#guess who just had a mishap with an egg going from the kitchen counter to the floor?
northwestofinsanity · 7 months
Good morning, everybody…
Freakin’ egg, man!
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twistedmusings · 4 years
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A/N: Riddle is always so weird for me to write because I do see him as baby but the moment things get romantic I can so see him as the type that just...is more than ready to explore the romantic territory with you? Like yes he is baby but he would be so gentle with the smooches... But I digress.  I am making my way through requests, currently have five in my inbox so I might close it up once it reaches ten. Just to get the ball rolling since I am a baby blog u wu.  Warnings: None! Just tooth rotting fluff!  Straight from the cookbook section of our bountiful library, @lunalasolaris​!
Let me get that book for you! 
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“Hey Riddle?” 
“What does a pinch mean?” 
Grey eyes look up from the cup of flour he was meticulously trying to measure as you hold up the recipe book in front of him. 
“Does it mean that we just put a little bit of the salt into the cake?” you point at the specific line, tapping it twice to emphasize your point, “Or we grab a pinch with our fingers and just...toss it in there?Cause I can grab a lot of salt in between my fingers if I need to.” 
Riddle frowns as he tries to remember how Trey used to bake some of his previous Unbirthday cakes. It was easy to break down his process but with how quickly he moved the Heartslabyul dorm leader found himself at a loss of what a pinch looked like. Of all the executive decisions he had to make, why was this one so difficult? 
He locked eyes with you, blushing when he saw how close you had gotten before pulling away and dumps the cup of flour into the small mixing bowl. 
"We don't want them to taste salty so we'll put only a small amount. What comes next?" 
"Eggs...three I think. Oh and we need to add them to the dry mix while it is being sifted." you grab the eggs and scoot closer to him as Riddle grabs the sifter, turning around to see you so close once again. 
You hold up the eggs and smile. 
It was nerve wracking being here with you. Not just nerve wracking, it was also stress inducing and blood pumping to have you so close after Riddle had come to a definitive conclusion about his feelings about you. It had come at a cost of many sleepless nights and the certain teasings of some of his oldest friends but once Trey sat him down and asked him how he truly felt about you, the words slipped so easily out of his mouth that even he was surprised at the lack of thought in them. 
Riddle likes you. Alot. 
It was the way you talked with him during Unbirthday parties, unbothered by rules and manners as you plopped yourself down next to him and spoke about whatever you had going on that day. Riddle thought that it sort of reminded him of Chenya, his friend always appearing out of nowhere with a similar grin yet his was always filled with mischief while yours was nothing more than a way for you to show how happy you were to see him. 
Or at least he hoped that was the case. 
You smiled at everyone. At Ace and Deuce whenever they did something silly, at Cater whenever he pointed his camera at you, even at Trey whe he would lean down and offer you one of the many pastries he had baked that day. But, and it might just be his own subconscious silently hoping for this, Riddle believed the smile that you had for him was special. The moment your eyes landed on him it was like watching a rose bloom. Those cheeks of yours would turn a soft shade of red as you approached him and pulled him into whatever activity you found yourself doing. 
Maybe that is how he had been roped into this situation with you. He had only dropped by Ramshackle to drop off something you had left in Ace and Deuce’s room but he knew that the moment you tugged on his wrist and pulled him inside, he was more than willing to do whatever it is that you were doing before he showed up. 
That activity being something you two weren’t particularly good at...baking. 
Riddle finally answered your question with a nod, having already dumped the contents into the silver sifter and grabbing onto the small handle. “I’ll start then.”
It had all turned out a mess. Your hands either tended to crack the eggs too softly that they wouldn't crack on the first try or they would be too harsh and immediately break the egg on impact, leaving both of you to fish out the remnants of the shells before Riddle went right back to sifting. Then came the mixing of the ingredients, Ramshackle not necessarily having the fanciest of gadgets you two instead had to mix everything by hand. It was a bit of a chance for him to show himself off for you but the moment he hissed at his muscles cramping up, you took the bowl from him and poked his cheek. “Chill out, dorm leader Rosehearts, I’ll take it from here~” 
How odd. Riddle was used to people calling him by his official title but in your cause it was almost alarming how much he liked it. 
A few more mishaps, staring at the cookbook and one call to Trey and soon you two were on the floor with a bowl of strawberries in between you as the cake baked in Ramshackle’s tiny oven. “Thank you for going along with this.” you munch on the end of a strawberry before continuing, “I was panicking when I first started so it was a heaven sent when you came along.” 
His heart skips a beat as Riddle clears his throat. 
“This is just what a dorm leader should do for another. I’m merely completing my duties.” 
You pout for a moment but grin as you scoot closer to him, “So if I wasn’t a dorm leader I would just be another face in the crowd?” It is like a shock of electricity shoots straight up his back, straightening him out as he corrects you. 
“No! You are still a student here...and someone who has attended many Unbirthdays and tea parties in Heartslabyul! I’m sure that if it wasn’t for that mishap in the dorm selection ceremony, you would have certainly been picked to be in Heartslabyul! To me you are not just someone in the crowd! You are--” He barely registers how close he had gotten, the bowl of strawberries pushed out of the way as you both stare into each other’s eyes. You hadn’t moved back. Your gaze was holding on strong to his as the hum of the oven became the only sound in the room. 
Hands so close, fingertips almost touching. “Riddle--I--I like--”
A ding interrupted your words, the little invisible bubble you and Riddle had created suddenly popping as you stood up and grabbed the oven mitts. 
You grin as you put the small container on the counter, Riddle cutting into the sides with a dull knife in order to unstick it from the pan. How wonderful was it when things came together that when you both watched the warm baked good slide out of its silvery confine you let out a sigh of relief and started to decorate.
“We almost ate half of the strawberries.” Riddle frowns as you grab the bowl from the floor. “I didn’t hear you complaining when I put them down! You are just as guilty as I if Trey doesn’t like the finished product.” 
He stops cutting the fruit into smaller pieces as he watches you spread the whipped cream along the sides of the cake. “...you...are you giving this to Trey?” 
Why was he so nervous? Trey liked to test everybody’s baking skills if they seem to have any or he just liked to tease those who couldn’t cook by teaching them how to figure it out all on their own. Besides, Trey was a third year and needed to concentrate on his future internship and not be issuing challenges to first years--!
“Yeah? He said that tomorrow’s tea party was going to be a ‘bring your own’ kind of thing?” you scoop a dollop of whipped cream on your finger and lick it off, further distracting Riddle. “Tea party…” 
“Yeah...he said you were having one tomorrow. Did you cancel it?” you give him a surprised look, “Have we been struggling with this baking stuff for nothing?” 
No. Riddle knew every single tea party that would be having throughout the academic year. And yes, they were having one tomorrow. There was one detail that didn’t sit quite right with him, however. 
Never in the history of the Heartslabyul dormitory had there been a ‘potluck’ tea party. 
Either those good at baking made the pastries for that day’s tea party or they would not be any tea party at all. 
Great Seven’s knew what would happen if any first years, Ace and Deuce specifically, tried to cook in the Heartslabyul kitchen. There probably wouldn’t be a kitchen anymore. 
Yet Trey had gone out of his way to trick you into baking a cake while also telling Riddle that you had left something behind in the first year’s room and that it was his duty to give it back--had he planned all of this from the sidelines and expected it to work?! 
“...no there is a tea party happening. I guess I just--Trey must have not told me about that certain detail.” 
“Well at least we have something to bring now!” 
You both look at your cake, the cutting of the strawberries a little sloppy as they somewhat slipped on the rushed icing job you had done. 
“...you know I don’t think anyone will notice if I do this.” 
Riddle’s eyes widen when you grab a spoon and dig into the top of the cake. “Hey--!” 
The spoon presses to his lips as you grin while holding it up to him. “Say ‘ah’” 
Was Crowley sure that you didn’t have any sort of magic? With the way he quickly opened his mouth Riddle would have thought he had been hypnotized. “So?” 
He nods at the taste, smiling when he notices the soft sweetness that came with a good slice of strawberry shortcake. “I--I think we did a really good job.” 
You grin and stand on the heel of your feet as Riddle licked his lips to get any extra whipped cream, eyes going right back to staring at you as you tug on his bowtie and bring him closer. “You got some right...here.” 
The pressure of your hold is light as your lips meet his, his body suddenly going lax as he drops his hold on the knife he had been using before so he could turn his body to meet yours. His hold is immediate, a hand touching your lower back and pressing you a tad closer to him as you both pull back to gauge each other’s reaction.
You are both red as roses, cheeks flushing and hearts beating so fast you were sure you could hear each other’s matching rhythms. 
“...did I get it?” 
He should be pushing you away and apologizing for such a needy display. Riddle hadn’t necessarily spent his time doing anything else besides studying and trying to bring pride to Heartslabyul dorm so this territory was rather new to him. 
“Try again...please.” 
Your lips met his again, this time his hold pulling you into the kiss as you cup his face and let him press your back against the kitchen counter. 
His second year was still starting, why not explore this path a bit more? 
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xotonin · 3 years
A Valentine’s day with Bakugo
genre: fluff words: 1,959
→ summary: you spend the day with bakugo on valentine’s day, until sudden minor mishaps happen, trying to ruin your guys day
note: gender neutral reader
part two coming soon
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You and Bakugo were sitting on the couch, sitting on the far ends of each other as you played on your phone. You knew today was Valentine’s day, and you tried brushing it off, but it was starting to irritate you that you weren’t celebrating.
You took a sigh, pulling your phone from your face as you stared at Bakugo in front of you. You nudged him with your foot, trying to get his attention.
He kicked your foot back harshly, his eyes still peeled to his phone. You rolled your eyes and smiled. “Do you know what today is?”
“Irritate-me-day?” Bakugo asked.
“No, stupid. It’s Valentine’s day.”
“Well, if you have any ideas, count me out.”
You sat up, turning your phone off and looking at him, annoyed. You rolled your eyes when he didn’t pay any attention to you, hitting him playfully. “We should do something!”
Of course, you and Bakugo were friends. Best of friends. But that shouldn’t stop you guys from celebrating together. You guys were both single, after all, so there shouldn’t be a problem.
“Come on, don’t be boring!” You finally said, taking his phone from his grasp. “Let’s buy some candy.”
Bakugo groaned, looking at you, annoyed. “If I agree, will you stop annoying me?”
You nodded, and Bakugo stared at you a moment before sighing, beginning to stretch. An excited smile went across your face as you hopped, running to grab your shoes.
After several minutes of hurrying Bakugo in your excitement, you guys finally made it out your front door. You hopped in the driver seat of your cool ass car that Bakugo so wishes he had. It was practically the only thing he was jealous of that you had, and you loved it.
You never let him drive your car for a simple reason: you loved your car. And you didn’t want him crashing it, as he was learning how to drift the vehicle of his own. Now drifting was hot and all, but your car was yours, and you looked after it.
You guys made it to the store after he whined for numerous minutes. You guys hopped out, and you rushed in front of him to grab one of the baskets outside of the store.
You turned around, handing him a basket as you held yours in the other hand. He groaned, looking at you questionably, only making you extend your arm out further, signaling him to take it.
He finally accepted it, and you smiled, raising your arm in the air. “Let’s go!” You chimed, turning around and happily walking in.
You made your way through the aisles as you searched for your favorite candy, and after several searches, you found it. You threw it in your basket as Bakugo followed you aimlessly.
“Cheer up.” You said to him, glancing at him before putting more random candy in your basket. “We are gonna have fun.”
“I’m not a fan of shopping.” He replied to you as he made his way over to check out some candy beside you, picking up a glass jar full of sweets. He examined the outside, trying to see which candies were inside.
You began to grab more candy down the aisle until you heard Bakugo groan in frustration, along with aggressive shaking.
“I can’t see what other candy is in here!” He shook the jar more.
“You’re gonna drop that if you kee—” Your sentence was cut off by a loud crash. You looked in Bakugo’s direction, and the jar that was once in his hand was now on the ground, broken. Bakugo backed up from the mess.
He then suddenly picked up the piece of candy on the ground. “Oh, the other candy was crunch bars!” He looked at you with a proud smile, holding up the candy happily, proud that he figured it out. “I’m so smart.”
You rolled your eyes as you quickly dusted the broken glass and candy under the aisle shelf with your foot, grabbing Bakugo’s hand and fastly walking out of the aisle. “We were never here.”
You ended up pulling Bakugo across the entire store, somehow ending up in the baking aisle. You smiled and let go of his hand, grabbing the first chocolate cake mix you saw. You tossed it in your basket as you ordered Bakugo to grab the sprinkles, and the last few—minute stops of holding more stuff, you guys were running out of the store.
When the two of you arrived back at your house, you rushed the bags inside in excitement, setting them on the kitchen island. “We are gonna bake cookies.” You told Bakugo, who stood in front of you, taking his shoes off.
“Now? We just got back. And it’s starting to get dark.” He whined in frustration.
“I had a feeling you’d say that, so that’s why we are making it a competition.” You said as you unpacked the bags of items. His head perked up, and sudden interest plastered across his face. He walked over to you, helping you take out the things. “Fine, I’m down. But just this once.” He said in defeat.
You smiled as you grabbed the baking pan that lived in the drawer under the stove, finally making use of it. You guys got the ingredients out, including the flour and eggs, and placed them on the counter. “Go heat the stove.” You told Bakugo.
He walked over and cranked the dial-up. “What temperature?”
He placed it at the amount and walked back over to you. “Okay, what’s next?”
“You’re gonna measure the flour with this.” You handed a measuring cup to him.
He grabbed it and began tilting the new bag of flour over the measuring cup, spilling it all over the counter.
“No—oh my God, you’re so bad at this.” You giggled, yanking the flour out of his hand. “Put the measuring cup in the bag, stupid.”
“I had another way of doing it, dumbass. You just had to interfere, didn’t you?” He barked back at you with a smile, beginning to do it your way and putting the flour in the bowl.
You rolled your eyes as you guys began to put the ingredients in the bowl, mixing and starting to make a chocolate paste. After many times of sticking your finger in to taste the flavor, it was finally done. You grabbed the bowl, starting to pour it on the buttered pan. “Set the timer.”
Bakugo grabbed his phone, beginning to set it as you placed the metal pan in the oven. You winced at the heat, so you shut the oven door quickly.
“Alright, now we wait.” You said, returning to the counter.
“This is gonna take so long.” He whined. “Why did we decide to do this?”
“Because it’s Valentine’s day.”
You fidgeted with the bag of flour, trying to wait until the timer went off as you guys both stood there, bored. You sighed, looking around to find something to entertain yourself until you looked down at what was in your hands. You gave a mischievous grin as Bakugo hung over the island, his elbows on the counter as he was coaxed by his phone.
You sneakily put your hand in the bag, grabbing a handful of flour, taking a look at Bakugo before slinging it in his direction.
“Hey!” He flinched, staring at you before finally sweeping a pile of flour on the counter and chucking it back at you. You giggled, putting your hand in the bag and throwing more flour at him.
You guys went back and forth with various food items, laughing and dodging the hits, making a complete mess of the kitchen.
You finally threw one last bit of flour until something sharp came flying in your direction, hitting your arm.
You whimpered, dropping the flour in pain, clutching your arm.
“Shit—” Bakugo used the counter to hurry himself to you. “I don’t even know what I threw. Are you okay?” He asked, grabbing your arm and examining it. It was only scraped but bleeding nonetheless.
“I think I’m okay.” You giggled, trying to make light of the situation, but Bakugo thought differently. He dragged you to your bathroom, grabbing the pack of bandaids under your counter. You made your way to sit on top, dangling your legs as you looked at him.
He held his hand out for your arm, and you placed it in his grasp, allowing him to be gentle with you. You never really saw this side of him before, but who wouldn’t be like this when someone got hurt?
He shook his head, laughing as he placed the bandaid on your wound. “I am sorry; I guess I went a little crazy.”
You giggled along, rubbing your arm in comfort. “It’s okay.”
He smiled, staring at you for a few moments, but only for it to slowly fade as his eyes darted from your lips to your eyes several times. Your facial expression changed when you realized what was about to happen, and it gave you slight butterflies thinking about it.
Suddenly, the timer went off in the kitchen, making you guys both jump.
You sat there for a moment, trying to recollect yourself before hopping off the counter, heading into the kitchen and to the stove. You opened the oven and took the pan of cookies out, but only for a burnt smell to fill the air. You pinched your brows as you placed the cookies on the stove. “How long did you set the timer?”
“Thirty minutes,” Bakugo replied.
“It was supposed to be fifteen minutes.”
“You didn’t tell me that.”
“I thought you would have known!” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Okay, it’s fine; they probably taste fine.”
The kitchen was jumbled, but you were much too tired to clean it as it was late. It wasn’t even that bad of a mess, no matter how much you both threw at each other. You put the cookies on a plate and grabbed a bowl for the candy as you walked yourself to the couch.
You grabbed the remote as Bakugo sat relatively close to you. You tried not to question it as you picked one of your favorite cheesy romance movies and set the remote back down on the coffee table.
“Wanna try them?” You asked, grabbing a cookie and looking in his direction. He nodded, grabbing a cookie and almost taking a bite until you stopped him. “Dude, I meant together.”
He rolled his eyes, waiting for you until you counted down the seconds, both taking a bite at the same time. Immediately, Bakugo spat it out and gasped for air dramatically. You thought he was dramatic for a moment until the flavor set in your mouth, also having to do the same.
“Those are disgusting. What did you do?” Bakugo asked you, shaking his head from the flavor. You looked at him oddly.
“What did YOU do? I followed the directions.”
“I did too, if you don’t remember, dumbass.”
You rolled your eyes. “You are the one who burnt them.”
“Well—other than that, I followed the directions.” He threw the words back at you.
You sighed annoyingly, setting the cookies back on the table and grabbing the candy instead, popping it in your mouth. The flavor seemed to override the burnt taste. The next following minutes of the movie was promising. You were enjoying the moving pixels, but Bakugo, on the other hand, was only half into it.
You leaned your back into the couch, beginning to get comfy, until suddenly a flash of light came through the window, followed by a massive blast of thunder, the power abruptly turning off.
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soliavenne · 4 years
Just Sand Sibling Things + Shinki: How do they deal with cooking?
Hi! I have been thinking of having Just Sand Sibling Things (+ Shinki now and then) as a series of works. :) I guess this is the first entry haha.
Hope you like it! <3
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Excellent cook, obviously the most versatile out of the four. Appetizer, main entrée, snacks and dessert, you name it. Not very adventurous when it comes to recipes, but she’s well-rounded enough  with the basics to tweak an ingredient or a two from the book if she knows she’ll be able to improve the taste.
Knows that she’s great at what she does, and she’s damn proud of it.
Very confident, but can actually be secretly conscious of what she serves, especially when it’s her first time cooking the specific food. She would rather start over again than serve something that doesn’t suit her standards.
Tries her best to mind her own business while eating but is stealthily inspecting her brothers, or her husband and son’s facial expression as they eat her food.
Very organized, every ingredient is in each separate plates. Not the type to leave a pile of dirty plates on the sink and wash it all at once by the end of cooking. She will wash some of them now and then if she could leave the cooking process alone on itself.
Praise her damn food, praise her cooking skills. She might not look like it but she’s a big, big sucker for appreciation. If you have been generous for the past few days with compliments, she’ll try her best to free up her schedule and proceed to serve a damn feast over the table.
If ever she ends up serving something that doesn’t taste good, she would understand a very faint grimace or two on your face. But that’s all, don’t bother telling her about it if she doesn’t ask you about it. She knows what’s wrong already and she’s already beating up herself about it.
Mostly cooks foods that are on the healthier spectrum, but would flat out bake herself her own pizza and brownies at 12 AM.
Would try to hide her midnight snacks as much as possible, but if she gets caught, she would huff and act all annoyed but is secretly happy to share it. She just likes riling people up a bit, but she’s very sweet and generous.
What reads above cannot be applied if she’s on her period or she had a fight with Shikamaru, you better fuck off and leave her alone.
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He’s not that much keen to cooking, but this man is not dumb. Knows at least the very, very basic fundamentals around the kitchen.
It’s those common mistakes that usually happens if someone’s just starting to venture out on cooking. A little too much salt, a little heavy on the pepper, the meat is tad bit raw while the crust is already burned. Those kind of technical mishaps. He would not be unbelievably awful at it.  
Tries his best to listen to Temari’s advices on cooking, but he ends up overthinking it. He’s best off learning on his own and figuring out for himself what went wrong.
Skilled at cooking instant foods and junk foods. Knows damn well how to elevate them. The type of food he ends up cooking are more on the indulgent side, mostly savory type of foods. Hamburgers, meat pizza, steak, and ribs, you name it.
Has been secretly saving up to buy his own pellet grill and personalize it.
Does not know exactly how to cook healthy-family based foods like vegetable stew or chicken soup or anything of the like. He either gets to eat it if Temari is cooking, or it’s a takeout.
Very messy cook. Spoons with unidentified sauces are everywhere, there’s even a plate on the living room that he’s not sure how it even got there.
Would probably wash it once a dirty pan had punched his face and Temari is screaming on the other end of the handle.
Don’t talk to him when he’s focusing, he’s going to get flustered about the whole thing.
Just as sensitive as Temari when it comes to feedback. He would laugh alongside a negative comment, but he won’t be cooking anything that isn’t instant food for the next whole week.
If you praise him so much he will end up being so worked up about it that he cooks the same thing tomorrow night. He would try so hard to hit the same note but he was overthinking it the whole time so it doesn’t end up as good.
A genuine praise could go such a long way for Kankuro. He might not look like it but he’s genuinely appreciative of it and finds it very encouraging.
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Doesn’t necessarily hate cooking, but he just doesn’t know to pave his way around it.
Believes that cooking is a fundamental skill, but is still avoiding the opportunity to work on it. He had bought some cooking books and probably printed some recipes from Yahoo and allrecipes.com, but he’s secretly relieved whenever Kankuro asks if he wants something to eat from the store.
Very shy about asking for help, but if Temari or Kankuro does volunteer to teach him something, he would not refuse it.
Nearly passed out once because he has been letting his breakfast pass when Temari left for Konoha. Kankuro scolded him a bit, but ten minutes later they were already talking about sandwiches. When Gaara mentioned that he misses waking up to Temari cooking pancakes in their shared apartment, they surprisingly ended up having a genuinely-deep conversation about it; talking along the lines of how they really feel about their sister leaving Suna.
Kankuro told him that he’ll be letting him off easy but if he wants to be a much more effective Kazekage, he has to take care of himself. The epiphany had hit Gaara so hard he bought a new apron and a pan on his way home from work.
The first set of foods that he focused on was under the bracket of breakfast meals. A bowl of plain oatmeal and a little bit of sugar was okay, but it did get redundant and he swore to himself he’d throw the bowl out of the window if he had to make another one of it again for the 3rd week of that month.
Began to buy pancake box-mixes where all he had to worry about was adding eggs, water and oil. Once he had gotten the hang of it, he decided to follow a pancake recipe from scratch. He thinks it tastes better, but it wasn’t something he could do every day.
Thinks he had found his soulmate when he started making granola. He could prepare it in advance and stock it up. He finds it very convenient.
An understandable kind of messy, maybe a little smudge of batter on his cheek when he’s cooking pancakes. Dirty plates would be on a pile but he would arrange them by size and category before washing them all together after he ends up eating.
Takes cooking seriously that he even bought a hairnet. Kankuro caught him once wearing it and the ten-minute laugh he had out of watching his baby brother cook with a hairnet on just made Gaara opt to tie his hair instead.
Sometimes boils eggs at night in advance so that he could simply peel one in the morning for breakfast.  
All in all, he mostly cooks usual, literally off the recipe book breakfast meals. Most of them are healthy.
It would take a lot of time before you get him to serve you the food he made. He doesn’t like disappointing people and as stoic as he may be he would also be just as sensitive about it.
Began to develop the drive to cook better when he adopted Shinki. He remembers vividly how happy he was whenever Yashamaru brings him a bento, so he decides to take the effort to study bento making now and then whenever he’s not that busy.
When he saw a small, cute apron from the store, he found himself buying it to give to Shinki. He still hasn’t built up the courage to ask Shinki to have a cooking bonding with him though because he’s not that confident about his skills just yet.
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A very responsible kid. Has the self-awareness that basics of cooking should be developed in order to survive independently no matter where you go. He even knows how to start fire from scratch.
The first thing he had ask Gaara regarding preparing food is how Gaara makes his coffee. Ever since he was able to replicate it, he sometimes even gets up earlier than his father so that he could prepare the warm beverage beforehand. He doesn’t drink coffee everyday, but with a craving now and then sometimes, he likes adding a splash of milk to it. He and Gaara both share the same preference when it comes to the level of sweetness.  
Not very adventurous when it comes to recipes. As long as it’s filling and easy to make, that will be his chosen route.
Has asked Gaara once about his special pancake mix, and he had been making it mostly everyday. The fluffy texture of it soon got a little tiring, so he started wondering what else he could eat for breakfast. Despite being very mature for his age, he’s still a kid who has the hint of wonder for foods that are still comfortable yet a little exciting now and then.
When Yodo took him and Araya once to a waffle stand on their way home from a mission, he started buying one almost everyday. He’s more of a savory-waffle kind of kid.
Gaara takes notice of this, and when Shinki woke up to a wafflemaker and printed waffle recipes on the kitchen counter one morning, he couldn’t help a very, very rare and genuine smile on his face.
He might not that be that much inclined to cooking, but on days where he’s not busy, he tries to read about it. His main drive about cooking is so that his father comes home to a much more healthier meal instead of having takeouts almost every night. He loves and respect his father that much, and he’s also health and fitness-conscious since he really does take his job as a shinobi very seriously.
The same as Temari in terms of cooking. Neatly organized, no dirty plates lying around the counter. Every ingredient is measured and calculated.
His face might not be anywhere near grinning but he’s actually happy whenever he dons the apron that Gaara bought him.
Doesn’t really care if you don’t like the food unless you’re his dad.
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whisker-biscuit · 5 years
Home Is Where The Hedgehog Is
Fandom: Sonic Movie (2020)
Rating: G
Summary: Living with Donut Lord and Pretzel Lady is super fun, even if there are dumb rules he has to follow sometimes. Sonic is going to hold onto it with everything he has.
The first in a one-shot collection of a hyperactive hedgehog trying his best to fit in with his newfound family, and two humans who want him to know he doesn't need to try at all.
MAJOR spoilers for the Sonic Movie!
Living in a house was much different than living in a cave.
For starters, the draft wasn’t nearly as bad, even when Sonic forgot to close the attic window at night. And now he had an actual, honest-to-goodness bed to burrow into when it really was that cold. Came with a blanket and pillow too, deluxe model!
The other thing that was different was the company, Tom and Maddie and Tom’s so-called “best friend”. Maybe he should have mentioned that one first, but hey, a hedgehog could only focus on so many new changes at one time.
Speaking of changes, a personal alarm clock wasn’t something he was expecting this morning.
“Good morning, Sonic!” Maddie’s head poked up past the attic trapdoor.
“Mmph…” The teen mumbled, curling into a tighter ball under the covers like it would make him invisible.
The woman hoisted herself up from the ladder and made her way to his side. “Come on, you promised you’d go to bed early tonight, so you can’t be complaining now. It’s time for breakfast, up and at ‘em.”
“Food?” A pair of ears perked out from the quill ball. Sonic’s head popped up soon after. “What kind of food?”
“Guess you’ll have to get up to find out, won’t you?” She winked at him and ruffled the fur on his forehead, then started heading back to the ladder.
There was a whoosh of wind and the pitter-patter of impossibly fast feet against the wooden floor, and suddenly Maddie was all alone in the attic.
“Come on slowpoke, I’m hungry!” Sonic called up to her from the hallway before he zoomed into the kitchen, sliding to a halt just in time to avoid crashing into the kitchen island. Tom was busy loading up three plates with eggs and bacon. He didn’t even flinch at the boy’s arrival.
“Morning, Sonic. What took you so long?” The man raised an eyebrow with a bit of a smirk as his comment made the hedgehog pout.
“It’s not my fault, you guys didn’t even wake me up! Ooh, is that my plate?”
“Ah, not yet,” Tom grabbed the offending plate and held it up out of Sonic’s reach. “Go wash your hands first.”
“But Tooooom…”
“You heard me the first time.”
“Ugh, fine. Why you hafta be such a stickler for rules? You were more fun on the road trip.”
“That’s because –” the man blinked and the teen was no longer there. He sighed good-naturedly as Maddie arrived looking just as frazzled.
“Day one,” she said with a smile and a slight giggle. Her arms found their way around his waist as he scraped grease off the skillet. “This might take some getting used to.”
“You’re telling me.” He tilted his head back to sneak a quick kiss to her cheek. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Me neither.” The woman hummed against him. A breeze picked up.
“Hey, if you wanted to do lovey-dovey couple things you coulda just said that.” Sonic sat at the table with his arms folded, kicking his legs out and giving them a scrunched up look like he couldn’t decide whether to be grossed out or resigned.
Maddie laughed and gave her husband another kiss, then released him from her hold to help carry their food. Tom shook his head, giving the boy a look. His response was a smirk and eyes too large to be innocent.
“Okay smart aleck, I expect to see that plate clean before you even think of excusing yourself from this table.”
By the way Sonic was eyeing the food laid out in front of him, it didn’t seem like a hard task.
Through breakfast, the three of them ate and chatted together like they had been doing it for years. There were a few mishaps – Sonic had a very bad habit of talking with his mouth full, and accidentally ratted Tom out when the man tried to sneak some bacon to the dog – but the energy didn’t wane at all. It wasn’t until Maddie pulled Sonic over to help her with the dishes that things started to quiet down. Tom, having made breakfast this time and contractually not required to help this time, went to change into his uniform.
The woman was making small talk as she washed the food off and handed each item to the teen to place in the dishwasher, and he’d occasionally interject with comments or questions. Just as they finished, however, Maddie noticed as she dried off her hands that Sonic had stopped talking entirely and was just staring at the hand towel she’d given him.
“Something on your mind?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, I mean no, it’s fine.” He was quick to toss the towel on the counter and rubbed the back of his head. “I just realized that I’ve never done this before.”
“Washing dishes?”
“That too but…all of it, I guess. It’s kinda weird. You guys have this whole routine thing going on and that’s cool, but for me it feels…. I dunno, more important? It’s dumb.”
He was starting to fidget in place, obviously wanting to say or do something else but not sure how to bring it up. Maddie frowned a little in thought and crouched so she was at the hedgehog’s level.
“Do you mean eating breakfast? Or – ah.” She gave him a reassuring smile. “You know, having company in everyday things is nice. I used to take it for granted.”
Sonic looked at her sharply. “What do you mean?”
“Well, Tom and I married not long before I started vet school. We had been so used to being around each other for every little thing that it felt like they weren’t ‘special’ anymore. I think that’s how it can get for a lot of people, honestly. But when I started school, we didn’t see each other nearly as often. I was gone all day for classes, and he had to pick up a second job to help make ends meet, which usually meant evening shifts. We barely had the chance to even sit down for a decent meal together, most days.”
The teen’s expression was opening up into something more vulnerable. “Was it hard?”
“Very hard. We still loved each other, so not being able to just be together without work or school in the way made it hard sometimes. But it was because we loved each other that those times we could just sit back and relax became so much more precious. It’s been a while since those days, but I try not to forget the feeling.”
She reached out and took his hand, making sure to keep steady eye contact. He was stock-still.
“It’s alright to find joy in doing things with people, even if they’re simple things like eating breakfast or doing chores. No one’s going to think it’s strange that you’re loving it. Especially not me or Tom. Okay?”
Sonic was staring at their connected hands. There was a barrier around his emotions in that moment that looked very close to crumbling. With a quiet sniff and a nod, he gave her a huge grin.
Tom’s voice from the other room broke the moment.
“Why’d it get quiet all of a sudden? You two aren’t planning my untimely demise right now, are you?”
“You bet your badge we are!” The hedgehog called back, already settling into his more common mischievous persona. He made a motion to zip away, then stopped to give Maddie a tight hug first. She almost lost her balance from the impact but returned it anyway.
“Thanks, Maddie.”
“Always, kiddo.”
A blur, a whoosh, and he was gone.
A/N: I'm back on my Sonic kick from forever ago, and there's no obvious end in sight. I love the found family trope, I love that it happened in the movie, and I love that Sonic is allowed to express real negative emotions (screw you Sega, do our blue boy justice). Have no idea how many of these I'm going to do nor how long they might get, nor do I know if they’ll all stay rated G. We’ll see.
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
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                                        Caught in a Riptide 
Summary: After the infamous Count Dracula is discovered and taken into custody by the Jonathan Harker Foundation, former nun and now guardian to her young niece, Zoe, Agatha Van Helsing is tasked with keeping tabs on the vampire after a mishap leads to his release into modern day society. Can Agatha remain levelheaded, or will fate turn her onto a new path?
Pairing: Dracula/Agatha Van Helsing
Rated: M
Read on FFN and AO3
A/N:  Hello Dracula fandom again! It's me, ya gal, who has way too many story ideas in her head. Anyway, I hope you guys will enjoy this one! This first chapter is very heavy on backstory so I promise future chapters won't be like that. I just wanted to set the scene. Alright, here we go! Feedback’s greatly loved and appreciated!-Jen
                                                Chapter One
Theology. Quite an expansive, intriguing study that, like a tree, holds many branches. Biblical, Systemic, Practical, all subjects that have been delved into for centuries. Perhaps one of the more fascinating topics centers around Renaissance theology-more importantly, the possibility of a love bond between man and demon. Outwardly, the aspect of falling in love with something deemed evil is seemingly preposterous. But can a singular trait be forced upon another? At what point can romance, love, conquer these barriers? Is it possible to find humanity in such dark things? These questions must be kept in mind as two unlikely paths cross, testing these uncertain waters. A riptide.
Agatha set down a plate of eggs and bacon onto the table. It was early in the morning-a school day, and getting her niece ready and out the door in time to drop her off before heading into work was a task in itself.
For nearly three years, Zoe had remained under her care. It had been a tragic car accident that took the lives of her brother and sister-in-law, and seeing as they had no other family, Agatha left St. Mary's Convent to take in the seven year old. There were no regrets to be held. The woman dearly loved the child. But returning to society and seeking out a new job had been difficult. That was, until she found the Jonathan Harker Foundation. Or rather, they found her.
"Zoe," she called out, pouring a glass of orange juice. "Come on, we can't afford being late again today."
"I'm hurrying, Aunt Aggie," chirped a voice down the hall. "I was getting dressed!"
A small girl skidded into the kitchen, her mismatched socks causing her to nearly glide into the counter. Agatha grabbed her just in time, the drink in her hand dangerously close to sloshing onto the floor. Zoe peered up at her aunt with bright, blue eyes and a toothy grin. Her hair, the same shade of chestnut brown as her aunt's, still tousled from sleep.
"Were you planning to go into school today with your hair like that?" Zoe merely shrugged, sitting down happily to her breakfast. Agatha snorted softly, her mouth curving into a small smile. "Well, start eating and I'll grab a brush. "We don't want people to think you live in a zoo, yes?"
"I wanna live in a zoo," the child replied, biting into a piece of bacon. "I like animals!"
"Then perhaps we can get a dog one day," the woman chuckled, booping the girl on the nose. "Now finish your food so we can get on the road."
The Van Helsing surname held quite a history to it, the most notable member Abraham Van Helsing. The man was a well accomplished doctor, respected by all who knew him. However, Abraham's interests extended far past the average medical background. In particular, his study and expertise on vampirism. On the infamous Count Dracula of Transylvania.
The legend had been passed down from generation to generation. Tales recounted of the dangerous beast. Yet, as time wore on, the words had become a mere myth. Silly stories meant to scare a child into being good. Nevertheless, Agatha found them truly fascinating. Memorizing. And even the slightest idea that they were possibly true sparked a flame within her.
For those reasons alone, Agatha found herself taking the three vows of a nun and joining St. Mary's Convent. A thirst to learn more by combining her own knowledge and the teachings of Christianity. If her great, great grandfather was correct, then her efforts would not be in vain. That she wouldn't seem so air-headed as her brother had claimed from the beginning when she invested everything into proving Abraham's legacy.
It was only years later that she finally found the one thing that tied the loose ends. The Jonathan Harker Foundation. The very institution that was right under her nose. An organization that shared the same ideals to her cause. If only she had learned about the mysterious medical facility with an underground secret from the start, how different things might've been.
Agatha pulled up to the curb in front of the primary school watching as other children hopped out of their cars and headed towards the main entrance like a school of fish. In her rear view mirror, she caught sight of Zoe freeing herself from the confines of her seat belt, humming a nonsensical tune she'd just come up with.
"Do you have your backpack?" Her aunt inquired as the little girl swung it over her shoulders. "Lunch box?"
"Mhm," Zoe nodded, gripping the fabric handle of the floral decorated bag. "I made sure not to forget anything this time!"
"Good girl," Agatha smiled. She really didn't want to have to rush out of another meeting due to a call from the school that she'd forgotten to bring her food. "Kisses." Zoe gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Remember Mrs. Avery will be picking you up today."
"But I don't want to go to Mrs. Avery's," the girl whined. "She makes me watch The Price is Right and it's so boring!"
"Maybe she'll have cookies," the woman replied. "You like her cookies."
"I guess," Zoe answered, letting out a long, dramatic sigh. "You won't forget to pick me up?"
"I promise as soon as I get off, I will head straight over there," Agatha said with a smile. "Before dinner. I'll make something nice. Say...pizza?"
The young girl seemed to perk up a bit. "Okay!"
"Now run along, I'll see you later," she said as the child opened the car door. "I love you."
"Love you too!" Zoe called out as she exited the car. "Don't forget me!"
Forget. The more Agatha thought about it, the more it stung. Zoe had only just turned four when her parents died. She, of course, had still been in Budapest at the time, unaware until a few days later when someone finally contacted her. Apparently the girl had been in nursery school when the wreck happened. She'd watched all of the other children go home, confused as to where her mother and father were. Hours she spent there, waiting to be picked up. Believing that perhaps her they had forgotten her. Abandoned her. Zoe had been forced to learn about death early on. Something no child should ever have to face.
It had been rough, those first few months together. She and Zoe hadn't exactly been well acquainted, seeing as the former nun lived in Budapest while she called England home. Agatha didn't have a lot of experience with children and it showed in the beginning. Things were awkward. She didn't know popular shows, toys, activities, but she tried her damnedest. For Zoe. And with time and the compassion she held, the two eventually grew very close. After all, they were the only family each other had.
The parking lot outside of the institution was semi filled as Agatha, finding her usual shady spot, fished her identification badge out of her purse. She frowned at the photo on the key card, noting how ridiculous wide and unnatural her smile was. Why couldn't she ever get a decent picture right? Shaking her head, she exited the vehicle and headed inside.
"Good morning, Joe," Agatha smiled, nodding her head. "Ted."
The two lobby guards looked up from their hot drinks, their attention turning to the woman. Things had been slow, relatively speaking. Not much excitement had happened since Agatha became a part of the Foundation. Which, she supposed, in a way was good. But she craved true confirmation of Dracula's existence. A need to have real, physical evidence on top of everything she'd gathered from her own exploration.
The long stretch of hallway leading through the locked doors and into the belly of the building was rather bare. Except for a single portrait-that of Jonathan Harker. He had a kind face, soft expression that was welcoming. And yet, each time she came across it and gave it a hard stare, something didn't sit right. A strange, unsettling feeling that despite the friendliness of it was almost off putting.
Just as the former nun began to slide her card through the reader, a young man hurried up to her. Dr. Jack Seward. He, like her, had been hired around the same time by the Foundation. Fresh out of medical school, Jack was a brilliant man paired with a caring heart. She thought very fondly of him, almost as if he were a younger brother.
"Hello, Jack," she greeted. "I thought you were taking the day off today. Weren't you supposed to visit an old friend…" she paused. "Lucy was it?"
The man visibly flinched and Agatha was momentarily taken aback. Had she said something wrong? Before she could ask, or rather, apologize, another researcher came bursting through the set of doors. Very winded. Very excited. Meg.
"Oh, thank god," she panted. "You're finally here!"
"I didn't think I was running late," the former nun replied almost hesitantly, glancing over at Jack. "Did we have a meeting or…"
"No," Meg waved her hand, shaking her head. "No, we found something! Off of the mainland!" The researcher's smile was wide, a look of excitement that one does not usually see that early in the morning. "They sent out a team! They found it, Agatha!"
"Found what exactly?" She still wasn't quite following the other woman. "What did they find, Meg?"
"The Demeter! The wreckage! We bloody found it!"
For well over a century, The Harker Foundation had been searching for the vessel. It was believed, as a few survivors claimed, that Count Dracula had been one of the passengers onboard the ship set for England. But disaster struck, and mayhem with it, and the boat never made it to port. No one had known of its final location. Until now.
"What?!" Agatha asked in disbelief. "Are you-are they quite sure?!"
"It bloody says The Demeter on the side of it," Meg laughed. "I don't know what else it could be!"
She might as well have been a child on Christmas morning. Finally something. Evidence. A missing puzzle piece to it all. Someone was laughing and it took Agatha a moment to realize the noise was coming from her.
"What else have they found?! Any indication of Count Dracula? Are you currently in contact with them?" Agatha began to bombard the poor woman with questions. "Is Bloxham out there?"
"It's been over thirty minutes since they last radioed in," Meg responded. "Bloxham says they don't exactly know the extent of it. But they've begun to put markers down. The news is calling for a storm, so we might be forced to come in early and return tomorrow."
A storm. One hundred and twenty three years since The Demeter disaster and they were going to let a bloody storm step in their way of searching? The corners of Agatha's mouth twitched into a frown and suddenly she found herself wishing she was out there along with them. Her impatience was not allowing her to rationally consider the safety of it all. What exactly did the ship hold? And more importantly, where was Dracula?
"I want to be kept updated," she finally said, in the same firm voice she used to scold Zoe. "If anything happens, even the most minute detail, I want to be made aware."
Meg gave her a nod. "I'll keep you posted," she promised.
"Thank you," Agatha smiled, turning to Jack. "I suppose this is one for the books."
As the day wore on, the former nun's restlessness only grew as she anxiously awaited for any word from Bloxham and the rest of the crew. To distract herself, she tried to focus on her notes. It didn't help much, but at least it was something. Glancing at the clock, she was surprised to see it was nearly time for her to pick Zoe up. As much as she didn't want to go, she knew she must.
"Please keep me posted," Agatha said, gathering all of her things from off her desk. "I don't care if it's the middle of the night, wake me up."
"They'll be coming back in soon enough," Jack said, grabbing her key card before it fell to the floor. "I'm sure you won't miss anything."
"Nevertheless, I want to be in the loop," she replied, exhaling as she adjusted her belongings in her arms. "I'll see you tomorrow, Jack. Hopefully we'll have something."
Not in a million years would she have believed that her research on Count Dracula would've gone this far. Upon moving to England with Zoe, she wasn't quite sure what to expect until the day she received the life altering phone call. Evidently, it wasn't just Abraham Van Helsing who'd been hellbent on studying Count Dracula. Even more surprising was that he was at least aware of the construction of the institution and its purpose.
Bloxham had been the one to reach out to Agatha expressing her condolences. It was clear, though, that her intentions went further than mere well wishes. According to the head researcher, the Foundation had first contacted her brother, who immediately turned them down. He'd never believed in the existence of vampires and found the institution just as absurd as his sister. It was only when the former nun agreed to a position, that the Harker Foundation finally had a Van Helsing heir.
Agatha walked up to the front door of the tiny, blue house and wrapped three times. Almost immediately, it swung open and Zoe through her arms around her aunt's waist. She acted as if she hadn't seen the woman in years, much less a few hours. Old Mrs. Avery had just made it to the door by the time the little girl had grabbed her belongings.
"Aunt Aggie, I missed you," she exclaimed. "You didn't forget me!"
"I'd never forget you," Agatha smiled, patting the top of her head. "Were you good for Mrs. Avery?"
"She was very well behaved," the older woman smiled. "Why, we five episodes of The Price is Right together! I've never met someone who enjoyed it as much as I do."
"There were cookies," Zoe explained. "Can we go?"
"Tell Mrs. Avery thank you first," the former nun instructed, giving the other woman a smile. "Thank you, Jane."
"Of course. Anytime, Agatha," Mrs. Avery replied. "She's always a joy to have."
Zoe sang loudly, and off key to a pop song in the back seat as Agatha drove them home. At least she seemed to be in a pretty good mood. By the time she started dinner, the sun had already begun to set over the horizon.
"James Hopkins blew milk out of his nose today," her niece informed her as Agatha set a plate in front of her. "It was pretty cool. But then he got in trouble."
"Well I certainly hope you won't try doing the same," she exhaled, joining her at the table. "Did anything else happen today?"
"Hm…" Zoe pondered. "I painted in art!"
"Oh? What did you paint?"
"A toad," she answered, taking a bite out of her pizza. "I glued googly eyes to it."
Just as Agatha opened her mouth to reply, her cell phone rang. Excusing herself, she stood up and retrieved the device from where it sat on the counter. Her heart nearly skipped a beat when she saw the name on the screen. Jack Seward.
"Zoe," came the voice on the other line. "They found him. They found Count Dracula."
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falseroar · 4 years
Maybe 3 with JJ and Wilford? :D
((One “How hard can baking a cake be?” with JJ and Wilford coming up! I’ll admit, the idea of these two in a kitchen together made me smile. Sorry it took so long!))
“So do you have all the flavors?”
Jameson Jackson jumped and spun around, one hand to his heart, a speech slide appearing between him and the fluorescent pink and yellow man as if some kind of defense. “Jeepers! I didn’t hear your knock at the door!”
Wilford frowned and waved the slide away before breaking into a manic grin. “Come now, who needs doors to get anywhere?”
“…Most people, I would think.” Jameson hid his step back from the man by leaning against the kitchen counter. “Why are you here, Wilford?”
Wilford, in a rare moment of awareness, tilted his head past the slide to give the other man a suspicious stare. “You know, for some reason I’m getting the sense that you’re not super comfy with my being here. But that’s just ridiculous, of course!”
Jameson frowned and pointed a finger at him. “Ridiculous?! You’ve turned a gun on me before, not to mention my friends!”
Wilford shrugged. “Existential crisis, happens to everybody! Besides, I’ve turned a gun on everyone at least once, it’s kind of my thing.”
“The last time we were in a house together, you tried to hunt me down like some kind of animal!”
“Ah.” Wilford paused and said, “In my defense, you did have that Antiwhatsit hanging around in your head. Plus, I kind of hoped you would have forgotten about that.”
“…Fair enough.”
Wilford beamed at him and moved toward the counter, only to be stopped short by another speech slide.
“But that doesn’t answer my question.”
Wilford read the words and turned toward him. “Which was…?”
“Why are you here?”
“Why, to bake a cake of course! Didn’t you get my message?” Wilford peered around Jameson to look at the flour, eggs, and other materials carefully arranged on the counter beside several bowls and pans. “Or do you always have baking supplies out and ready to go? Because I thoroughly approve if so.”
Seeing Jameson’s baffled expression, Wilford sighed and placed his hands on the gentleman’s shoulders. “JJ. Jameson Jackson. Jamieboy. J. Jonah Jameson—”
“Not my name—”
“Shush!” Wilford slapped a finger over JJ’s mouth, making the speech slide that appeared cut off and flimsier than the others. “Have you, or have you not, noticed that these days the others are a bit down in the mouth? They’re not going out, keeping away from other people—”
“You mean because people are supposed to be staying home and not breaking quarantine?” Jameson gave Wilford and the door a meaningful look, for all the good it did.
“Yes, yes, that’s what Dr. Iplier keeps telling me. That is, when he isn’t working himself to the bone at the hospital. Your doc’s doing the same thing, isn’t he?”
Wilford’s eyes bored knowingly into JJ, who thought of how Dr. Schneeplestein had been coming home at odd hours just to disappear straight into his room or more often his study. It had been days since they’d spoken to each other despite living right down the hall from each other.
“And what about the others?” Wilford pressed. “How are they doing?”
“I admit, the mood has changed in the house,” Jameson said slowly. When Wilford waited for more, he sighed and added, “We’ve never gone this long without a visit from Master McLoughlin. Jackieboy has volunteered to run supplies for those in the neighborhood who need it, but staying inside so much is not his cup of jam. Poor Chase has lost all motivation to continue his video logs, while Marvin…”
He paused. Actually, outside of cancelling his shows for the foreseeable future, the magician hadn’t changed his habits that much. Not leaving his study for days at a time was perfectly normal behavior for him, although he was more willing to volunteer to go to the grocery store these days to save his brothers from having to do it.
Wilford nodded. “My boys are avoiding each other as well. The house hasn’t been this quiet in, well, ever, even Dark has noticed! Yan can’t go to school to see Senpai, Bim can’t find guests for his show, and you don’t know cabin fever until it affects the Ipliers.”
Jameson shuddered, not even wanting to imagine what that looked like. The Iplier house on a normal day was bad enough.
“Why, even Y/N has taken to self-isolating over at Mark and Amy’s place, and apparently taking them out for the occasional adventure in the middle of the night is ‘dangerous’ and ‘irresponsible’ all of a sudden.”
JJ considered pointing out it probably wasn’t “all of a sudden” but thought better of it.
“The point, my son of Jacks, is that they’re all too focused on the bad things, and don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of it to go around these days.” Wilford threw an arm around Jameson’s shoulder and spoke in a low, conspiratorial tone. “But you and me? We’ve been through this before, haven’t we? And we know the secret: this too will pass. We’ll get there, eventually. But until then, we need to get the others’ spirits up!”
“And to do that, we’re going to bake a cake?” Jameson’s slide failed to convey his doubt, but he had to admit the idea had a kind of simple charm to it.
“Now you get it!” Wilford said, thumping him hard on the back before turning to the arrayed ingredients. “This is going to be great!”
“Well, I do have some baking experience,” Jameson said as he picked up a simple recipe for a yellow cake he had laid to the side earlier. “And as long as we follow the recipe—Hey!”
Wilford snatched the recipe from JJ’s hand and tore it up with a snort. “We don’t need no recipe! How hard can baking a cake be?”
Jameson sighed, his palm pushing the brim of his bowler hat so far up it threatened to fall off of his head. This was going to be a long day.
After convincing Wilford that hands did not make for good measuring devices, an argument that went on for far too long, they managed to get as far as mixing together the sugar and butter before Jameson tapped his chin.
“Next is the eggs, I think. Was it two or three—Ah! Maybe I should be the one to—”
Too late. Wilford had already picked up an egg and, with one hand, cracked it over the bowl before tossing the eggshell over his shoulder and into the trash can without a single glance.
“…What?” Wilford asked.
Jameson opened his mouth and then shut it, unsure of what to say as Wilford continued to expertly crack open the next two eggs.
“Between you and me, I think your popup word thingy isn’t working properly,” Wilford said in a carrying whisper. “You might want to get that looked at.”
That surprise might have explained why JJ wasn’t prepared for when Wilford picked up the electric mixer, but the shout that followed suggested that Wilford wasn’t too prepared either. Several minutes of panicked mixing later, they were left with a large bowl of batter and a kitchen coated with a light dusting of flour and splattered half-mixed batter.
Jameson tossed the mixer in the sink where it could do no more harm and said, “Well, that happened. How about I grease the pans while you get the oven going?”
Wilford chuckled. “Oh, no no no, I’m not allowed to touch any major appliance after what happened with the dishwasher. And the washing machine. And the little mishap with the TV.”
Jameson considered asking but thought better of it, instead with some embarrassment admitting, “I, um, haven’t fully mastered this newfangled machine. I usually ask one of the others to help me, but…”
He looked around the kitchen, which he would much rather the others not see in its current state.
Wilford considered for a moment and then grinned. “Don’t worry, I know exactly what to do.”
“Oh, hey Jameson,” you said, unable to hide your surprise when you saw the dapper gentleman on the other side of your phone screen. You didn’t even know he knew what FaceTime was, not when texting was just barely within his comfort zone. “What’s up?”
The screen went black as a shaky speech slide appeared, the white letters reading, “This is a bit embarrassing to ask, but…”
The speech slide was pushed out of the way as Wilford leaned into view. “Do you think you could talk our lad here through using a modern oven?”
“I—Wilford? What are you doing there?” You frowned. “Don’t you know how to use an oven?”
“According to Chef Iplier, no. Not even a little bit,” Wilford answered with a smile, not even a bit ashamed. “Well, are you up to it?”
“I…I guess? JJ, can you turn the camera toward the oven so I can see it? No, that’s the floor, up a little more—”
It took a few minutes, but you managed to talk Jameson through preheating the oven and how to set a timer, finishing with, “And that should be it. Just don’t forget to turn it off when you’re done—"
“Got it, thanks Y/N, love you,” Wilford said, abruptly turning the phone off before you could finish or answer him. “Say, Jamieboy, what do we have in the way of food dye?”
You stared at the blank screen on your end and laughed to yourself before starting a text to Marvin, typing, “You might want to get some fire suppression spells ready.”
The response came back a few seconds later: “Already on it.”
Some time and an assist from Marvin’s magic later, you were standing with several of the other Septic egos in their dining room, looking at the pair of cakes arranged there.
“They’re very…colorful,” Chase managed, but like the others he didn’t seem eager to move any closer to it.
That it was. Pink and blue swirled icing heavily coated both cakes in messy globs, both colors so bright as to almost appear capable of glowing in the dark.
“Well, don’t just stand there! Try a piece!” Wilford picked up the knife and everyone in the room flinched. “What?”
“Maybe I should do that,” Jackieboy said, gingerly taking the knife from Wilford’s hand, who just shrugged and backed out of the way. The superhero cut into one of the cakes, revealing the same colors had been used to dye the inside as well, and carefully meted out slices onto waiting plates.
“Those slices aren’t very big,” Wilford said doubtfully.
“We want to save some for Hen, right guys?” Jackie said, looking to you, Marvin, and Chase for backup and getting nods in return. A lot easier to be polite when you only had to get through a small piece.
Very aware that JJ and Wilford were watching you, you dipped a fork into your slice and took a hesitant bite.
“This is really good!” you said, unable to keep the surprise out of your voice.
Wilford beamed as the others shared your surprise and dug in, but you looked at Jameson who shrugged and leaned in to whisper with a slide only you could see.
“I may have baked something similar before. That, and I was able to salvage a couple of pieces from the recipe when Wilford wasn’t looking.”
You nodded, having experienced some of Wilford’s cooking before he was permanently banned from the kitchen in the Iplier house, as well as Mark’s kitchen and Ethan’s kitchen. And judging by the shriek from the other room, he was about to add another to that growing list.
“Meine Küche!”
“Schneep’s home,” Marvin said without looking up from his plate.
“Wow, look at that, it’s time for us to go,” Wilford said, grabbing the Iplier’s cake and your arm. “See you around, Jamieboy!”
“Wait, you can’t just leave me to—” Jameson’s speech slide stopped abruptly as he stared at the empty place where you and Wilford had been standing just a second ago, before it turned into a garble of censored swears. He turned to face the doctor storming into the room, mask dangling from one ear to reveal his anger, and attempted a smile.
“…Would you like a piece of cake?”
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redvelvetreel · 5 years
Red Velvet Reel 10.2: Hiper-Billirubinado
[Fic Directory]
Pairing: [Married] Spicyhoney (Underfell Papyrus x Underswap Papyrus)
Summary: What could be more romantic than letting your SO sleep in and make them a delicious brunch spread?! Edge can actually think of a lot of things, but if Stretch really wants him to eat these chicken and waffle things, then its his husband’s good luck he married such an accomodating, nice guy. 
Characters: Stretch (Underswap Papyrus) & Edge (Underfell Papyrus)
Contains: Mpreg/Skelepreg! (Implied) Mood swings! Very eager to please Stretch and very confused Edge! Domestic Fluff! Cooking and cooking mishaps! 
Rating: Teen and up! (I guess?)
Note: Title based on the Juan Luis Guerra song “Me Sube la Billirubina.”
Oye, y me trastearon hasta el alma They even poked around my soul Con rayos equis y cirugía With x-rays and surgeries Y es que la ciencia no funciona And it turns out science just doesn’t work Sólo tus besos, vida mía Just your kisses, my life
It was mortifying to be sleeping in. Ever since he was a child, Edge had always been an early riser. There was always so much to do, he sometimes wished he didn’t have to sleep at all! He was the one who woke people up! It was wrong on a cosmic level for Stretch, the king of naps and drowsy lazing around, to be awake before him. To be productive while Edge was still sleeping!
He was still trying to rub sleep out of his sockets, slippers padding on the wood floors quietly, when he entered the kitchen.
“Papí, no me-“ Edge shook his head, trying to focus on his words, “Don’t let me sleep late-“
Edge froze, taking in the sight of his kitchen. Used dishes and bowls all along the counter and in the sink, every single spoon they owned had different types of food stuck to them, and there were half-opened, half-used ingredients all around. The milk didn’t even have a lid on it.
“Good morning!” Stretch was cheerful and energetic, bouncing over to give him a hug. He was wearing a chef’s hat and that stupid  ‘Grill Sergeant’ apron. Edge would have appreciated that gift more if Stretch hadn’t also crammed every other food related pun he could find on the rest of the fabric. On both sides. “Did you sleep well, sweetheart?”
“Good morning. Too well.” Edge sighed, trying to force the irritation down by closing his eyes and focusing on the feel of Stretch’s arms around him. “Wake me up when you wake up, Papí.”
“If you’re tired, you should sleep. You obviously need it.” Stretch sighed, discreetly trying to  feel his forehead. With his oven mitts on. Mamerto. “The weekend is the one time you can do it guilt free, so gotta take advantage, no?”
“No.” Edge leaned up on his tiptoes to give his husband a quick kiss, taking the oven mitts off in the process. With growing trepidation, he looked over at the bubbling pot on the stove, “What are you cooking? It smells...” It wasn’t necessarily appetizing, but it wasn’t bad either. “Oil? Is that oil?”
“Yup! Your nose knows!” Stretch gestured to the stove by sweeping his hand, and Edge pulled his husband’s arm back by the sleeve before he could hit the handle. If Stretch noticed, he didn’t comment on it. “I’m making brunch today, and I wanted to give you the best, most underrated combination ever: chicken and waffles!”
It took all of Edge’s willpower not to grimace, “Waffles?” He squirmed away from Stretch to peer into the bubbling pot, “Pancake waffles? Honey and sprinkle waffles?”
“Exactly!” Stretch playfully bumped him to the side with his hip, picking up a plate with raw, breaded chicken. Edge crushed a hand to his mouth to keep from saying anything as some of chicken fell into the pot with a splash, sending oil spilling onto his nice, clean stovetop. “Whoops. I’ll clean it up later, don’t worry.”
Edge already had a paper towel at the ready, trying to push past his husband, “Move. Let me clean that-”
“Nope, I’m good!” Stretch gestured to the table just through the doorway, which was positively covered in food. “Go ahead, take a seat and dig in!” He put his hands on the small of Edge’s back, gently pushing him forward.
“What-?!” Edge started to protest, but reluctantly let himself be exiled from his kitchen. There were a variety of foods he recognized on the table: cornbread, pancakes, grits (ugh,) bacon and scrambled eggs (ughhh.) And a few things he didn’t recognize- Wait. Edge picked up a misshapen green lump with melted cheese starting to ooze out the side. Cautiously, he broke off a piece to nibble on. It was too salty, but the taste was unmistakable.
“Are these Greempanadas?” He called over his shoulder, picking up the light brown glass in front of his plate. On closer inspection, it was oatmeal that was starting to coagulate. “And Coolada?”
“Well! They’re supposed to be- I did my very best, called Red and everything!” Stretch yelled over the sound of frying chicken, and the repetitive ding of the oven. It was a struggle for Edge not to go rushing in there to deal with it himself. “I mean, I looked around but you don’t have any of your Underfell recipes written down anywhere!”
“Why would you do that?” Edge asked the easy question instead, rolling the glass around in his hand. The oatmeal remained stuck in place. Stretch probably just used that instant oatmeal packet. Menso. “You could have just asked me. I would have been happy to make them for you-“
“But then it wouldn’t be a surprise! And I wanted to try and make them for you!” Stretch finally turned the stove off, apparently done with the frying, and Edge let out a relieved breath he didn’t realize he had been holding. “Like how you learned to make grits for me, even though you don’t even like them!”
Ah. This was a guilt thing, then. Why? What had Stretch done that he needed to be forgiven? He wasn’t still going on about the other day, was he? Edge didn’t like surprises, especially the kind of surprises without a clear motive. Well, Stretch was a terrible liar, and his conscience would have him breaking soon. Edge could be patient.
“And Red told you to use this much salt?” Edge tried to nibble off a little more, but it was so salty. What had his brother been thinking?
The oven dinged one more time. “Sort of!” Stretch continued ranting from the kitchen, oblivious. “Your brother is super unhelpful! He was like, ‘Put as much salt as you want, but not too much!’ and ‘Just a little bit of sugar and a dash of pepper!’ And then he got all mad at me when I asked for clarification, all ‘You got a tongue, don’t’cha?!’ Ugh!”
Edge crushed a piece of the Greempanada on his plate, sprinkling the chunks around like crumbs. He wrapped four of them in a paper napkin, tucking them into his inventory for later disposal. “Yes, Red is the absolute worst.”
“Yes! Well, I mean-“ Stretch cleared his throat uncomfortably, backtracking immediately, “Maybe it’s very obvious for Fell monsters, but for Stretch monsters, it’s like he’s speaking to me in Flowey. Like, really angry, aggressive Flowey.”
Edge smiled despite himself, shaking his head fondly. Stretch made another sound of annoyance, “So, yeah, I tried. There were some other things he was telling me but I didn’t know what those were, so I substituted some stuff.”
Ah. That would explain the paprika. A moment later, Stretch came out with two plates exactly as advertised: fried chicken on a waffle covered in... something. He started to hand a plate over, before hesitating to fidget a little self-consciously, “I know I’m not as great a cook as you are, but... I hope you like it anyway.“
He put the plates down on the table with a sigh, smile anxious and strained, “This was one of my favorite things as a kid, so I wanted you to try it, ‘cause you’re always giving me all of this delicious things from Underfell-“ Stretch started worrying at his ring, “And I appreciate it, you know? I love your cooking and I love you, and I want you to feel as happy as I do when you share this kind of stuff with me, so I wanted to return the favor in a small way-“
Using the side of his fork, Edge cut off a piece of both chicken and waffle, swirling them in the sticky, brown sauce. Bracing himself, he carefully took a bite. The taste was... indescribable. He wouldn’t call it delicious- the sauce was too sweet for the chicken but too salty for the waffle- but he could feel the care that went into it. The love put into the dish went straight to his soul like a hug, and Edge could honestly look up and say, “It’s good.”
“Is it?!” Stretch was in his lap in a moment, arms tight around his chest as he knocked their skulls together, “Blue makes them with bourbon-maple glaze, but that has alcohol, and I didn’t wanna risk it. Yeah, yeah, cooking it makes the alcohol disappear but I’m not gonna take any chances with Pancake!”
Stretch was incredibly talkative today. Not enough to worry, not yet, but enough to definitely monitor. “Like, I want my kid to have this sometime too, but I figured it’d be better when they were born! Yeah, they can get some from symbiosis right now, maybe, but it’s not the same-“ Edge cut off another piece of the chicken and waffle, popping it into his husband’s mouth mid-explanation.
“Yes.” He agreed amicably, keeping his arm around his husband’s waist to keep him from fleeing. He put another piece of food against Stretch’s mouth before he finished swallowing the first, “I’m sure they’ll like it.”
Especially if it was one of the first things they tried, before they developed a firm sense of taste and could speak out against it. And Edge would have plenty of time to undo the damage before Pancake could develop their other father’s sweet tooth.
[ Incident 1 ] [ Incident 2 - Here! ] [ Incident 3]
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 S2
Memories and Life: Saved
*The sun has yet to rise in the morning when Cora finds herself unable to continue sleeping. Looking over her phone she finds its on a Saturday. She sighs before she tries to head back to sleep... She shakes her head before she ultimately decides to head downstairs and get some milk to drink. But when she made it to the kitchen she sees Kage, half dressed in his usual clothes mixed with clothes he wears to sleep. Kage turns around to see Cora and both are in an awkward standstill, the two trying to avoid eye contact, especially this early in the morning.*
Kage: Good morning Cora.
Cora: *Blinking before she gives a half hearted smile* Morning Kage…. Couldn't sleep either?
Kage: No... not particularly… this is the day I have to go spend time with you all...and Grandville at SFIT...
Cora: Oh?...*Remembers* Oh...
*Cora nearly forgot that today Kage will have a proper look at SFIT and spend time with the gang and Grandville to better their...relations... especially since the first time they tried to do that Momakase arrived...and subsequently turned into a cat... An upside tonight though would be the fact that tonight Hiro and herself are going on a double date with Honey Lemon and Gogo.*
Cora:...OoK… so I'm going to get myself a glass of milk...do you want one too?
Kage:...I guess so.
*The two sat awkwardly across from each other as Kage holds his glass while Cora takes small sips of her milk.*
Cora:... How have you been Kage?... These days must've been rather...uneventful here. Aside from one or two mishaps with us...especially with Fred taking you to find Mochi on the San Fransokyo Bridge.
Kage: Oh yes... I thought I was going to die when we flew over...And the monster version of Ned Ludd was certainly the second strangest thing I've ever witnessed in my life.
Cora: What was the first?
Kage:*Thinks back to watching the recording of Kaguya and Baymax fighting off three mermaids and a shark with the cave being surrounded by gold, money and the missing denizens of San Fransokyo.*…. Well, lets say I learned more about Aquatics with your grandmother then I thought possible.
Cora: OK then... You know what, I'm gonna make breakfast right now. Want pancakes?
Kage:...why not?..Would you like me to help?
Cora: I guess, could you bring me the eggs over?
Kage: Sure.
*Baymax activates and sees that his patient isn't in the room, so he rises up and waddles to the kitchen to find Kage when he sees the man and the girl start preparing breakfast together. From his scans it shows that Kage's mental health so far has been improving steadily, to which Baymax's belly lights up with a smile and thumbs up.*
*Eventually the rest of the family wakes up to see Kage and Cora just finishing placing the breakfast on the table.*
Cora: Morning Grandmama! Morning Papa!
*Cora heads over to hug her grandmother and father before going to sit down. Mizuchi turns to his brother and pats him on the ack.*
Mizuchi: Hey Kage… I guess you helped Cora with breakfast today?
Kage: Yeah... I did...
*Once they all sit down and eat their breakfast Cora's phone lets out a beep for a reminder that they are to meet at 8:30 in the morning. Something Kaguya sees from looking at Cora's side.*
Kaguya: Today must be somewhat exciting isn't it you two?
Cora: Oh yeah...definitely... if we don't get any monster news that is.. hopefully.
Kage: Ah yes, the monsters... I have to confess that I'm rather intrigued about all the monsters Liv Amara is creating...and somewhat disturbed..
Cora: Yeah... I had this feeling that Liv Amara isn't so innocent ever since the incident at the honor gala... then again I hadn't had any good opinions about her before the monster attack at the gala.
Kage: Really? What did she do that made you not trust Liv Amara? From what I've seen before with your friends and Gradnville, everyone is pratically wrapped around her finger.
Cora: Well, for one I never even heard of Liv Amara, and the ones who did were Gogo and Grandville. The second one, however, made me wary and didn't let me get chummy with her because of what she did to Hiro.
Kage: What did she do to Hiro?
Cora: You see, Liv Amara was coming over to SFIT to specifically see Hiro and I because of Baymax, and my counter-illumination fabric. Liv went to Hiro first, but when he said that Baymax was originally designed by Tadashi, she just snubbed him! Like, the moment she uttered those words Liv lost interest in him. But Karmi shows up and wins her over with her invention, the patch we found on Ludd none the less, and Liv chooses Karmi over Hiro. I was still noticed but what she did just made me feel uncomfortable and not like her very much.
Kaguya: So that's why those two girls looked uncomfortable as they did when I talked to them about your original plan to have a shared lunch with your friends. *Scoffs* How disrespectful.
Kage: Oh, so that was the case. This Liv Amara just snubs Hiro because Baymax wasn't his original creation, and chooses that brat over him? Honestly, I find this laughably ironic.
Cora: What is?
Kage: If Liv Amara is so impressed with this Karmi she would had chosen to see her instead of you two. Meaning that Karmi wasn't good enough to consider seeing in the first place. Though, fitting of that brat's character she just had to burst into your interview just to get her attention. Seriously how much of a entitled twit do you have to be to burst into someone's interview like that?
Cora:*Blinking* You certainly don't like her too huh?
Kage: I repeat. She is a brat. Plain and simple. Then again considering how this Liv character is and how she gets along with Karmi, its almost like they're kindred spirits.
*When he spoke that last word Cora's mind runs to a dark thought...its already enough that Karmi behaves so crudely to them both. And the one or two moments of basic decency she gave them were easily buried beneath all the other horrible vile she threw at them...But the possibility that she could follow Liv Amara's footsteps is...frightening... and considering how much she worships Liv it isn't an unlikely scenario that would happen. Kage notes that Cora is appearing uncomfortable at the thought and looks down at his plate in slight embarrassment. Kaguya comes into action to drive this awkward aura away.*
Kaguya: Cora, I heard you will have a double date with Honey Lemon and Gogo tonight correct?
Cora: Oh yeah! Honey Lemon came up with the idea!
Kaguya: Have you decided what kind of date it would be?
Cora:...We actually hadn't come to a definite choice, we're stuck between having a date at the movies or... I don't know the other half... Gonna have to check with Honey and Gogo, they probably have an idea, and maybe we can compromise something.
Kaguya: A smart choice granddaughter.
Cora: Thank you.
*Mizuchi looks at Kage and gives a fake cough, catching the younger man's attention to his brother. The older man directs his eyes to Cora and Kaguya. Kage sighs before he turns his attention to his niece and Kaguya.*
Kage: That does sound like an interesting plan. I'm sure you'll find time to discuss it when we arrive at SFIT.
Cora: Yup...*That's when she looks at her phone to show the time.* We'll time to get ready.
*She quickly finishes her breakfast before she gets up to wash her plate then get ready for the day. After doing their business and getting dressed up they leave for SFIT. The three: Baymax, Kage, and Cora; are now walking towards SFIT. Getting a beep from the phone, Cora picks it up and sees a text from her boyfriend Hiro.*
Cora: Hiro just sent me a text, we're meeting up at the Robotics lab.
Kage: *Slight, downhearted sarcasm* Oh joy...
Baymax 1: From your eye roll and downhearted tone in your voice, you do not feel joy.
Cora:*Mutters to self* Note to self, start teaching Baymax one about sarcasm as with our Baymax.
*Kage sighs before the three continue walking towards the school. As of while; Hiro and his Baymax, Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Honey Lemon and Gogo, Fred, and finally Grandville are inside the robotics lab and all have differing expressions and moods. Fred seems to be one who appears to be relaxed but inwardly is squirming as they are to meet the man who so far had recovered from his surgery and seems to be making strides for his health. Not to mention how Kage reacted when he flew across the San Fransokyo bridge when they went looking for Mochi. Gogo and Wasabi are the ones that are wary about Kage, clearly not ready to forget what he had done in the past as Obake. Despite his inward fear, Wasabi is not going to back down from him, or at least not show him he's afraid; this certainly impressed Gogo, as she does not intent to let Kage off the hook so easily, especially remembering how frightened Cora was during the period where they didn't know what he even looked like, how frightened her screams were and the nightmares both she and Hiro had about him. Honey Lemon tries to summon all of her positivity to consider a number of good scenarios that could play out with Kage during their meeting, even with the fact that her girlfriend would beat the crap out of him if he does something suspicious.. which is a fair response in hindsight but for now she just hopes they could make it through the day and enjoy their double date tonight.*
Grandville: I don't see them anywhere.
Hiro:*Turns to Baymax* Baymax, can you contact Baymax 1 and see if they are nearby?
Baymax: *Belly lighting up to show the other Baymax near where they are* They are soon to arrive here.
Hiro: *Sighs in relief* That's good.
*Out of all the team, the people most nervous about this meeting with Kage would be Grandville and Hiro, both for personal reasons. A lot of crazy things happened ever since they began being Big Hero 7 and Obake is part of the reason why. Hiro could still remember the fear in his girlfriends eyes when Esme revealed the true meaning of the flower, how Cora's screams echoed when Kage stole his energy amplifier. Then things got even more crazy with the appearance of this 'Riku' character and how he attempted to get Kage revert back to his cruel and malicious self... and when he rejected that idea and pieced himself together is what's gotten Hiro to feeling a mess of emotions. He still remembers him as one of their most effective and dangerous villains, but his attempts and strides to show that he is no longer the monster that haunted them is impressive. And it shows that at the very least, there is a man inside that does care about those around him and is carefully stepping over the glass of their judgement. For Grandville, this will be a proper reunion with her former star student, the boy she given encouragement and affection during his youth only for his actions to lead him to the state he was months ago. She had so many questions about his wellbeing and the last time they talked was brief since at the time, Momakase had escaped from prison.*
Baymax 1: Hello, I am Baymax.
*The group turn their heads to see the three finally here. Hiro's Baymax waddles to Kage's Baymax and says his greeting*
Baymax: Hello, I am also Baymax. How is Kage's neural scans lately?
Baymax 1: He is steadily growing a healthy mind thanks to the medication and support of his family.
Baymax: That is good news.
Cora:*to the gang* Hey guys, what up?
Hiro: Nice to see you again babe.
*Hiro goes over and wraps his arm around Cora which causes her to giggle slightly and smile. From the corner of Kage's eye, he could only sigh as he thought about Chara and their relationship in their youth...*
Grandville: Kage, how have you been doing so far?
*Kage looks up to see Grandville; even if she is keeping her composure her eyes show that behind the mask she wanted to explode into all questions about his well being and how he is coping. Kage had to admire that about Grandville, keeping a strong face now that she's the dean and aware of her studen't super hero activities.*
Kage: I've been doing well as of late, despite all the monster events happening.
Grandville: Of course... How have you been getting along with your family?
Kage: Well, Mizuchi has been doing well and does his best to help me. Kaguya is certainly quiet a character *Chuckles half heartedly* it took a while but I think we're OK.
Grandville:...and of Cora?
*He turns his attention to Hiro and Cora, who are now conversing with Baymax 1 about Kage's well-being with Cora confirming the nurse bot's findings and their Baymax giving a second opinion and agreeing.*
Kage: We're getting there. This morning Cora asked me to help make breakfast together.
Grandville: Is that so?
Kage: Yeah... and considering that before she would only ask me to pass the salt its something.
Grandville: That's good. Though you have yet to introduce yourself to the others as well Kage.
*Kage sighs in defeat, knowing this has to come. He turns to the gang, who are all looking at him. Kage gives a half hearted smile and wave sheepishly at them, knowing that this path is going to just as hard. The first one to come forward is Honey Lemon, who is joined by Gogo to keep an eye on him.*
Honey Lemon: Hi... Kage... How do you do?
Kage: I'm fine...Honey Lemon. I've heard that you and Gogo are now a couple. Congratulations.
Honey Lemon: Thank you Kage. We're actually going on a double date with Hiro and Cora tonight!
*Kage turns to Gogo who still holds suspicion in her eyes as she stares at Kage, wrapping her arm around Honey Lemon protectively.*
Kage: Gogo...
Gogo: Kage….
Kage:... How have your studies been going?
Gogo: Its been going well. Despite in the beginning being a bit of stressful time since we were dealing with certain villains on the large.
*Honey Lemon looks at Gogo with wary eyes as she looks back at Kage, to which in her relief, remains calm.*
Kage: Glad to know that. You all are more intelligent and resourceful than what I give credit for.
*Hearing this phrase, Gogo's eyes narrowed at him which makes Kage slightly uncomfortable. Honey Lemon steps in to ease the slowly dimming atmosphere.*
Honey Lemon: Hey, so um. Wasabi and Fred are over there! Wanna meet them?
*And so Honey Lemon carefully takes Kage's hand; the man slightly freezes which is not lost on Gogo and Honey Lemon. Once he shows he's comfortable with the hand holding Honey Lemon takes Kage to meet the other two. With that time, Gogo goes over to Hiro and Cora to talk to them.*
Gogo: He's not messing with you two right?
Cora: Not one strange thing.
Gogo: Especially not to you, Hiro?
Hiro: We barely talk together so... nothing bad happened...
Gogo: Hmmm...As if this isn't enough, we still have to worry about Liv Amara and what she's doing.
*As of while, 'Liv' is researching through the small clips of news about a figure in the bay swimming through the water. But because the photo is too blurry for even rendering to make a clear picture, all she is left with is a fuzzy brown blob. What is making this more difficult is that of the gold being converting to a cure is a very long and time consuming... in the process of finding the cure for Liv its taking time needed to save her. She sighs frustratingly before she decides to come visit Liv. Entering to her secret section she goes over to the suspended woman, her capsule intact and functioning. She sighs as she talks to Liv.*
'Liv': Hi Liv. Things are doing well over here. The cure is coming, its just... taking time... *Sighs* I wish I could talk to you again.
*But when she places a hand on Liv's capsule she noted that the capsule's functioning... is starting to fizzle and crackle. and that leads to alarms rising up where she sees the vital signs spazzing as it gets dangerously close to flat lining.*
'Liv': No no no no no!
*She looks frantically for anything to stop the capsule from malfunctioning which could potentially kill her before the disease could.*
'Liv': OK ok! Umm... I just need to-
*But 'Liv' could only stare helplessly at the capsule, unaware of the capsule's functions to properly stabilize. Finally she remembers a switch that would temporarily stabilize the capsule until proper repairs can be made. She finds the switch and soon enough, the capsule is restored to normal for the time being. She hated the fact that she has no idea on robotics and mechanics to properly repair the capsule, much less understand the basics of it. She sighs heavily before she realizes what she needed to do. She exits her lab and finds Chris, enjoying a cup of tea.*
'Liv': Chris, the capsule is malfunctioning and is placed in a temporary battery. Place a call Madame Nozako for a request for repairs.
*Chris chokes on his drink as he hears the last sentence leave 'Liv's' mouth.*
Chris: B-But we're kind of a little behind on payment, and Madame Nozako can act rather impatient when it comes to her rent...
'Liv': We don't have a choice. Contact Madame Nozako.
Chris: *Conceding defeat* Of course.
*Soon enough the two are in the office where the computer displays the Madame, though this time she is inbed. But despite seeing her weak from her own ailment, her eyes still displayed the danger that she could put the two in.*
'Liv': Madame Nozako, I hope I didn't disturb your rest, its just I need to discuss something... in regards to the equipment.. particulary the capsule where Liv is residing.
Nozako: What is it you pest?
*The Madame receives a cup of tea to drink as she waits for 'Liv' to talk.*
'Liv': Recently, it's experienced a malfunction which nearly shut down the vitals inside Liv. I managed to set it to a stable condition... but as you know-
Nozako: Your knowledge on mechanics and tech is pitifully low. So you want me to send my mechanics to repair the capsule?
'Liv': Yes Madame Nozako.
Nozako:… Even though you have yet to pay back for my services. And you expect me to give you more?
'Liv': I-I know I'm a little behind on payment, but I'm this close to curing Liv! I've recently acquired gold to incorporate into the medicine and-
Nozako: Gold?...When have you acquired this large sum of gold?
'Liv': … Since last week Madame Nozako.
Nozako: Then you have more than enough for your payment. Send the rest of the gold to me immediately, every last bar.
'Liv': B-but its currently being used to make Liv's cure!-
Nozako: Did you not say you require my mechanics to repair Liv's capsule? Especially since there appears to be a glitch endangering her life? Besides, how much gold had you incorporated into the medication?
'Liv':... about one bar.
Nozako: And you want me to wait for my payment? Now, be a good girl and gather every bar and prepare for the drop off at San Fransokyo bay tonight, there will be one of the my workers here that will direct you and your... *points to Chris* thing where the exchange will take place. Do not disappointment me like last time you wench!
*The communication is cut off as 'Liv' sighs heavily before she turns to Chris.*
'Liv': Chris... would you leave me in peace?
Chris: Are you going into your tantrums again?-
'Liv': Now.
*Chris leaves the room and closes the door behind. Not soon after he hears the frustrated screams as the sounds of papers flying and pounding of the desk, followed by the sound of a head banging into the desk. He shakes his head before he starts to place every gold bar to a strong steel crate.*
Chris: Maybe if I'm lucky, I get to see Lenny again. We hadn't caught up in a while. *Blushes and giggle like a school boy* He certainly has quiet the magic touch.
*Back at SFIT Kage is walking through the school while the gang manage to get a conversation with him, finding him quiet a character. From what they had seen of him as Obake, he was certainly a incredibly patient and tactfully brilliant man who could had hacked them any time he wanted too. Add the fact that Noodle Burger Boy was hacked by him despite being a KreiTech invention was something incredibly powerful. He's still has the same intelligence he had, but they saw that when he could, he could be quiet charming and polite. He spoke briefly about typical topics like the weather or how their grades are going. Other times when it comes to their majors they were impressed with how well versed he is. What impressed them even more is how not once has he ever asked them about their activities about Big Hero 7. Then again, he wanted to keep his relations low about Big Hero 7 ever since the prevention of the great catastrophe and where Riku attempted to make him Obake again.*
Fred: So Kage, will you ever fly on Baymax again if given the chance?
Kage: Recalling how I nearly fell to death months ago and the experience with the Hygagon...I doubt it.
Fred: Oh... OK then. Flying on Baymax is nowhere near the future, especially with the superhero stuff... So what about this? Have you ever read any classic super hero comics like Iron Man? I think you'll like that one.
*Behind them, Hiro and Cora are conversing with Honey Lemon and Gogo about their double date tonight.*
Hiro: What did you guys decide on where our double date should be?
Honey Lemon: We're still debating where to go. Gogo wants to go to concert that's happening up at Northern San Fransokyo.
Gogo: And Honey Lemon wants to go to the mall to hang out... possibly cause its the opening night of a new store that happens to sell cute characters.
Honey Lemon: What? Rikimaru is adorable! And don't forget that you watched a couple of episodes with me!
*Gogo huffs as she diverts her eyes away from Honey Lemon. Both Hiro and Cora don't know what to say. A concert is out of the question since Mizuchi's curfew for Cora is at max midnight. And the mall just seemed to be rather dull to be honest, though its also cause Cora has never been there and its a place that Mizuchi will not allow her to go. When they brought out the fact Honey Lemon and Gogo sigh as they are now back to square one. Kage looks up to see that the four are having a difficult time deciding about where to go on their dates. He chuckles as memories of how back in youth he would ponder and pull his hair out about where to take Chara on their dates, wanting to make them memorable and enjoyable for both. The four look up to see Kage chuckling to which the four are slightly off guard. Kage clears his throat and talks to them.*
Kage: My apologies... its just that you four talking about where to go on your double date reminded me how I was back at my youth. Where I pulled out my hair just trying to think of one place to take her to.
Honey Lemon: Really? With-*Instantly remembers who that person is* Oh.
*Cora steps in and talks to Kage.*
Cora: Hey Kage? Do you have any ideas to go for dates?
Kage: Well, there is this pizzeria that's downtown. Kind of old fashioned, but the entertainment is quiet amusing.
*Hiro and Cora look at each other as Honey Lemon and Gogo look at each other as well.*
Cora: That sounds fun. Thank you for suggesting it.
*The three blink at Cora's answer before looking back at Kage.*
Honey Lemon: That does sound interesting. Do you remember the name of the pizzeria Kage?
Kage: Memory of the name is a little foggy, but I believe its Pizza Press Station.
Honey Lemon and Cora: Ooh~
*Hiro and Gogo look at each before the conceded defeat, knowing how their girlfriends are at new things.*
Gogo: Guess we have a plan then.
Honey Lemon: Awesome! How about we meet at around 6:30 at the pizzeria?
Hiro: Sounds good.
Cora: Awesome!
Gogo: I guess, sounds like a plan.
*After a while, where Grandville fusses over Kage and they share simple stories together, they all head home to rest up. Hiro decides to join Cora with Kage and their Baymax along with his own to walk home. Along the way Hiro talks to Kage.*
Hiro: So Kage… thanks for the date suggestion.
Kage: You're welcome Hiro.
Hiro: So what brought up the pizzeria idea?
*Kage sighs as he gives a faint melancholic smile.*
Kage: That was where Chara and I went for our first date.
*Hiro and Cora look up at Kage when they heard that. For a moment they were afraid that this would lead to a scenario like what happened at the Lucky Cat Café when the two teens were at the dance with Megan. But to their surprise, Kage remains calm and his smile remains.*
Cora: Oh... so that was where you and Chara went?
Kage: Yes. I had fond memories there. I hope you two would enjoy your date there as much as I had back then.
Hiro: OK... thanks...
*Kage walks ahead as his Baymax walks with him in step. Hiro turns to his girlfriend as she looks at Kage with concerned eyes. But these weren't eyes of suspicion... it was one where a family member shows worry about their family. She looks at Hiro before she whispers into his ears. Hearing what she said, Hiro blinked at her.*
Hiro: Are you sure?
Cora: Its only fair for Kage.
Hiro: OK Cora, how about we talk about this a little later. I'll pick you up around 6 k?
Cora: OK, love you Hiro.
*She kisses him in the cheek as they near her house. Once there Hiro smiles at Cora before heading back home. Once there Cora gets on the phone with her father.*
Cora: Hey, Papa? Is it OK if I ask you something? Its about the Butsudan with Mama.
*Later on that day at the café Hiro is, at the moment, brushing up his slightly tamed down hair before heading down. The café is little lively tonight as its currently hosting beat poetry night. He sneaks through where he catches Cass' attention to let her know he's going out now.*
Hiro: *Whisper shouts* Heading out Aunt Cass to get Cora and go for our double date!
Cass: *Whisper shouts back* OK Hiro! Have fun and be safe! I heard things are going to be a little wet later tonight!
Hiro: *Whisper shouts* K! Love you Aunt Cass!
Cass:*Whisper shouts* Love you too!
*Hiro gets on board to his moped where he drives towards Cora's house as the time nears to six. His Baymax stays behind to help Aunt Cass with her customers and to keep an eye on Mochi. When he arrives at the house he knocks on the door, checks over himself and straightening his shirt, before smiling up when he hears the door opens.*
Hiro: Hey sweetie! You ready to go?
*But when Hiro looks up he only sees Kage, who blinks at the pet name.*
Kage: …..Hello...Hiro
Hiro: Hi...where's Cora?
Kage: She's currently getting ready. You know, the usual last minute check up?
Hiro: Yeah...
Kage: ….Would you like to get inside while Cora gets ready?
*Soon enough the two are inside the house at the kitchen where Hiro looks around the room while Kage avoids eye contact. Finally Hiro breaks the ice.*
Hiro: Where's Mizuchi and Kaguya? And where's Baymax?...Your Baymax...
Kage: They're sleeping in at the moment, both of them had been rather busy today. And Baymax is with Cora right now, checking over her.
Hiro: OK then.
*The silence returns before Hiro continues speaking to Kage to pass the time.*
Hiro: So, this old pizzeria you mentioned... that was where you had your first date?
Kage: Of course.
Hiro: It seems a little odd that you would suggest a place, that means so much to you, to us since...
Kage: Hiro. I understand what I had done to you and Cora, but I can assure this is just something I thought you would enjoy going as I did. I cross my heart.
*Kage crosses his heart as a promise, which causes Hiro to blink since Kage did that gesture, but nods in agreement.*
Hiro: So what happened at your first date?
Kage:*Blinks at Hiro* You're asking me about my first date? Well, I'll tell you if you tell me how was your first date with Cora.
*Hiro looks at Kage with slight suspicion.*
Hiro: How do I know if you hadn't learned that already as Obake?
Kage: I would have pointed out slight details if I did back then.
*Hiro stills eyes Kage suspiciously until he gives in, sighing before telling him the story.*
Hiro: Our first date was actually the night after Cora and I became a couple. She suggested having dinner at her house so Aunt Cass, Tadashi, and I went over. Mizuchi though was still iffy about us so he kinda blocked the door until her grandmother knocked some sense into him, and by that she whacked him over the head with her cane to let us through.
*Kage covers his mouth as he tries to stifle his laughter. He could definitely see his brother reacting that way, and especially how Kaguya would respond to Mizuchi's overprotective nature. Hiro takes notice of this and...couldn't help but smile a little to hear Kage's laugh. This wasn't one of evil, nor was the smile of ambition... this was simply a man reacting to the antics of his family with a warm smile and laugh... like...his brother.. Hiro snaps out of it and soon continues his story., trying to wipe off the comparison between Kage and his brother Tadashi from his mind.*
Hiro: Cora had just finished making dinner for all of us, which I learned she can definitely cook, and we sat down. However half way through dinner the power went out. There was a storm happening that night...storms aren't something I'm fond of, for personal reasons... Cora took me to the living room while Aunt Cass and Tadashi helped Mizuchi and Grandma Kaguya get some flashlights and other stuff for a storm. The living room... is where I met her Mom.
*Kage's eyes look at Hiro as the teen says this, noting the glint of melancholy in the teen's eyes.*
Hiro: She told me that she never got to know her since died after being born. But she said that considering the stories her dad and grandma told her...Akemi...she said her mom would have loved to meet me. We told more about ourselves and made jokes...and before we knew it... we had our first kiss.
*Hiro's face shifts to a small but warm smile as he blushes at the memory.*
Hiro: I don't know how long we kissed but it felt like forever. We did end the kiss before the others got back thankfully. We had our dinner and dessert and...yeah. That was our first date. A storm isn't something you want on your date at all, but it ended well. Though when I had to tell Tadashi he teased me... *Chuckles* he can be such a nerd sometimes.
*Kage smiles warmly at Hiro's tale.*
Kage: That does sound like a sweet memory for you. Well... now that you've told me your story, I suppose I shall tell you mine. The pizzeria was Chara's idea, upon hearing I never ventured outside my home and tend to stay close to a path familiar to me. It was loud, bursting with energy and other teenagers hanging. There was a karaoke stand to sing along to whatever you like. I couldn't in my life have the courage to stand up and sing in front of strangers; but Chara got up and started singing. In comparison Cora's singing is a little better, but Chara's lively tone and energy made her voice just as lovely. You know, after she sang the song she said its to basically spell out what I've been doing before I ventured to San Fransokyo.
Hiro: What was she singing?
Kage: A Disney movie called Tangled, and the song being 'When will my life begin'.
*Hiro thought back on the Disney song and find that it actually fitted him, Mizuchi, and even Cora. Aside from the situation that was forced on them, they all had relatively sheltered lives and all they knew was their home and the people living there.*
Hiro: I can definitely see it. Though it also fits Cora since, you know.. before she met me she just lived at home being homeschooled and only going to certain places.
Kage: Yes, in hindsight that was rather appropriate. After that little performance some of the boys there started talking to her, telling her how pretty she is and how she sang lovely, even some asking if she was single. *Becoming a little self conscious* Some of the boys there were better looking and had decent muscles in comparison to my scrawny build, but do you know what Chara did?
Hiro: What?
Kage: She politely thanked them for the compliments and...*Smiles warmly* she snuggled up to me and says to them ' I'm sorry boys, but this cutie here is my boyfriend and I'm sticking with him.' I could still recall the gob smacked face at me after hearing that. I never felt so warm and happy to hear that. Then to cement that statement she kissed me. Afterwards we had a root beer float where I told a joke which made her laugh so hard root beer came out her nose. I helped clean up and told her she had a wonderful laugh, which she does. We had our kiss after leaving. And that was my first date.
*Kage sighs as he finishes the story. Hiro looks up to Kage and now they are looking at each others' faces.*
Hiro: Glad you had fun that night.
Kage: Yeah, I hope you four will love that place as much as I and Chara did...
Hiro: I bet we will.
Cora: Hiro is that you?
*Hiro's head turns to see Cora, dressed in her jean skirt and white blouse looking at the two guys. Baymax is behind her.*
Hiro: Hi Cora. Hi Baymax.
Baymax 1: Hello.
Cora: Hey, sorry for making you wait. I hope you weren't too bored waiting for me.
Hiro: No no, its fine. Kage kept me company... told stories.
Cora: Oh. *To Kage with a smile* thank you Kage.
Kage: You're welcome. Have fun you two.
*Before the teens step out, Cora turns around and talks to Kage.*
Cora: What kind of story did you guys talk about?
Kage: Simply about our first dates.
Cora: Oh.. that must've been interesting to learn.
Kage: Definitely, now go on you two. Don't keep Honey Lemon and Gogo waiting right now.*
Baymax: Exchanging stories about a personal experience is beneficial for the person sharing the story, especially between friends, can develop a level of trust. It also has mental health benefits.
*The three people nod before they look at each other, at a loss for words. But then they figured they can share that a lot later. The teens nods before leaving off for their date at the pizzeria. While that was going on, Honey Lemon and Gogo are at separate places dressing up for their double date.*
Gogo: Honey you almost ready yet?
Honey Lemon: Just about! How about you?
Gogo: I'm fine!
*Gogo checks her breath and deems it normal which she then turns around to see a dolled up Honey Lemon dressed in a yellow dress and purple ribbon tied around her waist. Gogo blinks and blushes a little bit before she shakes herself out of her romantic stupor.*
Honey Lemon: *blushes* Wow Gogo, you look good.
Gogo: Thanks... you look amazing.
Honey Lemon: *Smiling and blushing deeper* Thank you.
Gogo: So *Fakes clearing throat* Ready to meet up for our double date?
Honey Lemon: Oh right! Yeah lets go!
*The two girlfriends hop onto Gogo's motorbike where they speed through the city, with Honey Lemon riding behind Gogo and holding onto her tightly. Gogo smiles at this as they finally arrive at the place of the date and park the motor byke. A few minutes pass before Gogo and Honey Lemon spot Hiro and Cora on the moped and hop off after parking it next to Gogo's.*
Cora: Hey guys! Hope we didn't keep you waiting!
Honey Lemon: Its ok, you guys are right on time.
Gogo: You two look nice.
Hiro: Thanks. Same to you both.
*Gogo shrugs but soon they all enter in. The atmosphere had changed over the years, the loud and energetic music replaced with mellow sounds. The four are seated to a booth where Hiro soon spots the karaoke stand. Though from the slight dust on it hasn't been used in a while... a long while. After ordering and receiving their drinks the four start talking.*
Cora: You know, ever since you and Gogo became girlfriends you've been a lot happier.
Honey Lemon: Well, its not everyday you get confessed by your crush while doing something adorable that shows it.
Hiro: Tell me about it.
Gogo: Yup.
Hiro: Did you ever tell your folks?
Gogo: Honey did, then posted our selfie online and changed her status from 'single' to 'taken'.
Honey Lemon: Everyone was so happy for us! They gave us very nice comments and wished us the best!
Gogo: Cept for one little twerp. *Smirks in satisfication.*
Cora:*catches on to the look* OH!...*smugly* and how exactly did Mole react to the news?
Gogo: As well as you expect from someone annoying.
*Meanwhile at Richardson's comic store.*
Mole:*On his knees, looking up at the ceiling* WWHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?
*Back at the pizzeria.*
Cora: I would have loved to see his face.
Gogo: You and me both.
Hiro: Hope it means he will finally leave you alone from now on.
Gogo: Here's to hoping.
*ITs there that Cora points to the karaoke stand.*
Cora: Do you think if it still works would any of you guys try it out?
Honey Lemon: That sounds like fun! *To Gogo* Gogo, what do you-
Gogo: I can't sing. And no its not an excuse, I can't sing worth crap.
Hiro: I'd rather pass on that one. I'm not the type to sing either.
Cora: OK then...*she then picks up her glass to raise* Well, here's to our Double date!
Honey Lemon:*Joins in the cheers* Yup! To our first double date!
*The four clink their glasses. Meanwhile, at the outskirts of the ocean, a ship is sailing through. The captain is steering the wheel while a young adult passes through and looks through the window. That is when the young adult notices something coming afar. The Captain soon feels a tap on his shoulder where he sees the cabin boy point ahead. The captain frowns as he looks closer at it.*
Captain: Lenny! Call ahead while you still can!
*From Liv's office she is pacing around, wringing her hands as she waits for a signal to come on. That is when she receives a call. She quickly answers the call and sees the hologram form of Lenny. A part of her dreaded that Lenny would call... This person... this thing.. that is the chosen representative of Madame Nozako. By all appearances he's one of the handsome men she's met over the years; Honey blonde hair and grey blue eyes and well-toned body(Though not as impressive as Mizuchi), but while the others had something human about them that can attract others like flies drawn to honey; Lenny had nothing human about him. She still couldn't believe that Chris, her pet, would consider Lenny as his boyfriend despite the fact that Lenny isn't considered human. It could be that Lenny's voice has an attractive voice with a German accent.. *
'Liv':*Awkwardly* Good Evening Lenny... how are you?
*Lenny looks up to look at 'Liv', his smile plastered on his face.*
Lenny: Hello, there Frauline. I'm doing good. How about you? Been experimenting with your toys?
*His mouth never opened. His lips literally remained sealed and yet they can still his voice clear as crystal... And this is what ultimately scared her. The representative of Madame Nozako shares the same ominous aura and unpredictability, with a high chance of hurting those that upset them... she learned that when a scientist working for Nozako pleaded to Lenny about more time to work... only for Lenny to break their arm in a unnatural position.*
'Liv': I'm good... So, I presume that you are near the bay?
*Before Lenny can answer he turns his head and lets the captain shows his face.*
Captain: Amara, I'm afraid we'll probably be a little late to the arrival point.
'Liv': OK, you'll only be a little late, so does that mean it'll be an hour later or?
Captain: No, what I am sayin is...There is a tempest coming. A big one! From the look of things, its going to be a wild one! And considering how Nozako is... chances are we'll sink.
'Liv': What?
Captain: What I suggest is go to the room and flip the switch twice before the storm hits the city! Chances are it'll wipe out the power. Good luck and wish us a safe voyage!
*The call ends, with 'Liv' having unblinking eyes... before she grabs a nearby pillow and screams into it. Chris is passing by when he heard the loud muffled scream coming from the office. He should be thankful that the other workers and the intern are already at their homes but a part of him wants to film the scream just so they could see just how much of a childish brat his creator is. Oh well, he giggles like a school boy as he thought about the possibility of Lenny coming soon and what 'fun' they can have together while he's there. After screaming her heart out, she runs towards the lab and does what the captain told her to do and flips the switch twice, where the stability power increases where just then, outside of Sycorax, a large thunderstorm is roaring with heavy rain. At the Mizichio home Kage is getting a glass of water when he sees a blue wallet on the counter. He picks it up and opens it to show that its Cora's, due to the fact that her SFIT ID is inside of it.*
Kage: Looks like Cora forgot her wallet while she was busy preparing herself. Hmm... I do recall that they agreed to split the bill when its over...But would they even want me there?
*He looks outside where he notes the clouds. It looks like it will rain soon.*
Kage: Get a grip! Just go to the Pizzeria, give Cora her wallet and head home before the storm hits! It shouldn't take too long.
*And so Kage gets buttons his jacket tightly, grabs an umbrella and stuffs Cora's wallet in his jack pocket. Heading out on his own...was an experience at best. He scolded himself for not waiting for Baymax to recharge but the rainstorm looks like it'll get worse as the small raindrops grow in size. He makes sure he does not slip on the wet floor as he goes down the familiar path, using his memories to recall familiar streets to locate the pizzeria. At the boat the storm had hit the seas. The Captain does his best to take the control of the ship in hopes that the storm doesn't increase in power that it would capsize the ship. Lenny goes around to check over the engines, but once he ensures the engines are functioning when he sees something far ahead. A small lifeboat tossing through the waves, with a person holding tightly for their life.*
Captain: Lenny?! What is the situation with the engines?
Lenny: Engines are functional. There is a person on a lifeboat about starboard 5 yards from us. I'm going for it.
*The Captian tries to get out a response only to see him already jumping off the ship and swim strongly to the life boat. He grabs the rope around the life boat and swims through the waves back to the ocean. The captain, seeing what Lenny is doing, orders his sailors to help lift up the lifeboat. After getting the boat up the sailors bring up the unconscious passenger onto the ship.*
Captain: Dear god...
*Kage spots the pizzeria, just across the street from him. He looks ahead, the current state being replaced from when they went the first time together. The dull lights turn into Neon as Chara encourages him to enter inside, making a joke how he probably never had pizza before. Shaking himself off the memories he goes to the pizzeria and enters inside. He shakes the umbrella from the water and looks around till he spots the four people. He goes over and clears his throat, catching the attention of the four.*
Cora: Oh! Kage… Hi.
Kage: Hello...
*Gogo scoots closer to Honey Lemon but leaning up to show that if necessary, she'll get up and fight. Hiro instinctively scoots closer to Cora as he looks at Kage. The man notes this, reminding him why they would act this way.*
Kage: You forgot your wallet Cora.
*He pulls out the wallet from his jacket and hands it to Cora, who takes it and places it in her jean jacket.*
Cora: Thank you.
Kage: I should probably head home right now...have a good time.
*But before he could take a step away Honey Lemon calls out to him.*
Honey Lemon: Wait um...Mr..Kage. It looks like its raining very hard outside. How about you stay with us?
*The three look at Honey Lemon with blinking eyes before they look outside the window. It is pouring heavily outside as Honey Lemon said; so Hiro and Cora nod as they scoot over for Kage to sit down while Gogo sighs as she gives into her girlfriend's request for Kage staying with them till the rain lets up. But when Kage sits down the lights start to flicker on and off until they are surrounded by complete silence. But it wasn't just the pizzeria, as if all at once, the entire city black out as the result of this storm. The moment they heard the loud thunder and the ear piercing lighting crack Hiro's mind traveled to his repressed memory of the storm and nightmare of the car crash that night so many years ago. Among the concerned murmur, the annoyed groans, Hiro's panicked breathing in heard within the group.*
*The three girls and Kage look at the teen boy, with Cora being the most concerned as she immediately holds him closely and whispering sweet nothings to calm him down.*
Honey Lemon: *Worried* Hiro! Whats wrong?
*Gogo brings out her phone and to use as a temporary flashlight to help. It seems the others had the same idea as they brought out the phones to be flashlights. The owners then come out to the customers and started talking.*
Owner: OK now! Lets keep calm and carry on! My assistant manager will go to the back and get the back up engine up and running. We'll get out candles and complimentary breadsticks. stay at your seats and we'll be right back.
*with that the rest of the workers head to the back to get all the stuff for the stormy night. Cora continues to hold Hiro closely as he slowly starts to breath calmly. Cora looks at Hiro as she starts to recall the last time he acted this way... on their first date the storm happened and Hiro started to have a panic attack. While the adults left to get flashlights and blankets to wait out the storm, Cora took him to the living room where the brightest candles are beside Akemi's butsudan. After all that, Tadashi confessed that Hiro's fear of storms like this is because it had something to do with their parents' death... They were driving home in a storm like this when they got into a car crash... and Hiro was with them in the car. He was the only who survived the crash. The mother and father died on impact. That childhood trauma made Hiro have panic attacks whenever a storm rolls by. Cora hums lightly as she continues to hold Hiro close. Kage is at a loss for words at this moment, unsure about what to do right now. Should he also comfort Hiro? No, Gogo would possibly smack him if he even tried laying a finger on him or even Cora. They hadn't gotten close to having physical contact and be comfortable with it, meaning hugs are nowhere in their sights at the moment. He then pulls out his own phone to act as a flash light to which Gogo blinks heavily as it shined on her face, temporarily blinding her before her eyesight is restored.*
Kage: My apologies Gogo.
Gogo: Its fine.
*The continued murmur of the building continues to roar as suddenly Kage's phone rings. He turns off the flash light button and accepts the call, holding it close to hear over the ruckus.*
Kage: Brother is that you?
Mizuchi: Yes it is. Where are you Kage? Baymax is here but you are not!
Kage: Look, I went to the Pizzeria where.. I went to when I was still attending SFIT! And its only to give Cora her wallet she left behind!
Mizuchi: Is Cora alright?
Kage: Cora's fine but Hiro is having a panic attack! Sure he's calming down but what should I do?
Mizuchi: For now, stay calm, talk about anything...except the weather for obvious reasons of course.
*Kage's face went to the 'are you kidding me?' when he heard the last sentence.*
Mizuchi: I've called Miss Cass and she says she's fine. They're Baymax is with her and she's also asking about Hiro's wellbeing.
Kage: I'll text her about this and make sure things don't go south in this pizzeria.
Mizuchi: OK Kage, you and Cora be careful out there.
Kage: We will.
*Kage hangs up the phone as he looks at the four, now calm and well. It was then that one of the staff comes out, awkwardly wringing their hands with a nervous smile plastered on their face.*
Staff Member: So um... If I may ask...do any of you happen to be familiar with the functions of the power box?
*Some of the customers boo at the poor staff member which Cora's heart panged with sympathy. Gogo gets up to wall over.*
Honey Lemon: Gogo where are you going?
Gogo: Mechanical Engineer remember? we've been familiar with a power box or two.
Kage: I'm joining you.
*The four look at Kage.*
Gogo: You?
Cora: Are you sure?
Kage: I'm also familiar with power boxes and have attended this place many times in my youth.
*Hiro stands up as well.*
Hiro: Going with you as well.
Gogo: OK, so that's three of us going in. *To Honey Lemon* Honey, you watch over Cora K?
Honey Lemon: Fine with me sweetie.
*Gogo nods before the three leave to volunteer helping the staff member, who was momentarily confused with the appearance of the fourteen year old boy till Kage confirmed about his high intellect and experience with robotics. Still slightly doubtful, the staff member asks Hiro to see if they could get the karaoke music up and running since its powered separately from the power grid. Hiro goes over and soon enough, the Karaoke music box is working good as new.*
Staff: OK now! While we go over and see if we can get the power grid up and running, you're all free to sing at the Karaoke stand! We've managed to download brand new songs while keeping the classics!
*That is when the staff member pushes the three to the back room as quickly as they could. As of while Liv is sitting at her office, near the comm call as to wait any news. It was then that she did receive a call and thankfully from the Captain.*
Captain: Amara! The good news is that the storm has eased up a bit and we are nearing the bay!
'Liv': Thank you! Chris and I will be heading there immediately!
Captain: There's' also-
*But 'Liv' hangs up the call before the Captain could finish talking, already getting her coat ready to drive all the way to the bay.*
'Liv': Chris, get the gold ready. We're going to the bay immediately!
*The two immediately drive down to the bay, barely avoiding hitting people and cars due to 'Liv's persistence about arrive as soon as possible, and finally made it to the destination point. The ship is docked with the captain already standing with some mechanics by his side.*
Captain: Do you have the gold?
*'Liv' nodded as she points to the crate of gold by Chris. The captain looks inside and checks it, nodding to himself as he directs the sailor to use the crane to lift it up. 'Liv' looks down as she scolds herself for not paying the rent on time. If she had managed to get the money before this the gold would already be on its course to help Liv. And because of Hamada's suspicion and the two recent gold theft she can't risk a third steal lest she encourages the suspicion of Big Hero 7, which is already a nuisance onto it itself. The captain gives her a look of pity, sighing sadly.*
Captain: I'm sorry Amara, it had to be done.
*The Mechanics then come forward, all of them bearing a badge of the Mizichio symbol on their lab coats before placing their rain coats on. Chris looks around and then asks the captain.*
Chris: Is Lenny here?
Captain: He is. We've also learned that the tempest will stay for a couple days and we can't risk going back. Madame Nozako is informed about this and had granted us the permission to stay here for a few days... there's also something else.. that we've discovered in the water.
Chris: *Thinking it might be Orso Knox* Did you perhaps see a monster?
Captain: No we haven't... but we did find someone.
*Its there that Lenny appears, which gives Chris a huge smile until he sees the girl in his arms. Chris frowns at the girl, pouting until Lenny dumps the woman into his arms and whispers into his ears which causes Chris to giggle and blush like a school girl.*
Chris: Jesus Christ I missed you Lenny.
*When 'Liv' is finished directing the people onto the bus she turns around to see Chris, Lenny, and the girl.*
'Liv': Um... who is she?
Lenny: That's what we would like to know. She was found on a life boat not too far from us. She's alive, but unconscious. Consider the girl a bonus. Turn her to the police, keep her as a new pet, or experiment her. Do whatever you please.
*'Liv' looks closely at the woman and finds that the woman has strawberry blonde hair and freckles and dressed in oversized and used clothing. But what caught her eye is the blue sapphire heart around her neck. She is certainly a curios one... someone that may hold very interesting answers.*
Boss: Do you think you three can fix it?
*Gogo and Kage look at the power grid while Hiro holds the flashlight to show the cables and switches.*
Gogo: Looks pretty old but it doesn't look burnt out, so it may be possible to start it back up again.
Kage: We could rewire the cables to get up and running again but it could take a few minutes or at max an hour to get back any light.
Boss: I'll take what I can get.
*Hiro looks at the boss with a raised eyebrow but then remembers how some of the customers were not so happy about the sudden power outage with an old karaoke stand to act as entertainment. With Honey Lemon and Cora outside the talking just kept getting louder as some complained how they had yet to get their pizza before the power, how their phone battery died and can't recharge it, ect. Annoyed, tired, or just quiet goes around the pizzeria, leaving the two girls uncomfortable alone.*
Honey Lemon: This is a little... unsettling.
Cora: You're telling me. I know the three can get the power up and running but Kage went to this place when he was 15 years old! It may take time.
Honey Lemon: I just hope this doesn't turn into a riot. Did you see how they booed at that poor guy?
*Cora nods in agreement.*
Cora: I guess it would be easier if the music still played, then they would be a little less cross.
Honey Lemon: But with the power still out there is no music.
Cora: Well, there is one source of music.
*The two girls look at the karaoke stand, still sitting there amidst the annoyed chaos happening around them.*
Honey Lemon: I doubt that anyone is in any mood to sing anything. And I'm honestly a little afraid to go up there and sing.
Cora: Hmmmmm…..
*Cora looks at the karaoke stand and recalls Kage's story about Chara singing a Disney song onstage. Disney is a safe bet since no one could hate Disney. After much thought, Cora slips down and gently gets onstage. Honey Lemon notices and sees Cora.*
Honey Lemon: *Whisper shouting* Cora what are you doing?
*Cora grabs hold of the microphone and clears her throat as to get their attention, which it works sadly.*
Cora: H-Hi Everyone...So... tonight isn't something everyone wanted...The Rainstorm I mean.
*The silence was deafening despite the uninteresting cough someone gave. Cora lets out a soft breath as she looks back at the audience.*
Cora: I-I hope at least... t-this would sooth over our thoughts at the moment...
*Awkward silence rings until one rude person speaks*
Annoyed Person: Well? We're waiting.
*Cora flinches at the person's tone, feeling herself becoming a statue as the eyes of the customers stare at her. She turns on the small battery to play the song she chose to sing, her heart pounding like a drum. She finally clears her throat, summoning every ounce of courage before she starts singing..*
Cora: All those days watching from the windows... All those years outside looking in... all that time never even knowing.. just how blind I've been~
*That is when the customers there heard the song and the girl's voice. They blink in awe at the girl as she continues to sing. Honey Lemon wastes no time to record the performance, smiling as she does.*
Cora: Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight... Now I'm here, Suddenly I see.. Standing here, it's all so clear... I'm where I'm meant to be~ And at last I see the light.. and its like the fog has lifted... And at last I see the light... and its light the sky is new.~...
*That is when Gogo, Kage, and Hiro return back from helping the staff when they see the blue haired girl sing. The three look at her in awe and pride. Gogo and Hiro recalling when they made a promise that they will guard Cora's identity as Mystery Angel and that she will sing at her own time. But now... its just Cora, as it should be. As for Kage, this is the first time he heard her sing ever since the forced performance by Mr. Sparkles. So to hear her after so long is a genuine surprise.*
Cora: And it's warm and real and bright... and the world has somehow shifted...All at once...everything looks different... Now that I see you~
*The song continues to softly play where Cora looks at the crowd, now staring at her intensely, but with admiration. But it still frightened her and making her uncomfortable. Hiro sees this and looks at the girls for help, only for them to be distracted and Honey Lemon recording the performance with her phone. That is when Hiro made a bold move. He grabbed the second microphone and taking a deep breath, joined in.*
Hiro: All those days, chasing down a daydream...All those years, living in a blur, all that time, never truly seeing things...the way they were~
*Cora turns her head when she heard a voice and to her surprise it was Hiro's. Hiro's voice is surprisingly easy on the ears and quiet pleasing. The people and notice it as well as Hiro gets up stage.*
Hiro: Now you're here, shining in the starlight... Now you're here, suddenly I know... If you're here... it's crystal clear... I'm where I'm meant to go~
*As he sang, Cora's fear lifted as he joins her. They faced each other as the candles continue to glow and the both hold their hands together.*
Hiro and Cora: And at last I see the light~
Hiro: And its like the fog has lifted...~
Hiro and Cora: And at last I see the light~
Cora: And its like the sky is new...~
Hiro and Cora: And its warm and real and bright, and the world has somehow shifted... All at once, everything looks different... now that I see you~*Both teens hearts pound as they look into each other's eyes in the candle glow* Now that I... see you~
*The audience clap happily, but the sound is non existent to Hiro and Cora as they look at each other, happy to be with other at this moment. Honey Lemon cuddles with Gogo as the latter smiles with a small blush on her face as her girlfriend sends the video to their friends, to Aunt Cass, and to Mizuchi who is sitting next to Kaguya and Baymax. From Aunt Cass' side, she's squealing happily at the video shown to her, holding it to her heart at hearing them sing together. Mizuchi smiles at the duet, little tears falling down his cheeks as Kaguya's smile widens as she tries to hold back her tears of happiness; loving how Cora and Hiro got together to sing onstage despite the teen girl's fear. Kage's smile was the warmest as he sees the teen couple get off the stage, blush still on their face due to the praise and admiration they are given. And before they knew it, the lights get back on. With that, the mood of the pizzeria was much more cheerier then before, with the two couples enjoying their date and now happily chatting with Kage. And eventually around the city the lights flickered back on, resuming life after the thunderstorm, with only the drops of rain being a gentle patter.*
'Liv': Are you sure you don't want me here? Liv is-
*The Mechanic only gives a blank look at 'Liv' unnerving her until she relents and heads outside the section where Liv's body is suspended. The Mechanic wastes no time at all as they start repairing the capsule. 'Liv' goes through her lab where she sees laying on the table the woman Lenny found at the sea. The monitors show that her vitals are normal and it she would wake up in a couple hours, her old clothing replaced with a hospital gown.*
'Liv': You are certainly a mysterious one huh? *Sighs*
*She leaves her lab and goes back to the office, looking back one last time before the door closes. While 'Liv' waits outside, pacing through the floor, she wishes Chris is here rather than in another room to spend 'quality time' with Lenny. Inside the hidden lab, the mechanic feels their chest open up and show the image of Nozako, looking over the process so far.*
Nozako: Hmm... how curious... this capsule is supposed to be durable for at least another 6 months. What could possibly caused this outbreak?
*That's when the wires crackle and spaz despite it being recently connected. That is when Nozako motions the mechanic to place that stray main wire to a computer. That is when something remarkable happened. The capsule resumed back to normal... but then the computer fizzled with static before it clears up to show an image feed. Nozako smiles to herself as she sees what image it is.*
Nozako: Very Interesting... Life has a way of finding its release...even if one is trapped behind a machine.
*With Liv she sighs frustratingly before she turns to an old ID of Cora Mizichio. This child is simultaneously the most interesting and must frustrating girl she ever met. She has so much potential and yet she can be so stubborn! But one thing keeping 'Liv' from tainting Cora's future is the mysterious liquid that her biotech intern ingested.*
'Liv': Looks like I'm going to Plan B for Liv's cure. You better watch out Cora...After I find out the woman's identity and where she came from...I'm coming for you.
A.N: Howdy! Man its been a while huh? Finals is over and now here's a new Original chapter! Tell me your thoughts and thank you for reading Big Hero 7! Love you guys!
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taeyongtime · 6 years
sn: 970214
genre: robot!au
group & member: NCT’s Jaehyun
word count: 7,000+ 
a/n: loosely inspired by Big Hero 6 
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The first thing you see on your doorstep at 6 in the morning courtesy of the newsboy who went around delivering newspapers from door-to-door is a medium-sized cardboard box, the roll of daily newspaper stacked neatly on top with the box perfectly centered on your doormat. You crouch to pick it up, puzzled at the lack of a return address or even a post-it note to tell you who it’s from but bring it in with you anyway, setting it down on the kitchen counter as you scour the living room for a pair of scissors to cut into the tape binding shut the box. Scissors scoring through the yellow tape, you open the box up and frown at seeing a computer chip the size of your palm at the bottom along with a mishap of spare gears and bolts, parts that make no sense to you at all as you empty the contents out.
“Are these new samples for his next project?”
Perhaps you should have guessed the box was not a box of new samples, but a box of your boyfriend’s last remaining things before his untimely death from the collapse at the building belonging to his tech company’s manufacturing division. Although he was one of the youngest employees hired by the company, it was remarkable how quickly he shot up to become head engineer, managing and pioneering new technologies for the sake of humanity and its growing demise. You’d been proud of his achievements and supported him in his novelties towards technologies and engineering, but resented how he still brought it upon himself to personally check on the assembly process when there were others below his position who could do that instead. If he hadn’t decided to make a visit to the factory that fateful day, maybe he wouldn’t have been buried under the ruins that claimed the man whom you had loved more than anyone else in the world. Maybe his life could’ve avoided becoming bits of rock and rubble left behind after the construction crew had done their best to unearth all the bodies that had been crushed in the fall.
The box remains in its position in one corner of your living room, left untouched after you had first brought it in since it arrived at your doorstep. His death still fresh on your mind, you couldn’t bear to even look at the belongings as you continue with your days alone, no longer coming back to warm smiles and big bear hugs. No more soft kisses or movie-marathoning on the couch every Sunday morning, the object for your affections gone forever and never to return.
It is unfair. Life is so unfair.
Your foot kicks against the box on your weekly cleaning day and some of the mechanical parts spill over, the floor littered with gears and small bolts that were collecting dust from being holed up in one corner without a day of seeing the light.
“God dammit,” you mutter, bending over to throw them back into the box they came from. “Maybe I should just toss all of this since it’s taking up space for the past three weeks since I brought the box in…”
Your thoughts linger when the doorbell suddenly rings, the sound foreign to your ears as you weren’t expecting any visitors today. Taking off the orange cleaning gloves from your hands and placing them down, you head towards the front door and stand frozen at seeing the figure standing by the entrance, every physical feature of his an almost exact replica of the boyfriend who had left you behind in his pursuit of new technology for a better future tomorrow.
“Hello,” he waves rather stiffly, eyes blinking once as he steps inside. “My serial number is 970214 and I believe my developer left you with my personality chip.”
Whatever your boyfriend had been working on was definitely not this strange robotic look-alike of him that was currently sitting on your couch, staring blankly at the wall until he turns his head to give you a polite nod.  
“W-What did you need again?” you ask of it—him.
“My personality chip,” the look-alike replies. “My developer made me first before inserting the chip.”
“Made you,” you echo. “So you’re…”
“MemoryBot version 1A, serial number 970214.”
“A bot,” you finish, brain unable to wrap around the affirmative nod given from the figure seated on your couch. “You’re a robot. Android. A mechanical thing.”
“That is correct.”
“What the fuck.”
He stares at you and you walk past him towards the discarded box in the corner of your living room, picking through the dusty gears and bolts until you find what you were looking for.
“Is this what you need? It’s the only chip I have.”
Eyes hone in on the chip in between your fingers and he nods, one finger pressing at his sternum. A compartment slides out and you cautiously return to the couch, eyeing the slot that looked a perfect fit for the chip currently in your possession.
“I put this in there?” you begin, glancing at the robot for confirmation. “Is smoke going to leave your head and—”
“Yes,” he breaks in gently, a look of intrigued attentiveness present in his dark brown eyes. “And no. it’s going to be completely safe as my processor reads my personality chip.”
“Hmm. Well, here goes nothing.”
You delicately click the computer chip into the slot provided and the robot pushes the compartment back into his body. His posture tenses up, eyes flashing red momentarily before he leans forward, forehead luckily hitting against your shoulder instead of falling straight onto the floor.
“Hey, what the hell, are you okay?”
No reply is given and fear tiptoes its way up your spine as you shudder at the impending silence save the soft whirring noise emitting from his chest.
“Hey, you, are you okay?” you repeat, shaking him by the shoulders.
His head suddenly snaps up, orbs of brown blinking briefly before glowing with a faint ring of red around the iris. A smile lights up his round face and you notice the faintest carving of a dimple by his left cheek, a mark that only reminds you more of your deceased boyfriend as the robot studies your face curiously.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?”
“You know my name?” you ask warily.
“Of course I do. My developer inputted all your information into the chip for full embodiment of his personality.” A finger taps thoughtfully against his cheek and the dimple becomes more prominent as the smile spreads from ear-to-ear. “He had you filed under ‘love of my life’, in case you’re curious about where I’m getting my information from.”
The MemoryBot technology had apparently been a secret side project of your boyfriend’s, one he kept to himself as he fiddled and tinkered with the fine tuning that was the internal software for a memory retrieval program geared towards helping those with Alzheimer’s and other memory deficits remember things they’ve forgotten. The notion of housing the software in a robot had been a spontaneous lightbulb moment of his—the brain behind the engineer had decided it would be more enjoyable to have a companion re-experience patients’ forgotten memories with them—and while he was no longer here to perfect the details of the program, he had managed to complete an actively working prototype of his model in the form of a humanoid automated system whose physical composition was a carbon copy of the software developer himself.
“Are you hungry?”
You look up and shake your head, looking away at the sound of loud rumbling that says otherwise.
“I’ll make you something to eat,” the robot smiles as he rolls up the sleeves of the pink sweater he was wearing. “Anything in particular you like?”
“Whatever’s in the fridge is fine,” you mumble. “Thanks.”
You watch carefully as he opens the fridge and scans the contents, cheeks slightly puffed while trying to put together a dish worthy of being called “proper food” with whatever remaining and deemed still edible within the icebox.
“How do you feel… about eggs and…” He takes out the carton of eggs along with a packet of golden orange. “I think this cheese is still okay, so maybe a cheese omelet?”
“Yeah sure.”
The smell of cooked egg and cheddar travels to your end and you find yourself unable to resist peeking into the kitchen to watch him cook, little noises of awe at the expert fold of the egg without it ripping before it slides onto a clean plate and is presented before you with a dash of scallion as garnish on top. The colors appealing for your eyes and clearly for your taste buds as well, you lick you lips in anticipation and he hands you a fork.
“Tell me if it tastes bad so I can make it again.”
Digging in, you don’t realize you were crying until you blink and feel the trickle down your face, hurriedly wiping away at your eyes before the robot noticed.
“Something wrong?” He quickly hands you a napkin and tilts his head in confusion. “I thought food is supposed to make people happy.”
“No, nothing’s wrong, I’m fine.” You sniffle one last time and force a smile. “It’s really good, um…”
“My developer always called me Jaehyun,” the android offers helpfully. “So you can call me that too if calling me by my serial number is too much.”
Of course he’d give his robot lookalike the same name.
“It’s really good,” you say with a cough. “And thank you for the concern.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
He waits until you’ve finished eating before taking the plate and fork away to wash in the sink, a gesture that only reminds you more of the past as he hums a tune while washing the dishes. Memories you didnt wish to remember tear at the barrier keeping them out of your mind and you abruptly stand from your seat, catching the android’s attention as he turns around in surprise.
“Something wrong?”
“I… I’m going out for a walk.”
He turns off the tap and places the last dish onto the rack to dry. “I can come with.”
“No, I… I need to go alone.”
“With the developer recently passed, my analysis informs me you are grieving. Those in grief, when alone, may—”
“I’m going alone,” you repeat, voice raised as you push in your chair with more force than necessary. “Goodbye.”
Perhaps falling asleep on the bus and getting off at a random stop wasn’t a good idea, especially not when you had left with only thirty percent battery on your phone. Disconnected and not knowing where you were, you didn’t have the will to even try to find the nearest police station as you cross your arms in efforts to retain heat in the cold of the evening. Dressed in only a t-shirt and cotton shorts, it was getting colder by the minute and you proceed to curl into a ball on the bench you were sitting on, cold and tired and…
Tears trickle down your face at how pathetic you were acting, now stranded because of your stubbornness in wanting to prove a point to the android who had hit the nail on the head before even lifting the hammer. You didn’t know how to even contact him to pick you up when you hadn’t bothered asking for a phone number or any other form of contact information. Not that it would help anyway, since your phone was dead.
“I tried calling you, but you wouldn’t pick up.”
You look up at hearing the familiar voice and the android drapes a blue denim jacket over your shoulders, one you recognized as belonging to your boyfriend’s that you had stolen from him without him knowing. “It’s cold so I brought you a jacket.”
“How did you find me?”
He taps a finger at his temple. “Your phone number is inputted in my head. And I’ve been tracking your phone’s location until I lost the signal, so it wasn’t hard to scour the area until I found you.”
“You’re not… mad?” you begin cautiously.
“Is there a reason why I should be?”
“I… never mind.” You put on the denim jacket and hold out your phone. “Don’t suppose you come equipped with a charging cable and a port for my phone?”
Your tone light, you weren’t expecting him to nod furiously as a compartment opens in his left wrist, revealing a USB port with a miniature charging cable already plugged in.
“Connect the other end to the port on your phone.”
You do as he says and the screen lights up, the empty phone battery beginning to charge up as he holds the device in his hand. 
“I was just joking about the phone charger, you know.”
“Well, you’ll be surprised at the developer’s ingenuity when I was still in the works.”
He takes the lead and you follow him, trusting that he knew where to go as he stops before a bus stop, mumbling to himself as you look down the road to see if any vehicles were approaching to pick up passengers.
“Okay, this is the correct stop,” he speaks up, shooting you a brief smile. “We ride this bus for approximately thirty minutes and then switch to the subway.”
“I didn’t have to take the subway getting here.”
“The route you came from made several turns. Now we’re a bit further than expected, but don’t worry, we’ll get back safely.”
A bus pulls up at the stop three minutes later and you board, taking a seat by the window as the android remains standing even though there was space next to you.
“Sit,” you tell him, patting the empty space to your right. “We’re on here for a while, aren’t we?”
“Yes, my calculations gave an estimated thirty minutes—”
“Just sit so I don’t have to stare at the window,” you interrupt. “Please.”
He obliges and the bus passes two streets before you mumble a thank you for his help in navigating the way back.
“You’re very welcome,” he says in response. “This is the first time I’ve been given a thank you for my services.”
“How…” you begin curiously. “How did you even know how to come to me in the first place? Did Jae… your developer program directions for you to follow or…”
“It’s… I don’t know, actually.” He stares down at the still charging phone in his left hand. “I remember seeing one of the staff at the tech company and he booted my system up. Next thing I knew my system had me go to your home because I was missing a piece and then you gave me the personality chip.”
“Do… Do you think your developer knew he would…? I assume you received news about the collapse.”
The android nods and the bus comes to a stop before a red light. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Mmm.” Your gaze shifts to the window and rain droplets begin to splatter against the glass. “I don’t know if you showing up at my door was his doing but I’m grateful you’re here.”
The remainder of the bus ride goes without further conversation, the only words spoken his murmur to get off the bus to transfer to the subway station. Five stops on the underground train and you find yourself already on the street of your apartment complex once you come up from the exit.
“Where are you staying?” you ask the android. “I mean, do you have somewhere to go now that you got what you came here for?”
“I don’t have a place to stay,” he answers honestly. “I was programmed to come retrieve the personality chip I needed and…”
“With my developer gone, I suppose you’re my new owner now. If you want me here, that is.”
“I can leave,” he speaks up after a long pause. “I’ll contact the staff who activated my system to work something out—”
“You can stay if you’d like... Jaehyun.”
He stares blankly at you, unsure if he had heard right. “I can stay with you?”
“Mhm. If you’d like to.”
The robot breaks to a wide grin before nodding, humming a tune of delight while holding your fully charged phone.
So this is what you leave me after you’ve gone... a mechanical copy of yourself.  
Life with Jaehyun was certainly different since there are plenty of times when you forget about his mechanical compartments when he looked so much like a human. It happened the most when he was shut down, the absolute immobility and lack of responsiveness so alarming that you have half a notion to call the police to report a death in your home until you remember the switch in the back of his neck that turned his internal workings on. Other than the switch, the fact that he needed to be charged up was also a strange notion. At certain periods of the day, multiple wires connected to the ports installed throughout his body serve as a more intimidating sight, the additional connections fueling the imagery of a post-era Medusa with strings of wiring rather than snake-hairs on the head. Sometimes you had to wait for him to fully charge before leaving to go out, not wanting to catch unwanted attention from the extra wiring sprouting from his wrist and back of his neck. It still stumped you how he was only an android when he looked so much like your boyfriend, his developer.
“Are you done?”
“Yes,” the android reports, unplugging the charging cord attached to the port on his left wrist. “System reports full battery percentage and all functions in proper condition.”
“Then let’s go.”
You pull him after you to the grocery store and he diligently pushes the cart as you walk through each aisle, watching as you pick up items you needed to restock on and reciting statistics from the database inside his head when you ask him where you should buy meat and other vegetables at good quality for the cheapest price. Keeping note of the prices and locations of the supermarkets, you pay for what you already put in the cart and rush out to catch public transportation, the android providing detailed navigation on how to reach the stores by the predicted arrival times so you can get what you needed before it was too late in the day.
“What are you going to do with all of this food?” he asks when the two of you return to your house. “This is probably enough to last… a week and a half?”
“Most of it is food for this week,” you answer, fixing your hair and rolling up the sleeves of your sweater. “Tonight I was thinking steak since we got it for cheap?”
“Do you know how to make steak?”
“… No, but it’s just cooking raw meat in a pan, how hard can it be?”
When you end up charring your first try and set off the fire alarm at your house, the android steps in and eases you aside as he takes the pan and places a new piece of meat onto the still hot surface, patiently watching the searing meat before turning it over once and letting it cook on its own.
“You don’t need to flip it that many times,” he informs you with a smile. “Otherwise it’ll go dry.”
He must have some sort of timer in effect, for he takes the pan off the stove precisely in three minutes and sets the steak down to rest, again timing the entire process until he brings it before you on a clean plate. It already looked much better than what you had tried to do and you pretend to frown to not give the android the benefit of the doubt that he was better than you at cooking.
“You don’t like it?” he asks, noting the upturned nose and crossed arms.
Catching on that he was genuinely unhappy that you didn’t like what he had made, you drop the act and pick up the fork and knife placed alongside the plate, eyes widening at the deliciousness of the morsel you had cut to put in your mouth.
“It’s really good, Jaehyun!”
The android perks up. “Really?”
“Yeah, it’s…” You continue eating and offer him a piece. “Try it.”
“I don’t need to eat, but I appreciate the offer.”
“Ah, right…” Looking away in embarrassment, you finish up what was remaining and he takes the empty plate from you.
“My processor notes an empty plate means satisfaction with the food. I shall continue updating my culinary skills so you won’t go hungry on having to eat food you don’t like.”
You open your mouth to speak but he’s already shuffling to wash the dishes and clean up the mess you had made in the kitchen from trying to cook, the familiar hum of a random tune as he worked signature to his character.
“Fruit for dessert?”
You startle, looking up to see a bowl placed carefully atop your head.
“Don’t worry, I’m holding onto the bowl,” Jaehyun says matter-of-factly. “It won’t flip over and spill all over your head.”
“Get it off my head, please.”
He obliges and you frown, not very happy this time at his prank.
“You didn’t like the joke,” he detects, offering the bowl of what was sliced strawberries at you. “I’m sorry.”
“What if you hadn’t been holding on to the bowl?” you begin. “If I had moved just an inch—”
“I would’ve caught it to protect your head. My reflexes are updated to react even to the slightest of alarming stimuli.”
“Let me guess, your developer preprogrammed you that way.”
He pauses, mouth slightly parted and eyebrows furrowed. “I detect an underlying tone of scorn at our conversation.”
“Well, you’re a robot, so I’m just saying it as it is! You’re not like humans, you’re made up of mechanical parts and sometimes I wonder if you even really understand me because you’re incapable of feeling true emotions!”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you sense that you had tread past a line you weren’t supposed to step over. True, Jaehyun was only a robot—one whose physical appearance rendered him passable as belonging to humankind—but anyone on the receiving end of those words would have their feelings hurt and not feel very good about themselves afterwards. Even if you were still mourning your boyfriend’s death, it wasn’t fair for the android he left you to be talked down on when the automaton was only trying to be nice and take care of you as it was programmed to do. 
“Jaehyun, I’m—”
“I sense that I’m being troublesome,” he mumbles, nodding to signal his leave. “I hope you like the strawberries.”
“Jaehyun, wait, I want to say that I’m…”
But the android was already gone, your unfinished apology left dangling from your lips in a lingering aftertaste of regret.
Whenever you argued with your boyfriend and it was your fault, you made it up to him by getting him a bunch of his favorite foods and a handwritten letter of apology, which was why you were currently at a bakery trying to pick out bread that the android would like even though he didn’t need to eat. Your lashing out at him had been uncalled for when he was only trying to make you feel better, and you at least wanted him to know that you truly hadn’t meant to say those things when he had done nothing to earn them. 
“Pound cake? Red bean bread? Croissants? Maybe I should just get a little bit of everything?”
You end up getting a little bit of everything while considering that you would be the one eating it all in the end, carrying the bag of breads with you as you arrive home and setting it in the kitchen as you scan the perimeters. There was no sign of the android and you suspect he had gone out as he sometimes did when there was nothing for him to do at home. Taking advantage of the time you had to yourself, you quickly head upstairs and close the bedroom door behind you as you head for your desk, picking out a pen and the nicer stationery paper you have saved for special occasions to write an apology letter to Jaehyun.
Dear Jaehyun…
Your hand moves on its own and before long you’ve filled the entire page (front and back) of the paper, some of the inked letters smeared from your wrist dragging along the paper as the pen traveled from line to line. The rest was still legible, so you deem it ready as you fold the sheet of paper into thirds, placing a happy face sticker to seal the letter before you get up and leave your room, no sign of the android in sight.
“Where is he?”
You take your phone from the back pocket of your jeans and prepare to dial when the front door clicks open, a surprised Jaehyun glancing curiously at the slip of paper in your hands as he sets down two tubs of ice cream on the counter.
“What’s that?” he asks curiously.
You quickly place your hands behind your back and gesture at the ice creams. “I can ask you the same.”
“Well, you seemed mad at me from yesterday so I went out and bought your favorite ice cream.” He shuffles to pick up the tubs and place them in the freezer before they melted from being out in room temperature for too long. “From the memories inputted, your favorite flavors are green tea and vanilla, so that’s what I went out to get.”
“No, I’m not mad at you,” you begin slowly, taking your hands out and giving him the handwritten letter. “I was the one who messed up so I wrote this for you. I’m sorry for lashing out at you yesterday when you had done nothing wrong.”
He stares at the letter and breaks to a wide grin, dimples and all. 
“I saw this in the memories too. The developer always received bread and a handwritten apology letter whenever you and him got into fights that were your fault.”
“I know you don’t eat,” you continue, pretending not to have heard that last bit about things being your fault. “But I still got the bread as I usually do.”
He follows your beckoning at the bag of bread you had bought and stares at the wide variety of baked goods bought in his name. “There’s so many.”
“I don’t know what you would like, so I got a little bit of everything.”
“I like these, their shape is pretty.”
He holds up a packaged croissant and you smile. “Those were his favorites too.”
“You smiled.” Jaehyun places the croissant down and takes the letter, opening the seal and scanning it quickly. “And this letter is very sweet.”
“You read it already?”
“I’m a robot, I have fast processing speed.”
“I’m sorry for what I said to you yesterday,” you say again. “I hope you’ll accept my apology.”
“Of course I accept your apology,” he nods, lips curving to a dimpled smile. “I’m your MemoryBot after all.”
While he didn’t eat the rest of the bread you had bought, you spent the rest of the night opening the packages and letting his olfactory receptors intake the scent of the multiple breads, his favorite remaining the buttery croissants that had captured his attention with their crescent moon shape.
“That one’s not very good.”
You take a bite of the raisin bread and shrug, bringing it back to his face. “It tastes fine though?”
“Something about the smell…” He uses both hands to cover his nose. “I don’t like it.”
“Okay, then I’ll finish this by myself later. As I have to for all the new bread I bought today.”
He smiles in apology at not being able to be of help for your bread dilemma. “I’ll cheer for you to finish them all before they go bad.”
“Aww, that’s sweet of you.”
You take another bite of raisin bread and put it aside. “Do you wish you had been given the function to eat?”
“…Yes,” the android admits. “You always seem really happy when you eat, so I’d like to experience that too. Eating with you must be a very happy thing.”
A blush creeps up on your cheeks at his words and you mumble something inaudible as you study the little nook in his wrist that slid open to reveal one of his multiple charging ports. Your pinky latches onto the sliver in his synthetic skin and you pull it open, the USB port coming into view along with a few other wires that link the muscle and mechanical joints to his main processor. It was hard to imagine the rest of his body consisting of such silver parts, but the truth was before your very eyes, imagery that was difficult to erase and render as false when he looked to be made of flesh and blood.
“Do you need to charge your phone?” he asks.
“Just… looking.” You close the hatch and shift to sit on your knees, hands delicately reaching for the small slit above his right earlobe, nearly completely covered by his soft brown hair had not you were close enough to notice it.
“What is this, Jaehyun?”
“Ah,” he murmurs, leaning away from your touch. “That’s off limits.”
“That’s where my memories are stored.”
Remembering how he had introduced himself to you when you first asked of his robotic origins, you reach again and he sits still, your finger sending shivers down his arms as it traces down the cut.
“How do I open it?” you ask. “I want to see how you input memories.”
“A chip is inserted and my processor reads the information coded in the chip,” he explains. “Do you know how to code?”
“Then you wouldn’t be able to work new memories in.”
“But you can… make your own memories, no?”
The question leaves the android stumped and speechless, his processor whirring louder than usual to provide a reasonable answer.
“I was just curious,” you finish. “You don’t have to answer that.”
“My primary function is to accompany you as I provide for you the memories you may have forgotten. That is the purpose of the MemoryBot technology and surely what the developer wished for you to still have after his passing.”
Your eyes narrow, suspicion prickling down your spine in a cold chill. “What do you mean by that?”
“The refusal to remember past fond memories is a common occurrence for one in mourning,” the automaton recites. “As a prototype of the MemoryBot line geared towards helping remember what has been forgotten, it is my job to act as a comforting presence and help the one who chooses to fixate on the loss rather than what has been gained.”
His words trigger something in you and your hands instinctively curl into fists.  You connect the dots from your initial encounter and the tentative hypothesis leaves a bitter taste in your tongue. 
It can’t be true. What you were thinking of based on what the android had said can’t be true.
“I’m going to ask you a question I should’ve asked you from the very first time we met,” you start, “and I need an honest answer no matter what I ask of you.”
“Yes, of course.”
“When did you first get booted up to come here to me for your personality chip?”
The robot blinks, a nervous tic you nearly miss and you ask again. “Was it your developer who booted you up and sent you here right before he died from the building’s collapse?”
The prolonged pause only confirms your hunch and you elaborate to speak the truth that never occurred to you until now. “Did you come here on the order of your developer when he knew perfectly well he wasn’t going to make it from the collapse? So right before he died, he set up the MemoryBot technology and activated your system so you can accompany me for the remainder of the days instead of saving himself from harm’s way?”
The android’s head hangs low, not meeting your eyes. “I didn’t want to tell you otherwise.”
“You lied to me,” you say angrily, the realization sinking in. “You lied saying one of the staff had booted you up when it was my own boyfriend who risked his own life to activate you and have you working!”
“I… You are angry.”
“Of course I’m angry! My boyfriend…” You take a deep breath. “Jaehyun died for you!”
“But his memories are still alive in here.” The robot lifts his head up and points a finger at his temple. “He lives on in here.”
“I… I don’t know anymore. I’m confused and angry and…” You don’t know what you even wanted to say anymore as you punch the android straight in the chest.
“You are angry,” he repeats quietly. “Angry that I’m here instead of my developer.”
Punch after punch connects with his chest, yet the processor continues to make its signature whirring noise as he takes in each attack with no more than a blink and scrunch of his nose. “Anger is a common reaction for those who have recently lost a loved one.”
Gritting your teeth, you raise your arm high in the air, fist ready to unleash the punch aimed straight for his jaw.
“Even if you hate me, I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I’ll always be here for you.”
Your arm surges downward, meeting the floor instead of the jaw like you wanted as you fall forward, forehead resting against the android’s shoulder as two comforting arms wrap themselves around you after your fit.
“Meeting with friends and keeping in touch with your social network is a great way to receive support during rough times,” he suggests, tone careful to not trigger another violent spell. “Shall I contact some of your friends so you can talk to them?”
“No,” you croak, burying yourself in the hug. “Just… Just let me cool down, there’s too much going around in my head right now and it’s not letting me think properly.”
“I can let go so you can go to bed and sleep it off?”
Your head shakes, and the quiet murmur for him to stay has Jaehyun adjusting his arms so he can hold you better, a comforting tune humming through the tense silence as he holds you until you’ve fallen asleep on your own in his warm hug.
Time works its way into the healing process as you finish grieving over the loss of your boyfriend and embrace the android he had left behind for you into your life, the tears shed no more as you move on with the help of Jaehyun the robot. Programmed with the personality of his developer, he was just as endearing and lovable as your boyfriend had been and you eventually forgave him for lying to you about the truth behind how he got to you in exchange for the life of his own developer, his intention behind masking the truth a kind one to spare you from withering any further. Smiles and bursts of laughter you didn’t think you could muster resurfacing once more with the passage of time and interactions with the android, grief and mourning end with a draw of the curtains when you now had a new companion with you as the day began again after each 24-hour cycle restarted with the sun’s daily rise and set. 
“Do you think you can buy bread on your way home?”
You snort at the request and spot the sign for the local neighborhood bakery two blocks down, already making your way over. “Why? It’s not like you can eat it.”
“But I can smell it,” Jaehyun replies. “I want to smell the buttery goodness that is a croissant.”
“Fine,” you give in. “I’ll bring some back so you can ogle at their shape and smell them.”
On a whim, you buy two pieces of coffee cake along with seven croissants—one for him to enjoy each day of the week—and the curious gaze honed in on the coffee cake is clear as daylight as he reaches for the new package of baked goods once you’ve returned with the requested goods.
“What’s this?”
“Coffee cake,” you reply, tearing apart one of them and breaking off a piece to eat. “Smell it.”
He brings the cake close to his nose and takes a light sniff, nodding as he takes in the new scent. “It smells nice. The roast of the coffee complements the cake itself quite nicely.”
“What do you know about coffee?”
“My database notes of a bitter taste that can be adjusted to the drinker’s tastes with milk and/or sugar. A drink that alerts one in the morning but can keep you awake if you have it too late in the day.”
“Hmm, I guess you aren’t too shabby for a bot who can’t even eat or drink.”
“Was that a joke?” he asks. “My ears detect a faint hint of scorn that said otherwise.”
“It was a joke,” you laugh. “Lighten up.”
“‘Lighten up’? What does that mean?”
“Never mind, what are you making for dinner?”
“Hey, do you realize your serial number is the date for Valentine’s Day?”
The android looks up from the kitchen sink and recites his serial number aloud. “Oh, yes. 970214 would be Valentine’s Day in the year of 1997.”
“Do you think your developer gave you that number specifically?” You turn the page of your magazine but close it again, no longer interested in the contents of its remaining pages. “It’s a rather unique number that’s not quite easy to forget.”
“The assembly process did begin in early February,” he notes. “Or at least that’s what my records say.”
“So you can say Valentine’s Day is your birthday,” you conclude. “Yeah?”
“I… Hmm, I suppose you can say that if it makes you happy.” He returns from having washed the dishes from dinner and sits across from you at the dining table, fingers unusually fidgety for his usually calm demeanor.
“I have something to give you,” he speaks up.
You arch an eyebrow in question and he hands over a small box tied on top with a yellow ribbon. 
“For you.”
“Thank you,” you laugh rather awkwardly, not used the formality when he usually just offered gifts straightforwardly. “Can I open it?”
“Yes, of course.”
You open the box and stare at the computer chip sitting in its bed of colored tissue paper, not sure what to make of it. “What is this?”
“A computer chip,” he chirps, sounding rather proud of himself for his gift-giving skills. “My old personality chip.”
“Why the hell did you give me your old personality chip?”
“Because I went back to the company over the weekend and had a new one made.” He presses a finger on the corresponding compartment that housed his personality chip and in the slot was a new chip, one with a sleeker finish than the one left discarded in the old box from your boyfriend’s belongings. The android’s serial number was written across the surface along with a ‘2.0’ at the end.
“It’s an updated version of my old one,” he continues, sliding the compartment back in. “I asked one of my developer’s old colleagues to update my information and add more storage space so I can update my functions when I need to.”
“Your culinary skills are already beyond my expectations, what more do you still want?”
A shy smile lights up the android’s face. “Memory space. More memory space so I can become a better companion by having enough storage to update my system and remember what makes you happy.”
“… Gross.”
“You don’t like it?”
“It was a joke,” you sigh. “You’re still not very good at reading jokes, I see.”
“I’ll make sure to update my database in terms of word comprehension to better differentiate between your humorous moments and when you actually mean what you say.”
Rolling your eyes, you take his old personality chip and mumble a quiet ‘thank you’ as it was the last thing your boyfriend had programmed before his untimely departure. An item to be cherished even though his person was no longer here anymore.
“I was also given more of my developer’s old things when I was meeting up with his colleague. I put the box outside your bedroom door so you can look at it later if you’d like.”
Getting up from your seat at the table, you excuse yourself with the giftbox in hand, picking up the cardboard box sitting before your bedroom door and setting it down on your desk with the old personality chip on top. Unlike the very first box that had been left on your front door, this box wasn’t taped, free to be looked at with a mere reach inside at its contents if so inclined. You were intrigued at the thought of more old things from your boyfriend, but this time felt different. The old you would’ve dug through the box right away, eager for any remaining items that kept alive the link to the love who had left you without warning. However, rather than fixating on the previous loss, the current you looked forward to what the future had to offer and you take the box off your desk, placing it in the back of your opened closet for it to remain a fond memory of the beloved past. The times spent together back then will be missed dearly, but you were sure the android waiting in the kitchen was more than capable of giving you happy memories from now on that were equally as valuable and cherished as the old.  
Closing the bedroom door, you return to the kitchen and Jaehyun gives you a dimpled smile at your return.
“So what did you find inside the box?”
“I didn’t look,” you say truthfully, returning the smile with a grin of your own. “Do you want to go for a walk instead?”
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bullymagnet · 8 years
Mr. Max
(by write-or-wrong72)
During childhood, Max, along with his father and sister, had been sustained solely on what could be delivered to their door or what could be prepared by waiting five minutes next to the microwave. The closest Max had gone to home cooked meals was when he was over at Sam’s and Doghouse’s place. Never was a kitchen utensil ever used for its intended purpose- Mr. Puckett often went to them when he needed to knock down spiderwebs. Mysterious objects that only the people on TV knew how to use. It wasn’t until he was forced into being friends with kids outside his type of people did anyone take pity on his lack of culinary skills. Oddly enough, this person was mostly Ed. It was a rough training regimen that Burger put him through. He couldn’t JUST known the basics, oh no, he had to learn to be CREATIVE. It was terrible. With the years going by, Max eventually got comfortable cooking with people and their creativity, AKA putting up with Johnny as they made anything together. They ended up getting married and moved to a tiny apartment, and it got easier. Their cramped kitchen forced them to communicate, so mishaps were a rarity. Well, as rare as the two could manage when they were together. But now? Max had to learn to cook with rules.
“-I know you always put the peppers in with the eggs, but you’re just going to have fry them up after, you get me? Juney won’t eat ‘em with the veggies, and then Ally will make fun of him, so then he’ll beg you for plain eggs, and that goop right there is plenty for the lot 'a us.” Johnny threw some frying pans out from under the sink, his husband trying desperately to keep them from from making a clatter on the floor. “Don’t you dare wake them up!” Max hissed through his teeth, setting the cup of whisked yolks on the counter to pick up the pans. “You are not going to make me do this on my own while expecting me to remember all that.” Max craned his legs to work around the man, just as Johnny peered up at him. “Ha, don’t pretend you wouldn’t get super distracted if they woke up. You’d ditch me in a second.” He drizzled orange dish soap on one of the pans, giving the inside a diligent scrub. Bottles of various cleaning chemicals and musty rags were shoved back into the cupboard below. Johnny sprang up like a shark in a Jaws movie, but he planted a huge kiss on Max’s cheek instead of taking a bite out of it. “Aw, you know you’d just have to yell at me to come back!” Max’s scoff at that made him grin. “Hey, it always worked on you.” “In all fairness, I usually didn’t come back. You hunted me down.” “'Worked then, no reason it wouldn’t now.” Johnny took the smaller pan and rinsed the suds off. Max lifted his head up, trying to make sense of that. “In this hypothetical, the only reason I can imagine you needing to hunt me down is because you got distracted, left me on my own to which I burn everything, and find that I ran out of the house in fear that it was seconds away from igniting.” “Speaking of igniting, do you think I could skip the frying and cook these in my bare hands?” One glance showed that he had tore open the package of processed sausages, clenching some in each hand. He was giving them a stupidly thoughtful look. Half-lidded, Max began, “Please don’t man-handle the m-” He closed his mouth tightly, his words swept away in a dawning realization. “Please just don’t do that.” He corrected. Johnny rolled his tongue in displeasure. “Man, if the kids weren’t here, I’d’ve torched them. You know this. You know I would make you eat them too.” “Oh my god, I better not be seeing you pointing one of those at me in the corner of my eye-” “Ow, Junior…” Quincy’s sleepy voice hissed from the next room. Johnny put his finger to his lips and gave Max a stern look. “You’re the one who’s been throwing metal.” Max whispered sharply. It was pointless to place blame at this point, however. A twelve-year-old boy was already shuffling through the doorway, rubbing his arm. “Hey, buddy!” Johnny greeted happily, a whispery tone to it. “Sleep good?” Max poured the yellow slime into his pan, leaving the cutting board of peppers and onions on the sideline. He mused at how Johnny sounded like what Max’s own dad would say when saw him in the morning, all while glancing at the pan of sausage Johnny hadn’t put on the stove yet. “Yeah.” Quincy stopped at their little dining table in the corner, getting a stretch in before sitting down. “Those two toss around a lot, though. I sleep in the middle so they won’t hit each other in their sleep, but I woke up in the middle of the night to them somehow wide awake, trying to kick each other to death.” Max snrked. Johnny turned his gaze down, and it seemed like he set the pan on the eye as an afterthought, at least to Max. “…Yeah?” Johnny asked in the way one does when they feel guilty but are too afraid to admit it. “It’s pretty funny, though.” Quincy folded his arms on the table to rest on them. “I wouldn’t trade them for a trip to the circus.” From what Max knew, Quincy was probably the sweetest boy on the planet. Against all odds of being brought up as the Jang’s first permanent friendship fusion, Quincy managed to be demure, kind, and thoughtful. Sometimes it especially freaked Max out, to see this kid who lacked a rude bone in their body, not a trace of cruelty at the selfish age of twelve. Knowing this, Max figured that Quincy was immediately trying to take back what made his dad pause. “It’s because they’re so close in age.” Max shrugged. “Honestly, if Ollie could have waited a few more years!” “Hey, he thought he was moving away indefinitely! 'Not his fault.” The redheaded defended. The coupled argued some more in good spirit, and Max started to see himself feel a bit better. Quincy sat staring out the window, likely still blinking off sleep. After a while, he inevitably spoke up again, and Max felt guilty at the twinge of irritation that suddenly hit him. “Could I help?” “You know how to make pancakes, right?” Johnny called in response. “Mm-hmm!” “Then why haven’t you started yet?” The father pointed his spatula towards the boy in mock-chastising, even though he was the worst at actual discipline when it came to Quincy’s parents. That fell more into RJ’s or Ollie’s realm. The preteen made brisk work of bending around to get a bowl from under the sink, scuttling around to get ingredients for the batter. He settled at a bit of counter space behind his dad and his dad’s husband. Max smirked to himself at the sound of excessive amounts of chocolate chips being poured into the mix. After a while, an apprehensive “Erm…” sounded behind them. Quincy was ready, but had turned to the stove to find that there was no room. At the sight of them both turning to him, the boy offered a quick smile. “I’ll wait until you’re done-” He stared to place the plastic bowl onto the counter again. “NO, how could this be?!” Johnny yelled. The other two cocked their heads in confusion. “I promised Max that I wouldn’t leave him alone, but I can hear the others waking up!” He cried dramatically. However, his voice was the only sound in the whole house. Johnny punched his fist onto the counter continuously, chanting, “THEY’RE WAKING UP,” until the pullout started to squeak. “See?” “Good god, Jhonny.” Max griped. Johnny perked up. “I have an idea! I"ll replace myself, so no one can say I left unjustly.” To the child, “Please, take my place!” He rolled the meat onto a plate he had set out before hand. “And take this.” He turned the handle towards Quincy. The boy laughed, face scrunched up in the universal 'Jeesh, Dad’ expression. As he ran hot water over the grease, Johnny turned back to Max with another smack with his lips. “Sorry, did I do that 'waking up the kids’ thing you told me not to do?” In the next room it sounded like persons on the pullout couch were rustling. His grin never faltered “Love you, love you.” He told each person, ruffling Quincy’s brown hair before he sprinted out. Max just groaned loudly, but he doubted Johnny heard. Quincy laughed again. “How’d you sleep, Mr. Max?” “Eh, fine enough, I guess. 'Sounds like I slept better than you.” Max finished shoveling his scrambled eggs on their own plate, to scrape off the vegetables into the frying pan. Breakfast sure had a lot to do with frying. “Ah… ha.” Quincy said with a twinge of nervousness. The two heard Johnny’s voice boom, “Wake up!” and the pullout bed creak loudly as he jumped onto it. The younger children shrieked, Junior going 'Oh my god Dad! Don’t do that!’, while his sister cackled. “It sounded like he felt bad for cramming all you in here.” Max mused. He felt like twelve was the age where he could start talking about stuff without having to dumb it down for the kid. “You think he’ll want to get a bigger place?” “I hope not,” Max peered down at the boy as he flipped a pancake. “You’re only two people. It’s not like we live here.” Max’s thoughts exactly! Thank you, kid, thank you. “Ha! Well, I’m putting you in charge of telling your dad that if he ever tries to convince me to move.” And honestly, Max felt like Johnny was going to do that sooner than latter. He absolutely hated having to stuff all his kids on the pullout whenever they visited- Max could tell. Max also knew that his husband would be devastated if his kids stopped wanting to come over. Quincy agreed with a chuckle, then went back to his pancakes. Max wondered if he made the preteen feel awkward to be around. “I have been thinking…” The boy started. The adult held back his 'Uh oh’ snark inside his head, opting to just let Quincy finish. “A sleeping bag? Yes, so one of us can sleep on the floor, and the bed won’t be so cramped.” Max nodded. “But why stop there? Think about it!” He put on a high-pitched voice. “'Dad, I want a whole tent set for my birthday! It’s the least you could do for forcing me to sleep with those demons!’” “Nooo, Mr. Max!” Quincy giggled. “But- a tent would be really cool, though.” “You get that from Stephen.” Johnny suddenly stomped through the doorway, towing a child in each arm. Ally was tossed over his shoulder, still laughing her head off, and Junior kept kicking his legs in protest as he was held at his dad’s side. “He used to be a maniac for the outdoors.” “Really?” The eldest perked up in interest. “-'Cause Quincy was telling me he’s going to bully you into buying him a tent.” Max cut in. Johnny gained a sparkle to his eye as Quincy turned to Mr. Max, betrayed. “Ooh! Let’s go camping!” Ally cheered at Johnny’s head. “Please, Daddy? We never go places anymore!"  Under his breath, Max heard Quincy grumble, "Don’t say that, Ally…” And Max knew where he was coming from. For the youngest at six years old, Ally had a way of guilt tripping in a polite manner. Max could forgive it at her age, though. She probably saw that only one of her dads was living away from home, and couldn’t understand why he couldn’t be with the rest of her parents all the time. She worked her magic, and Johnny’s eyebrows curled up sadly. “That sounds cool!” He lowered her down next to a chair, which she crawled onto. Junior was still angrily flailing in his other arm as Johnny added, “You should ask Stephen-Daddy about it; like I said, he’s the outdoors-y one. He’ll have to plan everything.” “AuGh, you’re the worst!” The middle child cried. “Put me down already!” “How ungrateful!” Johnny huffed, turning his only blood-related kid around to face him. “Most dads are so weak they can’t even hold their kids when they turn eight!” “I wish you were that weak! I’m not a baby anymore!” Junior- or 'Juney’ as he was nicknamed- kicked his legs fitfully in the air. “Are you suuuure?” Max asked over at the side as he finished cooking. Juney growled moodily as he was set on the ground. He took no time at all to sprint and run straight into his older brother at the stove. “You making pancakes?” Quincy seethed as he arched his back in pain, to which Juney only added, “How many chocolate chips did you put in 'em?” Max stuck around to gather plates and silverware, just in time to see Quincy shift his eyes mysteriously, leaning down to whisper in fake-secrecy, “Eighty-five percent,” to his brother. This made sense to Junior, apparently, as he put on the widest, most mischievous grin that only Johnny’s genes could pull off. He skittered over in joy to the table, sat down, caught the look Quincy gave him from the stove, stood up to walk to Max, and yanked half of the tableware from him. “Oh, thanks.” Max said as the boy helped him set the table. Ally awkwardly sat there, looking between her oldest brother finishing the last of the pancake batter, her other brother helping Mr. Max, and the proud expression on her father’s face at them. She slid off her chair and hobbled to the refrigerator. Within two trips, she placed the orange juice, milk, and a stick of butter on the table. Johnny was literally squealing in delight at the scene. Max lifted his head in, about to go, 'Really?’ Instead, he listened to his husband as he cried, “I love my kids!” He once again scooped up Ally, and she shrieked in delight as he swung her around. “I love my husband! I love my whole darn family! Help me make some toast!” He dropped his daughter, and she followed him happily to a loaf of bread. “Mr. Max?” Max looked down to Juney. “Do you have any idea why he’s so crazy?” Max made a gross sound, smile taking over his face. “No, but I married him for the sole reason of cancelling him out.” He patted Junior’s dark hair. “Thank you!” The boy said in all earnesty. It made Max feel like he was actually doing the world a favor, the way Junior put it. Quincy was smiling, too, when he brought the plates of food over. “And also thanks for breakfast, Mr. Dad.” He added to his younger brother’s statement. “I, uh?” Max gave an unsure glance to the eldest child. Did he call him that on purpose, or-? Quincy gave him a confused look. At the toaster with Ally, Johnny was staring at his spouse intensely. The pride and joy in Johnny’s face could match no other. Quincy’s long hair swayed as he looked worriedly between the adults. “What? What?” “No, no, you’re- you’re welcome.” Max felt a little hot, and he hoped with all he had that he wasn’t blushing. “Juney, wanna try a pepper?” He immediately asked. Junior stuck his tongue out in disgust at the green thing Max thrusted to him on a fork. Ally called him a baby from across the kitchen, and Max mentally sighed.
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mamamickterry · 8 years
A few years ago, my boss introduced a fascinating book to our small group – StrengthFinders 2.0. The general concept was that humans spend too much time trying to improve upon our weaknesses instead of sharpening our skills in areas where each individual has the most talent. My co-workers and I took an intensive, validated test and then waited for the magic computer to spew out our secret super powers. In order, my top 5 strengths (with commentary) were:
Restorative: People strong in the Restorative theme are adept at dealing with problems. They are good at figuring out what is wrong and resolving it. I still scratch my head at this one. Maybe they meant causing problems? I am the BOMB at that :) 
Discipline: People strong in the Discipline theme enjoy routine and structure. Their world is best described by the order they create. Raises hand. First-born German Catholic girl here. 
Empathy: People in the Empathy theme can sense the feelings of other people by imagining themselves in others’ lives or others’ situations. I am a self-proclaimed Atticus Finch (pre-Watchman version)
Learner: People strong in the Learner theme have a great desire to learn and want to continuously improve. In particular, the process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites them. Remember that chick with bright notebooks at the beginning of each school semester? The one who was first to school because she couldn’t wait for the doors to open? Yep. That was me! 
Relator: People who are strong in the Relator theme enjoy close relationships with others. They find deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal. No shocker here. Except, don’t make me do team activities, please. I just wanna hang in the corner with my best friend. 
I had hoped for a few more interesting strengths like strategizer or intelligence or something really smart-sounding, but that never happened –even after testing twice. The goal of this test for our organization was to find a diverse set of people with different skills in order to cover all bases.
I hypothesized that these concepts might apply in a marriage as well.
While I didn’t talk hubby into taking the test, I easily postulated what his skills would be.
Grass Whisperer: He doesn’t use a lawn service or have a sprinkler system. I swear he simply walks onto the grass each season and chants magic growing incantations. He mows long after the first frost and complains that his grass is too plush and too abundant.
Circus Monkey Management: In his first career, Scott started as a cable TV tech, then moved to supervisor. Not long after that, he became a manager and then closed that chapter of his life by finishing as one of the top-ranked directors in the country. Now he’s a realtor without people management responsibilities, but that doesn’t mean he’s escaped the monkeys who need a little direction – he has a whole house full.
Flood and Risk Management: At the first threat of rain or a storm, you can bet that hubby has the generator ready, the sump pump primed, and escape routes planned. He doesn’t sleep on these nights, and I know it’s because he feels like it’s his job to keep us safe and dry and completely away from the flood that wrecked us several years ago.
Daddy Extraordinaire: I almost dropped extraordanaire simply because I couldn’t spell it right! But it’s the only word appropriate to describe. He does the hard stuff, and he’s so good at it. He knows when I’ve had a bad day and need a hug. He also knows when to go down to the basement and listen to whatever problem (football, girls, etc) has surfaced for the teenage man-cave dweller living in the basement. Same goes for the sweet girl who moved back home to go to nursing school.
Arranger: I grabbed this one from StrengthFinders 2.0: People strong in the Arranger theme can organize, but they also have a flexibility that complements this ability. They like to figure out how all of the pieces and resources can be arranged for maximum productivity. Need your dishwasher filled to maximum capacity? Scott is your man! Remember the egg photo from my recipe a few weeks ago? That was his work. He even has to make sure that the food is categorized within the shopping basket and on the conveyor belt when we check out–for maximum put-it-away efficiency. Want to see one of his favorite desserts?
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An Arranger’s Nirvana
Of his five strengths, you might guess which one causes conflict. For example, how do you suppose an arranger would react to something like this sitting on a counter top otherwise absent of clutter?
  Or this…
  A “normal” person might relish in the accomplishment of fresh veggies from the garden to table to feed the family. Not an arranger. Poor Scott gets itchy when he sees something other than blank space on the cabinet. Our biggest tiff this summer?
What are you going to do with all of those stupid tomatoes we will never eat?
In March, I planted 24 seeds, placed them under grow lights and watched all 24 emerge like they were on plant steroids. Fast forward 4 weeks, and my basement was overrun by green. I moved everything out to the greenhouse in early April and counted the days until I could put those bad boys in the ground. Despite a minor mishap (hard frost, window open) I was able to save 13 of the original 24.
Normally, I’d give away all but six, but something snapped in me and I decided to keep all thirteen–I couldn’t bear to part with any of them.
“Really?” hubs said as he watched me dig a Baker’s dozen worth of holes.
“You are the only one who eats tomatoes in this family.”
Some couples fight over money, or discipline, or sex. Scott and I put on gloves and go to opposite corners when we talk produce.
He pointed at me, “You, little mama, are a vegetable hoarder.”
“I am not a vegetable hoarder!” and then stuffed a handful of purple beans in my pocket and scooped up tomatoes and peppers with my dress.
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  In stubborn, German fashion I ignored him and continue to nurture and fertilize all spring and summer. By the end of May, they had grown to mammoth sizes. For June and July, they produced pounds of tomatoes like they supplied a Heinz ketchup factory.
Our family took a vacation to Wyoming in early August and my biggest problem was not packing or finding phone chargers, but trying to figure out what to do with a bazillion tomatoes sitting on my kitchen counter.
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I didn’t have enough time to can them
You can’t really freeze tomatoes
My friends ran the other way when they see me coming with produce
For the each of the seven days leading up to the trip, Scott asked, “What are you going to do with those tomatoes?”
Then, his questioning became relentless until I decided to hide them in the garage refrigerator. Once the questions turned from tomatoes to departure times, I knew my  ‘maters were safe until we returned home.
After an awesome week with my family, parents and siblings and their families the tomato problem was still there when we got home. I did what every good vegetable hoarder wife would do. I lied about their existence until the evidence became smelly. I’d planned the entire time to put what I couldn’t eat into my compost.
When I couldn’t find the tomatoes for environmentally conscious disposal, I suspected foul play.
“Honey, did you do something with the tomatoes in the fridge?”
He took a couple of steps back, “What fridge?”
“In the garage?”
He looked puzzled for only a minute, and then his face gave away the crime.
“Did you at least throw them in the compost?”
“They were SMELLING! They were LEAKING! Why did you plant so many tomatoes??”
He spent the next few minutes spewing the anti-logic of planting thirteen bushes for a family who DOES NOT EAT tomatoes. He suggested that I tear up the entire garden and never plant another *($)%($$ tomato seed again. Then he launched into my vegetable hoarding tendencies and threw in a few barbs about the messy garden shed and weedy front bed.
His baby blues burrowed into mine, “Next year. ZERO tomatoes. In fact, why plant any vegetables at all? We can buy them at the store. You should put your whole garden to flowers.”
In my best (feigned) sheepish voice, I conceded, “You’re probably right. I’ll convert the vegetable space to a cottage garden next spring.” Then, I walked away pouting until I was around the corner.
There is only one thing I hoard more than vegetables.
Problem solved – marriage saved. My sexy arranger won’t know what hit him.
My greatest strength? Maybe I am a Restorative after all ;)
****** Part one in a three-part series :)
Attack of the (marriage) Killer Tomatoes A few years ago, my boss introduced a fascinating book to our small group - StrengthFinders 2.0.
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