nowlander · 2 years
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So, among the many entities that they are, are Neil Gaiman's Three supposed to be also the Graeae? Or did I musunderstand?
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gulptblr · 1 year
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Pride Month Draw-a-thon Day #14!
Autism creature says pride rights are human rights! The pride flag in this doodle represents gray-asexuals!
Grey-a’s colors are so pretty! They make my little autistic brain go WOOOO!
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zofi-persson-quotes · 10 months
Name: Graya
Role: one of the Four Great Warriors who were chosen by King Abner
Pronouns: She/them
Sexuality: AroAce
Species: Overlord
Age: 2000+
Height: 2,00
Skin color: dark
Hair: curly, put in a braided bun burgundy fading to acid green
Eyes: green-purple with white and light green pupils. 
Distinguishing features: large demonic feathered wings (green crystal-like claw, black leathery wing arm, green-purple feathers), feathered tail with green-purple feathers, acid green markings, pointed ears, sharp teeth
Clothing style/frequently worn clothes: black with light green details low cut cloth shirt, black pants with cobalt knee guards, pronged silver and cobalt Tabi
Accessories: black leather belt with purple crystal medallions and light green loincloth, white cloth and cobalt ninja gauntlets
Family: Odali (sister figure), Calas and Entros (brother figures) 
Talent: strategising, stealth
Personality: collected, street smart, responsible
Likes: calm environments, training, flying, reading
Dislikes: being disturbed during training, people touching her wings and tail
Strengths: great knowledge regarding poisons, amazing at stealth, great agility
Weaknesses: her wings and tail are her weak points, even if the claws on the wings are also good weapons
Abilities: fighting, flight
Powers: major Poison magic (Poison Absorption - safely absorb poison. Poison Attacks - create various attacks using poisons. Poison Augmentation - augment poisons. Poison Generation - generate poison. Poison Immunity - be immune to poisons. Poison Inducement - induce poisoning. Necrosis Inducement - induce necrosis via poisons. Paralysis Inducement - induce paralysis via poisons. Poison Transferal - transfer poisoning to others.), minor Smoke magic (Smoke Generation - generate smoke.), minor Illusion magic (Camouflage - visually blend into the immediate environment. Feign Damage - appear to take damage. Feign Death - appear dead or in a state of death. Illusion Generation - generate illusions. Illusion Negation - be immune to illusions. Illusion Reflection - reflect Illusions back against users. Illusionary Environment - change the appearance of one's environment via illusions. Illusive Appearance - create an illusive appearance.), minor Air magic (Aeroportation - teleport using air/wind currents. Divine Winds Manipulation - create and control heavenly winds. Flight - achieve flight by using wind or other meanings, either biological or manmade. Gas Manipulation - manipulate gas)
Weapons: Kusarigama, daggers, Sai
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claresedwards · 1 year
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windysaturday · 2 years
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oscillate wildly
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onmywaytobe · 2 years
Amber & tigers eye :)
I like these!! Answering for Moonlight and Roses, my Beauty and the Beast retelling WIP
Amber: Something you learned from writing your wip
I learned that I am not good at writing slow burns! I can see why so many romance writers rely on insta-love lol. I think that I did an okay job portraying the growing feelings between the two characters, and since one is in the form of a wolf there isn't any sexual attraction, it's all purely emotional, which carries a different weight and makes it not quite a romance....anyway I learned that I'm not a romance writer lmao
Tiger's Eye: What are the tropes of your main cast?
We got friends-to-lovers (Aurelia and Graeme), we got comedic best friend (Luc), the mom friend (Pepper), we got found family (all the bois), we have overprotective big brother and little bro vibes (Pepper and Hale), group of all boys and one girl (also everyone in the house), and whatever tf the brooding strong boy side character trope is (Ezra). There's also a gangly gamer boy (Xander) but he's really not that important and idk if that's even a trope. Oh and an evil ex (Amethyst)! I think that's everyone from the main cast, there are more characters but idk if they count and this is already too long lol
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kostucha00 · 1 year
Zjedzone: ?
Spalone: 230 kcal
Bilans: ?
Przespane: 8 h
Dzisiejszy dzień to taki średniaczek. To znaczy, że nie działo się nic szczególnego. Rano pojechałam na comiesięczne badania (ach, ta tarczyca), potem od razu na zakupy z tatą do biedronki. Chciałam kupić sobie "Portret Doriana Graya", bo jest na mojej niekończącej się liście, a kosztował tylko 25 zł, ale ojciec się nie zgodził, a ja nie miałam przy sobie własnych pieniędzy. Pokazałam mu książkę, a on stwierdził, że to chyba nie dla mnie. Spytałam o co mu chodzi, a on na to, że jestem za młoda i więcej już nie wyjaśnił. Dopiero potem ogarnęłam, że chyba pomylił to z "50 twarzy Graya". No dobra, można usprawiedliwić, że to Gray i tamto Gray, ale... Tato, serio? Pomylić niewypał popkultury dwudziestego pierwszego wieku z klasyką literatury brytyjskiej? Kim muszę być w oczach własnego ojca? To musiało być dla niego traumatyzujace. Tak samo jak dla mnie byłoby sprostowanie tego, więc niech sobie myśli, że czytam erotyki. Poza tym, jeśli już się kupuje takie rzeczy to w pojedynkę i płaci gotówką, a nie na zakupach spożywczych przy rodzicach, w dodatku za ich pieniądze.
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hellomadam · 10 months
Natomiast piękno, prawdziwe piękno, kończy się właśnie tam, gdzie zaczyna się inteligentny wygląd. Intelekt sam w sobie jest przesadą i rozbija harmonię każdej twarzy.
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fathersonholygore · 1 year
Ashkal: The Tunisian Investigation (2023) Directed by Youssef Chebbi Screenplay by Chebbi & François-Michel Allegrini Starring Fatma Oussaifi, Mohamed Houcine Grayaa, Hichem Riahi, Nabil Trabelsi, Bahri Rahali, Oumayma Mehrzi, & Ghali Jebali. Crime / Drama / Thriller ★★★★ (out of ★★★★★) Youssef Chebbi’s Ashkal: The Tunisian Investigation isn’t classified exactly as a horror film, yet it’s…
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of-rott-and-glitter · 4 months
prečo je Portrét Doriana Graya tak.. tak homosexuálny?
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fashionlandscapeblog · 11 months
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22maja · 2 years
„Ja lubię mężczyzn z przyszłością, a kobiety z przeszłością.”
— Oscar Widle „Portret Doriana Graya”
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cocomowgy · 3 months
Ship name: graya ????
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zofi-persson-quotes · 10 months
Second ref sheet
Name: TSC, Second, Sec, Orange
Full Name: The Second Coming
Pronouns: he/they
Sexuality: Asexual and pan
Species: Overlord
Age: 17
Height: 1,80 meters (5’9)
Skin color: dark with vitiligo
Hair: long wavy orange hair that fade to neon green, normally tied in a long braid or in a braided bun (he puts them in the bun when he's fighting/training, or when he's drawing)
Eyes: mismatched. The left eye is bright green with a white pupil that looks “shattered”, while the right eye is bright orange with white and light green pupils. When their magic is active the eyes become fully green with no iris, and have an orange and green four pointed star-shaped pupil. Both the sclera and the pupil are bordered in white
Distinguishing features: neon green scars, pointed ears, neon green freckles, sharp teeth
Clothing style/frequently worn clothes: sleeveless dark gray turtleneck, dark gray ripped jeans, light orange and white boots
Accessories: belt with pouches, bright green sash, light green two tailed scarf that fade to orange, cursor shaped necklace with a bright orange gem, earring with two four pointed stars, one neon green and the other pale blue
Family: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Dark, Chosen and Vic (older siblings), Liji (romantic partner), Calas, Entros, DJ (uncle figures), Odali, Graya (aunt figures), Alan (father/creator), Kaori (mother)
Talent: fighting, drawing and crafting
Personality: mischievous, outgoing, creative, brave, humble, empathetic, forgiving, cautious, happy-go-lucky, serious, responsible, a bit of a mother hen
Likes: strawberries, sweets, crafting, animating, training with his siblings and friends, sleeping
Dislikes: feeling useless, losing his friends and siblings, Silver
Strengths: amazing fighter and good strategist, but also very good at improvisation
Weaknesses: doesn’t really know how to use his powers fully
Abilities: Creation (everything that he draws will become real and/or alive. He can also create unobtainable Minecraft items with his Crafting Table), Lexical Processing (he can directly talk to Alan), advanced agility, amazing fighting abilities (he’s the best among the Color Gang), can go all around the Desktop, Musical Prowess, Deletion Immunity, higher intelligence, enhanced health, Hyper Speed, Code Restoration (he can restore entities that were deleted), Antivirus Power
Powers: Main Energy magic (Dynamokinesis - manipulate or generate energy, Energy Generation - generate energy, Energy Blast - create blasts of energy, Quintessence Force - create and manipulate an unique form of electrical and life energy, Ergokinetic Flight - use energy to fly, Ergo-Telekinesis - use telekinesis through energy, Energymancy - gain divination via energy), main Creativity magic ([unconscious] Ability Creation - The user can create/manifest/evolve almost any ability, existing or new, upgrade it or not, add limits or countermeasures to it, and can grant it to themselves, others, or even objects, Absolute Creativity - have access to a limitless amount of ideas, Imaginary Constructs - create constructs out of imagination, Animation - animate paints/drawings), minor Health magic (Flawless Healing - heal any/all damage to flawless/perfect/pristine state. Regeneration Manipulation - control own or people’s regeneration or inducing regeneration), minor Light magic (Laser Emission - bend light wavelengths to create lasers.), minor Shockwave magic (Shockwave Generation - generate shockwaves by various means [clapping, flicking a finger, snapping, stomping…]. Sonic Boom Generation - generate sonic booms).
Weapons: drawn hammer and Minecraft diamond sword
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honestgreenjeans · 1 month
my child started school today [poem]
my child, the first, the only one whochanged me from me to two…walked into a class todayroom white, light blue, neutral and graya blue camo shirt, pants dark blue too a mohawk spiked, tried my best for you… watched you move right to your deskbetween two boys, one Thomas?I stood there, proud, perhaps a tearalways your mom but now not so nearyou sit down, backpack besidepull out a pencil case,…
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deviangread · 11 months
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Study made from a photo by Tyler Graya
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