#griffin's got me in my feels at 12:40am
kp-go-fish · 4 years
Submitted Prompt
@thewritingcaddy: “Someone’s seen a ghost.” okie dokie here we go, jumping right back into my feels for my boi with this one. 
“I just feel like I see her everywhere.” - Drabble
The roof top was the only place Griffin could seem to find some alone time. Wherever they ended up, he seemed to always get the short end of the stick with rooming. Of course that only happened when they found Alice, and Silas made it clear that Griffin and Jesse would share a room together, “because you’ll be in a world of hurtin’ if I find other of you in her bedroom alone”. It was crystal clear. 
From motels, apartments, houses, it didn’t matter to Griffin. He’s climb fire escapes, scale up a building through a window, or pick a locked door that led to the roof. He was alone, just himself and his thoughts. This was a loud thought day.
Sharing a bed with Jesse was only a small factor contributing to the lack of sleep Griffin was able to get in the last week. The dreams... or visions... or memories... whatever they were they were getting worse. It was all so vivid, whenever he closed his eyes. He could see her, under the mud, with her last breath leaving her mouth and breaking out through the mud in a little bubble-...
Griffin choked on the air he was breathing, his eyes bug-eyed open as he tried to catch his breath. He could feel the late afternoon breeze like a calm presence. As if she was trying to comfort him for what she’s been putting him through. He looked down at his legs dangling off the roof of the house. He could feel his body begging to rest. To just close his eyes once more... His mind needed rest, but he was pretty sure his heart couldn’t handle watching his younger sister die over and over again. 
“Please... you’re really wearing me down here,” Griffin practically whispered to the breeze, rubbing his tired eyes.
“You must be pretty worn down already, if you didn’t hear me climb up here.” Alice sat down next to Griffin, her legs crossed under her. He rolled his head over to her, glancing at her. She shared some qualities that Cassandra had. They both loved to torment Griffin, and they both loved to worry him to his wits ends... but most of all, they both knew when something was wrong with him.
“Just tired, Al... Sharing a bed with a giant isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.” He quipped, before staring back out into the neighborhood they were staying it. He could feel her eyes piercing into the side of his face.  
“Not buying it, big bird. You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” 
He felt his shoulders drop. His eyes had felt dry with sleep all day, but now they were filling with tears that would most likely betray him. “I feel like I have. Every time I close my eyes, she just... there. And I can’t do anything about it. I can’t go back and find her. I can’t even reach out to anyone back home saying I know where her body is, not without having every Hunter on Earth at our door in seconds.” He shook his head, looking back down at his feet dangling. He hated feeling this small and childlike. It was all out of his control. She was telling him where she was buried and he couldn’t do anything to help her, even now. 
Alice scooted once closer to him, and simply wrapped her arm through his. It gave her comfort, with him looking down towards the ground three stories below. If he went, she was too. His mind wasn’t at that aspect at all. The sign of comfort was just enough to push him over a different edge. He closed his eyes, the salty burn wining over as the pools flowed down his cheeks. 
Alice had a tingle pain in her chest, watching Griffin break down. She didn’t have her birth family waiting anywhere to reach out to. They were dead. She had Silas, but it wasn’t what Griffin had, or what he was grieving the loss of. It was never in her strong suit, to comfort others. But, she was pretty good at just holding on to his arm if it made him feel better. She stared off into the treeline of the outer border of the town for a while. Griffin’s head has fallen onto her shoulder, which she knew could not possibly be comfortable for his neck at all with the height difference. 
It was pretty clear he was asleep. He hadn’t moved, or said anything in five minutes, and the tears had stopped. She could barely see his face out of the corner of her eye, with his hair in his face. She slowly pushed his hair back off his eyes, and decided to go back to watching the clouds go by. She wasn’t an expert on comforting people, but she was pretty good at battling demons. If he just needed her to be there to help battle his demons, she would watch the clouds go by for hours until he was ready. 
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