goldenshrikecomic · 5 months
your stuff is amazing My favorite scene is When Bones family wish’s him A Goodbye ITS SO CUTE(I DONT KNOZ THESE NAMES SO SORRY)
Thank you!
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From the left: Aunt Gutpull, brother Grimjav, mother Loudkill, father Earbust.
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iphisesque · 1 year
it's always that one 2.6k gore porn major character death dead dove do not eat emetophilia woundfucking gutpulling oneshot fanfiction
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reavercide · 5 years
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goldenshrikecomic · 1 year
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All of these bonus comics are available in my Ko-fi shop!
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goldenshrikecomic · 11 months
I noticed that gutpull has a little white dot on her right eye, is she blind there ?
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She has a fictional condition akin to Coats' disease. Her eyeshine is yellow when it's hit with natural light, but since lights and shadows are simplified in the comic, it's just yellow all the time.
She's not half blind yet, but in time she will be. The scar underneath the eye is unrelated. (This is old art featuring her old name. It's Gutpull, not Gutspill!)
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goldenshrikecomic · 8 months
I know that tecnically it isn't canon but Gutpull gives me such HUGE acearo vibes and being in the spectrum myself she quickly became a bit of a confort character for me (i really love her fierce and protective personality) and one of my favourite side characters, the other being hovus, especially after reading the mini comic on patreon
I could easily see her on that spectrum! I've had zero visions of her being into non-platonic closeness in emotional or physical sense.
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goldenshrikecomic · 1 year
Can we get some silly facts about the red antler family
Loudkill and Gutpull might be scary but their oldest sister is even scarier.
Boneslav is very loved in his group, especially because he's different.
Grimjav is Grimjav's third name.
No red antlers for dad Earbust, but he's family too. He has the patience of a saint.
Blinder, Gutpull's teen daughter (seen on page 205 and the newest bonus comic) wants to be a leader someday.
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goldenshrikecomic · 9 months
Of LoudKills sisters, who is the youngest
I don't think I made up my mind about if Loudkill and Gutpull are twins or not. I imagine Gutpull is the youngest in any case.
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goldenshrikecomic · 9 months
How did bones fam react to blinder being born ?
Gutpull was never as eager to have kids as Loudkill, but decided otherwise after some heavy mulling. They all were curious to see how she'd fare as a mother due to her unyielding and impulsive personality, but she did well to raise a new mini-Gutpullr. Blinder is loved and praised, just like her cousins.
(Blinder is in only one panel in the comic (pg 205, red antlers) but she gets some screen time in a bonus comic)
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goldenshrikecomic · 1 year
On a scale of one to ten who bad are gutpulls angry issues (if she has them)
Depends on who you ask! If you ask a grasslander, Gutpull is the fifth horseman of the apocalypse. If you ask a fellow stonekrovn, she just gets a bit silly sometimes.
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goldenshrikecomic · 1 year
Gutpull as she crushes a stag’s skull in: A bit of trolling has been done :3
Monsters deserve a bit of trolling!
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goldenshrikecomic · 2 months
Hi, I absolutely fell in love with golden shrike the minute that Idiscovered it and I’m always exited for a new chapter, I decided to make two ocs and am now kinda still in the process of making their character design.
So I have a few questions
1. Are fielders all as small as rip for example or is he just schmol
2. Do stonekrovns ‘use’ accessories for example wearing like a deer skull on their head
3. Do stonekrovns also eat other things besides wolves, like rabbits or other small herbivores
4. Doesn’t really have to do anything with my ocs, but do stonekrovn mouths have like territory’s, because in the panel where bone says goodbye to his family gutpull can be seen to the left and cutlass mentioned that his father was from her mouth
Have a good day or night!
Fielders are small, Rip is standard sized. Fielders are based on roe deer so you can check their size.
They do, at least a bit more than grasslanders. The strings on antlers can be used for carrying something (or halv perch?), the other one has tied their halv skull around their leg as an accessory.
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I doubt stonekrovns would use deer skull hats because it'd just feed into grasslanders' false tales of deer-eating stonekrovns, but maybe some edgy krovn mouths like to scare.
3. Stonekrovns are meat preferring omnivores. They eat the meat they can find on their mountain, they don't live solely on wolves at all. It's just one of their prey.
4. They have their home territories far from grasslanders. Loudkill and Gutpull have a third sister who lives elsewhere, that's where Cutlass' father is from.
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goldenshrikecomic · 9 months
1) Can you tell about Earbust as what kind of dad he is for his sons? When Boneslav aparted to his new job as a travel guide, he seemed a bit distant compared to Loudkill and Gutpull who hugged Bones (tho he said they'll sing for him every round moon). No judging him, just curious and greedy to know more about the stone family!
2) Do you have any real life deer species as reference for coastians? So far we've seen Gitta but for example, what kind of antlers the bucks have? Also were there any coastians as background deers in Gathering scenes?
3) Did you have personality/lore thought for the two marshlander gals (Ouri and Miri if I recall right) in Runi and Nero's herd? Are they related to anyone in the herd?
Happy Holidays and thank you for weekly serotonin and making me an avid deer art enjoyer!
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Earbust is super calm and collected, a man with one face but warm heart. He's a very involved father, always willing to listen and comfort, but also demands his boys to think for themselves and figure out who they are on their own. He too was there to hug Boneslav in the departure scene but there was too many more exitable characters to mow him down in the panels.
Coastians are weird and don't operate the same way others do. They're kind of like northerners, an umbrella term but not quite. Their designs vary a LOT because even a mixed deer can become a coastian, and sometimes even full-blooded e.g. woodlander can join them as long as they abandon their woodlander ways and assume theirs. There is original coastian species underneath the mixed masses, but it's not been explored in the comic and I haven't made strict plans for them. For now they only have narrow ears, smooth grey-purplish coats and elegant builds, possibly some crazy eye colors too.
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3. Ouri and Miri! They're fillers with not much lore behind them, likely originating from another marshlander herd. I never chose if they were sisters or just Very Good Friends, so their relationship is ambiguous. They're close, pretty much in every scene they're together. In age they fall in-between the youngsters (Nero, Runi, Hovus, Biro) and matureish adults (Luma, Dorus, Vanja etc.) Ouri (left one) might be mute, or just very quiet. Miri talks for her even though there's no panels where she'd utter a word either...
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goldenshrikecomic · 1 year
Hi! Ever since stonekrones were introduced I was curious about their names. Do they earn them or are just named by their parents? Cutlass mentioned how he got his name in a sense, but from extra comic there also were wolf deer that did not have kill related names. Thank you for taking your time to answer this question!
Their names can change throughout their lives, but usually they consist of two nouns that somehow represent them. They're not all killing related, like there's Rushoof, Flintpelt and Starlust among others. When stones are born, they get one word names; Gutpull's teen daughter is Blinder, but her name might change to something completely different when she reaches adulthood.
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