#gunna be their responsibility mainly
motheyes · 2 years
we got her at a farmers market :3
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doberbutts · 8 months
I remember reading a post that men are the oppressor class so why would they bother to dismantle systemic patriarchy when they actively benefit from its existence? And as I read it, I thought, Damn, so an entire half of the population can never conceivably help us, and the people who love men in their lives are doomed. It wasn't a helpful post. It basically felt, here's some actual material analysis on feminism and said, That trying to educate and make men be part of feminism is fundamentally a flawed effort, because again, they are the oppressor class, why should they care about uplifting the oppressed?
And it made me think about this very good pamphlet I read, explaining how the white worker remained complacent for so long because at least they weren't a Black slave. And that the author theorized the reason labor movements never truly created exceptional, radical change is because of internal racism (which I find true) and failure to uplift black people. And the author listed common outlooks/approaches to this problem, and one of them was: "We should ignore the white folks entirely and hold solidarity with only other POC, and the countries in the Global South. Who needs those wishy-washy white fragile leftists who don't care about what we think or want?" (roughly paraphrased.)
And the author said, This sounds like the most leftist and radical position, but it's totally flawed because it absolves us of our responsibility to dismantle white supremacy for the sake of our fellow marginalized people, and we are basically ignoring the problem. And that blew me away because this is a position so many activists have, to just ignore the white folks and focus entirely on our own movements. I wish I knew the name of the actual pamphlet, so I could quote entire passages at you.
But I feel this is the same for men. Obviously, we should prioritize and have women-led and women-focused feminism. But saying that men are an oppressor class so they can't reliably be counted upon in feminist activism--it's such a huge oversimplification. And mainly, I'm a Muslim, and I've been treated with plenty of misogyny from Muslim men. And also plenty of misogyny from Muslim women. And I love my male friends, I want men to be part of the movement, and I dunno. Thinking about communities, movements, and the various ways we fail each other and what it means to be truly intersectional keeps me up at night.
I don't know the pamphlet you're talking about but I've read and been taught similar. There's a reason much of my anti-racism is so feminist and most of my feminism is anti-racist. Many people coming at this problem from a truly intersectional angle have seen that there is no freedom to be had without joining hands across the community. Not picking and choosing our allies based off of identity but off of behavior.
As used in a previous example, a white abled moderately wealthy man saying "wow Healthcare sucks in this country, why does this system suck so bad" should be told "hey, this system sucks so bad because it's built off of sexism, racism, classism, and ableism. You want to improve the system? Fix those things and it will be much better in the long run" and not "shut up you're a man. Healthcare is always going to be better for you". The second response doesn't fix that Healthcare is still a problem even if you are at the "top" of the privilege ladder. If we want true change, we have to dismantle the entire system at it's core and build it up without the yuck, otherwise you're gunna get to the top and realize this place sucks too.
Something something if the crabs worked together to hold each other up, they could all get out of the bucket and be free.
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devildomditzy · 2 years
Pacts - Mammon x MC
part two of ?
haven’t read part one? start here!
done? finish the story here!
Tags: angst w/ eventual comfort, very small mention of blood/endangerment
author’s note + tag list at the end ❤️
“And so you see, that’s why it is vitally important that when practicing seductive speechcraft, you annunciate your words very clearly, and -
Mammon stopped listening to this lecture awhile ago. In fact, he wasn’t even listening to begin with, how could he? His mind was too focused on you - mainly the fact that no matter how hard he looked around the House of Lamentation, he couldn’t find you, no hide nor hair. After you ran off, he walked towards the house, decidely not running after you. Setting off at a slow pace, he figured he’d give you some distance, some time to cool off. Upon his arrival, he knew he’d be the last demon in this place you’d want to speak to, but nevertheless, you’re his responsibility.
“Oi! Mc! Open up! C‘mon we can’t be late, Lucifer will light both our asses up,” he chides, knocking at your door three times. He waits a bit, only to be met with silence. “MC, I know yer in there, c’mon!”, he raises his voice, annoyance rising with each word. Still, nothing. He sighs, swallowing his pride. He knows what he has to do-
“Listen, if this is ‘bout what I said earlier I…I didn’t mean..i mean..its just…h-how childish can ya be, huh? Not answerin’s gunna get us both in trouble! Now come out!”
-but try as he might, he can’t do it. Why apologize? To the human of all people? The one who had the audacity to do something that caused his pact mark to show up there. Musta done it to make me look stupid to the others, he thinks to himself. Their idea of a joke.
Tired of talking to himself, he reaches a hand towards the doorknob and twists, surprised to find it unlocked. The second born walks into the center of the room, shoving his hands in his pockets. “If yer hidin’, ya can come out now. I’m gettin’ real tired of this game!”
After a minute of no response, Mammon thinks he may really be alone in the house’s guest room. He bends down to peer under your bed, finding it just as empty as the rest of your room. He tried the wardrobe with similar results.
He peeks into your closet, only to find various outfits you had picked up when Lucifer made him take you to Majolish in your first days here. He spots a jacket hanging in the corner.
That stupid jacket. The one you looked great in but weren’t convinced yourself. The one you timidly asked for his opinion on. The one that brought out the color in your eyes and made you smile to yourself in the mirror and kind of matched his own. The one he told you looked as bland as the rest of the stuff in your arms and that you were taking up to much of his time with just by asking a question. He remembers the hurt on your face, it was the same face you made to him this morning. He stares at it a beat too long before making to leave the room. He begins to feel an unpleasant anxiety in his stomach, and he can only assume it’s thanks to your disappearance. ‘M used to them bein’ around is all. Gotta find em before Lucifer freaks.
Now if you had a human from another realm wearing a royal demon academy uniform possibly harboring negative feelings towards their great, all powerful and totally breathtaking bodyguard, where would you put them? Mammon continues to repeat this question in his mind as he searches through the HOL’s most trafficked hangouts. Unfortunately for him, there was no sight of you in the kitchen, the foyer, the library, the common area, any of the bathrooms, the conservatory, or anywhere for that matter.
Annoyed, he takes out his D.D.D. and clicks on your most recent text thread with him.
Mammon: This is stupid! Where ya at!
Mammon: You said you were commin’ back to HOL, so why ain’t ya here?
Hearing the unmistakable ding of your D.D.D notification sound, he whips around to see where the sound came from, before realizing the source of the noise sat abandoned in the backpack around his shoulders. Tch.
Wish this dumb pact worked both ways, he thought to himself as he ran a hand through his hair. Why’d they have to be so difficult…
Why’d I have to go n’ open my stupid mouth.
With no way to contact you and no idea where you could be, Mammon storms off back to R.A.D. If Lucifer was gonna kill him for losing his new brat, he wasn’t gonna give him another reason to revive and kill him again by not showing up to school.
Which brings him to now, nervously shaking his leg while hiding his phone under the table, just in case one of his brothers texts him about you, or says anything about you. It begins to hit him, as he hears his professor drone on, that you’re human. A stupidly soft, extremely fragile, totally marked as food by demons other than the council, human.
What if while you were running back towards HOL, you got lost? What if while you were running back towards HOL, someone took you? What if while you were running away from him because everything he wants to say comes out wrong, someone hurt you.
He can’t take it anymore. He abruptly stands, practically running out of the classroom. “Young man, where do you think you’re going?”, the professor calls out to him, but Mammon chooses to ignore them, slamming the classroom door behind him. He needs to find you, and fast. He needs to know that you’re okay. He needs to protect you, because Lucifer told him to. He needs to protect you, because he wants to protect you.
Pacing in the hallway, he knows what he has to do, but doesn’t know if he has the strength to do it. “Dammit!”, he mutters as he clicks on the chat on his phone that contains all his siblings minus Lucifer.
Mammon: Have any of ya seen the human?
Levi: Us? Weren’t you supposed to be watching them?
Asmo: Oh dear! Don’t tell me you ran them off already!
Satan: How did you manage to lose a whole creature, let alone one that can talk and communicate exactly alike us?
Levi: Lol
Beel: I haven’t seen them. I’ll let you know if I do.
Mammon: Thanks, Beel. At least one of ya are helpful.
Asmo: That’s sad! I was soooo hoping I’d get a turn to play with them <3
Mammon: Can it, Asmodeus!
Satan: Pulling out the full names? You must really be upset.
Levi: Can’t you just text them?
Mammon: I can’t. They...forgot their phone in their room like some idiot.
Satan: My my, stealing from the exchange student already, are we?
Mammon: I didn’t steal nothin’ from ‘em. They just don’t have their phone on them, okay!?
Levi: Have you checked purgatory hall?
Purgatory hall…
Purgatory hall!
How could he be so stupid! Of course! Where else would a human run to when demons have hurt them? To the angels!
He moves faster than he has in a long time, not since the fall, until he finds himself in front of the door to the angel’s and shady sorcerer’s shared dorm room.
A raises a fist to knock but before he can, the door creeks open to reveal a smiling Simeon. Damn angel intuition. Though he beams brightly, the smile does not reach his eyes. He looks a bit sad, and maybe even…disappointed? “Mammon. We’ve been expecting you.”, Simeon courteously bows his head.
“Yea yea hey to you too ‘n all that. Listen, is the human here?”, Mammon questions while nervously drumming his fingers against his thigh. Simeon’s expression softens at the mention of you. “Why yes, they are, but they have been in brighter moods before. Would you care to come in and speak with them?”
Mammon peers around Simeon’s form in the door frame to see you sitting on one of the common room’s couches next to Luke. The chihuahua pours you some more tea from a pot on the table as you wipe at your eyes. The puffy redness under them tells him all he needs to know. He’d made you cry.
In that moment, his mind screams at him. He was awful. He was a scumbag. He was every horrible thing his brothers and those money hungry witches called him combined and-
“Mammon?”, your small voice rings out. Simeon steps aside and gestures for him to enter the room. It takes his mind a minute to catch up to his movements, but after a brief stutter he enters, walking towards your hunched over frame.
Simeon is quick to follow him, calling out to Luke, “Why don’t we go see Barbatos? If he’s not busy, we can see about learning that new recipe you’ve been looking forward to?”
“Yeah!”, Luke excitedly cheers, face falling when he turns back to you, “But-but MC is so sad! We can’t just leave them like this! I swear when I find out who made them cry, I’m gonna give them the what for!”
You give a small chuckle at the little angel’s antics. It’s the same smile that makes Mammon’s stomach fill with butterflies. Gah!- He hates that feeling. He doesn’t know what to do about it. How to make it go away.
“I’m fine Luke, I swear. I just had a rough morning is all. Go with Simeon, I’ve got to get back to class anyway.”
Luke looks to you, then to Mammon, before landing on Simeon. “What’s he doing here?”
“Could ask ya the same thing, Chihuahua!”, Mammon laughs before ruffling Luke’s hat into his hair, much at the angel’s dismay.
“I am NOT a CHIHUAHUA!”, he yells, increasingly becoming more red in the face. Simeon brings a hand to his mouth to hold back a laugh.
“Come along Luke, let’s give them some space. Solomon’s out, so please lock the door behind you when you leave,” Simeon gracefully states while taking Luke’s hand, guiding him out of the room. Before he leaves, he turns and winks at Mammon in a not so secretively way, as you catch it too. The action makes Mammon growl, but pulls another giggle out of you. The sound makes the butterflies stronger.
Mammon awkwardly stands in front of you, almost willing you to speak, like he was the one owed an apology. He shuffles his weight side to side, from one foot to the other before cramming his hands into his pockets. You shyly look away from him, but still reach a hand out to pat the cushion next to you, motioning for him to sit down. Stupid human, still nice to me when ya supposed to be mad. Despite his thoughts, he takes your offer, tense as he carefully sits next to you like a statue.
You both sit in silence for awhile, basking in each other’s presences. He wants to say something, anything to break the suffocating atmosphere you’ve both created here, but he can’t find the words. How can he when every time he looks at you his mind goes blank and his heart yearns to spill.
“Listen, I-” “You know-”
“You go first, Mammon”, you yield, allowing the second born to continue.
“Runnin’ off like that in the middle of the Devildom is dangerous! It’s crazy for a lower level demon, let alone some ballsy human. What would I woulda done if all I found of ya was a pile of bones? A trail of yer blood? Huh?” I thought I lost you.
“I-I can handle myself just fin-”
“Clearly. Is that why you went and made a pact with a demon? One of hell’s lords? Cause ya can handle everything by yerself? Cause ya so big and strong by yerself?” I’m supposed to protect you.
“T-that’s not fair, Levi coerced me-”
“And then ya ran to the angels when you were upset? Whadda they have that we don’t? What can they do that we can’t?” What can they do for you that I can’t.
“You said our pact mark was a blemish-”
“It is! Who the hell would want the symbol of some good for nuthin’, money grubbin’ scumbag like me on their heart! It should be Lucifer’s, o-or Beel’s, or…someone else. Anyone else.” I’m not worthy of you.
“Mammon,” your voice shakes, but remains sickly sweet. You place a hand over top his. His face shoots up to meet your gaze. The butterflies are swarming like crazy.
“If you hate our pact that much, if you hate where the sigil formed that much, let’s ask Lord Diavolo how to break it-”
“NO!”, Mammon shoots up to his feet, running a hand through his hair to calm his nerves. He can hear a similar waver in his own voice. “No, no that’s not what I meant. Tch! Why doesn’t it ever come out right! I swear when it comes ta you i just-”, Mammon sighs, trying to calm himself down. His face is beet red, he just knows it and father, do you have to look at him like that? With a face full of kindness and concern and love for him, the expression that you only give him and none of his brothers and none of the angels and none of the royals and no one else but him.
“MC, do ya know what it means when a pact mark forms there?”
Author’s Note: Gaaaah!!! Thank you all so much for your response on this series! It’s been kinda insane! I’m really thankful for all your notes and I’ve read every tag that was left for me. You’re all so sweet! This should have at the very least one more part, so please let me know if you want to be a part of the tag list for part 3! 
Taglist: @someoneunkownforyou @fandomhell97 @crocrafts @dragonageoregons @furblrwurblr @youaskedfurret @simpinginthecorner @astarotha @glitterandgoldfinds @liminalimmortal @bestblob @crow-charlie @hauntedcatnerd @aprilwallflower @ungodlywoes
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patchiko · 8 months
Thank you for responding 😭😭😭 lol he IS a runner dog. Leave the door open for even a tiny bit and he’s gone in the blink of an eye.
So speaking of dogs/cats do you think AK Jason would ever get a pet?
I’ve always thought of Jason as a dog person (I think in the comics it’s mentioned he had a dog named sparky and he had a pitbull (❤️) in RHATO) but as for AK Jason I don’t really have any thoughts on a pet situation. If he did get a dog I could see it maybe as a move for mental or emotional support… (I mean I got my own dog so I could have company, learn responsibilities and get exercise. I love him so much 🥺)
But ohhhh just thinking of Jason coming home and the dogs going nuts cause “dads” home just melts my heart
(Gunna be 🌻 anon in case I do any future requests haha 😂)
🌻 anon, in my brain he has or gets a dobermann. (mainly bc i have one) BUT UR SO REAL, a dog’s responsibility and bond is something he slowly comes to accept and love AND UR SO RIGHHT HIS DOG WOULD LOVE HIM SMMM
Ak!Jason Todd With A Dog Headcanon
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I think a dog would be really helpful with Jason accepting love.
I think at first itd be hard to him but as the dog grows, jason starts getting it. Why people love having animals so much, their simplicity of love, loyalty, and innocence becomes a virtue to him.
the routine and companionship <3
jasons dog ends up being the reason he has to get up everyday, a responsibility that isn’t based on the foundation of a legacy but a bond, a seemingly simple bond.
nothing over the top either. a simple transaction of ill give you anything you need and ill give you everything i have.
and once he comprehends his dog’s loyalty, and how much his dog gives him and the little he gives his dog compared to as much as hes given others
just him thinking about the fact how such little things can turn into an oddly complex relationship
realistically this dog doesn’t even get to see most of his life, but he’d be there for all of the dogs
and then he gets it, how much it means.
and your honor, he’d love a dobermann so much.
OKAY, a lot of people see Dobermanns as big scary breeds but i have one and he is so the opposite (turns out a lot of dobermanns are)
The whole reason Dobermanns couldnt be uses as war dogs anymore is because of how loyal they are. They couldn’t function properly if they weren’t with the person that trained them.
They latch onto someone and will only ever fully listen to that ONE person.
So I think a dog like this would be really nice for jason, with this along with thinking about how much mine helped me out / the way mine improved my mental.
yes im projecting bc i love my dog so much
Dobes are high maintenance when it comes to exercise, so i think Jason would really enjoy the scheduling one puts him on.
one walk should be an hour and some change long and they need at the very least TWO of these a day
so i think i like that it gets him outside and he gets to bond with his dog without having to do some over the top play session
jason also canonically did track if I’m not wrong, and because of him having a military schedule, i can totally see him doing morning jogs or just some random long ass walk with his dog at like 4AM
My dobes follows me, even if i move to a separate part of my couch he always moves to lay by my feet. so ill think of Jays dog just laying in a room where he trains, jason just enjoys the presence of his dog.
NOT TO PROJECT ON HIM TOOOO MUCH but jason definitely has full blown conversations with his dog, or just randomly starts venting to him
and the dog always does some silly shit that has him biting back a smile
or the dog just rests his body against his and jason just feels like its listening so he just keeps goin
idk if you guys every see a dobermann get excited but they start running around and they look like a stupid deer and Jason can’t not smile at it.
makes jason feel especially good when he comes home and the dogs so excited
jason could come home after the worst night shift in his fuckign vigilante life and can’t help his smile bc of the way his dog runs up to him
he’ll be so fuckin annoyed but as soon as his silly long faced ahh dobermann run up to him, hes cheesing so hard.
especially bc of the way the dog slips around bc of his smooth tile/wooden floor
Dobermann also have weirdly distinct and human personalities, a long with being smart as shit so i think itd stimulate jasons brain a lot
jason would try to teach his dobermann to be more of a guard dog, but the dobes would only show his training when hes protective of jason. Everything else, he just like jason is just.. standing.
his dog is also awkward, but i also think his dog has anxiety, more specifically attachment anxiety bc Jason spoils the shit out of him.
projecting so bad but jason could be having a mental breakdown and his dobes will come up to him and start whining for a walk, and that walk, that schedule just helps jason get back on track so much.
gets his gears turning, just the sense of normalcy he finally is getting.
he stops crying while leaving the house or getting ready to go, by the end of the walk, hes still sad, really fucking sad, but a calm kind of sad, he doesn’t wanna punch a wall, or fight someone, or drown himself in whiskey, he just wants to lay down with his dog and go to bed.
and then when he gets home he continues his dogs routine
he gives him water and food, he checks his paws for glass of anything stuck while he drinks or eats so he’ll stay still because his dog always waddles away if hes not pre-occupied, he’ll wipe his dogs face cause its always so wet and messy after he eats, and they lay down on a his couch and falls asleep.
:( loves his dog sm, just grounds him
and what kills jason about it, is the dog probably doesn’t even comprehend that.
he’d literally die for his dog.
dobes just walking up to jay and wanting his affection and jason will always at the very least rest his hand on his head which for most dobermann’s is the only thing they need.
the first time jason ever really felt connected to his dog is when it comes up to him and lays by him while he’s sitting on the floor after a bad night, he likes it because the dog has the full ability to go lay on a bed or his couch but he chooses to cold, hard floor, just because jasons there.
just how mundane it is having a dog makes him feel so normal kefhidjdkd kisses him
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i love dogs, i like dogs with training issues, i like dogs that get a little more nervous then others, i like dogs that have been through something, i like dogs that seem just a little more human then other dogs. i love dogs
anyway heres my dog
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sniffle sniffle sob sob laying on the floor with my dog as we speak, requests / inbox is open if you wanna drop something
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dontbethatguy20 · 2 months
Ohhh would you be okay with doing a Male reader x Danny Ghostface? sfw or nsfw!
And for (optional of course!) prompts maybe outside the entity realm where the reader knows jed before finding out about ghostface? if you feel up to it i feel a little bit of held at knife-point might be cool!
(i am so sorry if this sent more then once the app glitched and closed a few times and the ask disappeared so i dont know what happened so i also had to rewrite it everytime so it sounds so awkward now :') )
I'm quite the simp for ghostface myself, so I'm gunna have fun with this, I'm so gay for Danny 🤭))
Headlines of Desire
Ghostface (Danny Johnson) x reader
NSFW, minors DNI.
Warnings: knife play, caught at knife point, dubcon, he also has a temper (he has a really bad temper in my head, so I’ll make him one🤷🏽‍♂️)
\/The story starts below \/
Jed Olsen was a name very familiar to you, mainly couse you worked with him, and was very friendly from the first thing said to each other. To say he made good impressions with everyone he worked with, well, that would be an understatement. You two seemed to speak more than he did with others. Even if he did talk quite often with others, you two just seemed to talk even more and get along. Having a friendly face and conversation seemed to make this work a lot more barely.
Speaking of work, not much long after he started working, 5 months to be exact, murders started to go around, and the both of you started to report on them. Sometimes, you'd even report on them together. But working with him since the murders started to go around, you noticed a change in him, a shift in demeanor. He seemed more restless, excited even. It made you suspicious, but you never pressed further couse what are the chances of someone you working with being something even close to s murderer?
You continue to report on the murders and such, and no one knew the killer, and the kills had no consistency in them, so it was hard to pinpoint. Just whoever it was, they seemed to have fun with it. At this point, it somewhat seemed hopeless on knowing who the killer was, but at the same time, sometimes it just takes a bit, and they slip up and get caught. Just the way this one would be cought would be quite unexpected.
One late night, you got home after working your long shift. Your home is a little generic, but it's a home nonetheless. You go into your bathroom, take a shower, then go to grt dressed. When you want to get dressed, you seem to have heard a noise. Figuring it was nothing you continued, but there it was again, another noise. You only seemed to be able to put on boxers before investing. That's when you were in for a surprise. A hand covered your mouth and a knife to the neck. "Don't scream Y/N," he chuckled lowly.
Obviously, you struggle and try to scream, only for him to have the tip of his knife get closer to your neck, the tip of it touching your skin. "Stop fucking struggling" he barked." You stop struggling soon enoughafter he snapped. All you could wonder is who and why in this moment.
"There you go, finally listening~" I chuckled. After a moment of danny thinking with carful consideration, he spoke, "You know, I've always liked you, so I'll give you a bit of a change here. Consider yourself a very, very lucky man." He said as he started to trail the knife from your neck to your chin, making your breath hitch. He lifted his hand off your mouth only a little, so you could respond, but not too far couse he wasn't afraid to shut you up again.
"One, since I like you so much, you could let me play with you a little while, or two, I end you and play with the lifeless body." He offered.
You weigh your options carefully before speaking. "Um, o-one." You stutter out, fearing your life and not wanting to die. "Now, that's what I like to hear. No struggling and an actual response out of you. You're being a good boy~. Now, how about we start this now, huh? There is no need to wait. Take off that belt of yours." He demanded, seeing if you'd listen.
You end up taking off your belt couse you didn't want anything to happen to you. "Good, good." Danny then took his free hand away from you but kept the knife in his right hand pointed at your neck. "Turn around," he said quickly, and you did as such. "On your knees and take off my pants," he damnds and again, you listened. When you took off his pants, you noticed he had nothing under. He trailed his knife up your cheek, causing a bit of blood. "Now suck." I look down at his length and then back at him with a hesitant expression. "Go on, do it," Danny urged. Still hesitant, you don't do as you're told. He pressed the knife against your cheek harder "do as I fucking tell you" he said in a slightly angered tone. With that, you take his length into your mouth and start to suck while bobbing your head, still looking up at him with that hesitant look. Danny moaned softly, still having his knife to your cheek. "There you go, keep going~" he urged as he started to move his own hips a bit.
Eventually, Danny spoke once more, "up, and around, hands on to the wall behind you," he said as he did a twirling motion with his knife to motion you to turn around. You hesitantly turn and put your hands on the wall. He chuckled lowly, hand pulled down your pants, "You're doing so well~."
He positioned himself behind you, spreading your ass a bit before guiding himself inside all the way, making both of you groan, him from pleasure, you from the new sensation. He started to thrust moderately, placing his knife down your back as he did. He slid the knife down your back, causing you to whimper in pain.
It didn't take long for him to quick his pace a lot as he thrusted inside, letting out groans occasionally. "You're doing so good, being so fucking obedient." He spoke out in a slightly harsh voice. As he kept his knife on your back, he used the other to lean forward and grab ahold of your throat so he could go harder in. "That's it, take it," he said from behind the mask. You kept being obedient and took it, considering being at knife point and all.
This would go for several minutes, an hour or two even, before he could be satisfied, making himself cum twice inside your ass. You were definitely spent after being used as you did. He would pull out, putting on his pants and belt back on. He'd chuckle, slapping your cheek with the side of the knife slightly. "You did well, Y/N," he said, then walked to the window he had come in from the first place. He stood on the window cell and looked back, moving his mask a bit so you could see half his face. He winked, put his mask back on, and dipped. You stood there with your eyes wide, realizing who it actually was, The Ghostface, the man behind the mask. The man you worked with so long to catch the ghostface ended up being him. He was always someone you wanted, but not like this. After this, you never saw him again since you probably reported it, and he left the town of Roseville.
This is my first time making smut, but hopefully, it isn't completely crap. If i made any spelling or grammer mistakes, please tell. Hopfully, you enjoyed it enough))
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Just in case you're feeling stuck or need inspiration. Not a challenge.
December 4th is Inuyasha’s birthday per the expert level @officialkagome calculations on the subject.
In the modern era, demons are responsible for Christmas with one certain elderly half-demon as their mascot. Mainly because “Ms. Claus” can hide them all from detection with her own special gifts.
A Christmas Carol. Inuyasha has been a total ass recently and the fates decide to show him that he needs to make some changes or else life is going to totally suck.
Gift of the Magi. The basic plot of the original is a young husband and wife who long to give each other meaningful Christmas presents. The couple is constrained by their meagre budget, so each gives up something they treasure in order to afford a gift for the other. Roll with it.
It’s A Wonderful Life. Inuyasha incurs a rather heinous injury after an emotionally devastating day. Beaten down in every way, he plays with the idea of giving up. Random ass spirit thing shows him all the good he’s done and what the world would be without him.
AU mixed with Canon. Inuyasha was a woefully mediocre high school student who made a wish upon the Northern (Christmas) Star after an especially brutal day. He wants his life to be different. He wants to be special. He wants to be the best at something, anything. Wakes up in the feudal era as the most powerful half-demon and realizes things could always be worse.
Post-canon. After a few years of living in the feudal era, Kagome realizes that she’s lost track. She doesn’t know holidays or even when her birthday is anymore. Her little depressed sighs don’t fall beneath her husband’s notice and Inuyasha decides to do something special much to Kagome’s utter shock.
While waiting for Kagome, Inuyasha gets mistaken for Santa by a young child and has to use context clues to navigate the situation.
Inuyasha receives a present and malfunctions. What’s the catch? There’s gotta be a catch.
Post-canon. Inuyasha receives a cat as a gift from his wife. Rejoices.
Miroku is introduced to classical holiday music and is moved to tears.
Canon Universe. In the aftermath of a snow storm, Inuyasha and the gang happen upon old ruins of a fortress. Something about how familiar it feels disturbs Inuyasha who fails to recognize it as the place he was born until he comes upon something which reminds him of his mother. The snow. A full moon. The room. The smells.
One fine winter day, the group disappears one by one while those remaining search for them. Turns out they’re being shrunk and wrapped as presents for a young demon baby to play with. Kagome somehow manages to convince everyone they need to find replacements while the others just want to GTFO.
It’s getting cold out here so put on all the clothes. I am getting so cold. I’m gunna put more clothes on.
While Miroku & Sango take the break to visit Mushin, Inuyasha nearly drowns and freezes to death after making a terrible life decision. In his instinct driven state, his body seeks safety. He gains awareness in Kagome’s bed with no sign of the girl in question. Too cold to move Inuyasha simply passes out again only to wake up curled in Kagome’s arms.
Kagome notices that Inuyasha is (poorly) putting on a brave face as they travel in the snow. Turns out half-demons do get cold. Shocking.
Inuyasha discovers hot chocolate. Completely unrelated, Inuyasha learns “pop pop fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is” and that modern medicine’s solution is you can’t suffer if you’re unconscious.
Rain rain go away. Turn to ice another day. We want to go and slay. Come again a warmer day.
Inuyasha tries to be subtle on a cold night and very “casually” offers to hold the woman of his dreams while she sleeps. Hits jackpot.
Sango is cold. Miroku scams to remedy this.
The group huddles around a fire with Miroku generously pouring sake in an attempt to keep everyone warm. Inuyasha is a lightweight and decides to prove he’s fireproof. He is not.
The cold reminds Shippo of warm nights snuggling with his parents. He is sad.
Inuyasha catches a cold. Kagome & the others try to make him the medicinal soup from hell.
After a feast held in the group’s honor because hot damn can Miroku lie, Kagome goes searching for a missing Inuyasha only to discover the man can play an instrument beautifully. Weirdly they have an “ancient” version of it in the shrine storage shed. Maybe he’d want it?
After another big fight over Kikyo, Inuyasha makes a wish that one thing in his life would be simple. When Kagome gets amnesia while the two are on a solo mission, Inuyasha uses his surprisingly through knowledge to convince her they were a couple and does everything “right”. Sure he feels guilty and this will eventually ruin his life but the sweet taste of pure joy is a high worth risking everything.
For the love of god someone do an Inuyasha AU fanfic of this:
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stromer · 1 year
how do you want the draft to go??
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overwhelming response (two people in total) to my previous post :p so here are my dope takes that i wish the NHL would take seriously regarding the 2023 draft:
i do not take actual draft order into consideration for like any of these... because ch*cago ruined my life and draft order attempted to ruin idgaf war hero jeichel's life SO!!
bedard to the ducks
i think it's pretty obvious this was the spot i wanted bedsy to land. the whole OC boy experience was something i was rooting so hard for. he needed to discover the healing powers of a double double animal style clowning on zegras. like i've said before, his horror filled eyes would only get worse with one trip on the I5.. and i think it would've made him an even better hockey player somehow 🧪
he REALLY needed to be a canuck. common fact. but those freaks fucked around and found out horrifically. at least they played meaningful hockey when it was supposed to be MEANINGLESS. thank you very much to those orcas. you just lost connor bedard cuz anti-tank kuzmenko had bananas to eat. and quinn. that freak
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2. leo carlsson to the sharks
in a perfect world, leo carlsson will never know the saw trap under construction that is Ohio. and the fact that he even knows where it is on the map is already too much for me to bear. if my lovely sharks had actually committed to a really good tank... i would’ve bought a jersey. i will use the power of my delusion to ensure this DOES happen actually. that's a guarantee cuz don't i deserve to be happy?? give me another swede MIKE!!! you keep taking ekky away from me, u capital L Loser so give me another one
in another universe i think leo to philly would be fucking bonkers level big brain 🧠 i only say this cuz i think he needs to hangout with joel farabee IMMEDIATELY. i found leo's tiktok and he's on there being so fucking silly goofy lipsyncing to GUNNA??? hooping to Lil baby??? even hit the griddy?? new era of orange and maybe leo should be there
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3. adam fantilli to the HABS
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this choice was mainly inspired by this comment adam left on cole's instagram and it got me THINKING. known jhughes fan boy adam fantilli has been going to work getting in with the NTDP boys and i think this is a solid choice somehow. can't really elaborate more on this, just a feeling i'm feeling.
again, in a world where jackets didn't commit to the bit of being so completely morbid awful nasty gross, adam going there so he wasn't too far away from his other half luca would've been good with me. the umichification of OHIO.. c'mon 〽️
and of course the reality of the great chances he's a future duck hasn't been lost on me. i think he's going to be a great addition to the canadian heist that will force zegras into more team canada jerseys.
plus he hit a matthews celly once. and i think that means he goes somewhere where it would be eaten up
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4. will smith to buffalo
with a name like will smith he's got to go somewhere that i KNOW bitches will serenade him with the fresh prince of bel air theme song (like he assumedly has been all his life) and what better place to do this than the sabres. a team for silly goofy guys is where i think will smith and his NTDP taught silliness could thrive. also the athletic clowned on him for not being able to skate like jhughes despite being the n.1 center in the NTDP this year. whiteboy hockey looks can haunt you apparently .but my son you will go to a place where it doesn't matter because the vibes are too strong. cuz i said so
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however, streets are saying he might be coming to the sharks. no surprise considering will is a future boston college student athlete and mike grier starts acting up anytime someone with BOSTON connections is in his sights. like a rabid dog with no self control. so, maybe bordy will be in contact with smith soon via insta DM?? and maybe i wouldn't be mad about it
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anyway... all of these boys are haunted regardless of where they get drafted because they got invited to vegas to watch stanley cup final game 2.. and we all know that was a monstrosity so. Permanently scarred pre draft, here's how i would've saved them.
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fanfictionera · 2 years
Love You (BuckyBarnesxReader)
A/N: Here is the long awaiting part 2 to Missed You! There will be a part 3...much sooner than when this was posted....mainly because part 3 spoke to me much more than part 2 so I had to write that first before my brain would focus on part 2. 😅😆
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Bucky and Y/N have crossed the lines that they where fearful to take. Not with a plunge or with a leap but in slow steady strides they take in sync. Or do they? What happens when reactions from the outside question what's happening on the inside? 
Word Count: 2,687
Warnings: Where a helmet, please. Be safe. People in love. No smut but tune into part 3 😉
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Love You
Y/N slowly blinked awake before rolling over reaching for her phone that was charging on the nightstand. Just as the phone screen lit up, she was pulled back by Bucky's strong arms. He kissed the back of her neck, where it met her shoulder.
"I don't want to know what time it is," his voice was deeper in the morning, more gravely, right after he woke up. 
It was one of Y/N's favorite sounds. "What about Sam and Steve?"
"Who?" Y/N could hear the smirk in his voice. "Never heard of em'" 
Y/N snuggled back further "Alright, if you say so." 
The room fell into a warm silence as they took in the last few minutes before their bubble would be popped. All too soon there were the soft tones of the alarm going off. 
"Oh I remember now." Bucky let out a laugh through his nose. "The two pains in my ass who make me go with them to the VA."
"Come on, you like going." Y/N smiled. 
Bucky shook his head against the pillow, "Not when there's an exceptionally gorgeous woman in my bed." He captured her lips with his before climbing out of bed.
Y/N could feel the heat dance across her cheeks as she watched him begin to pick out his clothes. 
Unabashedly, she watched him change, "Are you working out after?"
Bucky turned, pulling his shirt over his head and down his torso "Yeah I think so. We'll be at the VA till three-ish and then probably will go on a run or something." Y/N hummed in response as she shifted flat onto her stomach, wrapping her arms firmly around her pillow. "You still hanging with Nat today?"
"At some point." Bucky sat down on the edge of the bed to put his socks on as she spoke. "She got back late last night so I'm going to enjoy a lazy morning before I go bug her."
"Lucky." Bucky said before getting up to go into the bathroom.
A few moments later Bucky walked out and came up to the side of the bed, leaning over onto his hands, he hovered for a moment above Y/N.
He leaned down giving one last final kiss to her exposed shoulder. "Alright, I gotta go. I'll see you later and we'll figure out something to do."
"Sounds like a plan, have fun." Y/N watched Bucky leave, closing the door behind him. She rolled back over attempting to fall back asleep but only achieving a dreamy lethargic state.
Y/N finally began to wake up a short while later. She curled her arms up and out, her limbs pulling into a deep involuntary stretch. She grabbed her phone and opened her messages.
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Jk come over whenever
Y/N: Solid. I'm gunna shower first
N: Door will be unlocked 😎
 Y/N pulled herself out of the bed and made her way to the door. With a click behind her she closed Bucky's door and trudged down the hall to her room. She quickly refreshed herself before pulling on comfy clothes. As she walked out the door, she grabbed her phone. 
Y/N opened Nat's door to find her propped up in bed, a controller in hand, her attention on the TV. "Hey, I just started a match." 
"Are you going to wear this or can I take it?" Another voice pulled Y/N's gaze. "Cuz it's really cute and I think I would wear it more." Yalena stood in front of a mirror, holding one of Natasha's shirts up to herself.
"Yalena!" Y/N said in shock.
She turned around, "Here and present."
Y/N all but launched herself at Yalena, wrapping her in a hug. "What are you doing here? How longs your stay!?"
"I had some work in New York, okay, okay, that's enough, you are suffocating me" Her voice strained slightly as she pushed Y/N back playfully, her phone notification rang out, "and only tonight." Yalena said as she pulled her phone out. "So spill, you and Barnes?"
Y/N looked at her with a slight squint to her eyes as she silently questioned Yalena. "It's going really well."
Nat held back a smirk as Yalena turned her full attention fully back to Y/N, deadpan. "Wow. I came all the way here--"
"From New York." Y/N interjected.
Yalena sighed, "Yes, I came all the way from the New York, and that's all I get? come on!"
Y/N fell back on the bed as Yalena sat down next to her sister. "I mean, yeah? What do you want to know?" 
"You've must of gone on dates? Done things together? Have you found out what his favorite movie is? Food? The sex must be fantastic--ouch!" Yalena was interrupted by Natasha's elbow in her side. "What!? He's a super soldier, tell me I'm wrong." Yalena directed her question back at Y/N as her phone went off again.
"Y/N you do not have to answer that and who's that Ms. Popular?" Nat tried to grab for her phone.
"Hey!" Yalena quickly moved it out of reach, "If you must know its Kate Bishop."
"Who's Kate Bishop?" Y/N asked as she sat up.
Yalena quickly stashed her phone away, "Oh no, this is not about me it's about you and Barnes."
"Look all I can tell you is he's amazing." Y/N began, "We just exist on the same frequency, we get each other and can read each other. It's a feeling I've never had with anyone else."
"Oh my god." Yalena smiled. "You guys haven't done it yet!"
"Yalena," Nat exclaimed.
"No, we haven't!" Y/N exclaimed, "Ya happy?"
Both Nat and Yalena stared at you for a second, "Wait, really?" Nat asked as her brows furrowed slightly.
"Yeah? Why?" Y/N replied as her gaze fell.
Yalena's phone dinged again, "You have more patience than me," Yalena spoke as she typed, "There's literally nothing stopping you from just climbing on that man and--ouch--HEY!" Yalena recoiled again as Nat tried to take her phone. "What? I'm giving her girl advice. You told me to make more friends and I did, I have Kate bishop and Y/N Y/L/N." Natasha glared at her, "I am just doing what you said, gosh." 
"What my sister is trying to say," Nat smiled, "Is, you look very happy and we love that for you."
"Give me this. What are you even playing?" Yalena asks as she takes the controller from Nat. "Car soccer?"
"This map, yes." Nat raised an eyebrow slightly as she spoke. 
The day continued on as they lounged around and relaxed. At some point their game was forgotten as they sunk back into the mattress, scrolling on their phones.
"We were talking about going out tonight, you should come with." Yalena said to Y/N.
Y/N thought for a moment, "Like how out?"
"We are going to the Wiggle Room." Nat answered back.
"Yeah, thank you but no.” Y/N laughed slightly, “I did not mentally prepare for that."
Yalena climbed over Y/N as she got out of the bed, “Whatever, you’re lame, moving on, seriously can I wear this shirt?” Y/N and Nat burst out laughing, “What? It's cute, I’m wearing it.”
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"Hey," Bucky's voice was soft as he placed a kiss on Y/N's cheek before making his way to his dresser.
Y/N didn't even hear him come in, She smiled back, "Hey."
Bucky was pulling clothes out of his drawer when he stopped what he was doing and turned around. "What's up?"
"Huh," Her smile widened and she let out a shaky laugh as she let her head fall slightly. Of course he could tell. "If I said nothing would you believe me." Bucky grabbed a shirt and paused waiting for her to look back up at him.
She glanced up, "Didn't think so."
"I'm going to clean up, then we can go get some food." He said as he headed towards the bathroom. "Or watch a movie."
Bucky knew by not pushing the subject she would come around quicker and by distracting her, would give her a moment to forget about whatever was swirling in her head. 
Y/N sat at the edge of the bed trying not to let her thoughts overwhelm her. Taking several deep breaths she focused on her breathing, inhaling and exhaling.
She heard the shower turn on before Bucky walked back into the room, throwing a dirty towel into the basket. He could see Y/N drowning. He walked over, letting his hands slide up her arms, pulling her out of her head. "Food or Movie?"
"Food, I think." Y/N responded just as her stomach growled slightly.
Bucky gripped her hands and pulled her up off the bed, "Food it is, why don't you go change and then meet me in the garage."
"Not the kitchen?" Y/N face scrunched in confusion. 
Bucky chuckled as he placed a kiss on her forehead, "I'm taking you out to get food. If that's okay with you?"
A bubbly sensation of excitement grew in Y/N, "Yeah, um, I guess I'm okay with that." A smile grew on her face.
"Then go get changed and meet me in the garage." He guided her towards the door and she let him lead her. He opened the door and stood to the side. 
Just before Y/N made it through the doorway she spun quickly to face him, "Can we take your bike?" He could see the glint of excitement in her eyes. 
Y/N felt his hands come to either side of her face and pull her lips to his. She hung onto his forearms as he slowly pushed her back into the hallway, never breaking the kiss. "Yes, yes we can." 
Y/N smiled before making her way back to her room. Bucky closed the door before rubbing his hands down his face, "She will be the death of me." His lips pulled at the corners as he grabbed a new towel and walked into the bathroom to finally take a shower.
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The late afternoon sun was warm and hazy as Bucky navigated his bike down nine west. The road weaved around and through the rural tree filled area. Small pockets of civilization popped up, reminding them they were still very much in New York. 
Y/N loved feeling the wind tug at her strands of hair, the air on her face and the bike rumbling beneath her. As the world zoomed by her hands lazily clung to Bucky's sides. A feeling that would always make his stomach flutter. 
He remembered the first time Y/N had gone for a ride with him. He remembers how flustered she was and how she tried to hide it. Yet by the end of the ride she had relaxed and let her guard down. He had lost count how many times they would just go for a drive. 
Before long the Mid-Hudson bridge came into view. After they crossed the river, Bucky took a few side roads until a small restaurant came into view. The white box-shaped building had blue accents and a sign reading River Station Steak and Seafood, with a swordfish in the center. It sat right on the river and the bridge was in full view from the parking lot.
"You ready for some good food?" He asked after shutting his bike off.
Y/N pulled herself off the bike, "Always!" She leaned over to give him a kiss before he got up as well. 
River Station was a local restaurant that Bucky and Y/N visited quite often. It was about twenty minutes from the compound and allowed them to get away without going all the way into the big city. Bucky opened the door for Y/N and followed her in, his hand naturally finding its way to her lower back as they walked through the restaurant. Past the small groups of families and dates sitting in the dining area inside and the handful of people at the bar watching a game on the large flat screen tv's. 
They continued out onto the outdoor porch seating area. Large bulb string lights swayed across the space. Mesh metal tables accompanied by dual matching chairs scattered across the wood slatted deck. Their usual spot, with the perfect view of the bridge, was open and they sat down. 
"Hey guys," The server came up, "Starting with the usual drinks?"
"Kaitlyn!" Y/N exclaimed, "How's Po doing?" Kaitlyn's shoulders relaxed down as she sighed in relief. "He's doing great! He's back to his normal self."
"Oh good!" Y/N replied. 
Bucky could only watch the interaction completely enamored. He knew that Y/N had been wondering how Po was doing after his surgery. Kaitlyn had found the injured puppy wandering around the restaurant after her shift one day and took the little weenie dog in. What Y/N didn't know was after they had found out Kaitlyn had picked up some extra shifts to pay for the surgery, Bucky found out which vet clinic Po was at and paid for the surgery. 
"I'll be right back with those drinks!" Kaitlyn smiled before walking away. 
Y/N looked back across at Bucky, finding a lazy smile on his lips and soft sparkle on his eyes, "What?"
"Nothing." Bucky picked up his menu, "Can I not appreciate my girlfriend?"
Before long they were a few drinks in and food scattered the table like a feast. Y/N stared out over the river watching the reflection of the bridge and sky dance and travel across the water's surface. Completely entranced, she slowly took a sip of her drink. 
"Penny for your thoughts?" Bucky asked as he popped a piece of calamari in his mouth. 
Y/N eyes slowly came in contact with his, she took a deep breath. "Just Nat and Yelena." 
"Today?" Bucky clarified.
Y/N sat her drink down, "Yeah, I haven't seen Yalena since we started dating so of course she wanted to know everything." Y/N playfully rolled her eyes as she shook her head. "We were just talking, well, she was gently interrogating."
"Unfortunately she knows her own power." Bucky replied.
"Fortunately for me she doesn't work on me." Y/N shook her head slightly as she let out a sigh, "they had a reaction to something I said and I wasn't expecting it."
"About what?" Bucky pressed.
Y/N shrugged slightly, "They found out we haven’t had sex yet."
"Oh," Bucky's response was soft. "And it bothers you?
"Not at all." Y/N was looking at him, "It's just- they seemed shocked we haven't. Like genuinely shocked, I think they got in my head." Y/N shrugged her shoulders defeatedly before taking another sip of her drink.
She looked out over the water and Bucky could see her eyes glassing over. He reached over and took Y/N's hand in his, his thumb slowly ran the ridges of her knuckles. "What are you thinking?"
"I'm just enjoying this." Y/N smiled, "I don't know if where we are at is considered a stage but, --" Y/N tried to find her words.
Bucky's heart felt like it melted in his chest, "You're not done experiencing it." Bucky finished for her. He could feel her body tone shift, her body relax and her shoulders ease down.
Bucky squeezed her hand, "You know I didn't think I would ever get to experience this kind of love." He paused, "With you everything slows down, time doesn't exist. It's almost like I'm getting some of those years back through you."
A bubbly feeling rose through Y/N's chest as a smile grew on her face, "You could have just said you love me." 
"I love you." Without missing a beat he replied. 
Bucky's gaze was unwavering as he held hers. "Ready to head back?" 
"Back where?" A smile grew behind the glass she held in front of her lips. 
"Oh, just the Compound, where we live." Bucky chuckled slightly.
Y/N shook her head, "Never heard of it."
"Alright." God Bucky loved her. " Well, if we have nowhere to go, how do you feel about a sunset drive?" An instant wave of glee spread through Y/N as she shook her head. “Then let's get out of here.”
Part 3 Coming Soon
Tag List: @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters
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hellfiremunsonn · 2 years
Steve Freaking Harrington.
AN: ALRIGHT WELL I SAID I WAS WRITING A STEVE FIC AND I REALLY FUCKIN DID. It’s a slow burn so if you just want the smut part you’ll have to scroll for quite a while. I got a little carried away. I’m gunna call it “Part One” for now until I know what or where I'm going with it but I really hope you all enjoy it. Please let me know if there is anything I didn’t tag, or if you have any feedback. 
I do not allow my writing to be republished anywhere other than my own blog without my consent
Word count: 7705
Warnings: blood, talk of self harm, mentions of past self harm scars, fem reader, Dom Steve if you squint, unprotected sex (please always use protection), p in v, m oral receiving, fingering, m an f orgasm
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It was another long and boring day at Family Video. One of those days where I often just stood at the counter shifting my weight from foot to foot staring at the clock and trying to ignore whatever shitty move was playing on the tv behind me. Robin scribbled doodles on a scrap piece of paper and Steve hung around on the other side of the counter, leaning on his elbows with his head in his hands. "This is brutal" Steve said sighing.
"At least you don't have to go to school tomorrow" Robin muttered, still doodling.
I smiled a little. It became so familiar to listen to them bicker back and fourth. They were like an old married couple. "Ahh yes the young child complains about getting her education while not having to pay rent" I said side eyeing her.
"Okay I'm eighteen, which means legally I'm an adult so" she said raising her eyebrows. Steve and I shared a look before laughing.
"Just because you're eighteen doesn't mean you're not a kid, believe me" I thought back when I thought everything would change when I turned eighteen. It's a big deal for no real reason other than legally being an adult. You still can't drink, you're still in high school, and for most people, still living under their parents roof with everything paid for. But in the end you still were a kid who was clueless about the world. I wouldn't go as far to say that about Robin considering how mature she really was despite being as goofy as she is.
"Were you the one who got stuck in a Russian lab, or dungeon? Basement maybe? I'm not even sure what is was, but was that you? No it wasn't" she said crumpling up her doodle filled paper and throwing it at my head.
"Hey!" I sad rubbing my forehead where the crinkled ball had poked me before landing on the floor. "Listen I was probably laying in bed states away blissfully unaware, so no, I can't relate to that" I grabbed the paper ball and threw it into the trash, glancing at the clock again groaning I made my way over to the shelves and started spacing everything way too neatly just to pass time.
About an hour later I was now sitting on the floor still spacing each movie apart but now on the opposite side of the store when Robin came out of the back room loudly swinging her backpack over her shoulder. "Well see ya later losers, have fun closing up" And with a wink she was out the door. I gave her a quick wave and continued my spacing.
"(Y/N)?" Steve called.
"Over here!" I said peaking around one of the shelves.
"Why are you on the floor?" He said standing next to me.
"Because why would I stand up to do the bottom shelf?" I said back. Looking up at him. He was so beautiful. And he knew it, which made him more unbearable because he knew what to do, and when to do it, and who to do it too, so he could get the right reaction out of them. We became friends quite quickly when I started working at Family Video mainly from how much time we spent alone in the empty store, but also because Robin forced him to train me when I started so she wouldn't have to. I definitely don't blame her for that because training the newbie is always kind of boring. Although I had to thank her for that because if it wasn't for her distaste in training I don't know if I would have ever gotten as close to Steve as I have if he wasn't the one spending all that extra time training me.
After a few short months of getting to know Steve and opening up to him. I told him about how my home life wasn't exactly ideal and offered to let me stay in one of his spare bedrooms. His house was massive and his parent's rarely home, not that they minded me. They really liked me actually. I tried to deny Steves offer until one fairly rough night at home got just a little too much. So at two am he drove to my house, helped me pack up my belongings and took me 'home'. I refused to stay there without paying rent, and although Steve was very against it I kept sending the money to his parents so he couldn't stop me. All he had to do was give me that 'Steve Harrington' look and I would have caved and not payed him or his parents a single penny.
I always felt like he could see right through me. Like every time those brown eyes made their way to mine that he was reading every thought that entered my mind and could tell how I was feeling. Maybe it was just because he was supposedly good with women, or maybe he just started to figure out how to be good with me? It was a thought I had often of him and I together, not always rated G and I would never admit it to Robin let alone him. Robin picked up on my crush rather quickly and would teased me about it often but it was our little secret and Steve really hated that we had a secret. He hated not being apart of it especially with two of his closet friends but I just couldn't tell him.
I wasn't really part of his crowd, even with all the fourteen year olds, and I never wanted to push my luck and force myself onto them or into their group. I knew they were all super close and that Steve cared for each of them as if they were his own children. It was cute seeing him take on this paternal instinct around them, like it was so natural and he had been doing it his whole life. Maybe it was because his parents weren't really around and he kind of had to parent himself.
His parents being MIA would definitely explain his old reputation I heard so much about from Robin. "King Steve" they would call him, and apparently he was a bit of a dick, but that changed, and he never went back to being that person. I'm glad I got to know him as the Steve he is now otherwise I'm not so sure we would get along, but together were just a couple of goofs who "Share one brain cell" between the two of us as Robin often tells us.
"Hellooooo" Steve said waving a hand in front of my face snapping me from my thoughts.
"W-what? What's up?" I said trying to act casual.
"You were day dreaming about me again weren't you" He said teasing.
"Again? Bold of you to assume I've day dreamed about you at all, let alone multiple times Harrington" I teased back. Finally standing up from floor, pulling my shorts back down my thighs from bunching I wiggled slightly and sighed. Steve eyed me suspiciously.
"Can you come help me move that big table in the back? A new shipment of snacks and shit should be here in the morning so Keith want's space for it" He said shoving his hands deep into his jeans. Which I didn't even think was possible, considering how wonderfully tight they were.
"Yes sir!" I said giving him a salute and making my way to the back. "I hate this table" I said standing at one end of it, my hands cuffed around the metal edge ready to lift. "Why?" Steve questioned going to the other end. "It's just a table" he said and laughed as he lifted his end. Nodding his head to tell me I was good to lift my end. As I lifted it pain seared through my palm and I gritted my teeth as we slowly shimmied to get the table to the other side of the room. Dropping my end of the table abruptly I grabbed my hand quickly noticing blood dripping from it. I hopped up and down muttering profanities until Steve asked me what was wrong.
"Fucking stupid table, I told you I didn't like, and it fucking cut me!" I said holding up my hand while still holding it with my other hand attempting to keep the bleeding at bay not knowing how bad the cut actually was.
"Jesus Christ (Y/N) you're bleeding everywhere!" Steve said rushing to the bathroom to retrieve the first aid kid. "No shit Sherlock" I said following him.
"Sit on the toilet" He ordered, closing the lit and gesturing to it with a nod of his head while he kneeled in front of me rummaging through the tiny red box.  I tapped my feet frantically up and down while I waited for Steve. "Okay so, we have to clean it, and that's going to hurt a lot even if it isn't as deep of a cut as it looks" he said glancing up at me. I guess he could see the concern on my face and rubbed my knee briefly. "It'll be over before you know it"
I groaned leaning back into the toilet, a few whimpers escaping my mouth as the pain continued. I watched Steve as he carefully set everything up, and even washed his hands before returning to the floor in front of me. Tipping the bottle of rubbing alcohol onto one of the pieces of gauze he steadied himself between my legs and held out his hand. I hesitated clutching my hand a little closer to my chest fearing how bad the alcohol was going to make it sting. Steves eyes softened and his mouth turned up into a small smile. "We gotta get it clean" He said softly. I slowly sat up straight and cautiously gave him my hand finally letting go of it with my other hand. He held it gently in his as he rested it on top of my thigh. "Do you want me to count to three or something?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"No- Wait! Yes, please. Please count" I said.
"Okay" Steve said taking a deep breath. "One-"
He never made it to three before patting the wet gauze onto my hand and I yelped out but he held my hand in place. "You fucker!" I spat. Tears threatening to spill over.
"Oh you're fine" He said giving my hand a final swipe. "Look it's not even that bad! Just a little cut" Cutting a smaller piece of fresh gauze he placed it onto my palm and used medical tape to keep it in place. I watched as his fingers worked delicately around my hands, cleaning off the excess blood. I could feel my heart beat in my ears, and my skin get hot.
"You're looking a little pale there. You alright?" Steve asked. Resting his hands on my knees.
"I think I might pass out" I said weakly, feeling the tips of my fingers go numb and the room spin slightly.
"Not on my watch, come here" He said as he lifted me off the toilet and onto the floor, positioning my arms and legs so I was sat with my head between my legs. "Alright I need you to take some slow deep breaths okay? In through your nose and out through your mouth"
I did as he said and only lifted my head when the heart beat in my ears faded and the room stopped spinning. Taking a final deep breath I leaned back resting my head against the bathroom wall.
"There's that colour coming back to that pretty face" Steve said rubbing my cheek lightly with his thumb. I hummed, closing my eyes and leaning into his warm palm. Realizing what I was doing I cleared my throat and moved away from his hand. "Thank you for uh" I said raising my hand. "Fixing me" I let out an awkward laugh.
"It was my pleasure" He said smiling and standing up. For a moment I thought his cheeks might have been a slight pink but maybe I was just seeing things. I did almost just pass out so I don't know if I fully trust my own brain right now. "Take a minute to take breather, I'll clean up the blood while you do that"
I got up slowly after a few minutes of extra sitting just to make sure I wasn't going to topple over and fall unconscious and hitting my head off of something and then bleeding out in the Family Video bathroom. definitely not how I want to die. Eventually I made my way back out into the store and to the counter where Steve was counting the till whispering the numbers slightly as he flipped through the money.
Scribbling, he ran a hand through his hair before noticing me. "Hey, I grabbed a few accident report papers for you to fill out" He said pointing to them on the counter next to him.
A small laugh bubbled in my chest as I reached for them, folding them into a square and shoving them into my bag knowing I would never actually fill them out.  As if reading my thoughts like I always thought he was, he said. "I already filled one out, so don't lie and tell me you're going to fill it out and then never do it"
A blush rose to my cheeks. I don't know how he knew me so well. Maybe I was just really predictable. "Alright, double check this for me and then we are good to go" He said holding his pen out towards me. I grabbed it and stood on my tippy toes, leaning against the counter as I tapped the numbers into the calculator. "Still can't do the math in your head?" Steve whispered, not wanting to disrupt my counting. "Shut it Harrington" I mumbled giving a final check and my signature to the paper. Throwing the pen down onto the counter I raised my good hand for a high five which Steve reciprocated with a dramatic wave of his hand before slapping it against mine and giving it a light squeeze.
After locking the door behind us I followed slowly behind Steve to his car, waiting at the passenger door for him to unlock it before sliding into the seat. I tucked my knees up to my chest, resting my chin on them and wrapped my arms around them tightly. It was hard being around Steve all the time and I knew that living with him was going to be even harder, but I had only been there for a few weeks. Sitting in my room with my door always open out of habit, he would walk by fresh out of the shower, a towel hung low on his waist, his happy trail sparkling with drops of water still stuck to it. He never caught me staring in those moments thankfully, but it didn't stop me from wanting to kick down his door and kiss him.
"You okay?" Steve said breaking the silence.
"Yeah, just in my own head" Which wasn't a lie, I just couldn't tell him what exactly was going through my mind.
"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours" He asked turning down his street.
"It's nothing you need to worry about" I said forcing a smile. When he pulled up into the drive way I got out quickly, almost too quickly as I heard Steve hiss from behind me when I opened the car door before it was fully stopped.
I silently cursed at myself when I got to the front door realizing it was locked and that once again I had to wait for Steve. We still hadn't gone out to get a new copy of the house key for me, so I had to rely on him for another fucking thing.
"Please don't do that again, I could have ran over your foot or something, and I do not think I could deal with that complaining" He said walking in front of me, my shoulder slightly brushing his arm in the process, causing goosebumps to raise on my skin. He unlocked the door and opened it, gesturing with his arm for me to enter first which I did quickly. I sped up the stairs, the sound of my converse slapping against the hardwood as I went. Reaching my room I belly flopped collapsing onto my bed, breathing in the familiar scent of Steves laundry detergent on my blankets. I kicked off my shoes still laying on my stomach and heard them hit the floor with a thud. What the hell was I going to do? This crush is getting worse by the minute and I think I might actually explode. I felt like a bottle of unopened coke that had been shaken so severely that it might just burst without the seal of its plastic lid ever breaking.
I was growing annoyed with myself and obviously Steve. Because why did he have to be so fucking nice to me? No one was this nice to me, not even my parents. The people around town, knew me as that 'drunk dudes daughter' and even though I don't go to school with them, those preppy teenagers bullied me as if they had known me for years. As if I didn't have enough of my own thoughts to bully me. I pulled one of my sleeves up looking at the thin white raised scars along my wrist and forearm. Tracing them with my fingers I sighed and pulled my sleeve back down over them. It was a habit I finally recovered from, but still sometimes I found myself yearning for that familiar release.  No one in I knew Hawkins knew about it. The weather had still been cold enough when I first moved here that I could always wear sweaters and long sleeves without it being questioned. I dreaded the warm weather that had started to creep in weeks ago and I forced myself into a pair of shorts today before going to work. But it was always chilly inside the store so again the sleeves weren't questioned.
A soft knock from behind me is what broke me out of my thoughts. Rolling my head to the side and out of the corner of my eye Steve stood leaning against the doorframe of my room not daring to enter it without permission like a vampire. "Hi" I said quietly. "Come in" I rolled over and sat up crossing my legs.
Steve came in and sat in the chair at my desk. "What's going on with you?" He said looking at me.
"What do you mean?" I said pretending to be confused.
"I don't know you've been weird all day, and the getting out of the car before it was stopped?" He shrugged leaning back. "It's not like you, you usually talk to me" his eyes were soft and a worried expression slowly formed in his face.
Without telling him exact details, I took a deep breath and said. "I have a crush..." My cheeks felt hot and I avoided eye contact by picking at a loose thread in one of my socks.
"You have a crush" Steve repeated. I nodded. "It's been consuming every waking moment of my brain, and I don't know how much longer I can cope with it, I want to like" I stopped furrowing my brows thinking of the words. "-Like peel my skin off"
Steve stifled a laugh as I finally looked up at him. "Don't laugh it's not funny!"
He held his hands up in defence trying his best to suppress his laughing. "Okay I'm sorry, it's not funny. Does he have a girlfriend or something?" He questioned.
"Or she, don't be so quick to assume Harrington" I said smirking. "I mean have you seen women?"
"I have actually yeah" he laughed. "Okay so why can't you confront this 'crush'" he said using air quotes around the word crush.
"Because it's just one of those things, it would ruin everything, especially if he didn't like me back" I said the last part more quietly than intended. "I'm just waiting for it to fade, but its hard, and there's only so many cold showers I can take"
Steve choked, coughing into his fist. He shifted, seeming a little uneasy. "So why don't you... You know..." he trailed off.
"The word is masturbate Steve" I said laughing.
"Yeah I know" he said annoyed. "Its just hard to imagine you doing that"
"I don't think it's that hard" I stated leaning my back against my wooden headboard.
He stood up abruptly. "Alright I'm leaving, I'm tired" he said walking towards the door.
"Can't handle the thought Harrington?" I said teasing, getting up to rummage around for some comfy clothes.
"I really can't" He said giving me slow side smile as he walked down the hall to his bedroom and shut the door.
I stood up frozen, an old pink tank top held tightly in my hands wincing a little at my bandaged palm. What the hell was that? I glanced towards my door where he no longer stood with my mouth open in confusion. Shaking my head I walked into our shared bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face. I could feel the summer heat invading the house already and frowned. Lastly I cleaned my hand taking off the bandage giving it time to breathe and finally made my way into bed.
I woke up to heat. So much heat. Sitting up in my bed I felt the back of my tank top cling to me and the skin of my thighs that had been touching were slick with sweat. Why was it so fucking hot? Stumbling out of bed even my bare feat stuck to the floor as I made my way down stairs. Steve stood in the middle of the kitchen, tools splayed out all over the counters, a bead of sweat dripping down the side of his face and onto his shoulder, his naked chest slightly shiny as the sweat clung to his chair. A pair of old basketball shorts hanging just a little lower on his hips than they should be. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand before noticing me standing in front of him.
"AC is broken" He said frowning.
"Fuck me" I said running my hands through my hair. Only now realizing I was stood in front of him in a very short and tight tank top and a pair of pink pajama shorts. His eyes glanced down and back up quickly before clearing his throat and continuing his search for whatever specific tool he was looking for. "What are you even doing? Do you know how to fix it?" I questioned.
"No I don't have a fucking clue how to fix it (Y/N)" He said clearly annoyed, while planting his palms flat onto the counter with a light smack to look up at me.
"Sorry" I said shrinking into my shoulders a little. I didn't mean to upset him.
"No, no" He wiped his forehead again. "I'm sorry, I'm just hot and frustrated, I didn't mean to snap"
"It's okay" I said giving him a sly smile. "it was kind of hot?" I admitted.
"Hot? What being rude?"
"Yeah a little" I said biting my lip to stifle a laugh. "I mean I'm sure you've been mean, like sexually to girls in bed right?"
He scratched the back of his head. "Well I mean yeah" His cheeks turning a little more pink than they already were.
"So then there you go" I said clapping my hands together. I walked towards to fridge opening the freezer grabbing a red popsicle from the box at the back.
"Breakfast?" He smirked. I saluted him with the popsicle in hand. "I'm getting in the pool" I stated, walking past him and out the back door sitting down on the ledge of the pool sticking my feet in. Ripping the plastic off of the popsicle I popped the end of it into my mouth swirling it around. The water was cold and I shivered as it touched my skin but it felt so good. I moaned a little, leaning back onto my hand letting my head fall back. The sun wasn't high enough in the sky yet to burn me just yet, and I watched as it sprinkled through the leaves of the trees. A slight breeze came and went every so often and it really helped along with my nearly melted popscile. It was better than the stale hot air from inside the house. Sliding the last bit of it off of the wooden stick I gave my hands a quick rinse with the pool water.
I heard some loud banging and then the back door open aggressively and Steve stomped out, clearly still frustrated. Sitting down next to me he sighed, the cold water very obviously instantly calming him.
"I called my parents, they said someone will come to fix the AC tomorrow" He said quietly.
"Okay" I said softly while swinging my feet back and fourth in the water, listening to the rippling noises. I leaned back so my back was now flat against the concrete and rolled my tank top until it sat right under my boobs. If I was going to be out here I might as well try to work on my tan. I traced patterns lazily along my stomach and felt myself relaxing into my own touch.  
The phone ran from inside of the house and I squinted, only opening one eye to look over at Steve who sighed before getting up to go answer it. Leaning back up onto my elbows I decided to finally just get into the water. Getting up and walking to the shallow end and walked down the few steps until I was waist deep, my hands swaying around me in the water. I would have put on a swim suit but I had no intention of going back into that hell hot house unless absolutely necessary. Taking a deep breath I dipped my head under the water standing back up gasping lightly at the cold temperature against my chest. It was almost euphoric how good the water felt.
Steve emerged again from the house and resumed his position at the edge of the pool. "The children want to come and use the pool, and because I can't say no to those little shit heads, they'll be here in fifteen"
I laughed lightly while continuing to swirl the water around me with my hands. "You and those tiny children"
"You can't call them tiny, most of them are taller than you" Steve said kicking water towards me. "You're literally in the shallow end of a pool and it's almost at your boobs"
I rolled my eyes and attempted to splash him back but the water didn't reach him as much as I wanted to. "Will you ever let me live it down that I'm short?"
"Never" he said smiling. I watched his eyes glance down clearly at my chest and then back up, craning his neck pretending to look at the sky.
Blushing I looked down, realizing the tank top I was wearing was almost see through. Panicking I covered my chest crossing my arms and hooking my hands into my armpits for maximum protection. Before I could speak, I heard the loud voices of the young gang approaching the backyard. "Shit" I mumbled and sunk down into the water so it would cover my exposed chest.
"Steve I need you to get me a different shirt" I said quietly.
"Oh why?" He said jokingly. "Don't want a bunch of teenagers seeing your nipples?" He glanced down again quickly.
"Stop flirting and go get me a different shirt please" I begged through gritted teeth.
The kids stumbled into the backyard yelling, laughing, and pushing each other. "(Y/N)!" Max yelled running over to the edge of the pool closet to me. "I was really hoping I wasn't going to be the only girl out here, because if I spend one more minute with them, my brain might actually start losing IQ points"
I let out a small laugh, still keeping my shoulders below the water. The boys instantly jumped into the pool, and began beating each other with pool noodles they brought along with them. Max sat at the edge of the pool, sunglasses on and a book in her hands with a small towel hung over her freckled shoulders, probably preventing herself from getting sun burnt.
Eventually Steve finally returned, one of his t-shirts in hand, and a bunch of towels tucked under his arm. I swam back over to the edge of the pool and held my hand out so he could pass it to me, and he almost did, but instead hesitated and stepped back with a smirk on his face. He walked back a bit and placed it on one of the lounge chairs. "Shirts here if you still need it" He said pointing down to it.
"Steve can you bring it to me please?"
"Nah I think you can come and get it"
I groaned. "Steve can you please just bring it to me, I don't have time for your stupid mind games right now"
That caused a few chuckles out of the boys and I smiled.
"What's the problem?" Max asked. "Why won't he give you the shirt?"
"Because he's annoying" I said matter of factly.
"Why don't you just go and get it?" Dustin asked.
"Because she doesn't want everyone to see her boobs" Steve said laughing slightly.
The boys all groaned and I even heard one of them mutter "Gross" turning their attention back to each other, and although I wanted to laugh at them for being so immature I held my glare at Steve.
What game is he trying to play right now? I stared at him mouth agape not knowing what to do, or what was going on in that big head of his. And then he slowly licked his lips, his tongue darting out briefly and then I knew. He was coming onto me. But why? And why now? Was this is normal friendly flirting that he does with me and Robin all the time, or was this actual flirting, because if he is actually flirting right now, the heat that is barreling down onto my back from the sun is not helping the rising temperature growing throughout my body.
So mustering all the courage I had, I walked slowly over to the steps dunking my head under the water again one last time before beginning to walk up and out of the pool while smoothing my hair back out of my face. I walked towards Steve, and squeezed the water out of the side of my tank top knowing he was watching my every move. I stood in front of him, looking up at him through my wet lashes and reached for the bottom of my top before lifting it over my head leaving me completely bare chested in front of him. His breath hitched and I watched him swallow hard, his Adams apple bobbing as he did so. Reaching down for the shirt, still not breaking eye contact I pulled it over my head.  
"Don't forget to blink there big boy" I said patting his chest and walking past him back into the house.
Once I was about halfway up the stairs I let out a breath I was apparently holding. "Holy shit" I whispered. I shook my head and headed to the bathroom to wash the chlorine off of my skin, and to maybe cool down a little extra, away from everyone. Stripping myself of my wet clothes I turned the shower on, making the water just barely warm enough to not overheat me while in there.
I stood there for a moment, just letting the water fall over me trying to compose my thoughts but the sound of the bathroom door opening distracted me. Leaning around the shower curtain I saw Steve who was shutting the door behind him and locking it before turning to face me. "Uh I'm in the shower?" I stated but it came out more like a question. "Yeah I can see that" He laughed and began to start taking off his shorts.
I quickly avoided any sort of eye contact with him and leaned back into the shower, my hands covering my face. "Steve what the hell, what are you doing?" Eyes still covered I heard the shower curtain move again and felt Steve brush against me.
"I'm showering" He said as if he's done this a million times before, and maybe he had, but not with me.
I stood there, awkwardly silent, unsure of what to say, or what to do next. Steves hands came up, and he placed them gently over mine encouraging me to take them off of my face and I let him but still kept my eyes closed. His thumb rubbed gently over one of my scars and I flinched slightly at the thought of him knowing. He brought my wrist up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss to it. "I'm not going to bite (Y/L/N)" he said softly still holding my hands.
Slowly I opened one eye, peaking out of it slightly to look up at him. "I mean I only bite if you're into that" A small smirk forming at the sides of his mouth.
Instinctively I rolled my eyes and laughed finally looking up at him. He kept his eyes on my face, never once looking down at my naked frame, as if he didn't just see my boobs ten minutes prior to disrupting my shower. "Shouldn't you be watching the kids?"
"They basically left as soon as you did, talking about that board game they play with Eddie Munson"
I nodded slowly and bit my bottom lip.
"That was a bold move back there" he said moving a piece of wet hair that clung to my face, his hand lingering ever so slightly on my cheek.
"I agree" I said turning my head. I didn't know where to look, and looking at him this close to me, would only make things worse, so instead I settled on a tiny crack in the tile just to the left behind him. "Um Steve?" I said quietly, hesitantly glancing at him.
"Why are you in the shower with me?" I watched him this time as he was the one to avoid my gaze. His cheeks turning pink, he scratched the back of his head.
"I honestly wasn't thinking straight, I just- I just started walking, and then I couldn't stop seeing you standing in front of me topless in the back of my mind, and so here I am..." He said trailing off. "I think because you finally noticed"
"Noticed what?"
"That I was hitting on you"
"Well yeah it was kind of hard to miss, you've never done that before"
He chuckled, his head leaning back slightly. "I've been hitting on you since the day I met you (Y/N)"
My mouth opened slightly in shock and I stared at him for a moment. "Wait a minute" I said taking a small step back to get a better look at him. "You waited until you were inches away from me, NAKED" I said emphasizing the word naked. "To tell me you've been hitting on me"
"I'll admit it wasn't the best decision I've made, but I had to act quick, I didn't want to go a second more without you knowing, especially with this crush you keep talking about" He sounded almost jealous and now it was my turn to laugh.
"S-Steve" I said in-between laughs. "It's you. You're the one I have a crush on"
We both stared at each other for a moment before bursting into a fit of laughter. I clutched my sides in pain from laughing and Steve held onto one of my shoulders.
"How long has Robin been coaching you?" I asked, still giggling.
"Oh everyday, every fucking day"
"She's been helping me!" I said laughing a little harder again. "Well we can never say she's a bad friend because she didn't tell either of us that we were crushing on each other this whole time"
"I think she might actually be the best after this" He said looking back at me. Finally looking into his eyes I still felt like he could see right through me.
"Can I kiss you?" he asked quietly.
I nodded my head a little too eagerly but he smiled, holding both sides of my face in his hands and kissed me gently on the lips. They were slow, sweet kisses, like we wanted to savour every moment, every feeling, every taste. He lowered his hands to my waist pulling me closer to him, and I wrapped my arms around his neck sinking into the kiss. Breaking the kiss slowly he smiled, "You taste like cherry"
He began to place light kisses along my jaw and down my neck. I tilted my head back slightly to give him more room. Kissing both of my collar bones he stopped looking at me. "You can touch me Steve" I said blushing. He continued kissing my chest, going lower and lower until his tongue quickly grazed my nipple. One hand holding the other boob squeezing lightly, his thumb brushing over my nipple, while he kissed, licked, and sucked onto the other one before returning his mouth to mine.
I felt his hard erection brush against my leg, and I looked down reaching for it and wrapped my hand around it. He groaned into my mouth as I began to jerk him slowly. "We don't have to keep going" He said breathlessly. "I don't want to rush you- Fuuuck you're good at this" his head tilted back and the water ran down his muscular chest. Please with myself I smiled and pepper kisses all over his torso. "I don't want to stop" I said mumbling between kisses against his chest. "I've been thinking about this for far too long to stop now Harrington" I said shifting so I was now knelt in front of him. He didn't notice until I wrapped my mouth around him. A hearty gasp leaving his lips as his head fell forward, his hands instantly going into my hair. I bobbed my head back and fourth swirling my tongue around the tip every so often causing the grip he had in my hair to tighten. "You thought about this?"
"Mhmm" I said still wrapped around him.
"Get up" He ordered tapping me on the shoulder. I pulled back from him, drool rolling down my chin. He pulled me back up kissing me until my back hit the wall of the other side of the shower. "Leg up" He said grabbing my thigh, instructing me to put my foot on the edge of the tub. He turned around, reaching up and pulled down the detachable shower head, changing the setting to something a little stronger. A setting I had used many times before. He stood close to me, as close as he could without ripping the shower head off of the wall, and slowly raised the water up and against my leg until the water rippled against my clit. I jerked back, my ass hitting off the wall and I leaned forward holding onto his bicep. "Holy fuck St-Steve" I said leaning my head against his chest. "If I cum like this, it'll be too much to have sex" I said quickly, finally feeling my orgasm slowly grow.
"No sex, I just want to make you cum" he said shifting beginning to shake the shower head side to side so the water rolled back and forth lightly against my clit.
"No, I want you to fuuuuu-uck. Fuck! Please fuck me Steve" I whimpered my legs beginning to shake. Putting the shower head back in it's place he turned back to me "Don't have to tell me twice"
I clenched my thighs together tightly catching my breath in the brief moment of relief until he slid his hand in between my legs rubbing my clit a few times more. I whined, my mouth falling slack when he added a finger into me curling it upwards. "Please" I begged. "Please, I need you to fuck me, please" He continued to curl his finger into me harshly before abruptly removing it, sticking the finger into his mouth, cleaning myself off of him with his tongue. I reached a hand towards him and whispered "Please" one more time while batting my eyelashes. "I could get used to you begging" He hummed, while bringing me into him, turning me around and trailing kisses down the back of my neck and to my shoulder.
"Steveeee" I breathed and pushed my ass into his dick. He smacked it lightly and I squealed, laughing a little.
"You poor sweet thing" he said opening my legs and positioning himself behind me. I bent over as best as I could and held onto the wall. Swiping the tip of his dick against me, my eyes rolled back and I moaned loudly. "So desperate" his chuckled halted as he slowly inched his tip into me. A small cry left my mouth.
"You okay?" He breathed.
"Never been better" I huffed. "Keep going" I instructed. "I'm okay, it feels good" I reassured him, reaching behind me to pat his hand that held onto my hip.
He nodded furrowing his brows as he slipped the rest of him into me. My knees locking together, pleasure filling my stomach.
"Fucking hell (Y/N)"
My name sounded like honey coming out of his mouth like that. Slowly he began thrusting into me, picking up speed only after reaching down between my legs rubbing light circles. "You feel so good pretty girl" He cooed into my neck, just below my ear. I continued to whine and moan, writhing against him, pushing my ass back into each thrust. He smacked my ass again, my orgasm building more. "Keep fucking yourself on me like that"
And I did. I rocked back and forth attempting to keep my balance as sturdy as I could with the floor being slick with water and the edge of my orgasm trying to burst. I slowed down, unable to keep fucking myself on him with the fast heavy circles he made on my clit. My stomach began to tighten and my breath quickened. "I'm going to cum, don't stop, please don't stop, oh my god, just like that, yes, fuck" I leaned up slightly and he pulled me into him, my arched back against his chest as he continued rubbing. "Cum for me, cum on my cock"
My legs began to tremble and head rolled back as I loudly rode out my orgasm with the most ungodly moans and whimpers. He started to fuck me again holding almost all of my weight. "Cum in my mouth" I slurred, still in the euphoria of my orgasm. Pulling away from him I got back onto my knees in front of him opening my mouth and sticking my tongue out. "Fuck you're so goddamn pretty" He said leaning down to kiss me briefly, jerking himself. The tip of his cock rested on the flat of my tongue as his cum shot out into my mouth. A loud groan leaving his lips in the process. Giving the tip a gently lick up the back I brought his cum to the back of my mouth and swallowed and smiled back up at him.
"Come here beautiful" he said reaching his hands out to me so he could help me stand. I wobbled slightly. Wiping whatever cum was left off of my face with his thumb he kissed me. Slow and gently, just like the first one. "Lets get washed up, and then go watch a movie or something yeah?"
I smiled lazily blinking slowly. "God you're already so fucked out of your mind for me" he laughed.
"What can I say, you did a good job"
He kissed me on the nose before reaching over to grab a loofa and lather it with soap.
We gave ourselves a proper shower, stealing kisses from one another often. When we got out, Steve instructed I stayed in my room until he told me I could come out. I got dressed in a baggy shirt, and some boy short underwear keeping minimal clothing on as the house was still very hot. I heard lots of groaning and shuffling outside of my door. "Are you okay?" I yelled.
"I'm fine!" He huffed.
Another ten minutes later, I was almost falling asleep at my desk when Steve knocked and opened the door. "You can come downstairs now" A large smile spread across his face.
Following him down the stair and into the living room, he stopped motioning his hands towards the floor while saying "Ta-da!"
he had set it all up for a movie night. His mattress laying in the middle, with every pillow in the house, and a couple of thin blankets. Two fans blew cool air towards the bed, and my small stuffed fox and childhood blanket were tucked into one side of the 'bed'.  Different snacks were placed onto the coffee table and a few different movies were stacked on top of each other on the floor in front of the TV.  Smiling I hopped down onto the bed, cuddling my fox and blanket to my chest, sighing softly into the pillows. Steve came and joined me under the blankets pulling me into him. "I couldn't leave your little buddies all alone in your bed" He said poking the small fox on the head and I stifled a giggle. He kissed the top of my forehead and attempted to pull me closer to him.
It didn't take long for both of us to fall asleep. The sounds of the oscillating fans humming lulled us to sleep quickly before we could even discuss which movie we wanted to watch.
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reawritesthings · 4 years
Harry Holland being jealous cause reader keeps talking about her favourite fictional character?
tonight was the wrap party for cherry, you were lucky enough to help out on set with the thanks to your boyfriend. you were mainly an assistant to ciara, but you were also shadowing harry.
“hey babe! are you ready to go?” harry yells from the bathroom.
“five more minutes. robin hood is about to save maid marian.” you call out, snuggling closer to the pillow letting the softness suck you in.
“haven’t you read that book a thousand times?”
you swat your hand out to give an answer as you didn’t want to leave the book. after ten minutes, harry finally was ready but to his surprise you wasn’t.
“babe seriously? can you please get ready? we are gunna be late for the shots.” harry whines, and you gave him a little pout but he shook his head.
“fine. i’m just saying that robin hood wouldn’t be like this to his maid marian.”
harry rolls his eyes and sits on his phone, watching the updates on instagram.
“babe you ready?” harry calls after ten minutes.
“yes. i’m just applying some make up.” you shout from the bathroom and harry jumps on his feet, alerting the crew that they are on there way.
after an hour in, yourself and ciara were chatting at the bar watching the boys do countless shots. you praise yourself and ciara for not being that invested in alcohol as harry n tom was.
“so whatcha been doing lately?” ciara asks after taking a sip of her drink.
“not much, but i don’t know why but robin hood is really attractive? i have no idea why but it’s the way that he moves that bow and arrow.” you gush, making ciara laugh.
“babe, he is fictional.”
“still?? i really think that if he told me he would wanna do some bow and arrow role play, i would be totally for it.” you giggle, and snort when you feel a familiar hand on your back.
“whatcha guys doing?” harry slurrs, resting his head on your shoulder.
“y/n is informing me about her crush on robin hood. she even discovered a new kink.” ciara stammers, and takes a full gulp of her drink.
harry lifts his head off your shoulder and tuts. “i don’t get why you are so into robin hood? he is a fox? and he isn’t even that good looking? it’s weird.”
“someone’s jealous.....” you hum, ruffling his hair.
“i’m not jealous of a stupid fox.” he mutters, crossing his arms.
“oh harold. i was talking about the human version.... if i was into foxes, that would make me into beastiality and i don’t swing that way.” you wink, causing harry to furrow his eyesbrows.
“y/n stop it. can you please stop acting crazy.”
“i’m only crazy for robin hoooood.” you laugh and watch harry walk away.
“he is soo jealous.” ciara whispers laugh.
you nod in response, “little does he know that i brought him a robin hood outfit for later.”
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inconsistentenigma · 3 years
Metal Family OC dropping in now.
Meet Eva-
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Ches’ older half sister! I’ll put more info about her under the cut but essentially their Dad slept around and he’s abandoned more than one kid. She’s six years older than Ches and the two were very close when he was younger but eventually had a falling out.
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Their father is a notorious cheater and has fathered more than a few children in and around the factory region; Ches and Eva being two of them.
For the most part Ches and Eva have no knowledge of each other till they meet years later. Ches' mother takes him to where Eva's mom is living in an attempt to get some form of child support. It doesn't work but while the mothers argue Eva and Ches meet. Eva was coming back home from school when she ran into them in the hallway. Noticing Ches' discomfort, and not wanting to deal with the fight, she offered to wait with him down bellow and outside the apartments. It was awkward at first with both just waiting on the bench outside. But eventually the two bonded over music when Eva brought out her CD player. Both had similar tastes of music and were fairly chill people. She was 16 and he was 10. Eva lives at the apartments across the street from the zipperlock building in the middle staple building.
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For the next year or so the two would meet up with Eva being an unofficial babysitter to Ches. They spend a lot of time together and Ches warms up to her as he begins to see her as family. Eva also grows fond of Ches and is glad to have some genuinely nice family. The two bond over their shitty dad, music and the fact they live in similar situations. She helps him refine his music tastes, encourages his guitar skills and teaches him the more technical part of music/band life (terms, genres and specifics) given that she has dated more than a few musicians as well as being in a few bands as singer (though she is not passionate about music).
Despite her kind nature Eva is very irresponsible and passive. She also isn't the best role model as she introduces Ches to the clubbing nightlife and eventually gets him exposed/hooked to alcohol and cigarettes through her other friends. Eva doesn't try to stop him and lets him do as he pleases. She also encouraged him to steal under the guise of 'borrowing'. Still, despite her shortcomings, she is the first person that Ches feels genuinely likes him and cares about him.
However one day while hanging out around her apartments they run into their father. Ches is surprised since he hasn't seen him since he was a baby however Eva just bitterly greets him and after he bothers her for some money he heads back inside the apartment. It's then that Ches finds out that Eva actually lives with their father and she is not in the same position as he's in since her mother is actually married to their Dad. Thus she is his 'real' child while Ches is a bastard. Ches is rightfully upset and surprised by the revelation but Eva merely shrugs him off, not understanding why he's so shocked since she sees no benefit to living with their Dad. They have a small fight with Ches angrily stating she's a liar and he hates her before running off.
A few days later he tries to apologize/talk to her but can't find her in any of the usual spots. It isn't till later that he learns through her friend that Eva had run away with a boyfriend of hers and left the city. It was a spur of the moment thing but Eva, being careless and irresponsible, doesn't bother to tell Ches or really think about him. She simply assumed he wouldn't care or just bounce back from it. However Ches is deeply affected by her abandonment since it only proves his mother's words true; that everyone will eventually leave and that Ches is unlovable once he lowers his defenses or shows any negative emotions. It ruins him for a long time and only begins to heal after meeting Glam where he makes his own family. He always wonders what happened to her, though.
Eva sets up a lot of his bad habits and fears for the future.
Eva is a very kind and laid back teenager who grew up similar to Ches as in she raised herself. She lives with both her parents but since her mother is a drunk and her father is constantly gone she manages the house by herself and has learned not to rely on others. Technically an only child but has many half siblings because of her father. Because of her solitude she is used to doing whatever she wants and is not very responsible given her upbringing. She also is not very conscious of others, often considering herself a 'one man island' and rarely lets people close. While Ches was the closest person in her life she ultimately she left him behind. Not out of malice, though. Considering the two are fairly similar she assumed that Ches was like her and strong enough to deal with being by himself; unaware that he would be deeply affected by her abandonment since he's a lot more caring and open than she was. Similar to Ches, and he learns this from her, she pushes any negative feelings aside and refuses to acknowledge anything negative until she physically can't anymore.
Eva's favorite band is the Runaways and is in love with Joan Jett. She's a late blooming lesbian (as she doesn't realize it till she's much older). She likes rock and grunge the most. Can't play an instrument but an awesome singer! I headcanon her voice as sounding like this or this. Was in a band or two but was mainly through her love interests and not out of her own desires. Runs away with a guy and gets married but leaves him a couple months later. Doesn't return home for a long time. Probably has a kid, maybe not. Who knows.
As for how she ties into the present day plot, she probably doesn't to be honest. But if she did she'd probably come back to give Ches some money from their father's will or just happens to walk into his shop one day. It will not be a nice meeting, though. Not for Ches, at least. Either way, this came from a sort of daydream I had and I'm pretty happy about her! I'll probably draw her more later but we'll see. Honestly kind of made her to ship her with either Lydia or Anna but we're just gunna have to see lol.
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voiceofduality · 3 years
1, 2, and 3?
1) which muse is the easiest to write?
In case nobody has noticed, that'd be Fallahan. He's pretty much a bunch of my favorite tropes on two legs, and also makes for easy interactions because he's enough of an extrovert to approach pretty much any sort of muses, but also enough of a troublemaker to spark some conflict.
2) which muse is most likely to go to jail?
I'm tempted to say Fallahan, but you can bet he'd talk or sing his way out of it. Perhaps Gunna, if she was careless, but I can totally see Kai as well going to jail due to a misunderstanding and being released the next day.
3) which muse would be the best parent?
Enid, definitely! She's kind and responsible and absolutely adores kids. Growing up, she received a lot of love from the acolytes who raised her, so she would love to adopt a child someday — maybe more than one. Second in line is Kai, who's also equally responsible, but mainly because Mao isn't ready for kids but she sure is ready to become the greatest aunt a kid can dream of.
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piers-supremacy · 3 years
For context— this takes place in the past. This isn’t apart of any main plot. It’s just a fun establishment thingy I was inspired to write while I had time.
Cw: examples of emotional manipulation.
Dierdra quietly tapped a finger on the table cloth, weaving along the threads with her eyes. There was the faint sound of electronic voices coming from the living room, quiet snoring, and the apparent tick of a clock.
A chair scraped across the ground in front of her. Dierdra’s shoulders leapt and her eyes met the person holding the back. A white hot mug was set in front of her, the steam tickling her face.
“It’s good to see you, D. It’s been such a long time since the last I saw you. You were so small then!” The brown haired woman chuckled as she sat down.
“Heh, yeah, s’pose so. What’s this?” Dierdra pointed to the mug in front of her.
“It’s tea, love. It’s alright if you’re not thirsty. It’s polite to cater guests either way.” The woman sipped from the mug she had for herself, “Well, down to business then. Have you had experience babysitting before?”
“Nah, I’m an only-child. The closest I got was watching an old friend’s little sister. That was only for an hour, though. I was thirteen then. Been awhile.”
“Oh, alright. Well, perhaps I can stay here the first few times you watch them. Just so you get the hang of it.”
There was a shuffling that covered up the television in the other room for a moment.
“Mum! Can you change the channel?! Hop texted that Leon’s gunna be on TV!” A small girl leaned into the kitchen, she had a comically oversized grey sweater that was most likely made by her mother.
“I’ll be there in a minute, Gloria. I’m having an important conversation.”
A little boy ran next to the girl in the doorway and slid on his socks, “We don’t have a minute! Come on, please?”
“Mum said in a minute!” Gloria snatched her brother’s knitted hat roughly, and threw it across the living room.
“Agh, Gloria!” As the boy ran to grab his hat, his foot caught on a wrinkle in the carpet and he fell forward. The woman across the table shot up, the chair she sat in screeched across the floor.
“Gloria! Get Victor's hat! Now!”
All three of them disappeared into the living room. Leaving Dierdra, who was squeezing her lips together to hide her amusement.
Dierdra turned back to the untouched tea, which was no longer steaming.
“Well, at least it won’t be boring here.” Dierdra stated to herself.
Dierdra tuned into the sounds around her again, this time focusing mainly on the snoring. She glanced under the table where it came from to see a sleeping Munchlax. She cooed at it, prompting to take a picture with her phone, upon looking at the screen her notifications had blown up. 10 calls and an unending list of texts.
‘Where are you?’ ‘Why aren’t you responding?’ ‘For fucks sake you’re with another guy aren’t you?’ ‘Pick up now or I’m going to your location.’
Dierdra’s heart shot up into her throat, as her fingers tapped away to respond.
‘No, no, baby. It’s ok, I wouldn’t do that to you. I’m just in a job interview. We can meet back at my house if you want?’
‘A job interview? In Postwick? Whatever, just say you don’t love me.’
Dierdra dug her fingers into her scalp as she read that over, unsure of how to respond.
‘I do love you and I’m at Gloria and Victor’s. I thought I already told you where I was going?’ Dierdra tapped her foot in place as the text lit up as ‘read’ but after that, no typing, no response.
‘I’ll be home soon.’ Dierdra typed.
“I’m very sorry about that,” Dierdra nearly jumped out of her skin as footsteps came back out from the living room, “—Dierdra, honey, are you alright? You’re shaking.”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s fine, uh-“ Dierdra shoved her phone back into her jacket pocket, “Where were we?” The woman’s eyebrows knitted together, but allowed the conversation to continue as normal.
“Well, I had asked about your experience. To be honest I don’t really mind that part. You’re the only one who has time to watch the twins.” She rounded the table to draw herself and the chair back in, “Though, I am curious on a few other things... I don’t mean to pry, but I’m confused. I don’t have much to give you for pay. Wouldn’t your father be more equipped for that? I’m sure you’re used to a lot more. I’m surprised you would settle for something like this.”
“No... No, this is fine. My dad’s cut me off anyway. He’s not around. It’s fine. This is close to home, only a few hours a day while you’re at work, good weather. It’s whatever.”
“He’s... cut you off? What about Aoife? She never struck me as someone who would cut you off.”
“It’s complicated. My mom and my dad don’t share wealth, and what my mom makes isn’t enough to pay for the college my dad’s forcing me off to.”
Dierdra stared into the dark brew inside her mug. She picked it up and swirled it around a bit, watching it whirlpool. It spilled over the side, and dripped down onto the Munchlax who promptly woke up from the cold.
“Ah, I’m sorry!” Dierdra chuckled remorsefully as she watched the Munchlax shuffle away into the living room. That was when she noticed a brown tuft of hair, hiding behind the door frame.
Dierdra’s face shifted to a devilish grin. She stood up slowly and turned to face the woman still sitting. “Besides, I know these kids. I’d rather wrangle these punks than be stuck in some stuffy day job any day of the week.”
Dierdra ducked into the living room roaring loudly at the two. Both kids screamed, as they stumbled past each other to circle the couch. Dierdra hurdled herself over it to pursue them. Victor squealed and Gloria giggled as they ran past her, into the kitchen, and out the front door. Dierdra followed but stopped at the kitchen table.
“Am I hired? Is it cool if I start today?” She asked through baited breath.
The woman leaned her head on her hand, and rolled her eyes with a smirk.“Hurry up, they’re getting away.”
Dierdra chuckled.“Thanks, ma’am,” she said as she ran outside.
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theyilinglaozus · 4 years
Oh god I had completely pushed away the fact that JGY married his sister and killed his son, which is atrocious. I do understand that the upbringing and trauma he realized pushed him into that direction but still, as you said, he went a bit too far there. Now that you say it, I also wonder what JZX would have been like as a sect leader. I agree that he would probably have been a great one, we see his mediating abilities in the Qiongqi Path scene between WWX and Jin Zixun, he ALMOST managed it -✨
And don't we all not know how to deal with a crush in our teenage years? I mean I don't know if it's because of my age or my awkwardness or a healthy combination of both, but I literally. Cannot deal with crushes. Just like LWJ. Although I wouldn't pretend to hate my crush, haha. But yeah, LWJ and JZX aren't very different in that matter, if LWJ weren't a Lan and hadn't grown up with thousands of rules and the pressure to not show emotion, he might have acted just like JZX -✨
WWX going full Baoshan Sanren is a concept I've never thought about, but it is incredibly interesting! Though I wonder if it would have worked out, because I'm sure the other sects wouldn't really appreciate even more demonic cultivators, haha. But we'll never know if it would have worked, unfortunately. But question time! What do you speculate would have happened to WWX and the Wens if WN hadn't killed JZX? Do you think it would've ended happily or would there have been an unforeseeable twist?✨
Yeah, Jin Guangyao just straight up murdering his own son is ... 😬 Not that there wasn’t a lot he didn’t do beforehand that wasn’t terrible, but there’s no coming back from killing his own child. 
That’s the heartbreaking thing isn’t it? Jin Zixuan was already showing examples of being a great sect leader, mediating what to do and what he did to try and get Wei Wuxian to meet his nephew, likely knowing it would also be an opportunity to try and begin a method of fixing things and figuring out the truth of why Wei Wuxian was protecting the Wens ... ugh. They were so close to possibly heading on a different path before all the murder happened 😢
Oh my god, tell me about it! There are so many things about Lan Wangji that I find relatable, but the way he deals with crushes? Too real! 😆 Wangji, stop calling me out for doing the whole ‘I will care about this person privately and without ever dealing with these feelings I have for them’ tactic, it’s just how we do! And that’s really interesting what you say about how, if he wasn’t born in Gusu Lan he might have dealt with his emotions the same was as Jin Zixuan (or, not deal with them still I guess). I can really see that! Now I’m just imaging that scene where Zixuan stands awkwardly for a while in front of Wei Wuxian and Jiang Yanli before running away, but with Lan Wangji 😂 The poor boys, we love you really! 💖
I’m gunna pop the rest of this reply under a cut, because I (once again!) seem to have a lot of thoughts about the questions you asked, and I reckon my response will get long!
See, I think if Wei Wuxian - for whatever reason - did just end up becoming the Yiling Patriarch and following Baoshan Sanren to some degree, it would have been a lot of ‘this is what people think he’s doing vs. this is what he’s actually doing’. I think there would be the fear of him creating more demonic cultivators (especially since more demonic cultivators do pop up anyway, since we know in the novel Jiang Cheng goes after them and, well. Xue Yang is right there. Actively admiring Wei Wuxian to some extent and wanting his help to bring Xiao Xingchen back) but I don’t actually think Wei Wuxian would teach demonic cultivation. He only learns it himself out of necessity and survival, and I dunno, I sort of feel it’s something he’d not necessarily want to put upon others if they had other options available to them. I can see him teaching disciples about talismans and archery, how to cultivate and help a golden core begin to grow. Plus there’s Wen Ning and Wen Qing, who I like to imagine would also maybe pass on some of their own skills - healing and medicine for Wen Qing and perhaps fighting methods from Wen Ning. 
I also kind of feel it’s something Wei Wuxian wouldn’t actively set out to do, but that younger disciples would come to him wanting to learn from him anyway. Especially Wen Yuan, who we know adores Wei Wuxian 😍 I once saw an idea that maybe disciples of Wei Wuxian are really rare and tend to hide because of the stigma of their sect and what the cultivation world thinks of them, but they often wear a red ribbon in their hair as a little nod to him which is adorable. I love that sort of thing. 
Had the Wens’ lived and Jin Zixuan didn’t die ... oof. I am loving this question because it is such a good one! 
I honestly don’t know if things would have ended happily. I’d like to imagine they would, but I also feel that something else would have likely happened. It just feels like such a big point in the story that carries so much importance along with it that somehow, tragedy still would have struck (that or I’m just being extra with my love for tragedy and angst once more) 😛
I ... actually think that Wei Wuxian still would have ended up dying, and the reason for that is a mix of both his loss of golden core and how his health was being affected at the time of protecting the Wens anyway. The story makes it very clear to us that his demonic cultivation is pulling a lot on his physical and mental health, and that Wei Wuxian is likely becoming thin and malnourished from lack of eating properly due to food shortages. He’s already got a history of starvation from his days on the streets which is not good, and given what he’s gone through in a short span via loss of golden core, being thrown into the burial mounds and left to die, having to feed on the dead to survive, taking up an unnatural cultivation practice in order to survive and then coming back and having to eventually face the burial mounds again but this time in an aim to create a new home for those that have no other place in the world? There’s a lot of strain being put upon his body in a small amount of time, not to mention a lack of really understanding the new limitations to his body. 
The story makes it very clear that golden core transfusion has not been done before for good reasons, and although Wen Qing is a good doctor and likely one of the best of her time ... she doesn’t even really understand what comes next for him. I imagine she’d be watching him to make sure he was alright, but given the stress of what was going on and Wei Wuxian’s own flaw in not telling anyone the truth of anything about how he’s feeling or what he’s been through, she’d be struggling with a thing that has no guideline to follow. And because Wei Wuxian is keeping this important piece of information close to his own heart and would likely take the truth to the grave so as not to hurt his brother, it’s not like he feels he can go to his siblings or Lan Wangji and say ‘hey, so my golden core has gone and my bodies kind of been put through the ringer since then, I don’t really know if I’m healthy or very much need some help?’ 
I guess my happy, dream scenario is ‘Wei Wuxian stays with the Wen’s, teaches some baby cultivators and over the years builds secret relations with the Jiang sect, Nie Huaisang, Jin Zixuan, potentially Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen to some degree’. Maybe when the truth comes out or is learnt the relations become more overt, until eventually his own tiny sect becomes a little more welcome in the cultivation world - likely after learning he’s still more of an asset to them than any real threat.
But my more realistic, angsty scenario is ‘Wei Wuxian dies from a multitude of complications - mainly golden core loss and his cultivation practices but also lack of looking after his own health, the world is still led to believe lies and stories are spun that he died from his use of demonic cultivation, making him a warning tale for others’. 
What about you, CC? Do you have any scenarios or ideas of what could have happened if things had gone differently at Qiongqi Path?
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maxinepearllarson · 4 years
Sit  With It
     I’m currently trying to deal with the hurt and the pain by running around looking for relief. I think thats normal? I’m trying to think through all my problems, and I’m creatively coming up with hypothetical problems to help blunt the hurtful surprise when and if it’ll happen.
     Oh the joys of being an anxious human being.:D  I think of Eckhart Tolle and his message from his Book the Power of Now. Man, I feel like I’m failing him. Mainly, I’m hurting myself. 
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     It’s gunna hurt for a while. I’m gunna run around looking for something to fix my problems. I’m gunna measure my self worth outwardly until I finally hit that wall and realize it comes from within. I hope that it happens soon. I hope that I can finally take a stand and say “No more”.
     I go through periods of feeling confident and secure. The mental habit to put myself down is so strong, that I get lost in it. Then the spiral down the rabbit hole commences. 
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     I have responsibilities to take care of. I need to take care of myself. I can do this. I will get through this. Its just another thing that will make me stronger and wiser. I need to sit with it and heal. 
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justwannawriterps · 4 years
Forgotten Lies
Where: Halloween
When: 1st November
What: Eli tells a little white lie... 
Who: @keith-crane
Having lost touch with everything he once regarded as close or familiar, Keith Crane was walking across the ballroom hall with nothing but a drink. A poor, sad attempt at easing his nerves somehow--which clearly was not working. He wasn't even sure why he dressed like this..or who any of the people around him were..and  that had him wanting to get some air..eyes darting towards the male currently standing by the glass doors.
Elijah saw Keith and he was going to avoid him when he saw the other staring at him, "Erm, are you OK?" He asked, confusion racking his brain, "You seem lost?"
Keith exhaled softly, hesitant for the most part. He wasn't sure he wanted to out his situation, let this stranger think him crazy for not knowing where he was..or who he was--but his lips parted in the end, eyes looking up at Elijah and shifting away. "I just need some air, that's all. I don't..quite remember where I am."
Elijah bit his lip, "Lost your memory" he whispered, remembering his hard conversation with Fawn, "I'm Elijah, me and you, we are close" he spoke, lying, "You could say best friends"
"Are we?" Keith frowned, feeling himself become even more confused..if possible. He did give Elijah one quick up and down though...his lips pressing together slightly. Best to take advantage of whatever help he might get... "..do you know how I got here, then? What--happened to me?" The vampire still needed some air and for that reason, took a step closer to the other, giving his glass a way to a member of staff.
Elijah laughed, "Promise of a better life unless you are a slave but don't worry about that, shall I help you to get some air?" And he offered the other his hand. He knew this was wrong but he needed to find a way to best the man.
Okay. What the hell? Keith let out a sound of frustration, not sure this man wasn't taking the piss, and took the hand, allowing him to lead him outside..where he let go off it. The ad-man leaned against the railing outside. "You haven't answered my question." he mumbled, "..what is this place? Why am I here, Elijah?"
Elijah sighed and crossed his arms over his chest, "It's an institute with some, hidden things. Mainly you are here for an education and you are a master, as told by your lack of collar" he explained, "You probably came here to learn and like most people don't want too leave... Or cause you are supernatural"
Keith listened to everything the other was willing to tell him, feeling his hands clench into fists the more nonsense he spoke..and yet, as he cast one look over his shoulder, it kind of ..just did. All of those young people, the thirst he hadn't been able to quench no matter how much alcohol he had..it all clicked. "Why do I not remember?" he said in a plea.. "How am I supposed to believe you when you keep..saying all these..crazy things?"
Elijah sighed again and be shrugged, "A few people can't remember" he spoke as he looked around, "I'm not crazy and I'll prove it" and with that he pulled his likely pocket knife from his trousers and cut a small cut in his finger, letting blood gather, "If what I'm saying isn't correct, if I don't know how, then this blood won't bother you"
Keith's eyes widened the second his eyes landed on the object, having half a mind to stop Elijah ..except he couldn't. Before he could reach over to grab his wrist, the young man had dug a cut on his finger..drawing blood. Within a moment, his senses spiked and he felt himself fall under its spell..his fangs breaking through his gums at the strong scent... "..this can't be real..." he groaned, feeling his teeth with nimb fingers. "You're..you're right. What the hell am I?"
Elijah smiled and he licked his lip, "You're a vampire and that's perfectly normal here" he spoke with a nod, "You are probably rather hungry". He paused, Keith could owe him big time for this, "Here" and he held out his arm, "Eat"
Keith struggled but at last, he was able to pull his attention away from the bleeding finger, partly turning his back on Elijah. "..this is crazy." he muttered twice to himself, "I can't. I don't think I'll be able to stop if I do..you shouldn't trust me.."
Elijah gulped, "I'm claimed by someone who feeds on me. I know when I need you to stop and I'll tell you when I need you too stop". He looked around, "Keith, you must be hungry if you can't even remember what you are"
"But what if you can't stop me?" He snapped, mostly out of frustration, rather than anything else. Christ, why was he so hungry all of a sudden? "I'm fine."
Elijah looked at the other and he shrugged his shoulders, "Then you don't stop and you I guess eventually that means you would turn me? Which honestly, it's whatever". He had been thinking about those that got to live forever, "Eat Keith, you need it or you'll get sick"
His nostrils flared, "You don't want to feel like this...trust me." he rasped, now turning despite his best efforts. Damn..that stupid smell was intoxicating. "..you have to push me away. Promise me you will."
Elijah watched the other and it actually upset him to see how hard the other was trying to keep himself in check, "I want to live forever with the ones I love most" he corrected and he held out his hand again, "I'll push you away. Trust me, l take great joy in that"
The male tried to seize control over his instincts again, but perhaps his promise was all reassurance he could want or need..and so, not without hesitation, of course, Keith Crane took the man's wrist and wrapped his lips around that finger. Fuck. He had needed it. His eyes shut immediately, savoring the explosion of taste in his mouth..and he glanced up, into Elijah's eyes..and that neck.
Elijah watched the other and he couldn't help but smile. He'd wanted to mess with Keith but now, he knew he needed to help. He watched the eyes and he nodded, "You can bite my neck Keith, I don't mind"
Keith debated chewing on that forsaken finger but the allowance of biting into that man's neck soon detered him from that prospect, making him nod once. He said no words. Just walked into the other's space as veins began to form under his eyes, and pressed his mouth against flesh, gripping around Elijah's shoulders as felt for a vein.
Elijah tilted his neck to the side to allow better access and he closed his eyes, "You own the blood bar" he whispered, "You don't understand how good it feels to have a supernatural person drink from you"
Finding what he was after, the vampire let out a pleasurable groan in response and let his pealry whites do the work, successfully piercing the skin before blood at last..began pooling into his mouth. In that moment, he gripped the other much tighter and closed his eyes once again, swallowing a couple of mouthfuls... "..will your master be mad?"
Eli let his eyes roll in his head and he allowed himself to enjoy the feeling, "They won't mind me helping a friend out" he smiled as he moaned softly.
Keith furrowed his eyebrows, momentarily questioning why he was saying 'they' instead of he or she, but continued regardless..taking perhaps a bit more blood than Elijah surely had bargained for. Yet, he couldn't quite get himself to really hurt him --too dubious about how much could kill him. Squishing him gently, thus, the adman procured a couple of soft licks across the puncture wounds and detached himself with a groan..half staring up at the other.. "..this is..I feel better now.." he nodded, "..you probably need to sit."
Elijah felt his head go a little light and he nodded as he moved to sit on the edge of the wall, "See, I told you I would be OK and now you are too" he spoke as he took a deep breath, "I'm a good guy Keith"
The vampire pressed a hand on the other's shoulder to help sustain Elijah and sighed, quickly wiping off the splatter of blood across his lips with a tissue. "..thanks." he said. Keith would be lying if he said he didn't feel a bit awkward standing there..but what he said next about being a good guy confused him a bit. "..why would I think otherwise?"
Elijah shook his head and looked down at the floor, "Just feel like some people don't believe when I say it but I'd never let someone struggle you know?"
Keith moved over to sit right by Elijah's side, keeping some distance still and leaned his head back against the wall..gazing up momentarily. "Then prove it. Show people--just like now." he managed, "It's that or not caring what others think."
Elijah nodded his head, "Yeah I've been trying but people still wouldn't believe me". He paused and he looked to the other, "If you need more, you can take it. I'm very good at not fainting"
"Don't bother then." the vampire mumbled, almost without thinking as he met the other's eyes. "Let them think what they might..and make yourself proud instead." It was definitely not as easy as it sounded but he didn't really know any better. Shaking his head at the offer, Keith willed his fangs back for the first time. "I'm fine..thanks."
Elijah rested his head against the wall and he nodded, "You gunna be OK?" He asked
Keith paused at the question..giving the other a furrowed look, almost like he was not sure about what to say. "..I should hope so.." he said, "I have to start remembering at some point, right?" 6 November 2020
Elijah nodded and smiled, "If you need me, I'll be around Keith" he smiled
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