bandagegirl · 2 years
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My little Fortuna having a tea party with OCs belonging to @bishops-of-the-old-faith , @oddalban and @loujestrous325 : ] What could they be talking about?
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alswrites · 25 days
Great match between Jaida Parker and Roxanne Perez. Solid showing for Jaida's first one-on-one title match. I loved the sequence that led up to the finish, and the finish as well.
Also, welcome Guilla. I loved Roxanne holding on to her title for dear life and then they go into the pose but she's almost looks scared. It makes Guilla look intimidating.
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fuckyeahfluiddynamics · 7 months
Eel-Like Swimming
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Working with living creatures can't always reveal their mechanics. That's one reason engineers like building biorobots. Here, researchers built 1-guilla, an eel-like swimmer, and studied how its body motions affected its swimming. (Video and image credit: A. Anastasiadis et al.; research credit: A. Anastasiadis et al.) Read the full article
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kyanako5972 · 4 months
"When's Guilla's birthday again? Is it June 13?" *checks* "Yep, it's June 13."
While I'm at it, I realized I forgot that Connie's birthday is June 8. If I had delayed my preview post by three days, I would've been on time.
Happy June birthdays!
To Connie Basette and Guilla Tarah.
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drevdfuel · 1 year
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i saw  GIANNA AGUILAR  coming through the trees. the  25  year old was fleeing from  VANCOUVER , BRITISH COLUMBIA  when they came across novac , and have sought salvation within the motel of purgatory.  GIGI  has been in town for  ONE YEAR  and has been assigned as a  FARMER  to keep society running smoothy. no matter what , they will find something to fight for.
———— ◽️ 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐒
full name.    gianna guilla luisa isabel aguilar
nickname.    gigi
birthdate.    october 8 , 1998
identity.    genderfluid , she / they
sexuality.    queer , demiromantic
family.    ruben aguilar  † ( father ) ,  pavati aguilar nee moreno  † ( mother ) ,  matteo aguilar  † ( eldest brother ) ,  javier aguilar  † ( older brother ) ,  daniel ' dani ' aguilar  † ( younger brother )
———— ◽️ 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐏
𝚎𝚡𝚑𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚒𝚛
tba hehe. 
𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 (𝚝𝚕;𝚍𝚛'𝚜 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 )
LABELED a tomboy since she could remember , gianna spent all of her free time outside , collecting grass stains rather than dolls. finding an equal balance between rugby and soccer , while also maintaining good grades and a healthy social life was her biggest concern. such trivial issues in comparison to what was to come.
THEIR dad passed away when gianna was just shy of her 13th birthday , the first tragedy experienced. after suffering a heart attack, he fell into a coma that he unfortunately would not recover from. losing the patriarch of the house was difficult , and matteo felt obligated to fill the role , which put a strain on gianna's relationship with their eldest brother.
GIANNA was 15 when all hell broke loose in the surrounding neighborhood. chilling screams filled the dead of night , people were running through the streets , homes and vehicles up in flames. that night felt like a fever dream , she can barely remember how their family managed to escape , but she'll never forget the carnage left behind.
HER youngest brother was the first family member lost , their mom soon following. a complete stranger lunged at them , teeth seeking flesh and dani's arm getting caught in the crossfire. when he eventually succumbed to the virus , their mom was too heartbroken and hysterical to let him go , thus resulting in her own demise.
SEEKING out refuge , the remaining aguilar siblings travelled south , attracted to the promise of shelter and protection from the military in the cities like many others. for several years , it was comforting to find unity with other survivors and lead as normal a life as they were permitted. but all that glitters is not gold.
TO this day , gianna isn't sure if it was an act of rebellion against their eldest brother's constant hovering or if javier had just finally cracked under the pressure of the harsh , new reality. but he did something risky and stupid , repeatedly , until he got caught and was turned into an example , costing his life in exchange. matteo and gianna made their escape the following night , putting as much distance as they could between themselves and any military-controlled faction.
SO she got stuck with the bro she couldn't see eye to eye with , classic. they argued lots , and blamed anything they could on each other ( gigi might've pulled a real low blow at some point by blaming javier's death on matteo oop ). they were so busy being angry with each other that they got cornered by a few clickers. ultimately, matteo got torn to shreddies just before somebody / somebodies from novac swooped in to save gianna , bringing her back to town.
fast forward a whole year , gigi has established pretty decent rapport within their little community. definitely earns their keep by helping wherever they can , the main role obviously being work as a farmer. was pretty closed off and guarded on arrival , but she's opened up a lot and is lowkey a huge softie for her people.
———— ◽️ 𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐒
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En saps alguna cosa de llegendes catalanes relacionades amb guineus? gràcies!
(Primer de tot, perdona per tardar en respondre, no sé per què l'app de Tumblr no em deixava publicar ni guardar les respostes de preguntes que tenia als drafts.)
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Les guineus són protagonistes de moltes faules (catalanes i també arreu d'Europa) perquè representen l'astúcia. He sentit varies faules sobre com la guineu se les empesca per menjar-se les gallines o per enfilar-se a una parra per menjar-se el raïm.
La guineu com a l'animal que simbolitza l'astúcia ve de lluny, en català tenim Na Renard, protagonista del Llibre de les bèsties (1289) de Ramon Llull. És una faula sobre el regne dels animals, que trien al lleó com a rei però no inclou la guineu (Na Renard) a la seva cort. Aleshores, segueix la història de com la guineu enganya als altres animals per ascendir d'estàtus. I més enrere encara als orígens de la civilització occidental, les guineus ja apareixen com a animals llestos i astuts a les faules de l'escriptor grec Isop, del segle VII aC.
El personatge de la guineu el trobaràs ben explicat en aquest article: "Aproximació a l'estudi de les rondalles d'animals: el cas del cicle de la guineu i el llop".
Et deixo enllaços a unes quantes pàgines que expliquen llegendes, faules o rondalles catalanes on la protagonista és una guineu (si en busques, trobaràs que en diferents parts del territori també se'n diu guilla, rabosa o raposa).
La guineu i el mossèn (Vall de Cardós)
L'home que es transformà en guineu (Aguilar de Segarra)
Conte de la raboseta i el llop (Tírig i Albocàsser)
Lo llop i la rabosa (Flix)
La rabosa i el corb (recollida per Enric Valor a Rondalles valencianes)
El llop i la guineu que feien boïga a Cal Carament (Sant Just de la Valldan)
Però n'hi ha moltes més!
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snoodls · 2 years
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REPORT: Activity near the sand-blasted Yield sign >> READ ON
The trio--Inia, Pennyroyal, and Guilla--crawl back from their scavenge in the Wastelands, legs burning with exhaustion as they return. They've gotten into the routine of walking together to the Guild HQ and then parting ways, but today, their paws barely grazing the edge of the city, Guilla quietly shuffles their leaves and explains they have "errands" to run. Pennyroyal and Inia exchange glances, but shrug and bid them farewell.
Guilla totters in the opposite direction, aimlessly walking down the outermost alleys of the shopping district, until they're sure they're not being followed. They  disappear around a corner, weaving between piles of junk and overturned boxes, scampering quickly to an abandoned building out by the old city ruins. Leaves fluttering, they shuffle their way hastily up a rusted fire escape, which protests with aged creaks and clangs. They pay it no mind, reaching the top and scanning for the source of the light, that light they saw in the corner of their eye, that burned a steady and persistent ache into their head, leaving circles of shadows swimming in their vision for days after.
... It comes to pause on top of a "YIELD FOR PEDESTRIANS" sign. The sign is sandblasted by the ages, and it's up to its knees in dust, but the fluorescent paint lights up like a beacon beneath the werm. The reflected light shines out into the distant wastes, and beyond the horizon. Meanwhile the werm's fur stands on end, as if buzzing with static electricity.
Guilla scans, and then they see it, how could they miss it, the familiar geometric stain of light just far enough from the outskirts and ruins to be obscured by hills and half-collapsed buildings on the ground. Without a second thought, Guilla takes off running towards it, determined to catch the phenomenon before it fades from their claws again. They blink, fighting the bobbing sunspots in their vision, finding themselves at the foot of the worn down sign, staring at the motionless werm for the rest of the evening. That is, until another arrives.
22028080 #661 - - - NON-SCAVENGE REPORT TO FOLLOW.
Mysterious glowing fuzzy friend & quoted middle section of the above text belong to @1ore! I've been sitting here trying to bring any sort of helpful context to this, but all I can say is that the green leafy fellow is my werm, Guilla! Enjoy the mini arg lol
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marcoleopa · 2 years
Vie dei Tesori 22
S.Mercurio, SS 40 martiri alla Guilla e Palazzo Branciforte
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kayshla19 · 5 months
Style3618 ♥ La Receta by Kay ღ Lush ღ Photographer Via Flickr: thisiskayshla.blogspot.com/2024/05/style3618.html Puro Guayeteo La gata pide guayeteo Llegan los gángster con el maleanteo Toma, fuma, fuma, fuma, fumeteo Al que se tire lo dejamo' feo Salte, que voy sin freno Llegaron Los Más Suelto' con otro invento No quiero bajar la nota que tengo Bien psicodélico el flow lo mantengo, ¿okey? Sencilla, bajamo' a las milla' Si no me controlo, es que, mai, tú te guilla' Vamo' a hacerlo suave en un guaye, guayeteo La gatita el bailoteo y los gángster en el malianteo Hay una diferencia muy grande entre nosotro', muchacho' Ustedes usan la fórmula que nosotros inventamo'
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perdida-en-tu-sonrisa · 7 months
tu ere una karol una bichota
guilla de ninfo con esta nota
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DOMENICA 05 FEBBRAIO 2023 - ♦️ SANT'AGATA Vergine e Martire ♦️ Sant'Agata (Catania, 229/235 – Catania, 5 febbraio 251) è stata, secondo la tradizione cattolica, una giovane cristiana vissuta nel III secolo, martirizzata durante le persecuzioni sotto l'imperatore Decio. Presente nei martirologi più antichi, è venerata come santa, vergine e martire dalla Chiesa cattolica, dalla Chiesa ortodossa e dalla Chiesa Anglicana, che ne onorano la memoria il 5 febbraio. È patrona della città di Catania, della Repubblica di San Marino, dell'isola di Malta. Il luogo di culto principale è la cattedrale di Sant'Agata dove riposano le sue reliquie. Catania le dedica una grande festa, nei giorni 3, 4 e 5 febbraio. Nel periodo fra la fine del 250 e l'inizio del 251 il proconsole Quinziano, giunto alla sede di Catania anche con l'intento di far rispettare l'editto dell'imperatore Decio, che chiedeva a tutti i cristiani di abiurare pubblicamente la loro fede, mise in atto una feroce persecuzione. La tradizione riferisce che Agata fuggì con la famiglia a Palermo, alla Guilla, ma Quinziano li scovò e li fece tornare a Catania. Il punto che la giovane catanese attraversò per uscire da Palermo e tornare alla sua patria, oggi è detto Porta Sant'Agata. Quando la vide di presenza, Quinziano s'invaghì della giovinetta e, saputo della consacrazione, le ordinò, senza successo, di ripudiare la sua fede e adorare gli dèi pagani. Si può ipotizzare, coesistente a ciò, anche un quadro più complesso: ovvero, dietro la condanna di Agata, la più esposta nella sua benestante famiglia, poteva esserci l'intento della confisca di tutti i loro beni. Di certo, era un contesto storico estremamente drammatico per i cristiani: papa Fabiano era morto, ucciso, da più di un anno, la sede era vacante, e il successore Cornelio sarebbe stato eletto ben 14 mesi dopo il suo martirio. Al rifiuto deciso di Agata, il proconsole l'affidò per un mese alla custodia rieducativa della cortigiana Afrodisia e delle sue figlie, persone molto corrotte. È possibile che Afrodisia fosse una sacerdotessa di Venere o Cerere, e pertanto dedita alla prostituzione sacra[senza fonte]. Il fine di tale affidamento era la corruzione morale (presso Catania, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoRbVtko7i0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lizziebellemusic · 2 years
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Resumen de mi 2022... 🎶🎉 Marzo: Día internacional de la Mujer Voces del Futuro (Orquesta de Cuerdas), dirigido por @nathaliemarinconductor e interpretado por Paqari Camerata. Junio: Voces del Futuro Voces del Futuro (Orquesta de Cuerdas), dirigido por Fernando Valcárcel. e interpretado por Paqari Camerata. Festival Experimenta 2022 Tears (Oboe solo), interpretado por Carlos Otárola. Septiembre: Festival de estrenos de jóvenes compositores 2022 Ton Histoire (Clarinete solo), interpretado por Fryné Guillas @fryneguillas Octubre: Mi versión del Cóndor pasa con Piccolo. Noches de Flauta, los jueves en @elgrancafe.trujillo Diciembre: Clases privadas de Flauta Dulce y Traversa. #composer #femalecomposers #composerlife #peruviancomposer #contemporarycomposer #music #classicalmusic #contemporarymusic #peruvianmusic #musician #peruvianmusicians #newmusic #incidentalmusic #balletmusic #musikerin #komponistin #künstlerin #musiciansofinstagram #flute #recorderflute #peruvianhistorymoment #peruviangirl #peru (en Gran Teatro Nacional) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm4mJztgpSN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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negreabsolut · 1 year
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Una guineu creada per una IA, amb els defectes típics d'aquesta mena de creacions. Quants en veieu?
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444names · 2 years
french names BUT ending with "a"
Abridella Adéréa Alaina Amaila Ambea Amouisya Anavia Andrina Annaya Anneva Aprea Arigna Assissa Aurteaya Authena Azassa Azura Barcia Barocka Barqua Bayala Beaulta Beaussa Beberterva Beliva Belota Benea Berminea Berna Bernhia Berta Bertaya Berva Bista Bizardinea Blairlissa Blossa Blossona Bobinea Bocka Bondréa Bonta Borea Bosia Boura Bouria Bourvia Bousa Boussa Branchacca Brejecka Brocqua Brojea Brosta Bruddilla Brumaria Burciena Burta Buréa Bérierthia Béthona Calia Callissona Caloiréa Carna Casira Cavoyna Cervesa Changua Chapina Charca Chardea Chautrea Chava Cheasa Cherea Cherta Chora Chouqua Choura Claigna Clailardia Claina Cleva Clottralia Cléréa Coeura Comanta Conea Contia Corejouria Coudea Couka Courvassa Coussa Couta Crosignosa Cuveria Cyria Cécia Cédéophia Céliena Céléa Daberna Dainea Daista Damasamena Dambla Dapena Debra Deciletta DeFra DeJea Delca Della DeLozaria Denora DeRossa Desca DeShusa DeShustia Desia Desla Desrecka Dessollea Devaulia Devressa Dianca Diolia Diona Dordea Dorecla Douffroua Dubrea Dubuthia Dufra Dugeva Dugua Duhambea Dupardia Dupena Duplanta Dupleauta Dupra Duricéa Durna Duréa Duvia Echencka Elanta Exnaudia Fagna Fansoucia Faulhuta Faveentra Flassa Flona Flonscla Fondea Forca Forémena Fospria Foutia Fouva Frata Fratea Fraymenua Gagea Garpea Garpena Garéa Gatherta Gautra Gautria Genria Genta Gerrenria Ghibecota Gigna Gillya Gissa Glainenta Glara Glava Gokboeura Gorea Gossa Gosta Goulacorta Graissa Grancea Granta Grastagnea Grava Gricka Grolorea Grossa Grumeassa Guessa Gueta Guigonna Guilla Guillexna Guina Halitia Havaca Hebea Herva Hudailla Hurnacta Huvetta Hyppicka Itatia Jacla Jacqua Jairca Jalia Jalta Jalènena Jamberigna Janna Jarea Jarra Jentrouva Jettia Jolea Joncea Josarna Josca Joyea Judria Juena Julia Julinoréa Jultea Jutusa Jéria Jérèchoua LaBarta Labelia LaBla Lacka LaClaria LaCoussa LaCreina LaDuboua Laela LaFousia LaGra LaJea Landréa Lantea Lanua Lanvia Lapdea LaPla Lardanta LaRobea LaRobicéa Laultena Laupuettea Lavierra Lebartria Lebea Lecheborea Lecia LeCola LeColia LeCouka LeDora LeDozeaya LeDucia LeDuka Legua Lejea Lembarna Lemira Leptia Lerieria Lerna Lesta Leviletra Levrea Liontina Livillena Logena Logua Loirea Lorena Louaya Louilleta Loura Lucia Luciena Luciewlya Ludea Lyoursicéa Léophia Léopolia Mahangea Mahia Maishougua Malia Malva Mancassa Mancellia Marchafia Mardifia Mardona Maria Marieraya Marra Marrea Marta Martra Maxena Maxenta Maëlla Methesta Micontra Migna Mobea Monnea Montiva Moquaya Morimogua Mouilloua Muntra Méléa Naquilla Nedogna Norrea Octouetra Odinneta Odismuka Onceaudea Ophia Othierria Pallica Pardelaisa Paroissa Passa Pattela Pauta Pecandra Pechélia Pellethea Pergoista Petrea Pettra Pilleta Poissava Poissieria Pombea Poquela Pouaillia Poula Pranica Prearsia Prionna Prumessa Raberacta Racqua Racra Raourva Ravolia Relva Renna Reurqua Revena Rhellva Riolea Rivinea Robiena Robilbea Rochauta Rochelina Rocka Roddia Rolia Romasia Rosconna Rosia Rossa Routa Ryvlina Salanta Salia Sallia Sardoucia Sarra Saveroissa Seena Segoissa Sejea Serenossa Serra Shussela Sinfalla Sonta Sourena Staina Sylva Sylvieria Tanta Tauddria Terca Tersa Theaugeva Thesa Thisa Thissa Tipposa Tirica Tofia Toussia Touta Trabrevia Trardea Tritaya Usintmena Vassa Vaustia Veria Verna Vertura Verva Vicka Vierowdréa Vigna Vilia Vingua Virea Viria Viréa Wardea Youvarcia Yvossa Zenaëta Zerra Zineta Édonierna Élipessa Émieuva
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kyanako5972 · 4 months
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I made some assets for SWAP Ensemble.
Guilla Tarah's big solo.
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lyrics724 · 2 years
BB Reing - Mañe y mari
BB Reing – Mañe y mari
[Intro] En la casa guilla de santa En la calle una sucita una truchita Le encanta quemar la maari en bellaqueo Con la amiguitaSolo quiere mañe y mari Endrogase con la molli esa perrita Loca con verla caer ella dice que eso le exita [Coro]Solo quiere mañe y mari Solo quiere mañe y mari Solo quiere mañe y mari Loca con verla caer ella dice que eso le exita[Saoco]Esa diablita quiere mari…
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