#gurus wont
on one hand im very very disappointed that after a year of consistently posting my art to twitter ive only gained like 7 followers that arent bots and get very very little engagement on my art and i KNOW that my art isnt amazing by any means. on the other hand i love to draw so fuck me ig
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heyitslapis · 5 months
what fucking makes me want o rip my hair out when it comes to the security guy at work is that i'll even try to COMMUNICATE WITH HIM!!!!! (i know for people like us communication can be difficult & we often need specific clear wording and even then we have layers to peel back) When i cant tell if he's being sarcastic, i'll ask him genuinely, because as ive told him multiple times before the way he says things it literally cannot be interpreted as a joke (even neurotypicals at work have agreed with me in front of him) and always seems like he's being serious. i tell him this all the time and he acts like its fucking funny that im genuinely mad about the fact that he wont communicate back with me. Verbatim i have told him on multiple occasions "i genuinely cant tell when youre being sarcastic or making a joke because your tone is so flat and your face is so serious and deadpan and usually people will laugh or crack a smile a few seconds after the joke but you just stand there not expressing anything, even after i ask if its a joke because i genuinely cant tell"
YET HE CONTINUES TO FUCKING DO IT and then has the fucking GALL to laugh at me or call me gullible or naive when IM LITERALLY TRYING TO COMMUNICATE!!! bitch how tf am i supposed to know whats a joke and whats real when you act like im asking a fucking statue every time you say a lie or joke
#id give him the benefit of the doubt cause i know he's very autistic but doesnt know it#BUT BITCH I LITERALLY HAVE ASKED & TRIED TO COMMUNICATE. NO NUANCE. LITERAL CLEAR COMMUNICATION WITH NO ROOM FOR MISUNDERSTANDING#then he acted like i was fucking stupid for assuming he was lying when he said that he had dinner at tgi fridays with an astronaut#still gives me shit abt it like ''i think its funny that you thought that was a lie'' & i still stand by what i told him that day#''i assumed you were bs-ing bc idk about you but i personally dont know anyone who's actually met an astronaut & you said it like a joke''#IM SO SOS O SO SO T I R E D OF ALL MY COWORKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#not Cam tho. he's cool & at least i can tell when he's being sarcastic & he doesnt try to pull me into his guru cult#i cannot fucking WAIT for the other auditor to finally retire. she's going down to 3 days a week in july & full retirement in june 2025#and im fucking COUNTING the days. ive had to put up with her bs for two years now#and the security guard has been thinking about quitting the security company that our hotel contracts & i keep encouraging him to#as a ''friend''. i just keep saying that if he's not happy he should prioritize that cause he has to look out for himself cause work wont#see i can be nice & offer level-headed advice even if i cant fucking stand someone. really i just want his bigoted ass GONE#he talks about how K (my coworker) doesnt see shes in a cult & in the same breath he preaches to me that im wrong & were all born with sin#ive been SO WELL BEHAVED at work yall dont even know!!!!!#and theres no one to be proud of me for being so brave & so nice & so well-behaved!!!!#ripping tearinig biting evily with my fucking sharp teeth#emma rambles#emma rants#work tag#fuck my stupid baka life tbh
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cargurudiy · 5 months
How to Unbuckle Hyundai Center Seat Belts
How to Unbuckle Hyundai Center Seat Belts In the intricate world of automotive mechanics, even the simplest tasks can sometimes seem like a puzzle waiting to be solved. Among the array of challenges that Hyundai owners may encounter, a common enigma revolves around the art of unbuckling the center seat belt. Fear not, fellow Hyundai enthusiasts, for we have decoded this mystery and are here to…
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drdemonprince · 4 months
do you have any tips on distinguishing between wanting to bang/wanting to be wanted by/wanting non-sexual intimacy with someone? or is it just a case of seeing how you feel when you're actually with them and getting good at communicating about it
im probably not the best person to ask, because it took me uhh decades of fucking random people before i let myself acknowledge that sex is nearly always extremely boring to me and the only thing i'm thinking about during sex or in the lead up to sex is what i imagine the other person might be feeling about me.
every now and then a raw animal chemical attraction happens where i just feel like i NEED the person in me, i love how they smell and taste and i will risk it all to get them to bust inside me and i want them around me afterward.
but the rest of the time its this completely intellectual fantasy. instead of getting all wrapped up in the sex, or the person, all i care about is what i can convince myself it means. thoughts like this:
"oh this person is hot, it's very validating of my desirability that someone this hot wants me"
"oh that guy came very fast, how flattering that he was so turned on"
"i cant see his face in this position but i imagine that he's staring at me hungrily, that's flattering"
"wow i got someone from grindr to come over within ten minutes, im so good at sealing the deal"
"wow i cant believe i fucked eight people at this convention, how cool so many people want me"
"i've never tried this sex act before, i guess i might as well. maybe itll be useful for my writing. maybe ill like it."
thats the kind of shit that is normally playing around in my mind. when im actually attracted to someone i dont have to come up with some weird intellectual justification for why fucking is interesting or rewarding or reflective of me in a positive way. i just NEED it.
the self help guru mark manson (who is a little corny, but not bad) has this age old advice that "either something is a FUCK YES! or it's a no." and i think for some people, especially people who tend to try and persuade/guilt themselves into wanting things they dont actually want, that is a worthwhile reorientation. if i actually want someone its pretty damn unambiguous. if i have to even ask myself or sort out the true nature of my feelings, im bullshitting myself.
granted this advice wont be best for demisexuals, or for lots of other people. sometimes experimenting and trying new things sexually is great! its just. ive been doing that for a long time. i have been a very open minded, open to experience individual. and now im interested in being picky for a while
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youremyheaven · 6 months
What are your thoughts on having Jupiter as the atmakaraka? I feel that having this placement can be challenging in today's era.
it is hard being a Jupiter native in this Kalyug, having a prominent Jupiter (this can mean Jup in 1h/2h, debilitated Jup, exalted Jup, Jup conjunct luminaries, Jup ruled naks in big 3 or 1h/2h, Jup as chart ruler, Jup atmakaraka or amatyakaraka etc) forces you to have a very strong moral compass, you can try to be immoral or try to do things the "easy way" but you will suffer for it more than others, you can never really catch a break, you see people get away with far worse and wonder why you're always expected to be on your best behaviour but the sooner you accept that you're spiritually subject to a different set of standards (Jupiter being the 'guru' or teacher means that you are kind of obligated to be better than others with regard to how you conduct yourself, you have to be patient, be kind, forgive others for their shortcomings etc) the easier it becomes. Jupiter natives are naturally drawn to spirituality, kind of because you have no choice lol, it's just inherently a part of your divine making. that said having your atmakaraka in jupiter means you're here on this earth on a mission, and its going to be a very turbulent journey to fulfill this mission. Jupiter is the planet of luck and abundance but one thing about Jupiter, it wont give you those things unless you've proven yourself "worthy" of them. this means working very very hard. Saturn has a rep for being the disciplinarian but Jupiter is just as tough on its natives.
you will have to work harder than others, but your hard work will be rewarded in ways that theirs wont be. your purpose is innately linked to spirituality. and this will be a journey of immense growth. you cannot take shortcuts, its very tempting esp in today's world but you're going to have to do things the old fashioned way. but life is also bound to be richly fulfilling.
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epitomereally · 1 year
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Vis-à-Vis-à-Vis by @vukovich
Harry's assignment was simple. Close out Draco Malfoy's missing persons case so he can be declared dead.
But who's making withdrawals from Malfoy's vaults? How is a death omen-turned-Unspeakable involved? Is an organization known as the Moirai to blame?
Harry brushes it off until he can't. Until The Prophet is flooded with sightings of dead people. Until Robards throws himself on his sword. Until Ron turns on his own family. Until Harry scarcely trusts his own reflection in the mirror and trusts the stranger in his bed even less.
Until all that stands between war and peace is Harry, a name plate, a stadium of murderers, and Draco Malfoy.
God save the Ministry.
Vis-a-Vis-a-Vis was one of the most inventive, thrilling, nasty (in the best way), and intriguing fics I read last year and I’m so happy I got to bind a copy for Vuk & myself. I bound this as a part of Renegade’s Binderary 2023 (where we challenge ourselves to make as many books as we can). I specifically focused on some of my favorite fics published in 2022 that I hadn’t already bound :)
Inspired by @lettersbyelise's ask, I’m going to interleave the inspiration & the process in this post! I knew when I was reading Vis-à-Vis-à-Vis that I wanted something graphic and bold and a little bit sinister. My hand-painting skills are not good enough for the super sharp edges I wanted, so I used heat-transfer vinyl for the first time (tysm Rhi, my guru & owner of a cricut). I also couldn’t find a commercial bookcloth that was a bold, bright red, so I made my own from fabric.
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I also HAD to have something that only was exposed under camera, which is a central leitmotif (motif? theme? Idk it’s been so long since I took a lit class) of the fic — whatever it is, Harry is always trying to get a photo of the Doppelgänger to expose their identity. There are only two (2) flash-sensitive inks on the internet & I bought the cheaper one. It’s absolutely not perfect - you can see the image of Draco when you tilt the page because, really, the ink is just a reflective white (as Vuk called it, a shiny paint lol) — but I am absolutely delighted with the effect. Also happy to chat via ask or dms about the experimenting I did with the ink if you’re a fellow binder wanting to use it! I also would use a stencil next time to paint, as it turns out painting with basically invisible ink is really hard lmao.
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I then really beat this things hidden/unseen theme to death, as I am wont to do. The title page is meant to simulate a flash/spotlight & so only parts of it are illuminated. The chapter headers are a reverse flash in black, while the chapter numbers are hidden/revealed by it (are they hard to read? Yes, absolutely. Am I happy with them anyways? Absolutely, yes). Even my bindery logo is a paparazzi camera for this bind :) the endpapers are spooky eyes WATCHING YOU READ (also kinda leant itself to the Illuminati/hidden conspiracy vibe), as are the scene dividers.
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Headbands are just a fun hot pink and candy apple red, because I love that combo, and it’s certainly a bold statement. This is probably the bind I stretched myself most creatively on, as I think my style is naturally softer and more romantic, but I am so pleased with how it came out.
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Body font: Liberation Serif
Title font: Timonium
Endpapers: Lokta eyes
Bookcloth: handmade from red fabric
Flare brush for chapter headers: Xresch on DeviantArt
Flash-sensitive ink: MaxMax Flash-Sensitive Ink
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trash-llama · 11 months
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I wont have time to sim today so I'm sending Tippy off to work in another save. She has become quite the renowned work-out guru and she is in high demand!
Read more about Tippy's Lacey adventures here
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Tenzin 19-29 for the character asks
okayy tenzin isnt my strong suit but i did my best lol
19. Vices/bad habits
He’s a chronic “i’ll stay up all night in the secret hours to get x thing done” then be tired and irritable the next day. 
20. Scars
Growing up with a healer mother and sister, scars never really formed on him. The first time anything scarred his skin was a cut he got on his shoulder sparring with Lin in their later teens. The second set is from the dark spirit attacks in book 2. 
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
He really enjoyed that banana-onion juice that flushes the chakras. 
22. Best physical feature
I think he has nice hands. 
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
I think he would smell like the Christmas aisle in Walmart, that peppermint and very woodsy smell. Idk why. 
24. Most annoying habit
He insists cups are to be stored rim down and pema dislikes the musty taste it gives them 
25. 3 things they’d want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
Oogi, a map, rations, again any of these guys i am pretty confident in their ability to get home alright. 
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
He would pass the time talking about the gurus lmao. I hc he's claustrophobic so he would sit and start talking to himself before he could truly panic. 
27. Their guilty pleasure
He wont ever tell but he prefers the softer pillows and when hes staying somewhere other than an air temple he really enjoys the softer beds. 
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
I’ll need a character but he typically seems open to giving people a chance and guiding them in the right directions. 
29. Eating habits
He eats a TON honestly i think he would have every meal and snacks between. Except when hes stressed then he forgets meals and pema usually just brings him a lot of snacks over the day. 
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not-souleaterpost · 8 months
Ok most random topic yet, but few days ago I emulated Parappa the rapper 2, fun game, but one song was really catchy:
But what annoys me is that everone is going in the comments for the obvious lowbrow "haha what a funny euphemism xdd" angel on it - and I wont even deny that yeah, the whole game is about growing up and becoming an adult so why not add that - but I think people are missing the forrest for the threes:
Think the real joke is parodying "consious" rappers or atleast those that have this too cool for everyone attitude, as if they were above everything:
Hence the nonsense lyrics at the start adressing social issuess like "changing world with hunger" and shit about being super important - Its setting up the whole thing of "wow what a wise guru, he knows whats up!"
Only to break it all down when he ACTUALLY gets big - the fassad falls down, he actually is scared and reveals that it was all for show - as many people who claim to be "underground" but actually know that they could either not deal with the responsibility of actually having fame and influence or want it but actually wont ever reach ir, claiming they are small "by choice".
Idk, probably really obvious stuff, but still the comments focus on boner jokes so I had to set the record straight lol
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astroyongie · 7 months
What’s the difference between spiritual awakening and schizophrenia?
both are totally different and nothing to do with one another!
Schizophrenia is a pathological disorder which you can find the prognostic, diagnostic and epistemology on the DSM-5 through different subtypes since the disorders has different symptoms depending on the subtype and subject. the main symptoms are hallucinations (eg. visual, auditive), delusions (eg. subtypes of deliriums, psychoses, persecution delusions) and disorganized speech.
Spiritual awakening can be confused with spiritual delirium tho. Spiritual delirium is when one listen or see things and their interpret it as being messages from God, Saints, Angels or any other type of deities depending on their religions and beliefs. They will then conduct practices that are harmful to themselves and others, (eg. gurus, sacrificing rituals, etc). often the spiritual delirium can be a symptom in schizoids personalities.
Spiritual awakening isnt a psychiatric disorder since it doesnt impact directly the well being of a person and it wont be associated with other symptoms that can underly a psychological problem. Spiritual awakening is a belief that one becomes more in touch with their religion/belief after an event of life that can be both negative or positive (eg. one can become more espiritual after a visit to a temple, after a travel that was meaningful, or after a traumatic event however those need to be diagnoses to be sure that it just a personal development and not a delusions disguised as a coping mechanism
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cargurudiy · 5 months
How to Unbuckle Hyundai Center Seat Belts
How to Unbuckle Hyundai Center Seat Belts In the intricate world of automotive mechanics, even the simplest tasks can sometimes seem like a puzzle waiting to be solved. Among the array of challenges that Hyundai owners may encounter, a common enigma revolves around the art of unbuckling the center seat belt. Fear not, fellow Hyundai enthusiasts, for we have decoded this mystery and are here to…
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daisydezem · 9 months
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While there they asked the Guru for some wisdom. I find it fitting! Kuro only hears it will make the dark less black and Rashidah must choose to believe he wont tear her open with his fangs. It doesn't say that BUT this is what they hear.
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thiefnet-archives · 1 month
TRR - Confirmed pages list.
Whether you are a member of the event team or just curious, this post contains the full list of every (canon) ancestor/character featured in 'Thievius Raccoonus - Rebound' along with a link to the wiki page for further reading and the best quality images I could find. If you have a better quality reference image of one of the characters, please submit it to us through the Suggestion inbox and be sure to use the tag 'suggestion,
Slytunkhamen Cooper I
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Seen in:
Left: Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (Sly 1)
Right: Sly 3 Honor Among Thieves (Sly 3)
Slytunkhamen Cooper II
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Sly Cooper - Honor Among Thieves (Sly 3)
Salim al-Kupar
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Seen in:
Top: Sly Cooper - Honor Among Thieves (Sly 3)
Left: Sly Cooper - Honor Among Thieves (Sly 3)
Right: Sly Cooper - Thieves in Time (Sly 4)
Sir Galleth Cooper
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Seen in:
Top: Sly Cooper - Honor Among Thieves (Sly 3)
Left: Sly Cooper - Honor Among Thieves (Sly 3)
Right: Sly Cooper - Thieves in Time (Sly 4)
Slaigh MacCooper
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Sly Cooper - Honor Among Thieves (Sly 3)
Rioichi Cooper
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Seen in:
Left: Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (Sly 1)
Right: Sly Cooper - Thieves in Time (Sly 4)
Henriette Cooper
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Sly Cooper - Honor Among Thieves (Sly 3)
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper
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Seen in:
Top-Left: Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (Sly 1)
Top-right: Sly Cooper - Honor Among Thieves (Sly 3)
Bottom: Sly Cooper - Thieves in Time (Sly 4)
Thaddeus Winslow Cooper III
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Sly Cooper - Honor Among Thieves (Sly 3)
Otto van Cooper
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Seen in:
Left: Sly Cooper - Honor Among Thieves (Sly 3)
Right: Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (Sly 1)
Conner Cooper
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Seen in:
Left: Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (Sly 1)
Right: Sly Cooper - Honor Among Thieves (Sly 3)
Carmelita Fox
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Seen in:
Left: Sly Cooper - Honor Among Thieves (Sly 3)
Right: Sly Cooper - Band of Thieves (Sly 2)
*Sly 4 design is banned, sorry lmao
Dimitri Lousteau
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Seen in:
Left: Sly Cooper - Band of Thieves (Sly 2)
Right: Sly Cooper - Thieves in Time (Sly 4)
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Sly Cooper - Honor Among Thieves (Sly 3)
*Sly 4 design is banned, sorry lmao
Panda King
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Seen in:
Left: Sly Cooper - Honor Among Thieves (Sly 3)
Right: Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (Sly 1)
The Guru
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Seen in:
Left: Sly Cooper - Honor Among Thieves (Sly 3) Bentley and Murray ARE included, Tumblr wont let me upload more images though, sadly, I'll find a work around somehow!
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youremyheaven · 2 months
this is gunna sound so weird... men make my skin crawl. Like im attracted to men but everytime i see a man, my rbf awakens and i become hyper aware of my surroundings 😭
it doesn't help that im attending an all girls college now... any advice on how to ease up pls around them? I find it hard to even want to talk to them 😭 ik all men aren't bad and i may always not be in danger (imagine that in all caps and red) but i just wanna be able behave and think like a normal person around them ( this is so much that i even can't stand strangers)
Loads of luv to you ❤
honestly i hope u meet better men!!! there are some disgusting nasty perverted pieces of shit out there who dont deserve to be around women and i completely get why u would feel repulsed by them.
i wonder if u have malefic influence, they usually struggle the most with the opposite gender
tips on how to ease up around men:
think in terms of energy. dont project anger or hatred because thats what you will see in return. i know this is very triggering and difficult for many people but you HAVE to believe in good to SEE good. despite absolutely everything that ive gone thru, i still believe that people are inherently good, kind and helpful and i see proof of it everyday.
ive had men treat me with dignity, respect and kindness in the shadiest of circumstances and ive had men be nasty to me out in the open, so it just comes down to character. just think of men as people honestly and not as hound dogs about to attack u.
2. imagine them as little boys
sometimes when men are soft or boyish with me, it reminds me of how they mustve been as kids and it warms me. i have two little boy cousins who are 12 and 6 respectively and they both adooooreeee me and want to marry me when they grow up🥺🥺🥺theyre the sweetest kids on the planet and i could never ever feel otherwise, theyre my babies. idk if this is something u can relate to but think of a little boy you're close to, how innocent and silly he is and how you could never see him as a threat or hate him and understand that grown men can be like that too.
3. how we treat people has a lot to do with how people treat us
if you have a rbf and generally act standoffish and cold/distant, then you're probably perceived as being bitchy 😬😬and nevermind men, even women probably find u intimidating or hard to approach. im only saying this because learning how to navigate social situations is 90% of adulthood and the key to personal and professional success.
learn to smile more. i know women hate being told to smile but honestly we should alllll smile more. force yourself to do it until it becomes a habit. be that person who smiles at strangers. dont u feel happy when someone smiles at you??? so in turn, be that person to others!!! <33
learn to get out of your head. most people think too much. i hate spending time with people who talk about everything from a victim pov. like yes sure u/we women, are in a position of disadvantage in many ways, historically speaking but ???? this attitude?? wont get u anywhere. (I'm speaking generally and not about you particularly)
i would say the key is to turn inward and work on yourself. read all those cliche self help books about "how to influence people" yada yada,, learn social etiquette and watch all those youtube gurus who teach soft skills. forget about men and hating them for a second and just focus on self improvement. as you change, youll see the world change with u.
just think of men as people basically. also idk if youre familiar with carl jung but i feel like you have a wounded animus. many women who grew up with an absent (emotionally or otherwise) father grow up to project all that onto men. and in turn have damaging relationships with men!!
im not a man defender and im in no way saying all men are good but i genuinely dont think its healthy to hate, thats all!!
idk if any of this is helpful sikeee but lmk if u have any updates
also lots of love to u too angel!!<3
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terrence-silver · 1 year
How would terry exploit beloved who’s a people pleaser?
To quote myself; 'Terry Silver doesn't mind if his beloved's a good person. He just wants beloved to be a good person exclusively towards him and nobody else.'
It is quite the same case with people pleasing, for example.
The term 'people pleasing' implies there's other people being pleased.
People who aren't only, you know, Terry Silver himself?
And to someone who is hellbent on control, being territorial, possessive, vindictive, jealous and someone who quite honestly doesn't share that is one of those huge no-no's. So, how about a re-brand into a Terry pleaser? Beloved can become a Terry pleaser and that has a much nicer ring to it. Yes. That's more like it. A far worthier position to maintain in life.
Ironically, Terry will seem a rather positive influence towards beloved while he's there talking them out of being a pushover for people. Doing too much to appease them. Letting them get away with exploiting them --- not that he judges, he claims, he merely noticed, being the ever humble, unassuming good guy who hates to see the underdog trampled on and fair-natured individuals being done dirty...supposedly. He is here talking them out of overextending themselves and burning themselves out without mutual reciprocation. If one squints, he might actually come off like a quality, protective friend or some wise, sagely Guru coaching someone he cares about to stand up for themselves and embrace ✨the power of boundaries and self-respect.✨ Such is the nature of Terry Silver's advices. He has ways to come off as legitimately well-meaning because the introduction to a great many things he says is often truly well-meaning and valid. He wont be here outright telling someone bad things immediately just for it's own sake and blowing his cover too soon or having them throw their walls up because of it; it takes build up, peppered in with truly admirable guidance, direction and suggestion that has him coming off like a near virtual saint who only ever wants the best for you --- incidentally, the best being him. His counsel has positive aspects, really, it does-- much like a Trojan Horse does --- the path to hell is always paved with good intentions, right before the kicker rears its head that really, he wants to talk and train beloved out of pleasing others because he wants and needs them to please him exclusively instead. It is one toxic influence casting out a variety of other toxic influences to take their place. Best is, beloved might actually feel empowered by this enlightenment Terry offers. Who wouldn't? Terry is genuinely giving them sound advice. It is easy to get lulled and fooled into thinking someone doesn't have ulterior motives when they come off as genuine as Terry knows how to come off.
Yes. Maybe he's right.
Maybe beloved, they have been exploited.
Maybe it is time for them to start learning to stand up for themselves.
Maybe Terry Silver is all too eager to teach them how to.
Listen to kindly, empathic, sweet-natured, observant Terry Silver who is here ensuring all his competition, the way he sees it, is promptly and really quietly cut off by beloved themselves under the guise of beloved's emancipation and assertion so he can quietly take precedence instead and reap all the benefits of a beloved naturally wanting to please. Well, now they can. They can please him instead. He, unlike everyone else, in his own opinion, actually deserves to be pleased and be pleased well --- by someone who knows how. And beloved, they'll want to. They'll want to because they'll be convinced Terry did them a massive favor and they'll thank him for the chance to do so by focusing everything around him, from now on. He doesn't want beloved to change. Not really. He adores them as they are. They're such a find. He just wants them to maintain their focus where it should be; on him ---because he's their noble savior.
Things are under new management around here.
I mean, would you ever doubt this angelic face?
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ambarthecancer · 4 months
Notes on being 30
I’m turning 31 in a week, I’m excited, I love my birthday and I love growth and change. Before my birthday I like to reflect about the year I’m leaving behind in hopes of entering the new year with perspective. It has been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least,a lot of good came in too and I’m learning from my mistakes, recovering from the pain and grateful for everything else.
Here are some thoughts, notes and humble advice on being 30:
I often tell my younger friends “make sure you get to your 30s with savings if you can”. I give this advice not in a “finance bro” type of way but in a “have money that can buy you some freedom” type of way. Freedom can be getting psychological/psychiatric help, a solo trip abroad, swimming classes, a year off work, whatever freedom is to you, save for it.
In my case, I landed here with no money, but since the universe works in perfect mysterious ways, I got fired from work and with the severance money, I bought myself 3 months off. I paid my credit card, I paid my student loan 3 months in advance, I started going both to the therapist and the psychiatrist to get the help I so desperately needed. It was the biggest blessing since I’ve been burnt out from work and life since summer 2022 and allowing myself time off without worrying about my live-hood was just exactly what I needed.
“Your new life will cost you your old one”
On a karmic level, your past comes creeping at you, all the lessons get back to check if you finally learned. I repeated a lesson from a decade ago. This time it took me less time to remove myself from the equation, even though it was even more heartbreaking than the first time. I learned my lesson the hardest way possible, it cost me blood and tears, but I did and for that I’m grateful. Life keeps showing us the same lessons until we learn, and it is important we do so or else we suffer.
On a lighter note, personally I feel very authentic at 30, I carry myself and all my past versions with honor and respect. Almost everyday I think teenage me would absolutely adore me, I’ve become the woman 12-17 years old me wanted to be. The greatest gift is that I like myself a lot, I like my own company, my sense of humor, my integrity, I like myself and the woman I’m constantly becoming plus I feel way cooler and more interesting than I did at 20.
I still have many fears but they are different now, I'm in less of a rush with everything, I started enjoying things more. I kind of understand why my mom made me say hi to people that met me as a baby. Life is about little moments, sharing with others and acts of kindness.
5 years ago I also realized something that has helped me navigate life and my 30s since: the most interesting thing about people isn't their job, their socioeconomic status, the money in their bank account, but the person they are and how genuine and kind they are. So I focus on that on being a better version of me.
Life is a journey to self and awareness, carry yourself with grace, be kind and fair, I wont say nice, but fair, because nice doesn’t really get you anywhere.
Anyhow, I’m alive so my life is in constant progress until the day I die. I'm not fully healed, I’m not fully aware, I’m not fully there, I’m just living. I have insecurities issues, self worth issues, I hold grudges, I’m bitchy and mean, I say hurtful things, I’m not a guru or guide of anything, I’m just a girl a few years older that wanted to share all of this.
30 is not an ending, it is a beginning and it is actually the right time to start over. Do not be afraid. Welcome life and every year on this beautiful earth with grace and try your hardest to find some joy in all of the small things.
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