#grown up table
red-n-stuff · 1 year
Darlin cries during sex, sorry I don’t make the rules 🤷‍♂️
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deadsetobsessions · 7 months
“DIDJA SEE THAT, DANNY?!” Tim, a scrawny eleven year old now, excitedly smacked Danny’s arm.
“Ow. Yes, yes I did.”
“Oh, gosh, I have to tell Jazz about this!!” The kid waved his arms about wildly, grinning from ear to ear.
“Jaso- I mean, Robin, smiled at me! And said he liked my t-shirt!! Oh my god, he likes literature puns, he even laughed! And then he punched the bad guy in the face! Look! I even saved the tooth!”
“Okayyy, nope!” Danny plucked the tooth and tossed it, ignoring Tim’s betrayed face. “I’ll trade you that for this.”
Danny Held out a piece of paper with Robin’s and Batman’s sigil on it, from when he asked them to sign it after they “saved” the two brothers from the two-bit thugs trying to mug them.
“Oh. My. God. This is like the best day of my life!! I love you, Danny! You’re the best brother ever!! Oh my god! I have to get Nightwing’s signature!!!”
Danny felt a rush of warmth at Tim’s proclamation of affection. Ah, he should probably step in.
“Hey, wait, no, we’re not going to Blüdhaven for you to stalk another vigilante.”
“It’s not just any old vigilante-!” Tim ignored Danny’s dramatic clutching-pearls gesture of mock hurt. “It’s Nightwing. The original Robin! He gave me my first ever hug!”
Danny paused. God dammit.
“I’m gonna be Robin whether you want me to or not!”
-is so damn tired.
“Tim. I’m literally a vigilante ghost. What makes you think I’d be stupid enough to argue with a kid who runs around Gotham at night to take pictures of other vigilantes?”
Tim deflated. “Oh. Honestly, I thought you’d put up more of a fight…”
Jazz laughed and ruffled Tim’s hair. “I definitely couldn’t stop Danny when he went out. He trusted me to support him and I trusted him to come to me if he was injured, though. Can you promise me that, Tim?”
“Yeah… okay, Jazz, I promise.” Tim promised, even if he was still pouty.
Danny chimed in.
“Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m totally worried and I’m gonna hover like a mother hen when you go out, but again, I know how stubborn and crazy we vigilante types have to be.” Danny paused. “Do you want me to put up a token protest?”
Tim nodded, sulking. “Yes, please. I had a speech planned out.”
Jazz and Danny exchanged amused glances.
“Oh, okay, my bad, kiddo. Here, let’s start from the top.”
“Okay. Ahem,” Tim straightened his back, settling into his previous mulish expression once more. “I’m gonna be Robin whether you want me to or not!”
Danny placed an appropriately disapproving frown on his face. “No, you can’t! It’s dangerous! You could get hurt! You’re just a child!”
Tim launched into his speech. “But I can’t stay still and do nothing when people are getting hurt! Even…!”
They were gonna be here for a while. There was definitely something about Batman going on a spiral because Jason wouldn’t be able to walk again after the Joker got to him. Danny wondered if ectoplasm could help. He might offer, if it actually had a change of getting Tim out of the vigilante business.
But that’s for later, because they had time. Jazz was on Spring Break… and they’re still staying here for free, after all of these years.
“So, how are you going to convince Robin to let you be Robin?” Jazz asked Tim.
Tim froze. “I… hadn’t thought of that yet.”
“Well, you could always remind him of the fact that we saved him from the Joker. He seemed pretty ready to leave the Robin mantle, the last time I saw him as Phantom.”
“I don’t want to blackmail him into it!” Tim whined.
“It’ll just be a suggestion, Tim.” Jazz smiled patiently.
“Besides,” Danny continued, smirking mischievously at his adopted little brother. “If you were actually blackmailing him, you’d pull out the photos where he ate dirt.”
“I guess that’s true…” Tim mumbled. “I know! I’ll have to follow them to see how I can best approach him!”
"I think that's called stalking," Jazz deadpanned.
"Well, it's not any worse than what he's already done." Danny shrugged at his older sister. "Sure, kid. Why not? Do whatever you want."
"I was planning to!" Tim bounced off to grab his photography gear. Jazz stared off after him.
"Should we be encouraging that?"
"More like can we actually stop him?" Danny leaned back, lazily completing his GED assignments. Jazz sighed.
"Guess not. Make sure he doesn't get in trouble."
"Do you even know how hard that is, Jazz?" Danny complained, dodging the whack Jazz sent at the back of his head. She smirked at him.
"Womp, womp, Danny. How does karma taste today?"
Danny flipped her off as he put the last punctuation on the paper. He heard a clatter and groaned.
“I’m gonna go watch Tim stalk Batman for the night. Want anything from the store?”
Jazz hummed. “Get me the specialty strawberry ice cream, from that one place?”
“The one that’s definitely a front for Falcone’s money laundering??”
“Yeah. They make good strawberry ice cream.”
Danny went ghost and flew straight through the walls to catch Tim sneaking out by the scruff of his collar.
“No. Bad Tim.”
“Awww, come on Danny!”
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kickedin17 · 1 month
Regional at Best is so special because it feels so exactly like what it is, which is an album made by a young person, younger than I am now, who'd given up everything else to make this dream work and probably had no idea what the hell he was going to do if it didn't. Keep working a normal job? Go back to college? What do you do if the dream doesn't work, when you're an early-20-something who (like all early-20-somethings) has precisely nothing else figured out? What do you do if everyone's right and the art isn't worth it?
Then your bandmates leave. But actually, it turns out perfect anyway, because you end up with this other guy who also has precisely nothing else figured out and no plan B except to be in this very band with you. How rare and precious of a thing that is, to meet someone who believes in your art just as much as you do. At least if you fail you fail together, right?
I think RAB feels like the end of summer and growing pains because it exists in that same itchy, anxious space as your last summer before you graduate high school/college, when it begins hitting you that there will never be a summer like this again because next year you're supposed to be grown up. But the truth is you never figured out how to grow up and you never figured out how to stop dreaming. So many people have to learn that lesson for various reasons, but Tyler and Josh never did because they believed in it so much that I think it truly never could've failed. Even if they never got as big as they did w/ Blurryface, I think they never could've failed because they are for the dreamers.
Self-titled is complicated and beautiful and core to everything else they would do after, but RAB is the beating heart of what tøp was always meant to be imo. It's embracing the fear of getting older because you have no other choice, while acknowledging you're still a little afraid of the dark. It's a night light for the grown-ups who are still scared of long dark hallways they can't see the end of (and work email chains). You turn 23 and discover you probably don't actually want to die as much as you used to, and also that you still think pokémon cards are fucking rad, and both of those things are okay. And maybe you'll never get out of this goddamn town but it never hurts to dream
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scarycranegame · 10 months
people who post about "i'm not proship or antiship, i pay taxes" have the same energy as people who joke that their pronouns are "nor/mal": they aren't funny or interesting and they're inadvertently enabling fascist & bigoted behavior
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creekfiend · 3 months
whoever is elected president of the United States will immediately become a war criminal upon being sworn in if they are not one already and captain america was already about nationalism and if you didn't notice the MCU being racist about arabs in the very first fucking iron man film WHICH WAS SPONSORED BY THE US MILITARY I simply do not know what to tell you and I'm going to dunk all of you into a big old bucket of ice until you are damp and chilly
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fauvester · 1 year
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"go ahead and take the credit for good cardassian genes!"
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autisticrosewilson · 7 months
Every year Kate holds her own Kane Family Events™️ on the same nights as Bruce has his, a cousin rivalry that's been going on as long as either of them can remember.
Dick occasionally joined the Kane's to spite Bruce the first few years, but eventually settled into his Richy Wayne persona.
Jason attended the first few Wayne galas, and immediately decided he wasn't fond of all the formality. He made a deal with Dick, he'll go to the Kane events and bring back leftovers if Dick does the same at Wayne events.
He ends up having a lot of fun! He's pretty much immediately hoisted over to the kid table, which would be more offensive if 18 year old Bette Kane weren't also there. Eventually someone else joins their little gossip duo, a blonde boy named Joey whose around Dick's age. Apparently his mom is Kate's aunt or something and she runs the New York branch of Kane Corp. He's pretty cool, Jason was a little surprised he couldn't talk but he knows ASL so it wasn't an issue and they have a lot in common!
Flash forward a few months later. There's a new Titan team, and Jason gets to visit them today. He's heard of them all at least, Wally, Kori, and Donna are regular fixtures at the manor, and he's met Roy a few times too. He's NOT expecting to see Cousin Joey lounging on the couch.
"-and this is Jericho, or Joey." Dick introduces, oblivious to Jason's inner turmoil.
"Nice to meet you." He says on autopilot. He opens his mouth to- to? He's not actually sure what he could say but he doesn't get the opportunity either way.
Joey waves back, curt and polite as would be expected of two perfect strangers. There's a secretive little smile quirking his lips, the one he gets after he drops a particularly juicy piece of gossip.
Jason's lips thin, keeping the questions trapped behind his teeth. He nods subtly, and the introductions move on.
It's only at the next gathering, with Bette off at the buffet, the two of them sequestered in the corner, that he makes a realization. "Oh my God auntie Addie is a meta!" He gasps, interrupting the conversation. He'd barely thought it through. He saw Adeline deeply engaged with the annual drinking contest out of the corner of his eye and it fell from his mouth before he could stop it. If Joey is a meta that was born with his powers, he had to get them from somewhere. He's not exactly surprised that Addie is a metahuman, he just hadn't realized.
Joey gives him a weird look, part amused and confused before he seems to follow Jason's train of thought. He shakes his head with a grin, signing father. Like that gives him any context.
Joey doesn't talk about his dad. Whoever he is has never shown up to one of these events as far as Jason could tell. His only clue is the last name Wilson, not one that Joey uses himself, but the one entered in the system at the tower.
He turns that information around in his head, utilizing all of those detective skills to piece the clues together before Joey interrupts him with a gentle nudge.
He's picking me up tonight if you want to meet him, Joey offers, a spark of mischief in his eyes that makes Jason suspicious.
Jason chokes on his own spit as he watches Deathstroke emerge from a Benz, dressed down in jeans and a T-shirt. The man gives Jason a look over, recognizes him, and then ignores him completely. Ushering Joey into the car talking about tickets to some events or other that may or may not be a mission.
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apologetic-artist · 14 days
Guys, I can't right now. I LOVE dinosaurs SO MUCH, and I LOVE the Jurassic Park/World franchise. I can't wait for season 2 of Chaos Theory, I can't wait for the 4th Jurassic World movie, I'm currently reading the book Jurassic Park, I'm over joyed. I'm so JOYOUS :3
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(JW The Game stuff under cut)
Anyways, look at these guys in my Jurassic World game X3
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They're some of my favorite lookin dinos (especially Concavenator). My dream dino in the game is Bumpy from Camp Cretaceous/Chaos Theory :D
Also these damn hatching times ugh
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Charlie (the raptor in the middle) and Gryposuchus (the one on the right) take 7 DAYS to hatch. The other one is at least 2 days, but still >:[
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aromanticduck · 1 year
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[Image description: The knights at the round table meme.
Three people in medieval style armour are pointing their swords at the centre of a round table. More swords are pointing in from the sides. The three people are labelled 'Person with a nonbinary partner', 'polyamorous person with multiple partners', and 'person who officiates weddings'. Their swords are all pointing to the text ' "I'm going to marry them." '
End description]
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gummiiismiles · 5 months
bruh i just realized. Zelda literally yeeted Link back into the child timeline before he could even enjoy the afterparty in the end credits of OoT with all his friends. Couldn’t even wait like a day. Fuck specifically him I guess.
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red-n-stuff · 1 year
Sam tying Darlin up 👀👀
I definitely think it would be a happy medium for the both of them. With the recent Quinn stuff and what we’ve learned about them, Darlin strikes me as the sort who needs to have their brain just shut off for a while. Up until this point, I imagine they’ve been chasing that via the pain side of things. But with Sam, I definitely think it’s enough for him to take full control. For darlin to just shut their eyes and surrender to the trust that they have in him- and no better way to show that then trusting him to tie them into all sorts of pretty and elegant poses. They trust him to take care of them, and so they can just let their brain relax.
For Sam, I think that the control helps him feel balanced. Steady. With Alexis he never really had any of that control- and ever since then things have always sort of just been happening around him, so in this I think it would be beneficial for him. He gets to feel fully at ease with someone he loves, and he recognizes the trust and love it takes for darlin to let themselves be put in such a vulnerable position. He values it, and it allows them to continue to connect on a deeper level.
For the both of them, I imagine something like bondage would be extremely cathartic. A release, both mentally and physically. And Darlin does look AMAZING in red. *wink*
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wifegideonnav · 9 months
hi there’s actually only two rules when it comes to food:
if you’re hungry, eat
if you’re full, stop eating
and you don’t owe anyone an explanation for either case, ever.
if anyone, including your own head, ever made you feel like there were other rules, this post is me giving you permission to stop following them.
[the only exception i can think of is literal surgery. if a surgeon tells you not to eat for a day, fine. everyone else can fuck off]
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isan0rt · 4 months
Last month one of my neighbors who appeared to be selling their house left a beautiful hardwood table in pieces on the curb as trash that had just. Had the MOST UGLY WHITE PAINT slapped on it in the most slapdash, hideous fashion you've ever seen in your life, which I assume is why they put a 35 year old cherry table on the fucking curb.
Anyway I rescued it and I need everybody to see my refinishing process photos because I am shameless and also extremely proud of this table (I've never refinished furniture before).
Look at my table!!!
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comfymoth · 1 year
i really Should watch more of maxo’s stuff to catch up on actual lore but unfortunately i am addicted to watching jaiden and roier play house with bobby. so. y’know. mmmmaybe later?
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psalmsofpsychosis · 7 months
So if Bruce and Alfred's humanity is a disfigured shadow they'd like to have gone, what about the Joker??
Is his humanity a knife made of fish hooks with which he rips parts of people out, taking a little of their humanity with him? He uses it as a tool to hurt others and himself and acknowledges his humanity once in a while, while Bruce pretends to be unfeeling and cold, a monster in the dark that you should be afraid of.
Only the problem is that the Joker can see through Batman's facade and that the fish hook can't scratch a shadow or catch anything on stone. And even if he rips through Bruce's flesh, his shadow is a separate thing entirely, detached from his body, unchanging even if an arm goes missing.
Oh look, I wrote something again. What do you think? Is a fish hook an accurate metaphor or do you have something else in mind? Would love to hear your thoughts!!!
[in continuation of this ask]
❤️ so i'm lowkey in love with how you interpreted Joker's relationship with his own humanity and other people's, there's something so intricate and so right about the way you phrased it— maybe not the knife, but he absolutely works like a fish hook. I think that Joker isn't interested in anyone's humanity, his own or Batman's or anyone else's. To me though, he's in mad love with all things true and real and pure and sublime. He wants the untainted untouched heart of everything in a very idealistic sense, but not necessarily in a good sense. He doesn't want violence, he doesn't want evil, he doesn't want goodness; he wants the unbearable highest point of pure evil, he wants the most sublime expression of unflinching goodness. There's a reason why he works so-and-so in his dynamic with most villains, but comes alive when he's facing Batman. Batman as a persona is an ideal that does not bend to the reality surrounding Bruce, the "no killing" code doesn't adopt or respond to much anything that gets thrown Batman's way, it's almost pure good (except that it's not because Batman can only deny his humanity for so long and when it eventually bursts through the metaphorical door of his mind, both him and Joker hate it.)
So like, yeah, fish hook. I think Joker throws fish hooks into people's psyche and pulls out what he believes is their true, core nature, their essence. It's what he needs, he desperately wants to get to the very heart of existence, so he continuously claws people's core out of them, or what he thinks is their core. And he does it the most with Batman precisely because Batman provides a challenge. I dont think at any given time Batman truly knows what his core is, so he gets to define it. He defines his identity with his bare hands and that's both his biggest strength and his weakness. Strength because it gives him the power of choice, he's not necessarily what you'd call a good person, but he makes the conscious choice to do good and his choice defines him, but also it's a weakness because by choice he's leaving massive parts of himself out of the picture, and he never really... gets to exist as a human being, always present only in carefully curated bits and pieces. That leaves him vulnurable to attack because well, what you dont see and down own you cannot defend.
That also makes him the most fun handmade project for Joker to break, because as you said, Joker is /very/ good at seeing the holistic picture of Batman's identity, and Joker is objectively more oriented towards reality, the reality of their context and where they live. It's part of the reason his insanity is so compelling; it's intentional, not as in he's faking his insanity, but as in, he understands social structures and people's humanity so damn well and he flies off the handle in precise ways that respond to them that brings of of them exactly what he wants, he orients his insanity to different contexts and people very well. He's a paradigm breaker and a people breaker but you can only successfully break what you understand very well.
As for Joker's own humanity? i think he hates it and resents it and fears it because well, it's not sublime and true and pure, it's just human. Actually lot of Joker and Batman's dynamic is built around this sense of idealism and purity really, they both struggle so hard with just fucking being. Joker can't even be an average villain, he has to push it on every fucking front and be the most exceptional vile and grotesque face of evil, only then does he feel like himself.
Honestly if i had to make an allegory for Joker and Batman's relationship with each other's humanity, [tw mentions of suicide attempt] it'd be the story of two children, each one bringing the other a chair and a rope to dangle from the cieling, each taunting the other to hang themselves, not by the premise of dying, but by the premise that "you having your head near the cieling is the closest you'll be to g-d, and you'll be good and true", and they tell each other that the chair is their enemy, they dont need it.
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sailermoon · 5 months
that one quote from Juno where juno says “I never realize how much I like being home unless I've been somewhere really different for a while”
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