#gun park fluff
angelltheninth · 3 months
hi hiiii your husband!Gun hc brighten up my day ╰(*°▽°*)╯
anyways may I request a Gun drabble with him seriously bruised from fighting and he took that excuse to see you for you to take care of his wounds (bc he knew that you'd worried for him, lol that bastard) and he kept asking disrupting questions for you to say "yes" while you were disinfecting his wounds until the final question of "will you be my gf" came out o((>ω< ))o
thank you and enjoy your vacation (👉゚ヮ゚)👉
My vacation was so good! Had lots of fun and had a good rest.
Pairing: Gun Park x Fem!Reader
Tags: fluff, injuries, blood, kind of a love confession, teasing, becoming a couple
A/N: He wouldn't need to play mindgames with me. I'd just say yes no questions asked.
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Gun grinned at you as you applied bandages to his bruises and bloody fists. As soon as you heard the sound of such heavy knocks on the door you knew who to expect but you didn't expect to see him so beat up. What was even more infuriating than his injuries, or almost as, was the way he made himself at home on your bed and waited patiently.
"Are you still mad at me?" He asked and you tightened his bandage so hard he winced a bit. "I'll take that as a yes?"
"Yes. You're crazy, why do you always come here anyway, at least go to the hospital when you get hurt."
He scoffed. A moment later he saw you giving him a worried look. "I'm tough. You know I can handle myself right? I'd worry more about the guys I left broken and bleeding in the street."
Listening to him talk about his fight didn't put your mind at ease at all.
"Yes, I know you can take care of yourself. But right now I'm the one doing the caretaking. I'm not saying I don't want to help you get better. I... Gun... promise me you'll at least try to get into less trouble." Somehow you felt like that wasn't gonna happen. This was Gun you were talking to after all.
"I could think about it. If... you agree to be my girlfriend?" He knew you were too focused on your work to properly think about what he just asked.
"Yes, okay, but you... huh?!" As your voice rose in pitch you felt his rough and bruised fingers tilt your chin up. He grinned down at you, his lip bleeding but his face showing no discomfort at all. "You... I didn't-"
"Oh but you did. I'm not letting you take it back. Now I don't have to go to the hospital, I've got a cute girlfriend to take care of me instead." He pressed his thumb across your bottom lip before cupping your warm cheek.
This man was unbelievable, using his injuries to ask you out, to ask you to be his girlfriend. "If you break your bones I'm breaking up with you."
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lookismfanfics · 9 months
Hello my love may i req a gun x reader fluff where we go out on a ice cream break with him
Of course luv!
Gun x Reader
Genres: Fluff, slice of life
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🝮 Gun genuinely believes his hair will one day fall out. He’s seen it happen to the most attractive of men. They go bald.
🝮 It’s mainly due to the physical and mental strain he goes through.
🝮 If it weren’t for you… he’d probably have a receding hairline already.
🝮 You clasp his hand tightly and lean against his sturdy frame. Even the warm weather can’t keep you two apart. He blames you for being clingy, when in reality his grip on you tightens the moment you start to drift away.
🝮 It’s not too hot. Not too cold. He still gets away with wearing one of his suave coats.
🝮 You manage to wear your usual attire, too. Gun likes your sense of style, although he’s begrudging to admit it and boost your ego. (Even if you don’t have one.)
🝮 “You seem so tense,” you chide, releasing his hand to feel at the solid muscles in his back. His form is rigid and upright. Just as you suspected.
🝮 “That’s why I agreed to do this,” Gun deadpans. His sunglasses catch the light as he looks over at you. You’re unable to return the eye contact 👀
🝮 “Aw, okay. So not because I’ve been telling you about this ice cream store for weeks?”
🝮 “No.”
🝮 Seeing you happy melts his stress away.
🝮 You stroll into the shop and wait in line. Even if the wait time is short, Gun steals impatient glances at those ahead. He massages your shoulders absently.
🝮 You? Pay? Not a chance. His credit card is already fitted into the slot before you can even open your wallet.
🝮 “He’ll have the same as me,” You say. You already know his order. You share the same taste.
🝮 Gun doesn’t smile very often. He does when he hears that. It’s more a smirk than anything. Just a fleeting cocky expression that leaves as quickly as it comes.
🝮 Whether you sit outside in the warm sun, or coop yourself inside and huddle in a booth, it doesn’t matter.
🝮 Gun will offer to feed you icecream with a straight face. Take off his glasses, hold eye contact with his white pupils, and stare at you as you lick the flavor off the spoon.
🝮 He’ll try not to smile. You’ll catch him doing it anyways.
🝮 He barely touches his until you’re almost done, to make sure you don’t want some of his if you’re still hungry. Eventually he’ll start spoon feeding himself. His head ducks towards the table and he eats it in an almost elegant fashion.
🝮 You stroke his hair until you manage to loosen the gel. It slacks onto his forehead and flops around with almost every move.
🝮 You move to wipe your mouth with a napkin. He’ll wipe it off for you. You can’t reach the flavor that sits on the side of your cheek. He’ll lick it off for you.
🝮 As you leave he fits his fingers into yours and pulls you against his side.
🝮 “Thanks for paying Gun.”
🝮 “No need to thank me.”
🝮 You catch another smirk spreading across his face. You click his sunglasses and laugh. When you feel for the tension in his back, you realize it’s disappeared.
🝮 (On the walk home Gun asks you about balding and if you think it’s attractive?)
🝮 (You ask him if he thinks having a big dumptruck is a problem. He tells you you’re f-ed in the head.)
🝮 Idk what’s wrong with him 💁‍♀️
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unreleasedwrites · 5 months
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Caught You, Again
“You’re eyes seem to be wandering yet again, and your cheeks are redder than rubies.. You just never get tired of me, do you?
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summary: You and Gun have been in the same class since the eight grade, and you developed a little crush on him that same year. Once the ninth grade started and you two had been paired as seat mates, you started to drop subtle hints here and there with the idea of your little crush on him for the past year. Gun notices this and takes it as an opportunity to constantly tease you about it jokingly— until, he was no longer joking, and made a move by asking you out which then ended with you becoming his first and last girlfriend, because he made you into his first and forever wife. Yet, he never fails to see you in the not so hidden act of admiring him, which has him calling you a “simp,” and he continues to tease you for it.
character(s) included: Park Jonggun x fem!reader
cw: fluff, teasing, playful and flirtatious gun, gun is nice, swearing, use of Y/N, mentions of physical fights gun gets into, mentions of blood/bleeding/bruises, couple nicknames, kissing, established relationship, idk much about weddings, VERY SUGGESTIVE TOWARDS THE END!! this is really long tbh 😭😭
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unwrapped on: Saturday Night, December 03 2023
wrapped up on: Sunday Evening, April 28 2024
published on: Sunday Evening, April 28 2024
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“Need something?” Your seat mate suddenly questioned you as he shrugged a brow at you, who was blankly staring at him, obviously lost in your thoughts.
“O-uh— No!” You quickly replied and zoned back into reality, “Sorry, I was just thinking, I didn’t notice tha-” You added before he cut you off and said,
“If you like me, you could just say so’ You wouldn’t be the first girl to confess to me this school year.”
“Wha-! Talk about confident, also it’s literally the second week of the ninth grade..” You scoffed, a little nervous considering you have liked him since the eight grade so he technically wasn’t wrong.
“That isn’t a no~” He replied with a tint of his usual smirk.
“Wel-” You tried to speak right before he interrupted you once more “Enough with the excuses already, it’s boring.”
“Well?” He added and you responded with, “Well.. What I was trying to sa-” Ding, Ding, Ding— You were interrupted once again, but this time, by the bell. And it was now lunch time, so you two went your separate ways.
That was one of the occasional conversations you had with Gun, it just so happens that you two have been paired as seatmates since the eight grade and therefore, had to have spoken to one another atleast a number of times by now. They were just meaningless and short interactions that was just another way to kill time for him, yet those little conversations and interactions meant the world to you.
Fast forward into the school year and currently, it’s almost the fourth month of school— all of your classmates along with the new/transfer students have gotten to know each other, and it just so happens that you and Gun have started to talk more aswell. From little “Hey, about the homework-”, “Since were the next pair who’ll discuss, how about we-”, and “Could I borrow an extra pen, if you’ve got one?” To “What did you get for this number..?”, “Let’s hang out at my place, we could also plan our discussion for english tomorrow.”, which also turned to him simply grabbing things out of your bag when he pleases.
The formal little questions he’d usually ask you were starting to turn casual and friendly, not only his words but his tone is shifting as well.
You never thought you’d be invited to his place so casually and he’d lend you his jacket whenever you two are hanging out. Although, he insists you keep all of them since he loves the way it looks on you. It was weird. It was all so weird. So many girls like him, he’s constantly got girls dreaming to be around him as much as you get to be. Now, if you think about it— you never actually see ANY girls approaching him or hanging around him at all, aside from you, that is. People are constantly telling you about how you two must be dating, well you aren’t, but he’s never actually denied it either. He continues to tease you almost everyday and it just has you falling for him even more.
“Y/N?” Gun suddenly called out to you while you were walking out of the classroom to go home.
“Dinner, just you and me. This Friday at 7 o’clock, how’s that sound?”
“Wait, what?” You rose a brow at his sudden invitation, “What do you mean, by dinner with just you and me?” You briefly added.
“A dinner date, with just the two of us.”
“That was a little, out of nowhere.. Don’t you think?”
“..Yeah.” He responded, “My bad. Maybe it was a little too soon, never mind about what I sai-” He added before you cut him off, “Wai- wait! it wasn’t too soon at all! Sorry, I was just taken a back— since I really wasn’t expecting this from you.” You said, visibly happy.
“Well then..?” He nervously asked and you responded with, “Are you kidding? That’s all I’ve ever wanted!! I’d love to, Gun.” It was evident just how excited you were. Suddenly all bubbly and red in the cheeks, Gun found that to so adorable. “I wasn’t expecting such enthusiasm from you,” Gun said as he laughed, “You’re probably in love with me, aren’t you?” to which you replied, “You asked, I answered! And would you have wanted a no for an answer?” “A no from the girl who’s head over heals in love with me? I highly doubted that response.”
Gun might’ve said those words so casually and care free but he really was surprised with how quick it took for you to say yes. Throughout the course of your friendship, it did become obvious that the two of you do like each other. But it was much more evident on your side, with how much people knew you like Gun and how you spoke about him and how you were whenever you were with him, versus how you were when you were with some other boys that were rumored to like you. Of course, Gun was slightly taken aback when he learned about all this— how could someone like you, a beautiful and simple sweet heart who doesn’t even like contact with people or going out that much, like him, a guy whose name is insanely problematic and all the rumors spreading about him are mostly true and have something to do with his violent side and the things he does outside of school, a guy who people quite literally fear.
But Gun didn’t really like thinking about any of that. All that mattered to him was how you felt and the adorable reactions that come out of you whenever he teases you about apparently liking him so much.
A few months passed since your first date and the two of you started dating after a while, even more time has passed since then because you two were now in your final year of high school. Despite going further into your friendship to turn it into a relationship, nothing much has really changed.
You guys were at your place this one time and you begged him to do skin care with you. He was reluctant at first but with your puppy dog eyes and some touchy convincing, he finally agreed.
“Stay Still!!” You scolded your boyfriend who kept moving when you were trying to apply a full mask onto his face.
“How am I supposed to? It’s so wet and slimy, kinda reminds me of something..” Gun replied.
“Oh shut it, I finally finished applying it, now we have matching masks on!! Come look at the mirror!” You exclaimed, “Tada~!”
He looked at the mirror blankly and slowly turned to you, who was overflowing with joy.
“Awh, don’t you like it?”
“It’s.. something, that’s for sure..”
You looked at Gun with your usual pout, to which he caved in and finally went along with the whole thing, saying it’s not that bad.
“Hehe, my baby looks so handsome, just as he always does~” You said as you admired Gun while squeezing his cheeks.
“You’re such a simp, you know that, right? Gun said, slightly muffled as he looked down at you with his usual smirk.
“Hmph! If you don’t want my love then you could just say so!” You said as you let go off his cheeks and crossed your arms with a grouchier pout on your face.
“Baby, there’s no need to be a brat.” He then grabbed your chin to kiss your lips (you were tiptoe-ing). Gun always knew how to deal with the unpredictable pace of your mood, given how you can go from absolutely simping over him to a pouting girl who doesn’t wanna talk about it at all with him.
“Your eyes sure as hell love to wander, dont they?” Gun teased. You went all pouty again so he coated you in some more kisses to make up for the teasing about you being a complete simp.
Those were the moments that ultimately led to the situation you’re currently in. Beneath the sunset in your favorite place, dressed in an astonishing wedding dress, paired with an elegant pair of heels, just the right amount of steepness for you to walk in, given your veil and dress that was trailing on your back. Holding an extravagant boquet with all of your favorite flowers wrapped in such delicate material.
It was all so ethereal. Gun, your soon to be husband hasn’t seen you. You were queued to walk down the aisle so very soon, which had you shaking in both excitement and fear. It’s finally the day you’ve been waiting for so very long. You knew you really liked Gun the moment you two became closer, yet you’re still stuck in the point where you were admiring him from technically— not afar because he was right beside you the entire time. But still, you were just an admirer in awe. And now you have the same last name as him and do tons of things together— cooking? hell yes, shopping? without a doubt. hopping in the shower and bathtub together? you don’t even notice him coming in until you feel a strong pair of arms wrap around you and start to wander across your body.
Another thing is that Gun may seem like a “cold” or reserved person on the outside, but he really does care about people that matters to him and knows how to observe. One of the things he observed about your “infatuation” with him was how you looked at him. He really saw right through the eyes you looked at him with— they only expressed one thing. That one thing was actual love, and it was not at all short-lived as people say what infatuation is.
It truly surprised him to see how your eyes never got gloomy or even got tired of looking at him that way even when time passed.
If anything, they became brighter and loving with every moment that passed with you looking at Gun’s dark eyes, wondering why he would ever want to have anything to do with a girl who’s had a huge crush on him for so very long.
He realized just how much importance those little details hold. As they say, the eyes don’t lie. And he sure as hell was able to experience that for himself.
He may not have wanted to admit it at first, but he slowly fell for you, in the way where you fell first but he fell harder. His entire mood and demeanor would change the exact moment that you’re around him. He could be beating up people and see that you’ve come to check up on him because he specifically told you that he was just going out to get something from Goo, but ended up taking way too long— hence, why you went to find him. He changed in an instant. Leaving behind the scene and making sure you won’t have to worry your pretty little head about it. And according to Goo, the way he talks about you is just “agitating”— which pretty much translates to “amazing” in your vocabulary, given that Goo doesn’t care about these types of things.
You’ve heard from various of his friends that he really does love you, because he doesn’t prolong any of his fights due to the very fact that he wants to make sure that he can get home to you asap. Especially when it’s late at night, he knows you like to sleep but he wants to be the one to tuck you in and cuddle and place gentle kisses on you to sleep. So even though he loves fighting worthy opponents that gets him turned on, no one can top you— he just loves that matching pj’s set that you tend to wear, with the small pink lace ribbons and the silk fabric, the short and small shorts with the sleeveless top.
Gun told you all about what he does for Charles Choi when he fully trusted you and you guys were already dating, and he didn’t expect you to stay. He was scared to tell you with there being a big chance that you’d freak out and leave him, call the cops, and do other things he wouldn’t have ever wanted you of all people to do to him.
Despite all of his fears and bad expectations of what you might do when you learn of the “bad” side of his, he still has you and always will. He really cant believe that you stayed after everything and still look at him the exact same way you did when you first met him. You somehow still retained the same feelings and love you have for him despite everything— and he is insanely in love with you for that. He loves teasing you about it though.
Going back to the present situation you’re in, you were now walking down the aisle as Gun absolutely stared at you in awe. Enthralled by how amazing you looked in white and how such a gorgeous woman was walking down the aisle to meet eye to eye with him and to hold him hand in hand.
The ceremony was breathtakingly beautiful, flowers of all sorts were surrounding the venue with just the right amount of lights that have been set upon with candles and dim lighting. The details in fabrics, decorations, covers, and even the architecture of the venue was simply incredible.
All of this “extraness” as Gun would call it, was for you. Gun wasn’t the type of person to have such a big wedding despite the small number in guests, but he knew you loved all of the things he had made to be included for the special day.
And even though Gun was relatively smart with his money, he was more than willing to go all out on this short event.
After all the agreements and words that the officiator had asked the two of you, you guys finally reached the most important part of the day, the one you have been dreaming of for who knows how long.
The officiator spoke once again, “Do you, Y/N, take Park Jonggun to be your lawfully wedded husband— To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?”
You looked deeply into Gun’s eyes, “I do.”
The officiator turned over to Gun, “Park Jonggun, do you take this woman to be your wife— to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?
Gun held eye contact with you with a subtle yet sincere smile, “I do.”
He then carefully placed the beautiful ring on your finger, which was followed with you doing the same with his. Just after that was the unity ceremony which was such a bliss.
Of course, once that had passed, came the pronouncement— After more words and hundreds more that you didn’t pay much mind to, the officiator finally looked at the two of you deeply and stated, “I now pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!”
And so you guys did kiss, for a pretty long time— With Gun’s hands placed on your waist and one of your hands on his shoulder, and the other nestled against his face. The crowd cheered for the two of you as it all happened.
It was all so, so, so, incredibly divine.
Once the ceremony has ended and the after party was finally about to begin, you kept chatting with the guests, more particularly your closest friends who were also your bridesmaids. It genuinely made them wonder how you could be so in love with someone. The way you talked about him was absolutely adorable considering they’ve met Gun before, and think of him as the luckiest guy on earth, and you as the blindest girl.
And despite not knowing many of Gun’s friends that he invited, they were still so kind to chat with you. They told Gun when he came by that he really was one hell of a lucky guy to have someone so head over heals for him. To which he only agreed with them before he went to attend to the other guests.
“I don’t understand how you could like him so much, he’s garbage..” Goo said as the other guys were talking amongst themselves at the same table you and Goo were at.
“Maybe to you he is— but he is just the sweetest to me, and he’s hot as hell too.” You replied, obviously lost in your thoughts, imagining Gun once again.
“Woman, what the hell do you see in him for him to be considered as sweet? Do you have any idea how much people he’s arranged the organs of?” Goo questioned.
“Oh please, how much have you?”
“Hey. I don’t like getting my hands dirty as much as Gun does.”
Goo came closer to you and whispered in your ear, “Did you know that Gun has liked you before you even attended the same school together..?”
“Yup. You may have been led to believe that you were the first to like him all these years, but he’s just never told you that he’s actually a creepy stalker deep down.”
“You’re bluffing.”
“Nope! And you could figure it out for yourself!” Goo exclaimed.
“Oh please! If he hasn’t told me all this time then he wont tell me now, why don’t you just tell me more about it?”
“Fine, buttt! You can’t tell Gun or even give him hints that I was the one to tell you all this, alright?”
“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t do that,” you replied.
“Alright-y then! I’m guessing you know Gun as someone you became classmates with in the eight grade, and became friends with in the ninth. Butttt, he actually first heard of you in the seventh grade, and although he wasn’t in your school that time, he transferred the next year so that you two could be classmates. He first saw you walking out of that school and he told me all about how pretty you were and how he’d like to be friends with you,” Goo explained.
“I can’t tell if you’re telling the truth or not..”
“It doesn’t matter what you believe, just know that I am telling you the truth and it’s up to you to take it or not.” He said with a smile spread across his face.
Like all things, the wedding eventually came to an end, it may have been short-lived but it was truly memorable. Of course, what comes after the wedding is the honeymoon.
You guys went on a trip to somewhere tropical for your honeymoon, which resulted in Gun wearing almost nothing most of the time, and if he was wearing something, it’d be boxers or swim trunks, or a more formal outfit that just looked sooooo good on him.
There was this one instance where you guys were about to go to bed, and Gun would usually have on some loose pants or shorts, but this time.. He was wearing absolutely nothing, not even boxers or briefs of some sort. He casually walked over to your shared bed while you stared at him.
“Need something, babe?” Gun asked he tucked himself into the blanket you were also tucked in, but you were both still sitting up.
“Well.. No, but um…” You replied nervously, obviously pent up from the view you had right in front of you.
Gun looks at your eyes then down to his naked body (and mind you, you were wearing a cute yet small and slightly revealing matching- sleepwear set), “Hm? You’ve seen me naked countless times before, and it’s not like you’re a virgin.” He teased as he brushed some of your hair to the side.
“Yeah b-but..” You managed to utter as you were still straight up staring at his body, fresh from the shower.
“But what? Does my wife need help with her words?” Gun teased as he leaned in closer to you and slowly lifted up your top to place his hand on your chest. To which you got very tense and nervous.
I’m sure you already know what followed in the next moments..
But moving forward with a few more days that passed, Gun caught you staring— maybe even admiring one of the pictures that you took together recently, specifically zoomed in on him. You hadn’t realized or even noticed his presence so you were just looking at the picture like some teenage girl, obviously crushing on him.. As if you didn’t just get married to him to him last week.
You were cheekily smiling at the picture, even giggling to yourself at some point when you swiped through some of the other pictures of him and you. You just loved him so bad, that even though you had him right with you, you still resorted to pictures. Gun thought that was adorable. The woman he fell in love with, sat on a chair facing away from where he was sneakily stood at, was swiping away at pictures of him when you didn’t even know that you had him wrapped around your finger.
“What’s my dear wife up to this evening?” He spoke out of nowhere, suddenly startling you. This caused you to have the phone slip out of your hands, but he swiftly caught it and took a closer look at the photos you were staring at.
“What are you doing with pictures that you can’t already to with the real deal right beside you?” He asked as you got increasingly nervous by the seconds passed and you were starting to fidget.
“I was just looking at what photos I wanted to keep.. And what I didn’t want to keep, y’know what I mean..?” You replied.
“Is that so?”
“Yes, my dear oh dearest husband,” you said mockingly— “Why are you interrogating me?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know? Little miss stalker,” Gun said as he sat on the chair across from you, obviously enjoying himself.
“Stalke—? Oh wait-! That reminds me,” your husband’s brow rose at your sudden statement, “Your close friend, Jonggoo, told me a little something when him and I were talking during the after party.” You added.
“And that is..?” Gun asked, skeptical of what you might’ve learned, knowing Goo very well.
“Well,” you shuffled around as you tilted your head and finally spoke, “Is it true that you only came to the school I go to in the first place because you saw me walking out there one time and.. yeah—?”
“That bastard— But, yeah. That is true.” He said without a change in expression and emotion.
You gave him a teasing smile and a soft “hehe” as you looked at him. For some reason, finding out that was true only seemed to make you fall in love even more.
“Oh hush, I don’t understand how much a person could like someone—” He said and he stood up to lift you into his arms for teasing him.
“Hey! Why are you carrying me?” You suddenly yelped. He dropped you gently on to the bed and he climbed on top of you.
“Woman, it’s not good to start something you can’t finish.”
“Tsk! My nickname is now woman?” You pouted.
“My apologies then, my wife.” He said somewhat mockingly to which you pouted even more, so he finally said it in a more sincere manner and gave you a kiss.
“Well?” He asked you as you were still in the same position, with him on top you.
“Well what?” You clarified while your eyes shamelessly wandered through his body, flustered with the position you were in and the teasing he was doing to you.
“You’re eyes seem to be wandering yet again, and your cheeks are redder than rubies.. You just never get tired of me, do you? Gun said in a teasing tone as he leaned in closer.
This honeymoon sure as hell will be going on for a long time.
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notes: I think ill prolly put out a masterlist and about me post in like a month or two who knows, also this request has been with me for so long 😭 I am so so so sorry to this anon, please forgive me 😵‍💫 Also, I really hope that this wasn’t too bad and can live up to what you were expecting and requesting, I am so sorry if it doesn’t, I really tried 😭 ANDDD I accidentally deleted the actual request because I got a little lost with trying to navigate tumblr because I accidentally clicked the Queue button and yeah.. I don’t think I really proofread this tbh
- With or without proper credits, please don't try to steal or claim any of my works as your own
I genuinely appreciate opinions, feedback, likes, and reblogs
Once again, I hope this isn't too bad for a request, and I'll be doing more characters in lookism so feel free to request!!
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akixa · 18 days
Throughout || GunxF!Reader
At this point I'm just writing what I just dream...
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As the wife of Yamazaki Yuzuru, the heir of the powerful Yamazaki Syndicate in Japan, you are also known as the White Ghost. The news of your marriage to Gun Park came as a shock to many, as there was no prior announcement of the wedding, leading to speculation and surprise within your social circle.
Your relationship with Gun dates back to your childhood, as you both have known each other since the age of 10. Despite being the same age, Gun exudes a sense of maturity, and the strong bond between you has only grown over the years. He has always been a constant presence, following you wherever you go, and at school, the two of you are inseparable. While others may view you as mere classmates casually discussing homework and projects, in private, Gun demonstrates his affection by gently patting your cheek, kissing you on the forehead, and secretly placing a small flower on your bag.
As you settled into the rhythm of high school, you never expected to encounter Gun again, especially since he attended a different school and lived further away. However, one day, as you sat in your classroom, Gun casually strolled in with a vibrant bouquet of your favourite flowers in hand. Placing it delicately on your desk, he swiftly made his exit, leaving a faint blush lingering on his cheeks unnoticed by you as you marvelled at the beautiful blooms.
As time drifted by, you found yourself perched on the school rooftop engaged in deep conversation with Gun. During this exchange, he unexpectedly broached the subject of accompanying him to Korea, as he had been presented with a job opportunity there. After careful consideration, you concluded that you were committed to completing your college education in Japan, where you were already in your third year, and would soon be graduating. Beside you, Gun nodded in understanding as you pondered the potential outcome of his departure for Korea. Uncertain about how you would fare without him, an unsettling feeling nestled deep in your thoughts.
As you were lost in thought, he suddenly noticed a frown forming on your face. Worried that he might have upset you with his question, he gently reached out and softly brushed his fingers against your cheek, guiding your gaze to meet his. Cupping your face tenderly, he proceeded to caress your cheek with gentle affection. You were looking into each other's gaze.
“Once you go to Korea, will you come back to visit here?”
“Of course.”
He holds you so gently in that moment, forgetting everything except the moment you feel a soft touch on your lips, feeling your heart melodies match with Gun’s heartbeat as you slowly close your eyes and feel the embrace of each other.
As you strolled down the dimly lit hallway, the rhythmic tap of your footsteps reverberated off the walls. It had been five long years since you had lost touch with Gun. Upon completing your studies, you made a life-altering decision to venture to Korea in search of him. Stepping foot in a new country was an overwhelming experience, and it was filled with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Despite exchanging letters for a year, Gun remained silent, never acknowledging any of your heartfelt attempts to reconnect.
Currently, you are walking through the hallway of the HNH company, searching for a meeting room for a gathering of distinguished members. Due to your expertise in the field of marketing, Charles Choi hired you to make a favorable impression, and you have been working for him for a month.
As you arrive at the meeting, you already see Charles Choi sitting while typing on his laptop, next to him is his daughter Crystal doing something on her phone; and next to her is a pink-haired guy. You last heard that guy is a famous Korean idol. Lastly, on the other side of the table is a blonde guy talking to a pink guy who's not interested in the topic.
Upon your arrival, a blonde guy notices you entering the room, and in the blink of your eyes, he suddenly appears in front of you.
“Well, hello there, sugarplum. I'm Goo Kim, and it is a very pleasure to meet a beautiful lady.” Goo grabs your right hand and kisses behind it, making a smooch sound.
You look at him unimpressed and slightly disgusted, but you forcefully put a fake smile on your face and introduce yourself to him.
“Hello, I'm (name); it's nice to meet you too.” Smiling at him, you quickly retreat your hand and wipe the kiss away. Goo tries to take a closer look at your face, making you step backwards to bump into someone behind you.
You feel a soft hand touch on your shoulder, pulling you closer to them.
“Your bad breath will suffocate her, Goo. Back away.” A deep voice came out of nowhere. You look behind to see a black-haired guy with sunglasses on with scars between his eyes. You feel possessive toward this guy. How intriguing this is.
As you keep looking at him bickering with Goo. You took a chance to look underneath the sunglasses and noticed a UI eye was already looking down at you. Surprisingly, you only know one person who has black eyes and white pupils and is a Gun.
A cough from Charles signals you three to take a seat and start the meeting now.
After a meeting, everybody left the meeting room except you, and the sunglasses guy filled up the silence between you two. Your eyes widen as you look at the guy in front of you now, back pressed on your chair, a large hand gripping your shoulder, not too harsh to create a bruise.
“Thought I will never see you, Gun.”
Gun removes his sunglasses, showing off his UI eyes. Looking down at your small figure.
“You… Why are you here? ”
“What else? I'm also here to work.”
“Work here? If I were you, I would leave this place already for safety reasons.”
“Then why wouldn't you? And why are you not sending letters anymore? Don't you want me anymore..?”. You look at him with teary eyes. Feeling unpleasant through your chest when you see Gun's irritated face.
He let out a deep sigh and tenderly brushed away the tears that trickled down your cheeks. In that moment, his gentle touch made you feel as though you were being enveloped by the same warmth and care as you did many years ago.
“Believe me or not, but I did send you letters back. You are the one who didn't send it back to me.”
“What do you mean? I didn't get any… Don't play with me, Gun; you know I hate games.”
“I'm not joking.”
“Then how come you didn't visit me? You said you would...“
“I did, but work caught me and is your safety too. If I visit you, the enemies of mine will come at you and take you away from me. I was glad to know your position is safe, but the place you are working at is in danger.”
“Oh,...” As you looked down, a pang of guilt washed over you as you found yourself questioning Gun's true feelings for you. However, as you gazed back into his eyes, you were met with a warmth, adoration, and unmistakable love that instantly dispelled your doubt. The guilt in your chest gave way to a fluttering feeling of excitement and hope as your mind wandered, envisioning a future filled with happiness and love shared between the two of you.
He gave you a small smile as he leaned down to kiss you on your forehead before leaving the room all by yourself, a blushing mess.
“See you tonight, sweetheart.”
And that night in Gun’s apartment is the best moment together with him, tangled around on the bed, lips crashing together, exploring bodies, and whispering about how you two miss each other. Another year with him again.
As the years passed, both of you still worked for the same company. But Gun is busier than you being the bodyguard for Charles and his daughter and finding a next successor for him. The only time you two can see each other is at night at home, and on his day off, he sometimes spares time for you to get smooches, dates, cuddles, or anything in the short time with him.
When Gun received the news of your retirement, he rushed to his apartment to discuss the matter with you. However, he was left speechless when you revealed that you were pregnant. In a moment of shock, he stood still, unable to find the right words. You gently tried to get his attention, but then he slowly embraced you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close to his chest. He held you with tenderness and affection, expressing his emotions wordlessly.
He is completely open to the idea of starting a family with you. In fact, he was overjoyed to embrace fatherhood and is now contemplating proposing to you at an earlier time, envisioning a little version of you both happily playing around the house. Speaking of homes, he even expressed interest in adding a larger, more luxurious residence to the list of potential purchases.
In this new spacious house, you find yourself cradling your daughter as she peacefully sleeps on your lap while you immerse yourself in the pages of a captivating book. Surprisingly, your daughter bears an uncanny resemblance to Gun, except for her eyes, which mirror your own as you gaze at Gun with affection. It's truly heartwarming and endearing.
Behind you, you hear footsteps approaching you. Gun see and your daughter having a comfortable time. You gesture at him to keep quiet, pointing at your daughter, who is still sleeping on your lap. He quietly made his way to you, kissing you on your forehead and his hand caressing your daughter's cheeks, sleeping figure.
"Her cheeks are plum."
"You mean she's cute."
"She is. She seems tired. What did she do all day?"
"Running around here and there." You let out exhausted sighs, making Gun chuckle at his daughter's behavior. Admiring you and the life you both created together. He glimpse at your ring finger the small diamond on the middle shining brightly reminding him that you are his wife and no one else.
“Tell Goo to stop stealing our daughter to sell drugs.”
“Will do.”
He kiss your forehead as you three proceed your evening together cuddling.
Ꮺ .
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trueebeauty · 4 months
hello~ could you make an oneshot of Gun x reader when we had a very bad day and hold all the emotions until we came home, hearing his worried voice, we ran into his arms and bursted into tears like a baby 🥹
thank you so much ☺️
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ notes ; ofc!! I added my own little twist to this if you don't mind!!
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You fumbled with your keys, hands shaking as you finally unlocked the door to your shared apartment. It had been an awful, stressful day and you had barely held it together on the way home, fighting back tears the whole way. Mrs. Johnson, usually a sweet lady, had been having a particularly difficult day with her dementia. She had repeatedly accused you of stealing her jewelry, growing more agitated and combative each time you gently reminded her that her daughter was keeping her valuables safe at home. Then there was Mr. Thompson, who had stubbornly refused to take his medication, insisting that you were trying to poison him. By the time you had finished assisting Ms. Chen with her evening routine, carefully following the special instructions for transferring her from her wheelchair to the bed due to her recent hip surgery, you were physically and emotionally drained.  "[Your Name]? Is that you?" Gun's deep, comforting voice called out from the living room. Hearing his voice shattered the last of your composure. Dropping your bag, you ran to him, collapsing into his strong arms as the floodgates opened and sobs wracked your body. Gun held you close, one hand rubbing soothing circles on your back. "Shh, it's okay, I've got you," he murmured. "Rough day at work?" Not trusting your voice, you simply nodded against his chest, burying your face in his shirt as you let out all the pent-up emotions from the day. Gun tightened his embrace, rocking you gently. In the safety of Gun's arms, you finally released the stress and frustration you'd been holding in all day, crying until you had no tears left. Through it all, he simply held you, whispering words of comfort and pressing kisses to your hair. "Just give me two seconds with each of them," he said seriously. Stopping your crying, you remove your head from his chest and look at him, "They're old," you say. Gun shrugs, "You’re right, half a second should be more than enough." You snort before you push against his chest, "How are you not in prison?" "I did nothing wron–" Gun stops when he sees your disbelieving face, "What, don't believe me?" You shook your head, "Not a chance." "You wound me, [Your Name]," Gun clutched his chest dramatically. "I'm a model citizen, I'll have you know." You raised an eyebrow, a small smile tugging at your lips. "Is that what they're calling reformed delinquents these days?" Gun grinned, pulling you closer. "Reformed? Who said anything about reformed? I'm just better at not getting caught now." You couldn't help but laugh at his audacity. "You're impossible." "Impossibly charming, you mean," he winked, pleased to see your mood lifting. "More like impossibly hopeless," you retorted, but your eyes shone with affection. "You love it," Gun said confidently, pressing a quick kiss to your head. You sighed, snuggling back into his embrace. "Heaven help me, but I really do." With Gun, you weren't afraid to be vulnerable. His love and strength were your safe harbor, and you knew that no matter how hard your job or your life could be, he would always be there to support you.
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cupiohearts · 7 months
I WISH YOU LOVE ! - reminiscing with gun.
(cant catch me now series). GUN VER. dg ver. goo ver
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they see you everywhere. james, jonggun, joongoo. they find bits and pieces of you lying around in their pockets, their houses and memories. it depends on which one it is which scene they see you in.
for GUN, he cant figure out for the life of anyone why they would wish someone that moved on in life the best of luck. he was a selfish man. when you disappeared from him, he mutters bitterly to himself wishing curses upon your name. the tear drops on the letter you wrote to him being the symbolism behind it all.
why would he want you to do well without him? why did you have to leave him?
did you not care as much as you said you did? he furrows his eyebrow. taking another drag out of his cigarette while he watches the stupid couple on the street pick out matching items for each other.
"jonggun! jonggun! look come here! hurry up!" you hiss at him as you press your face against the glass of a window. it was the pet adoption center. a calico cat taking a nap in the window as you cood at it.
that was the ugliest cat hes ever seen. it's eyes looked a bit too similar to the one you always give him when you want him to do something ridiculous for you.
"its cute" he gruffly says. you raise an eyebrow at him and made a face "youre a big fat liar. when we grow old with joongoo and james! we should all get a cat together!"
you giggle as you wiggled your finger at the cat. your breath fogging up the glass and when you pulled away he could see a slight bit of lipgloss- or lip tint- or whatever you were wearing on your lips that left it all glossy and shimmery left on the window.
he didnt say anything about it. he probably shouldve. you left the window dirty with your makeup. the same lips he imagined himself kissing from to time.
he thinks again. gun is a selfish man. when he read the letter you gave him, he thinks to himself for a far longer period of time than what he would appreciate.
he picks up the small camera you left behind in your apartment. he kept it with him for some reason. it was to keep videos and photos of yourself so he wont forget all of the times hes had with you.
"gun stop! stop! stop- what in the world happened here?!" your voice can be heard from behind the camera. the camera work a bit shaky as you walk closer to the restaurant.
there were a lot of bodies on the floor. a lot. "did you take them all down by yourself?" you ask him. you already knew the answer. he didnt need to respond but he did "yes"
you let out a deep sigh "this was supposed to be a cute video! you just ruined it. i wanted to send my mom and dad videos of me while im still here!"
you never sent it. he almost wished you did. so your parents knew what your friends were in korea. gangsters hanging out with the most.. sane one. sane is a strong word. hed think more like you were the glue.
you held everyone together, but at the same time. you were the one keeping them in the past.
that wasnt what he thought as he read your note though.
while he reading the shaky lines with splotchy text. the tears you left on the paper made it all crumbly and the words were hard to read.
he could only wish you the worst time without him. you better not be happier than you were with him. thats how you made him feel. he felt like the vines growing around the fence around you. his growth was hindered by the boundaries you had. if you werent there, he wouldve probably never grown in the first place, but you were also the reason he couldnt get better.
even as he read the lines 'jongun, you are the one who destroyed me the most.' he felt a small smile come to his face. he really is the most selfish person he knew.
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sooooo... im here. I DID THE SECONDPARTY YIPPEE 😋😋 is it messy idk
i havent proof read so im assuming its ok. if its ooc mb brother.
their personalities are hard to capture anyways live laufh love the lookism blondes <3 the hottest in the game frl
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billie-lover8 · 7 months
Sending a worrying question, then don't relpy
Ft. Gun,Goo,Daniel,Jay ,Vasco,Jace, Dg,Zack
Gun & Goo
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Daniel & Jay
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Vasco & Jace
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Dg & Zack
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moonbyulsstuff · 4 months
hi, how are you? i hope that you're doing okay!! May i request a fluff with gun where the (female) reader really likes cuddles and snuggles etc and gun doesn't mind it? >.<
How cute~
Female Reader
Request Rules.
This is pretty short.
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Gun was looking through the paperwork as usual, it was late night and he didn't feel like sleeping at all nor felt sleepy so he just spend the time going through the papers that was given to him.
Though, it wasn't something he wanted to do but he had nothing better to do at this point. He leaned against his chair just boringly staring at the piece of paper in his hand, he heard the door opened as he put the paper down and saw his girlfriend, [Name], coming in.
"Mhmm? Why aren't you asleep?"
Gun asked as he watched her walk towards him. "Why aren't you?" She asked as she plopped down on his lap, Gun chuckled and held her by her waist, prompting her in his lap much better. [Name] leaned her head against his shoulder.
"You were sleep two hours ago, why did you wake up?" Gun asked twirling a piece of [Name] hair. "You weren't in bed..." [Name] said, looking up at him with tired eyes, Gun hummed. "I couldn't sleep... I thought it would be better coursing through this papers..." Gun said as [Name] hummed as she began to doze off. "Well, I couldn't sleep... can I sleep here..?" [Name] asked as Gun softly smiled at her.
Both were startled especially [Name], Gun glared at the Goo who was the one who busted through the door. "What do you want Goo?" Gun said annoyed at Goo for bursting through the door unannounced and startling [Name].
The two began to each other about the usual business as [Name] slept soundly against Gun, while Gun twirled a piece of [Name] hair while she slept.
Eventually, Goo left and Gun looked down at his lap seeing his girlfriend sleeping so peacefully in his arms. He stood up, carrying her in his arms as they arrived at the bedroom. Gun laid down on the bed with her on the top.
He just laid there quietly, his fingers caressing through her back. Gun stared at her sleeping face, he chuckled.
"How cute..."
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heongiu · 1 year
Gun x reader fluff? Gun being jealous of us over a kitten ? 🥺👉👈👈
yessss ofcourse! our Gun being a babygirl is all I ever need! tysm for the request anon!
Gun x Reader | “me or it?”
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“Gun..” you whined lowly, showing him the best of your puppy eyes, and all that you tried was in vain. He was not an easy nut to crack, well not at all if it werent for you, but he was somewhere deep down weak for you.
“nope, not at all, its raining like crazy, and you want to pet that cat? really? what if you get wet or catch a cold? I cannot risk that you know” He replied to you, trying hard to sound so cold and ruthless, but really there was a hidden hint of softness to his voice, one which only you could notice.
“Gun..please?..I wont take much time I promise!…pleaseee?” But you werent going to back off that easy either, you were stubborn, and no body can move you away once you have decided something. maybe, he was considering it, maybe somewhere he was thinking of your request. but finally he agreed.
“fine, not more than 5 minutes okay? and no I wont adopt it in case you become too attached” He spoke, opening the door for you so you could step outside on the sidewalk where the little kitten was hidding in a wooden box.
“what a poor kitty…must be hard for you here right?” you picked it almost like you were caressing a baby, softly placing the small kitten inside your arms carefully, in case you drop it, you wouldn’t but precaution is always good.
“its soooo cute!!” Trying to contain your happiness at the wholesome of the small innocent brown kitty.
but there was someone who was..not liking it at all. and it was no one other than Gun himself.
“Caring so much for a small kitty huh? its not like its gonna survive out here in the wild, theres no point” the jealousy was smell-able, very strong scent of jealousy indeed.
“cmon Gun! dont be so pesky, its just a poor little kitten” you lightly punched his arm from the back, he was not happy at all. what had the kitten done to deserve your precious attention and why not him? he deserves it too and probably more, he cares for you so much doesn’t he? and he loves you just as much, then why would you care for this kitten more?
“ugh..5 minutes are gonna be up soon you know?” he remarked, obviously getting more irritated as he watched you show the little kitten your love more and more by every passing second.
“Aw man..I wish I could take it home, but anyway, I hope you stay safe” you blow a kiss to the kitty, before putting it down to where it was. Now all that was left for you to do was go back inside your car and ride back home. Gun seemed happier now, well, almost like he was about to kill it if you had stayed there longer, but he didnt want to make you upset in any way, after all, you did really love that grumpy man.
just know when you returned home, he didnt even leave you alone for a second, cuddling and hugging you, nuzzling his face in your chest, he wanted your love too, hes just as adorable as the kitten!
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Gun Park x Reader: this is our place (we make the rules)
Chapter 8 - Probably should read ch1 first
Gun has a new neighbour. Index: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Epilogue
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The word echoes in Gun’s mind. He has been described as many things, but never as ‘soft’.
It unsettles him.
This evening, you sit on the edge of your seat, bowl of udon in hand and making the most of Gun’s home cinema setup; the food you prepared having evolved to occasional meals together.
He lounges, legs crossed and arm over the back of the sofa watching you more than whatever is on the screen.
“Can we watch the next episode?”
Gun says yes to you before he even registers any words. It doesn’t matter anyway.
You can have whatever you want.
Maybe soft isn’t so bad. Not when it’s with you.
Being in one another’s company. Picking up on each other’s little habits. It’s nice. The feeling of contentment that warms you from the inside out.
“Come check this out!” You’re practically vibrating with excitement as soon as he opens his door.
Gun follows you, obedient and quiet as you lead him over to your place.
The plant, so close to death is now thriving.
Flourishing and emerald green.
“Do you want it back?”
No. Gun doesn’t want it back.
Why would he when you look after it so well?
“Do you have a preference?”
Gun looks at the ramen options held in your hand and picks the left. You throw a multipack of his choice into the shopping cart.
“What’s your preference?” He realises he doesn’t know and the question bursts out.
“I dunno,” you crouch down to examine the sauces on the bottom shelf, “I’m happy to just eat whatever I make for you.”
He reads between the lines. That you make for him. No longer leftovers. 
That won’t do, Gun later thinks as he lies in bed. He needs to find out all about you. 
You acquire a new shadow. 
If shadows could be menacing and intimidating and disgustingly hot.
Being in the proximity of Gun almost daily means you have gotten used to him. Somewhat.
The general public, especially that group of giggling girls over there, have not. The guy who held the door open for you previously, also used it as an excuse to openly ogle at him.
You would shake your head disapprovingly if you didn’t recognise that expression on your face one too many times too.
Sneaking a glance at Gun walking besides you, you really can’t blame them. Suited and booted with his sunglasses on, hair slicked back, holding an umbrella to shield you both.
Sigh. He even looks like a gentleman.
You study the hand gripping the umbrella, littered with scars old and new. His tattoo peeking out from under the sleeves. The angle of his jawline, the shape of his lips. 
Remember how much you wanted to kiss them that day when he invited you in. That feeling never went away. Just tampered down and allowed to grow into an entirely different beast.
Gun, feeling your eyes on him, turns to you and smirks.
Even as you blush, you can’t help but smile back.
“What do you do for fun?” you return Gun’s earlier question.
He’s not surprised that when he asked about your hobbies and interests, you gave him all the typical responses for people your age, already having mentioned things here and there in your previous conversations.
You, upon recalling his home gym, also told him you have never trained, zero martial art experience. Nada. That goes without saying, Gun could tell from one look at you, but it would have been nice to be surprised.
At the phrasing of your question though, Gun gives you a look.
You replay it back in your head and your cheeks burn.
“I could show you what I do for fun, if you’d like.”
“I-I didn’t mean it like that!”
(Liar! The voice in your brain screams)
Gun looks at you for a beat more, the air charged and crackling, then it passes. 
He tells you about him.
He works, he trains, smokes, drinks, occasionally reads. Barely has time for anything else outside of that. 
You dismiss it all with ‘boring’. What about music? films? TV? Games?
At your last word, Gun tells you to open up the TV console and you do - finding his array of gaming stations.
“So what’s your favourite game?”
You kick Gun’s ass. Absolutely destroy him. Your little electronic avatar unleashing KO after KO. 
He never even stood a chance.
“I thought you said this game is your favourite?” You grin, basking in your victory.
“Do you actually play it?”
“Then why are you so shit?”
Gun kicks you out shortly after that.
Except for your phone number, Gun doesn’t find out much more about you.
Though he does find out three things about himself.
One - He really likes when he has your full attention. The thrill of finding your eyes on him when he least expects matches that of the best fight.
Two - That his heart races in sync with the fluttering in his stomach when you smile at him.
Three - That some scars may be on his body. But your small touches, the grazes and casual contact, it crawls under his skin. 
Especially that time you shared a meal together. 
Last Thursday. 7:53pm. Gun remembers every little thing about that moment.
You looked up from your plate, spotted something and giggled. 
Hand moved towards his face, thinking nothing of such intimacy and affection, as if it's a normal occurrence because it is starting to be between you both. Thumb swiping the corner of his lips, cleaning up a stray splatter of sauce and then you-
You brought it to your own lips, taking the tip into your mouth and sucked it clean. Tongue swiping out after, quick as anything, blink and you'll miss it.
You continued your conversation as if nothing had happened.
As if that wasn't the sexiest thing in the history of everything ever.
Gun could feel his ears turning crimson, his eyes widening at that small action. What should be insignificant but completely clears his mind of any coherent thought.
He can't recall anything else that happened that night.
He thinks about it all the time.
And tonight-
Tonight is another kind of special.
Picking up a conversation from weeks ago, you had shoved a film in his face and demanded to watch it after dinner. Said it was a classic. One of your favourites. How could he not have seen it.
He feels your eyes drifting to him during every supposedly poignant moment. Expects the climax to cause his eyes to well up just as much as yours have. To also clap his hands in glee as the credits start to roll.
“I didn’t know you have such poor taste,” was Gun’s single cutting remark at the end.
“What?!” You throw your arms out in anger, “Well what do you like!”
“It’s getting late.”
“That’s a shit excuse!”
As it turns out, Gun is completely right. It is getting late. 
Your eyes are drooping and body swaying not even ten minutes in to his film choice.
“You’re tired.”
Eyes snapping open, “Mm not.”
A push and pull for the next twenty minutes. Gun antagonising you, and you defensive and trying to stave off sleep.
At the halfway point, your head gently drops onto his shoulder and your body leans against his.
“Mm not tired,” you mumble, eyes closed and breaths lengthening.
Gun doesn’t say anything.
The fight scene continues unfolding. He watches the rest of the film on his own, arm around you and the heat of your body searing into him.
Sunlight breaks over the horizon. Chasing away the shadows in the living room, saturating everything in gold.
You wake up with a crick in your neck, the slow beating of a heart against your ears and Gun still holding you.
Ah. Right. You remember Gun disparaging your movie choice, then him being completely right when he said it was too late to watch anything else.
Yet you can’t bring yourself to stay mad because waking up like this feels like a dream.
Shuffling around and careful not to disturb him, you rearrange yourself to get a view of his face.
Hair dishevelled and a faint five o'clock shadow. Long black lashes resting against the top of his cheek bones. The curve of his top lip, the prominent cupid's bow.
Like someone picked out the most striking features and arranged it into a devastatingly handsome portrait.
If you didn’t like him so much you would be jealous at how unfairly attractive he is.
And it’s really with how closely you’re admiring him that you’re able to see the tiniest curve of his lips.
Eyes still closed and voice gravelly from disuse, “Morning.”
“Morning,” you squeak back, embarrassed at having been caught in the act.
Gun tightens his arm around you, pulling you back onto his chest.
Initially your body tenses. With each passing second, it slowly unwinds and uncoils until you're snuggling into him.
It's a pretty good consolation, all things considered.
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angelltheninth · 4 months
husband!Gun x wife!reader where she kept avoiding intimacy with him because she was afraid of her stretch mark after giving birth, but he proved her that he still adores her body no matter what happened, pleaseee 😙
thank youuu 💖
Thank you for such a cute request!
Pairing: Gun Park x Fem!Reader
Tags: fluff, married life, being parents, bodyworship, insecurity, cuddles, reassurance, kissing
A/N: Going on a vacation in two days so I'm gonna write a few of these posts ahead of time.
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Husband!Gun Park knows you've been feeling bad about your body lately. Ever since you gave birth you've been covering up a lot more, wearing baggy clothes, buying different clothes and almost hiding yourself from him when ever you changed for bed.
Husband!Gun Park offers you massages every night before bed. He wants you to know he still likes touching you and that will never change no matter how much your body does. You don't have to hide from him and if you try to then he will hold your wrists with his hands and kiss you breathless.
Husband!Gun Park takes you clothes and lingerie shopping and tells you how pretty you look in more revealing clothes. He's not ashamed when he's vocal about how pretty his wife is, he'll say it with his full chest and doesn't care who hears him. Besides he is more than capable of defending that position.
Husband!Gun Park wants to take as many pictures of you as you'll let him. He will brag about how pretty his wife is and you can't stop him. At this point you're not even surprised at the amount of pictures he has of you in his phone.
Husband!Gun Park runs his fingers across your stretch marks until you let him hear the noises he wants to hear. These touches won't ever stop, there will never be a day where he doesn't want you. If you doubt that then he will spend all night keeping you up and reminding how pretty you are to him.
Husband!Gun Park might find your body even more attractive after your pregnancy. If you told him that such a thing was possible he wouldn't have believed it, he was already crazy over you. But he cuddles you and your baby every day, watching with careful and adorning eyes as you nurse them.
Husband!Gun Park looks forward to you working out with him if it will make you feel better. He's always working out and that could be a good bonding activity, a good way to spend your time together outside of home. A great way to work up a sweat together.
Husband!Gun Park punches and fights anyone who criticizes your body in front of him. They're probably jealous that he has a good, loving and beautiful wife by his side. Stupidity won't save them from him beating the living hell out of them until they growl and apologize.
Husband!Gun Park encourages you to wear clothing that shows off your stretch marks when you're in the house. When he gives you compliments he hopes your self-confidence will grow enough for you to no longer be ashamed of your body. You wouldn't stop loving him if his body went through a change he knows you would still love him, and he loves you too.
Husband!Gun Park kisses your stretch marks every morning. He pulls your pajamas up and makes sure you look at him while he's kissing you. The more you see his love for you the more you'll know that there's nothing that you could go through and lose his love for you.
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lookismfanfics · 2 years
Thank you all for the support! I’ll do my best 🫡
𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐.
Warnings: Fluff, jealousy, mild cursing, J*mes L**, DG spoilers
Zack • Johan • Gun • Goo • James L. • Kouji • Vin • Samuel
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🝮 One thing you’ve learned about teenage boys since you began dating one, is that the combination of tiredness and trust is a deadly one.
🝮 You watched Zack train today. He called you to his gym, showed off, and wore himself out.
🝮 So now that you’re home, you can see his displays of fatigue more clearly.
🝮 He becomes a puppy 😩
🝮 Maybe a grumpy puppy. But his eyes are soft and warm like a protective guard dog.
🝮 You help him out of his jacket and shoes- seeing as his hands are still sore.
🝮 The cold weather has its effects- even on your moron of a boyfriend.
🝮 You push his flopping bangs out of his hair, rubbing extra lotion onto his cracking hands.
🝮 The motion of your hands rubbing against his makes his eyelids droop.
🝮 You both fall onto the couch a few minutes later.
🝮 It doesn’t take long for you to see that Zack is on the brink of falling asleep.
🝮 “Come here,” you say as you open your arms to him.
🝮 Zack’s eyes, dark and soulful, don’t betray the doubt he feels. He hesitates.
🝮 “How come?”
🝮 You shrug- ignoring the sheepishness you feel crawling at your insides.
🝮 He looks at you full of trust, like this is secretly what he wanted the whole time, and all you can do is nod understandingly. You already know.
🝮 The thing about trust is that Zack has put all of his in you, and when he’s tired, he trusts you to tend to him in his vulnerability 🤲
🝮 Soon enough Zack is leaning onto your shoulder, breathing heavily against the fabric of your hoodie.
🝮 And gradually the two of you shift, and he relaxes his cheeks into your chest.
🝮 You play with his hair— trying desperately to stay cool while he drifts off to sleep.
🝮 I’m not gonna lie to you, sometimes he drools in his sleep, so watch out
🝮 You were the one that initiated it- sort of. In the morning he wants to pay you back. 🫣
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🝮 You’re sitting on your armchair.
🝮 And Johan is sitting across the room.
🝮 Your hands rub gently between Eden’s perky ears, spurring on his excited tail wags and tip-tappy paws.
🝮 With Eden sitting in between your feet, Miro has no choice but to jump by your legs and wag her tail.
🝮 And as you smile, whispering sweet pet-names to the dogs, Johan frowns.
🝮 “They’re not usually this excited—” You laugh, looking up to Johan
🝮 Johan: 👺
🝮 You shift in your seat, releasing the fluffy ears of Eden and directing your attention at his owner.
🝮 “Is something wrong…?” You get the feeling like it’s something stupid, but to Johan it probably won’t be.
🝮 The corners of his mouth continue to perk downward, his brows furrowing gently.
🝮 Then he stands, walking towards you, kneeling down in front of you.
🝮 You’re on the edge of your seat, staring at him blankly. Waiting for him to explain.
🝮 And then, with his dark eyes still holding your gaze, Johan leans forward and rests his cheek against your chest.
🝮 🫠🫠🫠
🝮 “Johan…?” You suppress a chuckle, watching silently as he leans further into you, wrapping his arms around your middle.
🝮 The two of you gradually relax into the arm chair. He ends up straddling your lap a bit, head still firmly placed in your chest.
🝮 You listen quietly as he falls asleep, his breaths becoming heavier and evening out.
🝮 You stroke the bangs away from his eyes, pressing your lips against his forehead as she slumbers. Soon enough you fall asleep too.
🝮 Sweet bbb. A little jealous…?
🝮 He didn’t initiate it. You didn’t either. It was Eden 🫵
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🝮 He’s leaning forward on the edge of the couch, head sagging as he inwardly relays his day.
🝮 Your legs are wrapped around his hips, fingers pressing into his taut muscles.
🝮 “You look tired,” you mumble against the fabric of his shirt.
🝮 Jonggeon has just returned from a long day at work. His muscles are tight and sore, his hair begs to be played with after being styled for so long, his eyes are glazed and unfocused.
🝮 “You think I’m tired…? I don’t get tired.” You can hear the smirk even if you don’t see it, and you press harder into his shoulder blade.
🝮 He doesn’t flinch but he does shut up.
🝮 Your hands move to the sides of his face, cupping his porcelain cheeks that you know are secretly pudgy.
🝮 You use your fingers to stoke at the sides of his face, closing your eyes are you press against his muscular back.
🝮 “Aren’t you using that technique to help babies fall asleep?” Gun asks, turning his head towards you.
🝮 “So what if I am? Maybe that’s how I think of you…” you smile against his back, prodding his cheeks to further your teasing
🝮 He huffs indignantly, turning back to the front.
🝮 The room is cluttered- as a man’s flat should be. Except Gun’s place is usually neat- so it makes sense that the two of you are house sitting for Goo.
🝮 You feel Gun’s body getting warmer and his head sagging forward.
🝮 Gun is hot 99.9% of the time. That 1% is when he turns into a lap potato 🥔
🝮 You retract your hands away from his face, pull your legs out from his sides
🝮 “You should get some sleep,” you murmur, standing and planting a kiss on the crown of his head.
🝮 Gun grabs your wrist, “Where’re you going?” And you’re about to reply—
🝮 Wait a minute 😃 ☝️
🝮 You’re not standing anymore. You’re lying down?
🝮 Gun hovers above you, arms encasing you on either side.
🝮 You: 🐭
🝮 He can sense your embarrassment, even if you stubbornly refuse to show it. A smile appears on his face as he lowers onto your chest.
🝮 *Alarms go off in your head*
🝮 “Gun- get off-!” You try shoving this hunk away. It’s not working.
🝮 You close your eyes, willing yourself to calm down. You feel Gun’s eyelashes fluttering against your chest as he stares up at you.
🝮 His arms are still holding you to him. He’s still in control. He’s still on the verge of falling asleep-
🝮 You hear his breaths even out. You release a sigh you didn’t know you were holding in.
🝮 Now that Gun is asleep on your chest, you’re free to admire whatever part of him you can get a glimpse of. 👀
🝮 He initiated it. He knew exactly what he was doing. If he’s gonna be vulnerable he’s taking you down with him.
How did this one get so freaking long—?
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🝮 Goofy starts reading the trophy encased in his large gloved hands, voice reaching peak emotion. And as his son Max nods to his words, the sunset cascading shades of orange and pink in the background, pride radiates from the—
🝮 “Achoo-!” a very forced sneeze.
🝮 “Goo you idiot-!” You wail, turning to him with a scowl on your face.
🝮 “Excuse me-? And anyway this movie is boring! Let’s watch something else!”
🝮 Your frown deepens and you smack his hand away from the TV Remote. If you have any say, you two are going to finish An Extremely Goofy Movie.
🝮 But beside you, your goofy- Goo- is pouting like a baby.
🝮 As the movie continues you watch him in silence through the corner of your eye. You watch him stifle a yawn. Rub his eyes with his busted hands. Mumble about his sore neck.
🝮 You frown. It’s easy to recognize that his boredom has made him tired.
🝮 At first you just ignore him and let him be… at least until the end credits start rolling on the screen.
🝮 Your heart flutters as Goo reaches out for your thigh, crawling over you and resting his head on your legs.
🝮 You laugh, staring at the obnoxious expression on his face, “What if I was tired? How am I supposed to fall asleep?”
🝮 He lets out a gasp and frowns, stroking your arm lazily with his finger.
🝮 His expression remains the same… (° v °)
🝮 “How abo-o-u-ut… we b-o-t-h lay down, huh?” He asks slowly, dragging out the syllables
🝮 “Lemme turn on another movie first-” you mutter, leaning across his lean form to grab the remote. Beneath you Goo squirms.
🝮 Your finger barely presses the button before he snatches the remote out of your hands.
🝮 “Kim-!” You hiss irritably.
🝮 He ignores you (of course) and knocks you beside him on the couch.
🝮 “Shh, I got a good movie in mind-!”
🝮 Goo is laying with his back against the couch, surprisingly muscular arms wrapped around your waist.
🝮 You both face the TV screen; your head rests on a decorative pillow; his head lays on your chest.
🝮 By now you’re used to cuddling. Even if you’re not the biggest fan, Goo certainly is.
🝮 So when Newt dies and you’re the only one crying, you have to pause The Death Cure to glare at the man resting on your boobs.
🝮 Goo is sound asleep, rhythmic breaths ruffling your shirt. He looks calm for once.
🝮 Goo: 😴
🝮 You: 👺
🝮 He initiated it— and in return for falling asleep was banned from kissing you for the day.
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𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐞
🝮 Today has been a long… long day.
🝮 You heard about the increased vocal training James had been undertaking…. And a little birdie also noted that he was more than good
🝮 You weren’t sure what to expect, really.
🝮 When you arrived at his newly furnished flat, you found him staring at the fish tank.
🝮 His hair looked neater. His eyes looked dull.
🝮 He looked incredibly tired, incredibly handsome, and made you feel incredibly unhappy.
🝮 “Hey Ja— Diego. What’s with the soft boy look?” You try quietly, smiling as you lug the groceries into the kitchen.
🝮 He remained stationary at the fish tank, shoving his hands into his pockets.
🝮 You: 🧍
🝮 He shrugged his shoulders, turning his angular face towards you lazily, “It’s my new face. If you got a problem with it then too bad.”
🝮 You shake your head slowly, releasing a heavy sigh.
🝮 You knew this transition would be… hard.
🝮 Especially now that your boyfriend was realizing just how much he would have to change to fit into his new persona.
🝮 And even if he agreed to it and claimed it was for the best, you couldn’t help but feel a little irritated.
🝮 What happened to that wolffish boy? The legend of the first generation? The boy who had winked at you when he had just pummeled your would-be-assaulters as though they were nothing but animals
🝮 James Lee was being restrained. Limited in this new form of himself- Diego. A K-Pop idol.
🝮 That’s not to say he didn’t look handsome, or still act like his charming self. He did. But his previous ferocity was extinguished… and it was leaving him feeling empty.
🝮 “You look nice,” you say, opening the fridge with the milk carton in hand. “It’s just different.”
🝮 “This was supposed to make me look hotter. Do I not look hot to you?”
🝮 You try to hide your smile. That’s a trick that won’t work on you. Whatever he’s doing will not seduce you.
🝮 You turn. And sure enough there he is.
🝮 Yeah. He does look hot. With his gently molded muscles flexing as he leans onto the kitchen counter, bangs curtaining his aristocratic face.
🝮 You thought James was handsome before. But this sealed the deal.
🝮 “Uh huh, whatever you say DG,” You turn away with a smirk. “Looks like someone needs a nap though~”
🝮 In the reflection of the shiny new stove you can make out his hand reaching for his eyes, rubbing tenderly beneath them on his dark circles.
🝮 “It looks that obvious?” “Only to me, babe.”
🝮 You walk over to the large, luxurious couch. You’re still getting used to being around all this fancy furniture.
🝮 The black leather sinks into your weight as you sprawl across the length of the couch, resting your back against the arm.
🝮 James trails behind you, laying next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
🝮 “Nuh uh…” you adjust, shoving him down. “None of that alpha male crap or whatever. Go to sleep.”
🝮 DG rests his head on your chest, looking up at you with watchful, dark eyes.
🝮 You play with his tufts of tamed pastel hair, smiling as he relaxes into your touch.
🝮 This is the result of years of trust stacking up. This is the result of James humbling himself and admitting he had caught feelings. You weren’t just another string attached to the whole conquering sham. You were his (Y/N).
🝮 His eyelids fluttered shut, long eyelashes resting against his soft pale cheeks. His breathing evened out, and James was officially asleep.
🝮 You smiled, leaning your head back onto the pillow. He was still just James.
🝮 You initiated it… but this wasn’t the first time.
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🝮 You never expected it to be such a mess.
🝮 Sure, you weren’t envisioning a neat, Candy-wrapper free environment that mirrored a magazine master bedroom, but still…
🝮 “Kouji… how can you live like this?”
🝮 You catch a glimpse of his cheeks flaring red.
🝮 “It’s not that messy. Don’t complain if I’m gonna be doing the actual job, otherwise I won’t do it.”
🝮 You nod to yourself, watching him flop onto his bed with his laptop.
🝮 He vaguely gestured for you to sit down, and you do so.
🝮 And then for the next hour or so, all you do is watch his purple head bounce up and down as he works his computer magic.
🝮 You: 😶
🝮 Kouji: 😪
🝮 By now the two of you have your backs to the wall. You’re actually leaning against it.
🝮 You watch wordlessly as his body slowly reclines backwards. His hands rub at his eyes more frequently.
🝮 His usual factual mutterings turn into nothing but incomprehensible gibberish
🝮 Those pudgy, mochi cheeks that drive you crazy are finally resting against your shoulder.
🝮 You try not to smirk— seeing as the arrogant genius is now out-of-his-wits and asleep on your shoulder.
🝮 And then as the two of you slide downwards, you begin to relax. After all, you and him have gotten pretty close-
🝮 Those baby-pudge cheeks make you want to melt.
🝮 Especially now that they’re on your chest—
🝮 🚨 🚨 🚨
🝮 It was an accident. It was awkward. Maybe he banned you from his room? Or maybe it turned into a make-out session, who knows.
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𝐕𝐢𝐧 𝐉𝐢𝐧
🝮 You don’t normally spend your weekends in his living room, surrounded by piles of snacks he doesn’t want to share.
🝮 Yet here you are.
🝮 Up until now, you and Vin haven’t hung out without Mary.
♕ Mary insisted she was sick today. And couldn't make it. 🙄
🝮 It was a load of bull. But whatever.
🝮 “Well what am I supposed to eat?” you snap.
🝮 He ignores you, but you continue: “You’re taking all the good snacks bro. I can’t survive on the crumbs- I’m growing to—”
🝮 Another obnoxious crunch.
🝮 Vin pulls his hand out of the bag, extending one measly puffy Cheeto.
🝮 “Here. Now shut up so I can focus.”
🝮 “Focus on what? Growing your overinflated ego? Just give me an actual snack.”
🝮 He has an entire hoard of chip bags surrounding him- as well as some pocky sticks and instant ramen that you know he’s hiding from you.
🝮 Vin looks up in your direction, his expression one of clear irritation.
🝮 “You aren’t even trying to write your song!” He grumbles, crunching on another Cheeto and crumbling up the now-empty bag.
🝮 You rub your temples, turning towards your music draft.
🝮 “I can’t focus with all your crunching. I need my own snack.”
🝮 “Why are you so hungry?” He asks, pencil scratching roughly on his paper.
🝮 You watch his side profile wordlessly. The seven-times-tinted sunglasses and swoop of bangs are sure to block his view…
🝮 You’re desperately hungry. Won’t someone give you something to eat~♫
🝮 You reach for the nearest back of Potato Chips, sliding the bag over to yourself as quietly as you can.
🝮 To your surprise; delight; shock; amazement; Vin doesn’t notice at all.
🝮 And then you try opening the bag-
🝮 “The hell?! You mother-“
🝮 Vin is grabbing your waist and you’re kicking at his abs.
🝮 “VinJin you jerk-!”
🝮 “(Y/N) you ass!”
🝮 “Potty-mouthed idiot-“ you roll on top of him, arms straining to hold out as you clasp hands with his larger ones.
🝮 “Snarky— perverted—” He grunts, his hands encasing yours as you two wrestle onto the couch
🝮 “You really fighting me, you coward?” You grit your teeth, kicking at his shins until he gives and falls onto the sofa.
🝮 You both pant, out of breath, until Vin flips on top of you-
🝮 “You started it!” He growls.
🝮 You refuse to look at him, especially now that you’re realizing he can be somewhat attractive…
🝮 His hands are still clasped firmly onto your own, and his brows are still knitted together angrily. “What? Are you mad at me for winning? Cmon, don’t ignore me… jeez you’re as annoying as Mary… (Y/N) come on—”
🝮 He’s about to flop his head into your chest.
🝮 You’re about to shove him into your chest to make him shut up.
🝮 His head is slammed onto your chest, and neither of you can find the words to complain.
🝮 And so it works out… and now the two of you are calming down. Actually… it’s getting a little too calm.
🝮 You open your heavy eyelids, glancing down at Vin. Sure enough, he’s asleep. And you feel the biggest urge to push him off the couch— but somehow you have the feeling that you shouldn’t ruin this moment.
🝮 Hell it was weird. You both initiated it…?!
🝮 This one is also freaking long… oopsies. Y’all got spoiled 💅
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🝮 When you’re dating someone as sadistic as Samuel, who’s alliance seems to always be jumping from one person to the next, and who’s mental stability relies heavily on how he lives up to his own standards, then you’re sure to experience the wipeout days.
🝮 The sort of days where the old person is gone, and he’s replaced by an empty shell of himself.
🝮 For Samuel- today is one of those days.
🝮 You sit on the modern lounge chair that overlooks the city below, feeling comfortable despite your usual fear of heights.
🝮 (If you aren’t afraid of heights then shut up and pretend because you are now 🤡)
🝮 Your legs are crossed, your laptop rests on your thighs, and you listen attentively to the streamer you’re watching.
🝮 Samuel stands by the window with his back to you.
🝮 Every now and then you glance up at him worriedly
🝮 He’s not normally this quiet around you… or so tame. Normally it’s a war zone of snarky and perverted remarks.
🝮 “Samuel…?”
🝮 He turns to you slightly, defined jawline taut and tempting. You see his eyebrows draw together tightly and his lips purse.
🝮 “Hmm?” he hums from deep within his throat.
🝮 “You okay? You seem kinda tense.”
🝮 He turns to you, and then you can see it.
🝮 The depressed, empty shell of your normally sharp-witted boyfriend.
🝮 You can see past his sterile gaze: a glint of short-temperedness in his eyes. The frown on your face continues to deepen.
🝮 “I’m fine. Thank you for being so thoughtful,” he smiles rigidly.
🝮 “What’s with you?” You ask as you set aside your computer, giving him the attention he deserves.
🝮 He shrugs his shoulders as he approaches your open arms, kneeling in front of you.
🝮 You slide out of the chair and sit on the floor with him. “Come on Sammy…”
🝮 And then you’re both laying on the floor, and his powerful form is suddenly vulnerable now that he’s wrapped in your arms.
🝮 You stroke his hair, combing beneath the buzz cut and into his thick roots, calming both him and yourself down.
🝮 His cheek rests on your chest, and he smirks up at you every now and then.
🝮 When he feels in the mood again, it’s sexy time and he’ll die before you find him in this position. But for now he feels comfortable… so he’s going to stay like this.
🝮 That angular face of his is pressed into your breast, and you can’t help but feel a little hot at the thought.
🝮 “Let’s just fall asleep right here.”
🝮 That’s exactly what you did.
🝮 You initiated it— since you’ve done it before. But it doesn’t happen often- so treasure his vulnerable side while you can 😩
🝮 Also I know his character design is just for sex-appeal…. But come on guys he needs more fluff content 🥺
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unreleasedwrites · 4 months
may I request a fluff Gun x reader (him suddenly finding out his name was saved as "my big baby" in your phone and his reaction)? thank you ><
In Your Contacts
“Who do you think you’re calling a big baby?”
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summary:You decided to ring up your boyfriend’s phone despite him being fast asleep right beside you in bed. After a few rings, he finally wakes up annoyed. He reaches for his phone, only to see that it was you calling him. You explain why you called and even though he was being grouchy, he still said that it didn’t matter in the end as long as you compensated with affection. But before you two could go back to bed, Gun notices the recent call flashed on your screen which at first, he presumed that it came from you calling him earlier. But the name was throwing him off, “my big baby,” he had to do a double take and as you were about to turn the phone off. He stops you, solely to bring up that strange contact name.
character(s) included: Park Jonggun x fem!reader
cw: nicknames, fluff, reader and gun is sharing the same bed but are just sleeping, clingy
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unwrapped on: Tuesday Night, April 14 2024
wrapped up on: Friday Noon, May 31 2024
published on: Friday Noon, May 31 2024 (At around 12 Pm)
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You were wide awake at midnight and no matter what you resorted to, you couldn’t get yourself to fall asleep. Your long term boyfriend, Gun, was sound asleep right beside you. He wasn’t cuddling your nor was he even facing your direction, which high key offended you since you always count on the comfort and warmth of his body to put you to sleep.
So you decided to make it his problem too. After all, he did say that if anyone were to bother you, just call him at any time. Looks like it’s time to abuse that card then! You grabbed your phone from the nightstand on your side and unlocked it. You went over to your contacts and selected “my big baby” which was your secret nickname for Gun.
And then it started ringing, obnoxiously loud too. Gun wasn’t really a deep sleeper so he woke up within just a few seconds and picked up his phone that was on the nightstand at his side of the bed. He sat up and let himself gain some sort of consciousness, and then he looked down to his phone. Only to see that it was you who was calling him and he looked over to you with a confused look.
You pouted at him with crossed arms as the ringing went on, he was confused but decided he’ll bite.
He looked back at his phone and answered your call, and he acted as if you weren’t right beside him, “hi baby, its late. Why are you calling me?” He said with a sleepy voice. You muted his voice on your end so his voice wouldn’t echo, and you solely relied on what you heard from him, who was right beside you and even taking occasional glances at you. He also did the same thing so there really wasn’t any point in answering the call.
“I can’t sleep, and your sleeping is distant..” You complained as you rested your head on his bare shoulder, since he doesn’t wear a shirt to sleep or even most of the time.
“Ah. So let me just get this straight,” he scoffed, holding both of your cheeks with one hand and turned you to face him while he got impossibly closer to your face.
“You woke me up in the middle of the night, because you wanted my affection and some cuddles?” He added as his grasp on your cheeks only got tighter.
“Well..mm— yeah,” you muffled out.
He only stared at you with a stern face but eventually gave in and let go of your cheeks. You breathe out, “m’sorry..” with pleading eyes towards his tired, half opened eyes.
Gun only sighed, he ends the call and puts his phone away on the nightstand it was originally on.
“I’ll forgive you if I get to be the big spoon, oh and— you have to be facing me so I can see your adorable face.”
“Mmm.. But it’s hard to breathe in that position,” you replied.
“Then I guess we’re not cuddling tonight,” he said.
“Gunnnnn, pretty pleaseee can I just sleep on top of you?” You practically begged with pleading eyes and a tired pout.
“Only if I get to kiss you how much I want for the entire rest of the week, including tonight.” He said with a smirk spread across his face.
You hesitated, knowing how clingy Gun can be when he’s not busy. And since he’s got no work or agenda for the entire week and the next, you know that it’s gonna be a pretty annoying deal.
You stopped for a brief moment to think about this deal— an insanely clingy Gun who’s gonna kiss you nonstop just so you can cuddle with him for tonight, knowing damn well he will cuddle you at any time of the day even if you were to say no deal. Which didn’t sound too bad, after all, Gun’s kisses are to die for.
So after some thinking, you agreed and your boyfriend gave you a kiss on the forehead.
“Awh, my baby makes such good decisions.”
“Hmph! You’re a scammer, aren’t you?”
“Oh honey, of course not,” he laughed at your sudden interrogation and added, “but it offends me that you even had to think about it, I didn’t get a yes immediately.” He pouted at you while stroking your hair and you pouted back at him, to which he only kissed your forehead again.
“It’s late, we should get to cuddling and sleeping now.” Gun said as he looked at the time using your phone, almost one in the morning. But he noticed a little something about the call you guys just had which was very short. It didn’t show his name or a nickname he knows about, instead it showed “my big baby” on the list.
You yawned and looked over to Gun who was holding your phone with a confused look. “Babe-? Something wrong?” You asked.
“Yeah.” He said, somewhat amused but you could tell he was still confused.
“And that is—?” You asked hesitantly, because what could he have even found in your phone to have a reaction like that?
“This,” he replied as he showed you your phone and the contact of “my big baby” was showing with all his details. At first Gun wasn’t sure it was even him, but the details proved that it was. You rose a brow at what you were seeing until you realized that Gun doesn’t know about this little nickname.
“It’s you, my big babyy,” you teased him as you brushed your fingers over his features.
“Wha-?!” Gun was slightly in shock but was highly amused with your utmost confidence and teasing, to which he added, “Who do you think you’re calling a big baby?”
You only laughed in response.
“That’s not an answer sweetheart,” he said with an amused tone.
“Well, if you must know, mister… That’s my handsome boyfriend, what’s it to you?” You said playfully as he pulled you in closer.
“Is that so? He must be lucky then,” he said, playing into your little shenanigans.
“I like to think that i’m the lucky one.”
“You really are a sweetheart,” he said as he pulled you in for a kiss.
You laughed again while he put your phone away and pulled you on top of him. He sunk the both of you into the bed and kept giving you kisses on the forehead while stroking your hair. You two eventually fell asleep in the same relaxing, adorable position.
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notes: idk tbh but this is short n sweet hehe
- With or without proper credits, please don't try to steal or claim any of my works as your own
I genuinely appreciate opinions, feedback, likes, and reblogs
Once again, I hope this isn't too bad for a request, and I'll be doing more characters in lookism so feel free to request!!
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bigdealsgoddog · 2 years
Lookism characters as fathers p2
Notes: just how I think certain characters would act as fathers (Jake kim, gun, Samuel seo)
Jake kim(kim gi myung)
He would absolutely love the idea of having a kid with you. He’s really hesitant though, he’s similar to Daniel in the sense that he knows what’s happened and what could happen so he really isn’t sure he wants to bring a kid into it all if so much is going down. But as long as nothing is really happening he’s not that hard to convince ngl.
When you actually do get pregnant he’s like !!! Me? I did that? Me? My kid? I got you pregnant? I did?
Once the initial shock dies down he’s all over you, as nervous as he is he’s really excited to have a kid of his own
Is the type to buy a million and one outfits for the kid before they’re even born and he buys all of the outfits from big deal street. #support local businesses
Unlike vasco he’s be really hesitant to bring his kid around big deal. Not that they’re bad or dangerous people but he remembers how much he hated his father for being a yakuza leader and being a playboy and he doesn’t want his own kid growing up the same way. It takes a little convincing on your side to get him to realize he can just show his kid why big deal is different from the yakuza and show how much good big deal brings
He started crying when he saw his kid for the first time after their born
There was one time you caught him playing with your kid, turns out it was a whole play date with big deal and they were pretending the baby was the yakuza boss while they ran around playing ‘pretend’ yakuza
It was quite funny when lineman had bowed his head in apology for ‘disrespecting boss baby’ and proceeded to get bonked on the head by your kiddos rattle
He immediately got dragged away by jerry to be “given to the fishes” while your baby cackled
There was one time you had gotten sick so Jake had to take the kiddo with him to big deal, this was when they were still young so he absolutely had one of those baby harnesses on
For the most part you or Jake would always pick up your kiddo from day care/school and normally it wouldn’t be a problem, Jake cleans up well and doesn’t really look out of the ordinary if his tattoos aren’t showing. That is until jerry came to pick up one day because you both were really busy and jerry is on the allowed to pick up list.
The teachers look terrified when they see this big hulking scarred guy coming up to the school, they’re panicking a little and the students don’t stop gawking especially when your kiddo dashes off excited that ‘uncle Jerry’s here!’
The teachers relaxed when they see your kid hugging Jerry’s leg and he just gives one of the sweetest smiles
The teachers end up asking you guys about jerry later on and even how he’s doing sometimes and if he’ll be coming by again anytime soon to pick your kiddo up. The kids nonstop talk about him and your kiddo cause now they think your kiddo has a personal body guard and if anyone tries to bully them it’ll be their ass.
I feel like aside from jerry as much as Jake loves big deal he wouldn’t trust anyone with his kid to babysit alone
Maybe Sinu
Samuel seo(seo seongeun)
Honestly? He’d probably rather punt a kid instead of having one
I hate to say this but he’d be similar to endeavor in the sense of if he can’t achieve his goal of becoming ‘king’ he wants his kid to do it. It’s gonna take you talking some sense into him to make sure it doesn’t happen.
I could see Samuel maybe drunkenly confessing one night what happened in his childhood, how he wished he was gapryong kims son instead of his ‘real father’ who wanted him to get into the a/c industry.
You absolutely use that to get him to realize how stupid he is trying to make your child into a blood thirsty fighter like him. That maybe if your kid wanted to he could but just like him when he was younger his kid can go fuck right off and do whatever they hell they damned pleased if he pushed them enough. He finally got the hint.
He’d Lowkey spoil the fuck out of his kid though, he can’t have his kid out here in subpar clothes. This kid is two years old and will have more gucci outfits than a sane adult person would have.
You’ve pointed out that babies grow really quickly and that they’ll grow out of it in three weeks time
He doesn’t care
The poor daycare workers when you bring your kiddo in decked out in the most expensive brands, they’re terrified to let your kid dirty their clothes up until you tell them it’s perfectly fine and to please encourage the kid to dirty the clothes, maybe it’ll give your husband incentive to stop buying the most expensive shit
He still doesn’t care, have you seen how often he dirties and fucks up his own clothes? No fucks given
Honestly doesn’t give a rats ass about being a decent father until you snap at him(maybe while you’re pregnant because he’s giving a ‘fuck all that’ attitude if you want (insert food craving) just order it through the (insert food service) he’s not getting up just for a craving for a stupid baby) and you turned around yelling about how he won’t and can’t be a decent father because he’s too scared of messing up.
This man and his inferiority complex would make a complete 180, he’s out getting your food cravings and he’s making sure your feet stay elevated and he’s rubbing your shoulders. That’s how he ended up getting into the mindset of ‘well if I can’t be king and I’m having a kid they can do what I couldn’t!’ Of course as we already said you’d put an end to that real quick.
I think after the kiddo is born and one day you had left your kid alone with Samuel for like. Five minutes and by the time you got back the kiddo fell asleep in his arms and he’s just staring in awe at your kid. He didn’t think about it till now but they really did look like you…they’re just….so small and fragile…he’s almost scared he’s gonna break it if he shifts the wrong way. You see how anxiously careful he’s being before going over behind him to wrap your arms around him and kiss his cheek
“It’s ok, you’re not gonna hurt them. They’re sleeping already how about we lay them down?-“”no!” He’d cut in a little loud and quick, shrinking back a moment surprised and confused at his own reaction, immediately quieting down his voice “no no…it’s fine-they’ll just wake up if I move…” he mumbled. He didn’t want to admit he wanted to keep holding them.
Gun (park jeong geong)
One of the few out of all these headcannons willing and wanting to train their kid to be a fighter and will probably get their way about it
His special talent is to literally train people into their peak performance of course he’s gonna do it for his kid to excel at sports in school and self defense are you kidding 100% teaches his kid kyokushin karate.
You’ve seen this man with money he would absolutely spoil the fuck out of his kid but in all the wrong ways. Samuel would spoil on the drip alone because “presentation is the most important things
But gun? He’ll buy his kid new clothes, toys, gadgets and even weaponry(as long as it’s approved by you surprisingly. You’re not letting your kid walk to school strapped)
You’ve seen gun a few times hunched over his desk doing paper work and your baby is sitting on his shoulders, messing with his hair.
Kids talk about your kid at school all the time, between how much luxury items they have and the fact their father drops them off in luxury cars all the time. Not to mention anytime someone tries fucking with them they immediately shoot it down or beat the crap out of their bullies.
You’d scold them while it’s good they stood up for themselves under no circumstances should they be shoving other kids faces into the edge of the desk to knock their teeth out. Gun will always reward them with ice cream behind your back for ‘using what he taught them’
Gun would absolutely bring his kid to goos place to brag about how much better his kid is compared to goos
Both of your kids end up just having a play date every-time while gun and goo duke it out
Speaking of goo
Goo(Kim joon goo)
I feel like in a weird way he’d be one of the best kinda of dads?
Not in the sense of he’s responsible or anything
I mean I feel like he has the potential of being a responsible dad, he’d say it’s like being that one anime character where he’s a stay at home husband while also battling the emotional turmoil of being a yakuza member, the ways of the house goo if you will
But he’s definitely the type to love playing with his kiddo, there’s a few times you’ll come home to him and the kiddo playing video games or playing robots together. Hell he’ll even spar with the kid, teach em a few moves and have at it
The problem comes in when the kid almost beats him a few times at a game and he’ll immediately cheat to pull his win.
Then you’ve got the kid fighting that yes they did win and goo being a teasing shit that he won fair and square
You know goo better than that
He’d absolutely tell his kid to give/tell certain things to guns kid to use/say to piss gun off. You’ll have a very pissed off gun at your doorstep regularly
Ok but also when you were pregnant he absolutely talked to the kiddo through your stomach. It would seem all cute and soft, you’re being lulled to sleep with his gentle rubbing on your stomach and his quiet coos to the baby
Until you tune into what he’s actually saying
“Once you come out you’re gonna say gun is a pussy ok?” Welp that’s enough of that
At some point he turned around and started putting headphones on your stomach, it’s “educational audio books”
He omitted the part where the ‘audio books’ are actually just various anime he’s seen and wants the kid to watch. Gotta start em early
He would totally fuck with Daniel and his partner because he’d get the intrusive thought to poke your belly when your pregnant cause like popping balloons and he’d convince Daniel his partner could pop easier than a balloon
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dakotakazansky · 1 year
Bright Rays & Happy Days
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Description: A fun day at the amusement park with your boyfriend, ends perfectly. Pairings: Jake Seresin x NonDescript F!Reader (no Y/N, referred to as Sunshine) Warnings: Pure Fluff, a Small 18+ Mention, MINORS DNI Word Count: 3.8k
Huge Thank you to @mayhemmanaged and @thedroneranger for being my proofreaders! I adore you both!
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If Jake could go back in time, he’d have probably thought twice about saying yes to going to the amusement park on such a hot and humid day but your excitement for the day was just enough to sway him the other way. Thankfully there was a water park attached to the amusement park only a short train ride away and you both could go cool off there whenever you wanted to. 
You put on your favorite swimsuit underneath a cute pair of short jean shorts, and a light breezy shirt, but also packed a backpack of all the essentials needed for the rest of the day, like sunscreen, deodorant, extra sunglasses, and a spare change of clothes for the both of you. 
Jake came down the stairs to meet you at the front door, excitedly bouncing on the balls of your feet ready to leave. You wanted to get to the park right when it opened so you could make the most of your day. 
“Hey there Sunshine!” He says pulling you into his side, placing a soft kiss on your temple. “All packed and ready to go?” He asked, although he already knew the answer to that question, but you still excitedly piped up, “I sure am babe! Park passes, spare clothing, sunscreen, towels, sunglasses.” You said listing off each item while counting them on your fingers. “You name it babe, and I’ve already got it packed in the bag.”
You both piled into the truck, and made the drive to the park. The drive there was filled with loud country music that you both sang along to with the windows rolled down, and letting the breeze of the day cool you down. The sky was a gorgeous shade of cerulean blue, and was littered with little white fluffy clouds. It was the perfect weather for a day at the amusement park, minus the humidity that was already leaving you both a little sticky.
You both arrived right as the park was opening, not a lot of people were here yet since it was a work day, that you both had taken off, just to be able to spend the day together. You both usually don’t have many days off, each of you having high demanding jobs that always have long hours. 
“So Sunshine, where do you want to start first?” Jake questions, while intertwining your fingers together after taking the backpack from you. 
“I was thinking we could browse the shops here down Main Street, but they have the water feature running and it sounds so nice! What if we just walked down next to it?”
“Whatever you want to do Sunshine!” He says happily as you begin to walk towards the long water feature that spans the entire length of Main Street in the park. Already enjoying your time, you jump up on the brick wall that acts as seating as well, and act like you’re tightrope walking along the brick wall while holding Jake's hand tightly for support.
Your happy carefree attitude has Jake falling in love with you more and more each day. He couldn’t wait for the day that he could make you his. You’d both been dating for years now, but with both of you having busy schedules, it never seemed like it was in the cards just yet, although he already has the perfect ring in mind.
Jake is so lost in thought he doesn’t notice you’d stopped walking until your hand jolts him back a bit. 
“What’s up Sunshine?” He asks trying to figure out why you stopped, and all you could do was beckon him to you with your index finger. You had noticed the park photographer wanting to snap a photo of you both, trying to meet their daily quota of photo-ops that they could then upcharge you on some package later at one of the booths. You placed your small hands on his cheeks and placed a sweet soft kiss to his lips. Right when your lips connected the photographer snapped the perfect photo. Once you broke apart, the photographer gave you a little card, that you could take to the booth later to view your photo, and purchase later. 
You nodded to the photographer, thanking them. 
“Babe, could you turn around please, I wanna slip this card into the backpack, I want to view this later!” Jake chuckled and turned around while you still stood up on the brick wall, and placed the card into the backpack. 
“Thank you!” You said excitedly jumping off the wall, and resuming your position tucked up under Jake arm, and in his side. 
“Of course Sunshine! Where to now?” He asks. 
“How about we cut through there?” You say pointing towards the path that leads to Viking Fury, the swinging boat ride. “We could ride Viking Fury when we cut through, or skip it for now, and hit it on the way back through?” You offered. 
“Whatever you want to do Sunshine, I’m fine with either.” He replied back. 
“Yeah let’s ride that first, after that we can go ride Congo Falls, to cool off, and then hit Banshee and Delirium before making our way through the rest of this side of the park.”
“Sounds like a perfect plan Sunshine!” Jake agreed while you both hopped in line for Viking Fury. You were on the ride in no time, and you clung to Jake’s side the whole time as the boat swung higher and higher back and forth, until it was over. 
“I know you fly multi-million dollar jets, and face G-forces daily, but holy smokes babe, I’ll never get over the feeling of the boat going fully around in a circle.”
Jake chuckles, “Even if that would happen, I’d never let anything happen to you Sunshine, you know that for a fact.” As you both walked down the exit ramp of the ride you both constantly bumped into each other playfully towards the fence on either side of the ramp. You both could hear the chuckles of the people behind you, and the faint whispers from them saying how cute it is to be young and in love.
You both made your way over to Congo Falls, and before getting in line, you both stood on the bridge over the ride, and wanted to see if this time the log boat would splash enough as it came down the hill to splash the bridge viewers. Looking down at the ground, you both saw it had done so recently, as the pavement below your feet was still wet, and in the process of drying out already. 
You both talked while waiting for the log boat to approach the drop hill. 
“Babe Look!” You shouted excitedly to Jake. 
“Oh it’s go time Sunshine!” Jake replies back standing up against the fence on the bridge, you were right next to him tucked up under his arm again. As the log boat traveled down the hill, it had enough weight to splash a wave so big that it completely coated the bridge above the ride. You quickly turned to bury your face in Jake’s chest, and squealed as the cold water coated you both. Jake laughed holding you to him. 
“C’mon Sunshine!” He took your hand in his again, leading you both to the line of the ride. A 10 minute wait in the line, finally had you both in the boat, and ready to splash the next set of bridge spectators. 
“Y’know, that ride doesn’t last long enough!” You huff when the ride ends, and you disembark off the log boat. 
“I know Sunshine, but we have so much more of the park to hit!” He said excitedly.
“Yeah you’re right about that.” You replied back. 
You both rode Congo Falls once more, before heading to Banshee, then Delirium after that. 
“Whew! After that, I think I need a break from the rides.” You said. 
“Well luckily for you we are walking up to Coney Island, how about some games? Maybe I can be the macho man that wins his girl the biggest prize.” Jake says flexing his muscles, as you giggled next to him. 
“That sounds wonderful!” You said as you both rushed off to the row of games in Coney Island. You had your pick of games, the peach buckets, water gun games, ring toss and many others. 
“Babe! Babe! Looky!” You excitedly shout, pointing towards the water gun game. “Look, it's got a Red Panda for a prize!” You jump happily, before taking off towards the game. Once you both sat down in the seat, the game attendant explained the rules of the game, and set up the two lanes for you both to play. 
“Are you ready to eat bubbles, Sunshine?!” Jake says razzing. 
“Pft! You couldn’t even keep up!” You retort back, knowing that his hand eye coordination is infinitely better than yours. “Game’s on!”
The attendant counts you down, “3…2…1…Go!” The attendant continues to rattle off the play by play, of the game to the passersby. 
Jake’s hand eye coordination really pulled through as he was in the lead, it took you a moment to find the bullseye, but you got there, and it was almost neck in neck, Jake was still in the lead though. You tried one last ditch effort and called over to Jake, he turned to look at you as you squeeze your arms against the sides of your chest while still holding the water gun, obviously trying to distract him with your cleavage but it was to no avail. 
The alarm above the water tubes went off, and you looked up to see which one was lit up. Jake cheered when he realized it was his. “Which prize do I wanna get?” He questioned. “May I have that Red Panda right there?” He points to the one you’ve had your eye on since you ran up to the game station. The attendant nods, and grabs it down, handing it to Jake. “Here you go Sunshine.” He hands you the Red Panda, and you hug it tightly, bouncing on your feet. “Thank you Babe!” You happily walk towards the next game of the afternoon, hand in hand with Jake, and hugging your red panda in the other arm. 
You both then made your way past some other games before you asked, “Babe, can I play the ring toss?”
Jake looked down at you, before slightly grimacing, “Sunshine, that game is pretty rigged, and you can absolutely play it, but don’t get your heart set on winnin’, okay?”
You nodded before skipping over to the ring toss counter and setting down five dollars for 3 rings. You tossed the first ring, and it looked like it was going to land on a bottle with a yellow cap, which meant you’d win a medium sized prize, but at the last moment it clipped off the edge of the bottle and between them. 
You tossed ring number two and got nothing but air before the putter and patter of the ring you’d tossed, hitting the glass of the bottles as it fell between them. 
Jake came up behind you and gently rubbed up and down your arms, leaning down to whisper in your ear, “It’s okay Sunshine, remember, it’s pretty well rigged for failure, just toss it carefree.” 
Carefree you thought, and did just as Jake said. You tossed the rings fully expecting it to miss yet again so you thanked the attendant and turned to walk away before the attendant yelled, “We have a winner!” You turned back around to spot the last lone ring, wrapped around the neck of the bottle with a red cap. 
“You can pick from any of these small prizes here.” The attendant said, gesturing to the many different squishmallow keychains on the racks. You did a glance over all of them before deciding on one in particular. You pointed at the one you wanted, “Could I have that one please?” The attendant agreed and handed over the keychain that you then happily turned to Jake to show him. In your hands was a very smiley Shark squishmallow keychain named Gordon. 
“Look babe! He looks just like you!” Jake chuckled before plastering that million dollar smile that would make any dentist wet and weak at the knees. You held up the smiling Shark next to your boyfriend’s face, before quickly snapping a photo of them both. You turned your phone around to Jake, “See! Looks just like you! Now I get to have you with me even when you’re gone on deployments!” Jake looked like he had tears welling up in his eyes. “I love that Sunshine.” He said, pulling you into a tight hug, before letting you go a few moments later, “What would you like to do now?” 
You pondered it for a moment, before listing off excitedly, “We definitely need to ride Adventure Express, The Racers, and the Antique Autos!”
“That sounds perfect, I'm assuming lunch after that?” Jake questioned while you nodded back to him, “Oh yes!”
You and Jake rode Adventure Express first, and both of you ended up complaining to each other how that ride is not as smooth of a ride anymore. After that you both made your way to the Racer, and chose the Red Train to ride in. You could hear the ruckus of “Red Train! Red Train!” and “Blue Train! Blue Train!” By the time that the ride ended, the Red Train did beat the Blue Train in the race back to the station. 
After that, and right before lunch you made your way to the line for the Antique Autos. You both mindlessly chatted about anything and everything you could think of until it was your turn to get into one of the cars. Of course, Jake knowing what this day was truly about let you drive the car along the track. You bumped around and had such a blast you both got back in line to do it all over again, this time you opted to be the Passenger Princess and enjoyed the peaceful ride with your boyfriend, while you looped your arm around his, and laid your head on his shoulder until the ride was over for a second time.
By the time the second trip on the Antique Autos was finished you both were sufficiently hungry enough to grab some lunch. You both made your way to the Brew House to grab two beers, and some pizza, before making your way over to Potato Works to get some of the best bacon cheese fries anyone could ever ask for. While you sat and ate your lunch you watched the Diamondback coaster, which was the tallest in the park standing at its highest point of 230 feet. You watched the train cars make their way up to the first drop of 215 feet, while the passengers on the ride shrieked as they finally went over the hill. 
Every so often the two trains that were exact scale replicas of the 1800’s The General would pass through to pick up people to take them to the waterpark or for those that just wanted a nice relaxing round trip ride around the two parks. You knew exactly what you wanted to do next, and that was to head over to the waterpark. By this time in the early afternoon the sun was at its highest point, and it was getting to be really warm, and all you wanted to do now was cool off in the pools, maybe ride a few water slides, and bask the afternoon away in a lounge chair, or in the Lazy River.
You both hopped on the train and made your way to Soak City. Once in the gate you both went immediately to find lounge chairs and laid your stuff down, before stripping down to just your swimsuits. 
“What’s first on the list to do here Sunshine?” Jake asked, getting an eyeful of you in your cute swimsuit that really really accentuated your body well. 
“How about we go spend some time in one of the wave pools?” You suggested, while Jake nodded back to you agreeing. You both picked the less busy of the wave pools and waded out together in each other's arms. Every five minutes an alarm would ring out letting you know that either the waves were starting or ending. You spent a good majority of your time together splashing in the waves, or treading water together when the waves stopped. 
After a while you wanted to take a break, but Jake wasn’t ready to leave the wave pool yet, so you got out, and went to lay down on your lounge chair, and watched Jake play around in the wave pool for a little while longer, until he decided that you should apply more sunscreen so you don't burn. He liberally applied the sunscreen to your back and body, before you did the same to him. 
All the swimming in the wave pool had made you both hungry for a snack, so you ran over to Coconut Cove to grab you both a boozy slushie drink, while Jake ran over to Island Smokehouse, to get you both a pulled pork sandwich. When you both met up again, you notice how Jake had even gotten you extra barbeque sauce for your pulled pork sandwich remembering how in conversation once you had mentioned that restaurants never put enough on the sandwich, and they were always too dry. You both ate your sandwiches and drank your boozy slushies before relaxing for a little bit longer. 
Once it had gotten later in the afternoon, you decided that to end your time at the waterpark, you wanted to spend the rest of your time in the Lazy River with Jake. Your first go around in the river you both had gotten individual floats, and held hands along the ride, as kids at various points of the ride, lined up at water cannons, to spray you both, and following riders. Your second time around, and for as long as you could, you lost count after the 3rd lap, you had both gotten a two person float and just enjoyed each other's company, although at one point Jake thought it would be funny to act like the float was tipping over. You grabbed a handful of water from the River to throw at him for that. 
The announcement came overhead that the waterpark would be closing at 7:00pm which was only 20 minutes away, so you both went and got changed back into dry clothing, and made your way back over to the train to get back to the coaster side of the park. You spent the next few hours riding as many roller coasters as you both could. Around 10:25 you both made your way to the Grand Carousel, where you rode that twice without having to get off since everyone was starting to gather in their spots on Main Street around the water fountains for the fireworks show to begin. 
“Hey Sunshine, I think we need to go get our spot for the fireworks show!” Jake said excitedly, once you both exited the carousel. 
“Okay! I’m so excited for them, they always have such a beautiful show!” You said, grabbing Jake’s hand and pulling him underneath the ⅓ scale Eiffel Tower at the end of Main Street. Before you could fully make your way out from under the tall structure, Jake stopped walking and tugged lightly at your hand. 
“Let’s head up.” He said, which left you with a bewildered look on your face. The park usually never allowed anyone up on the Eiffel Tower during the fireworks show. 
“But we can’t.” You said back to him, as he pulled you over to the elevator attendant at the base of the tower. The attendant nodded to him, and Jake said, “Seresin, party of 2.” The attendant pulled back the rope barrier and only allowed you and Jake to the elevator. You heard another guest try to join you, but was denied by the attendant, and they grumbled away as the elevator doors closed, and began to rise to the top of the Tower. 
You peered through the glass walls of the elevator and began bouncing happily on the balls of your feet. Out of all the rides here at the park, your favorite was the Eiffel Tower, because on a clear day like today, you could see as far as the eye could see. You enjoyed being able to point out all the rides in the park to Jake, and no matter how many times he heard about which ride was where, or what new spot the next ride was going to go into, he never got tired of listening to you ramble on about it. 
As you both exited the elevator, Jake nodded to you, allowing you to sprint off to the wall of the Eiffel Tower that was caged just enough to keep people in, it still allowed you great visuals beyond the gate. You started pointing out where some of your other favorite rides were, and when you turned around to make sure Jake was listening to you ramble, you were in complete shock. You slowly walked half the length of the floor back to Jake, your hands immediately flung up to cover your mouth, and your eyes welled up with tears, as you saw Jake kneeling on one knee with a gorgeous diamond ring on display, held up to you. “Sunshine, will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you Marry Me?” He said, his voice slightly wobbly with nerves. You couldn’t even form words at the moment, so you just shook your head yes, before squeaking out a barely audible “Yes!”
Immediately Jake was off his knee, and placed the ring on your finger. You barely gave him enough time to get the ring on your finger, as you pulled him into the most passionate kiss your both could muster up, your arms wrapped around his neck, and his wrapped around your waist pulling you tightly to him. At that very moment when your lips connected to each other is when you truly felt the fireworks. Both figuratively in the kiss, but also for real, as each mortar popped in the background. Jake had timed the proposal perfectly with the start of the show. 
“Jake…” you began to say, but he cut you off, “I love you so much Sunshine.” You swatted away, the few stray tears that had fallen down your cheeks, “I love you too. Babe, this is a night I'll never forget, thank you.” You both enjoyed the rest of the fireworks show, but you were more mesmerized by the flashy ring now placed on your finger. The colors of the fireworks reflecting off the ring. It truly was a night you’ll always remember.
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Taglist: Open @mayhemmanaged @roosterforme @startrekfangirl2233 @desert-fern @cassiemitchell @sarahsmi13s @lavenderbradshaw @lovinglyeternal @bradleybeachbabe @thedroneranger @cherrycola27 @twsssmlmaa @bobby-r2d2-floyd @that-one-random-writer @horseshoegirl @footprintsinthesxnd @djs8891 @kmc1989 @starset21 @emma8895eb @shanimallina87
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themissinghand · 1 year
Lookism: What Normal Life? You're at J High!
Summary: In which a girl thought she could live a freer, unbothersome life hiding behind a) handsome or beautiful, b) gangster wanna-bes or c) all the above people at J High.
(Spoiler, she thought wrong, and let's face it, she's not that normal either)
Pairing: Our queen just gathering bits and pieces of interest from everyone in school and Gun...yea. A little bit of Everyone x Female! OC!
Note: A short bit of interesting background plot on the Female OC at the beginning before we meet manhwa characters.
Maybe a part 2 to continue this series?
Warning: Some swearing, blood, and fighting (just Lookism themes).
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Lee Seo-Jun hates it here.
"Why J High?"
"...why not?" 
On her left was her mother, and to her left was her father.
"J High won't do you any good." Chung Ye-Jun, Seo-Jun’s mother, and the Co-President of the Lee Company, shakes her head. When she was about to put one hand on Seo-Jun’s shoulder, Seo-Jun immediately stood up and glared. 
Chung Ye-Jun let out a sigh, before backing off. 
"Alright, as per our deal, we won't interfere, right, Duri?" Chung Ye-Jun turns to her husband, Lee Duri, the other Co-President of the Lee Company with a smile.
"I will not go back on my word, however you must not ruin our reputation like that brother of yours." 
Seo-Jun narrowed her eyes at the father of hers, and begrudgingly nodded obediently. 
She hates them just as much as she hates this place. 
"Duri. I thought we decided to not speak of him anymore, after all, our successor has always been our lovely Seo-Jun right?" 
No, the successor was supposed to be her older brother, and no one else. 
"After all, she is a good child. Such a shame that you weren't a boy. That would've been perfect." 
Sometimes she wondered just what she did to deserve this? 
To them, nothing else mattered as long as Seo-Jun stayed with them, and she had to, for where would she go?
But that’s a misconception, Seo-Jun can go anyway but here. 
"I'll go myself." She excused herself without any sort of permission, but a call of her name stops her in place.
"Lee Seo-Jun. You won't forget us, will you? Make sure to send back your monthly quota and send us how you're doing from time to time!" A subtle nod, before she shuts the door behind her.
Behind the door, Seo-Jun could still hear them speak, and it’s almost too obvious, predicable and sickening that she wants to silence them.
How dare they?
"Honestly, if he was here, Seo-Jun wouldn't be so lonely. Why did he run away? He was doing so well in our education just like Seo-Jun." Chung Ye-Jun crosses her arms and winks at her husband. 
What do they know? 
"That is why she won’t fail us like that failure, Lee Suho. She is our successor after all."
Seo-Jun decided to not hear anymore of their bullshit and took large strides away, followed by a couple of unneeded security guards and assistants. 
Seo-Jun entered the elevator with the silent group of spies, people assigned to watch over her, and promptly ignored their pointed stares. Instead she looked outside the large glass windows and repeated the vow in her mind. 
Lee Company will fall.
The Lee Company stood proudly as always.
Lee Seo-Jun was a simple person.
An apartment near the school, with a two bedroom and two washrooms. A small kitchen with the bare essentials is all she needs.
Silence is her favorite noise, and loneliness is her best friend.
Normality is often overlooked, yet it's something she appreciated.
"Young Master! Welcome! I will be your butler-wait wait wait! Why are you pushing me out!?"
She slams the door in front of the innocent butler as she should, and ignores the banging on the door, or the calls of her name.
"Young Master! Just because you sent me money that could feed a person for a year, doesn't mean that I will leave you! I promised the Co-President that I would make sure you are fed everyday!"
She sends another hefty amount, as she should, to get rid of the nuisance, and for tips, she ensures to call the police.
"Young Master!"
Carlos Garcia is the type of person she hates the most.
Overzealous, annoying, and gives no care for her privacy.
But he is her butler (watcher) and if she does want to get rid of him, she would have to speak to her family again.
"Young Master! It's time for school!"
"Why didn't you tell me you were awake! C'mere! I made some tostadas-Young Master! You have to eat breakfast-"
She shuts the door behind her without hesitation and moves on with her day. 
“I know you don’t mean it Young Master! You saved me that day after all!” 
Seo-Jun pulls her hood over her head and sprints. 
“It’s a guy?! Dammit!” 
“Why is he not saying anything? Is he mute?”
“Why is he wearing a mask? Is he super ugly or something?”
“Fuck, another weirdo.” 
Seo-Jun doesn’t bother with introductions, instead, she writes her name on the board and makes her way to her assigned seat without saying another word. 
Though she did avoid one guy’s super obvious foot blocking her way. 
Before he could make a fuss, she sent a threatening look at him, basically telling him to shut up and not bother her if he wants to live. 
Like an obedient child, he shrinks away from the ominous aura and looks sideways. 
Seo-Jun heard whispers of awe and nervousness spread like an epidemic, and she’s already sick of it. 
The only reason she chose this shitty school was because it was so bad with gangs and drugs that it’s easy to hide behind these meat shields. 
Normalcy isn’t easy, as desirable it was. 
But Seo-Jun is more than ready to do what it takes for others to leave her alone and defend herself when times come.
After all, isn’t that what her parents' education is for?
“Hey. Get up.” Seo-Jun looks up from her phone and sees three large boys staring down at her with sneering expressions. 
She could already tell this was going to be a headache. 
“You, did you bully my junior? On your first day? You want to die?” 
“Kneel and apologize if you don’t want to get punched by our King, Zack!” Following their gestures. Seo-Jun shifted her sight to the tall man sitting with his feet on the desk. 
“Yea, Zack is a boxer!”
So what if he’s a boxer? 
Seo-Jun simply pushes herself up, and pushes them aside despite their disbelief.
She doesn’t have time to deal with them. 
“Oi. How dare you ignore us!?” Seo-Jun turned around swiftly and easily dodged their juvenile punches before tripping them over her leg. 
She doesn’t spare them another look, and instead turns back to the exit, ignoring the whispers. 
“Hey! You! Stop right there.” Just as she stopped, she leaned back slightly to barely dodge the powerful punch from a boxer. 
But she wasn’t fazed, instead, she spun around and swiped her feet at the boxer’s leg. Although the boxer did try to defend, she was faster due to throwing the man off guard. 
In the next moment, she narrowly dodged a quick punch to her chin and swiped the boxer off his feet. 
Zack promptly ended up on his butt as Seo-Jun didn’t wait to witness his existential crisis and immediately left the room that erupted into chaos a few seconds later. 
Seo-Jun hates her life, did she mention it before?
It’s only been a few days and she’s sick of everything. 
At home, Carlos will be there. 
At school, Zack and his little minions are stalking her, and now, other “gangster-wanna-bes” want to fight with her. 
Especially Vin Jin the wanna-be rapper, and…Vasco? What strange people with strange names. 
Also Eli the rainbow man, and Daniel, the new transfer that came in that also conveniently humiliated Zack, so now he has a vendetta against the both of us. 
But did Daniel have to look at her with those disgusting puppy eyes? 
What did she even do? Not bother him like everyone else? 
She doesn’t recall anything that would catch his attention…nevermind, it’s not worth her time. 
It’s annoying. 
That’s why she immediately left school and found a convenient store to eat for now. The one near her house, so she goes there often.
She quickly grabs what she needs, and scares the living shit out of the stupid bullies asking for alcohol with a single glare like usual, before paying her due. 
“T-Thank you.” Seo-Jun doesn’t answer, simply nods at the overweight cashier before finding a small table to sit at. 
Shoving snacks down her throat while fulfilling her quota for the month is hard as usual, but it doesn’t stop her from finishing some work. 
She chews on her bread while she quickly hacks into a famous company's security system and exiting before she is caught.
After cutting all ends loose, she takes a deep breath while she sips on her 5th cup of coffee of the day.
Work done as requested by her parents and…
“What do you want?” She whispered, and withheld a smile. 
“Don’t be so mean to your oppa. He might get hurt easily.” 
“Shut up.” She answered crudely even if she didn't want to. 
“Alright, I’ll treat you to a meal once they stop watching you as often. It’s been a while. But, before we do, can you help your oppa do some things? Just the usual.” 
“Don’t contact me.” His gruff laugh is full of guilt and melancholy, all of which is familiar yet unfortunate, but Seo-Jun doesn’t act out of character. 
For herself and for her brother. 
She endures and endures. 
“I knew I could rely on you.” 
She hangs up and shuts her laptop before packing up her stuff. 
When she arrives at the front, the cashier is looking at some snacks with funny eyes, as if he’s debating whether to devour the entire rack of snacks or not.
So she simply grabs what he’s staring intently at, and buys it with her own money, before pushing it towards him and leaving despite the confusion. 
Why is she doing this? Because this cashier has let her work in peace at the back many a times, she’s simply returning the favour. 
“Can I at least get your name!?” He yells out.
Seo-Jim chooses to ignore his question and simply replies.
“Take it or leave it.”
She didn’t stay to see the thankful, and tearful eyes from the cashier.
“If you beat me in arm-wrestling, I will leave you alone.”
When Vasco made that preposition, Seo-Jun agreed after some consideration. 
If she wins, while she gains popularity, but at least this boss man won’t bother her with his minions for a bit. If she loses, everyone will eventually forget about her. 
While both are equally tempting, she chooses the most ideal solution that benefits her life.
With a nod, she prepares herself. 
“Take off your hood.” 
“It won’t affect the outcome.” She says, and ignores all the background trash talk behind her.
“Don’t regret it.” 
If there is anything she knows about Vasco, it’s that this guy is stupidly naive and pure-hearted. 
The type she dislikes the most. 
When they clasp hands, she felt Vasco tense for a brief moment, as if coming to a realization, but he gathered his wits and gripped firmly.
“You are a man?” 
“What do you think?” Seo-Jun calmly replied before Jace, the monkey right-hand man of Vasco starts to count down.
“3, 2, 1, Go!” 
In an instant, the desk began to shake from the sheer pressure it was under. 
“What?! He’s matching Vasco in strength!” 
“No way! It’s equal! Both of them aren’t budging!” 
“Go Vasco! You got this!” 
It’s…disappointing really. 
“No! Vasco is losing?!” 
She chose to win.
Why? Not only does Vasco leave her alone, his crew and other people who fear Vasco will leave her alone. 
Furthermore, knowing Vasco’s personality, he will not rest until she showed him what he wanted and will bug her forever, saying that she didn’t use her full strength.
Not that she did anyway.
Compared to fighting Carlos…this is nothing. 
Just like that Seo-Jun slammed Vasco’s down firmly, locked and secured, as she looked at Jace for confirmation. Jace coughed nervously in shock, but them recovered promptly and declared.
“The winner is Lee Seo-Jun.” 
She immediately withdrew her hand and shook off her hand to relax her muscles. She glances at the shocked man before standing up. 
“Then, keep your promise, Vasco.” Just like that she leaves again, and sighing as she hears the rumour spread loud and wide. 
At least they’ll leave her alone.
At this point, she’s not surprised. 
“You, fight me.”
Lee Seo-Jun was not even close to them, in fact, once she saw them she turned the opposite way. But no, she got noticed.
What is with her shitty luck?!
With Daniel, Vasco, the daughter of a rich family and her bodyguard, Seo-Jun knew things would not go her way. 
“Lee Seo-Jun. The CEO talked about you.” 
“Gun, you mean this person is-” 
“Yea, this guy here is the one the CEO told us to look into.” 
Oh? Now that Seo-Jun thought about it, this girl here, she thought she saw her before, isn’t she the daughter of Choi Charles, the CEO of HNH? 
Then this man must be…ah, Park Gun? What a cringe name. 
Looks like hacking into their system was beneficial for both her and her brother. 
“Either come with us willingly, or you fight me.” Gun said as he took large strides towards her. 
She first looked for a way out, but appearantly Gun guessed the same and is more than ready to stop her if necessary.
“First to cause the other to fall to the ground wins. I don’t have time.”
So she takes the lead. If she can’t run, she might as well fight. 
A smirk rose on his face as he towers over her.
“Alright, the faster the better.” 
“Wait Lee Seo-Jun, that guy is strong.” Vasco states and looks concerned. Seo-Jim glances at him briefly and noticed that he was quite injured.
Although his concern was unwarranted. 
“Let’s get on with it then.” 
When the fight started, Seo-Jun noticed how Gun’s bored look slowly morphed to one of excitement and ecstasy. 
“You…where have you been hiding!?” 
Seo-Jun has done some research in the man before, so she has a broad idea of how he fights. She admits he’s stronger than many of her opponents she fought before.
But she fought and trained herself too much during her education to be defeated or fazed by this half naked man. 
“Very good! Lee Seo-Jun! Show me more-“
“You're annoying.” 
So when she does smash his face down to the ground after some difficulty and getting multiple injuries herself, she ensures he stays down by trapping him and landing solid punches on his face. 
Until Crystal tells her to stop. 
“It’s your win.” 
Seo-Jun lets go and jumps back immediately after Gun recovers almost instantly. His eyes were pitch black and he wore a giant smirk on his face. 
“Lee Seo-Jun! You…You are a girl?!” Daniel and Vasco exclaimed and flushed red. 
Seo-Jun blinks and notices that her clothing had been ripped in the process, revealing some parts of her scarred body, from her bruised abs to her bloodied toned shoulders and scarred legs. 
"What...Lee Seo-Jun, where did you get those injuries?!" Daniel ran over in worry.
"None of your business."
It was then she noticed her hood has fallen off due to the impact of Gun's punches, and her mask was ripped off in the fight.
What a shame.
Seo-Jun wasn’t flustered, at least she had her undergarments on and was still functional. 
The only thing now is that she can't pose as a boy anymore, unless she silence these people, which she doubts.
“Very good. To think you were the daughter of Lee Company…they were hiding you in Lee Suho’s shadow too well.” Gun applauded as he put his shoulder back to place. He finally puts on his glasses to cover his eyes.
Seo-Jun brushed off any excess dirt and dust and then sent a dark look to the rich duo before walking away. 
“Let’s have a complete fight one day, Lee Seo-Jun.” Seo-Jun jumped aside instinctively when someone’s coat was thrown at her. Gun smirked and she returned a disgusted look before ignoring the expensive jacket on the ground. 
“Wait Seo-Jun, you can’t go back looking like that!” 
“Seo-Jun. You are a strong girl.” 
With Daniel fussing over her appearance, she ended up taking his jacket and had to bear Vasco’s determined look for the rest of the school day as they wouldn’t leave her alone. 
So much for normalcy huh. 
Seo-Jun enjoyed her temporary peaceful life, but now she’s far gone, with gangs, companies, and the world knowing her name. 
Dammit Gun.
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