#gryphon band
skelkankaos · 1 year
"What kind of music are you into?" oh I'm really into bands named after fantasy creatures that start with G
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crankygryphon · 2 months
We all like to clown on people who change the pronouns in song covers to keep it straight™, but I’m kinda in love with how Cake changed the one gendered word in I Will Survive to make it gender neutral.
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mrterminate · 8 months
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Wip of the group getting food
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always-a-joyful-note · 11 months
Oh, as an addendum to the last ask about Enstars and classics, I'd be remiss not to point out how much Wonderland/Peter Pan coding Enstars has. Not even mentioning the Neverland event, and also just focusing more on the Wonderland imagery, it's just....
You have a girl who is put in a new and kind of crazy world that makes little sense and finds herself in the company of bright and shinny and somewhat idealistic (major oversimplification, I know) "lost" boys with a lot of past baggage who are trying to find their way out of the mess of a war's legacy. She meets a whole cast of colourful characters, not excluding Ra*bits (they have a whole wonderland song, I'm pretty sure, and Wonderland has very notable rabbits/hares) and Madara (Cheshire Cat coded to me) and Valkyrie (their initial and somewhat "stuck in one time" thing makes me think of the March Hare and the Hatter).
And that's not excluding that Knights (if I'm interpreting the little I've seen about their Reminiscence story) has strong chess pieces energy that makes me think of Alice in Wonderland's sequel. And, of course, Alkaloid being the card soldiers...that's kind of hard to miss.
I'm pretty sure if I read more stories and refreshed my memory on the Alice books, there would be more parallels/imagery but for now...
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ponkerbonker · 2 years
I think I only made this account so that I could post this.
I like listening to folk music because I see a song like "the three jolly butchers" and have no idea if it's going to be the single happiest or most horrifying thing I've ever heard.
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bungitonthen · 3 days
into the fire - deep purple
mother dear - barclay james harvest
embryo - pink floyd
twisted track - the battered ornaments
glenlogie - shirley & dolly collins
the good mr square - the pretty things
song of the ages - roy harper
this worried feeling - bakerloo
eleanor's cake which ate her - kevin ayers
again and again - the greatest show on earth
water - third ear band
terrapin - syd barrett
a glade somewhere - forest
golden country kingdom - pete brown & piblokto!
round and round - panama limited jugband
black sheep of the family - quatermass
postcards of scarborough - michael chapman
maybe my mind with egg - tea & symphony
old gopher - edgar broughton band
(a breath of fresh air: harvest sampler 1970*)
speed king - deep purple
things may come and things may go but the art school dance goes on forever - pete brown & piblokto!
mocking bird - barclay james harvest
kodak ghosts - michael chapman
fireball - deep purple
10538 overture - electric light orchestra
stranger in blue suede shoes - kevin ayers & the whole world
fennario - michael chapman
the same old rock (end section) - roy harper
hotel room - edgar broughton band
effervescing elephant - syd barrett
song from the bottom of a well - kevin ayers
(harvest festival: 1999)
opening move ... second spasm ... lament ... checkmate - gryphon (red queen to gryphon three**)
*a top 20 best ever album fer sure
** dig the funky crumhorn, recorders & bassoon
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elfiewhore · 6 months
Mommy domme elf story
Hello my dears and darlings! Finally, the long promised elf mommy domme story is here! Or at least, the first two chapters. As I began writing I realised that this idea had a firm hold on my mind and I want to write a slow, lewd and enticing tale. So that means this will be part 1 of ? - The first two chapters.
Please feel free to give me any feedback and/or tell me what you'd like to see next! This story is written from the perspective of the reader as the member of an adventuring party. The gender and name of the protagonist is purposefully left vague which, while it does mean some specific descriptions will be a little nonspecific, hopefully means that you can easily identify yourself in the story <3 This story is strictly 18+ and contains/will contain content including but not limited to: Humiliation, peeing, diapers, AB/DL, gfd, age regression, crossdressing(depending on how you identify), chastity and monsterfucking. All that out of the way, without further adieu I give you the first two chapters of my as-yet-unnamed story!
Chapter 1: An unexpected parting “I’m afraid I cannot continue along this path. To be quite frank you are all far too reckless. The strain it places upon me is far greater than any I have faced before. I wish you well, but I must depart.” That was the last words of your party’s healer, a priestess sworn to a god of healing. She was your last resort, having had to beg for the mercy of the church to provide her services free of charge. And she wasn’t wrong. Your party are notably reckless, charging headlong into combat without a second thought. This devil-may-care attitude had at first earned you some renown, as your bravado led to taking on the most dangerous of missions posted in the Adventurer’s guild. Slaying harpies, undead, and even a gryphon! The stuffed head of which is now resting within the guilds’ storage as collateral for your replacement arms and armour after the last debacle. Not that it was your fault, mind! You were always good. You listened to the numerous healers that had come and gone through your party. Standing where they wished, protecting them, ferrying potions. You were always their favourites, it wasn’t fair that the others always dragged you down. But you couldn’t leave either, the reputation stuck. You sent out subtle enquiries to other famous bands only to be rejected at each turn. Even the less reputable groups required steep entry fees as ‘insurance’ should they require costly resurrection magicks. Truly it was a terrible situation. And now here you were sitting in the foyer of the guild. The wooden walls of this esteemed establishment groaning under the weight of trophies and banners of heroes long past. They did little to inspire as you sat with your chin in your hands, waiting for a representative from the guilds’ treasury so that you can convince them not to repossess your equipment. “Just give ‘em the puppydog eyes. No one can resist those!” Your group had told you. And this was also true. It wasn’t your fault that you weren’t especially strong or imposing. It was useful for fulfilling your role but unfortunately led to you often being underestimated or treated childishly. Your mind swirled in a thunderstorm. Travelling without a healer was tantamount to a death sentence. Out in the wilderness, even the smallest cut could lead to a life-threatening infection. Not to mention mummy rot, lycanthropy, wyvern stings. Everyone had a role to play and you were missing one. “Excuse me. Is this the Adventuring Guild?” Came a breathy, soft spoken voice. Airy and light. You glanced up to see a woman standing before the desk, speaking to the clerk. Your breath caught for a moment in your throat as you took her in. Long, beautiful hair the colour of spun gold and braided with gems that glittered like stars tumbled down her back like a waterfall, framing the back of this curvy, enchanting figure. Every movement, no matter how small, was performed with effortless grace as she rested a staff of living wood against the desk. Atop it rested a crystal so pure one could see right through it, and silvery threads of magicked metals intertwined with the knots and whorls of the staff. Pretty (and valuable) as that staff may be your eyes refused to be pulled away from this woman. Clad in a robe of forest greens that flowed about her as if pulled by an unfelt breeze. Trumpet sleeves made of thin, almost translucent fabrics revealed pale and unblemished skin. But most notable of all, perhaps, were her ears. An unusual thing, one might thing, to focus upon. But the tips were long and pointed. 
An elf.. you think to yourself. A rarity to be sure. These reclusive, powerful creatures lived for millennia within their enchanted forests and reclusive holds. To see one traveling the world was an unusual sight indeed, for they often cared not for the affairs of men, halflings and other mortal beings. Content to remain within their own communities and spend their time plumbing the depths of the arcane and the nature of the divine, among others. “Yes this is the Ad-” the clerk stops, their eyes widening as they look up at this woman. “H-How may I.. Help you?” “Hehe! Oh please don’t be alarmed, sweetie. I don’t bite!” The woman’s voice again, a soft whisper. The susurration of a blanket being draped around you. “I’m only here to see if any parties are in need of a.. Oh what’s the word in this era.. A physiker? No..” “A healer?” Your eyes widen. That was your voice. Why did you speak? You groaned internally. Drawing attention to yourself never ended well. The figure turns, blessing you with a radiant smile. “Yes! Oh thank you!” Her eyes regard you from above as you are given a chance to look upon her face. Flawless as the rest, her eyes were a strange cavalcade of colour. At once purple, then gold, then blue as they took you in. Though no wrinkles could be seen, for elves are forever youthful, her countenance held a certain age to it. A wisdom beyond your own. You attempted to be polite, to meet her gaze. But that was difficult at the best of times and you were somewhat distracted by the revelation that her dress did little to contain a bountiful chest. The creamy pale skin stark against the deep green dress. It did not look ill-fitting, mind. Simply.. This woman’s bust demanded attention. Her ruby-clad lips draw your eyes northward once more. “My my! Let me help you with that!” She coos, in a voice tinged deeply with maternal concern. She reaches down and cups your cheek with a touch so delicate and warm you at once wish to melt into it. Your face had been rather beaten up in the last adventure, and with none to restore your vigor now you simply had to patch them up. But now the aches subsided more swiftly than they had ever before. Not just those upon your face, as the elf whispers her magic, it travels through your body. Soothing the woes of fatigue and injury. Even old wounds you had long since accepted receded before her radiance. Her hand pulls away and you can’t stop your face from following. Unbalanced, you collapse upon the floor with an embarrassed groan as you are snapped back to reality. A sound graces your ears. Like a babbling brook meets the chime of crystals. You realise she’s giggling. Your cheeks flush red as you rush to your feet. 
Her laughter stops as she looks genuinely apologetic. “I am sorry, little one. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. It was simply.. Cute.” Normally being called such a thing enraged you, frustrated you. But now… It felt comforting. “It’s okay.” you mumble.
“A-hem!” a stuffy voice draws your attention. You see the stuffy mustache first, like a hateful caterpillar resting upon the craggy face of a mountain filled with debt. The treasurer. “You again. I told you before if your party cannot prove to this guild that you are capable of finding a consistent and reliable healer to prevent any further deaths we will be forced to repossess the equipment we have graciously provided! I shan’t hear any more arguments or delays! So I ask for a final time. Have you a member capable of sealing wounds and ensuring your survival?” their stern gaze pierces you and your words wither in your throat. You tried to muster some kind of response but all that begins to croak out is a pathetic “N-no..” “Now now!” A scolding voice rang out. “There’s no need for that! No matter how urgent you feel your issue may be there’s no excuse for snapping! Or being impolite! If you must know ‘tis I that has joined this worthy band of warriors and, personally, I believe you would scarcely find a better purveyor of magicks and mending than one of my people. Now unless you would doubt the provenance of my ability, I have matters to discuss with my noble companion!” It was the elf. When did- You didn’t ask her to join you?! You barely spoke a word to her. And yet here she was, standing beside you with an arm protectively holding you against her side. Your cheek presses against her soft, warm breast through the thin fabric as you are held with a surprisingly firm grip. 
Chapter 2: Mommy’s home
The elf, whom you learned was named Nimue, was true to her word. Requesting (or gently demanding) to be taken to where your group were staying to introduce herself. She was apparently a mage of great renown amongst her own people who had left the isolation of her home to travel amongst the younger races as, in her own words, she ‘missed the energy and vibrancy of youth’ You couldn’t very well say no. You needed a healer. Furthermore elves legendarily had little need for riches which was a source of great frustration for any trader that fancied trying to arrange a trade deal for their crafts. So payment seemed not to be an issue. Dutifully you returned to the house your party had purchased many moons ago. Now somewhat dilapidated, the garden overgrown. It made you well up with shame to bring such a perfect and ethereal figure to this place. But her face remained impassive as she was led inside not that the interior fared much better. Broken bottles, dust, overturned chairs. Too often had your party returned here either too tired or drunk to care about cleanliness and it had become simply a part of the decor. First to meet you were the leaders of your band. A pair of twins, one a swordsman named Krennan and the other a channeller of barbaric rage named Mithra. “Well now, pipsqueak. Who’s this you brought with yo-” Began the swordsman, only to be cut off. “I think that’s quite a rude nickname to give someone, don’t you think?” The elf’s voice came in clipped tones, her hands on her hips. “How would you like it if someone called you pipsqueak, hmm? Just because you’re bigger doesn’t mean you get to bully others you know!” The twins look stunned. Confused. They hadn’t even exchanged names and already this lady was scolding them like a schoolteacher. “Well? Not to mention the absolute state of this abode. I’m told you are the ‘leaders’ of this little group? Hmm? Well I don’t see much leading if you leave this place in such a mess!” You couldn’t help but smile, though you attempted to hide it. To see these two being taken down a peg was… Wonderful. You glanced up at this woman, this saviour and your heart leapt just a little. You clung to her side even though you technically could have left at any time. Nowhere felt safer than right here, especially after her gentle arm almost habitually draped itself around you. “Now do either of you have anything to say for yourselves?” Her voice never raised, not once. But the tone, the power, the authority. It was all that was needed. The duo mumble and hang their heads, somehow cowed by this beautiful stranger. “Now apologize.” She commands. Krennan begins to mumble but withers under her gaze. “S-Sorry for calling you a pipsqueak.” He says a little more clearly. “That’s better. Now dearies. Thanks to a certain someone here-” she announces, rubbing your arm affectionately. “-I am your new… What was the word again in this era?” She asks you. “Healer” You say back up to her, feeling an utter rush of pride that you could be helpful to her. Especially as she beams back down at you. “I am your new healer! I’ll make sure you’re all back in bed safe and sound each and every night!” Her words are accompanied with a happy giggle. “But first sweeties, I think we need to do something about this mess, don’t you? After all. Cleanliness is next to godliness! So come along, pick up a brush. No dillydallying!” She ferries you and the other two further into the house, ushering you like children.
The next few hours consisted of chores. Cleaning the house, trimming the garden, dusting every inch that could be dusted. Your other companions - A scout named Callie and a sorcerer named Ilnax, were roped into the affair with sleepy confusion. That they fucked regularly was the worst kept secret in the group and today was no exception. But Nimue had some kind of.. Allure. Power. Nothing magical, you don’t think. Simply an aura of maternal authority. You found yourself eager to please, trusting that she knew best. And before long, the house was transformed. No longer a dilapidated sty, it looked somewhat close to actually livable! “Okay sweeties! Well done! I’m so proud of you! Teehee! And now it’s bath and bedtime for all of you!” That snapped some of them out of the strange spell she had woven. “Bedtime? We’re not-” Began Callie, only to find Nimue’s smiling face gazing down at her. “I am responsible for your health and that begins with a good and consistent sleep schedule! I’m told you four are constantly staying up far too late. This won’t do, so long as I’m here you will sleep at a reasonable hour! You wouldn’t want to die because of a silly mistake you made because you were cranky, would you?” 
As usual, you were last for the bath. You were used to it. The others simply barged their way past you to take the hot water for themselves. As you stepped into the bathroom you blush as immediately you realise that Nimue is also in there, standing near-naked before the tub. You never thought you would see an ass that perfect but you could probably bounce a gold coin off that thing as silken underwear are nearly swallowed by the cheeks. She turns with a yelp, covering her bare chest but then chuckling and dropping her hands revealing perfectly pink nipples. “Oh, it’s just you! Hehe! Close the door silly.” She says with a chuckle. Your cheeks burn, not just because of her nudity but how somehow you don’t count as someone she would be embarrassed by. As if she doesn’t see you as an adult that would find such a sight enticing. But you find yourself closing the door. “It’s getting late, so I thought I would join you in the bath! That’s okay, right? No one changed the water so I did it myself and added some firestones. It should be nice and warm! C’mon!” She beckons, turning and slipping off her panties before climbing into the tub. You debated leaving, but why should you? She was inviting you in. And the water was literally steaming hot. You hadn’t had a warm bath in so long. You realise that while you had been debating internally your body had made the choice and you were already sinking into that warm, steaming water. The tub, small as it was, would only fit if you sat between her gorgeous thighs. They cushioned your hips like pillows as she wrapped her arms around your stomach, pulling you back against her to give you a hug. Her breasts squishing against the back of your head as she does so. “I’m so glad I found you, little one. This was just what I needed! Oh this is going to be a wonderful, wonderful time!” She coos, bringing some water up and beginning to wash you. Overwhelmed, you simply sit still. It was nice, finally. To have someone stand up for you, take care of you, protect you. Finally you could just relax. Just.. Relax.. “Ooop! It looks like someone’s having a bit of an accident!” She titters. Your eyes flutter open as you look down and to your utter horror you see between your legs a definite tinge of gold in the water. Did you- You pissed yourself! You immediately try to scramble out, stammering an embarrassed apology but again those powerful arms keep you still. “Shhh…” She soothes, softly petting your head. “It’s okay. I understand. You were relaxed. Don’t worry, I won’t tell.” She whispers into your ear. “I’ll take care of it. I promise. But for now.. We should make sure there’s nothing else in there, hmm?” Unsure of what she meant, you simply settled back into the water as her hand trailed down between your legs. You tense as she touches your most intimate place, but quickly relax as her gentle hands slowly start to rub and tease you. “W-What are you…” “Helping you relax.. Shhh..” She whispers into your ear as she continues just gently touching you. Holding you in a motherly embrace as her delicate strokes make you shiver so sweetly. You had never been touched like this. So carefully, tenderly. Not trying to simply get you off as quickly as possible. But wanting to fill your mind with a haze of pleasure. It was overwhelming. It was everything. You settle even more comfortably against her chest, half turning to nuzzle into her breast as she holds you close. “That’s my little champion. My brave heroic adventurer! You’ve done so much, such a good job! Now just relax. Let me take care of you. Let mommy take good, good care of you now…” Those words reached your ears and swirled into your mind. Soothing all worries, caressing your anxious soul. You didn’t even realise when you felt your hips lift and grind against her hand as you cum for her. She was taking care of you now. You were hers, happily and hopelessly hers. You could never have imagined how far that would go. 
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What would be a better time than Halloween season to buy this 1907 Edwardian with 2 life size gryphons out front? Located in Plant City, Florida, it has 5bds, 4ba, $947K.
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It's important to note the original features features, though, like the wainscoting, millwork, and pocket door. A band lives in this house, as you can see there's a stage in the sitting room.
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Small sitting area.
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I like the mirrors going down the hall.
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It's also a movie room.
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It's set up as a party house with a bar in the 2nd sitting room.
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In the dining room stands Beauty & the Beast, which I never thought of until someone pointed it out. (She's no beauty and he looks like Little Lord Fauntleroy on a bender.)
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The kitchen is absolutely gigantic.
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And, besides all that storage, it has a pantry.
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The kitchen is open concept and includes a large family room.
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The primary bedroom is spacious.
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Very nice modernized bath with a beautiful claw foot tub.
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Just an extra room used for no particular purpose.
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Upstairs is a den or library. There are several faux fireplaces in the home, so I can't say that they'll convey.
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A 2nd bright and renovated bath.
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The hall on the uppermost level is brightly colored.
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Closet/dressing room takes up a entire room.
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One of the other bedrooms. All of the bedrooms are very big.
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The garage is being used as a home gym.
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Behind the house is a large pergola.
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Comes with a hot tub.
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Above ground pool.
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And, a large yard.
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Very nice neighborhood.
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jeepersjpeg · 3 months
could u tell me some stuff about ur ocs ? /nf
you didn't specify Who so i am picking ones i don't talk about often, *ahem*
in a world much like ours, sometime in the 2010's, magic became (or maybe always was) real. whatever mystique veil had hid these properties from humanity before had worn too thin. suddenly things like mermaids, unicorns, dragons, gryphons, vampires, you name it-- are spurring up, and their existence is slowly tearing society apart.
the history gets blurry between the beginning of the Magic Apocalypse and the year the story takes place, and it isn't really important until later- but here's what is important :
every creature tends to stick to a specific biome or region that they are from or thrive best in, with some exceptions. the one creature that is found practically everywhere and is the Most Pressing Threat to all life :
The Fae.
the fae are territorial, expanding, mysterious, and their realm bends reality itself. the main thing they are known for doing is setting up Trap Circles (of plants or various items). the consequence for crossing into "their" territory is that they must take something important to you. they'll normally let you choose, but if you try to trick them (ie: pretend something you have is important when it isn't) they will decide for you. in fact, most material items aren't Enough for them. the main thing they take from humans is body parts. but they will "generously" offer to trade you - they will take your human appendage, and replace it with an animal/creature's! (most of the time, they still cut off the limb beforehand, because the process of magically transforming a person's atoms into a different structure is so psychologically horrific and physically painful that Amputating Is Considered Merciful In Comparison..)
Now, In Roughly The 2040's, In A "Post-Apocalypse" Setting :
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ELTON KYROGUE and his best friend GATOR have been playing in a two-man band named Grand Tour for the last few years. Elton sings and plays guitar (+ other stringed instruments), Gator drums and has a sickass keyboard.
Elton (he/him, 20--22 over the course of the story) is a young man with a seemingly unbreakable spirit. he believes in humanity, sometimes to a fault, but is not by any means naive. he knows that some people only want trouble- but he'd prefer to use clever tricks and schemes to make his way out of a fight.
Gator (any prns, 17--19 over the course of the story) is a crafty little guy, not much for conversation but loves people just as much as Elton does (albeit a bit more wary of them).. she likes making murals on abandoned structures as they travel, as a sort of landmark of where they've been.
the story begins with them a few months on a traveling tour, just the two of them (i call this story Grand Tour's Grand Tour.. very funny i know)
they encounter many interesting characters and places. people are attempting to rebuild society, around or alongside their magical neighbors, so there are lots of makeshift communities that range from small villages to entire functioning towns- each with their own rules, kinds of people, and ways of managing the new world. plenty of these places are delighted to have a traveling band show up, so Elton and Gator find many places to crash while bringing music to the world.
there are quite a few characters they run into (remind me later to talk about the unicorns, the cyborg-cowboy sector, dragons, and skvader, if you want..) but the two i get most excited about are..
Cowboy Dan and Domino(/Dominic).
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Cowboy Dan (44, he/him) is a sphinx-like lion man who wanders the desert by himself. a bitter man whose insecurities have plagued his way of thinking, who thinks people are either evil and untrustworthy, or just plain stupid. he's also probably the world's last remaining Catholic (joking, but religion is scarce nowadays). he destroys every opportunity and relationship that comes to him with the belief that this is how people "survive". he's on the hunt to enact revenge against Dominic, but no one can ever seem to get the full story..? (note: Dan normally stands on two legs and covers up his lion body almost entirely, these are just the sketches i had on-hand haha. it's difficult for him to walk bipedal but he is Incredibly Stubborn and Clings To His Humanity For Dear Life.)
Dominic (around the same age as Cowboy Dan, he/him, referred to as "Domino" by everyone but Dan) is a donkey man (entirely donkey) who is the leader of a settlement inside an abandoned amusement park. or, atleast, everyone there insists that "Domino" is like their mayor. if you ask him, he's just "someone who likes to help out". they live an oddly comfortable life away from danger, and Elton (with some manipulation from Dan) grows to find this setup suspicious.
there's a lot more to these guys-- to all of this story, but i'll leave it at that for now ;-) im not quite done writing GTsGT, but it will be turned into a comic at some point. my plan is to first make Curtain Call, and if im done coming up with GTsGT by then- it'll be up next! if not, i have a ton of other completely finished projects on the backburner that im waiting for a good time window to create.
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xmaveria · 11 months
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I have so many bird characters in wips but I managed to finish this one! His name is Rahim an Eurasian gryphon vulture that met Terus not long ago. They quickly became good friends, they go to their bands shows as much as they can
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darklordazalin · 6 months
Azalin Reviews: Darklord Claude Renier
Darklord: Claude Renier Domain: Richemulot Domain Formation: 694 BC Sources: Realm of Terror (2e), Gazetteer 2 (3e), Gazetteer 3 (3e), Legacy of Blood (3e)
Scholars have determined that prior to being claimed by the Mists, the Renier family was made of two branches – high born nobles that used their influence for the betterment of society and a clan of wererats that did the opposite. The Renier family have a complicated history in the Demiplane of Dread and the first known Reniers to stumble into the Mists settled in Mordent. Their patriarch, Jacques Renier, built the House on Gryphon Hill as well as Heather House, the current dwelling of the Weathermay family. It becomes more complex as the wererat curse developed in Jacques’s offspring, splitting the family further. This rivalry between the human and wererat side of the family only increased when Claude Renier and his pack of wererats fled into the Mists and found themselves in the city of Silbervas in Falkovnia.
Claude quickly integrated his family with the local wererats that lived in the sewers of Silbervas and created a thriving thieves’ guild that integrated with the humanoids of Silbervas. As in the manner of rats, Claude’s influence rapidly multiplied and eventually drew the attention of Falkovnia’s little mercenary, Vlad Drakov and his band of more talented thugs, the Talons. Vlad oversaw the extermination of the wererats in Silbervas and to everyone’s surprise, was quite successful in his endeavors. Over the course of three years, which have been aptly named ‘The Years of the Impaled Rats’, Vlad flushed out the wererats from the sewers of Silbervas causing Claude to flee into the Mists once more.
As if being defeated by Vlad Drakov wasn’t torment enough, the Dark Powers created a prison in the form of Richemulot just for Claude Renier. From Chateau Delanuit in Pont-A-Museau, Claude ruled over the governing bodies of Richemulot as well as his own family. He ruled through manipulation and ensuring the other wererats were too busy vying for his attention to plot against him. He paid particular attention to his twin granddaughters, Jacqueline and Louise Renier. Seeing as Jacqueline eventually usurped her grandfather’s position as the Darklord of Richemulot, one can imagine how well this worked out for the twitchy rat.
Claude Renier is little more than a footnote in Jacqueline’s story. A footnote that was defeated by Vlad Drakov who couldn’t win a battle against a single zombie…I rarely agree with our tormentors, but in this case they were well advised to throw Claude to the rats and deliver the carcass of his domain to Jacqueline.
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heartlay · 7 months
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United Kingdom, we’re back. Catch us on tour this April at the following dates:
10.04.24 // Edinburgh ‐ Bannermans 12.04.24 // Manchester ‐ Spinning Top 13.04.24 // Bristol ‐ The Gryphon 14.04.24 // Cambridge ‐ Six Six 18.04.24 // London ‐ 229 19.04.24 // Birmingham ‐ Subside
TIckets & Infos: https://linktr.ee/heartlaytour
Special guests to be announced. Bands who wanna be a part of local support (apart from the London show) can send us an email at booking@heartlay.
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thenixart · 2 years
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[ID: Four digital drawings of monster heads with simple backgrounds.
The first head is that of a hippogriff facing left sent on a sky blue background with yellow and gold rays evoking dry blades of grass. The hippogrif has a small sharp grey beak, bright yellow eyes, a mask of red skin, and a large round fan-like fin extending from the back of its head and neck. it has white feathers with a black band around the base of its neck and pale gold feathers on its brow and ear tips. It has long eyelashes and whiskers extending from its brow and cheeks.
The second head is that of a gryphon facing right set to a dark grey-blue background with pale and light grey blotches around it evoking clouds. The gryphon has a large dark grey hooked beak, red skin around its nares, yellow eyes, and a short red fan-like fin running down its neck. It has light grey feathers on its head and shoulders and a black neck and ear tips.
The third head is that of a valravn facing left set to a pale blue background with kinked brown and grey lines evoking branches. The valravn has a long straight beak with large pink see-though nostrils like a turkey vulture, pale blue eyes, and a long mustache of black feathers behind its nares. Pink flashy rays run down the back of its neck. It has long silky black feathers with grey feathers at the corners of its eyes and pale ear tips.
The fourth head is that of an owlbear turned so that it is facing the viewer set on a brown background with bunches of green lines evoking leaves. The owlbear has shaggy green feathers with a light brown face with white feathers around its eyes and nose. It has a narrow grey beak and a grey spike visible coming from its shoulder. It has blue skin on its nose and blue fleshy spikes running down its neck and back. it has yellow eyes with pupils of different sizes. /End ID]
Drew some griff heads
Top: Hippogriff and Gryphon
Bottom: Valravn and Owlbear
- I gave all the caniform griffs turkey vulture noses for the sense of smell. Owlbears and valravns can track down prey or carcasses from miles away.
- Griffs have fins. The fin down their neck is used for cooling off or social signaling. In griffs that pack or pair hunt the fins are bright red. For griffs that live in colder climates the fins are often reduced and able to fold under the feathers.
- Owlbears are flightless. Their wings evolved into sharp defensive spurs.
- Owlbears are also primarily nocturnal. Gryphons are diurnal hunters. Both hippogriffs and valravn tend to be more active at dawn/dusk.
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canmom · 6 months
asgard's wraff too (immediate impression)
I had a brief go at Asgard's Wrath 2, one of the flagship games of the Quest 2/3, published by Meta themselves through their 'Oculus Studios'. This game is provided free to every Quest 3 owner so I figured I'd give it a shot lol. Though I didn't play for all that long before I got a headache and had to stop. (I think the headset was a bit tight, it's very finicky to get this right even with a better strap, and games that demand more movement tend to be worse for it.)
Asgard's Wrath is not to be confused with Asura's Wrath, the fascinatingly odd QTE-based game featuring animation by Studio 4°C. No, what we have is a first-person action game based on Norse mythology. Actually this new game seems to be broadening the mythological palette a bit, but the prologue/recap segment keeps things Norse.
tbh I wasn't particularly sold, but this game's been getting rave reviews everywhere, so maybe it gets better.
When I booted the game it had to compile some 4500 shaders - kinda odd, every Quest is the same so surely it could come with the shaders precompiled? Nevertheless, once that was done the game could get going. What I found was... kinda awkward, if I'm honest.
Broadly speaking Asgard's Wrath II features thumbstick movement with a directional iframe dash, and you can swing your sword and hit stuff. The opening level sees you fight a giant gryphon-like monster which flies around you and shoots laser beams. Credit where it's due, I think it's about as decent an implementation of this kind of thing as you could hope for... but in that very respect it really starkly shows the limitations of VR for action games.
Standing up and playing this game did not, fundamentally, feel more ~immersive~ than sitting at my desk playing an FPS game. If anything it felt less so. It felt sort of like I was piloting a mech rather than standing there as a Norse goddess. Especially when your character is flung bodily around: you look down and see your character's body near-prone, but your proprioception tells you exactly where your feet are, and it isn't there.
Movement generally feels quite glidy - no doubt too much up-and-down camera movement would be a motion sickness trigger, but also you can feel that you're physically standing on the floor, and somehow that is more noticeable when you're supposed to be walking than when you're supposed to be flying in a game like Rez Infinite. If you try to physically move around, the world sorta slides away from you in a weird way. I honestly think I would have preferred the teleportation based movement used in games like Half Life Alyx.
The whole thing felt like it was constantly calling attention to the difference between my physical body and virtual body.
Still, all that aside...
The game throws you in to a recap of the previous game. You get a little controls tutorial in a mysterious mystical space by disembodied arms belonging to the Norns, then you ride a giant bird through a series of vignettes from the previous game; then you get to wander around a tavern that is supposedly a prison where Loki used to be contained (always up to his tricks), encountering sort of phantasms of almost all the Norse gods telling you off for trusting Loki. Plus a little band playing tunes with a centaur in it, that part was cute.
This story, where a nameless player character is just sort of crowbarred into Norse mythology, feels incredibly 'videogames excuse plot'. From the way the recap was told, it was pretty evidently the kind of game where you're led around through a series of setpieces, while being told that you're powerful and important and a big deal. It's a story that's hard to take seriously in its own right.
I don't love the character designs. They look like a Marvel movie crashed into a truck full of concept art, full of ostentatious armour and huge horns. The way they talk, as well, feels very much like 'I am trying to get this exposition over as efficiently as possible'.
Things picked up a bit when a gryphon shows up and attacks you. The big bird here looks great and movies really well. The mechanics involved a few types of attack pattern to respond to - it's a tutorial boss so nothing too complicated.
The main weak point is the actual act of swing the sword at the big bird when it's down. It felt sort of like I was just waggling at it with a foam sword - there is no way to disguise the fact that you are swinging a small plastic controller which isn't actually hitting anything. But it was also hard to tell how much damage I was doing.
After you beat the gryphon you fall in a lake. Here, you're floating back-first into the gloom, but in practice you're falling horizontally, so again it has that disconnect.
OK, now let's talk about rendering. You knew it was coming x3
A lot of the materials in this game have that sort of smooth, noticeably low-poly look you see on the Quest. The game does try pretty hard with baked lighting and what appeared to be some envmapped specular reflections, and one point in the opening sequence had a dynamic light playing across the hands of the Norns - that was neat. I was also impressed by the rope physics while you're riding the giant bird. Certainly those 4500 shaders are doing some work in here. The main issue is, as with every Quest game, the lack of any dynamic shadows.
The tavern scene seems to be running into some kind of limit with showing skinned meshes, since most characters only appear when you move near to them, and they're all rendered with this Fresnel glow shader that hides any actual lighting information. But the characters rendered more normally generally look good. The animations at least are solid and abundant. Expressive body language is vital in a game.
I'll give it a bit more time at some point, but overall this feels very much like a game that was made as 'flagship action game to prove an AAA-style game is viable in VR', and on that front I feel like I'll take some convincing still - everything so far feels like it would work a lot better on a flat screen. It doesn't really have much identity as a game so far either - its interpretation of Norse mythology is gaudy and not particularly original, and it really feels like it's taking itself way too seriously. I think a dash of humour and weirdness would help tremendously. But maybe the Egyptian and Aztec sections will be more appealing, Norse shit is kinda played out these days.
iunno, are people still interested in reading about these VR adventures? I know most people don't have these platforms so I may as well be discussing the fauna of the moon
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gen-the-greedy · 1 year
List of things I like so that I can remember that I like them, will update as my interests come to me in prophetic visions
I humbly request you engage me in conversation about these topics
Also for the record transphobes dni
Digimon (gabumon, gazimon, and impmon favorites)
Sonic the hedgehog
Mother series
Smash ultimate (I main Mac and Falco)
Ace attorney
Ghost trick
Jojo's bizarre adventure
Revali from botw my beloved
Pikmin (have only played 4 but I watched chuggaconroy play the others back in the day)
Xenoblade 1 (mixed feelings on the rest of the series)
STREETLIGHT MANIFESTO why did it take me this many bullets to remember, got tier band
Fable (second game was never ported to PC so I haven't played it)
InFamous (haven't played second son)
FE three houses was good fight me (edelgard my beloathed)
Anyone remember Epic Battle Fantasy? Ebf 5 was so fucking good
Full metal alchemist
Red Vs Blue
The Princess Bride
Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny
Dr pepper 😎
I don't really care for the roleplay elements but I occasionally show up to my local larp group just to bash some heads
I just like martial weapons in general
Never used a bardiche but it looks like my kind of thing
I want to play dnd again but haven't had the chance (I mean I could dm a campaign myself but I don't wanna)
They Might be Giants
Lemon Demon/ Neil cicierega
Cake (the band)
Pie (the food)
Anything lemon flavored
The color purple (and that specific shade of lemon juice yellow)
Sao abridged
Calvin and Hobbes is responsible for my absentmindedly archaic and verbose vernacular that I have to go out of my way to subdue to not sound like a fuckin nerd
Coming back to this point, obviously my word choice was intentional but subdue specifically was not, I can't escape this curse
Also hitchhikers guide, but I was too young to actually remember any of it
Red Vox
Funny cat pictures
Fuckin love dragons when they're treated with respect instead of as giant beasts to slay or cute and "smol" I am very opinionated about this I grew up with
Eragon/ The Inheritance Cycle
I am way too opinionated about dragons I think I might be a kobold (the dnd ones not the german ones)
Gryphons are also cool but if you spell it Griffin dni
Might change my name to gryphon, I liked the sound of phoenix shortened to nick like in ace attorney but my friend's brother is already named that and that would get confusing
Been a while since I read Percy Jackson but I liked that
Dragon Age: Origins
Fable 3 totally ripped it's story from DA:O
I bite my ice cream cause I'm not a coward
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eddie-rifff · 9 months
there MUST be more songs like mediaeval by ph and triptych by roxy music. and im not talking about gryphon where every song is medieval-sounding, i mean like perfectly "normal" bands who just randomly drop one song like that. lmk if there are others like them. i guess madrigal by yes counts but triptych and mediaeval are so overtly middle ages-y, madrigal is not quite but close
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