#guess you could take that as a birthdate
darkdragon768 · 10 months
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Hey, it's me!
(was about time that I do a ref for my fursona)
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isaactheterrible · 10 months
141 Surprise Birthday Party
[Essentially four short stories of throwing a surprise birthday party for each of the 141 members (Ghost, Price, Soap And Gaz) Pure fluff]
Simon "Ghost" Riley
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Ghost is a pretty private person and with both you and Soap constantly up his ass (sometimes less than figuratively) he made an extra effort to prevent either of you from learning his birthday. The thing with having a difficult childhood is that you also get a lot of difficult memories and Ghost's birthdays weren't an exception.
While most times his father would forget about it and he could have a quiet celebration in peace with his brother and mother, on the rare occasion that his father did remember it he'd take him out to clubs or concerts before promptly forgetting about him again other than the occasional prank would terrify him.
This lead Ghost to dreading his birthdays and trying to be secretive about them. Unfortunately for Ghost you and Soap were organized, ruthless and dedicated to the cause, so after weeks of perfect paperwork, chores and once actually getting on your knees and just straight up begging Price for the information he finally relented and told you and Soap Ghost's birthdate.
He felt kinda bad for giving out Ghost like this but hey, maybe a little fun could be good for him. After finding out that the date was closer than either of you thought, and making Ghost's entire astrology chart with Gaz of course, you and Soap got to work.
Sneaking around with birthday decorations, making up white lies on the spot when asked leading questions and of course, coordinating matching birthday outfits, the plan was slowly coming together. It was hard, hiding things from your lieutenant but God Damn It! You were professionals! You even got Rudy to bake a birthday cake for you no matter how hesitant he was to join your scheme!
At the date of the party Ghost was... Less than obvious. He knew the two of you were up to something but he just couldn't figure out what no matter how much stalking and eavesdropping he did! It had him worried to be honest but if your barely suppressed giggles were a sigh of anything other than stupidity at it's simplest form, at least it wasn't anything too serious or dangerous.
After recognizing that maybe luring your lieutenant at a discreet location and then screaming things at his face might give him an anxiety attack you decided to ditch the traditional surprise party recipe and ambush him gently in a familiar, comforting location instead.
Using his strict routine to your advantage, you set up shop overnight at the cafeteria he went to everyday, that way if he wasn't into the whole party thing he could easily exit the area, you didn't wanna be too pushy about it. Ghost, rather predictably, entered the cafeteria at his usual time. You didn't scream happy birthday at his face, not at 7:30am in the morning. Instead you'd decorated the place and had gathered everyone to be there for him.
He was a little confused at first on why everyone was sitting there smiling at him but after he got his coffee and sat down in his usual seat, still too groggy and confused to figure out what the fuck was happening, you and Soap sat down next to him on either of his sides as Gaz brought out the birthday cake, placing it in front of Simon.
You all started singing happy birthday to him. Simon smiled, he didn't really know why, he hated his birthday and hated celebrating it but this one felt... Different, warmer. He looked down at the candles, watching the small dancing flames, you'd gotten his age wrong but it didn't matter. He was there surrounded by the people he loved and his favorite coffee.
You cared about him, he realized, you really did and you all went out of your way and through all this trouble just to make this for him. It made him a tad emotional as much as he'd hate to admit it. He looked at the smiling, laughing faces of his friends and felt calm, tranquil even, he guessed that after all these years he'd finally have a "Happy Birthday".
John "Bravo Six" Price
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Price is not much of a family man, sure he has nieces and nephews that he loves to pieces but he hasn't yet met a person that he can start a family with. It was something that brought out a deep sadness in him. The closest thing he had to a family was the 141 but he wasn't quite sure if he could truly call them his own.
Price's birthdate wasn't some kind of secret. Sure, he didn't exactly advertise the information but he'd say if someone asked. He was secretly hoping one of you would ask to celebrate with him, he wasn't exactly looking forward to spending the day alone on his couch, in his underwear, drinking wine and watching football, maybe getting calls from his extended family if he's lucky but since none of you said anything he'd supposed he'd have to make due.
In reality you, Gaz, Soap and he'll even Ghost had been planning something special for a while and had been looking forward to the day with glee. But still, you wanted to surprise him, so the four of you decided to keep quiet.
You were saving up money communally, well mainly Ghost but the rest of you pitched in too! You made a reservation at Price's favorite restaurant and after some talk with the owners, who happened to know Price quite well they even agreed to let you guys rent out the place for the night.
You felt kinda guilty sneaking around your captain's back like this, but it was for a good cause! You did have some trouble with the birthday cake after the third... Okay eight butchered attempts at making one you and Soap simply gave up and begged his mom to bake one instead. She chastised the shit out of you, but it was worth it in the end.
Gaz was to be the bait, pretending to be really bumped out about something. It was no secret Price had a soft spot for him and if he felt that his precious sergeant was in trouble that would worry him enough to overlook the "coincidental" timing.
Finally the day came. You all holed up in the restaurant while Gaz went to lure him out. Price willed himself out of the couch, he was more than a little drunk but his sergeant sounded worried, he sluggishly put on some clothes and got ready, almost forgetting his keys in the process and took a taxi to the park (We don't drink and drive in this household, no sirs)
Walking over to a suspiciously well-put-together Gaz and reluctantly allowing himself to be lured away, more focused on what upset Gaz and why exactly he was so hesitant to tell him. Eventually the two made their way in front of a familiar building: "Actually Cap, there's a special reason I brought you here tonight."
Gaz smiled proudly throwing the doors open with both arms, the entire group leapt out from their hiding place: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAP!" Everyone yelled out in unison. If John was a little more drunk, he would've cried. He walked into the restaurant. Only to be immediately overwhelmed by an array of hugs and "happy birthday"s.
He sat down, ordering his favorite steak, surrounded by his loved ones. He blew out his candles, all 38 of them, although being a smoker it was no easy tax. As he looked around at all of you, who'd not only remembered him but went out of your way to plan all this for him he realized with full confidence for the very first time that yes, he can call you his, YOU'RE his family and nothing could change that.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
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Gaz was pretty sure you'd all remember his birthday, you better have! Still, that didn't stop him from continuously sending hints like a month in advance, he didn't want to doubt you but with Soap's chronic ADHD he didn't really wanna take any chances either.
You had caught on to what he was doing and laughed at it a bit knowing there was no way in hell any of you were going to forget about his birthday. Price honestly played favorites sometimes so that was a given, Soap would never not plan a secret (usually destructive) surprise on his best buds birthday, you were about as excited as Gaz was and literally nothing ever escaped Ghost so what was Kyle worried about exactly?
In all fairness your plans weren't exactly... Coming together perfectly. The club you wanted to go to, a club Kyle had been begging to go to for a few years now, was pretty V.I.P. and your pleas with the owners fell on dear ears. It wasn't like you were trying to rent out the place for God's sake
Like Jesus couldn't they let like 5 more people in for one night? God they were so snobbish to anyone who wasn't in their tax bracket! So when you got the message that you and your friends would be allowed in you were very surprised.
You and Soap broke the news to Ghost and Price beaming with glee, Price seemed surprised and excited, Ghost... Not so much. And the bastard wouldn't even tell you what he did! No matter how much you kept asking! Maybe it was for the best, after one of the owners mocked Soap's accent so cruelly you knew that Ghost had a bone to pick and you weren't in the business of trying to stop him.
The day came and you told Gaz to dress to impress, there was little point in trying to surprise him to be honest. He knew what day it was so anyway you might try to lure him would only confirm his suspicions, still there was no way he knew where exactly you were taking him.
You kept him busy with some friendly teasing while you took the Uber there so when he got out of the car and saw the club right in front of him, Price waited for him at the door and Gaz basically screamed with glee when he saw him.
The entire night he wouldn't stop smiling, dancing and asking you mad lads how you pulled it off. Hell, he even got to flirt a bit with some of the regulars before being turned off by how flirty rich and snobbish they were acting, choosing to simply enjoy the night with his friends instead.
The party was a blast and although the drinks were expensive you felt relieved knowing Price would cover the tab. You hadn't exactly brought him a wedding cake, the club wouldn't allow it lest you drop chocolate cake on their marble floors or some shit, but you had one back on base on the fridge! (You poor fools, you had no idea Horangi ate it).
Not that Gaz even noticed, he was having too much fun spending the night drinking and dancing and talking with his friends. Ghost, the designated driver, had to carry your drunk asses back to base by the end of the night, not that it was hard for him being a mountain of a man, but still.
Gaz had to write that birthday down as the best one yet. To this day he's still asking you how you pulled it off but you won't tell him, well can't really. You don't actually know, it seems Ghost is taking it to his grave, that one.
The only one who had a bad night was Horangi, if the stomach ache wasn't enough, the chastization from König and Price certainly was, blamed it on his poor impulse control.
John "Soap" MacTavish
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Soap's birthday was coming up and no matter how much he wanted to stay with you in the end of the day he had to spend the day with his family back in Scotland. Don't get him wrong, it's not that he didn't love his family, he was excited to spend the day with them and see them again but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel a little left out, he'd spent so much time and had so many fun experiences planning the other's parties with you that he felt a little bittersweet going back to Scotland to be with his family.
Still he held his head up high and got on that plane, he'd missed his cousins, siblings, nephews, nieces and his mom. Also excited to eat a proper meal again, don't forget he had to live with British people for longer than any proper Scot ought to.
Packing his bags and making his way back home, he was immediately greeted by his family and after the pleasantries and small talk he dropped, exhausted on his bed. His birthday was tomorrow and his entire family was busy decorating the house and making preparations. He scrolled mindlessly through his phone a bit before getting to bed.
Meanwhile you and the rest of the 141 were in a plane, straight to Scotland! You'd gotten his family's permission of course, you weren't about to crash a family party uninvited. Besides, his family was very excited to finally meet you guys they didn't take much convincing at all! Especially with Gaz leading the introduction, he's quite the charmer and moms love him so he was the natural choice.
Apparently, Soap talks about you quite a lot, maybe a little too much if Ghost had any say in it, but you found it flattering. After you made your way back to the sweet, sweet earth after a flight so turbulent it can only rightfully be refered to as your pilots "Murder-Suicide attempt" if Price was to be believed (You'd think that being in a helicopter before would build some amount of trust in pilots but apparently not) you guys finally arrived at Soap's birthday party.
Soap woke up that morning by his stupid, annoying brother's insistent shaking, God! Couldn't he catch a break? "John! Wake up! Your friends are here!" Okay. Now Soap was confused. "WHOT?" He quickly threw some clothes together that he had lying around and went to the living room. Swimming through a sea of people made up from close family, distant relatives, neighbors and childhood friends he eventually spotted Price on the couch, chatting up his damn aunt!
He dragged Price away and looked around, noticing the rest of you talking to his family. Ghost in particular was receiving a lot of attention of course, being a tall masked man with a British accent meant he didn't fit in exactly. The poor asocial man who was so averse to being in the spotlight was clearly not prepared for the MacTavishs. Swopping in to rescue him, he took Ghost aside and then spent the next 20 minutes interrogating him on what the hell you were all doing here. After explaining to Soap their little "scheme" which Price insisted you not refer to as a scheme, Soap eventually let the man go.
After the initial nervousness of having his two words collide he noticed how well you all seemed to get along. Soap felt... Relaxed. Like he let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding in. He never admitted it to himself but internally he'd always been worried that maybe if the 141 and his family ever met they wouldn't get along. He hated the idea of the people he loved the most hating each other. But now?
He was proven wrong, you were all getting along so well and he was so happy to be surrounded by the people he loved, not as two separate groups but as one big happy community. Best. Birthday Gift. Ever.
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triannel · 3 days
HI!!! I adore how you write bill, an my own birthday is tomorrow an im ✨Terrified✨✨,, n was wondering ifff. You could do a sorta angst-fluff where its the readers birthday, but every single one of his birthdays has been awful. And like, now that bills here with the reader he feels like maybe he wont have to Just survive his birthday? That even with his god awful family, it might be ok. Like yeah the meds help, but it doesnt fix anything if the people youre with are why youre fucked yknow? IDK and maybe bill decides to take it upon himself to remove the readers family😋 cant be a neglected middle child w all the responsibilities of the eldest if youre an orphan/J AN I DONT MIND HOW CLOSE YOU STAY TO THIS I LOVE YOUR WRITING ANYWAYS!!
(,,,o n also the reader maybe be a grungey scene kid kinda guy? Lots of piercings, an is more feminine than his parents think he should be, especially as a trans guy, So thats smth. Love bones n bugs and shinies an is like if a dog n crow were a guy,, n supr srry if this is a bad req!! Im jus excited cus i love bill, and im also stressy out cus of my burthdayy >_<“) SO NO PRESSURE TO RESPOND ESPECIALLY IF THIS IS TOO LONG OR ANYTHIMG!!!/gen
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Hello and Happy Birthday 🌙 anon! I've managed to whip this up and I hope it gives you at least some sort of comfort for today. I really do hope you're situation gets better soon, take care of yourself and have a great day! (Also, don't worry, I never really do mind long asks.)
Oneshot | Bill Cipher x Reader | Fluff/Comfort?
Warnings: Mention of Death, Implied Abuse, Implied Trauma, Implied Bad Birthdays, Bill Cipher lol
Quickly stepping upstairs, you lock yourself in your bedroom, blocking all the noise emenating from downstairs. Exhaling, you drop to your bed, letting yourself relax into comfort of the soft mattress and fluffy pillows.
Only needing rest by this point, you close your eyes. Wanting nothing more than to leave this place behind.
"WHOA, DIDN'T EXPECT TO SEE YOU SO EARLY!" A voice suddenly spoke, booming loudly for you to hear.
Ah yes, there he is. You can't exactly say he's your best pal, but right this moment, you truly do feel more at ease with him than being back there.
"It's honestly been a long day so..." You shrugged for a moment before continuing, "Does it bother you?" You ask, giving a lighthearted smile.
"NOT AT ALL, I WOULDN'T BLAME ANYONE BY WANTING TO MEET YOURS TRULY," he spoke, blinking slowly in a dramatic way to show off his 'impressive looks'.
You chuckle slightly, shaking your head, "I mean, I don't think I'm exactly the one to choose to be here..." speaking your thought aloud just to perhaps tease him a little as you glance at him for a moment before slightly chuckling once more.
You never really did know how you even get to meet him to be honest, he somewhat always manages to show up in your dreams, so overtime you guessed that he might be the one approaching you...That, or it might be because of something else entirely.
For a moment, you thought you saw him become nervous for a second, but maybe it didn't happen at all as you only saw it for less than a second.
"WELL, JUST WANTED TO CHECK HOW YOU'RE DEALING WITH KNOWING YOU'RE ONE YEAR CLOSER TO YOUR DEATH," he flatly said, in a weird, eerie way. He always did love being weird so this type of behaviour wouldn't be uncommon by this point.
"Right... Well, what's the agenda for this time then? Or are you busy?" You ask, avoiding your 'birthday' in question. You'd much rather not talk about your birthday at all to be honest. Not a single one ever went well...
Adjusting his bowtie, he started to speak, "WELL..."
Snapping his fingers, your surroundings completely change.
The rest of your 'dream' went on a relatively good note. Having a cup of tea, playing chess, you both did the usual activities you both would do when meeting in your subconscious mind. But the only thing is that, he seemed to be more...well a bit more charming and noticeably, but only slightly more open to your suggestions on what else to spend time on.
He'd usually take the wheel and drag you through any activity he wants, but this time though, this time he was a bit more...considerate.
Now playing a board game with him, you take the dice and roll it. Getting one, Bill chuckles slightly at your misfortune for a second before taking the dice from you.
He might be treating you like this because it's your birthday, but you'd doubt it... Well at least for now-
"EY, IT'S YOUR TURN TOOTS," he snapped his finger a few times in front of your face.
Chuckling, you mutter an apology before taking the dice. Rolling it in your hands, you then let it go. As the dice lands on the floor, it lands on a six, letting you be the winner for the match.
"Yess, I won!" You raise your arms, smiling back at him.
"CHECK AGAIN." Bill spoke, pointing at your piece. Looking down at the board, you see a newly added tile in front of your piece, moving the finish line out of reach. You raise your eyebrow, giving him the side eye.
"WHAT? I DON'T MAKE THE RULES," he raised his shoulders, smiling mischievously with his eye.
Shaking your head, you chuckled at his silly banter while giving him the dice for his turn.
It's unexpected but, this dorito triangle man truly has made a significance on making your birthday much more bearable. Be it his choice to do it or not, you're honestly just glad to at least have some semblance of joy sprout on this day.
I haven't been able to post for a week because unfortunately I became rlly busy at the moment and it isn't helping that I do tend to procrastinate at times. I'll post more regularly later, but for now at least, I'll post this here. Once again, happy birthday 🌙 anon!
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mystic-scorpio · 1 year
[if you don't know your venus placement, link to a astrological placement calculater is included in the post]
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[copyrights reserved ©️mystic-scorpio]
Enter your birth details in the link given below to obtain your Venus sign:-
Confidence is sexy. You're confident. YOU ARE SEXY!
It's your bold demeanor, the way you flirt in a slowburn way or the way you play hard to get making your romantic interest feel like they are in a teen rom-com.
You are attracted to:
People who are good looking as well as intelligent. Someone who doesn't have brains is a big turn off for you.
You walk in the room and you make heads turn. This is because your vibe is more than grounded and calm, you also radiate this magnetic, sensual aura.
People can feel this aura, and mixed with your loyal, dependable nature, IT IS SUCH A TURN ON!
You are attracted to:
People with a sweet/ calm/ pleasant voice
There's something about the way you speak, it is enriched with your wit and intelligence. I guess we could say you have a way to talk your way into people's hearts.
Your fun loving and carefree nature keeps your admirers on a constant high level of adrenaline and take my word for it, it's reallyyyy attractive.
You are attracted to:
People who are clever or smart witted. You yearn for someone who can keep you guessing.
It's that caring, nurturing look in your eyes. The way you look at people you care about with so much love, it really makes them feel special, and they can end up getting infatuated with you.
You are attracted to:
People with a gentle nature and pleasant presence.
You are charismatic, charming and so elegant. You are basically a Wattpad lead, full of confidence and generosity. People who like you find you attractive not only because you are probably the most charming person they've met but also because you're kind, generous and genuine.
You are attracted to:
People who are sophisticated and classy.
No-one is sexier than a person who takes care of themselves, because it indicates that they can take care of others as well.
You make sure to always seem presentable. You take care of your body and mind which gives you an attractive glow. Your charm lies in your reliability and logic.
.........SO CHARMING!!!
You are attracted to:
Someone who has a good nature and can speak politely.
You are the kind of person people can't resist. Your flirting skills are top notch yet you're a gentle lover. You care for people and adapt yourselves to their needs and requirements.
You are attracted to:
People with a good fashion-sense. Someone who is not pretentious, smart and has a fair sense of judgement.
This one's a no brainer.
Scorpio is the sexiest sign of the lot, and when it's your venus placement, you become magnetic, sensual and attractive in unexplainable ways.
You are attracted to:
People who can handle emotional intensity. Someone who is powerful and dynamic is usually your type.
You are extroverted, funny and full of ideas. TELL ME WHY SOMEONE WILL NOT JUST FALL IN LOVE?!
Open minded and adventurous, you make the perfect person to spend time with.
You are attracted to:
Someone who can challenge your opinions and ideas with theirs.
You are a thinker, you like to ponder over the questions of life. Intelligent , wise and a beholder of beauty, people who are attracted to you love discussing about things that we usually don't talk about much in everyday life. They admire your knowledge and perspective.
It's the shine in your eyes when you discuss the topics you like to ponder, that makes people fall head over heels for you.
You are attracted to:
People who are wise. (like no shit)
You are YOU in every sense.
What I mean is that your personality and behaviour don't get swayed or influenced when you're around different people.
Your REAL and NON-PRETENTIOUS nature's is so attractive!
You're at you best when surrounded by like minded people and your lively nature is CRUSH-WORTHY!!
You are attracted to:
Intelligent people who can communicate well.
You have a gentle, caring and compassionate nature.
You give emotional support to people who need it and you always want to make people feel better.
What's more attractive than a good heart?
You are attracted to:
Emotionally messed up people.
You feel needed around people who require emotional support, however this relationship can grow toxic as you have a tendency to ignore red flags.
(I suggest asking a trusted friend about the person you're dating, and trying to see from their perspective, no matter how much you love your boo.
Stay safe out there <3)
A/N : Yeahh that's it! See you in the next blog! Till then stay safe, stay happy<3
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cr4zyoosh · 2 months
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New & Improved Design of my CRP Oc/Sona! (Sort of)
So here’s some thoughts & details more about her I also provided color scheme for anyone who may want to draw her?? I know I’m not that popular but it would be so greatly honored to have that! 🫶😭
First I want to start off with the AGE OF HER!
So, in her backstory over the course of months part taking her backstory she is 18-19 years old, by the time she meets Slendy/Operator(?) it is in fact close to her birthday month. (Now I have no ideas for names or a different birthdate for her other than my own name & birthday)
Around the time she is finally in the mansion & has been there for at least a couple weeks it’s her birthday then that’s when she will endure the “proxy” sickness or whatever it is called just the sickness where she gets her powers, by the time her powers are finally overtaking her & finished she is at least around 19 or 20 years old. Then on the course of years she been there canonically she is around 20-22 years old! FULL GROWN YOUNG ADULT!
Secondly, her power!
Now I want to mention that yes at first I wanted her to be a very powerful “being” (will explain the ‘being’ part later) but in actuality, her power is actually not the strongest. Her power like mention in my story/ideas post that she has these powers where she can morph into this “demon type thing”; like sleep paralysis, but it takes up a lot of her energy. So she does not use it a lot, only for the “stunning” part where she makes the victim “paralyzed” like how sleep paralysis is. Then either she attacks the victim with the switchblade/pocket knife or the other proxy along with her on the missions gets their kill in. Of course when she uses her full power she is powerful absolutely yes, but it takes up so much of her energy that she needs to chill out & tag along with the other proxies & kill them how the others do.(such as how Jeff & Toby are both very much human with good amount of strength, that is what she would have to do instead of using her power.) Now she does still have that power where she’s in her demon form & she can use the red mist / shadow stuff to have it travel into the victims eye sockets & mouth, infecting them, along with this is when she infects them you can see red veins (glowing) travel up to the victims minds/brain, she then can see & hear their thoughts & dreams; marking her name as The Dream Reaper. She also then has them fade away into her “realm” of the souls she has “reaped”, so she can gain more energy. This also if the other proxies knock out the victims & she’s near, she can be able to send them directly to her “realm” to reap their soul, then even share the soul to feed for herself & the proxy that helped her. (Sharing is caring ya know?)
Now her weakness.
Previously mentioned she doesn’t use her full power all the time, due to draining her so badly. If she completely is drained she will grow sickly again like when she was getting her powers & end up having those dreams again that come to life. If she is that desperate & cannot use her power for gathering energy, she may end up in a cannibalisic state where another proxy needs to bring her a victim knocked out & have to be kept in a room for her to actually feed on the victim. THIS IS A IDEA NOT FULLY SURE TO GO THROUGH WITH IT!
I will explain in my story as I retype it all out & finally finish it instead of just the two chapters spread out what she endured during the so called “sickness”.
A bit of spoilers!
She… she isn’t really human. If you could not tell before about her power. Let’s just say she is more of a proxy absolutely, but is undead. Sort of like a zombie but less rotting flesh, etc. more of a zombie but still fully intact brain function & organs. I will explain in my story of how she became of that.
Notes about why I am posting this!
So I wanted to not per se “recreate” her but wanted to make her story & design more… original? I guess? I felt like her design for her “form” is definitely like Zalgos or Lazari’s which by the way IS NOT THE CASE! I was heavily inspired by a dream I once had with red & black images flashing & it was hella scary. Also the inspiration for this was I have such weird ass dreams & I am very spiritually connected to beings that no one can see from the naked eye, I also happen to love creepypasta & slenderverse stuff so win win! I want to also mention that, I’ve made fan art of her & Tim/Masky yes (the posted ones) in my story I won’t make it a “canon” thing because Tim/Masky isn’t MINE to own & do that to, but I may have her have a bit of a crush on him & have a few interactions with one another because why not? They have similar personalities sort of & similar trauma’s a bit so win win as well but also… daddy issues YAYYYYY (not). But if anyone would like to make fan art of him & her I would absolutely love to see it! (I know this won’t be too popular but it’s greatly appreciated to see fan art with the other Proxies or Marble Hornets characters or even your own CRP Ocs!!!)
I want to also add her personality!
Her personality is… anxiety ridden. She’s absolutely jumpy & paranoid half of the time, but once she finally settles down in the mansion, she’s a bit calmer but still slightly kept to herself, she’s also a bit mischievous as well. She barely sleeps & if she does, it’s for a short time. If she is weak she may sleep longer. She’s also alternative! She’s scene emo, hint to her hair. But she also likes the grunge clothing as well, obviously the music too, she enjoys PTV, SWS, MCR, Digital Daggers, aesthetically pleasing music (like the silent hill soundtracks, along with Alex g, Tv Girl, Julie, Wisp, etc!), along with this is of course some scene music like some Brokencyde, 30H!3, Millionares, some underground scene bands, now in for some more metal such as Korn, Evanescence, SOAD, Deftones, some Staind, Three Days Grace, Get Scared (of course). Also likes some gothic music such as some HIM, some Lebanon Hanover, & a bit of twin tribes! Other honorable mentions of music is The Front Bottoms, Current Joys, Cigarettes After Sex, some Nirvana, Blink-182, & Lana Del Rey. Some of the calm music help her calm herself down.
She also likes to draw & take notes on everyone in the mansion. She will draw them out & make notes on their personality, the way they talk, quite literally everything. (Will be explained more in story of why.) When she is around people she is comfortable with you would think she’s an absolute stoner (aka she sort of is). Now when she is out on missions, absolutely secluded to herself, absolutely INSANE due to lack of sleep, aggressive as fuck, quite literally the one to tell the victim what she will do to them kind of thing, does not hesitate towards anyone, maybe only children though & animals of course she isn’t fully insane. Duh of course she slightly knows how to play guitar & can sing a good ass mean rock/metal songs even ones sang by men! Absolutely loves guitar hero too. (I can see her, Jeff, & probably Ben playing that all the time for shitz & giggles). She also dresses scene close to Nina almost, but mostly Jean shorts with ripped tights or skinny ripped jeans along with a band tee or anything 2000s, along with some scene arm warmers sometimes or even ripped arm things like tights but for her arms along with thick bracelets or Candi (I totally see Nina & her making some for one another even having sally join in!) now her outfit to go on missions is in fact grunge looking but it keeps her hidden, able to carry more stuff in her pockets, & the outfit she wandered out & found Slenderman/The Operator (not sure which yet). Her grunge look is mostly casual wear but she mostly does wear Scene looks more, even if they are very simple. Absolutely her hair is dyed bright red & black obviously but she is a natural red head (like myself that’s why she’s more of a sona than oc but I call her both!) & yes she has a eyebrow piercing!
I think that’s all I have for now! Fill free to ask questions or like I previously said, draw anything with her with your own creepypasta oc or some of the characters themselves! 🫶🫶🫶
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reality-detective · 1 year
* * * Las Vegas Shooting * * *
Part 3
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On the Thursday night that followed, the White House press pool was unexpectedly called in to witness a “photo op” that was taking place with President Trump…and included various military officials & their spouses.
As cameras were rolling, President Trump said, “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm. Could be, the calm…the calm before the storm.”
As reporters shouted questions, he said,
“We have the world’s great military people in this room, I will tell you that. And uh, we’re gonna have a great evening.”
Then, when asked what he meant by “storm,” he ominously answered,
“You’ll find out.”
MEGANON, the anonymous 4chan poster that I referenced the other day posted this on 4Chan after Trump made his “Calm Before the Storm” warning...
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Then 👇
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It is interesting to point out that the very next day after Trump made his cryptic remark, a fire broke out at the Federal Reserve Bank Building.
Here is an excerpt from a 10/7/17 Zero Hedge article titled “Fire Breaks Out on the Roof of the NY Fed.”
“Dozens of firefighters are fighting a blaze which broke out on the top of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, NBC New York reports.
Contrary to recurring rumors that the fire was created from excess money creation, the FDNY said that a generator on the roof of the building caused the fire in a chimney, although the severity of the damage to the building is not known.”
☝️ Was it possible that Trump’s warning “You’ll find out” was taken seriously enough…that it lead to an emergency bonfire of incriminating documents right on the roof of the Federal bank building?
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Guess what happened after that???
On October 26th, 2017
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Funny that he releases the files on October 26th!! That’s the birthdate of Hillary Rodham Clinton!!
Reversing the curse!!
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By the way, October 28th is a date with a lot of significance.
By choosing this date,
God/Trump/The Alliance/White Hats are reversing the curses that were placed on our society by ((these)) people.
((THESE)) people are the Occult/Witches/Warlocks/Satanists/Luciferians/Illuminati/Jesuits/Crypto Jews/Khazarian Mafia/Banksters/Deep State/Cabal/Black Hats/Rothschilds/Rockefellers/Clintons/Bushes etc. etc.etc!!
Löök up famous people born on October 28th you'll get a better picture of what I'm saying. 🤔
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FUN FACT: Remember, Q started posting on October 28, 2017.
Facebook was originally launched as FaceMash on... you guessed it... October 28, 2003, (before changing its name to Facebook on February 4, 2004).
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The PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT began during the summer of 1943.
On OCTOBER 28th, 1943,
The Navy Destroyer—USS Eldridge—was placed in an electromagnetic field and disappeared…not only from the screens…but also from our reality.
During this second experiment, the ship disappeared from the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard.
Simultaneously, sailors stationed 375 miles south at the Norfolk Naval Base in Norfolk, Virginia, reported the ship’s appearance for several minutes before it vanished.
Many believe that the USS Eldridge traveled through time.
Time traveling is a real thing and so is "Project Lööking Glass"
I hope this sheds some light on the Las Vegas Shooting Event, it was no random solo shooter acting out. It was all a staged event.
All links connected 👇
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buckybarnesss · 7 months
If Cora was Stiles' age, wouldn't she have been in his grade before the fire? He knew of Derek and the Hale family but it just seems like Cora was written in last minute.
on this episode of heather versus the teen wolf timeline: cora hale.
here is what the timeline establishes:
all of season 1-3B takes place in 2011.
the hale fire was six years prior to the start of wolf moon. stiles is speaking hyperbolically when he says it was 10 years ago. we know it was six from what derek tells scott in magic bullet.
derek: six years ago, my sister and I were at school, and our house caught fire.
it's established that cora was 11 at the time of the hale fire in 2005. this comes from frayed during her and peter's conversation.
cora:  you've known me for seventeen years! peter: i knew you for eleven, leaving the last six unaccounted for. and i'm not particularly fond of things unaccounted.
she's 17 in visionary.
visionary takes place during the fall 2011 semester of the main pack's junior year.
in comparison to the others:
allison turned 17 in the tell which takes place at the end of january 2011. allison says she was held back due to all the moving around. she's the oldest in their cohort.
lydia turned 17 on march 19th in party guessed during season 2 on the worm moon. we know it was her 17th birthday due to the conversation lydia and natalie have about lorraine's ashes in time of death in season 4 which takes place during the spring semester 2012 of lydia's junior year.
natalie: because she wanted you to do it... when you turned eighteen. don't ask me why. but, since there's only a few weeks 'til that, i suppose now is as good a time as any.
stiles would've turned 17 in april according to his official birthday of april 8th.
scott didn't turn 17 until september as is official birthday is september 16th.
malia turned 17 on november 28th making her the youngest of their cohort.
other odds and ends:
theo was in the fourth grade with stiles and scott making him their age. his birthdate is incorrectly listed as 1998.
jackson was born june 5th so he turned 17 between seasons 2 and 3A.
malia was 9 years old at the time of the car accident that killed her mother and sister which puts it in 2003. 2 years before the hale fire.
now while we can acknowledge the real reasons why cora's timeline is so shaky is because they winged a lot of it but what's the fun in that? here on buckybarness dot tumblr dot com we do teen wolf academia.
now one does wonder how scott, stiles, lydia and isaac didn't know cora but there could be viable reasons for that.
i discovered that the law changed in california in 2000 to raise the kindergarten enrollment age to 5 years old by september 1st. prior to this if a child turned 5 on or before december 2nd they could enroll.
they all would've started kindergarten in 1999.
this might be why scott and malia are in the same school year as lydia and stiles rather than being in the year behind.
if they'd had the foresight they should've had allison turn 18 in season 1 and have her a legitimate full year older than the rest because like she's only 3 months older than lydia so it seems a bit odd she's so embarrassed by turning 17 when she has a birthday so close to lydia and stiles. for someone turning 18 and being a sophomore due to being held back? that'd be embarrassing to someone in the american school system.
now cora could've been born in late 1993 to early-mid 1994. she could've been a grade ahead if she was closer in age to allison than to scott. i do strongly suspect that talia and corrine had overlapping pregnancies and being pregnant at the time is one of the reasons talia coerced corrine into keeping her pregnancy with malia.
the tates could've had malia start school later than the rest because she would've been 4 at the start of the year rather than 5 even if the law at the time allowed it. she just joined the rest as juniors when she returned to society because it made sense to keep her with the friends she'd made and she was 17.
if cora was in the grade above she could've been in middle school while the others were still in elementary school or maybe both malia and cora attended different schools due to zoning.
maybe they were homeschooled.
we'll never really know but it's interesting to think about.
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berylcups · 6 months
Yandere Files: Melone X Hostess Club Reader
CW: pregnancy, drinking, drugs, dubious consent, childhood neglect, overstimulation, foot fetish
Notes: Beryl here! Another manipulative yandere post! It’s doesn’t feel very yandere-ish this time. I guess it’s because they’re less violent/forceful and use their words more to get what they want. I hope you fruit lovers enjoy ~ This one is much lewder than the others. Minors DNI
Y/N has been dealt some pretty shitty cards in life. If they were able to describe their life in one word it would be: Unlucky. They had an inattentive mother and mentally abusive and violent stepfather. Where’s the real father? Good question. They dipped out the minute their mother announced she was pregnant.
Their mother was pregnant and just given birth again. She was too lazy to take care of 2 children at once and why does the stepfather want to raise a child that isn’t his own? So they get sent off to boarding school. This wasn’t the best option either. Y/N caused trouble, got into fights, and neglected their school work. They were smart but they only wanted to learn on their own terms.
At age 18 their family stopped financially supporting them and they were left to fend for themselves. All they could afford was a super cheap studio apartment in the dangerous part of Napoli. But good news for Y/N their luck was beginning to turn around. They got a job at a specialty cafe!
The cafe took heavy inspiration from the east for its very accommodating atmosphere. Hostesses and hosts would be pouring wine for their guests, lighting their cigarettes and cigars, sitting with them, conversing, laughing at their jokes, flirting with them, and having a non alcoholic drink with them. Y/N liked this because they liked giving and receiving attention! It’s not that they're necessarily extroverted, they just been starved of the love and attention they needed as a child.
But there’s one thing that they can’t ignore but can’t say anything about…mafia activity. Specifically Passione. But why would that bother Y/N when all they have to do is keep quiet and act like nothings wrong? Easy peasy. In fact Y/N kinda likes when Passione members come in, they spend soooooo much money and it means more money in their pocket! Getting commissions off drinks and the offers of dates for money or luxury goods is huge perk for them!
There’s a regular that comes in that none of the hostess like dealing with. The guy is good looking but he’s aloof and kinda creepy. He always asks weird questions…. Intrusive questions. He never uses his real name. Just Melone. That’s it. Weird. But being the youngest and the newest hostess Y/N was the one who had the misfortune of having to serve him.
"Buonasera signore~. I’ll be at your service tonight. May I serve you?” Y/N asks, slightly sweating. They were nervous.
He looks up from his laptop with a bored expression and looks them up and down. His teal eyes shined slightly with a bit of interest.
“Please sit down.” He said coolly and gets back to typing on his laptop .
He was weird! Just like the others said! Oh man this is going to be a very long night.
“So tell me…are you healthy?” He asks without looking up.
“Uh… what?” That question was odd and took them off guard.
“Are you in a good health condition? No health problems?” He clarified looking back up making eye contact.
Maybe he’s in the medical field… Oh well this is awkward but Y/N is being paid to humor him.
“Yes sir…I am.” Y/N replied.
“Polite too. Interesting. What’s your date of birth and blood type? Also do you smoke or drink? Illicit drugs? I’m clearly not a cop so you can be honest..” He stared back at his screen.
Things are getting weirder and weirder…why does he wanna know all this?
“Ahem… my birthdate is ________ and uh… I don’t know my blood type sorry. I don’t smoke because it’s bad on my skin but I do drink socially. No drugs…other than what I’ve been prescribed.” Y/N rambled.
“Uh uh uh. I don’t need to know why- I just need to know if you do.” He said waving his finger in front of them.
“Rude prick. I better get paid good for this….” Y/N thought.
“So you don’t know your blood type..? Hmm.” He grabbed your hand in one fluid motion and licked it.
“What the fuck?!” Y/N shrieked as they pulled their hand back.
“ Mmmm… according to your delectable fingers your blood type is ____.” He purred as he licked his lips.
“Uh great.” Y/N says in a sarcastic tone. “ Do you need a drink? Because I need to wash my hands…”
He ignored the question and excitedly starts typing on his weird keyboard putting in all the strange information he requested. His excitement was short-lived. “Oh… what a shame. You aren’t a match either. You’re too compatible with the target. Sigh…none of the AFAB here are incompatible. Why is it so difficult this time around???” He says dejectedly.
“I’m sorry..?” They didn’t know what to say.
“Well… I have an hour or two to kill before I gotta get back to work. Let’s use this time wisely and get to know each other. You’re new around here aren’t you? What’s your name?” He asked, showing an ounce of interest.
“Oh so NOW he wants to know about me?! What is up with this guy???” You thought angrily.
You swallowed the anger into the bottom of your stomach and just played along.
“Yeah I’m new. I’m Y/N and I’ve been working here for about a month and a half.” They said. “ I’m assuming you work a very important job since you're glued to your laptop.” You observed.
“Y/N…What a lovely name. It suits you.” He says. “Let’s just say my job is important and dangerous but it’s not currently being valued as much as it should right now .” He subtly hinted at being a part of the familia.
“What made you decide to work here?” He asked. “You look like you belong in university.”
“Well that’s a long story. I can’t afford it. Once I turned 18 years ago my mom and stepdad stopped financially supporting me or… just supporting me in general. So I had to fend for myself. Basically I have no family but I got my own studio apartment and a job here so I’m fully independent now and don’t need them!” Y/N explained.
“Really? That’s quite awful. You never stop being a parent just because your child grew up.” He frowned .
“Yeah…It really makes me wanna make sure that I will never be like them when I become a parent one day.”
They’re interested in having children in the future? Now Melone is genuinely curious. Not to mention that they are healthy and their Zodiac lines right up there with his. Could this be the one? He’s tried so many times but things never seemed to work out for some reason… Well, at least they made good surrogates for Junior. Y/N might be the right soul mate this time!
“Are you free next Sunday?” He asked. “ I want to get to know you better. We could go to that nice park in the good part of town.”
He didn’t give off the best first impression but Y/N was a kind person. Why not give him a chance? It’s not the first time they went on a date with one of their patrons. Maybe they will get another Gucci purse or pair of high heels out of it!
“Sure. Sounds like it will be fun! Do you want me to meet you there or are you gonna meet me at my place?” Y/N asked cheerfully.
“Di molto bene! I’ll meet you at your place then.” He says excitedly.
Y/N wrote down their phone number and address on his receipt and that concluded their meeting for the night.
This might have been a bad idea. Let’s see how it plays out.
The moment he sees your tiny cramped apartment he’s internally frowning. That’s no place to start a family. Hand me down furniture and outdated amenities and creepy neighbors…creepy even for him? That’s saying something!
“I never been on a bike before so I’m a little scared.” You confessed and he just smiles and pats on the space behind him.
“Don’t worry! I won’t go that fast! Just hold on to me nice and tight. It’s only a 5 minute drive so it won’t be long.” He said trying to ease your anxiety.
He loved how you clung to him the whole time. Feeling your chest against his back made his thoughts wander to what they looked like without clothing concealing them. These types of thoughts are not new to him of course. So he's easily able to tame his cock from waking up.
He didn’t expect you to be distracted the whole time though. While sitting on the grass at the park after a long walk he kept rambling about pseudoscience and zodiac signs. He stopped for a moment to see what you were looking at. You were looking over at the playground. A mother was kneeling in front of their crying daughter. She was putting a bandage on the little girls scraped knee and kissed it.
He looked at you and you had a mix of emotions all over you. Sadness, happiness, jealousy, confusion…it was a complicated look.
“I wish that were me…” you sighed. “ such a loving family. I want that too.”
He learned a lot about you that day. You were perfect for him. You were neglected and love starved, perfect for the taking. And you’re open to having children! You’re on his wavelength! Oh he’s not going to let you go.
He visits you often at the cafe. He always specifically requests for you and no one else. The others are jealous that you're able to catch his attention and he isn’t creepy towards you. He asks for dates often and buys lots of drinks so you make lots of money from him. He still asks odd questions from time to time…like favorite Kama sutra position , and when your menstrual cycle is. But he’s good at slowly manipulating you into normalizing this behavior. He likes you sitting in his lap while you two talk. He says close contact releases oxytocin.
Many of his dates include shoe and lingerie shopping at the department store. He always insists on putting the shoes on your feet for you. He enjoys massaging your feet too when they’re sore from all the walking. He has to hold back the urge to want to suck on your toes since you’re both in public. But he definitely can’t hold back his hard on seeing you in luxury brand 5 inch heels. Good thing he’s wearing civilian clothes for most of these dates, that jumpsuit wouldn’t hide a damn thing.
Everything is running smoothly. He’s gained your trust, now all he has to do is get you inside his house.
This time though he takes you to hang out at his house. He gets you a glass after glass of wine to make sure you’re nice and drunk so you’re easy to take advantage of. He’s not going to be able to keep his hands off of you and you’re too drunk to say no. He’s feeling you up and shoving his tongue inside your mouth and you’re lazily just reciprocating not really understanding what’s going on but just feeling the warmth build up inside you.
You’re going to wake up in bed with him with no recollection of what happened the night before. He’s just clinging to you, beaming that finally awake.
“Buongiorno Y/N~. Did you sleep well? Last night was… amazing.” He pulled you in close and nuzzled into your chest.
The first time was a little concerning but you trusted him. You assumed you wanted it but just don’t remember. It’s a little awkward but you both reached a huge milestone in your relationship! That’s supposed to be a good thing! You just wished you could remember it…
He uses his manipulation skills to convince you to move in with him and quit your job.
“I think it would be for the best if you got out of that dangerous apartment and moved in with me. I worry so much for your safety. We already spend so much time together, don’t you want to take our relationship to the next level? Also about your job… I’m not really happy with you spending time with other guys. I know it’s just business but I can’t help but feel jealous of another man who even looks at you! You understand right?”
He becomes more controlling once you move in. You cannot leave the house without his verbal permission. And don’t bother trying sneaking out, he has cameras everywhere they’re all linked to his laptop.
He sneaks prenatal vitamins into your food when he cooks for you. The food is always fantastically seasoned so that you can’t taste the pill.
He has a massive sexual appetite and if you can’t keep up with him that’s perfectly okay! Because he’ll give you aphrodisiacs to help with that. Whether you want to or not.
He keeps up with your menstrual cycle and knows when you’re ovulating. When you’re ovulating is when he’s the most ruthless.
He has you nearly bent in half with your legs between your head as he’s pussy drunk thrusting hard and it’s just making lewd squelching noises. He came in you 3 times already and intends on cumming even more deep into your cunt in hopes of you conceiving his children. You're overstimulated and your cunt is overflowing with his cum as he’s panting praises.
“Oh love! You’re slutty pussy keeps pulling me back in~! You’re so addictive that I can’t stop! I can’t wait to see you full and round with my child~! You're going to be a wonderful parent!”
You’re in the bathroom crying and looking at the positive pregnancy test. You don’t know what to do. You wanted a family but everything is happening so fast! You’re afraid of being as bad as your own parents. Thankfully Melone is always here to comfort you.
“You're pregnant? Di molto!!! That’s wonderful news! …why are you crying?” He’s confused.
“I’m scared I won’t be a good parent. I don’t what it’s like to be a good one! I don’t even know how to hold a baby !” You sobbed.
He wiped away your tears and gave you a big warm hug.
“Oh love~. You have nothing to worry about. You’re going to be a great parent I promise! You may not have had the best upbringing but I’ll make sure you and the baby are well taken care of.” He said kissing your forehead. “ You can always trust me.”
You can always trust Melone! He’s very trustworthy. As long as you’re willing to make a big family with him you have a very fruitful future ahead of you!
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Summary: You were asked to sit into a disciplinary hearing for the DEA, not knowing it was about Javier who you hadn’t seen in years
Pairing: Javier Peña x fem. Reader
Wordcount: 2.3k
Rating: E
Warnings: old lovers to.... new lovers?, smut (Public sex, protected sex), some clothes ripping, feelings
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Washington wasn’t how you thought you would end up at this point in your life. At least not for such a long time.
It was supposed to be a stop in your career. 
Not that you really had a plan. You went to police school because.. That had always been the plan. Your father had been an important FBI Agent until his very last breath and you followed in his footsteps.
Okay you were not in the FBI but the CIA but…. It was close.
Earlier today you had been asked to sit into a disciplinary hearing of a DEA Agent for one of your colleagues who had been called away. 
You had sat in on a couple of hearings so it wasn’t unusual.
Unusual was the name on the file you were given about the DEA Agent. 
Javier Peña.
You read through the file, checking his birthdate and place to make sure it was really him. 
Javier and you had met in Quantico.
Both there on training.
And one thing had lead to another which ended in a… eight month fuck buddy relationship. Okay enough time had passed to acknowledge it probably had been a real relationship but you both would have never admitted that. 
He was there for you when your mother got sick. Driving with you to every appointment you could make it to. 
The whole thing between the two of you had an expiry date from the beginning with him going back to Texas and you going to Washington. 
So you… made most of it.
And no man since then had really been able to compare to him. 
Not that you did plan to compare the men. It just… happened. 
You made your way to the headquarters until you were pushing open the big oak door to the hearing room, making your way to your seat. 
You smiled at the men taking their seats in their designated seats, before the door opened for one last time and he walked in.
His eyes were downcast. 
He was wearing a suit and you wondered if he still hated wearing them like he did back then. 
He made his way to the desk, sitting down and looking up. 
The chairman welcomed everyone and then read out why everyone was here but you weren’t listening. 
You were looking into the brown eyes that had found yours. 
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Considering what he did Javier came out of it all with two black eyes. 
That couldn’t be said for you. 
Your boss had wanted to talk to you after the hearing, giving Javier and you no chance to even say hello as you followed him to his office. 
While you were happy to finally get out of Washington, you did not know if you were happy about being sent to Colombia to work alongside Javier. 
Enough time had passed to realise that you had been in love with him. And maybe he had been with you, you didn’t know. 
But the way he was with you back then…
You sighed, packing your stuff on your desk together to leave for the weekend.
A weekend you would spend doing absolutely nothing but reading the three books you haven’t been able to finish and drink wine. 
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“You promised!”
You groaned, letting your head fall back theatrically closing your eyes. 
You had forgotten about Daniel’s birthday and him inviting all the junior agents and you as their superior for drinks. 
“Do I have to?” you whined, already knowing you couldn’t get out of it again. 
“Yep,” he grinned, holding out his elbow for you to take. You chuckled, shaking your head as you threw your stuff into your car and locked it, hooking your arm around Daniel’s as he walked you across the street towards the bar. 
Daniel was like the little brother you never had. His wife and him quickly having become your family while you were here. 
“Guess that could also count as a goodbye,” you said as you waited for the light to turn green.
“Huh?” Daniel asked. 
“I got promoted,” you sighed.
“That’s great?” he asked and you huffed a laugh.
“I’m going to lead the Colombia team.”
He blinked twice at you.
“In Colombia?” he asked you snorted.
“Guess we really need that drink huh?” he asked and led you over the street.
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You were two drinks in when you saw Javier sitting at the bar. 
Your colleagues were in a very animated discussion about cars which gave you the excuse to slip out of the booth and make your way over to him.
He had lost his suit jacket, the sleeve of his shirt rolled over his elbows. His tie laid abandoned on the bar counter in front of him. His fingers were wrapped around a glass. Probably whiskey.
“Didn’t think I would see you when I woke up this morning,” you said and his head turned around to look at you. He looked exhausted, following your frame as you sat down on the seat next to him. 
“Could say the same thing,” the left corner of his mouth lifted into what could be described as a smile. Maybe.
He nodded at the barman, ordered himself a new drink and surprising you by ordering your favourite, looking at you to confirm it to which you only nodded. 
“So,” you said.
“So,” he sighed. 
“Colombia has been really kicking your ass huh?” 
“You have no fucking idea.”
“Saw that he’s dead on the news yesterday,” you said and you saw how he nodded, closing his eyes. His hand reached for the package of cigarettes in front of him. 
“Want one?” he asked. You shook your head. 
The barman sat down your drink in front of you and you thanked him, before you looked at Javi again. You sat in silence for a while, nursing your drinks as he smoked his cigarette.
“How’s your mom?” he asked. 
“She died a year ago,” you said. Javier reached for your hand on the counter, squeezing it. 
“I’m sorry. She… She was a great woman.”
“Yeah,” you breathed in deeply. 
“How about your family? Anything new?”
Javier shook his head. 
“Pops is still back in Laredo. Saw him yesterday. Thought I would go back tomorrow but I guess I’m not.”
“Yeah. They tell you when you have to leave?”
You nodded. It was friday and you were meant to leave monday too.
“Well I guess we’re on the same flight then,” you said, emptying your drink. Javier raised his eyebrow at you. 
“You’re looking at the new FBI Team Leader in colombia.”
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You were… pleasantly buzzed.
You had ditched the agents you came with, getting closer and closer to Javier until you were sitting thigh against thigh at the bar. 
You had told him about Washington. He had told you about Colombia.
“Anyone special in your life?” you tried to ask nonchalant, and Javier looked down, shaking his head. 
“No. Not since… No. There’s no one.”
“I mean there were some… women but… Nothing special. What about you?”
You shook your head. 
“Nada. Can’t even remember the last time…” you tried to remember then, the last time you had sex. 
“If you have to think that long, it’s been too long,” Javier chuckled.
“Well when was the last time you had sex?”
“Two weeks ago. Though it wasn’t as good as…” he stopped himself and you grinned. 
“I’m a changed man now. The next time I have sex I want it to mean something.”
You looked at him before you sighed and got up from your seat.
“That’s a shame,” you said, stepping closer towards him, your nose running over the back of his ear.
“Cause I really wanted you to fuck me in the restroom,” you whispered, hearing him gulp before you walked towards the restrooms. 
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You heard the door open before you flushed the toilet, stepping out, seeing Javier standing with his hip resting against the sink. You walked past him, washing your hands and drying them on one of the towels provided.
You looked at him then, leaning with your back against the tiled wall next to the sink. Slowly he walked towards you and you bit your lip, your eyes only leaving his to check if he had indeed locked the door behind him. 
“I’m a changed man,” he said, his voice deep as he towered over you, his hand on the wall behind you. You looked up into his eyes, those damn brown eyes you had woken up to more all the way back then.
Back when he wasn’t Javier Peña, back when he was just Javi, a shy good looking young man who could make you laugh even on the darkest day. 
“I don’t think you are,” you whispered before you tilted your face up, crossing the distance to kiss him. 
Kissing Javi was just as you remembered. 
You let your hands run through his hair as you parted your lips for him, his tongue dipping into your mouth as his hand already pushed under your skirt. 
“I want to eat your pussy. Been thinking about it since I saw you sitting in that room,” he hummed, kissing down your jaw. 
You shook your head. 
“Want you inside me. It’s been too long… Please…” you pulled at his hair when one of his hands cupped your pussy. 
“So wet already,” he grinned and you let your head fall back. Somehow he had opened the first buttons of your blouse, his lips now kissing and licking the valley of your breast. 
You were dripping with arousal. 
You pulled at his hair, making him look up at you. 
“Do to me whatever you want. But please please just fuck me Javier,” you hated how desperate you sounded but you didn’t care. 
“You gonna regret saying that,” he smirked.
“Turn around, hands on the wall,” he stood to his full height and you turned around immediately. You heard him unbuckle his belt, pulling at his zipper before he groaned. You risked a glance over your shoulder to see him pump his cock behind you, a condom in his other hand. 
Biting your lip he caught your eyes, cocking his head to the side.
“Eyes up front, baby,” he nodded and you sucked your bottom lip in, turning your head to face the tiles. 
You heard him rip the package, probably making quick work on putting it on before his hands were running up your thighs, pushing your skirt up. 
His fingers dug into the pantyhose you were wearing before you heard the ripping of fabric, feeling his warm hands on your skin, no fabric in between anymore. 
If you hadn’t been wet before, you sure as fuck were be now. 
His fingers pulled your panties to the side, cold air hitting your skin.
“Fuck you’re dripping,” he said, pushing two fingers inside of you and you moaned. 
“Gotta keep quiet, baby. Don’t want headquarters to hear you,” he hummed and you huffed a laugh but then he moved his fingers and you sighed. 
“I wonder if I can still make you cum on my fingers within minutes…” he teased and you whined. He angled his fingers, finding that spot inside of you that no one had after him with ease. Your knees almost buckled and your eyes rolled back into your head as your orgasm surprised you.
Not only by how quickly you came but how hard. 
“Fuck,” you heard Javi curse, his arm shooting around you to keep you upright. 
“That was… the sexiest fucking thing I have ever seen,” he whispered with a smile against your ear and you grinned.
“Glad to be of service,” you said dreamily, still in the blissful aftermath of your peak. Turning your head you kissed his lips. 
“Fuck me now Javi. I don’t wanna beg,” you mumbled against his lips.
“But you’re so pretty on your knees,” he teased with a grin. 
You pouted and he laughed. 
“Okay, okay. Gonna be quick though. I’m ready to fucking burst.”
“I don’t care. Just want you inside of me,” you said.
“Fuck okay,” you faced the front again, bending down, his hand now on your hip before you felt his cock push inside of you. 
“Shit…” you moaned quietly, letting him stretch you slowly until his hips were flush against your ass.
“Missed this,” he whispered. 
He stayed like that for a moment and you wiggled against him. He groaned.
“Stop that.” he grabbed your hip, taking a deep breath before he began to move. His thrusts slow but deep, his hands pulling your asscheeks apart. You risked a glance over your shoulder, seeing him as he watched his cock fuck you from behind. 
“You can take a pic later. Fuck me,” you said out of breath and his eyes found yours. 
“Touch yourself. Want you to come with me. And I’m…” he huffed, “so fucking close.”
You brought one of your hands between your legs, feeling his cock as he fucked into you and Javier moaned. You used your finger to rub your clit, not thinking you’d be able to cum like that again but then Javier changed the angle of how he was fucking you and his cock hit that fucking spot all over again, his thrusts faster and harder. 
“Fuck…” you moaned your head falling against your own shoulder as you sighed, the slapping of skin filling the room.
“Shit… Fuck… Gonna cum…” Javier moaned just before he pulsed inside of you and you groaned, taken back to all those times he came inside of you, the feeling driving you over the edge again. 
“Fuck you get so fucking right…” he whimpered, Javier whimpered.
“So fucking good,” you hummed, feeling him thrust lazily into you until he stopped. He pulled you against his chest, kissing your shoulder and then your lips when yout turned his head to him. 
“I still wanna eat your pussy,” he hummed and you laughed. 
“Come home with me then.”
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tiannasfanfic · 2 years
Check-In for the Recently Deceased: Part 1
Eddie Munson x Reader (Angst)
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| Masterlist | AO3 Link |
Summary: Eddie Munson never knew what to expect after he died. However, a waiting room certainly wasn't his first guess of what was waiting for him in the great beyond.
Rating: Mature
Author Note: Gender neutral reader, they/them pronouns if any. Pat 1 of ?. Here's the start of another story for Spooky Season, this time featuring ghost!Eddie. 👻 I couldn’t find Eddie’s official birthdate anywhere, so I went with Joseph Quinn’s month and day.
CW: Major ST4 Spoilers; a lot of talk about death; mentions of ways to die (no details); mentions of wounds (left as vague as possible); mention of bloody clothes; angst (people reacting to the news they've died); hurt/comfort; dark humor.
Word Count: 3,746
Tag List: (I tagged everyone that commented on my original post, but please let me know if you want to be taken off. 😊) @tommiruewrites @munsonsmullet @who-let-me-write-this @lunr-flwr @hellfirefiend @bxtch-bou @jadeylovesmarvelxo @sataniquepanique @reincarnationoftheparty @corrodcd @iamnotagarden @idkidknemore
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A long time ago, mankind developed spoken language and began conversing with one another.
Since then, one topic above all other has dominated conversations. This topic is ultimately what led to the invention of debates and, inevitably, the invention of arguments. It is a topic that has ruined friendships, torn apart families, and started many a long and bloody war.
Is there life after death?
Most religions of the world certainly seem to think so. They all have different names for it. Heaven, Valhalla, Zion, Elysium, and so on, but they all mean the same thing. Eternal paradise where your soul can be at rest.
Granted, not everyone believed in that sort of thing. While Agnostics don’t quite know where they are going, they are quite confident that they are going somewhere. Atheists, as far as they know, just wink out of existence at their time of death, but they are perfectly fine with that.
However, no matter which theory or religion you believe in, absolutely no faith in the history of mankind has ever described the afterlife as a brightly lit waiting room.
That was why when Eddie Munson found himself passing through a revolving gate into aforementioned brightly lit waiting room, he blinked a few times in surprise.
Last thing he knew, he was badly hurt and laying on the ground, looking up at Dustin and giving him instructions to take over Hellfire. He remembered being certain he was about to die, but then he was here. Eddie had no memory of getting from there to here.
The revolving gate whacked him in the back then, pushing him a few steps further into the room. He turned around to see what was outside but couldn’t see anything beyond the gate except for darkness and fog. Above the door was a lit sign that stated, No Exit. Indeed, there was no way to get back through the revolving tines of the gate. It was one way only.
Turning back to the main room, he finally took in his surroundings.
A few feet ahead of him was a small sign on top of a pole. It said Administration with an arrow pointing to the left, and Waiting Room just under that with an arrow pointing right.
Looking to his right, the waiting area reminded him of an ER. There were multiple rows of empty chairs, a few end tables and coffee tables stacked with magazines. and a coffee service cart in the corner, which made the room vaguely smell like coffee.
Looking to his left, on the other hand, reminded him of the DMV. The counter serving as the desk area was behind privacy glass and had five sliding windows. Eddie could just make out a shadow behind each window, indicating someone was at the desk behind it. Ropes attached to stanchions turned the open floor area into a little rope maze leading to the desk, which encouraged orderly queuing. A little ticket dispenser stood on a little pole at the back of the line, encouraging people to take a number before getting in line.
And, just like DMV and ER waiting rooms, soft elevator muzak was playing through the overhead speakers.
While the room was perfectly normal, with items and furniture typical for all waiting rooms, it all seemed distorted somehow. Eddie couldn’t quite put his finger on why, but everything was slightly warped, like it was just a step to the side of what it should look like.
A handwritten sign was taped to the pole underneath the printed one. Eddie stepped closer to read it.
Please check-in with Admitting first upon arrival. We cannot be held responsible if you go to Waiting first and end up sitting there for 27 and 9/18ths of a year. - Management
While being in a waiting room is never fun, that seemed like an oddly precise exaggeration. Eddie passed it off as someone in the office having a bad day from being on the receiving end of one too many ass chewings.
As directed, Eddie went to the Admissions area, taking a ticket from the small machine before following the path laid out with the ropes. He thought about hopping them since he was literally the only person in here, but stopped himself. He still didn’t know where he was or how he got here, so being cautious seemed like a good idea, especially after everything else he had just gone through.
Once he got to the head of the line, Eddie finally looked at the ticket he was holding.
4, the print on the ticket said.
Eddie looked up from the ticket to a glowing red sign above the counter.
Now Serving: 3, it said.
A few minutes passed, then there was a ding from the sign as the number changed from 3 to 4 and one of the windows slid open with a sudden bang that made Eddie jump.
“Next!” a loud voice called from it.
Eddie started to hurry over to the window but came to a sudden stop when he looked at the woman sitting behind the desk and his brain processed what he was seeing.
She was missing half of her face and part of her head.
Eddie stared at her, horrified. He felt a scream starting to rise up in his throat, an icy feeling of fear gripping him.
But then the woman did something so unexpected, it surprised him out of his fear.
She rolled her remaining eye with a loud huff and waved Eddie over impatiently.
“Come on, come on,” she said, her voice bored sounding. “I haven’t got all day.”
Eddie blinked, then slowly stepped up in front of the desk. Despite how she looked, he was able to understand the woman clearly. There was no lisp, gargle or anything of that nature when she spoke, just a hint of a Jersey accent. On top of that, she seemed perfectly at ease, not in any sort of pain.
Regardless of how realistic it looked; Eddie decided it had to be makeup. Really, really fucking good makeup, but makeup nonetheless. It was the only thing that made sense.
“Name?” the woman asked, turning her attention to what looked like a typewriter hooked up to a small TV.
“Um,” Eddie said, eyes darting from the weird piece of equipment. “Eddie Munson.”
“Just Eddie, Edward or something else?”
The woman started typing then on the strange device. Eddie watched curiously as green lines of text appeared on the black screen as she typed. This must be one of those new computer things he’d heard about. He hadn’t seen one before since Hawkins High’s newest technology was still ancient as all hell.
“Birthday?” she asked.
“May 15, 1966,” Eddie answered.
The woman typed some more.
“Place of origin?”
“Hawkins, Indiana.”
The woman typed again and then began staring at the computer like she was waiting on something. Eddie glanced at the computer and saw the screen was dark now except for a blinking green cursor. A second later, some text appeared.
No records found.
The woman sighed.
“I swear, why do they give us all this new technology if they don’t have all of our information in it yet? Easier, they said. Pfft.”
The woman pushed her chair back, yanked open a filing cabinet under the desk and started rifling through the files in it.
Eddie got a better look at her then. Whatever costume party they were having up here, she had clearly gone all out for it. She was dressed as a dead homecoming queen, complete with long, frilly pink dress, pink heels, an elaborate crown over a partially fallen up-do, and a banner across her chest that stated OCHS Homecoming ‘71.
It was very creative, though he couldn’t tell how she was supposed to have died. Some sort of head injury, for sure, but that’s as far as he could guess.
“Ah, here we go,” she pulled a file out of the cabinet, closed it and scooted back up to the desk. “Here are today’s scheduled departures. Give me just a moment to find you.”
Eddie waited as she began to skim the papers in the file one by one. There were quite a few to go through, and it took a while to look over each one. At a glance, every page contained a rather comprehensive list of names, dates and locations.
Finally, after looking over the last page, the woman looked at Eddie with a furrow in the middle of her forehead.
“And you’re sure you are Edward Munson, May 15, 1966, Hawkins, Indiana?”
“Yeah, I think I know who I am,” he said, laughing a little.
However, the Homecoming Queen didn’t seem to find it quite so amusing. She raised an eyebrow at him with a stoic expression.
“This it can be an extremely traumatic experience for some,” she scolded Eddie, and his smile faded. “Depending on your reason for being here, you may not quite remember who you are at first.” Then she gestured to the ruined side of her head. “Took me over a week to get my bearings.”
Eddie mumbled an apology, even though he didn’t know what he was apologizing for. The woman’s face relaxed and she flipped the folder closed.
“I don’t have you in today’s file, so you may be in one of our Potentially Early files,” she said, then looked him up and down. “I can already tell I don’t need to check the Terminal Cases file. I’m going to assume the Unexpected Animal Attack file then?”
Eddie quirked his head at her in confusion, and the Homecoming Queen gestured at all of him. He looked down at himself and staggered backwards a few steps in shock.
This was the first time he had actually paid attention to himself. His Hellfire shirt was all torn to shreds through the torso and bloody. The wounds underneath it were still open, though they had completely stopped bleeding. He reached up in a near panic to feel both sides of his neck. His fingers were met with similar feeling wounds, and he quickly jerked them away. Oddly, none of them hurt despite the extent of the damage. They just kind of felt numb and a bit tingly, sort of like when his leg would fall asleep. Not exactly painful, but not exactly pleasant either.
Eddie looked back up to the woman and slowly nodded in answer to her questions. Technically, the Demobats were animals.
She nodded in acknowledgement, then swapped the file she had with a different one in the cabinet and started going through it the same way.
As she did that, Eddie’s head was reeling.
His last memories of Dustin, suddenly being here, the way Homecoming Queen looked, the way he looked…it all spun together in his mind to form the beginnings of a conclusion.
“Am I dead?” Eddie asked suddenly.
Homecoming Queen slowly lifted her gaze back to him, fixing him with a weird look before she slowly nodded her head. Then she turned her attention back to the file.
While Eddie had expected to die soon while he said goodbye to Dustin, the confirmation felt like a punch to the stomach.
And also, somehow, severely underwhelming.
After hearing this very topic debated virtually his entire life, Eddie never was sure what to believe in as far as god or the afterlife was concerned. But it always seemed to him like if there was something afterwards, there would be something big to let you know of the change. Kind of like puberty or getting old. One minute you’re fine, the next you’re a mess. It seemed like death would be the same way. Not just…one second, you’re dying, then next you’re in a waiting room. Was this really the afterlife?
“Hmm,” Homecoming Queen said, startling Eddie out of his thoughts.
“What?” he asked.
“You’re not in Unexpected Animal Attacks either,” she said, putting the file back in its proper order. “That must mean you’re really early.”
“Early?” he asked, blinking.
She nodded, replacing the file back into the cabinet.
“It happens sometimes,” she said. “As they say, shit happens. The sisters can only predict so much with so many fates in their hands. I’ll need to have the Librarians pull your Book of Life and check the date of your scheduled departure. Once I know when you were actually supposed to be here, I can go from there and see about getting you a placement.”
Eddie continued to stare at her, confusion passing over his features.
“Placement?” he asked. “Scheduled departure? Librarians? This all sounds way more like office work than I would have expected.”
Homecoming Queen chuckled, a bit of a smile her half face. There was a bit of a glimmer in her eye that gave away she saw a level of humor in his words that he didn’t quite get.
“Tell me about it,” she said, then shook her head a bit. “Luckily, you have your whole future in death ahead of you. Me? I’m permanently assigned right here to this very desk.”
“An afterlife behind a desk?” Eddie said, wrinkling his nose. “That sounds more like hell to me.”
The Homecoming Queen smiled at Eddie again, this time with a wizened look before she slightly nodding her head in agreement.
“If I knew then what I know now…” she said, letting her voice trail off, before shaking her head. “Anyhow. Please have a seat. It may take some time to find and pull your Book, but I’ll call you back up here once they’ve sent up the information I need. But, in the meantime.”
She pushed her chair away from her desk over to a shelf holding several a stacks of books. She took one and scooted back over to the window, where she slid the book across the counter to Eddie. He looked down, reading the name on the cover.
Handbook for the Recently Deceased.
“Now is a good time to start reading up,” she said, then tapped the cover with one finger. “Start from the beginning. Don’t skim it like some people do. Trust me, it’ll answer most of your questions, teach you about your new reality, and it will give some starting pointers.”
Eddie nodded and thanked her. As he was turning away from the counter, Homecoming Queen turned to the phone on her desk, hit a button on it, then picked up the receiver.
“Hey, it’s Diana from Admin,” he heard her saying into the phone as he was walking away. “I need the Book for Edward Munson, May 15, 1966, Hawkins, Indiana pulled for departure verification. He’s early, possibly very early, so he should still be categorized under-“
Eddie didn’t catch the rest of it as his attention was caught by two people coming in through the revolving gate. He did a double take, then quickly averted his eyes. They were in worse states than both him and the Homecoming Queen combined. He figured at this point it was impolite to stare at the other dead people. He kept his head down and made for a chair on the farthest end of the waiting room. A quick glance up showed them reading the signs and then heading for Admitting.
And so, the wait began.
A few more people trickled into the waiting room through the gate. Eddie couldn’t help but people watch as they all went to get checked in. Each new person that walked in sent a small jolt of shock through his system. Every single one looked like they had been through a horrific accident. It got easier to look at them without wanting to stare as time went on.
But then the trickle of dead souls soon turned into a steady stream as more and more people began coming through the gate.
It didn’t really dawn on Eddie that this might be an odd occurrence, even when he started recognizing people from around town. It wasn’t anyone he knew personally, mainly just those he largely saw in passing, such as the night clerk from the only 24-hour gas station in Hawkins and the waitress from Benny’s that Eddie usually flirted with. They were both young, in their late teens at minimum, so it was strange seeing them in the afterlife. Both looked like they had been through major accidents. Then again, everyone that came in looked like that to varying degrees, as if a lot of people in Hawkins had suddenly become a fatal level of accident prone.
He was starting to wonder about it when more people came in that he recognized. These weren’t just service workers he encountered in day-to-day life; these were people he knew on various levels. There were a few of his fellow students, two of his teachers and random people he had seen at The Hideout, among others. At one point, Eddie thought he heard Max calling for Lucas, but when he went to look for her to keep her company, he couldn’t find her.
A wheelchair came through the gate just then, one of those old-fashioned ones from the early 20th century. This wasn’t a strange sight as several people had come through in wheelchairs when their injuries were too severe to let them move about on their own. Even though the chairs were manual, they seemed to have a mind of their own at first. They self-propelled themselves and their passenger through the gate, then would wheel themselves off to the side out of the way. This is where they would stay unless they wheeled themselves somewhere else or someone helped them.
While he hadn’t recognized any of the others who came through in a chair, this particular wheelchair contained none other than Eddie’s tormentor, Jason Carver.
At first, Eddie couldn’t help but feel a little smug. If he had to be here, it seemed somehow fitting that Jason would be too. He had no plans to go rub it in his face though, the knowledge that Jason got his was more than-
Then the wheelchair re positioned itself and he forgot all about his spiteful thoughts when he saw the state Jason was in. Saying he had been cut in half was putting it mildly. It looked like he had been melted through around his middle. The top half of Jason’s body was sitting in his own lap.
Eddie was still trying to process this when Jason looked down and saw for himself the condition, he was in.
Everyone who passed through the waiting room had a different reaction to the revelation they were dead. Some took it well and seemed unbothered, while others openly sobbed or sat in shocked silence. But Jason was the first to openly scream in abject terror. He started screaming in terror and panic. He started to trash in his chair in his panic. That was when he discovered all of his limbs still worked just fine despite being separated. This seemed to freak him out even more, and his screams took a higher pitched, frantic tone.
The other people in the waiting room were not pleased with this.
“Pipe down!” one person yelled.
“Be glad you still have legs!” someone in a different wheelchair cried.
“We’re all dead! You ain’t special!” another person scolded.
If Jason heard them, he didn’t acknowledge them, too lost in his own panic attack to pay attention to anything else.
It was at that particular moment that Eddie realized something.
Despite everything that had happened, despite everything he had been put through at Jason’s hands, from the bullying when he was growing up to recent events, Eddie couldn’t just sit there and do nothing when the man desperately needed help. Jason Carver was an asshole, yes, but not even assholes deserve to go through something so traumatic like this alone.
Before he could think about it more, Eddie was on his feet, quickly making his way through the now crowded waiting room over to the Captain of the basketball team.
“Hey man, hey hey,” Eddie said with a gentle tone once he’d reached Jason, hesitating briefly before putting a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, everything’s gonna be fine, you just have to breathe through it. It’s shocking, I know, but try to breathe.”
It seemed ironic telling a dead person to breathe, but that was a train of thought for another time.
Jason’s head snapped up, eyes widening even more when he saw who was talking to him.
“Y-you!” Jason said, sputtering angrily. “Why, of all the-“
Then he stopped, his glare meeting Eddie’s sympathetic gaze. His face went blank for a few seconds before a look of dawning realization came over it.
“I-it wasn’t you…was it?”
Eddie slowly shook his head. Jason stared at him for a moment before a look of horror came over his face.
Death has a way of bringing someone clarity. They see what should have been obvious in life. It was one of those little twists the universe likes to throw at you when it’s too late to change anything or make it right.
“I-I,” Jason stuttered, a look of deep shame coming to his face.
It was at that moment Eddie found himself understanding Jason, too. Their pain and fear in life really hadn’t been much different from each other’s, but they were worlds apart socially and never would have seen that on their own. So, they hated each other instead.
Eddie waved off whatever apology Jason was trying to give.
“Water under the bridge,” he said. “It doesn’t really matter now anyway.” Eddie looked around at all the people occupying the large space and then gestured to all of them. “Henry Creel made sure of that.”
Jason looked at Eddie for a moment, then let his gaze sweep around the room. It was the first time he had really paid attention to the other people in the waiting room. His jaw dropped. Then he turned back to Eddie and got a really good look at him. He slowly looked him over, then back down at himself, before meeting Eddie’s gaze again.
“We didn’t survive the earthquake,” Jason said quietly. “Did we?”
Eddie shook his head, then went around to the back of the chair to start pushing Jason over to Admitting.
“Let’s get you in line for check in,” Eddie said, slowly navigating the chair through the crowded waiting room. “And I’ll fill you in as best I can.”
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ereardon · 2 years
Slow Burn [Chapter 3][Hangman x Reader]
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Summary: A one night stand with Hangman disrupts the fresh start you were looking for when moving to San Diego. The unexpected pregnancy forces you two to move fast, and brings with it some hurdles along the way as you and Jake learn how to live with each other. As the months go by, you slowly get to know the real Jake, but when old flames reappear and work obstacles threaten to topple everything, your relationship is put to the test. 
WC: 5.2K+  Warnings: Cursing, pregnancy, no use of Y/N, alcohol, some smut
Masterlist here; previous chapter here
October slipped by, and then Thanksgiving. Jake went home to Austin, and you stayed back at the house, opting to have Lucy over for dinner instead. 
There had never been a conversation about your family, and you didn’t offer much. Likewise, Jake, despite his gaggle of relatives, never once asked if you wanted to join him. He never even mentioned if he had told them that you were pregnant. 
You were checking the mail when you saw an open bill on the counter with Jake’s name on it. Instinctively, you picked it up and before your conscience could tell you to put it away, you saw his birthdate. 
It was in two days, the day before your twenty-week scan. 
Later that night, you were watching TV when Jake came home, dropping a gym bag on the kitchen floor. “Hey,” he said, opening the fridge and pulling out a water bottle. “How’s it going?”
You turned around, craning your neck over the couch and muting the TV. “How come you didn’t tell me your birthday is on Friday?” 
Jake stepped closer and shrugged. “I’m not a big birthday person.” 
“How old are you turning?” You realized you had never asked. You’d been living together for months, but somehow it had never come up. 
“Thirty three.” He squinted. “Wait, do I know how old you are?”
You laughed. “I don’t think so. I’m twenty seven.”
Jake took a seat next to you on the couch. “There’s a lot we don’t know about each other, isn’t there.” 
“I guess so.” 
He took a swig of the water and placed it on the coffee table. “OK, you start. Tell me stuff about you that I should know.” 
You folded your hands on your growing stomach. “OK. Well my birthday is in February. I hate tomatoes. I broke my leg three times skiing when I was a kid. My favorite ice cream flavor is cookie dough.” You raised your eyebrows. “I don’t know what else to say!”
“No, that’s great,” Jake said. “I’m sorry we haven’t done this before. Things have been really busy lately at work. It’s tense,” he added and you nodded. 
“It’s OK. I get it.” 
He smiled. “Well you told me stuff about you so guess it's my turn. I have three sisters. I grew up outside of Austin. I love dogs, but I’m not around enough to have one. I drink my coffee black. All the men in my family have been in the Navy, so I never really thought about a career outside of being an aviator.”
“What kind of dog do you want?”
“God, any kind. I like Australian Shepherds, or collies or labs.” 
“I had a black lab when I was younger. Her name was licorice.” 
“That’s sweet,” he said, leaning back into the pillow. You noticed he was still wearing his uniform, and looked tired. 
“Do you want me to make you something to eat?” you asked, standing up. “You look exhausted.” 
“Don’t worry about me,” he said but you were already walking to the kitchen, pulling food out of the fridge. 
“Shut up and go shower.”
Jake laughed and stood up. “See, you’re so sweet and then you say stuff like that.”
You stuck your head past the fridge to glare at him. “Do you want food or not?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he smiled, heading up the stairs. 
Fifteen minutes later, Jake strolled into the kitchen wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and a hoodie. 
“God, what is that? It smells amazing.” 
“Homemade beef and broccoli and fried rice,” you said, walking two plates over to the table and taking a seat. “Had to use the leftover rice from my takeout from yesterday somehow.” 
“So you can cook?” he said, picking up the fork and shoveling food into his mouth. “Fuck, you can cook.” 
You laughed. “Don't sound so surprised.” 
“How have I never tasted your food before?”
“Well for one, you’re never around. And secondly, I haven’t been cooking lately. I’m just now starting to not feel so tired and gross all the time.” 
Jake put his fork down. “But you’re feeling better?”
You nodded. “Yeah, the morning sickness is pretty much over. I’m just starting to get huge.” You tapped the growing belly under your shirt. 
Jake looked down at his plate. “That’s good.” Then, “Listen, I know I’ve been gone a lot. I put my teammates' names on a sheet with their numbers over by the desk,” He glanced over at the built-in kitchen desk and you saw a notebook sheet tacked onto the corkboard. “If you ever need to reach me but can’t, check with them. I would start with Phoenix or Bob.” 
“OK, thanks.” 
“Do you, um, do you have anyone I should know about?”
Tilting your head, you pushed the empty plate away. “What do you mean?”
“Like an emergency contact. Your mom or dad or whoever. Lucy, maybe,” he said. 
You shook your head. “Not really, no.”
“Who do you put down at the clinic?”
“Oh,” he said, mulling that over carefully. “Kate, I have to ask. What are we doing here?”
“Eating Chinese food.”
“You know what I mean,” he said and you sighed, taking a sip of water. “What are you and I to each other?”
You shrugged. “What do you want?”
“I want to know if you’re going out and meeting random guys. You said no sex, so I’ve been waiting, but I just really don’t know where I stand with you.” Jake stood and dropped his plate into the sink, rinsing it quickly and setting it aside. “You’re hard to read. Borderline impossible.” 
Standing, you crossed the kitchen to rinse your plate and Jake took it out of your hands. “I don’t want things to get messy.” 
“Messy? Kate, this isn’t a very straightforward situation we’re dealing with.” He closed the dishwasher. “I think messy is just a given at this point.” 
“I’m not sleeping with other guys,” you said quietly. “I haven’t met anyone since you.” 
Jake stepped closer. “What do you want?” he whispered, reaching out and placing one hand on either side of your neck, his rough thumbs brushing your jaw. 
“I don’t want to fuck this up,” you murmurred, staring up at him. 
“Darlin’, you are not going to mess anything up. I promise.” Jake let one hand slide to the back of your neck, the other coming down to your waist. “I want you,” he whispered, his voice raspy. “I want to know you.” 
He leaned down and pressed his lips to your ear. 
“Do you want me?” 
A small groan escaped your lips and Jake took that as a sign, suddenly his mouth was on yours, one hand protecting your lower back from the cold marble of the island. You gave in, your fingers threading through his hair, trailing down his shoulders, gripping his muscular back through the sweatshirt. 
Jake tore his mouth off of you and smirked. “I’ll take that as a yes.” 
“Shut up,” you huffed, throwing your arms around his neck and dragging him down for a kiss. You nibbled on his lower lip and pulled away, Jake’s pupils were dilated and his hands still pressed tightly against your waist. “And fuck me.” 
He smiled and grabbed your hand, leading you upstairs to his room. You laid down on the bed as Jake pulled off his shirt, crawling over to you and pressing his lips to your neck. You moaned into his ear and felt him, hard, against your thigh as he pushed your legs apart. 
It wasn’t until his fingers brushed your bra that you stopped and pushed him away. “Wait.” 
“You OK?” he asked quietly, sitting up on his knees. 
You nodded, but sat up against the headboard and pillows. “It’s just, you haven’t seen me naked since before.” 
“Sweetheart,” Jake said, rubbing his palm against your knee over your leggings. “You are beautiful. And you know what makes you more beautiful? Knowing that’s my baby in there.” He reached out slowly and pressed his hand against your stomach. At almost twenty weeks, there was a definitive bump now. Jake sucked in a deep breath as his hand explored your belly. He hadn’t touched you since the night you moved in. “Wow,” he whispered and you chuckled. 
Jake slowly lifted the edge of your shirt, exposing your bare stomach, before pressing both hands to your skin. As he started to rub small circles, you leaned forward and pulled him to you, kissing him square on the mouth. He climbed back above you, one arm holding himself up, as you reached down and started to pull off your leggings. Jake groaned once you wrapped your bare legs around his back, and slid one hand further up to cup your breast. 
“Fuck, I’ve wanted you every single day since you moved in,” he whispered, pulling off your shirt and unclasping your bra until you were lying naked beneath him. His fingers trailed over your chest, down your stomach, reaching between your legs. 
You sucked in a breath as he pushed one finger inside of you, felt his lips come down around your neck as your hands clawed at his back. 
“You look so fucking sexy. Every day,” he whispered, inserting a second finger, curling them inside of you, “just walking around, temping me.” 
You cried out and he pulled out his fingers, sliding down his pants and settling himself between your legs. He reached over to the dresser and you held out a hand. “Are you sleeping with anyone else?” you asked, point blank. 
Jake shook his head. “No.” 
“Then do we really need a condom?” You raised your eyebrows and looked down. The realization slowly dawned on Jake and he laughed. 
“Guess you’re right,” he said, settling himself back over you. “Is this, um, is this comfortable?”
“You’re fine,” you whispered, putting one hand on his shoulder. 
Jake smiled and leaned down, kissing you and slowly guiding himself into you. You hissed and he stopped. 
“Kate?” “I’m fine, keep going.” 
He nodded and pushed further until he was all the way inside of you, Jake leaned up on his forearms to look at you. 
You smiled and pressed your lips to his, digging your hands into his back, encouraging him. 
It was different than the one night stand sex you had experienced with him before. Then you had both been chasing a high, barely conscious of each other in the room. That was sex you were used to. A competition, a body for use. This was an entirely different beast. As Jake panted near your ear, his hands caressing over you, often gently holding your belly, you felt the shift. This was no longer the kind of sex you were experienced at. This meant something. 
And that terrified you. 
Jake laid down on top of the covers, still naked, and pulled you into him, your back pressed against his chest. He let his hand rest on your stomach, his face buried in your hair. 
“I should go shower,” you whispered quietly and Jake’s arm tightened over you. 
“Stay,” he said quietly and you nodded. 
Jake pulled the blanket over you, gently moving your hair from your face and tucking it behind your head. You were thankful he was a sound sleeper, and that you were facing the wall, so he wasn’t able to see the tears that started to fall. 
It was too late to call things off. You had the idea on Thursday morning. It was discombobulating to wake up, naked, in Jake’s bed the next day. He was gone, as you expected. No note, no text. His schedule was so irregular you weren’t sure when he was coming home. 
In the kitchen, as you reached for breakfast — pre-made overnight oats — you spotted the list Jake had mentioned the night before. All of his teammates’ names and phone numbers. And before you could stop yourself, you were calling them, inviting them over to the house the next night for a surprise birthday party for Jake. 
You took Friday off, driving to the store to buy groceries and then the mall to find a gift. Despite living together, you knew very little about Jake. The mall was in full swing, full of eager holiday shoppers, and you got more than one smile from a friendly older woman who spotted the baby bump before they could spot your empty ring finger. It always turned sour after that. 
At home, you quickly cleaned up although Jake tended to keep a pretty clean house. You were the messy one, and you spent the better part of the early afternoon cleaning up after yourself. You had told Bob seven o’clock, and the clock was inching toward five when you went upstairs to shower and change. Three dresses lay on the bed but every time you tried one on in the mirror you grimaced. Pregnancy looked cute on lots of women, and you weren’t one of them. You were short and it only served to make you look even more squat than normal. But one benefit of pregnancy was the shiny hair, and you took careful effort to curl it so that your brown locks waved neatly down your back, putting on a coat of dark pink lipstick and finally deciding on a black long sleeved midi dress that hugged your belly tightly. The worst mistake at this stage in your pregnancy was wearing something that could make it look like you were just bloated, not actually pregnant. 
By the time the door rang, you were nervous, and you wobbled over, opening it to find three aviators standing on the doorstep carrying grocery bags of liquor and gifts. 
“Hi!” you said, tossing open the door and taking in their shocked faces. “I’m Kate.” 
The trio — two men and a woman — were barely able to hide their surprise as they trailed through the entryway. The female, a beautiful brunette, was the first to speak. 
“Hi, I’m Natasha. Or Phoenix, whatever you want to call me.” 
“I’ve heard a lot about you,” you said, smiling. “And I’m guessing one of you is Bob.” 
The man with glasses nodded and gave you a shy smile. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.” 
You laughed. “Ma’am? I think I’m younger than you, sweetie, but sure, we can go with that. Come in, feel free to head into the kitchen, it's just down there.” You pointed down the long hallway where the open floor plan kitchen and living room sat. The final person you recognized, it was the mustache man from the bar. 
“Rooster,” he said, sticking out a hand and you took it. “Or Bradley. I know the call signs are unusual.” 
You shook your head and placed a hand on his back, steering him into the kitchen. “Don’t worry about it, Jake didn’t tell me his real name until I dragged it out of him.” 
Phoenix and Bob were already diving into the charcuterie board you had laid out that took up the majority of the kitchen island. When they saw you and Rooster coming in, they looked up with sheepish grins. “Sorry, been a long training day, we skipped lunch,” Bob admitted.  
“Please eat,” you said, waving a hand. “Make sure I didn’t buy all this food for nothing.” 
Rooster stepped past you and pulled out two bottles of champagne from one of the paper grocery bags, and laid them down on the kitchen counter where you had set up a makeshift bar. “Wow, all of this for Hangman?”
You smiled and opened the fridge, grabbing a few beers and placing them on the counter next to Phoenix and Bob. “Well, it’s a surprise, so let’s see if he likes it or not.” 
The doorbell rang and you moved to get it, but Rooster held out a hand and patted your arm. “I got it, don’t worry.” You went back to setting up the rest of the bar, filling the large beer bucket with ice. 
“Can I help you with that?” Bob appeared behind you, motioning to the large bag of ice that sat on the ground. 
“Actually that would be great,” you said. “I probably shouldn’t lift it.” 
He shook his head. “No problem.” 
Phoenix opened her beer and leaned against the counter as you turned away, more voices coming down the hallway. Rooster stopped at the archway to the kitchen, a pack of men following on his heels. “Guys, this is Kate. Hangman’s…” 
He trailed off and you stepped forward. “Roommate,” you filled in the gap. “Nice to meet you guys. Do you want a drink?” 
They clamored forward, each one’s eyes roaming over your stomach as you took drink orders. 
For the next hour, you mixed drinks and laughed with Jake’s friends. Once they got over the sticker shock of realizing you were pregnant, it was easy. No one asked about the specifics of your relationship, not even asking if it was Jake’s baby, sticking instead with the fact that you had addressed yourself as his roommate. 
Close to eight, you heard the rumble of Jake’s truck pulling into the driveway. 
“He’s here!” you shouted and everyone hopped off their stools and chairs, crowding around the front door. You stood off to one side and shut off the lights, waiting for Jake’s key to slide into the door. 
He pushed it open and you flicked on the lights, everyone popping out from behind the arches of the adjoining den and formal dining room. “SURPRISE!” 
Jake dropped his gym bag, looking around with a wide smile, mouth open. His gaze locked on you and he stepped forward, grabbing you and pulling you into a hug. The noisy cheers grinded to a stop as Jake pulled back. 
“You did this?” he whispered. 
You smiled. “A guy only turns thirty three once.” 
“Thirty three, you old bastard,” Rooster said, clapping Jake on the shoulder and everyone rushed toward him at once as he made his way into the kitchen. You let the group pass, picking up Jake’s bag and setting it carefully on the staircase landing to get it out of the way. 
Phoenix lingered behind, a beer bottle gripped between her fingers. “Roomate, huh?” she said, smirking. “Gotta say, not one of my roommates would do something like this for me.” 
You chuckled and straightened up, a pain shooting down your spine and you pushed a hand into your lower back. “It’s complicated.”
She eyed your stomach. “I’ll say. Jake never mentioned a girlfriend. Or a roommate for that matter.” 
“It’s new,” you said, starting down the hall. Phoenix followed. “I’m not really into labels.” 
Phoenix looked over at Jake, who was laughing near the kitchen island, a drink already in his hand. “I’ve never known Hangman to have anything long term.” 
You shook your head. “It’s a first for me, too.” 
She looked you up and down. “Why’d you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Throw this party for him, with all of his friends you don’t know.”
“He needs people,” you said. “He’s a people person. I might be a recluse, but that’s not him. And he likes you guys, whether or not he tells you. Probably not, knowing him. I just thought it would be nice.” 
She placed one hand on your arm. “It is nice. I’m sorry, I’m talking your head off. It’s just, I’ve never seen Bagman like this. It’s weird watching someone at home, in their element.” 
You nodded. “I get that.” Then, “Hey, would you mind helping me with the cake? I don’t think I can carry it by myself.” 
“Of course,” she said, putting down her beer and following you into the dining room. You had ordered a bakery cake the previous day. Poking three candles in, you pulled a lighter out of a nearby bowl and lit them. 
Phoenix caught Rooster’s eye and motioned toward the cake and he rushed to the far wall, flicking off the lights. You and Phoenix hoisted up the cake carefully, Phoenix walking backwards into the kitchen. 
“Happy Birthday,” you two started to sing in unison, and all of the sudden the whole room was singing together. 
“Happy Birthday dear Jake,” you cooed, setting the cake down in front of him at the kitchen island. “Happy Birthday to you.” 
Jake smiled and set his cup down, leaning forward and blowing out the three candles with a giant huff. Everyone erupted in clapping and Rooster flicked the lights back on and Jake stood up. “Thanks, guys.” 
“Don’t thank us,” Phoenix said, walking past him and clapping him on the back. “Thank Kate. She’s the mastermind.” 
You beamed and caught Jake’s eye and he grinned back. Collecting a stack of plates, you turned back to where Jake was with the cake and Bob rushed forward to grab them out of your hands. “Here, let me,” he said gently and you smiled, handing him the stack. 
“Aw, thank you sweetheart.” He blushed and ducked his head, walking the plates over to where Jake was cutting the cake. 
The rest of the night passed with a blur. All of the alcohol you had bought, plus what the squad brought, was consumed, as well as all of the food you had made: charcuterie, Spanish tapas, multiple homemade dips, flatbreads and a variety of desserts including brownies, cookies and the birthday cake. 
One by one, the team started to filter out until it was just you, Phoenix, Jake, Rooster and Bob. Phoenix, Rooster and Jake were hammered, sitting out on the back porch drinking the last beers left in the cooler while Bob was helping you load the dishwasher. 
“Great party,” he said quietly, scrubbing hardened frosting from a blue Churchill plate. 
“Thank you,” you said, breezing behind him to place a piece of wrapped cheese in the fridge. “I hope Jake had a nice time.”
“Hangman? I’ve never seen him look so happy.” 
You smiled, leaning against the counter and peering out the window to where the trio were sitting outside. “Good.”
“It’s been a really nice distraction,” Bob continued. 
“Distraction from what?”
“Oh, uh, did Hangman not tell you?” 
“Tell me what?” you asked again. 
Bob looked flustered. “We’re leaving on Monday for another mission.” 
You sucked in a breath. “How long?”
He shrugged. “We’re not sure. Orders were to prepare for up to eight weeks.” He saw your face drop. “I’m sorry, I thought you knew.” 
You waved a hand in front of your face. “Oh, it’s fine. I’m sure he would have told me eventually.” 
“Yeah,” Bob said, turning back to the sink. “I’m sure he was just waiting to find the right time.” 
Finally, the sliding door opened and the trio came back inside, Jake stumbling a little. Bob wiped his hands on a dish towel. 
“That’s our cue,” he said. “Come on guys, let’s let them relax.” 
“Happy Birthday bud,” Rooster said, tapping Jake’s shoulder as he walked down the hall. Bob trailed after with the car keys, Phoenix shooting you both a knowing look with a wide grin. 
“Goodnight,” they chorused and you smiled, closing the door gently behind them. Jake snuck up behind you, his hands on your waist, pressing up close against your back and you felt his warm breath on your neck as he started to kiss you beneath your ear. 
“Never has anybody outside of my family thrown me a birthday party before,” he whispered, his hands coming around to touch your belly. “Why are you so good to me?” 
You pulled away and started for the kitchen, Jake following on your heels. 
As you reached down to finish putting away the dishes that Bob had started, you heard Jake sigh. “OK, darlin’ what is it? Did someone say something to you?”
“Yes,” you said, swiveling around. “But it’s more you not saying things.”
He grimaced and held a hand up to his head. “Baby I am drunk. Can you just tell me what you’re thinking instead of giving me riddles?”
“You’re leaving on a mission in three days that I had absolutely no idea about!” Jake’s face fell. “And maybe you feel like you don’t owe me an explanation or an itinerary. But after the other night? After this?” You reached down and cradled your belly. “You’re seriously going to leave for two months without saying anything?”
“Darlin’,” he started and you held up a hand. 
“Jake, please.” 
“OK, Kate,” he rephrased. “I didn’t tell you because I was doing everything in my power to get out of it. Or at least get things cut short and have a sub go in.” He crossed the kitchen to stand next to you. “You think I want to be gone for two months? You think I want to miss all of the important stuff that’s going to happen? No way.” 
“So are you going?” you whispered. 
Jake nodded. “Yeah, I am.” He reached out and took your hands in his. “But I promise you, I am coming back. As soon as I can. I am doing everything to make sure I’m here for you.” 
The next morning, you woke up in your own bed. 
Jake was in the kitchen when you came downstairs, dressed for your appointment. He was wearing jeans and a sweater, drinking a cup of coffee. The kitchen, which you had left slightly chaotic the night before, was clean. 
“Hey,” you said, sitting down on a bar stool. He scooted a glass of water over. 
“Hey there.”
There was an awkward silence as you two danced around the conversation that had never been finished. What were you to each other? Where did you stand?  
You downed the full cup of water. “We should probably get going. The appointment is in half an hour.” 
Jake nodded and grabbed his car keys from the table, guiding you out the door. “After you.” 
At the clinic, you were sat in the waiting room. Jake looked around at all of the other women in different stages of pregnancy, bouncing his leg erratically. You placed a hand on his thigh and gave him a look and he stopped. 
“Kate?” A friendly nurse stood in the doorway. In the appointment room, you changed and laid down on the table, and Jake took a seat in a chair next to the wall. 
The nurse exited the room after taking your vitals, and the air that clung to the two of you was thick with tension. You gripped the sides of the table so hard you heard the waxy white paper rip. 
“Are you OK?”
You shook your head. “No. What if something’s wrong?”
Jake stood up and grabbed your hand. “There is no point in worrying when we’re about to see that everything is alright in just a few minutes.” 
You laid your head back, a small tear edging its way out of the corner. “I can’t do this. I can’t raise a baby alone if there are complications.” 
“Who said you’d be alone?”
“Face it, Jake. We barely know each other. We can play house all we want, but at the end of the day, who are you? What do we mean to each other? Do you really want to be having a baby with a woman who you barely know?”
He opened his mouth to respond just as the doctor knocked on the door. 
“Hello? I’m Dr. Rubenstein,” she said, cracking the door open. “May I come in?”
“Yes, doctor,” you breathed. “Nice to see you.” 
She nodded and pulled a rolling stool over, settling down on it. “Nice to see you again, Kate. And I’m guessing this is dad?”
Jake reached out a hand. “Jake Seresin.” 
“Nice to meet you Jake,” she said, pulling the ultrasound machine closer. “Now I’m going to do both transvaginal and abdominal ultrasounds today. Can you put your feet into the stirrups and scoot down please?”
The wand was cold and you grimaced, Jake’s hand resting on your shoulder. She moved over to the abdominal scan, squeezing cold jelly across your skin. 
“Do you want to know the gender?” she asked and you looked up at Jake. His eyes were fixed on the monitor. 
“Up to you, sweetheart,” he said and you nodded.
“Yeah, we’d like to know.” 
The doctor smiled. “It’s a girl.” 
You smiled instinctively and felt Jake suck in a breath. 
Dr. Rubenstein smiled and moved the ultrasound. “There’s a lot of things that we look for at this twenty-week mark, so I’m going to take some images and then let you get cleaned up, and the two of you can meet me in my office down the hall and we can walk through things together. Sound good?”
You nodded and the room was quiet as she continued to take ultrasound photos. Finally, she lifted the wand. 
“Alright, we are all set. Take your time, it’s the third door on your left.” 
“Thank you,” you murmured, taking the tissue she handed you to wipe off the gel. The door shut and you looked over to see Jake sitting in the chair, his head in his hands. “Jake?” you asked, sitting up. “Hey, are you OK?”
He raised his head from his hands and you saw that his eyes were shiny. Glistening. “A daughter,” he whispered. 
You pushed yourself up off the table, padding over to him and putting your hands on his shoulder. “It’s OK to be scared.”
“I’m not scared,” he said. “I’m so fucking excited.”
That made you smile, and before you knew it, Jake was reaching out, holding your belly. 
“Hey little girl,” he whispered and without realizing it, your hand was in his hair. “I can’t wait to meet you.” 
Jake looked up at you, his hands still on your stomach. “What you said before, about me not wanting to have a baby with someone I don’t know. That’s not the case. I know you, Kate. I might not know everything about you. But I know that you’re kind and you’re sweet and thoughtful and I am going to try my hardest to do everything I can to provide for my two girls. Please, I’m begging you. Let me in. Don’t leave and take her with you.” 
You pressed your hands into his shoulders. “You’re her dad. You will always be her dad.” 
Back at the house, you tacked the ultrasound up to the fridge immediately. You left Jake in the kitchen, going upstairs to change. When you got back downstairs, Jake was still standing in front of the fridge, staring at the image. 
“Are you just going to stand there all day?”
He shook his head, finally dropping his gaze. “I should start packing.” 
“So you’re going.” 
Jake sighed. “Please, Kate, don’t make this harder than it has to be. I have to go.” He stepped forward and placed his hands on your neck, forcing you to look up at him. “I promise I’m going to do everything I can to get back here to my girls, as fast as I can.” 
He leaned down and pressed his lips softly to yours, burying one hand into your hair and cradling your head. 
When he pulled away, you saw a small tear and you reached up a hand to brush it away. 
“Just don’t change your mind while I’m gone,” he said softly. “I like you, Kate. Everything you did for my birthday, you’re amazing.” 
“Did you have a nice birthday?” you asked quietly and Jake chuckled, pulling you closer and dropping one hand to your belly. 
“Darlin’, seeing her today on that screen — best birthday present I’ve ever gotten.” 
A/N: Guys I have been tearing through writing this, but chapter 4 probably won't come until end of the weekend just a warning!
Tag list: @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @rosiahills22 @blue-aconite @barbiegirlbaby @justanothermagicalsara @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @lgg5989 @sqrlgrl22 @okayyypurrrr @khaylin27 @bleuisabella @abaker74 @fangirling-4-ever @dempy @backinwonderl4nd @cool-ultra-nerd @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @belledawnidk @momc95 
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doodle17 · 1 year
Hi there [walks up to you with a clipboard and pen] I’d like to ask you a few questions about your lobotomy family au.
Do you think anything Raz owned had his birthdate on it? Like the blanket with his name on it was like made specially for him and had his birth information on it? Or did Cal have no idea how old this child was or when his birthday was when he found him? Cause I was thinkin what if the inmates all got together and came up with a birthdate for him and decided one arbitrarily so they could celebrate every year. That would be cute I think.
Do u think Raz ever stumbled into some random places at camp. Like what if he accidentally fell into a stump and wound up in Ford’s lab? Ford goes “who is this sassy lost child” and helps him out and then immediately forgets it actually happened the next day and writes the experience off as a weird dream. Or maybe Raz finds him again later in like the lodge and ford gives him a free psi pop or smth lol. Ford being the only adult who knows Raz exists and not really taking note of it because of the state of his mind, or telling like Sasha and Sasha not taking it seriously like “I bet he’s just been listening to too many of the campers’ stories”. Good concept I think
Raz knowing the camp’s entire layout like the back of his hand before he actually gets to attend camp as a camper. Coach is like “here let me show you back to the kids’ cabins” and Raz is like “no thanks I already know where they are” [backflips into the trees]
Hm do you think Raz got to practice many psychic skills before camp? Or did he not really get to understand it because of Cal’s strained relationship with psychic powers. Idk if you answered this elsewhere but what’s going on there. Raz experiments and makes a levitation bubble and cal immediately flips out and tells him to never do that again? Or is he a supportive dad and helps Raz figure it out. Hm. Cal and Augustus both have psychic trauma so maybe that part wouldn’t be changed from the original. What do you think lol
I’d imagine Raz did get lots of practice with his psi-crobatics tho. Psychic stuff and acrobatics both coming naturally to him plus all his practice climbing around in the trees probably meant he was able to develop that skill pretty well, even if he doesn’t really understand how it works lol. This au needs to keep the adults being shocked with how well he can maneuver some of those obstacles like in basic braining because of his acrobatic upbringing
Anyways sorry I didn’t ask you many questions I mostly just rambled at you LMAO enjoy I guess lol
Okay, to answer your first question, the blanket Raz got was kind of a passed down thing. It actually has Dion and Frazies birthdays on it, but it didn't have his because Nona couldn't sew it on in time before the accident :( its kind of funny though, because the inmates argued about which one could be his birthday, despite the fact that, that would mean this baby was actually 8 or 6 lol
And OMG FORD KNOWING THAT RAZ EXISTS BUT SINCE HES KIND OF CRAZY NO ONE BELIEVES HIM IS SO FUNNY TO ME- And yes, Raz has stumbled into Fords secret lab multiple times
“here let me show you back to the kids’ cabins” and Raz is like “no thanks I already know where they are” [backflips into the trees] <- THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD ABSSISHKAN
Anywas, yes! Raz has already gotten himself familiar with the camp. He will admit it's a lot more different in the day time though.
For Psychic powers, he had a bit of an understanding of it. He knew how to levitate a bit but not for very long. He was pretty good at telekinesis and pyro. Cal doesn't really care to much about it. He's actually pretty proud! But he's still VERY protective because he doesn't want him to be discovered by the wrong people and have the same thing that happened to him, happen to his son. He is very similar to Augustus in that sense, he wants to be supportive, but he also wants to keep his kid safe, y'know?
And acrobatics do come surprisingly naturally to Raz. As a kid, he found he was surprisingly agile, and that whole thing Donna said about "highly stretchable ligaments" was no joke! He also has double jointed everything, no joke. It's kind of funny how naturally he can flip and twist his body. He's obviously not as good as he would have been if he was still raised by the Aquatos, but he's still pretty good.
I am just happy to spread the brainrot that this au has inflicted upon me :)
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scryptids · 17 days
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grace van dien / she/her  ———  no way is that HANNELI ‘HAN’ FORSYTHE.. they’re a 27-year-old SYNTH notoriously known for being NAIVE  &  SELF-DESTRUCTIVE  but there are some people who have seen them being KIND  &  CARING.  if you ask me, they remind me a lot of a collection of hairbows lined neatly in an old vanity drawer, rosy cheeks that burn hot after receiving a compliment, a dingy apartment decorated with posters and twinkle lights, and soft pastel colors, but that could just be because they’re considered the TEASE around town. just keep an eye on them  &  see if their true colors shine through..
TW: parental illness, cancer, abuse, nsfw mentions, drug use, alcohol use
full name: hanneli fiona forsythe birthdate: october 15th age: 27 height: 5’3” occupation: dancer at the kit kat club/sex worker ship status: your guess is as good as mine bio:
when han forsythe was made, the intention was for her to take care of other people
brought into this world by a couple who were already struggling to make ends meet, they never really viewed her as their daughter, but rather someone who would take care of everything for them
han’s father was sick with terminal cancer, requiring a full-time caregiver that his wife just couldn’t provide, as she had to work to pay the bills
she was taught at a young age how to care for her father’s medical needs, and she took on more responsibility than a child ever should
and instead of sending her to public school, her parents hired a private tutor so han could be homeschooled, not wanting her to leave her father’s sight
han spent most of what little free time she had staring out the window, wishing she could go outside and play with the other kids
but her parents — or her keepers, as she referred to them — kept her on a very short leash
she wasn’t allowed to have friends, wasn’t allowed to step foot out of the house for fear that she’d bring something home that would ultimately lead to her father’s demise
han suffered through years of this treatment before, one day, she finally wriggled the latch of her window loose
she was fifteen years old when she snuck out for the first time, allowing herself the freedom of the night to wander around the lower district by herself
it didn’t take long for her to discover the nightlife of the metroplex, and she quickly became addicted to it
she’d always make sure to be home before sunrise, but each night she would slither out her window, her fake ID in her pocket as she wandered off to a new adventure
her second life was full of drugs and alcohol; she found that she loved life a little more when she was under the influence
she also began experimenting with her sexuality, flirting with anyone who showed interest in her, and wandering into alleyways with them so they could have their way
in fact, she lost her virginity to a man who was far too old for her in a back alleyway, and to this day she still views it as a fond memory
han only got to live this life for a year and a half before her parents caught her and threatened to lock her away in her room
but in retaliation to their threats, han packed all of her belongings into a backpack and left home, not once looking back
she lived on the streets for quite some time, finding couches to crash on, or even exchanging sex for a warm bed to sleep in for a few nights
it wasn’t the most ideal living situation, but it worked for han
shortly after her eighteenth birthday, however, han discovered the kit kat club
there were people with similar stories to hers, people that wouldn’t judge her for the way she lived, and she felt like she fit right in
of course, han would still sleep with people on the side for a little extra cash, using those funds to secure a tiny apartment in the lower district
han has been living happily by herself for a little over a decade, and she still has no regrets about how things have gone for her
in terms of her relationships, she maintains a lot of friendships due to her sweet and friendly nature, though she does have a tendency to attract people who have ill intentions
she’s a very naive person, still trying to learn the world around her and making mistakes every single day
han tries not to let anyone get super close to her despite her friendliness, because she doesn’t want to have to explain anything that’s happened in her life
she fears that someone will try to interfere and make her change the way she does things, but han believes that nothing needs to change
she’s not very picky about her sexual partners, and she doesn’t much care about what they do to her; sex is a coping mechanism for han, and she seeks out the pleasure as often as possible
despite having such a shitty go at life, she tries to keep a positive attitude with most things, and she takes interest in the simple things in life
she’s a very girlie person, but she does have an edgier side that pops out when she goes to underground concerts
has definitely created a persona around herself that her life is perfect, even if it’s the furthest thing from it
she still loves working at the kit kat club, and she’s taken more than one of the patrons home with her (or rather, she let THEM take HER home)
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proofheavenexsists · 1 month
Chapter 2: Not in Kansas
I look around the room frantically, looking for cameras. “There’s no way I’m in the future. You're lying. Prove I’m in 2099.” I let out a scoff at his words. His face is serious as he talks calmly, afraid I’ll flip out. “Kid, look around. Have you ever seen this technology before? What about the view from outside? You ever seen those buildings before?” I hate how he’s talking down to me. "You have money to afford that type of technology. And, I haven't seen every city in New York, or 'Nueva York' so that doesn't mean anything." I feel anger rising, but I can't help it. This man has been nothing but mysterious and rude since I've met him. He breaks his gaze from my face and starts typing into his hologram. 
"What's your father's name? Or your mother's?" My eyebrows furrow in confusion before giving him my father's name. "Is there a reason or are you just scamming me?" He ignores my words and starts scanning through the men with my father's name. I go to his side as he searches for my father. My eyes widen in shock as I see my father for the first time in years. "Him. That man right there is my dad." I point at a familiar face and feel a sense of fondness and my heart tugs. It seems to be a government photo of him, like from a driver's license or library card. I feel the man's gaze on my face as I take in the information of my father on display. From his height, birthdate, family... death. I force my eyes to look at the information on display and turn towards the stranger. 
"How did you get all of this?" My eyes must reveal my need for an explanation as he sighs before replying. "I... have my ways. I had to convince you that you're in the future. I can't explain everything, but I can get you home."
 I feel relief flood through me at his words. "Tha-." My words get cut off as more pain floods through my body. Again, he catches me as I spasm through the pain. I grip his hand as my body glitches. He talks me through the pain as I even out my breathing and clutch his hand tightly. As my body comes back down, he stares at me intently. "I'm okay, I'm fine." My voice comes out breathier than I had hoped. He nods his hand and gets me on my feet. "Come with me." With my hand still in his he drags me back to the living room and towards an elevator. We wait for the elevator to come to us. 
"Where are we going?" I say looking up at him. He really is a tall man. "My research lab. We can stop your glitching and find out the reason you came here. Afterward, we'll make sure you stay in your dimension." I nod my head at his words. "What did you say your job is?" I say as we step in. He presses the 'L' button and leans against the wall. "I'm the leader of the Spider Society." He says with a cocked eyebrow. I blink up at him waiting for further explanation. "And you guys... research spiders?" Trying to fill in the blanks of his lack of explanation. He raises his eyebrows at my confusion and scratches the back of his neck. "Not quite... we... the Spider Society is a... Multiversal organization. We keep the multiverse stable." His words come out slowly as he figures out what to say. 
"The multiverse? Dimensions? I'm sorry, but I'm not following here. I go to school for musical theatre, not science or futuristic ideas. You're gonna have to be more detailed."
He lets out a chuckle at the mention of my major. I cock an eyebrow at him and dare him to make fun of me. He takes a deep breath and takes in my expression before nodding to himself. "Right. The multi-verse consists of infinite realities... alternate universes. Explains how you and I are alive at the same time, despite you being from the past." I nod along as he goes further. "As the leader of this society, it's my job to make sure these realities remain stable.My team and I monitor various anomalies or threats that could disrupt the peace. We correct any rifts or inconsistencies we find and send them back to their home. Like I plan with you... Let me guess, musical theatre doesn't make you research or reflect on these theories?" He takes in my dazed face as I take in this information. I don't feel embarrassed for not understanding, it's not my area of study. "Nah, I’ll learn about this stuff next semester. Part of the upcoming musical. I can sing and dance for you now if you'd like." His face stoic at my words.
The elevator dings and we walk into his lab. It's pretty bare except for a handful of desks and computers. I look around and notice how sparse of a lab it is. It wasn't until I looked up that I saw the true lab. A platform that seems to be floating in the middle of the room. "Why is your lab all the way up there? How do you get up there?" He looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Do you always ask this many questions? I get up there using these." He gestures down to his wrist. I get closer trying to find the logic behind his reasoning. "Ohhhhhh, so like, do you move things with your mind? Is it part of future technology?" His eyes narrow at me as he levelly says, "No. They don't make me move things with my mind. They do this," he flexes his wrist and something shoots out. My eyes widen at the sudden action and look at what he shot out. A spider web seems to have stuck to the wall. "Huh, guess that explains the 'Spider' Society," I mutter under my breath. I turned back to him. "So how do we get up there?" His smile can be compared to a smirk as he steps forward. "Hold on." I don't have time to react before he grabs my waist. 
I squeak as I stumble into his chest. His arm holds me securely as he shoots us up towards the platform. I cling onto him for dear life as we rush through the air and my eyes are shut tight. It's a couple moments later that I realize I'm still holding onto him as we are on the platform. He's smirking down at me as I push out of his arms. I hide my flushed cheeks and look around his real lab. 
Multiple screens are suspended in the air televising multiple events. Numbers flash across one screen, while others show people, events... a child? My eyes settle on a little girl smiling with her father and I smile at the scene. "Is this you?" I softly smile and turn to him. His cold stare cuts through me. I fear I may have crossed the line as the air turns cold. I quickly murmured an apology and move on from the sight. I take one last peak at the image. He looks good with a smile.
He sighs and tells me to sit at his desk. I perch myself on it as he grabs a bracelet. "How does it work?" I offer him my wrist and he secures it for me. "I doubt you'd comprehend it all with your musical theatre knowledge." I go to scold him when I see a ball of red curls fall onto his shoulder. He freezes at the feeling and slowly turns to the source. He relaxes as the ball of curls coo at him. His face turns into a scowl and shouts, "Peter!"
"A baby!" I coo in excitement and awe. I go to pick her up off his shoulder and my heart bursts at the cuteness. Her wild curls cover her pretty freckles and dual-colored eyes. She giggles in my arms and I decide I'm ready to be a parent. "Who is this little doll? Can I keep her? Please?" I look up at Miguel with pleading eyes.
His face is still set in a scowl, but his eyes have softened. My pleading has for sure worked and I can take her home, I can feel it. He walks over to me and takes her from my hands. "You can't have her, she has a family. At least a mother when I'm through with her dad." He mumbles the last part. I whine at him and look up at him with puppy eyes. "Come on! We look just alike." That couldn't be farther from the truth. The only similarities we share are our red curly hair, and hers is natural. 
"Sorry about Mayday! Giving her those web shooters was a mistake on my end." I turn to look for the source of the unfamiliar voice. I walk to the edge of the platform and see a man approaching the platform. He swings his way up on the platform with ease. My head has a tingly sensation as I look at him. It quickly passes and I blame it on the high altitude. "Wanted to start her young, but toddlers are a handful." He says casually and grabs Mayday ... huh I still don't know his name. The father puts Mayday in a carrier on his chest and gives her a kiss. 
"Hey! I'm Peter Parker. Peter B. Parker to be more specific." He offers me his hand as I survey his outfit. He's wearing a red and blue suit with a pink, fuzzy robe and sweats. I shake his hand and introduce myself as I take in his strange appearance. They both seem to be wearing blue and red supersuits, which have similarities but are different. Maybe, that's what he meant by different realities and multiverses. The angry man is grumbling under his breath about installing child locks. "So are you a new recruit?" Peter asks me. "Oh! No, I actually kinda showed up at his place. We're trying to get me back home." I say as casually as I can despite the strangeness of it all. 
Surprisingly, Peter nods in understanding. "Trust me, been there done that. I can help you guys figure out why you came here." I smile in surprise and look at the angry man. He cocks his eyebrow before nodding while they discuss different possibilities for why I came here. I play with Mayday on my lap and ask questions here and there. 
"So why do you guys wear super suits? Is it your dress code?" I say while bouncing Mayday in my lap. Peter chuckles at my words. "We wear them 'cause we are superheroes. Spider-men to be exact." My eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Those guys exist? Not in my world. We don't have anything called a 'Spider-man.'"
Both men turn to me at my words. "You don't have a Spider-Man?" The angry man says with suspicion at my words. I shake my head. "No, I would know if we did. Would've heard about him on the news or in the paper. How does it work?" They both share a look before Peter speaks up. "It's not the same for everyone, but what usually happens is that a spider will bite someone and they develop powers. They use those powers for the greater good. 'With great power comes great responsibility.'" My face turns into a scowl as I hear the familiar words and think back to the woods. I scratch at my bug bite without thinking. The angry man's eyes follow my movement and his eyes widen. "Where did you get that bite?" His voice is tense and I'm not liking this scenario. "I got it before I showed up at your place. I was walking through the woods to my aunt and uncle's house before I got bit... by a bug. Too dark to see what kind." I don't know why I'm lying. It was clearly a spider. 
The men crowd around me as they have a secret conversation with their eyes. Finally, Peter speaks up. "This aunt and uncle... What are their names?" I look between them at the strange questioning. "... Benjamin and May Parker. Before you ask, it's a coincidence we have the same last name." I make a weak attempt at a joke as the angry man closes his eyes with an exhale. Peter cringes and comes up to comfort me. "I don't know how to say this gently, but you're one of us..." 
I blinked at him once, twice, and then burst out laughing. "Yeah, okay I'm a superhero. Right? That's what you expect me to believe? I would've known if I had powers by now. I've almost fainted twice since I've arrived. Doesn't sound very 'super' to me." The angry man scoffs at my dismissal, and my attention focuses back on him. "Is there something you would like to say? I'm all ears." The man walks forward and stands in front of me. "I'm gonna ask you questions and you're gonna respond. Deal? Let's hope someone else was bit in your dimension."
The angry man asks me questions regarding possible powers. “Are your senses heightened?” ‘'Yes, I'm a woman alone with two strangers. Of course my senses are heightened.' “Are you more agile than before?” 'I've always been agile, I'm a trained dancer.' During this interrogation, Peter was watching me closely. At one point he throws a pen at my face and I catch it with ease. "Watch it!" I shout at him as he gives the angry man a grin. The angry man exhales loudly and walks over to Peter. They're doing a shit job at whispering. I can pick up everything they're saying. "She's in denial." "I know, but there's always the wall test." They reach an agreement as Peter comes up to me. 
"Okay, we have no more questions, but we need you to do one last thing for us. You see that wall?" He points to the wall that's a couple yards from us. "You're gonna put your hands on it and just make a crawling motion. That's it." I throw my hands up in exasperation. I'm tired of being here and just want to go home. "Fine. After this, I'm done. I'm going home." My face is stern as I regard both men. Peter turns around and the angry one just nods his head. "And you're telling me your name." I point at the angry man as I walk over to the wall.
I let my frustration simmer and looked up at the wall. I don't even want to entertain this idea... whatever the idea is. "Is there a certain way to do it?" I look over my shoulder. Peter responds, "Close your eyes and breathe." I shrug my shoulders and take his words at face value. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I put my hands on the wall and started softly humming to myself. It's a song I play in the car all the time. Songs mean the world to me. It's part of the reason I majored in musical theatre. The idea of performing in front of a crowd of thousands sends shivers down my spine. Peter lets out a low whistle, and I open my eyes. Without thinking, I started climbing the wall, almost to the ceiling. I scream in surprise and feel myself fall. I'm hurling towards the ground and seeing my life flash before my eyes. It's a little sad. 
My eyes squeeze shut as I wait for the impact. The ground is softer than I had expected... and I'm still alive. I open my eyes and find the angry man holding me. My breathing is harsh as I come down from the rush. I take in the details and contours of his face as we stare intently at each other. Finally, he opens his mouth and speaks in a low murmur.
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thistleandthorn-rpg · 11 months
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Name: Forsythe Pendleton “Jughead” Jones III Designation: Switch but Jughead will say he’s a Dom Age: 26 Birthdate: November 26th 1996 Faceclaim: Cole Sprouse Orientation: Pansexual Kinks: He’s fairly open-minded but refuses to touch anything in the anti-kinks Anti-Kinks: Scat, watersports, age play
Key Points: 
Problem with authority, or at least those that demand respect without earning it
Doesn’t let anyone get too close
Forsythe Jones, or Jughead as he’ll introduce himself was born into the Jones family to, more or less, a single father. Yes, he had a mother, he knew his mother, but Jughead stopped considering the women who gave birth to him or his sister as anything more than an egg donor by the time he reached doubled digits. At this point, as far as Jug is concerned, the only family he has is his father and his sister.
Growing up, even with an absent mother that only seemed to wander in when she wanted something, Jughead remained decently level-headed, all things concerned. Most likely thanks to the fact he’d escape into books or his writing and his sister, because even though they were only minutes apart they still seemed to settle into their roles with her as the big sister protector and him as the baby of the family and at the end of the day he could trust her to take care of him if he needed her. Which might also explain why there is nobody Jughead trusts more. They might not always see eye-to-eye, but Jug won’t hesitate to protect her regardless of the consequences and he knows that she would do the same for him.
Jughead has mixed feelings about his label as a Switch and is very much determined to keep it to himself as he can. He’ll never admit it out loud but he knows it’s fitting for him and a part of him is aware he could fit into both a Dominant or submissive role if he wanted to. He’s blunt, confident, forward, and determined and he’s aware those are very much traits that scream submissive. At the same time, he also likes to be praised and he takes pride in making people proud of him– especially his father and his sister, and that could definitely lean him in the direction of a submissive.
Unfortunately, after watching his mother come and go and essentially use his father, and Jughead has seen submissives get taken advantage over, he refuses to acknowledge that side of himself. As far as he’s concerned it doesn’t exist and he’ll never submit to anyone, and if he had his way nobody would be aware of his true mark.
He spent some time traveling, wanting to see the world, and even focus on his writing as he dabbled here and there when he found someone that caught his attention, but he’s found himself missing JB and their father and decided that since their birthday was coming up he would surprise her by joining her at Stonewall Prep. There’s also the fact Jug is also aware that as much as he ignores his real mark, the day he turns thirty it won’t matter if he’s been acting as a Dominant or not, he’ll still legally be a Switch and end up at the auction.
What are your feelings about the mark you have received?  - My mark is what it is.  It allows me to decide what I want to do and when I want to do it.
How do your feelings on the system compare to your parents’ feelings on it? - The system exists and we all have to deal with it. I feel there’s potential for it to do good but that also means it has potential to become an absolute shit show.
Where do you see yourself after you graduate?   - That’s a great question. I’d hope I would still be writing, maybe even working on a book or having one published.  I’d also hope not to be too far from JB and the old man, but I’m not able to see the future so I guess we’ll find out.
How do you feel about authority? - I mean it exists and has some benefits. If you’re asking me if I respect authority then that’s something completely different. I respect those that earn it and deserve it and right now the only people who qualify for that are my sister and my father.  I don’t care if you’re a Dominant, Switch, submissive or even a slave.  You want my respect? Earn it and don’t be an asshole for no reason. If you bite me, I do bite back.
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quil12 · 2 years
Souyu + Yosuke celebrate Yu's birthday (I'm aware that Yu doesn't have an official birthdate but couldn't hurt to think what day and month he could be born)
I genuinely really like how this one turned out. I know that the fanon date for Yu's birthday is July 10th, since that's when P4 originally came out in 2008 (fun fact, the license plate on his scooter in Golden also says July 10th), so that's the date that I picked. (That's also just a few days before my birthday, so I like the thought that it's then just by proximity lmao)
Yosuke took a breath, clutching the tray filled with various breakfast foods in his hands as he walked into their bedroom. 
Yu was still asleep, curled up into a ball, his arm outstretched toward Yosuke’s side of the bed. 
He walked over to where he was, placing the tray down on the bedside table, leaning over him. His bangs were falling over his forehead, obscuring his face. His mouth was ever so slightly open as he gently breathed in and out. 
Yosuke smiled to himself, his chest filled with warmth, as he brushed the hair out of his face, leaning down, and gingerly pressing his lips to his forehead. 
As soon as he pulled away, Yu made a soft noise, his eyelids fluttering open. 
“Good morning,” Yosuke said, reaching over and laying his palm against his cheek.
Yu sat up a little, looking a little bit disoriented. His voice was a little scratchy and deeper than usual from sleep. “Good morning. Why are you up so early?”
Yosuke pressed another kiss to his forehead. “I made you breakfast. Happy birthday.”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to though. You’re always cooking for me.”
He gave him a soft smile. “Thank you.”
Yosuke smiled back, pulling away, and then grabbing the tray, putting it back down on his lap.
He blinked. “This is a lot of food. How long did this take.”
Yosuke shrugged. “I’ve been up for a couple of hours.”
Yu normally woke up around 5:30, so in order to get everything done before then, he had gotten up at around 3. It had been worth it though - if anything just to be able to wake him up like that.
“Wow. You were super dedicated then.”
“As if I’d be anything else.”
He walked around to the foot of the bed, crawling on top of it, sitting down next to Yu as he took a bite of some eggs.
“It’s really good. Thank you.”
“I’ve gotten a lot better at cooking, right Partner?”
Yu let out a small laugh. “Definitely. 
Yosuke hummed, leaning his head onto him while wrapping one arm around his waist. 
It was quiet for a few minutes before Yosuke started yawning. He was almost never up this early to begin with and getting up a few hours previous was starting to get to him. 
He wanted to stay awake. He had things planned, after all, but, after a while, he lost the battle of keeping his eyes open, eventually letting himself slip into unconsciousness, pressed up, warm and content, against Yu's side. 
- - -
He wasn't sure how long had passed when he woke up again. He was still sleeping against Yu, but he had curled up around him, grasping onto him like a koala. 
He pulled his head away, looking up at him. He had grabbed a book at some point and was reading. He looked over at him, a small smile on his face.
"Good morning."
"Good morning. Happy birthday."
He let out a laugh. "We had this conversation already."
Yosuke hummed, pulling further away, and sitting up. "I can tell you happy birthday as many times as I want."
"I guess you can. Thanks for breakfast, by the way."
"Of course. How did you like it?"
"It was good. You're getting a lot better at cooking."
"I'm gonna be better than you someday."
"Oh yeah?"
He laughed. "All right. When that happens, it'll be your job to make dinner then."
"Deal." Yosuke stretched his arms above his head. “What time is it?”
“About 9.”
He had slept for that long? They needed to hurry if he wanted them to get to everything he wanted to do.
"All right. I have things planned for today, so get ready."
"What kind of things?"
"You'll see."
Yosuke got off the bed, walking over to the dresser and getting clothes out, changing into them. 
After that, he walked to the bathroom and finished getting ready. 
When he walked out into the living room, Yu was sitting on the couch, seemingly ready to go.
“So, what are we doing?”
“We’re gonna go for a little bit of a drive.”
“All right.”
Before heading to the door, he walked to the kitchen, pulling a bag out of the fridge - something else that he had prepared that morning. After that though, he led him out the door and outside of the apartment building. 
They lived in the city, so there wasn’t too much need for a car - they could take the subway or a train pretty much anywhere that they needed to go, but they still had one for more out of town trips. 
He had packed all of what they needed in the car the night before, so everything was ready to go.
He put the bag in the backseat before getting in on the driver’s side. Yu got in as well, looking at him curiously.
“You’ll find out soon.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“But you were thinking it.”
He shrugged.
Yosuke started driving, pulling out of the parking spot and onto the road. It was a decently long trip, so he settled in, turning on some music. He really liked doing things like this. There was just something about being in the car with Yu that made him happy. 
As they were getting through the city traffic, Yosuke reached over, grasping onto Yu’s hand, intertwining their fingers. That was also really nice - he liked holding hands with him, but didn’t get to do it as much as he would have really liked.
They talked as they went - it was mostly Yosuke talking about whatever topics popped into his head while Yu chimed in whenever he had something to add. That was fine though. That was how it always was. 
Before long, they got out of the city, heading into a more rural area. Most of the time getting out there had been spent driving through traffic. They were only about fifteen minutes away now. 
Eventually, they pulled into a parking lot. There were only two other cars there - that worked out nicely. He wanted to actually spend time with him, but it was sometimes hard to do that with other people around. It was a large forested area. It almost didn’t feel like there was a big, bustling city a few miles away.
As soon as they parked, Yosuke got out of the car, first going to the backseat and retrieving the bag from earlier before going to the trunk. Yu met him there, looking on with curiosity. 
He opened it, pulling out Yu’s tackle box and fishing rod, handing them to him.
“Are we going fishing?”
“I know you used to do it all the time, but there aren’t really spots to do it in the city. I figured that we could just spend a few hours out here.”
Yu smiled widely. “That sounds nice.”
He grabbed another bag from the trunk, closing it. “Come on then, there should be a path to the river through the forest.”
They only had to walk for a few minutes before coming up to a river, a wooden dock jutting out on one side. They walked down to it, Yu immediately beginning to set up his fishing rod. 
If he was being honest, he really had no idea about fishing. Yeah, he had sat with Yu while he did it before, but he didn’t enjoy doing it himself. It was boring to just sit there for hours waiting for a fish to bite and he also didn’t particularly like the reward for doing that. Fish. He didn’t like fish at all. They looked weird and kind of freaked him out. He didn’t want them anywhere near him, and that included by eating them. 
Yu liked fishing though, so he would put up with it.
Yu finished setting up his rod, sitting down on the dock as he cast the line. 
Yosuke reached into one of the bags that he had brought, taking out a bottle of sunscreen. It was a pretty warm and sunny day and he didn’t want either of them getting sunburnt. 
He put some on himself first before sitting down next to Yu.
“Hey, look at me.”
Yu complied, turning to face him.
He squirted some out into his hand before dabbing little bits onto his face, rubbing it in. He finished doing it pretty quickly.
“Of course.” He put the sunscreen back in the bag. “Oh, and I made lunch too whenever you’re hungry.”
Yu raised his eyebrows. “Wow, breakfast and lunch in the same day? What did I do to deserve that?”
Yosuke shrugged. “Be born, I guess.”
Yu hummed as Yosuke leaned against him, laying his head onto his shoulder. He closed his eyes, just enjoying the feeling of the sun against his skin.
All of a sudden, Yu jerked his arm back, causing Yosuke to let out a noise of alarm. He opened his eyes to see him reeling in the line, his gaze focused on the water. After a few seconds, he had it reeled in all the way, a wrigging fish attached with it.
He leaned away as he took it off of the hook. This was going to be a long couple of hours.
- - -
At about 2pm, they left. They had somewhere else that they needed to be. 
Yu had managed to catch quite a number of fish. He smelled like them now, but that would probably serve him well where they were going.
It was just after 3 when they pulled into another parking lot in the city - the parking lot of an animal shelter.
Yu had been wanting to get a cat for the longest time. Yosuke had never been quite sure about it though. He had used the excuse for a while that their apartment didn’t allow pets, but they had moved into a different place not that long ago - one that allowed residents to have them. He still wasn’t completely sold on the idea of having one - he wasn’t sure he liked the idea of an animal relying on him to make sure it survived, but Yu would definitely be the one taking care of it the most, so really, it should be okay.
“We have an adoption appointment at 3:15 to get a cat.”
“Really?” There was an excited light behind his eyes.
“Yeah. I think it’s time you finally get one.”
Yu gave him a soft smile, leaning forward, and lightly pressing his lips against his cheek. “Thank you.”
Yosuke smiled back. “Come on, let’s go in before we’re late.”
They walked inside, checking in, immediately getting led into the cat room. 
There were so many cats in there - some of them were sleeping, some of them were playing, some of them were eating. It was really a little hub of activity.
Yu looked like he was in heaven, watching all of the cats, going up to them and holding his hand out, waiting until they allowed him to pet them before running his hands down their backs. It was a process he repeated so many times until he had basically pet every single cat in the room.
There was one that he kept gravitating toward though. 
It was a loud orange tabby that kept walking up to him, demanding his attention, only stopping crying when Yu would drop everything else and begin petting him. 
Yu seemed to like it though, smiling widely every time he would pet him. 
“Do you want to get that one, Partner?” Yosuke asked, walking over to him.
He hummed. “He is very sweet. He kind of reminds me of you.”
“Of me?”
“Orange. Loud. Wants attention.”
Yosuke blinked. “All right. I’m going to pretend that those were compliments.”
Yu laughed. “They are.”
He reached over, picking up the cat. It immediately allowed him, not putting up any sort of fuss, just laying in his arms.
“What do you think?” he asked, holding the cat out.
Yosuke reached his hand out, letting the cat sniff his hand before scratching it gently behind the ear. “I think if this is the one you want, then you should get it.”
He hummed. “I think I’ll call him Azuki.”
“All right. Azuki it is.”
They found one of the volunteers, completing the adoption paperwork. They talked for a while about the care that went into having a cat. Yu seemed to already know most of it, but still listened with rapt attention. 
Yosuke paid the adoption fee and then it was off to the pet store to get supplies.
Yosuke stayed in the car with Azuki while Yu went in. He sat there quietly for a little while before getting bored.
He looked in the mirror, staring back at the paper box carrier that the shelter had provided. He could see his nose sticking out through one of the holes.
“So, Azuki. I’m still not completely sold on having you, but you make Yu happy, so that’s why you’re here.”
There was a small meow that came from the box.
“Yeah, now, you had better be nice to him and you’d better not bite or scratch him. If you do that, you’re gonna wish you hadn’t. Do you understand?”
Azuki meowed again.
All of a sudden, the car door opened, Yu furrowing his brow at him. “Are you shovel talking the cat?”
Yosuke turned away, his face hot. “No.”
“He’s a sweet boy. He’s not going to do anything.”
“I guess.”
Yu got into the car, reaching over, and grabbing hold of his hand, squeezing it. “Is there anything else you had planned for today?”
“We have dinner reservations at 8. I figured that would be enough time to get him settled in at home.”
Yu brought their hands up, pressing his lips against the top of his hand. “You really went all out today, didn’t you?”
“It’s not every day that I get to celebrate your birthday.”
He gave him a soft smile. “I love you, you know?”
“I love you too.”
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