#guy was murdered and then they adopted 4 cats
perce-jpg · 9 months
shoutout to babs who made haima in the sims and it’s really funny
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wc-confessions · 2 months
My favorite Warrior cats with totally accurate and correct commentary on all of them.
3. Leafpool (eeehehehheee cool girl)
4. Ivypool (more excited for Ivystar than Squirrelstar)
5. Oakfur (based as hell and needs more recognition)
6. Hawkfrost (kinda a loser but I absolutely love him and his color palette)
7. Brambleberry (really nice name and the best character other than Crookedjaw and Mapleshade in Crookedstar’s Promise)
8. Whitestorm (just a really cool guy)
9. Brokenstar (silly little guy, absolutely would adopt to save his life from the shit that Lizardstripe, Raggedstar, and StarClan put him through) (he still murdered babies but that’s ok because I love him)
10. Feathertail (eeeehehheheee best girl)
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protagonistpolling · 1 year
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Why should you vote for these characters?
Why should you vote for Phoenix Wright? (3)
"Cross examined a parrot, ate a glass necklace containing poison, seemingly immune to death in any form, just an all-around chaotic force of nature dear god"
"He is so so silly. He ate a glass bottle that contained traces of poison (and was fine) on purpose. Look at any of his college days "feenie" sprites (with the pink sweater). He adopted a kid at 26. He was punched into unconsciousness by an 8 year old. He's kind he's annoying he's a bitch. He still uses a Nokia phone, held together by tape. He wears a pendant with his daughters picture in it. Said daughter is a magician who's also a human lie detector. He's bisexual. He's transgender. He fell off a burning bridge. He has it all"
Why should you vote for Layton and Luke? (1)
"You say there's a tournament with all the 'good guys'? How strange. Actually, that reminds me of a puzzle..." *throws a box of matches at your face* *because more than two matchsticks were moved, you lost the puzzle*
Why should you vote for Miles Edgeworth? (1)
because this anon was nice to me
Why should you vote for Apollo Justice? (3)
"he’s transgender and spikes his hair up with gel every morning and accidentally has an incredibly rare male calico cat."
"Hes SO DESPERATE to prove himself. And SO LOUD. He WILL get u acquitted of criminal charges but also have an anxiety attack while court is in session."
!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILERS FOR APOLLO!!!!!!!! "I'm sure plenty of people have submitted Phoenix so I'm putting a word in for Apollo. I saw someone describe him as someone who has invented the "Most Normal Guy" award and is trying his best to win it, and that description is very accurate. He has a magic lie detector bracelet. He shouts a lot to train his "chords of steel". Everyone thinks he's a teenager when he's actually 22. He punched Phoenix Wright in the face once. The detective on most of his cases throws her snacks at him. His best friend is a 15 year old who is actually his sister but neither of them know this. He has at least three backstories that don't TECHNICALLY contradict each other but you can tell they were all made up on the spot. After his three backstories he decided to become a lawyer for some reason. And despite it all, he's STILL the most normal person in the entire series. Nobody is doing it like him."
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serialadoptersbracket · 3 months
Round 4, Match 6: Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla vs. Agent Washington
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Submitted kids:
Kanan and Hera: Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Zeb Orrelios, Chopper
Agent Washington: The entire red and blue squads
Propaganda under the cut!
Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla:
“The parents ever. Healthiest family dynamics in the galaxy. Families that kill fascists together stay together. Kanan managed to keep an extremely traumatized child on the light side of the force, Hera kept a volatile Mandalorian from blowing herself up (and Chopper from murdering everyone). So good at adopting, they taught Ezra to adopt uncles with increasingly homicidal tendencies. So good at adopting, they successfully competed with the aforementioned crime uncles and kept Ezra. So good at adopting, they managed to adopt a grown ass man 10 years older than them.”
Agent Washington:
“They literally picked him up like a wet cat out of the snow (LITERALLY) and he was like “f-ck I guess I gotta look after these guys now” and then like commits to dying for all of them. He’s so tired dad coded like all he’s got are a bunch of kiddie leashes and fraying sanity”
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Some Emilute headcanons cause I'm obsessed
Lute - she/they (mean) lesbian
Emily - they/she/neos pansexual
Lute is VERY protective, if you even look at Emily the wrong way, you have a spear inches from your throat a second later
I hc that Emily is autistic, so Lute always carries noise cancelling headphones in her back (Emily often forgets them)
Lute loves listening to Emily infodumping about their current interests
Whenever Emily sees a homeless animal in the streets she takes it home. Lute thought it was adorable, until it got to the point when: "No, Em. We already have 5 dogs, 4 cats, 2 snakes, 3 turtles and a chicken, we can't adopt this lizard."
They ended up having a little animal shelter
Emily cried every time they had to give out a pet, but was also happy it found a new home
Lute listens to stuff like Metallica, Nirvana, AC/DC etc. and Emily listens to Melanie Martinez and musicals. They both love Queen
They watch anime (why? Because I said so)
Lute gets a lot of bruises and injuries during training and stuff, and Emily always insists to take care of them
This one is kinda dumb, but I hc that when angels blush their face goes yellow (cause they have yellow blood, yk) and Lute blushes A LOT around Emily (especially when they started dating) and Adam gave her a nickname "banana" cause of it and every time he caught them simping he'd be like: "You're staring, banana" (idk, I made it today at 5 am, okay?!)
Emily loves making bracelets and giving them to people (Lute especially). It got to the point when Lute almost had her circulation stop, cause she insisted on wearing them all the time
Lute is more scared of Sera after her and Emily got together, cause Sera is kinda like Emily's parent/big sister so Lute wants her to like her
Sera picked up on it and is very cold and serious around Lute, to not show that she actually likes her
Lute has anxiety/panic disorder and sometimes gets bad panic attacks from all the pressure and Emily always succeeds to calm them down
Also Lute has some major anger issues and is often like "I'm gonna murder the next person I fucking see, I swear..." And then she sees Emily and IMMEDIATELY turns calm and nice. Adam makes fun of her for it
They paint their nails together. Lute always gets black and Emily never can decide what to pick (xe ends up with multicolour nails)
Sometimes when they're talking/flirting and Adam is in the background he would do some stupid shit to ruin the moment, like:
Emily: You look nice today... Pretty much like every day
Lute: *blushes* You think?
Adam: *Fake sexual/puking noises in the background*
They often go on dates on Earth (they love cinema, concerts and Disneyland)
Sometimes on Earth people would give them dirty looks or throw slurs at cause they're gay and Lute would be like cracking her knuckles and getting angry, and Emily has to hold her, so she wouldn't murder someone
Emily pretty much NEVER swears and Lute swears a lot. Lute loves that about Emily, so she makes sure to never swear in their presence:
Lute: Oh you little *realises that Emily is next to her* you little... stupid person?
Emily: *laughs, cause she knows what Lute really wants to say and finds the whole thing adorable*
Adam would CONSTANTLY make fun of Lute for simping
Sera would definitely give Lute 'the talk'
Emily tends to dismiss ze's own emotions and overworked themselves to make everyone happy. Lute sometimes ends up forcibly putting them to bed so she'd get some rest.
Emily loves sweets and Lute loves salty food
Emily drinks tea and Lute drinks coffee
Emily likes knitting, especially in winter, so Lute has a closet full of sweaters, scarves, hats etc. She'd never wear them if they weren't from Emily
Lute likes sketching (mostly their girlfriend)
Hufflepuff x Slitherin
Emily loves hairstyling, so ze insists on styling lutes hair
St. Peter and Emily are friends and Lute absolutely fucking hates this guy
Because of their height difference Emily has to stand on her tiptoes when they kiss
Lute takes advantage of the difference and gives Emily a lot of forehead kisses
Lute often gives Emily piggy back rides (or flies)
Lute always insists on doing 'gentlemen' stuff, like they ALWAYS carry Emily's bag and open the door for her
When they move in together Adam often just comes in uninvited and crashes on the couch like he actually lives there. Lute is kinda annoyed with it, but Emily mostly doesn't mind
Lute plays bass
When they sleep Lute always has her spear next to the bed, just in case
When Emily has a shutdown Lute either speaks for them or makes sure to get her out of there. If anyone is trying to keep Emily in the room and is being kinda pushy and obnoxious, Lute gets all protective and is like: Don't you see we're busy? With a spear targeted at them
When Emily gets overstimulated xe tends to pick up on their skin. Lute noticed that and always has some fidget toys on them, to offer
Emily collects plushies and squishmallows and when ze sees one in a store, it goes like this:
Emily: Look! It's so cute! Can we buy it?
Lute: Babe, we already have like... 20 squishmallows in our room.
Emily: But it's an elephant... *Sad face*
Lute: Oh, fine. But it's the last one. *It's never the last one*
Adam is sceptical about their relationship at first, but grows fond of Emily pretty quickly and sees them as his little sister
They cuddle using their wings as blankets
Okay, I guess that's it for now, but I will probably update. As u can probably tell I'm a little, tini-tiny bit obsessed with them atm
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sparklyballoonballoon · 8 months
Owl House Roleplay Request
Let’s use both OCs and CCs for the roleplay 
Ships, yeah, I’m okay with having romance
In the roleplay as well since I have some
Ideas of ships in mind. 
Luz x Amity 
King x OC
Cat x Pufferfish bipedal demon in the abominations track with the sloth Palisman 
Boscha x OC 
Amelia x Lucas (the blond guy with the black beanie in the oracle track uniform who is a part of Boscha’s group in the episode Once Upon a Swap)
Eda x Raine
Jerbo x Edric 
Viney x Emira 
Bo x Skara 
Gus x Matt
(Au, Hunter attends Hexside 
Lumity is not together yet. That will happen in the rp 
Flapjack is already dead and Waffles will eventually be introduced in the rp 
Vee and Camila on the isles 
King starting Hexside eventually 
One of Boschas posse members, the healing girl, Cat having a character arc. I wanna give her a tragic backstory since he’s a background character and I can be able to have freedom 
I wanna rp Luz, Hooty, King, Principal Bump, Edric, Gus, Viney, Bo, Gavin, Angmar, Amelia, Cat, Vee
Perhaps neutral, maybe a mix of angst and some fluff
And plenty of comedy and funny dialogue 
I also wanna try to make this as literate as possible 
Also I want to have Luz finish her high school stuff  at Hexside and not go back to her old school 
I had this idea for a plot. I wanted to have Del perhaps organize a big project to lower the age limit on Palisman at Hexside to maybe a minimum grade of 4th with some exceptions depending and perhaps have another Palisman receiving day. King and rest of his classmates and other students without palismen yet can get theirs 
Like Del can host one with the collaboration of Eda, Gwen, the Bat Queen and Principal Bump. And maybe have Hunter and possibly anyone else once we get to that will be volunteers or something
And the adoption is is open to grades 4-12.
The 4 and 5th graders and all the middle schoolers can get theirs. And to be high schoolers who didn’t get theirs yet can finally get one
Maybe that’s when Hunter finally gets Waffles or something. Though does Waffle already exist or will you introduce her later in the RP?
Also does Matt have a palismen already or will his palisman be introduced in the rp? Also have you heard of Matt’s headcanoned palisman Garth?
(I wanna do a plot or some sort of Darius plot with him, Eberwolf, Steve, and Raine and potentially others working on a murder mystery in the RP as well and perhaps have some sort of trial
I want Cat (the healing girl with the glasses who’s in Boscha’s friend group) to have younger twin siblings who’s around Kings age. Their mother is framed and accused for a crime that she didn’t commit and the three are framed and accused as accomplices
This is related to something called the Dynasty Wars
The wealthy families of the boiling isles compete against each other of who makes the most contributions to the Day of Unity and who gets the biggest rewards from Belos. This causes them to get drastic measures to get on top
It’s a tactic that Belos created and used in order to make his job easier and have less witches to eliminate because witches will be eliminating each other through their feuds
I also wanna have boss fights at Hexside. Like similar to Labyrinth runners but with Luz and other characters included
I want to have all of Hexaide and their parents to fight off against each covenhead and their army of covenscouts to fight them off to keep them from getting branded 
One day they’ll take on Adrian, another day Terra, then Mason, Hettie, Vitimir, Osran…and keep taking them on until all the covenheads are defeated and then there’s this final one with Kikimora and all the covenheads along with the biggest covenscout army yet
if you wanna roleplay with me, lemme know in the comments below or just PM me
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 2, Wave 3, Poll 4
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Ballister Boldheart-Nimona (Film)
He has a boyfriend (and then they have a sort-of-breakup but they're back together by the end) and he has a prosthetic arm.
He’s gay and missing an arm.
He’s explicitly gay, in love with a man. He loses his arm then builds himself a prosthetic while on the run like a badass.
His boyfriend cut his arm off :( he uses a prosthetic now.
His arm got chopped off after being falsely accused of killing the queen, he spends the rest of the movie with a prosthetic metal arm. His arm was also chopped off by his lover, Ambrosius Goldenloin, during said false assassination.
His boyfriend cut off his arm
Canonically has a boyfriend and built his own prosthetic
Qualifies by both being canonically disabled (amputee) + canonically gay
Please plz plz vote for him
His boyfriend cut off his arm. He made himself a prosthetic. He used his arm to block someone’s sword. He kissed his boyfriend. He has sad wet cat eyes, which isn’t relevant but still. He has them.
He’s so GOOD even though he’s having like the worst day ever (specifically talking about movie but webcomic also applies). He has the biggest wettest eyes how can you not root for him????
People love him! He kinda looks like a sad, poor little cat. A real soggy wet kitten man.
Let's see. He and Ambrosius are lovers, or at least boyfriends, from the moment they're introduced. Ballister gets his arm chopped off by Ambrosius during the false assassination. Ballister spends the rest of the movie trying to convince Ambrosius and the kingdom of his innocence, with a metal arm replacing his missing one. It originated the phrase "Arm Chopping is not a love language!" Did I mention he's a main character too?
Is a science nerd, built his own prosthetic arm with his non-dominant hand, accidentally adopted a trans chaos demon of a 1000yo being
A knight, Nimona's best friend and father figure of sorts, but the plot mostly revolves around him- Ballister is framed for murder and has to hide while trying to figure out who framed him and how to prove he's innocent. Nimona becomes his sidekick (he didn't want one, she just showed up at his place one day like a very chaotic stray cat) and together they form a great duo against the corrupt government. This is complicated by Ballister's ex Ambrosius, who accidentally cut off Ballister's arm and is a bit brainwashed by government propaganda. Oops. You should watch Nimona it's great 💞🦈
The qualifications and propaganda paragraphs correspond, @foulfirerebel is the fifth submitter, and there were at least 7 others.
Matt Murdock / Daredevil-Marvel
He is blind. And quite often headcanoned as queer (mostly bi)
I love him. He is a lawyer. He is a devout christian, who's superhero-persona is devil themed. He wears an "I am not Daredevil" shirt. Spiderman finds out he's blind, because he doesn't know the colour of a villains costume. He's my favourite guy
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✨Round 4: Match 8✨
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(Maglor art by @elena-kukanova)
Maglor Propaganda:
He canonically has incredible and magical singing, he's very broody, he searches for sparkly gems, and he lowkey becomes an adopted dad
doomed singer and harper, loves gems, had a silmaril (ultimate shiny gem) but it hated him because he killed people for it, wrote the Noldolantë (lamenting song about the fall of his people) and now wanders the shores singing in pain and regret. the sun sparkles off his tears :)
My guys named after his voice. Committed murder, wrote mega hit about said murder, proceeded to commit Many more murders and added that to said song. Is said to be wandering the shores singing of his sorrows for eternity.
He is a bard because canon, and he is sparkly because he is drenched in seawater and it’s sunny out
he was known as the greatest bard of the Ñoldor, he killed a bunch of people and then wrote an absolute banger of a song about how sad it made him (he killed more people later though) he would be more sparkly if he had kept the Silmaril but it burned him (because he killed so many people) so he threw it into the sea and then wandered the beach forever singing about how sad he was and how he regretted murdering so many people over shiny rocks
Commits war crimes but feels bad after so he writes a sad song about it
He’s the mightiest singer of the Noldor (his group of elves)!!
He is remembered as one of the greatest musicians to ever live in Middle Earth and most of his story centers around sparkly rocks
Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan Propaganda:
AAAAAHHH HOW COULD I FORGET DOUXIE?!?! I guess I'm so used to thinking of him as a wizard, but he can dual class. He absolutely shreds on his magic guitar and it's epic
He's hundreds of years old but looks 19, was Merlin's apprentice back in the day, in modern times works as a waiter in a cafe and also in a book store. He plays in a normal non-magical band! His best friend is a talking cat who wears glasses who is actually a dragon! He absolutely *shreds* on guitar but he's not bad on a lute either!
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free-for-all-fics · 2 years
Stupid, silly Namor or Attuma fic ideas. Don’t think too hard about these they’re just funny little ideas. Pls tag me if you write or get inspired by any of these. Like always, there are no rules:
1. The reader is labeled as the village idiot because she likes to sing with her head underwater to "sing to the mermaids". The village ridicules her for it. One day, she is swept out in a riptide, and no one is willing to come to her aid—no one from the village, that is.
2. Reader is full of bad puns and dad jokes, much to the chagrin of Namor/Attuma. "Why are seagulls called seagulls?"
“Stop now.”
“Because if they flew over bays, they'd be bagels! Oh hey, What did one wave say to the other?"
“I swear, if you make one more ocean related pun, I will murder you on this island and tell everyone you died in a shipwreck."
"...well, someone's salty."
3. You put a message in a bottle and set it out to sea in the hopes it’ll reach Namor/Attuma so you can be pen pals. “Oh my god I love you but you’re so stupid.” They say because you have no idea that’s not how mail works.
4. You’re in love with Namor/Attuma, but you’re also obsessed with monsters and cryptids so you keep asking them questions like “Is the Kraken real?? What about 6 headed hydras? Have you seen Nessie?? Are they friendly? Darling tell meeeeeee”
5. Reader does that stupid prank thing where she pretends to do a magic trick with an egg and a bottle of water. She’s like “Ok now look inside” and squeezes the bottle, spraying water in Attuma/Namor’s face and runs away cackling.
6. You introduce Namor/Attuma to a wonderful human invention - Water beds. They are less than amused. Reader, consider your sexy time privileges revoked😑
7. Attuma/Namor trying to teach reader combat and how to fight like a Talokanil but reader keeps making it sexy and Namor/Attuma is like “Ok maybe we should stop. You’re not even listening to me or learning anything properly!” And reader is like “Oh I’m learning all the right techniques perfectly. 😏😘”
8. Those videos from EVNautilus of the people in a submarine coming across a dumbo octopus and a googly eyed stubby squid but instead it’s scientist reader being shown Talokan by Attuma or Namor and fawning over the sea creatures because they’re just little guys. Sweet underwater babies. And reader being like “it’s just a baby can I adopt it pls” 🥺 and Namor or Attuma being like “pay attention. Remember why we’re here.”
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9. “Your child brings home a raccoon, mistaking it for a cat and begs to keep it” trope but instead it’s Namor/Attuma and their child has brought home an anglerfish or some other hideous abomination of the sea. It’s surprisingly docile and follows the child around like a pet anyway so can we keep it??? Please father 🥺
10. Namor and Jeff the Land Shark crossover. That’s it. That’s the post. Reader wants to adopt Jeff as their child. He’s just a baby 🥺
11. Peter Pan “They were just having a bit of fun, weren’t you, girls?”
“We were only trying to drown her” Mermaid Lagoon AU
12. “General, I’ve brought the cartographer into the war meeting today. I believe you owe her an apology for ruining all her maps when you stab them to dramatically mark a location.” (What if the “cartographer” is actually Attuma’s small daughter or sister drawing doodles of maps and playing pretend/mirroring what her dad or brother does because she wants to help and it’s all in jest hehe)
13. 2 days ago you went to an animal shelter and adopted the most adorable cat. What you don’t know is, he’s the reincarnation of an Aztec god. Your food offerings are unacceptable and that ugly small box that feels like it’s made from scratchy carpet will not do. No. He’ll be sleeping in your bed with you. Don’t try to lock him out; he’ll just scream and sing the songs of his people until you let him back in. (Or maybe through a magic mishap Namor has been accidentally transformed into a cat. Yeah Namor as a cat AU. I told you these ideas were silly.)
14. “Would you still love me if I was a worm” meme With Namor or Attuma but instead it’s “Would you still love me if I was a sea cucumber” or something ocean related
15. Namor or Attuma are taking their daughter trick or treating this year and ask what she wants to be for Halloween. A superhero, a mermaid, a princess? No. She wants to be a horseshoe crab. Possible Modern AU.
16. Reader goes to the beach often and befriends the seagulls/pelicans. So they start to bring her gifts like shells, rocks, etc. Except one day they bring you a golden bracelet, beaded necklace, or jade earrings (your choice of which). It’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. A few days later, Namor shows up at the beach, looking very annoyed as he asks for his necklace/bracelet/or earrings back.
17. You and Namor or Attuma meet on the beach in your special spot. You don’t get to be with him often considering he’s kept away by his responsibilities and loyalty to Talokan, and you’re human. It’s usually your only chance to have time where you can just quietly love each other. Except a stupid fucking seagull or pelican has been following you to both the beach and your home; squawking incessantly, wreaking havoc and basically cockblocking you. Untitled Goose Game AU but it’s a seagull/pelican.
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bl-bracket · 3 months
Most Unhinged - Loser's Bracket Round 4: Tan (Manner of Death) vs Kim (Kinnporsche: The Series)
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[Submitted Reasons Under Cut]
Tan: "everything this man does is unhinged but let’s focus in on the proposal scene shall we? Tan’s like “well…. we’ve recently gone through a lot of traumatic stuff where our lives have been threatened, we’ve been held at gunpoint and chased multiple times by people who want us dead….. so for my proposal I’m going to ask the one cop we’re on speaking terms with and the two teenagers we’ve adopted and ask them to chase us through the woods at gunpoint. How will he find me in the middle of the woods? well I know he’ll just use the tracker he installed on my phone back when he suspected me of murder. And then after we’ve been chased I’ll have our friends force him to read the letter I wrote him about how in love with him I am at gunpoint. This surely will go over smoothly and he’ll definitely say yes” (he did)"
Kim: "Tried to leave the (mafia) family business to become a singer but is a nosy little shit who trusts no one and thus is spying on and playing 3d chess with his father to try and protect his brothers all the while being almost no-contact with said brothers Seduced a highschooler for intel, realized two days in said highschooler had no relevant intel but couldn't manage to cut ties with him, fell in love with the guy but told him he didn't care to try and protect him from the mafia business, when he realized his crush was in it anyway decided the best way to go at getting him back was a public love song, and basically left dead guys at his door like a fucking cat Despite leaving the family business, is a really good fighter who prefers his bare hands to a gun because guns are too easy"
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atyd1960 · 7 months
Here’s an in depth explanation about why if the plot holes in Harry Potter weren’t bigger than the of the plot itself and things actually MADE SENSE, the books wouldn’t have had any plot and everyone would’ve been happy and alive:
Voldemort’s attempted murder:
How do you fail to kill a 1 year old baby? I truly couldn’t come up with an easier murder scenario. DROP HIM FROM THE WINDOW. SLICE HIS THROAT. PUNCH HIM REALLY HARD OVER HIS HEART. If Harry actually died Voldemort would win the war.
Harry’s residence with the Dursleys:
1. Dumbledore said that the only way to keep Harry safe was to keep him living with Petunia, but he was comfortable with putting Harry in Grimmauld place 2 month after Voldy came back, or having him living him with the Weasleys at the height of the war a year later? So he clearly could’ve let Harry live with a good a loving adoptive wizarding family with means to defend/protect him magically instead of by blood or whatever it is the Petunia had.
2. If the UK is the center of the war and the place where Voldemort was most powerful then why putting Harry there? He could’ve lived in some little village in France and then go to Hogwarts when he was 11 (I know only people from the UK can get into Hogwarts but I’m sure they could make and exception for Harry). In that scenario Harry also would’ve had a choice between Hogwarts and Beauxbatons \ the magical school of whatever country he lived in, and I think any school that isn’t Hogwarts would’ve been safer for him.
3. Even if for some reason Harry really did have to grow up in London with the Dursleys, that’s no excuse for the neglect he got from Dumbledore. The man could’ve gotten the Muggle Child Protection Services involved, he could’ve kept track on Harry’s life- like put a guard or something, or visit/make someone else visit him regularly to threaten the Dursleys and make them give Harry a ROOM??? And treat him better?? He could’ve let Ms Figg be actually kind and good to Harry and be somewhat a mother figure to him bc god knows little Harry needed somebody like that in his life. He could’ve been PRESENT in Harry’s childhood??? He could’ve gotten Harry into a good elementary boarding school or whatever. SO MANY OPTIONS. Harry deserves better.
Harry’s first year in Hogwarts:
1. Dumbledore could put the philosopher’s stone in a magically secured vault and hide it in his office and then not tell to anyone about it / lie about its whereabouts.
2. It’s explained that Dumbledore KNEW that Quirrell had some sort of involvement with Voldy/the dark forces, so he could just FIRE HIM???
3. Dumbledore could confront Quirrell and kill him by himself instead of leavig it to a dumb 11 y/o?
4. The options are literally endless.
Side note: it’s definitely not talked about enough in the fandom or in the books that Harry literally murdered a guy on his first year in Hogwarts? That’s some heavy shit.
Harry’s second year:
Dumbledore could’ve just sent all the tiny little helpless pupils back to their homes after a cat got PETRIFIED in a hate crime and hung on a wall with a racist writing that’s a warning to all the muggle borns in the school?? And then he could’ve found the chamber of secrets himself and confront Tom Riddle and bring the kids back when everything’s safe. Who keeps their school open when there’s a continues terrorism attack going on in it???
Side note- if in MY school a cat got petrified and hung on the wall, with her blood used to deliver a hateful message, I would call my mom crying and shaking and ask her if I can move to different school. And possibly a different country while we’re at it:)
Harry’s third year:
None of that shit would’ve happened if Sirius just got his trial like he should’ve and like what’s required in any civilized society??? Dumbledore really did him dirty- that’s your student of 7 years and the guy who gave up his youth to fight by your side, he put his life on the line under your order countless times and then you just give up on him at the first sign that something’s wrong???? FOUL.
They could give Sirius the truth serum after locking him up at the end of the book. And then they would know that he’s telling the truth and they would let him go.
Harry’s fourth year:
2. All the signs were there and were so obvious, Dumbledore should’ve acted to reveal Barty before everything went down. All it took was an OFFICE CHECK??? Bro.
Also- Barty could just kidnap Harry on his first day back in school and apparate to the graveyard with him. Why wait a whole year?? Why give Harry such an easy way out (the Portkey)???
Harry’s fifth year:
1. If the ministry of magic put their truth serum and ability to read minds to use they could confirm that Voldy’s back and join Dumbledore in his efforts to prevent the upcoming war. Voldy was fairly weak at that point so if the ministry did a sufficient investigation and properly warned everyone, Voldemort could’ve been locked up and killed very quickly.
1. We all know this book is nothing but a big 896 pages long chunk of MISCOMMUNICATION. If Dumbledore just told Harry the truth about the prophecy and about his mom’s spell in the beginning and not in the end everything would’ve been fine.
2. Dumbledore could just let someone from the order blow the prophecy up or something. Set it on fire and shit. Make it gone.
Harry’s sixth year:
1. If Dummydore actually gave a shit about his students he would have helped Draco and give him and his parents a shelter and work harder to make the school impossible for death eaters to get into.
2. If he didn’t willingly refuse the privilege of treatment to his curse then he wouldn’t have DIED and left poor 16 y/o Harry all by himself.
3. Dummydore could’ve just kept dumbass 16 y/o Harry Potter out of the hunt after the cursed&deadly soul pieces of his parents’s murderer. He could get someone appropriately old and competent to help him.
Harry’s seventh year:
1. If Dumbledore didn’t refuse medical treatment he could’ve just hunt for the horcruxes himself.
2. Dumbledore could’ve left Harry & Hermione & Ron a little more than a children’s book and a lighter??? Like he could actually give them means to protect themselves.
3. Dumbledore could’ve gotten older more competent order members to go after the horcruxes and not leave it in the hands of a bunch of teens.
4. The only thing that must involve Harry in the whole of the 7 books JK wrote about him, is his death. Harry had to die for Voldy to be defeated. And that’s the only thing he had to do. Ever.
In conclusion: Everything’s Dumbledore’s fault
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Round 1 Match 4: They Should Have Been At The Club Tournament
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Propaganda below cut.
Propaganda for Elliot Schafer:
Dragged to a magical otherland when he was thirteen, decided to stay because no one would miss him in the normal world and also he wanted to meet a mermaid. SPENT THE NEXT 5 YEARS dealing with: multiple wars, fixing political conflicts (as a thirteen year old), unearthing corrupt leaders and their coups, dealing with the facts that his friends are forced to be murderers and then CONGRATULATED for it, and other such things. my guy should have been at the club!!! not dealing with fantasy wars!!!
Propaganda for Squirrelstar:
TW: Animal Death and Abuse
Squirrelstar, since she was a young teenager, dealt with a lot of trauma and $h!t within the books, that she honestly really needs a break from. As a young teenager, she saw a cat who she was traveling with, Feathertail, die from falling from a high altitude.
Squirrelstar also saw her own home being destroyed to humans, and had to travel miles away from her old home in order to now live in a new one.
She also learned that her friend, Shrewpaw, died from being hit by a car. And when Squirrelflight became an adult, she had $h!tty love interests to choose from:
Ashfur, who’s toxic and obsessive to Squirrelflight, who can’t even handle a literal love rejection from her, And Brambleclaw, who’s toxic and $h!tty towards her when he’s angry and/or upset at her. Squirrelflight eventually decides not be with Ashfur, and (unfortunately) chose to be with Brambleclaw.
Squirrelflight was also pressured by dead people in the afterlife to adopt her sister’s kittens, with one of the spirits lying to Squirrelflight that she’s literally stillborn. (Due to the kits existing being illegal, due to Squirrelflight’s sister, Leafpool, being a healer, and Crowfeather, the kit’s biological father, being from another clan.)
And Ashfur, is SO upset that Squirrelflight rejected him, that he literally cornered Squirrelflight’s adopted (now fully grown) children and wanted to KILL them in front of Squirrelflight order to make her “feel the pain that he felt.” when she rejected him.
And after the secret of her adopted kits’ heritage is revealed, Brambleclaw broke up with her and remained distant and/or cold towards her until literal evil spirits from cat hell try to murder all cats within the clans within a BIG battle. And within this BIG battle, Squirrelflight’s adopted daughter, Hollyleaf, dies, and so does Squirrelflight’s father, Firestar.
Squirrelflight, a little while after this, has a litter of four kits with Bramblestar, but two of the kits died, due to them weakening after birth. And her mother, Sandstorm, dies from an infected wound while traveling Alderpaw, Squirrelflight’s son, on a big journey. And with her PoV super edition book, Bramblestar is quite abusive towards her.
And he refuses to listen to her when she tells him that the clans shouldn’t attack a nomad cat group that’s temporarily occupying land that Skyclan doesn’t own yet. She sees her grandkit die after recently being born, And also saw her daughter, Sparkpelt, having depression from the loss of her kit and mate.
Squirrelflight teams up with her sister in order to help save the nomad’s leader kits, which resulted in both of them to be CRUSHED by a rockfall. But when they reach the afterlife, the dead spirits there - including the one who lied to Squirrelflight that she’s stillborn - literally decide to judge whether or not Squirrelflight and her sister should go to literal CAT HELL because of something that THEY LITERALLY TOLD SQUIRRELFLIGHT AND LEAFPOOL TO DO.
Oh, and Squirrelflight also learned that Ashfur, the very cat who threatened to KILL her children, was accepted into cat heaven, literally because apparently he “only loved too much”. (Which, unsurprisingly, turns out to be a BAD IDEA for the kitty heaven to do.)
And when Squirrelflight decides that she’s not ready to die yet - while Leafpool decides to be in Starclan, the kitty heaven afterlife - Squirrelflight wakes up seeing that her sister died from her injuries from the rockfall.
And Bramblestar apologizes to Squirrelflight for being $h!tty to her, but states it in a way that blames BOTH him and Squirrelflight being in the wrong, despite Bramblestar being the abusive one in the relationship and literally wanting to attack a group of nomads that literally done nothing to him.
And then sometime later, Squirrelflight’s mate dies from an illness, literally gets possessed by - guess who - ASHFUR, in order to destroy and break down literally everything that Squirrelflight knows and/or loves.
And after Ashfur, who’s possessing Bramblestar’s body, is exiled from the clan, and Squirrelflight became the temporarily leader of the clan, her clan mates disrespected her and didn’t view her as leader because she doesn’t have nine lives, like all leaders do (Yet somehow when a old man takes her place who doesn’t have nine lives her clan mates are chill with following him for some reason?)
And when she goes to the religious pond place to grief Bramblestar, her abusive mate- Ashfur literally knocks her unconscious, and DRAGS her into CAT HELL with him. And after all of this, Squirrelflight eventually becomes leader of the clan, due to Bramblestar being traumatized by Ashfur, and still being mates and/or having a strained relationship with Brambleclaw.
Squirrelflight dealt with so much abuse, trauma, grief, and $h!t from other characters, traumatic events, and from the writing itself in her life. So because of this, Squirrelflight deserves to be whimsy, chill, have fun, and have a freaking break from everything within the club.
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be-side-my-self · 14 days
Rewatch of Only Murders In The Building to prepare for season 4
Block #OMITBRewatch if you don't want to read notes that will have spoilers up to seasons 3.
S1 E1
I remember the dance piece that Oliver is talking about. I saw it on tumblr.
Also re-listening to the newest episode of the Podcast... it just reeks of bullshit. Just when the journalist is there, the dog finds the evidence? Sure Jan (Like from the Brady Bunch Movie not the Jan from this show).
Also in bevor I really like how Charles' and Mable's relationship turns out. He basically adopts her.
"You goddamn true-crime fucking numb nuts."
At the very beginning I wondered if Oliver was supposed to be gay, but then I guess that were me clicheé's talking.
I feel like it is interesting, that we learn about some of Oliver's and Charles' struggles right in the first episode. But I guess Mable too.
Also Oliver's son is a great character.
The Hardy boys... if they turned to crime.
Why was the ring in this giant box? I'd assume there is something else in there.
"First the crime, then the characters, and then the secrets." like an onion... like an ogre. j/k.
I like that the show is basically exactly that but also not.
We first meet the characters, see some of their secrets and then the (first) murder happens. As for Kono it is exactly like they say. He get's murered, we meet the characters and then learn all the secrets.
S1 E2
Right, I forgot that Charles used his own story in the show but it looks like he used the show's story for himself.
Hey Mable, is that anime? *gets shot* *gets killed with a knitting needle* (I am knitting while watching)
Oliver is right though, in the closet the acoustics will be better than in the open room. My audio-technique course is quite some time ago but the basics of acoustics did not change.
Bunny is great
Kono did not want people to use their fireplaces... but Oliver did use his fireplace in the first episode.
RIP Evelyn :(
I also love the friendship between Charles and Oliver... it's like a really 'not sure if I like you but you are now my best friend' kind of thing.
It's really kinda sad... because Mable and Kono had been best friends for years... and even if they hadn't talked for years and something awful happened... it's still sad to see the dead body of your old friend.
M: "Zoe was the life of the party." No, she was the bad influence...
She was the one who made "The Hardy Boy's" into criminals.
They actually record themeselves breaking into a dead guys apartment...
C: "That is just your brain leaking through your foot!"
He kept the Hardy Boys books.
C: "People who don't pay their building fees are the worst!"
O: "Sex toys! We got sex toys, people!"
O: "We should all trust each other." O: "I don't trust her. She is shifty."
The only one who is probably trusting the othre twos is Charles.
S1 E3
O: "This is Splash The Musical. Not squirt, not tinkle... SPLASH!"
Gosh... that whole thing was so awful.
O: "You are scoring a Murder Mystery, not DJing a hobbit's wedding."
I'm still amazed that Sting was in the first season. But then it helps that the three main Characters and producers are super famous.
O: "No one wants a murder podcast about real estate!"
Oliver is so good with finding people to invest in him but bad at keeping the money.
Oh heck, Charles is so smooth with the Basoon lady (Jan).
M: "Get some Mr. Savage." C: "I will not!" M: "Not with that attitude."
There is Theo's first appearance.
Teddy is a great character... like... he is awful but you gotta admit that his reasons are at least somewhat relatable... even if awful.
C: "You know, I heard this once, and maybe you can appreciate it. A cat never really leaves you because they transmit parasites."
The whole scene with the cat owner, the way they talk to him, how he faints when Charles nose starts to bleed, the cat in the freezer... also it's not possible that Kono poisoned the cat because she was walking through Kono's blood...
M: "Is it cancer? I just need to know how invested I should get in you. You don't adopt a 20 year old dog." C: "I'm not dying."
Right, Mable and Charles adopted each other. Oliver is tagging along. But he is now also Charles' best friend.
Oscar is really nice.
"Well, hello there, Sting!"
Sting hates dogs
Aw Winnie :(
S1 E4
I am not sure if I remember what Bugs and Porky symbolise.
The first time I watched this I laughed so hard at the idea of Sting being the killer.
Well that was awkward.
Jan: "You'll hear me bassoner or later."
Are Bugs and Porky, self-doubt and anxiety?
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!
Do ya think I'm sexy?
Take me out to the ball game.
How to flirt with music?
O: "Suddenly, it's rude to tell a secretary she looks pretty in a pair of slacks." M: "No. To that whole sentence."
Well, that was awkward.
Jan: "You know, the sharing of stories is kind of transactional. When someone gives you a story, you owe them one of equal or greater value in return." C: "Oh, so it's my turn to tell you my red flags?"
Yikes, yikes, yikes...
Morning Turkey!
Lmao Sting was not the murderer.
The thing Charles' ex did was really awful. And now I remember why Bugs and Porky are there.
Jan is a freak, lmao.
That is not how google works... typing in some words and suddenly you're at the correct website.
Also fat chance, that one of the characters from the one Hardy Boys book that was not destroyed has the same name as some jewelery store owner.
Will (Olivers son) is probably the same age as Mable.
Tie-dye guy!
Gosh, that last scene with Cinda Canning is so good. made me go "What the fuck?!" the first time.
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wiziago · 1 month
I would love to thank the following for impacting my summer!
Thank you for telling me a crap ton of advice about how boys work, and thank you so much for being there for me, caring for me, and not sugarcoating anything that you tell me, even though it hurts at first.
Now that I think about it too, you've been
2. My ex boyfriend!
Thank you for showing me an even better example on how teenage boys work. I still dislike you. But eventually, I'll forgive and forget. It could've been much worse.
3. Wren. @demonicchicken1121
Thank you for being there, fella. Thank you for being a very glorbusy glorbus. Things aside, thank you for convincing me to get Tumblr, along with the fact that if you didn't say "Cut him off immediately", I still would have chased. Cheerio to more years (or eternity, who the flip knows) of a very coolio friendship.
4. Prince. @prince-pr1nce
Thank you for overall, being a very cool online friend to hang out with. You make me smile, and you convinced me to draw some Garrison. Cheers to more years (or eternity, who knows) of a cool friendship!!!!!!!
5. The whole SU3DRP/SUFERA3RP community.
I have ZERO idea if any of the members have Tumblr, but I absolutely like hanging out with you guys. I'm going to be completely honest, I'm still kind of hesitant to hang out with you gooberwoobers considering you guys are so cool and stuff, and I'm sorry to put myself down but I feel like a tiny Korean reaction image or something idk, but overall... THANK YOU FOR MAKING THE EXPERIENCE IN THAT COMMUNITY VERY COOL.
6. Crystalline Universe community!!!!!!!!!
I haven't interacted with Crystalline Universe a lot-lot, and as is with Steven Universe Roblox roleplay games, I don't know if anybody has a Tumblr. YOU GUYS ARE SO NICE AND CREATIVE. I seriously need to play the game more, and interact with the community more.
7. Vision
AAAWWWW, I need to thank the little borvis (a.k.a. my cat), Vision! We adopted her about a month or two ago. She's a very curious tuxedo, and she tries to get my attention at 3AM. UWUEHEHEHEEJEJJEJEEHEHEHA I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE IN THE FAM
8. My little brother.
Yes. My little brother is quite weird. Quite silly. Quite boo-koo. Quite craycray. But, at least both of us went crazy over the last Murder Drones episode. You're amazing, little guy.
9. The Tumblr Followers.
THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING, BLORBOS! I'm glad you like my content, and I am excited to see what's cooking.
oh my gwauh it's 4am
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drewlyyours · 1 year
Rating Nancy Drew Game Moms for Mother’s Day:
Every mom starts out 5/10 for being mom
(Warning: these are just my opinions and I’m a silly lil guy so)
(Oh and spoilers I guess)
Kate Drew (Nancy’s mom)
-3 hid things from her family because she was a spy and she dies for it :(
+5 teaches her daughter about how loved she is and about the beauty of music and poetry and helping others
Camille Hurley (doll mom)
-5 didn’t have kids
Ethel Bossiny (Jane’s tutor while her mother is gone)
-5 never breeded
+7 breeds chaos consistently
-5 or teaching Jane to be in a cult
+5 for upholding family tradition!
-2 scary as all hell
+4 helps teach Jane life skills and academics while her parents are gone
-3 look where that got her
Linda Penvellyn (Jane’s step-mom)
-5 Jane has only been in her life like a couple months and hates her
+8 stays even when her husband is not around and she is depleting mentally and physically due to the strain and literal curse this child is putting on her
Renee Penvellyn (Jane’s mom)
+5 Jane’s favorite mom
+2 opera singer!
-1 hard divorce :(
-4 literally isn’t around and this affects child quite badly
Mrs. Petrov (Linda’s mom)
+5 literally gets a detective to go investigate why her daughter wasn’t feeling well
-2 doesn’t go herself
+2 would probably fight the entire Penvellyn family (including Mrs. Drake) for her and that’s goals
Mrs. Drake (plant mom)
+3 loves her plants more than people
+2 won awards for best plants
-1 feeds people to her plants
+1 feeds her plants people
Marion Aborn (“fill-in” mom for Emily)
-10 not a mom
+10 fills in when Emily’s mom died
-10 basically a literal kidnapper and thief
+1 makes pie
Ezra Wickford (Dexter’s adoptive… dadmom)
-5 not mom
+10 invented chocolate milk
-4 dexter’s daddy issues
+2 the scrapbook
Kasumi Shimizu (Yumi and Miwako’s mom)
+5 literally the glue that held their family together
-2 died
Whomever mothered Lori Girard
-5 clearly did bad
Jing-Jing Ling (my mom)
+5 makes fresh-baked cookies every day made of love
Charleena Purcell (mother of all romance novels)
+5 changed Fatima’s life forever
-3 bad at fan interactions
+1 has an illustrious air about her which is the perfect condition for romance novels
Miles the Magnificent Memory Machine (Joy’s Robot Thing)
-10 is a consciousless robot
+2 made with love and the purpose of distributing love and advice to Joy
+10 even bad memories have a place in a good life
+2 the one consistent thing in Joy’s life even when it may annoy her
+1 I will cry
Rita Hallowell (cat mom)
+5 for literally being the most iconic duo
-2 Usher becomes a legend for constantly wandering aimlessly at Waverly likely seeking his mother after her death
Hannah Gruen (Nancy’s housekeeper)
+5 caring for Nancy when her mother died and being wonderful always
Emily Griffen (dog mom)
+2 probably got dogs from the pound and fed them when no one else would
Sally McDonald (dog mom)
+2 takes dogs in even when already stressed in life
+1 keeps all of them
+2 has a lots of land for them to play and be friends and have good doggie lives
Rosalie Thornton (Clara’s mother)
-3 won’t freaking tell her kid who her father is and then dies
-2 look where that got her!
Clara Thornton (Jessalyn’s mother)
+1 this point is from Charlotte cause I feel like she would think the guilt this woman carries about that is punishment enough
+3 literally loves her daughter so much truly
-3 lies consistently to her daughter
+2 she has trauma and her family history is kinda disgusting and has been disgusting to her… I kinda get it
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cao-the-dreamer · 10 months
10 characters, 10 fandoms
Tagged by @greypetrel thank you! This looks fun, though idk if I'll reach 10 knowing my very few hyperfixations 😂
Tagging @lush-specimen @torisfeather @dangerouslyclassyhottub @emikokiichigo101 @selanaris @notebooks-and-laptops and YOU, the reader
1. Whirl - Transformers (IDW)
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Listen. He's insane, he adopts a murderous shape-shifting creature as his daughter, he's got high heels, he spent most of the comic playing matchmaker despite saying he doesn't do "relationships", he provoked a war, he becomes best friends with the guy he tried to kill (and vice versa), he's a war criminal but since they're all war criminals it doesn't mean much lmao. Do I have to say more?
2. Batman (played Robert Pattinson) - Batman 2022
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Batman but he's a soggy wet emo cat. Wanna wrap him in a blanket and listen to My Chemical Romance together.
3. Jaskier - The Witcher (TV)
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Honestly he's the only reason I'm in this fandom lol. Bard but he's a damsel in distress. Let's put him in situations.
4. Fenris - Dragon Age II
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Kiss me already, you handsome broody elf with a tortured past.
5. Belle - Beauty and the Beast (1991)
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Me? Projecting on a beloved character from my teen years? It's more likely than you think :3
6. Mulan - Mulan 1998
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Projecting again? Projecting again.
7. Papyrus - Undertale
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Beloved character and beloved video game who introduced me to the concept of fandom as a whole and to my very first fanfictions.
8. Tzipporah - Prince of Egypt
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Absolute queen. It's a movie I watch over and over with pleasure, and she's my favourite character.
9. Zagreus - Hades Supergiant
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...I think the GIF speaks for itself XD
10. Giant - The Iron Giant
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Shut up I'm not crying over a robot who doesn't want to kill SHUT UP I'M NOT--
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