camposriopudio · 2 years
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Paneles Grupo 8 Presentacion clase 20/03/2023
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arachnidsgamer · 1 year
How Is The Maternity Wear Holding Up Dear
Oh the stuff I got from the store? Grew out of it like last week, don't think they make clothes in 8a8y 8oulder size...
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arachniterror · 1 month
Do you ever stop complaining about everything?
Nope! I will complain a8out anything and everything.
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grim-arachnidz · 2 months
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Gru8 Kanaya eating 8a8y Rose.
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pettycanni8al · 5 months
8 anyone have some fun activity recommendations that won't result in a fire or the death of many gru8s? 8
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poorlydrawnvriska · 9 months
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AG: Needs gru8 sauce
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badlydrawnlatula · 5 months
1 W45 G1V3N 4 GRU8 M3 C4N 1 K339 17???
- @badlydrawn-mituna
wh444t, th3r3s 3vn MOR3 of th3s3 l1l guys??
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h3llz y34 you c4n k33p 1t, som3bodys gott4 t34ch h1m th3 w1ck3d sw33t w4ys of R4D1C4L1TY! 4nd i c4nt think of 4 r4dd3r dud3 th4n you >8D
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badlydrawncronus · 1 year
1M 50RRY. 7H15 15 4LL MY F4ULT. 1 D1DN7 M34N 70 W1G 0U7. 1M 4 5H177Y FR13ND. 8U7 D1V0RC3 15. 4L50 PR377Y HUM4N? 1 D0N7 KN0W. 1M R34LLY 50RRY CR0. 1F Y0U W4NN4 G37 HUM4N M4RR13D 1M D0WN. PL3453 D0N7 83 M4D. 4L50 1 H34RD Y0U H4V3 4 GRU8?
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CA: ok dude but its kind of my fault too so im sorry ok mit????
CA: im feelin real dowvn right nowv so at least youre cool wvith wvorking to be close again
CA: i guess i better get use outta this fine ass dress. lets get human married i guess
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serfuzzypushover · 2 months
I love your ugly ass grub drawings SO MUCH that's what they look like to me now
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penumbratrolls · 5 months
midnim, what would your younger self think of you now? how would they feel?
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"I'd say that young3r m3 would pro8a8ly 83 proud of how far w3'v3 com3. Th3 fact that w3'r3 in a sta8l3 housing and comfort situation would pro8a8ly 8low his littl3 gru8 mind. Also th3 fact that w3 MAK3 vid3ogam3s would pro8a8ly mak3 his littl3 h3ad 3xplod3. I don't think my Mom would approv3 at th3 tim3 though." -he giggles to himself- "I imagin3 sh3'd pro8a8ly 8uzz at m3 dissaprovingly… don't ask how I know that… anyway¡ Thanks for th3 gr3at qu3stion"
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camposriopudio · 2 years
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arachnidsgamer · 1 year
@allaboutthatvvase replied to your post “Well I mean they were gonna give you a very...”:
wwell at least youre not tricked THAT easily damn
​Listen just 8ecause I end up in stupid situ8ions all the time doesn't mean that I'M that stupid
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pesterloglog · 7 months
John Egbert, Vriska Serket
Page 491-496
JOHN: vriska!!!
VRISKA: Well well well, looks like 8ingo let out early!
JOHN: oh man, i found you just in time! i need you to come back with me, and–
JOHN: wait, how are you already free?
JOHN: and why are you covered in leafs
VRISKA: Leaves.
JOHN: weren't you supposed to be in the "clutches" of jane, or something?
VRISKA: John... do you really think I would need YOU to 8ust me out of some rinky dink operation like that?
VRISKA: Escaping some cushy human prison is gru8's play to me. They didn't even try to torture us!
VRISKA: Even my protégé managed to free herself of this sad excuse for a facility.
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: wait, rose's kid was here with you?
VRISKA: That's what I said! Try and keep up, cryptkeeper.
JOHN: ok, well, if you would stop shaking your head and look at me you'd know i am rolling my eyes so hard right now.
JOHN: anyway!!
JOHN: where do i begin! uhh... ok, so roxy has this secret lair that's for some reason hidden underneath our old bed, the world is gonna fall apart... umm what else... oh! there's this thingy called "the Plot Point"--
VRISKA: Yeah, I know.
JOHN: you know?
VRISKA: Yes!!!!!!!! I Know!!!!!!!!
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: what else do you already know? :o
VRISKA: John! Focus! I can't have you holding me 8ack just 8ecause you're slow and old now!
JOHN: aw ):
VRISKA: Ease up, Eg8ert.
JOHN: ok, ok, fine.
JOHN: ...
JOHN: wait, hold on. back up. vrissy is gone??
VRISKA: You are really getting caught up in the minutiae aren't you?
JOHN: please don't tell me you guys were trying to escape through a tunnel crossing a water pipe and she sacrificed herself by sealing the pipe closed from the outside, giving you the chance to escape?
VRISKA: What the hell are you talking a8out????????
VRISKA: No, you know what, don't answer that.
JOHN: its from a show!
VRISKA: John, she's a Vriska. She can handle herself! I'm sure she can take anything this fake-ass timeline can throw at her!
JOHN: what?
JOHN: fake? what do you mean?
VRISKA: This universe! Haha! It's a fake! Fakey fake fake.
JOHN: you can say fake as many times as you want, i still won't know what you mean!
VRISKA: Pleeeeeeeease don't tell me none of you have noticed!
VRISKA: This whole universe is like someone's shitty RP, and everyone's out of character! None of this reads!
VRISKA: Like, who the FUCK is Yiffy!!!!!!!! Why should I or anyone CARE????????
JOHN: i mean
JOHN: i don't really get it either, but i had this long talk with roxy, and that feels relevant to this?
VRISKA: Yuck, don't even want to think a8out that whole mess.
VRISKA: What were you two even thinking with that, 8y the way? What was setting sail on that dingy schooner of a relationship ever going to accomplish?
JOHN: don't call my marriage a dingy schooner! it was a completely reasonably sized ship!
JOHN: we had our reasons!
JOHN: i am pretty sure!
VRISKA: Yeah, you sound super sure a8out all of this.
VRISKA: Making up pro8lems to have pro8lems!
VRISKA: So lame.
JOHN: it does sound... kind of bad.
JOHN: but that doesn't mean it's fake!
VRISKA: Come oooooooon!
VRISKA: Do you honestly think I spent all that time commanding a kickass ghost army to not know a haplessly doomed little world when I see one?
VRISKA: I can practically smell it on you!
JOHN: hey, not this again!
JOHN: i smell completely normal!
JOHN: my odor is well within "real john" standards thank you very much.
VRISKA: This is exactly what I'm talking a8out. No8ody real would say that.
VRISKA: You're like a sadder, less interesting version of a guy I kind of liked talking to. When was the last time you did........ anything?
JOHN: i get around. i've been talking to people. i just talked to a new guy on the way.
VRISKA: Snore!
VRISKA: What happened to the guy that punched me in the face?
JOHN: that guy is right here, he's still me!
JOHN: ok, wait, that makes me sound way too proud of myself.
VRISKA: It was like the 8est thing you've ever done!
JOHN: it was not! you're just weird!!!
JOHN: anyway what i am saying is, this is just how it's been for a while?
VRISKA: Surely you can see that's a pro8lem? 8e serious.
JOHN: i am serious! and don't call me shirley.
JOHN: (hehe.)
JOHN: it is true though, everything did feel pretty... pointless for a long time. and it would bother me SO MUCH!
JOHN: when i was living by myself i would consider where to go next. except there was no "next." nothing was worth trying for anymore.
JOHN: but harry is. he's real!
VRISKA: ::::/
VRISKA: As real as a guy can get, stuck here.
JOHN: what, like he could be magically more real???
JOHN: load him up in some silly circus cannon and blast him out of the mirror verse!
JOHN: hahahahaha
JOHN: actually you might think this is kind of funny!
JOHN: a long time ago i was supposed to go back and defea-
VRISKA: Your ecto-human-guardian-si8ling or whatever is pro8a8ly sending a squad of 8ozos to apprehend your ex as we speak. So I say the less we talk and the sooner we 8low this gru8sickle stand, the sooner we can get there 8efore we lose access to our shortcut.
JOHN: yeah when you spell it all out like that i can see what y-
JOHN: wait, WHAT!!!
JOHN: why didn't you just say that earlier?!
VRISKA: John. That's what I've 8een doing this whole time!
VRISKA: Now, c'mon! Race you there!!!!!!!!
JOHN: hey, that's not fair!
VRISKA: Last one there is a rotten egggggggg(8ert)! >::::)
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Nolana, now that you're out of the caverns do you have a new perspective of the life you had before?
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"Vv I un6erstan6 the importance of Ja6es an6 what they 6o for this planet. Having to continue the species 8y all means is an honora8le jo8. Your 6uty to make sure the youth of this planet are healthy an6 strong. vV" "Vv 8ut I'll never forgive the 8astar6s for killing off some of those gru8s. They 6i6n't know that their young lives were going to get snuffed out 8ecause they 6i6n't fit some out-of-6ate standards. vV" "Vv The caverns will always 8e a home to me, 8ut I will never go 8ack to it. Not until those gru8s are free from those horren6ous stan6ar6s. vV"
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vast-w8steland · 1 year
favorite part of your body
"Ughhhhhhhh don't make me pick! That's like picking 8etween my own gru8s!!!!!!!! Who can't choose 8etween perfection! If I a8solutely HAD to though, I guess I'd pick my ass..."
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pettycanni8al · 5 months
8 do gru8s feel pain when you rip them apart? 8
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