#grineer worm queen
dioptre-hertz · 6 months
eat my big cock and balls
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vipermenace · 1 year
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Decided to put some of my Warframe pieces up on Inprnt! ☟
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orokin-grub · 2 years
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Tennotober 2022: Day 21 to 27.
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katzs-gameblr · 8 months
Yesterday I got kinkshamed by the Worm Queen 😭
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Yay! Warframe fanart/sketches!
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Lair of the Madman, Tyl Regor
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Grineer Noble: Concept
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Emergence of the Zariman
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Death By the Jade Light
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socratetris · 2 years
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Since it is taking quite some time, and because I pivoted from the easier thumbnail I made before WARFRAME: Lua’s Prey released, I figured I would share a little bit about what goes into my process for taking an in-game art asset and turning it into something that will pop and stand out in a youtube thumbnail.
This is not a statement that my edits are better in any way. In fact, I think my edits drastically lose a lot of what makes the artwork as present in-game work as a part of the game’s world building and artistry. Never the less, I am working in a different medium.
I consider the creation of youtube thumbnails a transformative version of collage. While some are much better than others, and by no means am I claiming mine are great, I do not discount digital collage and just copy-pasting other images. (Though people often do just that in this industry.)
First is taking a screen-cap of the image.
Second, painstakingly erasing everything around the subject in Gimp, being mindful of where the lines are meant to be, their thickness, and preserving as much as possible. This was a particular challenge on Voruna’s wolf friends, because their line work is done in the same yellow as the murals they are placed on. The line work makes aggressive use of lines that suggest space and shape, yet ever connect. Leaving a lot of the original wolves without exterior linework. My process will change this gestalt quality. Which is a pity.
Third, copying the layer. Bringing the figure to 0 contrast so that the shape becomes a single color. Selecting the shape. Growing the area of the shape by a tiny amount, “2.” then merging the layers with the wolf on top, thus creating a black outline. I actually do this step between the brightness/contrast and the sharpness parts of step 4, because introducing such a large amount of the color black I feel throws off maintaining the colors of the image. So i would rather keep it for all the parts of those filters that introduce more black outlines and shading to the image.
Fourth, over the years, I have made a streamline method of how much to change the saturation, the brightness/contrast, the sharpness, and for exaggerating linework with GIMP’s “Cartoon” filters. This time, I had to deviate, because too much brightness ended up hiding the yellow line work. Most especially on the green wolf Ulfrun. To Keep those lines on the chest visible, I had to add a step. Desaturating just the colors inside the linework > erasing them to create a transparency > cutting all brightness and maxing out contrast to turn those exterior lines black > then dropping the transparency down to 15% on that layer and off-setting the lines. The result being the lines are now visible without fully covering up the image, but we still lose some of that gold. Had I not been working on just these wolves for 4 days, I would have instead erased all but the lines on that chest fur and made them into a darker, goldenrod color, with similar decreased transparency and offset. But I didn’t want to spend all my time on this. I need to keep going to eventually see if my concept for the thumbnail will work as all. Dymar’s color, by far, is the least preserved by this process. What was a fairly muted blue-indigo vibe transformed entirely into a bright cyan
This was all just the first step. I currently have no idea how I am going to space the wolves, nor where I am going to place text into the thumbnail. The center piece of the image is going to be the Grineer Worm Queen’s hand holding an edited Prex (warframe word for playing card/poster). I will follow up with a post of the last wolf and the prex after this one.
But at least I hope this exposure of my standard process helps to present making thumbnails as something that can be more involved in an artistic sense. A lot of effort, trial, and error goes into trying to make the images into something both new and familiar, while preserving the artistry of the components and meeting the end of catching the eye of a person scrolling through a webpage.
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crazysodomite · 1 year
my favorite warframes:
top 1: trinity prime. idk shes just my favorite. i love her dangly things and the back. honestly trinity regular is kindof ugly to me now. shes okay with alt helmet though. and her deluxe is so fucking good. she may not be many peoples favorite but i just choose something to be my fav and go with it and never let go.
2. garuda. just read her descriptions and you will understand. also her blood sigil. her deluxe looks EXACTLY like me. i like her tennogens too. im. honestly not a fan of her prime. it isnt bad but its just too much going on...
3. this is honestly hard. valkyr or equinox... or khora... no. ill go with valkyr. because she's so old and i like her abilities and lore. and her new deluxe is literally one of the best ones EVER. i also like how there's the distinction made between garuda and valkyr as 'though where Valkyr is basic, unbridled rage, Garuda personifies a cold, detached, and calculated version of slaughter instead.'. RRAAAAH
4. i think i'll have to go with equinox. her unique theme and implementation.
5. mirage: i loveeee her theme and her animations and her deluxe and her abilities. and her prime. maybe i should've put her higher...
6. khora. mostly based on aesthetics, her amazing deluxe and the kavat. and the abilities.
okay this is getting too hard to rank so others in no particular order
ivara: i like her. shes cutes. and her abilities are interesting. prime looks cute and unique, NOT a fan of her deluxes at all. i like her tennogen kuva skin. oh have i mentioned i really really really love the grineer and their aesthetics and kuva and the grineer queens.
mesa: i loooove her looks and animations. her alt helmets are great. deluxes are. eh.
nezha: i like him. one of the best deluxes easily. don't like the prime.
wisp: everyone loves wisp. great design and animations.
xaku: i've grown to like them a lot. i want to build and play them a lot because their abilities are really cool. and the dash. their deluxe is pretty unique too...
zephyr: zephyr got quite a glow up. one of my favorite deluxes. maybe even my top fav (after trinity). her default is also pretty great! and i like her prime too...
mentions: nova is cutes, love octavias theme, baruuk voted as the warframe i would have the abilities of -_-, i quite like harrow and limbo
out of the newer frames protea and gyre are growing on me...
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muracasardis · 3 years
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Tennotober 2021
Day 4: SISTER Sorry, Worm, but the people over Twitter have spoken. Kaelli's the winner!
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leodoodling · 4 years
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- Kirby vs Grineer -
• My Instagram • Twitter •
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calystathebear · 3 years
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Took down another lich today, ironically with the assistance of my former adversary; Coghh. He’s as enthusiastic as ever, I think he enjoys being able to stretch his legs and get out of the Iron Bear from time to time. More importantly, he seems very enthusiastic about freeing his brothers and sisters from the Worm Queen. Whether it be through death, or joining us. I would have converted Tikshkso, but out of all of the liches I’ve dealt with... She has by far been the most unpleasant and unstable. Honestly, by now, you would think the Queen would have learned her lesson. But... Well, if Ballas has taught me anything, it’s the Orokin are really bad at learning lessons. I wonder how many are actually left out there? The Entrati... The Worm Queen... Nihil... Of course, all of them are shells of their former selves. I wonder if there is any weight to Hunhow calling Alad an Orokin? Descended of one, maybe? More and more of them seem to keep popping up, I wonder how many more Orokin there are?
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reymonstruo · 4 years
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“Report for execution at once!”
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orokin-grub · 3 years
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Tennotober 2021 - Day 4: Sister.
Still thinking about the sister-less Queen.
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wispyatomica · 7 years
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You have some idea that you’re invincible don’t you? Nestled away in that m̀a̷d͞ céphál̕o̶n̴’͘s crib!
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eve-be-sleep-deprived · 10 months
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Kazza the Wisp and her stuffed emotional support Kavat, Bean!
OwO, what's this, another OC?
Meet Kazza the Wisp and her emotional support Kavat, Bean! Kazza just sorta appeared on Duviri one day, nobody really even noticed her arrival until she began to drift about, chatting in her broken way to all she met. Eventually she was taken in by a woman who Kazza only ever called 'Mom', the little Frame didn't know people actually had names and never asked.
Kazza was nothing like the other Frames that would pass through Duviri. She bore no Operator, nor a Drifter, she was an entity all her own. She was completely unique, in body, and in mind. As such, she had a few issues, initially, predominately being separation anxiety, not wishing to see any of those she'd just accepted into her life leave, for any reason. It was a complex issue with a simple solution.
Kazza's adoptive mother sewed a stuffed Kavat for her, based on the scattered recollections the Frame would give of her life beyond Duviri, in the Origin system. Upon the stuffed toy's completion it was named Bean, and Kazza refused to go anywhere without it. It was around the time Kazza's mother finished Bean, that the little Frame drew the eye of Dominus Thrax and his insufferable mistress.
Kazza and Bean were stolen away one evening by Thrax's Dax, brought before the king. Clutching Bean tightly, shying away from everything as fear overwhelmed her, she was cast before the King and his vengeful Queen. None know quite what happened, those who bore witness were sworn to secrecy, but Kazza was released without punishment for her oddity, given menial duties within the palace, tolerated and ignored as another of Thrax's many faceless attendants.
Though none who bear rank would dare admit, Kazza is loved by all who know her. She is sweet, caring, innocent beyond her years. All who see her, tightly squeezing the stuffed cat that is nearly as big as she, are granted a smile, and a moment of warmth in the icy prison that was Thrax's palace. She truly bears the namesake of her Warframe well, being the one true wisp of happiness to be found, fluttering about the darkest depths of despair that layer Duviri.
One must wonder how those that know her would feel if they knew she was once a Grineer Interrogator? One of the Worm Queen's favorite torturers... Surely this sweet little Wisp couldn't be responsible for the slaughter and dismemberment of thousands.... right?
Perhaps Kazza had a very good reason to flee the Origin System, and perhaps there was a very good reason indeed that Thrax will not speak of her interrogation within his throne room.
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marikbentusi · 5 years
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Made this because I was wondering if placing Liches in the Veil is going to have any lore consequences. The Sentient should be all over those Lich-shaped Kuva containers, right?
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viper-menae · 5 years
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Worm Nouveau, a piece dedicated to Worm Queen!! I just want more gucci worm content in-game.
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