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azaraelaxelus · 22 hours ago
my personal achilles heel would probably be my heel. If I got hit there I would most likely die.
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moonlitmyths · 3 days ago
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Alexandre Cabanel (1823–1889), The Birth of Venus (1863), oil on canvas, Musée d'Orsay, Paris
The older accounts of the birth of Aphrodite link her to the myth of the Titan Cronos/Saturn castrating his father Uranus, whose severed genitals are thrown into the sea. There, they float past the islands of Cythera and Cyprus, giving rise to alternative epithets for Aphrodite of Cytherea and Cypris. On the shore of Cyprus, Aphrodite is then born from them, with allusions to semen as foam of the waves.
A later origin is given by Homer in his Iliad, in which Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus by Dione, a Titaness and Oceanid who was one of Zeus’s early wives. Subsequent accounts of the origins of Aphrodite are attempts to reconcile these two conflicting stories.
Depictions of the birth of Aphrodite are among the oldest European mythological paintings of which we have records. Apelles of Kos, one of the most renowned of the great painters of ancient Greece, is claimed to have been active around 330 BCE. Among the eight or more major works attributed to him is Aphrodite Anadyomene, in which the goddess Aphrodite rises from the sea. This achieved fame in part because his model for Aphrodite was a former mistress of Alexander the Great, Campaspe, according to the writings of Pliny the Elder.
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Unknown, Aphrodite Anadyomenes (before 79 CE), fresco, dimensions not known, The House of Venus, Pompeii.
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hopstitchstell · 13 hours ago
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"You honor me, young man, as well you should, for I am ruler of Olympus, am I not?"
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"Oh, hoh-hoh, you've got some fire in you, don't you, little Hades?"
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"Indeed. To the death, as always, boy. Zagreus. Ready yourself."
The brothers 💛💙❤️
🐇 [Reblogs are appreciated] 🐇
🌙 [Buy me a Kofi (decaf please!)] 🌙
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tessawinterbourne · 2 days ago
Discovery of the Statue of Antinous at the Temple of Apollo, Delphi, Greece, 1894
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too-much-flynnolium · 2 months ago
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madart9 · 1 year ago
Hc that Hermes created the Lin Manuel persona as a joke but Hamilton was wildly successful so he just kept it up and Apollo is FURIOUS that a) he’s overstepped into his domain and b) he’s so damn GOOD at it (much to the chagrin of literally everyone)
It’s like the dam cow thing all over again, but this time instead of stealing fifty of his cows Hermes stole his bit.
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reds-references · 27 days ago
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Gather, cult of Dionysus and rejoice 🍇
New expressions pack is up now on ye olde Patreon! 90+ photos!!!
A special thanks to the artist who commissioned this reference pack! It means the world to me when I get to work with fellow creators.
🏺If you use any of these as reference just use the hashtag #DrawRedInYourStyle and tag me!
Reds References | Muscles & Whimsy | Patreon
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celesrangeepic · 6 months ago
Greek Apologies
I keep hearing people say that Odysseus never apologized properly to Poseidon but in the Greek way he did.
Basically the Greek word that apology is derived from- Apologia means “Speaking in Defense”.
Basically the Greeks would explain why you did what you did while expressing sympathy and remaining respectful.
The reason why Poseidon didn’t accept the apology was because Odysseus permanently crippled Poseidon’s son which was like, a great disgrace for that time period- it would’ve been more honorable to kill Polyphemus.
But anyways- my whole point was that Odysseus DID apologize correctly but due to the disgrace of what Odysseus did, it’s why Poseidon was so angry and said, “This totally could’ve been avoided had you just killed my son.”
This is why Odysseus was quiet when Eurylochus apologized for the wind bag- because he didn’t apologize correctly per the time period, he just said “I’m so sorry, forgive me.” He didn’t give a defense or reasoning, he just begged to be forgiven.
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kaliarda · 1 year ago
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Paola Revenioti: The Greek transgender activist on blowing up sexual taboos in the name of art
During the 80s, transgender Greek artist and prostitute Paola Revenioti published the trans-anarchist fanzine Kraximo. Funded by her own prostitution, the zine pioneered the fight for gay and trans rights, combining interviews with Greek poets and intellectuals alongside Athens street hustlers and her own photography, since compared to the work of Larry Clark and Walter Pfeiffer. Today she continues to work as an artist and activist, making Athens-based documentaries with her "Paola Projects."
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dork-scribbles · 8 months ago
I can't over the fact that in Greek mythology when Hermes stolen Apollo's cattle he was only ONE DAY OLD! Imagine a f*cking baby stealing over FIFTY COWS in first day on earth.
And gets even better when Apollo discovers this and takes little Hermes to trial on Olympus.
All gods are laughing at the fact the culprit is just a little baby and Apollo is like:
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mayday396 · 22 days ago
Telemachus but his Friend is THE OCEAN, not Poseidon, but the formless being that Poseidon just so happen to "Inherit"
Pontus, the Greek Primordial God of the Seas, never made a humanoid form before, and talks as this disembodied voice in what can be described like a Deep Crashing wave/Eldritch Horror.
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sick-ntired · 2 months ago
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rise-deepseamonster · 11 months ago
Love how Percy just casually drops lore all throughout the Son of Neptune. Frank and Hazel are getting the encyclopedia knowledge on every monster they encounter plus some extra side stories from how he fought them in gym classes and "oh yea, I had a fist fight with Kronos in Manhatten."
And then they meet Annabeth and realize that behind every goofy looking powerful guy, there's an incredibly smart, capable and even more powerful woman who makes sure he doesn't die on a daily basis and are like, "oh. thats why he's still alive."
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toyastales · 6 months ago
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2,200 year old Greek armbands
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starry-night333 · 5 months ago
Thinking of when Telemachus was born
Athena:did it hurt your head at all?? Like how bad was it, when I was born I knew it hurt cus I came out fight..
Ody:fucking WHAT?!
*penelope is just laughing*
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