#gt: pokemon
badvgopinions · 11 months
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Accurate meme that I found here.
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vixivulpixel · 2 months
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saccharinescorpion · 1 year
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one of those rare serendiptious finds on Twitter where Google gives you a pretty good translation and the actual tweet is gold (Zeil = Carmine, Suguri = Kieran)
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084392 · 1 year
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i think pmd2 partner might be a little silly too...
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
So I finally installed the free version of Pokemon Home yesterday to trade for Violet version exclusives via the GTS. and the game's like "alright here's the professor who'll be helping you!" and I'm clicking A like whatever. and absolutely nothing could've braced me for seeing the fucker pop up on screen
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berliebaby · 6 months
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commissions open :] again :] (for the 486,000th time this year)
been trying out a new artstyle lately and also I've had not much to do so like
yeah 👍🏾
icon/bust: 6$
halfbody: 16$
fullbody: 23$
prices vary depending on complexity
additional characters: 2$+
background: 5$+
I will draw:
-fan art
-oc art
-digital art
-traditional art
-one page comics
I will not draw:
-fetish art
-hate part
-mecha (depends on how complicated)
I accept cashapp and PayPal :)
if you'd like to discuss anything more abt my commission info, pls contact me @kimonsha on discord ty :)
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on one of my last wonder trades for pokemon x before the 3ds shutdown someone sent me a level 100 garchomp hatched in 2014
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that was someones baby. he's in a luxury ball. he's ev trained. he's had pokerus. they loved this thing. i was traded a level 1 gible named JetPiranha. that's his brother now. i'm going to lose my mind.
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age736 · 6 months
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     I DON'T THINK LIKE I'M SAVING THE WORLD .                                             wished by foz
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m-awile · 7 months
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ingo is terrified
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silvermoon424 · 2 months
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If I were God-Emperor of the world, everyone who clogs up the GTS with garbage trades would be banned from the service lol
(btw yes I'm aware that the way to use the GTS is just to deposit Pokemon and wait for people to find your trade, but you cannot convince me that the people clogging the GTS aren't making things harder and more frustrating for everyone else)
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fourtyfaregates · 8 months
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happy valentine's day, here's my pookie collection thus far
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badvgopinions · 8 months
I need to vent, it's been really tiring trying to look for Pokémon content recently. Ive been trying to avoid the Palworld stuff as much as possible but it's really annoying since the Palworld fanbase is starting to hijack EVERY SINGLE recent Pokémon post on Instagram and YouTube and starting fights in the comments section with the Pokémon fans.
I'm getting second hand embarrassment because some Pokémon fans haven't even heard of Palworld and those arguments are usually just people being completely confused by (from their perspective) the totally unprompted shouting/insulting matches from the Palworld fans
I'm just sitting there like, Just…. Holy shit shut up, go away, I'm trying to enjoy Pokémon stuff. Palworld fans, you're not making your game look good if you're going about being toxic to other people. Maybe try saying "If you like Pokémon, you should try Palworld" and describe what's cool about it instead of kicking the door down on unsuspecting people and screaming "YOU'RE ALL SHILLS AND BOOTLICKERS FOR PLAYING POKÉMON!!!!"
That is embarrassing. What the hell? I've seen some of those people on the Scarlet/Violet sub Reddit but they're usually lambasted for being so off topic. Otherwise I just block people for comparing the two because they're always being so disingenuous about both Palworld and Pokemon. After the shit that has been spewed towards me for simply saying that I like the games I'm just fucking done.
I've seen my husband play some of it and it really doesn't look like any Pokemon game I've played before. (I specifically saw a Liligant thing in a cage and a bunch of dead bodies. One of them had their heads stuck underground.)
The only thing that's comparable to Pokemon are the stolen assets and the Pokeball system. So comparing the gameplay for both games doesn't make any sense. Game Freak haters are just trying anything to justify their extreme hatred for the company.
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vixivulpixel · 4 months
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theconfusedanimal · 1 year
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gay gay homosexual gay @theonlycampix
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shrink-or-grow · 3 months
Arven from pokemon scarlet and violet
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Lad’s got the swooshiest hair swoop I ever did see
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
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in other news. through sheer coincidence I have two of these now
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