#guess who just watched 5x22 and 6x01?
jadegr8 · 7 months
dude what the fucking hell
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queseraone · 4 months
Rank the episodes of season 6… 😈
This took me forever, because I had to go back and look at transcripts and watch clips for several episodes...
And being the insane person that I am, my ranking process involved giving each episode a grade for (a) the episode itself, and (b) the Chenford.
Fair warning, this is a loooooooooooooooooong post, but here we go (from worst to best, in my humble opinion):
6x10 | Escape Plan Listen, I hated this episode. Take out the Chenford content and it absolutely lands near the top of my list of most-hated episodes of The Rookie ever. Because it barely felt like an episode of The Rookie—it was a constant parade of villains. I don't watch this show to follow random bad guys, I watch for the characters I love. And we spent less than half of the episode with my people (one day I'll re-watch and keep track of the exact percentage). I haaaaaaate Monica (she's honestly like a cartoon villain at this point), and I still have no idea who the Big Bad is/was?? Could someone please enlighten me?
The Chenford scenes were about the only redeeming moments for me. Love, love, loved the return of our beloved Battle Couple™. I loved seeing them riding together (Chenford in a vehicle together is everything to me), and they had some great conversations that very much felt like small steps forward. But those small moments weren't enough to redeem an incredibly disappointing episode for me, so that's why this lands at the bottom of my list.
6x05 | The Vow This episode ranks low because nearly every plotline felt abrupt and forced. There wasn't much follow-up to previous plot (the Budny shooting was apparently resolved to the point that Lucy was okay with being gifted a reminder of a moment that had her breaking down the last time she was on our screens...), nor was there enough build-up to anything we saw. It very much felt like they needed another episode or two in between to fill in a lot of those blanks.
I liked the Chenford (or I guess the Tim and Lucy mostly) because it definitely packed an emotional punch (especially the scene when Tim shows up at her place and she turns him away), but the contrast between Lucy laying awake worrying about Tim and her almost comedic use in Aaron's storyline was jarring, like we were watching two very different versions of her character. We know she's damn good at compartmentalizing, but that felt like a stretch.
6x03 | Trouble in Paradise This one is tricky for me, because while I loved the Chenford in this episode (it included one of my new favourite Chenford moments!), the episode itself was a snooze. I give absolutely zero fucks about Nolan and Bailey, and spending a huge chunk of time following them on their snooze of a honeymoon is not it. I still can't tell you what happened on that island(?), I just couldn't get invested (also that was the least romantic/passionate honeymoon to ever happen). And we had very little of Angela, Nyla, Aaron, etc., so that was a bummer too.
Seeing Tim and Lucy riding with Celina was fun, the Chenford domestic moments were lovely, and it was so nice to see Tim being so supportive of Lucy through her detective exam and with the trophy (!!!!), etc. Great moments, but I just can't get past the dreadful A-plot of the honeymoon.
6x01 | Strike Back My biggest gripe with this episode was that it felt anticlimactic following the intensity of 5x22. Yes, they picked right up in the immediate aftermath, but it was lacking somewhere. I think because they did that time jump and seemed to leave that whole storyline in the dust until the end of the season.
There were things I liked and things I didn't like with regards to Chenford. This episode was a great example of the challenges that come from the transition from TO/rookie to sergeant/aide, to boyfriend/girlfriend. TO Tim and BF Tim are very different, and the lines got blurred a bit. I hated the sprinkler thing (that's not on Lucy or Tim, that's on the other officers, and that's the hill I'll die on), but the conversation at the end of episode was so intense, and that's exactly what I want, the show to make me feel things.
6x09 | The Squeeze I'm going to start this one off by saying (again)—it was Lucy's birthday. What in the Sixteen Candles!!!! This is a timeline fumble, even for The Rookie. In that opening scene at the apartment, I was fully expecting Nolan to open that pastry box and having cupcakes or something, so I was flabbergasted when they just blew past not only the fact that it was her birthday, but that she also spilled so many feelings and he was basically like “okay, cool.” Nolan is a terrible friend (if they can even be called friends at this point).
Moving past that... where the hell was everyone?! Tim wasn't in the second half of the episode, Aaron had all of four lines, Bailey wasn't in it at all... and yet Monica. was. everywhere. Ugh.
ANYWAY. I did love seeing everyone rally around Tim (even though it made it even more obvious when they weren't when it was Lucy going through a difficult time). And the highlight of the episode for me was the Chenford elevator scene. Watching Lucy clearly contemplating, then making the decision to follow him into the elevator—I love that she acknowledged how she was feeling, but still managed to set that aside and be there for Tim. What a showcase of her empathy. (But truth be told, she needed that hug just as much as he did.)
6x07 | Crushed I LOVE seeing them all working together on one case. The team dynamic is a huge draw for me, and it's definitely something they've moved away from in the last couple of seasons (a byproduct of moving half of them out of patrol). So that felt like a really welcome return to their roots.
I really enjoyed watching Tim and Lucy in the immediate aftermath of the breakup. Do I wish we'd seen Lucy opening up to someone other than Sgt. Grey? Yes. But more than that, I'm glad we got to see her processing. She's hurt, she's confused, she's angry, and she's earned the right to feel all of those things.
Dr. London read Tim like a fucking book, and his actions solidified that—this is just another example of the way Tim continues to delude himself into thinking everything's fine, when in reality it's absolutely not (ahem, lie detector scene). I'm really happy that we saw him pursue therapy of his own volition, not because it was department-mandated or because someone was requesting it. Recognizing that you need help is a huge step for anyone, but it feels particularly monumental for Tim.
6x02 | The Hammer What a fun episode! Was it the best? Absolutely not. Was it worthy of being the monumental 100th episode? Eh. But as a whole I really enjoyed this one! It started off strong with the return of “Daddy Cop”—HELL. YES. And I really enjoyed the way they carried plotlines early in the season. Th first few episodes flowed together quite well, and it really felt like it was spanning a handful of days. The group scenes (the bachelor and bachelorette parties) were a lot of fun, I really wish they'd do more of those! I actually liked Nolan and Bailey's wedding vows (it's probably the closes I've ever been to caring about their relationship). I was pleasantly surprised to see Henry again, though it felt like a waste to go to that trouble (on-screen and off) to not have a scene with him and his dad. There are a lot of other characters I would have preferred to see instead of Skip Tracer Randy (Elroy! Ben! Pete!), but I did love Grey's “Sit down, German.” 😂
And then the Chenford. Again, it flowed really well from their tense moment in the previous episode (I'm reluctant to call it a fight), and it was nice to see them navigating the aftermath of that, and then come back together at the wedding. The thing with The Hammer was ridiculous in the most TR way, so I enjoyed that whole interaction. The ring imagery was !!!!, but also feels a little bit cruel in hindsight, knowing where they were going with that relationship this season. But I'm going to stay firm to my thinking that they couldn't possibly be cruel enough to do that without actually making it happen for real one day. ANYWAY. I loved hearing them say “I love you” (though I still wish we saw the first ones), and the dance scene was, overall, wonderful. I loved that it was Tim approaching Lucy, the “it's about damn time” look on her face, the way they come together so easily, the way they look at each other... love.
6x08 | Punch Card Another instance of seeing the team working together, so that contributes to this landing high on my list. (The good parts outweighed the absolute absurdity of Nolan and Bailey seeking medical help when they've only been trying to get pregnant for about five minutes.)
It was fun to see Lucy as a TO. I've long thought that path could be a good fit for her, however I'm not on board with the idea of it being something she resorts to after not be able to pursue the career path she really wants... The show would never do it, but it would certainly be fun to see Lucy be an incredible training officer in parallel to Nolan doing a terrible job at it (no one will convince me that he's a good TO, he's awful). Regardless of the longer term intentions for this, it was nice seeing Lucy work with Celina and to see her kicking ass at it.
And then, of course, the Kojo scene, already such a favourite for me. Beyond seeing my beloved pup again, it was also such an important moment, for Tim, for Lucy, for Chenford. We've seen Tim put on this strong façade (as he always does), but this really shows the audience just how much he's hurting in the aftermath of Ray/the breakup. And it also lets Lucy see that Tim still cares, because until now, she's been more or less been operating on the assumption that Tim walked away easily. It felt so incredibly hopeful, and showed us just how deep their feelings run.
6x04 | Training Day There was a lot to dislike in this episode (Nolan saying the exact wrong thing to Lucy, Angela and Nyla not being as supportive of Lucy as I'd hoped/expected, seeing Lucy struggling post-exam results...), but there was so much to love.
I love Tim and Aaron working together, and Tim busting out a training acronym just makes me so damn nostalgic. And sorry not sorry, it was refreshing to see Nolan get called out (and face repercussions, however minor) for his ineptitude as a training officer. Because while, yes, Celina is a rookie and bound to make mistakes, like Nyla said, “as her TO, that is on you.” I know he's the main character, but I'll say it until I'm blue in the face—it's so fucking boring watching a character win over and over and over again. There's no depth there.
Lucy being an absolute badass was wonderful, and when I tell you my heart stopped when I heard that gunshot, my god. And that hospital scene??? What can I say but the hospital scene!!!!!! That was everything. Great music (*sidebar, they've made some really beautiful song choices this season!!), great to see Tim rushing to her side, and it was just the greatest of the great to watch him supporting her, the way she melts into him, how impeccably Melissa acted that scene... all of it was phenomenal.
6x06 | Secrets and Lies Oh god, what does it say about me that my favourite episode of the season was the one with breakup?!?! 😅 But seriously, the episode gave us alllll the emotionally intense moments, and I'm here for it. Loved the Tim and Angela scenes (my favourite relationship on the show outside of Chenford), loved Nyla working with Aaron again and seeing her dip her toes back into UC work, loved seeing Commander West(!!!!!) back.
Obviously the breakup (and the events leading up to it) was painful as fuck, but they did it SO well. Eric and Melissa acted the hell out of this episode, and it paid off in a big way. It was emotionally compelling and I felt (and continue to feel) so strongly about their scenes. They made it so easy to feel for both of these characters, and that speaks volumes. It hurts like hell, but it was so well done!
Whew, longest post ever! (I suppose I could just have gone 10, 5, 3, 1, 9, 7, 2, 8, 4, 6, but... that's boring!)
Again if I was ranking on Chenford scenes alone, things would certainly shake out differently. And even still, I could probably swap a few of these spots.
Thanks for the fun/exhausting question! 💗
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This is just a short, random question but is there any particular reason Dean blurted out "Cas get out of my ass!" in 6x19? XDD It's both hilarious, random, and Destiel-themed. Did you like it?
Argh, short fun question but long grumpy answer, because I’m afraid not, sorry… At least except for how you can apply the longing retcon to why Cas chose to pop up specifically then and there… The longing retcon makes everything better.
The immediate context is:
BOBBY: I’m looking, but I’m thinking maybe it’s time you made a call.
DEAN: Why has it always got to be me that makes the call, huh? It’s not like Cas lives in my ass. The dude’s busy. (Cas appears behind him. Dean turns around, surprised.) Cas, get out of my ass!
CAS: I was never in your – (Dean gives him a look.)
The ~joke~ is that Dean is saying Cas doesn’t “live in his ass” aka isn’t always following him around, doing whatever Dean wants (aka what Cas says he does more seriously in 6x21 with “I always come when you call” and at least during parts of earlier canon where he was able, did answer a few of Dean’s prayers/come when he needed him, although tbh there’s never been a particularly stable time where Cas was always on call to do what they needed with nothing better of his own to follow, except I guess between 10x10 and 11x10 (That part ended with Cas giving us another “I came as soon as you called”, even…)
Of course Dean is actually pissed off since 6x01 that it turned out Sam was alive and Bobby, Sam and Cas conspired to keep it from him so he’d stay with Lisa, instead of being where he’d truly want, which is with his brother and hard-earned family, doing what he felt was his job, while they prioritised, all of them, the idea of Dean, who they loved deeply, leading a normal life even if it meant not having it with them. So he’s already pissed off about that, but then Cas won’t answer their prayers and in 6x03 shows up only because the staff of moses was more interesting than them, and for several episodes the only way to get him to show up is by mentioning more heavenly weapons, and meanwhile Dean’s in soulless!Sam meltdown, so Cas not answering is just making everything worse for him. 
And he still won’t tell them what’s going on with the angel war even by 6x19, the very previous episode Cas didn’t answer when they prayed, Rachel came instead and Cas only showed up when she started insulting them. Basically none of his appearances have been good and given Dean any real implication Cas came because he liked them or wanted to help them, so by this point he’s pretty much had it with Cas (which, of course, makes his absolute digging in his heels refusal to allow the idea that Cas betrayed them next episode even worse - it’s the same old same old, where Dean is furious with Cas on the surface level but makes enormous allowances for him on a deep personal level where obviously he still loves Cas deeply, no matter what he’s doing. 12x19 and 12x23 had that feeling in spades from Dean as well.)
But anyway. “Dude’s busy” is the most massive understatement of how slighted and miserable Dean was feeling about Cas’s attention that year.
Then obviously because he’d been talking about Cas being in his ass, in the sense of, idk, brown-nosing hanger on (why are all our terms and phrases for this about poop. why. humanity has issues), so when Cas does pop up unasked but immediately when they start talking about him (”you know who spies, Cas? SPIES.”) and he’s standing RIGHT BEHIND Dean, Dean’s already mentioned Cas being up his ass and there he is in a suggestively close, strange place to appear, making a joke on the other times Cas appears close behind Dean for dramatic effect. So Dean snaps at Cas because it’s really uncomfortable to have him that close without warning, and of course there’s the whole innuendo going on all the way through this, that they’re pretty much using butt sex as the metaphor for everything ELSE in their lives. 
(And Cas maybe genuinely had no idea or maybe plays innocent about listening in and makes the very Cas comment of taking him very literally instead of realising it’s all a metaphor >.>)
In the wider context, I really don’t like it because it implies Cas is being kinda creepy and paints his interest in Dean as, well, getting too up close and personal with Dean’s ass for his liking. It’s similar to the 5x18 lashing out from Dean except despite it having a ton more obvious context about why Dean says it, on an emotional level, in 5x18 the total lack of context to why Dean’s obsessed with Cas blowing him or him getting laid last time someone looked at him like that, makes it contrast to him lashing out at Bobby for not being his father and at Sam for being a failure of a brother or whatever it was, showing Dean has a very specifically directed anger he doesn’t *mean* towards all 3 of them, and these are the 3 different ways he feels about his brother, father figure, and angel… Like, once you go past the very top layer, it’s pretty impressive Destiel subtext, as it’s the sort that’s deeply integrated and uses other characters as direct contrasts. Also in 5x18, Cas is doing nothing creepy and is entirely the one being wronged by Dean’s words and actions.
In season 6 Cas is recharacterised as distant and grumpy with the excuse of the angel war and as I said is entirely “unhelpful” for most of the season. 6x20, the episode AFTER this, offers us all the context where the writing is sympathetic and Edlund does such a good job bringing in the philosophical themes from season 5 and showing what happened to them, and Cas as a result, that watching from 5x22 to 6x20 and then continuing on your way is a weirdly valid way to skip through, just because the episode puts so much contrast on what we’ve seen so far in the season and reveals everything, and puts such a strong Cas spin on things that going back and rewatching, the entire season looks different. And more on Cas’s side and more like we know what he’s dealing with so it’s easier to understand why he has no time for Dean and lashes out and doesn’t answer his prayers, and left Dean to rake leaves, and so on and so on. 
But also in season 6, the occasional snark about Destiel from earlier seasons is multiplied by a lot, especially with Balthazar indiscriminately snarking about Cas having a thing for both Sam and Dean depending on whichever one he’s talking to, and then Crowley gets involved in 6x20 onwards, trying to paint a word picture of him home wrecking Cas and Dean. And this sort of language is all over the season, and Balthazar and Crowley are Cas’s main co-conspirators, and are heavily queercoded/actually shown kissing dudes on screen in Crowley’s case, and anyway even if Cas consistently shows no interest in sex they *still* find a way to make him as close to evil and skanky as you can go within his characterisation (*side-eyes 6x10* and not just the Meg bits - all of it with the porn and all and, yes, of course that includes the bit where Samuel walks in on them and thinks they’re all perverts) - it was all characterisation choices across the season to aid in building Cas up to kill him off (and, incidentally, the ABSENCE of evil skanky Cas in season 12 is why it was abundantly obvious they had no plans to permanently kill him off)… 
In THAT context, that Cas was the queercoded big bad of season 6, who had only once been a friend and only Edlund interceding meant we got any sympathy (and he had to argue for that episode to happen the way it did and for there to be a chance to tell Cas’s side as a character-leaving tribute, but imagine season 6 without it, just another plot episode with a one-sided confrontation…) and so on… that line in 6x19 is prime material for making fun of Cas and Dean’s connection, specifically in a way that paints Dean as the straight dude who is uncomfortable with butt stuff, and Cas is the one equated to wanting to get up Dean’s ass. 
With Cas eventually coming back, redeeming, and the writing deciding to be kind to him again once a Cas friendly writer was back in charge, it is MUCH easier to laugh about these lines and look at them in a really different context of what Destiel became, but actually thinking about the line as it is and if I like it? Nope, in 6x19 Dean belittles and complains about Cas constantly while upset with him, and of course he has a sympathetic (and at that point, only offered side of this argument) reason to feel this way, but he vents his frustration with harsh words, and then the narrative is going out of its way to make Cas look bad, and this is like the unholy meeting point of all of it >.>
But since 10x10 you can say it’s canon that angels don’t need a formal prayer, they can respond to a longing instead, and Dean was just talking angrily about Cas not being in his ass, and hahaha Dean repression Winchester at work making on-the-nose jokes about what he can’t have and is scared to ask for, woah that was bad timing for Cas to just mysteeeeriously show up without being FORMALLY PRAYED TO rrrright after Dean was musing on Cas being up his butt. No wonder he looked shocked and offended at his appearance, and Cas got so confused responding to Dean’s shock and offence for showing up for a prayer booty call only to find Sam and Bobby watching…
Yeah, that fixes a lot, thanks, Buckleming, for being too lazy to look up if angels can still track people who aren’t warded (spoilers: uh, no one ever took that away from them?? Just from tracking Sam and Dean??? But this works great too!)
So yeah, the fanon version of this line is very amusing to me in the right light :P
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gilmoremovies · 8 years
The Wizard of Oz (1939)
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Date Watched: 17th October 2016
Referenced in: 1x10, 1x13, 2x07, 2x17, 2x19, 3x04, 3x05, 3x08, 3x17, 3x21, 4x01, 4x04, 4x08, 4x19, 4x20, 5x04, 5x22, 6x01, 6x03, 6x10, 6x11 and Fall (this is referenced 5 billion times so forgive me if I miss one and let me know if I have!)
Rating:  ★★★★★
I’m the last of 4 kids so if my older siblings didn’t like a film, I didn’t watch it. This film is an example of that so at the age of 21 I watched Wizard of Oz for the first time. It’s obviously a very popular film so it’s not like I didn’t know the story or the songs but I still thoroughly enjoyed it. The whole witch melting by accident was a bit shit though but other than that Judy you talented thing and her little comrades too #squadgoals. Also Toto is the same dog as Bright Eyes and I loved him even more than I did before.
(Other GG Movies I’ve watched so far)
(Full references under the cut)
1x10, Forgiveness and Stuff (2000) Lorelai says that she needs the Scarecrow to help her when she and Luke are lost in the hospital. LUKE: Ok, we’re supposed to follow the blue line, around the corner and then we should be - LORELAI: Where’s the scarecrow when you need him? LUKE: Ok, we have to ask someone else. LORELAI: No! No! We just have to pick one. LUKE: Ah, well can’t just wander around here aimlessly.    
1x13, Concert Interruptus (2001) Lorelai says, “I’m the good witch of the …” and is cut off. LORELAI: Think fast [throws them a t-shirt each] T-shirts for all the girls because I’m the good witch of the - hey, aren’t you missing a couple of kids?
2x07, Like Mother, Like Daughter (2001) Rory mentions a famous line from the film when asking to sit with the Puffs. FRANCIE: Hey. RORY: There’s a bad draft over there where I usually sit. It’s kind of like a big downward gust. It’s not exactly ‘Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore’, but it’s still pretty darn uncomfortable, especially when you’re just gotten your hair to behave. So can I sit here? FRANCIE: Uhh, yeah.
2x17, Dead Uncles and Vegetables (2002) Kirk mentions his dog named Toto when talking about disliking Louie. KIRK: He kicked my dog when I was a kid. SY: He hit on my wife repeatedly. KIRK: Toto was always different after that. SY: My wife was much affected as well. KIRK: I’d toss her something to fetch and she’d start to run after it and halfway there she’d forget what she was doing. SY: She never enjoyed her soap operas the same after that. KIRK: She’d just lie down and go to sleep. LUKE: This is an exaggeration. BERT: We’re not exaggerating. We threw a big party when he left town! SY: I made love to my life that night like I never have. KIRK: My Toto barked a happy bark, then quietly stopped breathing. She was old.  
2x19, Teach Me Tonight (2002) Lorelai suggests it as a Movie in the Square Night contender.
3x04, One’s Got Class and the Other One Dyes (2002) Lane mentions a song the scarecrow sings from this movie after bleaching her hair.  LANE: It’s weird. RORY: Like straw. LANE: I feel like I should be singing ‘If I Only Had a Brain.’
3x05, Eight O'Clock at the Oasis (2002) Lorelai mentions the name of Dwight’s old house. RORY: ‘First of all, thank you for this very kind favor you’re doing me. I still can’t believe that any one person would be so kind to someone they just met.’ LORELAI: Yeah, apparently Dwight’s last home was Oz, and not as in ‘The Wizard Of.’
3x08, Let the Games Begin (2002) Lorelai and Rory quote the “lions and tigers and bears” chant when walking into Yale. RORY: Wow. LORELAI: Lions and tigers and bears… RORY: Oh my. RICHARD: It’s impressive, isn’t it?
3x17, A Tale of Poes and Fire (2003) Michel mentions the Good Witch when looking for spare rooms to house the guests after the fire. MICHEL: Everything is booked. LORELAI: You checked the Cheshire Cat, the Maiden’s Teacup, the Cookie House, the Sugarbear Inn? MICHEL: Every place that sounds like Glinda the Good Witch threw up, yes – all booked.
3x21, Here Comes the Son (2003) Sasha describes the scene between Dorothy and the gatekeeper at the Emerald City. JESS: I just wanna see Jimmy, okay? SASHA: Hey, did you ever see The Wizard of Oz? JESS: Yes. SASHA: Remember when they go to the Emerald City and they ring the bell and the guy with the beard stuck his head out and they said that they wanted to see the wizard, and he said no, and they said, 'She’s got the ruby slippers’, and he said 'Well, that’s a horse of a different color. Come on in.’ JESS: Yes. SASHA: Well, I’m the guy with the beard and I’m saying the no unless you can come up with the ruby slippers. JESS: I’m his son. SASHA: His son? JESS: Yes, his son. SASHA: Well, that’s a horse of a different color. Come on in.
4x01, Ballrooms and Biscotti (2003) Rory pretends she’s had a dream and quotes Dorothy’s “you were there, and you, and you” line. RORY: [to her clothes] I had a dream about you in Copenhagen. You were there, and you, and you, and you.
4x04, Chicken or Beef? (2003) Rory’s response to Lorelai laying a path of Post-It notes through the house references the film. LORELAI: We’re good as long as we stay on the path. RORY: So I should follow the yellow stick road? LORELAI: We’ll be here all week, try the veal. Stop.
4x08, Die, Jerk (2003) Paris says that the idea of Rory making somebody angry is as absurd as Dorothy pissing off the Tin Man. TANNA: What about you? RORY: Me? JANET: Made anyone mad lately? PARIS: Oh, please, that would be like Dorothy pissing off the Tin Man. It’s impossible.
4x19,  Afterboom (2004) Rory references the lions and tigers and bears oh my! line. RORY: What are you doing here? LORELAI: Inn stuff. I had to pick up hinges and doorknobs and faucets. RORY: Oh, my.
4x20, Luke Can See Her Face (2004) Lorelai makes a reference to watching Toto from The Wizard of Oz. LUKE: No, Roy, I know what I’m talking about. I’m looking for stalks of wheat, not processed wheat, stalks. That’s putting it another way. I need bare-ass stalks. [to customer] Sorry. [to Roy] I know you can’t eat it like that. I just need it for decoration. No, I’m not going poofy on you, damn it! [to another customer] Sorry. [to Roy] I just need to know whether you have it or not. No? Okay, whatever. Thanks. [hangs up] Is there no wheat left in this country? What happened to Kansas? Isn’t Kansas lousy with wheat? LORELAI: I do recall Toto running through fields of it. Coffee to go, please.
5x04, Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too (2004) Lorelai compares Taylor to the Tin Man, calling him heartless. LORELAI: Come on, Taylor. This is ridiculous. TAYLOR: This issue is not open for debate. LORELAI: This is a nice man who is growing some very nice tomatoes, and you just need to oil your knees and go see the wizard and get a heart and drop this!
5x22, A House Is Not a Home (2005) Zach refers to himself and the other band members as various characters from the film when asked if he’ll come on tour. LANE: Zach? ZACH: Well, geez, Dorothy, if Tinman and Lion are going to go, I guess I have to go too. [He pulls himself up like the Scarecrow.]
6x01, New and Improved Lorelai (2005) Paris jokes about the Lollipop Guild while talking about Doyle’s family all being unusually short. PARIS: I’m meeting more of Doyle’s family tonight. I’ve been meeting people for months. (she goes through Rory’s clothes) He’s got like five hundred cousins, and you know what? He’s the tallest one in the family. RORY: Really? PARIS: Yup. Family get-together is like a Lollipop guild convention. I have to stop myself from asking how it’s going at the chocolate factory.
6x03, The UnGraduate (2005) Michel hums the Wicked Witch of the West’s musical theme while talking about Paris. MICHEL: (runs in the kitchen) She’s back! She’s coming back! SOOKIE: No! LORELAI: Why?! MICHEL: I don’t know why. Maybe she left her phone or her spell book. All I know is she’s heading back toward the Inn, and I’m not going out until she leaves.  
MICHEL: Very well. I’ll leave the….wait. Do you feel that? LORELAI: Feel what? MICHEL: An icy chill as if something sinister is approaching. SOOKIE: What? MICHEL: (hums the witch’s theme from “The Wizard Of Oz”) Ta-ta-ra-ta-ra-ra-Taraaaaaa LORELAI: Gee, Michel, is Paris here?
6x10, He’s Slippin’ 'Em Bread… Dig? (2005) Lorelai says she uses the Wash & Brush Up Co. from Wizard of Oz to stay pretty. CHRIS [looking at Lorelai]: I don’t know how you do it, I mean, you always look… LORELAI: Yeah, well, I get the girls from the Wash & Brush Up company from the Wizard of Oz working for me now. CHRIS [chuckles]: Good deal.
6x11, The Perfect Dress (2006) Paris says she hasn’t slept through the night since the first time she saw Wizard of Oz. PARIS: Now, Doyle sleeps very deeply, so don’t worry about the hours. I, as you know, haven’t slept through the night since the first time I saw “The Wizard Of Oz”, thank you Mum, so I tend to do my crafts in the middle of the night, but the walls are very thick. You won’t hear a thing. Oh, now, the hot water in the bathroom…
A Year in the Life: Fall (2016) Several references to this film when Rory says goodbye to The Life and Death Brigade ROBERT: I said he was from New Zealand FINN: Only a man with no heart would say that to me /…/ RORY: Oh Robert don’t cry, your eye will swell up terribly. Here, take your steak. ROBERT: Now I know I have a heart, because it’s breaking. RORY: Goodbye, Colin. I'm going to miss the way that you get drunk and randomly buy things you don't need, like clubs and cars COLIN: And bed and breakfasts? Oh, yeah. RORY: Oh, Colin. RORY: [to finn] You know I think I’ll miss you most of all.  COLIN: Hey, we heard that!  ROBERT: yeh. Thanks a lot!  FINN: Stay photogenic I beg of you.
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