more barriers, which changed the light touching of him trying to steal a moment of intimacy to him grabbing and pawing at her body. The sex was good, sure, but the teasing, the chase, the dance was gone.
It used to be cute when Andrew would have nightmares and crawl into bed with her. She would be sleeping when she felt him gently nudge her, asking her to move over. He would climb in and she would wrap her arms around him. Sometimes he would cry, sometimes he was silent, and sometimes he would just ask her, “Am I a bad person?” She would stroke his hair and coo at him and he would take comfort in her arms until he was asleep again.
It was different now. She knew he would always be there, in bed, whether he needed her or not. Sometimes before her, taking dominance of what was once her space. He would hold her and sleep through the night, and she could hold onto nothing but herself. He wanted her now, but did he need her?
Sex gave her the leverage she wanted, and she knew he would always come back. That was the important thing, that she had Andrew.
He fucked her.
She loved it all; the biting, the hair pulling, the marks on her body that she would have for days afterwards. They were at it so often, she always had some kind of mark on her. But she kind of wondered if he enjoyed it; afterwards he would have the same downcast expression that he had had after their first time. It had also become harder and harder to distract him from it.
“Want to go to the balcony? I need an oral fixation, it can be a cigarette, or it can be something else...”
“Yeah, a cigarette would be great.”
… okay then.
When they found a place that they could stay long term, it was another shady motel, with another balcony. She could have pushed for something nicer, he'd do it for her. But there was something comforting about the lack of permanence, that they hadn’t surrendered to “settling down”. The balcony was another comfort; it was a constant that she had grown used to.
Andrew lit a cigarette, took a drag, and passed it to her. She then took a long drag and slowly exhaled the smoke. That was something new that she enjoyed. What used to be time wasted now became time together, where she could join him on her terms.
There was a calm silence on them, which was a change from the chaotic energy that used to engulf her. She didn’t know where it came from or how long it had been there; she wasn’t used to it. She didn’t know if either of them liked it.
“Do you still love me?” He asked, looking not at her but at the view in front of them.
“Do you love me?” She asked in turn. She didn’t look at him either, staring into the space off the balcony instead.
“Always have.”
“You’ve never said it.”“I tried to show it.”
“I want to hear you say it.”
“Fine. I love you, Ashley.”
“I love you too, Andy.”
It had slipped out so naturally, she hadn’t even realized it. It was only when she noticed him staring at her that she thought to ask.
“Is something wrong?”
He looked at her intensely. “You don’t love me. You still love him.”
She didn’t have an answer to that.
“What will be the next adventure of Andy and Leyley?” Andrew smiled weakly at her, but his eyes betrayed his hurt.
She gave him a weak smile back.
“I think Leyley died.”
“Mm? When did that happen?”
“I don’t know.” she answered honestly. It had been so gradual she didn’t know when it had happened. Or maybe it was happening now.
“Next adventure of Andrew and Ashley?”
She had to think carefully about what she wanted, something she still wasn’t used to. “Wanna do something mortifying again?” she asked. She managed to give a coy smile along with a set of “Fuck Me” eyes.
“Sure,” he said, crushing the butt of the cigarette in the Ashtray. He walked inside without even making eye contact.
Sure? She thought. But it didn’t bother her. It meant she still had him. He was still here.
Andrew was here now. And he was here to stay.
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silvermoose · 6 months
Learning to Fly
Originally posted to Reddit, then Ao3. Inspired by this art:
“Hi Andrew,” the voice said. Ashley hadn’t heard the phone ring for the buzzer, or the knock at the door, but hearing her say Andy’s name woke Ashley up from a dead sleep.
“Heyy,” he said in turn, followed by some giggling. Ashley hated her giggling. Hated her voice. Hated her. And now she was here, in sacred ground: Ashley’s home. She shot straight up from the couch to greet her.
“Hi Julia,” Ashley said, using the voice specifically reserved for her. “How are classes? Still failing chemistry?”
“Oh, uh, hi Ashley, I didn’t know you were here. Uh, classes are-”
“Don’t answer her,” Andrew said, “we were just leaving.” He slammed the door behind him, and Ashley was alone in the apartment.
Hussy, she thought, and checked the clock. 2:37. If they go straight to her dorm, they’ll be there by 3. I can probably get him back by 4. She picked up the phone and dialed her number.
Hi! You’ve reached Julia’s room. Sorry I didn’t answer! Leave a message, and I’ll call you back!
“Heyyyyy Andy,” Ashley cooed. “You left so fast, I didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye! And now I’m home alone, you know how much I hate that. Why would you do that to me?”
She got up and went to the balcony, to see if they were somehow just leaving; nothing there. Went downstairs, to see if they were still in the lobby; not there. Back to the apartment. 2:49.
Hi! You’ve reached Julia’s room. Sorry I didn’t answer! Leave a message, and I’ll call you back!
“Annndyyy, I hope you’re not gone for too long. It sucks being alone, no one is answering their phone. I hate it, I hate it so much, I don’t know what to do with myself.”
Ashley looked around; he remembered to take his cigarettes and lighter, so she didn’t have any leverage there. 2:53.
Hi! You’ve reached Julia’s room. Sorry I didn’t answer! Leave a message, and I’ll call you back!
“Maybe I do know what to do with myself. I’ll teach myself to fly; I’ll start by jumping off the balcony. Or would I need more time in the air? I’ll jump off the roof instead.”
She flipped through the channels on tv; all commercials. 2:56.
Hi! You’ve reached Julia’s room. Sorry I didn’t answer-
“Julia, you’re such an awful person. I don’t know what’s wrong with you, why you think it would be okay to take your boyfriend away from his family. This is why all the kids in school talked about you behind your back.”
Hi! You’ve reached Julia-
“I bet they all talk about you behind your back there, too. Nobody wants to be your friend, you’re too pathetic. They just talk to you out of pity.”
Hi! You’ve reached-
“I bet they all wish you were dead! Everyone does!”
“I sure do! Then you would leave my fucking brother alone!”
“Ashley. What do you want?” “Hey An-dy,” she felt overcome with relief. “Andrew,” he corrected. “I was so worried, I didn’t know where you were going!” “Apparently you did, because we’re talking. What do you want?” “Medicine. I’m sick.” “You’re fine.” “I have a fever. And a headache.” “Take a painkiller, we have plenty.” “If I take them all, then I’m sure I’ll feel much better!” “...” “...” “... fine. I’ll leave in an hour-” “NOW, ANDY!” She hung up, and settled back on the couch to try the TV again.
you won't get in trouble now.” “For murder? They don't really let that one slide, Jules.” “...” “I'm in so much pain, Julia.” “I'm here for you Andrew.” “I love you, Julia.” “I love you too.”
Ashley walked away, she couldn't take any more of this. She lay back down on the couch. Everything she had ever done she had done for them, for him. But all he wanted to do was run. If they couldn't be together, what was it all for?
She could apologize, but he wouldn't believe it. Years of thinking that Andy-no, Andrew- loved her, but he never said it. Never even acknowledged it without her first asking about it.
Yet he tells her he loves her first. He told her our secret, our bond. And he wants to leave. I'll be alone; he knows I hate that.
She heard the door open and covered her eyes with her arm so they couldn't see her tears. She heard the fridge open and close, and someone walk over. Is Andy bringing me something? She wondered.
“For when you wake up,” Julia said, placing the ginger ale on the table beside the couch. “I'm sorry we couldn't be friends.”
She heard the door close to the bedroom. She lay in silence for a while until she heard the hussy giggling again. She got up and took the ginger ale to the balcony.
She threw the ginger ale as far as she could, watched as it hit the pavement and cracked, spraying the soda everywhere. She sat down and looked out to the neighborhood, but she couldn't think. Her leg kept bouncing, she couldn't stop it, so she went inside.
She walked by her room again; she could hear faint sounds of her brother and his whore defiling her room. She looked around and found his cigarettes, grabbed them and his lighter. She almost slammed the door to the balcony, but stopped; I'll give you the peace you want.
She lit up a cigarette, finished it and lit another. They were her first, and she hated them, but it gave her something to do. After what seemed like forever, her brother came out to the balcony, with the faint smell of sex on him.
“Give me those,” he said, and grabbed the cigarettes and lighter from the table. He left without saying anything else. Ashley went to the railing and looked below. After a few minutes, she saw them leave the building; he smoked and they talked and laughed. She watched them leave as he walked her to the bus station, and saw him look up when returned. She looked at him with pleading eyes, that he might see into her heart and forgive her; but his face was blank, and he walked back inside.
I wonder if I could fly from here, or if I'd need to jump from the roof.
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