#greer showing up to ruin everything again
Riot Kings, page 165
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clansayeed · 4 years
Bound by Destiny II, part 2 ― Chapter 5: The Long Story
PAIRING: Kamilah Sayeed x MC (Nadya Al Jamil) RATING: Mature
⥼ Bound by Destiny II, part 2 ⥽
They fled New York with one purpose. Find, hunt down, and return with a way to kill a vampire god. They abandoned their loved ones and survived the City of Shadows; had their trust broken and darkest secrets brought to light. All that... and Gaius still won anyway. But now that they have nothing to lose, Nadya and her friends are finally ready to do whatever it takes to see the King of Vampires overthrown.
They just have to avoid a vampire population eager to gain favor with their new monarch, the ruthless Order of the Dawn, and whatever plans Gaius has that involve Nadya captured and brought to him alive. So... easy-peasy, right? The worlds of both dark and light hang in the balance. The time has come for the Bloodkeeper to embrace her destiny. So if anyone wants to clue her in on whatever that means, now would be great!
Bound by Destiny II and the rest of the Oblivion Bound series is an ongoing reimagining project of the Bloodbound series and spin-off Nightbound. Find out more [HERE].
TAG LIST: @googlesentmehere, @cess02, @hellyeah90sbaby​ 
*Let me know if you would like to be added to the Oblivionverse tag list!
⥼ Summary ⥽
Freed from the Order's clutches, reuniting with Kamilah after all this time isn't at all like Nadya had imagined it would be. But they all have some catching up to do... And what Kamilah has to say will change everything.
content warnings: language, canon-typical violence, blood
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Did anyone else know Kamilah had an entire building as offices set up in pretty much every major city, or was she supposed to just… like… find this out on her own?
Walking through the doorway into a near-exact replica of the woman’s New York penthouse should feel like a relief. Between the practically-identical furniture and layout to the fact that Nadya’s pretty sure she hasn’t let go of some part of Kamilah since they had managed to get that awful cage open; she’d even go so far as to say it should feel like home.
But it doesn’t.
And even though she over-thinks every possible reason until her head hurts, Nadya just can’t figure out why.
“You’re sure they’re okay?” She asks again; not because something might have changed in the five minutes since she last pressed about how Brandon and Greer had gotten out of the Order’s raid alive, but because the repetition helps make it feel a little more real.
Only Jax has clearly reached his limit on the matter. “For the last time, yes. A few cuts and bruises but surprisingly they held their own. I keep telling you I got them out myself but since you refuse to believe me…”
“No no,” hastily, swallowing around her dry mouth, “I do. I just…”
“Blame yourself?”
And it’s clear from even the tiniest glance that’s not a weight she’s carrying alone. Not saying that makes it easier, but…
A familiar touch brushes through her hair and Nadya leans into it on instinct. Kamilah’s fingertips tickle the spot underneath her ear and the tension just sort of… oozes out of her shoulders. “I’ve arranged for their recovery in a safe place. One that cannot be connected to any of us, and free of our kind entirely.”
There’s a knowing glint in her eye when Nadya finally looks up. Thank god, if she could cry any more she just might, that means Gerard made it out okay.
They haven’t even sat down and already Adrian is ducking out onto the balcony, new burner phone already pressed to his ear and a familiar worry etched into his frown.
“I guess Serafine was friends with the owner of the club where you were…” Cadence doesn’t say the words ‘attacked,’ ‘kidnapped,’ or any variation thereof for which Nadya is immensely grateful. “So when we had a solid lead on where you two had been taken, Adrian all but insisted she stay behind and help see to the injured.”
She’s almost hesitant to ask. “How did you find us, anyway?”
After all, the ride back to central London had been long. Well… long for a starving vampire and an exhausted human anyway. The Order had gotten them at least an hour out before the rescue team had swooped in and saved the night.
Her question is met with a long pause. Any other time Nadya might have guessed he was just gearing up for one of his long-winded explanations of this tracking method or that mysterious contact in the shadows. Not this time though.
Not when he pauses mid-step and knocks his shin into the dark-stained wooden corner of the coffee table.
She tries to meet his eyes but something off near the kitchen is far more important. Nadya glances over her shoulder to the sight of Kamilah in the doorway, frozen like a statue with an expression just as stony.
She catches the faintest shake of the woman’s head right before Cadence plasters on a smile a little too wide to be sincere.
“That doesn’t matter now. You’re safe, so best not to dwell.”
“Bullshit.” mutters Lily beside her, and Nadya reaches up to pet her head on her shoulder in solidarity.
There are definitely more questions to ask.
Questions like where the hell did Kamilah come from?
Or weren’t Cade and Serafine supposed to be leading their hunters on a false trail towards literally anywhere else?
And, possibly the most dire of them all, how close are those same hunters now that we’re all in a pretty conspicuous not-so-safe house?
All of them good questions, objectively. But they will have to wait.
Kamilah returns from the kitchen bearing a sterling silver serving tray. Steam and the familiar scent of Gerard’s favorite herbal tea tickles at the tip of her nose; she’s grabbing for it before the tray even meets the table.
Beside the cup and saucer is a blood bag, and not for the first time does Nadya find herself wondering why they didn’t think to hide out here sooner.
You’d think with the scabbing skin still slightly smoky around her wrists and the clear bags under her eyes that Lily would dive into the offered meal like it’s Taco Tuesday… which is something Nadya will now never be able to unsee, which is awesome. She doesn’t though.
Doesn’t even reach for it. Just stares at the thick plastic and how it catches the light overhead silent and transfixed.
And Lily’s not the only one.
Across from them Kamilah sits, rigid and alert. Jax grasps the back of an armchair with white knuckles and a set jaw. Even Cadence bites at his thumb nail with nerves he’s probably not even conscious of.
Nadya sets her teacup down to quell the sudden tremor in her grip.
It’s obvious from the sweat on her upper lip and the slits that were her pupils that Lily needs this.
What she doesn’t need is the pressure.
“Am I supposed to be waiting for Raines to nab a seat for the show?” She bites out, fangs clenched together. She’s making a conscious effort to keep her lips over her top row of teeth which muddles her words a bit.
Unfortunately nobody seems to get the hint to back off but Cadence, who silently decides to go join Adrian instead… with the balcony door closed firmly behind him.
Kamilah and Jax exchange a long look. No words; just quirked eyebrows and Kamilah’s inclined head.
Jax takes his cue and comes around to sit, elbows on his knees and every inch of the ‘stern parental figure’ look resolute on his weary face.
“It was life or death — for all of us. No plan, no escape; I want you to know I think you did the right thing, no matter what. It was kill or be killed.”
Familiar words for them all. They make Nadya’s hand clench into a fist on her lap. She shoves it between her legs at the knees.
This isn’t about her right now.
Lily raises her chin defensively. “You got a point there, Jax?”
Oooh this is bad. Very very baaaad.
“I saw something during the fight.” He laces his fingers together between his spread legs. “And it might’ve just been the chaos, the adrenaline… But if there’s even a chance it wasn’t…”
“Lemme clear that up for you.”
Lily snatches the bag faster than Nadya can blink. Faster than Kamilah and Jax seem to have expected, too; judging by their startled looks.
Faster than a vampire her age and in her condition should be moving, in summary.
She holds nothing back. Brighter eyes a little too much on the edge of carnal looking at the promise of sustenance with glee right before she sinks both sets of fangs in deep. It pops and ruins all future mental images of water balloons for Nadya in the process. But even through her messy eating Lily doesn’t spill a single drop.
Jax leans back and sighs with something like relief, but everything else on his face says the complete opposite. “It was just a flash,” he mumbles as if to himself, “and with everything going on I swore it was a trick of the lights. But then they took you and…”
“The Order is not in the habit of leaving survivors,” Kamilah explains for him; and she would know, “let alone taking captives.”
Lily drops the bag into her lap when she finishes — when there’s literally nothing left inside. Like… not even the weird little blood bubbles left. She looks like she wants to rip it open like a bag of hot cheetos and lick the insides just in case.
On the plus side, her wounds are already starting to heal. New skin fresh and practically glowing.
And thankfully not tinged that Feral-like grey.
“Well they’re good at it, habit or not. Their tech is so high it makes high tech look like dial-up.” She rubs at her wrists; the ghost of the memory dark in her now-human eyes. “And it sucked butts and all but…” how is there a ‘but’ to this of all things?I
“But even I’m not gonna say it wasn’t probably the only thing that kept us alive in the end. So. That’s all I’ll give them — only because we didn’t, you know, get shipped off to some vampire-Guantanamo Bay.”
A heavy silence hangs over them then. Nadya can’t even imagine what the club must look like now — what it must have looked like when Adrian and Jax had finished their share of the fight only to look up, look around, and see no sign of either of them. All the ash, all the bodies… and one of them, Nadya remembers with much displeasure, that she was even responsible for.
Kamilah doesn’t let the moment doesn’t last long though. Good, she really doesn’t need that flashback right now.
“Now that we’ve come to the inevitable source of tension,” she hesitates; rocks pretty much everyone else’s world because no one would ever look at Kamilah Sayeed and consider she was even capable of feeling uncomfortable like she is right now, “perhaps now is the time for explanations of your own.”
And she looks to Lily as she says it but that’s not where she ought to be focusing that judging eye of hers. So Nadya bites the bullet and waves her hand slightly — the shaking helps it look a little more sincere. “Actually, Kamilah, if you’re looking for someone to blame that… that would be me.”
Neither Lily or Jax come to her defense. That tells Kamilah all she needs to know about whether Nadya’s serious or simply blaming herself as per usual. She shifts on her cushion; crosses one leg over the other at the knee and keeps her spine almost uncomfortably straight.
Not that any of her proper etiquette could even begin to prepare her for this. She forces the slight furrow from her brow before she speaks again.
“Very well Nadya. As succinctly as possible, if you would.”
But there’s really no succinct way to go about describing what went down in the King’s Manor. From trying to keep Adrian’s privacy by glossing over his meltdown that led the crypt-Ferals to find and surround them all to how badly Nadya had gotten injured during their escape; to everything still kinda fuzzy but no less terrifying about their confrontation with the Duchess in the cathedral and… and what all that had meant…
Kamilah holds up a calm hand to interrupt her. Nadya closes her mouth so fast her teeth click on the still-swollen part of her cut lower lip. She winces but toughs it out.
“You’re sure you weren’t caught between the reality of the moment and a memory? You actually spoke to a…” But she can’t say it. Even Kamilah’s surprised she can’t say it. Sure it breaks all the rules they’ve known for centuries and implies terrible horrible tragic things — lives that could have been saved and fates that could have been changed — but that’s just another Tuesday for them.
So she just nods once. After a glance to Jax and Lily and their unnerving solemnity… still, Kamilah struggles to wrap her mind around the concept.
“I see. Please… continue.”
The color drains from Nadya’s face when she realizes what comes next. Thankfully Kamilah takes it as her usual anxiety; there’s an empathy lurking in the cool depths of her eyes that says I understand, you’ve been through so much, and I wasn’t there to protect you that Nadya feels more than understands. But that’s more than enough… or it would be if that were the thing she didn’t want to talk about.
Jax clears his throat and comes to her rescue. “We figured it was a long shot. But if whatever makes her blood special was strong enough to undo centuries of insanity on a fully-fledged Feral, then maybe it was strong enough to stop Lily from getting to that point at all.”
We. He means Cynbel of course.
But Kamilah looks rattled enough. The last thing they need is her going outside for a breather and pushing Cadence over the balcony railing.
So with Jax’s help they manage to piece together a sound-enough truth for the vampiress that she doesn’t feel the gaping holes in their memories. One that gives importance to the things that matter, like Lily and her shiny new fangs and the importance of their discovery.
And one that omits things like Nadya accidentally did the thing you were afraid of from the moment you met the man, the thing you wouldn’t tell anyone about; the reason the Trinity is tangled up in all this and puts us last in terms of millennia-old vampires on our side.
At the end of it all nobody knows what to expect, least of all Nadya. She has fifteen different kinds of apologies on the tip of her tongue and runs the risk of all of them spilling out at once.
Kamilah doesn’t let her get nearly that deep in, though.
She turns bodily back to Lily with indescribably scrutiny. “And how do you feel, then?”
“Do I feel like a monster, you mean?”
“No,” she continues clipped; terse, “if I had even an inkling to that being the case you would not be here as you are. But think back to your… first Turning.”
It settles around them thickly in the air that there’s a very good chance nobody in the history of vampire-kind has ever said that and meant it the way Kamilah does now. The importance of it gives her the responsibility to continue. “How does it feel this time; knowing what you are, what has made you this way? My concern here, Lily, is the threat you may unknowingly pose to yourself more than any threat you may be to others. The latter can be dealt with easily.
“But if you feel different? If your soul feels… different, then we must act now in the early days. While we still can.”
Act now. What a kind way to imply such a terrible deed.
Lily throws a sideways glance at Nadya before she speaks. After all they’d already had this talk, right? “I do feel different,” and she cuts Jax off before he can even open his mouth with a finger held up and a shake of her head, “no, I have the right to finish. Because I do feel different. I am different. But I don’t feel any less like myself Kamilah, and I know that’s what you mean.”
“The answer need not be so plainly given. In fact I think we would all prefer if you took time to be absolutely certain.”
“It’s my soul and my body. I think I’m pretty fucking certain.” There’s a harder edge to her voice now. Anger bubbling beneath the surface but not in a way that bares teeth or fangs. Just real and pure anger — the kind without an outlet. “I may not have had a choice in anything that’s happened to me so far but I do now. So either you take my answer here and now or you never really planned on believing me anyway.”
It’s a bold accusation. Makes Kamilah blink, lips pursed… before she gives Lily a short and curt nod.
“Very well. The only one fully able to doubt you is yourself. Especially given your… circumstances.”
Lily clicks her tongue in a “tch,” at the word but that’s all. No, really, that’s all. Everyone’s content to drop it there not just because they have nothing more to say but because they don’t want to add to it.
Things are tense enough as it is.
A tension which breaks when the balcony door slides open and the four of them watch Adrian and Cadence return with a hesitant melancholy. Kamilah quirks an inquiring look at Adrian; he runs his palm down his face with a heavy-hearted sigh.
“She wants to stay and help as much as she can,” he answers her unasked question about Serafine and her whereabouts, “and just asked me to call if we had a solid lead on what to do next. She’s pushing herself a little too hard, but I get where she’s coming from. Even if I wish she’d take it easy.”
Kamilah’s brow furrows. “The final confrontation with Antony left her with more than a simple injury. But alas, I can’t say I’m surprised at her tenacity.”
Antony. Just the man’s name brings all the events in Paris flooding back to the front of Nadya’s mind. The Order was a looming threat — probably now more than ever too — but the immediate one was like… two thousand times worse.
Four thousand if they’re counting Isseya alongside.
“So you’ve caught them up then,” asks Cadence, “on… everything?”
He gives a particular look Nadya’s way that she’s very much not a fan of. It gives her a gut feeling she’d thought—hoped, fleetingly—that they had left behind when they fled Paris. The one where everyone around her knows something about her that she doesn’t know — something they’re trying to spare her from.
Her stomach gurgles in agreement as all the knots start to collide with each other. She slides a hand over her middle and looks away from him before it gets any worse.
Kamilah face twitches in the barest flicker of irritation; schooling her expression with practiced ease but that’s just another mask. Just another cover-up. “I had not yet found the opportunity… Cadence.” She says his name in the same clipped and terse way Serafine does. Like her tongue is trained to know better. Her brain not falling for a trick played on her eyes. But that’s not the case anymore.
“I’m hoping it has something to do with why Isseya led us to believe Gaius had executed you.”
There’s an unfinished argument in the way Adrian looks at his mentor and friend. Kamilah tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and nods. “Indeed. I promised you answers when the time was right.”
“When we got Nadya and Lily back.”
“Yes—that needed to remain paramount to anything you may feel compelled to do in the near future.” When I tell you what I know, that’s what she doesn’t say. And she’s definitely got their attention now. All of them watching, waiting; silent and with Nadya on bated breath.
“It was an unnecessary evil; one I would not have gone through with had I any other choice. But we knew the fight was lost — that we had been betrayed by some of our last contacts in the Northeast. Between Miss Espinoza and myself —”
“Why isn’t she with you?”
Lily interrupts unabashedly. Judging by the look bordering on sympathy Kamilah gives her (disturbing in and of itself but about this… well there’s a brand new knot that joins the rest) she was expecting this to happen.
“Because she knew one of us needed to stay behind, much like before when it was you who we sent on ahead.”
“Why does that feel like a cop out excuse?”
“Because it doesn’t nearly begin to paint the picture of the truth.”
“You’re one of the handful of oldest bones roaming the earth Kamilah,” Lily snaps, though she catches herself — her anger — and does her best to reel it in before they have to revisit their earlier talk too darn soon, “excuse me for not believing that out of the pair of you she was the one could do more good if she stayed behind.”
There’s a war across Jax’s expression, half a thought forming on his lips before Kamilah raises a soft hand to stay him.
“No, she’s right. And that continues to weigh heavy on my conscience. But if you would let me continue then perhaps you may find comfort in the nobility in her actions rather than the cowardice in mine.”
Lily mulls it over with grinding teeth. She does eventually relent; sagging against her seat with her arms over her chest. That blue cuff Nadya bought her on their first night in Paris caught between thumb and forefinger like a totem that doesn’t quite bring the peace it should.
“As long as you’re aware of your being a coward.”
“Kamilah’s many things — but a coward…” Adrian looks to her like she’ll pick up defending herself where he leaves off. She doesn’t. So he falls quiet as well, falls in line just like the rest of them. They’ve done enough interrupting.
Anyone else, asks Kamilah silent and with nothing but a single raised eyebrow. No one dares, not now.
“It was not an ideal decision, nor was it the smartest. But we were forced to choose the lesser of two evils. Either we could act impulsive and with little thought and hope it would be enough to skirt by, or we could stand and do nothing, be nothing, and watch every effort to fight back be reduced to nothing before our very eyes.
“I said already that we had no allies left. That is only partially true. None that we could fully trust… but in dire circumstances one does what they must to keep their eye not on the battle, but on the war.” She takes a moment for herself; a long silence before she manages to look Adrian in the eye with the weight of her remorse. “I convinced Marcel to grant me access to the secret tunnels beneath his castle upstate.”
“That’s where Gaius is holding his Court, isn’t it?” Nadya asks; and earns herself a genuinely surprised look from Kamilah.
“Yes. How did you know?”
“It’s a long story…” Please don’t make me tell it now.
And she’s grateful that Kamilah doesn’t. Because she gets it. “It seems most of them are these days…” But back to this one for now.
“I hope he will find it in his heart one day to forgive me. We’ve known one another for many centuries, Marcel and I. But needs must.”
Adrian rubs his mouth slowly, like he can feel her guilt in his bones. “At least tell me it was worth it.”
She nods; the entire room sighs in relief.
“Gaius holds his Court in much the same way he used to. The same pomp and fanfare but with different faces in the same roles. Priya sits at his side as some self-appointed princess,” and Kamilah is well within her rights to sneer the word like she does, “while Cecil’s men act as some adjunct guard service. Marcel is there, as was to be expected. And rarely is Valdemaras allowed to stray from his sight.”
Cadence shifts uncomfortably at the name. “The few times I got Isseya to open up, she made it sound like he was being held hostage. Insurance, almost.”
“If there’s one thing Gaius excels at it is finding the weaknesses of others and exploiting them to his own ends. I won’t say the Trinity are without fault; they haven’t exactly made it difficult to determine what they care about the most…”
And in a startling turn of events she actually does the exact opposite of what Nadya would expect of the Kamilah they had left behind. She’d fully anticipated the woman turning away both literally and symbolically; angling her own weaknesses away from Nadya where they’re the most vulnerable.
Instead she and Nadya lock eyes across the table. Pain, frustration, relief deep enough in honey-flecked irises and pupils dark and deep enough for her to drown in. Wouldn’t be a bad way to go, would it?
“But in this case their cooperation is just as damning as their complacency.” The moment passes. Nadya watches her walls go back up from the outside.
“I’m all for a bit of recon,” cracking his knuckles for something to ease his nerves, Jax leans in before she can resume, “but get to the point Kamilah. What the hell does Gaius want with Nadya?”
She doesn’t immediately answer. Adrian, though, looks at the younger vampire like he’s grown a second head. “What would possibly make you think it has anything to do with Nadya?”
What makes you think it doesn’t?
“What about this points to literally anything else, Raines?” Jax answers with a question of his own. One of the few rare times he and Nadya seem to be on the same page about all this.
Before he can make things worse Adrian bites his tongue. That he doesn’t have an answer is written in the worry lines on his fact.
“The guy sent two millennias-old vampires to hunt her down. Her, not you or Sayeed or anyone in this room who could actually pose a threat to him.” There’s a second where he almost looks like he might give Nadya the no offense card but she just avoids eye contact instead.
He’s fine with that. “I’ve had coincidences enough in the last few months for several lifetimes over. This, Kamilah suddenly showing up in the middle of it, isn’t one of them.
“Is it, Sayeed?”
“No, Jax, it’s not.” Though she might have put it in kinder terms; tried to spare certain mortals in the room.
“Then get to the damn point.”
Before things hit a boiling point Nadya coughs into her fist; fake and loud and with more voice than necessary but it works so that’s all that matters. “I can handle it Kamilah,” like she’s got any idea if that’s what holds the woman back; she doesn’t — but this is bigger than her, “I bet it doesn’t even make it in my top 3 of weird since we left.”
She tries to break a smile and ends up with a weak and strained grimace instead.
“Very well. Nadya, Gaius wants you returned to him, at his Court and in front of his subjects, alive and human.”
“I kn—”
“Because he plans to kill you. He plans to Turn you himself.”
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Paris, Several Nights Ago…
“All the risks I have taken for you and you still return here?”
She keeps her voice to a low hiss in his ear; a viper full of venom in her fangs despite how she seems very intent on crushing him like some type of constrictor.
Not that she needs to whisper. Doubtful that their accomplices on either side of the fight can hear or see much beyond their frenzied duel somewhere around the alley corner. Steel scrapes against steel and rings out like church bells. Followed by the now-familiar battle cry of Serafine as she rushes in for the kill.
A kill she always tries for — yet always seems to fall short of the mark.
But even with Antony out of immediate sight Isseya doesn’t pull her punches when she sends Cadence flying back into the nearest building wall. His neck cracks uncomfortably, the brick behind him split in several places and just barely indented with his large and sprawling frame. But he shakes it off like he has all of her other attacks. He really has no choice but to do anything else.
He tries to look apologetic as he brushes red dust from the shoulders of his jacket. “It’s just the way things worked out, Isseya.”
“Don’t say my name.”
“I —” He can never tell with her. In Prague she was benevolent. In Rome she speared a rather heavy branch just a couple inches from his heart. In Venice she had him pinned against the wall, could very well have snapped his neck into unconsciousness or the unthinkable worse, but had pressed her lips hard-near-bruising to his temple before vanishing into the night instead.
Why is it they always end up grappling with one another, leaving Serafine and Antony to continue their seemingly endless duel? It makes sense in Cadence’s head that they’d get better results if they switched dance partners.
Another scraaape of swords comes from one alley over. If he’s going to try and convince her now is about the last chance he has left.
“You don’t have to keep doing this.”
“Says a man who has nothing to lose.”
“I think we both know that’s not the case.”
Isseya grits her fangs. Suddenly she can’t look him in the eyes. “If you wish to waste the windows of opportunity I give you, Cadence, then there’s nothing more I can do.”
He watches and waits; sees her momentary distraction for the advantage as it is and strikes. He pins Isseya to the other side of the narrow alley, forearm pushed tight against her throat. A move meant to hold her still more than anything else; one of those moments Serafine calls him foolish for.
The ones where he tries to reason with a woman who has none left to give.
“You could have killed Antony a dozen times over by now,” he growls, “but you cling to the lie that Gaius’ way is the only way. Why, Isseya? Why won’t you… Why won’t you let me help you?”
His voice cracks at the end. They both notice, thankfully they can both ignore it too — what with the seconds they have left alone ticking down faster and faster.
There it is — just a flicker, but that doesn’t make it any less real. The smallest chip in her composure; proof that every effort in every city, every bruise and broken bone and every pleaded attempt he’s mustered hasn’t been for nothing… not quite yet.
“Because I cannot lose another,” her voice a whisper on his skin, “I would not survive it. I can still save him even if… even if…”
Even if you are lost to me forever.
Isseya shoves him back.
Cadence lets her, god help him if you ask him why.
“Antony’s a smart man,” she says instead; it takes the other a moment to realize she’s continuing a conversation they had started more than a week ago. In an alley much like this on the far side of Berlin, “he figured out a long time ago that you two are nothing but distractions meant to divert our course. No doubt he is all but convinced I had something to do with your first escape… but without proof he won’t risk my beloved’s wrath.
“Not with something as valuable as the Bloodkeeper —”
Cadence huffs through clenched teeth. “Her name is Nadya. She’s a person, not a thing. So stop saying that word like it keeps her from being a living, breathing human being.”
Whatever he had expected her to do, it couldn’t have been close to the laugh his words elicit. Nor how Isseya looks at him with her chin raised and a newfound challenge in her eyes.
“I love it when you do that.”
She steps forward. Cadence steps back. The brick molds perfectly against him like a shadow.
“Do what, exactly?”
“That,” with a flippant gesture, “that thing where you’re so unlike him without even trying. It makes it easier to keep up the chase.” Just like it will make it easier to end things the same way.
Over their heads a shadow eclipses the moon. The pair look up to see the rapidly-moving forms of their companions, still locked in an argument all their own that will soon inevitably catch the attentions of one or more late-night Parisians.
“If Antony knows the others are long gone then why do you continue tracking us?” He snaps in her face to draw Isseya’s attention. There’s a sickening feeling Cadence can’t place — like this will be the last time he’ll be able to get anything out of her until the tides turn. “Why not continue your mission?”
He takes advantage of the proximity between them and searches her eyes earnest and open. He even dares — risks it all, really — and lets his fingertips ghost the inside of her wrist where it hesitates just shy of holding him hostage.
The moment passes between them like a live wire. Not for the first time, and if the universe intends on royally screwing all of them over before this is done then Cadence is certain it won’t be the last. But her sympathy, like her sanity, isn’t Isseya’s to control. It’s not even at her whim.
Serafine’s cutlass flies through the air and clatters loudly to the pavement beside them.
Too late — the moment is shattered.
Isseya flinches back. Yanks her arm away from him like his touch is a burning brand. Before she can say anything else there’s a cry from above. Serafine’s body follows the path of her sword almost perfectly; a swan dive without the water to break her fall and when she collides with the earth it’s to the tune of her breaking bones.
Time’s up.
Cadence’s jeans scrape and wear at the knees as he skids to Serafine’s side and aid.
He gently turns her over, checking for anything worse than the odd angle of her shoulder socket and the deep cut struggling to stitch itself closed along the curve of her jaw. She groans softly in weak protest.
“Ever think about ditching the sword for something a little more permanent?” He mumbles, half to himself and half as a laugh. It’s something Kathy would do — he’s had that thought several times through their ordeal.
It’s actually a greater source of comfort than he can begin to describe.
Unlike Serafine, her opponent joins them from the rooftop with a stalwart kind of grace. His footfalls barely a tap-tap as he lands just shy of a crouch. Fluid movement in how he stands and makes his way to Isseya’s side. His blade — an old Roman gladius, because Cadence has learned from experience that the older they are the more they tend to lean into the cliche — catches a glinting silver on the distant street lamp. Bright all except where the metal is dotted dark red with blood.
“Good thing we aren’t keeping score, old friend.” Antony remarks. His face twitches in a sick kind of satisfaction as together their hunters watch Cadence help Serafine up, her arm slung over his shoulders to bear the burden of her while she forces her body to heal on her time, rather than its own.
“Unless you wish to count this as an extension of our Nassau campaign, of course.”
“How did the Romans ever get anything conquered if all you do is talk?” Cadence remarks; though his own injuries aren’t as severe in the moment it would be foolish of him not to acknowledge how the constant running and chasing and fighting and more running and the cycle unending has taken its toll.
Antony’s brow twitches; he’s barely given Cadence a second glance since the last time they were in this very city. Not that he’s complaining… seeing as his turn with the brutal General seems to be looming inevitably closer now.
There’s a sickening pop too close to his ears but Cadence resists the urge to flinch. Slowly Serafine steadies herself on her own two feet, grabbing her cutlass from the alley floor to grasp the handle tightly and with the same unwavering conviction.
“He’s right Antony,” and even weak as she is she manages a voice like velvet; crooning in her mockery, “you must be getting soft in your old age. I don’t remember this much chatting in Nassau.”
It would be infinitely more impressive if they seemed to have actually unnerved the man. Instead he’s somehow more impassive than ever.
Beside him, Isseya gives a short and exasperated huff of frustration. “You know you cannot keep this up for much longer, Dupont. Doubtful you’d even last the midnight flight to your next safe home.” She steps forward — tries and fails to mask the pain that comes over her as she watches Cadence throw his arm across the other woman’s front as a shield.
“Just tell us where they’ve taken the Bloodkeeper. One little location… we won’t even bring you back to Court. We will leave you to lick your wounds in the gutters as freemen.”
“Doubtful though, that it would last very long.” Muttered in muted amusement beside her; there’s a dangerous thing to be implied in Antony’s words and eyes.
All the more reason to keep this going for as long as possible.
Serafine snaps her fangs. “Why does Gaius even want her?” The same question she’s asked before; and will continue to ask until they manage to piece together an answer from the scraps they’re given.
“There are hundreds of psychics more skilled he could have.”
“You know the Bloodkeeper is no ordinary psychic.”
“Nor is she a formidable threat to someone of Gaius’ age and skill.” Serafine looks to Isseya imploringly. There’s a lot to be said for the fact that the less sane of the pair is the more reasonable one. “You’ve been in her mind, Isseya. And don’t think I didn’t see the damage your snake of a progeny did there, either. Whatever Gaius would want with her will no doubt go beyond what she’s capable of at her age!”
The Trinity vampire gives a callous shrug. “It’s no concern of mine.”
Beside her Antony’s shoulders shift slightly — it takes more than a fair moment for them to realize he’s laughing. Somehow he was less intimidating with the large broadsword raised and ready than… this.
“If you had any idea what she really was… who she could be…” Antony clicks his tongue, glancing off to the side as if to say ‘you are no threat, I don’t even have to keep you in my sights.’
“No doubt you and anyone else who stands against him would be singing a different tu—”
The dagger, slender as it is sharp and keenly disguised without flair in the darkness, barely so much whistles through the air before the blade strikes true. Embedding itself deep in the vampire’s back just to the side of his spine as if in warning. Light as a feather but enough to throw the ancient vampire slightly off-kilter.
He stumbles on his words — rare for a man like him — and staggers one, two steps forward from the shock of it.
“You were always better suited for the stage, domine. What with the way you’re always running your mouth.”
The flash in his eyes, red and bright and vicious is enough to make it clear that Antony recognizes that voice. In fact if he thinks about it Cadence recognizes it too. As Isseya does, as Serafine does. But it shouldn’t be possible — the look he and his injured companion exchange long and in silent awe is proof enough of that. It should not be possible.
And yet.
Despite the odd angle at which the dagger rests deep in his back Antony manages to pry it free with a strange sort of grace. The kind befitting a man of his age and his role in the history of the world… always on the battlefield in some form or another. It slips from his flesh and muscle with a wet noise; catches the light in a strange array of glinting silver and crimson where it catches the light when he looks it over with cool indifference.
Anyone so well-immersed in their kind would know these blades from sight alone; who they belong to and exactly what kind of darkness they’ve invited in alongside it. Antony, of course, is no different.
By all accounts it seems to do nothing more than bore him. “And here I was under the blissful impression I would never again have to hear your snide and unjust superiority, Sayeed.”
His words are punctuated with the hollow metallic clatter of the dagger dropped from his hand and left abandoned by his feet. As inconsequential as the rest of the rubbish strewn up and down the narrow alleyway.
But when Antony finally turns towards the shadows to face the emerging Kamilah, that boredom is all but a fleeting dream. The hardness in his eyes is unmistakable. Already the gears are turning in his mind — evaluating the terrain, the advantages he has and even more importantly the ones he does not. It’s what’s kept him alive this long, that much is obvious.
Though judging by the way the former Bloodqueen looks him up and down positively murderous that may not be enough to save him this time around.
Her eyes never leave Antony’s, but Kamilah raises her voice to speak over the stone wall of him.
“You look a little winded there, Serafine. I do hope you haven’t lost your touch with a blade.”
Serafine who offers a meager, wispy laughter in reply. “I should hope not, Kamilah darling, but here we are.”
There’s a tic in Antony’s jaw. His teeth grind together audibly.
“I see the rumors of your demise aren’t the certainty they were made out to be.” And none of the vampires gathered miss the look he flits to his companion in the dark — barely even a twitch of his head but oh so damning nonetheless.
After all, it had been Isseya who told them — told Adrian and Nadya and Cadence himself — that there had been no survivors of Gaius’ final assault on New York’s remaining vampires.
No survivors typically means, well, no survivors.
But Kamilah Sayeed would be the exception to the rule.
She isn’t foolish enough to avoid Antony any longer than she needs to. “If I didn’t know better I would swear you almost seem glad of it, domine.”
“Glad of the opportunity to pry you like a thorn from my side, perhaps.”
Are they seriously bantering right now? Cadence shifts and holds Serafine closer when he feels her weight sag against him just shy of fully collapsing.
They stalk one another in the narrow space. Apex predators in the shadows — neither of them yielding or backing down; that simply isn’t their way.
But in the steely determination of their eyes Cadence swears — and maybe he’s just imagining it here, but he’s seen a lot of crazy things these last few weeks and this seems by far the least insane of them all — that a silent conversation passes between them. Not in their minds but in their movements and expressions. In centuries, millennia of history between them both. From when they served the same king to now, here, on opposite sides of the fight.
“One might wonder why a reputation such as yours would be so willing to vanish into thin air.” Antony muses low, practically under his breath. Kamilah blows a single strand of hair out of her eyes — the only part of her out of place.
“Reputation means little with so much at stake.”
“Never thought I’d see the day when the Bloodqueen no longer cares what her subjects see when they come face to face with her.”
He’s goading Kamilah — that much is plain as day. But the part that stuns Cadence (and Serafine at his side, judging by the tension rippling tight through her shoulders and how she fights off the pain of her wounds and hunger like she’s preparing herself to jump back into the thick of it) the most… is how it’s working.
Whatever that silent not-conversation they’re having is about, it’s enough to rattle her. Well and truly.
Suddenly Antony stops. Kamilah’s hand tightens around the hilt of her dagger; poised and ready to strike. But the Roman doesn’t use his gladius. He doesn’t need to.
Not when he can cast just as deep a wound in the knowing way he smiles at her through the darkness.
“You know what he’s planning then.”
He’s not asking so much as stating a fact. One Kamilah doesn’t deny. A quick glance down to the woman hanging from his shoulder tells Cadence everything he needs to know… frankly he’s happy to not be as out of the loop as he feels.
Even Isseya, when she shifts on the balls of her feet and draws Cadence’s attention away from the old foes, seems to only have a piece of the proverbial puzzle.
He’s really starting to hate puzzles.
Victory drips like poison from Antony’s smirk. He eases up in gait; leaning back to give the vampire he once called Queen a look far too cynical to be admiration, but the hint of it is undoubtedly there.
“I can’t say I’m all too surprised. Gaius was convinced your fixation on the Bloodkeeper girl would be a blind spot for you. Despite a fair few of us in his Court insisting it would pan out quite the opposite.”
“Am I supposed to be flattered?”
“On the contrary,” his frown returns deeper than before, “because now he may think twice before assuming to know more than his advisors.”
Advisors, Court. So much going on right now.
Antony waits — they all do — for how Kamilah will respond. It’s not something done out of politeness so much as it is a petty nail in the coffin; not the final one but damn well close enough.
She takes them all by surprise. Again. “I’ve never pretended to enjoy your ridiculous Roman politics Antony, especially outdated as they are. But there is nothing to gain from entertaining the ideas Gaius has come to believe over his century of imprisonment.
“Surely you don’t actually believe his claims.”
“Whether I agree with his ideas or not is inconsequential. You know as well as I do there is very little to be done when he demands something of one of us. Gaius demands the girl brought to him alive, it’s as simple as that.”
Antony shrugs — like he hasn’t met Nadya, hasn’t seen her cry in fear and rage and desperation. Whereas Cadence can’t seem to get the shrill noises out of his head no matter how hard he tries.
If this is what it means to live as long as them, he thinks, maybe I’m better off choosing compassion over years.
But… no. That’s not who Kamilah Sayeed is. He’s seen it with his own eyes — Serafine has too. Even now the very mention of what Nadya is (and what she might be, something they seem to be skirting around awfully carefully with their verbal chess) makes the woman stand taller; lights a different kind of fire in her eyes.
Now if only she would take the pair of them out and be done with it. But Kathy’s always had a thing or two in critique about his damned wishful thinking.
“Never in all my years did I expect to see the Marc Antony so willing to roll over at his Maker’s whim.” Kamilah sighs in something like disappointment. It just gets her another one-shouldered shrug while the man tap-taps his gladius against the pavement.
“All power is earned one way or another. You earned yours your way Kamilah, and I continue to earn mine… and the freedom it grants me… by doing what I must.”
An almost serene smile eases the tension in the man’s own shoulders. “And now, faced with yet another large shift in the way of the world, all I have to do is bring a girl to a king. Though I’ll admit I had started out thinking this would be a relatively simple task…” glancing aside, he looks knowingly, accusingly at Isseya and her stony mask of neutrality, “but I suppose that’s what I get for rushing in without a plan of attack.
“But if the girl truly is who Gaius believes her to be, if she can truly give him what he’s promised any vampire willing to abandon your feeble rebellion and bend the knee, then what’s a prolonged chase in the wake of a new age… of an immortal age.”
Cadence spares a fleeting, desperate look to Isseya for answers. She doesn’t have any to give.
And this is Nadya they’re talking about, yes? Nadya with her headaches and hallucinations and less control over her visions as she would let them all believe.
That Nadya?
“What the hell are you talking about, Antony?” he barks in growing anger; catches himself by surprise at the protectiveness in his voice, too. And he’s not the only one who hears it — Sayeed does too. “She’s the Bloodkeeper, that’s all there is to it!” Right?
He set himself up for that one though, to be fair.
Antony chuckles. Eyes flashing red and the hint of a fang curling at the seam of his mouth. “And do you know what that even means? I wouldn’t be surprised if you did, but you’ve forsaken that part of yourself, haven’t you? And with it — answers.”
That’s getting them all nowhere. To Kamilah; “Please, Nadya’s desperate to see you again, Sayeed.”
Whose face falls before their eyes. The chill chased from her glare and her grip on her dagger wavering ever so slightly.
“I will not let him have her,” she says; and louder still, “I will not let Gaius take her away from me. He’s gone mad, well and truly, to believe in the myth of a myth. I would die before I let his obsession consume Nadya — before he would take her life on the chance that she…”
Chance that she what?
But Kamilah can’t bring herself to say it. There’s power in words; in speaking them aloud and giving life to them. Cadence knows that better than anyone.
But before he can even think of how to reassure her there’s a soft moan of pain near his ear that takes priority. Serafine sags heavier against his side; Cadence side-steps and balances them both to compensate for the added weight.
She won’t stay conscious for much longer (if she could be considered conscious now…) and this time is already far more different than their other encounters. Not just with Kamilah firmly between them and Antony’s game of cat and mouse either, but because the game seems to have finally played out longer than necessary.
They need to go. Now.
“I can’t recall ever seeing you rendered speechless, Kamilah.” Cadence isn’t the only one who knows they’re running on borrowed time. That’s why Antony goads her back his way — closer and closer still.
He thumbs a smear of Serafine’s blood from his gladius.
“Don’t tell me the renowned and vicious Bloodqueen is scared of — what did you call it — a myth of a myth? Or perhaps it’s the prophecy itself that disturbs you. I believe I recall your struggle for his affections so many years ago.”
Fuck. It works too well.
Kamilah rounds on him with renewed fury. “You have no idea what you speak of. And if you wish to live to see the dawn you’ll know never to speak of it again!”
“Ah, yes, well… I can understand the pain of an old flame extinguished; a love lost. I think all of us can,” but when he gestures with a sweeping arm no one dares, “or at the very least we might imagine what it must feel like to have your very being compared with a memory; a ghost.
“Everyone at Court knew, of course. How the Bloodqueen never quite measured up to the Goddess Herself.”
Kamilah Sayeed isn’t a woman to issue hollow threats but that’s not what this is. This is fear freezing her in her tracks, anger shaking her body to its core; an unfortunate truth — not all of it, but enough — being forced on her against her will.
“She cannot be brought back from the dead.”
Antony cocks his head to the side. “Are you quite certain? At any rate there seems to be little harm in trying.”
“If you dare…”
“What, Kamilah? If I dare what? What will you do — better yet what will you have the power to do when he gets his chance? Because it looks to me as though you would not be able to lift a finger, or a dagger at that.
“You would stand there as you stand before me now, held captive by your own weakness. Forcing yourself to watch Gaius Turn her, the Bloodkeeper fed the Blood of the First from his veins. And all would gather to see and bear witness as that blood would bring Her back in new form and face.”
Kamilah takes half a step back — a reflex she can’t control. Much like Cadence can’t control the feeling of his stomach dropping out from underneath him.
No one can truly rise above their own fear.
“He will never lay a finger on her.”
“Denial doesn’t become you.”
Out of the corner of his eye Cadence sees a flicker in the dark — Kamilah’s grip on her dagger renewed; made stronger by her own words. And oh how she practically shouts them into the night sky.
“Nadya is not the First Vampire!”
But the Roman remains unfazed. “Perhaps not yet…” he muses, and always with the same damned smirk.
“But she could be. And the King is quite determined to find out.”
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hey-have-you-heard · 5 years
Hey have you heard these 50 songs from 2019
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I really enjoyed this last year so going to give it another go for ‘19. I put quite a lot of thought into what actually a ‘song of the year’ for me when I was first constructing and then heavily editing the playlist that came to be my Top 50 of 2019. I think the most important thing is that above all it’s a track that I’m glad exists, sometimes this is because of the songwriting or composition, sometimes the performance, sometimes the lyrical importance and sometimes just because it sparks joy.
Explanations for each tracks inclusion below the fold…
100 gecs - 800db cloud 100 gecs channel a mix of Crystal Castles and Sleigh Bells with a Death Grips level appreciation for noise. It’s an absolute rush and that outro is just absurd.
Natalie Evans - Always Be Natalie Evans soft melody and sing song vocals are sublimely sweet on this heartfelt track of lost love, longing and nostalgia.
Petrol Girls - Big Mouth “If you fight back or disagree you’re the one with the fucking problem” this hits home, hard. Big Mouth is a rallying cry to speak out against oppression and discrimination, to raise you’re voice and be heard, not to be controlled.
Charli XCX ft. Lizzo - Blame it on your Love Charli has a midas touch when it comes to pop, combine that with Lizzo who has just about been the most fun thing in music this year and you’ve got a 10/10 banger.
Poppy - BLOODMONEY Poppy’s music just keeps going further down the rabbit hole. Originally playing with blending elements of nu-metal with bubblegum pop, she now seems to have transcended genre altogether to create whatever BLOODMONEY is, it’s absolutely ridiculous and I love it.
Body Hound - Bloom Get on that GROOVE! So proggy it hurts, this track from Body Hound is a technical wonderland of metamorphosing rhythms, gargantuan riffs, and just the tastiest of chord progressions.
Can the Sub_Bass speak - Algiers Word of warning, this is not an easy listen. A freefall tumble through genre and tone accompanies a stream of consciousness monologue full of racism, prejudice and political and artistic critique.
Elohim - Buckets Buckets is an onslaught of trap influences, emotional outbursts and aggressive distortion. I’m a big fan of this sound.
VUKOVI - C.L.A.U.D.I.A I know very little about VUKOVI as a band, but that riff is absolutely massive and this track has been a constant throughout my year on that basis alone.
Show Me The Body - Camp Orchestra Apparently more hardcore bands should use Banjos, because this is a damn good sound. Slowly building from a single bass line this track builds into a powerful demolishing force.
clipping. - Club Down Having thoroughly proven themselves able to do afro-futurist scifi on the Hugo nominated Splendor and Misery, clipping. now turn their considerable talents to horror core and unsurprisingly nail it. Daveed’s flows are tight as ever as he brings to life a decaying city backed by tortured screams.
Dream Nails - Corporate Realness YOU ARE NOT YOUR JOB. WORK IS NOT YOUR LIFE. YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU MUST DO IN ORDER TO SURVIVE. Dream Nails are great and exactly what we need right now.
ControlTop - Covert Contracts This track positively bristles with an anxious energy. A fitting sound for the subject of the information overload we find ourselves locked into everyday.
Cherry Glazerr - Daddi There’s an icy coolness to ‘Daddi’, a disconnected sarcasm that falls away to reveal the anger and torment in the chorus, it’s a masterful bit of emotional storytelling through musical tone.
The Physics House Band - Death Sequence I Listening to Physics House latest release, the Death Sequence EP feels like a physical journey. This opener is a perfect example of this, as you’re plunged straight into a heady and disorienting mix of rhythms and counter-melody’s, the Sax guiding you through the turbulence until you land in a placid midsection, before that bass riff drags you forward through rhythmic breakdowns into an absolutely absurd brain melting saxophony and then it just keeps on going from there…
Witching Waves - Disintegration I saw WW back in the early summer, they were a bassist down so it was just a guitar and drums duo. They started with this track and it was one of the most pure punk things I’ve experienced, drummer/vocalist Emma Wigham bashing the absolute shit out of her kit . A great no-nonsense lo-fi banger.
Lingua Ignota - DO YOU DOUBT ME TRAITOR Another, not particularly easy listen here. DO YOU DOUBT ME TRAITOR is a dark and angry brooding track, building in intensity to release the primal rage, fear and horror of the abused. Its deeply chilling and instantly arresting. This track and the entire CALIGULA album stands as an absolute must listen.
Carly Rae Jepsen ft. Electric Guest - Feels Right I love the instrumentation on this one, those chunky piano chords and screaming guitar lift the track out and make it the highlight of an already great album to me.
Orla Gartland - Figure it out Dialing back the intensity slightly, Orla chronicles the frustrations of having to deal with someone in your life who you’re done with. The choruses burst forth in beautifully fuzzy explosions of noise. That vocal flair at the start of the final chorus is chef kiss.
Battles - Fort Greene Park Battles are at their best when they keep things simple. This is evident on 2019′s Juicy B Crypts which features some incredibly cluttered moments, but this just makes Fort Greene Park stand out all the more. A delightfully spacious piece of math rock, from some of the best in the business.
Dogleg - Fox Boy howdy, do I love me some midwest emo. Catharsis in musical form, it just makes me want to mosh my troubles away like I’m 16 again.
Tørsö - Grab A Shovel Tørsö go hard, I can appreciate that. An absolutely brutal track about the destructive power of depression and self-loathing.
“Pijn & Conjurer playing Curse These Metal Hands” - High Spirits “We were like, are we Pijn and Conjurer, or are we Curse These Metal Hands? I think we’ve settled with ‘we are Pijn and Conjurer playing Curse These Metal Hands’ …whatever that means!“ what it means is one of the most joyously triumphant pieces of metal music I’ve ever heard. Some of the guitar lines in this absolutely soar.
Lizzo - Juice Lizzo has won 2019, her message of self love, acceptance and body positivity has won her both critical and cultural acclaim and permeates her music in a way that makes it impossible to not love.
COLOSSAL SQUID, AK Patterson - Kick Punch Colossal Squid is the name given to Three Trapped Tigers drummer, Adam Betts’ experimental project. After a solo album of percussive wizardry Betts has now teamed with vocalist AK Patterson to give us something else entirely.
Evan Greer - Liberty Is A Statue Evan Greer uses the a folk punk sound to deliver an essay on the damaging influences of cis-normativity and social inequality. Of course I like this one.
Taylor Swift - Lover I wasn’t on board with this song for a fair while, but then I kept listening to it and kept coming back to it because of a roughly 50 second section which ties the track and the whole album together. Yeah, this is on here purely for the bridge, which is just beautiful.
Dodie - Monster Monster is an incredibly well written and delivered study on how perception changes with resentment and it makes me cry.
The Y Axes - Moon Moon is a delightfully dreamy piece of pop that glitters with infectious melodies, it’s lyrics a blissful embracing of cosmic nihilism, need I say more?
Ezra Furman - My Teeth Hurt My teeth hurt is a song about tooth ache, about that pain you carry with you everywhere and can’t get rid of, that ruins your days and and is one hell of a mood. Yeah it’s about gender dysphoria.
Nervus - No Nations Speaking of things being a mood, this track hits the nail squarely on the head.
Cultdreams - Not My Generation "Everyone ignores me Unless I’m on a stage talking Because they put me on a pedestal And pretend I’m just performing“ Lucinda Livingstone calls out the misogyny in our culture with a singular ferocity.
Lil Nas X - Old Town Road If there’s one song that’s dominated 2019 this is it right here. Who ever had the idea of putting that NIN Ghosts sample to a trap beat and cowboying over the top of it is an absolute genius.
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Planet B It’s impossible to predict where King Gizzard’s sonic influences are going to take them next I doubt even they know half the time. Whatever they turn their hand to though they do it as if they mastered the sound decades ago Planet B is an all out thrash track with a strong environmental message.
Kesha - Rich, White, Straight Men Okay, I’m about to compare Kesha to John Lennon here but HEAR ME OUT… As ‘Imagine’ asked us to consider a world without conflict or capitalism, Kesha now posits that we should tear up our conceptions of our society based on its formation by a privileged group and imagine what kind of utopia could be built if we gave the underprivileged and minority groups a say.
Allie X - Rings A Bell The chorus here sounds like it could have been off Daft Punk’s Random Access Memories, and I’m all about that sound. Combined with Allie X’s dreamlike vocals make this a certified bop.
Poly-Math - Sensors in Everything Sensors in Everything is a beast of a track spanning over 14 minutes of absurdly dense prog. Having recently enlisted keyboardist Josh Gesner. Polymath make use of the new sounds and textures available to them, at times imitating a sort of Hammond sound not unlike John Lord to the chaotic maelstrom of noise.
Calva Louise - Sleeper Big hooks on this one. Sleeper has a confident swagger to it’s sound which stands apart for the bands previous work. It’s an absolutely huge track.
Slipknot - Solway Firth Slipknot didn’t disappoint after the tease of 2018′s “All Out Life”, following up with an album which blended old and new aspects of their sound to create one of their best to date. Solway Firth is a perfect example of this matching the punishing heaviness of Iowa with the melody driven sound of All Hope Is Gone.
Clt Drp - Speak To My Seeing Clt Drp perform live was one of my highlights of the year. The filthy guitar tones, powerhouse vocals tight as heck drumming and the _grooves. _Absolutely like nothing else I’ve seen. Just an incredible band that deserve so much more recognition.
Black Country, New Road - Sunglasses Black Country, New Road released two tracks this year and now I just want more. Dense wordy lyricism plays off against ever evolving instrumentation to present a raw cut of emotional storytelling.
Her Name Is Calla - Swan Her Name Is Calla are a band that have always been on the edge of my radar, my Dad is very fond of them and saw them live a couple of years ago, but never went back to relisten to any of their stuff, then they started an album with this. I was sold instantly.
black midi - Talking Heads Talking Heads (the band) are an obvious inspiration on this track. Both David Byrne’s vocal style and the Talking Heads penchant for sharp angular melodies are on show here. But given an extra ounce of chaos through Black Midi’s delivery.
Amanda Palmer - The Ride The ride is ten minutes of bundling up all your fears and anxieties of where we are and where we’re going and just, accepting them as part of the ride. Written off the back of a prompt from Amanda asking her fans what they were afraid of right now.
Kim Petras - There Will Be Blood Okay, let’s have some out of season spookiness. Love the squelchy synths on this, there’s a huge amount of energy on this track and with it’s commitment to the horror conceit it makes for a super fun bop.
Kate Nash - Trash Kate Nash’s sound is like bathing pure nostalgia,here she spins the toxic-relationship narrative central to her work to deliver a bigger story about humanity’s, quite literally toxic relationship to our planet.
American Football & Hayley Williams - Uncomfortably Numb The other side of the “midwest emo” coin. A melancholic song built on a soft bed of arpeggiated chords and clean harmonics, Uncomfortably Numb is a heartbreaking track of losing everything and of cycles persisting thorugh generations. Employing the clever metatextual trick of referencing Pink Floyd’s comfortably Numb to mirror the generational similarities.
Glenn Branca - Velvet and Pearls Disclaimer, Glenn Branca was a musical hero of mine, his approach to music and composition being solely responsible for influence a vast number of my favourite bands. Released posthumously, Velvet and Pearls is taken from a live performance by Branca’s ensemble and perfectly captures the sense of sonic disorientation, conjuring aural illusions through an assault of intricately crafted noise. It’s an exhilarating piece that should be played as loud as humanly possible.
Brutus - War The raw emotional strength of Stefanie Manneart’s vocals instantly made me pay attention when I first heard this track. Then the song exploded into a barrage of riffs and breakneck drumming.
Valiant Vermin - Warm Coke Another slice of throwback pop, Valiant Vermin proved with “Online Lover” how much of an ear she has for pop and has proven it once again with Warm Coke. Is a real good bop.
Welp there it is, 50(+1) songs, I had to limit myself to one track per artist in the main 50 because according to Spotify I listened to [checks notes] 1082 new artists this year. There are a small handful of tracks I wanted to highlight from the same artists though as they offer something quite different to the tracks in the playlists, so here they are quickly with 3 word descriptions.
Petrol Girls - Skye (dead dog, sad) Amanda Palmer - Voicemail for Jill (Talk about abortion) Ezra Furman - I Wanna be Your Girlfriend (Trans Torch Song) Battles ft Jon Anderson & Prairie WWWW - Sugar Foot (Batshit Prog Insanity) Poppy - Choke (Dark Minimalist Pop) Show Me The Body - Forks and Knives (Anxious nightmare punk) Lingua Ignota - CALIGULA (the whole album.)
Closing Statement
Cultdreams - Statement
There has been a shadow over the entertainment industry the latter half of this decade. Whether film, music, TV or video games, the late 2010′s are filled with stories of people coming forward to bravely tell their stories about being abused and manipulated by men in positions of power. The #metoo movement as it’s come to be known has been a powerful force in giving marginalised people a voice and the ability to call out oppressors and in starting the groundwork to root out the misogyny in the seats of power, but this is a battle far from won.
While there are thousands of stories out there I want to focus on one in particular.
In 2016 a number of women spoke out about various forms of abuse by a well-known musician in the punk scene. It’s now over three years later and this group of women are in the midst of a long fought claim of defamation from this musician. If this case goes through it sets a precedent for silencing marginalised voices in the industry. They have been fighting for so long and with no legal aid available for the case they have had to finance their defense from their own pockets.
This is where Solidarity Not Silence comes in. Solidarity not silence is a crowdfunding effort to help take the case to trial without the women bankrupting themselves entirely so that they don’t have to give in to this mans demands.  You can read more about Solidarity not Silence and make a donation (if you feel so inclined) here: https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/solidaritynotsilence/
You can also follow them on twitter here https://twitter.com/solnotsilence
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Pairing: Redeemed!Erik/Dormant Killmonger x Black OC
Word Count: 1,300
Chapter 1
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Though she’d done it over 3,000 times, the process always felt like the very first time. She’d chosen her wrist this time, after all he was special to her, why not keep him close? To make the moment even more special, she used the hunting knife he’d gifted her. She made the incision carefully, making sure to avoid the delicate veins in her tiny wrists. She sat in a trancelike state as the blood trickled down her arm unto the floor. She winced lightly as she packed the wound with clay and tea tree oil. Just as she was cleaning the wound, her bedroom door flew open.
“Ayo Shy, have you seen -”
His voice trailed off when he crossed the threshold.
“Shit!” she cursed under her breath, mentally chastising herself for not locking her door like she usually does. Until last week, she’d been successful in keeping this side of herself hidden from her housemate, simply because she didn’t want to revisit the events that had made her this way. But now, judging by the look on his face, she knew she wouldn’t be able to hide any longer.
He’d always known something was different about her. Though Cambridge could be a bit breezy, he never understood why she would always wear long sleeves until now. She looked guilty, like a child that had gotten caught with her hands in the cookie jar. She was more beautiful to him now than she’d ever been in their five-year friendship. She moved to grab her flannel shirt, but he put his hand up, stopping her in her tracks.
“Don’t hide from me, Princess,” he cooed.
He stepped closer, tentatively assessing the markings on her skin. His fingers lightly traced the intricate scars from her shoulder down her bicep, finally landing on her forearm.
“How long?” he asked in a hushed voice.
“As long as I can remember. It started off as a coping mechanism, I was never a fan of traditional cutting. As my depression and anxiety grew, it grew into something...darker.”
Her voice dropped to mimic his as the memories from her childhood began to resurface. He took note of how some of the scars looked deeper, as though she were trying to bury all of her pain into each scar.
“When was your first kill?” He asked, now tracing the scars that littered her back.
“When I was 14. One of my foster fathers was a pedophile and I walked in on him molesting Kali and I lost it. From then on I vowed to protect her; I got most of these protecting her, protecting us. After that, I noticed a change in me. I started to like killing, like really like it. Most of the time, it didn’t even feel like me that was doing it. When I was 16, I was able to put a name to it; Dissociative Identity Disorder. Knives were my weapon of choice, so I named the persona Kitana.”
The tears stung her eyes as the memories began to resurface.
“I bet you think I’m crazy now, huh?” she asked, looking down at the floor.
He remained quiet, but never took his eyes off of her.
“How many?”
“Including this one 3,500,” she stated matter of factly. She looked up into his eyes attempting to gauge his reaction, but it was stoic. They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity before he made a move.
Her eyes widened as he removed his shirt, revealing the same intricate scarring she had.
“You’re a little more advanced than me, but you don’t have to be ashamed, Princess. I told you a long time ago that we were more alike than you think, guess neither of us could’ve guessed it would be this deep, huh?”
“I’m not sure what it is, but that damn doctor rubs me the wrong way,” Agent Spade spat to no one in particular. She and her colleagues were seated in the breakroom of the Pentagon with Hennessy’s file open on the desk.
“This is strange,” Agent Watson remarked, looking closer at the folder in front of him.
“She’s been in foster care since she was 12 years old. Around age 14, her moves became more and more frequent, all resulting in the foster father coming up missing; one was found stabbed to death. At age 16 she was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, her second persona going by the name ‘Kitana’. Upon further investigation of the death of the last foster father, the stab wounds matched the knife that she carried around. She was never tried because the mother refused to press charges. Didn’t want to see her life ruined over something she didn’t think she was capable of. ”
Agent Spade sat on the edge of her seat listening as Watson continued pouring over the information.
“Everything after her arrival at MIT is spotless, though. Not even a damn traffic violation!”
“Maybe you’re making something out of nothing Asa,” Agent Baxter chimed.
“She’s a knife-wielding maniac that goes by the name Kitana and she was the last person to see my nephew alive! He looked as though Jack the Ripper had gotten ahold of him. She did it, I know she did! I just wish I had some damn proof!”
“I may be able to help with that,” a young woman spoke from the back of the room.
“Speak up, Greer,” Agent Baxter replied.
“Well, I mess around with her roommate, Erik. He told me that she’d once developed this strain of cannabis so strong that it made anyone that ingested it in any way tell the truth.”
“You mean like that Hunger Games bullshit?” Agent Baxter asked with a scoff.
“Precisely. If we can get our hands on it and Spade brings her in for questioning -”
“Dammit Greer, you’re a genius!” Agent Spade exclaimed.
In the days following Agent Spade’s visit, Hennessy found herself more paranoid of the world around her. She’d never felt the slightest bit of guilt for anything that she’d done, but then again, she’d never been close to getting caught either. Erik was off on another business trip with T’Challa, diplomatic affairs he had called them, therefore she was alone. Agent Spade seemed to take notice because her visits had become more frequent. Just yesterday, she had asked her to come down to the Pentagon for more questioning regarding Ares’ murder. She had informed her that she was busy and rescheduled the meeting to later on in the week, when Erik would be back in town. Though she was more than capable of handling herself, something about Erik’s presence made her feel safer. He was truly her guardian angel on earth.
“Hello, I’m looking for Dr. Chiron,” the young woman spoke.
“Take a left down this hallway and her office is on the right hand side,” the young man instructed.
Hennessy was in the middle of a conference call with T’Challa and the rest of the Council about opening a few dispensaries in Wakanda. The soil would be perfect for new plants.
“Although you’re an American, we trust you, Dr. Chiron,” one of the Council members said. “Prince N’Jadaka speaks highly of you and your research, so we will give you a shot.”
“Thank you so much, Abasi. I promise I won’t let you down,” Hennessy called back.
A swift knock at her door prompted her to end the call.
“Come in,” she said.
She looked up to see a young woman, no taller than maybe 5’5 with curly brown hair. She was dressed in a navy polo button down with a black pencil skirt and navy heels.
“Good morning, Dr. Chiron,” the young woman spoke. “My name is Jaelyn Greer. I’m your new intern.”
The young woman looked a bit old to be an intern, but Hennessy decided not to dwell on the thought.
“Nice to meet you, Jaelyn. Come with me and I’ll show you the greenhouse.”
TAG LIST: @hearteyes-for-killmonger @eriknutinthispoosy @blackpantherismyish @amethyst1993 @thehomierobbstark @panthergoddessbast @thickoreo @thiccdaddy-mbaku @muse-of-mbaku @yaachtynoboat711 @dameshaemonique @readmywrites @forbeautyandlife @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @killmongersgurl @bidibidibombaclaat @thadelightfulone @drsunshine97 @princessstevens @princesskillmonger @imagine-mbaku @wawakanda-btch @wakanda-inspired @awkwardlyabstract @vibranium-soul
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zutaralesbian · 6 years
Game of Thrones for the ship meme! (And/or, if you are feeling the nostalgia, Reign??)
Game of Thrones:
Jaime/Brienne (Ahhhhh I love these two. They have so many of my favorite tropes. I have no idea if they will ever be canon but it's a damn shame if they aren't)
Jon/Ygritte (Kit and Rose's chemistry hasn't been topped by any other GoT ship imo. And the whole forbidden aspect of a watcher of the wall falling in love with a wildling was exactly my kind of jam.)
Sansa/Happiness (Sansa is the fandom bicycle and gets shipped with everyone but that's ultimately all I want for her.)
lowkey otps:
Ned/Catelyn (They truly loved each other :( )
Sansa/Dany (I ship this in more of an AU sense. But they would look pretty together.)
Sansa/Margaery (Again, more in a AU way. But Sansa 100% had a crush on Margaery.)
Dany/Yara (YARA SHOULD HAVE BEEN DANY'S LOVE INTEREST IN S7. Instead we're stuck watching her bone her nephew.)
Arya/Gendry (I'm not into shipping them as they are on the show since Arya is so young but when Arya is older? They could be cute.)
Jon/Satin (This is only a book ship but....book! Jon at least is very much bi.)
ships you wish more people shipped:
Pretty much any f/f ships. The GoT/ASOIAF fandom is so depressingly heterosexual.
ships you think are cute:
These are repeats of some of the ones I already listed. But Ned/Catelyn and the potential of older! Arya/Gendry are both on the cute scale.
ships you see the appeal of but don’t ship:
Hmmmm....i'm not sure. For the most part, there is no grey area with GoT ships for me. I either fully hate them or I like them lol. Maybe Sansa/Theon? I did really like their interactions on the show (mainly in early S6) and I thought it was cute how asking if Sansa was okay was the first thing Theon said to Jon when he saw him. But I don't think I ship it romantically.
ships that are usually brotp but can be otp:
Robb/Theon. I don't think I ship it romantically fully but once in a while I can get into the idea of it being unrequited romance for the angst. Theon having been in love with Robb but never getting the chance to tell him.
ships you don’t care about:
Robb/Talisa. I feel bad saying this because I obviously do think what happened to them was horrible, but their romance kind of ruined show! Robb for me. He breaks his vows for twu luv but can't understand why Catelyn was willing to do everything to save her daughters? It made him into a hyopcrite. The Robb/Jeyne situation in the books was much more complicated.
ships you dislike:
Pretty much all of my notps are at hate level lol
ships you hate:
All incest. This includes Jon/Dany, Jaime/Cersei, and Jon/Sansa. And all ships that involve Sansa being with a grown man that preys on her or scares her. (Sansa/Littlefinger and Sansa/Sandor). Also Drogo/Dany. He literally raped her and she was forced into marriage with him when she was a child.
crack ships:
I never know how to answer these because the defintion of "crack ships" are so different to certain people.
Francis/Mary (I started watching Reign because of Kennash but then Frary ended up being my favorite romantic ship on the show. They were so sad and depressing at times but so beautiful).
Claude/Leith (These two were so fun together! Claude actually made me decently enjoy Leith as a character lol)
lowkey otps:
Greer/Castleroy (Sighs)
Kenna/Bash (They were ruined. But they had so much potential)
Lola/Elizabeth (In an AU way. I was so into these two for a brief time. But then Elizabeth had Lola beheaded smh)
Mary/Lola (or Mary and any of her ladies really. But Mary/Lola was my personal favorite.)
Catherine/Henry (So toxic and bad for each other but so amusing)
ships you wish more people shipped:
Once again, more f/f!!!!! Reign is another really heterosexual fandom lol
ships you think are cute:
Mary/Francis during their non-angsty times. Claude/Leith, and Greer/Castleroy
ships you see the appeal of but don’t ship:
Lola/Narcisse. I thought Narcisse was annoying. Sorry lol
ships that are usually brotp but can be otp:
Francis/Lola. I'm a Frary warrior but Lola and Francis lowkey had some really good chemistry. If Frary was an impossibility Lola would definitely be my second choice for Francis.
ships you don’t care about:
Mary/Bash. I was just kind of meh about them. And I knew that Frary was eventually gonna reconcile so I found their whole romance in S1 kind of pointless.
Mary/Gideon (They lasted like...five seconds?)
ships you dislike:
Mary/Conde. Again, really pointless imo. And the fact that their romance really started up while Mary was still recovering from her rape sort of made me uncomfortable.
Mary/Darnley (They were an entertaining dynamic though, which is why they're in the dislike list instead of the hate one.)
ships you hate:
Greer/Leith. I hated them from the moment Leith wished misery on her just for wanting to do what's best for her family. And he never respected her choices. Also Catherine/Narcisse. They gave Catherine all of those pointless scenes with Narcisse when she could have been interacting with Mary smh
crack ships:
Could Mary/Lola/Kenna/Greer be an 0T4?
Thanks! ❤
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