#grineer queen
seekingcylem · 2 years
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THERE WE GO part 5 of my expedition thru tennotober 2020. i have no idea if the queue is going to spit these out in order or not.
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stealingyourbones · 11 months
Submitted Prompts #135
I know I tend to send in DPxDC prompts, but today I had A Thought.
I've been playing Warframe again, lately, and I've been grinding for the Operator Affiny things (thank you Zenurik Focus, for blessing me with boundless Energy with which to commit chaos :D )
And a thought struck me: Operators use Transference to pilot a Warframe. It comes from their Void powers, granted to them in an accident, where their ship was about to dimension-jump into the Void. This overlapping of dimensions made the Tenno into something Other (hilariously, they're called Tenno because they were from the Zariman 10-0. Ten-Zero. Ten-O. Tenno) with extra-dimensional powers, among which is a beam of energy from said dimension. Sound familiar?
What I'm getting at here is: Immortal Danny finds himself transported into the Zariman after the tragedy that befell it, and since The Void and the Infinite Realms are neighbouring extra-dimensional planes of existence, he feels right at home with the survivors (canonically, the adults all went insane, while the more adaptable children survived with powers) and helps them with their powers.
Eventually the Orokin find them, as in canon, and take them in as their Tenno Warrior caste. Their Praetorian Guard, of sorts, and build the Prime Warframes for the children to inhabit and pilot.
Danny goes along with it, because hey cool space bio-armor that he can power with his abundance ecto-energy. Maybe Pandora and frostbite might want to take a look, too.
His Warframe? Banshee Prime
Shit happens, as one might say, and as the Tenno are put into cryo-sleep by the the Lotus (Space Mom!!!!) Danny goes back to the Realms, after his vacation is done.
Eons later, the Tenno rise again, to a shattered and warring Solar System.
They reestablish their Relays, and their presence once more brings order and peace to the System. And as the Order once again grows, as more and more Tenno wake up, Teshin, the Last of the Orokin Dax (the Royal Guard) tells them of Banshee Prime, and her incredible powers over sound and voice.
As the Tenno pilots reawaken in their stasis pods in Lua, one remains missing. Tenno across the System all wonder where everyone's favorite older brother went, and what happened to his Banshee Prime Warframe that he always lovingly maintained and repaired himself.
One, the Harrow pilot, peers into the Void, as he typically does, and finds a trace leading to another dimension other than the Void where the Moon had been hidden, with their pods in it.
Essentially, a whole legion of high school murder-inclined feral teens go on a trip to the Ghost Zone to bring back their older brother, so he can once again tell them of the stars and their meanings. They think he would like to have words with some people, and the Main Character has spotted the Lotus look to the stars with grief in her eyes as she wonders on her wayward child's whereabouts.
Danny, for his part, has grown up into his Fenton Brickhouse genes (not being in a stasis pod will do that to you) and is ruling the Realms along with his Council of Ancient, and generally getting his new powers as the Ancient of Space under control, like he's done before with his basic ghost abilities, and later his ice.
What he didn't expect, was for his old siblings to knock down the doors to his Throne room and crowd him, all screeching about how come he grew up when they're all stuck as kids still, and why dies he look so different, and so many questions that he gets a little overwhelmed.
When Clockwork (grandpa), Pandora (mom) and Frostbite (dad) turn to him and his baby siblings, and say Danny really should take a break "for your own health, Your Highness. You're overdue a vacation!"...let's just say the System was ready for the Tenno. Alad V was ready to face them in battle and experiment with their Warframes (the Valkyr lore is horrifying if you pay attention to it).
No one was ready for Phantom and Banshee Prime to take the System by storm, leading an army of feral children with murder-hobo inclinations
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vipermenace · 1 year
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Decided to put some of my Warframe pieces up on Inprnt! ☟
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dioptre-hertz · 6 months
eat my big cock and balls
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orokin-grub · 2 years
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Tennotober 2022: Day 21 to 27.
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katzs-gameblr · 8 months
Yesterday I got kinkshamed by the Worm Queen 😭
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aqg-arts · 1 year
Hello and welcome back to another day of me crying myself to sleep.
On today's episode of WDTCRUO (Who does this character remind you of?), I plan on covering these few unfortunate characters and torturing you with who they remind me of.
You know the drill- 5 characters, 5 people they remind me of.
I know, that sounds amazing.
Anyway, today's wf shitpost victims, we have:
1. Clem
Lil babi bean ommmggg
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2. Inaros
Sandy fuck fr
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3. The Queens
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4. Biz
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5. Gara Prime
Queen fr (love her ngl)
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So now we get to ruin the joy they bring with my own shit.
Too fucked to write half of this, but who cares? Letsa go!
1. Golden retriever puppy
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He is so loveable I just want to cuddle him.
2. Pharaohs curse
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He's a meme fr tho
3. Nope
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Gross. Just, ugh, I can smell her and I hate it. Poor Teshin, being kept as essentially a slave by that giant earth worm wannabe, jfc.
4. We don't know
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He is so mysterious fr o.o
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She's perfect, I really do enjoy her :D
Anyway, wnjoy it ig, see ya next week yaayyyyy
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xeilon · 2 years
I was looking through the Warframe wiki and (once again) I realized that probably the most disturbing / unexplained thing here is how the hell is Teshin still alive? And it got me thinking, and with every idea it gets worse and worse? We also don't know for how long have he known the queens, and maybe it's all connected? I have a few theories, but they are a bit long, so I put them under the cut.
1. The most tame theory:
So Teshin IS a liar. He kept the queens' secret, shitting on the Lotus throughout a whole quest, telling us how we can't possibly trust her because she's been keeping secrets from us. Conveniently "forgets" to mention that he is a Dax etc.
So the guy decides to fib a little and tell the Tenno that no, of course he didn't go into stasis, HE just "searched the long path for redemption". 🙄
The queens found him a few years before the main plot started, woke him up, and he's been serving them since, also running the Conclave between his missions.
2. Slightly worse theory:
Teshin has been with the queens from the start. As in, since the fall of the Orokin empire. Some Orokin escaped with their guards, grineers, Dax. He was fighting in the same location as where the twins were, and they commanded him to come with and protect them.
Tyl Regor calls Teshin a pseudo-Tenno and is surprised to see him... alive? Why would he?
The Tenno during the game are mostly known for one thing: stirring up shit in the empire and then disappearing.
What if the queens decided to put Teshin in cryosleep for most of the time and then wake him up for missions. Find them new bodies, fight against an uprising, let Tyl Regor examine him to make more "durable" less mutated grineer using orokin technology. And then, when everything is said and done, he goes back to stasis.
Just as the Lotus thought the Queens never existed, Teshin is just a mere ghost story for the average grineer. Those who met him (like Tyl Regor) don't know he's a dax, they just think that he's some Tenno like soldier who the queens managed to capture and then was killed.
His newest mission might be to get close to the Tenno and either steer them towards the grineer / orokin faction or bring them to the queens for continuity.
He searched the long path for redemption through living in a limbo of life and fake-death. Maybe after a while it just didn't work. His body was asleep and unchanging, but his mind was aware. The things he learned in this state were the skills that helped him help us during The War Within.
3. The worst of them all:
We know from Vorunas backstory that the Orokin weren't the only ones who could preform the continuity. We also know, because of the existence of Varzia that there were Dax put in stasis. So who's to say that the grineer queens haven't actually told a lot of Dax to come with them, and put them all into stasis except one. Teshin.
He does their bidding, time passes he gets older and when he can't preform well anymore in his current body, well, there are others. A bit of kuva and everything is solved.
The queens wouldn't use dax bodies for continuity, because they then would inherit the dax's weakness - being unable to defy the symbols of the orokin.
On the other hand, not preforming continuity on him is just too much work. A new dax that doesn't know/understand the structure of the grineer army? Someone who has to be taught the language and the rules? Someone who doesn't know about previous missions, who doesn't know the enemy? Continuity just saves them the trouble.
After all, Teshin did tell us that he believes the kuva is both an elixir of immortality and a corrupting poison. Maybe he knows it all too well.
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Yay! Warframe fanart/sketches!
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Lair of the Madman, Tyl Regor
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Grineer Noble: Concept
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Emergence of the Zariman
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Death By the Jade Light
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valaglarios · 1 year
i want More Grineer Content. them bringing tyl back and apparently putting vor in the undercroft in the kallervo update is a start but i need More
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Also, me and @alteredsilicone were discussing how the Orokin viewed relationships and stumbled upon a much bigger realization:
At its core, Warframe is a game about love.
Yea, sure it sounds kinda weird that a game about commiting space war crimes would be about love, but if you think about it, it makes a lot of sense, no?
After all, every single antagonist, every single faction, even our own characters, have motivation that is founded on love. For the Grineer its their built-in love of the Queens and of each other, for the Corpus its their undying love of Profit and just overall Desire. For the Infested, well...Need I say anything?
Like you can apply this to basically everyone. Ballas, the sentients, Wally, hell even us (our love of Space Mom). Its love all the way down. Which for a game as strange and bizzare as Warframe is actually, really charming.
Oh yea, and the homosexual allegations (or in Ballas's case, bisexual allegations) we just received in the form of the Proea Prime trailer
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aboriforma · 2 months
Spinning 'Jade' around in my mind -
JS didn't hit me much, but the Jade's promise took a wack out of me that I so wish DE did more of - confrontation and friction that would exist within the fiction given the circumstances of the characters.
Tucks thoughts beneath a read more;
As far as main story beats go - The Sacrifice is the only one to hit on the mark of the friction that would exist in the terms of the world of the Orokin reign; the threat of retaliation by silencing any whiff of dissent, the straight-cut of anyone other than those in power as lesser, and the active -TRY- against the pain that comes from that kind of system. If they had managed to work Jade's promise into it at the same effort, I really feel like it would've attained that level. But it's constraints on Stalker/Sorren would've made that extremely difficult in a restrained POV.
The Sacrifice is the only main story quest that actually made me cry; Jade's promise got the same out of me even if it was just short sections.
While, usually, we get glimpses of the larger picture with Simaris' imprints, various tales in the levarian, the short time we had tales attached to primed warframes, or even with warframes like Dagath, like Jade. We don't get a lot of 'big hits' of empire acting as an empire does [wide gesture towards various capital driven countries, to ongoing war and genocide], but they're in small ways, which makes the world feel more alive than just set pieces being moved around.
The setting feeling more alive is the big thing I hope to see more as we go on into future updates; even while we still have areas that feel lifeless even though there's NPCs placed around [looking at relays]. Cetus and Fortuna still now feels vibrant - they feel like lived in places even if they're hubs. The Zariman is silent and cold yet still looked lived in how nooks and crannies have old shelters built into it still; all the tilesets have their own touches of being 'lived in' with their respective factions. And while it's taken some time, their story-telling is getting closer to matching that level of effort of being a place people either once live, or still live in.
Especially after War Within, while it touched upon the Zariman it was vague enough to fit a player's interruption of their own operator's potential experience, the Yuvan theater felt glossed over. Parading 'fresh bodies' for the old and dying to have their body used as a vessel for another's mind. There's a lot of weight there, but within War Within it's used as set dressing for the neat mirror trick of your operator and the Grineer queen.
For most of the time before it, and before The Sacrifice, the Orokin felt very, cartoony in the way of propping up the classic interruption of an empire is. Made with a lot of short-hands that can, unfortunately, lead a lot of people to conclusions of 'empire is good actually' if its not fleshed out enough to encompass what comes with total subjugation of their population which DE has put in constantly. Much in the same way fandom or canon has the unfortunate tendency to latch onto facist imagry because it 'looks cool' and brush off people's discomfort of that facist imagry.
I know it's more out of DE's story consistency that the operator does not remember much outside of mentorship under The Lotus or sections aboard the Zariman. But Jade's Promise did touch on it; not passively glossing over the fact of what being a child soldier entails. Something that I didn't feel like they did enough on before that I turned my Tenno OC (Diviyoni-Jacob Warren) into part character exploration, part catharsis, part trying to piece my own feelings regarding being an undiagnosed AuDHD child and needing a differentiate between mental self (T'viska, Loki) and emotional self (Warren, Tenno) to get through some less than understood issues.
I really like when DE doesn't try to pull their punches; I kinda get why people get disappointed in Jade Shadows not being able to match up with TSD, WW, Sacrifice, TNW - but those had a whole development cycle focused on them while Jade Shadows was more aligned with the older warframe quests, which everyone forgets about since DE doesn't have focus development to that stuff anymore for obvious reasons of resources.
Silently hoping for Lotus Eaters and 1999 to open up possibilities of more time-line hoping to expand upon operator and drifter coming to terms with their circumstances. Instead of Operator just shutting those memories away and Drifter just spiraling until Lotus' hand smacked them upside the head.
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ninjamasterbcadef · 4 months
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atmosphericradar · 9 months
Analyzing the Timeline of the Tenno Schools
There isn't a lot of concrete information that Digital Extremes has released about the Tenno Schools (or "Ways") in Warframe. Here is what I know so far (as best I can w/ help from the Warframe Wiki):
Tenno Schools are martial arts disciplines. A School instructs a Tenno in a specific style of fighting, focused on harnessing Tenno Void powers in unique ways.
There is no mechanical restriction of Warframes or weapons for any School; a disciple of any Way may use any tools at their disposal.
The five Focus Schools are: Madurai, Vazarin, Naramon, Unairu, and Zenurik. Training in these Ways unlocks new Void abilities for the Tenno, as well as improvements to pre-existing Void powers. This training also unlocks various synergies between the Tenno and their Warframe, allowing each to improve the other.
The Rough Timeline of Events Preceding the Beginning of Warframe (pre-Vor's Prize quest)
Albrecht Entradi creates the Reliquary Drive, enabling spacecraft to make faster-than-light Void Jumps to arbitrary locations in space. The player reveals this history by reaching max rank with the Necraloid Syndicate. The creation of the Reliquary Drive inspires the Orokin Empire to embark on a project to colonize the nearby Tau solar system.
The Orokin Empire send terraforming robots to the Tau System, ahead of their primary human-carrying ark: the Zariman Ten Zero.
The terraforming robots defected while terraforming the Tau System, becoming the Sentients.
The Orokin Empire develop the Warframes using the Infestation. Ballas explains in his Vitruvian records during The Sacrifice quest that he created the Warframes to fight the Sentients, because the Sentients could control the combat robots the Orokin Empire would have otherwise used to fight the Sentient invasion.
The Zariman Ten Zero fails its Void Jump catastrophically. During The War Within quest, the Grineer Queen and the player's Tenno narrate the events of the Zariman Ten Zero incident: the adults were driven violently insane, and the children killed them to survive, ultimately leaving only the children alive on the Zariman. These children, who had been changed by their exposure to the Void, are now known as the Tenno.
Margulis prevents the Orokin Empire from killing the Tenno. In The Apostasy Prologue quest, the Lotus says that Margulis worked with and studied the Tenno (likely healing their trauma from the Zariman Ten Zero incident).
Margulis was killed by Ballas. Her work with the Tenno and their void-based abilities was used to develop the Transference process.
Ballas used the Tenno and Transference to control the Warframes.
The Sentients invade the Origin System. The Tenno, Warframes, and the Lotus fought the Sentient invasion known now as the Old War.
During The Prelude To War quest we see a memory of the Old War, where the Lotus confronts Erra on Lua with six Tenno by her side. At this time, the Tenno can be seen producing Void Beams without Amps. This void attack appears to be the same Void Beam as from Transcendence (the Operator's primary attack pre-The War Within quest).
According to the Shadow Stalker's Codex entry, after the Old War had concluded and the Sentients were defeated, the Orokin Empire held a system-wide victory ceremony in honor of the Tenno. During this ceremony, the Tenno simultaneously assassinated the Orokin leadership across the Origin System, toppling the Empire.
Note that the above timeline intentionally avoids talking about the order of events surrounding the Lotus. I don't believe straightening out her complicated timeline is critically necessary for talking about the Tenno Schools.
Evidence for pre-Old War Tenno Schools
I could not find any clear textual evidence of Tenno Schools existing simultaneously with the Orokin Empire, as of 2023.
It is possible that the five Focus Schools somehow evolved from pre-existing fighting styles which pre-date the existence of the Tenno. The Dax may have a martial tradition involving five methods of combat which was passed down to the Tenno, though there is no evidence to support this. It is also possible that an Orokin-era civilization or society had a spiritual or martial tradition which centered five methods of being, although that is purely speculation.
Evidence for post-Old War Tenno Schools
This is where all of the knowledge of the Tenno Schools in Warframe comes from, as of 2023.
The Tenno Schools become available after The Second Dream quest is completed. This quest reveals that the Tenno are children with Void abilities, Operators of the Warframes and not the Warframes themselves. This revelation opens up the Tenno Schools immediately. It is unclear if the Tenno know the Ways of these Schools innately. There is no direct evidence to suggest the Tenno learn of these Schools through some off-screen method.
A player can switch between the Ways of each School at will. When a Tenno changes Ways, they lose all of the abilities granted to them from their previous Way. The only exception to this is when you "unbind" certain abilities from the School, allowing your Tenno to keep the unbound power regardless of which Way they are currently practicing.
This implies that the Schools are like martial arts schools: only a master of one style of fighting can benefit from trying to mix-and-match with other styles on the fly. That said, there is nothing stopping anyone from practicing many disciplines; just fight with discipline at a time for maximum effectiveness. Note that there is no hard evidence in the game to suggest that Tenno exclusively have Void powers from only one Focus School. It would seem that any Tenno can have powers from any School, so long as they train in the proper Ways.
Tenno Clan Dojos have many tools for combat training, and even a specific room for sparring. It is unknown if the Tenno Dojos act as a major training ground or place of learning for the Tenno Schools in-universe.
I have found no evidence for Tenno-aligned humans without Void powers practicing the Ways of the Focus Schools.
I have found no evidence to suggest that The Man In The Wall has any influence over the existence or Ways of the Tenno Schools, or any influence over the specifics of how Void powers manifest.
Based on the evidence I have gathered, it seems as though the Tenno Schools are a post-Orokin-Empire creation. It is unlikely that the Tenno Schools were adopted from a separate pre-existing culture. Two options for the genesis of the five Focus Schools are supported by the text:
One or several of the earliest Tenno to awaken from cryosleep were the ones responsible for creating the five Focus Schools. The Void powers, abilities, and synergies are split between the Schools because of differences in combat philosophy first and foremost. Secondarily, it may be difficult for an adolescent to manifest or control all of the Void abilities from all of the Schools at once, and separating them into smaller practices keeps things manageable.
Something inherent to the nature of the Void separates the powers and abilities of the Tenno into five groups. The philosophies and combat styles of the schools follow from how the powers cluster, or perhaps the headspace a Tenno needs to be in to access that cluster of abilities.
Nothing about the Tenno Schools prevents their use by Tenno who do not have the ability to perform Transference unassisted. In addition, a Tenno School does not require the use of an Amp. Because of these two factors, Tenno Schools could have been active during the Orokin Empire era. It's possible that the Tenno Schools originate from techniques (therapeutic or supernatural) developed by Margulis during her time working with the children of the Zariman, though there is no evidence to support this theory.
Additional thoughts under the cut!
Non-Focus Tenno Schools
While I posited that such a thing could exist, there isn't a lot of evidence for non-Focus Tenno Schools. Below is a list of things which could be or could have been Tenno Schools separate from a Focus, depending on your interpretation:
"The Old Ways": A mysterious and nondescript collection of Tenno fighting techniques which seem to date back to the time of the Orokin Empire. Teshin is fond of speaking of "the Old Ways" when training Tenno, and is likely trying to impart lost knowledge of those "Ways" onto the Tenno. The flavor text in the Nikana mentions the Old Ways. The flavor text of the Glaive also mentions "dating back to the first Tenno", connecting to the Nightwave mission "The Old Ways".
The Stalker and his Acolytes: Neither the players nor the Stalker himself is sure if the Stalker and/or his Acolytes are Tenno. The Stalker is described in his Codex entry as holding the rank of "Guardian" during the Orokin Empire, and is never identified as a Tenno or even as a Warframe. Although neither the Stalker nor his Acolytes use any void powers, if they are Tenno their general immunity to Warframe abilities and unusual powers could be indicative of a Tenno School unique to them.
Non-School Tenno Organizations
Tenno Schools are fighting disciplines. They characterize what techniques a Tenno uses to fight, but not why they fight or what causes they fight for. A Tenno Clan, for example, is not a Tenno School. The Clan is made up of many Tenno, whom may all individually practice combat styles from one or several Schools. Below is a list of things which very likely aren't Tenno Schools:
The Six Faction Syndicates: Steel Meridian, Arbiters of Hexis, Cephalon Suda, The Perrin Sequence, Red Veil, and New Loka. They may be major political or philosophical groups within modern Tenno society, and they even have their own weapons, but they do not teach combat methodology.
The "exclusive order of Tenno assassins" mentioned in the flavor text of the Karyst.
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dad-of-demons · 2 years
Kahl’s Garrison and the Syndicates
I just had a thought the other day, how would Kahl and his camp react to the various Syndicates, and my brain churned this out. If you think your favorite group has been unfairly represented, feel free to say how you think it would go. ‘Cuz heavens knows my own preferences leaked through.
Arbiters of Hexis: They try coming to the camp, willing to show new ways of fighting and discipline for Kahl and his small group. He and his brothers have no such interest. It’s not that they don’t appreciate the effort, or the new shiny weapons (even if some of them look a bit fancy). It’s that their way didn’t win the war. It didn’t keep Veils off of their faces. The traditional way doesn’t work.
Cephalon Suda: Kahl isn’t sure what to make of the people in the purple jumpsuits, or the glowing cube it puts him in communication with. They talk a lot, like the flying robot that follows the Tenno. They ask after his Veilbreaker. He tries to explain it to them, how it was made. If more people can break veils, that’s good news to him.
The Perrin Sequence: Kahl doesn’t like the Corpus who show up. They give dirty looks to his brothers, both his fellow Grineer and the non-Corpus alike. He can Chipper mutter about how “the self-righteous bankers” have arrived. They talk to Olvar, trying to get him to join their faction. Olvar looks around the camp, before settling back onto his crates. “No thanks, but I think I’m where I need to be.” No one says anything when Horrek serves him an extra portion that night.
New Loka: When they arrive, they start telling the camp they need to pack up and leave. “You are defiling the sacred ground of Terra! Leave and find somewhere else to sully!” The clicking chorus of guns being cocked make the visitors decide to leave.
Red Veil: Kahl notices evidence of them before he actually sees them. Broken branches not made by a brother. Slashes in tree trunks. When he goes out to scout one day, a hand wraps around his neck, a dagger appearing over his face. “You are fascinating. There is much we could learn from you.” Slowly, he reaches for his belt, and primes a grenade. “Kahl has died once. Only made Kahl upset. You think you can make death stick?” The arm releases him, and as he spins, he sees nothing. Merely a voice from the shadows. “We shall meet again.”
Steel Meridian: Kahl hears the collective hush over the camp before he sees her. Of course he recognizes her. Cressa Tal is infamous amongst Grineer ranks, the traitor who fought against the Queens. She doesn’t make threats. Doesn’t even try to recruit them. She merely hands him a communicator, with instructions. “You ever need our help? Somebody trying to hit you, or you about to hit back? Let us know. We’re always ready for a fight.” Kahl smirks at her words, and the two grasp arms. Nothing else needs be said.
Considering how I would write interactions from the various open world factions (Ostron, Entrati, etc.). If that would be of interest, feel free to let me know!
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bellygunnr · 2 years
The All-Consumer
A Grineer POV of a Galleon being overrun by a Grendel.
Trak-239 saves his curse for after he brings his squadron to a halt, raising his hand and clenching it into a visible fist. Weapons arm in unison behind him, but they all hold still, expressions tightening as panicked orders and chaos flood in over the radio. The word “tenno” is thrown around, which only means one thing– a siege. But of what nature?
The captain’s voice over the shipwide intercom clears that up. Drop back to defend the ship’s engines or engage the enemy, no matter the cost. Trak shakes his head and motions for his team to retreat. Orders, quietly, for Ghor-240 to bring up the TACDATA, as if knowing where the enemy is will give them a fighting chance. It tells him what to avoid, as few directives supersede the urge to protect his brothers, and they make good time, if the shared map is to be trusted.
On a separate feed, snapshots of armor cameras and garbled verbal reports paint a picture of their aggressor. None of it is high quality, but someone tags it as carrying an Acceltra and a heavy blade of some kind. Trak and his team slink through a maintenance tunnel, taking pause to arm a handful of custom defenses in the interior of the ship. Precautions, from their senior siblings.
He lingers at the exit, then, to check their path ahead. Alarms blare with cycling amber lights, and bodies move, rushing away from the bowels of engineering. Trak confirms that the target is not yet past them, or even nearby, perhaps one of the rarer, slower Tenno. That’d give them time to confound the beast, should his crewmates not kill themselves on its blade in the meantime.
They cross as a unit, moving as quickly as protocol allows. Jark-621 speaks, suddenly, a gravely rasp that rebounds in the confines of the ship.
“It’s a Grendel-tenno,” he says. “I’ve never seen that one before.”
Neither has Trak. He shakes his head, unable to give it much thought because they’ve just arrived at the aft of the ship, where the reactors hum and churn. The sirens have not tripped here, leaving it eerily silent, but bodies move in tandem, bracing the entrances with heavy weapons and sandbags. Thank the Queens they’re not the only ones with the idea, as defending a location this critical and this open is– difficult, with a team his size.
But he’d done it before. 
A heavy gunner catches his eye. He lets her beckon him forward, noting the rank and name braced across her armor. She racks her machine gun without looking, apparently giving you and your squad a once-over.
“Go to the core. Brother know what to do.”
“Are our maps the same?” Trak asks, holding his acknowledgement.
He shows her the device. She looks, shrugs, and shoves him roughly forward.
Trak hurries, weaving through defenses and weapons to get to the huge powered doors in the back. Here, yellow liquid swirls in glass, the lifeblood of the ship. Beneath the groaning of the door, he hears a shrieking, and a thud.
The radio echoes the shriek, speakers convulsing with an otherworldly howl. Must be the Grendel-tenno– has to be, because he’s never heard that sound before.
“Ghor, lock down the cells,” Trak grunts, ignoring the sputtering of gunfire. “Me and Jark have the doors.”
There’s fear in the air. He can smell it. The map tells why, but their comms have been erupting into screams and howls, unceasing now that they’re the furthest from the danger. But really, are they? The target has picked up speed. Not even the captain speaks, probably discharged from the bridge or perhaps donning a blitz kit, their most effective against Tenno. He wishes he felt the fear, but he’s old, and his sorrows have long since run dry. 
He’s old, if he has the time to think about past experiences instead of the warm nothing of the cloning tube.
The gunfire is louder. Machine guns, an endless roar. Something in the ship gives or shakes so violently that Trak feels it in his augmented boots. He helps Jark hoist a beam across the doors, a physical companion to the electric locks.
The beam vibrates and jumps against its bolts. The door behind it warps, badly. Blue-black fluid leaks through the strains in galvanized steel. Trak remains upright so he drags Jark back to his feet, hauling him by the collar to where Ghor is. 
“Tenno,” Ghor states plainly.
But it reeks badly of toxin and Infested, a tiny part of Trak’s brain reasons.
Steel tears apart, rendering their lockdown null. Trak throws Ghor to the floor so the flying pieces of barricade don’t decapitate him, but his grip is lost in fear, as their Grendel-tenno is suddenly all he can focus on. The shoddy pictures didn’t do it justice– 
This thing is huge. It struggles not because it isn’t strong, but because its girth won’t fit, jagged metal borders digging into the hard outer shell of its shoulders and belly. Unlike most Tenno, it has an eye, and it stares with a fixed concentration on Trak, a swirling pit of cyan that freezes him in place. A pair of horns gleam dully on either side of its face, catching the light as it jerks and twists in the tangled mess its made for itself.
Weakly, Ghor starts to fire, arms shaking with the barks of his submachine gun. Its shields pop startlingly fast, but even that doesn’t disturb the beast; it hunches over and shoves its upper body into the control room, bracing itself on the doorframe until its torso falls through– or–
Jark has the mind to throw a grenade. It lands and sticks fast to the space just in front of the beast, but a thick glob of blue-black ichor suddenly drips from its body, oozing from a jagged seam and snuffing the explosive with ease. Trak watches that seam open, revealing the shiny band of metal to be more than armor– but teeth, a whole mouthful, gurgling like a disturbed vat and shrieking like a stuck pig. Even a tongue lolls out, thrashing nearly as wildly as the Grendel-tenno as it struggles out of its cage.
Still, their bullets do nothing. 
In a fit of rage, Trak charges forward, drawing his dagger and laying into the brown hide of the Grendel-tenno. He feels the blade bite and gouge, excising chunks of armor but drawing no blood. That enrages him, too, and a higher part of him recognizes the sheer indifference the Tenno has for his advances, because it roars something awful while getting a leg underneath it. That shoves its belly out, lets it stand upright, and–
All is nothing but teeth and blackness. Trak screams as bassy laughter shakes his body apart to the beat of gnashing fangs.
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