#guys are weird
g-g-dagent · 3 months
You ever just go. "Mmmm men" ?
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writerslittlelibrary · 2 months
Was followed today by two guys on scooters when I did my cycling round ✌️
brb, just gotta go cry in a corner before I can get to fic writing
Average 17-year-old girl experience, I guess 🤩
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I really hate guys sometimes, like can you not call me ugly as a "joke" when I didn't make any jokes about your physical appearance. I'm getting really tired of being called ugly.
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(I wish that I could change my face rn)
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he doesnt like me back
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natgf123 · 1 month
My honest reaction when a straight older man follows me (girls and gays only)
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One time in college, my roommates and I came home from church, and there was a note on our door that said, "text me! (Phone number and name)."
I looked around and saw this dude's name on every single door in the girl's dorm, and was like, "guy's gotta be desperate."
So one of my roommates was curious so she texted him, and he's been bombarded with text from girls ALL DAY, and he's so done with it.
Apparently, while the guy was at church, their roommates went around to all the female housing units on campus to deliver his number so "their buddy wouldn't die a bachelor."
The next day, all the papers had been taken down, and no one ever mentioned it ever again.
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bihansthot · 1 year
Men… just I… huh?
Guy: Are you Asian? You look Asian.
Me: I’m white.
Guy: You speak Japanese though, you must be Japanese.
Me: No, I’m primarily Norwegian. I studied Japanese because my best friend growing up was from Japan.
Guy: So you ARE Japanese.
Me: *blocks* 🙄
Since when did you have to be Asian to speak an Asian language? Literally my best friend from second grade onward was an exchange student from Japan, she started teaching me before taking formal lessons in high school and college. Yes I am fluent, no I am not Japanese. I’m a weird mostly Norwegian dinosaur who happens to speak Japanese, that’s it.
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
the guy whos date talked about andrew- like i don’t remember even, it was fine at first, then we talked about interests and he just mentioned that he listens to a lot of podcasts. i mentioned i do too, the ones i listen to- and he said something along the lines of “oh cool! i listen to andrew tate a bunch, i think it’s really helped improve myself” and i was just like- internally panicking but felt the need to ask how he had improved - my guy said he knew what he had to do to be successful and more of a man. 🧍
I sent a code word to my sister and she called she broke her foot, so i had to leave in an emergency to pick her up. didn’t contact him again after that, phew lol
I'm glad you got out of there. Pretty smart to have a code word with your sister.
And that's pretty awkward. I would think a guy would research before believing a guy's words. But, now realizing, guys are dumb and only think with their pp. Horny bastards.
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My brothers just told me they both prefer jeans and black t-shirt Kon El over leather jacket and undercut Kon El because “he just looks fruity” (my brothers are homophobic) HUH? you actually prefer this basic bitch look tho?? You prefer de-yassified Conner Kent? Like is it bc they’re straight or because they’re guys? The world will never know
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Marinette: You know, I feel like I can go on a date with Adrien without wanting to stab him.
Marinette: Like, half the guys I know, I'm with them for 10 minutes and I just want to *stabbing motion*
Marinette: Like, Chat noir? Great guy! Five minutes in though and I'd probably want to strangle him!
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ottosbigtop · 3 months
I think we as a society should bring back brotps. I think we should be weirder about characters being friends the same way people are weird about ships. Make those two characters who interacted once or twice besties. Make it difficult for them to get rid of each other even if they want to. Go nuts
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beepboopappreciation · 4 months
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Is this anything
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planefood · 3 months
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rules for thee and not for me
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adriles · 7 months
they are Cancelling me for dealing with my grief as best i can . also for the vicious war Crimes
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fragile-wisp · 27 days
lies lies all lies
if you didn't want something serious then why are you celebrating her birthday with friends and family?
Fine whatever you're a fat old man anyway I could do much better than some 43 year old sleezebag who clearly can't make up his fucking mind
what is wrong with me I just let stupid boys who pretend to men trick me into making a fool of myself and they're just out there shoving their dicks in whatever they can find meanwhile if I want to sleep with some guy just to stop feeling sorry for myself, oh suddenly it's a problem so you step up the pain game and do something public just to hurt and humiliate me further well thank fucking you giant bald dumbass with no respect for himself or anyone else around him, just destroy my life and use me and toss me aside like every other guy
I can't do it anymore I can't
being so angry all day and so sleepless at night is just not working for me anymore gang idk what to do
This is just stupid guy drama and it'll blow over soon... it just feels like forever and I can't seem to stop my life from spiraling out of control away from me... everything just slips through my disgusting fingers
what even is my life right now I just want to keep a decent job so I can get a new car and move out of my mom's basement...
of course I'm only stuck in this basement because my LAST relationship ended with someone who LIED to me for almost TEN YEARS about how he really felt, and basically just used me in every way imaginable. You name it, it probably happened.
Not that I was even trying to really date this dude! I just like him, maybe way too much, and he's just good for a bang once in a while... now I'm pretty sure he's dating someone two years older than him... ugh what the fuck is wrong with guys? Of course maybe it's weird that I'm only like shy of 30 and he's 43, but my bff from HS is married to a dude 25 YEARS older than her! AND THEY'RE HAVING A BABY!
listen maybe this is just my ego trying to preserve life so I don't throw myself off a bridge but maybe he's just intimidated an attractive young woman who obviously likes him? Noted prominently by how nervous I am around him, and my lack of direction in bed probably doesn't help... I know what I wanna do, but sometimes they want something else and it takes me a few seconds to- I guess- position myself properly? I don't know. I feel like a slutty Barbie, that fell for GI Joe, and now's running his Jeep all over my stupid baby heart
I was literally sobbing like an infant the other day it was the worst
it was like primal lizard brain needs
no one was around so I could just cry as much as I wanted
as loud as I wanted... needed?
then I went out
got a drink
took a shower and shaved
then drove 4 hours out and back to get FUCKED 🍆
because I need to stop feeling sorry for myself
stop liking these fucking losers
do what I wanna do
make myself happy
just sucks that for the most part I need more money
so I can have gas in my car / get a better car
which will be free, more or less
the price is in the travel really, if you think about it
I just wanna go to the beach tbh
why is summer so short
This summer consisted of being dumped, moving because my landlord kicked me out, being alone and trying to connect with old friends- which was bittersweet... because well, we went on three dates, but hooked up on the two dates after... so I probably fucked something up. Maybe he's just an asshole, I don't know. We have a history so it wasn't like "new", he's probably just bored of me. Scratched an itch, moving on? I just feel so useless. Men suck.
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victusinveritas · 10 months
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