#grisha verse tbt.
deathvisited · 3 years
sebastians father was grisha, just like himself, but his mother was otkazat'sya, because of this they were never quite accepted. grisha talents came from all sorts of people, and some of those that were grisha didn’t even have grisha children. not many people had the time to think about having children. erik was an exception. when his father returned to their village with his illness sebastian was kept in the dark about it, until he wasn’t. it was the first manifestation of his power over the small science, and unfortunately it was fatal for his father. he’d saved his mom. sebastian was brought to the little palace and that was where he finally understood just how very different his father had been. otkazat’sya --- the name for his mother simply because she wasn’t grisha. he was told to forget his old life, to forget his mother, to forget everything, but he never did. being in the second army came with it’s challenges, mostly that he never was able to keep his opinion to himself when it came to orders he felt were morally wrong. it kept him lower in the ranks than his talent with the small science should have afforded him --- but that was perfect for him, it allowed him to sneak away and make sure his mother was looked after. 
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sovietarchive-blog · 5 years
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          illya staggers as his legs threaten to give out beneath him and send him crashing to earth.  only the commander of the company can bring the mountain to his knees, a fact that has been proven again and again and again in their brawls.  she does not always win, but whether she does or not, the heartrender finds himself completely drained of energy in a way he cannot otherwise achieve.  some might complain ;  illya drinks up the sensation of aching muscles and trembling limbs like clean water in a desert.  it’s said by some that he enjoys the pain, but the truth is, it’s the sensation of his strength continuing to grow that pleases him.  if not for zoya, his abilities may long have plateaued, with nobody else who could truly challenge his skill, but she keeps him sharp, forces improvement when he can see no possibility of it.  since childhood, she has been his better  --  and rather than allow it to bother him, illya takes it in stride, grasping at each opportunity to have a go at her, knowing that each defeat, each victory, brands him a better grisha.
          he must look practically near death, he muses, though he doesn’t spare a glance for the spectators around them.  their brawls have been known to cause panic amongst newer members, those who are yet unaware that the commander and her favorite sparring partner are but creatures of violence, who bear battle wounds as proudly as a hard-won victory.  blood from a wound on his forehead trickles down into his eye, blurring his vision as he attempts to summon any remaining vestiges of his strength.  his body offers nothing more, nothing but a heaving cough as he drops to his knees  --   though beneath the filth on his face, a trained eye could see the wry smile on his lips.
          ❛   I concede, commander,   ❜   he rasps, tilting his chin upward toward her, sweat standing out on his brow.  nothing can extinguish that light in his eyes, but the slump of his shoulders, the way his body sways even on his knees, reflects his utter exhaustion.  zoya stands before him, as beautiful as she is lethal, a sight so common for him that, even prostrated as he is now, it comes as a comfort.   ❛   are you pleased?   ❜       //       @stormtsar.  
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raehs · 2 years
“    do    you    every    shut    up?    “    rey    groaned.    the    splitting    migraine    she    had    made    it    feel    like    her    skull    would    split    in    two    --    either    on    its    own    or    because    she    took    a    lightsaber    to    her    brain    to    get    rid    of    the    pain.    there    were    many    possibilities    for    where    her    migraine    had    come    from    and    all    pointed    towards    one    of    her    force    skills,    and    also    her    pushing    herself    a    little    too    far    during    training    that    same    morning.    
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oceansvanidicus · 2 years
“ why didn’t you fight back? ” — @skeleton-grayii
“Wouldn’t that make me as bad as them?” Asked softly through a bloody nose, lightly kicking his feet back and forth where he sat in the chair of the Jaeger’s dining room, his eyes flickering between Grisha’s.
“Someone who acts on instinct rather than logic. I can’t think of anything worse than acting like a wild dog.” And it’s not like those boys would have gotten away with it, they never realise when he leads them down to the bar or near town square, too caught up in the chase to see who was actually winning. It doesn’t matter that Armin leaves with bloodied nose and mouth, easily bruising like a peach, he’s learned something from it.
Humans, like all predator animals, enjoy the hunt. So much so, that they don’t see the arrow until it hits them.
Armin is kind enough not to say this, he’s already told Eren but the boy is predisposed to violence and simply finds the action to be interesting rather than a physical form of a lie.
“Besides, I still have all my teeth and I’ll heal.”
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fenixburnedarchived · 3 years
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mutuals only, might be a shorter thing based on a meme :')
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dreamwaited-moved · 3 years
the fitzherbert /  buioroccia family signet ring is very pretty. it’s gold with the brotherhood symbol but the three lines through the circle end with purple stones on both ends. at night if the moon hits the stones just right they turn a cyan color
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glorywaited · 3 years
what if u... held cass’ hand uwu
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phantasmtastic · 3 years
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the past lives on in your front room the poor still weak, the rich still rule history lives in the books at home the books at home it's not made by great men
credits: psd | gifs | gifs
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resistanceheirarc · 4 years
@pevunyol​ liked for a lyric starter
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“these things take time to travel, it would seem.” he stands casually, his shoulder against the hard wood of the dock. the water is calm for the moment, though if the way his hair stands up is any indication, it won’t be for long. he feels better out here, under the sky, near the water, than he ever does when he’s inside. “it took me a while to get out here, it’s getting harder for me to move around freely.” a shrug, like that isn’t the most stifling thing in the world to him. 
“haven’t managed to find a good disguise yet.” 
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sharpshoots · 5 years
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          ❛   there’s a wound in you,       and the tables, the dice, the cards — they feel like medicine.  they soothe you, put you right for a time.  but   they’re poison,   jesper.  every time you play, you take another sip.  you have to find some other way to heal that part of yourself.  stop treating your   pain   like something you imagined.  if you see the wound is real, then you can heal it.   ❜
independent jes.per fa.hey of the six of crows duology.  understood by allison.  promo credit.
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dchessa · 5 years
@drklng​​ ♥
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“We wanna be remembered, don’t wanna live in vain. But nothing lasts forever, this world is in a losing game.” 
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trasskelle-blog · 6 years
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matthias helvar from six of crows      /      adored strongly by anya.
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