#green bell peppers for sure
morethansalad · 2 years
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Vegan Jamaican Saltfish and Callaloo
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istillseeeverything · 2 months
If she comments on what I'm buying (pasta and canned fruit) I'll fucking snap. No matter what I eat it's not enough for her. Nigga if I ate what you bought that wouldn't change annnnnnything??? We are POOR. We can't afford that organic 13calories type shit bruh. We have peanut butter and brown rice because those are. Filling components of a meal. "Ugh you eat so terribly!!!" I'm eating what you cook and buy. If you don't like that eat shit.
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bunnyb34r · 3 months
Well I didn't check on the garden Wednesday or Thursday bc it was windy and rainy... the wind knocked down ALL THREE cucumber plants 😭😭 they're fine but I was so sad when I saw that
Buuuut I did get to pick not just a cucumber and zucchini... BUT THREE CUCUMBERS AND TWO ZUCCHINIS :D
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The bounty 😎🤙
Gonna make some good zucchini bread with those babies and some nice salads with the cucumbers :P
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littlebirdy0301 · 3 months
hello & welcome to Your One Unemployed Friend On A Random Weekday of Summer Break. today’s highlights include: cleaning the livingroom coffee table, applying to 1 (one) job, going to the grocery store for just arugula & parsley, almost washing the car, & making a dopeass salad in which I ate an entire cans worth of chickpeas
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asjjohnson · 6 months
I accidentally made chicken broth?
Last week I cooked some mixed vegetables, and then, after removing the vegetables from the pan, fried some shredded chicken breast. And there was 1/4 cup of juice from the vegetables as well as about that much from the chicken, which I decided, 'eh, why not,' and saved in separate containers. I used the vegetable juice in place of water with some pasta, and then poured the chicken juice into the emptied vegetable juice container.
I figured the chicken juice would just be water with a vague chicken aftertaste, so I wasn't sure about even keeping it. But I was considering using it mixed with a chicken bouillon cube later. In the refrigerator, the chicken juice separated, with fine chicken particles on the bottom and clear liquid (and a little bit of butter) on top.
Tonight I spooned out the clear liquid and heated it, and it actually tasted good. I still added it to a cup of chicken bouillon (it was only about a fourth of a cup on its own), but it ended up surprisingly flavorful. (And it was also nice mixed with the cup of bouillon.)
I need to save that type of thing more often.
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kusanagihaku · 1 month
help me hold on to you.
⭢ alan x mc, 2.2k
It is a dance of wants and haves, of budgets and portion sizes, of learning to think for two. It feels like you could do this forever. How easy it is, to be with Alan. How easy he is to love.  or: supermarket date! supermarket date! soft and fluffy domestic alan!!! i love him!!!!! ( º ᴖ º ) // also on ao3
You frown. How is it that whoever runs the campus store can bring in three different types of almond milk, but only one brand of oat milk? 
You weigh both cartons in your hands. Maybe you should just get the almond milk. It isn’t even the good type of oat milk too–
You glance up, only to be met with sea green eyes and arms full of flour and sugar bags. “Kaito!” 
Kaito beams back, golden hair washed a pale yellow under the harsh cold of the store lights. He looks slightly different dressed down, almost like he could be a college student elsewhere in a ratty old hoodie and sweatpants. “I’ve tried that brand of almond milk, it freakin’ sucks. Get the blue carton.” 
You can’t help but laugh. With the strange stocking style of the campus store, you can only ever trust comments of the other students and hope not to step on any culinary landmines. You reach to put both cartons you were holding back when Kaito clears his throat. 
“Why are you wearing a Vagastrom hoodie?” 
You flush, biting your lip. It was colder than you expected this morning when Alan left the bed for his morning run, uncurling himself from around you gently in an effort not to wake you up. But you awoke anyway, body leaning towards his residual warmth like it has every day you’ve woken up in his bed, eyes blurring open to Alan’s fond smile. 
I’ll be back soon, he promised, voice low. Go back to sleep. The sleep-rough of his voice left butterflies at the bottom of your stomach, a small dance of adoration and contentment that lasted long after he shut the door. 
But the cold was sharp, and as Alan’s warmth faded from the blankets you found yourself sitting up and leaning off the edge of his bed until your fingers snagged the yellow hoodie draped across the back of his chair. It smelled vaguely of engine grease, as does everything in Vagastrom, but as you pulled it over your head you were surrounded by sandalwood and summer, by sunlight and sea salt, by Alan. 
The brush of comfort was enough to turn your eyelids heavy and your dreams sweet, until you were awakened again by Alan’s touch on the crown of your head. 
“Y/N?” Kaito peers at you, and you jolt a little. 
“Um,” you say, intelligently. “Ah.” 
It’s not as if you were hiding the fact that you were dating Alan per se, but it… had never really come up in conversation? After all, it is a fairly recent development, and Alan isn’t the type to broadcast news about himself to others. The interactions you’ve had with most of the other ghouls involve mostly you running small errands for them anyway, and less so idle chit-chat. Other than the Vagastrom ghouls (Leo had scoffed the first time he walked in on Alan’s thumb brushing your cheekbone and walked back out, while Sho just smirked and hollered something in Leo’s direction about a bet), you don’t think any of the other students know anything about your relationship with the Vagastrom captain. 
But this is Kaito, one of the first people to befriend you in Darkwick, and now that you’re faced with the opportunity and his guileless eyes, you feel kind of ashamed you’ve never told him about it…
“Did you find it?” A gentle weight rests on the top of your head. A warmth blooms at the base of your throat, sweet and golden, and you briefly forget about Kaito as you lean backwards to smile up at Alan. 
“They don’t have the brand I usually get. Should we get almond instead?” 
Alan nods at you to place the carton in his basket. “Sure.” 
“Sho said he wanted us to pick up some bell peppers too–“ 
“Sorry, what the fuck?!” Kaito’s yelp is startling, and you reflexively jerk backwards into the solid harbour of Alan’s arm. “Since WHEN?!” 
You flush. A sheepish apology balances on the tip of your tongue, but Alan beats you to it. The gruff in his voice is evident as he says, “Your business, Frostheim?” 
Kaito’s eyes grow round. A million little emotions (mostly some frantic type of fear, but tinged with betrayal, you note somewhat despondently) flash across his face before your apology tumbles out. “Sorry, Kaito, I meant to tell you and Luca, but I’ve been so busy-“ 
“It’s okay,” Kaito squeaks, and before you can say anything else he disappears up the aisle, bags of flour dropping in his wake. 
Alan frowns. He pulls you slightly closer, fingers resting lightly on the waist of his hoodie, and there is something so unexpectedly tender in the action it makes your heart feel three times too big. Always soft, always warm. Always gentle, with you. 
You half-expect him to say something about Kaito, but he just sighs. 
“Bell peppers are up front,” he says, instead, and you laugh. 
You end up picking more bell peppers than Sho asked for, if only so you can add the extras to the dinners you cook for the week. Alan picks out spring onions and a new box of white miso; you trade it for a box of red (he has an unopened box of white miso hidden behind his giant tub of protein powder; you unearthed it while searching for his black pepper last week) and toss in an extra yellow onion. 
You spend the most time in the meat section, of course – Alan’s meals consist mainly of grilled meat on rice whenever you’re not around. You watch as he frowns his way through cuts of meat, bending over to trade pork shoulder for jowl, and you resist the urge to smooth out the crease between his brows as he looks between both price tags. 
It is a dance of wants and haves, of budgets and portion sizes, of learning to think for two. It feels like you could do this forever. 
How easy it is, to be with him. How easy he is to love. 
He doesn’t believe it, you know. Where you see caution and care in wrinkles of his palms he sees nothing but bloodstains and bruises, like there is nothing in him that deserves to be held. But oh, the way you’re trying to show him–
It is a whole downpour by the time Alan walks you back from Vagastrom. You are both soaked to the bone, your bangs sticking to your forehead and his yellow vest a dark ochre. 
You invite him in to dry off, of course. He can’t possibly make his way back to Vagastrom like this. 
(You also don’t think he can find his way back in the pouring rain, but you don’t say that part out loud.) 
“I’ve got towels upstairs,” you say, instead, and lead him up the stairs to your room. You pray hard that all your laundry is in its basket and you haven’t left anything stupid out. 
You haven’t, much to your relief, and you invite Alan inside after a cursory glance. You shrug off the wet sop of your jacket and dump it on your desk, heading straight to your closet to where you remember sticking the towels after your last laundry run. 
“You can leave your vest on the desk, I’ll hang it above the radiator to dry,” you tell him, and immediately regret it. Stupid. Stupid of you to think your heart can handle the visual of Alan removing any piece of clothing in your vicinity. 
You are weighing how stupid it would sound to retract your statement, when Alan clears his throat. “Your, um. Your toy is on the floor.” 
You twist around to see your white stuffed rabbit lying on the floor next to your bed. Huh. He must have fallen out when you clambered out of bed this morning, rushing to make your 9am class. 
“Oh, you can just set him back on the bed,” you say, before turning to rummage through your closet for towels. You easily locate your spare one with a triumphant ha!, and turn back to hand it to Alan so he can dry off. 
…only to see him kneeling next to your rabbit, fingers outstretched as if to pick him up, but hesitant all the same. You blink. 
Alan senses your stare, and looks up at you, almost embarrassed. “My hands are dirty.” 
You know what he’s talking about – you’ve spent countless hours staring at his fingers as they fill out your forms, watching his hands twist spanners around bolts, dreaming of what his hands would feel like on the bare of your skin. They’re mostly clean (or as clean as he can get with wiping them on spare rags and rinsing them in the sink), but there is always a line of engine grease lingering under his fingernails he can’t quite get out. 
You understand what he’s talking about too – he looked up at you one afternoon, seated on the worn leather sofa in the Vagastrom garage as he tinkered with the hood of a car. You were balancing a calculator on one knee and a form on the other, trying to figure out why the budget request for Leo’s next mission was so high and trying to look like you weren’t staring too much at the muscles in Alan’s forearms. 
Honour student, he sighed. He set down the wrench. Don’t get involved with me.
You looked up, slightly flustered and alarmed at having been caught, but a protest on the tip of your tongue all the same. He caught the look on your face and shook his head. You don’t want to get mixed up in my life.
You didn’t say anything back then, choosing instead to duck your head to hide the burn in your cheeks, but oh, how you wish you did. 
You want him to know how you’ve noticed that his hands and eyes linger longer on you than most, that he takes extra care to clean up whenever you’re around. You want him to know you’ve seen the sidelong glances he’s thrown at you, too, across the garage, and that you’ve seen the red on the tips of his ears after he leans in a bit too close for a bit too long, the peeks he takes whenever he thinks you’re busy fixing something on his phone. 
You want to show him how his fierce has always been used for protecting, how his heart has always been built to lead. How his hands have always been meant to build and fix and hold and never to hurt. 
You want to tell him that you don’t know what pushed him to make the choices he did all those years ago, but you know that he is more than the product of those choices, more than what those circumstances have made him become. That he’s more than the strength behind his knuckles and the decisions that he’s made, how he’s someone an entire house will rally behind and defend to the death. That he deserves to give himself a chance to go for what he wants, for once. 
You shake your head. You hope he understands, this time. “I don’t mind.” 
When he still doesn’t move, you move to kneel next to him, towel wrung between your hands. The wet green of his hair hangs over his eyes, but you can see him watching you all the same, almost as if you are the hunter and he is the prey. 
“I don’t mind,” you say, again. It comes out as a whisper this time, bullets careening into a moment glass-thin. 
His eyes dart up to meet yours, narrowing and wary, but your hands move before he can speak. The brush of your thumb over the rough of his cheek is feather-light, and you will him to understand what you mean when you lean forward to murmur, “That way, I can fall asleep thinking of you.” 
You feel Alan’s breath catch as you brush your lips against the edge of his mouth, and you can almost hear the cogs in his head turning, slowly, as you pull away. Please understand.
And when he turns to you, when he gives in to himself, finally, when he presses his lips against yours in a controlled kind of recklessness and the thirst of a man who hasn’t felt the cool of water for days and doesn’t quite believe that he can, it feels like he does. 
“Do I have breadcrumbs?” Alan turns to you. You blink, pulled back by the anchor of his voice.
“Mm,” you manage, “I don’t think so, but I do. We can swing by the cathedral to pick it up before heading back to yours?” 
Alan hums in agreement, and bends over to retrieve a tray of pork chops from the freezer display. You can’t help it – you lean over to press a small kiss to his cheek as he straightens, and laugh when he turns to you, confused and slightly startled, smile tugging on his lips and blush climbing up his ears. 
“Thanks,” you say. For everything. 
Alan looks at you, eyes moss-soft, haloed in the artificial bright of supermarket aisle, then places the tray into his basket. He shifts the basket to his other side so he can grab your hand in his free one. “Let’s go home.” 
Yes, you think, tangling your fingers into his. Let’s. 
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the-summ0ning · 3 months
Sleep Token HC: being in a relationship with II
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This took longer than I wanted, also got extremely carried away w this one. I have a soft spot for II 🥹 usual NSFW ELEMENTS, fluffy nonsense, not proofread well
Our sweet quiet short king…until he’s comfy then he becomes a certified yapper.
II the bf that had to keep you informed and make you the first to know everything
New brand deal with his favorite drum company? He’s FaceTiming, grinning ear to ear and his eyes the brightest crystalline blue. “Babe, I’m so fuckin’ excited! They even sent me a sick PR package!”
He finally pranked Vessel back? Oh he’s recording the whole ordeal and it’s going to you first, listening to his quiet excited diabolical giggles in the video
His favorite drummer followed him back on instagram? He barreling into your room, and lying right on top of you to show you
A text message of the sandwich he had for lunch? Nothing was off limits
Especially late at night, when he was thinking about you on tour, keeping quiet in his bunk on the bus. Sending you pictures and videos palming himself, teasing you.
“Sweet thing, I need u so badly. Look how hard I am for u. 😕”
II the bf that ties your shoes for you, bending on one knee making you put your foot on his thigh
And if no one was looking would press a soft kiss to your ankle or the side of your inner knee. The sweet gesture wasn’t as always innocent as it seemed when his fingers would lightly graze your calf as he did so
I’m sorry I just see II clingy… so physical touch and quality time would be his top two love languages
Always needing to have a hand on your lower back leading you through crowds or hands/pinkies intertwined, arm around your shoulder
It helps him more than anything than a ‘I wanna lay the pda on heavy’ type thing. You made him at ease during social settings if he could be touching you even if just the littlest brush of your skin on him
hand on your thigh at the table during dinner sometimes testing his limits and bringing it further up your inner thigh delighted by watching you squirm
His phone background would be a picture of the two of you during rehearsal, you sitting in his lap at his drum set and his hands holding yours attempting to teach you a song. moments after that pic was taken vessel pouted that II never did that with him
He loved laying on top of you scrolling on his phone or watching tv, because you would start absentmindedly rubbing his shoulders (which were almost always tense from drumming)
II would enjoy any time he could afford with you
Whether that be an hour out together going to browse a vintage antique store and grabbing coffee before a studio session
If you had free time to go to one of his drum shoots with him and then get dinner and drinks after
He would have a triangle, symbols, cowbell, tambourine—maybe even a microphone, so you could join his jam sessions when he would practice at home
He ends up getting distracted by how cute and silly you look trying to play a cow bell to a beat of their song every time or singing along lost in your own world
II the bf that would use pre show jitters just have an excuse to have you in his grasp
Bending you over the sink in the green room bathroom, pounding deep inside inside you relentlessly. Him putting his hand over your mouth, “don’t want anyone to hear us, right darling?”
Then afterwards snatching your underwear and shove them in his pocket. “Need a good luck charm.” He winks cheekily before leaving.
Also very into spanking and being rough with you…
Loves seeing his handprint on your ass, always making sure to massage and pepper kisses to it afterwards
I believe this man would have your initials tatted on him somewhere
Just want to thank everyone for liking III and IV HCs, I hope you like II’s!!! If you want to request any HCs or just to chit chat my inbox is always open 🤭🫶🏻
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
I would love if you could write something like this:
Steve went to the past after putting back the stones bc he wanted to stay with Peggy…so he did, but after 5 hours with her he realised that Peggy is not the love of his life but it’s actually reader.
Like they were engaged and had been together for long long time (since 2012 idk) and reader was gonna tell him she was pregnant after he came back from putting the stone…
But bc of time travelling 5 hours in the past are 5 years for the rest (like reader, Bucky Sam etc.) which means that Steve has been gone for 5 years, so when he comes back he is shocked and confused but then he finds readers house (which is similar to Tony’s and pepper yk cute in the woods near a lake bla bla bla) and he rings the bell and she opens and is whole like tf???
And then her their son come up behind her and ist like “mommy who’s this?”
Also Bucky and Sam and all the others have helped her with the baby and now son.
Idk you can decide if she if a single mom or if she is with in a relationship with Bucky or if she is with someone else yk
I love you and your fics!!!
Besos 💕
hi honey! I hope you like this and thank you, I love you too!
summary - steve left you for peggy, only to realise five hours in that she was no longer the woman he loved. when he came back, five years had passed. will you ever forgive him for the sake of your son? or is your future with him no more?
warning - angst, so much angst, swearing.
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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Five years ago today, you had watched the love of your life disappear to the past and not return. You had suspected something was going to go wrong that day, and it was also the day you had found out you were pregnant. You could remember when Steve had first gone to the past, and when he came back… He was… Distant. He couldn’t even look at you, wouldn’t hug or kiss you, and those days were the hardest. You had felt so alone and unloved. 
Right now, you’re decorating a bunch of biscuits that have been cooling since they came out of the oven. You find yourself zoned out as you stare out the kitchen window and at the swing tied to a huge tree. You hadn’t thought of Steve for a very long time, sure. There were times that your son reminded you of him. Of course, he would. He was the spitting image of his father, just cuter and tinier. 
“Mumma?” You blink, clearing your throat before you turn and look down at your son. “Can I have a biscuit now?” You smile softly, cupping his cheek, your thumb stroking his face. 
“Sure, baby. Which colour do you want?” He points to the sparkly green one, mentioning that it reminds him of Rex. The dinosaur he’s currently clutching. “Here you go, baby. But that’s the only one, okay? We don’t want to spoil your dinner.” 
“Okay, mumma! Thank you!” He gives you a wide, toothless smile before stuffing the biscuit into his mouth and walking away, probably to continue watching his cartoons.
You sigh, sadly watching him walk away. You had been engaged to Steve and thought he was happy with you. You were ready to marry him, buy a house in the woods and have many kids, but he left you for her. He left, and you were alone to pick up the pieces. Sure, you could’ve gone to Bucky, Sam, or any of the remaining avengers. But they were all grieving themselves, so you packed up. You bought that house in the woods and ended up raising your child alone. You remember during your pregnancy, you didn’t want to live, but you didn’t want to do that to everyone else. When the team found out you were pregnant and trying to do it alone, they nagged you until you let them help.
You could remember clear as day when Bucky and Sam knocked on your door, bringing you food daily, staying up with you, and getting you your cravings. They were there when your son was born, and they were there to change his diaper and feed him whilst you slept. They were there, and yet, he wasn’t. Of course, he wasn’t. The man decided to be selfish when you needed him the most. What hurt most was the fact that he couldn’t be selfish with you. He had to be with another for that. You wish he had told you so that you could say goodbye. 
You were so in your head that you didn’t hear the familiar rumble of a motorbike pull up. It just blended with old memories of Steve. The bell rang throughout the house, followed by some knocking. Your brows furrow as you wonder what asshole is ringing and knocking at your door. Couldn’t they decide which one? You put down the biscuit you were decorating, brushing your hands against your apron before you head over. Your hand wrapped tightly around the handle, and you swung it open.
“What the–” Your eyes widen when they connect with those beautiful blue ones you fell in love with. Your lips curl in a sneer, an angry expression crossing your face. “What do you want? Shouldn’t you be fucking some old whore right now?” 
Steve winces, his eyes dragging up and down your body as he takes you in. He can feel his heart nearly beating out of his chest at the sight of you in front of him. “Listen… I know–”
“No, you listen. You piece of shit!” You whisper-yell, teeth clenched as you don’t want your son to hear. Your finger presses against Steve’s chest as you poke. “You left me. You left us. For someone who had already moved on, for someone who was in your past. You asked me to marry you, we had these plans for our future, and you threw them away for someone else.” You rapidly blink away the tears, not wanting to show him any sign of weakness. “You plunged your hand into my chest and ripped it out, taking it with you. You don’t get to come back here and think all is forgiven. It’s been five fucking years, Steven, five. Why’d you even come back, huh? You get sick of her already?” Your hands rest on your hips as you glare up at him. 
He gulps, feeling tears fill his eyes as he realises the amount of pain you’ve gone through these past years. “I didn’t know it was going to be five years… I was only there for five hours, but I came back for you! I realised you are the one I love, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.” He stops as your glare hardens.
“Steven Grant Rogers, are you telling me you had to leave without a goodbye, leave me for another woman for you to realise I was the one? Is that what your telling me right now?! You’re telling me the many years we spent together weren’t enough for you to know. But possibly sticking your dick in another made you realise?” 
Steve’s mouth opens as he’s about to argue, but a much smaller voice cuts him off. “Mummy? Who’s this?” Your eyes fall down to your son’s, watching as he glares at Steve. Steve’s brows are furrowed as he takes in the child, noticing how similar he looks. His breath hitches as the pieces of the puzzle begin to connect.
He looks at you, tears now rolling down his face. “Is he…” You reluctantly nod, causing sobs to escape Steve. “Oh my god, I have a son? Why didn’t you tell me? I missed so much….” 
You glare, “why didn’t I tell you? Why didn’t I tell you?!” You hear a small whimper and quickly look down at your son. “It’s okay, baby. Why don’t you go and watch more of your cartoons? Mummy will be there soon.” He nods, casting one last glance at Steve before wandering off, hesitating to leave his mum with a man who is obviously upsetting her. “I was going to tell you that day, Steve. But you decided that leaving for someone in the past was more important than staying with the people you had in the present.” 
He takes a shaky breath, staring at you. “What can I do to make it up to you? What can I do to make us a family?” His fingers itch, wanting to reach out and touch you, but he knows you’d rip his limbs off if he did.
“There’s nothing you can do, Steve. I may let you see your son, but anything between us is over. I don’t want to be with someone I can’t trust, but the first sign of you becoming distant, I will ban all interaction with my son. Understood?” He nods, feeling his heartbreak at your decision, wondering if there’s someone else.
“I–Is there someone else?” Steve gulps, watching your jaw clench. “I wouldn’t blame you if you moved on… But.”
“But what? Do you really think you have a say in anything? You left me, Steve. Remember that, before you ask personal questions, you have no right to know.” You move back, and just as you are about to close the door. You look at him. “But, no. There’s no one else because you ruined that for me. So I hope she was worth it.” And with that, you close the door, sliding down it as you try and catch your breath. Your head goes into your hands, trying not to break down because you still have your son to think about. 
“Mummy?” You quickly blink the tears away, lifting your head, your eyes meeting his bright blue ones. He comes closer and crawls into your lap, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face into your neck. “I love you, mummy. Will always be here.” 
And with those words, you break down. You have no idea of the man on the other side listening to everything, on the verge of his own tears. You only care about the sweet angel hugging you. You hold him tightly against you as you cry into his hair. “I love you too, baby boy. Mummy will always love you.”
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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Low-stakes HC that modern!mizu has a batshit wild diet.
Maybe the audience for this is like two people and my dog but I've been sitting on this and for some reason feel compelled to put it into the world. So anyway
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We're talking instant ramen like 4x a week, plain chicken and rice 6x a week, green tea and holistic health immunity shots mixed with monsters, so many candy and protein bars
Also just like bags of plain lettuce (?????)
She only eats at like weird hours, eg. 2:30 pm and 4 am.
One time Taigen found Mizu's candy stash, which takes up the entire space under her bed.
(She threatened to kill him if he ever took her chocolate truffles, but sometimes she lets him steal some anyway.)
It all drives Akemi crazy
Obviously, Akemi meal preps and makes sure she's getting the exactly right proportions of meat-to-veggies-to-carbs. She watches body-positive health and wellness dietitians on YouTube and is a green juice and smoothie drinker
The only time Mizu eats well is right before a big [insert sport] tournament or game
But then she is RELIGIOUS about health in the week leading up to it
Sleeping 8 hrs a night, eating balanced meals during actual mealtimes, drinking a liter of water a day, even cutting out caffeine completely
(Ringo helps her with the balanced meals part)
Every time Akemi thinks this time mizu's going to keep the healthy lifestyle going
And every time, the morning after, Akemi finds six crushed monsters and 14 protein bar wrappers in the trash
And then mizu walks out of her room double fisting a whole bell pepper and a bag of yogurt raisins
It's 6 fucking am
And Akemi gives up
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tinyundercover · 4 months
pepper & felix
part seventeen
we've got a longgggg chapter but i've been looking forward to writing this one for a while :]
MASTERPOST word count: 6.3k
Felix’s cardigan pocket was surprisingly spacious, even with Felix’s hand cupped underneath Pepper and Basil.
They had been in here for a few minutes, ever since Felix had gotten out of his car. As much as Pepper wanted to sit on Felix’s shoulder, the borrowers couldn’t risk being seen by the other humans on the sidewalk— so Pepper and Basil had reluctantly settled into the depths of Felix’s pocket.
Whispering to each other, it was impossible for the borrowers to contain their excitement. 
“Are you sure Felix found the right place?” Basil asked, kneading her palms into her green pant leg. 
“I’m sure of it,” Pepper confirmed, heart racing. “He showed me pictures of it online. This is definitely it.”
The rhythmic sway around them subsided as Felix stopped. Both borrowers straightened up, listening intently as Felix opened a door— and overhead, a pleasant bell jingled, distantly familiar. Pepper sucked in a breath.
“This is so weird,” Basil mumbled, eyes bright. Pepper couldn’t agree more.
Unable to smother his curiosity, Pepper stood up, bracing his hands against the soft lip of Felix’s cardigan pocket. His boots wobbled on Felix’s palm, struggling to stand on the uneven surface, but he managed to stretch himself tall enough to peer outside. Next to him, Basil did the same. 
Warm lighting greeted them. The room was spacious, albeit slightly smaller than Pepper remembered, filled with little vintage tables and potted plants. A long, white, welcoming counter stretched across the room, displaying an assortment of baked goods which were too far for Pepper to see the details of. Green vines trailed over the pink walls, framing the spacious room with life. 
The bakery had changed in the last three years— the tables had been moved around, and many of the decorations were new— but Pepper recognized the warm, inviting space as if he had just lived here yesterday. Something shifted in his chest, warm and emotional.
“Oh, wow,” Basil murmured.
A young girl at the front counter greeted Felix as he walked in, and Felix waved with his free hand before moving towards the array of tables, indicating that he wasn’t intending to order anything immediately. He selected a table in the front corner, near the window, away from the other few patrons.
Felix sat down, facing away from the other humans. Pepper and Basil were pressed against his hand, impatient to be let out, but they both understood that their safety was their top priority.
Quietly Felix retrieved the two of them from his pocket. Pepper’s heart jumped as soon as his boots hit the table, incredibly self-conscious. He and Basil stood up straight, peering around at their little corner of the bakery.
Felix’s shoulders blocked them from view from the other patrons. Excitement growing, Pepper bounced on his heels, gazing up at the bookshelf beside them.
“Is this okay?” Felix asked softly. “This is the right place?”
Basil shared Pepper’s eagerness. She spun on her heels, beaming up at the cluttered walls. “This is it,” she breathed in confirmation, eyes bright. “This is definitely it.”
Felix set his forearms around them, an extra measure to shield them from view, which Pepper appreciated. He was staring at the bookshelf next to them, tucked into the corner. A memory flitted through his mind, of himself and Basil hiding behind the books in wait for a pastry crumb to fall from this exact table.
“There should be an entrance at the base of the bookshelf,” Pepper wondered, glancing at Basil, “right?”
She nodded rapidly, already inching closer to Felix’s forearm. She bounced on her heels. “Yes. Let’s go, let’s go— I need to see our old place.”
Excitement shook through Pepper’s body, a mix of anxiety and adrenaline. After ensuring Felix repeatedly that they would be fine, they raced to the edge of the table, a few inches from the wall.
“Be careful,” Felix whispered, knee bouncing underneath the table. Pepper patted the back of his hand, retrieving his hook.
“We will. We know this place inside and out.”
It only took a few seconds for Pepper and Basil to glide all the way down their respective threads, hitting the tiled floor next to the bookshelf. Between the table and the bookshelf, the borrowers were very hidden, only noticeable to Felix who was sitting right next to them.
Felix’s knee continued to rock nervously. Pepper tried not to laugh. As much as he appreciated the concern, he didn’t want Felix to forget that he was a very capable borrower.
Once their hooks were tucked into their bags, they approached the bookshelf, anticipation growing. The floor grew dustier beneath their feet, and Pepper made a mental reminder to ask Felix to smudge their tiny footsteps away.
“It’s over here, right?” Basil guessed, stepping among the rows of books. Pepper followed her through a narrow gap, wedged between two dusty novels, until they found a thin crack running up to the ceiling of the shelf. Pepper’s heart soared.
Basil giggled, shoving him towards it. “You first.”
Pepper laughed, the tension leaving his shoulders. For a moment he felt as if he was a teenager again, goofing off with Basil, and he paused before the entrance. When his sister gave him an encouraging push, he took a deep breath and wedged his way through.
The path felt like second nature to them. They whispered excitedly as they weaved through the walls, following the familiar path, listening to the cheerful music of the bakery next to them. Pepper felt as if he had never left.
“Remember when I got stuck in the display counter?” Basil brought up suddenly. “When we were kids?”
Pepper snickered at the memory. Trying to steal an entire cinnamon roll, Basil had tripped inside the display counter and accidentally shut the door behind her. Pepper, nine years old, had been appalled. “I should have just left you there.”
“I would have been fine,” Basil snorted. “I could’ve lived off of cupcakes.”
Abruptly, their path stopped at a dead end. The memories continued to resurface as Pepper noticed a thumbtack which had been pushed into the wall, at his eye level. Above it, dozens of thumbtacks spread up into the darkness.
“The rock wall!” Basil exclaimed, grabbing Pepper's arm.
Pepper’s breath left his body, suddenly intimidated by the task ahead of them. He sent Basil a nervous grin, gesturing forward. “Ladies first.”
Incredibly lady-like, Basil punched Pepper in the arm. As he winced, rubbing at the pain, she grabbed onto the first thumbtack and hoisted herself up. “Easy.”
After climbing up another few inches she suddenly paused, blinking at the palm of her hand. “Oh… this is weird.”
Pepper had just grabbed onto the first thumbtack. He glanced up. “What?”
“These aren’t very dusty,” Basil murmured. Curiously, Pepper glanced at the thumb tack in front of him. Dust coated the bottom, but the top was smooth and clean, Basil’s fresh handprint visible. 
“Another borrower, maybe?” Pepper offered. “Or mice?”
Basil frowned, grabbing onto the next thumbtack to pull herself up. “There better not be any mice in here.”
Considering the amount of holes and cracks the borrowers had left inside the walls of the bakery, it wasn’t unlikely to think that an animal could have found its way inside. If Pepper was a mouse, the smell of pastries would lure him in, too.
It took a few minutes for the pair of them to reach the top of the thumbtack wall, heavily out of practice. They both tumbled off onto a wooden platform, pausing momentarily to catch their breath.
“How did we do that every day as kids?” Basil wondered, hand over her heaving chest. Pepper laughed, gazing up at the dusty wall for a few moments. Light beamed at them through a crack in the wall, suddenly reminding Pepper where their path led. Once his heart rate had returned to normal, he approached and peered out. 
Music and warm lighting greeted them. Pepper and Basil were at the highest corner of the bakery, above the display counter. Ahead of them, a shelf protruded from the walls, stretching across the expanse of the room. The ceiling hovered mere inches above their heads.
“Where’s Felix?” Basil whispered to Pepper as they stepped off onto the counter. He blinked, searching for Felix’s table in the corner. It was empty.
“Huh.” Pepper furrowed his brow, searching the expanse of the bakery. The only humans in sight were an old couple and the girl working at the display counter directly below them. “Maybe he went for a walk.”
“Maybe he hates you,” Basil offered. Pepper rolled his eyes. 
It was strangely concerning to not be able to see Felix, but he really doubted that his soulmate would get up and leave without having a valid reason. Ignoring Basil, Pepper began his trek across the shelf.
Rows of small, white boxes covered the shelf, which Pepper knew were filled with spoons, cupcake liners, and other miscellaneous supplies. He took a deep breath, basking in the warm scent of the display counter below them.
“I can’t wait to see our room,” Pepper murmured. “I hope our stuff’s still there.”
Basil was gazing out into the bakery as they walked. She smiled. “Yeah, me too.”
Reaching the end of the shelf, Pepper led Basil into a narrow crack, back inside the walls. His anticipation grew by the minute. “It’s right down here, isn’t it?”
Basil nodded rapidly, taking the lead. She skipped through the walls, both of them chatting excitedly— until finally they found a handmade pink curtain, covering the door to their childhood home.
Pepper stiffened. He sent Basil a glance, and with a nod, she took his hand, drawing in a deep breath. With a sweep of the curtain, they stepped inside.
The emotions immediately hit Pepper like a truck. He sucked in a sharp breath, gazing up at the dusty walls, covered in pink tapestries and smiley-face stickers, all of which he could clearly remember putting up. The palm of a white glove was shoved into a corner, flattened over years of being used as Pepper and Basil’s bed. In the center of the room, a table and chair had been meticulously crafted out of cardboard and toothpicks. A thin, pink tablecloth had been draped over it.
“Oh,” Basil said softly, blinking rapidly. Pepper exhaled.
“Oh,” he said.
The nostalgia only grew as they explored the room, gazing up at years of old drawings and stickers, running their hands over the little trinkets and decorations. Pepper’s curiosity expanded as he discovered a thick brown fur coat, something he instantly recognized as mouse fur, draped over a chair. “Basil, look at this.”
“Hm?” His sister glanced up from where she was leafing through an old journal of hers. She blinked, focusing on the fur coat. “What is that?”
Pepper dug his fingers into the mouse fur, lifting it up. “I think someone has been living here,” he murmured. His mind instantly jumped to excitement that he might be able to meet another borrower— but anxiety squirmed into his thoughts. If this room now served as someone else’s home, did that mean they were trespassing?
“Oh!” Basil straightened up, bounding over to feel the coat as well. “That explains why there’s not a lot of dust. Maybe they’re around!”
Pepper glanced at the door nervously. “I hope they’re not mad at us for being here.”
“It was our home too,” Basil pointed out, lips twitching into a smile.
Just as Pepper opened his mouth to respond, his attention was tugged towards the door. The pink curtain ruffled, and before Pepper could think to hide, a tall figure stepped into the room. 
The unfamiliar borrower stood taller than either sibling, features sharp and defined. Her blonde hair had been pulled into a braid, while thin strands framed the fair skin of her sharp face. 
Immediately, dark eyes widened and fixed on Pepper and Basil, who were standing like deer in the headlights. “Who are you?”
“Sorry!” Pepper rushed immediately, dropping the fur coat back onto the chair. He stepped back, flushing, glancing at Basil for assistance. “Sorry, we’re just stopping by.”
“We used to live here,” Basil explained abruptly, sending Pepper a glance as if to tell him to relax. “It’s nice to meet you.”
The other borrower’s shoulders dropped, intrigue crossing her face. “Oh, really?” Dark eyes glanced between Pepper and Basil. “I’ve been wondering where the previous residents went!”
As she gestured to the room, a smile split across her face, revealing what Pepper initially thought was a fang. Upon closer inspection, he realized that it was a snaggletooth. 
Both siblings relaxed at her positive response, relieved that they wouldn’t be scolded or attacked for trespassing. 
“Oh— well, that’s us,” Pepper agreed. His eyebrows raised at her sudden cheeriness, a strange juxtaposition to her intimidating demeanor. “I’m Pepper. This is Basil.”
The other borrower briskly crossed the room, holding her hand out with a grin. “Iris.”
Basil, the more extroverted sibling, immediately jumped into questions after swiftly shaking Iris’s hand. “Do you live here? How long?”
Iris let out a gravelly laugh. “Here, let’s sit.” 
She ushered the two of them towards the bed. Feeling vaguely as if they were kids again, they dropped down onto the soft surface. Pepper stretched his arms, relieved after all of their climbing through the walls.
Iris hooked her bag onto a chair, then sat cross-legged on the floor in front of them, hands planted on her knees. “I just moved in a few weeks ago,” she explained, voice bright. “It’s great. Didn’t even have to find furniture or carve out any exits in the walls— it was all here already.” She grinned, glancing between the two siblings. “I guess I should thank you guys for that, huh?” 
Pepper laughed, although his curiosity grew. Iris didn’t seem to be any younger than himself, so he wondered where she might have lived before this. “Right. I hope we aren’t intruding.”
“Oh, not at all!” Iris waved her hands, dispelling the thought. “I’ve barely moved in. It’s more your home than mine.” Suddenly worried, she peered closer. “Wait— are you moving back in?”
“No, no,” Basil clarified, amused. “We just wanted to stop back in and visit our childhood home. We won’t be long.”
Iris clasped her hands together, delighted. “Oh, that’s so sweet. Are you two twins?”
With a laugh, Pepper set on explaining how he and Basil had grown up here. Iris listened intently, and Pepper’s anxieties began to quell. As intimidating as the tall borrower had seemed at first, Iris was turning out to be incredibly hospitable.
Pepper chose to exclude Felix from his explanation. Basil didn’t mention him, either.
Just as Basil began to steer the conversation towards Iris’s interesting fur coat, a fourth voice entered Pepper’s mind, soft and familiar.
“Hey, Pepper— I’ll be a little late picking you up, so no rush, okay? Just let me know when it’s time to go.”
Confusion tugged at Pepper’s chest, but he ignored it, clasping his hands. “Okay, sounds good.”
Basil sent him a quizzical glance, but Iris didn’t seem to notice. Focusing back on the conversation, Pepper straightened up. He and Basil had much more time to explore than he had thought, and his excitement was pouring back.
“Wanna go out borrowing?” He suggested. “I know you just got back, Iris, but maybe we can show you some of our hidden passageways.”
To his relief, both borrowers lit up at the idea. “I’d love that,” Iris chirped, straightening up. “It’s been so long since I’ve gone borrowing with company!”
Felix chewed his lip, gaze flickering to the floor to follow Pepper and Basil’s path to the bookshelf. He always felt so uneasy to see the borrowers on the floor, even though he trusted them to keep themselves safe. 
Not wanting to draw attention to himself or the borrowers, Felix pulled out his phone, scrolling absentmindedly. When he glanced down at the bookshelf minutes later, the borrowers were nowhere to be seen. 
He exhaled, shoulders relaxing. A bit more comfortable now that the borrowers were safely in the walls, Felix gazed around the bakery, curiosity expanding.
He had to admit, it was an adorable place. The idea of Pepper and Basil growing up here, exploring the display cabinets and basking in the pleasant scent of cookies, warmed his heart. 
God, how small would they have been as children? Felix’s brow furrowed. He couldn’t imagine how cautious he would have to be picking up a borrower child. The very thought made his stomach flip.
He didn’t realize that he had been staring off into space until a knock on the window startled him. Jerking up, he blinked out through the glass.
To his surprise, Breanna stood outside, a tote bag hanging from her shoulder. A smile pulled at her lips as soon as Felix noticed her, and she gestured silently for him to come outside. Next to her, Alice stood with her hands in her jean pockets.
After a moment of hesitation and another insistent wave from Breanna, Felix pulled himself to his feet. With a quick glance at the floor to determine that the borrowers were nowhere to be found, Felix walked outside, anxiety tugging at his chest.
“Felix, hey!” Breanna immediately approached him, eyes glimmering with amusement. “Are you here by yourself?”
Felix flushed, glancing back at the bakery. “I, uh… well, I’m not—“
Breanna’s eyebrows shot up, curious. “Are you waiting for someone? Are you on a date?”
“Wha— no, why—?” Felix blinked, then shook his head. “I’m just… it doesn’t matter. What are you guys doing?”
Breanna smiled, tilting her head towards Alice. “We’re going shopping at the plaza,” she explained, “for The Little Mermaid. We need stage makeup, and some things for our costumes.”
Alice nodded, quiet. Felix hadn’t talked to her much since their fight at Ricky’s cast party, excluding their interactions during rehearsal. 
He didn’t have much to say to her. She had apologized, but until Pepper and Basil were comfortable with the idea of Felix being close friends with Alice again, he was content to avoid her.
“Hey— do you want to come with us?” Breanna suddenly suggested, glancing between her two friends. 
“I…” Felix glanced briefly back to the bakery, then at Breanna. After a moment he decided, “Sure. I need to buy stage makeup, anyway.”
He knew that the plaza was only a short walk down the street, and he had more than enough time regardless. Pepper had warned Felix that their excursion might take a couple hours, considering the size of the borrowers in comparison to the bakery. Besides, Pepper could communicate with Felix at any time if they needed to leave urgently.
Breanna lit up at his response, brown eyes warm. Alice glanced away.
Felix hadn’t told Breanna or Owen about what had happened with Alice and the borrowers. They knew that Alice had briefly met them, and that was that. Driving a knife into his friend group just seemed like too much, especially right after Alice had reluctantly apologized over the phone.
The three of them set off towards the plaza, Alice and Felix on either side of Breanna. Breanna, of course, wasn’t stupid; she was aware that Felix and Alice had gotten into an enormous fight barely a week ago, and something told Felix that he had intentionally been invited on this shopping trip in order for Breanna to attempt to repair their friendship.
Just as he expected, Breanna directed the conversation towards her two friends as soon as possible.
“You know, you guys are so cute in the musical,” Breanna chirped as they entered a small clothing shop, playing pleasant music overhead. “You have really good chemistry onstage.”
Felix and Alice both laughed at that, light and uncertain. Felix avoided her gaze by sifting through an array of button-ups. “Thanks… I feel like I’m so awkward onstage.”
“Oh, not at all.” Breanna found a pair of black heels and examined them. “I mean, I’m sure it’s easier to act all lovey dovey when it’s with your friend.” She sent a pointed look at Alice before setting the heels back.
Alice met Felix’s eyes briefly. They both hummed in response.
Minutes later, when Breanna broke away from them to ask an employee about the heels, Alice inched closer to Felix, uneasy.
“It’s been a weird week, huh?” She briefly met his gaze, voice quiet. “I, uh… I heard about Bree and Owen and that tiny girl.”
Felix nodded, hands playing with the sleeve of a gray button-up. After a moment of contemplation, he responded. “Yeah, they met.”
Alice sighed heavily. “Bree and Owen seem to really like that girl. I… I’m surprised they don’t hate me for what happened.”
“I didn’t tell them about… that,” Felix admitted quietly.
Alice’s hands paused over a button-up. “Oh,” she murmured. “Good.”
After a second of silence, she added, “Do they hate me?”
Worry tugged at Felix’s chest, and he glanced towards her, observing her tense form. He didn’t want to lie to her, but the truth didn’t seem very appealing, either. “They, uh— ah, hey, Bree.”
“They don’t have any of those heels in my size,” Breanna explained as she approached, a frown tugging at her lips. “I really liked them, too.”
After peering at Felix for a moment, Alice stepped closer to the shoe rock. “Oh— what brand are they? I can buy them online.”
“Wh— you don’t have to.”
“Shush, it’ll be part of your birthday gift,” Alice said dismissively, examining the heels.
Felix blinked, glancing towards Breanna. Her birthday was in a week, and he had nearly forgotten. It was her twenty-first, too— quite a big deal.
“Speaking of— do you have any plans for your birthday?”
Breanna shrugged at his question, seeming a little sheepish. “Ah, nothing yet. I’m not really a birthday person.”
“But you’re gonna be twenty-one,” Alice pointed out, somewhat distracted by her phone. “Soulmate era.”
Breanna let out an anxious laugh at that, covering her face. “Ugh, yeah— I’m so nervous. How do you deal with talking to someone in your brain all the time? What is it like?”
Felix and Alice shared a glance, amused.
“It’s weird— but you get used to it,” Felix offered. Alice nodded in agreement.
Suddenly reminded of his own soulmate, Felix took a minute to turn away, clasping his hands over his chest. “Hey, Pepper— I’ll be a little late picking you up, so no rush, okay? Just let me know when it’s time to go.”
After a moment, Pepper gave a quick response, and Felix dropped his hands from his chest. When he turned back to the girls, Alice was insisting that Breanna have people over for her birthday. She seemed unsure.
“Maybe just you guys and Owen,” Breanna hummed.
“Perfect— we can stay up until midnight with you, too,” Alice said brightly. “It’ll be fun.”
Breanna laughed warmly, glancing at Felix. “Alright. And tell those little guys that they can come, too.”
She was already walking away towards the makeup section before Felix even processed what she said. Briefly meeting Alice’s gaze, who looked just as baffled as he felt, Felix spoke up. “Wait, what?”
Breanna peered over her shoulder, holding her thumb and forefinger a few inches apart, approximating the size of a borrower. “You know, those guys. I mean, if it’s just the four of us, it’ll be fine, right? We all know about them.”
Felix blinked, heart jumping. “Uh— yeah, I— I guess.” Breanna nodded.
An uncomfortable expression had crossed Alice’s face. She opened her mouth as if she was about to respond, but changed her mind, silently following Breanna towards the makeup section. 
Felix released a breath. He could only imagine how Pepper and Basil would respond to this.
“You know, I’ve been hunting rats since I was a little kid,” Iris explained cheerfully. “It’s like second nature to me now.”
Pepper shared a glance with Basil, who currently seemed enthralled by Iris’s stories. The three of them stood behind an open jar of chocolate chips on the stainless steel counter of the kitchen. Iris had assured them that the young girl working at the front counter was the only employee currently working, which meant that the borrowers basically had free reign over the empty kitchen.
“Isn’t hunting rats dangerous?” Basil asked incredulously, tossing her hook up and catching it on the rim of the jar. Iris grinned beside her.
“Do they ever, you know— attack you?”
Iris shrugged, stepping back to observe Basil climbing up the length of her thread. Pepper raised his eyebrows at Iris’s nonchalant response.
“Oh, loads of times. I’ve got more than enough scars to prove it,” she remarked brightly, tugging up her pant leg to show Pepper an array of old injuries. His brow furrowed, stepping back.
In his twenty-two years of living, he had only wrangled with rodents a handful of times. Rats in particular were the nastiest, and he couldn’t imagine purposely hunting one down to kill. Iris continued to impress him with every word.
“That is so cool,” Basil gushed. When Pepper glanced back up at her, she was leaning over the rim of the jar, chin resting dreamily on her arms.
Pepper snorted. “Dude, the human bean could come in at any minute.”
Basil rolled her eyes, straightening up. “Yeah, yeah, I’m getting to it.”
“Where are you two from, by the way?” Iris asked, observing Basil digging through the chocolate chips. “I haven’t run into you before and I’ve been exploring this area for weeks now.”
Pepper hesitated. “Ah… we live a bit further than the plaza.”
Basil hummed in agreement, amused, as she slid down the length of her thread. Three chocolate chips were tucked underneath her elbow. “Yeah, a lot further.”
Pepper took a chocolate chip from Basil, ignoring her smirk. He busied himself by wrapping it in a small sheet of plastic wrap, retrieved from his bag. 
“Must have been a long walk, then,” Iris remarked, hands on her hips. “Do you live outside?”
Basil must have noticed Pepper’s apprehension, so she quickly responded for him, giving Iris a quick rundown of their home in a “random human’s” apartment. Iris seemed content with their answer, helping Pepper to wrap the rest of the chocolate chips into plastic wrap.
“To be honest, I’m not used to living inside,” Iris admitted with a shrug, “especially not by myself. I grew up on a farm, with a community of borrowers.”
Basil let out a breath, fascinated. “A farm? Why’d you leave?”
Iris’s cheerful attitude dwindled. Her dark gaze remained low. “Ah… there was a storm. The farm caught fire, and the community was exposed.”
Pepper blinked, hands hesitating. “I’m so sorry.”
He had never been as enraptured by the outdoor lifestyle as much as Basil. The weather is what really concerned him— what exactly was a borrower supposed to do during a thunderstorm, or a snowstorm? 
Iris’s story only confirmed his worries. He had never realized that a storm could be bad enough to start a fire. 
The blonde borrower sent a small smile over at Pepper. “It’s alright.” 
With a newfound appreciation for Iris’s strong-willed attitude, Pepper straightened up, holding his hand out to her. She blinked up at him, expression soft, and took his hand in her calloused own.
“Hey, Pepper, I hope I’m not interrupting anything— can I talk to you?”
Pepper squinted as he helped Iris to her feet, struggling to separate Felix’s voice in his mind from Basil’s voice across from him. She was speaking to Iris quietly, offering a comforting hand on the shoulder of her fur coat.
With a pointed look at Basil, Pepper turned away momentarily, clasping his hands against his chest.
“What’s up?”
“Oh— hey! Is it going okay?”
Felix’s voice seemed nervous. Pepper sent a glance at the girls briefly before responding, heart warm.
“Yeah, it’s actually great. We met another borrower.”
“Oh! Good! Ah, well— I hope this isn’t gonna… well, shit.”
“Uh— I ran into Alice and Breanna, and we went out for a little bit, but now they want to come visit the bakery with me. I don’t really know how to tell them that I need to go alone.”
Pepper frowned. “What?”
“I… Is it okay if I tell them that you’re here? Just so they know what’s going on?”
Worry yanked at Pepper’s heart, cold and heavy. Breanna didn’t really concern him— based on what Basil had told him, Breanna seemed to be relatively harmless. 
Alice, however, was not.
Pepper hesitated, hands hovering over his chest. Alice had briefly apologized over the phone a week ago, but that meant virtually nothing to him. The idea of Alice knowing his location made his stomach churn.
However, Felix didn’t exactly have another option than to explain the situation to the human girls. Why else would he possibly need to enter this bakery strictly alone?
Pepper chewed his lip, hesitating. “I, uh… let me talk to Basil. I’ll be right back.”
Dropping his hands away from his chest, Pepper exhaled. Iris had noticed him with his hands clasped over his chest, and her eyebrows were raised, expectantly observing his tense form. 
After scooping up a chocolate chip wrapped in plastic wrap, he gestured towards the wall behind them. “Let’s get back inside. I have something I need to talk to you guys about.”
Felix felt incredibly uncomfortable to be loitering in the gravelly lot behind the bakery, but he knew that this was the most logical way to pick up the borrowers.
He was worried that if he entered the bakery for a second time only to sit in the corner, he might draw suspicion to himself. Pepper had suggested telepathically that Felix could meet them outside, behind the bakery, with the assurance that the borrowers could find a path there. 
Felix shifted on his feet, listening to Breanna and Alice’s quiet conversation. Fortunately, there weren’t any other humans around— only a few garbage cans and parked cars surrounded them. He hoped that Pepper and Basil wouldn’t be too uncomfortable with the girls around.
Alice seemed just as uneasy with this as Felix felt. She chewed her lip, arms crossed, glancing continuously at the gravel below her feet. 
Once Pepper had given Felix the go-ahead, Felix had halfheartedly explained the situation to Breanna and Alice, to the best of his ability. Breanna had been intrigued.
“I’ve been thinking about them all week,” she had admitted. “Can we go with you to see them? I just want to say hi.”
Now, wracked with anxiety, Felix waited behind the bakery with Breanna and Alice.
His heart lurched when Pepper’s voice filtered through his mind, stating that the borrowers were on their way. He hoped that they weren’t nervous about meeting so many humans at once.
On instinct Felix stepped back when a small figure appeared at the base of the bakery, weaving his way through a bundle of weeds. With a crane of the neck, Pepper waved.
Suddenly fascinated, Felix’s gaze danced over the wall of the bakery, but there was no entrance in sight. It felt strange, to think about how obscured his perspective was by his own humanity. Humans were so oblivious to borrowers that he wouldn’t have guessed there was an entrance only a few feet away from him.
Pepper hovered near the weeds, peering up at Felix. His wary glance at the girls did not go unnoticed, and Felix knelt down, ignoring Breanna’s curious gasp.
“Hey,” he said gently, hoping Pepper could sense the apologetic look on his face. Pepper smiled, a little sheepish. His gray gaze continually danced around, instinctually wary.
Basil emerged from the wall as well, pressing close to Pepper. It was a relief for Felix to see them both completely unharmed— as much as he trusted them to keep themselves safe, he knew just how dangerous it could be for them to explore a bakery during the daytime.
He opened his mouth to speak, but he stiffened as a third borrower stepped into view.
She was slightly taller than either Pepper or Basil, her small figure buried under a thick fur coat (which only led to even more questions from Felix). Dark, inquisitive eyes peered up at him, and he suddenly felt incredibly self-conscious. The last thing he had expected was to meet another borrower.
A presence appeared at Felix’s side, and he glanced over, observing Breanna as she carefully knelt down. Her gaze was wide and fascinated, and although she was clearly struggling not to coo at their size, she remained polite. “Hello,” she greeted softly. “I’m Breanna. I just wanted to meet you.”
Pepper raised his eyebrows, gaze flashing briefly to Alice, somewhere behind Felix. His voice only wobbled slightly when he responded, “I’m Pepper. This is Basil.” Basil gave a little wave as well, silent. 
The new borrower, shockingly enough, stepped forward with her hand outstretched. “I’m Iris,” she remarked, posture stiff and wary. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Pepper and Basil both sent Iris a bewildered look, and Felix resisted the urge to laugh. He watched wonderingly as Breanna tentatively reached forward, lightly tapping her fingertip into Iris’s tiny palm. The blonde borrower remained stiff and rigid until Breanna withdrew her hand.
The other two borrowers continued to stare at Iris, floored, and Felix smiled to himself. Breanna appeared to be just as startled as he felt, staring curiously down at her finger. 
Felix quickly introduced himself to Iris, who waved up at him, seeming to have had her fill of shaking human hands. When the three borrowers’ gazes shifted behind Felix, expectant, he glanced over his shoulder.
Alice was standing several feet away, arms crossed uncomfortably. When she met Felix’s gaze she turned away, pale. Silence stretched between the six of them.
Pepper’s astonishment for the situation only grew in the following minutes.
Iris had been surprisingly understanding of the situation when the borrower siblings had explained it to her. In fact, after learning that Felix was Pepper’s soulmate, she had been intrigued enough that she wanted to go meet him herself. 
Pepper had been expecting her to linger near the exit and observe Felix from the shadows, so when she had confidently greeted both him and Breanna with only an ounce of hesitation, Pepper had been startled. Iris became more unpredictable by the minute.
“She’s the strangest borrower I’ve ever met,” Pepper murmured to Basil, watching as Iris stiffly shook Breanna’s fingertip.
“She’s awesome,” Basil responded brightly. “I want to be her best friend.”
Pepper laughed. When he finally noticed that Breanna and Iris were both watching Alice, no doubt expecting her to introduce herself as well, he hesitated. He had nearly forgotten that Alice was even here, and when he caught sight of her towering form further away, his stomach churned.
“Is she shy or something?” Iris muttered, and Pepper took that at his cue to draw the attention away from Alice.
“We should probably get out of here, huh?” He suggested nervously, rocking on his heels. The sun felt pleasant on his skin, but he didn’t want to be outside any longer than he had to be— especially now that his thoughts were filled with vicious rats and thunderstorms and being shoved into glass jars.
Felix nodded, seeming relieved. He seemed just as uncomfortable with this situation as Pepper felt. “Yeah, ah– it was nice to meet you, Iris,” he spoke quietly, addressing the blonde borrower beside them. His fingers twitched over where they rested in his lap, unsure. “Maybe we’ll see you around sometime.”
“Thanks.” Iris grinned, faltering only slightly when Felix shifted, a microscopic movement only distinguishable to the borrowers. After a quick farewell to Breanna, Iris addressed Pepper and Basil.
“Come back anytime,” she offered cheerfully, sweeping the both of them into a steely hug. “It was great to spend some time with you.”
Basil nodded, agreeing so enthusiastically that Pepper almost laughed. After a warm farewell, Iris stepped back towards the bundle of weeds. With a fanged smile and a wave, Iris weaved her way into the plant, vanishing in a matter of seconds.
“I’m in love with her,” Basil said dreamily. Pepper snorted in amusement, turning back towards Felix. He certainly didn’t share the same crush that Basil did, but he wouldn’t be disappointed if he were to run into Iris again.
“Alright, we’re ready,” he confirmed.
Breanna watched with rapt attention as Felix lowered his hand to the ground, allowing the pair of borrowers to delicately step on. She looked as if she wanted to reach out as well, but held back, clearly remembering how terrified Basil had been even to be in the presence of humans. Pepper appreciated her restraint immensely.
Next to him, Basil watched Alice with narrowed eyes. Even once Felix had stood up, the borrowers cupped carefully in his palms, Alice refused to address either of them. 
“Do you think she… feels bad?” Basil muttered in his ear. Her white knuckles dug onto her knee, dark gaze refusing to leave Alice, now that they were closer to her.
Pepper watched in fascination as Alice avoided their gazes, listening quietly to Felix and Breanna’s soft conversation. “Seems like it,” he admitted, aghast.
Right on cue, Alice spoke up, shifting on her feet. “Well, we should probably go.” Breanna sent her a curious glance, then turned back to Felix, opening her mouth to speak.
“Wait.” With a sudden burst of confidence, Basil straightened up, gaze locked on Alice.
Pepper stiffened under Alice’s blue gaze, snapping his head towards his sister. Basil was pale, seeming shocked by her own words, but she didn’t waver.
With a steely frown, Basil pointed at the dark-haired girl. “Don’t– don’t leave yet. I think it’s time for us to have a talk.”
Iris belongs to @paperlicense687 !!! thank you sm for designing such a cool character!! she was so fun to write and a really hope i did her justice :)
i am sad to say this but we are nearing the end of pepper & felix </3 only a few more chapters left aaaaah
likes comments and reblogs are always always appreciated !!
TAGLIST: @smallsday @compact-katrina @satethesatelite @taters169 @entomolog-t @gtzel @gt-newbie @da3dm @clumsiergiantess @vee-normous @fee-hunter @torakan @mabelisthebatman @andithewhumper @mothsintherain @violetlight @heroofthe13thday @phoenix-on-the-run @houseboatmac @dav8530
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rachellaurengray · 5 months
Not sure what to eat today that aligns with your diet goals? Here's a list of 50 things you can eat under 400 calories:
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1. Grilled chicken breast (4 oz) with steamed vegetables
2. Turkey and avocado wrap with 15 cal tortilla
3. Greek salad with feta cheese and olives
4. Veggie omelette made with egg whites
5. Quinoa salad with mixed vegetables
6. Baked salmon fillet (4 oz) with roasted asparagus
7. Tuna salad on whole grain crackers
8. Cottage cheese with sliced strawberries
9. Shrimp stir-fry with broccoli and bell peppers
10. Black bean soup with a side of cornbread
11. Grilled tofu skewers with teriyaki sauce
12. Whole grain pasta with marinara sauce and grilled vegetables
13. Hummus and vegetable sticks
14. Turkey chili with a dollop of Greek yogurt
15. Brown rice sushi rolls with cucumber and avocado
16. Chicken Caesar salad without croutons
17. Steamed edamame sprinkled with sea salt
18. Spinach and feta stuffed chicken breast (4 oz)
19. Veggie burger on a whole wheat bun
20. Caprese salad with fresh mozzarella, tomato, and basil
21. Lentil soup with a side of whole grain bread
22. Baked sweet potato topped with Greek yogurt and cinnamon
23. Tofu and vegetable stir-fry with low-sodium soy sauce
24. Egg salad lettuce wraps
25. Grilled shrimp skewers with zucchini and cherry tomatoes
26. Chicken and vegetable kebabs
27. Cauliflower crust pizza with veggies and light cheese
28. Whole grain toast with mashed avocado and sliced tomato
29. Baked cod fillet (4 oz) with lemon and herbs
30. Quinoa-stuffed bell peppers
31. Greek yogurt parfait with fresh fruit and granola
32. Turkey and vegetable soup
33. Baked eggplant parmesan
34. Steamed mussels in white wine sauce
35. Veggie and tofu lettuce wraps
36. Cottage cheese and pineapple
37. Spaghetti squash with marinara sauce
38. Greek yogurt smoothie with spinach and banana
39. Baked chicken meatballs with marinara sauce
40. Roasted vegetable and goat cheese salad
41. Salmon salad with mixed greens and balsamic vinaigrette
42. Turkey and cranberry lettuce wraps
43. Baked falafel with tahini sauce
44. Zucchini noodles with pesto and cherry tomatoes
45. Tuna and white bean salad
46. Stuffed portobello mushrooms with quinoa and spinach
47. Grilled teriyaki tofu with brown rice
48. Greek yogurt chicken salad with grapes and almonds
49. Turkey and black bean lettuce wraps
50. Spinach and feta stuffed mushrooms
These options offer a variety of tastes and textures while keeping your calorie intake in check. Enjoy!
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katsukiizmoon · 1 year
╰┈➤ ꒰🍓💌🥛 ┊boba time ┊Mama’s Harvest ꒱
『♡』 pregnancy
Your fingers fiddle with the little flower bud in your hands and you use the back of your hand to wipe sweat from your forehead. The sun is beginning to beat down on you, drenching your skin in rays.
“Almost done?” Katsuki startles you, leaning over from behind where you kneel.
You bounce, dropping the flower and turning around to give him a glare.
“Yeah, jus’ gotta finish pollinating the squash or it’ll produce less..” You remind, returning to the task at hand.
He chuckles, rolling his eyes and begins making his way through the garden with a basket in hand. Leaves rustle and the tell-tale sound of stuff flopping to the ground let’s you know he’s harvesting.
“Babe..” He calls and you glance over in his direction.
“Hmmm?” You wonder, nearly finished with your chores.
“How many peppers did you plant?” Katsuki inquires and you freeze.
“Uhhh..” Your mind races for an answer and you begin counting on your fingers. Whispering to yourself and naming off varieties.
“We’re gonna drown in peppers, holy shit.” He jokes, rounding one of the rows with a massive basket filled with different pepper varieties.
Katsuki rushes you inside, complaining that you shouldn’t be in the heat for too long and you pout. Still, you do as told and go inside to make lunch and relax.
There’s a lot of pros to your husband being a pro hero. One, you don’t need to work. You can if you want to but you don’t. Katsuki gives you all the money you want and more, no questions asked.
He doesn’t push unrealistic expectations on you, either. You had a career for years of your relationship and for the first two years of being married.
But when Katsuki came behind you with red cheeks and shy eyes, saying he wanted s little one, it was time for a change. Pregnancy is hard on the body and both of you thought it would be best to have you home for at least the first three years of the little melons life.
You aren’t far along, either. But your husband is persistent.
You watch from the kitchen window as he grabs another basket and scissors, only to come back with an abundance of herbs and fruits. Nothing in life rivals these moments.
You turn, grabbing s large knife and a cutting board to begin slicing a bunch of green onion. The knife hits the bamboo with a satisfying “knock knock knock” and you sigh in content.
Nausea bubbles in your throat and you push it down, thinking about all good things.
The door creaks open and Katsuki places the woven baskets on the table. You hear footsteps before his large hands are on your lower tummy. His head comes to rest on top of yours, where the places a kiss and sighs.
“So, when should we tell ma?” He ponders.
The cutting stops and you set down the metal utensil, turning to face him. Your arms wrap around his shoulders where they lay purchase, tugging your body closer to his own.
“Mmm.. not sure m’ love. Whadd’you think?” You mirror his mindset, unsure of what the best option would be.
“Well you’re the one growing the baby, so I thought you’d wanna do it a certain way- I dunno people get sentimental about this shit.” Katsuki’s damp lips come to rest on your forehead for a moment.
“Well I can’t hide it much longer- fuck it why don we just invite them over for dinner to get some of these peppers? We can tell em then!” You propose, shooting a look at all the excess fruit and vegetables.
“Yeah, we can do that, I’ll tell ‘em. What time?”
Katsuki’s breaking away, using his hip to bump you over so he can take over cooking. You smack his shoulder and he flinches. It stings even when he’s got a dark grey shirt on, no match for your mood.
You scowl and grab another cutting board and a bell pepper. He opens his mouth to say something but you cut him off.
“Baby I’m pregnant not dying. I’m cutting the damn bell pepper. And mm eight, we’ll do that.”
Before long, all the colorful foods are cut and turned into a large dinner. Sitting in front of you is chicken legs smothered in seasonings and drizzled in gravy over mashed potatoes. Your stomach grumbles and you nearly sigh in relief when his parents walk in.
The conversation continues as normal until you’re met with a wave of nausea. Your face scrunches and despite attempting to hide it- his mother notices. His father isn’t paying any mind, looking at the massive side salad you’ve prepared.
Her eyes narrow and her mouth opens.
“So, uh-“ Katsuki begins, cherry eyes flicking over to meet your own.
“I’m pregnant.” You reveal and his mother slaps the shit out of katsuki on instinct.
It isn’t malicious, she’s practically bouncing. A wide grin wipes across her face and she looks toward her husband with a giggle.
“Fucking FINALLY!” She yells and katsuki looks at her incredulously.
“Don’t look at me like that Katsuki! I’ve been wanting grand babies for years now!” His mother scolds, looking at you with a bright smile.
Katsuki takes a breath, nice and slow to steady himself, while your mother prods with questions. You’re eating, talking about the ins and outs of pregnancy while his father pitches in warmly.
He grumbles in the corner, telling his mom to shut up, and makes faces at some of the things he didn’t expect.
“Yunno, with this asshole, I really craved sweets. But the hardest part of being pregnant with him was probably the hemorrhoids and kicking. God- the kicking was horrible.” His mother explains, stuffing a last bite of mashed potato in her mouth.
You giggle at your husbands angry and confused face from the side. He seems almost offended that pregnancy could be so horrible.
“Why was the kicking so bad?” He pokes, much more gentle than usual.
“Ahh.. it feels like butterflies at first, yunno? But you moved a lot-“ she grabs a sip of water, tilting her head towards him, and places the glass back down.
“-that’s fine and all at first. But you got stronger and it hurt, at one point you had your foot pressed against my ribs for two hours! You’d just kick and it was a constant mild uncomfortable feeling..”
The blonde to your right furrows his brows and takes a sip of his own water. The metal fork he was once using placed on the side of his dish.
“Well, that… makes sense.” Katsuki thinks out loud and looks over towards you.
The dinner ends with kisses and hugs. His mother says she’s coming over in a few days with a couple pregnancy life savers and demands to have copies of the ultrasounds.
Katsuki takes his time that night while you bathe. He massages your shoulders and back, up your ankles and thighs and kisses your tummy. You catch him whispering for the little melon to be sweet to you and nearly coo at the man.
The next day, he brings in a large notebook and grabs a pen. “Baby Food” is messily written at the top and you smile.
A kiss is placed to the top of his head, then a kiss to your lower stomach, like it’s becoming routine.
There’s something fond, simple, and beautiful about the way he falls into fatherhood without question.
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bunnyb34r · 3 months
I must have looked really dead inside yesterday when I was out watering bc several drivers looked at me like 🤨 when driving by sggdgdgdgd like I could feel it
To be honest I was just really warm and sweating while i tried to hurry the hell up and finish so I could go eat dinner 😅
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sugarplumxx · 7 months
strangers - toji f.
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inspired by strangers by ethel cain/bones and all!! basically a tokyo ghoul au because cannibalism as a metaphor for love >> 
cw: nfsw, blood + gore, violence, cannibalism 
You meet Toji in the spring.
It’s a beautiful day. 
One of those days right after a rainstorm, where the ground is damp but the sky is dry: cool and crisp and ebbing into March. Residual raindrops trickle from the leaves, splattering to the ground every so often, occasionally landing in your hair. Not worth an umbrella.
It’s a beautiful day, and you’re being followed.
Late afternoon, after you’ve run all of your errands, picked up a drink at your favorite café, and are ready to walk home. Except you can't, because a man in a black hoodie and navy beanie has been following after you for the past fifteen minutes.
You try and shake him, walking around a few corners, even taking enough left turns to get full circle, and he’s still tailing you. You check behind yourself, and when you look back, he’s close enough for you to see the hunger in his eyes.
Not sure if it’s ghoulish hunger, or just the kind that men so often bear. Not sure if it’s the kind that eats at the flesh or at the soul.
Either way, it’s not safe. 
You try and head back towards the crowded part of town. With more people, it’ll be easier to shake him. Better yet, find a public bathroom or somewhere with other women. Still, that’s ten minutes out, and you start to walk a little quicker. Of course, this is the day you forgot your pepper spray. Not that it would help if he truly is a ghoul. 
Ghouls, you’ve learned, have appetites unlike any others.
You don’t fully notice the man leaning against the building until you’re close enough to smell his scent: deep and musky, like Marlboro reds and hard liquor. He’s tall, at least six foot two, and despite his jacket you can tell he’s well-built. Against your better judgment, you slide next to him, far enough to be appropriate but close enough that he looks down at you with his piercing dark green eyes.
“Please, help me…” You whisper, almost too soft to hear. “I-I’m being followed, and I don’t know what to—” He cuts you off with a scoff, running a big, veiny hand through his dark hair. You panic, worrying that you’ve fallen out of the frying pan and into the fire, but before you can decide what to do next the beanie creep has gotten close. He watches you with a dumb smirk, but his eyes settle on the mountain of a man beside you and he swallows heavily.
“Got something to say?” The man asks, tilting his head a little. Beanie gulps again, shaking his head. 
“Didn’t think so. Scram, freak.”
With a last look at you, the man scurries off, and the guy beside you sighs heavily. You’re ready to leave now, to get home and lock your door and shower both of their gazes off of you. 
“I-I—” “Shouldn't be out alone. S’not safe. Pretty little thing like you…” He adjusts, looking down at you again. 
“I-I was just running errands…” “M’sure you were. But you should run along now, too.” His hand ghosts over your shoulder before he gives you a soft shove. “Better that no freaks get their hands on you.” You do as he says, the place where he touched you tingling all the way home.
Toji sees you again in a few days’ time. He’s not sure what cosmic force has brought you two together again, but he wants it to fuck off and leave him be. It’s bad enough that he hasn’t had a good meal in a few weeks, but you’re just too pretty, smell too good, too soft and sweet and shy for his self control. 
It’s out at a café, of all the cliché places to see a pretty girl. You’re dressed in a cute little sweater and denim skirt, typing away at a laptop with a coffee and pastry in front of you, both untouched. As the little bell rings, your eyes flutter up to the door and then widen when you see him. Shit. Before he can back away from you, you’re already standing and walking up to him.
“H-Hi again.” “You need me to get rid of another douchebag, or can I get a drink?” He’s an asshole, and he knows it, he wants to rip himself apart for the way your face falls a little (but not as much as he wants to rip you apart, to tear into your flesh and lick your bones clean—)
“I never got a chance to thank you. I didn’t even really say it, I-I’m sorry, I was overwhelmed and I didn’t know what to say—” He grunts, cutting you off with a shrug, but you seem to be insistent.
“Let me pay for your drink, at least.” He can’t refuse free shit. But he should refuse sitting at your booth with you. Perhaps he would if he could, but regardless of shoulds, woulds, and coulds, he does, and he takes a swig of his steaming black coffee as his eyes pierce into you again.
You’re just so…you. The little twitch of your nose, almost like a bunny, whenever you sniffle. The soft way you speak, you tell him about how grateful you still are and how you were just so scared, scared for your life if the man was a ghoul—
His stomach curls at the way you say it. Not like it’s a dirty word, or like it’s something wrong. Simply that it’s something that would have put you in even more danger than if he was a mere human. 
Something that is putting you in danger right now, with the man in front of you, making permanent indents in his palms with how hard he’s clenching his hands.
He’s dangerous, and he knows that. The day you first came up to him, he had considered tearing into your pretty throat. If he hadn’t made you run along so fast, he probably would have. 
But you’re dangerous. The way you look at him, smile, the way you offer to share your pastry with him and the soft pout when he refuses. 
“Do you want your own?”
“Nah. M’not hungry.”
You’re just good. Not nice out of courtesy, not because you’re trying to repay him, but because you’re genuinely good and don’t want him to go hungry. But he is going hungry, and you’re not helping, if anything you’re making it worse because he wants to, needs to devour you.
“What’s your name, mister?” “Toji.” He’s not sure why he tells you. “You got one?” You do, and it’s beautiful, as sweet on your lips as he knows your flesh would be on his. 
You’re good, and you’re dangerous because of that. 
Toji knows this, but he still saves your contact in his phone. He knows this, but he still sees you the next Saturday afternoon, waiting outside of the craft place. 
He’s lied to you a lot to get to this point. Originally you thought about going to dinner, but he said that he had too many dietary restrictions (you believed him, because why else would he be drinking black coffee?) and preferred to eat at home. You’d wondered about a movie, but he’d said that he’d prefer to go somewhere that you could really talk, and not that he was worried that anywhere with you and him together in the dark would send him over the edge. You’d even suggested a museum, but he said that he wanted to look at you, not art. 
Toji imagined the way you’d blush when he sent that text. He couldn’t stop himself from flirting, no matter how much it tore him up, because he knew it’d make you happy. 
He’d rather break himself than break your heart. Your stupid, little, fragile heart. 
Your heart, that would be so easy to rip out, to suck clean as it tries desperately to keep beating—
Ceramic painting. Safe enough. Even kind of cute, although he’s no romantic. He meets you there, trying to ignore how adorable you look in your sundress and cardigan, and for the next two hours or so, the two of you talk over painting pottery.
He wasn’t sure about it going into it, but he’s enjoying it now, maybe even a little too much. He’s never painted before, not the type, but it’s satisfying how the colors blend together as he swirls dark and light blues together—
“Oh, ouch—” You let out a soft whine, immediately putting your finger into your mouth. You’d cut it on a raw edge of a mug, and he grips the table, the smell of your blood syrupy sweet and sickeningly mouthwatering. You grab a bandaid from your bag, focused on covering up the wound, and by the time you look up, Toji’s gone.
“Toji?” You call out, before standing. “Toji?” You step outside of the building, seeing him walking away, and a stab of fear rips through your chest. Did you say something wrong? Do something? Did he get mad at you, upset? “Wait!” He turns, his jaw hardened and gaze not meeting yours. You catch up to him, panting a little, your eyes starting to tear up. Sometimes you hate how sensitive you are. 
“W-Where are you going?” “I can’t…be around you,” he says, after a pause. “You…it’s not safe. It’s for your own good.” “What do you mean? Did I do something wrong—” “No, fuck, no! No, that’s the problem. You’re too…perfect. You smell good, your skin looks so soft, and I—godamnit. Look, I’m glad we talked, but I’m sorry. I can’t do this to myself any longer, or to you—” “Do what?” You’re about to cry, and he wants to scream. He doesn’t want you to cry. “I don’t want to hurt you!” It comes out too loud, and he looks around before stepping forward. “But I put you in danger by being around you.” You seem to be processing it a little more now. The blood on the mug being what set him off. The lack of eating, the hunger in his eyes that you’d mistaken for romantic interest.
“Oh…o-oh.” You look down at the ground. “Okay.” He feels his heart breaking, and he wants to scream again. Why? Why does it hurt so badly to see the way you stare at your shoes, the way you’re clearly trying to hold it together? He’s known you for less than two weeks, seen you twice before this, it shouldn’t matter. 
“I like you…” he says after a while. “You’re a cute kid. Should have a guy your age, who won’t want to eat you, not a monster.”
“M’not a kid,” you say softly. “And you’re not a monster. You helped me, remember?” He does remember. 
“Toji, you saved me. I don’t…a monster wouldn’t do that.”
“Doesn’t mean anything.” It does, fuck, it does, it means so much, too much. “Just…just forget about all of this okay?” “I don’t want to forget.” You’re going to cry again. “I..I-I know it was fast, but I…I thought we were…” You trail off, feeling stupid. He knows how you feel, though, and in another life if he was just a regular man, he’d let himself admit that he feels the same way. 
“I like you.” He repeats. “But I don’t want to hurt you.” You nod, but your eyes are still watery. He knows he’s breaking your heart.
“S’for your own good, kid.”
Toji eats the next day. Eats to fill the void that you left in him, to fill the space in his stomach that he knows you should occupy. Some random creep hitting on girls at the bar with pills up his sleeve that Toji invites out to “share a catch with.” 
The fucker believes him, and is shocked to find that there’s no drugged up girl in the alley next to the bar, but in fact a six-foot-four ghoul who tears his throat out before he can even scream. 
The meal is good. Enough to take some home for later. He packages it well, throwing it into the fridge and washing off the blood from his boots. He showers, the scalding water on his back enough to ground him again. No longer starving, he thinks a little clearer.
Once he’s in bed, he stares at the ceiling, a different kind of hunger panging in his stomach. 
He sees you, your stupid teary face and stupid ditsy smile. He hates you for how much he’s thought about you, but what’s worse is that he’s thought about more than eating you.
He wishes all he wanted to do was eat you. Things wouldn’t be so painful then.
He could have meant it when he said it was for your own good.
Toji texts you the next day.
Can we talk? 
You meet by the waterfront that night. It’s still chilly, the breeze enough to ruffle your hair, and you huddle into yourself a little. Toji keeps a safe distance, not too close. It takes a little bit for you to talk.
“What did you…want to talk about?” He swallows before he responds. 
“About you. I just want you to understand, kid, I didn’t want to hurt you.” “I know that.” You look up at him. “But…it still hurts. Either way, I think it would.”
After another long pause, you speak again.
“Are you going……to eat me?”
“Don’t think I can, kid.”
You turn to look up at him. He’s so much bigger than you, not just height-wise, but overall mass. You know that you wouldn’t stand a chance against him. What you don’t know is why you aren’t more afraid.
“It’s the easiest part, isn’t it? To kill? Easier than the chase, than the begging and pleading.”
“It’s the hardest part. To know that…that something’s gone because of you. Something you can’t have anymore.”
“Oh, that’s awfully philosophical, old man.” You elbow him playfully. “Finally acting your age?” “Yeah, killing you might be easier than I thought.” His chuckles are light, dancing up into the night sky, and you lean your head against his shoulder. He takes a deep breath in, you feel his whole body move as he does, as he accepts this.
“I don’t think you’ll kill me, Toji. I feel…I feel safer with you than I do alone.” He nods. 
“Maybe…we can figure something out, kid.”
___ Toji fucks you for the first time after a month of you two actually being together.
He takes you to restaurants, ghoul-run restaurants underground that you have no business going to, but with him beside you, he knows no one will give you trouble. You bring your own food, takeout he pays for on the way there, and you sit together in the back corner. He takes you to the movies, to go painting and hiking and watches you eat ice cream at the park. 
He doesn’t touch you, though, and that makes you crazy.
You’ve never been a needy person. You’ve always preferred to help others, to people-please, to deny yourself in favor of indulging others. The only sex you’ve ever had was purely for your partners, to make them happy. 
The last guy you had sex with took advantage of that. He was handsome enough that you were with him for about four months, and during that time you learned quickly to hold yourself back. The guy took you when he wanted you, where he wanted you, how he wanted you: quiet and complacent.
Toji doesn’t seem to want you at all.
You work up the courage to ask him one night, relaxing at his house after a dinner date.
“Am I…am I not your type? As far as…sex goes?” He looks over at you from across the couch. He won’t even hold you.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” “You don’t touch me…I mean, we’re watching a movie and you don’t even hold me…we never hold hands or anything.” “I don’t touch you so that I don’t kill you.” You nod, swallowing a little. You like being with Toji, but he can be so blunt. It hurts a little, sometimes.
He sighs, his gaze softening, and reaches over to brush his hand against your cheek.
“Look at me.” You do.
“I…I want you. In all of the good ways. But also in all of the ways that should scare you.” “It doesn’t scare me, Toji. You don’t scare me like that. I trust you.” His eyes widen a little, like he’s never heard that before.
“Fuck, kid. You’re gonna be the death of me.” He says the same thing later on, as he slowly and gently thrusts into you. You let out a whimper, your head falling forward and quick gasps leaving your mouth.
“Squeezing around me like this. Didn’t know you were this needy.” His dirty talk is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. It’s about more than just himself, more than just your body, but about both of you and how you’re connected. He’s also big, so big inside you that you can’t help but tear up with each controlled movement of his hips.
“God, m’gonna lose my fucking mind. She’s so wet for me, hm? So tight.” You nod, letting out another little whimper. You’ve always been the type to get less vocal when you’re overwhelmed, and if there’s anything that overwhelms you it’s the drag of his cock against your walls, the slap of his hand against your skin, the way he groans into your neck when he gets close. You flop forward after he guides you to orgasm, talking you through it the whole way and then chuckling when he sees you go limp.
“M’not done, kid. You wanted me to touch you, to take you…so I’ll take what’s mine, yeah?”
You move into Toji’s house in late summer. 
It’s humid the day he comes to your old apartment in his truck, loading the boxes into the bed and wiping his sweaty face with his white tee. His hand grips yours as he drives you home for the first time.
After unloading everything, you sit together on the floor by the fan. He’s watching a soccer game, leaned against the couch and nursing a beer, and you put your head in his lap as you nap in the sunlight. 
You drift in and out of sleep, lulled by the feeling of him stroking up and down your spine, his hand slipped beneath the cotton of your tank top. 
After a few hours of dozing, you get up to find something to eat. He stays, his own eyes starting to grow heavy, but he’s snapped out of it by the little noise you make when you open the fridge.
“Oh yeah, forgot to tell you. There’s meat in there…” “I can see that.” You cringe a little, trying to look past the wrapped and sealed hunks of still-raw flesh inside.
“I can freeze ‘em. But there should be—” “Food?” He can hear the way you scrunch up your nose at the word. “Toji, did you buy food for me?” He blushes, shaking his head.
“No idea what you’re talking about, kid.” “There are apples in here. Apples, pomegranates…oh, and a few premade things as well!”
He’s silent, not responding, and you smile, heart swelling.
“Thank you.” “Figured…you’d need something to fill you up.” “Mh, I have that already.” 
He comes home covered in blood.
“Not mine,” he tells you, his hand fluttering against your cheek. “Don’t furrow those brows at me, I’m fine.” “You’re covered in blood,” you say softly, shaking your head. “That’s…you’re not fine.”
He looks down at you, his eyes soft with some kind of gaze that almost mocks your concern. 
“Just said it wasn’t mine.” “That’s worse.” You look up at him, your eyes hard with a look that tells him he’ll never understand. “Come on. I’ll wash you off.” You’re cryptic sometimes. Toji doesn’t like that. He prefers people to be more blunt, the way he is. Or maybe he feels like he’s missing something, and that’s not something he’s used to. 
He sits in the water, water that has long turned pink, and he asks.
“Why is it worse?” “Hm?” You pause running the warm washcloth over his back. “What’s that?” “You said it was worse that the blood wasn’t mine. I don’t…why is it worse?” He hears you sigh, feels the soft breath against his shoulder blades as the puff leaves your lips. 
“…I saw a dog kill a bunny yesterday.” “What?”
There’s a soft, warm feeling, a press of your cheek against his skin as you rest your head on his damp flesh. 
“When I was walking in the woods. I saw them…it loved that bunny. I knew it.”
“How’s that?” “It ripped its throat out. And then it licked it, kissed it with all the passion you could imagine.”
He frowns, feeling you wrap your arms around his body, now scrubbed clean. “It takes a lot to die. But it also takes a lot to kill.”
He takes you that night, again. Again, and again, and again. You can barely keep your eyes open as he ruts himself into you, deep into that place that makes you jolt and punches soft little whines from the back of your throat.
His lips graze over your neck, right over your pulse, and you feel him press kisses to the vein.
He could tear you open right now. You would bleed out in his arms. But he’s not doing it, and if he’s led you to believe anything, it’s that it takes him an immense amount of control not to do so every second he’s around you.
“Something made you clench, baby?”
You whimper in response, your hands fluttering against his broad shoulders. You can feel him in your cervix, so close and deep that if it weren’t for the little pill you take every morning, he’d have gotten you pregnant already. Creating life with you, when his greatest fear is taking it away from you.
“I love you, Toji,” you whisper after he’s collapsed on top of you and pulled you into his chest. 
You’re not sure if he’s awake to hear it, but you feel how he stiffens ever-so-slightly.
“Don’t have to say it back. Not if it’s not…right. I just want you to know.” “Shh. I love you too, kid.” ___
He’s always known that being around you puts you in danger. He thought it was due to his own inhibitions, his own desires, his own twisted hunger. 
Not his own past catching up with him. 
He gets a text one afternoon while he’s at work. It’s from you, and he smiles, preparing himself for a daily post-lunch check-in.
All it is is a location. 
Immediately, he stands, trying to call you, but it goes straight to voicemail. Shit. He feels hot panic pooling in his stomach, as he gets close to the place. 
Some alleyway. Not far from home. Not safe. 
He can hear soft whimpers, pained and terrified, and he sprints down the alley, his eyes landing on the beanie fucker from before who has you pinned to the wall. Your phone lays shattered nearby, along with your jacket, and you’re letting out cries as he digs his hands into your stomach and devours what he finds there.
Toji snaps the man’s neck before he understands what’s happening. He throws the man against the other side of the wall, his hands tearing into his cracked neck and pulling it apart. 
The man doesn’t matter anymore.
You lay at the base of the wall, a sickeningly sweet red smeared on the brick above you. Legs having failed to keep you held up, too weak to support you, now crumpled uselessly underneath your broken form. There’s more liquid pooling beneath you, coming from your stomach, your nose, the corner of your mouth, too much to be healthy, and Toji’s beside you, pulling you into his lap.
“Hey, look at me. Keep those eyes on me.”
You cough, a deep red sputtering past your lips as you try to say something. He shushes you again, trying to assess where the blood is coming from. He finds the giant hole in your abdomen, the place the stains are forming, and a whimper comes from the back of his throat.
He presses his hands to the wound, trying to stop the blood. It’s all over his hands, syrupy and mouthwatering in a way that makes his stomach turn.
There’s a gasp, a horribly pained gasp, followed by too quick breaths and wheezy begs for him to stop, to let up, not to press there, it hurts—
“I know, I-I know, fuck! I’m sorry, baby girl…” “D-don’t…don’t be…sor…” you trail off, your big eyes watching him intently. “S’okay.” “No, it’s not,” he sobs, his voice breaking. “You have to stay with me. I-I need you…” “H-hurts,” you whisper. “I-I…I need it to…to go a-away…” “What to go away? What do you need? Talk to me.” “The…the p-p…” You drift off again. “Hurts…” 
“I know it hurts. But I need you to stay awake so I can figure out how to make you feel better.” “M-make it stop…” your voice is small. “Please, Toji…”
“I don’t know how.” His voice cracks again. “I don’t know what to do…” “It’s the e-easiest thing, Toji, to eat…”
“No. No, I can’t. I-I can’t do that.” “Y-yes…” 
He sobs, shaking his head. He needs you. He doesn’t want to live without you. 
“I can’t be the reason y-you go.”
“M’not…going…a-any—” you cough up some more blood. “I’ll wait for y-you…at home, yeah?”
“Y-Y…yeah…” “I’ll keep the bed warm.”
You let out a soft, pained whimper, barely audible, as his teeth find your neck. He sobs into it, the taste so sweet but so bitter, burning on his tongue. Your last breath is gentle, peaceful, and wants to imagine you that way forever. Not like this. 
You’re all over his mouth, dripping onto the cobblestones of the alleyway. He lets out another sob. Your taste is all he’s ever craved, your flesh all he’s ever needed. All he needs is to eat. To love you and eat.
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alrightbuckaroo · 2 months
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Happy Wednesday, everyone! Here's a little snippet from something I hope to have up sooner rather than later <3
“Oh my god,” Carlos mutters to himself, trying to stall the chuckle in his voice. “TK, are you scared the dog’s going to eat Lou II?”
“Of course I’m scared he’s going to eat Lou II,” TK finally admits, slamming the container of bell pepper slivers on the counter. Slices of green, yellow and red coalesce together in the air, shooting up like fireworks. “Carlos, do you know how many bearded dragons are killed by other household pets every year?”
Carlos covers his mouth, halting the laughter before it can begin. It doesn't work. He chuckles as he says, “No baby, I don’t.” He answers with a grin that normally makes TK melt.
“Well neither do I,” TK volleys, comically exasperated. “But I’m sure it’s a jarring amount.”
“Don’t you think you’re being a little unfair?” Carlos suggests, running his hands through PB’s fur. Now that he’s been washed, groomed, and fed, Carlos can see his coat in all of it’s glory; how it shines like glossy mahogany in the mid afternoon light. “I mean, if any dog is going to end up Lou II, I’d put my money on Buttercup.”
“Keep his name out of your mouth,” TK counters, voice low.
Thanks for the tags!
@whatsintheboxmh, @three-drink-amy, @lemonlyman-dotcom, @strandnreyes, @carlos-in-glasses,
@butchreyes, @orchidscript and @reyesstrand!
Gonna tag:
@bonheur-cafe, @heartstringsduet, @herefortarlos, @honeybee-taskforce, @paperstorm
@never-blooms, @freneticfloetry, @fifthrideroftheapocalypse, @literateowl
@welcometololaland, @rmd-writes, @basilsunrise, @carlos-tk, and
@lightningboltreader, @theghostofashton
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matchalovertrait · 6 months
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The entree round begins! Who will cook the best dish? Who will cook the better soup? Find out... not in the next segment.
Previous / Next (Transcript under the cut)
(1.) [Mia] Somebody here did not fully follow the rules of Diced Junior.
(2.) [Carlo] And that would still be Lewis! A producer pointed out to us that Lewis here did not use the vegetables that were in the flatbread. We didn't even notice since the flatbread was so burnt.
(3.) [Lewis] Oh, I was supposed to use EVERYTHING from each basket ingredient? Anyway, thank you for the opportunity, judges.
(4.) [Mia] Thank you, Lewis. Please audition for Diced once you're older. We'd love to see you compete again.
(5.) [Lewis] Well, I already came to terms with being eliminated before they announced it. Maybe I will try Diced someday.
(6.) [Dulce] Bye, Lewis!!
[Alex] You did good, man.
[Rubiya] We'll miss you.
[Lewis] Bye, everyone. Good luck.
(7.) N/A
(8.) N/A
(9.) [Andrea] Chefs, please report back to your stations. Your baskets for the entree round have been placed.
(10.) [Dulce] Wow, they move fast here.
(11.) [Andrea] Inside your baskets, you'll find jicama, hatch green chiles...
(12.) [Andrea] ...goat chops, and chana masala.
(13.) [Rubiya] I'm pleasantly surprised with these ingredients! They won't be hard to combine. However, the real challenge here will be the time limit while using these complex items.
(14.) [Dulce] Yes! My mom is Mexican, so I am very familiar with jicama and chiles. Also, my mom's friend taught me how to cook some Indian dishes, so I know how to work with masalas. I haven't cooked goat yet, but I should be able to figure it out.
(15.) [Alex] I'm happy with the ingredients, just a lil worried about the chiles. Good thing I've cooked goat lotsa times by now.
(16.) [Andrea] Chefs, the 30-minute timer starts now!
(17.) [Rubiya] I'm making chana masala goat tacos with a green chile salsa and jicama dip.
(18.) [Rubiya] Tacos aren't necessarily easy to make, but with my thirty-minute time limit and these beautiful ingredients, this is the way to go! I'll incorporate the ingredients well. If only I could make the tortillas from scratch, but it is what it is.
(19.) [Dulce] I'm making a tomato soup with goat, jicama, chana masala, and hatch green chiles. I'll add sweet potatoes, onion, kidney beans, and green bell peppers.
(20.) [Dulce] There's a lot of things to dice and chop while also making sure the goat and sweet potatoes are thoroughly cooked, but I want to push myself. Also, the judges seemed to really like how I play with many different ingredients, so I want to do that again.
(21.) [Alex] I'm making an egusi soup with cubed goat meat, hatch green chiles, spiralized jicama, and chana masala. My other ingredients are tomatoes, onions, and spinach.
(22.) [Alex] Well, there aren't any egusi seeds here, so I have to use pumpkin seeds instead. I'll keep the name though, it sounds fancier that way.
(23.) N/A
(24.) [Andrea] Judges, any thoughts and opinions so far?
(25.) [Sofia] We love how confident these young contestants are.
[Mia] However, we also noticed how Alex and Dulce are both making soups. Unfortunately, that will make our judging harsher because we are going to have to compare the two.
(26.) [Carlo] Tsk, tsk. They should have thought more outside the box. Also, Dulce really has to watch the time. Andrea, please check on the contestants.
[Andrea] Will do, Carlo!
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