#guess what trailer i saw lmao
the-shy-artisan · 5 months
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they're all out of ideas, aren't they?
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grimmcheems · 2 months
Piltie Jinx💖🎀
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I always thought it’d be interesting to see what would’ve happened if Powder had been left behind or caught at the scene when she triggered Jayce’s lab experiments, when I watched the show like a yr ago that was one of the thoughts that always lingered and I like to think she would’ve been more cut out for Piltover society than the undercity bc she was neglected so much there and I think she’d be more charming to Piltie citizens with her docile nature and intelligence.
No hate to the other characters or Vander but the girl clearly had problems and they all wanted to pretend like they didn’t see it so they could feel better about taking her in and looking after her. She was also weaker and more unexperienced than the rest but they all somehow expected her to pull her own weight in high stress situations.[This unintentionally overlapped with the trailer drop bc I was completely unaware they even released them when I was making this like two weeks ago.]
That’s a whole can of worms that I’d rather not open rn bc then it becomes a whole discussion on her trauma along with poverty and a bunch of other things having to do with the people that were around her. She is given the name Jinny bc they got tired of having to refer to her without a specific name, and becuase she begged Jayce to give her one and he blurted out the first thing he saw lmao.
Anyways. In this the kids and Vi basically leave her at the scene out of fear of getting caught and because they aren’t confident that she could have even survived the blast. They all think she’s dead and Powder experiences memory loss, so law enforcement dumps her on Jayce as a punishment and reminder of how dangerous his lab was and how lucky he is that she’s alive, but along the way Viktor sees her potential in becoming a scientific inventor of some sorts based on the items she had with her when she tried escaping along with the intelligence she displays and he adopts her and takes the load off of Jayce after his probation period form the academy. Her and Jayce have a sibling bond.
I need to draw more of this but her young self experiencing this and growing up in their thriving society and blending into their society. I added makeup on her to show how well she’s managed to integrate into Piltover society and because she indulges in the riches there so much that people even forgot she was originally form the undercity, she pretty much looks and acts like she was born there. The pinkish color she puts around her eyes is her remembering Vi and the purple comes into play later when Viktor’s sickness gets worse.
I originally only drew her as an enforcer bc I got inspired by an edited pin on Pinterest but also wanted her to be an academy student so it’s a bit of an awkward mix but I figured she probably picked up becoming an enforcer as a pastime and way to make money(idk if they make money lmao) bc she can’t rely on Viktor and Jayce to provide for her forever, and because Grayson sort of inspired her a bit (though she is subconsciously reminded of Vi when she’s around Grayson). She also has a funny dynamic with Marcus, with him already being a double crossing loser he tries to be this cool older guy around her and miserably fails every time but only because she’s still young and carefree and because he basically kept it under wraps that she was alive the whole time after finding out that she was Vander’s adoptive daughter. So I guess you could say he just has a fatherly instinct towards her but who knows.
Might draw more of this later and have better details but for now this is it oop.
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orshii · 7 months
Limitless (through the night)
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Author: orshii
Pairing: biker! Choi San x female reader
Warnings: cursing, brief mention of death
Word count: 11,5 k
Summary: You have broken the rules, again. The punishment? You’re moving in with your father, sent back to your hometown which you had grown to be a stranger to. What happens when old affairs return in the form of Choi San? The only guy you wished to forever avoid, the guy who was a menace and always knew which buttons to push.
Will he put aside your differences and help you out when you get in trouble again?
A/N: Wow, I guess I'm here again...Ever since I saw these pictures of San, I'm obsessed with it, so a story kinda popped out of my mind lol. Like, I'll just never get over biker San pls, he drives me crazy, and I don't like it (lie). Anyways, thank you for my talented bestie @bvidzsoo for helping me a lot. I'm really a newbie to this whole writing and Tumblr world so, ly bestie hehet. Please, enjoy! I'mma be back soon, with a Hongjoong series too, lmao. Okay, byee, xoxo, orshii. (divider)
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Moving to a new place could excite you due to all the new opportunities coming your way, alongside with new people, which may become your new friends.
In my case it wasn't like this. I was moving back to my hometown, which I have left almost ten years ago, leaving behind my father and all the people who I was once close with.
Now, I'm on my way back to my father, back to the house where we once were a happy family. My mother left my father, because it seemed like my father cheated on her. But the actual truth was that she just wanted to escape from this little town. She had no opportunities here, so she just blamed everything on him to have a reason to leave this shitty little town behind, alongside with me. I was only 10 years old, I did not understand back then what the hell was happening, so I just went with her. We moved to a bigger city, which was full with people. I never liked it, I hate crowds, I hate how the city is full with life.
After a while, my mother met someone and he was rich, so, we moved into a bigger house, which looked like a castle. I did not like it; I like simple things. I liked our old house, where the walls were cracked like a river spreading through the map. It was beautiful in its own way.
So why am I going back again to my hometown? I look to my left, where my mother is driving. She looked tired and mad; she was continuously frowning while she was driving. Maybe she was thinking about how she could bring a child like me into this world. Of course, I was the cause of going back to my hometown. It was my punishment.
 I'm going to be honest, lying isn’t something I do often. Since I was little, I adored motorcycles. They are so beautifully shaped and their sound is simply music to my ears. I love watching them through the TV, the bikers riding their fancy motorcycles and competing against each other, going in circles like Formula 1 cars on the circuits.
 My dad had owned an old Yamaha, it was beautiful. He noticed that I adored it, and so, he taught me everything about motorbikes; which part of the bike belongs where, he even taught me how to repair some broken parts. That was the moment I fell in love with motorbikes. I could not wait until I grew up and finally got my license. I had one purpose in life, and that was it.
And after a lot of patience, I finally got my license, but I had no motorbike. This became my next goal. To buy a bike. I succeeded doing that too, and I was proud of myself.
I looked back, where my beautiful matte black Yamaha R6 was tied safely onto the trailer. After I bought Toothless—I have named it that—I naturally joined a motorbike gang and slowly got into the world of racing. But these were illegal affairs, illegal races. You’d rarely get caught, so I didn’t worry about it. But one day I made a very bad mistake and I was left to face the cops. I was alone, the others—whom I considered my friends—left me there, letting me face the repercussions all on my own. As soon as my mother got me out of the police station and we got home, she started packing my things, saying 'You're moving in with your father.' My opinion did not matter, it was settled, and I just needed to obey. I did not care about anything at that point, so I just went with it without a word. Since that incident I did not want to make any friends, I did not trust people anymore, not even my mother. She betrayed me by sending me back to our hometown, treating me like I was a nobody to her. I never felt like I belonged anywhere, I am used of being passed around by others.
As soon as we drove through the streets of my hometown, little memories started resurfacing and I smiled. It was good to be back, to be honest, I have always loved this area. I never actually wanted to leave it behind, I just really had no choice but to do otherwise.
When we finally arrived to the house where we had once lived, a whirlwind of emotions hit me like a truck. My father stepped out from his car service, wiping his oily hands onto a used black cloth, which was once white. He looked tired and worried, mimicking the same expressions reflected on my mother’s face.
I stepped out from the car, looking around a little bit. Nothing has changed since I had last been here, and that was a long time ago. We never came back after the separation, my father used to visit us when he had the time, but it was rare, and our relationship went from having a happy father-daughter connection, to a shallow 'How's school? Good.' connection.
As I looked around, my parents were talking quietly just so I wouldn’t overhear them, but I knew they were talking about me. They were talking, and then suddenly my mother was moving, giving me a kiss on my cheek and saying 'Don't get into any trouble', leaving me there like I was an abandoned cat, handed back to the streets because it kept causing trouble. She chose the easier way, passing me into the hands of my father.
I pushed my bike into the garage and covered it with a blanket, I did not want Toothless to be dusty from all the dirt flying around the air. My dad showed me around the house acting as if I was there for the first time. I stepped inside my old room; everything was just how I had left it. The old drawing in which I had drawn our once happy family, and even my little pink shoes, which I had cried about leaving behind accidentally. Everything was the same, except me.
I got enrolled into the local University. I wanted to learn still as I had nothing to do; I needed to keep my mind busy. As I was headed to the new University on my bike, I felt anxiety crawling up through my body. I never liked new places, and besides, this was a little town, everyone knew everyone. And so, I was the new girl in town to them. The girl who came back after years of being gone. I don't really think anybody is actually aware of who am I. I had changed.
I arrived to the parking lot of the university, and cut the engine of Toothless. I sighed before I got off my bike, taking off my raven black helmet with red lines on it. My anxiety had finally crawled through my body, managing to reach my mind and thoughts, clouding them and keeping me locked in, not letting me go for even a second. My thoughts had always been my biggest enemy. Overthinking made me feel anxious about even the littlest things. It wasn’t good as this influenced my behavior, all the time. I tried to gather myself, not having noticed that somebody was watching me.
"Princess is back in town and has a little motorcycle, I see." I jumped at the sudden deep voice coming from behind me.
I turned around and saw a very familiar looking, handsome, guy in front of me, but I did not remember his name. He was smirking at me, his eyes sharp like a knife, glaring at me like he was a predator and I was his prey. He was wearing a black hoodie that hugged his broad shoulders perfectly, with black shorts that reached his knees, pairing with red Jordans.
"And who are you?" I asked frowning; I really did not know him, he looked familiar, but I could not place a name to his face.
He just tilted his head, looking at me sharper than before, "You don't remember me? I'm Choi San."
He was frowning his thick eyebrows, a little cut in his left eyebrow making his glare more intense.
Choi San, the mayor's son. Now I knew who he was, and I did not fucking like him. He was always the annoying rich kid from school, always stuck-up, acting all-mighty due to his family being rich. And he didn’t like me either anymore. At the beginning we were friends, but then shit started happening at home—my parents arguing constantly, not even noticing me anymore—and so, I closed myself off, not wanting to befriend anyone. I was just a child, my parents constantly arguing was a big enough trauma for me to stop caring about other things. So, I pushed San away, who, I assume, took it to heart since he started hating me and acting like a total jackass, not letting me live. It was like that until I left my hometown, leaving everyone behind.
"Oh, well then, I don't care." I said while grabbing my helmet from my bike and turning around to leave. I did not have the energy for this arrogant prick, he didn’t change at all, I could tell by his one little sentence.
He laughed, "Princess is mad, huh? Is that a Yamaha R1?"
He had asked while pointing at my bike, not letting me leave quite yet.
I sighed and turned around looking at him annoyed, "No, it's an R6."
My answer was short and snappy.
"That's from one of the newest series. I bet you begged on your knees your rich stepfather to buy it for you." He laughed sarcastically, and it sounded like an engine that needed an oil change. I sneered at the thought.
It hurt, it hurt because he didn’t know how many days I didn’t sleep because I had shift after shift, working my ass off. My stepfather and mother didn’t want to buy me a bike, actually they hated just the idea of it, but I didn’t care, so I took as many jobs as I could, and after three years of hard work, I finally get to buy this beauty. It had nothing to do with my stepfather. San was just being his old self, being an asshole, judging even though he did not know anything at all.
"Just fuck off, San." I snapped before walking towards the building. I was starting to get annoyed, but I didn’t let it show because I knew that was what he wanted out of this exchange. To piss me off, get on my nerves.
I finally stepped inside the building. I was a bit lost; I didn't know where I was supposed to go now.
"Let's race someday or are you scared, baby?" But San suddenly stopped next to me, looking at me arrogantly, not leaving me alone.
I laughed at the nickname, it was cringe, what the hell was he thinking? "I don't do shit like that."
I didn’t even spare him a glance.
"Then why do you have a motorbike?" San asked, looking at me like the police officer had when he was interrogating me.
"I obviously use it to go to church." I rolled my eyes as I started walking down the corridor. I got a lot of curious looks from the other students littered around in the hallways.
"I bet you raced in that big town of yours." San said, of course, following me.
I suddenly stopped in my tracks, and looked at him with deadly eyes, "Can't you just go and fucking annoy somebody else?"
"Princess is being mean for what? I just wanted to welcome you back in town." He said with a smirk on his lips.
"Oh, how humble" I said ironically, "Thank you for your kindness."
I smiled at him and saluted him before turning around. I did not have the energy for this egoistic guy.
I somehow found the director's office. He handed over my schedule and wished me good luck, and I was abandoned again in the empty corridor.
I was looking at my schedule, trying to figure out which classroom I needed to get in.
 "Hey, new girl, are you lost?" I heard a voice calling out to—me— I had assumed.
I looked up and I found myself standing in front of a tall, black-haired boy, with the kindest smile I had ever seen in my entire life. He was wearing bright colors, which highlighted his bright smiley face, he looked like a walking sunshine.
"Hi, yes, a little bit." I said while looking at my schedule confused.
"Let me see." He took the paper from my hands and looked at it humming, "Oh, you are in the same major as me. I'm headed to that class; I can show you the way."
He offered me up with a sweet smile.
"Oh my god, thank you, you saved me." I huffed the air out from my lungs.
"This way." He pointed out the direction with his finger, and we started to walk towards the classroom.
"By the way, I'm Yunho." He said, reaching his hand out towards me.
I smiled while shaking his hand, "Y/N, nice to meet you. How did you know I am the new girl?"
I had asked him curiously.
"Everyone knows, it's a little town, the rumors here spread like the plague." He shivered with a smile.
I chuckled, "Oh, I see. Too bad, I just wanted to remain unknown."
"Your dad is quite famous in town, did you know? So, I assume he told someone you are coming, and puff, the rumors are everywhere." He gave me a side glance as he smiled.
"Yeah, maybe." I said, thinking about the fact that my father has a car service, which, I assume, is the only one in town. Therefore, people meet up with him constantly, thinking more of it, it isn’t a surprise that people know who I am, in the end it, it is a little town. We arrived to the classroom, and headed in.
The day went by quickly. I was glad I met Yunho, he was a funny guy, and he led me around the University, making funny comments about some students. I really needed him in order to integrate into this new community, which I was once part of ten years ago. It was as if I had to relive the past, as if I was walking down the same path, I had done so ten years ago, a path which might have changed during my absence. It felt like I had to start everything from the very beginning.
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  The days passed by quickly, and I just tried to avoid being in the spotlight as I found out everyone knew me, but I knew nobody, because who would remember the people they had met while being just a little kid? As I was randomly walking on the street, headed to get some groceries, random people would say hello and even ask how my mom was. I just quickly answered them, but I didn’t know who they were.  I didn’t like the attention, when all the eyes were on me, so I tried to lay low, live my life quietly.
Then one day, as I had gotten closer to Yunho, he somehow convinced me to attend a party held by some guy named Song Mingi. I wore casual clothes, meaning simple black ripped jeans paired with a black crop-top, and a leather jacket. I am a biker, so the leather jacket is a must, even when you have to leave your bike behind, as I had done now. I felt like drinking something. I hadn’t gotten drunken in a while, not that this was my purpose for the night.
Yunho came to pick me up with his navy-blue Nissan GT-R. The car was beautiful inside out. And that is when I found out that Yunho used to do street racing, held by some local racing company. That's another reason as to why we became friends so quickly, as we were interested in the same things.
  When we arrived to the house where the party was held at, it was already crowded. Luckily, there was the opportunity to stay outside, next to the pool, and so, I told Yunho I didn't really want to go into the crowd. He stayed with me, and to our luck, we found some alcohol outside too. There was a table next to the pool, and there were a whole bunch of alcoholic drinks on it, so, we took some tequila shots. As we were talking about some of Yunho's street races, I heard someone approaching us.
"Where did you leave your expensive bike, princess?" He clapped his hands together, reaching for a can of beer, opening it quickly with his thumb. He was wearing dark jeans, a white T-shirt, and on top a leather jacket. At least he knew the unsaid rule of the bikers. Leather jacket is a must, like I have said.
I looked at him with a glare, "I left it at church since I got drunk on the communion wine."
I said annoyed as it was my last wish to meet him tonight, “Just leave me alone, San.”
"Where's the fun in that?" He leaned close to my face, bending down to be at the same height as me, whispering it in my face.
"The fun must be where you brain is, which you seem to be lacking in." I pointed at his head.
He laughed loudly, "You'll see where is the fun when I beat you at the race."
He glared at me with his typical sharp gaze. It whispered danger. And I liked danger.
“I said I don’t race; do you have issues with your long-term memory now?” Despite meaning to be teasing and unabashed, my voice came out a little angry as I frowned.
“I saw the news about your little incident. You can’t be fooling everyone and telling them you nearly got arrested, princess.” He spread his arms, as he raised his voice, so everyone could hear it who was outside. I felt everyone’s eyes on us, coming closer, way too interested in hearing what the whole fiasco was about.
My blood had started boiling and I clenched my fists together, until my knuckles turned white. I was blinded by my sudden anger towards San, I just wanted to wipe that annoying, arrogant, smile off of his face. I stepped closer to him, my face inches away from his, as his back was facing the pool. He just needed a little encouragement for a swim, and so, I strongly pushed him towards the pool, and before he could fall in, I quickly whisked the beer out of his hand, and lifted it into the air.
“Have a good swimming, Choi San.” I placed the beer down on the table. That was my que to leave him there. I could feel his glare pointed at my back from the pool as he swum to the surface. I could feel his annoyance, that he felt embarrassed. I smirked to myself, Choi San, you have no idea whom you’re trying to annoy. Yunho came after me quickly and gave me a high-five for the move I had just pulled off.
  The next hours at the party were spent by drinking and dancing, as I went into the dancing crowd. I just wanted to disappear in the crowd and feel good. I tried to avoid San the whole night as I didn’t want to see his furious side, San, who got humiliated by me. It was funny, I had to smile the whole time as I remembered his face when I pushed him into the pool, amused by the whole ordeal. I also got to know the guy who threw the party as Yunho introduced us to each other. Mingi was a tiny bit shorter than Yunho, but you could barely notice. He had a buzz cut and rocked his blonde hair; his sharp nose completed his small eyes well. He wore a black T-shirt with some silver necklaces around his neck, and black ripped jeans. His nails were painted black with some rings on his fingers. I am not going to lie; he was hot as hell. And I also found out that he races alongside with Yunho. He owns a Toyota Supra, and that nearly made me faint when he told me about it, because it’s a rare car. He then proceeded to show it to me. It was so beautiful and unique due to its painting. It was kind of a papaya orange with some words on it painted on it, 'Fix on' and 'Youth'. I really liked it.
I had asked the boys about what kind of race San spoke about, and they said it’s an illegal motorbike race, which happen to be very rare here. I quickly tried to forget about it. I didn't want to cause trouble again; I had promised my mom and also myself to stay low, to be better. San was just provoking me; I wouldn’t fall into his trap.
  The next day at university as I was walking down the corridor, headed to the cafeteria, something immediately caught my eyes. It was a poster with a motorbike on it, of course it caught my eyes. I went closer to read it. It said that a motorbike competition was to be held, and the prize were some new parts to upgrade your motorcycle. This was the competition San was talking about, and it's going to be held tonight on the deserted streets of the city. I'm not going to lie; it piqued my interest. I miss speeding down the roads, the adrenaline coursing through my veins every time I race. And my bike is in urgent need of an upgrade, because these past days it felt like something was wrong with it, but I couldn’t figure out what it was exactly. For now, I'm going to let it go, but I still took the poster with me…just in case.
Evening came and I was in my room, I barely talked to my father all day, nothing unusual. Sometimes when I'm alone, and that happens a lot recently, I just start thinking about useless things that make me feel weak. I have never opened up to anyone before, I was never that kind of person, and besides, I always thought it's useless to open up to someone, because in the end they never truly care about me. And the fact that I was betrayed by my own "friends", it just confirms that I really should just stick to myself. I'm not going to say that it didn’t hurt when I saw my friends running away from the police, pushing me straight in front of them, telling me, "You are the new girl, handle it." Funny, I'm the new girl everywhere, I'm not going to belong anywhere, I am always going to be the new girl. They thought it was a nice joke, it wasn't; it ruined me. I started to think that the problem was me, that I deserved this, that I am not enough. As some time went by, I realized it wasn't my fault, but these thoughts still remained deep in my heart. And I will carry it with myself for a long time.
Here I am again, thinking about these things. These are those moments, when I need to clear my head. My solution for it is going out into the chilly air with my bike, cutting through the wind with the highest speed my bike can handle. The feeling of it being night, and I'm alone with Toothless, speeding through unknown streets, I feel like it's just me and my bike in this whole world. It’s like therapy for me. It just…understands me, just like the feeling you get while listening to music; sometimes you listen to a sad song, it makes you sad, it just describes your feelings, but if you are happy and you listen to that exact same song, it'll bring happy tears out of you.
  I was going around the city aimlessly, when suddenly I saw a bunch of bikers headed somewhere. That's when I realized they were going to the competition. My heart started to beat quickly. I started inhaling and exhaling slowly, just the thought of racing made my blood boil, my skin itch, awakening my body like nothing else.
And as I kept following after them, suddenly I realized I arrived to the location of the competition. It was really my subconscious taking over, driving me here. I slowed down a little. There were a lot of people around crowding the bikers, watching their unique motorcycles. Some background music accompanied the sound of the engines as it melted together, creating an intriguing melody. The atmosphere here were totally different compared to the one in the big city. Back there it was just serious faces, who hated each other. But here, I only saw smiles and laughs even between the racers as it seemed like everyone looked at each other friendly, not viewing the other as the enemy.
I stopped my bike, turning the engine off after having parked it. I noticed some curious eyes on me. I didn't know what to do now, I was totally alone. I didn’t know anyone, but I needed to fight my anxiety as I took my helmet off. My helmet always gave me safety, kept me unknown, and that's what I always wanted.
When I stepped next to my bike, someone immediately caught me into a hug. It was Yunho. He lifted me up in the air and smiled.
"Oh my God, you are here, Y/N!" He said excitedly, putting me down.
I laughed, "Yes, I am. I don't know how exactly, I was out for a ride, and then I found myself here."
I said placing my helmet down on my bike.
"I am so happy you are here." Yunho said, his smile never disappearing.
"Yeah, I can see that." I chuckled looking at his bright face.
"Will you sign up for the competition?" He asked me with curious eyes.
I sighed, "I'm here so—I guess?"
I lifted my hands into the air, shrugging.
"Yes!" Yunho fist bumped the air happily, making me chuckle.
He then led me to a person at which I needed to sign up for the competition. I didn't know who I was going to compete against, just until Choi San came to sign up as well. I had already finished signing up as I stood aside with Yunho, while he leaned towards me and quietly started to introduce each racer.
"Did you know that we are going to race against each other, princess?" San said, throwing a quick glance my way with his sharp eyes, signing the paper in front of him. I checked him out very quickly, hoping nobody would notice. He was wearing his typical leather jacket but with a black T-shirt underneath, and ripped jeans this time. His black hair fell into his eyes as he finished filling out the paper. Every woman very noticeably thirsted after him, and I wasn't an exception…he’s fucking hot. What a shame he has a shitty personality.
I rolled my eyes and ignored him, tuning to face Yunho, who was talking to some guy I didn't know. Did San really not understand that I didn’t want to talk to him?
"I want to race against her." I heard San's voice coming from behind me. I turned around to look at him annoyed.
"You can’t get rid of me so fast." He winked at me, that fucker.
"I will, on the track." I smiled at him sweetly, turning around again as I went back to my bike with Yunho, adrenaline slowly starting to course through my body. I had to win this, I had to wipe that confident smile off of San's face.
The race started, it was a drag racing, meaning three bikers were lined on the starting point, it was a shorter straight section, then as the lights turned green from red, you just needed to shift the gears up as perfectly as you could. The first who reaches the finish line wins. Speed mattered only here, and how detailed you are about the gearing.
A few bikers were already done with the race, and I watched them curiously. Slowly, it was our turn to race. People were loud and they cheered whenever their favorites won.
I rolled over to the starting point. One guy was already there and I found out that I'm going to race against San and a guy named Hongjoong, whose nickname was the Devil. I didn't know him, but Yunho said he is one of the most well-known bikers in the town. He had a Honda CBR. His bike was sick, it was bright red and the owner sitting on it with his red helmet really looked like the Devil himself, I get why they call him that.
As I rolled next to him, I glanced towards my right as he was there. He looked at me and bowed his head, I did the same. It was a sign of respect. I liked the guy already.
San arrived to my left side with his Suzuki GSX, painted also with a very dark red, reminding me of blood, mixed with some black. These guys weren't playing, their bikes were absolute monsters. I could almost hide with Toothless, but my bike was almost on the same level as theirs, so I saw hope in winning this.
When the announcer spoke, saying our names and a few things about our motorbikes, I slowly started to focus on the task at hand. I did not hear anything else, just my fast-beating heart. I fixed my eyes ahead, breathing in and out. The engine sounds pushed away the crowd’s noise. The red light suddenly switched green, and I quickly lifted my left foot off the ground, concentrating on the perfect timing of the gearing, bending over a little to adjust with the speed. From the outside it looks like three bikes quickly reach the finish line, but when you are the driver, it feels like the longest minutes of your life.
At the beginning the three of us were head-to-head, then I was the one who was leading. I could feel the victory coursing through my bloodstream already. But suddenly, I heard a puffing noise from my engine, and it stopped without any warning. My bike started to slow, the thoughts of winning long forgotten.
'Shit, shit, no, no, no, no, no!' I mumbled to myself. I could barely stop; my bike was still resonating.
The two other racers quickly passed by me, leaving me with my broken bike. I glanced forward and saw San reaching the finish line first. I was so fucking close. I hit my bike angrily, and got off it to push it over to the side. This is the worst feeling ever, when you are so close that you can already feel the win, but then something out of your control happens and it’s not your fault, you can’t do anything about it, you’re only left with cursing the world, asking, 'Why me?'
I could feel something was faulty with my bike, but I didn't think it was this bad. I heard someone running my way. It was Yunho, and when he reached me, he leaned his hands on his knees, catching his breath.
"Fuck, what happened?" He asked straightening up, still breathing quickly from running.
"I don't know, the engine just stopped working." I kicked my bike. I loved Toothless, but when it did things like this, I felt like I was going to throw it out.
Yunho came closer to my bike, to try and see what the problem was. He crouched down to take a closer look as I stood next to him, using the flash of my phone to help him see better. I heard an engine slowing down next to us. Of course it was San, he took his black helmet off, smiling at me deviously.
"Daddy's money wasn't enough for a normal motor? It’s called karma, princess.” He said with a death glare, smirking annoyingly. “This is because you fucking pushed me into the pool."
Why the hell did he enjoy spitting out words that made no sense at all?
I could feel my blood boiling, my biggest desire at the moment being the want to punch that confident smile off his annoying face. I was so close doing it, I swear to God, I was ready to punch him hard, but that little sanity I was clinging on to did not let it happen. I always had problems controlling my anger. But slowly, I learned to handle it. I learned how to manage these feelings, so I just let it bounce off of me.
"Next time I’m going to push you into the sea, if you don’t stop being an asshole. Go, celebrate your fucking win, you really deserve it." I said, staring at him with deadly eyes.
"Your wish is my command, Princess." He saluted with a smirk, and then placed his helmet back on, driving away with his annoyingly loud engine. I scoffed as I watched him roll away.
"I think I'm going to call my dad, there's no hope in fixing it." I sighed. I'm going to get into so much trouble now. I was forbidden from racing, my dad won't be happy, I'm sure. But it is what it is. At least the cops didn't show up this time.
I called my dad and told him what happened. I was nervous of how he would react. To my surprise, his first question was about my well-being. He said he was coming.
While I was waiting alone for my dad—I told Yunho that he could since my dad was coming— Hongjoong stopped by my side, taking his helmet off. His blonde hair fell into his face as he ruffled his hair. He was damn handsome, he looked so soft, the opposite of his nickname.
"Everything alright?" He asked, his eyes full of understanding.
"Not really, my engine is broken, so yeah…" I said with a sad smile.
"Can I help you with anything?" He looked at me as if he really understood what I was feeling right now.
"No, thank you, I'm waiting for my dad to pick us up." I pointed at my bike.
"Okay, such a shame this happened. It was a good race." He smiled at me and then reached his fist towards me.
"Yeah, it could’ve be a good one." I fist bumped him, smiling.
"Next time perhaps then." He winked at me sweetly, "If you need any help, I'mma be around." He put his helmet back on.
"Okay, thank you." I smiled at him sincerely.
He rolled away quickly, leaving me there with my thoughts. Now, that's what I'm talking about. Why aren't there more people like him on Earth? He looks like an angel, not like the devil I suppose he is—on track. I was intrigued, I wanted to get to know him better. San could really learn a thing or two from him.
  My dad arrived after a few minutes and we quietly placed my bike up on the trailer. As we were headed home, silence settled around us. I could feel he was pissed.
"I'm sorry." I said, looking straight ahead at the road, not wanting to see his disappointed expression.
"What did you think?" He started, "That you would race and I wouldn’t ever find out about it? It's a little town, Y/N, you already know how fast rumors spread here."
He glanced at me for a second.
"I know, I didn’t think, I just miss racing." Tears appeared in my eyes. "Please don't tell mom. She will send me to Azkaban after this."
Call it a defense mechanism, a trauma response, but I had always been like this…joking in serious situations.
I glanced at him and saw a very small smile appear on his lips, "I won't tell her, but it was very bold of you to race again. You can't do that, you know it, it'll have consequences."
He lectured me.
"Yeah, I know. Thank you for not telling mom." I said, relief spreading through my body.
"But you're still punished. You have to help me in the car service after school." He said glancing at me with a serious look.
"Okay, and maybe we could fix my bike too?" I said, glancing at him with a smile.
My father smiled back, "Maybe after we fixed some cars, we could check it out next week."
I clapped happily, "Thank you!"
The rest of the ride until we got home was quiet, I was happy my father was this understanding. I thought as soon as he finds it out, he'll send me back to mom, passing me between each other like I was a tennis ball. But to my surprise, it was the opposite, and I really didn't mind working in the car service. At least we could spend some more time together. I hoped we could fix our relationship, alongside with the cars, of course.
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  My days went by and they all were quite the same. I attended my classes at university, then my whole afternoon went by fixing cars with my father. He managed to teach me a lot of things about cars, even though my world was all about motorbikes I was always interested in cars too. I was planning on buying a car, but I needed to put that aspiration aside for a while. My priority was fixing my bike so I could finally ride it.
We checked out my bike and we found out that my engine was overheated, and that's why it shut down. An engine upgrade was needed, and we changed the turbo as well while we were at it. It was going to be even more powerful than before; I was so excited to finally try it out. On some days, Yunho and Mingi would come by the car service to check on me, and they even started helping me out in fixing my bike. We started getting closer, we laughed a lot in between the late-night repairing.
Yunho and Mingi invited me to watch their races, which were going to be held today. I had never been to races like this one before, so I happily accepted the invitation. I could finally try my bike out as I was headed to the race. It felt so good riding it again after a while. I felt like I could breathe again. I think I had gotten addicted to this feeling.
The race was held at the race track of the town, in the afternoon. The sun was slowly going down as I rode my bike, painting my black bike and helmet with the shade of dark orange.
When I arrived to the track, there were lots of people being excited about the race. It was a drag race again, but with cars this time. I looked around and I saw different types of cars, each looking very sick and unique. I started to feel excited as I was rolling down between the cars, searching for Yunho's parked car.
Then, I suddenly recognized someone with a blonde hair. He noticed me and started walking towards me with a smile. I stopped and took off my helmet.
"Fixed your bike, huh?" Hongjoong approached me with a genuine smile.
"Yeah, finally." I pet my bike with a smile.
"I'm glad, we shall try it out some day." He said with his white teeth flashing.
"We shall." I smiled back at him. I would wholeheartedly race with him again.
"Are you racing?" I asked with a frown.
"No, I came to watch, I won't betray my beast." He laughed sweetly. I swear to God, his laugh was like music to my ears, "You came to watch too?"
"Yeah, I've never been to races like this one before." I said, feeling excited.
"We can watch it together; I know the best place where we can watch it from." Hongjoong offered with a sweet smile.
"Okay." I accepted his offer quite easily, "But first, I want to wish Yunho and Mingi good luck."
"Come, you can put your bike down there, I’ll show you where they are." He pointed towards my right, where I could park my bike.
I pushed my bike to the designated area, and brought my helmet with myself. I did not want to leave my treasure there. Hongjoong lead the way to where Yunho's blue GT-R was parked, next to Mingi's orange Supra. These two cars next to each other looked so good. I was very tempted to take a picture of them.
I approached Yunho and hugged him from behind, surprising him. He laughed, "You came, finally."
"I would never miss it." I smiled looking up at him. He was wearing his racing suit with colors that matched his car. His hair was lazily brushed over his forehead, almost reaching his eyes.
I hugged Mingi too, the top part of his orange racing suit lazily hung around his waist, a white T-shirt underneath. This orange clothing suit him very well, highlighting his blonde buzz cut. They looked handsome. What is it today, everyone is looking so good?!
"I'm going to be in the crowd, watching you guys, good luck. Fighting!" I smiled and hugged them both again. Hongjoong also wished them good luck, resorting to giving them high-fives.
"Thanks, we'll try." Yunho said laughing.
We then walked to the spot Hongjoong mentioned before. It was really a good one, we could see everything from here. The crowd started to cheer as the first cars appeared on the track. It was a 2v2. Yunho was the first one, competing against a Mitsubishi Lancer. It was going to be hard to beat that car, but Yunho did not disappoint, and he won with a lot of advantage. Every minute counted here; they were measuring the time up until you crossed the finish line. Time mattered here as it could beat your opponent.
After a lot of quick races, the sun went down, street lamps were lighting the track up, the crowd cheering loudly. We laughed a lot with Hongjoong, and he explained the rules of the races we were witnessing. I finally felt happy after a long time, I loved the atmosphere here.
That is until someone sat next to me.
"Now you’re into cars too? Tell your stepdad to send you a car, a broken one perhaps." San said, looking at me with those fucking annoying sharp eyes of his.
Every time he appears, my mood is fucked, "I will, now leave me the fuck alone."
I had said not looking at him.
San laughed, "Not until we're racing with equal chances."
"Oh, so now you admit it wasn't a fair win for you?" I looked at him with a glare.
"No, I would've won anyways. I just wanted to see how much you could push. But your bike said, nah. I bet it'll fall apart again." He said, leaning closer to me.
My blood started boiling, it was one thing if I was the one saying shit about Toothless, but him spitting out these words about my bike were not allowed. Ever. San was provoking me, and I knew it, I fucking knew it, yet…
"Come, I'll fucking beat you this time." I looked at him with blazing eyes, starring at him sharply.
He stood up smiling, "It'll be my pleasure, princess."
He put his right hand on his heart and bowed.
Oh, how I would hit him in the face, I had nightmares about that fucking confident smile.
I stood up, Hongjoong grabbed my hands to make me look at him, "It's not the best time going out there, Y/N."
He said with concern in his voice.
"I don't care, I want to wipe that confident smile off his face." I was long gone, there was no chance of anyone convincing me doing otherwise.
Hongjoong stood up, looking at me with concern, "But please be careful, call me if anything happens."
He held my hands, he really looked concerned.
"Don't worry, savior. I'll keep her safe." San glared at Hongjoong with the deadliest stare I've ever seen.
Hongjoong stepped closer to San, letting go of my hands. "If anything happens to her because you’re a fucking idiot and your ass is just itchy, you'll regret it, I promise."
Hongjoong stared back at San, and in this moment, he really looked like the Devil. I stood between them as they were eyeing each other, glaring with their noses flared.
Whoa, whoa, hold on a second, what was happening right now—
"Okay, guys, stop! Let's not waste any more time and get this shit over." I looked at San, losing my patience.
He winked at me and then smiled, his dimples appearing. Did I just notice he has dimples?
He did not wear his usual black leather jacket tonight; it was a leather jacket with some red on its sleeves and on the waist with white lines. On the front there was a writing 'SUZUKI', referring to his motorbike being the same brand. I’m not going to lie; he looked hot as fuck.
We walked over to our bikes, which were parked next to each other. I sat on my bike.
"So where are we going? You know this town." I looked over to my left side to meet San's gaze.
"There's a freeway not far from here. There’ll be traffic, but it’s more exciting that way." He smirked.
I started my engine and reached my hand out, motioning to him to show me the way. We both placed our helmets on, and then it was game on from there on. There was no turning back anymore.
I followed San, turning on unknown streets, it was barely a five-minute ride. We stopped where the freeway began.
"The winner is who gets to the end of the freeway first. It's not that long." He told me through his helmet, being on my left side.
I just nodded, it was late into the evening, but the cars ahead of us were countless. It was a three-lane road, people might’ve been going home from work, because there were a lot of cars. We lined up at the side of the road, in front of the red light. San pointed at that, signaling that if it turns green, we start. I started to reeve the engine, my legs in starting position with my eyes focused on the road ahead of me, counting the cars, and analyzing how could I pass by them. Adrenaline crawled through me; my skin covered in goosebumps. I have never felt like this before, I was so hyped about winning this. I had to win this.
The red light suddenly changed to green, and I quickly lifted my foot off the ground, bending over my bike and shifting up. We slid through the cars like the river runs through the rocks. We were two quick arrows passing by the cars, wheezing from left to right. At first, we were head-to-head, but I got lucky and I could pass by a big truck very quickly. San wasn't that lucky, he stayed behind a little. We arrived to a tunnel; sudden strong light hit my eyes. Traffic was lesser here, so, San quickly caught up with me. The sound of our engines were so loud that its echo bounced of the tunnel’s walls. It was like music, the two-engine sound melting into each other. I'm not going to lie, I was enjoying it so much as I have never felt like this before, it was the definition of freedom. I quickly glanced at San and he lifted his arms, giving me a thumps up, then quickly passed by me. But I did not let that happen, I went after him. We arrived to the end of the tunnel, sudden darkness hitting me now, my eyes needed a few minutes to adopt to the dark again. As cars were in front of us, I quickly took the chance to go in between two cars, and I was leading again. Until I suddenly saw red and blue lights flashing from behind.
Shit, shit, no, not again—
It felt like my heart was about to jump out of my chest, it was beating so fast. I can't get caught again, no way. I started to panic, and suddenly all strength escaped my body as I started to slow down. I couldn’t think straight as all thoughts left my mind seeing those colors again, getting flashbacks of that night. The lights, then being pushed straight into the cop’s hands, my friends running away, leaving me alone. San was suddenly next to me.
"Hey, Y/N, don't slow down, we need to lose them! I know a shortcut, follow me!" He yelled over the sounds of our engines and through his helmet, as I suddenly was back from the flashback as I looked behind me, seeing as the cops getting closer and closer.
I just nodded, suddenly feeling my strength coming back to me. There's no way they will catch me again. I quickly followed after San, passing by the cars, the police still following us, getting closer. San turned right onto a street, then left. We went through alleys and little streets, where only a bike would fit. I had no idea where were we, but I didn't care, because it seemed like San's plan was working and the red and blue lights were now far away from us. Suddenly, San turned left and went inside an abandoned factory's court. He quickly stopped and turned off the engine, signaling for me to do the same. I rolled next to him, and switched the key to turn off the engine. I glanced behind my back, I didn't see any signs of the police, but I still felt like I couldn’t breathe. I took off my helmet quickly, starting to inhale and exhale quickly.
"Fuck." I ran my fingers through my hair stressed, pulling it away from my face.
"Come, let's go inside, bring your bike too." San said, getting off his bike as he started pushing it towards the building.
As I got off my bike, I was shaking, the adrenaline was still in my blood. We brought our bikes inside and I needed to sit quickly. I sat down, pressing my back against my bike, lifting my knees up to my chest.
"I think they're gone." San sat down, doing the same as me.
He glanced over me, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah." I said, still not looking at him.
"Are you really that scared of the cops?" I could hear it in his voice that he was smiling.
"San, this is really not the time where you can say shit like that." I glanced over at him. I guess he saw my expression, because his face changed.
"Sorry, I didn’t—" We lifted our heads up as we heard the siren sounds. The red and blue lights lit the walls of the factory, and my heart dropped to my stomach.
"Shit, shit, they are coming here." I stood up, San did too. But suddenly, I heard the sirens getting further and further away. I let out the big breath I was holding this whole time.
"They just passed by, idiots." San laughed.
I glanced over at him in disbelief, and sat down again next to my bike.
San mirrored me, "We need to wait a little, though, so they will give up searching for us."
"You were in these kinds of situations a lot, huh?" I asked San, staring ahead into the darkness.
"Kinda, that's why I knew what to do." He said sighing. Quiet fell over us as we both were thinking, probably not about the same things as he spoke up, "But I don't get it. What did you do that you got almost arrested? Did you crash your bike and kill someone?”
He looked at me frowning. I scoffed at him; I really couldn’t believe he was like this.
"You don't know anything about me, so please stop assuming things when you don't know shit." I stared at him angrily, "It's making me feel sick, San. I'm so fucking tired of your comments, what did I do to you for you to behave like this with me?"
I asked him, looking his way then at my hands, "I was just fucking racing because I love to do so. Why is that so bad? Don’t you do the same thing, San? I’ve got arrested because my friends left me there, so I was blamed for that whole mess, on my own. So, please, ask before you talk shit."
There was a minute of silence, "Fuck, I didn't know, Y/N. I don't fucking know why I'm an asshole with you. It is so easy to piss you off."
I glanced at him; he was staring ahead as he ran his fingers through his raven black hair.
"And you are enjoying this?" I scoffed at him in disbelief.
"Of course I don’t, it’s just—" He turned my way, "Lately I did it just because I wanted to race against you and I thought if I provoke you, then you'll come. I know it sounds stupid, but don't say you didn't like it."
He seemed nervous a little. Choi San being nervous, interesting.
"I did enjoy it, San. But what the hell, why couldn't you just ask me nicely if I wanted to come with you? I would've, if you weren't such an asshole.” I looked at him, “And our bickering or whatever did not start here.”
"Yeah…I know." He looked down at his hands, "When we were kids you suddenly just got cold and pushed me away like I was some garbage. I was a little kid, it hurt."
He admitted. I didn’t recognize this San, this softer, nicer, side of him was strange to me.
"I was a little kid too. Kids are mean, you just had a weak heart." I said to him, "That does not mean you have to be an asshole your whole life, because I mistreated you when we were fucking kids. This is it, San. You need to adapt to some situations; you have to let go of foolish things at times."
I looked at him seriously.
"Forgive me for being such an asshole, you did not deserve it. I just tried to blame other people for my weaknesses." He admitted, and for a second, he looked vulnerable. But it vanished away quickly.
And suddenly we started sharing about our lives, the cops long forgotten, things that we didn't know about the other. I could see the side of him, which he rarely let anyone see. He could be really goofy, we laughed together, trying to recall the ridiculous situations we were in when we were just kids.
"And just so you know, I bought my bike, not someone else. I worked for it, for years. I took shift after shift, because I wanted something. You know…it hurt when you said those things to me." I suddenly felt like I had to tell him how much he stabbed a knife into my heart that day.
"Fuck this, this whole situation is ridiculous." He scoffed, his voice getting weaker. "I'm so fucked up. I'm so fucking tired of adapting to what people expect of me. I did this my whole life."
I looked at him as he buried his face into his palms.
Silence fell over the chilly air as San seemed to be on edge, while he quietly sniffed. I couldn’t believe that San was crying. It came out of the blue; I did not understand the cause of it.
Suddenly, I slipped next to him. I just wanted to hug him, he looked so broken. So, I went closer to him, still sitting on the ground, and hugged him tightly as he scooted closer to me and buried his face into my neck.
"It's okay, San. Sometimes life can be too much. Just let it out." I stroked his back patiently. I felt some tears falling onto my neck.
 I couldn’t believe I was hugging Choi San right now, but I have always been like this. I don't care if he harmed me, if he needs a shoulder to cry on in his most vulnerable moment, then I’m going to be there for him because no one deserves to be alone in these moments.
"I'm so tired, I'm sick of this pain…" He mumbled into my neck, sobbing a bit, "After my mom died—"
"Your mom died?" I lifted his head from my neck, cupping his face with my hands. I looked at him with round eyes. I didn't know his mother died; I was shocked.
"Yeah, right after you moved away..." He said, looking into my eyes with his puffy ones. He seemed empty, he seemed like he wasn't feeling anything at all, "She had cancer, she…She struggled a lot…and I was alone, I needed someone to be there for me, I tried…I really tried." He said, his voice getting quieter.
I did not want to believe what I just heard, his mom was an angel, everyone liked her when she stepped on the stage alongside with the town’s major. They looked like true leaders. I always looked up to her, and now she’s gone.
"Oh my God, I didn't know, San. I'm sorry for your loss.” I blinked away my own tears as I wiped away his, “If I would've known—"
I felt a bit overwhelmed.
Suddenly his expression changed, it seemed like he had realized what he had done in the last few minutes. He locked his feelings away, again. He thought he showed too much of his weaker, softer, side and suddenly, he started closing off, just like I used to do. The old San was coming back. He pushed my hands away from his face aggressively, not looking at me.
"Whatever, I don't need your pity." He stared ahead, and leaned back against his bike, lifting his knees up to his chest.
I scoffed, "What did I do now?”
I blinked at him, not understanding the sudden mood change, “Okay, you can't be helped. I tried, I really tried to be nice with you, but you are impossible."
I stood up, "I think the cops are long gone, let's get the fuck out of here." I pushed my bike outside not waiting for San. I sat on my bike, starting the engine. San arrived next to me, with his bike.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." He looked at me with sincerity, but I did not fall for it.
"Yeah, me too, have a good night." I said with a disappointed look and I put my helmet on to drive away quickly. I just needed to get as far away as possible from him.
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  Weeks passed since that night. I tried to avoid San as much as I could. I just couldn't face him; I was so tired of his games. There were a few occasions when he tried to talk to me, but I just ignored him. It's not that I don't understand him, I do, I know what he's been through…at least I can imagine. That night, I tried to see his good side, but he did not let me in. And it hurt, because I knew he needed someone, and I would've been by his side. But he suddenly decided to push me away. He closed himself off, stayed in the dark, not allowing me to light his path for a way out. I really felt hopeful for a second that he could change, that he would lower his walls and let me in. But no, he'll just never change, so I gave up on hoping. At least I thought so, but these past days I just couldn't get him out of my mind. When I closed my eyes, I saw him as he smiled at me in for that few minutes when we were freely talking about ourselves. I'm not going to lie, I liked that side of San, it was so pure. And I would've never thought I was going to say such things about Choi San. But he made me feel strange things.
It was late into the night when I was still in the car service. A car needed to be fixed by tomorrow and I told my dad he could rest, he has worked all day long and I could see he was really tired, so I wanted to fix this car by tomorrow. The weather seemed like it would rain soon, lighting striking every few minutes.
Suddenly, I heard an engine sound from outside. I frowned, who it is this late? I opened up the garage door and I found myself facing a soaked San, getting off his Suzuki, staring at me the whole time. His clothes were starting to soak through, the raindrops falling off from his leather jacket. It had started pouring badly; I haven’t even realized it. My heart was beating fast. He took off his helmet, his hair immediately getting wet. San ran his fingers through his hair.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him without any emotion.
"I just want to talk to you, Y/N. Please, let me take you to a place." He looked at me with pleading eyes.
"In this weather, San, seriously?" I pointed out, still standing under the garage, safe from the pouring rain.
"It'll stop in a few minutes." He said his, black clothes soaked now, waterdrops falling off his face. 
"How do you know? Are you a weather expert now too?" I asked frowning. I was just as hostile as he once was towards me.
He chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair again. "I deserved that. Just like the pool."
He looked at me again. I could see a lot of regret in his eyes.
"That night, I closed myself off because your face reminded me of all the people who pitied me back then, when she died. I was only 11 years old, and I got sick of seeing those faces, it always reminded me of her death."
He started to tear up, his voice getting weak again, "Please, Y/N, forgive me. I know I fucked up everything, I just—you—you drive me crazy and I can't behave around you. I feel like when I'm near you I’ll lose my mind, like I’m not myself anymore. I said a lot of shitty things to you, and I judged you a lot even though I didn't know anything about you. I want to change that, I want to know you better, Y/N. I want to let you in, I'll do that if you also want it, but I hope you won't be scared of what you'll see."
I saw as teardrops fell down on his face, but the rain immediately washed it away, his voice cracking from the flow of emotions.
My heart wanted to jump out of my chest. I didn't except him to say things like these to me, "I'm not scared, San, to see your dark side. I never was, and I never will be."
Tears started to appear in my eyes, to my surprise, "You said some hurtful things to me, but I get it, I really do. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, but I was just so shocked, I didn't know…I didn't know, San."
I started to sob, tears falling from my face.
"I know, I know, baby." He stepped closer to me as he reached out for my hands pulling me out into the rain, into his chest. I cried into his chest as he rubbed my back up and down, my clothes and my hair soaked. I should’ve been the one comforting him, but in the end, I was the one sobbing like a little girl into his chest.
We stood in the heavy rain; our clothes wet, my hair sticking to my forehead yet he still hugged me like he never wanted to let me go. Caressing my back, he kissed the top of my head. I tried to inhale and exhale, so I could finally speak.
"I forgive you, and also I'm sorry." I whispered to him, lifting my head up from his chest.
He didn't let me go, his left hand was on my waist and he reached his right hand up to my cheeks to wipe off my tears, but they were wet again with tears and raindrops. "It's okay, don't cry, please, because then I'll cry too."
He smiled at me with the sincerity I've never seen before. His eyes were saying so much, it hurt. He finally let me in, allowed me to see his real self.
I laughed at that, and he followed suit, laughing together at this predicament, "Look at us, soaked like wet rats."
He smiled at me, never taking his sharp eyes off me.
Then suddenly his expression became serious, he stared at me as if I was his treasure, wanting to bury me, so no one could take me away, "I want to know you better, I want to know everything about you. What you like, what you don't, what is your favorite color, what do you like to eat, what you did while you were gone from here, what does it feel like to ride your bike…I want to know you, and never let you go."
He said, his hand still on my cheek, accompanied by his other one.
I smiled at him. I felt so happy at that exact moment, I didn't care if I was soaked, I only saw him, "Me too."
I said quietly.
He leaned closer to me, his lips almost touching mine, "Can I kiss you?"
He whispered against my lips sweetly.
Chills ran through my body. I never wanted anything more than him kissing me. I just nodded; words long forgotten. He closed the distance between us, and when our lips finally met, there was a loud thunder rumbling the world, lighting flashing around us and rain pouring from above, washing away our past where we said a lot of stupid things to each other. We could start with a clear page, melting our futures together. Our lips never stopped moving, it felt like heaven and hell met with each other as our lips moved against the other’s, just like when we were racing, both of us tried to win the other over. I welcomed San's darkness wholeheartedly and tried to scare it away with my light.
Then suddenly the rain stopped, and we separated from each other, looking up at the sky. The clouds were gone and the full moon was shining so brightly it looked like it was almost daylight.
I chuckled looking up, "You should apply to be a weatherman."
San was gazing at me so lovingly I felt like I was going to melt right there, "See? Now you can come with me, I want to show you something."
He held my hands.
"Okay, I should bring my bike then." I smiled at him, feeling as happiness crawled into my chest.
"It would be more proper if I was the one taking you there, but I want to race you." He held my waist and pecked my lips a few times. I still needed to get used to this San. I really liked it.
"I'm going to beat you." I scrunched my nose cutely.
"Okay, princess, but first, go change. I don't want you to catch a cold." He caressed my cheekbones.
"I'll bring you some clothes of dad’s, you'll catch a cold too otherwise." I kissed him quickly and then went inside the house, smiling like a fool, to grab some dry clothes.
  It was the middle of the night, but two engine sounds cut through the late-night life. We were going up on winding roads, forests covering both sides of the road. I was laughing beneath my helmet as San goofed around, slowing down and then speeding again. I think I have never felt more happier than right now. It was pure freedom going through these curvy roads, racing against each other. But in the end, it was just the two of us sharing our passion, riding our motorbikes, the moon shining upon us brightly, guiding our roads, showing our future ahead of us.
I finally knew I belonged somewhere, to someone. It was my hometown, and Choi San.
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zorasthoughts · 6 months
all my thoughts below :) (also, i haven't read any of the books apart from an offer from a gentleman so i'm going in blind)
"we have been apart for far too long" - yeah we have! didn't realise how much i'd been missing the julie andrews voiceovers
kate and anthony!! - look at them being all happy and in love
eloise and cressida, interesting - i'm pretty sure el is doing this just to spite penelope, but i wonder what we'll see them talk about in these scenes
can we get a "hell yeah!" for pen being done with her family and deciding to actually do something about it? girlie is entering her main character era
colin arriving back and his family being shocked at his rizz and his new look is fun. i feel like compared to daphne, who was the eldest daughter and was the diamond of her season, and anthony who is the head of the family, and was a big catch, colin is just some guy. i like the idea of him also getting into his main character era
also, important psa for anyone who missed it: kate and anthony were holding hands!!! (it's not a massive deal in the grand scheme of things, i just love their casual intimacy and affection during a time when people were more reserved)
lmao, colin getting changed in the carriage on his way to court with the others is so chaotic
and before the scene cuts away, we can see anthony and benedict laughing, so i hope we get more fun teasing among the bridgerton brothers this season. i think compared to last season, which was quite angsty, this season will be lighter in general
a deal to help a girl find a husband because you are friendly/acquinted with her will definitely work. just look at how it went for daphne and simon!!
hehehe, penelope trying to flirt is so funny. nicola coughlan is great at comedy, just look at derry girls. i felt like i could see clare coming out in this scene
"she's not seeking a husband in YOU i hope" and "since when are you worried about penelope?" - yeah, eloise misses her friend. i'd reckon much of el's arc this season is going to be her working through her feelings from that final scene with her and pen in 2x08
penelope debuting her new look is iconic. and so pretty!!! i love that even cressida's jaw was dropping, and the way everyone was turning to look at her. someone in the comments section on youtube said it was similar when daphne shows up at the ball to get the prince's attention, and i love that pen gets to have a moment like that
what makes me sad though is that this is the ball we saw in the clip released last month where everyone was (rightly) losing their minds over kanthony (myself included) while pen was just standing in the corner having no-one pay attention to her
the violins are giving angst
also, it seems interesting that lady danbury seems to be giving pen some advice. i don't think the two have ever interacted in the show, but maybe after lady danbury sees pen's new look and that she is looking to bag a husband, she decides to take pen under her wing?
portia being happy for pen is honestly cute. my guess is in this scene that that guy had asked portia for her blessing to propose to pen and that's why portia is so excited. i'm interested to see what their relationship will be like this season, both are quite complex characters, with a complicated relationship
violet giving colin advice is nice, and i like them discussing friendship as being a key part, and maybe even the most important thing for a romantic relationship. in season one, she did tell daphne to "simply marry the person who feels like your dearest friend" so i think that a similar conversation could be the start of colin realising his feelings for penelope have crossed from the territory of platonic to romantic
the costume design this season is really good, because penelope starts off with the very bright and gaudy featherington shades, then starts dressing in greens that are either a dark emerald shades, or a softer mint colour, but that then shifts to a pale teal, and then pale blues, and lilacs, signalling her journey towards becoming a bridgerton
okay, the overhead shot around 2 minutes 8 seconds in the trailer? that's kate and anthony, right? very curious about this scene
francesca!! not said anything about her yet, but i'm curious about what she'll be getting up to this season
violet having a potential love interest makes me happy, but i hope they would commit to it. i found her storyline in the queen charlotte show to be pretty compelling, and she deserves a chance to find love again
kate and anthony dancing!! obviously we saw some of the dance in the clip that has already been released, but it looks as though we're going to see a full dance scene between them, and it's going to be everything (to me, at least)
that final part of the trailer with colin and penelope? it's so tense and emotional!! i wonder if this could be something to do with whistledown? has colin figured it out?
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chaifootsteps · 16 days
I was on a new Beetlejuice movie in cinema with my sister without any experience on what the franchise is. We just saw the trailer once and thought it looked entertaining lmao (and it was!)
So, since you are more of an expert in the field, I wanted to ask you about Beetlejuice himself. I guess he is an antagonist of the franchise, at least to Lydia's life? He creeped me out with his stalker like behavior and him forcing that marriage on Lydia, so I wanted to know what was so interesting with their ship?
Is it a typical toxic ship? (which is fine by me) Or Lydia was actually into it at some point? I know she was a teenager when they met.
Beetlejuice himself is a type of guy I love to hate, although I loved every second he was on screen lmao So I'm curious what's up with these two.
Of all the iterations, movie Beetlebabes is easily the most toxic. He tried to forcefully marry her as a teenager (as a means to an end, but still) and then again as an adult, he stalks her constantly, he freaks her out and makes her life shittier and worse. He's chaotic and nuts and she's just along for the ride, and while musical Lydia likes BJ and animated Lydia likes him immensely, there's no point when movie Lydia's been shown to be into it.
(At the same time, their fucked up dynamic is an interesting one; he's helped her save her loved ones on more than one occasion, he's a hopeless romantic, and his incredibly delusional feelings for her are sincere. There are stories there is what I'm saying, a lot of places you can go with it. I'm partial to a Beauty and the Beast sort of scenario where he stops being a dick and only then does she start to warm to him.)
The healthiest iteration of their relationship, whether you ship it or view it platonically, is the animated version. There's no forced marriage that we know of since we never do learn how they met, Lydia has total power over when to summon Beetlejuice and when to send him away, and they absolutely and utterly adore one another. They have so much fun together, are ride or die for each other, and are just better and happier people for knowing one another.
TL;DR: It depends on the version of Beetlejuice in question, and from there, it depends on how you spin your headcanons. That's the great thing about the Beetlejuice franchise, there's something for everyone.
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air--so--sweet · 3 months
So wondering if the caption is intentionally misleading
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...because I remember someone suggested the spacesuit in the trailer was a costume because he was a stripper. And the cash in the helmet and his pockets feels like it fits with that...
Edit: LMAO not me getting to this so early the other posters hadn't been posted on their insta yet so I thought it was just Luther.
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What is this pose? A box was the emoji in the caption on his other poster. Is he a delivery man? Is that why he has a van?
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Was confused by the cleaning products since Klaus is the one linked to a cleanse but then realised it's her on the bottle. So she's like in their adverts or is the face of the brand. I do wonder if it links to Klaus' story.
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I thought this was a plastic bag at first and it was a clumsy illustration of germaphobia but it's not it bubblewrap. This has stupidly given me so much hope because I've always wanted germsphobia to be one aspect of a possible fear of death, not the only way his fear manifests. Still a bit worried that being anxious will be his only storyline but we'll have to see. The gas mask I initially thought was just related to germaphobia, and it could be, but there's that shot of Ben in what looks like a jungle , fighting soldiers that made people theorise he's in Vietnam...👀
Also, this more or less confirms the that the episode The Cleanse is linked to Klaus. Could be getting clean from drugs, could be related to cleaning and germaphobia but Steve Blackman's logline for the episode 'There's no enough sage in the universe apparently' point towards spiritual cleansing to me since you burn sage to cleanse a home of bad energies.
Edit: Hair, he has his tattoos back here???
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So we are getting back to the original timeline then. But the briefcase? A new iteration of the commission? Or facing the commsmissiin when using the . to travel. Hmmm...
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I really have nothing. Christmas lights, we know at least part of this season seems to be happening at Christmas...does Ben get released around Christmas? Did Brelly Ben die at Christmas? Is this fight referring to whatever fight the whole family will be involved in or the clip we saw of Viktor beating the shit out of him? A skull, is Ben dying again? So many questions...
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God, Viktor looks so good, makes my trans heart happy. The cloth over his shoulder is related to his bartending job, suggesting its important. What my eyes were drawn to though is the emoji. A violin?!?!? Paired with saving the world, if we get him saving the world via violin in contrast to season 1 I will fucking die.
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Right we have baby bottles and that was her emoji in the initial posters too, but her daughter is 5 (or however long the time jump has been). I guess it's just a way to portray motherhood in general? The fact they're in a box obviously ties it to Diego. Again though I'm focusing on the emoji because red high heel is a reference to the Handler right? I wrote the other day about the possibility of Lila crying in the subway because they travelled and saw the Handler again, if I was right...!!! Definitely think her a Five plots are somehow linked to the commission, maybe they're somehow sent on one final mission?
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The loglines Steve Blackman wrote for Tudum already spoiled that the family has to team up with Reginald. The marigolds makes me think either he is involved in giving them their powers back or it's related to use learning more about hos past, what the Marigolds do and how they work.
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alelelesimz · 10 months
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here are my favorite things i did this year :) thank you for tagging me @madeofcc <3
i was just gonna make a simple post and for some reason i decided to make this whole thing i guess, even features my stupid handwriting lol. everything written above + some more thoughts down below so you don't have to decipher whatever i wrote, also links to everything. thanks for following my messy blog and allowing me to rant about splatoon every other day lmao love u friends
harmony my beloved
i love splatoon ok! i've tried to recreate a few different splatoon characters before but they don't really translate well to sims. however i love how my harmony turned out! she's my fav character in the game and i'm quite proud of this funky little edit :)
leaf carrying a plant she stole
as soon as i saw that pose i knew i had to use it with my girl leaf! simple edit, but very cute <3 i wanna post more about my nymph!!!!!
what is this? a crossover episode????????
bojack horseman is my fav show ever. when i saw the horse pack trailer i KNEW i had to make this silly joke :p i didn't expect it to get so much attention but i'm glad it did! fun facts: 1) i painted bojack's face in game but basically redid the whole thing in photoshop bc sims textures are uh bad. 2) i recolored pc's dress and god i wish i could've made something better lmao. 3) i converted mr. pb's glasses and i SUFFERED. they actually look terrible ingame but ✨photoshop magic✨
this edit of an alien oc that i need to name still
i don't really use alpha hairs but ain't this one cute?! and i love this edit! if you read this give me a name suggestion for this sim please
I LOVE JUNO BIRCH!!! i literally need to stop myself from making another juno post every time she posts anything online lol. but that hot dog costume is iconic, what can i say.
sims in the city, baby + everything i made about them
i've been wanting to recreate these guys ever since i joined simblr back in 2019 (jesus christ) and i finally did! i'm very proud of them and happy so many people like them :) i loved this game growing up but none of my friends played it, so it's really cool to see more people who played it too!
also, that roxanna moxie lookbook i did? peak fashion
these guys!!!!!!!!! i really wanted to make a silly little band since forever and kari's edgewave fest finally pushed me to make them and I LOVE THEM! i can't wait to keep making more stuff with them babyyyyyyyyaskldjalskhdfklasj
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ghcstpyre · 6 months
eddie munson x gn!reader
eddie helps you make your first dnd character.
content: eddie & r are friends, no descriptions of r's appearance, no pronouns used for r, no use of y/n, mutual pining, fluff, mentions of smoking weed
word count: 1.8k
( yes i used the 5e rules for this because i'm lazy, please don't come for me for not being 100% time period accurate lmao )
hellfire club banner by @/strangergraphics
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"So I have to roll these dice to determine my character's stats?”
The paper of your character sheet crinkled and Eddie's shitty mattress creaked as you leaned over the Dungeons and Dragons books splayed out between you to reach for the only regular dice apparently used in this game. The Hellfire boys assured you that you'd get to grips with all the different kinds of dice in no time, but you begged to differ.
Eddie had finally convinced you to have a go at playing DnD with him and the other boys from Hellfire. You'd lost count of how many times he'd begged you to give it a try, but it was only a matter of time before you caved to those big, doey, brown eyes of his.
Much to Eddie's delight, the day you finally caved came and you were now in his trailer, sat cross-legged across from him on his bed with sheets of paper, books, dice and pencils cluttering the space between you as he helped you make your character. The faint sounds of W.A.S.P could be heard playing quietly in the background through his record player.
"That's right; roll four of these guys six times and remove the lowest result each time you roll." Eddie explained, dropping the normal dice - or the D6s as he insisted they be called - into the palm of your hand. "Add each roll up and then you can assign them to the stat you want.”
You sat back down, your character sheet crinkling again with your movements, Eddie's black and red ombre dice clutched in your hand. As you prepared to roll them onto the large, hardback Player's Handbook in the middle of the mess of paper, a crease appeared in your brow in confusion.
"But...what if my rolls are, like, really shit?" You asked.
That signature devilish grin crept its way across Eddie's face, paired with that usual mischievous glint in his eyes. "Then I guess you'll just be playing on hard mode.”
You shot him a pointed look and he laughed, that wonderful sound filling up his little bedroom.
"I'm kidding. Obviously if all of them are shitty I'll let you reroll, I'm not a complete sadist."
The furrow in your brow disappeared, instead being replaced by a small, amused smirk as you raised an eyebrow. "You so are."
Eddie gasped and reeled back dramatically, clutching at his chest as if he'd been shot in the heart. You shoulders began to shake as you giggled at his dramatics and that familiar fluttering sensation began to bloom beneath your ribcage while Eddie tried to regain his balance. He leant forward again, his pointy elbows resting on the little parts of exposed knee peeking through the rips in his jeans.
You'd been aware of these budding feelings for Eddie for a few months now. At first you thought the giddy feeling that bubbled within you whenever you saw him was just joy over a new friendship, but as time passed you began to realise that, nope, what you were feeling was actually the beginnings of a crush.
A crush you were very much convinced was unrequited.
Before said crush could get a glance at what you assumed was some sort of lame, lovestruck look on your face, you squashed that fluttering feeling down as best you could and began to roll the dice.
Eddie watched closely as you shook the dice in your hands and rolled for your stats. His chocolate brown eyes studied your face as they usually did when he knew - or was pretty damn sure - you weren't looking. The slope of your nose, the curve of your cheeks, the cute little Cupid's bow in your top lip, and the tip of your tongue that he could just spy poking out from between your lips as you concentrated on adding your rolls up and jotting them down in your doodle-ridden notepad.
A few stray hairs slipped down into your face as you hunched over your notepad and it took all of Eddie's restraint to not reach over and brush them aside to tuck them behind your ear. There were times he thought you harbored the same feelings he'd hidden away, but he'd always had a nasty habit of second guessing himself when it came to people he was attracted to - especially when it came to you.
Eddie was painfully aware of the fact that if he made his feelings known to you and you didn't reciprocate, it would put a strain on his friendship with you, if not ruin it completely. Although Jeff had assured Eddie when he sought out his friend's advice that he was "pretty sure" you liked him back, he was simply too much of a coward to put himself in such a vulnerable position.
It wasn't until you said his name for a third time that Eddie was pulled out from his own messy head and back into his messy bedroom.
"Huh?" He willed the heat rising to his cheeks to kindly fuck off, embarrassed that you'd caught him staring at you.
The corners of your lips quirked upwards as you spied that rosy pink hue blooming across Eddie's cheeks and you automatically reached a hand up to tuck those stray hairs back behind your ear, your eyes flicking back down to your character sheet. You were pretty sure you'd caught Eddie checking you out and just the thought of it being a possibility had your heart thumping hard in your chest.
"Um...I finished rolling. You said I'd want my wisdom stat to be the highest for a druid, right?" You asked, meeting his gaze again.
“Uh, yeah that's right. Gimme a sec,” Eddie chuckled nervously and was quick to grab the Player's Handbook, very much eager to move on from the awkwardness of being caught. He was relieved you didn't seem too weirded-out by it. If anything, if his eyes didn't deceive him, you seemed almost…into it?
He chalked it up to wishful thinking on his part, though Jeff's words did start to ring a little more true than they had done before.
The two of you got to work on building your character - stats, skills, equipment, gold and spells. You were pretty satisfied with everything, save for maybe your Armour Class which left something to be desired.
“Aaand I think all that's left to do is your hit points. You'll want-” Eddie flicked back a page or two in the Handbook. “-Ah, eight plus your Constitution modifier, then for every level above first you can either take a five plus your con, or gamble and roll a D8 for something higher.” His warm, brown gaze rose from the book to meet your own and he cocked his head to the side, some of his unruly dark curls falling in front of his shoulders. “What d’ya wanna do?”
You pondered for a moment before grinning. “Well obviously I've gotta gamble.”
A bright smile broke out on Eddie's face, those familiar little crow’s feet forming at the corners of his big round eyes. If it could, your heart would've leapt out from your chest and right into his hands.
“That's the spirit!” He clapped his hands together and the thick silver of his rings clinked against one another. “But be warned, I won't allow any re-rolls this time so you'll have to take whatever you get.”
You were pretty sure that a D8 was the small, diamond-shaped one. As you reached out to grab the dice, Eddie did just the same. Your hands brushed against one another, sending tingles right up from where your skin touched his, through your body right to the tips of your toes. You heard Eddie's breath hitch and your heart skipped a beat at the tiny little sound.
For a moment it seemed like neither you nor Eddie could - or wanted to - move, and the longer you sat there, frozen, the more you felt your face get hotter and hotter.
Before you could say or do anything, Eddie took your hand and flipped it over so your palm faced upwards, plucked the D8 from its place amongst the plethora of dice and placed it into your hand. When you managed to finally tear your eyes away from your hand in his to look up at him, Eddie's own gaze was already fixated on your face, a small smile on his pink lips and a red hue dusting his pale cheeks.
The corners of your lips twitched upwards as you began to pull your hand away, but Eddie caught it before it could go too far.
“H-Hey, uh…” He stuttered, gathering up his courage. “...I know you only came over here to make your character but, uh, did you wanna carry on hanging out afterwards?” His hand was slightly sweaty, but you didn't mind it. “We could have a smoke, watch a movie and order pizza or something - y'know, if you want to?” His voice cracked halfway through asking. Eddie wasn't a religious guy, but if you rejected his offer he truly would start praying for his shitty mattress to swallow him whole, especially after a his voice cracked like he was fucking 16 again.
It felt like a mini explosion of butterflies had gone off in your tummy. “Really?”
You looked absolutely star struck; raised brows, glittering eyes, pink cheeks and lips slightly parted. The only other time Eddie had seen you with that look on your face was the first time you'd seen him shredding on his guitar and he knew there and then that he was absolutely fucked. Seeing it again now while you were sat just a mere few feet away had him wanting to pull you in by the hand he still held and kiss you.
“Y-Yeah! I mean, my uncle’s working the night shift tonight so we'd be able to chill out without him hanging around. But no pressure or anything, y'know.” He let go of your hand to scratch the back of his head, chuckling nervously.
The word date hung heavy and unspoken in the air between you.
You closed your fist around the D8 sat in your palm and pulled your hand back towards you as you nodded, smiling brightly at Eddie while your heart hammered in your chest with excitement. “No, that sounds really nice. I'm down for that.”
The giddiest grin broke out on Eddie's face and you were sure if eyes could sparkle, Eddie's would've been the source of a golden-brown disco ball effect as the orange light of the sunset shone through the open blinds over his window.
“Cool! Cool cool cool cool.” Was all Eddie could think to say as the adrenaline rush filtered its way through his body. He fiddled with the thick silver ring on his index finger, unable to keep that grin off his face. “So we'll finish this up and I'll roll us a couple of joints then?”
You returned Eddie's grin. “Sounds like a plan to me.”
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orionshounds · 1 month
holy shit gerald is still alive??? not sure how to feel about it but after two movies ill trust the writing team to do something interesting with it
shadow looks so badass. hes so badass. his fighting style is so distinct and i laughed with joy when i saw the clip with the motorcycle. he probably wont use a gun but god it would be funny
”he only found pain and loss”....this movie is going to kill me......sonics found family vs shadows lost one.....
i will have to adjust my expectations a bit since i thought theyd be following sa2 more closely (but honestly this isnt a bad thing, i do love the small nods like them jumping out of a helicopter)....wondering how teaming with eggman earlier will go....
the only thing im praying for is the movie doesnt end with shadow still as the bad guy. he needs that emotional turn in the third act to be shadow. im really hoping for an honest conversation with sonic kinda like what knuckles had in 2. shadow needs to help the humanity in the end
sorry to all amy fans but thank GOD she isnt in this one, at least as a main character. shadow honestly has too much ground to cover as a character and introducing amy alongside him wouldnt work well in my opinion. i wouldnt be surprised to see her in a post credits sequence tho
WHERE IS ROUGE??? ill understand if she isnt in it but god ill be disappointed, shes a very important piece to shadows character in my opinion
if black doom is in this movie and rouge isnt ill be mad. however black doom is an entire can of worms and i dont really think he’ll be apart of things
holy shit was tom wearing a GUN uniform??? did he actually join or was it a sneaky infiltration??? shadow wont be happy about it ill tell you what
DID I SEE A FUCKING BLACK HOLE? i guess if theyre forgoing the ARK they gotta come up with a new threat
i wonder if theyre still going to drop him into space at the end still lmao
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I'll admit, I had my doubts when I first heard about the movie, but as time went by, I started to fear it less and less. I didn't mind their designs when they were finally released but when they announced the cast? That's when I was sold.
I cannot believe it took 40 fucking years to get ACTUAL teenage mutant ninja turtles. As much as I love Rob Paulson, the 2012 cast (Sean Astin, you were amazing), and the 2018 cast, it always bugged me that the turtles were voiced by grown men. I get why they did it, but these are teenage mutant ninja turtles with an aimed demographic of (guess what?) TEENAGERS! Now, I don't know about you, but I know my teenage tmnt fixating self would've LOVED to have their favorite lean, mean, green fighting machines voiced by someone like them. Like I'll forever hate the Bayverse turtles solely because my gauge of how much I'll love a turtle iteration is based on how teenager-like they are.
And I love how pissed off the grown men are getting over not only the animation (which looks amazing btw) but also the fact that they are more teenager-like in this iteration. I saw some dudes saying they either seemed like "tweens" or they weren't "cool" anymore and were now "ruined" (lmao, wouldn't be the 1st time they've complained like this).
First off, they ARE cool?? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are and forever WILL be cool.
Second, even if they aren't "cool" like the 03 turtles, you have to remember that these are TEENAGERS. No teenager was EVER cool, no matter what they thought of themselves, I can guarantee you that every teenager that has ever come to pass was everything BUT cool.
Third, how are you, a grown ass man, complaining about something that has "teenager" in the name and is marketed toward teenagers? I don't care if you grew up with 87 or 03 and still cling to the turtles (because I know I will as I continue to age) but the whole reason for new iterations is to welcome new fans. Times change, and if you have a problem with the art style, that's fine (art is subjective) but if you're complaining about the ANIMATION?? I will find you.
Anyways, TDLR; very fucking happy with the casting choice for the turtles, I'm so glad they're finally actual teenagers. I cannot wait for this movie and I won't let man babies run it for me.
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lmao guess whos activated ✨blathering oaf mode✨ again (clue: its me)
(cut because length and spoilers, read at your own peril)
so this post got me spiralling into detective mode again and yes i know douglas suggesting it might have been war/pollution but i have certified trust issues™ and i dont believe that for one darn second
i also don't think it's a kiss. lemme explain horrifically
so i took another look at the two frames we have of The Leaked Smooch™ and the background has a lot to be desired (if you take into account that the boys are taking up most of the frame (duh), plus already fairly average quality video PLUS compression from when i captured it)
but i think we can safely rule out that The Leaked Smooch™ doesn't happen in the theatre here, mainly because even though the quality is bad, the glasses in the Smooch™ are crowley's modern ones, not the ones we saw him wear in the 1941 flashback in s1, plus his hair is differently styled... so yes can pretty confidently say this is not the kiss we are looking for
so i wanted to pinpoint what era the theatre bit is actually set in, and therefore i set about identifying the theatre in question. turns out kids that im not a good researcher (despite it literally being my job) so it took FUCKING AGES but i eventually found set photos of the boys entering a theatre, specifically the hippodrome in bo'ness:
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now this was a turn-up for the books, because that's crowley's 1941 costume right??? id recognise that iconic fit anywhere. az's costume is trickier to pinpoint bc he wears the same damn thing but pretty sure this is a match to the church scene:
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so we know from s1 that we have the church scene yada yada, and crowley offers aziraphale a lift home... which we know he accepts given that the s2 trailer gives us the ✨Dinner of '41✨ scene:
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the other bit however to this puzzle is that there ALSO a set pic of aziraphale at the hippodrome in his magician's outfit. given the frame from the trailer where he looks like he's about to brick it going on stage, surrounded by lovely burlesque girlies and dame siân phillips in period dress, AND there were extras on the set dressed in ww2-type army uniforms, so i think it can be fairly surmised that this bit also occurs in the 40s
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so my thought process is that we're getting two separate scenes (kinda) from the 40s, we have the church bit from s1 plus the Dinner of '41 scene as its own entity, but then, like
aziraphale is doing his magic act as a side hustle to this burlesque show? and crowley turns up to watch him, hiding out up in the box?
if we follow this completely made up narrative ive just come up with, aziraphale, im assuming, finishes up and gets changed into his normal clothes, and then goes up to this box to meet crowley?
to this end, i captured and slowed down the bit in the opening sequence where aziraphale and crowley (sorry douglas, not buying it) are in the box... and-
now to my eye, the motion of them in the clip looks like they are dancing? i don't have the source to hand but we've had it confirmed that a choreographer was brought into s2, not impossible az would go up to meet crowley after his magic act, whilst there's still something going on on the stage, and the two end up dancing or something? and az bless his heart gets spooked from that?
im reasonably convinced that this might be the origin of the 'you go too fast for me' line - something happens and ultimately aziraphale gets spooked given that he's only just realised he has Feelings for crowley, and so my boy fucking legs it (a lil post i made a while ago about this exact scenario if you'd care to peruse)
other thing to note:
there is a figure that is lurking behind aziraphale and crowley in the box, which looks like it moves specifically in sync with crowley, so it could be a shadow, or someone/thing is in the box that they aren't aware of 👀 so maybe this thing (?) witnesses it all? whatever went down in the box?
so in my addled feral mind, ive come up with a speculation that even as im breathing life into it sounds unhinged and so implausible it's hilarious -
i put to you, members of the jury, that something was meant to happen in that box, and it didn't... that something being that crowley makes a move of some kind - kiss, dance, hug, declaration, WHATEVER - and aziraphale was meant to accept it/reciprocate/idk, but didn't.
and that fucks with the plan, and for lack of better terminology creates a nexus event (lmao thanks loki) which in turns starts screwing with other events, somewhat like i theorised in this post here tehe
are aziraphale and crowley, essentially, the earth's endgame? idk about u but ive read enough angst fics to know that it's not inconceivable that crowley and aziraphale's mere existence may have been part of god's plan to represent free will on earth, defend humankind, and give balance and meaning to it
so what would happen if aziraphale essentially rejected that? did the most human thing possible and resisted the plan? idk i feel at this point i am just writing a fic and this will all be ludicrously incorrect bUT half the fun is torturing yourself over your own theories right 🙃
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atlabeth · 2 years
turn back the clock - rafe cameron
summary: your boyfriend breaks up with you days before your best friend's wedding. you're dreading having to face it alone, but when some behind-the-scenes tampering by the bride brings you back into contact with your high school crush, more comes to light than you could've ever imagined.
a/n: thank you to ri for helping me decide which current wip to finish and this post i saw on ig for inspiring it in the first place. i love second chance romance so much and the obx3 trailer made me wanna start writing for rafe again so here we are lmao.
this has been in google drive hell since august and i finished the rest of it all in one go at midnight when i was supposed to be doing homework. so i hope you enjoy
wc: 4.2k
warning(s): small bit of angst at the beginning but basically all fluff, like toothrotting. also reader was a college track athlete but nothing else about her is described
(no i will not stop using this gif of him in the blue suit<333)
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You didn’t really wanna have to make this call. Instead, you just wanted to stew in your own misery, watch some sappy rom-coms that make you feel even worse about what happened, and maybe go out and buy a couple pints of ice cream. 
But the day wasn’t supposed to be about you. And you owed it to Elizabeth to at least explain why you might be in a vaguely shitty mood at her wedding.
Honestly, though—you should have expected this. 
“He what?” 
“Liz—” you started, but you knew once she got going there was no bringing her down until she was done. 
“He broke up with you?” 
“Yes,” you said, and you clenched your free hand in a fist to keep from choking up. He didn’t deserve any of your time, you knew that, but that didn’t mean you weren’t hurting. It didn’t mean tears didn’t well up every time you thought about him. “He just sprung it on me out of nowhere last night. I thought we were doing pretty well, but,” you let out a watery laugh, “I guess not.” 
“I can’t believe him,” she seethed. “I told you not to trust guys with J names, and Jason is like, the biggest offender! I told you the moment we met him at that frat party he was bad news—” 
“You don’t need to go on a rant!” you interrupted with a laugh. “I already know how much of a jerk he is— well, I might’ve just had my eyes opened to it, but I know. I just wanted to tell you that I’m… going through some stuff, I guess, in case I seem off during all the planning. But that’s all—you have to promise me that none of the focus is gonna be on me, because this is your day.” 
“...Okay,” she said after some hesitation, “but you can still rant to me whenever you want. Just because you’re one of my bridesmaids doesn’t mean all you have to talk about is the wedding.” 
“How can I not talk about the wedding all the time?” you exclaimed. “Lizzie, I’ve been involved in so much of the process with you that it’s basically all I can think about. This is the most excited I’ve been for anything ever.” 
“Didn’t your brother get married last year?” she said. 
“You know what I mean,” you chuckled. “I just can’t believe you’re getting married, and to Nate, too. It feels like it was just yesterday that you were telling me about the cute boy in your trig class, and six years later and you’re marrying him in a week.” 
You could hear the smile in your words. “It really does feel like yesterday, huh? I remember going on and on about how much I liked him after that group project we got stuck together for—y’know, your encouragement was the only reason I ended up asking him out.” 
“Then I’m glad I kept bothering you,” you said with a smile of your own. “You guys are so great together.” 
“I just wish you would’ve taken my—” Liz suddenly stopped talking on the other end, and you frowned a bit. 
“...Nothing,” she said very suspiciously after a pause. “I, uh— I just remembered there’s something I need to do. Wedding related. I’ll talk to you later?” 
“Yeah—” you said, but she had already hung up. You chuckled and shook your head as you set your phone down. 
You didn’t really know what that was about, but you were looking forward to the wedding—it didn’t matter that you were suddenly single. 
You and Liz had been best friends since you were put next to each other in the seating chart in sixth grade science—and even though she went to NC A&T and you were all the way at San Diego State, you talked basically every day for all four years of college. Sometimes you even made the flights to see each other, and it was worth every single dollar. 
It made you feel a lot better, knowing she had your back (and knowing that she had likely already blacklisted Jason from the guestlist made you feel pretty good too). 
What you didn’t know, though, was that what she was doing at that moment would make the wedding night a whole lot more interesting for you. 
And it all had to do with one Rafe Cameron from high school. 
The air was thick with a thousand different perfumes and the stiffness of hairspray along with a whole lot of anxiety as a result of the eight bridesmaids who inhabited the room trying to make sure they looked their best before the procession started in T-10 minutes. 
You were, of course, stressed as well. It was like everything that was fine for the months leading up to the wedding had suddenly decided to go wrong just to spite you. You’d forgotten to take a tag off of your dress and it was digging into a very particular spot of your back, your hair was not cooperating—Ariel and India and Natasha might have said that you looked beautiful, but it was just not working with you—and you were about to run out of your favorite mascara. All small things, but they were beginning to add up. 
And to add to your stress, your phone started to go off. When you opened it, you saw it was a text from Lizzie. 
girl I am so sorry to ask you this I know we’re so close to the start 
but Ayana just told me that she left my bouquet on the table in the sideroom of room 139, she forgot to take them out of the vase! 
sisters aren’t even on top of things when they’re your maid of honor apparently 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 
you’re the closest to the room and the only other person I can trust rn because Im going slightly wedding crazy, can you please get it??? I will love you more than my future husband and you will have my eternal gratitude 
using my track past against me i see 
you are pushing it babe 
I know 
help me obi-wan kenobi you’re my only hope 
dw I got this 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
You are my savior and all your drinks are on me next time we go out 
You sighed and shook your head, slipping your heels off in favor of the flats you came here in. The last thing you needed was to break an ankle before the procession. 
“I’ll be back!” you announced to the rest of the bridesmaids—though you weren’t sure any of them heard you in the havoc—before you ran out of the room. You were thankful this dress had a slit. 
It took a minute for you to get there, makeup and hair still intact, but when you did you didn’t see a vase. You huffed a sigh and got to work going through everything. The actual last thing you needed was for Liz to not have her bouquet as she walked down the aisle. 
“Oh— I’m so sorry, I didn’t even know there was another person in here.” 
You turned around from your crouched spot on the floor at the voice, and you nearly toppled over when you saw who it was. 
“Rafe?” you marveled. Though it was posed as a question, there was no doubt about it. You’d only thought about him basically every day for all of high school. 
He said your name with the same surprise, his eyes widening slightly at the same time as he stared at you for a moment too long. You swore his eyes went up and down, a slight pink tinge on his cheeks, when he blinked and shook his head. A wide smile spread across his lips in its place, and it did the same sort of thing to you that it did in high school. You weren’t immune to a Rafe Cameron grin as a freshman, and apparently you weren’t as a college graduate either. “What are you doing here?” 
“Trying to find Lizzie’s bouquet ten minutes before the wedding,” you said with a slight laugh. “What are you doing here?” 
“Uh, Topper left his pocket square in here, apparently,” he said. “We drove here together, and he’s the best man so he’s scrambling all over the place, and—” Rafe paused and he breathed a laugh, his eyes crinkling at the corners in the same way they did in high school. “You get the idea.” 
“Oh, yeah,” you nodded, and a smile pulled at the corners of your lips. “I had no idea you were gonna be at the wedding. I—” you chuckled and shook your head. “I guess I forgot that you and Nate went to UNC together.” 
“Yeah.” Rafe laughed again, though it was a bit nervous as he ran a hand through his hair, stuffing his other hand in his pocket. “It’s uh— it’s been forever since I’ve seen you, though. What, the last time we actually had a conversation was—” 
“That one party at UNC,” you supplied, and you stood up, leaning against the countertop. “The one that Liz dragged me to when I came to visit her for spring break sophomore year. We saw each other there.” 
“...Yeah,” Rafe repeated, and his smile softened. “Yeah, it was then. I didn’t know you remembered that.” 
“‘Course I did,” you said. “I mean, the last time before that was the huge party you, Kelce, and Topper all threw in the last week of summer. Before we all went our separate ways.” 
“Oh, that was…” he laughed as he bowed his head a bit. “That was something. Uh, it should be a rule pre-college boys should not be allowed to be around that much alcohol without supervision. I’m surprised no one died that night.” 
You grinned as the memory of it all came back. It was hard to believe that it was one of the last times you saw Rafe. That it was the last time you saw Rafe for two whole years, and the next time you got even the slightest glimpse of him was a minute long conversation with your very drunk self before you were dragged out by your one sober friend. 
Seeing Rafe was the only thing you remembered from that night.
“I can’t believe it’s been so long,” you said, your voice a bit softer. “College really did something to us, huh?” 
“Yeah,” he said, and his smile faded the slightest bit. “Being on separate coasts’ll do that to you.” 
Your expression softened, and you were about to say something when your phone buzzed in your hand. Panic jolted through you for just a moment before you read what the texts said. 
just kidding lol. It turns out that Alicia got the flowers when she was picking up the drinks from there for the reception
crisis averted!! 
I’ll still cover your drinks though since I prob gave you a mini heart attack and Im very sorry about that 
“Huh,” you said, and you glanced back up at Rafe. “Looks like I was sent on a mission for flowers that weren’t even here.” 
“Elizabeth’s probably all over the place,” he said. “I mean, I’ve been kinda stressed out and I’m not even part of the wedding party. Bridal nerves have gotta be a lot worse.” But then Rafe paused and took his phone out of his pocket, and his brow creased. 
“What’s got you lookin’ like that?” you asked. 
“Huh,” he said. “Topper actually just had his pocket square in his… other pocket. So I guess I was here for nothing then, too.” 
A laugh bubbled out at that. “We’ve got some very organized friends today, huh?” 
“Seems so,” he agreed with a smile. “But I’m glad he misplaced it.” 
“Yeah,” Rafe nodded, and he shrugged. “I got to see you.” 
You felt the heat rush to your cheeks at an astronomical rate, and you had never been more thankful for your phone to buzz. 
But seriously you gotta finish getting ready we have like five minutes left before the organ starts playing 
liz if this was not your day i would be so mad at you
please. you can never be mad at me 
“I gotta go before I single handedly ruin this whole procession,” you joked, and you went past the entrance and Rafe. But just as you got a few steps away, you turned around and smiled. “I’m also glad that Liz sent me here.” 
Rafe chuckled, smiling inwardly as you hurried away. You didn’t know it, but his eyes didn’t leave you for a second. 
The wedding ceremony went fabulously. 
You got back in time and finished getting ready—for some reason, you felt a lot more confident in your appearance—and walked down the aisle arm in arm with a very lovely groomsman before taking your place at the front of the bridesmaid line. 
You cried. A lot. 
When you saw Liz walking down the aisle, when you looked up at Nate and saw the way he gazed at her with all the stars in his eyes, when her father gave her away, when they said their vows, when they kissed, when they walked off—you were a mess basically the entire time. Thank god for waterproof mascara. 
And then when you sat with the bridesmaids for the Liz and Nate's first dance and the parent dances, you cried again. And when Ayana gave her Maid of Honor speech and Topper gave his Best Man speech—you were like a waterfall. A complete mess, but a very happy one at that. 
But you managed to stop by the bathroom and fix yourself up in record time before you all went off to your normal seating charts, and god, you had never been more glad to have done so when you walked in and saw who was at your table. 
Liz either knew everything or nothing, because this... this was really something. 
“So we meet again,” Rafe said, another easy smile appearing as he turned to look at you. “Looks like this wedding is trying to make up for all the years we missed.” 
You chuckled and took your seat next to him. “Guess so. It’s not an easy feat, though.” 
“Six years was a long time,” he said. 
“Didn’t really help that my parents sold our house in the OBX after I graduated,” you said dryly. “I missed all those Rafe Cameron summers during college.” 
“‘Rafe Cameron summer’?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. “Didn’t realize there was a word for it.” 
“What can I say?” you shrugged. “I graduated with an English minor. It allows me to make up phrases whenever I want.” 
“Ah,” he said, nodding sagely. “I guess my… finance concentration means I control the stock market?” 
You laughed and shook your head. “You’re ridiculous. It obviously means you’re the head of the treasury. Keep up, Rafe.” 
“My bad.” He held up his hands with mock austerity. “Our time apart is the reason for such a ridiculous mistake.” 
You smiled, but it sobered a bit and you bit your lip. “On a serious note,” you said, “I’m… I’m really sorry.” 
Rafe frowned. “For what?” 
“For that time apart,” you said. “I came back to North Carolina more than a few times to visit Liz and some other friends, but I never came to see you. We were— we were good friends, Rafe, and I shouldn’t have just disappeared on you like that all because I was at a different college.” 
Somehow, his brow furrowed even deeper. “What? You can’t possibly be blaming yourself for this—people grow apart in distance. That… that just happened to us. I mean, you were in California and I was in Chapel Hill. That’s crazy distance.” 
“I still came back, though,” you said. “Just… never for you.” 
“...I didn’t expect you to,” Rafe said, looking right in your eyes. “No matter how much…” 
“What?” you asked after he trailed off. 
Rafe sighed, then shook his head, trying to clear his mind before he looked back at you. “Do you wanna dance?” 
“What?” you repeated, mostly because you couldn’t believe it. 
“Dance with me.” He stood up and offered a hand, passing a glance at the dance floor. All of the official dances had been done already so it was open to anybody, including you and your high school crush. 
“Okay,” you said with an almost breathless laugh, and you really felt like your freshman self again the way butterflies fluttered in your chest as you took his hand and walked over to an open spot. 
You and Rafe fell into an easy rhythm, like you’d been doing this all your lives, and it didn’t take too long for your conversation to follow. 
“So what did you get up to in all those years at SD State?” he asked. “All I really know about your college career is what I’ve gotten from Instagram and your parents’ Facebooks.” 
You laughed a bit. “Regular college stuff, I guess. I did track all four years and I won some awards, which was pretty cool. Went to a lot of parties, got drunk a lot, swore off drinking a lot, studied until I thought my eyes were going to fall out, then graduated with a chemistry degree. I’ve been working as a technician in a lab for the company I interned with for the past two years.” 
Rafe whistled. “‘Regular college stuff’, she says, as she describes an insane balancing act between student athlete life, partying, and schoolwork, and still being able to graduate with a STEM degree.” 
“You’re such a flatterer,” you admonished, but there was no real bite in your words. “That’s one thing that’s never changed.” 
“It’s easy to flatter a woman like you,” he said. “I mean, you’re out there changing the world. I feel like I’m not even worthy to stand in your presence.” 
You chuckled as Rafe spun you, and as your hands joined once again you offered a coy smile. 
“You know,” you said, feeling a surge of confidence with his words, “I had the biggest crush on you in high school.” 
Rafe’s eyes widened slightly, but he covered it up with a well placed smile of his own. “Really?” he marveled, and he said your first and last name, “you had a crush on me?” 
“Yep,” you nodded. “And she had it bad. If freshman year me could see this, she would be losing her mind.” 
Rafe laughed, and it spurned butterflies in your chest yet again—they were the same kind you’d felt whenever you talked to him back then, trying to catch whatever moments you could between your busy schedule and his own responsibilities. You were too scared to admit your feelings, but you enjoyed spending time with him nonetheless. 
If there was one thing this was proving, though, it was that your feelings definitely weren’t as settled as you thought. 
“Well, you know,” he said thoughtfully, echoing your previous words as he brought you back to the present, “I had a pretty big crush on you in high school too.” 
That completely threw you off your rhythm. So much so that you stumbled, totally missing your next steps—if it weren’t for Rafe catching you, you would’ve face planted. 
“Are you good?” Rafe asked, concerned. 
“You had a crush on me?” you asked instead. 
He laughed again and ran a hand through his hair before you fell back into your rhythm together—he had let it grow out some, you realized, and it looked infinitely better all ruffled and mussed up than styled. 
“Yeah,” he said. His smile wasn’t as confident as it always was, a boyish charm mingling with unusual shyness. “It, uh— it kinda snuck up on me. I didn’t really know how big of a crush it was until I was at your signing ceremony. Like, right after you signed the contract was when I realized I had it bad.” 
“My signing ceremony?” you marveled, and you shook your head in disbelief. “You really have great timing, Rafe. Couldn’t have realized a couple years earlier when we were still in the same place?” 
Rafe laughed softly. “Yeah. I really do. But I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to make it harder for you. I mean, I was staying in the OBX for Chapel Hill, and you were taking the opportunity of a lifetime to run track in San Diego. I wasn’t gonna take your mind off of that because some hometown guy had a crush on you.”
“Some hometown guy,” you repeated, and it was your turn to laugh. “You thought that little of yourself?” 
“It’s true,” he shrugged. “I was just a friend that fell for you. I mean,” he gave you a crooked smile, “not that it was hard to fall for you. Pretty sure I was one of ten guys who wanted to ask you to prom senior year.” 
“Okay, that is not true at all,” you said, but you were stumbling over yourself just as quickly. He wanted to ask you to prom senior year? When the one thing that you thought about whenever you looked at him that spring was dancing with him at prom? “Grant Millwood was the only one that asked me.”
Rafe nodded with a laugh. “That was because he threatened everyone that he knew had a crush on you to make sure he would get to go with you.”
“And then he ditched me halfway through the night because he got too drunk to function off the alcohol he smuggled in himself,” you said dryly. “Yeah, he was a great date.”
“High school was the best,” Rafe said with mock austerity, “wasn’t it?”
“Oh, yeah,” you nodded. “I miss the kook academy every single day.”
“I still can’t believe you wanted to ask me to prom senior year,” you said, shaking your head. “Rafe, how did I not even know? Why didn’t you do it?” 
“And let you miss your chance with Grant Millwood?” Rafe over exaggerated his scoff. “Please.” 
A laugh spilled out as a smile shone through. “You would’ve saved high school me a lot of angst if you told her you had a crush on her, y’know. Then I wouldn’t have had to spend four years pining in high school.” And four more in college, and two more postgrad. 
(God, you wish he had told you sooner. You would’ve blown all of your money on tickets to North Carolina if you had even the slightest inkling your eternal feelings weren’t eternally hopeless.) 
“Goes both ways,” he said, tacking on your last name. “Why didn’t you tell me how bad you had it?” 
“Because I thought that there was no chance in Hell that Rafe Cameron would ever share my feelings?” you said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “Come on, Rafe—you know who you are, who you were. You say a couple guys wanted to ask me to prom—every girl wanted to date you. I didn’t stand a chance.” 
“And yet you did,” Rafe said with a slight chuckle. He shook his head. “Y’know, if I could turn back the clock, I would’ve done so many things differently.” Rafe smiled boyishly. “I would’ve mustered the nerve to ask you to prom before Grant even got the chance. And I definitely would’ve asked you out instead of liking you in private.” 
You smiled and shrugged. He liked you then when you thought there was no chance—why not now, when you also thought there was no chance? 
“Who says you have to turn back the clock?” 
Rafe’s own grin grew immediately, and he pulled you off to the side of the dance floor. He held your hands in his own, the cool metal of his signet ring at odds with the rough calluses on his palms brushing against your skin. 
He said your name with such earnesty you felt like you could melt, and when you gazed into his eyes, you nearly did. “I think you are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met in every single way. I can’t believe that it took me meeting you by chance at a wedding for me to do this, but I’d like to fix a mistake I made five years ago by never doing this. Can I take you on a date?” 
“Rafe Cameron,” you said, and it was a physical effort to contain the joy nearly bursting out of you, “I would love that more than anything.” 
He grinned. “Great.” 
And then he cupped your face in his hands and pulled you in for the best kiss of your life, one that you immediately fell into with all the vigor of six years spent longing. 
When he pulled away, leaving you completely breathless with widened eyes and bruised lips, his sultry whisper nearly took you out. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that for years.” 
You only had eyes for Rafe as you pulled him back into a heated kiss, pulling him by the cuffs of his baby blue suit. The only thing that got you away from him was the need for air.
"Me too," you murmured.
(And in the background, you were far too dazed to hear Liz’s victorious cheer.)
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77 @simonsbluee @kwyloz @masteroperator @louderfortheback 
obx tags: @milkiane @lilgoddesshines @sexytholland
rafe tags: @lurkymurker
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lyss-sketchbox · 11 months
if u saw the new trailer whats ur opinion?
im very excited for skirk,,,,
Obvious spoilers for the fontaine archon quest in general for my thoughts and interpretations
Okay so refer to what neuvi said at the end of Act 4 where 'all sovereigns are not im full dragonhood and it can only happen IF THEIR ARCHON DISAPPEARS'. I was hoping that Furina would somehow relinquish the gnosis or her godhood to Neuvi to let him be full dragonhood and stop the flood and WELL THIS LINES UP.
1) arlecchino did say furina was not archon like or has something wrong with her, 2) her playable character model HAS A VISION!!!!!!! 3) Iirc but her promo art, the one with the white bg with nation symbols on it, people say that it didnt have the symbols an archon would.
She's DEFINITELY losing her godhood here somehow and man. MAN IM SO EXCITED TO SEE HOW THIS PLAYS OUT
Second of all FURINA or should i say the HYDRO ARCHON as a whole
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She sounded MAD when she stated she wanted to use her own trial to show the world the true meaning of justice. This leads me to believe that focalors DOES have some sort of multiple sides/personalities to her. Especially with her announcing HER OWN TRIAL through the 3rd person.
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And well one of these sides is either Egeria's manifestation or furinas actual 'TRUE lady justice' side. A bit of a stretch but one of the official art in the livestream is multiple depictions of furina so it can be a lil nudge ya know.
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Okay this man definitely was acquainted to Egeria in some way and this extends to Furina as well (BECAUSE HE LOOKS SO SAD LIKE WHAT HAPPENED TO CRACK THIS MANS FACADE). I like to believe that Egeria and Neuvi might have a sort of Mentor/mentee/passing of the torch relationship. Because in so far everytime we hear Egeria, she talks to neuvi as if to hope that he will learn to understand humanity or learn his purpose or find SOMETHING (i forgot exactly what she says). But yeah he clearly holds her to high regard and that sentiment might extend to furina either because Egeria entrusted Neuvi with Furina, his loyalty to Egeria and Fontaine, or Furina just reminded him of Egeria and regardless of the trial still didn't want harm to come to his archon.
Okay a step back, we know that neuvi has holes about his past when he came to the world as the sovereign successor. And his line (i think its his idk) 'i seem to remember now... this trial is...' could be a call back of something Egeria told him from the past.
I firmly believe that this prophecy was actually a trial for NEUVILLETTE and not FURINA. It could be a final trial for him and his understanding of his position as chief justice and humanity. WHICH would tie into Egeria's line
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and neuvi's line
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Finally the GNOSIS
Okay the most obvious place is in the Oratrice. I feel like because Egeria isn't truly dead (from the who Amrita thing), it's possible that she lives in the Oratrice where she guides Neuvi and Furina. That's why it seems like it has its own conciousness and agenda. It's why it falsely accused Childe (and presumably Furina too). It might be why neuvi i think says this.
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Anyways theres NO WAY the gnosis is staying in the oratrice lmao. There's bound to be a power transfer, the oratrice might be dead or dismantled because of its previous 'wrong' accusation for childe. And well im very much hoping it goes to Neuvi where he'll finally have his own meaning of Justice and no longer needs the assistance of the Oratrice to make judgements
I dont have much to say about Skirk, im most certainly looking forward to skirk childe interaction. Im guessing shes there at the abyss side either for the Narssizkruenz (fack spelling) ordo relation or well.. the gnosis. Im taking a random guess that she and the abyss might take away the gnosis to prevent celestia from descending early because fontaine is giving back the power they stole from a sovereign back to him.
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n7punk · 3 months
nintendo direct thoughts:
mario & luigi brothershipe is going to end some friendships
memories to orbit looked sooo cool. like i dont actually enjoy doing that kind of gameplay but im def gonna watch lets plays
hello kitty island adventure looks adorable. like im not gonna play it but it's so cute!!
when they announced farmagia i legit thought they were announcing palword on switch for a second lmao i'm not super familiar with those designs
the artstyle of the dragonquest remake is honestly SO cool more remakes should go this route. hd-2d is such a cool idea. the closest i've seen to this was the link's awakening remake which worked well for what it was but the chibi look definitely wouldn't fly here lol. that said i am kind of exhausted with all the remakes these days. THAT said if they remade twilight princess id get it in a heartbeat like a sucker
i can't believe they made a fucking funko pops game. it's so ugly. i hate it so much. they want what lego dimensions has and they're not getting it because lego dimensions, despite being a toys to life game, has soul. that dev team LOVED their project.
my only thought on luigi's mansion is i wonder if they're going to fix all the insane skips from the speedrun. almost certainly because nintendo hates fun, but they'd be cool to see. also controversial opinion maybe but that game doesn't need a remake it looked fine lmao this is basically a fancy port
LOVE they gave four sword online capabilities, i hope you can get randomly matched with strangers
TUROK? a name i haven't heard in 84 years...
they started the mario party announcement and i was like "i wonder if it will be good" and then i saw the jamboree and no it will not lmao. ALSO THE EGGPLANT MINIGAME. COME ON.
oh hey what did i say about the link's awakening chibi art style lmao. also zelda lead loz game HELLO??? HELLO?????????????????? I AM A SUCKER AND YOU HAVE SUCKERED ME. i wish it had a cooler style for a zelda-led game but baby steps i guess. i like the potential problem solving gameplay even if i'll probably be terrible at it. the stack of beds is sooooooo real you know i'll be doing that lmao. sorry i just can't believe we're finally getting a full-fledged zelda-led game.
the just dance trailer hurt my fucking eyes. thanks i hate it.
LEGO HORIZON??? HELLO??? if you haven't played a lego game they are Shockingly high quality and fun, like the original lego star wars game is the best piece of star wars media, change my mind. anyway i fucking love horizon
honestly surprised stray wasn't on switch already i know its like an apocalyptic future but it's also such a cozy game it's perfect for the switch
the hobbit game looks like lotr animal crossing and that is absolutely someone's dream game
and then metroid of course is the big headline. not my kinda game but congratulations to the fandom who waited so long
switch 2 clowns who were sure it would show up after they explicitly stated it wouldn't how you feeling
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strugglingatart · 9 months
Jr Year ep 1
This is me live blogging bc I need to get thoughts out also would love fandom friends full spoilers bellow the cut just so no one accidentally reads anything they don't want to this will be long
Immediate chaos with unexplicable bits and Emily's insane bevarage choices WE ARE BACK BABY (also the holding hands bc the table is smaller was TOO cute)
My dad got a job in Cleavland lmao Lou... but also I wonder why they moved Fabian dear are you ok (emotionally I mean) also what do you mean you don't know... as usual I would like to see behind the scenes and know everything please
I know we technically saw them in the trailer but THE PROJECTIONSSSS
I expected the night yorb to be resolved quickly but a full battle scene w/ minis? shook and the hangvan is precious tbh and two minis omg
Gorgug is more artificer him being more tinkery is so huge to me idk why I just love my soft boi and his tools
Ally is me and I am Ally when the see the boggy mini
oh we "missed" a lot, I wonder how much talking about the 4 months they did or if a session 0 was part of that downtime decisions but lmao to Fabian fully flirting w/ the mirror
I'm sure all their knew stuff is like class features and mechanics but I know nothing about DnD so I'm just here on the vibes
I wish my sadness and life crisises got me jacked like Kristen, truly nothing would make me happier but I am too lazy alas
yes Riz, I love a good gadget
Not Fabian straight up failing and an acrobatica check as well? oh the irony (also Ally's face is ME, and Siobhan w/ perfect commentary, and the indignation at the die)
I truly hope they had more time and/or more people in the art team than usual bc so many minis!
Murph and Emily w/ silvery barbs is so cutee
was Kristen's dex not a -3? how did it get WORSE??? i don't know this game (also like Kristen baby pls most ppl get more dex by working out)
why was the whole squeem bit both peak comedy and drama at the same time
When they said silly they MEANT it
also gotta love Murph being teachers pet
the yorbie dying on his turn and Brenan just monotoning it was peak everything also the npc stuff happens i guess
getting an email from school and instantly going oh I hate everything cannot deal is relatable as hell into university tbh
Kristen please Cassandra is actually a cool god
The box of doom and murph's little beans!
Was this an unwinable fight??? IS THE NIGHT YORB HERE FOR THE WHOLE THING? Legit never thought that was gonna be the thing.... oh THIS is what EMily talked about, this deal with whoever is why we still have Fig I can't believe we have to wait a week to get to know moreeee, watching live is a torture
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thatonethimbo · 6 months
ARK TAS theorising (spoilers)
Honestly was confused when Helena brought out the green artifact and I was racking my brain to figure out which one it was. Turns out it was the Artifact of the Pack which I’ve never really seen a lot of. Pretty neat, anyway. With that said, it’s interesting to see that the Broodmother’s defeat meant the Green Obelisk appeared, so I’m guessing the Megapithecus in the sixth episode’s trailer is the next boss they’d go for (or stumble upon, they didn’t know they were about to go into a nest of giant spiders lmao). The other two artifacts must be the Artifact of the Strong (blue) and Artifact of the Immune (red). Either one is terrifying in their own respects and I can’t imagine anyone willingly going into either cave to get them. (You know, the toxic gas, and the stupid amount of creatures in both caves, Strong’s cave having super cold temperatures and yetis n all that jazz). What I am most interested to see is the inclusion of TEK gear, what I assume to be the TEK rifle when Mei-Yin takes one (AND LEAVES THE OTHER??? I would totally grab that for some extra firepower if need be).
On another note, I named every ARK creature I could see when they appeared on the screen (though I wish we saw more of that Quetzal, oh well, the baby is good enough for now).
That’s all I got for now, I want to see more people posting about this series (i watched it for the lesbians).
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