#gregory is an adorably oblivious little bean
newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hi! Love your work. Fo you have anythong about Lucy and Gregory before he realised that he loves her. I think at one point you wrote about him thinking he likes Hermione from the reception, before he came to his senses 😁
Hello! I've really left you hanging on this one but as we know, I love and adore Lucy and Gregory and I just... need them today.
Ahhh Yes, Gregory was an idiot, And was not in control of the Bridgerton Family Brain Cell™️ on his first day in the office and being the sweetheart he is, who was desperate to put his love somewhere, he bestowed it on Hermione Watson at the reception desk, rather than the woman standing 2ft to her left.
So this is really Gregory + being oblivious.
Gregory Bridgerton had been, frankly very excited to find the love of his life, the moment he'd walked into his brother's now his as well, he supposed office. And honestly, she was stunning, with her blonde hair, and her green eyes, and her polite smile. Yes, Hermione Watson was beautiful. The only problem was she was wholly uninterested in him. She had a boyfriend, he'd heard from Lucy, but even so, every morning he'd stand next to her desk o wait for Anthony to arrive and Hermione would exchange pleasantries with her friend, and ignore Gregory completely. What am I doing wrong Lucy?! He'd whined across the bull pen at his coworker, tossing her a fruit salad chew and Lucy would look at him with the oddest mixture of pity and something he couldn't place and say Gregory, you need to ease up. The smile and the glasses and the bowtie are probably enough without you popping up everywhere as well. She looked away clearing her throat as though she felt awkward. You need to leave her alone and she'll wonder why. And so he resolved to try.
La la la Lucy! Gregory had sung at her as he met her in the foyer of the building, waiting by the lift, getting her to hold it for him to ride up together like normal. She'd rolled her eyes though smiled when she saw him, her perfectly manicured hand holding the button down. It's Wednesday Lucy so you know what that means! He'd said brightly add Lucy had answered without missing a beat New comic day. And it's been a while so I'm assuming Wonder Woman aaaaand Thor today? Her eyes had smiled at him, and he'd grinned back nodding excitedly. You know me so well. He's said, and their eyes had caught for a moment, a crease forming between her eyebrows something building between them until the lift door had dinged open and she'd made an odd noise as her eyes slid away from his when she turned to exit saying softly Yes, I think that's the problem. And she'd left him standing there wondering why on earth knowing a friend so well would ever be a problem.
Lucy hated to be that girl. Had spent her entire life being practical and logical to avoid being the sad girl in the romantic comedy who was hopelessly in love with someone who didn't want them. Well no, that wasn't fair. Gregory Bridgerton did want her, but he wanted her to be his friend and every time he said it the words stung at her. And he had no idea. Absolutely no idea just how handsome he was. How when he smiled at her it sent her heart fluttering and made her feel a little off kilter. How when he nudged her arm lightly to get her attention over something stupid Anthony and Kate were doing it seemed to burn at her skin. And worst of all, he had absolutely no idea that when he dropped a slice of cake or an iced coffee or tea on her desk when he got back from running Anthony's errands with no indication that he was going to do it and he smiled at her thanks and said What are friends for? It made her chest ache. Because the woman he was in love with was perfect the kind of perfect that she (and her Uncle) desperately wanted her to be. And so when he got confused and kissed her, for a minute she almost let herself believe that he'd realised that she was right there too. But of course he hadn't and he had no idea that imperfect Lucy Abernathy fell apart, shamefully crying into the arms of his sister in law.
This got a bit angsty, I'm so sorry!
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