Closed starter for @gungambled!
Just as she stepped over the threshold into the dormitory hallway, the soft carrier in her hand began to wiggle. It had only been a short journey, several floors down, and yet her companion seemed intent on his protest. If just for the fact he refused to stay still. Regardless, Sonia sighed and smiled, glancing down at the very important delivery she held.
"We're almost there," She spoke gently, a soothing tone as she proceeded down the hallway, passing various doors to various student apartments. Not the one that was her current destination, though she hoped none of them would intercept her on her way. Time was of the essence. "I'm sure you'll like where we're going. You will have missed her so much, no?"
Whether he understood her or not, Sonia couldn't be sure. Instead, she paused in front of the desired door and knocked twice with her free hand, waiting until Celeste opened the door. Even if the arrival likely wasn't thrilled by the carrier he was currently confined to, surely, Sonia thought, Celeste would be thrilled, if not relieved. Or as much as Celestia Ludenberg could: cheerful emotion, Sonia thought, seemed to be a bit more relegated for her friend than others.
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"Hello Celeste!" She greeted her brightly as the door opened, "I hope I'm not interrupting you, but I remember you mentioned earlier that Grand Bois Cheri had made a daring escape from your room? Well, I'm happy to report that I found him in mine!"
She held up the soft pet carrier so her friend could see her cat properly: nestled on a deep, hunter green fleece blanket with golden embroidery like the aristocrat (or was it aristocat?) he was. Sonia chuckled: he was quite at ease there, even if he was a bit grumpy due to being confined. "I knew you'd be very worried for him, so I brought him over right away after I managed to coax him into a carrier I borrowed from Gundham. The blanket is his now, though: I think he'll enjoy it much more than I will."
That, and she'd simply have another sent over from home. But it had been to Sonia's surprise when she'd spotted a pair of glowing eyes underneath her bed, content to remain huddled there until she'd taken a chance and requested that Hanamura bring a plate of fresh gyoza to the Ultimate Princess's apartments. Celeste had mentioned that once, Sonia remembered: her cat liked that dish. And so she'd waited until he couldn't resist the plate nestled at the back of the carrier.
"In any case, I'm glad you two could be reunited," She smiled, handing the carrier towards Celeste.
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the-taboo-king · 3 years
Thread Decisions
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Alrighty, so I cleaned up my threads and dropped a lot of them. Under the cut is a table that shows my choices and the name of each thread. Any I’ve dropped that have a long arching plot we were working on can be picked up again. Feel free to come talk to me if you want to work some stuff out. Also, let me know if you’re not feeling any of the threads I have kept.
@more-than-a-princess​, @gungambled​, @hcpefulmarshmallow​, @clcudlandswing​
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purgatorychxsm-a · 4 years
“You’re really starting to piss me off!” For you know who :)
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“It’s so sweet that you like, think enough of me to let you ruin your day, Celestia-chan~! It’s so yummy when you’re pissed off~!”
Is she trying to make Celestia even more mad? Yes, yes she is.
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woerended-a · 4 years
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@gungambled​​ said: A kiss on the throat
At first, he doesn’t know what to think that she’s doing. It’s not as if she’s never been in his proximity before, but she certainly hadn’t gotten this close. His breath hitches slightly as eyes become very transfixed on her. He doesn’t move much, but the tension in his shoulders makes him feel as if he’s almost gently reeling back. Hey, what’s going on? If she got any closer she was seriously going to be on him. Was that what she was trying to do...?
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Small shiver runs up and along the base of his spine as she presses porcelain lips near his adam’s apple. It’s as if in that moment he needs to swallow for air, but holds deathly still, doesn’t want to usher her off or anything.
Because truth be told, he likes her quite a bit -- and moving now seemed like nothing if not the biggest missed opportunity. He allows her kiss, stays put for it, feels a warm shudder travel up through his arms, shoulders, as he slowly exhales, finally matches her gaze, his face a burning red.
“W-Wow, I...” A pause, fingers brush against one another uselessly, before his eyes soften. He drapes an arm on her shoulder gently, raises a brow as he whispers very lowly.
“Maybe I should return the favor, actually...”
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hcpefulmarshmallow · 4 years
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I offer you, whatever nsfw prompt you want to use.
[ dress ]   your muse having mine dress up in lingerie.   (+rev)
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It takes a frustratingly long time for the silk robe to finally fall away, and as it hits the floor below, Nagito’s breath audibly catches in his throat. He sits with his hands at his sides, gripping the sheets as tight as he dares to. He hasn’t been given permission to touch yet, so he dare not try; though he does begin to think this is all some cruel test of his patience. Thus, he can do nothing but stare, as the love of his life so casually tears him apart, by doing little more than existing before him, so incredibly breathtaking.
 Ribbon and lace wrap around her body in intricate patterns, concealing just enough from his view to make him sigh softly, his grip tightening for a brief, missable moment. As frustrated as he is fascinated, he can barely fathom how Celeste managed to get this insane garment on herself, much less how he’s gong to get it off. That is, presuming he can decipher this puzzle before the need to gets the better of him. 
 Ah, but she truly does look stunning -- this would be a terrible opportunity to squander in a hurry. The longer Nagito stares, the more he thinks that maybe he shouldn’t be so quick to strip her bare. Again, his fingers twitch, as he contemplates how it might be to touch the soft patches of skin the outfit lays bare for him, and leave reverent kisses all over her body until his lover is as needy as he is. 
 Realising he’s been staring in silence for some time, Nagito swallows, and finds his voice somewhere deep in his throat. ❝C-celeste, um...❞ It’s almost painful to tear his eyes away, and meet hers once more; he can only force but a few stuttered words. ❝M-may I? Please?❞
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aikidoheroine · 5 years
Life as a wandering trainer wasn’t the most lucrative, but when Tenko did save up a nice amount of money, she traveled to other regions. This time, she traveled to the cozy region of Kanto.  Currently, Tenko explored a place known as Lavender Town. It was infamous for being a haunted location, but Tenko didn’t really believe in ghosts. So to her it was a sleepy, peaceful town. As she looked around she spotted something so unexpected she did a double take.  “Celeste?” 
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morethanaprincess-a · 5 years
Closed starter for @gungambled​ !
Once in awhile, it was exhilarating to escape the confines of Hope's Peak campus, including its surrounding cafes and arcades. For someone to fascinated by Japanese culture, it seemed counter-intuitive for Sonia to miss Novoselic terribly. But beyond the coziness of her room at home, her collection of occult artifacts, and rooms and grounds filled with thousands of years of history, she missed the ability to simply relax. It was her nature to work hard, looking after everything and everyone as she put the best interests of everyone first.
So when she'd made the suggestion to take tea somewhere decadent, most of her friends had turned up their noses at the idea. Too stuffy, too finicky, how could that be any fun? Her classmates seemed disappointed in a way, that their friend wanted to indulge in an experience often only experienced by the upperclasses. Money aside, there was an acknowledgement of tradition about it all, from the pristine silver and china used to the taste of fresh jam spread over piping hot pastries. Some of her fondest memories of a child had been the taste of Novoselic confections while her mother and nanny worked to correct her posture and table manners over tea. Nevertheless, Sonia had shrugged before seeking out the one person whom she could rely upon to enjoy such a spread as much as she would: Celestia Ludenberg, a gambler by talent but Sonia had always been far fascinated by her obsession with European history and heritage. Many of her classmates found her cold and calculating, but the Princess was sure it was simply due to misunderstanding what Celestia truly valued. Etiquette and honoring the past, for Sonia, never went out of style. And so they'd agreed, as two unaccompanied young women, to savor afternoon tea at a nearby butler cafe.
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Closing her menu in front of her, Sonia smiled at her friend across the table. While she could count upon Celestia to dress for the occasion in her lolita best, Sonia had opted for a simple tweed shift dress adorned with metallic threads woven into the pink and mint wool with silver buttons on its shoulders and pockets. With pearls, a quilted handbag and coordinating leather heels, the two girls couldn't appear to be more different and yet they exuded a sense of confidence, grace, and beauty the other tables could only hope to emulate. Even the butlers themselves seemed to disagree on who should serve them. "This is quite peaceful, though I'm surprised to see so many young butlers," She set the menu aside, taking a sip of water from the long-stemmed wine glass beside her plate. The youngest butlers were likely in university or their early twenties, and yet that was still a shock for Sonia. Most footmen were only allowed to serve in Novoselic Castle during their mid-twenties or later, after several years of attending formal schooling with the intention of working for the Royal Family. "Shall we order the full tea set? I must confess, so many of the teas sound delicious. I'm rather torn between the caramel and hazelnut black tea and the black and green blend with honey and rose petals. What do you think, Celestia?"
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truthclaimed · 4 years
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   “You’re a gambler, right?” 
   He doesn’t like to start conversations, so the question comes after a period of long silence. They were sharing space, and she probably didn’t know or care who he was. Not that he could blame her. She had an almost regal air about her and it was intimidating. Still, he had his own reasons for speaking to her. Reasons that were too important for his anxiety to get in the way of... sort of. 
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triptocaiine · 4 years
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“you’re in madison’s class, aren’t you?” the fact that they say her given name lends more intimacy than they intend it to. really, being two americans finding themselves smack-dab in japan do a lot to bring people together. they’ve been friends with her since they met her at a hope’s peak reunion, and she’s a big part of the reason they applied to be a teacher here. so, yeah, someone could say they’re close, but not so close that they should be referring to her with given name. “uh, sorry — paige-san.” it’s weird calling her that, they muse, but focus their attention on the student before them instead of ruminating on that any more than they rightfully should.
“the ultimate gambler — yeah, i know you. listen, i’ve been meanin’ to ask you something.” arms folded, one hand comes to cover their mouth, almost like they’re a detective trying to solve a case. but they’re nothing like that anymore. they’re just a teacher. “how d’you get a talent like that? i mean, what is it... cheating? havin’ a good poker face? and unless i’m remembering correctly, isn’t gambling illegal for kids your age? i don’t mean any disrespect... i’ve just been curious about it for a while.”
@gungambled​  /  starter call.
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raajasii · 5 years
@gungambled   ||   ♛ sc .
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                ❝ Lady Celestia ,  there is this unforeseen predicament ... ❞      Muted tone of voice rung unusually sheepish for someone who’d typically be equipped with a disposition far more unapologetic and exuberant,  as Soma skulked by her parlor doorway in the same manner as that of a dejected dog.   A development that may or may not have been closely related to the bleeding scratch wounds marring the length of his bared hand.      ❝ Somehow ,  I must have made an AWFUL first impression on your cat ! ❞  
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the-taboo-king · 3 years
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   “By all that is unholy, not again,” Gundham groans, hands rising to his scarf.
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zetsubo-okashi · 4 years
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“Celes-chan~! Look, look! I made us matching shirts!”
Graphic design was most certainly not Junko’s passion at all. There was a terribly attempt at making matching ‘Team Edward’ t-shirts, complete with their last names on the back, jersey-style, and a horribly photoshopped picture of the vampire in question. The one labeled for the ‘SHSL Twilight Fan’ had the number 21 on it, and Junko’s own had a 1.
Still trying to look like she’s number one, it seems.
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yellowribboned · 5 years
@gungambled  liked a starter call.  ( accepting! )
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the air of an easy target has always hovered around charlotte wiltshire. she is weak. she sounds weak. she looks weak. weakness clings to her like water clings to glass. but that sense of weakness never slides off charlotte. even her talent — the ultimate altruist — lends her a sort of naive optimism, the likes of which make her easy to fool. too gullible, too naive, too nice.
so she finds herself bringing her upperclassman tea, even though she could be doing something else. it’s not a big deal, she tells herself. celestia really likes tea. and it’s not really like she has anything better to do.
besides, this is kind of like playing butler! so it’s more like a game between friends than... servant work, or anything.
“um... here’s your tea, celestia. i tried to do it right this time, but i’m still a little clumsy... you know, even in england, we don’t do our tea so fancy. or... maybe i’m just not that cultured.” she laughs a little, self-conscious.
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hcpefulmarshmallow · 4 years
@gungambled​ said:
' open up '
Open Up
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There’s no screaming. There’s no point. Nagito knows he’s dreaming -- that there’s nothing he can do as he cowers helplessly, covered in the blood of his parents, and surrounded by terrified shouting. There’s only one way this can go, and it’s the one way it always goes. But for the moment, he’s hardly the same Nagito that lays in bed next to his loved one, clinging to her warmth like it’s the only thing keeping him afloat. He is -- again; always, it seems -- that same, helpless seven-year-old child, bringing about destruction he’s powerless to stop. 
 Nothing can pull him from this dream. He relives it all, vividly, as he has so many times. And only once it’s over does that soft voice reach him in the tense, cold darkness that follows. He wakes to a hand in his hair; to a wet patch where he’s buried his face in a sweet familiar scent, and the sound of broken, hopeless sobbing. It takes a moment for him to realise that it’s him making that awful noise. 
 She’s good to him. Too good. Too kind, waiting out this little episode of his at such an unholy hour. He wants to apologise. For ruining her sleep, for crying, for causing the accident, for everything he’s ever done. He wants to be forgiven. He want to know he can never be. 
 She understand what most do. That there was a plane jacking and subsequent accident, the details vague and murky on purpose. There had been such an aloofness about him when he’d first explained it, like it had all happened to another person. Sometimes, it truly feels that way. And sometimes, it feels like it’s happening to him all over again. 
 ❝Don’t...don’t forgive me,❞ he whimpers. Barely sure who he’s talking to anymore. ❝I don’t deserve it. It was my fault -- what kind of person would something like that happen to? I should’ve died. They should still be -- I remember, they never even saw it coming. They were too focused on the man with the gun. But that meteor, it came out of nowhere. It killed him, and then them, and then everyone on that plane except me. Why? I should’ve died that day, you know. I was next to them when the meteor hit. I was still conscious when the emergency crew...why didn’t they just leave me there? Why were they so nice to me? They should’ve...you shouldn’t...please. Please, hate me. Please tell me it was my fault. I feel like I’m going crazy -- please tell me I killed my family.❞ That gentle, desperate begging dissolves into sobbing once more. His teeth chattering and his whole body trembling as he clings to Celeste, the way a child clings to his blanket. 
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eludum · 5 years
❥ @gungambled
everyone else seemed to be settling in rather well at future foundation. with the creation of the 14th division, most of class 78′s survivors had been filed away. asahina was in the 13th division, alongside chiaki, though her role was different. fukawa was under close scrutiny thanks to her bodily ties to genocider syo, and kirigiri and togami were both in leadership positions. naegi continued as he was, inspiring hope in others with his work in the 14th branch.
that left... celestia. chiaki had heard some reports already on how she didn’t really seem to get along with anyone or fit in anywhere. that made her something of a puzzle at best, and a serious risk at worst.
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she came with a peace offering. tea, made just the way celestia liked it, delivered to her private room by the gamer’s own hands.
“do you remember me? ah, no... i suppose you wouldn’t. sorry.”
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loveslashed · 5 years
@gungambled​  /  liked this.
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it had been some time since the two of them had first met. anri, of course, had had ties to a yakuza family for quite a while. it came with the territory. she was protected, to some degree. akabayashi could call in some favours in loving memory, but she highly doubted that he could protect her too much, considering the unforgiving nature of the world he lived in. the world she almost lived in. dipped her toes in, had been thrust into but into which she’d never been accepted.
so she shouldn’t have come back. but she was armed with a weapon that no metal detector could pick up. the cursed blade, saika, concealed under her very skin. she had an advantage, even though she still drew stares dressed in her black sweater and skirt. she was the sort who could never truly fade into the background, after all.
celestia was engrossed in a match, so anri merely joined the onlookers. if celestia were to make eye contact, she would just smile. soft. polite. non-threatening. and if she were to approach her after the match, anri would invite her for a walk, just like last time.
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