#guys do you think i might be an eensy weensy bit obsessed
subsequentibis · 2 years
ok in an attempt to clean out my brain and prepare for the upcoming year of art, here’s all* the hotel-related sketches i started and did not finish in 2022, some with explanation, some without. note: there are a fuckton of images in this so if you're on mobile maybe skip this one unless you feel like Scrolling. little bit of gore in there too but just one image of it
*not all of them actually bc some i did like last week and still have a decent shot at finishing, some are so sketchy they are incomprehensible even with an explanation, and some are uh. Not For Public Viewing.
first up: all of my assorted owner scribbles, because i like drawing him.
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^ used to not like drawing him with wings but i’ve changed my tune a bit. they can be fun. i think i prefer the cape i’ve been drawing him with though
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^ the above two were for the same concept, a drawing using the lyrics “i wouldn’t be so worried if i wasn’t always right” from lemon demon’s i earn my life. i still like the poses a lot and might do somethin’ with it
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^ me n the lads were kicking around a pirate au before the ship bonus ep came out and i like how captain morgan owner came out
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^ fuckin. sock garters. scandalous.
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^ futzing around with an alternate monstery owner design that leans a little harder into Bird
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^ was gonna be another lyrics drawing with “patient is the night” by the blasting company off the over the garden wall soundtrack, bc i love that song for hotel/owner
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^ yeah i did two takes of this one too. take a wild shot in the dark why
NEXT! hotel/owner stuff!
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^ followup to the piece with him crawling out of the grave i did a while back
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^ song drawing that would have the lyrics “let’s do what mary and joseph did / without the kid” from marry me by st vincent
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^ self explanatory
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^ i have like five takes on just this pose over and over. this is the cleanest one
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^ i like him beat up sorry for having correct opinions
onto more miscellaneous group drawings!
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^ cards inspired by the “jack, queen, king, wild card!” line from the neighborhood bonus ep
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^ manager & owner mid s5 trying to find the lobby boy
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^ tsundere hotel/manager drawing, lyrics from “want you gone” naturally
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^ nihil’s little hotel design enchants & delights me
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^ bellhop/manager. listne. wait. hear me out come back i can explain
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^ halloween costume
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^ staff reacting to the pinup calendar as described in the intro written by Thee travis mcmaster i’ll never shut up about this hey guys did you know he reached out about doing that and is the nicest person on the fuckin planet
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^ this is actually finished i just never posted it bc uh. well look at it man. bit saucy really
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^ okay so this is like. kind of a followup to a comic i did waaay back when of my OC sal going into the hotel and getting ganked, now it’s lazarus’s turn, except he Literally Is Not Allowed To Die so the plot of this comic was going to be ‘um. guys the guest won’t die.’ it didn’t get too developed though
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^ roadtrip bonus ep drawing where the car stalls out and the lobby boy has to fix it. was gonna be nihil’s lobby boy if i ever ended up finishing it
HOKAY that’s all folks thanks for lookin!
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5hining-aus · 5 years
How The Arranged Marriage Couples Fell In Love
See how they met HERE
Anonymous said:  When did the guys realize that they were in love with their wives in the arranged marriage AUs? And vice versa?
So I don't think there was one particular moment for any of the couples where it was like "boom, they just did something and I'm in love now," but they definitely had moments where they've been like "wow, I can see myself falling in love with this person" or "oh my gosh, I've fallen/I'm falling in love with this person." Here's what I think those moments were:
Of Tight Shirts & Chanel Perfume Couple
Onew: Was definitely infatuated with Y/N fairly quickly, but as for actual love, it took a bit of time. It's kind of alluded to in Boo Humbug that, when he was younger, Jinki didn't really take part in/get invited to fun things that most people his age did, like Halloween and Halloween parties. I think what really led him to start falling in love with Y/N was the fact that not only did she want to give him the chance to experience the things that he may have missed out on, but she also accepted him for who he was right from Day 1 and that really meant a lot to him.
Y/N: I mean, who wouldn't fall in love with a guy who A.) Looks great in fitted t-shirts, B.) Gets all shy and cute whenever he compliments you, C.) Makes damn good money as an Engineer and D.) Makes food puns in the supermarket? Y/N never disliked Jinki or anything but, like I said when I was going over how all the couples met, she was absolutely head over heels for his cousin when they first met (I swear I'll do an actual story on that one day), so she never really saw him as anything more than a friend for quite a while. Eventually, she realizes that when compared to Jinki, his cousin (who I think I'll call J.C from now on) is like, a mega asshole. I think that she really starts to fall in love with Jinki once she realizes that he's not going to play around with her emotions or intentionally break her heart in any way...Also, like, seeing him in the shirt from the first Of Tight Shirts & Chanel Perfume post definitely didn't hurt
Strawberry Kisses Couple
Jonghyun: Started falling in love FAST. What can I say, the man's a hopeless romantic who started imagining his and Y/N's life together pretty much the second they met. He obviously understood that it likely wasn't love at first sight for Y/N, but he still did his best to be a sweet, caring husband who she could fall in love with and, as we all know, it wound up working
Y/N: I think that Y/N's "holy crap, I might fall in love with this guy" moment was during the events of the first Strawberry Kisses story, but she was definitely attracted to him before then. After Strawberry Kisses, Y/N and Jjong bond and slowly become more fond of each other and then, during the events of Paper Leaves, Y/N finally realizes "oh my gosh, I am completely and truly 100% in love with this man."
Then Comes Love Couple
Key: ...How do I phrase this without making pre-marriage TCL!Kibu sound like a jackass? Kibum was a handsome guy and the sole heir to a VERY wealthy, VERY prominent family, so to say that he was accustomed to women throwing themselves at him would be a bit of an understatement. He was never a two-timer or anything, just a bit of a serial dater who was used to always having somebody new on his arm. However, then Y/N comes along and is pretty much like “oh, you expect me to trail after you like a little lost kitten? Ha, go f*ck yourself, pretty boy.” Kib honestly finds the fact that Y/N isn’t bending over backwards just to please him to be so refreshing and eventually he’s just all heart-eyes for her
Y/N: There’s no other way to say it, Y/N thought that Key was a self-obsessed playboy when they first met and, truthfully, she wasn’t completely wrong. Key WAS kind of a self-obsessed playboy, but it was less of an “I’m going to fool around with all these people with no strings attached because I just can’t be tied down and don’t want to deal with any consequences” type of thing and more of an “I’m going to fool around with all these people with no strings attached because if it doesn’t mean anything, then my heart won’t get broken when they realize I’m not really all that great” kind of thing. However, slowly but surely, they both started dropping any walls or masks that they’d put up and, once Y/N realized that Kibu wasn’t anywhere near as big an asshole as she had originally thought, they gradually developed into the nauseatingly sweet couple who got married a second time just because they were so in love
Mofrilelo Couple
Minho: Hoo boy, the Mofrilelo couple’s love story was definitely a doozy. So, ever since the beginning, Minho was very...compliant in terms of the arranged marriage. He knew what was expected of him and Y/N seemed friendly enough, so he went along with it. However, poor Minho wasn’t exactly sure how to act towards Y/N. Was he supposed to be lovey-dovey and affectionate? Or was he just supposed to act like a friend? Minho just didn’t know what to do and that kind of led to him flip-flopping between the two behaviours. However, over time, Minho found that he really preferred the lovey-dovey approach, so he and Y/N just continued showering each other in affection and luckily, that eventually led to real, genuine feelings.
Y/N: Hated the whole arrangement and therefore wanted to hate Minho as well. Obviously, that did not work, she wasn’t even able to mildly dislike him. Seriously, the man was sweet, handsome, and just as awkward about the whole arranged marriage thing as she was. They were in this together. Though, thanks to Minho’s previously mentioned flip-flopping, Y/N was very confused over where their relationship stood (which, in turn, led to her coming up with the term “Mofrilelo”) but, once Minho stopped his flip-flopping and they started being more affectionate with each other, the love came naturally 
(Side note: I imagine that their first “I love you” happened first thing in the morning while they were still in bed and Minhio said it in this deep, sleepy voice and just oof)
Midnight Musings Couple
Taemin: Taemin and Y/N were a bit of an interesting couple due to the amount of time that they had known each other prior to getting married. I honestly think that, for Taemin, the love started blossoming even before their official engagement, but wasn’t really spoken about until after their nuptials. Taemin had known from a young age that he was going to be Y/N’s husband one day and more than anything else, he wanted to fall in love with her and, luckily, he wound up doing just that, and he finally said those three little words during their first dance at their wedding
Y/N: I think that Y/N started falling a little later than Taemin, but didn’t realize it, much less admit it, until later. I think one of the events that led her to a kind of “wait a minute” moment was when she was in high-school and she possibly got a little bit jealous (we’re talking tiny bits of jealousy, eensy-weensy amounts) whenever she’d notice other girls fawning over Taemin. What she didn’t notice, however, was how Taem only had eyes for her, though, she obviously noticed it eventually and the had their sweet little friends-to-lovers story that some people can only dream of
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