#greek paganism
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aegons-queen-rhaella · 1 day ago
I just got done watching Twilight of the Gods and omg! It was amazing!
I loved the takes on the mythos and I enjoyed all of the characters in the show which is rare.
Netflix needs to continue with these mythos animated series
It’s always two pretty best friends
Go watch Twilight of the Gods! It’s so good!!
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fairyboy1111 · 2 days ago
A poem for Hestia + Digital offering
Kind-hearted Hestia, shining forever bright
Throned in the heart of the home, you of the warm smile
Both first and last, lovely daughter of time
Honored by gods and mortals alike, beloved by all
Reverenced queen, veiled in smoke and flame
Maiden goddess, dancing with such grace
In every twist and turn of the fire at the hearth
Lighting up our lives when all is dark
When freezing cold, it is you to whom we run
For you welcome all into your tender hug
Dispelling our shivering worries and burning our fear away
Holding us by the hand and reminding us that you’re there
Rich in blessings, endless gifts spring from your soft hand like shimmering sparks
Putting food upon our plates and marvelous people by our sides
Those who shows us what it means to love and to be loved
Those who we call our family with such pride and joy
You delight yourself in the baking of bread and in the stirring of bubbling pots
Upon the brewing of tea and in the sizzling meals grilling over hot coals
You rejoice in the laughter of children and in every mother’s hugs
Every time a grandparent hands their grandchildren some candy, every time two siblings share a joke
You bring forth pets of all kinds into our arms, making them feel safe and comforting us too
Giving us a chance to nurture another being, and to nurture our own souls as we do
Teaching us over and over again that we’ve got much left to learn
Searing our lives with sweet memories that will carry forth into the rest of our days
Yours is the planting of gardens, the dirt that fills the pot
The well-earned pride that surges trough our bodies upon seeing our cherished plants grow
Verdant, florid dame, perfumed in the freshness of spring
Inspiring us to mold a house into a home, a sanctuary of our own for our essence to live
You wait for us at the doorway after a long day
Whispering into our ear: “It’ll be okay”
You lovingly wipe away our bitter tears when we need to cry things out
You joyfully cheer us on when we celebrate and laugh
Hestia of the many shapes and of the many names, may you light your fire inside my heart
For I will tend to it always in my acts
Let me be as kind to others as you’ve been to us, and let me not forget to be kind to myself
Hail, goddess Hestia, the ever-burning immortal flame
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will-the-great · 3 days ago
Devotional Acts to Apollon 𓏢☀️
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➳ Donate to medical charities
➳ Learn more about his epithets
➳ Support up-and-coming/indie artists and musicians
➳ Sing to Him
➳ Play musical instruments for Him
➳ Hold dance parties
➳ Make a playlist for Him and listen to it
➳ Read poetry to Him
➳ Take care of your mental health and remember to take your medicine, if you have any
➳ Try archery
➳ Try different types of divination
➳ Go for a walk and feel the warmth from the sun
➳ Let more sunlight into your home/room
➳ Learn a musical instrument or how to sing
➳ Learn simple medical care, like CPR
➳ Learn about His history, His mother’s history, and His sister’s history
➳ Learn about His lovers
➳ Attend pride (if you are able to, don’t put yourself in danger if you can’t)
➳ Support LGBT+
➳ Wear yellow or orange clothing
➳ Honor Leto and Artemis
➳ Pray to Him and speak to Him often, things to consider praying for are guidance, healing/good health, inspiration, a prophecy or truth
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theoi-crow · 3 days ago
Hey, it may be looking a little bleak out there and you may need your gods to be with you now more than ever.
If you are coming from a place where being open about worshipping your gods is frowned upon or outright dangerous, but you need to say their names out loud to feel like they're around, here's a survival tip:
Tell everyone around you, you're a huge fan of Greek mythology.
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Greek mythology content is everywhere right now!
There's video games like Hades and Fenyx Rising, movies like Disney's Hercules, so many shows and cartoons like Kaos and Blood of Zeus, Percy Jackson and let's not forget the Broadway musical: Hadestown! Plus a lot of neo classical paintings and their statues are everywhere!
Be obnoxious about your love for them every time you need your god to be mentioned in order to bring you comfort, and if they get mad because you won't stop talking about your gods just insist you are obsessed with Greek mythology right now, which is totally believable because their content is everywhere! You can even surround yourself with their content if it'll help you feel safer.
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It's okay if you can't give them the kind of altar you wish to give them right now because you literally can't! I grew up in a very religious household so my altar was in a sketchbook! You can grab the media version of your favorite god and wear them on a shirt. If they ask you to say grace at the dinner table and you have to verbally pray to a god you don't believe in just mentally tell your god anything you say about that god is dedicated to them. If you have to go to a religious building remember that the Romans conflated their Roman gods with Christian figures all the time so the figures you're looking at are a mishmash of a bunch of gods mixed together. So, while you're in that building go ahead and pray to your gods the whole time you're there. Even if it's not a Christian building because no one can hear your thoughts or police them, go ahead and meditate with your gods whenever you enter a religious building.
The gods won't be offended, this is how their old devotees used to do it during the dark ages and medieval period since not going to church was punishable by death. They also claimed to be really into Greek mythology and praised the Christian God while secretly praying to the Greek gods.
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Your gods won't think it's rude.
They've had devotees in the past who have had to hide, and there are Greek people living in modern Greece today who still have to hide their worship of them so they get it.
And don't worry about the more uptight worshippers who judge others for things that have nothing to do with them and get especially angry about treating the Greek gods like it's a fandom. Your form of worship is between you and your gods and this is a survival tactic that's been used for hundreds to thousands of years. This is a tactic that was literally the difference between life or death. This is why the gods don't care if you publicly treat them like characters or like Greek mythology is a fandom. You're not the first devotee who has had to do this and unfortunately, you won't be the last.
On the flip side, no one around you will think you're weird for saying you're really into Greek mythology because look around you, they are all over the place! Greek mythology content is EVERYWHERE:
Let that work in your favor.
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apolloslyrics · 11 months ago
I see so many people criticizing others over their relationships, or lack thereof, with their deities, so here are some reminders:
Not having deities is okay.
Having just a devotional relationship with your deities is okay.
Having a working relationship with your deities is okay.
Playing games with your deities is okay.
Harmless jokes with your deities are okay.
Doing fun things with your deities is okay.
Doing devotional offerings for your deities is okay.
Giving physical offerings to your deities is okay.
Not being able to do certain offerings for deities is okay.
Having an altar for your deities is okay, no matter the size.
Not having an altar for your deities is okay.
Laughing with your deities is okay.
Crying with your deities is okay.
Having genuine conversations with your deities is okay.
Being unable to hear/see deities is okay.
Being able to hear/see deities is okay.
Not being able to communicate through divination is okay.
Using divination as a key element in communication is okay.
Not calling on deities during spellwork is okay.
Asking deities to help during spellwork is okay.
Asking deities for help in general is okay.
This is your relationship with your deities in your practice. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. 🫶
It's 2am, please forgive me if there are any mistakes!
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starsthewitch · 4 months ago
Star’s beginners guide to Aphrodite worship 🐚💕
Who is Aphrodite?
Aphrodite is the goddess of love, sex, beauty, seduction, and war. She is most commonly known for her immense beauty and her many associations with sex.
What are some things she is associated with?
Flowers like roses
The colors pink, red, blue, green, white, and gold
Crystals like rose quartz, clear quartz, pearls, diamonds, sapphires, amethyst, rubies, moonstones, and aquamarines
Incense that smells of rose, cinnamon, myrrh, frankincense, vanilla, and jasmine
Her tarot cards, The Lovers, The Empress, and The Star
What can I give to her as offerings?
Shells or shell imagery
Ocean imagery
Swan and dove imagery
Heart imagery
Valentine's day gifts like chocolates
Imagery/paintings that depict her
Roses or rose imagery
Doing skincare for her
Perfumes or colognes
Doing your makeup
Strawberries, apples,and raspberries
Devotional acts or things you can do in her honor
Giving compliments to people
Collecting things you find pretty
Wearing jewelry you've offered or devoted to her
Watch or read romantic material
Masturbation (if comfortable in doing so)
Sex (if comfortable in doing so)
Wear perfume dedicated to her
Spend time with loved ones
Create a digital altar (these can be done on Pinterest)
Write poetry about her
Write a letter to her
Create or listen to a playlist dedicated to her
Talk to her (tarot cards, dice, pendulum, and other forms of divination work just fine)
What is it like working with her?
When it comes to Aphrodite, in myth, she was often known as a wrathful and jealous goddess. However, since the myths are just stories and are known to exaggerate some details, this isn’t usually the case.
However, when people mention to others that they are interested in working with Aphrodite, they usually say that you absolutely should not. That she is needy, requires a lot of attention and offerings, that if you don’t do what she says, she will take your beauty away.
This is also not the case.
In my experience as an Aphrodite worshipper, she is very loving, along with being insanely passionate. Also being very vocal about her needs and wants.
Often getting signs from her isn’t at all uncommon. I remember the first few weeks I started working with her, I got an image on my feed that had these two eels intertwined together in a heart shape.
You will often feel connected to sea life, the sea in general, wanting to do things for yourself like dressing nicer and wanting to take care of yourself more.
Here are some things I’ve experienced in my time in working with her.
When I first started praying to her, I stuttered and fumbled over my words. A lot. I was oddly nervous about it? I’m not the type to stutter and fumble often. But beginning to feel nervous and even embarrassed in the presence of the goddess of love? Very normal.
She often enjoys getting milk and dark chocolate, along with roses or any kind of flower, real or not. I gave her chocolates, a fake rose, and a real flower for valentines day and she was insanely happy with it. So much so that her candle rested in a heart shape for a short while.
I often saw butterflies, a symbol of Aphrodite.
I often feel inclined to go to the beach, collect seashells, and do things that make me feel good.
I feel more comfortable expressing love. Before, I was never the type to use pet names for people, especially for friends. But i’ve noticed that I now call people sweet and endearing names. Honeybun, sweet pea, boo, sweetie/sweetness, and babes are things i’ve been saying lately.
She is very honest, often not sugarcoating things. I asked her when my ex first asked me out if we’d last. She said no and gave me explicit reasons as to why. Though I still went out and dated them anyway, and it pretty much ended in the way she said.
She very much enjoys art work of her. I’ve drawn her a few times, asking her to guide my hand in doing so.
Whenever I feel unattractive or hate something about my appearance, she usually makes someone compliment me that day or that week. I was having an off day with my hair, and in that same hour, a girl walked up to me and said that she loved my hair and the style it was in.
That is it for my beginners Aphrodite worship guide! I will be doing these for the other two deities I work with, Apollo and Freyja.
I do hope these were helpful. If you have any questions or need assistance with anything, my ask box and my dms are always open. So be sure to shoot me a message!
Much love to you. <3
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hellenismrules · 13 days ago
The gods are all in their own “groups” of sorts, or at least most of them are, I’m going to try and break down the groups, what they are, and the divinities in those groups.
Now another thing to mention is that some gods are in multiple groups, as they’re not confined to just one role or job and have a broad range of skills and abilities!
The names of the groups are,
Theoi Olympioi
The Olympian’s, in a broad spectrum. Basically everyone who is not in the Theoi Khthonioi.
Theoi Agoraioi
These are the gods of the peoples assembly and marketplace, some of the gods in this group are;
King Zeus
Lady Athena
Lady Dike
Lady Themis
Lady Colliope
Lord Hermes
Lord Hephaestus
Lord Apollo
Theoi Daitioi
The gods of feasts and banquets
Lord Dionysos
Lady Hestia
Lady Aphrodite
The Charities
Occasionally the Theoi Mouskoi also join the Theoi Daitioi
Theoi Gamelioi
The gods of marriage
King Zeus
Queen Hera
Lady Aphrodite
Lord Hymenaios
The Erotes
Lord Peitho
The Charities
Lady Eunomia
lady Harmonia
Lady Hebe
Theoi Georgikoi
The gods of agriculture, I would like to note that most of those in this group are Chthonic deities, though I couldn’t find specific names
Lady Demeter
Theoi Gymnastikoi
The gods of the gymnasium
Lord Hermes
Lord Heracles
The Dioscuri
Lady Nike
Lord Agon
Lord Eros
Theoi Halioi
The gods of the sea, most of those in this group are minor sea divinities, nymphs, and others.
King Poseidon
Lord Apollo
Lady Artemis
Lady Aphrodite
The Dioscuri
Theoi Iatrikoi
The gods of medicine and healing
Lord Apollo
Lord Asclepius
Lady Epione
Lady Hygeia
Lady Panaceia
Lady Aegle
Lady Iaso
Lady Akeso
Lord Telesphorus
Theoi Ktesioi
Gods of the house and home
King Zeus
Lady Hestia
Lady Hekate
Lord Hermes
Theoi Montikoi
Gods of oracles, divination and prophecy
Lord Apollo
King Zeus
Lady Phoibe
Lady Themis
Lady Dione
Lady Mnemosyne
Lord Hermes
Theoi Nomioi
Gods of the countryside and country pursuits
Lady Artemis
Lord Hermes
Lord Dionysos
Theoi Mousikoi
Gods of music, dance, and education of the arts
Lord Apollo
Lady Artemis
The Muses
The Charaties
Lord Hymenaeus
Lord Lino’s
Lord Dionysos
Lord Hermes
Lady Aphrodite
Theoi Polemikoi
The gods of war
Lord Ares
Lady Athena
Lady Enyo
Lady Eris
Lady Nike
Lord Deimos
Lord Phobos
King Zeus
Lord Apollo
Theoi Thesmioi
The gods of divine law and order
King Zeus
Lady Demeter
The Horae
Lady Themis
Lord Apollo
Theoi Khthonioi
The gods and divinities of the underworld
King Hades
Queen Persephone
Lady Hekate
Lord Erebus
Lord Hypnus
Lady Makaria
Lady Nyx
Lord Tartarus
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mrhyde-mrseek · 8 months ago
A little message from me and Hermes:
And yes, there is a story to go along with it below the cut.
Basically what happened is I was doing my daily tarot session where I go around and ask each of the gods I work with what message they have for me today. I also have a job interview on Friday that, until this day, my cards have been hinting will go well (and I really hope saying this doesn’t jinx it).
Today, however, I kept getting the opposite; basically they were telling me that the interview would turn out poorly and I wouldn’t get the job. I was obviously surprised, but before I could fall any further into an anxiety spiral, I asked the cards if someone was messing with them. Turns out it was none other than our favorite prankster, Hermes, fucking with me again.
I don’t think he meant any harm by it. He was just having a bit of fun. But unlike when I gave him his candle, this joke wasn’t funny. I need a job before college, and I REALLY want this one to turn out well, so his messing with the cards scared me and made my anxiety spike.
I told him that his joke wasn’t funny and I wanted him to stop. I then put out a rule to all the gods I work with that they are not allowed to mess with the cards like that again. I got the sense that they all agreed, even Hermes. I forgave him, but I was still upset.
Later, I started to feel guilty for being angry with a god of all beings, and I tried to apologize to Hermes and make it clear that I had forgiven him. Just then, I got a VERY vivid image of him gripping my shoulders and telling me that it’s okay to be mad and I didn’t need to apologize for it. HE was in the wrong, not me. It’s okay to set boundaries as to what’s okay and what’s not within your practice when people (or gods) hurt or upset you.
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ivettaflowerblooom · 5 months ago
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Aphrodite embracing Eros by Antonio Canova, 1798–99
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hekatesstrophalos · 1 year ago
Dear fellow pagans:
Take your Greek mythology with a grain of salt.
The ancient Greek writers were horribly misogynistic, and they never missed an opportunity to make the Goddess or woman out to be evil or sneaky. Note anything by Hesiod alone. They even turned Gaia, the literal earth and mother of creation itself, into a cruel and rebellious bitch. Athena punished a rape victim and then aided her assailants for fun. Aphrodite was vain and selfish. The entire story of Persephone.
Hera. Just...Hera.
I'm not saying ignore the past, what I'm saying is if you want to work with these Goddesses, you don't have to stick to the ancient script created by men who hated them. You can, in fact, modernize and worship in how you connect personally. Religion should be about having fun.
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choaticgypsyvicking · 5 months ago
Billy batson is a semi practicing Greek pagan.
Context: teth Adam worshiped the egyptian gods and now gets powers from them
Think about it, Billy has seen and met the Greek gods, been to tarturus, met hercules and wonder woman, is aware aquman is the descendent of posiden, so what If he just accepts them as the main gods on the grounds "iv met those ones and use there powers"
He never dose like the holidays or anything but will do a lil prayer to an appropriate Greek God before he dose something difcult, just think it would be neat
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fairyboy1111 · 2 days ago
A digital offering for Hestia! May her fire always burn within our hearts so that we may share it with others ❤️‍🔥
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thequeer07puss · 6 months ago
Pagans need community!
And I don’t mean the stuff we do on Tumblr or in Discord servers of whatever. I mean real life, face-to-face, communal practices that can be done in public. This is the only way we can get stuff like state recognition and temples to pray in.
Community is how the Abrahamics stay alive, community is what brought Wicca and neopaganism to the light, community is what we need. In the olden days the gods would be worshipped by whole states, cities, villages and households, but today it seems that we mainly have household worship, making ourselves content with the individualistic and private (hence relatively hidden) nature of our respective practices. But this won’t further any hope we may hold of getting back the temples and stuff.
Find other pagans in your area, form group chats, meet up and discuss, do rituals together, found and grow your community together. Pagans are closer than you think, and we are here when you least expect it. You just need to ask the gods to help you find them, or to help them find you, and they will steer you towards the right path. Ask and you shall receive.
Community starts with us. May the gods be with you
[P.S: I’m only speaking about what I’ve observed within Hellenic and Kemetic pagan spaces. I don’t know about other traditions but I think it’s a pretty universal message for those of us who yearn for temples and a blooming pagan community.]
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patience-and-prayers · 10 months ago
I’m thankful for Hermes and travel, and I feel him when I drive, or am at the farmers market.
I’m grateful for Apollo and music, philosophy and how he shines through each rhythm and beat in the music I listen to.
I’m appreciative of Artemis and the independence she brings me, strength and the courage that passes through when standing up for what I believe in. The connection with wildlife and instincts, the empowerment I feel from her as a woman, all of it I owe to her.
The Gods look at us worshippers and smile, knowing they are treasured.
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arz-altar · 3 months ago
☆] reaching out for a bit of assistance from some more seasoned hellenic pagans !!! u_u;
i've been researching each day and praying to at least one god as i go to sleep in an attempt to find my path of devotion and worship. i think what i've settled on is that i find the most comfort and focus from gods of or related to celestial beings - especially the sun and moon - as well as those with direct ties to nature (plants and animals particularly.)
is this a common/acceptable focus to have, even though it may come with worship to a large handful of gods? for reference as well, i'm extremely new to hellenism and have researching general paganism for months but have only recently settled in about a week or two ago.
☆] gods i've found myself focusing on the most are Apollon, Dionysos, Artemis, Selene, and Helios.
i suppose what i'm looking for are some accounts, advice, and information on the best way to go about this in terms of worship. i can't have a permanent altar at the moment due to family, but i'd love tips or sources for the best way to conduct devotions and prayers.
☆] thanks for reading and granting me your time! may health and happiness be upon you and may your gods guide you well! x
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will-the-great · 6 days ago
Devotional Acts to Dionysos🍷🍇
➥ Make a playlist for Him
➥ Dance / sing to your favorite songs or songs you'd think He would like
➥ Throw a feast in His honor
➥ Remembering to take your medication (if you have any) and taking care of your mental health
➥ Support/donate to your local theatre in His name
➥ Be a part of the theatre (or if you are in school, take a theatre / drama / stage craft class if you are able to)
➥ Stand up for those that are marginalized
➥ Write stories/plays for Him
➥ Invite Him to watch plays or movies with you, especially comedies or tragedies
➥ Throw parties or attend them
➥ Attend festivals
➥ Attend a wine tasting
➥ Go on wine tours
➥ Attend parades
➥ Drink alcohol or grape juice
➥ Learn about winemaking
➥ Support local vineyards
➥ Wear wreaths made from ivy
➥ Wear faux leopard or tiger print
➥ Wear the colour purple (or any colour you associate with him)
➥ Pray to Him for things such as protection while intoxicated/high, relaxation, improvement in your mental health, fertility, ecstasy, for everything going well in the theatre
If you have any other devotional acts that you do to honor him feel free to share them :]
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