smacowee · 1 year
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[GuiltySonic] Whisplethal - Necessary Discrepancy
Back on Twitter I drew a small Sonic X GuiltyGear pic for fun (because I love both series) and the thing kinda evolved into a whole series! Not gonna lie, Its one of the most fun projects ive done lmao. At first I wanted Ram to be Blaze but the more I thought about it the more Whisper and Ramlethal where very similar. 
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chronicsheepdrawing · 8 months
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Traditional commission for my friend @egg-on-a-legg of their ocs Key and Mu.
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demon-blood-youths · 4 years
Another fun day, another day of wreaking havoc. The bounty hunters tried and fail to take her down and her friends while making their way back home with their exploits. Once they settled back home, there are plans in the making on where to go next. The team are thinking of going somewhere either in IIyria, Zepp, China, Korea or maybe the Colonies. Just for the sake of adventure.  In the meantime, Ink is sitting in her ‘forest’ drinking a can of cola just enjoying another day of sight-seeing at the cliff over the horizon where there are ruins of the old city. She relaxes before hearing her phone vibrated. Right away, she brings up her communication sigil at her ear and answers, 
“Heya!” She answered.
“Ink! There’s a bounty hunter coming this way, get ready.” Fosh telling her which got her grinning. Another one? She was told that bounty hunters came and go because they can’t find her in the original place since while they’re out partying in different towns and cities. After being sighted in different areas, it got everyone scrambling which is pretty funny to see. Anyway!
“Thanks Fosh! I let you know how it’s going!” Ink replied before hanging up.
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Ink transformed into her other form and goes off in search of the hunter entering her forest, gliding through the trees. Let’s see what today brings. Maybe this is going to be fun.
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mariahsweirdfunhaus · 2 years
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It´s been a year since I've joined this lousy site to look up about guilty gear lore and get up to date with it (Still going strong tho!) and try to get a ton of advice about screenwriting because I feel like I need to flex my mind and body during these times while sharing stuff about digimon, Fairy tales, ETC ETC.
Here´s to another year!!! 🥳🥳🎉🎉🎊🎊🪅🪅🍻🍻🥂🥂🍾🍾🎇🎇🎆🎆🎈🎈
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athenaistrapped · 4 years
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Happy first day of the spooky month!! A bit more of an obscure reference but, here is Mark cosplaying I-no from one of my all time FAVORITE fighting games; Guilty Gear!! Hope ya like it ^^
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manueillustrations · 5 years
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FR- @L0NEPAW m'a mise au défi de faire Baiken, de la série Guilty Gear. Ce fut en soit un très bon défi mais je suis très contente du résultat!
EN- My husband asked me to try to draw Baiken, from GUILTYGEAR. It was a nice challenge but I really like the result!
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smacowee · 1 year
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[GuiltySonic] Amay Rose, The Disaster of Passion
Back on Twitter I drew a small Sonic X GuiltyGear pic for fun (because I love both series) and the thing kinda evolved into a whole series! Not gonna lie, Its one of the most fun projects ive done lmao. This was the first one I did! on the following ones I decided to fuse the names instead of just using the Sonic one. So retroactively im naming this one "Amay".... Because Im creative like that lol
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smacowee · 1 year
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[GuiltySonic] Egglewis Robotnikson
Back on Twitter I drew a small Sonic X GuiltyGear pic for fun (because I love both series) and the thing kinda evolved into a whole series! Not gonna lie, Its one of the most fun projects ive done lmao.
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smacowee · 1 year
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Back on Twitter I drew a small Sonic X GuiltyGear pic for fun (because I love both series) and the thing kinda evolved into a whole series! Not gonna lie, Its one of the most fun projects ive done lmao. This time Ky as Sally! Yes, Archie characters ARE on the table!
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smacowee · 1 year
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[Guilty Sonic] Blaiken, Wandering Samurai
Back on Twitter I drew a small Sonic X GuiltyGear pic for fun (because I love both series) and the thing kinda evolved into a whole series! Not gonna lie, Its one of the most fun projects ive done lmao. This time Blaiken, a ronin hellbent on revenge. If only she had a comrade, she'd cut away all vexations and become a mirror of the world. 
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demon-blood-youths · 4 years
Flying across the night sky and now through the woods, a demonic being flaps its great blue wings before landing onto the ground, on a cliff. Its wings stretches before the demon let out a long yawn before letting out a giggle.
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”Ha! That was a great party!” While thinking back on what she has done with friends, ‘Those bandits that the nobles sent were scared so bad! It’s a good thing that Navarro told everyone to spilt up and I got most of everyone’s attention. Heh!’ The demon chuckles as she starts to revert back into her human form and dusts herself off.  She stares over to the horizon while she stretches her arms and legs. Guess, she lost them. Good.
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“Heh!” Vanity ‘Ink’ Vanguard aka Van Ink The Dragon with a bounty of 900,000. And it wasn’t because of mass property damage, vandalism and ransacking. Although, it can be most of those things. But the main reason because of a label being put on her head. Gear. Luckily, the only documentation of her is her demonic partial form, not her human form since nobody knows it but her friends. 
”Okay, just need to get back to the ship and yep!” She quickly reverted to her partial demonic form and then starts to take flight.  Van Ink The Dragon encounters @theguiltygear​
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demon-blood-youths · 4 years
Soul Phoenix | Closed RP
After hijacking borrowing an airship in IIyria, the DBT took to the skies. While being in the air, they are planning of what’s next in their adventure. They probably thinking of going to Zepp or Korea! However, the plans have changed as they were low on supplies after flying so long. Not to mention, the teens were bored and wanted to take a break from being in the air. 
So, the DBT landed somewhere in China, not too far from a small town. The team disembarked from the ship, wade through the woods and goes on to explore the town in search of supplies and food. 
In the meantime, a young homecook in  white and grey clothes with an apron on and is preparing food for the team. He had kitchen equipment set up, thanks to having rocks brought over by the youngest if not the strongest member, Gerald. 
Jaron Jackal is glad that the airship they stole borrow had a kitchen installed. He put up a rack of spare ribs he already marinated added with a spice rub, he made thanks to the ingredients he brought. He put over it on charcoal grill over the fire. The fire is set lit thanks to Maggie as she watches over the food. In the meantime, he is making wild rice and mac-n-cheese. 
The smell begins to fill the woods and soon the aroma spreads to the town from the camp. 
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“That smells so good!” Said Gerald happily.
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“Well...it’s going to be even better when you start eating.” Jaron said with a smile as he keep on cooking. Soon, his friends would return back to camp with supplies they brought over. 
Jaron The Jackal meets @culinaryphoenix​
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demon-blood-youths · 4 years
Who wants to hunt, I mean bother Van Ink The Dragon or aka The Redless Gear with the bounty of $900,000? Any takers?
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“RAWR! FACE ME IF YOU DARE!!” Ink laughs manically as she breathe blue flames. 
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demon-blood-youths · 4 years
   For @sxtoritera ​ from here.
Granted the security of Illyria Castle being more sparse per request of Ky to issue reparations to the people after the Universal Will pandemic—-the studious Convict Hammer still found time in his agenda to issue a third degree to one who so casually approached the elected monarch.  Though he saw no harm in the latter nor his manner of approach, Ky couldn’t scold one for abiding his vocation.  He, however, prompted assistance were not required this time.  “I appreciate the protocol; leave the rest to me. ❞A light wave of the arm beckoned the large centurion at his attention before formally dismissing him of his interrogation.
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          ❝ Yes, I am one of the kings.  Is there something that piques your concern to seek my audience? ❞Casual talk in this time and day were a blessing; the people deserved a breather—-honesty from the years of deceit woven into the hearts of millions by St. Maximus Ariels.  He’d answer as he deemed best.
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“I....” Vanity ‘Ink’ Vanguard looks to about say something but looks hesitant. There is a lot of thinking going on in her head. Questions like...woah so this is one of the kings of Illyria?? Although, she doesn’t ask which one and in her mind, that a king should like someone with a bread, wearing fancy robes and a crown on top of their head. To her, the First king looks like more like a prince.
The reason for this mindset is that Ink doesn’t even know that she’s speaking to Ky Kiske of all people. She isn’t that very educated in terms of history since she’s born a few years after the Crusades. She only knows the gist of it including the recent events. Of course, it’s not every day that she stumbled upon a place of royalty. She was too busy fighting other fractions, awful nobles and corrupt authorities with her team during their adventures. 
Speaking of which, she is holding a bunch of paper in a folder behind her back and a specific flashdrive.  She wanted to tell him, how much dirt that the her team has on a handful of corrupt nobles and a few officials that committed behind his back but at the same she remembers that she has a bounty on her. She glances over to Convict Hammer with a look as she takes a step forward.
Fortunately, the bounty only shows her demonic form, not her human side. Still it makes her wonder. Does the king know about this going on or not? Yet at the same time, Ink has a gut feeling that she should trust this person with this information that not a lot of people know about. After a lot of thinking, Van Ink The Dragon has decided. 
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“You know what?! Take this and read em!” Ink gives him the file and unknowingly the flashdrive to the First King. “Just letting you know!” 
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demon-blood-youths · 4 years
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Across the night sky where there’s a glowing streak of blue through the clouds. It was blue draconic being with wings. Landing near the luxurious estate that is perfect for royalty however it used to house the worst people ever. The owners are charge of a huge town that takes most of the resources ever and treat everyone there like lowly servants. 
It was rumored that a few of the townspeople died during the winter which made them the worse. In result, a faction of youths took the house as they tricked the wealthy mayor’s family as they were invited to a private party in IIIyria which never existed. Oh boy....
The so-called luxurious estate became a messy battlefield where there are craters and burned trees are around. The statues along the walls of the house were spray-painted thanks to these teens and the partygoers ( most of them lived in the town) and now the estate looks deserted except with the lights in the living room.
The time now was the afterparty which is only for the members of the team whom gathered around drinking and eating some snacks while talking amongst themselves before bedtime. The being who has landed on the backyard and is approaching the patio is no other Vanity ‘Ink’ Vanguard aka Van Ink the Dragon with a bounty of 900,000 and leader of the DBT, a bunch of youthful troublemakers who vandalizes government and private property of nobles and other officials. 
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“Hey guys! I’m back with the three 2 liters of cola!” Ink said entering the premises not before reverting back to her human form as she walks into the living room.
@einhcrjars​ ( Sol)
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demon-blood-youths · 4 years
There was lights in a mansion over the hill as there is music, the sound of laughter and things being break. But not to mention, there is a smell of barbeque filled the backyard as there is a line forming to get some. Charge of the cooking food was Jaron the home cook and Maggie who makes the fire keeps going and is making sure nobody skips the line. In the meantime, Ink offered to buy some more meat just to get the barbeque going. It didn’t take long so she  she was gliding through the woods as she is coming back from the streets without trouble. IIyria has some good butcher shops around.  As she is coming back,  she hears some loud growls which got her to stop.
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Hm? She looks around in search for the growls and blinks to see a person slouching over as if he is in pain??
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“Hey...are you alright?” Ink asked the stranger as she jumps down and is approaching the person. @breaking-the-boundaries​ encounters Van Ink The Dragon
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