#grishaverse alina x reader
heliads · 1 year
Oh! maybe an alina starkov x fem!reader?? it doesn't have to be a big deal, just one where alina and reader enjoy an afternoon together after the end of ruin and rising, thinking about when they came to be together and how much it was all worth it. maybe reader is a healer so she can take care better of the orphanage kids
anything for my favorite saint
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When you close your eyes, you can still see the ghosts. Hear them, too. They scream more than they speak. Most of the friends you’ve ever had ended up dead before they really got a chance to live. Is that their fault for not trying hard enough to make it through the war, or is it your fault for surviving when they didn’t?
They’ll be gone when you wake up. You’re vaguely aware of this, but not enough to force yourself out of the nightmare now. After all, where else would you see all of the people you’ve lost? When you dream, you dream of how they died, but sometimes you see older memories too, back when everything was still a little bit alright and they could smile more than they didn’t.
The nightmare ends soon enough. Your eyes fly open, your heart beating fast in your chest as you look around. You force yourself to follow your normal nighttime routing before your panic grows uncontrollable. Look around you– familiar four walls, sturdy ceiling. This is not the Little Palace, this is not the duke’s orphanage at Keramzin. Not the old one, at least.
This is the place that has become your home once again. You are here because the war is over. Once the Darkling died and the Shadow Fold fell, Alina Starkov offered you a chance to rebuild, one place at a time. The orphanage was her first choice, and it was yours as well. She gave Mal Oretsev the same chance, but he hadn’t yet seen his fill of the world. You have no idea where he is now; Kerch, perhaps, or some other distant corner of Ravka or another nation, but he’s happy, at least, and you’ve long since learned that matters more than anything else.
The new orphanage is yours and Alina’s, then. That’s the way it was at the start. Alina showed up first, then you, then Mal. You left it first, though. Before the Grisha tester came around to Keramzin, before she saw something in you that she shouldn’t have, you had almost liked it there, as much as any orphan could love a cold hall that was never quite warm enough to be home.
All good things come to an end, though, even the times that are only half-good. Suddenly, you had gone from spending your days and nights attached to Alina by the hip to being completely separated from her. They took you away from Keramzin to learn the Grisha arts in Os Alta, and they say you did not stop weeping for the friend you lost for a month, at least.
Alina confessed to you later that she thought you would have forgotten her at the Little Palace. You were only at the orphanage at Keramzin for such a short time, and Os Alta had far more marvels than little girls in dark halls could ever offer you.
This, you have told her on several occasions, could not be further than the truth. You never lost sight of your best friend, not when they dressed you in Corporalnik red and trained you to be a Healer, not when the years flew by and people started thinking that you’d always been in Os Alta and never anywhere else.
You certainly didn’t forget her when she showed up years later, lost in rumors that she might be the Sun Saint come to save you all. You had flown into her arms the second you were able, and you saw it in her eyes even then, how the fear left her in a flash. Alina knew she would be safe so long as you were with her. No harm could come to either of you if you were together again.
This only ended up being half true. Harm and danger have gotten to know both of you quite well indeed, but you survived the war. Now, you’re back to the way it was again– Alina without her powers, you still with yours, and both of you returning to Keramzin to start the orphanage up again after the Darkling had razed it.
You had never intended to return. They told you that you were capable of amazing things, that you were destined for big crowds with shiny trappings. Miracles only come to the powerful, and a quiet afterlife isn’t encouraged in Os Alta. They had managed to persuade you that you were only so good as your gifts, and you believed them.
You believed them, then it destroyed you piece by piece, and the world took it upon itself to fix that. And so you find a girl, and you let her into your heart enough to convince you to leave your entire world behind. You learn what love is, you learn that love shouldn’t be dependent on what you can achieve as a Grisha but you, only you. You help her create an orphanage. You care for the children who wander your way. It is a life, and it is a good one. Sometimes, you think it’s better than you deserve. You let the girl assure you otherwise.
And now? Now, you’re happy. You watch the sun rise and fall over the hills, and you remember watching Alina summon the sunlight for the first time. It had been marvelous, and she had looked over her shoulder for you the second she did it. It was you and her, forever and always. Even when neither of you were Grisha. Even when you both were. Even now, when you are but she isn’t.
Alina says she doesn’t miss her powers, but you’ve seen the way she watches you when you’re healing kids in the medical wing. For someone who claims she’s perfectly happy to remain human, her eyes linger on how your hands flex and move whenever you use your Corporalnik abilities. At her sides, her fingers always twitch, as if remembering how to call forth a power that no longer answers to her.
You want to offer the use of your abilities, to see if you can heal her enough to potentially give her back the capacity of summoning sunlight again. You think she wants to ask too at times, but both of you are too afraid to imply that there is something broken in her that is fixed in you, and so the quiet ones stay silent for now, at least.
The ceiling over your head feels a little too low, too controlling, so you dress quickly, slipping out of your room under the dim light of dawn. Most of the kids won’t be awake for another few hours, so you won’t have to worry about disturbing them. They’re well behaved kids anyway. They know what it’s like to lose a home, so they’re not that inclined to mess up this one with a few bad choices.
You slip out the back door and into the stands of wild grass. Every time you walk into this meadow, you almost think it’s a dream. You saw it often enough whenever you closed your eyes back at the Little Palace that actually being able to return has never quite been able to seem like anything other than an impossibility.
It has changed since you were a child, obviously. Most of the grass burned away when the Darkling destroyed the orphanage, and it’s slow in coming back. The trees have been blighted, but they’re getting better. We are all getting better.
You take a few steps more then pause, cocking your head to the side as you register the sound of heartbeats emanating from the ground a few paces away. You follow the beating until you come to a stop in front of a young woman lying on her back in the grass. Her eyes are closed, but she still smiles when she says, “I knew you’d find me out here.”
You smile back and take a seat on the ground next to her. “It’s your favorite spot, Alina. Where else would I look?”
Alina cracks open her eyelids enough to glance up at you. “Consider me overly nostalgic, then. Can you blame me? It’s quiet out here.”
You chuckle softly. “I know. I remember it being louder, though. Maybe there were more birds or something.”
“Or maybe we weren’t out here at dawn. We slept in more often when we were small,” Alina retorts.
There’s a silent despair in those words. You could sleep more when you were little because you had far less to fear. The only people you had lost were your parents. Now you have buried far more than just two people, and your sleep suffers accordingly.
That time has passed, though. There will be no more conflict, not for either of you. Not if you have your way with it.
“Still,” you whisper, “it’s a nice place.”
Alina hums in agreement. “We used to come out here all the time, didn’t we? You and me and Mal.”
Obnoxiously, your mood sours at the mention of Mal. He was your friend too, but you always liked Alina more, and you always feared that she would in turn prefer his company. You certainly heard enough rumors of Alina’s boy back home when she first came to the Little Palace. You had assumed those rumors were false when she chose to live at the orphanage with you instead of him, but your insecurities always choose to argue that whenever you think of him.
You sigh. “Mal wasn’t the only one in that meadow, you know.”
Alina sits up on her elbows, tilting her head back so she can stare at the brightening sky. “I know. Sometimes it was just us.”
You keep your eyes focused on the grass in front of you. “To me, it was just us.”
“It was the same for me,” Alina replies. 
You risk a peek her way and realize that she’s smiling. It’s the same soft smile she always wears with you, the one that tells you that she’s finally let her guard down. She never quite had it with Mal, but she had it with you. Always with you. There’s a reason for that, you know. There’s a reason for that, if you care enough to look.
And when have you not cared enough about Alina? She was your sun to orbit ever since the very first day you arrived at Keramzin. You have needed her every day of your life, and now you have her now, you have her forever. If you do not use the time you have, it will be wasted, and you have lost enough years to blood and bone to frivolously use up any more.
“I love you,” you say suddenly.
Alina goes quiet. At last, she looks at you, and says, “I love you too. I always have.”
“I know,” you tell her, “I know.”
You do. You know everything about Alina. And, the reason you stayed with her, the reason you left the rest of the Grisha to come home with her, the knowledge that she loved you just as much as you loved her, even if neither of you had properly addressed it. There was no reason to say such an obvious truth, not then. Still, it’s nice to hear it now.
Alina reaches through the struggling grass to take your hand. She passes her thumb over your knuckles as if to say:  here are your hands, which have cost lives and given them back, which have fought in wars and won them, and I want them anyway. There is no part of you that Alina does not want, even the quiet voices and the dark, looming memories. All of it is beautiful to her. It could be naive, or it could just be the love of someone who has known you all your life and understands enough to want to keep you in hers.
You can hear the distant sounds of the children starting to wake, how the laughter and voices begin to trickle out of the windows and doors. The sun rises on a new day, a good day, and you breathe in the gentle heat of the morning. There is much to do, but that is not a bad thing. Not at all.
requested by @cassiecrown, i hope you enjoy!
grishaverse tag list: @rogueanschel, @deadreaderssociety, @cameronsails, @mxltifxnd0m, @gods-fools-heroes, @retvenkos, @mayfieldss, @story-scribbler, @eclliipsed, @bl606dy, @auggie2000, @baju69, @crazyhearttragedy, @budugu, @aoi-targaryen
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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fanfics4world · 5 months
Our Little Secret - Part 3
Pairings: Alina Starkov x Fem!Reader
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Summary: Alina Starkov must confront the truth behind Y/N's mask. In a world where lineage rules fate, Alina is challenged to decide if her growing love for Y/N can overcome the barriers of identity and power.
Word count: 2185
The ballroom of the Little Palace was a dreamlike spectacle, a testament to the grandeur and splendor of Ravka. Beneath a vaulted ceiling, crystal chandeliers hung like captured constellations, showering the guests with light. Candles flickered on each table, reflecting golden sparkles on the intricately decorated masks of the attendants, each a work of art in itself. The walls were adorned with tapestries telling stories of heroes and battles past, while marble columns rose majestically, guarding the evening's ball.
In the center of the hall, an orchestra played melodies that evoked both nostalgia and the promise of new beginnings.
The crowd at the masked ball was a living mosaic of secrets and fantasies. Guests, hidden behind their masks, were transformed into characters from fairy tales and ancient legends. There were masks adorned with feathers reminiscent of exotic birds from distant lands, and others encrusted with gems that sparkled like shooting stars. Some faces were covered with masks that mimicked the nobility of forest animals, while others opted for the elegance of simplicity, with smooth masks that only revealed the eyes, windows to the soul that could not be disguised.
Gestures and glances were charged with meaning, each nod of the head or smile hidden behind a mask was a language of its own that everyone seemed to understand. Guests moved with a freedom freed by anonymity, sharing dances and conversations with people who, under the light of day, might pass unrecognized. The night of the masked ball was a parenthesis in reality, a moment where hierarchy and rules vanished, and everyone could be whoever they wanted to be, if only for a few hours.
Alina made her way through the crowd, her eyes scanning every face behind the masks, searching for the one that carried the promise of a meeting. The Black Dahlia was her beacon in a sea of disguises, but as time passed and her girl failed to appear, a shadow of doubt began to cloud her hope. "What if she doesn't come?" she thought, her heart beating in time to the music, but to a tune of uncertainty.
Just as worry threatened to take hold of her, the crowd parted like the Red Sea, and a figure made its entrance. On her head, a crown not of jewels, but of dark, elegant flowers: black dahlias that seemed to absorb the light and whispers around her. It was her, as mysterious and magnetic as the night they met. Alina felt everything in her soar, as if the wings of hope had lifted her off the ground. The waiting was over, and the night promised to be unforgettable.
Heart pounding with anticipation, Alina made her way through the crowd, her eyes fixed on the crown of black dahlias adorning the head of Y/N. As she approached, Y/N turned to her, and a smile lit up her face, a smile that seemed to capture all the candlelight and reflect it back into the world.
"I thought you weren't coming" Alina confessed, her voice barely audible over the music and conversations that filled the room.
Y/N took Alina's hand, intertwining her fingers with hers. "I wouldn't miss this for the world" Y/N replied, her voice a whisper that promised adventure and shared secrets. With a smooth, deliberate movement, Y/N brought Alina's hand to her lips and deposited a light kiss, a gesture that sealed their meeting and promised so much more.
Alina gasped, Y/N's kiss had been gentle but loaded with meaning, and in that moment, she knew the night was just beginning.
The music softened into a slow, enveloping melody, an open invitation to those present to join in a more intimate dance. Y/N leaned slightly toward Alina, offering her her hand with an elegance that seemed innate. "Would you concede me this dance?" she asked, her voice a silken thread in the air charged with anticipation.
Alina, whose breathing had quickened at Y/N's proximity, nodded, her heart pounding in time to the music. "I would be honored" she replied, and taking Y/N's hand, she let herself be led onto the dance floor.
Under the celestial dome of the ballroom, Y/N and Alina found themselves at the epicenter of a universe in motion. The orchestra played a melody that seemed to have been composed just for them, a song that spoke of secret longings and unspoken promises. As their hands met and their bodies lined up for the dance, the world around them faded away, leaving only the truth of their connection in the space between their intertwined gazes.
Y/N guided Alina with a confidence that contrasted with the softness of her touch. Each step was a word in the silent dialogue they shared, each turn a sentence in the story they were writing together. Alina let herself go with the flow of the music, trusting Y/N to guide her through the tide of emotions the music stirred within her.
The candlelight played over their faces, illuminating the moments of closeness and shading the moments of separation, as if even light and dark conspired to enhance the dance of their souls. Alina could feel Y/N's heartbeat through the thin fabric of her dress, an echo of her own heartbeat, and wondered if Y/N could feel the same.
In Y/N's eyes, Alina saw her own feelings reflected: a mixture of awe, happiness and a touch of fear at the intensity of what they were experiencing. It was a fear they didn't want to name, because giving it voice might make it real, and neither of them was ready to face the possibility of an end to the magical night they shared.
As the song reached its climax, Y/N and Alina drew even closer, their foreheads almost touching, breathing the same air, sharing the same moment suspended in time. "Do you feel this?" whispered Alina, her voice trembling with the vulnerability of the question.
"I'm feeling it," Y/N replied, her voice steady and full of an emotion that didn't need words to be understood. "I'm feeling everything"
The last note of the melody faded into the air, and Y/N and Alina remained on the dance floor, their bodies still close after the intimate dance. Alina's breath hitched as Y/N leaned toward her, her eyes reflecting a mixture of desire and silent question. The distance between them narrowed to a whisper, and just as Y/N's lips were about to touch Alina's, a voice echoed above the murmur of the crowd.
"Y/N" General Kirigan called, his authoritative voice cutting through the tense thread of anticipation.
They both startled, pulling slightly apart. Y/N turned her head in the direction of the voice, her expression hidden behind the mask, but Alina could see the stiffness of her posture, the way her hand tensed briefly before releasing his.
General Kirigan strode steadily through the crowd, his presence imposing a respectful silence around them. Alina watched, with a mixture of curiosity and nervousness, as he approached them. Y/N, for her part, maintained her composure, her face impassive behind the mask.
"What a surprise to find you here"
"Brother," Y/N replied, her tone lacking the usual warmth one would expect at a family reunion. "I don't see why it would be a surprise. After all, it is your dance"
General Kirigan sketched a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "You've always preferred books to dances," he commented, his gaze sliding to Alina for a moment before returning to his sister. "But I'm glad to see you among us tonight"
Y/N nodded, her attention still divided between duty and desire. "Yes, well, sometimes even bookworms need to come out of their holes" she said, her voice as controlled as her posture.
General Kirigan nodded, his expression indelible. "Enjoy the dance, sister" he said before turning and disappearing into the crowd, leaving Y/N and Alina alone once more, but with the tension of the moment still palpable in the air.
The music still vibrated in the air, a distant echo of the intimacy they had shared. Alina opened her mouth, the words ready on the tip of her tongue.
But Y/N stepped forward, her voice soft but firm. "I'm sorry, I have to go" she said, and before Alina could respond, Y/N turned and slipped into the crowd. Her figure faded with each step, as if melting into the shadows of the hall, leaving Alina with a pounding heart and a thousand unanswered questions.
Alina stood there, transfixed, as the reality of the masquerade ball once again took hold around her. Y/N's absence was a cold void in her chest, a space that only she could fill.
The music of the masquerade ball was still echoing in Alina's ears as Genya approached with a curious smile plastered on her face. "Where's your mystery girl?" she asked, her voice full of playful interest.
Alina, still recovering from Y/N's sudden departure, turned to her friend. "She's gone" she replied, her voice tinged with disappointment.
Genya frowned, her gaze scanning the room for the elusive figure. "Who is she? Don't tell me she's another bored Grisha in search of adventure"
"No, she's..." Alina paused, the revelation hanging in the air like a dangerous promise. "She's Y/N. Y/N Kirigan"
Surprise was painted on Genya's face, her eyes widened. "The Dark One's sister?"
Alina nodded, her gaze lost in the spot where Y/N had disappeared moments before. "Yes, but there's something about her, something more than her last name and all that it implies"
"Well?" Genya's voice snapped her out of her reverie. "Are you going to let a last name decide the course of your heart?"
Alina paused, looking at her friend. "I don't know," she admitted. "It's complicated. The Kirigan last name... it carries a lot of weight"
Genya nodded, understanding. "But you're not one to scare easily," she said with an encouraging smile. "Y/N is more than her last name, and you know it"
Alina pondered Genya's words, feeling the truth of them settle in her chest. "You're right," she finally said. "What I feel for Y/N is real, beyond who her family is"
"Then go and look for her," Genya urged, giving her a gentle nudge. "Before the night is over and you're left wondering what might have been"
With a new sense of determination, Alina nodded. She turned and began to make her way back to the ballroom, each step strengthening her resolve. She was going to find Y/N, to face the maze together, for what lay between them was something no family name could change.
The great hall of the Little Palace was a tapestry of light and shadow, each lit candle a star guiding the lost. Alina Starkov, in her silver feathered mask, glided among the guests like a ghost in search of a sign, the Black Dahlia, the flower that would be the key to finding Y/N in the multitude of hidden faces.
The night wore on, and with each failed encounter, Alina's hope faded like candle smoke. But then, as if fate had aligned with her desire, she saw her. Y/N was alone, gazing at the night sky from the solitude of an ivy-adorned balcony.
"Why didn't you tell me who you were?" Alina's question broke the silence, her voice trembling but steady, like an arrow aimed at the heart of truth.
Y/N slowly removed her mask, revealing her moonlit face, so vulnerable and sincere. "I was afraid," she admitted with an honesty that made her voice tremble. "Afraid that you would see me only as the Darkling sister and not as... me, that's what always happens"
Alina took a step forward, closing the distance between them, her hand reaching for Y/N's. "I could never," she said softly, her words a balm to Y/N's tormented soul. "I see you, Y/N, not your last name, not your brother's shadow, but the woman who has captured my heart with her courage and her passion"
Y/N smiled, relieved and excited, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "So, does this mean you still want to...?" her question hung in the air, a delicate thread waiting to be knotted.
"I want it all" Alina interrupted, her voice a determined whisper that sealed her fate. And before Y/N could say another word, before she could express all the fears and dreams she held inside, Alina kissed her on the lips. A kiss that was a promise, a silent pact that spoke of a future together, beyond titles and masks, in a place where only the two of them mattered.
The kiss was a turning point, a before and after in the story of their lives. And when they finally parted, with the world spinning around them, they knew nothing would ever be the same. Because in that moment, in that kiss, they had found something worth fighting for, something worth protecting: their love.
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pr-olvdr · 1 year
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reblog if you agree
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"What, are you?"
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summary: when your abilities show themselves during a viscous Drüskelle attack, General Kirigan has you immediately transferred to the Little Palace for protection
pairing: Aleksander Kirigan x sun summoner reader
warnings: canon level violence, mention of blood
genre: angst, fluff
words: 2683
a/n: I watched the show Shadow & Bone a few years age, and I was absolutely obsessed. recently I picked up the books, and I cannot express how upset I am that they’ve cancelled the series. It literally had so much potential :(
also, I apologise for literally falling off of the face of the earth these past two months. I was depressed at first, and when I felt a little better me and my mom went on a two week vacation to Ireland, and this week I was at a figure skating camp, so I didn’t really get to writing lol. anyhow, I’m feeling better, and I am planning on writing more fics and hopefully do a flufftober week or something :)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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The war in Ravka had been raging on for as long as you could remember. It had taken your parent’s lives, and very likely their parent’s lives as well. Now it was your turn to take your place in the army and fight in the war. 
You had never possessed much physical strength. Ever since you were a child, you were weak and fragile. It had pushed the caretakers at the orphanage to give you other tasks. 
They wanted you to posses as many skills as possible, to ensure you would have a future, even if you wouldn’t be able to fight in the war. As you got older, you seemed to develop a true talent in drawing. Your drawings were detailed and realistic, and so the caretakers pressed to ensure you would continue developing that talent. 
When you became of age, you were send to join the first army as a mapmaker. 
Currently you were stationed at a camp just next to the fold. There were several skiffs being readied to enter the fold, but after running a little detour, you found out you were not scheduled to go on any of them. 
At the moment, you were sitting with a Squaller. You had met her years ago, when both of you were just little girls. A boy had been bullying you, and she had thrown him across the field. Ever since, you had been friends. When she would return to the Little Palace, you would write to her, and when you were stationed at an encampment, she would request to be sent to the same place.
As you were laughing at something Zoya had said, you heard yelling coming from a few tents away from you. You figured it was just another soldier fight, but Zoya knew better as she stood, pulling you up with her when she seemingly spotted something that frightened her.
She pushed you behind her, grabbing your hand and she made a run to the edge of the encampment, towards the forest.
You could hear shouting behind you, and the noises of a fight reached your ears. This was not a friendly soldier fight. Too many people had been involved for that. Before you could reach the forest, you could feel two arms wrapping around you from behind, pulling you away from Zoya. 
She screamed, reaching out for you before someone took her out from behind. 
The language the man spoke was foreign, and it didn’t take you long to realise they were Fjerdans. They must’ve dressed up as soldiers so they could infiltrate the tents and eliminate the Grisha. 
You fought against the man holding you down, kicking him in the stomach and managing to punch him in the face. 
He struggled, falling backwards. You didn’t hesitate to run away from him, spotting Zoya on the ground, the Drüskelle on top of her. He had a knife in his hand, undoubtedly planning on slicing Zoya’s throat. 
You ran over quickly, jumping on the man’s back in order to get him off of her. Zoya struggled for a bit, surprised by your return before regaining her composure, raising her arms to blast the man backwards. She made her way over to you, grabbing you hand once more before she was pierced by an arrow. A Drüskelle stood behind her, a few feet away, holding a bow. 
Zoya fell to the ground, and the Fjerdan you had managed to push to the ground was now behind you again, restraining you as the other one walked over to Zoya.
He grabbed her hair, pulling her to her knees, with her head pulled backwards. He mumbled a few words in Fjerdan, something about salvation of the witches before he pressed his knife to her throat. 
You screamed, fighting against the Drüskelle holding you as they prepared to slit Zoya’s throat. 
The moment the Drüskelle drew blood, you screamed. An anger releasing inside you that you didn’t know you were holding. Your view went black, a bright light shining through the blackness before you felt your body giving out. You could faintly hear screaming, and you could make out Zoya’s voice as she held you head in her lap. 
After that, everything went black. 
When your vision returned, you could make out you were in a tent. You saw Zoya’s face first, looking concerned as she wiped a wet cloth over your forehead. It appeared you were burning up, yet the cool cloth felt as though it had burned you.
You groaned, moving away from her touch and shielding your eyes. The light was too bright, even though the tent was fairly dark. 
“She’s awake,” you heard Zoya say to another person in the room, who hummed thoughtfully before dismissing her.
“Thank you, Zoya. You may leave,” you heard a male voice command. 
You saw Zoya shaking her head, holding one hand on your arm as her head was turned to the other presence. 
“Please, General. She’s confused and scared as is. Allow me stay, please,” Zoya said, and you don’t think you’ve ever heard her use the word ‘please’, let alone use it multiple times in the same sentence.
“Very well,” the male voice commanded, and you could hear large footsteps cross the tent towards where you were lying down.
You groaned, grabbing onto Zoya as you pulled yourself into a sitting position, noticing you were indeed in the tent of the Black General. You breath caught in your throat at the sight of him, and your eyes fell to two Heartrenders standing guard at the entrance of the tent.
“You’ve made quite the show, miss…?” the General trailed off, looking at you expectedly. 
“y/l/n, y/n y/l/n,” you said quietly, turning your gaze to fall on Zoya, who had moved to sit next to you on the cot you were previously laying on. 
Your head felt heavy, and your hands felt clammy. 
“Miss y/l/n, tell me, what are you?” the General asked, leaning against a desk placed in the tent. 
You looked at him confused, thinking about what he could possibly mean. 
“A mapmaker, sir,” you told him, turning to look at Zoya. You couldn’t read her expression, so you turned back to the General, who looked slightly offended. 
“Don’t fool me,” he started. “What are you,” he stated firmly.
“I don’t know what you mean,” you admitted honestly, not wanting to upset him.
He looked at you for a moment, determining whether you were lying before speaking again.
“Were you tested as a child?” he asked, to which you nodded. 
“What was the result?” 
“I wasn’t Grisha,” you said, a hint of pain in your voice. You had always wanted to be Grisha. To be in a place where you belong, amongst people who were like you. Instead, you were just normal, with no place where you belonged.
“Your little display of power this morning suggests otherwise, miss y/l/n,” the General spoke.
You looked at him confused. 
“I don’t understand what you mean,” you told him honestly.
“You singhandly managed to scare all of the Drüskelle away, yet you claim to have no knowledge of what you were doing?” 
“I’m sorry, sir, I truly don’t,” you replied, flinching slightly when the General pushed himself off the desk, closing the distance between you. 
“Hold out your arm,” he stated. 
You did as he said, extending your arm towards him while pulling up your sleeve, knowing what he wanted. 
“You say you were tested as a child?” the General asked in confirmation, noting the way you nodded, almost disappointed. “Were you injured during the testing?” he asked you, seeing your face contort in confusion. 
“I don’t recall… does that matter?” you asked, looking up at him as he stood before you. 
“It is the whole point of the test,” he said, taking ahold of your arm and bringing his sharp ring towards it. Gently, he pressed the talon in your arm, and you gasped at the slight sting before a warm beam of light shot from your arm.
You eyes widened, and the moment he let your arm fall back you grasped it, looking at the cut in disbelief. 
“You are very much Grisha, miss y/l/n,” the General said, motioning towards the Heartrenders at the entrance of the tent. 
You couldn’t find any words, turning to Zoya who just looked as bewildered as you. 
“I’m Grisha…” you whispered quietly, looking at Zoya. 
Before she could say anything, the General had returned to your side, gently grasping your upper arm and pulling you up. 
“We’ll have to work quickly. The Drüskelle are already on alert after the attack, and word of your discovery will spread fast,” the General said, handing you a red Kefta, urging you to put it on. “You’ll travel in my coach,” he spoke, before handing you to the two Heartrenders. 
You looked towards Zoya, who stood and asked the General if she could accompany you. 
He shook his head, insisting that she was still needed at the camp. 
Before you knew it, you were being dragged outside and towards the Darkling’s coach. Two Oprichniki stand at the doors, opening them upon seeing your arrival. You didn’t resist, taking the hand one of the Oprichniki offered to help you step inside. 
Once you settled into the coach, the two Heartrenders followed, sitting across from you. The doors were closed, and the two Oprichniki moved to the front, no doubt riding on horses beside the coach. 
You were silent for the first part of the journey, admiring the detailed embroidery on the red Kefta adorning your body. 
“It’s bulletproof,” said the man across from you suddenly. You looked up, meeting his kind smile and realising they had been watching you. “It is why the General wanted you to wear it,” he finished.
You nodded, allowing your hand to fall to your lap. 
“I’m Feydor, and this is Ivan,” the Heartrender introduced himself, motioning towards his partner beside him. He carried a stern look on his face, turning to look outside instead. 
You nodded in reply, turning to look outside in thought. 
“Where are we going?” you asked, turning back to Feydor. He smiled.
“The Little Palace, of course,” he said. 
You nodded once more, settling your gaze outside again. “Why the hurry?” 
“By now, every Drüskelle and Shu assassin will have heard what happened at the camp. What you did. We need to make sure you are behind safe walls when they come for you,” Feydor explained, and you nodded once more.
“I don’t even know what I did,” you then said, earning the look of both Feydor and Ivan. 
“You saved us,” Feydor started. “Your light killed two Drüskelle, and scared the rest away. The disguised themselves as First army to kill Grisha. Without you, they would have succeeded.” 
You looked at him surprised, not expecting that reply to come from his mouth. You could not remember a single thing that happened at the camp, let alone the Drüskelle attack. 
After the conversation died down, you turned to look outside once more. You felt your eyes drooping, exhausting settling into your bones as the world outside passed you in a blur.
Suddenly, the carriage stopped, and an Oprichniki opened the coach door. 
“There’s a fallen tree on the road, we’re moving it now,” he stated, closing the door again. Ivan looked uneasy, glancing out the little window. Feydor did the same, studying the other window until there was shouting. 
Immediately, Ivan and Feydor got up, both heading out the doors.
“Stay here, get down, and don’t move,” Feydor said, pushing a blade of Grisha steel into your hands before abandoning the coach. 
You did as he said, crouching down onto the floor of the coach, pressing your knees against your chest. You could hear screaming outside and multiple guns firing. When it stilled for a moment, you thought it was over, until the glass of the coach broke and a smoke bomb was thrown inside.
You coughed, pushing the door of the coach open and stumbling outside, falling to your knees as you tried to catch your breath. 
You heaved, clutching the Girsha steel knife in your hand when you looked up, barely registering the boots of a figure marching towards you, grabbing your hair and dragging you away. 
You fought, struggling against his hold as he pressed his knife to your throat, pressing harshly. You felt a trickle of blood stream down you neck, and you grabbed the knife in you hand as tightly as you could before stabbing it backwards, hitting the person in the stomach. 
His hold on you faltered enough for you to push him away, running away from him, into the forest. 
You ran for as long as your feet could take you, registering the fighting still happening behind you. When you stopped for only a second to catch your breath, you were tackled to the ground, a figure laying on top of you.
His held his knife high above his head, muttering a prayer of kinds before preparing to bring it down.
You could faintly hear a horse in the background, and you closed your eyes tightly, figuring this was it. You heard a yell, but you didn’t feel the sharp pain of a knife digging into your skin. Instead, when you opened your eyes. You could see the man on top of you, slowly falling in two. 
You turn your head, seeing the Darkling standing there beside a group of other Oprichniki. You realised he had cut the man on top of you in half. 
When he fell, you pushed him off of you, moving away from the body, and catching your breath. 
The General walked over to you, extending his arm, which you gratefully took as he helped you up. He studied the cut on your throat.
“Are you alright?” he questioned. 
You nodded, moving your hand to rub the sore spot on your throat. 
“You’ll ride with me,” he stated, walking over to his horse, leaving no room for argument. 
You followed him, standing beside him as he mounted his horse, extending his hand to help pull you up. You allowed him, settling in the saddle as he took off in a gallop. 
He held onto you firmly, ensuring you wouldn’t fall at the movement of the horse. 
With you were riding multiple Oprichniki guards, and you spotted Ivan and Feydor both riding on a horse themselves. They must’ve won the fight in the woods. 
After riding for nearly half a day, the group stopped at an abandoned barn. The Oprichniki secured it, while the General dismounted the horse, extending his arm to help you off as well. When the Oprichniki secured the barn, the group moved inside. 
The horses were giving water and something to eat, while a small group of Oprichniki went outside to hunt for dinner. 
You settled on the ground, close by the fire that Ivan had made. Once the sun had set, the temperature had dropped significantly, and you could say with certainty you were freezing.
You pulled the dirty Kefta around you a little tighter, hoping to conserve some warmth. The General seated himself beside you, reaching out a gentle hand to touch the cut on your neck. You winced slightly at the sting, and General Kirigan retreated his hand to retrieve a small, black cloth from his pocket. 
Gently, he wiped the blood away from you neck and face, making sure to avoid pressing to harshly. 
Once he retreated his hand, you gave him a small smile. 
“Thank you,” you said in a quiet voice, and he nodded. 
“Once you’re in the palace you’ll be able to clean up properly. The cut isn’t too deep, but in your weakened state it is enough to stir some worry,” he explained, tucking the small cloth back into his pocket. 
You nodded once again, moving to lay down, using you arm to support your head. The palace. That is where you were headed, after all…
Permanent tags: @marvelnatasha12346 @lesbionion @daddipantherr @darkstar225 @saraaahsstuff @marvelwomenarehot0 @screechcat @iheartjohansson @tia-thesimp @swaqcenix @karmasgxrl @marvel-lous3000 @hor1zond1ar1es @lorsstar1st @superlegend216 @ravensinthedaylight
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Compass Of Pirates - Nikolai Lantsov
Summary: Nikolai is given a compass that he was told would solve all his problems, and yet he cannot figure out why it doesn't seem to work. Yes, I am merging with Pirates Of The Caribbean because I fucking can.
Content Warnings: No Beta/Proof Reading.
Nikolai Taglist: @hauntedenthusiasttragedy
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The brass points across the centre of the compass are centred by a sundial, which as far as Sturmhond can tell is the most functional part of the compass. He holds the compass in the clutch of his palm, staring at the red arrow as it gently swings between two points, neither of which are north. He had picked it up from someone in one of the markets in the last port they docked in. It was this rocky, mountainous island, just off the northern coast of the mainland. The name of the port escapes the captains mind, but it was some fishing port with a name not unlike a weapon of some kind. But that isn't really important, what is important is the illusion of help this compass had been acquired under. "It will bring you to what you most desire," they had said, "the compass never leads you wrong." He had been dubious but nevertheless he has hope he isn't sure he has a right to, and yet he was finding the outcome very disappointing.
"This thing doesn't even point north," Sturmhond says, staring again at the compass in his hand. Mal shrugs, offering out his open hand.
"May I?" he asks. He hands it over, without pause and the dial spins to quickly into a new direction the moment it touches Mal's palm. Mal watches the dial and follows it's direction. He knows exactly what the privateer has observed, that this compass does not point north, but instead it is now pointing at Alina, who is leaning over the edge of the ship, staring at the way the waves are breaking onto the boats side, creating the white foam of sea spray and she is smiling like she has never seen the ocean before. "Oh, Sturmhond," Mal says, "it points north alright," he chuckles, "true north."
The Captain frowns. "True north?" he questions, staring the tracker down. "What kind of navigational system are you working on Oretsev?"
"The only one that hasn't ever lead me wrong," he hands the compass back to Sturmhond and the moment it enters his hand it changes direction back to where it had been previously pointing. Mal taps the fabric of his shirt, directly over his heart. "I told Alina about true north once, she asked me what scared me most, and I told her I get the most scared when I am lost, but I don't really get lost. Yet, getting lost happens even if you know where you are sometimes. So I told her about cardinal north and true north."
"Cardinal north is a direction on a map," Sturmhond says. Mal nods, not letting his eyes leave the Sun Summoner. "So, as for true north?"
"True north is home," Mal says, sounding more like a poet than a tracker, "it is where you feel safe and loved."
"Miss Starkov is your truth north," Sturmhond says with a nod. Mal doesn't even need to respond to that. "So you think this compass points to what exactly?"
"Whatever you most desire, that's what the translation says on the side isn't it?" Mal says, finally looking at him. "You did see that, didn't you? Since you're always six steps ahead of everything, and ever so flawless Captain?"
He is too eager to test the theory to even care about Mal's teasing of him. He just thanks him absentmindedly and follows the compass forward. "Don't walk off the edge of the ship," Mal calls after him, "or do..."
He spends a good while walking the length of the decking, trying to figure out why the dial spins into a change of direction, seemingly without link. "Maybe you don't know what you want," Mal teases, observing him.
"Doesn't this interest you?" Sturmhond asks, running a hand through his tousled hair.
Mal shrugs. "What use is a compass what would be pointing right beside me all of the time?" he asks. "Besides my heart always brings me back to her."
"You're good with your words when it suits you, aren't you?" Tamar asks, coming to stand beside Mal, bored of her card game and far more interested in whatever it is that has gotten the Captain all pacing and flustered. "Still staring at the broken compass?"
"It's not broken," Mal says, "it's just not helpful."
"A compass's only purpose is to point north, and it doesn't, so it's broken," Tamar argues.
"It's a heart compass, not a compass," Mal says. The Heartrender laughs.
"Those are legend," she says, taking some walnuts from her pocket to snack on. She offers him one and he shakes his head to dismiss the offer.
"Wasn't the Stag legend too?" Mal retorts. Tamar gives him a shrug.
"That means nothing of all legend," is her response, but she keeps watching Sturmhond.
"It doesn't even make sense," he says finally holding the compass up and above his head to see how the dial moves. "It's not pointing to anything, I thought it might've been pointing to Ravka but I was wrong."
"You're suggesting your truest love is a country?" Mal asks, "what kind of excessive patriotism is that?"
"You're not patriotic?" Tamar asks, her tone littered with laughter.
"No," he admits, not feeling pulled down by the admission, "I came here for Alina. She's my flag, my nation, she is the one thing I remain loyal to."
Tamar's question was to sway Mal from paying too much attention to the captains words, but he doesn't throw her a look of gratitude, instead he returns to his fixation on the compass, as it spins to point towards the ships bow. Some of the crew start to appear on deck, changing placement as the time passes, and Tolya walks beside you, as you tell him something out of their earshot.
He takes his eyes off the compass, staring directly at you, forgetting what his original intentions had been, he offers you a smile and you grin back, all teeth and cheer. Even after the days at sea nothing seemed to sway your mood.
Tamar elbows Mal in the side and before her can take issue with it, she nods his attention to Sturmhond, who has lost interest in the compass altogether in your presence.
"Got it working yet?" you ask, coming closer to the three of them Tolya by your side.
"Think it might be a lost cause," the privateer admits, holding the compass down and to his side, as if to hide it's direction from those around you.
"Come on, Captain, plenty have said that about broken things, but often you just need time or the right pair of hands," you say, "show me?"
He hesitates and Mal and Tamar share a look, a look that spreads into matching grins. "Oh, he is not as smart as he gives himself credit for," Mal says in hushed words.
"Most of the time he is, but any heart can get blind sighted, and when the heart is blind, the mind can fog," Tamar says, voice equally low.
You look at him and he is smiling at you like you're a sunrise, like he is seeing you for the first time, and you wonder how he always manages to look at you like this. Look at you in a way that makes your head spin and your stomach twist. You know Sturmhond, and you know the man can flirt like second nature, that no one you've yet to meet have been susceptible to his charms, so you try not to let go to your head. But that's not easy when he looks at you like he has just discovered what love is for the very first time.
He holds out the compass out and you look at it, not reaching to take it from his hands, you move around to his perspective for the dial to swing back in your direction. You lean around him, to get a better look and then stare out at the ocean. But he just watches you, not as much are daring to confirm what he suspects by glancing to the compass.
You move back in front of him, and the dial points to you, and you turn your head to look at the big blue expanse behind. "Compass doesn't know north that's for sure," you say, giving him a wild smile and a shrug. "But I guess it's no better than most of us in that."
"It doesn't know north," he agrees, shoving the compass back in his pocket, "but it seems to know things I should have before now."
"Hmm?" you ask, turning back to him from the waves.
"Nothing, now, tell me, what was so funny?"
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barbarianbookhoe · 1 year
Artists and Muses
Requested by: @dreampissybaby
Request: "Hi! I was hoping you could write a request, please ignore this if you don't feel comfortable writing this. Alina introducing shy!reader to Nikolai. and she's just like quiet and in awe, but Nikolai loves. Like it took Alina three weeks to get reader to smile at her and it takes Nikolai 15 minutes to make her smile. And she feels super comfortable with him"
A/N: this is pure heartwarming fluff, though I added a lil twist to make it more exciting if that's okay. (The twist being Nikolai and reader were friends, I know, what a shock.)
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Your time at the Spinning Wheel seemed to blend into one, long moment. You didn't spoke to anyone if it wasn't nessecary. Mostly because you didn't know what to say, but also because you were never the type to make small talk. You always had a hard time opening up to people, or just talk to someone without getting nervous about what you should or shouldn't say. You were shy in the sense that you favored comfortable silence over pointless conversation.
When the doors to the Spinning Wheel opened, you didn't look up to see who it was. Many people came in for the past week, and you felt less and less hopeful when you realized nor Alina, nor Mal was among them. As you walked down the big entrance hall to find more bandages, a familiar voice stopped you in your tracks.
"Y/N?" You heard a woman say and when you turned, you saw Alina standing at the entrance, Mal right next to her. "Y/N!" She shouted and made a run towards you. You didn't know what took a hold of you, but you began running too, and the two of you met in the middle with a crushing hug.
The two of you squeezed each other with a painful grip, before another voice spoke up. "Can I have my girl back now?" Mal said with a smile and the two girl made space for him to hug all of them.
You basked in their warmth, before you broke the hug. "I can't believe you're here! I almost began to think that you..." You swalloed before you continued with a head shake. "It doesn't matter now. How did you get here anyway?"
"We bargained our way onto Sturmhond's ship, then found the Sea Whip and I got my second amplifier to finally end Kirigan, then we got here on a flying ship which ended with a shipwreck from the sky, and we found out that Sturmhond is secretly-"
"Nikolai Lantsov." You whispered as you looked behind them to see him step through the doors. You watched him with a mix of shock and amazement. So he's the one who saved your friends?
Alina noticed the way you stared at him, and she smiled briefly at Mal before taking your arm in hers and leading the two of you to him. "I'd like you to meet the person who saved and then betrayed us."
"Betray? That's a harsh word. And if I remember correctly, I got my fare share of punishment for it. Still hurts by the way," Nikolai pointed to the side of his face and Alina rolled her eyes at him.
"And who is that pretty lady next to you?" Nikolai asked all of a sudden and turned his head to look at you. You began placing yourself behind Alina, but she was quick to hold you next to her, where he could see you.
"Y/N, this is Nikolai, Nikolai this is Y/N, my and Mal's best friend. She's who I told you about, who helped me escape in secret. Also, an excellent storyteller." You looked at her with wide eyes, pleading to let you go, but she just sweetly smiled back at you.
"Y/N? I've been looking for you for quite some time now. I suppose you escaped with Alina, then." Nikolai extended his hand for you to shake and you accepted it. After you left go of his familiar warmth, you clasped both of your hands behind your back. You nodded in agreement.
"That's why you're here." He smiled at you, but your face remained neutral, looking at him with curiosity. "I don't want to sound like the flirt everyone seems to make me out to be, but I don't forget a face such as yours, Gorgeous." He exaggerated on the last word and it made you chuckle.
You smiled as you questioned him. "Are you sure that you're not a flirt? You seem like the biggest one, Your Higness." Your smile didn't falter as he looked back at you with amusement. "That's the worst accusation I've ever heard about myself, and believe me, I've heart quite a lot of nasty things." He said and you chuckled again.
Alina looked at the two of you with wide eyes as she tried to piece together what was happening. You connected with the prince under mere seconds. What took Alina almost three weeks to achieve, it took Nikolai only one minute to make you smile and talk to him.
Mal came to stand next to Alina and the couple watched you and Nikolai smile and laugh at each other, with genuine curiosity and confusion. They were trying to figure out the connection between you, because they didn't think that their shy friend would randomly have a conversation with the Prince.
They both noticed that you were quick to smile at him, even though you still didn't talk that much, but definitely more than you used to. They also noticed the look in Nikolai's eyes as he noticed your small movements, hoping to get a message from those, if not your words.
"This might be a wrong time and place to ask this, but I'm a naturally curious person as you know, so my question is, would you be willing to tell one of your infamous tales? I never heard a single one, while I was in the Palace." Nikolai asked you, and the question made the smile falter from your face.
For once in your life, you didn't think about the words that came out of your mouth as you answered. "There never will be a good time for this, Nikolai. Might as well do it sooner than later. Who knows when will be the next time we can enjoy our lives, without constantly worrying if the next day will come?"
Nikolai looked back at you with a newfound amazement as he looked at you. Your words certainly made an impact on him, because you were quick to look away from his intense stare, and onto the floor. You were about to excuse yourself and go away, but then Nikolai spoke up with a sweet voice.
"You've changed since the last time I saw you. You became a little more spontaneous. I was curious before, but now I'm desperate to finally talk to you." He said and you stared back at him for a few seconds, before you lightly smiled at him.
"And when should we-" Your words were interrupted by one of the Grishas, an Inferni who you've been helping in the last week.
"Y/N! I need your help! Could you come with me real quick?" She asked and with an apologetic look you nodded to Nikolai, and left with the Inferni.
------------Later at Night-----------
It wasn't until midnight that you met Nikolai again. You bid goodnight to Alina and Mal, after the three of you caught up on the past few weeks, annoying Mal to the point he almost went to ask Tamar to execute him. Twice.
You were strolling through the halls and quickly regretted not borrowing the coat Mal handed to you. The halls were cold and you only had your long sleeved, blue dress on you. Sure, you had a thin nightgown under it, but it was a sorry excuse for warmth.
You went down another corridor, when all of a sudden, the doors next to you opened, revealing a muscled chest buried in a thick green robe. After you were done studying his chest, you looked up to see a smirking Nikolai looking back at you. You quickly turned your head away from him, hiding your flushed face.
"Nice to see you too," Nikolai chuckled and from the corner of your eye, you saw him tying the robe in front of his chest, covering up the muscles. He closed the door behind him and pointed forward, indicating a walk.
He fell in line next to you, as you tried to think of something to say. You always felt comfortable in his presence, that wasn't a problem, but you were quite nervous after seeing his really-not-so-bad muscles. You never knew what lied beneath those shirts and waistcoats while you worked at the Palace.
"You know that you can talk to me, right? You don't have to be nervous about saying something wrong," Nikolai softly said and you thankfully looked at him.
After a few more seconds of silence, Nikolai stopped you dead in your tracks with stepping in front of you. You almost collided with him, had he not took a step back to make a little space between you two.
"This might come off like I'm pressuring you, but I'm dying to know, and you know that I'm not exactly the most patient person." Nikolai quickly said, and you opened your mouth to question him, but he was quick to cut you off.
"I know that I have no business asking this, especially right now, but where have you been?" He asked with genuine concern. "For the last year I was asking about you, but you vanished into thin air. I mean, with Kirigan and the attacks I understand why one might go and-"
"You asked about me?" You asked on a quiet voice, and it made Nikolai look at you like you just told him the sky is green. "Of course I did. I even tried to locate you, but it was like your entire being got sweeped off the land."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, amd you stared at him in shock. Did you really mean that much to him? Did he really try to found you of all people, during this war?
"But why?" You whispered and now it was Nikolai's turn to look at you in shock. "Why?" He breathlessly chuckled. "Why wouldn't I? You're the reason I did what I did in the last year. You kept me company while I sneeked out of the Palace, and quite honestly your words captivated me right then and there. You changed my entire perspective on everything I knew about Ravka and its people."
You looked at him with even more bewilderment than before, but took a risky step towards him, your eyes not leaving his. "And?" You asked on a soft voice, slightly tilting your head.
"And?" Nikolai asked back, and let out a slow breath before responding. "And I couldn't stop thinking about you. You were in my dreams, in my head, in the wind, you were everywhere. I couldn't stop imagining the moment I finally met you again. I could've even painted it if I had the talent for it." He swallowed as he looked down to his feet, like he was nervous.
You felt your breath get caught in your throat and you put a hand over your heart, while the other hugged your stomach. The nerves in your belly made your stomach turn in anticipation as you waited.
When Nikolai finnaly looked at you, you saw nothing but raw emotions in his eyes. Sincerity, pain and love. Yes, definitely love.
"I could write you poetry, I could paint you a hundred times, I could sing endless love songs to you. But I won't. I am no artist, Y/N." He closed that last remaining inch between the two of you and leaned closer to you, and you could feel his breath on your skin.
"Even if I'm a prince, even if I'm a bastard son, even if I'm a privateer, you are my muse. I am not an artist, but you are my muse, moye solnyshko."
[A/N: translation=my Sunshine]
His words made your heart practically burst out of your chest. You let your arms fall next to you, and took a quick look between Nikolai and his lips. Oh, to kiss him for just one moment. Would it be sweet like honey? Would it be soft like satin? Would it spin your head? You'd have to find out to know that.
"Can you," you started but the words seemed to die in your throat. Don't do this now. "I want you to," You whispered and despite what Nikolai said before, he stood there patiently, waiting for you to say what you wanted.
"Use your beautiful words, beautiful," Nikolai whispered and it was the only thing you needed to end the tension.
"I need you to kiss me." And within a second his lips were on yours. It was more than you expected. It was soft and warm, like a hug in the middle of winter. Nikolai was slow, like he was afraid you were going to vanish again if he let you go.
His hands found their way around your shoulders, and he hugged you close to himself. You clasped your hands behind his neck, keeping him from even attempting to pull away.
You had to break the kiss because you were running out of air, and the two of you panted as you tried to catch your breath. You looked at Nikolai with pure admiration, still not believing he spent an entire year looking for you, dreaming of you, thinking of you.
It made all of your sleepless night worth it. The nights you spent theorizing about where he could be, what could he be doing, if he even remembered you. This single kiss made this last year hurt a little less.
You were about to pull him in for another kiss, when a familiar voice interrupted you.
"Y/N, I've been looking for you every-" Alina said but when he saw the situation you and Nikolai were in, she quickly cleared hear throat. "Saints, I'm-I'm sorry for interrupting." She said. "I, uh, need Y/N for something. It'll be quick I promise."
She told the two of you, and you looked from her up to Nikolai, and before you could step away from him, he quickly whispered into your ear, so Alina wouldn't hear. "Meet me at your room."
You nodded while biting your bottom lip to keep yourself from smiling like an idiot. You let go of each other and you let Alina link your arms together, as she led you away.
You took a quick look back at Nikolai and saw him hiding a smile, which made you chuckle at him. The small noise made his face break out in a wide smile as he turned around.
"Mal and I were wondering if the two of you knew each other, because you were so comfortable with him earlier. Now I saw just how comfortable you are." Alina said with a light chuckle, before she continued. "You didn't seem so shy. Or is it just only with Nikolai?" She teased you and you attempted an angry glare at her, but she just giggled at you.
"Don't worry. You'll be back with your boyfriend in no time." Alina told you whick made your cheeks feel hot all of a sudden as you smiled to yourself.
For the first time in your life, you wouldn't be alone at night.
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frost-queen · 2 years
That’s the deal (Grisha!Reader x Kaz Brekker)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag: @missmelodramatic​, @theletterhart​, @alex--awesome--22​, @elllie-does-the-posts​, @floatlosers​, @merlieve​, @queen-of-books​, @glimmering-darling-dolly​, @denkisclown​, @wildieflower​, @meyocoko​, @bubblybrianna​, @justanothercoco​ @idkwhatmyusernameis,  @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23​, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr​, @swampthing07​​ 
Summary in short: The crows find themselves at the little palace in search for the Sun summoner. Instead Kaz stumbles upon someone else very alluring. Having been discovered, Kaz makes an escape through the crowd, blending in with a very confused yet complying Grisha. Unable to stop thinking about him, you sneak out of the little palace in the hopes of meeting your teasingly criminal once more. Moved to Ketterdam you are kept out of sight in fear of any soldiers coming for you. Left alone with Kaz tensions rise till it makes him take actions for his meddling feelings. 
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“In and out as quick as we can.” – Kaz told Inej and Jesper. – “No detours and no distractions.” – he made clear seeing Jesper eye a passing Grisha guard. – “Wha?” – Jesper answered baffled as if everything was always his fault. – “We need to stay focused.” – Kaz reminded them clearly. – “Find the sun summoner and leave.” – Inej whispered sticking close to the walls. – “Exactly.” – Kaz responded lowly. His gaze gliding from wall to wall. Taking in every little detail of the little palace. 
They came to a stop. Jesper fidgeting at the guard’s uniform he was wearing. Kaz snapped his finger in front of him to make him stop. – “It itches.” – Jesper whined out annoyingly. – “There will be a lot more itching if you don’t act your part!” – Kaz made clear with a cold glare. Jesper huffed loud moving his hands up in defense. – “Alright easy with the threats.” – Jesper mumbled. Kaz went his way as three was a crowd and a crowd drew too much attention. 
Jesper continued to rub the fabric harshly against his collarbone. – “It itches am I right?” – he asked Inej, sighing loud as she had disappeared. Shaking his hands humorously he was once again speaking to the walls. Each crow having gone a different way in search of the sun summoner. That was the job. Get in, secure the sun summoner, and get out. The reward one million kruge. A fine prize to simply kidnap one person.
You exhaled deep, gaze lowered to the ground. All around you Grisha whispering and chatting in the wait of the sun summoner. Across the room you spotted General Kirigan. His gaze met up with yours, giving you a firm nod. You lowered your gaze going a bit through your knees as a respective response. There were people standing with you, but they weren’t really speaking with you. You simply co-existed in the room with everyone else. Yes, the sun summoner Alina Starkov was a very interesting person. 
Just all the attention and balls were a bit too much. All in favor of her. You noticed some people getting on the tips of their toes or looking anticipating at the door. You looked as well. The doors opening to reveal Miss Alina Starkov in black Grisha wear. No one ever wore black but General Kirigan, so it was quite the spectacle. Her eyes fell immediately upon him as she entered. People clearing the way for her to reach General Kirigan. He held his hand out for her as she happily accepted it. A fluster on her cheeks. 
General Kirigan whispered something to her, seeing her giggle giddy. – “A demonstration?” – he declared showcasing her. Everyone clapped. General Kirigan brought Alina to where you were. He let go of her hand as she got on a higher platform. You stood underneath her watching General Kirigan return to his place. There he opened his hands the room slowly darkening. 
You spotted two new guards enter the room. Two you had never seen before. They looked wonderous around as the room darkened. A shadow creeping down from the ceiling to the floor, covering the room in eternal darkness. Pitch black with nothing to see or make out. No shapes, no silhouettes, just complete darkness. Still enough to hear your own heart beat out loud.
Then near you emerged a little light in the palms of her hand. Gently growing larger as it casted an illuminating light in the room. All eyes on the sun summoner in awe. Yet two pair of eyes were not focused on her. One of the newly entered guards was looking somewhere lower then the sun summoner. Catching his gaze it was clear he was staring at you in the alluring light. The gaze grasping you by the throat. Heart thumping louder against your ribcage. 
The sun summoner seemingly of no interest to him. Yet a simple Grisha was. Alina casted all General Kirigan’s shadows out. The room taking on the normal light once more. Loud clapping filled the room. General Kirigan staring deeply affected at the sun summoner. She returned to him, making her way across. Kaz and Inej shared a look. Inej in wonder, Kaz not so sure. They rejoined in the room, standing close to each other. – “She is real… Saints she is.” – Inej said to him. Kaz observed the room, eyes lingering on a particular Grisha girl. – “Hey!” – they suddenly heard from behind them. 
Turning around a Grisha appeared with six guards behind him. He pointed firmly at them. Kaz and Inej simply had to nod to each other, knowing they have been discovered. Inej disappeared easily as Kaz pressed through, further through the crowd. He dismissed of the silly hat as the crowd swallowed him whole. Seeing the guards were in pursuit. A dance filled half the room. Grisha dancing alluringly. General Kirigan and Alina Starkov amidst them.
You rose from your bow, moving your hands gracefully sideways. Then to the other side, spinning around. Taking a firm step forwards you met up with your partner. Hand brought upwards along with his. Dancing in tight paces. No smooth movements from the next step to the other. Rather tight and firm step by step aside from each other. You lowered your hand, turning your shoulder forwards, brushing past your partner. Back to back. You moved to face your partner once more as he took your hand, rising it up. 
You stepped underneath his arm letting go of his hand. As you turned back, eyes widened at your sudden new partner. It was clear you were confused as the guard from earlier was by you now. – “Don’t utter a word.” – he said lowly taking a step forwards. You nodded moving your hand up. He did as well, hands barely touching as you slowly turned around. Both turned away from each other to rejoin seconds later. You shot your arm up, arched to the side. 
The guard copied you, holding his other hand behind his back as did you. He lead you, taking firm, large paces. You had to follow taking large steps backwards as people needed to clear way for you. You spotted the guards looking around. Grabbing people by the shoulder to look at their faces. Suddenly it became clear to you. – “You are no guard?” – you said waltzing to the side. Hands nearly touching, but never in contact. – “What gave me away?” – he curled up a smirk.
He noticed others twirling their dance partner around. He took a hold of your Grisha uniform, giving you a good spin. Grabbing the fabric by your hip, he put a stop to your spinning. – “The guards behind you.” – you answered with a cheeky smile. Kaz looked over his shoulder coming in immediate action. He putted some fabric near your wrist between his fingers, holding your arm arched up. He started moving back with you, cutting through the dance room. – “Are you a criminal?” – you asked out of breath. He smiled cunningly as your arm dropped to the side. – “Would you like me to be?” – he responded teasingly. 
To not stand out, he needed to copy the dance movements of the others. They took the hand of their partner, stepping forwards. Then backwards as their joined hand rose and fell. Kaz held your sleeve’s end between his fingers copying their routine. – “You have a funny way of touching your partner.” – you said chuckling. Kaz stared in your eyes, breath caught. – “Perhaps I am gentle around a rare flower.” – he answered flirty. – “Or you are simply scared to touch me.” – you pointed out, letting your back brush close to his. 
He caught your sleeve once more, pulling you to a stop. You rejoined him, moving your hand down near his cheek. You gasped when his palm pressed deeply onto your lower back. – “Who is afraid to touch who now?” – he smiled at you flustered cheeks. You spotted the guards drawing nearer. Taking his hand you twirled underneath it. Moving further down the room with each spin, Kaz needing to follow you hastily. People who weren’t dancing made way. You neared the walls grabbing him by the shoulders as you spun him around. His back to the wall.
You stepped close to him, moving your arms around his body. Fidgeting behind him to find the doorknob blindly. Kaz swallowed nervously taking in your perfume as your lips neared his face. You smiled hearing a loud click. Kaz smirked having heard the sound as well. – “Run.” – you whispered to him, his eyes almost rolling back with pleasure of hearing your voice so close to him. He pushed the door open with his back, bringing his finger to his lips to hush you. You did the same with a flirty smile, watching your stranger disappear in the hallway. – “Y/n!” – you heard, turning around sharply. 
“Have you seen someone dressed as a guard, has a bit of a limp?” – he asked. You shook your head blocking the door with your back. You then gasped pointing in the crowd. – “Is that him?” – you called out. His head turned signaling his fellow men to follow him. Letting your back fall against the door, you swooned thinking back about him. How he only had eyes for you at the demonstration. How he suddenly got rid of your partner to dance with you. Clearly as a distraction to escape, but still you were pleased he chose you out of all girls. There was something so alluring about him that drove you wild.
“Where is the sun summoner?” – Jesper asked when Kaz joined him by the carriages. Kaz shot him a glare. Inej dropped down beside Kaz silently. – “Where the hell have you been?” – Jesper called out, looking at her. Inej frowned. – “Finding the sun summoner. What have you been up to?” – Inej asked approaching him. Jesper ducked when Inej plucked some hay from his jacket, showing it to him. – “Uhm… I don’t know how that got there.” – Jesper spoke as Kaz rolled his eyes. 
“Right?” – Inej answered throwing the hay at him. Inej then looked at Kaz who was looking back at the little palace. – “What caught you off guard?” – she asked. He hummed loud, having heard her half. – “I thought for sure you’d have the sun summoner.” – she pointed out. He looked away, not wanting her to see anything in his expression. – “Yeah Kaz, I thought at least you would make this plan work. Easy in and out, right?” – Jesper pointed out teasingly. 
Kaz glaring hard at him, withholding himself to smack Jes on the back of his head. – “There will never be another opportunity.” – Inej said. – “And perhaps that is the way it is supposed to be.” – making Kaz and Jesper frown at her. – “You had to see her Jesper. A saint.” – Kaz sighed loud at her saints. – “Uhm guys…” – Jesper said eyes slowly widening. Inej kept speaking of her saints, bickering with Kaz about faith. – “Guys!” – Jesper hissed, ducking down. – “What?” – Kaz called out annoyed, leaning firm against his cane.
Jesper pointing eagerly behind him while trying to hide. Inej and Kaz slowly turning around, eyes widening at a Grisha looking searchingly around. Kaz recognized you immediately. Inej took out her knifes as Kaz moved his hand out to her to stop her. – “She’s alone.” – he said, brows slightly furrowed. – “Good. Easy for me to take out.” – Jesper answered pulling out his gun. – “No!” – Kaz made clear, glaring at Jesper over his shoulder. – “Get in the carriage!” – he ordered. 
“What?” – Jesper answered confusingly, scratching the back of his head with his gun. – “Do as I say!” – he made clear. Inej tugged at Jesper’s arm, pulling him with her. They got in the carriage as you spotted him. You weren’t sure if you could approach him, but the flutter your heart made at the sight of him was undeniable. When you saw him make his way over, you jogged over, meeting him sooner. – “What are you doing here?” – he asked. – “Would you call me a fool if I said I was looking for you?” – you replied nervously. 
Kaz looking briefly away. – “I’m glad to see you are unbound.” – you teased, pointing at his hands. Kaz smiled. – “They would have to do a lot more then send guards after me to catch me.” – he chuckled. You caught Kaz staring drawing you in. Breaking contact, you looked over your shoulder up to the little palace. Thinking about how unhappy and alone you felt lately. It was all for themselves. Only yourself to count on. Kaz must have noticed your hesitance and inner torment as he spoke. – “I am in need of a Grisha.”
You looked back at him, eyes slightly widening. – “I’ll be your Grisha.” – you responded. – “All I ask of you is to take me away from this place.” – Kaz nodded at your request. – “That is the deal.” – he mumbled stepping aside. You approached the carriage without hesitation. Kaz’s gaze lingering on the little palace. Overlooking if no one was coming after you. You opened the carriage door, greeted by two surprised faces. 
Before you could say anything, you were pushed in the carriage by a cane against your back. You stumbled inside, settling down beside the girl. Both of them unable to stop staring at you. Kaz joined coming to sit beside Jesper as the carriage got in motion. – “Who is she?” – Jesper asked curiously as the girl was observing you closely. Kaz’s gaze going towards you. – “An investment.” – he answered. – “Y/n.” – you responded sweetly with a smile. You had a name so it was important to you to share it.
You were pushed into an office with a list of clear instructions. You are not to leave this room. You are certainly not allowed to leave the crows club. Most importantly you stay out of sight. Almost an entire week have you been hidden in this room. After a while you guessed it was to keep you out of sight from any soldiers looking for you. There was after all a Grisha missing from the little palace. You jumped up hearing the door open. It was Inej who entered with food. You gestured for her to place it on the desk. 
You saw she had a burning question on her lips as she lingered in the door opening. – “Yes Inej.” – you said inviting her to speak her words. It caught her slightly off guard. – “I…I was wondering why… why did Kaz bring you along from the little palace.” – she asked. – “A deal… we made a deal.” – you responded looking out of the window. – “What… what kind of deal?” – Inej asked further. – “That is between Y/n and me!” – Inej jumped out of her skin at the voice of Kaz behind her. 
She moved aside for him to enter. Firm expression on his face. His eyes meeting briefly up with yours. Inej apologized taking her leave after a glare from Kaz. The door shut as Kaz, and you were left alone. He removed his coat, hanging it up. You stepped away from the window, going around the desk. – “You could’ve told her.” – you said tracing your finger around the shape of your plate. – “That you are simply in need of a Grisha and that I wanted a way out of the little palace.”
Kaz moved away from you, keeping his distance. He stood between two archways, one hand pressed against a side. His gaze was on you, lips pressing together as his head lowered pained with emotions. – “That would’ve been a lie.” – he answered. You frowned. – “Was that not our deal?” – you questioned. He nodded, keeping his gaze down. He couldn’t lie to himself that it was only a detour to actually have you near. How foolish it was of him to feel so drawn to a person at first sight. 
“But there is more?” – you spoke taking it out of his expression. Kaz swallowed. Your head lifted up hearing some carriages and loud voices. You rushed to the window to look down. Suddenly feeling a presence behind you. Kaz looking over your shoulder down as well. It made you unable to focus on the streets with him so close to you. How on your knees you were for this man, and he couldn’t even see it. Relieved you exhaled as it weren’t soldiers. Simply some drunk folk and a carriage from the menagerie passing by. 
“Do you think they are searching for me?” – you asked. – “They won’t find you.” – Kaz responded as you slowly turned. Swallowing at how close his body was nearly pressed against yours. – “I won’t let them.” – he spoke lowering his gaze on you. Breathing increasing at the way his eyes stared right at you. His gaze drifting down to your lips making him part his yearnful. He had always been repulsed by human touch, so why was his heart now craving for a touch of yours.
Kaz pressed his hand against the window by your head, leaning in closer. – “They’ll have to tear this place down brick by brick to find you.” – he said tilting his head a bit to the side. – “I am but an investment.” – you answered caught so deeply in his grasp. Kaz tensed his jaw, pressing your head back by his hand around your neck, thumb against your jaw. – “Don’t spread false words Y/n.” – replied. – “Kaz.” – you whispered before his eyes closed, lips settling down on yours. At the first touch he pulled away to reflect how his lips withstood your touch. Settled he kissed you again, taking every opportunity to explore your lips with his.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!    
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deanlikeshisangel · 2 years
he is the bastard prince after all.
nikolai lantsov in love
warnings : none
for more : masterlist
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nikolai lantsov became an unspoken tragedy the moment he was born. he loved stories as a kid, stories about lands far far away, of beasts and princesses, tales of voyages and sunken ships, of mermaids luring unsuspecting fools to their deaths, and of course stories about true love. he wanted to live the stories he couldn't write but he knew they weren't for him, he is the bastard prince after all.
nikolai lantsov believes falling in love is like lying naked in a field of roses. love makes you vulnerable, pricks your skin and bleeds your heart dry and then maybe, just maybe, you can seek comfort in the gentle caress of the blood red petals.
nikolai lantsov is not weak because nikolai lantsov craves love, he is one of the few who dare.
nikolai lantsov is falling for the saint with the golden light and only hopes there's someone to save him.
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bladeinthedark · 2 years
i want all Nikolai haters to shut up because Paddy Gibson just did such an amazing job and he really portrayed Nikolai in the perfect way. charming, dedicated, a leader and a friend.
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myeur-n · 1 year
Imagine that Sturmhond reveals himself as Prince Nikolai Lantsov, but you couldn't accept it
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This oneshot is purely based on the Netflix series, so some of the lore might be incorrect
y/n is a female Grisha
"Captain, are you sure that the Saint is stable enough to cross the fold?" y/n approached the captain's table and crossed her arms before him. The Volkvolny was beginning to rumble from the calling of the Fold, and as a Materialki, you weren't really fond of how the wooden planks of the ship you had invented with your Captain begun to stir.
"Y/n, how many times have I asked you to address me by Sturmhond?" The blonde and blue-eyed privateer snickered at you, leaning back against his cushioned chair and crossing his legs. You remained silent and only had a concerned look crossing your features. "Come on, then. Call me by my name then I shall answer you," he added and began beckoning you toward him.
"Alright... Sturmhond. Now answer me," you rolled your eyes. "You know how terrified I am of the Fold. If I get caught by one of the Volcra in there, I'll be demanding that you pay for my health insurance even if I'm dead,".
"I would expect no less from you," he pulled a soft smile at your direction, which almost warmed your heart - almost. You shook your head as he stood up from his chair and stood next to you.
"It'll be alright, y/n. Alina's strong enough with her amplifier. You'll be safe, I can promise you that," he muttered, casting a soft smile at you before he climbed the stairs to the upper deck.
"No doubt he's about to show off the Hummingbird," you rolled your eyes and tailed him.
Before you knew it, you were suddenly up in the air and reaching the entrance of the Fold. You looked up at the abyssal storm, growling and calling before your very eyes. Quickly turning around, you saw that only a few of the Volkvolny crew, including yourself and your captain; the Saint herself and her lover were aboard the Hummingbird.
Alina Starkov looked back at the Fold with a determined glare, while Mal's eyes were clouded with his usual protectiveness. Before you could turn to look at Sturmhond, he had already crossed the ship's deck and stood by your side, linking your arms tightly with his.
"It's going to be alright. You don't have to be scared," he mumbled in a low voice, almost to himself. You could hear the slight tremble in his voice, and you knew you weren't alone in this consuming fear - he felt the same way too.
"Sturmhond," you turned your wrists so your palms could capture his. "I trust you," you nodded once before turning back at the starless sky as darkness consumed your surrounding.
Both of you gasped, but held each other tight. The Fold was pitch black and cold - colder than the sea breeze at night. Your mind suddenly travelled to what you could do as a Grisha. You were just a Materialki - a person who could manipulate earth and steel - but, what use is that when it comes to something as powerful as the darkness?
Suddenly, a blinding white light filled your eyes and it came from the Saint.
Sturmhond's blue eyes filled with marvel and wonder, and your heart ached to see them as you realised that he could never look at you the same way he looked at Alina's beautiful sunlight. You pursed your lips and slowly attempted to loosen your grip of his hand, but it won't move a muscle.
You closed your eyes and hoped that this would end soon.
As no light could pierce your eyelids, you thought that the worst is over, but only found that Alina was gasping for air and could not summon the sunlight anymore. Mal rushed to her side to protect her from the Darkness of the Fold, while Sturmhond quickly removed your hands from his and grabbed his pistol.
You rushed to the front of the Hummingbird and placed your hands on the engine of the ship, forcing the gears to work harder so everyone could get out of the Fold quickly. Some of the crew members screamt as they were grabbed by the Volcra and fell to their death.
You panicked as one of the Volcra almost snatched you into the air, but you had quickly picked up a crowbar and shifted it into a sword before slicing it into half.
"Now, that's my lady!" Sturmhond shouted from across the deck as he continued shooting the beasts. You rolled your eyes and with your last effort, you pushed the engines to their limit before they gave out one last revolution and ceased their turning.
And all of you were so close to getting out of the Fold.
"Brace! Brace for impact!" You shouted loud enough for everyone to hear as you shut your eyes hard and focused your abilities to the front of the ship, bending the round-edged wood to become sharp-edged, so that as they land on the ground, it would pierce the dirt and lessen the damage on the Hummingbird. Sturmhond wasn't going to let it go if she had let his precious invention turn into ruin.
The ship dug into the dirt of East Ravka and slid across the grass. Everyone let out a whelp as their knees collapsed from the impact. You exhaled a large breath and wiped a sweat from your forehead. It was definitely hard to use the small sciences without looking at what you're about to change.
Tamar and Tolya were the first to cheer, while Sturmhond quickly ran over to you.
"Are you alright? You seemed to be doing a lot of work there," he spoke - and for the first time, it seemed like it was out of concern.
"Yeah, and it's all because I had to save your damn ship from falling to pieces," you groaned at him, which only received a long chuckle from him.
Out of the blue, everyone heard the marching of more than a legion of soldiers.
"What's going on?" You muttered to yourself, but your eyes held Sturmhond's.
He avoided them and only shook his head.
"Identify yourself!" The captain of the soldier commanded. The Sun Summoner seemed clearly irritated while Sturmhond grasped her shoulder with his one arm and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"I'll handle this," he said and he began to undress himself off his long, ridiculous privateer coat and he seemed to behaving a conversation with the captain. You parted your lips to ask him "Wouldn't you end up naked?", but you quickly took your words back when your eyes perceived Sturmhond wearing a green uniform gilded in golden embroidery, a uniform almost similar to those Ravkan soldiers, but it carried a higher air of command.
"It can't be," the man named Ravski gasped.
"Yes, it is," Sturmhond responded. You unbuckled your knees to get a better view of what was happening.
"Moi Tsarevich," Ravski began to kneel. "My prince,".
You gasped, while Mal and Alina passed each other confused looks.
"I present Nikolai Lantsov, Major of the 22nd Regiment, Soldier of the King's Army, Grand Duke of Udova, and Second Son to his Most Royal Majesty - King Pyotr the Third - Ruler of the Double Eagle Throne!" The captain announced with a spirited voice, while Sturmhond - now Nikolai pulled a smug look across his face.
You couldn't believe your eyes that the man in which you had spent years with was in fact, the estranged Prince of Ravka himself. Your lips quivered as memories came flooding back to you, but you knew that you couldn't cause a scene.
The prince had already been enjoying himself too much.
Everyone had reached the Stronghold (or moreso like a base) where Grisha who opposed against the Darkling and survivors of East Ravka remained. You spotted Zoya, someone who had always taught you the meaning of hard life back at the Little Palace - greeting Alina Starkov like old friends.
You clenched your fists and held back your tears. Once again, you were a stranger to everyone around you. The only person that you could become yourself was now gone too.
"One week," you took a deep breath in your personal quarters, which was very much far away from Alina and Nikolai's - given your status as a Materialki Grisha. Even Tolya and Tamar's rooms were closer to the Prince's. "Hold on for one week and we shall see," you swallowed the fear in your throat.
Your y/e/c shifted to your modest bed and you laid yourself there - hoping that your memories won't haunt you at night. Everyone was in a meeting to discuss their next move against the Darkling, but you weren't included - as expected.
That night, you recalled the memories from a time long forgotten of you, your brothers and sisters which were called upon to the Little Palace and serve as the Second Army for the Tsar. You shared their excitement when all of you had found out that you were Grisha. Your twin sisters were prodigal Heartrenders like Tamar and Tolya, while your eldest brother was an Inferni and your younger brother was a Squaller. Everyone was suited for battle and talented - but not you.
You were just a plain Materialki - a Durast who was weak and could not bend swords or bullets quickly enough to save your life. And so, you were never ordered to Battle like your siblings since even the Darkling did not acknowledge your abilities.
One day, the Tsar ordered his princes to enter and cross the Fold for a diplomatic mission on west Ravka. Something happened when they were on their way back, and they had to kill as much Volcra as possible along with only a few of the Second Army Soldiers escorting them - with the Heartrenders being your own two sisters and ome of the squallers your younger brother. Almost none survived, with the exception of his princes, as it seemed.
You and your eldest brother grieved their death, and sent many personal letters to both the Darkling and the King, requesting for the return of the bodies of your fallen siblings. However, both of them rejected your requests, giving an excuse that their main priority was to search for the Second Prince - none other than Nikolai Lantsov, instead of bringing their bodies home.
You and your brother were devastated, and he was suddenly being called upon to fight at the Fjerdan borders. You had tried your best to make an armor for him, in which no bullet should be able to pass through - and it worked - only if it hadn't been for the Fjerdans to cut off his head when your brother was wounded.
Distressed, you crossed the the Fold from East to West Ravka by yourself with an invention you had so carelessly made, as an effort to hopefully let the Saints decide your fate in the abyss. And you could have died, if your wounded self wasn't discovered by Sturmhond.
You woke up silently with your eyes brimming in tears. Your siblings' lack of proper burial, Sturmhond's deceit, and your uselessness as a Durast was all too much for you. The very thought of being under the roof of the man which had both killed and saved your life was something your heart could not handle anymore.
You had to leave.
Its not like anyone would realise nor dread your absence.
Wiping the silent and hot tears pouring out of your eyes, you began to pack some clean clothes into your knapsack, a pair of daggers, a map of Ravka, money, food and water. There wasn't much to pack anyway. You put on a cloak and blew out your candle before you opened your door.
"Captain-!" You exclaimed as the blonde and blue-eyed man which had been by your side for years suddenly showed up in front of you with his hands up, and hand balled into a fist, as if he wanted to knock on your door.
"Y/n, you're awake!" He gasped and pulled a cheesy smile. "I guess you've been around me for too long until you could sense me from far away, then?" He chuckled. Slowly observing his formal attire, it was obvious that he had just finished his meeting.
"You're incredibly loud with everything you do, that's how I know," You pursed your lips and forced a smile.
He nodded and began to peek around your pitch black room, past your shoulders. "Your quarters are very dark now, aren't they?" He commented.
"I was sleeping, Capta-I mean, uhm, moi Tsarevich," and you kept a distance away from him as you recalled that the man before you was ranks higher above yours.
"You were asleep with your travelling cloak?" He raised a playful brow.
"You shouldn't be here. Just go to sleep, my prince. You look tired after the meeting,".
"About that," the prince pushed your arm which was blocking the way into your room and lit a match. He searched for your candle for a second and lit it up. "I wanted to talk to you about what happened... earlier," he muttered and his bright eyes searched your room.
"There's nothing to talk about-,".
"Saints, why did they give you such an empty room? There's barely anything in here!" He jumped and began going through your old cupboard. You sighed and closed your eyes, not knowing how to properly deal with the man.
"My prince, you're no longer Sturmhond. Its improper for you to act in this manner. I beg of you, please remove yourself from my quarters," your heart was beginning to ache, but he was seemingly avoiding your words as he continued rambling around.
"The only thing here as stuffed as the king is your-," and his eyes paused at your knapsack. "Why is it packed, y/n? Where are you going?".
"Its none of your concern, my prince," You could not brave yourself to look into his eyes.
"Saints, just call me Nikolai, y/n,".
"How can I just call you Nikolai Lantsov when you've been my Captain and Sturmhond to me?" You snapped as irritation overwhelmed you.
"You don't understand, Nikolai - you're a prince. I'm just a deserter of the Second Army and we're not equals anymore,".
"Come on, you know that I don't think of you that way-,".
"Either way, you can't stop me from leaving," your voice trembled.
Nikolai suddenly crossed his arms and he passed a stern glare at you, a look you had rarely seen him equip himself with. In that moment, you realised that he truly was a Prince - not just any foolish prince like his brother, but a man of command, a man who you could have followed anywhere, even to the edge of the world - if it hadn't been for yourself.
"You can't leave. I forbid you," he stated with his sudden cold blue eyes fixed upon you.
"You have no right to give orders to me," You took a few steps toward him, almost challenging his command.
"You can't leave," Nikolai breathed, voice softening as he slowly closed the distance between the two of you.
"I have no place here - by your side, as a soldier in this war you've involved yourself with. I'm a lesser Durast compared to the ones you've got here-,".
"No one's ever said that to you," Nikolai's hand reached your arm, almost grasping it to not let you go.
"No one needed to say it. I couldn't save my brother because of it. What makes you think that I could save you when you need my help?" your face went hot as you realised how close the both of you were to each other. That panicked heartbeat of yours thundered against your chest and you were worried if he could hear it.
"We made our ship together, y/n. You helped me with my inventions, made it ours and saved me, countless of times during our raids-," he pulled a bittersweet smile as he recalled his days together with you as a privateer.
"Nikolai," your hand instinctively reached his cheek, and he leaned into your touch - blue eyes glowing with a desperate blaze. "Those days are now over. You're a Ravkan Prince and you must let go of things that do not matter anymore - like me,".
He took in a sharp breath and refused to look into your eyes for the first time.
It was true that you had to leave him because there was no chance that the both of you could live peacefully together, sailing away with hopes of building a family together - free from any danger. That was your dream, and not his. Nikolai had always been ambitious, despite his foolhardy efforts to make him appear the opposite.
When he remained silent, you passed by his shoulder and grabbed your knapsack. You crossed your room and to your door, before hesistating to reach for the doorknob. Turning back to him one last time, you stretched a soft and genuine smile of fond farewell to Nikolai.
"Farewell, moi Sobachka. If the Saints would allow it, we'll meet again," you muttered and closed the door behind you as you left.
Nikolai stared at the still door, breathless and heart aching. His heart was heavy, but he understood why you had to leave. With his final breath within your presence, he breathed:
"I love you,".
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 2 years
Well, this video only made this post even better 😂❤️ now with sound too hahah
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Alina Starkov for loser of the year
I have Soo many things to say about Alina Starkov but today I just wanna ask wtf was her character arc supposed to be????
Like every other book she's continuously losing a part of herself/something/someone close to her......
Shadow and bone: she loses mal and the meek girl she was with him for the first half of the book. Then she loses her place in the little palace as Sun summoner. Then she "loses"/sacrifices the stag and control over her powers for a bit.
Siege and storm: she loses her "peace" with mal. The she loses "herself" but it's vaguely empowering?? Loses mal all over again but this time we cheer! Then finally she loses her role in the second army because Sasha takes over.
Cut to ruin and rising: loses her powers and hair color, the former for a hot minute only and then loses Nikolai and then at the end of it was finally supposed to lose mal once and for all but instead loses HER POWERS!!!
Anyway, dear reader, my point is Alina Starkov is the biggest loser to ever lose and I love her for it
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fanfics4world · 5 months
Our Little Secret - Part 2
Pairings: Alina Starkov x Fem!Reader
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Summary: Alina searches for Y/N in her secret hideout in the library, only to find her in the stables. There, Y/N invites her for a night ride on horseback, taking her to a magical place where they spend hours talking under the stars. Upon returning, Alina plucks up her courage and finally invites Y/N to the ball.
Word count: 1868
The midday light filtered through the tall windows of the dining room, bathing the room in shades of gold and orange. Alina sat at the long table, surrounded by the bustle of Grishas chatting and laughing as they enjoyed their dinner. The conversation flowed like wine, but despite the festive atmosphere, she was barely paying attention, lost in her thoughts about the mystery girl in the library.
Nadia, with her usual enthusiasm, leaned over to Alina and asked with a playful smile, "So, Alina, will you be inviting someone special to General Kirigan's masked ball?"
Alina, surprised by the direct question, blushed slightly. "Well, there is someone I've considered" she admitted, avoiding the curious glances of her companions.
Marie, sitting on the other side of Alina, interjected eagerly. "You must invite him or her! A masquerade ball is the perfect occasion for a romantic rendezvous!"
Genya, who had been watching Alina with a complicit smile, discreetly leaned over and whispered "Everything seems to be in favor of your mystery girl, don't you think? No one will know who's under the mask"
Alina nodded, feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement. "True, it could be an interesting night" she said, thinking about what it would be like to see her again, this time in such a different setting.
Zoya, with her characteristic bluntness, interjected from the other end of the table, with a teasing laugh. "Just make sure your mystery guest knows how to dance. It would be a shame to waste such a lovely evening with someone who has two left feet"
Alina smiles. "I don't think that will be a problem," she replies with newfound confidence. "If she accepts, I'm sure it will be an unforgettable evening"
The conversation continued, and Alina felt grateful for the company of her friends. However, deep in her heart, a question lingered: would Y/N accept her invitation to the ball?
As the dishes were cleared away and the candles began to flicker, Genya approached Alina and gently nudged her. "When you see her, ask her. And remember, under the mask, we're all the same. You may find that she is as intrigued by you as you are by her"
Alina smiled, strengthened by Genya's words. "I will" she promised, and with that promise, the night of the masquerade ball became a possibility full of promises and secrets to be discovered.
The library of the Little Palace was a labyrinth of knowledge and mystery, and Alina wandered through it with a singular purpose: to find the girl who had awakened in her an insatiable curiosity. The candlelight flickered, casting dancing shadows on the spines of the books as Alina wandered into the heart of the sanctuary of knowledge.
She arrived at the secret hiding place, her heart pounding with the hope of seeing her there. But she found only emptiness and silence. The room was deserted, the books seemed to watch her with a solemnity he could almost feel. "Where are you?" murmured Alina, her voice lost among the ancient pages.
Unwilling to give up, Alina left the library and began searching throughout the Little Palace. Disappointment settled in her chest, but she would not allow herself to give up. She wandered the halls of the Little Palace, peering into every shady corner and every candlelit room, searching for some trace of the girl who had captured her curiosity and to her surprise, her heart.
With each door that opened and closed without revealing her mysterious friend, Alina's hope faded a little more, mingling with doubt. "What if I never see her again?" she thought, her mind tormented by the possibility.
Finally, she stopped on a balcony overlooking the palace gardens, the cool night air caressed her face, and for a moment, she allowed herself to feel the magnitude of her loneliness. "Where are you?" she whispered into the wind, almost like a prayer.
Just as she was about to give up, a figure moved in the shadow of the trees below, on the way to the barn. Alina's heart leapt with hope. ¿Could it be her?
Twilight hovered over the stables of the Little Palace, a blanket of tranquility that contrasted with the turmoil in Alina's heart. She entered cautiously, her eyes roaming the shadows until they finally settled on a lone figure, it was her mystery girl.
Y/N reached out and gently stroked the neck of a horse black as night, who lay calm and serene under her touch. Alina watched the scene, finding an unexpected beauty in the connection between girl and animal. There was a palpable harmony in the air, as if she and the horse shared a silent understanding that went beyond words.
Alina approached slowly, her gaze fixed on the way the girl's fingers moved with such care, such affection. "It's beautiful," Alina said, not only referring to the horse, but also to the tenderness the girl showed. "I've never seen someone calm such a large animal with such ease"
Y/N looked up, her eyes glinting with a reflection of the moonlight. "Animals understand more than we think," she replied. "They just need to feel they can trust you"
The calmness Y/N exuded was infectious, and Alina found herself relaxing for the first time all day. There was something about Y/N's presence that made her feel as if everything was in its place, as if, at that moment, there was nothing else in the world that needed her.
"I was looking for you, mystery girl" Alina said, her voice echoing in the open space.
Y/N turned with a slight smile. "I've been called a lot of things, but 'mystery girl' is new"
Alina took a step forward, her determination growing. "It would be easier if I knew your name"
Y/N stepped closer to Alina, narrowing the distance between them until Alina could see the glints of light in her eyes. "And why take the excitement out of the mystery?" asked Y/N, her voice low and filled with unexpected warmth.
Alina felt her cheeks flush red, Y/N's proximity sending waves of heat through her body. "I guess you're right" she admitted, her heart pounding with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation.
Y/N smiled, and in that smile was an unspoken promise, an invitation to discover the secrets that were yet to be revealed.
With the soft moonlight as her only guide, Y/N turned to Alina, a playful smile on her lips. "Would you like to go for a ride?" she asked, her hand still on the black horse's back.
Alina, surprised by the sudden invitation, hesitated for a moment. The thought of riding a horse at night, through the unfamiliar grounds of the Little Palace, was as frightening as it was exciting. "Where are we going?" she asked, her curiosity overcoming her caution.
"Not far," Y/N replied, extending her hand toward Alina. "There's a place I want to show you. A place where the sky meets the earth and the stars seem to be within reach"
Trusting the mysterious girl who had entered her life like a whisper of wind, Alina accepted Y/N's hand and approached the horse. With a grace she didn't know she possessed, she climbed onto the animal, feeling its warmth and power beneath her.
Y/N mounted behind Alina, her hands finding their place around Alina's waist to steady her. "Hold on tight" Y/N whispered, and with a soft click of her tongue, the horse began to move.
The world around Alina became a mixture of shadows and whispers as they walked through the silent gardens and open fields. The wind played with her hair and the feeling of freedom was intoxicating. Alina leaned back, leaning against Y/N, and for the first time in a long time, she allowed herself to simply be.
Finally, they came to a clearing where moonlight filled every corner, and the night sky unfolded in all its splendor. They dismounted, and Alina looked around, awed by the beauty of the place. "It's amazing" she said, her voice full of awe.
Y/N stood next to Alina, her eyes reflecting the stars. "Sometimes, we need to escape to see things more clearly," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "And now, this place is as much yours as it is mine"
The moon had completed its ascent in the sky, and the stars twinkled as if they were silent witnesses to the connection that had formed between Alina and Y/N. They had spent hours sharing stories and laughter, each word and each pause weaving a stronger bond between them.
Finally, Y/N stood up and extended her hand to Alina. "We should get back," she said with a soft smile. "Dawn won't be long in coming, and the palace isn't the same without its sun"
Alina accepted Y/N's hand, feeling a tug in her chest at the thought of parting from her. They rode once more, and the ride back to the Little Palace was a silent agreement that the night had been something special.
As they neared the palace walls, Alina found herself wishing the ride were longer, that the night would not end. But all things had their end, and as they dismounted in the silent courtyard, she knew that tonight would be a cherished memory.
"Thank you for tonight" Alina murmured, her voice laden with gratitude and a hint of sadness. "You're welcome. It was my pleasure" Y/N replied.
Y/N was walking away, her silhouette against the light that was beginning to filter into the horizon. Alina watched, feeling a sudden emptiness as she watched her leave. But something inside her refused to let the night end like this, with a silent and unpromising goodbye.
"Wait!" exclaimed Alina, her voice breaking the silence of the early morning. Y/N stopped and turned, one eyebrow arched in questioning.
Alina took a breath, her heart pounding. "I want... I want you to come to the masquerade ball with me, as my date" she finally said, each word a leap of faith.
For a moment, Y/N simply looked at her, and Alina feared she had crossed an invisible line. But then, the corner of Y/N's lips curved into a smile, and she nodded. "I'd love to" she replied.
Before Alina could react, Y/N reached over and deposited a soft kiss on her cheek. It was a feather light gesture, but it left Alina with a feeling of warmth radiating throughout her being.
Y/N started to walk away again, but Alina wasn't ready to let her go. "How will I know who you are?" she asked.
Y/N turned to her, a mysterious smile on her lips. "Seek out the Black Dahlia" she said, her voice a whisper that seemed to carry with it the promise of another encounter.
With those words, Y/N walked away, her figure disappearing into the gloom as she made her way towards the stables. Alina stood there, touching her cheek where she still felt the echo of the kiss, and knew that the masked ball would only be the beginning.
A/N: Here is the second part, I didn't expect to publish it so soon, but I started writing and I couldn't stop.
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lalalalooost · 2 years
I'm past the stage of shipping Alina with Nikolai but can we talk about that scene in Ruin and Rising when Nikolai still offered Alina to be his queen knowing she already lost her powers. I think that's so pure and I love Nikolai more for that. I love how their relationship developed throughout the series.
He leaned back. “We were friends, weren’t we? Not just allies?”
“Don’t be an ass, Nikolai. We are friends.”
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zoyaofthegardvn · 2 years
nsfw alphabet for alina starkov if you're still taking requests?
Alina Starkov - NSFW Alphabet <3
A/N: THAT'S MY BABY GIRL I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Yes, I am so down for this! Thanks so much for the request :)
CW: Smut! 18+ plz!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Alina is super cuddly and sleepy! She wants to be held while she drifts off to sleep. She appreciates when you get her a snack and some water, when you clean her up, but mostly she just wants to lay there with you and go to bed. Sometimes you can get her up and into a bath, but mostly, she's outtttt.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
She loves your fingers. She loves to hold your hand, link your pinkies together, and play with your fingers when the two of you are sitting together. Your hand is comforting for her, and she feels really connected to you when you interlace them. And, of course, they do sinful, dirty things to her that she's never felt before. She loves when you finger her, when you push your thumb into her mouth, when you spank her. Your fingers work wonders on her.
On herself, she likes her legs. Mostly, she loves the look of them when they're wrapped around your head. She likes when you hold onto her thigh, when you trail kisses from her ankle to her cunt, when you ride her thigh....
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I think Alina comes pretty fast. Sometimes she gets embarrassed by it, but you always reassure her that you think it's hot that she can't help but come fast and hard when you're touching her. She always tries to hold it off, but you know exactly what to do to send her over the edge. It makes overstimulation really, really fun.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
She lovessss when you punish her. She'll act out on purpose, all of the time. She'll tease you, get an attitude with you, play hard to get with you, all so you'll bend her over your leg later. You're not dumb, you know it isn't really a punishment when she loves it so much, but how could you ever deny her?
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not experienced at all. I like to imagine that Mal either doesn't exist in this fic world, or she never had feelings for him, or she got over him before they were ever romantic. You're her first everything, and she loves to learn from you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
She likes when you manhandle her into whatever position you want. She really loves when you throw her over your knee, when you prop her up on all fours on the bed, when you push her to bend over a table. I don't know that she really has a preferred position so much as she loves when you take charge and choose the position for her.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I think she tries to be unserious, in an effort to goad you, but you quickly put a stop to it. Sometimes, the moment isn't serious at all, and you two will giggle and make jokes the whole time. But mostly, she's trying to piss you off.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Maybe she trims, but I don't think she really cares. And why should she? Body hair is natural and beautiful. I imagine she doesn't groom her legs and under arms, too. All natural, babyyyy.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I think it's usually filthy, but there are most definitely times where it's romantic. If there's any heightened emotions, like anger, fear, sadness, pure adoration and love, it'll be more intimate.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I don't think she masturbated before meeting you and I don't think she does after meeting you, either. She has you to make her feel good, she never really has the urge to try it on herself when you're always more than down to help her out.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
She likes to be punished. Spanked, overstimulated, choked, called degrading names. She never takes it too seriously, she knows you love her.
I also think she has a possession kink. I think it stems from her unrequited love of Mal, from both the Darkling and Nikolai using her for her power. She loves to know that you get possessive over her, that you want to put her in her place because she's yours. Not because of her power or status, but because you're in love with her.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Your bedroom, where things can be as dirty as you want them to be. I also think she likes when the two of you sneak out of the palace, and have sex somewhere on the grounds, out in the forest. She loves being outside, she loves how secluded but open it is. You two have to be pretty far out, though, to do anything outside.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
I don't think it takes much. But if your attention isn't on her for an extended amount of time, I think she'll get pretty needy and want you to focus back on her. She'll tease you, which of course, will lead to something sexual.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I don't think she's very into edging, because of how fast she comes she just doesn't care for the feeling of edging. She likes when you overstimulate her, though.
And, of course, anything that is a no for you is a no for her, too.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
She loves when you give her head, especially when your fingers come into play. But, she's always down to eat you out, too. Usually, when she's receiving, you lay her out on her back, or eat it from the back. When she's giving, you usually ride her face.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
I think she likes it fast and rough. There are times where it's slow and sensual, and that's mostly how it was when you two first started being intimate. But now that you are both well acquainted with each other's bodies, you two just go at it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
She's down for them. I don't think she initiates them, but if you pull her off to the side for a quickie, she's totally game. A lot of times, your quickies occur when you two are out on the grounds, but sometimes, they'll be in your bedroom before one of you has to be away for an extended period of time.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
I think she's into experimenting. I don't see her as being the one to bring it up, but if you ask her to try something new, I don't think she'd say no unless it was something that made her uncomfortable. Because of her lack of experience, a lot of things are "experimental" to her as she learns what she likes and doesn't like.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Even though she comes fast, she has a high stamina. She can come 4 or 5 times before being done, and she'll definitely wring a few orgasms out of you before she's done for the night.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
If we pretend that vibrators exist in the Grisha world, I think you two would have one. Just a small one you can use to hold against her clit. I don't think you'd have a strap, or if you did, she'd use it on you, but you wouldn't use it on her.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She's a total tease, which came as a surprise to you when you two got together. You always thought she'd be super shy and not very forward, but she loves to get you riled up so you'll correct her. She'll rub your inner thigh, whisper dirty comments in your ear, brush up against you in a suggestive way, bat her eyelashes and pout her lip. She loves to tease you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
I think she makes soft, little noises that she tries to hold back. But the second you encourage her to let go and be as loud as she wants, she totally squeals and screams.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
She got super insecure the first time you made her squirt. She had no idea what had just happened and felt so bad about the mess she made. It took some convincing from you to get her to believe that it's normal, and that you thought it was insanely hot. It doesn't happen all the time, but you do try to make her squirt again and again.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
She's got a small physique. She's skinny, with small breasts and a small ass. She was a bit insecure about this, but you assured her that you love and adore her just the way she is, and that you're incredibly attracted to her.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
There are certainly a few nights of the week that you two don't have sex. Life at the Little Palace is busy, and some nights neither of you really have the desire. But most nights, you do. I'd say 4-5 days of the week you two are intimate. Definitely a healthy and normal amount.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
She falls asleep quickly. As much as she'd like to stay up with you, she just can't help it. You always ware her out. She'll lay on your chest, maybe talk to you for a bit, but she's asleep within a few minutes.
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deanlikeshisangel · 2 years
he knew the greatness wouldn't last, after all it is the destiny of the stars to collapse
nikolai lantsov's prayer
warnings : none
for more : masterlist
a/n : I haven't gotten the chance to read the books yet so this is based on my interpretation of what could happen in the show's storyline. the line ' it's the destiny of the stars to collapse' isn't mine, I read it somewhere long ago and i can't remember where
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a silent prayer falls from his lips as he kneels in front of the golden altar of the saints, moonlight seeps in through the rose coloured glass on the windows, casting a haunting glow across his face.
he laughs to himself, he knew the greatness wouldn't last, after all it is the destiny of the stars to collapse. he wonders if his whole life he was just making up for who he was going to be, if all his good deeds were to make up for all the misery he is going to cause. he wonders if his name is still worth remembering.
he used to have stardust in his soul but now he can feel the monster sinking its jaws into his rotting flesh, charring his bones, grinding them to dust. he can feel his soul fading, it's being replaced by dark edged desire. his heart thumps against his ribcage, it's trying to leave too. his brain is turning to sap and his blood burns with unforgiving rage and hatred. 
this isn't him, he knows that. 
he prays to the saints to just give him just one more day to live, to let him serve his nation, be the king ravka deserves before the sun sets forever. but as always, his whispered prayers are met with deaf ears 
so he screams, have I not given everything? 
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