#gunk lee
silent-raven13 · 1 year
Jealous Hobie
Miles talking with Ganke about the latest One Piece episode and hyping for Gear 5 Luffy. The two are so close they like to hug and snuggle while watching movies or anything friendship bonding.
Hobie decides to drops in on Miles' dorm to surprise him with a cute date, he saw how his boo is snuggling and sharing a blanket with Ganke. The two unaware of Hobie coming into the window, because they are so busy laughing, chatting, even sharing snacks while watching their anime.
Miles eyes on the tablet: Yo that's sick! He's JOYBOY! -fed his best friend some popcorn-
Ganke chews on the popcorn: Right! This shit is so fire! -they sat closer to have a better view while having the blanket covering them-
Hobie press his lips being annoyed seeing his boo giving the same affection to his best friend instead of him, and got more annoyed that they didn't noticed him. So he purposely made a loud noise or drop his gibson electric guitar on the floor causing them to look at the direction the sound came from.
Miles noticed his bf: Oh Hey, Hobie.
Hobie eyes on the two: Hey, luv... Darling, what's going on over here? -using his hand to show the two why they are so close-
Miles unaware of Hobie being jealous because he never knew Hobie can get jealous or is the jealous type: Oh, me and Ganke are watching a show. Shh, we want to finish the episode -He then lays his head on Ganke's shoulder and Ganke lays his head on Miles'-
Hobie stares almost ready to fight, but held it in. Then he angrily forces his way to be in the middle.
Ganke: YooO! WTF! -popcorn being spilled over the bed-
Miles scooting to the side: Ow, Hobie! What are you doing, man! We're wat-
Hobie sat between them, having one arm around Miles' shoulder: That's more like, ain't that right luv? Aren't i better. Here lay your head right here.
Miles blink in surprised then laughs: Okay, bae.
Ganke rolled his eyes: You know, me and him are just friends right?
Hobie: I'm all for platonic love and friendship, but this man right here -using his hand to squish Miles' face making his lips look like a fish- is mine.
Ganke: Pfft, hey he is all yours.
Miles: Can we just finish the show!
Hobie snuggles Miles being super possessive: Now we can! -then look at the odd show- so what is dis? About pirates, mate? Why do they need gears if they are on a ship, luv?
Ganke and Miles freak out because they forgot Hobie is on a different timeline: OH MY GOD! YOU DON'T KNOW ONE PIECE!
(Part 2)
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godlytemperance · 1 month
oh my god shut up Brennan and Izzy named their cat THOMAS MAGUNKIS????
i'm gonna fucking cry actually that's so cute 🥹🥹🥹
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yki-dolls · 3 months
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Some characters from some games I like :)
The rusty lake games are genuinely my favourite game series ever, and I preordered the harvey plush :3
Commissions open
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gunkbaby · 8 months
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missmarreynolds · 6 months
I am genuinely so sad at how Ty Lee and Mai talk about Azula in the comics. She is a 14 year old who had a breakdown under so much pressure. She is a 14 year old girl whose only friends she’s ever had betrayed her. She very same friends with who she played when they were small. The same girls with who she did cartwheels in the garden during their free time.
And these girls refer to her as a nutjob and a lunatic. They were meant to stick up for her. See that she was struggling. See that she IS struggling. But instead they call her names and treat her like the gunk at the bottom of their shoe and it genuinely breaks my heart. Azula deserved so much better :(
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What kind of shenanigans can happen if Eru Lee and Minato happen to accidentally fall into twilight world and couldn’t directly go back (they’re stuck for now)?
Will they even interact with anyone?
Or like Maybe in the start of the battle in BD? Will that change the outcome of the “battle” somehow?
Anon's referring to Minato Namikaze and the Destroyer of Worlds.
The thing is, when it comes to crossover, I have to default to Lee and Obito. They're just more susceptible to shenanigans and interesting plotlines/things happening. And it's tradition. I'm sorry, anon, I have no choice.
Well, per the laws of interesting things happening, part of the problem of why the pair can't go back is Obito somehow immediately gets eaten by a vampire. Perhaps they're drawn in by the taste of his sweet sweet Uchiha blood only to realize "oh no, this is inedible alien gunk and what the fuck even is this" as Obito is both descended from alien gunk and uh had misadventures where he's more alien than he would have been otherwise thanks to a terrible time in a cave.
Three days later, after one hell of a fever, Lee realizes her beloved apprentice has turned into a crystal cannibalistic demon who, per how gifts in Twilight seem to work, is even more powerful than he was as Obito Uchiha with an uncontrollable thirst to eat people.
"Fuuuuuuuuuuuck" says Lee.
The rest of the time is spent on a quest to turn Obito back into a not cannibalistic crystal alien demon and Obito can you stop eating people for two seconds? (Obito has been living on a diet of clones/unfortunate humans who got too close).
It quickly becomes apparant that even if they could go home... if they do... this thing seems to be infectuous and the village will try to turn everyone into overpowered cannibal shinobi which is a very bad idea. Even if they just sacrifice a few to become berserker blood gods... that's bad.
"Maybe we shouldn't go home" Lee slowly realizes as she can't exactly leave Obito here/she was having issues at home anyway, and she can't seem to turn Obito back.
It then becomes a quest of "how do recovering shinobi do in a world where there's no feudal Japan" and "where do we put recovering crystal cannibalistic ghoul demon" and "why are other cannibalistic ghoul demons after us???" when they're a little too obvious with "we are alien shinobi, please hire us to murder bandits!"
I imagine they're propositioned by the Volturi and there's a lot of :/ "working for non-Konoha hidden village is bad".
If/when they come into contact with the Cullens I imagine there's a lot of "these people are weird" as the Cullens would appear extra weird to Lee and Obito. Though they might join to get Obito off of the clone juice. You know. That would be nice.
Sorry, anon, it's one of those questions best answered by writing a fic but I'm probably not going to do that.
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amazingmsme · 1 year
Blue Halo
AN: Making up for lost time, 3 fics in a day eat my ass. Jkjk, these fics are so much fun, it’s just a lot, especially when I let myself get carried away like this. But y’all are about to go hog wild, because here’s another lee!simon fic, dare I say better than the first? Idk man, today’s prompt is unusual spot & the whole head portal thing just screams ticklish scalp to me.
Fionna stared at the back of Simon's head, still trying to wrap her mind around it. It felt weird when she leapt from the portal and found herself staring at an old man laying face down.
Since entering his world, she hasn't had much time to dwell on it. Now that they seemed to be in a relatively safe world, her mind began to wander off to places she hadn't had the time to dwell on.
"I can feel you staring," Simon said, looking over his shoulder at her. She panicked and looked away, causing him to chuckle softly. "You'll get them too ya know."
"Gray hairs. It's what you're staring at, right?"
"Oh no! I wasn't staring at that!" she assured, but Simon rolled his eyes fondly.
"Really, it's okay. I know I'm old as dirt. You start going gray, that's just life," he explained casually. Fionna snorted in amusement and shoved his shoulder playfully.
"You don't have to explain the concept of aging Simon!" she teased. "I was just thinking... About home, and where we came from..." she trailed off, staring at the back of his head. Simon connected the dots.
"Oh..." He looked away, a small frown on his face as he thought of a way he could comfort her. "Well, once we get me a new crown, then you can go home and everything will be okay," he offered a soft smile, one which she returned.
"Yeah, I'm just a little worried about going back in," she mused aloud. Simon cocked his head curiously, so she elaborated. "I mean, you're head's only so big, and my hips are definitely bigger," she joked.
He snorted in amusement, "Oh please, you made it out just fine! I think all this craziness is just gunking up your head and making you nervous. I promise, I'll get you and Cake home safe and sound," he said, patting her shoulder.
"I guess I'm still just, confused about it all. And curious," she shrugged.
"Well... you're welcomed to rummage around the ol' noggin; see if there's any remnants of the portal hiding behind my hair," he offered.
"Really? You wouldn't mind?" she asked, sitting down behind him.
"Not a bit. I'm honestly a little curious about what's back there myself." Fionna started carding her hands through Simon's hair and he let out a chuckle. "I wonder if this is how Jane Goodall felt," joked aloud.
"Who?" Fionna asked, not understanding the joke at all. His short lived laughter trailed off with a sigh.
"Oh, never mind. Just a scientist from a long time ago." His voice sounded dejected and forlorn, reminiscing on a time long since past. Fionna frowned to herself at the change of mood.
"What did she study?"
"She was a great conservationists and anthropologist who studied primates. She even got to live with them for awhile," he explained.
"Whoa, that sounds pretty cool," she said and Simon agreed. She continued parting his hair, looking for any sign of the portal.
"Well, your scalp's pretty pale, but I don't know if that has to do with- wait!" she cut herself off, shoving his hair away excitedly, in doing so shoving his head down abruptly. Simon let out a quiet oof and braced himself on the floor.
"What- what is it?" he asked nervously, craning his neck to see despite knowing it was a fruitless effort.
"Oh, it's nothing bad!" she was quick to assure. "I think." Or maybe not... "It's just, I think your skin might be blue." Simon felt himself relax.
"Don't scare me like that Fionna! I thought it was something serious!"
"Blue skin isn't serious?" she asked, voice soft and concerned. Simon leaned back to look at her.
"Well, I was Ice King for a really long time, and he had blue skin," he reasoned. "So it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. You said you followed a sparkly blue portal?" She nodded, and he continued. "See, that explains it. No need to worry," he reached back, patting her hand to put her at ease.
She hummed, not fully trusting the explanation but deciding not to dwell. "Whatever you say," she said skeptically. "Man, your hair's soft. What shampoo do you use?" she asked.
"Huh? Oh, I don't know, Marcy picked it out for me. But it's the conditioner that makes it soft,” he gently corrected. Suddenly his calm demeanor took a left turn when he arched his back, shoulders shooting up to his ears as he shrieked, a full body shiver overtaking his body.
He jumped away from the sensation, landing in the soft ground and spinning around to face Fionna. He he had a hand slapped over the back of his head, rubbing furiously. His eyes were wide and he was… blushing?
Fionna pointed at him accusingly, “I knew it was a bad omen! And you just tried to shrug it off!”
Simon shook his head, “What? No! No, it’s fine, I guess the portal just made my scalp a little… sensitive is all,” he grumbled, arms crossed as he adverted his gaze to the ground.
“Well that doesn’t sound good. And you hit your head pretty hard when you fell down those stairs at Prismo’s,” she pointed out, brows furrowed with concern.
“Oh, well I-“
“Let me just make sure you aren’t hurt, okay? If it really is blue it could be bruising.” Simon had to admit she had a point. Hesitantly, he sat back down, though much stiffer and guarded than before. Fionna playfully punched his arm.
“Relax dude, I’m not gonna hurt you!”
Simon rubbed his sore shoulder. “You just did,” he teased, though the smile on his face let her know he was only kidding.
“Oh shut up,” she mock scolded, parting his hair to try and get a decent look at his scalp. She hadn’t cut her nails in a while and they grazed the tender skin beneath his hair and she noticed how Simon’s shoulders hitched up towards his ears and a startled gasp escape him. She immediately pulled away, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
Simon was quick to put her mind at ease, especially with her growing guilt over hurting others. “It’s fine, you didn’t hurt me. Like I said it’s just, um, sensitive,” he said vaguely.
“Huh?” Fionna gave him a puzzled look before connecting the dots, confusion morphing into an ecstatic grin. Simon felt his stomach drop. “Oh. Ooooh! You mean sensitive as in ticklish! This is great!” she exclaimed, plopping herself way too close to him in his opinion.
“N-now wait a second!” he tried to protest, yelping when Fionna grabbed him in a headlock. Not strong enough to choke or hurt, but he certainly wasn’t going anywhere. Uh oh.
“No way! You had me all worried for no reason! And you’ve been a sad sack o’ taters this whole time! So I think it’s about time you cut loose,” she decided, lightly scratching against the back of his head. Now that she wasn’t holding back, it was so much worse than before. He snorted, biting his lip to contain any more unwanted sounds. Soft snickers managed to slip past the barrier despite his best efforts.
“Oho man, this is hilarious! Who even knew scalps could be ticklish! I gotta try this out on Gary when I get home!” she rambled as she continued tickling.
Simon was halfway in her lap from her ambushed attack, his legs kicking and scrambling against the ground for purchase. Her nonchalant enthusiasm was more flustering than he thought it would be and he covered his red face to hide from the teasing. What else was he supposed to do? Her hold made it so that he couldn’t even reach her hands to stop her. Though in second thought, maybe that was a good thing: she’d probably go after his armpits and then he’d really be in trouble.
“Fihihionnahaha! Lehet mehehe gohoho!” he whined, unleashing the hoard of giggles that had been trapped in his chest for far too long. The sound was bright and high pitched, and so unlike the Simon she knew.
“Aaawww, you have, like, the cutest laugh ever!” she cooed, causing him to blush even more.
“Whahat? Ihihi dohoho nohohot!” he denied, shrieking when she started scratching closer to his hairline. His giggles grew faster and more breathy, snorting loudly when she traced a circle in the center of his head.
“I don’t know dude, have you ever heard yourself? Pretty fuckin’ cute,” she teased, then thought back on her own words, an idea forming in her mind. “Wait, where’s my phone?”
Even while giggling hysterically, Simon tried to be helpful. “Ca-Cahahake!”
“Ugh, she has it!” she groaned, still scribbling anywhere that warranted a reaction. She leaned her head back and yelled, “CAKE! I NEED MY PHONE!”
In the distance, she could just barely make out a Cake-colored shape. The shape responded, “I’M BUSY!”
“IT’S MY PHONE! I NEED IT FOR PROOF THAT SIMON CAN LAUGH!” she yelled. That seemingly got the cat’s attention.
A leg stretched all the way over to them, followed shortly by the rest of Cake. “Now this I GOTTA see- oh wow, you weren’t kiddin’,” she said once she made her way to them, clutching the phone to her chest. She chuckled to herself as she walked up to them, getting up in Simon’s face as she filmed them before Fionna pushed her back with a giggle of her own.
“Cake, that’s too close!”
“Hey, I’m a director! Y’all just keep doin’ what you’re doin’,” she said, trying to decide on the best angle for the video.
“Cahahake, hehelp mehehe!” he pleaded, reaching an arm out for her.
She looked up to the sky in thought, “Hmmm, no. I’m Fionna’s cat, not yours,” she sassed, fangs peaking out behind her smirk.
Simon shrieked when she found the weak spot behind his ears, his laughter reaching a new pitch. Once he started hiccuping through his giggles, Fionna decided to grant him mercy.
“Welp! Think it’s safe to say that you’re in tip top shape!” she chirped, patting his arm as he laid on the ground wheezing. He held up a thumbs up.
He composed himself enough to sit up, playfully glaring at the two of them. “That was the worst. You’re the worst.”
“Naaah, I play with my friends like that all the time, and you took it like a champ,” she complimented, smirking at the way he flushed at her words.
“Wha- you had me in a headlock!” he defended himself, throwing his arms in the air for dramatics. Cake couldn’t help herself and stretched over to tweak his sides. He yelped and curled in on himself, falling onto his side. They all laughed.
“You coulda tapped out,” Fionna taunted smugly. Simon was dusting himself off and fixed his glasses.
“Well if I knew that, I would’ve,” he said curtly.
“Bet next time you won’t,” she challenged, hands on her hips. He froze, balking for an answer before a calm, almost smug expression found it’s way on his face.
“Well, I’m an old man Fionna. I’m sure I’ll forget by then.”
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nahoney22 · 2 years
My birthday is this month! Could I request Crosshair doing something special for female reader on her birthday?
Birthday Surprise
Crosshair X F!Reader
word count: 634 words
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Exactly as the request asks 😊
warnings: none, pure fluff.
A/N: bestie, I am so sorry for the delay but happy belated birthday to you. Enjoy @ilovebadboys … ANOTHER CROSS FIC? IN THE SPACE OF A FEW HOURS? Of course 💋
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“Alright, open your eyes.”
All week Crosshair had been planning this surprise and all week you have been none the wiser. Of course you may have hinted that your birthday was coming up but you didn’t necessarily expect anything from him. Money was tight and the boys had been exceptionally busy so when he came ‘home’ to surprise you, you didn’t expect another array of surprises.
He had practically kidnapped you, scooping you off your feet after he dropped off your gifts, hailing down a galactic cab to reach your first destination which was a lovely restaurant. The food was delicious and it was more enjoyable for you to see him eating food that wasn’t a shared ration bar and gunk from the Kaminoan Cantina.
After that, he took you to a bar where a few drinks were on the cards and it just so happened your favorite local band was playing! Although a little embarrassing that the singer dedicated a song to you after learning it was your birthday which left you red in the face. Crosshair could not stop smirking.
You were thanking him for the lovely night, ready to go home but he takes your hand and shakes his head. “Night’s just getting started.”
He tells you to keep your eyes closed as you walk through the small town and you’re trying to picture the route in your mind but nothing is coming up.
Once your eyes open, the biggest grin plants on your face to see the Marauder perched on a hillside with some familiar faces standing in front holding a large banner.
“The banner was the kids idea.” Crosshair grumbled as he stared at the bright and glittered exploded birthday banner, seeing his brothers and sister waving over to you.
“I can’t believe this!” You say with a laugh, waving back before looking up at him. “You told me they went back to Kamino.”
“What? And have them miss your birthday, baby girl? I don’t think so.” He says with a coy smile, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as he escorts you over to the others who gave you a mix of hugs and pat on the back for your special day.
The night ahead lead to many fun games, some drinking when Omega finally dozed off to sleep, and surprisingly to you; dancing.
Crosshair of course wanted nothing to do with most games and dancing but gladly watched his brothers (mainly Wrecker) dance about which was just him jumping up and down and throwing you about. One by one, the others had called it a night which just left you and Crosshair to sit by the makeshift campfire, cuddled up under a shared blanket.
“Had a good day?” He asks, moving soft circles along your back with his dexterous fingers.
“Perfect,” you sigh happily, resting your head against his shoulders “didn’t know you could pull all this off.”
He scoffs a little and shrugs nonchalantly, feeling a little modest. “Yeah I can’t take all the credit but the others helped me with ideas a lot… but I will take credit for this.” He says with a cool tone, leaning down and capturing your soft lips with his own.
You melt into him, unsure if it was the heat of the bonfire or the scorching of his lips that were making you turn to a puddle in his grasp. When he pulled back, the look in his eyes was nothing short of adoring.
Never had he thought he would have this connection with someone. Never would he think he would do all this for someone who he loved or someone who loved him. “Happy birthday mesh’la.”
You thank him with another soft kiss and enjoyed this rare moment with the Marksman, engulfed in warmth, happiness and pure love.
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More Crosshair Works
tags: @by-the-primes @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari i @a-c-lee @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @lucyysthings @tinyreadersmur @agenteliix @myinnerwonderlandmind @rintheemolion @kaminocasey @hotpinkplastoid @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease e @megafrost4 @theroguesully @equalityforcats @mustluvecho o @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @chxpsi @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino o @either-madness-or-brilliance @cosmic-persephone @imalovernotahater @the-good-shittt @swiftiexstarwarssimp @staycalmandhugaclone e @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @whore4rex @photogirl894
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aero-dienamics · 1 year
Generation Loss || The Ler of the Cabin
Summary: As Ranboo continues exploring the cabin, he finds a new friend. He helps him escape in hopes of leaving this place together.
Word Count: 3823
TW: Swearing ????
Authors Note: GAHHH DAMN !!! Thanks for all the support!!! My like goal for each fic will probably be about 35 likes in 3 days to keep me going!!! I just didn’t expect you guys to like the first one so much
Fair warning, this fic is VERY lee!sneeg heavy for no reason in particular.
Part 1
⚠️ This is a sfw tickle fic!! ⚠️
Finally, back on track.
Now that the Slime man was gone, Ranboo could continue his search for some exit. He took a deep breath to steady himself after the encounter. Since he now regained free roam of the cabin, he decided to take a good look at the gameshow room. The first thing Ranboo checked out was the walls. He somehow never noticed that they were covered in slime, making the room feel even more claustrophobic. He looks up to see the ceiling also covered in gunk. That's just unnecessary.
Shaking off the disgust, he continued to walk around, finding more slime-covered objects and eventually just an entire jar of slime. Ranboo knew he would throw up if he looked at anything else. He was desperate to find a way out of this strange place. As he walked to the room's exit, he saw another door in the corner of his eye. Ranboo decided to go up to it, quickly inspecting it. Thankfully, there wasn't any goo on it.
"I might as well," He sighed, slowly turning the doorknob and opening the door.
Stepping through the door led Ranboo into yet another new area, but this time it looked more like the cabin's main room. It was a type of storage room, but the only items in there were antique kid's toys. "What the hell? What is this place?"
With nothing else to do and nowhere else to go, he decided to look around. The first item that catches his eye is an old dollhouse. Its presence felt oddly familiar to him. He walked around to the front of it to see a normal-looking house. Something about it seems familiar to him. In the bedroom of the dollhouse, there was a small lock. It was closed, which isn't helpful, but Ranboo puts it in his pocket anyway.
His curiosity was piqued, and he continued to check the corners of the room, finding creepy dolls and a lot of cobwebs. He even finds a white towel on one of the shelves. Considering the room's dirty, the towel was surprisingly clean, so he took it.
The last object he found was a letter opener. For something that opens notes, it was surprisingly sharp. With that, his pockets were completely full. Ranboo was about to press on with his search, but something unexpected happened.
"Yo, yo, wait, who is that?"
Ranboo turned around quickly at the sudden noise he just heard. He thought he was alone.
"Hello?" Both Ranboo and the voice called out at the same time, both equally confused. Ranboo initially thought it was the Slime Demon, but the tone of this person's voice was different. It had a much softer edge to it.
"Where are you?" Ranboo questioned, trying to pinpoint the source of the voice.
"Duh, I'm in here," The voice said very matter-of-factly.
"That's not very helpful…"
"You know, the cage in the corner, there's a tarp…"
"Cage…?" Ranboo slowly pinpoints the source of the voice to a small cage in the corner of the room. He removes the tarp to see another person. It wasn't the slime demon; it was someone entirely different. It was a man in a blue and white hoodie and a grey ballcap. He seemed friendly enough.
"How the hell were you looking all the way over there?" The man spoke in a semi-annoyed tone. Ranboo shrugged.
"I don't know, I don't have a good sense of direction. Who the hell are you?"
"I'm Sneeg, nice to meet you," Sneeg smiled happily, sticking his pinky through the grates of the cage for Ranboo to shake.
Ranboo hesitantly and carefully shook Sneeg's pinky. The masked man tried to smile back with his eyes, but it was obvious he was nervous. "You as well. I'm Ranboo. Have you been trapped in there all by yourself?"
Sneeg chuckled nervously. "What? No, I'm not alone in here. Don't you see my friend Frank here?" Sneeg pointed to the skeleton next to him.
Ranboo raised an eyebrow, observing the lifeless skeleton. "You mean that skeleton right there?"
"Skeleton? What are you talking about? Frank is very much alive," Sneeg said, picking up his skeleton 'friend.'
"He looks dead."
Sneeg gasped at Ranboo's audacity, covering Frank's 'ears' to shield him from Ranboo's harsh words. "Shhhh, he's very self-conscious."
"Frank… that name is so familiar. I think that slime guy killed him."
Sneeg's eyes widened. That was probably the most appropriate and only response to a mention of that man's name. "Slimecicle? You interacted with him too?"
Ranboo is slightly glad he isn't the only victim. "Yeah? What'd he do to you?"
"Well, he made me play this game show, and when I got the first question wrong and spun the wheel, I got tickled for a day straight. Then he put me in this cage because I passed out."
"Jesus Christ. That's horrible."
"Hey, it could be worse."
"What could be worse than getting attacked and then being put in a cage?"
"Being put in two cages."
Ranboo let out a half-hearted chuckle, feeling the weight of their shared experiences. "Yeahhh, alright, cool. I'm gonna try and get you outta here." Ranboo backed away from the cage and knelt down to the lock that was holding Sneeg. The only things he has in his pockets are the three keys he 'used' to enter the last room, a letter opener, and a lock. He initially tried using the keys, but when that didn't work, he just started yanking on it. "No, that didn't work... uhm."
"I don't know what to do. All I have is this lock." Ranboo pulled out the lock he found earlier, swinging it around his finger before presenting it to Sneeg.
"Wait, what kind of lock do you have?"
Ranboo looked down at the lock, squinting at the label. "It says it's a master lock."
"What kind of lock is on my door?"
"… A master lock as well."
"Just kind of slam them together. The easiest way to open a master lock is with another master lock."
Ranboo shrugged and complied, having no faith that this'll actually work. He used all his strength to smash the lock on the cage with the other lock. To his surprise, the lock opened and fell to the ground.
"I'm surprised that worked." Ranboo slowly got up before opening Sneeg's cage. "Be free."
"Eh, I'm too scared to go first. Frank, you gotta test the waters for me." Sneeg picked up Frank and pushed him closer to the exit.
"I swear to you, it's fine, just come out."
Sneeg ignored Ranboo and threw Frank out of the cage, looking around to see if anything was going to attack him. "Frank! Is it safe?"
This whole ordeal made Ranboo realize he just found another eccentric person. "… I think everywhere is safe for Frank."
After a few seconds, Sneeg finally decided to join Frank, slowly stepping out of the cage and taking a deep breath of freedom. He turned to Ranboo with a grateful smile. "Thanks, man. I was stuck in there for so long."
The man stretched his body before picking Frank back up and holding him in his arms like an Amazon box. For being locked away for god knows how long, The man looked surprisingly well-kept. He didn't have an odor and he didn't look dirty. Well, at least he wasn't covered in slime.
"So, how long have you been in there?" Ranboo asked, expecting Sneeg's answer to be a short period of time.
"A month or 6," Sneeg said nonchalantly, acting like it was normal.
"Yep. I've just been chilling in there with Frank," Sneeg responds, putting Frank on a little toy horse in the room. "Don't tell Frank this, but if you didn't come sooner I would've ate him to survive."
Ranboo nods slowly, no longer feeling safe around the new person he found. ".. ok… I'm gonna look for more items… you... do you…" He said as he slowly walked to the other corner of the room to pretend to look at stuff.
Sneeg notices a giant box in the middle of the room, opening it and looking inside. "Why is there such a big box in the corner of the—"
"AHA!!" Slimecicle pops out of the box in the corner clumsily and awkwardly. Ranboo yelps and Sneeg looks at him in surprise. How long was he in there? Ranboo didn't see him come in, so he either just appeared, or he had to be in there for a while.
"I see you've fallen for the oldest trick in the book! AHAH.. ehh, hold on.” He looks at himself in proximity to Sneeg, realizing that he can't reach him.
"Uh, can you come a little closer, Sneeg? I need you to stand right here on this inconspicuously marked X."
"Oh, no problem!" Sneeg said happily, taking a big step closer to the slime demon. Ranboo looks absolutely befuddled.
"AHHH!" Sneeg screams, but he doesn't run; he doesn't even make an attempt to move. Ranboo is clearly signaling for Sneeg to get out of there, but it's like he isn't paying attention. Ranboo felt semi-responsible for the man he had just let out of a cage, but he didn't know what to do.
"I gotta get extra goopy for this," Slimecicle said, shaking his hands quickly. After a while, the amount of slime on his hands became noticeably more prominent, and it looked greener.
Slimecicle reaches his extra slime hands up to Sneeg's neck before spidering his fingers across his sensitive skin. Sneeg immediately and scrunched up his neck.
“Ohoho my gohohod, gross!” Sneeg reaches up to Slimecicle's hands to try and pull him away, but all that does is get more slime on him.
Slimecicle scoffs, pretending to look hurt. "You guys are so rude. Calling me gross. You deserve this!"
“Fuhuhuck, Ihihim SOHOHORRRY!!” Sneeg's laughter raises an octave in surprise as Slimecicle's hands move down to Sneeg's shoulders, squeezing and pinching them to his heart's delight.
"WELCOME TO THE GHOULDOM! YES!" Slimecicle manically laughed like an evil villain as he continued to tickle Sneeg.
Ranboo doesn't wanna watch, but he can't look away. It was highly flustering to watch, especially since he imagined how it would feel if it happened to him.
“RAHAHANBOO, A LIHIHITTLE HELP?” Sneeg reached out to Ranboo, allowing Slimecicle to sneak his hand under Sneeg's armpit and start quickly and gently scratching his fingers on his soft skin. This caused Sneeg to throw his head back in ticklish agony.
Ranboo quickly backed away, adverting his gaze and avoiding the situation. “Nooo… sorryy…. No thank you."
Slimecicle shook his head in disappointment. "What an asshole. Can't believe you wanna help that guy. I can fix that, though!"
Ranboo felt terrible for not helping Sneeg but didn't want to get involved. He thought if he kept his distance and maybe ran in a few seconds, he'd be fine. But before he could finish contemplating his bail, Slimecicle let Sneeg go. Fortunately, Sneeg looked the same (except he was now covered in a bunch of slime), but there was something different about him. Something off.
"What did you do to Sneeg?" Ranboo questioned, trying to sound intimidating. His tone just came off as fearful.
“Sneeg is no more, Ranboo! This is EVIL Sneeg!”
The only thing that made Evil Sneeg different from regular Sneeg was that his hat was now backward.
"GET HIM, SNEEG!" Slimecicle cheered Sneeg on, looking happy and proud of himself.
"Hey, buddy? What're you doing?" Ranboo's voice quivers as he takes a step back, a wary expression on his face. Sneeg, a mischievous glint in his eyes, wiggles his fingers at Ranboo, sending a shiver down his spine. Before Ranboo can protest any further, Sneeg pounces on him with surprising agility.
Ranboo's protests turn into muffled laughter as Sneeg begins to kneed his fingers into Ranboo's ribs. He squirms and wriggles, desperately trying to escape the relentless onslaught. "Sneheheeg! Snahahap OUT ohof ihihit!!" Ranboo's words come out in gasps between bouts of uncontrollable laughter.
But Sneeg, under the influence of the slime, seems impervious to Ranboo's pleas. He smirks, his fingers dancing across Ranboo's sensitive ribs.
"Sneeg can't hear you, Ranboo! He's under the influence of my slime!" Slimecicle exclaims with an evil laugh, his voice dripping with mischief and amusement.
Ranboo's laughter mixes with frustration as he struggles against Sneeg's relentless tickles. "Why ahahahare you soho strohohong??" He manages to giggle out, his breath hitching with each ticklish sensation. No matter how much Ranboo pushed on Sneeg, he wasn't strong enough to push Sneeg off of him.
Sneeg's grin widens, enjoying the playful power he holds over Ranboo. "Why are you so weak?" he teases, his fingers precisely finding every ticklish spot. Eventually, Sneeg's fingers found their way to a place that Ranboo couldn't seem to avoid: his belly. Ranboo tries to protect himself, but Sneeg's fingers easily slip under his defenses and onto Ranboo's belly, slowly tracing little circles on Ranboo's skin.
The tickling continues, unabated, as Ranboo's pleas grow louder and more desperate. "SNEHEHEHEEG! GEHEHEHET AHAWAY!!" His voice strains with both laughter and a plea for mercy.
"No can do, Ranboo!" Sneeg replies, his laughter intertwining with Ranboo's. Ranboo grabbed his towel from earlier and began wiping the slime off his head and shoulders. It was a bit hard to concentrate, but eventually, Ranboo got enough goo off of Sneeg to make him stop.
Ranboo sighed in relief as Sneeg sat up, looking confused. He flipped his hat back around, turning to the slime demon.
"NO, HE'S TOO DRY!" Slimecicle cried out in dismay. He looked over at the edge of the box and down at Sneeg. "How do you feel, Sneeg?" Slimecicle questions.
Sneeg shrugs and gets off Ranboo. "Fine."
Slimecicle rolls his eyes and sinks back into the box. "Shit."
Ranboo pats Sneeg on the shoulder. "Glad to have you back, Sneeg," He says before noticing how much slime was on Sneeg's shoulder. He just kind of wiped it off on his pant leg.
Slimecicle, who was looking disappointed, sat awkwardly in his box.
"Can you close the box?" He asked sheepishly.
"Oh, yeah," Sneeg complied, closing the box on the demon.
"I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME!" Slimecicle calls out as his voice fades away.
Ranboo chuckles and shakes his head. "He said that last time, and he still hasn't gotten us."
"So, what now?" Sneeg says, shrugging.
Ranboo thinks for a second, "I guess we try to find a way out of here. The only door that I haven't opened is that side door up front."
"Then let's go."
Ranboo leads Sneeg back through the rooms of the cabin before arriving in the room he originally woke up in. They stop at the chained up door, stuck on what to do next.
How are we gonna get these chains off this door?" Sneeg pondered, his fingers running along the cold metal links. The chains seemed impenetrable, their presence a barrier to their escape.
Ranboo joined him, studying the chains with a thoughtful expression. As he reached out to touch them, an unexpected surge of energy flowed through his fingertips, causing the chains to crumble and fall to the ground with a resounding clatter. "Oh, well I guess that worked out," he remarked, a mixture of surprise and relief evident in his voice.
With the obstruction removed, they pushed open the door, revealing a dimly lit bedroom beyond. The room exuded an eerie ambiance, with antique furniture draped in faded fabrics and shadows dancing along the wooden walls. A picture of what appears to be the slime demon was hanging on the wall. Sneeg stepped cautiously inside, taking in the peculiar atmosphere. "Oh. It's a bedroom?" he mused, his voice laced with uncertainty.
Ranboo followed suit, his eyes scanning the room's decor. "I wasn't expecting this," he admitted, his gaze lingering on an ornate mirror hanging on the wall. Its reflective surface seemed to hold secrets, whispering enticingly of hidden mysteries.
Sneeg's attention was drawn to another peculiar feature of the room. "Does that wall look real to you?" he asked, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized the smooth surface before them. It appeared almost too perfect, devoid of imperfections or cracks.
"No, not really," Ranboo replied, his curiosity piqued. He rummaged through his pockets and produced a letter opener, its gleaming blade catching the dim light. "Here, I found this letter opener earlier. Maybe we can use it to slice it open," he suggested, extending the tool towards Sneeg.
Sneeg hesitated, a touch of concern in his voice. "Do we have to cut his wall, though? That seems rude," he voiced his reservations, mindful of the potential consequences.
Ranboo's response was firm, laced with determination. "He locked you in a cage, Sneeg!"
Sneeg groaned, hesitatingly taking the letter opener from Ranboo. "I don't want him to be super mad, though," he admitted, a hint of worry tugging at his features.
"Just cut the wall, Sneeg!" Ranboo urged, his voice betraying a sense of urgency and impatience.
"Ok, ok, jeez. You don't have to yell at me," Sneeg replied with a playful pout, accepting the responsibility. He took a deep breath, steadying his hand, before guiding the letter opener's blade towards the seemingly illusionary wall.
The blade made contact with the wall, and with a swift motion, Sneeg sliced through the deceptive surface. A split-second of anticipation hung in the air before their eyes widened in awe and disbelief.
"It looks like nothing's in there—OH MY GOD," Sneeg exclaimed, his voice a mix of astonishment and terror. A monster suddenly emerged from the darkness, grabbing him from behind. "HELP ME!"
"WHAT IS THAT?! IS THAT A SHARK? Maybe it's a pickle? No, it looks more like a lobster…" Ranboo's bewildered voice interjected, attempting to make sense of the horrifying sight before him. His words, a mix of confusion and nervousness, betrayed his attempt to cope with the terrifying situation unfolding in front of him.
"YOU'RE NOT BEING HELPFUL RIGHT NOW!" Sneeg's voice trembled with a mix of fear and frustration, his plea for assistance growing more urgent.
"SORRY! Sorry! What do you want me to do?" Ranboo stammered, his voice laced with anxiety as he struggled to gather his thoughts and find a solution.
"I don't know, just try and get me Ohohut- RAHAHANBOO!!" Ranboo was confused why Sneeg was suddenly giggling, but he looked down at the monsters hands to see they were poking all over Sneeg’s belly.
"Oh god, is it—of course it is." Ranboo immediately turned around and looked away, pretending to not notice the fact that the monster was tickling Sneeg right in front of him.
"Ranbohohoo, help me!!"
In a panic, Ranboo stammered, trying to convince himself that leaving was the right decision. "Nooo… I'm- I'm good. You got it. I'm gonna go!! I'm totally gonna go get help!" Ranboo says, giving Sneeg a thumbs up as he backs up.
"You totally got this!!" Ranboo's words, though intended to be encouraging, held a hint of self-doubt as he made a hasty retreat, leaving Sneeg on his own. He sped walked back into the main room, letting Sneeg's screams of laughter leave his ears until it finally faded away.
Ranboo was fine, but he felt wrong for leaving Sneeg alone with a monster. This was the second time he turned his back on him, and he didn't want to do it again. "I feel bad. maybe I should go back…." Ranboo then slowly steps back into the room he left Sneeg in, ready to face anything that might be in there. Yet, there was nothing.
"Sneeg? Helloo?" He called out, hoping for a response. Ranboo was met with nothing but silence. He looked at the hole in the wall, seeing no one around. Despite his better judgment, he walks into it.
"Sneeg…?" He calls out one last time. But, instead of finding Sneeg, he sees another familiar face sitting in a chair in front of him. Ranboo knew precisely who it was. "Ahhh, Jesus."
Slimecicle got up and turned to the other. It was apparent he was seething with anger and hate. "YOOU. You made a gross-ass hole in my wall. You fucked with my- my sharkiklester."
Ranboo tried to defend himself, his voice tinged with exasperation. "I didn't hurt it! But jeez, that thing needs to be put in a cage."
"A cage, huh?" Slimecicle scoffed, beginning to walk towards Ranboo with ferocity. "When I'm done with you, I'm gonna put YOU in a cage. AND THEN MAYBE I'LL PUT YOU IN ANOTHER CAGE!"
"Yeah, I'm not doing this again." Ranboo began to walk away, but Slimecicle grabbed him by his shirt.
 "I don't think you have a choice."
Ranboo pushes the demon off of him before wiping some slime off of him. "Look, Slimecicle, I'm not trying to fight you right now."
"That's all too bad, isn't it?? Get over here!"
Ranboo tries to protect himself, but it was too late; Slimecicle had Ranboo in his slimy clutches. Ranboo almost immediately started squirming around, knowing too well about what’s about to happen next.
"Please, I can't do this again!"
"You should've thought of that before you fucked with me!" Slimecicle then began digging his fingers into Ranboo’s armpits.
“Wahahait! Dohohon’t!” Ranboo started giggling as soon as the Slime Demon touches him, not being able to contain his laughter from everything he’s experienced today.
"You should be lucky I'm not covering you in Slime!"
“Thihis is juhuhust as bahahad!” Ranboo started thinking of ways to save himself, but his train of thought was suddenly cut off by a bunch of fingers poking at his lower back. “GAHAHAHA! WHAHAHAT THE HEHEHELL??”
"Oh! That's a new spot! I didn't think this spot would be that bad for you, but here we are!" Slimecicle says proudly before quickly scribbling his fingers against Ranboo’s back.
"FUHUHUCKING STOP!" Ranboo squeals through a mix of cackles and snorts.
"Oh, now you're cursing? How out-of-character of you." The Slime Demon says smugly, not letting up in the slightest.
Through all Ranboo’s struggling, the towel he had earlier started slipping out of his pocket. A great idea rushed to his head. In one swift motion, he grabbed his towel and started wiping the slime off of Slimecicle, making sure not to miss a single spot.
“AUGHH DAMN IT!” Slimecicle screamed, releasing his grip on Ranboo as he did so. The masked man didn’t stop for one second. He kept going until the demon was no more; Slimecicle was now just a green stain on a towel.
"I think… I killed a man.” Ranboo said in a shaky breath, laying on the ground. “Thank god."
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legs-like-jelly · 1 year
(my first welcome home fic! ah, i haven't written anything in ages, I'm a tad rusty)
First tickle fic with Lee!Wally and Ler!Barnaby! The weather ruins their picnic, so they choose to enjoy it indoors.
It was a very lovely day outside and two of the siliest neighbors had planned on a picnic. Everything was perfect! The blanket was folded, the food was all ready to go, and the two best friends had met up at Wally's house. As soon as the two were about to leave, a curtain of grey clouds started to form. A soft trickle of rain started to poor down, creating little pitter patters on the roof.
"Ah, for real? We were just gettin ready to have fun!" Barnaby grumbled slightly, though he wasn't too upset, as long as Wally was there.
"Well, we can certainly still have the picnic inside!" Wally suggested, pullling the blanket out of the basket and draping it across the living room floor. Barnaby sat down, his little painter friend plopping down on his lap. They both dug into their food, Barnaby having his signature hotdog with a multitude of odd toppings. Wally had chosen a desert to eat first, a slice of leftover cheesecake that Poppy had given him yesterday. He had taken a few bites and before he knew it, there were some crumbs and a bit of the cherry sauce that had spilled onto his shirt. Even moreso, some of the toppings had spilled onto his cheek and palms.
"Ah, yer all covered in gunk, bubs! Here, I'll help ya out," The big blue dog hoisted Wally up so the painter as standing on his legs. Soft giggles came from his little friend as the soft touch of Barnaby's paw pads grazed his sides.
The big guy glanced up at his friend, cracking a grin at his friend's reaction. He seized Wally's wrist in an instant, licking away at the toppings that had landed on his little friend's fingers. In an instant, the painter dissolving into little titters and squeaks.
"I'm barely even touchin ya, pal! What does it tickle-tickle there? What about here?" He teased, digging the fingers on his other hand into Wally's sides. This drove the smaller puppet up the walls.
"AHAHAHAHA!! GEHEHEHEHEEEEE!! NOHOHO NOT THEHEHEHEEREEE!!" Wally wailed with glee, his free hand flailing about as he was shown no mercy.
"Oh not there? What about here, huh?" With a swift movement, one of Barnaby's hands had slipped up Wally's cardigan and started tracing the outline of the yellow puppet's tummy heart. Wally kicked frantically, leaning back on his friend who had now wrapped an arm just above his middle to keep him steady.
"My, you're awful giggly today! What, the tickle monster gotcha good? Tickle tickle tickle!"
"AIEEHEHEHEEE!! BAHAHARNABEEHEHEEE!! IT TIHIHICKLES!!!" Wally exclaimed, one of his fists balled in his now unwraveled hair. Soon enough, Barnaby ceased his tickling. He turned Wally around to face him, pushing his best friend onto the picnic blanket. In n instant, Wally's shirt and cardigan were lifted from its usual tucked positions. This made Wally squeak with surprise and his face burn brighter.
With a short chuckle, Barnaby wiggled his fingers just an inch above the center of Wally's tummy heart. This made the smaller puppet squeal and wiggle with anticipation.
"Look like I missed a spot riiiiiight...HERE!" Barnaby exclaimed playfully before diving his muzzle right into Wally's tummy heart. The painter let out a series of giggles and joyful snorts as the tingliest raspberry rippled through his body. Followed by another and then another until the artist was kicking his feet and banging a fist on the floor of Home.
"EHEHEHEHEHEE!! AHAHA *snrk* HAHAHAAHAHA *honk* GYAAHAHAHAHAAAA!! B-BARNAABEHEHEHEEE!! QUIHIHIHIIIT IT!~" Wally cackled, to which his best friend stopped his attack. The smaller pupper lay limp on the picnic blanket, his face flushed all the way up to his ear with an adorable red tint. After he caught his breath, Wally was scooped up and held tenderly in Barnaby's arms.
"You okay little guy? Did I go too rough on ya?" He asked.
"Oho, no, you're juhust fine," Wally replied gently, nuzzling into the soft tuft of fur on Barnaby's chest. The big dog moved to the couch with his tiny friend and laid down.
"Sleep well, little buddy."
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ladylooch · 8 months
i can imagine there are days when emma and lio just snuggle in bed all day while timo is on a road trip or something 🥹
Emma rests her cheek gently on Lio’s little head. Her palm comes across his forehead, feeling the warmth starting to fade with his fever. His long lashes kiss his cheek bones as he struggles to breathe around the gunk in his lungs. Emma sighs, reaching for her phone to check the time. It is bedtime. She is going to try to transfer Lio to his room if she can. She needs some space after being clung to all day by her sick boy. To begin their bedtime routine, she pulls up Timo’s contact on her phone, clicking the FaceTime button. 
“Hey baby, good timing. I’m just getting back to my room.” Timo says. He holds the phone in his palm looking down at her, smiling as he enters his hotel room. “How is our boy?”
“He is sleeping.” She turns the phone so he can see Lio passed out next to her. His pacifier is tucked between his lips, slighting falling out. “Finally. He stopped fighting the medicine about twenty minutes ago.”
“He is like his mama that way.” Emma tisks, tilting the screen back to her. Lio snuggles deeper into the side of her breast. 
“I wanna be there.” Timo whines.
“We want you here too, T.” 
“I wish I could say I will be soon, but it really isn’t that soon.” He tosses the content of his pockets onto the TV stand, then goes to the bed to kick his shoes off. He lays on his back, holding the phone up above his face. “How is he doing?”
“Okay. I’m less worried than earlier.”
“Good.” Timo nods encouragingly. “What did you do the rest of the day?”
“Mmm, did you get some food in you?”
“Yeah a food delivery showed up at the door about an hour ago.”
“Oh!” Timo feigns surprise.
“Thank you.” Emma murmurs genuinely. With Lio sick, she hasn’t had time to go to the store and when Timo heard that, he ordered up some essentials to be delivered to hold them over. 
“Gonna take care of you whether I am there or not.”
“I love that about you.” 
“What else do you love?” He wiggles his eyebrows. 
“Not that kind of FaceTime, daddy.” Timo smirks. 
“What about after you put him to bed?” 
“When he goes to bed, mama is going to bed.” Timo pouts at his wife. “Unless you’re gonna give me a show, stud?”
“Stud factory is closed today.” Timo says through a yawn.
“Yeah? Hard day sleeping on the plane then going to dinner with the boys?” 
“You forgot worrying about home in there too.” Emma pauses her teasing, seeing the seriousness in her husband’s blue eyes. Although it is exhausting to be here, she can empathize with how hard being gone would be. “Give him a kiss for me?” Emma turns her head to the side, kissing along Lee’s warm head. “I love you two. A lot. I miss you.” Timo whispers regretfully.
After a few more minutes of quiet chatting, Emma lets Timo go. She looks down at Lio all snuggled up into her and suddenly can’t bare the thought of putting him in his own bed. Not when her husband is on the road craving this exact thing. So instead, she gets up, grabs new PJs for Lio to change into before getting her own PJs on as well. She spends the remaining hour and change she is awake, stroking her son’s back, watching a tv show that is as mindless as she needs it to be right now. 
One day, she will want nights like this back.
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yr-martyr · 1 year
The Amrev people as things my friends and I have said (Pt.3)
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Hale: So, I’ve been hunting my brother for sport…
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
McHenry, running into a room holding his wet sock in his hand:CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY THE DEVIL THERE’S A BAG OF MILK ON THE GROUND?!
Harrison: …A bag of milk?!
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Hamilton: What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever did in a prestigious place
C. Addams: Um, so I’ve gone to Harvard a lot of times and-
Hamilton: oh buddy…
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Hamilton: I didn’t have much free time as a kid
Lafayette: I didn’t either
Hamilton, sarcastically: Oh yeah, I’m sure you had to work so hard in the palace of the gods
Lafayette: if it was Olympus maybe there’d of been something to do
Hamilton: so you admit it
Laurens: we used to hit my brother Harry with sticks sometimes
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Everyone at Monmouth: I’m going to melt like the wicked which of the west
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Laurens: what are you doing?
Hamilton: Bad bitch shit
Hamilton: finances
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Tilghman: And we are live in 2 minutes!
Hamilton: I have this friend, Eliza
Tilghman: is that short for Elizabeth or is it just Eliza
Hamilton: Well her grandmother died on the day she was born so she’s named after her
Tilghman, crying laughing: YOU CANT SAY THAT WERE GONNA BE LIVE!
Hamilton: my mom died
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Tallmadge: well how’s the spy work going
Hale: I got attacked by a dog and then I got into a physical fight with a literal 12yo
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Hale: I’m not having the best luck today… or ever.
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Hamilton: *spits on the floor*
Laurens: That is literally so disgusting
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Hale: so, I don’t think anybody cares but ZYDRATE COMES IN A LITTLE GLASS VILE!
Washington: this is a serious meeting!!
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Brewster: Once I drank gas station gas and I used a leaf to wipe my ass
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
*over text*
Shippen: Adel and I took a train down to the morgue once
Andrè: ????
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Tallmadge: Jekyll and Hyde more like Jackal and Hyde
Billy Lee:…
Tallmadge: *screeches*
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Hale: I’m scraping gunk of my horn
Hale: that sounds really gross I’m like,, genuinely scraping gunk of a powder horn right now
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sporco-filth · 1 month
Haha glad to know that my questions/comments aren't too annoying! I have the feeling that Lee did anywhere between a couple weeks of work to a couple months in a day (by Slob City standards) "New guy wtf. Chill the f out. - Amy" Also neat trick Lee did to get actual water! Though that just leaves behind concentrated sticky gunk that will inevitably spill on the floor :P
it might've been a year's worth if he'd started at 9.
Amy probably won't even notice he did it all for months, if she even bothers to check
I don't actually know what his job is, by the way, it can be whatever you want. I am not going to specify because I doubt it will ever be relevant to the plot
re the water stuff, i suppose he'll have to wash his bowl with more soft drink? i expect it's too syrupy to spill easily though (sorry).
the point is though, this method is probably very slow and tedious so you can rest assured he's never going to fill a sink with it, let alone a bathtub (wait he doesn't even have a bathtub or anything big enough to bathe in...)
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robotstrategy · 8 months
Recalled • Part 4 • 30 - Roland
Previous • Series Masterlist • Part 4 Masterlist • Next
Drops of black ink fall into the bathtub as Roland unravels the skin wraps Lee had wrapped him with. Lilian watches as he rinses off all the inky residue revealing the pieces of art across his body.
When Roland was ten he broke his arm, his mom got him a cast instead of a new arm because it was cheaper, he had drawn a shark on it and made the drawing into a permanent tattoo when the cast was cut off. At thirteen he was attacked by a shark that swam too close to the beach, that or he swam too far out. When he walked back onto the sand he was battered and bruised, he had scars that would still be on him today if they weren’t given to Nero and Connor. His step-dad told him it was karma for the things he did earlier that day, he didn’t even care that his step-son could’ve been eaten alive if Roland hadn’t beaten that shark to death.
Roland wonders why he still likes sharks, maybe he just never had the money or time to get the tattoo removed, or maybe it was the respect he had for a bigger monster out there; that no matter how awful he or his step-dad was, there was literal bigger fish to fry.
Roland curses himself, he’s thinking about his stepdad again, and how something could be worse than him. Admittedly dying to a ferocious animal is way worse than a few strikes to the back, but there’s a difference between a trigger-happy, abusive parent and a defensive, scared animal. 
“Do you mind grabbing that second skin wrap over on the counter?” Roland asks Lilian as he thoroughly cleans his arms and legs.
Lilian goes over to grab the second skin. “Why are you covering it again, it’s too pretty to be covered.”
Roland laughs, taking the wrap from Lilian’s hands. “It’s not done healing, I just needed to get the extra ink off.”
Roland wraps up his limbs in the transparent gauze-like wrap before wrapping them again in blue bandages, he turns to the mirror to inspect himself, groaning at the sight of freshly emerged pimples.
Roland has the luck of a teenage girl when it comes to pimples, it’s like dandelions, there’s one, and then there’s a ton, and he can’t get them to go away as easily as his friends used to. 
“You can use some of my face wash if you want.” Lilian eyes Roland. 
“Ya sure? I mean, I don’t know if I should use stuff that isn’t really mine.”
Lilian scoffs. “Just because you’ve become possessive of your stuff doesn’t mean I have.” She pulls out an elastic and hands it to him. “Put your hair up, then it won't get in the way.”
Roland grabs the elastic and puts his hair in a high ponytail, a few shorter pieces fall back into his face. Lilian pulls out a specialty acne cream, apparently it’s supposed to pull out all the gunk in someone’s pores in a matter of four hours. 
“Only put that on the spots that need it, or else you’ll wreck your face even more than it already is.” She hands him the tube, and she then goes for a bag of pimple stickers, placing some on her own problem areas. “Take your pick, you won’t want puss leaking out of your face when the treatment starts.”
Roland scoffs. “No offence, but I’d rather not have unicorns and teddy bears on my face.” To that Lilian rolls her eyes. “There’s some sea creatures in there if you dig hard enough.”
Lilian brushes her teeth while Roland places salmon and starfish on his face. “How’d you get it anyway?” Lilian asks, in reference to Roland’s acne.
“Chocolate pudding.”
“You’ve been eating that a lot.”
“It’s becoming a comfort food.”
And it really is, it’s a simple treat, but it seems like in any slightly stressful situation he’s gotten it. Back at the hospital when he had first woken up, in the support group, his mom had gotten him a carton of it as a treat when he got released from the hospital after the freakout with his meds. He supposes it’s what spam is to Hayden, but then again it was never something present in the basement, god forbid Sonia gets them anything nice. 
However, Roland is happy that it hasn’t become such a big thing, last night he ate the last pudding cup he had in that pack of six. Admittedly having a cup almost every day isn’t the best, but if they were bought for him he should be allowed to have them. 
“So what are you doing today?”
Lilian gives him a look, staring him up and down. Roland scowls.
“What’s with all the attitude?” 
She stays silent for a moment. “I thought you’d go get a haircut.”
“Don’t you need an appointment for that?”
“Leslie doesn’t get many customers these days, you’ll be fine.”
“Haven’t I had enough of altering my body this week?”
“I want to go outside you wet rat!”
Roland wheezes at the randomness of that insult. “What did you just call me?”
“A wet rat! Now go get dressed, and tell Mom we’re going out this time!”
Lilian waits outside on the doorsteps as Roland comes out the door, his hair still in a ponytail. As they walk out of the yard they’re greeted by Otto and Martha, who are out gardening.
“Hi dear, oh, what happened to your arms and legs?” Martha asks.
“Nothing, It’s just tattoo wraps.”
“Oh, are you doing the same thing that the other Recalls are doing?”
“Oh that’s lovely, are you taking your sister on a walk?” Martha peeks behind Roland to take a look at Lilian who clings to him.
“Apparently I’m getting a haircut,” Roland jerks the arm that Lilian holds onto, “I got called a rat.”
Otto and Martha share a chuckle, “Well, I hope you look less like a rat by the time your hair gets trimmed.” Otto jokes.
Roland and Lilian walk further down the street into the city. 
“Do you know them?” Lilian asks.
“I had lunch with them last week, nice people.”
“I’ve never met them.”
“You should.”
Roland and Lilian walk down the street of the suburbs, every once in a while there’s a big tree overflowing onto the sidewalk, shading the path in which they walk. Sometimes there’s a swing hanging down from them. Roland has never noticed it, but it seems like the city has become more youth-friendly recently. Though, somehow there’s more anti-homeless architecture, and Roland is not necessarily sure if it’s meant to be anti-homeless, or anti-teenager. There’s a big puddle up ahead from the rainstorm last night, one of the many blessings in an Indiana summer, unfortunately, it’s not a blessing for the light-sleeping Roland.
When they get close enough to the puddle Roland hops over it, but Lilian jumps into it, splashing Roland in the process, wetting his socks.
“I thought you didn’t want me to be a wet rat.”
“I don’t, stop letting me make you a wet rat.”
Roland starts running down the street, hopping from side to side, avoiding the puddles while Lilian chases after him stomping through all the puddles. She eventually catches up to Roland despite her coordination, hugging onto his back.
“I guess you’re the wet rat now.” He laughs.
“No, I’m a mouse, a pretty one,”
“Of course,” Roland chuckles. “The prettiest one of them all.”
On the course to the hairdresser Roland feels Lilian leave his side, he turns around to see her eyeing dresses in the window of a tailoring service. She pats her shorts as if almost imagining it on herself, she then snaps back around catching up to him as he continues down the street, watching her.
Entering the salon the same bell rings as the door opens, before Roland can even look at Leslie's old desk, she’s already up in his face.
“Roland! I was wondering when I’d see you again!” She exclaims.
“Hi Leslie!” Roland responds.
“Come to get a haircut? It looks like you need one.”
Roland looks at his sister. “Lilian would agree with you.” Lilian nudges him in the arm.
“Well don’t waste any time, come sit down!” She gestures to her chair. Roland sits down in it, and she places a cape around him. 
“So, do you still want that beach blowout?”
“I think I want something else.”
“No worries! Let me get you a magazine.” Leslie hands off a haircut magazine to Roland. “Boys these days like getting mullets, but honestly they look awful, at least the ones that they get.”
“I think it’s self-expression, ‘cause there’s no way they’re getting a girl with that cut.” Another hairdresser adds it sends a slew of giggles throughout the salon. 
Roland points to a certain hairstyle in the magazine, “How about that one?” Leslie looks back at Roland, inspecting the hairstyle he points at. 
“Huh, a short mullet.”
“Oh,” Roland looks to the ground. “I’m upsetting you aren’t I?”
“No, no, something like this could actually work for you. I think I’ll take it down a little at the back, and add a tinsy bit of length at the bottom.”
Leslie takes electric clippers to Roland’s hair, getting it down to a pixie cut. “I believe this belongs to you.” She hands Lilian back her elastic. Leslie escorts Roland over to one of the wash basins, surprisingly this freaks Roland out more than his experience at the tattoo parlour, because his head faces the ceiling and Leslie isn’t even telling him her next move. 
“Oh April where did you get that top? It’s beautiful!” Leslie asks, looking in front of her. 
“Thank you! I got it from a local artist! She gives half the profits back to the Rewind Ward near us.” April explains.
“Isn’t that the one who lost all three of her high school sweethearts to unwinding?”
“Yeah, see, so she dated the first one, then he broke up with her, then she got with the second one and he got unwound, then she got with the third one, then the first one got unwound, then a day before they were supposed to graduate the third got unwound.”
“Well, at least she only experienced heartbreak twice instead of three times.”
“The last one’s name was Zane right?”
“Yeah, Zane.”
It’s as if all the colour drained from Roland’s face, they’re talking about Valerie, he’s the first boyfriend in the unwound trio. Him, the guy he can’t even remember the name of, and Zane. One of the things that kept Roland sane at the beginning of his recall was that the two women he had hurt had good men to keep them company, Valerie had Zane and Risa had Connor. But Valerie didn’t have Zane, instead, he was unwound, he could’ve had so much, a loving girlfriend, and his place back on the varsity team, but instead he succumbed to the same fate as him. Roland can only hope that somewhere out there, Zane is kicking AWOL.
Leslie taps Roland on the shoulder, waking him from his daze. 
“Are you okay hun? Sorry about them, I told ‘em to stop talking about it.”
“Yeah, no, it’s fine.”
Leslie escorts Roland back to her chair. “I used to remember when I had to use the little high chair for you, now I almost have to send the chair to its lowest setting.” She reminisces. She pulls out a size 2 razor and clips it onto the clippers, he folds over Roland's hair and starts going at the sides.
“Leslie, do you think I look like a yin yang?” Roland questions.
Leslie furrows her eyebrows, “That's a weird question to ask.”
“I don’t know, my tattoo artist thought I was one.” 
Leslie sighs. “You see, hair is one of the many ways someone can express themselves. Here, you can get so many people from different walks of life with all the different sexualities. Sometimes the feeling you’ve got about someone is right, and sometimes it’s completely wrong, so I just chose not to assume anything.”
“But if you had to.”
“I wouldn’t.”
“Assuming makes an ass out of u and me. Besides, if you really wanted to know why wouldn’t you just look up yin porn.”
“Leslie! Lilian is right there!” Roland points to Lilian, she rolls her eyes for the third time today. “I know what porn is Roland.”
“I feel like you shouldn’t.”
There’s another ring at the door, a muscular ochre guy around Roland’s age enters the building, he’s got his hair half shaved off with thick dreads on the other side, and he’s got piercing green eyes that cut right into Roland’s possibly no longer existent soul. He walks over to Leslie’s chair, inspecting himself in the mirror, he then turns to Roland, who’s currently getting the main part of his mullet done.
“Seriously, another guy who wants a mullet?”
“Yes, but he’s letting me make it look good.” Leslie puts her hand into Roland’s view, gesturing to the guy in front of him. “Roland, this is my son, Dante. You two used to have playdates all the time when you were little.”
“We did?!” Dante seems just as befuddled as Roland is about this new revelation. 
“Yes, we stopped bringing you around when his mom remarried… no offence.”
“None taken, that was a good choice honestly.”
Out of nowhere, Roland feels an arm wrap around his neck and the side of his face is pressed against the side of Dante’s. It practically flusters Roland and he thinks that Dante has just answered his question about him being yin yang. “Hm, yeah you do look familiar, we’ve got pictures together in your scrapbook don’t we Mom?”
“Dante! Get off him, I’m trying to cut his hair!”
“Right, right, sorry…” He backs off.
Leslie finishes cutting Roland’s hair, in the end, she’s right, taking a little off the back and adding a little on the bottom does make for a nice mullet. Roland pays with some of the money from the envelope and he and Lilian start heading home.
“So, should I leave you alone for the rest of the afternoon?” Lilian asks.
“Ew, no, gross, I’m not doing that, and you already knew I wouldn’t!”
“Yeah, yeah, I just wanted to see your reaction.”
Roland finds Lilian leaving his side again, he looks back to her staring at the same dress as before. 
“You really like that dress don’t you?”
“Well, not that exactly, it looks a little tacky,” She sighs. “I just want a big pretty dress, y’know?”
Roland blinks at her, “I don’t, I’m a guy.” Lilian scowls.
“Tell you what, for your eighteenth birthday I’ll try to convince Mom to get you a pretty dress.”
Lilian gasps, “Really!”
“I said I’ll try, that’s not a promise.”
“Thank you!!!”
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Jesus BPP. I didn't believe there was anything like a company stan until I found this page. This is supposed to be a professional music review page and notice what's going on here: ALL the albums that aren't associated with SM get shit ratings and only Shinee, Kai, and other SM artists get glowing reviews. I wish that was the only problem but in their reviews against Jimin, NewJeans, Jungkook, the reviews are filled with kpoppie rumors, thinly veiled hate to spread controversies outside kpop circles, and there's a whole army of SM stans in the comments under each negative review for other non-SM artists basically agreeing with them. I'm just so amazed at how organized and dedicated kpop stans are to hate in every platform in every way, the way they behave is so insidious. If you're right that BTS ARMY developed to counter those efforts, no wonder the BTS fandom acts like it does. My god I felt goosebumps going through that SM stans page. Is there any way to change these behaviors?
Hi Anon,
Your link.
Like I've been saying, whatever behaviours you find in ARMY, I promise you it's significantly worse in other / older k-pop fandoms. And that the dominant behaviours you find here are made by decades of fandom norms created by fans of Big 3 groups, and all those behaviours are structurally supported by the companies. It's the unspoken rule for SM Entertainment for example, that the success, fame and acclaim of individual artists should never eclipse that of the agency, i.e. the company branding is the point of the artist's success. Lee Soo-Man has explicitly said this several times over the years and this is a philosophy that drives practically everything about how SM promotes their artists, to date. Literally the first time I saw "company stan" being used in a conversation about 10 years ago, it was used as a compliment and in reference to stans of SM groups.
In the hyper-competitiveness of k-pop, it's no surprise that the fans of SM groups carry that animus for BTS and by extension groups under HYBE, outside k-pop spaces to further handicap groups they consider as a hindrance to SM's success. Basically, these people have been conditioned, and now they willingly partake in behaviours we can all see to be insane.
Personally, I just find the whole thing hilarious. I suggest you ignore people like the 'reviewer' you linked. Anyone who actually cares about the music eventually finds what they're looking for, and those with the mental capacity to critically think and sift through bullshit, also eventually navigate the madness that is k-pop fandom, successfully. It's true some people might become radicalized by the bullshit, but that can't be helped. I hope you don't get jaded, just keep engaging as honestly as you can with the media created here. There's a lot of gunk but the gems are truly worth it. In my opinion.
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sorebelflower · 6 months
Don't you just love the feeling when you deeply scratch your scalp and you feel the lice bugs crawling around in your fingernails before taking an opened hair clip and digging it underneath your fingernails, watching all the little bugs rush around, scooping all of the slimy gunk out of your nails before you notice your infected toenails and decide to hire a professional footographer to take pics of your feet and sell them to Abby lee miller for 50k, than use the 50k to make an animation with the song "Hide Away" in the background?
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