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Black Friday Sales have started at Dutchman’s Hydroponics & Garden Supply! Save up to 50% on items! 20% off Fans, Pumps, Grow Tents, Clay Pellets & Coco, Heating Mats & Controllers, Mylar, Poly Tarp, Pruners, Trimbins & Trimming Supplies 30% off Advanced Nutrients,Grotek Nutrients, Green Planet Nutrients, Technaflora Nutrients, Jacks Nutrients, Fox Farm Nutrients, Sunblaster T5 Lights & Combos & Micro Gardens, Rockwool, Root Stimulators & More! 40% off Lighting Controllers, Timers, Environmental Controllers, Air Ducting, Air Deodorizers & More! https://www.dutchmanshydroponics.com/collections/black-friday-hydroponics-sale *discounts will appear on the checkout page. Be sure to tag your friends and spread the savings!! #blackfriday #sale #gardening #advancednutrients #grotek #growyourown #nutrients #growtents #sunblaster #save #barrie #indoorgarden #hydroponics #homegrown #buds #onsale #oxyclone #turboklone #activeair #trimmer (at Dutchman's Hydroponics & Garden Supply) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck9yzmmskd1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zarya-zaryanitsa · 1 year
Hi! I hope you're well! I recently came across the term guślarz in the context of Slavic pre-christian practices and I was wondering if you know of any information/sources that discuss them? Thank you!
Honestly I do not know any sources that discuss guślarze specifically but I can convey to you what little I am aware of regarding the use of this word.
So firstly, guślarz is a Polish word. Similar words no doubt exist in other Slavic languages but I am only focusing on the role of this term in Polish language because that’s what I know.
The word guślarz is derived from gusła meaning magical rituals of some sort. Guślarz is a man who practices magic, performs rituals, a folk healer, a sorcerer. His feminine counterpart is guślarka (historically this one was used much less often but still can be found). The word gusła took the meaning of „magical rituals” and „fortune telling” in XVth century - so pretty late. My sources on this are two Polish philologists, linguists and slavists Franciszek Sławski (as relayed to us by Krzysztof Bilica and PWN dictionary of Polish language) and Andrzej Bańkowski (as relayed to us by Monika Grotek). Word guślarz is first found in Polish language in XVIIth century, evolving from earlier words gusłarz and guślnik dating back to XVIth and XVth century.
I will try my best to translate what Monika Grotek has to say on the subject of guślarz in her article Etymologia polskich nazw postaci ludzkich rodzaju żeńskiego i męskiego parających się magią (Etymology of Polish names for people, male and female, who practice magic):
However, the authors of etymological dictionaries argue about the origin and original meaning of the word gusła. Bańkowski conservatively recognizes the difficulty in unambiguously determining the etymology of, in his opinion, the Polish relic word †guslo, which was probably in the form †gud-slo and meant 'ways to ward off evil powers', and derived from the verb gud-i-ti, which in Old Russian meant as much as 'to blame, to condemn' and is related to the synonymous common Slavic †gad-i-ti 'to make disgusting, to disgust' (hence, e.g. the word gad) and the later †gyd-i-ti derived from it, 'to repulse' (hence hydzić and ohyda). Thus, a sorcerer is likely a man dealing with protection against disgusting and socially condemned evil powers, expelling hideous demons or counteracting charms. On the other hand, Wiesław Boryś notes that the word gusła may come from *gud-slo or *gǫd-slo (plural *gudsla or *gǫdsla), in which we can find the name of an activity with the suffix *- slo originating from the Proto-Slavic *gǫsti, *gǫdǫ 'to play a stringed instrument' (hence e.g. the instrument gusle), or from the variant †gusti, †gudǫ (with the old alternation *u/*ǫ), which is also indicated by the Bulgarian gùsla/gъsla, meaning 'stringed instrument, gusle'. Therefore, the original meaning of the word guslo is 'playing a stringed instrument', 'playing gusle' - and music, with its ability to induce a state of trance could be used in magical ceremonies performed by a sorcerer who, thanks to music and through music, was able to make contact with the supernatural world like a shaman in the native cultures of the peoples of Africa or America.
Here you have two sound theories on the role and conception of guślarz.
The modern associations of the word guślarz in Polish language originate from much later times - the Romanticism and Dziady (eng. Forefathers Eve) a XIXth century poetic drama written by Adam Mickiewicz. The drama describes in it’s second part a folk ritual known as dziady, typically a feast commemorating the ancestors. In the drama however guślarz accompanied by a crowd of villagers summons ghosts of people who for some reason cannot enter heaven and tries to help them access it.
Funnily enough originally the character conducting the ceremony was a priest. Mickiewicz changed it to guślarz at a later stage of his work. The later version also includes a line about how the priest forbade people from conducting the ritual. It is speculated that the character of guślarz was added specifically to include more magical and folkloric motifs that Romanticism was all about.
This is where we get the dominant view of guślarz as a man who works with the souls of the dead, this is also quite literally where we get guślarz as seen in The Witcher 3 (Pellar), since quests connected to him are heavily inspired by the drama Dziady and some of his incantations draw directly from its text.
In modern Polish the words gusła and guślarz are slightly archaic and have a pejorative undertone, with gusła being used as something synonymous with „superstitions”.
When it comes to pre-Christian Slavic traditions you might have more luck researching words such as zhrets (pl. żerca) or volkhv (pl. wołchw) which I believe are a bit better explored than guślarz.
Best of luck!
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roningang · 3 years
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mostrok · 4 years
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El buen @gralinhamerson me envió una muestra del Sima que está preparando. Creo que una lectura épica se acompaña mejor con una bebida igual de épica! #mostrok #sima #epicdrinks #grotek #grotekandfelix (en Miraflores, Lima) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAyJPwLBTbw/?igshid=1mvqlwaf84g1r
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nemxricultrix · 3 years
Nephilius came over. We had a long talk about things that went wrong.
.. Truth is, I thought family life might have helped. Turns out he was worried that his more fiendish nature would drive him to be a terrible parent, in the violent sense. Our relationship was starting to strain throughout and... Honestly it's been a lot of shit that built after we took down Grotek the Mekhart and solved why a rush was having fading nightmares of ancient things shared across the town.
..So that was. Kind of on my mind all day.
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weedseedsonline · 4 years
Indoor Grow Guide Day 21 Flowering with FloraFlex Nutrients How To Use PK Booster and GroTek Pro Si
Indoor Grow Guide Day 21 Flowering with FloraFlex Nutrients How To Use PK Booster and GroTek Pro Si
The Cannabis Grow Guide is a 21+ Legal Medical Cannabis Channel. This channel is for educational and documentation purposes only. BLG grows top grade medical marijuana using the best LED lighting on the market. Growing in coco medium and using Canna Nutrients.
5000 Subscriber Giveaway https://www.cannabisgrowguide.org/cannabis-forum…
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Neron’un Altın Evi
1983’den beri kapalı olan, birçoklarınca gösterişli imparatorluk yapısı diye nitelendirilen bu hazine, kazı ve restorasyon çalışmaları sürmesine karşın, yeniden ziyarete açılmıştır. Colle Oppio yamaçlarındaki Domus Aurea’ya (Altın Ev) bu adın verilmesinin nedeni, dekorasyonunda kullanılan altın varaklardır.
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Neron’un zevk konağı olarak yaptırdığı bu bina büyük bir kompleksti. Neron aşağı vadideki yapay gölü, Palatino Tepesi’ndeki eski imparatorluk konutlarıyla bağlantı için oluşturmuştu. Flaviuslar’ın ilki Vespasianus İS 69’da tahta çıkıp gölün bulunduğu yere Kolezyum’u yaptırdığında geniş arazinin bir bölümü de tahrip edilmiş oldu.
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Bundan yarım yüzyıl sonra ise Traianus yarım kalan bu işi tamamladı ve değerli malzemelerle heykelleri sistemli şekilde ortadan kaldırdı. Bu heykellerin arasında “Can Çekişen Galyalı” ve “Laocoön”  gibi bazı ünlü parçaların bulunması da olasıdır. Traianus muazzam destek duvarları inşa ettirmiş ve kendi imparatorluk hamamı için temel oluşturmak amacıyla boşluklara da moloz doldurtmuştu. Ancak Traianus’un, Neron’un bıraktığı tüm izleri silme girişimleri geri tepmiş ve Traianus, farkına varmadan, yüzyıllar boyunca Domus Aurea’nın korunabilmesi için gerekli koşulları kendi elleriyle yaratmıştır.
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Domus Aurea’nın varlığı zaten bilinmekteydi fakat Rönesans döneminde hamamların bir bölümü çökünce burası yeniden keşfedildi. Michelangelo, Raffaello ve Pinturicchio gibi ünlü sanatçılar, yüksek tavanlı odaların üst kısımlarındaki olağanüstü süslemeleri incelemek üzere bu mağara benzeri yerleri gezdiler (hatta buralara imzalarını bıraktılar). Rönesans sanatçıları da, muhtemelen Romalı ünlü sanatçı Fabullus’un, kanatlı yaratıklar, ejderhalar, çiçek ve yaprak gibi fantastik motiflerini kopyalamışlar ve “yeni” bir sanat türü yaratmışlardı. Bu “groteks” motifler Vatikan Revakları ve Villa Farnesina gibi yapıları süslemede kullanılmıştı. O zamanlar hatalı bir şekilde Titus Hamamları olarak adlandırılan harabeleri, 18. yüzyılda birçok sanatçı gezmiş ve birinci yüzyıla ait bu sanat türünün günümüzde anlaşılabilmesi için büyük önem taşıyan gravürleri yapmışlardı.
Bu yeraltı yapısının, Neron’un ünlü arazisinin parçası olduğu çok daha sonra belirlenmiştir. Arkeologlar, kazılarda 150’ye yakın odayı gün ışığına çıkarmış, şu an ise 30 kadarı ziyarete açılmıştır.
Yazın buraya gelirken yanınızda kazak getirmeyi ihmal etmeyin çünkü içeride ısı birdenbire düşüyor.
Doğal olarak Domus Aurea bugün, renkli mermerlerin, süslü kaplamaların ve altın varakların bir renk cümbüşü oluşturduğu eski halinin yalnızca bir gölgesi olarak varlığını sürdürüyor.
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Bir başka büyük çaplı değişiklik de Roma İmparatorluğu döneminde sarayın geniş güney cephesine bakan terasların tümünün Traianus tarafından kapatılması olmuştu. Buranın karşı konulamaz güzellikte olduğunu yapacağınız 15 dakikalık turda siz de anlayacaksınız.
Saraya Traianus’un muazzam galerilerinden birinden giriliyor. Tur Oda 35 ten başlayıp doğu yönüne ilerliyor. Oda 44 ve 45 en önemli bölümler arasında. Burada bir nymphaeum (nilüfer havuzu) var: Küçük bir mağaraya benzetilmiş bu alanda çeşmeye ait kalıntılara rastlayacaksınız ve karşınıza Polyphemus (Kyklop/Tepegöz) ile Ulysses’in resmedildiği mozaik süslemeler çıkacak. Oda 70’de ve 79’da bazı Rönesans ustalarının da burayı gezerken üstüne imzalarını attıkları renkli duvar süslemelerini görebilirsiniz. Altın Kemerli Oda olan Oda 80’i gezecek olanlar, Neron döneminde buradaki pencereden dışarı bakıyor olsalardı, beş ayrı yönü olan avluyu ve bunun ötesinde de yapay gölüyle birlikte uzanan vadiyi görebilirlerdi. Yapay göl daha sonra Colosseum’un inşası sırasında kurutuldu.
Bütün bu odalar şimdi yerin altında olsa da Neron döneminde buralara güneş ışığı dolduğunu ve birçoğunun muhteşem manzaraları olduğunu aklınızdan çıkarmayın. Oda 123 ve 125’te Roma mimarisindeki çapraz tonozların ilk örneklerine rastlanmaktadır. Oda 128 in ise, Suetonius’un yazdığı ünlü dönen yemek salonuyla aynı oda olma olasılığı yüksektir.
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beatman-23 · 6 years
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Monster Bloom de Grotek, un Fertilizante que conseguirá llevar tus flores al límite del engorde, con su PK 50/30, le dará ese empujón final en la 2ª fase de la floración, disponibles en el #ZION @zionurbanroots O'Higgins 386, Curicó. . . . #CURICO #WEED #GROWSHOP #ZION #CHILE #GROTEK #MONSTERBLOOM (en ZION Urban Roots)
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hghydroponics · 7 years
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#grotek #strawberry flush. Flush with them with some flavours! @hghydroponics www.hg-hydroponics.co.uk (at HG Hydroponics)
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your-dietician · 2 years
Holistic Medicine Secrets - Breakthrough Treatment for Chronic Back Pain
New Post has been published on https://backtherapyhealth.com/holistic-medicine-secrets-breakthrough-treatment-for-chronic-back-pain/
Holistic Medicine Secrets - Breakthrough Treatment for Chronic Back Pain
There is real hope today and for people with chronic back pain and for people with symptom such as sciatica, muscle spasms, stiffness, loss of mobility and numbness and tingling especially in the arms. These symptoms can be relieved and even, in many cases, completely cured. There is no surgery involved. No invasive procedure to alter the physiology. No pins, rods, fusions.
What is it? It is called Spinal Decompression.
Basically, it is a form of traction that is monitored by a computer. Unlike traction, there is no continuous pull on the back. During Spinal Decompression, you lie face down and the computer checks every 17th of a second whether your muscles are tense or relaxed. During tension the traction stops.
When you relax the Spinal Decompression device gently pulls, spreading the vertebrae and allowing relief from inflammation due to friction from bulging discs. As the vertebrae spreads the disc suctions the fluid that may have leaked out. Over time fibers in the tissues surrounding the disc re-hydrate, can heal and actually regenerate to their previous state. So instead of uncertain surgical procedures that alter the body, and often cause a different pain and loss of movement, spinal decompression actually heals and brings your body back toward its previous pain free state. Unlike with surgery, Spinal Decompression does not alter the anatomy of the back.
Who is Spinal Decompression for?
Anyone with a moderate to severe bulging discs in the lower back or neck.
An X-ray and MRI are required to get a baseline and see if you would benefit. Those with strained muscles or muscle injury would not benefit. Elderly people with loss of disc height, stiffness and pain would benefit. Whiplash and neck problems can also be helped. Case studies are phenomenal with a 90% recovery rate with great improvement in flexibility and reduction to complete elimination of pain. The amount of success depends on a person’s severity of previous damage.
In a study reported in the Orthopedic Technology Review, Nov/Dec 2003 by Thomas Gionas MD and Eric Groteke DC, 229 people with major symptoms associated with herniated and degenerated disc disease underwent 20 decompression treatments over a six-week period. In 86 percent of the patients the pain levels were reduced to either a rating of zero (no pain), or one (occasional pain). These patients reported complete resolution of pain, lumbar range of motion was normalized, and there was recovery of sensory and motor loss.
After 90 days only 2 percent had relapsed and of the patients with abnormal findings at the end of therapy, only 3 percent still exhibited those findings at the end of 90 days, showing they continued to improve following the decompression therapy.
How long are treatments?
Each session lasts about a half an hour. And for the first 2 weeks you would go 4-5 times a week; after that 2-3 times a week. Six weeks is an average course of treatment, but the length can vary depending on severity of problem. Sessions are relaxing and comfortable.
During the first two weeks you are required to stay off your feet as much as possible – seemingly impossible with the busy lifestyles of today, but a small price to pay for freedom from pain.
Are there side effects?
In some cases of severe disc compression the process of decompressing can actually aggravate tissues that have been pressed together over time. During the first week or two, back pain can feel worse as areas become inflamed with movement. After 2 weeks, though, pain lessons and goes away.
In conclusion, Spinal Decompression is a virtually unknown treatment that gives hope for those multitudes of people with chronic back and neck pain. You will get the best results with proper nutrition and stress relief which will assist your body in healing. You really can return to the pain free and energetic lifestyle you used to have.
For general back health, it is good to keep moving. Don’t sit for long periods of time. Magnesium is great supplement, because it helps to relax the muscles, and it is also used in the citric acid cycle for producing energy so it can help to energize the muscles. Supplements such as Vitamin C and glucosamine sulfate are beneficial for back pain because they help to build connective tissue. Shark cartilage helps to reduce inflammation.
There are a number of spinal decompression machine makers, and many that call themselves decompression that are really traction. A quality machine is the DRX 9000 C, because it also decompresses the cervical spine, has superior craftsmanship, and a patient friendly design.
Source by Dr. Lisa Hosbein
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Huge savings. Clearance sale on now. Check out the website for more details #hydroponics #sale #barrie #gardening #toronto #grodan #advancednutrients #remo #grotek https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdd0EBYrKDA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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islamfakrul · 2 years
Top 10 Best bloom stimulator [2022]
Top 10 Best bloom stimulator [2022]
1. 1 gal. – Floralicious Bloom – Bloom Stimulator – Hydroponic Nutrient Solution – 1-1-1 NPK Ratio – General Hydroponics 732190 Buy On Amazon Sold on Amazon 2. Additive / Bloom Stimulator Grotek Blossom Blaster (20g) Buy On Amazon 3. Atami Bloombastic 325Ml Bcuzz Bloom Flower Stimulator Hydroponics Buy On Amazon Dosage: 0.5-1 ml per liter of nutrient solution. NPK value: 0-20-21 Suitable…
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wiliamdave7 · 3 years
Tabla de Cultivo Grotek – Cultivos Profesionales
La zurcido de fertilizantes Grotek es una parche canadiense creada bajo la percance de Greenstar Plant Products allá en el 1998 con la concepto de auxiliar a los cultivadores a conseguir cosechas dignas de un sindical. Asimismo, la cinta Grotek está diseñada para agigantar rendimientos en tus vegetación de hierba, contando con versiones para asfalto, hidropónico, vegetación autoflorecientes e igualmente una lista para aquellos que prefieran construir con condición orgánicos.
Todos los fertilizantes y aditivos de Grotek han sido fabricados con ingredientes de la más adhesión clase, ofreciendo a los cultivadores de cannabis una modo laboral y sencilla de asistir resultados impresionantes. Cuentan con fertilizantes cojín de crecimiento y floración, las cuales son ideales para tus flora, todavía de un clasificación enorme de aditivos seguimiento en formato líquido y en polvo para atribución amontonar todas las necesidades de tus cepas.
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Siempre hay que acontecer en cuentecilla que las dosis recomendadas del fabricante son orientativas. Dependiendo de la existencias a refinar, del meteorismo adonde quieras pulir, y de la destreza que tengas, puede que tengas que sincronizar las dosis. Siempre es mejor permanecer las señales que te dan tus manto vegetal, que ignorarlas y producir absolutamente todo lo que te digan estas escena de jardinería.
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krozalopraa-blog · 6 years
A little more history for Kroza {{DO NOT REBLOG}}
Okay, so, long story short, The Kroza Chronicles starts in the year 6822. But the beginning is truly back in the year 6072.
On August 4th of 6072 the Earth lost everything. Their livestock, pets, and wild animals had perished due to lack of clean water and food sources. All bodies of water had grown so polluted they were unsafe to even dilute and eventually lakes and most standing bodies dried up from the intense heat. Acid rain killed the Crops and the soil they grew in. Humans were dying off or being sacrificed to save the others.
Several enormous ships were built in secret for interplanetary travel, stocked with what little the humans had left. World leaders and their families were prioritized when fleeing the planet as well as their best soldiers and scientists. The rest were left behind to die out, ending human life on Earth.
They traveled the galaxy for centuries, surviving on their minuscule rations and whatever plants they found on the planets outside their own solar system that didn’t kill them. Four hundred and fifty years in space led the descendants of those aboard the war ships to a planet called Kroza. It was the first they had come across with enough oxygen in the atmosphere to sustain them, as well as several animal species that proved to be edible.
But Kroza already had several races living upon it. The Lopraa who dwell in the massive forests of strange, fungus-like trees. The Grotek which live in the planet’s frozen oceans. The Haptesh that live in the vast deserts and guard the secrets within. They did not know what to make of the sudden invasion but welcomed the newcomers anyway.
Their welcome arms (and fins) were met with hostility and many lives were lost. But one of the humans insisted they left the creatures alive. That they could be useful. So it was that the races were enslaved, forced to destroy their own homes so humans could take over.
Three hundred years later the slavers were dead but their descendants continued the tradition. Rebel groups gather in secret when the humans can’t hear them. They plot and scheme to discover their path to freedom.
And Grek’ta will find the way.
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cannabisresins · 7 years
More importantly, devices like the GroBox have enabled people to grow their own medicine in relative safety and seclusion in places where cannabis is not legally available. As a co-owner of a logistics company in Dallas, Guy was intrigued enough to team with Cloudponics and establish GroTek, ... Read More...
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brotesverdesoline · 5 years
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Monster Grow Pro Tarro de Grotek es fertilizante en polvo que completa los nutrientes base para un mayor crecimiento antes de comenzar la fase de floracion. Y a ti te gusta Monster Grow? Cuéntanos tu experiencia. #monster #grow #fertilizante #nutrientes #floracion #crecimiento #cogollo #plantas #cultivointerior #resina #kush #weed #seed #marihuana (en Mislata) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0QLgnEBA6x/?igshid=cnhuth9q6gkc
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